What is the yellow dog carrying? What to expect in the Year of the Dog for different zodiac signs? Taurus: what awaits Taurus in the year of the dog

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The Red Fire Rooster ruled wisely and competently, and did not even want to part with us. But on the night of February 16, 2018, the Cockerel will flap his wings, crow goodbye, and transfer the rights to the throne to the Dog. The dog is a restless creature, and will guard our well-being all year. The dog personifies justice, she will never betray, and in the year of her reign we can calm down - everything will be clear and fair.

In 2018, you can safely take on any task, because the Dog rushes into battle without thinking about the consequences. The element of earth is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles. Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change and does not seek to move from the booth to the crystal palace, it will do everything so that the inhabitants of the earth can improve their living conditions. The main thing here is to believe in a miracle - the hostess of 2018 will happily play along with us.

If in winter the Dog will swing and restore order after the impulsive Cockerel, then by spring everything will be ready. After hibernation, many can count on financial success - the yellow color of the year will attract money. Of course, the Dog will not find gold bars for us, and will not lead us to a treasure, but those who are hardworking and persistent can expect promotion, encouragement, and all sorts of benefits. In addition, the color yellow is associated with the energy of the sun, it charges us with positivity, cheerfulness and good mood - it is useless to argue with the Yellow Dog, she will still arrange a fabulous and joyful life for all of us.

The dog is a selfless and generous creature; it does not gravitate towards fame and comfort. But the cute animal will be happy if we surround ourselves with beautiful things and dress as if we have already become kings and princesses. So you can change your wardrobe without a twinge of conscience and, after reading your horoscope, run to the store for chic outfits.

In 2018, qualities such as friendliness and honesty are welcomed. Even when communicating with competitors, we should not be hypocritical and deviate from the rules - in the Year of the Dog no one will dare to deceive us or come up with some kind of fraudulent scheme. Most people’s salaries will be “white” - once we save up a pension, let’s go for a walk.

It is important to approach any business in the new 2018 creatively. Even working as a technician or as a bread cutter, you can achieve unprecedented results if you show your imagination - the floor can be washed with a powder that smells like oranges, and you can cut a loaf of bread with a zigzag (the boss will be delighted and will definitely increase the salary). For people of intellectual professions, in the year of the Yellow Dog the green light will be on - the world has never seen so many projects and discoveries. A hardworking and active Dog will always find something to do, its nose is aimed at good luck, and it will help everyone who believes in their success.

No health problems are expected in the Year of the Dog; the hardened Yellow Dog will not allow us to sneeze and cough. But you will have to say goodbye to bad habits - the Dog does not like it when they spend money on nonsense, such as cigarettes and alcohol. It’s better to buy a sweet bone and new slate for the booth. By the way, the Yellow Earth Dog loves to travel and change the picture before his eyes; in 2018 you can travel all over the world - there will be many new friends, and we will be filled with impressions for several years to come.

Fabulous and magical changes await us in the love sphere - 2018 is full of meetings, acquaintances and dates. Married couples will feel in seventh heaven - the second honeymoon can last for the whole year. But for the free guys, the Dog has prepared a lot of surprises. The Yellow Earth Creature has come to an agreement with Cupid, and he is already forging new arrows with might and main - enough for everyone, especially for those who dream of meeting their long-awaited soul mate.

There will be many wedding ceremonies in 2018. Couples who start a family in the year of the Dog can count on a long and friendly union. Children born during the reign of the Earth Dog will be distinguished by good health, cheerful disposition, and high intelligence. So, quickly negotiate with your chosen one, look for a suitable maternity hospital and stock up on diapers and vests (only without banal flowers on the fabric, but with formulas and theorems - brilliant children will appreciate such a meeting and the world will recognize new Pythagoras).

In 2018, it is very important to communicate and make friends. We will feel “our people” instantly, and all sorts of enemies will bypass us (after all, the Dog is nearby, and will bark and growl so much that the enemies will faint). The Yellow Earth Puppy will not bite - only wagging its tail and paw on command. But the hostess of 2018 will only stand up in front of good people - it’s useful to work on yourself and gain positivity and friendliness.

In order for 2018 to bring us happiness, love, and all sorts of benefits, we need to remember a few rules: don’t bark at little things, don’t bite, trust people and don’t growl, and resolve issues diplomatically and patiently. Then the mistress of the year, squealing joyfully, will fall on her back in front of us, and our life will be far from a dog’s.

(1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

A harmonious year for the Rat. Romantic relationships, marriage - all this can happen next year. Health will be stable, but seasonal diseases cannot be avoided. Therefore, strengthen your immune system: exercise, take vitamins and eat right. Your love for fast food will not lead to any good, so you will have to give up this and other bad habits. Prosperity in your career is possible, but keep in mind: The Dog does not like braggarts.

(1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

For the Ox, the year will be ambiguous, it is a turning point and can destroy everything that was built before. But when the old goes away, something new always appears. 2018 is a real revolution in your destiny. This year it is quite possible to meet a new partner. There is a high probability of moving to another city. All your health problems in the coming year will be psychological. But don’t be afraid of change - it is they that force us to change and be better!

(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

For the Tiger, 2018 has prepared many surprises; the stars will help you realize all your plans more than ever. The New Year is very favorable for career advancement. In your personal life there will also be a complete idyll: you will finally meet your person. Very busy and hardworking Tigers will have the opportunity to see friends more often. Financial prosperity and career growth are expected in the first half of the year, and closer to autumn - a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate. Health problems will be avoided, at most seasonal colds.

Rabbit (Cat)
(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

2018 will be like a roller coaster ride. In the first half of the year everything will be stable, and then there may be a sharp jump, so the ability to navigate sharp turns will come in handy. An unexpected turn can happen in any area, be it personal life or career. A successful decision this year will be a radical change of image. The year will be promising if you do not strive to cover everything at once. Set a goal and gradually work towards achieving it. The stars advise sticking to a balanced diet.

(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Success in the coming year will depend on the ability to go into the shadows. The year is favorable for self-development and promises to be dynamic: meeting interesting people, traveling - all this will certainly happen. But keep one thing in mind: don’t forget about your family, try to devote more time to your relatives. The stars promise romantic connections and the emergence of new friends; long-term relationships are unlikely. There is a big risk in the new year of falling unrequitedly in love.
(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The Year of the Dog completely mobilizes you, because it requires a complete return of energy. 2018 will not be easy for you, but it won’t be called difficult either. In terms of health, you should pay attention to sleep. This year there will be many exciting dates, but difficulties may arise when communicating with the opposite sex, and it is unlikely that dating will end in anything serious. Advancement up the career ladder will most likely happen in the second half of the year; in the first, the Dog will train you in patience and perseverance.

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

A very successful year for the Horse. All dreams can come true in 2018. The owner of the year is very attracted to your ability to work smoothly, so his favor towards you next year is great. Career success, tempting offers, large financial gains - all this can be realized. The only thing that will not go smoothly this year is your health, try to take breaks at work, and devote your weekends exclusively to relaxation. If you follow these simple recommendations, then at the end of the year, as at the beginning, you will have more than enough energy.

Goat (Sheep)
(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

A harmonious and easy year for the Goat. 2018 will bring you many interesting events and fun moments. Already at the beginning of the year, an interesting project may turn up that will bring big profits. But under no circumstances should you spend this money on anything, think about every purchase you make, because the Dog does not understand how you can spend money on trinkets. The chance of meeting your love is great, and a romantic relationship is also quite likely. There will be a lot of work in the first half of the year, and in the second you will reap its benefits.

(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

The time has come for you to realize your creative potential. The Dog really likes the ability to see the unusual in everything. All ideas and fantasies will be realized. In 2018, there may be a sharp jump in your career and even the opening of your own business. In the middle of the year, a meeting with a loved one is possible. The stars advise you to be careful when meeting new people. Considering that you are more inclined to have fun, you may miss a fateful meeting. So be on your guard. Try not to neglect proper sleep and rest, do more sports.

(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

2018 will be successful for the Rooster. You can finally feel free. Luck will accompany you in all areas: career, love, finance. But the favor of fortune does not mean that you can relax. Continue to work at the same rhythm. The dog is already “head over heels in love” with you, and if you continue to take advantage of its kindness, then there can be no talk of increasing your happiness. Try to attract less attention to yourself and do more actions, the owner of the year will definitely appreciate it.

(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

It will be a special year for Dogs. It's not as simple as it seems. Many people think that “their” year will bring only one piece of luck. This is a misconception. There will be especially close attention to the sign in the personal year. You need to prove yourself, which will take a huge amount of energy. In love, everything will be stable, however, your significant other can also expect more from you than always. The chances of meeting love for single Dogs are quite high. At work, it’s good to present new projects and be an event organizer. Not the easiest year, but you can do it!

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

For Pig, 2018 is an easy year. You can relax and go with the flow. The New Year does not bring you any sharp turns. There is a high probability of a series of romantic relationships, but no more. In the second half of the year, you may have to visit the dentist, but in general no health problems are expected. Success at work will largely depend on you. Try not to close yourself off, but to make contact with colleagues; social activity will be in first place next year.
Based on Internet materials

According to legend, Buddha called all the animals to him, but only the bravest of them were able to cross the icy river. There were twelve of them, and it was in their honor that he named each of the twelve years in accordance with the cycle of Jupiter's revolution. This article is dedicated to the Year of the Yellow Dog, how it is characterized, and what astrologers promise for 2018, let's talk about it.

What does the new year 2018 bring?

The change of another sign portends changes not only in human destinies, but also affects the political situation in the country. The Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 belongs to the element of Earth, so the dog brings harmony, peace and tranquility.

As you know, dogs are not simple creatures. They are grateful to those who give them love and affection, so we can say that if you give yourself to the world in a positive way this year, then fortune will always follow ahead of you. The Year of the Yellow Dog will not be on the side of deceitful and envious people, those who treat people around them poorly, boast a lot and deceive. The dog hates traitors. All people with such qualities will have a hard time in the new year.

The preferred colors in 2018 are all shades of yellow, and the stone is diamond. The most important characteristics are love and loyalty. Loving families can breathe a sigh of relief, this year promises them a lot of happiness and good luck, and those who find a soul mate in the year of the Yellow Dog can count on a long and successful relationship. A favorable year for registering a marriage. Those who like to “take a walk on the side” should reconsider their positions in life. This year may bring them unexpected loneliness, so they should give up promiscuous relationships and build a new relationship with a loving person.

Financial affairs

The Year of the Yellow Dog (2018) recommends paying special attention to risk and savings. The dog loves those who are used to working conscientiously for their earnings, and not sitting with their hands folded and waiting impatiently for the end of the working day. It will reward hardworking and responsible workers with financial well-being. This is a good year for taking risks. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore previously unfamiliar areas. The most important thing is to do it wisely.

To the characteristics of the year of the Yellow Dog in financial matters, one can also add freedom from debt obligations. Pay off all existing debts before the new year and do not take on new ones during its procession. Refuse to purchase expensive things, leave these plans until better times. Don't spend money thoughtlessly; think carefully about every purchase. Better save it or spend it on loved ones.

Horoscope for the Year of the Yellow Dog

The year will be successful for Aquarius, Aries and Capricorn. Pisces, Gemini and Leo will help climb the career ladder. The search for a new job will also be successful for them. Taurus will be able to achieve a promotion if they put in as much effort as possible - they work hard, learn new things and show themselves to be good workers. Virgos and Cancers will be lucky in love affairs. Families will become even stronger, and those who are lonely will meet their love. In the fight for the environment, Scorpios, Libra and Sagittarius will be lucky.

How to celebrate 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog?

Dogs are creatures that love to gather in packs, so the New Year should be celebrated in the circle of kind and beloved family and friends. The dog loves to feast on many foods from meat to sweets. Pamper your guests with all sorts of treats and, of course, don’t forget about gifts, and those who have this animal in their house should pamper it too on New Year’s Eve.

What to put on the holiday table?

How to celebrate 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog? How to please guests and greet them fully armed? A dog, as already mentioned, is an omnivore, and its tastes are no different from human ones. Prepare more meat products and less fish, as cats prefer this delicacy. For dessert, gingerbread cookies or milk pudding are ideal. Don't forget about soft and appetizing kebab or grilled meat. Do not experiment with dishes, they should be simple but tasty. Use a variety of vegetable cuts as a side dish.

Which outfit to choose?

This question worries women more. They choose elegant dresses so that their year will be as bright and unforgettable, because, as they say, “how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it.” Dear girls and women, this year of the Yellow Dog can be celebrated even in a dressing gown; dogs love coziness and comfort.

Choose dresses in yellow, gold, sandy shades. Regular pastel colors will also work. To make the Year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog successful, use yellow accessories in your look - earrings, necklaces, bracelets. For men, this could be socks or a tie. Do not use large chains as accessories - the dog will not like it.

Do not wear too vulgar or, conversely, dull outfits. Your image should have a sense of proportion in everything. The dog expects a feeling of lightness from the outfits. Clothes should not embarrass you or make you feel awkward during the holiday feast.

Decorating the apartment

Attributes such as a Christmas tree, New Year's toys and garlands should be in every home. Decorate your rooms in the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog with a lot of tinsel, especially in yellow shades. Don't forget about the symbol of the coming 2018 - Dogs. These could be souvenirs or pictures with an animal. And if you have this wonderful friend, then be sure to pamper him on New Year's Eve with his favorite treat. Exclude from the interior all things with images of cats and intrusive flashy details; too bright decoration can scare off the dog; although she is a cheerful creature, she is still modest and sometimes timid.

What to give to guests?

Gifts should be cozy and kind in theme. These are the things that are designed to create a comfortable home environment. Friends and relatives will be happy with new textiles, dishes or paintings. Older relatives will appreciate a warm blanket, socks, or children can be given a soft toy or a real small puppy. Any gifts that reflect the symbolism of this animal would be appropriate on New Year's Eve. Gifts in the form of perfume sets, perfumes and other cosmetic products, especially those that have strong odors, would be inappropriate.

In conclusion

Meet the Yellow Dog in a kind and cozy company of friends and family. Invite this animal into your home with love and warmth. Throughout the year, don’t be bored yourself and don’t make people around you feel sad. Live positively, dream good things, realize yourself only from your best sides. Don’t lie, don’t betray, don’t judge your acquaintances or friends, and then the dog will follow your path throughout the year and will be favorable to you, because she loves kindness and fun so much.

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The coming year will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The dog is a restless creature, and will guard our well-being all year. The dog personifies justice, she will never betray, and in the year of her reign we can calm down - everything will be clear and fair.

In 2018, you can safely take on any task, because the Dog rushes into battle without thinking about the consequences. The element of earth is associated with laws and traditions, so in the year of the Earth Dog it is important to adhere to your principles. Despite the fact that the Dog does not like change and does not seek to move from the booth to the crystal palace, it will do everything so that the inhabitants of the earth can improve their living conditions. The main thing here is to believe in a miracle - the hostess of 2018 will happily play along with us.

If in winter the Dog will swing and restore order after the impulsive Cockerel, then by spring everything will be ready. After hibernation, many can count on financial success - the yellow color of the year will attract money. Of course, the Dog will not find gold bars for us, and will not lead us to a treasure, but those who are hardworking and persistent can expect promotion, encouragement, and all sorts of benefits. In addition, the color yellow is associated with the energy of the sun, it charges us with positivity, cheerfulness and good mood - it is useless to argue with the Yellow Dog, she will still arrange a fabulous and joyful life for all of us.

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The dog is a selfless and generous creature; it does not gravitate towards fame and comfort. But the cute animal will be happy if we surround ourselves with beautiful things and dress as if we have already become kings and princesses. So you can change your wardrobe without a twinge of conscience and, after reading your horoscope, run to the store for chic outfits.

In 2018, qualities such as friendliness and honesty are welcomed. Even when communicating with competitors, we should not be hypocritical and deviate from the rules - in the Year of the Dog no one will dare to deceive us or come up with some kind of fraudulent scheme. Most people’s salaries will be “white” - once we save up a pension, let’s go for a walk.

It is important to approach any business in the new 2018 creatively. Even working as a technician or as a bread cutter, you can achieve unprecedented results if you show your imagination - the floor can be washed with a powder that smells like oranges, and you can cut a loaf of bread with a zigzag (the boss will be delighted and will definitely increase the salary). For people of intellectual professions, in the year of the Yellow Dog the green light will be on - the world has never seen so many projects and discoveries. A hardworking and active Dog will always find something to do, its nose is aimed at good luck, and it will help everyone who believes in their success.

No health problems are expected in the Year of the Dog; the hardened Yellow Dog will not allow us to sneeze and cough. But you will have to say goodbye to bad habits - The Dog does not like it when they spend money on nonsense, such as cigarettes and alcohol. It’s better to buy a sweet bone and new slate for the booth. By the way, the Yellow Earth Dog loves to travel and change the picture before his eyes; in 2018 you can travel all over the world - there will be many new friends, and we will be filled with impressions for several years to come.

Fabulous and magical changes await us in the love sphere - 2018 is full of meetings, acquaintances and dates. Married couples will feel in seventh heaven - the second honeymoon can last for the whole year. But for the free guys, the Dog has prepared a lot of surprises. The Yellow Earth Creature made an agreement with Cupid, and he is already forging new arrows with might and main - enough for everyone, especially for those who dream of meeting their long-awaited soul mate.

There will be many wedding ceremonies in 2018. Couples who start a family in the year of the Dog can count on a long and friendly union. Children born during the reign of the Earth Dog will be distinguished by good health, cheerful disposition, and high intelligence. So, quickly negotiate with your chosen one, look for a suitable maternity hospital and stock up on diapers and vests (only without banal flowers on the fabric, but with formulas and theorems - brilliant children will appreciate such a meeting and the world will recognize new Pythagoras).

A professional astrologer will create for you a personal calendar of successful and dangerous days for the entire year of the Earth Dog.


Horoscope lovers will be interested in what year of the animal 2018 is. This is the year of the Dog. The Mistress of the Year is characterized by such qualities as calmness, stability and fidelity. A dog is a social animal, but it is important for it to organize its life. Therefore, she will strive for stability and constancy, influencing representatives of the zodiac signs accordingly. Generosity and goodwill do not prevent the Dog from striving to increase his well-being. She works hard, systematically saves money, sets goals for herself and slowly achieves them. However, the Dog will never encroach on someone else's property. Therefore, it will not patronize unscrupulous workers, lovers of freebies and thieves.

General astrological forecast for 2018

For those who don’t know, 2018 is the year of the Dog according to the horoscope – this is the Yellow Earth Dog. This sign extols family values, and will help those who hold the same views on life. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the traditions of your people. This year, existing relationships will only strengthen, and new ones will be actively established. The Mistress of the Year also values ​​friendship and partnership. Therefore, this is a favorable period for making new acquaintances and acquiring profitable business connections.

But the stability and order that the Dog loves so much will be diluted by exciting events and violent outbursts of emotions that will be provoked by Jupiter’s presence in Scorpio.

The year is unusually favorable for the development of business and business relationships. Success awaits those who manage large sums of money, real estate, are involved in the political sphere or work in government agencies. This year you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation and climb the career ladder. Luck will favor those who show perseverance and are not afraid to take responsibility. The period is favorable for investing, purchasing real estate, and concluding long-term agreements. Some will have the opportunity to change their place of work or residence. So whose year according to the horoscope 2018 will be more successful?

Year of the Dog 2018 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope 2018 Aries

There will be dramatic changes for the better in your career. There is a high probability of receiving a long-awaited promotion. And this is not luck, but the result of fruitful work and long-term efforts. Matters related to taxes, inheritance, loans and investments in a large business project will be completed successfully. Success will be achieved by those representatives of the sign whose professions involve risk. In your personal life, priority should be given to love. This is an important stage in the development of Aries as a person. Many of them will also reveal their creative potential. Aries will find support in friends.

This year Aries' health will not let you down. But due to the significant effort put in at work, there may be mental exhaustion and stress. It is not recommended to cope with it with the help of alcohol and other psychotropic drugs. This is fraught with addiction. Better do gymnastics, spiritual practices, yoga. If necessary, Aries can undergo examination or undergo surgery.

Horoscope 2018 Taurus

Taurus will receive particular benefit from communicating with distant partners. In the summer, success awaits them with friendly cooperation. The most significant results will be achieved by those Taurus who are engaged in the field of art, international business or medicine. The financial return will come very quickly. At the end of the year, success will depend on the ability to master the latest business methods.

Love relationships this year will develop atypically for Taurus. Their unpredictability will largely depend on their partner. Taurus, as always, will be calm and unperturbed. By the end of the year, you should expect surprises from Taurus himself.

At the beginning of the year, you should think about your health and mental state. It is recommended to engage in sports and active recreation, for example, going with the whole family to the forest, skiing or going to the skating rink.

Horoscope 2018 Gemini

The dog favors representatives of air signs, so Gemini will be fine with finances in 2018. Perhaps they will change their job to a more responsible and profitable one. Geminis who have their own business will be able to avoid problems with the tax office. Those who are just planning to start their own business will finally do it.

No special changes are expected in your personal life, but the prerequisites for this will appear. It will be necessary to pay attention to the health and condition of the nervous system. Therefore, along with traditional treatment methods, it is recommended to use psychotherapy and body-oriented practices. An integrated approach will help cope with even the most severe diseases.

Horoscope 2018 Cancer

The horoscope for the year of the Dog dictates that Cancers show their talents and earn money from it. The financial sector will be dominant this year. But when achieving your goal, you need to act in legal ways. Those who are dishonest and capable of earning money will be punished. A business partnership with a friend will bring success.

Personal life will be interesting and varied. Cancer will survive a whirlwind romance. New relationships will be distinguished by unusualness and complete trust between partners. But the influence of the Dog will affect them too, bringing everything to official formalization.

Health will improve. This is especially true for chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin. This is a good time to conduct a comprehensive examination and treatment. It is useful to go to a resort and improve your health.

Horoscope 2018 Leo

A favorable period for self-development is coming. Personal qualities will play the most important role. Entrepreneurs with large start-up capital can achieve particular success. Business will develop well, major transactions and lucrative contracts are likely. But for real success you will have to make an effort. You won't be able to hit the jackpot just by playing. Excellent results can be achieved in real estate or construction.

Important events will happen in the life of family Leos. There will be an opportunity to improve your living conditions, purchase long-awaited real estate, and increase your well-being. In marital relationships, Leos will take a leading position. But you need to listen to your partner’s wishes in order to maintain warmth and trust.

Throughout the year, Leo does not foresee any health problems. But you should not neglect preventive methods. You should take care of the condition of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Horoscope 2018 Virgo

Virgos will expand their capabilities by receiving additional education. It is useful to study modern methods in your main professional field. Obtaining additional specialization will allow you to express yourself in a new way, take a leading position and increase your income. But it is recommended to listen to the advice of professionals. By autumn, Virgos may experience dramatic changes in their work. The situation may turn out to be such that they will have to urgently change their place of duty.

Relationships with your significant other will strengthen this year. Lonely Virgos will finally meet their fate. A rapidly developing romance will most likely end in marriage. Unions concluded this year will be distinguished by longevity and deep emotional attachment to the partner. Family representatives of the sign will be able to reach a new qualitative level in their relationship with their partner. But hobbies on the side are also not excluded. Although they will not lead to betrayal.

Maintaining a good mood and a positive emotional state will help you maintain your health. Excessive interference in someone else's life can have a negative impact on well-being. We need to pay attention to mental health. It is useful to do meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices.

Horoscope 2018 Libra

In the year of the Dog, Libra will be rewarded for all their efforts and will be able to achieve financial independence. Business transactions will be extremely successful. And although money is not the goal of Libra, they have higher motives, but it will come to them easily.

Libra's relationship with his significant other and with his children will not be easy this year. Serious troubles are not expected, but there will be cause for concern. This year is favorable for social activities and helping others. But while helping friends, one should not forget about family.

Health won't be a concern. An exception may be those representatives of the sign who have chronic diseases. Alternative non-traditional methods of treatment should be used. The body will perfectly accept all attempts made, and positive results will not be long in coming.

Horoscope 2018 Scorpio

In the year of the Dog, Scorpios will experience a new turn in life. Significant personal growth will be noticeable. There will be a chance to take a leadership position. Scorpio will establish many useful connections, both business and personal. To achieve success, you need to delve into the essence of matters and show flexibility of mind. In your work, you should trust those partners who offer serious and long-term cooperation.

Since Scorpios will devote most of their energy and time to work, by spring the risk of cooling off in relationships with their significant other increases. Household members may be offended that they are given so little attention. Lonely Scorpios will meet their fate. Relationships will develop rapidly. They will idealize their new partner.

Health will not let Scorpio down next year. Even chronic diseases will recede. Most representatives of the sign will feel a surge of energy and begin to take active action. But by the end of the year, even energetic Scorpios will need rest and respite. It is necessary to pay attention to your health, metabolism and reproductive system. But even if some violations are discovered, they will not entail serious consequences.

Horoscope 2018 Sagittarius

Success will come to Sagittarius this year thanks to the previously hidden talents they have shown. Creativity and inspiration will help them increase their income level and will serve as the main source of money. Good luck also awaits those Sagittarius who are engaged in scientific research and psychology. Representatives of this sign will discover in themselves the ability to see the very essence of things. There are many trips ahead, the purpose of which will not only be educational. Thanks to travel, Sagittarius will be able to improve their financial situation.

The characteristics of the year for Sagittarius are very positive. Representatives of this sign will be able to fully enjoy the comfort and warmth of their family nest. With your other half there will be complete harmony, psychological compatibility and spiritual unity. Therefore, Sagittarius will pay the most attention to home, trying to spend as much time as possible with their family. The home will become a place where they can develop their creative abilities.

This year is favorable for the development of the spirit. You can do special practices and meditation. Some Sagittarius will rush to shrines and so-called “places of power.” It is important to alternate work with rest. This will help improve your mental and physical condition and not harm your health.

Horoscope 2018 Capricorn

Capricorns will have more luck in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog than representatives of other signs. The best qualities that the Dog possesses will manifest themselves in the life of Capricorn. Luck and luck await him in everything. Capricorn's hopes will come true. He will be popular and always in the spotlight. But such bonuses are not accidental. Capricorns worked long and hard. Social and friendly connections will bring the greatest benefit. Alliances made this year will be important and long-lasting. In 2018, Capricorns will take a leading position, thanks to the energy that the Dog will give them. All their most ambitious plans will come true. But for representatives of this sign, it is not money that matters most. Although they will come, but a little later.

Capricorns will also be lucky in love. Lonely representatives of the sign will meet an unusual person, with whom they will initially begin a friendly relationship. Later they will probably turn into romantic ones. By autumn, many of them will want to change their lives by starting a family with their chosen one. For those who have already tasted all the joys of family life, the relationship will only strengthen.

Nothing will threaten the health of Capricorns next year. The strength and energy that the Dog endowed them with will not allow him to falter. However, it doesn’t hurt to engage in various health practices.

This year, Aquarians will have to concentrate, work hard and be persistent in order to get a certain result in their work and achieve the desired material level. But there will be many opportunities for this. Aquarians who are engaged in scientific research or rescue work will be able to prove themselves at the beginning of the year and move up the career ladder. You don’t need to focus on yourself, but pay more attention to the people around you, your loved ones and your soulmate. You need to suppress your selfishness and focus on your partner’s interests, show care and love, and help your spouse achieve his life goals.

In the fall, some Aquarians will have the opportunity to move to a new place of residence for work or service. Such a serious step will have a positive impact on the financial situation of Aquarius.

No health problems are expected. The condition of chronic patients will be stable and even improve. It is useful to spend some time in a sanatorium, on the sea coast or in the mountains. The right moment will present itself for treatment using modern methods.

Pisces will have a very successful year in terms of career and finances. But it is necessary to concentrate on work and teamwork. This is a favorable period for acquiring new knowledge and mastering advanced technologies. Achievements in creative activity and expansion of the range of interests are possible. You will need to put in a lot of effort, both mental and physical. The year promises new acquaintances and travel. At the same time, Pisces will make new friends on trips.

The health of Pisces will directly depend on the situation in the workplace and the harmony of relationships in the team. If you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. Pisces should not be treated by healers or use traditional medicine recipes. It’s safer to entrust your health to specialists this year. But it wouldn’t hurt to go to the sea. Such a vacation will have a positive effect on your well-being and serve as a preventive measure for the whole year.

The horoscope for the year of the Dog according to the zodiac sign promises many good events, changes for the better, both in the field of career and in personal life.