The postoperative suture has been hurting for forty years. Why does the stitch hurt after a caesarean section? Caring for postpartum stitches

Pain occurs not only during childbirth, but also after cesarean section. The seam hurts after caesarean section on the skin and on the uterus, and is also bothered by pain from uterine contractions. All this causes unpleasant emotions and can have a bad effect on postpartum recovery body.

Sometimes the pain after a cesarean section is much worse than the pain during childbirth. Since every 3-4 women have to deal with this operation, the question of how much stomach pain will occur worries many expectant mothers.

After surgery, the first thing a woman will have to face is pain. In the first few days it is especially strong.

You will definitely be prescribed pain medication. I can't stand it. This negatively affects the body’s recovery after surgery, slowing it down. The tone of the anterior abdominal wall is reduced in order to protect the sore spot.

In the future, hernias may form. On day 3, women usually refuse pain relief. Until the stitches are removed, there is pain in the area postoperative suture on the skin. This will happen on 7-8 days.

There will be about another month discomfort in the suture area, itching, burning. But the sensitivity disorder will last longer. Up to 3-4 months. But we are all individual and the duration of pain may vary.

The vertical seam from the navel down to the pubis hurts a little longer than the horizontal seam in the bikini area.

But the seam is on the front abdominal wall– this is not the only cause of pain. The uterus hurts and contracts.

Interesting! The pain intensifies during breastfeeding and resembles weak contractions.

The abdomen may be bothersome due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines. Especially if you violated the recommended diet.

If adhesions form, this will lead to the development of chronic pelvic pain V long term. She wears pulling character. Therefore, after surgery it is necessary to prevent adhesions.

Endometriosis is another cause of chronic pelvic pain after cesarean section.

If the postpartum period is complicated by purulent-septic diseases, this will also cause pain. But normally there should not be such pain. When the uterus becomes inflamed, intense pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, the discharge becomes dirty color With unpleasant smell, temperature rises, weakness worries.

Why can the suture hurt after a cesarean section?

During cesarean section, tissues, vessels and nerves were cut. The anterior abdominal wall is damaged: skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and the uterus is also injured. It causes pain.

In response to tissue injury, the body releases hormones into the blood that constrict blood vessels. The plus is that bleeding stops, the minus is that blood circulation and nutrition of damaged tissues worsen.

Metabolic products accumulate in the tissues - acids, which damage them even more and increase pain.

If complications arise and the tissue healing process is disrupted, the pain may last for several months.

  • In some cases, the scar will separate after the stitches are removed. Daily dressings are required, and sometimes even secondary sutures.
  • If there is negative reaction body onto the suture material, ligature fistulas may form. First, a painful nodule, hot to the touch, forms in the suture area, and then pus comes out of it through the resulting hole. This situation also requires doctor's supervision.
  • Hematomas in subcutaneous tissue and under the aponeurosis. Cause pain. They can lead to suppuration of the suture and its divergence. If there is redness, swelling, pain and pus in the suture area, consult a doctor.

The seam hurts and pulls after years. This happens when:

  • endometriosis of the skin scar. The uterine mucosa gets into the scar and grows there. This causes pain that gets worse during menstruation.
  • scar neuroma. When damaged nerve endings begin to sprout randomly in the skin scar. Most effective treatment these conditions are repeated surgery and scar excision
  • postoperative scar hernia. Scar is weak point in the anterior abdominal wall. If there are defects in it, then hernias may form over time. Their treatment is only surgical. For prevention, doctors recommend refraining from lifting heavy objects and intense activities. physical activity in the first 2 months.

Internal suture after cesarean

After caesarean suture remains not only on the skin, but also on the uterus. It is he who imposes many restrictions on a woman’s postpartum life.

Important! How long the inner seam will be bothered depends on individual characteristics body.

It takes 6-8 weeks for the suture on the uterus to heal. Another 1-1.5 years for its final formation.

Germination of connective scar muscle fibers. But this is provided that the woman does not endure inflammatory diseases uterus and will not perform abortions. Otherwise it will take more time.

How long do you need to maintain the protective regime?

To avoid harming yourself, you should not do the following in the first 2 months after surgery:

  • be sexually active
  • lift weights
  • go to the gym and do intense physical activity
  • take baths

Not many people know that moderate physical activity, a specially selected complex gymnastic exercises after cesarean section, will contribute faster healing stitches, pain reduction, uterine contraction, speedy recovery of the body. Rest is needed. Get a good night's sleep. Be outdoors more often.

It is very important to eat right and include meat in your diet. Protein is essential for tissue healing and repair.

Other information on the topic

  • Contraction of the uterus after cesarean section: what happens to the uterus after this type of birth?

  • How and when can you start restoring your figure after a caesarean section?

  • How to lose weight after cesarean section? Proper nutrition and exercises for weight loss

  • Why do my legs swell after a caesarean section? Main causes and first aid

Good day! I have the following problem: I had an operation in 2011 to remove catarrhal appendicitis, after the operation ligatures almost immediately formed, they seemed to be removed, but a year later a ligature fistula formed again, 7 mm deep. We performed a second operation under the m/a and removed it, and now pain in the suture area has appeared again, but not subcutaneous pain, but deeper, the temperature again began to rise to 37.5. But the suture itself has not turned red, there are no seals! The seam itself was cut 5 times! The question is, what could it be, a fistula again?

Ryabchenskikh Ekaterina, Berezovsky

ANSWERED: 01/24/2013

Based on the complaints presented and the presence of temperature, it can be assumed a whole series pathological processes. The most likely are seroma, hematoma or abscess. Relapse ligature fistula also possible, but much less likely. We can say for sure only after examination and ultrasound. Set without this accurate diagnosis and it is impossible to choose the optimal management tactics.

Clarification question

ANSWERED: 01/27/2013 Krasilnikov Andrey Viktorovich Samara 0.0 Head of the center. Surgeon-phlebologist, doctor ultrasound diagnostics

In any case, whatever it is, examination by the surgeon and ultrasound

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 02.02.2015 Tanya Isakova, Rybinsk

Why did the suture become inflamed after the operation and my stomach hurt a lot (there was catarrhal appendicitis)? Could it be peritonitis?

ANSWERED: 02/22/2015

There are quite a few reasons, ranging from the development of an abscess to a fistula. We can say for sure only after an examination and basic examinations by a surgeon.

Clarification question

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  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • The suture that remains after a caesarean section is a subject special attention and concerns of women who have undergone operative childbirth. The seam is not always smooth and neat, and sometimes it heals slowly and hurts for a long time. In this material we will look at how long it takes for a suture to heal, when it stops hurting, and what to do if the scar looks strange.

    How does healing occur?

    A woman after a cesarean section has not one suture, but at least two - an external one, which most often raises questions, and an internal one, which cannot be seen visually, since it is located inside, on the front wall of the uterus.

    The outer seam can be placed vertically through midline abdomen from the navel to the pubic area, or can be horizontal, located low, parallel to the pubic line. At the same time, the seam does not always have to be straight - there are both semi-lunar shapes and J-shaped seams. The exact length and shape of the suture depends on the surgical tactics chosen by the surgeon for one reason or another. Up to 90% of all surgical deliveries today are performed with a horizontal low dissection, which in medicine is called the Pfannenstiel section. And only a small percentage of interventions, mostly emergency ones, are performed with a vertical incision through the entire abdomen.

    The recovery time for different stitches differs from each other. Internal sutures, which are not visible to the eye, take longer to heal than external ones. It takes about 2 months to restore the cut walls of the uterus, and then the scar continues to form for about 2 years. Threads for suturing reproductive organ self-absorbable and thin are used; these sutures do not need to be processed or removed. It should be noted that they do not hurt, because the walls of the uterus are not rich in nerve receptors capable of capturing and transmitting pain impulses to the brain.

    It is important that during the formation period (for two years) the woman follows the doctor’s recommendations. Then the scar will most likely be strong, elastic and complete, consisting mainly of muscle tissue.

    The healing time of the external postoperative suture depends on its length, shape and method of dissection. Small horizontal sutures in the lower abdomen - straight or semilunar - heal best. If there are no complications, then after 7-9 days the woman can safely remove the stitches or staples, and after another 2 weeks we can talk about the end of the healing of the external suture. After a month, the outer scar begins to gradually lighten, and after a year, on average, it becomes less noticeable.

    A vertical scar running through the middle of the abdomen takes longer to heal and is more difficult to heal. It is more susceptible to inflammation and complications, and its healing takes up to 60 days. For years, such a scar can remain quite bright and noticeable.

    External stitches hurt during the healing process, and there’s no getting around it. Nerve receptors of the skin, muscles injured during surgery abdominal cavity cannot help but signal their temporary distress, therefore, during the period of severe pain Even in the maternity hospital, they try to numb the woman with anesthetics.

    After discharge, there is no need for pain relief if the scar formation is normal - the pain is not so severe.

    What sensations might there be?

    Pain in the first weeks after surgery in the area of ​​the postoperative suture is normal. They decrease gradually. The faster tissue repair occurs, blood vessels and nerve endings at the site of the surgical incision, the faster the pain will stop.

    Often, by the concept of “pain,” women mean a wide range of unpleasant sensations that can persist even after the scar has formed. It is not entirely correct to call them painful; rather, they can be described as a moderate burning sensation and tingling. The seam can quite for a long time remain firm to the touch.

    A certain hardness is associated with the process of repairing damaged cells. As they recover and begin to produce enough collagen, the scar will gradually stop being so tough. But within 2-6 months, a hard postoperative scar is considered quite normal.

    For some women, the scar softens only after a year, and for some, even several years later, it remains harder than the surrounding tissue. Much depends on the body’s build, weight, rehabilitation abilities of the body, age and lifestyle.

    If there is no discharge from the suture, we can say that the recovery is proceeding without any special features. Small quantity bloody discharge is considered normal only during the first days after surgery. If several weeks have passed after discharge and discharge appears, there are complications that require mandatory examination at the doctor and treatment.

    At first, women pay attention to almost complete absence tenderness in the lower abdomen and pubic area. Until the nerve endings are fully restored, numbness will be completely normal and natural. Itching in the scar area indicates intensive healing processes, but only if this itching is not strong, intrusive and pronounced.

    Possible problems

    The slow rate of healing of the postoperative suture may be associated with the most various factors. Some develop complications while still in the maternity hospital, and they are considered early complications. There are also late complications that may appear weeks or even months after surgery.

    Infectious diseases are considered early inflammatory processes. An unhealed suture is a wound, the edges of which are brought together using suture material or medical alloy staples. Everyone is at risk of infection. Bacteria, viruses, fungal microorganisms, even those that are not pathogenic, that is, opportunistic, when they come into contact with whole skin will not cause inflammation, but in the wound they quickly turn into pests and begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation.

    Infection may result from poor-quality or incorrect treatment of the postoperative suture. Infections internal seams may cause hygiene problems, contractility uterus and doctor's recommendations.

    For inflammatory infectious process internal sutures indicate temperature and abdominal pain, abnormal discharge from the genitals. External infected sutures can be recognized by a rise in body temperature, by redness, swelling of the scar area, and by discharge from the scar of sanguineous or purulent discharge of all shades from yellow to gray and green. The tripe itself becomes hot. Touching it causes pain.

    If the scar bleeds even though quite some time has passed since the operation, this may indicate damage to the blood vessels. The scar becomes red, deep purple, and hematomas appear around the scar.

    The presence of unhealed areas in the scar, which women describe as “holes” in the seam, indicates the presence of fistulas. They are difficult to treat. Hernial formations on the scar can be a consequence of neglecting recommendations and excessively early tension of the abdominal muscles.

    A suture may not heal for a long time not only due to infection, but also due to immune factors - the woman’s body, for some reason, rejects the suture material used to suture the edges of the wound.

    The most dangerous is seam divergence. It's pretty rare complication, but it can also happen. Most often, this problem is classified as a late complication when the internal suture diverges during the second pregnancy. The external seams maintain their integrity.

    Actions of a woman

    On the one hand, problems with stitches do not arise so often, but on the other hand, each of them does not tolerate any self-medication or connivance - a woman definitely needs to see a doctor. When planning repeat pregnancy It is important to conduct a preliminary examination of the condition of the uterine scar, perform an ultrasound, and, if necessary, hysterography and hysteroscopy.

    If pain continues for two months after surgery and beyond this period, you need to do an ultrasound of the postoperative suture. To do this, you should contact a gynecologist at your place of residence. Any complications from internal and external seams should be excluded.

    After discharge, the woman must continue to treat the suture and wear a surgical gauze bandage. Green stuff is suitable for processing. It is used to lubricate the area around the wound, since many pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria are afraid of this antiseptic like fire. You can dry the seam with hydrogen peroxide.

    If any abnormalities are detected, it is important not to hesitate to consult a doctor. Sex is not recommended for 2 months after surgery, and then the couple must protect themselves with a condom, even if sexual intercourse occurs during menstruation. During the formation of internal scars, it is important to exclude even the slightest possibility of infection entering the genital tract. Then you should take precautions, because the next pregnancy should occur no earlier than in 2 years, when the inner seam becomes stronger and elastic.

    Today we will talk about a site for mothers, a site about how to care for stitches after childbirth and how to relieve pain.

    When are stitches placed?

    Many women undergo surgery followed by suturing during childbirth. Surgery- not uncommon during childbirth; doctors resort to this method of assistance for several reasons:

    • Premature or quick birth when the fetal head takes on heavy loads, an episiotomy is performed - an incision in the perineum to prevent injury to the newborn’s head;
    • Breech presentation during childbirth - to avoid fetal loss, a caesarean section is performed - an incision in the abdominal wall;
    • The presence of scars on the perineum after previous births - the perineum is not elastic enough;
    • To eliminate attempts due to health problems of the mother in labor, again, they do a cesarean section;
    • Preventing perineal rupture – thought to be cut wound heals faster and the seam is more neat.

    Every woman in labor needs to be prepared for possible incisions to facilitate childbirth.

    Caring for postpartum stitches

    The doctor examines the genital tract after birth and applies internal or external sutures if necessary. The internal sutures practically heal without pain, but the external sutures hurt after childbirth for 1-2 months.

    1. Internal sutures on the cervix and vaginal wall are made with natural self-absorbing suture material and do not cause much discomfort. Caring for internal sutures involves following the rules of personal hygiene and avoiding sexual contact for one to two months.
    2. Sutures are applied to the perineum using various suture materials and in quantities completely dependent on the length of the incision. Sutures on the perineum can be applied with both self-absorbable and non-absorbable materials. The stitches on the perineum hurt a lot in the first days after childbirth, since in addition to the incision itself, the holes in the places where the tissue was punctured hurt. It is necessary to wash the perineum twice a day with soap and rinse with warm water during the day. You need to wash the perineum with seams carefully and thoroughly. Dry with blotting movements from front to back, do not rub under any circumstances. It is better to use a soft, moisture-absorbing cloth. To maintain the dryness of the perineum, it is necessary to frequently change the pads, washing the seams with a weak solution of manganese if the seams hurt after childbirth. For the first two weeks, a woman is not recommended to sit on both buttocks; it is better to try to sit on her side. To avoid constipation, since women usually do not have bowel movements for 1-2 days after giving birth, try not to eat foods with a fixing effect. You can drink a tablespoon of any before meals vegetable oil or use laxative suppositories as recommended by your gynecologist.
    3. Sutures placed on the abdomen after cesarean section require constant care during the first month. In the first week after surgery, the suture is treated daily antiseptic solution and change the bandage. Cosmetic sutures are applied with self-absorbing materials, which completely dissolve 60-70 days after application. You are allowed to shower every other week, but it is not recommended to use a hard washcloth. Try not to lift more weights than your baby's weight during the first months. If the sutures are very painful after childbirth, in the first days you can administer intramuscular painkillers on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

    Why do my stitches hurt after childbirth?

    Many women are concerned about this issue within a month after giving birth. We will give several recommendations to alleviate the condition and reduce pain on the website:

    • Painful sensations make themselves felt constantly if you have to sit down or lift weights often - limit the weight of the objects you lift if possible and try not to sit on both buttocks;
    • The stitches on the perineum hurt after childbirth if you suffer from constipation. In the first month after childbirth, a woman’s body is rebuilt; lactation requires consumption more fluid, but there is not enough fluid for normal bowel movements. A nursing mother should drink more warm milk, green tea, juice or herbal infusion. .
    • Sometimes the stitches hurt after childbirth during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness and natural stress on the perineum. In this case, doctors recommend using a moisturizing gel. Sometimes reduces painful sensations change the position to a painless one.
    • The sutures hurt and pull after childbirth due to tissue inflammation, then redness appears, purulent discharge. In this case, consult a gynecologist, but under no circumstances self-medicate.
    • The stitches after childbirth hurt because postpartum discharge form a breeding ground for the proliferation of microbes that cause inflammation.

    On forums for young mothers, reviews about childbirth contain many questions: why do the stitches hurt after childbirth; how to care for stitches; what to do if the seams come apart? Only a gynecologist can give an answer in each specific case, who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment if necessary.

    Sometimes the stitches after surgery bother you for a long time. What are the reasons and how to get rid of painful sensations.

    For any person, surgery is a serious step. Next after her postoperative period no less complex and dangerous. Sometimes it lasts for a long time. If long period The stitch hurts after surgery, you need to see a doctor.

    Causes of pain

    Unpleasant sensations and pain at the suture site can occur after any surgical intervention. Are damaged nerve fibers soft tissues, the sensitivity of the injured part of the body increases. This process is natural and understandable - they grow together damaged tissue, the stitches are healing.

    But if over time the pain only intensifies, and the temperature periodically rises, this is a reason to seek help. Internal tissue suppuration may occur even if the external incision is closed.

    Why does the seam hurt after surgery and how long will it take for it to heal? This directly depends on the complexity and duration of the operation, the qualifications of the surgeon, and the cleanliness of the instruments and materials used. Pain may occur for the following reasons:

    • the seam area has been rubbed by clothing;
    • formation of adhesions, hernias;
    • inflammation at the site of the ligature - the body rejects the threads;
    • divergence of internal seams due to muscle tension;
    • aching pain as a reaction to sudden change weather conditions.

    Duration of pain

    How long can a stitch hurt? Unpleasant sensations can be constant or occur periodically, for example, when muscle tension, coughing, sneezing. Pain and swelling around the wound may be accompanied by other symptoms. Fluid or pus may leak through the stitches. Characterized by general weakness and lethargy, sleep and appetite disturbances, decreased concentration.

    It is impossible to say exactly how long the stitch will hurt after surgery. Everyone's deadlines are different. Typically, pain in the suture area lasts a little more than a week, depending on the characteristics of the body. The average healing time for surgical wounds depends on their location:

    • for wounds from abdominal surgery– this is about two weeks;
    • sutures after appendicitis and laparoscopy are tightened after 7 days;
    • circumcision involves a regeneration period of up to 15 days;
    • The sutures in the chest area take a long time to heal;
    • healing of the postpartum suture occurs within 10 days;
    • external sutures after cesarean section are removed on the 6th day.

    Seams can be internal and external. The first ones are applied using catgut made from sheep intestines. They dissolve independently in the body. The outer ones are more durable; they are made with natural (silk, linen) or synthetic threads. Through certain time such stitches are removed. Metal staples are also used. At the same time, you need to understand that connective tissue completely increases within 2–3 months.

    Painful stitches after cesarean section

    After the intervention, the wound is present on the skin, fatty tissue, muscles, and uterine wall. Women often complain that... Pain makes it difficult for a woman to recover and care for her baby.

    The pain is sharp, does not subside, lasts two days, is relieved medications. It gradually decreases, discomfort and itching can be observed for about two weeks. The sensitivity of the skin is impaired, and numbness of the abdomen in the area of ​​the incision may occur. Symptoms disappear completely within six months. Regular inspection of the condition of the seam by a specialist is necessary.

    When the suture hurts after a cesarean section for a long time, or complications arise - suture dehiscence, swelling, redness, fever, purulent discharge - a visit to the doctor is required. Sometimes the consequences take a long time to make themselves felt. In a few years, fistulas may form from the suture material. The scar thickens, its color changes, and the fistulas periodically fester.

    Features of seam care

    Restoration of the skin and healing of sutures depends on the body’s immunity and the skin’s ability to regenerate. After laparoscopy, small incisions remain; they are not sutured, but glued together with adhesive tape. Postoperative scar May be large sizes, have drainage, it takes a long time to heal, requires quality care.

    Treatment of the wound in a hospital is carried out by medical staff. After discharge, the patient takes care of the suture at home, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. In order for the seam to tighten quickly and well, you need to:

    • follow doctor's orders;
    • maintain personal hygiene;
    • adequate sleep is necessary;
    • proper nutrition.

    For the first 10 days it is not recommended to take a bath; you can wash in the shower. The scar is carefully dried with a bandage, then treated with an antiseptic. Iodine, brilliant green, Fukortsin, alcohol and others are suitable. You should not use cotton wool for processing, as fibers may remain on the seams. A protracted seam can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or Levomekol ointment. If the wound is clean and dry, a bandage is not needed.

    Circumcision is the most frequently performed procedure by urologists. After the operation, the patient independently makes dressings with Furacilin solution at home. Before removing, the bandage must be soaked in hydrogen peroxide so as not to injure the wounds. When the bandage is easily removed, the dressings are stopped. The wounds can be lubricated with brilliant green or applied antiseptic ointment. To avoid complications and pain in postoperative sutures, circumcision should be performed by an experienced and qualified urologist.

    How to get rid of pain

    After any violation of the integrity of the skin, scars form. Sometimes they cause not only physical pain, but also emotional discomfort, being cosmetic defect. In the affected area, connective tissue cannot replace healthy skin, since it does not have greasy and sweat glands. Changes also occur in the nerve endings located in the skin. Painful formations – neuromas – appear in the thickness of the suture.

    Neuropathic pain syndrome. Pain occurs not only in the scar, but also around it. It can be burning, shooting, and can get worse after coughing or sneezing. In addition to analgesics, they use hormonal drugs, antidepressants. Patients do not tolerate physiotherapeutic procedures well, since the suture is very sensitive to touch. If drug therapy does not have an effect, the scars are removed surgically.

    Over time, the seam fades and becomes less noticeable. To restore skin, food must contain enough protein, vitamins and microelements. In summer, the seam should be protected from sun rays, thin delicate skin can get burned. There are drugs in pharmacies that promote the resorption of sutures. The scars can be massaged daily, while rubbing in vitamin E or “Star” balm.