Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Notes on role-playing games. Summary of the plot-role-playing game “Zoo” in the middle group

(junior group)



  • 1. To develop children’s interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment.
  • 2. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation.
  • 3. To develop in children the ability to use building floor materials and act with them in a variety of ways.
  • 4. Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, or hairdresser.
  • 5. Cultivate friendly relationships in the game.

Preliminary work

  • * conversations about professions using illustrations, viewing the album “Professions”;
  • * asking riddles, memorizing poems about the profession, about the game;
  • * excursion to the kitchen, medical office;
  • * reading fiction: nursery rhymes, songs, Russian folk tales“Kolobok”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Cockerel with his Family” by Ushinsky, “Masha the Confused” by Voronkova, “How We Went to the Zoological Garden” by Zhitkov, “How Masha Became Big” by Permyak, “Piglet Peter and the Store” by Petrushevskaya, "Toys" by A. Barto, "Aibolit" by K. Chukovsky, "Moidodyr";
  • * finger games, word game “Guess what profession a person has”;

Equipment: attributes for the role-playing games "Mothers and Daughters", "Shop", "Hospital", "Barbershop"

Progress of the game

A short conversation in the locker room.

Educator. What professions do you know?

(Children's answers.)


But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, or salesman, you must first grow up, finish school, and get a specialty. But how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult right now and work. Is it true? Let us go on a trip to a magical town. All children, when they get there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there? What will we go on?

Children offer (one of three options children choose):

- by train

Educator: To make the train move, knock on the wheels. What wheels? With corners? (No, round, without corners.) The round wheels spun (movement with arms bent at the elbows), hummed ooo-oo, hissed, steam came out sh-sh-sh. The locomotive says “I’ll run away”, and the carriages answer “I’ll catch up”.

Music sounds, children sing:

Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Chug-chug-chug - the locomotive is humming,

He took the boys far, far away.

- by plane

We'll fly by plane.

Pump up the airplane tires - shhhhh.

Pour kerosene into the tanks - ssss.

Start the engines - d-d-d.

The planes have taken off!

Music sounds, children fly and sing:

The plane is flying, the plane is buzzing,

He lands and is silent.

- by car

Open the tank - chi-chik-chik.

Pour gasoline - ssss.

Close the tank - chick-chick-chick.

We're rocking, we're rocking,

We inflate the air into the tires.

We check every time

And we have no accidents.

Passengers, hurry up!

Sit two side by side.

The driver sits behind the wheel,

He looks at the traffic light.

The red traffic light is shining:

No way - stop, driver.

The yellow light means wait,

The light is green ahead.

The driver presses the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance.

Music sounds, children sing:

The car, the car is moving, humming,

In the car, the driver is sitting in the car.

Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest,

The driver has arrived, stop the car!

Beep beep. narrative role-playing game didactic

Educator. Here is our magical town. You look at each other. Everyone has become adults. How about some work? Let's see where we can work.

Here we have "Shop".

Sellers know the goods!

Don't waste time

This is their usual work!

And here we have "Beauty salon".

The master will do the hair,

Hairdryer, brush and comb,

The curls will curl lushly,

He will fluff up his bangs with a brush.

Everything in his hands is burning -

They will change your appearance!

Educator. Look, what is this red cross? What's there?

Right , "Hospital"

If your ear hurts,

If your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry

After all, the doctor will help you!

And here we live

Dolls, hares, bears,

They are waiting for someone to come to them

Baby mommies!

Educator. There are so many interesting things in our town

We play in the profession,

We choose them according to our liking.

And we dream faster

Mom and dad become more mature,

To not just dream,

Who do you want to become today? ( children's answers who will be who)

The game begins

Educator. We build cribs, a chair, a tap for washing hands, and set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without disturbing anyone. The doctor, hairdresser and salesman go to their work. And the rest of the kids take care of their children. (I help develop the game, establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, and help implement into the game the impressions the children received earlier.)

Passes certain time games.

Educator. Evening has come in our town, the working day is over. Closes "Hospital", "Barbershop", "Shop". We put everything back in place.

With the children who have already put everything back in place, I play finger games:

1. Toe to toe

Knock-knock-knock (2 times)

Together together

Clap your hands (2 times)

We dance like little springs,

Let's bounce balls (2 times)

Hands dance, they dance beautifully,

Spun, spun,

And then they stopped.

2. Ladushki-okay,

Where were you? At grandma's!

Collected in wrinkles

And grandma’s hands are

Kind and very kind.

Everyone worked their hands

For many years.

Warm hands smell

Shchi, pies.

They will stroke your curls

Good hands.

And they can cope with any sadness

Warm hands.

Okay, okay,

Where were you? At grandma's!

3. This finger is a grandfather,

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

4. Point, point,

Two hooks.

Nose, mouth, back.

Stick, stick,

Rolling pin, rolling pin.

Cucumber - here comes the little man

Educator. All the kids did well, tell me, who were you today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter? Julia, which bed did you put your daughter to sleep on? What kind of doctor was Kirill? Hairdresser? Salesman?

Educator. Well done, everyone was kind, attentive and caring today.

Together with the children.

We quarreled, we made up,

And sometimes they argued.

But we became very good friends

Behind our game.

Game is replaced by game,

The game ends.

And the friendship never ends!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Educator. To quickly return to kindergarten, we will fly by plane. The children "fly" to the dressing room. Game over.

Abstract of GCD

according to Federal State Educational Standards

in the form of a role-playing game


in the senior group


Target: expand children's understanding of culinary professions.

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the profession of a cook, waiter, bartender, introduce the profession of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making pizza and the ability to decorate sponge cakes. Form the foundations of your own life safety in the process labor activity.

Integration of areas :

1. “Speech”: Fix the names of various professions. Improve your vocabulary with new words (pastry chef, pizza, pizza maker, administrator, assortment, bartender). Engage children in conversation while cooking.

2. “Social-communicative”: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in a child - confidence in their abilities, introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, planning teamwork, subordination and control of their desires, teaching them to take turns, establishing new contacts.

3. “Educational”: Introduce the professions of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work.

4. “Physical”: Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life in the process of work. To develop children's knowledge about healthy food, about its meaning for people

5. “Artistic-aesthetic”: Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work and the work of people different professions and its results. Encourage children to independently prepare a variety of dishes. Foster a desire to take part in collective work. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste when decorating dishes.

Equipment and materials :

Decoration of cafes, kitchens, confectionery shops, workplace bartender, administrator's office, set for making confectionery, juice in cups, notepads, musical arrangement, spoons, plates, cups, fruits, vegetables, salted pastry dough, meat grinder, blender, mixer.

Methods and techniques :

Visual methods and techniques (games, looking at pictures, using ICT - presentation); verbal methods and techniques (use of artistic expression, teacher’s story, conversation, instructions and explanations in educational process OOD, summing up assessment of children's activity).

Progress of activities:

1. Introductory part. Organizational moment.

Relaxation exercise"Let's rejoice"

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,

(children raise their hands up)

And we will also rejoice in smiling faces,

(smile at each other)

To all those who live on our planet,

(spread arms to the sides)

« Good morning! " - we will tell the guests and children.

(hug each other)

2. Introduction to the topic. Posing a question for discussion.

The teacher draws the attention of the guests present:

Guys, how many guests we have today!

Do you have guests coming to your home?

How do you meet them?

Do you go to visit yourself?

How do you behave when visiting?

On what occasions do we go to visit?

Well, if there are a lot of guests, then you can invite them to the cafe. Here is my proposal: since we have guests today, we will open our own cafe and invite them there.

But before we remember what professions people work in cafes, let's say

What is this profession? (profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life)

What professions do people work in the cafe? (cook, pastry chef, waiters, bartenders...).

And I also know such a profession as a pizza maker.

Have any of you heard of her? (Pizzmetsker is a pizza maker).

Where are people of this profession needed? (at the pizzeria). (SLIDE 1)

Teacher's story:

This profession appeared in Italy, like pizza itself. (SLIDE 2)

Pizza- Italian dish It is so popular among Italians that a special holiday is dedicated to it, held in Italy every year. Now let's see how and what pizza is made from. (SLIDE 3)

Well, now let's take guests on a tour of our cafe.

Cafe tour:


Look how many items there are here!

What is this? (meat grinder)

What do you do with a meat grinder?

What is this? (grater, pan, stove...)

What profession do these items belong to? (To the cook)

(The cook has special clothing- This is an apron, cap or scarf. He wears this so as not to stain his clothes and to prevent lint and hair from getting into the food. And in general, such clothes are worn not only by chefs, but also by confectioners, salespeople, and waiters).

What should a chef be like? (neat, healthy, fast...)

Physical exercise “Cooks”:

2. Confectionery shop.

What do you know about the work of a pastry chef?

Which confectionery You know?

What tools does the pastry chef use?

3. Bar table.

There is a wide range of cocktails here. Who cooks them? (Bartender)

What do you know about being a bartender?

4. Administrator's office.

What job does an administrator do? (Keeps order in the hall, orders food).

5. Cafe hall.

Who works in the cafe hall? (waiters)

What kind of work do waiters do? (Introduces visitors to the menu, takes orders and fulfills them).

Now we have become acquainted with the cafe premises, let's assign roles and invite willing guests to the cafe. (Cooks prepare salads, prepare soup, porridge, French fries; pastry chefs cut out cookies from salt dough and make cakes; bartenders stir cocktails; waiters turn on calm music, prepare notepads with pens; the administrator calls clients).

Reception of guests.


We played very interestingly. You played your roles wonderfully. Let's close our cafe today, and tomorrow, if the desire arises, we will continue the game.

Summary of the plot-role-playing game in the senior group

Summary of the role-playing game “Family”; plot "Visiting Grandma"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: Lesson notes designed for older children preschool age. In the process of collective activity, children learn to take on the role of a caring parent.
This material will be useful to teachers working in the senior group.
Target: Developing children's interest in role-playing game.
- teach children to plan a game, select attributes;
- continue learning to be able to distribute roles; independently develop the plot of the game;
- expand your vocabulary; develop dialogical speech children;
- promote the establishment of friendly relationships between players.
Game material:"Family";
- attributes for room equipment;
- dishes;
- furniture;
- bag;
- wallet;
- money.
"Granny's House"
- dishes;
- samovar;
- money;
- substitute items.
- seller’s clothing;
- cash register;
- vegetables, fruits, sweets, etc.
- steering wheel;
- tickets.
Preliminary work:
- looking at pictures about the family;
- reading poems about mom, lullabies, talking about mom;
- board game"Family";
- conversations about people’s professions;
- didactic game“Who works where? ";
- production of attributes for the game;
- conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;
- role-playing games with children “Family”, “Shop”.
Progress of the game:
Children sit on chairs, the teacher walks around in a circle and says:
Educator: Guys, I’m so sad and lonely, I want to go somewhere for a visit. But where should I go, maybe you can tell me or suggest, and we’ll all go together.
Children's answers: They suggest going to visit grandma.
Educator: What do we need to do to start the game.
(Children's reasoning)
Educator: Right! We need to assign roles, choose children to play. For our game we need: mother, father, two daughters, son, grandmother, grandfather.
(Children choose mom, dad, children, grandparents and justify their choice)
Educator: Well done, the roles have been distributed. Now, we need to decide how and what we will use to get to grandma?
The children suggest going by bus.
Educator: Okay, let's go by bus. But then we need another driver.
Children choose a driver.
Before leaving the house, mother reminds children of the rules of behavior. Reminds them that they will get off the bus at the stop: “Babushkino.” And they go on a visit, or rather, first they go to the bus stop.
An improvised bus arrives.
Mother: We carefully board the bus.
Driver: Be careful, the doors are closing, next station: " Kindergarten" The bus circles around and stops.
Driver: Be careful, the doors are opening, the Babushkino stop.
Mother: We get off the bus carefully, without jostling, and help each other. We got off the makeshift bus.
Dad suggests going to the store and buying gifts for grandma.
Mother: Children, hold hands, let's go to the store, but there is a road ahead. What do we need to do in order to cross the road?
Children: First, you need to look in one direction to see if there are any cars, then in the other, and only after that we cross the road.
Mother: Well done, right.
We go to the store. The children greeted the seller.
- Hello. We need gifts for grandma.
Salesman: Hello, please choose.
Children and parents choose a box of Choco Pie, a pack of tea and a box of Raffaello. They approach the cash register.
Mom turns to the seller: Please count how much we owe you.
Salesman: Thank you for your purchase, yours is 236 rubles.
Mom pays the seller and they leave the store.
They go to grandma. They approach the house. The doorbell rings.
Grandfather opens the door.
- Hello, my dears, come in. Grandfather and dad shake hands.
Everyone enters the house and is greeted by their grandmother. Hugging with grandchildren, with mother.
Grandmother: Come on in, come on in. You are probably tired from the road. Have a seat. I’ll put the samovar on now (grandmother, it’s supposed to be put on the samovar). Coming back. Well, tell me how you are doing, how are you doing at school, in kindergarten?
Grandchildren: Grandma, please take it, we brought you some gifts for tea.
Grandmother: Thanks a lot.
While the samovar is boiling, they talk. Then they all drink tea with sushi and cakes together.
Grandchildren: grandma, how is your health?
Grandmother: Everything is fine, nothing seems to hurt yet.
Grandchildren: grandma, maybe you need help?
Grandmother: no, drink tea and you can go play with the neighbor kids, while mom and I prepare dinner. And grandpa and dad will go to the store for groceries, I’ll write them a list now.
Grandfather: I can't because I already have to go to work. Says goodbye to everyone and leaves. If I have time, maybe we'll meet for lunch.
Grandmother: Then dad goes to the store.
Dad: Okay, I'll go. Write a list.
Mother: Kids, what do you want for lunch?
Children: I want pies; and I want a sausage.
Mother: Okay, if you've had some tea, then go play.
Children leave the table and invite all the other children to play.
And mom and grandma start preparing dinner.
Children independently come up with a further turn of events.

Role-playing game "Airport"

Two roles are introduced - “head of the planning and economic department” and “employee” - his subordinate.

Introductory note to the “boss”: “You are the head of the planning and economic department. Employee T. did not submit the calculations that were so important for you on time. You were told that she called and said that due to illness, she apparently won’t appear for a long time. However, when you called her home several times, no one answered the phone. You are now forced to fly to another city on an urgent business trip without the necessary information. At the airport, you suddenly see your “sick” employee with her things, waiting for something. -at the queue to the check-in point for departures.

Introductory note to the “employee”: “You are an employee of the planning and economic department. Your affairs are going very poorly: at the very time of submitting an important report, your sister became seriously ill, and since there is no one to sit with her, you took sick leave to care for her, and now you are temporarily living with her. Your friend is flying off on a short-term business trip to a city where a rare medicine has been prepared for your sister. You rush to the airport to ask him to give some things to your relatives in this city and bring this medicine for them. You are a little late for your flight, the board is no longer lit. You stand and don't know what to do. Suddenly your boss calls you..."

Comment: When analyzing a situation, the presenter must update the attitude that we think and act based not on real events, but from our ideas about them (and conjectures, if these ideas are not complete).

Role-playing game Kolobok.

A game to identify and play various manipulations, conduct negotiations.

This is a role-playing game in which eight people participate:

Kolobok (it is advisable that it be played by two people - a man and a woman, since their manipulations may differ)

Grandfather, Grandmother


Wolf and She-Wolf (the introduction of the pair is necessary to enable the demonstration of the “wedge” type manipulation)


The fox is not introduced into the game, since her manipulations - “flattery” and “pressure on pity” worked - Kolobok was eaten.

The presenter plays the role of storyteller.

"For a long time folk experience transmitted in the form of fables, proverbs, sayings, legends and fairy tales. To understand the folk tales means to understand their psychology and what is now commonly called mentality...

To demonstrate the main manipulations in negotiations, we will take one of the most manipulative fairy tales - “Kolobok”. Note that main character has no significant resource other than being delicious. That is why everyone wants to eat it: the grandfather and the woman, the hare, the wolf, the bear, and the fox. However, the bun also has a tongue, so it finds some words for each of them, after which they prefer to let it go. If you look carefully, each of the participants has some expectations regarding the kolobok and has a unique resource of power, namely.

Grandma and grandfather

They collected it from barns and barns, cooked it, and looked forward to the pleasure of sitting and drinking tea. They have the right to close the doors and windows and not let the kolobok outside the hut...


He has fast legs, so you can’t just run away from him...

Wolf and she-wolf

Of course, they don’t eat koloboks, but in terms of variety, and also on the wolf’s birthday... teeth and strength, as well as strong legs clearly on the side of the wolves.


Koloboks with honey are my favorite food.


Her strength is manipulation, so the kolobok could not resist this resource.

In the fairy tale, negotiations are removed from the text. We will try to restore the dialogues of the participants. To do this, we have to select the participants in the fairy tale, and, to demonstrate the features of paired manipulations, we will ask the wolf to perform together with the she-wolf. We will not choose the fox, because the manipulations were prescribed there, namely:

“I’ve become somewhat deaf, can you sit on my nose?” - manipulation “Pressure on pity”

“Oh, what a beautiful song, how well you sing it, sing it to me again...” - manipulation and flattery.

Kolobok was not lucky with the fox, however, before her he was quite successful. We'll lose possible moves Kolobok.

The work is structured like this: the presenter plays the role of a speaker. The role of Kolobok can be played by two participants - a man and a woman - to demonstrate the characteristics of women and male types manipulation.

Kolobok negotiates sequentially with each participant. One condition: if the person being persuaded understands that, in principle, a convincing argument has been made, there is no point in resisting on principle.”

Analysis: It is best to conduct analysis directly during the game. The presenter has the right to “stop signal” to interrupt the game and give the name of the manipulation that has just been used.


Flattery: “My dear, how pretty”

Pressure for pity: “We ourselves are not locals”

Systems of alternatives: “you have two options: one is wrong - the second is mine”

Commentary of meanings: “This is so you can eat me...”

“Strelka” (background change): “I am a representative of the NNN corporation”

Unreported information: “Known from competent sources”

Limitation of choice: “Either today or never”

Wedge: “Your partners are dishonest towards you”

Bribe: “We know how to reward you”

Emotional attack: “I told this a hundred times in clear language terrible person that neither we nor anyone else will be able to fulfill his incomprehensible demands, but he stubbornly insists and threatens us with various sanctions, courts, competitors, which completely drove me crazy..."

Based on the results of the exercise, it is important for participants to record the following rules:

1.Manipulations can be destroyed by counter manipulations. That is why the manipulator Kolobok was able to defeat the manipulator Fox.

2. Manipulators are afraid of being exposed, so manipulations can be destroyed if they are named (Are you trying to drive a wedge between us?).

3. The manipulator is most of all not protected from the manipulation he uses, because It is precisely because of his own inability to effectively resist it that he considers this manipulation a powerful weapon. Those. By being able to analyze manipulations, you are not only protected in negotiations, but also receive a means of managing your partner.

Role-playing game "Pirate Brig"

Purpose: to study the parameters of interaction under conditions of strict role dictate.

Participants select roles by drawing lots.

1) captain - has the right to interrupt anyone’s speech;

2) senior officer - has the right to interrupt the speech of anyone except the captain;

3) navigator - except for the captain and first mate;

4) boatswain-sycophant - all except the first three;

5) jester sailor - everyone except the captain;

6) puppet sailor - everyone except the captain and disgruntled sailors (stokers);

7) dissatisfied sailors (stokers) - everyone except the captain and first mate;

8) the cabin boys - everyone cuts them off, they - no one.

The one who breaks the rules is transferred to a cabin boy, the cabin boy who breaks the rules is thrown overboard.

Task: agree on how the Spanish galleon with gold will be robbed, and to whom and how the spoils will be distributed.

During the pre-analysis, participants are asked to identify possible reasons discomfort in role communication. Most often, it turns out that it is quite difficult for dominant people to perform roles that involve subordination. On the contrary, it can be difficult for people who are friendly and democratic in their communication to fulfill the roles of captain and boatswain. As a result of the analysis, the group comes to the understanding that the quality of performance of business roles is associated with the personal attitudes and values ​​of the person – the subject of personal communication.

If the exercise is filmed, then during the video analysis the so-called " trigger buttons» uncontrolled, conflictual communication. It turns out that they are correlated with the concepts of “personal distance”, “self-esteem”, personality focus (on activity, on communication, on oneself), etc.

As a final illustration, participants may be provided with the following information:

About basic personal reactions;

About the rules of primitive response

About the levels of communication (primitive, mask (role-playing), manipulative, conventional, gaming, business, spiritual).

Role-playing game "Shooting a movie"

The presenter explains that the next game is aimed at demonstrating how important it is to be able to find them in people best qualities, be able to understand human psychology.

The presenter appoints one participant to be the film producer. His task is to “make a film”, but in fact to organize some kind of scene. He himself must only confine himself to “general policy”: select a director from among the participants and set before him the task of general outline: make an interesting film, use a good screenwriter, good actors, composers, etc. The time allotted for “filming a film” is about 10 minutes. Non-participants (or the presenter, if all participants will take part in the “movie”) must rate the film out of 5 points.

After watching the “film,” all participants sit in a circle and discuss the following questions:

Did the "producer" make the only right choice?

Do all participants agree with the roles assigned to them by the director and producer?

How should the producer and director conduct preliminary interviews with applicants in order to better determine the strengths and weaknesses everyone?

Maria Glazkova
Lesson summary of the role-playing game “Shop”


formation social experience children through play activities.

Educational objectives

Teach children to verbally indicate the theme of the game, their role, the role of other children, and the game actions performed.

To teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop the plot;

Perform appropriate game actions, find in environment objects necessary for the game, lead children to independently create game ideas;

Enrich your vocabulary.

Enrich children's social and gaming experience (teach correct relationships in play).

Developmental tasks:

Develop the ability to use role speech, establish role relationships, conduct role dialogue

Develop interest in the game;

Students will form groups in the game;

Introduce children to the rules of behavior in the store.

Educational tasks:

Foster respect for the work of adults.

Preliminary work:

1. Excursion to the store.

2. Lesson on speech development on the topic “Profession of a salesperson.”

3. Testoplasty lesson on the topic “Products”


seller, cashier, customers.

Game actions:

buyers buy goods, seller counts

the cost of the goods, the cashier accepts payment for the goods.

Equipment: money (chips, bags; products made of test plastic

(food); boxes of sweets, milk, sour cream.

Receipt cards, abacus, scales, cap, apron, plastic bags.

Progress of the lesson

Org. moment.

1. The teacher brings a box with attributes for the game to the store.

Guys, look what I brought you!

Children, together with the teacher, examine and name objects that

are in the box.

2.- Remember, children, where we went on an excursion? (We went on a tour of the store).

Who works in the store? (Salesperson and cashier).

What products have you seen on the shelves? (Children list food items).

Now tell me, what does the seller do? (The seller weighs the products, puts them in a bag, and calculates the cost).

Who accepts money for goods? (Cashier).

What does the cashier give to the buyer? (He issues a check.)

Guys, what game do you think we will play today? (We will play store).

I. Preparatory work.

Guys, imagine that I am a seller. What magic words will you tell me?

(Hello, please show me, please let me know, goodbye).

And now Kolenka will come up to me and show me how to talk to the seller.

Child: - Hello.

Teacher: - Hello.

Child: - Please give me one loaf of bread.

(The seller serves bread.)

Thank you.

And now Lenochka will show you how to weigh the goods. (The child comes to the table, puts an item on the scales and “calculates” its cost).

Well done Mashenka!

Verochka, imagine that you are a cashier. What will you do? (I will take the money and give the buyer a receipt.)

Well done, guys!

III. Preparing the play area.

Now Kolenka and Sasha will set up a table for the cashier, Misha and Vitya will set up a table for the seller, Lenochka will put scales on the table, and Lyudochka will lay out the “products”.

IV Distribution of roles.

Today Lenochka will be the seller, Marina will be the cashier, and the rest of the children will be buyers.

V Development of the game plot.

Buyers come to the store, look at the goods, and line up.

1st buyer: - Hello. Please tell me how much bread costs?

Seller: - One loaf of bread costs seven rubles.

Buyer: - Please give me two loaves of bread. (The seller puts the bread in a bag and calculates the cost.)

Seller: - You have fourteen rubles, please pay at the cash register. (The buyer takes out “money” and pays for the purchase).

Buyer: - Please take two loaves of bread.

Cashier: - Please take the receipt and change.

Buyer: - Thank you. (The buyer then returns to the seller).

Buyer: - Please take the receipt.

The seller hands over the goods and says: “Thank you for your purchase!”

The buyer puts the goods in a bag and leaves. Next, the game situation is played out with other children.

V. Cleaning the play area.

Guys, what game did we play? (We played store).

What were we doing in the store? (We bought groceries).

Now, let's put everything back in its place and go for a walk.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the role-playing game “Shop” with children of the middle group I. Objectives of the leadership: 1) - to consolidate children’s knowledge about professions related to trade: seller, cashier, driver, loader; - secure.

Cash register counter for the role-playing game "Shop". The cash register counter is additional equipment for the role-playing game "Shop".

Summary of the role-playing game “Family. We are waiting for guests. Shop" Role-playing game: “Family. We are waiting for guests. Shop".

Summary of the role-playing game “Shop” in the preparatory group Goal: to expand the area of ​​children’s social and moral orientations through the role-playing game “Shop”. Objectives: 1. Consolidate skills consciously.

Summary of the role-playing game “Shop” in the middle group Educational field “Social and communicative development”. Goal: developing children’s social experience through play activities.

Summary of the role-playing game in the second junior group “Shop. Vegetable department" Summary of the plot role-playing game in the second younger group. Topic: “Store vegetable department” Objectives: - To develop initial skills in role behavior.

Outline of a role-playing game