Presentation "Thank you or thank you?" primary classes. World Thank You Day is a fun holiday - thank you day! all the thanks cannot be counted, from the kind sunny smiles evil and revenge hid in a corner

To help the teacher to accompany the conversation dedicated to Thank You Day. Designed for ages 5-7. Brief History day and word formation, congratulation poems. At the end of the lesson, the children are invited to write words of gratitude on clouds to the person to whom they would like to say them now; all the clouds are hung on a stand in the hall.



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Thank you day

What does the word “thank you” sound like in different languages?

What does the word “thank you” mean? January 11 is the most “polite” date of the year - World Thank You Day is celebrated on this day. The word “thank you” is an abbreviation for the phrase “God bless.” This phrase was used in Rus' to express gratitude. Words of gratitude have special properties, with their help, people give joy to each other and express attention.

History of “thank you” The word “thank you” was first recorded in 1586, in a phrasebook published in Paris. Around the same time, our Russian equivalent of a way of expressing gratitude in a new way appeared, originating from the Proto-Slavic language. Archpriest Avvakum tried to introduce it into common speech, using “God save” instead of the usual “thank you.” But this step failed to displace in the blink of an eye old uniform expressions of politeness: three centuries passed before the word “thank you” took root in modern society, becoming one of the rules of etiquette.

Talk to each other more good words! We celebrate World Thank You Day today and say: “Thank you!” - to all those who congratulate Let us thank you for everything on this day and let us say to everyone It’s nice to be polite - everyone knows that!

The most polite of big city New York is considered the city of the world - “thank you” is most often said here. Moscow took 30th place in the politeness rating among 42 “big” cities. It is very rare to hear a word of gratitude in the most populated city India – Mumbai

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Target: formation of ethical standards of behavior in society and communication with each other, development of the emotional and value sphere of students.

Tasks: to cultivate a culture of communication with each other, self-education of the child’s personality.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector.

Slide 1.

Really, each of us has been given a lot, and we have a lot to be grateful for. A lot, but we don’t understand it. Alas!
Charles Dickens.

Well, another unusual holiday has come to our street. Slide 2.

On January 11, the entire well-mannered world celebrates the Day of the Word “Thank You”. The international status of this significant date once again reminds us of how necessary we need such words in everyday life, and good manners in themselves can create a festive mood for those around us.

The initiators of the approval of the holiday were UNESCO and the UN. The purpose of the event is to remind the inhabitants of the planet about the high value of politeness, good manners and the ability to thank others for their good deeds.

It’s not for nothing that “Thank you” takes its rightful place in the circle of “magic” words. After all, it really can work miracles.

One of the newspapers once published a note about an unusually polite minibus driver. He said “thank you” to each incoming passenger for choosing his car for the trip. At first, people were even taken aback by such courtesy. And then we got used to it - after all, it’s not difficult to get used to good things. And they began to thank the driver in return for the wonderful service.

We are all well aware of the importance of good manners, their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks as if by chance, without thinking about their meaning. However, words of gratitude have magical properties - with their help people give joy to each other, express attention and convey positive emotions - something without which our life would become meager and gloomy.

Origin of the word “thank you”

Slide 3. The word “thank you” was first recorded in 1586, in a phrasebook dictionary published in Paris.

1. If we turn to history, we will see that previously there was no word “thank you” in the Russian language. In the 16th century they said “God forbid” instead. Among the Christian people, this phrase had enormous power and meaning. The person who pronounced it wished the interlocutor well and the best in life. This was a sign of the highest gratitude, and therefore the openness of people towards each other. A synonym for this expression is the phrase “God bless.”

It is no coincidence that people have long had a very wise belief - do not utter words of gratitude in a state of irritation.

It is known that Old Believers do not use the word “thank you”; they avoid it in their speech, because they believe that this word was born from the phrase “save Bai”. Bai is the name of one of the pagan gods.

2. But recently the following opinions have appeared: THANK YOU - the cosmic formula of Life, the formula of the divine Trinity:

“SPAS” – as the feminine, earthly, lower principle, in which the transformation and revival of Life occurs;

“And” - as a common, heavenly-earthly unifying principle, which is at the same time a new formation and continuation of both earthly and cosmic principles;

“BO” - as a masculine, heavenly, upper principle, which introduces an element of change, expansion, continuation.

The highest benevolent attitude towards another is manifested in wishing him “Thank you”

Thank you verbally.

Slide 4. Nowadays “thank you” is used in oral speech, without thinking at all about the importance and magic of this word. People say “thank you” automatically if they are familiar with etiquette. The problem is that many often forget to thank each other or only say it when not saying “thank you” is simply rude! Although we can thank the people around us at every step. And you don’t need to say a lot of words for this. Simply saying “thank you” is enough.

You can say “thank you” formally only if you observe an element of good manners. But behind the “thank you” lies a feeling of gratitude. This is the best feeling that people can experience towards each other. Love and gratitude always go hand in hand in life. And saying “thank you” makes it clear to your interlocutor that you feel grateful to him. It should be remembered that “polite” words set the tone of communication. And the most important thing among them is “thank you”!

There is one law of life associated with a feeling of gratitude, which is not proven or deduced, but has been tested many times in practice by millions successful people. Its essence is that what stronger man thanks everything good around him, the more good things happen in his life. Therefore, we can say “thank you” to the sun for shining brightly, to the driver who slowed down at the pedestrian crossing. And, of course, you should say “thank you” to your parents, otherwise you would never have been in this world.

Psychologists have found that words of gratitude have a positive effect on a person, on his emotional state and mental activity. And the word “thank you” is the most grateful of all grateful words! It is easy to apply in life, it is very simple and sincere. Of course, if it comes from the heart, from a heart overflowing with gratitude. Only in this case will it play its magical role. The word “thank you” is a vehicle for establishing warm, friendly relationships.

Using the word “Thank you”

According to the widespread version, this word arose as a kind of abbreviation of the phrase “Save, God!”, which supposedly served in Rus' as an expression of sincere gratitude. But look through the classics of Russian literature - how many of these “thank yous” will you find in the mouths of the heroes? They mostly used the word “thank you” or “thank you.” It seems that “thank you” only became widely used in the twentieth century.

Are you sure that you say “thank you” only when you really want to thank someone? Paradoxically, our “magic word” serves as both a form of acceptance of something and a form of refusal. Sometimes emphatically polite. Remember the tone in which you say “thank you” when you reject someone’s intrusive offer. And how - when you sort things out with your loved ones: “Ah-ah, so, in your opinion, I am an ungrateful creature?! Well, thank you!”

In general, our people have developed a very ambiguous attitude towards the word “thank you”. There are about a dozen proverbs and sayings of a frankly consumerist nature alone.

Slide 5. “You can’t put a thank you in your pocket”, “They don’t give you money for a thank you”, “You can’t make a hat out of a thank you”, “You can’t spread a thank you on bread”, “You can’t put a thank you in your bosom”, “You can’t bring a thank you home”, “Thank you, you won’t be full,” “Thank you, it doesn’t feed you or keep you warm.”

And modern expressions: “Thanks don’t drip” and “Better a small dollar than a big thank you.” And how much hidden irony there is in the well-known expression: “Thank you to this house - let’s go to another”!

But there are also many examples of respectful attitude towards words of gratitude in folklore: “Thank you - it’s a great deed”, “And it’s ugly, but thank you”, “Soon - so thank you, but soon - so two”, “If you say thank you - so okay.”

“Thank you” has even managed to become, in a sense, synonymous with stinginess. The meaning of the expression “work for thanks” is known to everyone, and no one would wish this for themselves.

Consonance of expressions of gratitude in different languages.

Slide 6. It is interesting that the roots of the English analogue - Thank you - also go much deeper than simple gratitude. This suggests that both the Russian “thank you” and “spasibo”, pronounced in almost all languages ​​of the world, had and have extremely important for the culture of any people.

In Ukrainian, this word “thank you” sounds like “spasibi”, but Ukrainians prefer the synonym – “dyakuyu”. It is interesting that the form of expressing gratitude to DYAKUYU, which has taken root in the Ukrainian language, is originally Russian; our ancestors used exactly this sound. Historians have found confirmation of this in the Veles Book - Chronicle past life Rus, leading a description of 20,000 years before baptism in the Christian faith was imposed on Kievan Rus. It is the word DYAKUYU in today’s pronunciation that is consonant with the words expressing good feelings in the roots of European languages ​​belonging to different groups of languages:

Slide 7. The British say “thanks” Germans - “danken”, Belarusians - “dzyakuy”,

Poles - zenki, Czechs - dekuyi, in Yiddish “thank you” sounds like “adank”,

in Norway they write “takk”, the Danes write “tak”, Icelanders write “takk”,

Swedes - “tack”.

It is noticeable that these terms sound very similar.

“Thank you” in different languages.

Slide 8. Here is what the word “thank you” sounds like in other languages:

  • Arabic: Shoukran (shukran)
  • Armenian: Shnorhakalutjun
  • Hawaiian: Mahalo (mahalo)
  • Greek: Evkaristo (efkharisto)
  • Georgian: Mahd-lobt (madlobt)
  • Irish: Goraibhmaithagat (go rai mas agate)
  • Italian: Grazie
  • Spanish: Gracias (gracias)
  • Cambodian: Orkun (arkun)
  • Chinese: Xie-xie (Xie-xie)
  • Korean: Kamsuhamnida
  • Latvian: Paldies (paldis)
  • Lithuanian: Kobchie (kob chi)

Slide 9. Malaysian: Terimakasih (terima porridge)

  • Mongolian: Vayarla (vayala)
  • Portuguese: Obrigado
  • Romanian: Multimesk
  • Somali: Mahadsanid (Makhasanid)
  • Swahili: AsantesanaThai: Kabkoonkrup (if you are a man), Kabkoonka (if you are a woman)
  • Tatar: Rekhmet (rekhmet)
  • Turkish: sagol (saol), tesekurederim (teshekur ederim)
  • Filipino: Salamat (slamat)
  • Finnish:Kiitos (kiitos)
  • French: Mercibeaucoups (mercy side)
  • Hindi: Shoukriah (shukran)
  • Japanese: Domoarigato

The most polite city in the world.

Slide 10. Reader's Digest compiled a rating of the politeness of megacities around the world. During the study, journalists conducted three simple tests several times in 35 cities around the world.

For example, researchers dropped papers in the middle of a busy street and saw whether passers-by would help. In addition, they counted how many times the salesperson said “thank you” in various stores, as well as how many times people leaving the entrance held the door for them. In the end, the most New York turned out to be the politest city on the planet. Former mayor of this city Ed Koch explained to reporters that New Yorkers became more attentive to people after the September 11 terrorist attacks: they realized how short life is. Second place is Zurich, third is Toronto. The rudest metropolis in the world was Bombay, while Bucharest, the most rude city in Europe, came in second place.

Moscow took 30th place in the list of politeness after one Muscovite was rude to a Reader's Digest correspondent, who himself asked her to hold the door. Only residents of Singapore, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Bucharest and Bombay behave ruder than Muscovites.

At the same time, journalists separately noted Zagreb as a city with the most helpful passers-by, after an elderly Croatian with arthritis rushed to collect papers. Stockholm has earned the title of the city with the most polite sellers.

Slide 11. Each person decides for himself whether to say words of gratitude or not, but even children need to know the original meaning of this expression, what message the word thank you gives to another person.

Thanking a person today by saying THANK YOU implies doing good, a well-known, generally accepted truth, just like saying hello or goodbye. “Thank you” in literature.

Slide 12

You are nearby, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,

Thank you for these lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you, my beloved,
For the fact that you exist in the world
We are close, but we could
You won't be able to meet each other at all...
My only one, thank you
For the fact that you exist in the world.

Thank you for the rain
The thunderstorm of your words and dreams.
Thank you for the eternity of the stars,
Which was always illuminated with radiance.
Thank you for the sweet wind,
Beyond the summer moon light.
For your voice that stealthily
He quietly whispered “Hello” to me.
For your lips that kiss.
For the hands that give warmth,
For your heart that is jealous
And a soul that is warm.

Thank you for being you
It doesn't matter to whom, but thank you.
You came as good news
When my soul was drizzling.
Thank you for being you
For letting me warm up.
You know it's not flattery
And the joy of a happy heart.
Thank you for being you
That somewhere you eat and dream,
The soul sways like a forest,
That you often melt from tenderness.
I have the highest honor:
God listened to my requests for a miracle...
Thank you for being you
Thank you for being there.

Slide 15.

Thank you! - that’s what good sounds like,
And everyone knows the word
But it so happened that it
It comes out of people’s lips less and less often.
Today there is a reason to say
Thank you! to those who are close to us,
Easy a little bit become kinder,
To make mom more fun,
And even brother and sister,
With whom we often quarrel,
Say: Thank you! and in the warmth
The ice of resentment will melt soon.
I'll tell you a secret, friends:
All the power of the word is in our thoughts -
It’s impossible without kind words,
Give them to your family and friends!

Slide 16.

Happy Holiday - Thank You Day!
I can’t count all the thanks,
From kind sunny smiles.
Evil and revenge have huddled in a corner.
Thank you! let it sound everywhere
There is a good sign on the whole Planet,
Thank you - small miracle,
A charge of warmth in your hands!
Say it like a spell
And you will feel how suddenly
Good and happiness wish,
A new friend will give you!

Slides 17-18. Thank you.

For development class hour Internet resources were used.

World Thank You Day

    January 11th is a day on which it is customary to be polite and remember good manners more often. "Why?" - you ask. Of course for common man January 11th is an ordinary day, but on this day one of the international holidays, which is called World Thank You Day. In our everyday life, the word “thank you” is present every day. People say it every day of different ages, gender, nationality, religion and even upbringing. But few people know that the expression of gratitude in the form of the word “thank you” originated in the Russian language many centuries ago.

“Thank you” what is the magic of this word

  • World Day of the most polite word in any language - the word “thank you”.

  • If we turn to history, we will see that previously there was no word “thank you” in the Russian language. In the 16th century they said “God forbid” instead. Among the Christian people, this phrase had enormous power and meaning. The person who pronounced it wished the interlocutor well and the best in life. This was a sign of the highest gratitude, and therefore the openness of people towards each other. A synonym for this expression is the phrase “God bless

    For scattered paper clips and paper on the tables, Unsolved problems and dishes in the corners, Unsent e-mail, overtime yesterday, Spilled coffee on the floor and a careless look in the morning, For support in the evenings when the balance is spinning, Explanation of manuals for incomprehensible innovations, Mischievous parties and gifts on the table, And funny pictures that are on the server - Dear colleagues, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I now pass the baton of “thank you” day to you.

  • May the world become kinder on Thank You Day, May all people become grateful, May a houseful of friends gather together, And may everyone smile at each other! On “Thank You” Day, we would like to say that we should cherish this word. Be more polite and they will wish you that health and strength will descend upon you.

Politeness is wonderful.

    Politeness is always beautiful - Let it come from the soul Constantly, every hour, like breathing air. On World Thank You Day, I especially want to politely congratulate you and pat you on the shoulder. Well, if you allow me, I can kiss you and, of course, hug you very tightly from the bottom of my heart. And I hope that thank you is important, for all people, you won’t forget to tell me - Don’t grow cold towards me. ©

The history of this holiday

  • Probably, today we need to say this word especially often. We say this word out of politeness, to express our gratitude, but we do not realize its meaning.

  • Old Believers believe that it was born from the phrase “save Bai” (“Bai” is the name of one of the pagan gods), so they avoid this word in their speech. Psychologists are sure that words of gratitude are verbal “strokes” and they can calm and warm with their warmth. The main thing is that the “thank you” comes from the heart! It is no coincidence that people have long believed that words of gratitude should not be uttered in a state of irritation.

    There is enormous power in the word “thank you” And water comes to life from it, It gives wings to a wounded bird, And a sprout sprouts from the ground. Be grateful to the world on this day, On the holiday of “thank you,” open your soul, Melt the ice, remove winter from your heart, Any discord at this time will subside! We wish you to be loved, a strong family and success in your work. Say “thank you” to everyone more often and you will be welcome on Earth!

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World Thank You Day

Goal: to introduce children to January 11 - World Thank You Day, to reinforce the rules of polite communication between children and peers and adults. Objectives: develop coherent speech, remember and activate “kind, magic” words in speech; cultivate politeness in dealing with people; remember the good deeds and deeds that the children did and invite them to draw on a piece of paper with colored pencils; to cultivate a love for poetry, and through poetry, love and respect for each other and adults.

Reception of children. Surprise moment. Goal: entering the day, introducing children to the concept of the term “thank you”. Leopold the Cat came to visit. He is very happy today that he was able to meet you. But he came to us for a reason, but wants to talk to you about what is important for all people in the world. Listen to what he tells us.

Cat Leopold: Children, what kind magic words do you know? What day of the week is it today? What time of year is it now? What is the name of the month? January 11 is World Thank You Day. What does this word mean, do you know? There is a science called Etymology, which studies the meaning and origin of words. Turning to the etymological dictionary, I read: “Once upon a time, this was a stable combination in speech of two words: GOD SAVE (you), pronounced as a wish filled with gratitude. In such frequently used words, their individual parts constantly merge, and unstressed (overstressed) sounds weaken and die off, like the tips of a branch where sap no longer flows. The final “G” has also died out. But this word has not lost its beauty even without the “G”; it is kind and bright. THANK YOU.

Morning exercises “Jolly guys”. Goal: to promote the health of children and awaken the body for normal functioning. A minute of entry into the day " Good morning" Goal: to help improve overall emotional background and improving the psychological climate in the group. Breakfast "Don't forget to say thank you."

Educational situation. Application “Decorate a napkin”. Goal: to develop in children a sense of color, the ability to compare patterns by color, and choose the most beautiful ones. Decorate a napkin with a pattern using elements of Dymkovo painting. teach children to make a pattern on a square, filling in the middle and corners with elements; learn to cut a strip in half after folding it; strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly. Musical.

Lunch. Leopold the cat. Game “Say a Word” Educator: -Now we’ll play and find out from you, do you know the “magic words”? Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you) Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon) If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell our mother... (thank you) A polite and developed boy says when we meet... (hello) When they scold us for pranks, we say... (please forgive me) In both France and Denmark, when we say goodbye, we say... (goodbye) Independent activity. Games, preparation for a walk.

Walk. Observing the work of a janitor. Goal: to instill in children respect for this profession. Labor activity: sweeping paths, collecting garbage. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Outdoor game “Cat and Mouse”, “Clouds and Sun”. Goal: to teach how to run easily, without bumping into each other, and how to navigate in space. Outdoor games at the request of children. Returning from a walk. Dinner. Dream.

Evening: Awakening gymnastics. Hygienic and hardening procedures. Role-playing game"At the doctor's appointment." Goal: to develop the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles (doctor, patient), and perform game actions. Games with a large constructor. Goal: learn to name and distinguish construction parts.

Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak " Kind words" Educator: - What words are you too lazy to repeat three times? What words did the child use in the poem? ("WITH good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening") - At what time of day did he shout these kind words?

Good deeds. Educator: Guys, have you ever done good deeds? Tell us about them. Guys, I suggest you organize an exhibition of good deeds! And to do this, you will draw them on paper using colored pencils. Educator: - Thank you, children, for your attention. So, what day is it today? Children: - January 11 “World THANK YOU Day”.

Walk Cloud watching. Goal: to encourage students to express their own guesses and assumptions about the causes of certain phenomena. Outdoor game "Hares and wolves". Goal: to teach children to move at the teacher’s command. Free games at the request of children. Going home.

Thank you for your attention! Prepared by: Teacher middle group GBDOU No. 73 kindergarten“Cornflower” Rulinskaya Tatyana Sergeevna