Christmas dreams predict fatal events. On what days of the week do you have prophetic dreams? At night, looking for the way home in a dream

On the night of January 6-7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ, one of the most important Christian holidays. This is a holiday symbolizing renewal. After all, it was the birth of Christ that proclaimed a new, bright era for humanity. It is no coincidence that a new calendar was even established - from the Nativity of Christ.

The birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary is one of the miracles revealed by the Lord to humanity. Therefore, on the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, everyone expects a miracle and prays that the next year will be better and happier than the outgoing one. This bright holiday in Orthodoxy is one of the twelve lordly holidays and is preceded by a 40-day Nativity Fast. Christmas celebrations begin on January 6th with the appearance of the first star in the sky. As you know, after the birth of Jesus, the first people to come to worship him were the shepherds, notified of this event by the appearance of an angel. According to the Evangelist Matthew, a miraculous star appeared in the sky, which led the Magi to the baby Jesus.

Signs for Christmas

Clear weather for the Christmas holiday promised a good harvest in summer and autumn.

If there was a thaw at Christmas, then this means a bad harvest.

A snowstorm on Christmas Day was a sign of a good wheat harvest and a good sign for the beekeeper.

If the sky was starry at Christmas, then the year would be fruitful for mushrooms and berries, and a large litter of livestock was expected in such a year.

Well, if the Christmas holiday was warm, then they expected a cold spring.

If it snowed that day, and even in flakes, this meant a good harvest of bread.

And there is one more sign that is still trusted, that is, how you spend Christmas, so will the year be. Therefore, they always strived to spend Christmas in love, peace and prosperity, with a generous Christmas table. There had to be 12 Lenten dishes on the table, then there would be prosperity in the house all year, and the year would be generous.

Under no circumstances should you quarrel on Christmas Day, as you can spend the whole year in disagreements.

Holiday traditions
There are many folk traditions associated with Christmas. Most of them are recognized by the Church. The day before, on Christmas Eve, the Christmas tree is decorated. Its top is crowned with a star - the symbol of Bethlehem. The candles on the Christmas tree are reminiscent of the unearthly light emanating from the cave in which Jesus was born. Boxes with gifts for all family members are placed under the Christmas tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, in houses and churches they build a nativity scene - a symbolic cave with the birth of Christ and three-dimensional figures of the people who surrounded Him.

The main action of the holiday is caroling. Everyone can carol – both adults and children. Previously, cities bore little resemblance to today's megacities, so people went from house to house and glorified the born Christ, which is why they were called Christoslavs. Those who brought good news to the house are usually given gifts - sweets, fruits, money - whatever they can.

On Christmas days, it is customary to visit each other and exchange gifts. It is very useful and correct from a Christian point of view to visit the sick and suffering. Children especially look forward to this holiday. If you have the opportunity, give joy to a child in a shelter or a sick boy or girl. There are not so few disadvantaged people in our time - you just have to want to do good for them. You definitely need to attend services in the temple. But there are traditions that the Church categorically rejects as pagan. For example, fortune telling. Predicting the future is a sin, because by doing this a person cuts off God’s participation in his life and His care for himself. At any moment the Lord is free to change the course of events.

On Christmas it is prohibited:
Sewing, cleaning the house, killing animals (going hunting), telling fortunes.

Any day of Christmas time is suitable for fortune telling - from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, except Christmas itself.

On Christmas night you need to pray and make wishes. It is believed that if you look into the open sky on Christmas night and make a wish, it will definitely come true.

It is believed that on the night of January 6-7, dreams prophetic dreams.
On this night, unmarried girls try in every possible way to influence these dreams. So, according to legend, in order for a girl to dream about her future husband, she needs to comb her hair at night, put the comb under the pillows and say: “Mummer, comb my head.” The one who dreamed is the future husband of the fortune-telling girl.

On Christmas night, many girls try to find out their fate. Some with the help of dreams, and some with the help of fortune telling. Below are the simplest and most popular fortune telling. Particular attention should be paid to fortune telling with a mirror, which, according to the opinions and reviews of many fortune tellers, is unsafe.

Fortune telling with matches
Take two matches and insert them into the slot of the box on opposite sides. Light them up at the same time and watch their behavior. If during combustion the matches “look” at each other, it means that the guy and girl they are guessing at will be a couple and they have a future together.

Fortune telling on paper
Take a piece of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf in the bottom of an upturned plate or saucer and set it on fire. After this, bring the saucer with the burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some shadow appears on the wall, by the outlines of which they judge the near future.

Fortune telling with cards
When you go to bed on Christmas night, take the King of Diamonds with you. Place the card under your pillow and before going to bed, say the following words: “Dream, betrothed, dream, mummer.”
Before you rush into the kingdom of Morpheus, “make a mess”: wash your face, comb your hair. You can put some of the decorations under your pillow along with the card. The future groom is considered to be the person who visits you in your dreams on this magical night.

Fortune telling using nut shells
For this fortune telling, you need a basin of water, paper and a walnut shell.
Attach small paper strips to the edge of the pelvis with significant events written on them, for example, moving, new place of work, travel, marriage, pregnancy, etc. Then, in half the shell, attach the stub of a candle, but not a simple one, but one bought in a church or a birthday candle. The candle is lit, after which the shell is lowered to float in the basin.
Which piece of paper it will moor to or, remaining in place, will lean towards it, then the event will occur within a year.

Fortune telling for a husband's choice using bulbs
The results of such fortune-telling are not immediately visible, but this is the case when you can wait, because the price of the matter is choosing the best groom!
On Christmas Eve, take several bulbs according to the number of candidates for the vacancy of your life partner, sign them with the appropriate names. Place them in water and wait for them to begin to sprout. Pay attention to the onion, which sprouts earlier than all the others: the person with the name written on it is the most suitable candidate.

Fortune telling for the betrothed
At midnight on Christmas Day, girls leave the house and ask the first man they meet for his name. The name that he names will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children
On Christmas evening, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it out in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken out of the cold and future children are judged by the ice surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

Fortune telling by book
They took a book at random and asked a question. After this, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book served as the answer.

Fortune telling "yes, no"
Hold your left hand over a jar with any cereal or grain, palm down. While concentrating, you need to ask the question that interests you. After this, take a handful of cereal from the jar and pour it onto the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - “yes”, an odd number means a negative answer - “no”.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a frying pan
You need to put the frying pan under your mother's bed without her knowing about it. Before going to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, come to visit your mother-in-law - there are pancakes.” And in the morning you need to ask your mother what she dreamed about. If in a dream she fed some guy pancakes, ask her to describe his appearance. He is your future groom.

Fortune telling by the window
When everyone in the house goes to bed, the girl should turn off the light, go to the window and looking out of it say: “Betrothed, dressed up, dream of me dressed up!” - and immediately go to bed. That night she dreams of her future groom.

Fortune telling with mirrors
Fortune telling with mirrors is carried out before midnight in complete solitude; before this, it is impossible to inform anyone about the upcoming fortune telling. In an empty room, a large mirror is placed on a table without a tablecloth, with candles on both sides. Opposite the large mirror, at some distance, a second mirror is installed - a smaller one, so that it is reflected in the first mirror. Mutual reflection forms a “corridor”. A handkerchief is placed nearby.
Then you need to turn off the lights, light the candles and sit down at the table. Mentally make a wish to see your betrothed and gaze intently into the depths of the reflective corridor. After some time, the image of the betrothed will appear in it. When the image appears, immediately cover the mirror with a scarf and under no circumstances turn around at that moment.
Another way of fortune telling with a mirror. When there are no clouds in the sky and the moon is shining well, go outside at midnight. Stand at the crossroads with a mirror with your back to the moon so that it is reflected in the mirror. Looking in the mirror, say: “Mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” When the image appears, immediately say: “Forget me.”

Hello! Merry Christmas everyone :)

I decided to tell fortunes for Christmas, fortune telling is as follows: take 4 cards (kings) and ask the betrothed mummer to dream, put the cards under the pillow and go to sleep...

I study at the institute, we have a young teacher, but for some reason the actions of the dream took place in my former school, where I once studied. In general, I’m walking around my school, here comes my young teacher from the institute, I go up to them and say, they asked me to take part in a competition (some kind of speech to read to the public), please explain what’s what (I’m standing there thinking how I’m going to speak, I have to refuse somehow, it’s just that in real life I don’t participate in the public life of the institute, it’s not my thing) he smiled, looked at the sheet that I had and said that he couldn’t explain it so quickly, come with me. We enter the classroom, students are already sitting there, as the bell has been ringing for a long time. We sit down at some table, to which some girl starts shouting that one place is occupied, to which the teacher tells me calmly, then let’s go sit at my table, we go, he sits down, that girl screams again, something like that, Why are you sitting with him?! Well, you in general! I don’t remember exactly what she said with precision, but it was indignation, I smiled, looked at her, took an empty chair and placed it closer to it and sat down. He began to explain something to me on that sheet of paper. When I explained, we both had smiles on our faces, I felt it right in a dream, contact with him, as they say, a spark ran through. I can’t explain it in words :) Then the bell rang and everyone began to gather. I took a long time to get ready, everyone had already left. He stands at the exit and looks with a smile, I look at him, he says, “Well, shall we go together?”, I smiled and said yes. We went to the locker room and decided to wait until everyone got dressed and left, so that there wouldn’t be any rumors, we stood up separately with him, we were getting dressed, then a girl came up to me and started asking her questions: “Are you together, he’s a teacher, you have there will be problems and everything like that...” and he says everything with anger and envy. I prove to her that no, this is nonsense, I turn towards him, he stands dressed and smiles at me, it was already empty near the locker room, only this girl stood and pestered me with her questions. Here she again, “Don’t lie, I saw how you look at each other, even now you turned, and I saw how you looked at each other..!”, I don’t remember how she left, or whether he told her something , or she herself, I vaguely remember this and we left with him, then my rat woke me up in the cage and started gnawing, such a dream... Do you think it means something? And yes, then I fell asleep again and again I had a dream that I was walking from school with some guy, I didn’t see his face, but I was happy, and then I remember another part of the dream that someone was knocking on the door home, I looked through the peephole like that on the rug A pink rose lies and a puppy scratches at the door. ..

In life, he treats me very well, like a student, my friend always complains that he didn’t say hello to her, but with me he’s always the first to say “hello”, during the exam it’s enough to say everything in two sentences, but the guy, for example, is bigger than me answered the same question, he started to blame him, there was a case when I was not ready for a couple, because I didn’t have a summary of the last one, and he started persuading me to go take the test and waved his head with a smile, “let’s go here, hand it in,” everyone was in shock , he also gave a 5, asked two easy questions that any student knows the answer to and that’s it, but usually he puts a two or a full stop, well, there was a lot more :)

Christmas dream

I had a Christmas dream today.

I dreamed that two friends and I decided to bring back our ex-men, and I wasn’t really an ex, but I didn’t have anything serious with him. Everything worked out for the girls, I don’t remember the details, but I don’t. For some reason, I went to the public shower to make peace with him... That is, there were several rectangular booths closed with curtains, I recognized his clothes, a shirt behind one of them, but he was not there, I waited for him, then he came, put on a jacket, Why he came dressed and where he went is also not clear, I don’t remember such details. I remember that I wanted to talk to him, and he said something like forget me and went out, and then turned around and said that his friends were afraid for him, like apparently because of me... I didn’t understand anything -that was. But in the dream I was in a lot of pain, bad, and I was sobbing bitterly, and I actually cried in my sleep, I even woke up crying at 8 in the morning, I tried to continue sleeping, but I never really fell asleep, and this very emotionally vivid dream does not come out my head today.

What could it mean... In general, they say that from Thursday to Friday you have prophetic dreams, and even more so on Christmas...

Help me explain, please...

Christmas dream

I dreamed that I was with a friend, she had guests, or rather her grandmother. The friend’s parents were really looking forward to this grandmother’s visit and did a lot to make her like it and be generally satisfied. I remember being surprised that they gilded everything. I walk into the bathroom and realize that the sink, the mirror, the floor and even the cleaning gloves are gold... Or even gold.

I walk out of the bathroom in shock and discover a pimple on my right leg. Such a swollen place with an abscess.

I naturally begin to squeeze it out. This pure white pus is just pouring out in streams, I’m in such shock. Horror, I just start running, saying help me, and everyone is busy with this grandmother.

I remember that I squeezed it out a lot, the pus got on my face and I still ran into the bath and washed it off, but the lump still seemed to remain.

It's scary that I had a dream on Christmas night (

Sleep from January 8 to January 9

I dreamed that I was sitting on a swing with my beloved’s ex-girlfriend, we were arguing, talking in a raised voice, he was standing next to me. Then I get up with a feeling of relief and joy that she will no longer interfere in our relationship. I go up to my beloved and hug him. Then I feel that my tooth is loose, I pull it out myself without pain or blood, run my tongue over the place where the tooth was and feel its absence. I'm worried that my loved one will notice the missing tooth, I'm thinking of telling him whether it fell out or not. We go home to his entrance, we stand at the elevator, he kisses me and I tell him that a tooth fell out, he replies that during the kiss he felt the taste of blood... Then I woke up

Sleep from January 6 to 7

I dreamed that my husband and I were in some kind of dacha, I brought water in a kettle, and when I went to get water I met a woman, we came to the dacha together. After sniffing the water, my husband said that it stinks, I remember well the question where did you get it? And the woman who came with me says that she knows where there is good water. And we went with her again to get water, taking a kettle. On the way, she began to tell me that she and my husband had been lovers for many years, her words were “we started dating when you bought an apartment.” I remember counting in my sleep for 8 years. I asked her “does her husband know”, she replied that not yet. She said a lot more, I don’t remember anymore, and when we returned my husband asked “well, you know everything.” I answered him, “What are you suggesting?” In the dream, I didn’t feel anything, and when I woke up so sad, it “hurt.”

Dream from January 5th to 6th

I remember a clear expression on his face, the emotions were pleasant, the young man was very attractive to me, clear eyes, thin lips, light brown hair, we just looked at each other silently, but in the dream there was a little blood, I have no idea where it came from, whether it was a little wounded, everything happened in some room, perhaps a ward, because he was lying down, I don’t remember his clothes, everything was somehow in light white colors, I sat next to him and looked, I had a dream around 6 in the morning, from January 5th to 6th, please help me explain, thank you in advance

Sleep from January 6 to 7


On the night of January 6-7, I dreamed that I started having heavy periods. Although in reality there are none.

I saw only underwear stained with blood. The color was as usual, and without any foreign smell. I woke up and there was a sediment in my soul. What could this mean?

Incredible facts

For many years now, humanity has been interested in omens of the future that come in dreams. Many of us have learned to understand and correctly interpret our dreams, thereby receiving the necessary clues.

But why does it happen that alone dreams do they come true immediately, others - over time, and others never come true? It turns out that the day of the week on which we dream also plays an important role.

Before we begin to interpret each day of the week, it is important to note that the highest probability of prophetic dreams appears in the period of time between the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord. This time, Christmastide, is surrounded by numerous signs and omens.

They say that it was during this period that the souls of the dead wander among living people, and with them various other otherworldly creatures, evil spirits and angels. All these guests come, among other things, to tell a person about the future, and in a dream too.

All dreams during the holiday week are prophetic, and each night of the week starting after Christmas carries its own sleepy prophecies. For example, the night from January 7 to 8 may show you a dream about the plans of competitors or rivals. On the night of the 10th, you have dreams that tell about family and the fate of loved ones.

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The next night will tell you about moral well-being and health. On the night of 11 to 12, dreams will show you possible prospects for the development of your business or career advancement. Before you go to bed on the 14th, ask any question, the answer should come in a dream.

A dream on the night of the 15th can show you the right way to build relationships with a competitor or rival. And from 15 to 16, do not make any wishes, while a dream on the night of January 17 will tell you about the difficulties that you will have to face in the coming year.

A dream seen on the eve of January 18 carries a message about love relationships, the likelihood of marriage and, in general, about family and children.

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It is important to add that if you are telling fortunes at Christmas time, do not forget to repent, because in an attempt to predict fate, a person, willy-nilly, includes various evil spirits and forces of darkness in his work. And these creatures will definitely ask you to pay for their services.

Also, dreams that occur right before any church holiday are often prophetic, and their peculiarity is their rapid embodiment. They say that on the night of the 3rd of any month a person can see a prophetic dream, but dreams on the night of the 25th are always empty and unfulfilled.

When you have prophetic dreams

So, let's move on to the interpretation by day of the week.

© Ksenia Perminova

This is the day patronized by the Moon, which rules the sensual and emotional life of a person. Therefore, everything that you dream about this night is in one way or another connected with experiences and emotions.

Dreams on Monday night reflect inner human thoughts and dreams. They are not prophetic, and you should not expect that what you see will be repeated in reality, because the Moon is very cunning and changeable.

However, on this night it is allowed to guess what a person will dream about. The moon can help solve important and complex issues that concern the person who has fallen asleep in reality. But still, if what you saw in a dream is remembered with great difficulty, then the dream is empty.

If the same symbols appeared throughout the dream, then it is worth deciphering them in order to obtain important information that can warn of trouble or a problem.

There is another aspect to dreams on Monday night. The more severe a person’s psychological state, the more conflicts he has with other people and with himself, the heavier and more confusing his dreams will be. These dreams do not bring anything important to life, and if they can predict something, it is only minor household chores.

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This day of the week is influenced by Mars and is ruled by courage and strength. Mars is the planet of aspirations and ambitions, so whatever the dream book foretells, it will be connected with your spirit. Everything favorable should come true within 10 days if you show character, determination and willpower.

If the dream book tells you about unpleasant events in the future, then you need to activate all your strength to avoid them. If after 10 days nothing comes true, then it will never come true.

Also, dreams on Tuesday night reflect a person’s creative potential; they are bright and futuristic. If the dream was bad, then you should not start a new business, and vice versa, if the dream is pleasant and positive, then you should act decisively. Pay attention to dreams in which you win; such dreams in some way can be prophetic, especially if you dreamed on the night of the 3rd day of the month.

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The patron of the environment is Mercury, he is light, airy, calm and changeable. He shouldn't be trusted. On this night, people usually have dreams with colorful storylines, but, as a rule, they have a contradictory nature and the opposite meaning. These dreams are just fantasies, hints, there is practically no truth in them, and it is very unlikely that the dream will ever come true.

But if the dream book promises very great happiness, then be sure to believe in it in order to attract what you want. Dreams on Wednesday night are almost always positive.

Prophetic dreams and days of the week

© Leung Cho Pan

This day of the week is under the control of Jupiter, which controls everything related to activity, affairs and actions. Dreams on this day show possible prospects, the state of affairs, and they often come true.

When interpreting dreams on Thursday night, it is worth remembering that this day is associated with activity, so even if the dream book predicts romance, love and feelings for you (which happens extremely rarely on the night of Jupiter), then think twice and translate the interpretation into a business aspect.

Dreams often come with symbols or predictions for promotions and also indicate your role on the team. Dreams can also show ways to resolve disputes, conflicts and important problems. Moreover, a dream on Thursday night may offer a way to solve your financial problems in a short time.

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The owner of Friday is Venus, a sensual and loving planet.

It is well known that on the night from Thursday to Friday people see prophetic dreams, especially if they relate to love issues. Often dreamed events are repeated very accurately in reality.

If the interpretation points you to something related to work or finances, then know that this will come true, but will be in a certain way connected with love affairs.

These dreams have a special meaning, among other things, because Jesus was crucified on the night of Thursday to Friday. They say that it is better not to plan to start important things on this day, because in most cases a person will face failure and failure.

The positive emotions and feelings that you experience in a dream foreshadow a new period in your life, full of victories.

However, Friday is also considered a mystical day that activates secret human powers. For example, intuition. Fridays, which precede some church holidays, carry strong energy. Dreams on these Fridays can predict fate and other important events.

List of Good Fridays:

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During the first week of Lent

Eve of the Annunciation

Eve of Palm Sunday

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord

Before Trinity

Before the Nativity of John the Baptist

Eve of the Day of Elijah the Prophet

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before the day of the Archangel Michael

Feast of Saints Damian and Cosmas

Before Epiphany

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The patron of Saturday is Saturn, which is associated with rock, trials and fate. Saturn sets rules and laws, often warning people through signs and symbols. Therefore, this night you may have frightening dreams, and something very scary and disturbing. Be sure to take note of the information from the dream book if it gives you a warning.

It is important to note that dreams on Saturday night often carry symbols not only for the person who sees them, but also for people close to him.

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Sunday is under the power of the Sun. This star gives life, strength, energy and joy. Sunday dreams are wonderful in all respects, because they are created by the planet of life, happiness and love. Dreams on this day quickly come true, most often on the same day.

These dreams have one interesting feature: if you dreamed of something good and positive, then it will certainly come true, and negative dreams can be safely canceled in the case of Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday not only convey the truth, they are also very happy and do not promise anything bad.

What to do to ensure that your prophetic dream comes true?

Surprisingly, while we sleep, everything is clear to us. We are not surprised by the most incredible transformations, actions and conversations. And only when we wake up do we understand all the illogicality and absurdity.

For this reason, it is not always possible for everyone to describe or tell in detail what they dreamed. In most cases, only fragments are remembered. But it is important to know that only those dreams that are stored in memory come true.

If you are faced with the task of remembering a dream, then you can use ancient folk methods:

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Place a small pebble under your pillow;

Try to sleep on your right side, not on your stomach;

After waking up, do not look out the window or look at the flames;

In the morning, bite the corner of your pillow.

The most important rule is not to tell anyone for three days about what you dreamed. It's better not to tell at all.

How to protect yourself from predicted troubles?

Here you need to behave in the opposite way, that is, notify as many people as possible about what you dreamed about. And do it before noon. In order to forget the dream, look closely at any source of flame.

Some people recommend knocking on the window three times. And if, after a bad sleep, you wake up at night and there is still time until the morning, then simply turn the pillowcase inside out and turn the pillow over to the other side.

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In some villages, the custom of placing a stone in front of the entrance to the house has long lived. People considered him a lightning rod from various misfortunes and troubles. For example, it was believed that a person with bad intentions would not be able to get into a house guarded by a stone. The stone also saved from epidemics and various diseases.

The most terrible dreams were also told to the stone in order for it to protect a person from a bad prophecy. If there was no such stone, then the dream was retold to an ordinary stone. To drive a bad dream out of the house, you need to open the front door, put your left foot over the threshold and order all bad visions to leave your home.

Among the methods that guarantee getting rid of bad signs, a simple and effective water spell is common. You need to go to a source of water, open the tap and ask the water to take away all your troubles and sorrows.

To protect yourself from bad dreams and increase the likelihood of good omens coming true, you can make a dream catcher. This is a ring made of a curved willow twig with threads wound along it.

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Such a trap was created by the ancient Indians, who believed that a spider weaving its webs would never get entangled in them. But the net helps to catch prey and protect against illnesses. They say that such a trap will help protect good dreams, and bad ones will escape through the holes in the net.


I had such a pleasant and rich dream about the southern city in which I supposedly live. There were many landscape moments, but almost no greenery and flowers were shown, but rather the beauty was in the architectural pearls.

Firstly; there was an episode about an interesting garden cafe (there was greenery there), everything was very cozy and unusually designed: gazebos, nooks, tables.

Then I was in this southern city, either in a hotel or in some other establishment, and I noticed a couple of girls one after another. Something about them reminded me of what was connected with the wedding (I don’t remember what, whether they were in wedding dresses, or something else). And I followed with my group of people to where they came from. I found myself on a side street, and then, as I turned around, I saw the sign “Wedding Salon” (I thought, “Oh, that’s it!”) and went there.

There were no wedding dresses there (I didn’t pay attention to this in the dream, but I’m noticing it now). But there were shoes, like in a shoe store, without pairs, one at a time. I remember a huge blue-gray shoe, not fit for a human foot, but the size of a large dog. The manager of a bridal salon complained that this was “the biggest misunderstanding in his salon, because one can hardly imagine a bride wearing such a shoe.”

Then we were led to some strange equipment, similar to a children's exercise machine, only more sophisticated in design and color.

The last thing I remember in this wedding salon were three huge carpets (two laid out on the floor, one hanging on the wall), which I liked, despite the fact that they were pretty moth-eaten.

My supposed classmates. Tomorrow we have to take a biology exam, so today at 19:00 everyone must come for a consultation with the teacher. I forgot about this consultation, remembering after it when a classmate showed me a notebook sheet completely covered with writing. I was worried because I don’t remember anything in biology, but in the end the promised exam never came (or I didn’t show up for it, depending on how you look at it giggling)).

Then I’m in the house, I look out the window into the yard, I see boys there in protective uniforms (4-5). A neighbor noticed that I was looking at them and said that it was their highway patrol. Immediately I found myself riding in the back seat of a minibus, I looked out the rear window, and there were these boys in uniform clinging to me and one of them took out a revolver and pointed the barrel at me. I was surprised and scared. Then he shot at me, and the shot turned out to be blank. I got angry and muttered to him something like “We need to warn you!”, then they all climbed through the door into the minibus.

Then I stand on the porch of my house and my classmate, with whom I was supposed to take a biology exam, passes by. There is a huge puddle in front of the porch, and she has a pole in her hands, and she demonstrated to me dexterity and skill by placing one end of the pole in the center of the puddle, holding onto the pole with one hand, the ability to hold herself in an almost horizontal position close to the surface of the puddle, but without touching it with her back . At the same time, the other end of her pole tried to poke me in the eyes, although I was standing on the porch. And I say with irritation: “Well, what is this! Either they shoot, or they try to gouge out my eyes!”

Well, the final episode. I'm at home in this southern city (already an apartment on a fairly high floor). My ex-man is lying on the sofa in a bright green T-shirt. My uncle is sitting on the chair in the same bright green T-shirt (and I must say, they are somewhat similar in type, also a former male acquaintance of mine, he also vaguely looks like my uncle; and it should also be noted that I am 4 -I was literally in love with my uncle for 6 years, but he somehow pushed me away in an ugly way and I was offended for a long time afterwards). So in the dream, this uncle of mine is sitting on a chair and it is clear that he loves me very much, if not to say in love with me. He stretches out his hands to me and invites me to sit next to him, saying something like “My future...” (meaning my future wife or lover). I was somewhat surprised and embarrassed, but I sat down next to him and he hugged me. I was also embarrassed in front of my ex, who was lying next to me on the couch.

Then I found myself in another room with my uncle. I felt that he loved me very much, and just like a man loves a woman. He put something on the table, smiled at me, invited me to come to the window and opened the window. I saw a very beautiful landscape of this southern town. A river flows in the center, and a huge cruise ship floats along it. The buildings are very beautiful. And in the distance you can see houses, and my grandmother supposedly lives there (I was a little surprised, because usually my uncle and I saw each other at my grandmother’s, his mother’s, and here we looked at my grandmother’s house in the distance). Everything was flooded with sun, it was late afternoon.

When I woke up, the first thing I thought about was that I had moved south to this southern town. And I began to try this on in my life, although it seemed very strange to me.

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to make a wish. Many people believe that New Year's and Christmas dreams come true. Maybe it's time to believe in magic? Dreams will help us understand what year awaits us ahead. You just need to interpret dreams correctly. The interpretation of holiday dreams differs from ordinary ones.

Significant dreams can come after the holidays.

When exactly do you have prophetic dreams during the New Year holidays and after? There are so many of them at this time - starting with Catholic Christmas, New Year itself, Old New Year, Christmas time, Epiphany! These days always remain the most magical and desirable for us, no matter how old we are. Wonderful New Year's days are truly magical, because... and dreams in them are considered the most prophetic. Starting from January 1 and ending with Epiphany, you can completely surrender to the power of the subconscious - it will give us answers to the most intimate questions that we cannot ask anyone. And, of course, this same subconscious will reveal its deepest secrets to us.

If you had a dream containing all of the above on the night before Christmas or Epiphany, this is a special blessing. But significant dreams can come after the holidays and throughout the first month of the year. The entire month of January can be considered special. The name of the month is associated with the name of the ancient Roman deity Janus (“Januaris” means January in Latin) - the ruler of all entrances and exits, the lord of beginnings and first steps. It’s not for nothing that since the New Year we strive to start a new life! By the way, you can also dream and make wishes all month long.

Arches and gates were considered a symbol of Janus and the passage to a new life. When in a dream you pass through gates, arches and even underground passages, you are taking steps towards change, entering a new situation, and perhaps radically changing your destiny.

At Christmas it is customary to tell fortunes, and when going to bed to make a wish: what you dream will come true. However, the language of dreams remains symbolic, and it is almost impossible to see a picture of the future explicitly: it will be transformed into images and symbols. If the plot of the dream looks attractive, and the mood after waking up is good, then the forecast promises to be good. Good signs include everything related to nature - beautiful landscapes, clean water, a spring or fountain, green color, juicy fruits and the sun.

The year will be lucky if you dream of snowfall.

Dreams that occurred on the night of December 31 to January 1 come true within a year. They should be interpreted globally, because they foreshadow important events. The meaning of such dreams lies on the surface. If you see yourself in an unfamiliar place, it means a journey awaits you. A change of residence is quite likely. If you have a heart-to-heart talk with a famous person, the dream promises you a climb up the career ladder. The fulfillment of your wishes promises a dream in which you decorate a Christmas tree or simply see Christmas tree decorations: balls, garlands. The year will be lucky if you dream of snowfall. And if you play snowballs in a dream, then in reality you will definitely win an important argument.

If in a dream a girl sees a bucket filled to the top with water, then this will indicate that her married life will be truly fulfilling. If she sees water flowing from the tap, then this sign for a future marriage cannot be called good.

A dream indicating an imminent marriage may contain such an image as a person walking with your arm. If this person himself directs you along the path known to him, then the man will be the leader in the family. If the dream tells you that you are walking with difficulty as a couple and are trying to find your way yourself, then marriage will be difficult and contradictory with many trials that not every woman is destined to endure.

If an unmarried girl happens to see an animal in her dream on Christmas night, then its character can say a lot about the character of her future husband. For example, a cat in a dream will show a man inclined to go “to the left,” but a dream in which a dog flashes will speak of the fidelity of the future spouse. “Copies” of all creatures on earth are imprinted in the stars. The biblical story about the birth of Jesus and how that the path to the location of the baby and Mary was shown to the Magi by a bright star that appeared in the sky, is known to everyone. For some this is the truth, others doubt the authenticity of the story. But even the most ardent atheists, deep down in their souls, probably believe that somewhere there is some force that can help in difficult times, can show the path where to move - his personal guiding star. That is why every time we raise our heads and look with inspiration at the dark sky, dotted with many bright lights.

But a star can express sublime ideas about itself as part of the universe, a certain chosenness. It’s not for nothing that we call the most prominent personalities stars. There is such a legend that “copies” of all creatures on earth are imprinted in the stars; the star reflects the fate of a person and his purpose. If you dream of a bright celestial phenomenon, you can perceive it as a sign from above - in this dream, most likely, the secret of personal destiny or some great idea will be revealed. You should be attentive to the chances that appear in reality so as not to miss your luck.

If you dreamed of a bright star, expect success in all your endeavors, but if the light burns dimly or goes out, this is not good. Faded stars can mean failure in business or loss of yourself, your inner light. Night, dark time of day in a dream - in reality means a state of uncertainty and loss. When a star lights up in the sky, it means hope and light appear, the situation will soon be resolved.

Also, dreaming stars can mean some kind of rewards or gifts of fate: then in your dreams you find a star somewhere in the grass or accidentally discover it in your palm. If you experience joy in a dream, then expect pleasant surprises in reality. The five-pointed star means a perfect person

A shooting star in a dream can in reality mean a flash of insight or the memory of a brief moment of pleasure. It is believed that when you see a shooting star you should make a wish. But in a dream everything is a little different: everything depends on your emotions. When a fallen star causes regret, you want to return it to the sky - there may be losses or a feeling that you are not up to par.

The sky in “diamonds” - in life, portends abundance, extraordinary joy.

Flying among the stars is a special state of spirituality. But it can convey a disconnect from reality, which threatens to turn into disappointment in life. A star reflected in water can mean spiritual anguish and disappointment. If the water is clear, and in a dream you do not experience any negative emotions, it means that you are ready to let go of relationships, ambitions or achievements that are significant to you. The five-pointed (pentagram) star is the oldest symbol in the world, it means a perfect person, harmony and health, protection from evil forces, the union of heaven and earth. Appearing in a dream, a five-pointed star will remind you of the 5 virtues of Christ that are necessary for personal development: love, wisdom, truth, justice and kindness. Perhaps in real life you forgot about them or this is what you need at this time. The octagonal star (of Bethlehem) symbolizes the cooperation of God and man. If you dreamed about it, it means that the stars are favorable to you and some force is now with you.

If you dreamed of an angel, expect happiness.

Dreams that occur on Christmas Eve (January 6 and 18) most often tell about the fulfillment of desires. If you dreamed of something that you have been dreaming about for a long time, try to remember the details of what you saw. Information from the dream will tell you when your wish will come true. Moreover, such dreams should be interpreted literally. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were getting married, then rummage through your memory for clues. What was the weather like? What were the people around you wearing? All this will help you understand when to expect an important event. Are you expecting a promotion and see yourself being promoted to a new position? In this case, you should pay attention to what specific merits they decided to honor you with a high position for. After such a dream in real life it will be easier not to miss a happy opportunity.

And at Christmas you have fateful dreams. They are not always literal, so pay attention to the sensations. Even if you cannot remember the dream, but you wake up in a good mood, with a feeling of happiness and joy, it means that the year will be successful. If you dreamed of an angel on this holiday, then you can be sure that happiness awaits you.

A quick wedding is promised by butterflies or rainbows seen in a dream.

Good luck is promised by gifts that you receive in a dream. Such a dream can be interpreted as a “gift of fate”: throughout the year you will be given opportunities, and your task is not to miss them. You can expect outside help if clouds or wind appear in your Christmas dream. A candle that illuminates the room with bright light will be a symbol of health.

A new promising acquaintance will soon occur if you see trees: the denser the plantings, the more serious such a relationship will be. But their character can be judged by the appearance of the plants. Strong branches covered with greenery speak of a fruitful union. And dry trees will indicate that you should not trust a stranger too much.

Christmas dreams sometimes talk about a love future. A quick wedding is promised by butterflies or rainbows seen in a dream. But if a married woman sees the ring falling from her hands, it’s worth thinking about family relationships.

You must wait for happy changes in fate if you see a Christmas tree in a dream. Decorating a tree means that all your planned tasks will be easy for you, but if you throw away the tree, expect obstacles, but you shouldn’t give up. You just have the opportunity to strengthen your character.

Yuletide dreams help solve pressing problems

Dreams that occur during Christmas time (January 7-19) usually come true within six months. They tell you what to do in a given situation. And if dreams at Christmas talk about global events, then Yuletide dreams help solve pressing problems.

On the night of January 7-8, you have dreams about rivalry, about plans that need to be brought to life. In your Yuletide dreams you will find the right way out.

From the 8th to the 9th you have empty dreams; they do not have much meaning.

However, on January 10 and 11 there are dreams that will tell about the state of affairs in the family, about the fate of loved ones, about the fulfillment of desires that are associated specifically with the hearth. On the night of the 12th, you can learn about how to cope with financial difficulties, if any, about career prospects, in general, about everything related to material values.

On Epiphany you have dreams that relate to your whole life. On January 13, in a dream you will be able to comprehend your state of mind, although in fact you will not learn anything new; rather, you will be convinced of what was already known.

On the old New Year, you should ask a question before going to bed, and you will receive an answer to it. It may come from the mouth of one of the characters in your dream, or it may not be so obvious and appear symbolically. Information about relationships with an opponent or rival will come on the night of January 15.

And on January 16 and 17, you will have dreams that will be associated with finding a solution to a problem that bothers you. You should expect a dream telling about love and relationships with a loved one on the night of January 18th.

At Epiphany, you have dreams that relate to your whole life; sometimes they predict fateful events that can happen in a few years.

Place bags made of natural fabrics under the pillow

Certain settings and magical actions will help induce prophetic dreams before Christmas: ask yourself a question that worries you, say it mentally before going to bed.

If you want to see your betrothed in a dream or are telling fortunes about love, place bags made of natural fabrics under your pillow: wrap the desired flowers or herbs in a round or square piece of paper, tie them with a ribbon, and mentally ask a question. The following will help you with this: fragrant jasmine, acacia, calendula flowers. And for a restful sleep, choose other herbs: lavender, mint, valerian or chamomile.

The first month of the New Year can truly be called magical: during this period you can guess, dream and see dreams - revelations. Like a Christmas star, they can point the way in which direction to move in the coming year.