A cruel and truthful story from a plastic surgeon about operations and stars. What operations does a plastic surgeon perform?

Plastic surgery specializes in eliminating defects/deformations of organs and tissues of the human body. Correction occurs through surgery. Most often, patients change the shape of their nose, chin, ears, tighten the skin of the face, forehead, neck, undergo Botox injections, and change the size and shape of the breasts. Less popular are buttock augmentation surgeries, liposuction, reduction or reshaping of the labia, and eyebrow plastic surgery.

It is believed that plastic surgery is done only to improve one’s appearance, and the surgeons themselves receive millions for a successful intervention, but is this really so?

General characteristics of the direction

Aesthetic medicine was formed before our era. From time immemorial, people were dissatisfied with their own appearance and tried to correct it by all possible methods. The first plastic surgeons corrected the nose by transplanting skin from the cheeks and forehead, corrected the figure, eliminated the “cleft lip” and varied the size of the breasts. The foundation for modern surgery was laid at the beginning of the 19th century. The development of antiseptics and the formation of basic techniques of aesthetic medicine are attributed to this period.

Modern plastic surgery attracts high earnings, which does not benefit the profession itself. Young specialists choose a direction not according to the will of their hearts, but for the purpose of their own enrichment, although any other professional doctors receive an equally decent salary. The media creates a similar aura around the trend, since plastic surgery is as close as possible to show business and politics. News about dental caries or ARVI of an ordinary celebrity is not as interesting to the audience as information about breast augmentation or blepharoplasty. In fact, any specialist who does his job well receives not only a decent salary, but fame and recognition.

Surgery has advanced significantly over the past decade. Doctors learn from experience, undergo internships in world-famous companies, give lectures and perform demonstration operations. Additionally, technological progress also influences work. Modern instruments make work easier, hide the consequences of surgery and minimize injuries.

Types of plastic surgeries

There are only 2 types of intervention – aesthetic and reconstructive. Aesthetic plastic surgeries are tied to beauty standards and deviations from them. Surgeons help the patient feel beautiful, get rid of complexes, far-fetched problems and significantly improve their perception of life. There are many opponents of aesthetic medicine. They argue that only a weak person without his own opinion and a holistic “I” can go under the knife. Remember - internal harmony is much more important than public opinion about your external parameters. Don't be afraid to change, even if it means going through the operating table.

Aesthetic surgeries include (the organs or parts of the body that undergo intervention are indicated in brackets):

  • blepharoplasty (eyelids), frontfilling (eyebrows/forehead), cheiloplasty (lips), otoplasty (ears), malarplasty (cheekbones), mentoplasty (chin);
  • facelift, rhytidectomy (general facial rejuvenation);
  • rhinoplasty or septoplasty (nose);
  • mammoplasty (breast);
  • abdominoplasty or liposuction (stomach);
  • gluteoplasty (buttocks);
  • vaginoplasty (vagina), hymenoplasty (hymen), labiaplasty (labia minora/major), phalloplasty (penis), preputioplasty (foreskin);
  • torsoplasty, panniculectomy (skin);
  • brachioplasty (arms), cruroplasty (legs), platysmoplasty (neck);
  • hair transplant

To eliminate defects/deformations of tissues and organs and restore them, reconstructive operations are performed. Such intervention is necessary for victims of accidents, patients who have suffered serious illnesses or were born with congenital disorders. In this case, we are talking not only about the external component, but also about a healthy functional life. For example, tissue transplantation after multiple burns, dissection of fused limbs, correction of the nose, which interfered with normal breathing, restoration of the body after tumors, etc.

How to become a plastic surgeon?

First, the future doctor must receive a basic medical education in the specialty “medicine”. About 6 years pass between the start of university studies and practical work (excluding practice). But even after this period, the doctor may not be allowed to perform operations. After 6 years of training, a specialist goes to an internship or residency for at least 2 years. There he works with more experienced doctors and only after that begins to work independently.

In the post-Soviet space, the specialty appeared not so long ago and is considered relatively young. There were plastic surgeons in the Soviet Union, but training and specialized training in the field were not provided. Services were provided in large clinics in the capitals of the union republics, but the public had little interest in them due to limited access and high prices. After the collapse of the USSR, reconstructive surgeons retrained as aesthetic medicine surgeons.

Trends and popular operations in surgery

The essence of reconstructive therapy remains the same, but aesthetic medicine is undergoing some modifications. Operations no longer take a huge amount of time, effort and resources. A day after the intervention, the patient can return to his usual rhythm without experiencing difficulties, pain or obvious discomfort. Doctors recommend performing several operations in a row to reduce the recovery period and stress on the body.

The most common request from patients is youth. Some people think that youth is in large breasts or lush lips, others are sure that it is in the absence of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. The surgeon works with each patient individually and selects the optimal specifics of the intervention.

Most often, people decide to undergo liposuction (removal of excess fat) and rhinoplasty (correction of the shape of the nose). Breast augmentation/reduction and eyelid surgery are less popular.

The main trend of modern plastic surgery is a minimum of intervention. Doctors advise patients of many options instead of traditional surgery - laser/endoscopic/radio wave procedures. They allow you to achieve the desired effect, avoiding skin damage, scars and long-term rehabilitation.

About risks and unsuccessful operations

Any surgical intervention is associated with certain risks for humans. There are no simple operations and all of them can be fraught with complications. Even in therapeutic cosmetology, there are cases when patients suffer. Why is this happening? There are only 2 reasons - the incompetence of the doctor or a specific feature of the body. In aesthetic surgery, it is customary to refuse intervention if the doctor has the slightest doubt about a successful outcome, despite the money or status offered.

Surgery is not always successful. In some cases, the surgeon himself recognizes the work done as a failure and offers to compensate for the harm/perform a repeat operation on the patient. If the client is dissatisfied with the result, and the clinic refuses to enter into a dialogue with him, he has every right to sue. Usually the law is on the patient's side, provided that the doctor was truly negligent.

Often clients are not satisfied with the final appearance because their expectations are too high. A person does not take into account temporary swelling, edema, bruise, which will disappear over time, or is simply not ready for changes. In such cases, it is best to work with a psychologist. To avoid such problems, medical practitioners discuss in detail with the patient the actions, results, follow-up care and recovery.

How to choose a plastic surgeon?

First of all, prepare that your communication with the plastic surgeon will not end after the operation. It is necessary to visit a doctor at least once a month and follow his specific care recommendations. Later, the number of examinations may be reduced to 1-2 times a year (excluding correction).

It is better not to trust advertising and not to look for a doctor on the Internet. Really good surgeons don't need this kind of PR. Many are looking for specialists who have performed operations on celebrities or politicians. It is important to understand that a doctor can really be good, but the price of his services is most likely exorbitant. It is best to select a surgeon through friends. A patient who has used the service will tell better than any magazine or advertisement about all aspects of the work, the strengths/weaknesses of the specialist, the behavior of the staff, etc. It is very important to find a person who suits your spirit. The patient and the doctor must understand each other, feel a certain unity of thoughts in order to get the desired result.

Plastic surgery is closely related to human perception and self-esteem. Most patients see non-existent flaws, hate themselves for them and try to hide their real face or other part of the body from others as much as possible. Think about it: is the problem really that serious and is it really gnawing at you and not society? If yes, start looking for a plastic surgeon. If the answer is negative, work through the problem with a psychologist.

If I take someone else’s article from the Internet, I usually comment on it, express my opinion on this matter, make some comments along the way of the article or at the end, as a result.

This article is an exception. I have nothing to do with plastic surgery, and I have absolutely nothing to say here. I just read this article with interest and recommend it to you.

The fashion for plastic surgery has swept the capital. The trend is huge breasts, pouting lips, high cheekbones, rounded buttocks.

Men forcefully drag their ladies to similar procedures, where they ask doctors to mold the woman into the likeness of a Barbie doll. Parents give appropriate gifts to their adult daughters - they pay for breast augmentation surgery.

How do plastic surgeries performed in the provinces end, why did Lyudmila Gurchenko’s eyes stop closing after a facelift, is it possible in our country to sue for a disfigured face, and other mysteries of plastic surgery in Russia - in an interview with the president of the association of victims of plastic surgery, Alexandra Rachel.

- Alexandra, today more and more people are turning to plastic surgeons. Is this a fashion trend?

This trend started ten years ago. And every year it is gaining more and more momentum. Plastic surgery clinics are springing up in the capital like mushrooms after rain. The fact is that today such institutions are opened by anyone and everyone. Why?

Because plastic specialists are the richest of all categories of doctors. No one, even the most leading dentists and gynecologists, can compare with them in terms of earnings.

- How much does a plastic surgeon earn?

The average person earns up to 50 thousand dollars a month. But, of course, we are talking about a more or less famous doctor. I’m not even talking about how much those who are “promoted” to the fullest earn and whose faces hang on advertising banners all over Moscow.

Therefore, boys graduating from medical school without hesitation go into plastic surgery, where they can earn big money.

- How are they going? To begin with, perhaps they are completing some courses?

This kind of profession is not taught in Russia. In my practice, about ten of all our surgeons went to Europe to study. The rest are studying this case using benefits.

If a medical school graduate has rich parents, then for a lot of money they place their offspring in a clinic as an assistant to an already established plastic surgeon.

After six months of this practice, boys or girls, although there are only a few female surgeons, go out into the wild and begin to disfigure people. Some of them are helped by their parents to start their own businesses.

- Do all clinics in Russia work with a license?

- In Soviet times, there were also plastic surgeons. Where did they get their skills?

In Soviet times, there were 5–6 surgeons in all of Moscow. These were disgusting doctors, it’s unclear where they came from. I myself suffered from such a surgeon. The first beauty institute opened on Kalininsky Prospekt at that time, and it was there that the masters disfigured my nose.

They worked clumsily, it felt like they had hit me in the face with a hammer, my nose looked like they had driven over it with a tank. After the operation, no one was left in the clinic for rehabilitation. They did it and threw it out onto the street: go home.

Surely the situation is the same in the provinces now? Nevertheless, there are more and more people in the regions who want to improve their appearance.

There are 3-4 good surgeons in the regions. Of course, operations are cheaper there. For example, if in the capital you can pay up to 450 thousand rubles for breast augmentation, then in the regions the same operation will cost 90 thousand. That's where the girls go. And then they come to Moscow, tears and snot, take out loans, parents give their last money: redo it, for God’s sake.

Andrey Khromov, chairman of the board of the public organization “Society for the Protection of Patients” and an active plastic surgeon: “One novice surgeon once told me: “I’ll go to Saratov, train there, then return to Moscow.” Many practicing doctors go to the regions and undertake plastic surgery without having anything to do with plastic surgery.

The result is disfigured faces. What does this mean? If a person has something cut off, it is difficult, almost impossible, to sew it back. I saw a girl whose nose after rhinoplasty began to resemble the snout of a piggy. Another had her breasts enlarged. Infection has begun, nipple necrosis is when a hole forms in place of the nipple and the tissue dies.”

I can’t resist, especially since they remembered Saratov here, the city where I studied and grew up. And where did he come to the USA from? There is an ancient Eastern proverb: “a barber learns his skill on the head of an orphan.”

- Alexandra, do many patients have to redo something?

There are a lot of them. Now a real catastrophe has begun in Russia! It seems to me that almost every second lady is ready to go under the surgeon’s knife. I even asked the deputies for help to come up with a committee that would monitor the activities of plastic surgery clinics and check the licenses and qualifications of operating doctors. Otherwise, there will soon be a whole city of mutilated people.

- How often do people disfigured by surgeons come to you?

Often, but not everyone can be helped. I am very afraid of such patients, I am afraid of disfiguring them even more. Even good doctors are not gods. Most of my colleagues, when faced with such patients, immediately say: “We will not undertake to redo it.”

Correcting other people's mistakes is extremely difficult. You can't make a beauty out of a monster. Often, a doctor can disfigure a person and then offer to correct the mistake for free. As a rule, everyone agrees to “free”. The end result is even worse.

- And yet, surgeons’ mistakes can be corrected?

It depends. For example, after a facelift, you cannot return everything to its place. If you have been pulled, bent, then you will live for a long time with a new face; five years must pass for at least something to return to its place.

Remember the actress Alena Galich, who after surgery left one half of her face numb and distorted. I've never seen anything like this. The most interesting thing is that nothing happens to doctors for such mistakes. The surgeon who disfigured Galich continues to work and operate.

- Are doctors being sued?

We will never have courts - in this regard, our legislation is imperfect. In other countries, such surgeons would be imprisoned, banned from working, and the victims would also be paid enormous compensation. And if a showdown starts in our country, it will last for years.

- Does the patient sign any paper before the operation?

Signs the contract. But it doesn’t save the surgeon from his mistakes. The doctor immediately warns: “The result can be anything.”

- Are there statistics on deaths during plastic surgery?

Such statistics are not kept. But it is certain that there are many more such emergencies than are shown on television. Often a patient is allergic to a particular drug, one of the doctors overlooked something, the nurse fell asleep...

Andrey Khromov: “Plastic surgery itself cannot cause death. Death occurs due to the negligence of a surgeon, nurse, or anesthesiologist. For example, a high-profile case: a girl underwent surgery - liposuction, fat suction. Anesthesia was administered.

Nearby stood two test tubes with liquid of the same color - one contained medicine, the other alcohol. The test tubes were mixed up, and alcohol was injected into the vein instead of the medicine. This is negligence and negligence.”

If you touch on celebrity clients, they probably turn to the best doctors. However, even stars are not immune from mistakes. Vera Alentova, for example.

I’m terribly interested in who Alentova did her face with. I met her at the exhibition. I recognized the actress only by her voice. When an unsuccessful circular lift is performed, the mouth becomes stretched and the eyes become different shapes. It's horrible. 90 percent of our serious stars in Russia do not undergo surgery. But Alentova, I think, turned to our specialists.

Vera Alentova, photo: Gennady Cherkasov

At one time, Lyudmila Gurchenko also went too far with plastic surgery. At some point, her eyes stopped closing... Was this a mistake by the surgeons?

No, this is different. Gurchenko was a powerful, rich woman with a difficult character. It costs you more to contradict her. She did not maintain the time between operations that was supposed to be maintained. I had surgeries every 5-6 years. But the pause between such serious procedures should be at least 10 years.

If she had taken a reasonable break between operations, she would still be with us now. At the same time, I always wondered why she didn’t get her breasts done? After all, she had small breasts.

Her hands also gave away her age. For some reason she pumped up her lips, did her nose several times, her upper and lower eyelids... Her eyes wouldn’t close because there was a terrible constriction of her face. She became like a mummy. She couldn't tell herself to stop in time.

Andrey Khromov:“At some stage, Gurchenko’s eyes actually stopped closing. This is the result of frequent operations. A number of other famous people who also had facelifts and blepharoplasty eventually had their eyelids stop closing. This leads to deterioration of vision, because the cornea dries out, dust and dirt get there, and conjunctivitis develops.”

- Piekha, Rotaru looks good. The result of surgery?

Yes, they look good, but you see them in makeup, Piekha in a wig. And the stylist Sergei Zverev looks good from the screen. But if you look at them without makeup, they all look their age.

- So you can’t escape age with plastic surgery?

You can look good and fresh, but looking 30 when you are over 40 is unrealistic.

- Are there stars who don’t change anything, although you think they could use some adjustments to their appearance?

There are older actresses. I offered them to do some procedures for free, for the sake of PR. They flatly refused: “We play character roles, this is our bread.”

- Among pop stars, are there also those who have not resorted to plastic surgery?

Yes, for example, Natasha Koroleva or Zhanna Friske. Koroleva has her own breasts in place, it makes no sense for her to have liposuction - she has such a constitution. And why would the Queen change anything about herself if Tarzan is next to her. So is Lolita. She did something to herself and stopped. She has a young husband, what does she care?

- The controversy surrounding Anna Semenovich does not subside...

She has her own breasts. I was present with her in the locker room, saw her mother and grandmother - they all have exactly the same figures with the same large breasts.

- Volochkova?

Volochkova did her breasts - she was sloppy and went too far with the size.

Anastasia Volochkova, photo: Liliya Sharlovskaya

- Has Alla Pugacheva repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery?

Previously, yes. Now she cannot perform operations due to heart problems. Anesthesia is contraindicated for her.

- TV presenter Roza Syabitova has recently become noticeably prettier.

Rosa Syabitova does not hide the fact that she had her breasts done and liposuction. In general, among the stars of the stage there are many more who say that they didn’t do it, but in fact, all of them underwent surgery.

- As a rule, famous people hide this fact. But in the clinic they may encounter their own colleagues...

Most celebrities perform surgeries at night. For example, in my clinic for especially important people there is even a special entrance, almost underground, where they come at night.

We are trying to conceal their appearance as much as possible. If information leaks to the press, you can run into big trouble.

- At what age do plastic surgeries begin?

It’s not just young girls who are applying, but practically children. For example, dads came to me and gave their daughters unique gifts for their eighteenth birthday - breast enlargement.

- Is it already legal to have plastic surgery at 18 years old?

From the age of 17, noses are made strictly according to indications - a person could fall and break his nose. But some, having corrected this or that part of the body, then cannot stop. For example, the girl was lucky - they gave her a beautiful nose and beautiful breasts. Life immediately got better, men began to pay more attention, and away we went. Dependence on plastic surgery is the scourge of many women.

There are a lot of crazy people. In my opinion, every clinic should have a psychologist who would talk to patients before surgery. Personally, I often do this kind of psychoanalysis. But there are plastic surgeons who will never dissuade anyone for the sake of profit.

For example, a particular girl cannot have her breasts enlarged a third time. But patients pay, and that’s all doctors need to build a house or buy another car.

80 percent of our plastic surgeons travel around Moscow in Ferraris and Bentleys. This is the level of doctors we have, those who do not refuse surgery to anyone.

- Does it happen that ladies ask to pump out previously inserted silicone?

Rarely, but it happens. As a rule, a new man who is irritated by silicone breasts or pumped lips pushes him to this. Or, because of large breasts, the spine falls off, causing back pain.

- What operations are in great demand now?

In recent years, a lot of people have been remodeling their butts. I would like to clarify that the clinics are overloaded to their asses. Well, you need to stop with the breasts. It seems to me that every tenth person on the streets of Moscow wears silicone breasts.

- Is buttock reshaping a dangerous operation?

She's not dangerous, she's nasty. Because you can’t sit on your butt for a month. Either lie down or stand, otherwise the implant will move to the side. This is an analogue of the breast, in both cases an implant is inserted and stitched underneath.

Does the implant tend to burst? Irene Ferrari, a girl who became famous for her huge breasts, said that her breasts once burst on a plane.

This is a lie. Ferrari came up with this story to promote itself. I know for sure because I was present at these showdowns.

Andrey Khromov:“You can take an implant, stand on it, and it won’t burst. Another thing is that when installing an implant, the surgeon can damage it with the instrument. It happened when a damaged implant was sealed with almost tape and inserted back.”

As far as I know, today blepharoplasty - eyelid lifting - is done almost in beauty salons. Is this considered the easiest operation?

How many damaged eyelids have I seen... Blepharoplasty is a complex operation, delicate work. A step to the right, a step to the left by a millimeter - and the result is obvious: the eyes, like an owl’s, do not close, people cannot sleep, the tear duct is disrupted.

- Recently, there has been a fashion for oriental, slanted eyes.

Eyes like this are rarely made. Much more often people want to widen their eyes. Crowds of Koreans, Uzbeks, and Kyrgyzs come to me, dreaming of big Russian eyes. They really want those Russian eyes.

Recently a Korean came to us, a guy of extraordinary beauty with almond-shaped eyes like plums. I hysterically tried to dissuade him from the operation, but he was determined. In the end, I did it and became like everyone else.

- Do men often initiate their woman to change something about herself?

- Do men themselves often contact you?

Over the past five years, there has been a noticeable increase in men. Almost everyone does blepharoplasty, young people straighten their noses, and, of course, remove their bellies. Guys of non-traditional sexual orientation come. These, it seems to me, spend the day and night with us.

- Do they carefully choose a surgeon?

In this regard, they are much more careful than women.

I have also heard stories where one surgeon undertakes to perform an operation on a patient, but in reality it turns out that all the work was done for him by trainees, thus training his skills.

I also know about such things. One girl woke up unexpectedly earlier after anesthesia and saw a young and green doctor in front of her instead of the experienced surgeon she had originally come to see. This happens all the time: you go to a famous surgeon, he comes into the operating room and, after the person falls asleep, he transfers the work to his assistant.

- Don’t clients really start scandals after this?

In good clinics, in order to avoid scandal and publicity, they can return the money. But this is in rare cases. There are also opposite situations. There are arrogant women who have had a decent operation, but they look in the mirror and find flaws and begin to demand their money back. We encounter such patients very often. You have to defend your rights by hook or by crook.

- Which clients are the hardest to work with?

With the abandoned wives of rich people. When they are abandoned, they go crazy. They begin to fight in hysterics, cry, and ask to almost completely remake themselves. I look at such women and think: what have you been doing all these years, why didn’t you take care of yourself? And now no amount of plastic surgery can bring back your ex-husband.

A plastic surgeon performs operations aimed at restoring the appearance or functioning of an organ, or at correcting a modified area on the surface of a person’s skin.

Competence of a plastic surgeon

A plastic surgeon deals with the correction of the patient’s body and skin. It can correct physical deficiencies or congenital anomalies. Correct defects resulting from an accident. Through plastic surgery you can radically change your appearance.

Diseases treated by a plastic surgeon

Such operations are intended to eliminate physical defects of the body:

  • Congenital physical abnormalities;
  • Acquired injuries (injuries, bruises, scars).

Which organs are subject to plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery is performed to improve physical characteristics according to medical indications. All parts of the face and body are subject to surgery.

In what cases do you contact a plastic surgeon?

  • A huge nose that disfigures the face;
  • The tip of the nose is curved;
  • Irregularly shaped nose;
  • Large nostril size;
  • Irregular shape of the bridge of the nose;
  • Presence of a nasal septum;
  • Breast size is too small;
  • Different breast shapes;
  • Droopy eyelids;
  • Pronounced wrinkles;
  • Humped nose;
  • Prominent ears;
  • Scars, scars, stretch marks, tattoos.

What kind of research needs to be done?

  • Blood counts;
  • Prothrombin level;
  • Blood clotting index;
  • Belonging to the blood group and Rhesus;
  • Test for HIV infection;
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • Indicators of bilirubin, urea, total protein, ALT, AST, prothrombin indicator, fibrinogen;
  • The presence of diseases such as hepatitis A, B and C;
  • Urinalysis.

WhichAre diagnostic procedures performed by a plastic surgeon?

  • Cardiogram of the heart.
  • Fluorography.


Indications for the use of such an operation

  • Excess skin folds on the anterior wall of the abdomen;
  • Sagging abdomen;
  • Sagging and aging of the skin after childbirth;
  • Stretching of the muscular aponeurotic layer, which occurs in all women who have given birth;
  • A layer of skin and fat that disfigures your appearance. It is caused by areas with excess fat. With this type of abdominal deformation, a so-called fatty “apron” is formed.

Abdominoplasty surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a horizontal incision in the area just above the pubis. The choice of location is due to the ease of camouflage under a thong.

The surgeon marks the skin-fat flap, where the operation is performed (tightening and suturing of the aponeurotic layer), which improves the size of the waist, after which the skin-fat flap is pulled. Excess fat is removed and the edges of the resulting wound are sutured in layers. Cosmetic stitches are applied to the skin. For several days, a special drainage system consisting of thin silicone tubes is installed, a sterile bandage is applied, and a special combidress (compression bandage) is put on.

Postoperative period

After surgery performed on the abdomen, the patient experiences moderate pain lasting 2-3 days. There is a slight increase in the body during the week.

The operated person can walk the very next day. Doctors discharge you from the hospital after 2-3 days. The bandage and stitches must be removed after two weeks. It is recommended to wear the bandage for a month. Postoperative smudges disappear within two weeks. Tissue swelling may continue for 2-3 months. You cannot take a hot bath or visit baths or saunas for two months.

The early postoperative period involves undergoing a number of rehabilitation activities, which include physiotherapeutic procedures, manual massage aimed at the lymph nodes, LPG endermology, etc.

After abdominoplasty surgery, the following complications are possible:

  • General poor health;
  • Feeling of numbness in the abdominal area;
  • Moderate pain when moving;
  • All of the above symptoms can bother you for up to six months, but if you follow rehabilitation measures, they go away much faster;
  • The development of complications after such an operation occurs, as a rule, in those patients whose abdominal size was excessively large. A huge accumulation of fat and the presence of concomitant diseases can cause serious complications such as seroma, hematoma, inflammation, necrosis of the edge of the skin flap. Sometimes such patients need additional adjustments to the abdominal area;
  • The doctor performing the operation must warn about the possibility of such complications.

A plastic surgeon is a specialist who restores the forms and functions of organs, tissues, and altered body surfaces through surgery. The name of this area of ​​medicine comes from both the Greek word plastikos, which means “to create a form”, and the Latin word plasticus - “shaping, sculpting”. A good plastic surgeon in Moscow is chosen based on several characteristics, including:

  • high skill and constant training;
  • extensive practice, mastering the latest techniques and technologies;
  • creativity and talent of the creator;
  • attentiveness and empathy.

What do plastic surgeons do?

Plastic surgeons, using surgical methods and modern materials, eliminate any deformities and defects, congenital or acquired as a result of diseases or accidents. In Moscow, professional plastic surgeons even create new images, changing a person’s appearance beyond recognition.

Plastic surgery allows you to correct and remove:

  • cellulite and pathological changes in the external integument;
  • congenital malformations;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • injuries, scars, scars and so on.

In what cases should you contact a plastic surgeon?

The scope of activity of a plastic surgeon includes the correction of cosmetic defects and restoration of various parts of the body. Therapists and doctors with narrow specializations refer patients with changes to the face, breasts, other parts of the body, even the genitals, to plastic surgeons in Moscow. Indications for treatment are the presence of:

  • a huge nose, an irregularly shaped dorsum or bridge of the nose, a hump, an altered septum or a curved tip,
  • large nostrils;
  • protruding ears;
  • disproportionate facial features;
  • excess fat on parts of the body;
  • deep, disfiguring wrinkles;
  • breasts that are too large or too small, different shapes of the mammary glands;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • scars, tattoos, stretch marks, stretch marks, etc.

To carry out the operation, a preliminary examination of the patient is prescribed, the results of general blood tests, urine tests, biochemical tests, HIV, hepatitis markers are obtained, an ECG, X-ray, fluorography, ultrasound, and so on are done. Having found out the indications and contraindications, the plastic surgeon suggests performing one or another type of operation in Moscow to restore the lost appearance, organ or its functions.

How to become a plastic surgeon?

Proper preparation of a plastic surgeon requires constant training and familiarity with the technologies for performing various operations. Qualified plastic surgeons differ significantly in experience, even among themselves. Initial training in this area is offered by the departments of plastic and maxillofacial surgery at large universities in Moscow:

  • RNIMU named after. Pirogova,
  • MMSA and others.

Specialists work closely in Moscow with the Research Institute of Cosmetology.

Famous Moscow specialists

It is hardly possible to find a period in the history of medicine when attention was not paid to the reconstruction of a person’s appearance. As soon as papyrus was invented in Egypt, and this happened in the 16th century BC. e., records have appeared about such operations, but scientists believe that they were done 3 thousand years BC. e. They were practiced in Ancient China, India, Peru and many other countries of the world.

In Russia, aesthetic surgery has gone through a difficult development path. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recognized it as an independent specialty only in mid-2009. The main development of medical science about the reconstruction of the human body began in 1960, when a hospital was opened in the capital, headed by Nadezhda Gilels. Lapchinsky, Litinsky, Blokhin and many other talented surgeons played a huge role in the development of plastic surgery.

The plastic surgeon spoke about the most popular operations, dissatisfied and celebrity clients and why aesthetic surgery cannot be cheap

How to become a plastic surgeon

For a person who decides to become a plastic surgeon, first of all, a medical institute awaits, where a general specialty is obtained - “medical science”. To start working, you need to study for a total of six years. But this does not mean that you will immediately be allowed to operate on your own. After six years, you can go to residency or internship and study there for at least two more years. And even after this, you will not yet be able to officially carry out independent operations: practice and work with more experienced doctors is necessary. They say that now some doctors are finding workarounds. I don’t know which ones exactly, I didn’t do that, but there are a lot of rumors.

The specialty officially appeared not so long ago, less than ten years ago. Before this, plastic surgery was a generally accepted specialty in the Soviet Union, but there was no training in it, and there were no specialized departments. In total, there were two large clinics in Moscow that dealt with this, and several clinics in the capitals of the union republics. But little was known about them: they were inaccessible and paid for.

Many still believe that plastic surgery takes many hours, is very complex and involves a huge amount of blood. After the collapse of the Union, complete anarchy began: everyone who wanted it came to the specialty.

Many came to the profession from so-called reconstructive surgery. This is a surgery that deals with the recovery of a person after injuries and operations. I also came from this area: I used to restore people after oncological operations, after tumors of the head and neck.

Other doctors came from hand surgery - this, you know, when they sew on the fingers separately and the whole hand, that is, these are such delicate, complex operations. Some came from maxillofacial surgery, from different areas. Now officially you can only come from general surgery.

Trends in surgery

Modern aesthetic surgeons do not perform major operations. Many people still believe that plastic surgery takes many hours, is very complex and involves a huge amount of blood, but this is not so. The task of modern surgeons is to make sure that the patient the next day after surgery can get up and go to work, to the theater, or somewhere else. Abroad, this is almost a postulate today. Now everyone is advised to have several small operations in a row rather than going under the knife for ten hours and then having to stay away from it for a month.

In our country, the old trend still dominates: a person comes and says: “I want to look younger.” You can't look younger - you can only appear. In the West, it is important to look decent for your age. We should know that a woman is, say, 50 years old, and envy that she looks like that at her age. There, the surgeon is faced with the task of making the person look better, not younger.

The desire of Russians to remove all wrinkles and smooth everything out leads to the fact that their faces look as if an iron has been passed over them. Fortunately, this is also gradually going away now.

About popular operations

Most often, doctors still turn to doctors with the desire to look younger. For one, this means plump lips and large breasts, and for another, it means removing wrinkles under the eyes. Everyone has their own.

For a long time, the most popular operation in Russia was liposuction - removal of excess fat. Today she has faded into the background, if not into the background. Now the most popular operation all over the world is rhinoplasty: a lot of both women and men are dissatisfied with the shape of their nose. From my own experience, I can say that these claims are not always justified: people often have complexes.

Breast surgery is performed somewhat less frequently today (both enlargement and reduction). In recent years, more and more people are turning to eye surgery, namely eyelid surgery. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul; they immediately reveal the age and condition of a person. It's no wonder that many are trying to change them.

Anti-aging also remains popular. Now there are many options to avoid surgery: there are various endoscopic, laser procedures, with radio wave equipment, which allow you to achieve an effect no worse than after a circular facelift.

Aesthetic surgery cannot initially be cheap, since it is a person’s whim

About prices

Aesthetic surgery cannot initially be cheap, since it is a person’s whim. After all, if you want a good car, then pay good money. If you want to look better, then also be kind enough to shell out a round sum.

However, today high competition plays a big role. Often, when opening a clinic, they deliberately lower prices in order to recruit their pool of patients, and then increase the cost of services. If this does not happen, then it is better to be on your guard: often low prices are simply an indicator of the low level of specialists.

All this is logically explainable: high-quality instruments, equipment, dressings, and, in the end, specialists cannot be cheap.

The price range in our area is huge. If we talk about the most popular operation, rhinoplasty, it can cost from 30 to 600 thousand rubles. The average price remains at 120-150 thousand rubles. I wouldn't recommend doing it cheaper. For this money, good surgeons with high-quality equipment will work. If the operation is more expensive, then here you are already provided with top-level service and a stellar name for the surgeon.

About patients

Plastic surgeon patients are very different. Both the poor, who have saved money for several years, and the very rich come to us. Girls from the “office plankton” regularly apply: most often they take a long time to collect money for the cherished operation, at least something. With the help of plastic surgery, they usually want to improve their personal life. Now this is much more problematic: everyone sits late at work. They can deny themselves vacations and new clothes for years, only to then come and have at least a little plastic surgery in the hope that it will solve all their problems. This really helps many: after the procedure, the person begins to feel more confident.

I had an interesting story during the 1998 crisis. The girl brought her mother, about 45 years old: she was fired from her job, and six months before that she divorced her husband. This all hit the woman hard, she looked bad, and she didn’t want to live at all. The family still had some money, so they collected it and came to give mom a facelift. The daughter decided that this would be the best investment. And, you know, they were not mistaken. A year and a half later, this woman came to me with gratitude: after the operation, she immediately found two good jobs at home and met a man. She looked gorgeous, and not so much because of the operation, but simply because she began to take care of herself. I didn’t do anything special, but the woman fell in love with herself, started dressing differently, doing makeup and all that. Thanks to the operation, she gained confidence in her abilities and was able to change her life.

Girls from the “office plankton” regularly apply: most often they spend a long time collecting money for a cherished operation, at least something. Wealthy clients are pleasant in their own way: most often they know what exactly they want to change about themselves. For example, if they come for rhinoplasty, they definitely understand what shape the nose is needed. And such clients usually trust the surgeon and strictly follow his instructions. Because usually a person comes for liposuction and thinks: “I’ll have the operation and I’ll eat whatever I want again, and then the doctor will do liposuction for me again, and then again and again,” but no, it doesn’t work that way.