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All types of hair removal available today are based on a single principle - the destruction of the bulb and tightening of the hair canal. The difference from depilation is that in this case only hair removal occurs without destroying the hair follicle. The hair removal procedure can be carried out both at home and in a cosmetology clinic.

The choice of technology to combat unwanted vegetation depends on the specific purpose. This can be a temporary elimination or permanent relief. You can remove hair only for a while:

  • using a razor;
  • plucking with a thread or depilator;
  • using a depilatory cream - using a chemical method;
  • bioepilation – sugaring, waxing.

Epilation, the types of which are varied, should be selected taking into account individual characteristics body.

Mechanical methods

Mechanical methods include shaving and depilatory. Shaving is the simplest and most accessible procedure. The advantage is the processing speed.

However, there are some disadvantages, namely:

  • short-term effect;
  • irritation of the skin surface;
  • Frequent use contributes to hair stiffness.

On video types hair removal forever:

The advantages of bioepilation include:

However, the effectiveness of the procedure depends on the initial hair length, which must be at least 6 mm. The downside is that the fuzz can eventually turn into coarse, dark hair.

In order to completely remove hair, you cannot do without hardware cosmetology methods. In these cases, the hair follicle is destroyed by exposure different types energy.

There are the following types of hair removal using special devices:

  • electrolysis;
  • laser;

The choice of a clinic and a specialist must be approached carefully, because as a result of the work of an unqualified cosmetologist or a faulty device, there is a risk of serious burns or causing the appearance of age spots.

Electrolysis method

In terms of efficiency, this method has no competitors, although it is considered outdated. The principle of operation is that the master inserts a special needle into the hair follicle, after which a microcurrent discharge is sent and destroys the follicle. Then the hair is easily removed with tweezers. If force is used when pulling out, this indicates that the procedure was performed incorrectly, which means that new hair will soon grow in this place.

On video electrolysis:

During the procedure, the patient experiences pain, but often before the session the treated areas are numbed using lidocaine. For several days, small crusts remain on the dermis that are forbidden to touch. The advantages are the duration of the result, as well as the ability to get rid of unwanted hair forever, or at least for a long time.

Electrolysis has a number of side effects, This:

  • inflammation in treated areas;
  • the appearance of scars at burn sites;

With laser

This type of hair removal involves the use of a laser, under the influence of which the beam heats and destroys the follicle and the vessel that feeds it. The session does not last long. After the procedure is completed, the hair remains on the skin. It is necessary to wait 1.5 - 2 weeks, it is very important not to pull them out or remove them in any way. They should fall out on their own.

The positive aspects of laser hair removal are the effect, albeit partial. In addition, when exposed to laser, slight pain is felt. You won’t be able to get rid of hair this way forever; the results last for 2-5 years.

This procedure is not suitable for gray hair and blonde hair, has some absolute contraindications. If performed unprofessionally, there is a possibility of getting scars from burns. In addition, there are side effects, namely:

  • peeling and dryness;
  • swelling and itching.

The effectiveness of laser hair removal is described in.

Photoepilation method

With the help of photoepilation you can achieve quick visible result, however, this will require a course that includes several procedures. In terms of time, this ranges from six months to 1 year.

With this method, the bulb is removed under the influence of strong pulsed light. Photoepilation is suitable for people with dark color hair. Devices latest generation equipped with a cooling system that makes the process virtually painless.

TO positive aspects Possibility of use for coarse, vellus hair. The effect after this procedure is very long-lasting, but it is accompanied by a change in the color of the skin surface.

This method has some contraindications. Cannot be used after manipulation cosmetics that contain alcohol.

Elos hair removal method

Externally, Elos hair removal does not differ from laser and photo hair removal. Hair destruction occurs during the growth stage as a result of the combined effects of electric current and light beam energy. On the surface of the skin in rare cases A small swelling appears, which disappears within 24 hours.

For the result to be noticeable, you need a sharp contrast between the hair and the dermis. This procedure should not be done if you have a strong tan or an upcoming trip to the sea, as pigmentation may be impaired. The effect is visible after 8-10 procedures.

The advantage of elos hair removal is the absence of painful syndrome. However, in any case, before the procedure, the cosmetologist applies an anesthetic to the treated area. In addition, it is possible to permanently get rid of unnecessary vegetation, and there is no damage to the skin.

On video method elos hair removal:

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost;
  • The full effect is not achieved immediately; you will need to complete a course.

Today this hair removal is the safest and most effective.

It is contraindicated to do such procedures if:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological and skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of allergies;
  • numerous moles;
  • herpes;
  • burns;
  • scratches.

The choice of hair removal must be approached with all responsibility; for this it is advisable to use some recommendations.

Before going for the procedure, first of all you need to get advice from a specialist who will give an assessment:

  • general health status;
  • skin and hair type.

The fact is that some procedures will not give positive effect with a certain type of vegetation on the dermis. In addition, you need to find out whether there are contraindications, allergies to the drugs and cosmetics used, because often their presence makes it impossible to choose any method.

It is imperative to keep in mind that some types are prohibited from being performed if a person has:

  • electronic devices;
  • prostheses made of metal.

The method of excluding prohibited events determines the most the best way hair removal. A professional cosmetologist will help with this. The result of any method will depend on the experience of the specialist and the selection of the necessary parameters for performing the procedure.

Since the goal of all types of hair removal is to destroy the hair follicle, and this does not always happen in 1 session, important point is compliance with the regime and breaks between the execution of procedures, especially for hardware ones.

There are many types of hair removal, thanks to which you can quickly and easily remove hair. Some of these types are completely painless, while some require pain relief. In our article, we invite you to learn about such hair removal, as well as consider its pros and cons.

Laser hair removal

On at the moment laser hair removal considered one of the most modern and the best ways remove hair, if not forever, then for a very long time, literally for several years. This method of hardware depilation is suitable for eliminating hair on the legs, arms, face, bikini area, as well as on any other area of ​​the skin.

In order for laser hair removal to be effective, you must have a hair length of at least four millimeters, since otherwise the laser will not be able to affect the hair structure.

For girls who have high pain threshold, this procedure will be virtually painless. However, if you are sensitive to pain, the surface of the skin where laser hair removal is performed is treated with a numbing cream. The procedure itself is very simple: the cosmetologist equips himself with a special device and uses it to treat the required surface of the skin that requires hair removal. After the procedure, it is imperative to apply a cream to the treated surface to prevent skin irritation.

Among other things, there are several types of lasers for hair removal:

  • neodymium;
  • diode;
  • alexandrite;
  • ruby.

These types of lasers differ in the length of the light wave, which affects the efficiency and speed of the hair removal procedure.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this method before you decide to undergo such a procedure in the salon.

  • relative painlessness of the entire process;
  • there will be no marks, scars or irritation on the skin;
  • after several courses of laser hair removal, hair growth stops at long time, mostly from two to six years, and in rare cases - forever;
  • The process of hair removal using a laser does not last long: from five minutes to an hour, depending on the area of ​​skin on which hair needs to be removed.
  • body hair should be black or dark in color for the effect of laser hair removal to last longer;
  • The cost of laser hair removal is quite high due to the effectiveness of this procedure.


Sugaring or, as it is also called, sugar hair removal is a process in which hair is removed from the skin by exposing it to a sticky sugar mass. You can easily perform this procedure at home without spending money on expensive salons.

Preparing the mixture for sugaring is very simple: you need to mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with a large spoonful of warm water, add ten tablespoons of sugar and place the ingredients in a cast iron frying pan, placing it on the fire. When the mass melts and acquires a light brown tint, you need to leave it to cool.

This hair removal method is used to remove facial hair, intimate area, on the arms or legs. This is easy to do at home, however, you should know that the hair size should not be less than three and more than six millimeters, otherwise the sugar paste simply will not be able to capture the hairs.

The hair removal process itself looks like this: use a special spatula to apply the sugaring mixture to the skin, stick a strip on top thick fabric. When the sugar mass hardens, you should pull the fabric against hair growth, and then rinse the skin with warm water and lubricate it with nourishing cream.

Sugar hair removal also has a number of pros and cons that are important to know before doing such hair removal yourself.


Waxing- this is one of the best methods depilation. This method of getting rid of hair is very simple, and such hair removal is carried out similarly to sugaring, only in in this case no need to prepare the mixture yourself.

Most often, the wax is heated to the required temperature, applied to the skin, then a cloth is placed on top, and when the wax hardens, the cloth should be removed with a jerk against the direction of hair growth. After this procedure, the first hairs begin to grow only after three weeks.

Wax can be hot, warm or cold. At the same time, hair removal with hot wax is the most effective and painless. Warm wax is suitable for any woman, but its price is much higher.

Waxing has its advantages and disadvantages, which we invite you to familiarize yourself with in our table.


Today, hair removal with phytoresin is less popular, however, this method is clearly underestimated. This method of hair removal allows you to remove hair without possible appearance irritation. This method is best suited for epilating the bikini area, since the skin there is very delicate.

Depilation with phytoresin can be of two types: manual and cassette. Manual hair removal is used to remove hair in the bikini area, armpits or face. And phytoresin in cassettes is better suited for hair removal of a large area, that is, arms or legs. You can freely use both of these types for hair removal at home.

Before starting the procedure, you need to take a small piece of the total mass of phytoresin and knead it in your hands so that it becomes more elastic and soft. After this, it must be applied to the skin against hair growth, and after a minute, sharply removed in the same direction. One piece of phytoresin can be used until it loses its elasticity. This is a feature of phytoresin, but it also has both advantages and disadvantages.


Hair removal with cream is considered the most in an accessible way hair destruction. Nowadays, stores are very large selection There are a variety of creams and gels, but the principle of their action is the same: penetrating into the structure of the hair, the cream destroys keratin, due to which the hairs weaken and are easy to remove. This must be done using a scraper, which is often included in the kit along with the cream.

There is a cream for different depilation zones, so be careful when choosing it. For example, leg depilatory cream is not suitable for removing hair in the bikini area. Among other things, this method of hair removal has both advantages and disadvantages..

IN modern society Excessive hair on a lady’s body is not taken for granted. Therefore, women spend hours fighting for their tender hair. You can get rid of excess hair in different ways both at home and in medical centers. There are even treatments that can permanently remove hair. Classic shaving is now confidently being replaced by new types of depilation and hair removal, which will be discussed in this review.

the same thing?

These are words that are close in meaning and imply hair removal. Their main difference is different principles effects on hair. During depilation, only its top layer is removed, and epilation can affect the root of the problem - the follicle. These two methods determine the time interval for the appearance of new hair. In other words, depilation, depending on the type of procedure, makes the skin smooth for a short period of time - from 2 to 14 days, and epilation removes hair forever.

Types of depilation: shaving, using special creams, waxing, sugaring, depilators. You can often find the terms “waxing” or in stores household appliances price tag with the inscription “electric epilator”. This is a misuse of the meaning of two words. Many people believe that hair removal is a procedure in which hair is removed from the root, that is, using sugar paste, tweezers, wax, but this is not so. During hair removal, the source of hair growth is destroyed, which does not happen during sugaring or waxing. Laser removal hair removal is the only procedure so far that gets rid of this problem forever, and there are cases of regrowth, but more on that later.


Until recently, the types of axillary area and legs converged on one procedure - shaving. Over time, it became clear that this is a simple method, but not at all safe. Everyone knows that a razor is a cutting object, so when it is passed over the skin, cutting off hair, damage to the upper layer of the epidermis is possible. As a result, there is a possibility of infections, and this is the reason for the development inflammatory processes and the formation of purulent pimples.

It is especially not recommended to use similar method on armpits. Since the skin there is delicate and it is very easy to damage it, especially due to poor ventilation there is high risk development of infections. The advantage of shaving is the simplicity and speed of the method, but the hair also appears quickly again.

Application of creams

This procedure is recommended by doctors to get rid of hair in the armpits, face and arms. To do this, depilatory cream is applied to the skin, the types of which are presented for hair of different hardness, and after a certain period of time it is removed along with the unwanted hair. Pick up suitable remedy possible That is, before using a new cream, you need to test it on a small area of ​​skin for irritability.

Such creams contain substances that have a destructive effect on keratin, the structural element of hair. As a result, the hair falls off. Before surgery, this type of hair removal is often used by doctors, which helps to avoid skin damage that may occur during shaving.

This procedure cannot be used on damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes, therefore the use of such creams for deep bikini depilation is not allowed. The advantage of the method is more long-term preservation smoother skin than after shaving.


It is possible to forget about unwanted hair for at least 10 days. And wax will help with this. It's not entirely without painful procedure, but very tolerant and effective. To carry it out, the following types are used: cold, warm and hot. The first two products can be used at home; hair is removed with a hot product in beauty salons, since there is a possibility of getting burns if applied independently.

The procedure requires preparatory stage and care after it. The hair length before the procedure must be at least 4 mm. When waxing at home, do not neglect medical gloves and skin treatment. disinfectant solutions. The product is applied according to hair growth and removed against it; on the contrary, the sugaring procedure occurs.

Sugar paste

The first who learned to remove hair with sugar paste were Egyptian women. Then this unsweetened procedure gained popularity among everyone. oriental women. By the way, sugaring has a second name - “Persian depilation”. Correct pronunciation of the procedure with emphasis on the first syllable. Sugaring tops the list of procedures “Types of depilation of the bikini area” and is generally universal method, because it fits any part female body in the fight against unwanted vegetation. Men resort to sugar depilation in the area of ​​the ears, nose, and neck; it should not only be used to remove hair from the beard.

The procedure involves applying the prepared sugar paste to the skin against hair growth, followed by removing the product in the direction of hair growth. It is important to be able to pull out the sugar strips correctly, since they always strive to roll into a ball. If the viscous mixture is used ineptly, hematomas may remain in the depilation sites. The hair length at the time of depilation should be at least 2 mm, that is, depending on metabolism, this is the 4th - 7th day after shaving.

Sugaring vs waxing

Types of depilation: sugar and wax - often popular topic to discuss and select the best method. What are the advantages of each type?

  1. Means. You cannot prepare wax at home; you can only purchase it. Sugar paste has an advantage in this regard: it can be cooked at home, although not the first time, and the ingredients for cooking are simple and affordable. This is sugar, water and lemon juice.
  2. Procedure. In terms of speed of execution, wax takes first place because fewer manipulations are performed when applying it. Sugaring requires special skills and “hand placement,” as professionals say, so the sugar paste depilation technology takes longer.
  3. Result. When working with sugar paste, hair is removed along the growth path, which prevents hair breakage and then ingrowth, so sugaring in this regard is preferable to waxing.

Mechanical hair removal

The list of “Main Types of Depilation” is completed by special electric machines that work by plucking hair. They are used for home procedures hair removal. The device is carried out several times over the hair area until smooth skin without hair is obtained.

The advantages of this method include: availability and preservation of the result for 10-14 days. But this procedure has many more disadvantages, namely: the duration of the session, pain, skin irritation for the first two days and ingrown hairs.

Despite the disadvantages of mechanical hair removal, many women have depilators in their home arsenal. The pain of the procedure decreases each time, as the hair becomes weak, less rigid, and proper care, namely scrubbing, eliminates the problem of ingrown hair.

Laser device

The types of depilation discussed above bring temporary results, that is, they must be repeated after a certain period. However, there is a permanent hair removal procedure - laser hair removal. It is carried out medical workers using special equipment.

The hair shaft contains melanin, which absorbs laser rays, causing the follicle to heat up, become damaged, and be completely destroyed within a few days. As a result, hair does not regenerate from it. Gray and blond hair cannot be treated with laser hair removal.

The procedure begins by shaving off the top layer of hair so that the laser energy can target the deeper pigment. After which the device is directed to the intended depilation site for a few seconds, at which point it delivers an impulse that destroys the hair follicle.

It is important to know that even after laser hair removal, when it would seem that hair will no longer appear, there are cases of resumption of hair growth. The reason for this is hormonal background. For example, after pregnancy or a painful hormonal imbalance in a woman, completed the course laser hair removal, hair may begin to grow.

What type of hair removal should I choose?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, saying that sugaring is suitable for fair-skinned ladies, but laser hair removal is not suitable for dark-skinned ladies. First, it is necessary to divide the considered types according to their location. So, types of depilation at home: chemical creams, shaving, mechanical removal electrical appliance, Salon procedures: sugaring, hot wax, laser hair removal.

It is worth understanding that a hair removal procedure in a salon will cost more than at home, however, the result will last for a long time. longer time. And with laser hair removal or photoepilation, the effect of smooth skin remains forever, with the exception of some cases.

For depilation of any part of the body and for sensitive skin, it is recommended to take a closer look at sugaring. Laser procedure is not cheap and requires more than one session, so it is more advisable to spend money on it to remove hair above upper lip and in the armpits.

At home, it is better to choose warm wax for the bikini line, cream for the axillary area, but you can also treat your legs with a depilator.


The types of hair removal and depilation given in this review cannot be used for certain diseases. If before salon procedure The doctor will definitely advise the patient about the prohibitions on this or that method of hair removal, then at home you should know these contraindications.

  • When using wax: papillomas, rosacea, poor blood clotting, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, moles, herpes, skin damage.
  • At chemical exposure creams: individual intolerance to the components, the presence of cuts, abrasions and wounds.
  • Mechanical removal: thrombophlebitis, high sensitivity skin, inflammatory and purulent processes and skin damage.

Fashion for smooth skin without a single hair is older than facial makeup. This requirement should rather be attributed to the canonical parameters of a beauty. It is not surprising that humanity never tires of inventing ways to get rid of hair in certain areas. It is even more surprising that a means that provides a 100% result has not yet been invented.

Modern types of hair removal permanently provide the longest possible effect.


The visible part of the hair, essentially its dead part, consists of keratinized cells that are insensitive to any external influence. All depilation methods that exist only remove top part, which does not affect hair growth in any way.

The part of the hair that is located under the skin is called the hair follicle and is surrounded by a follicle. This is the live part. At the educational stage hair follicle in the thickness of the dermis it forms a hair follicle. The hair papilla protrudes into its bottom - a section of the dermis with blood vessels and nerves, which provides nutrition. The bulb cells divide to form hair. All hair removal methods are aimed at destroying the follicle or suppressing the work of the hair follicle.

Hair growth stops if the follicle has died or stopped functioning, which is, for example, observed with androgenetic alopecia. However, the hair follicle is buried deep under the skin and cannot be destroyed by any mechanical means.

Removing the hair from the root solves the problem only for a certain period of time. The follicle remains in the dermis, quite viable, and after some time the hair will begin to grow again. This period is much longer compared to shaving or action chemicals and is about 4–6 weeks.

In practice, permanent hair removal is a procedure that provides the longest possible result.

In the video - laser hair removal forever:


Any of these technologies involves acting directly on the hair follicle. None of them are able to provide complete removal hair at one time.

Depending on the intensity of growth, hair color, age, etc., hair removal will have to be repeated 7–15 times. The permanent effect of the procedure can reach 5 years, but unfortunately, this is the maximum period.


This is the most famous and most proven method of hair removal. A very thin electrode needle is inserted under the skin into the follicle. A discharge of electric current completely destroys it. There are several types of procedure:

  • galvanizerclassic method using direct current. It has the widest range of action, destroying up to 15 hair follicles at a time;
  • thermolysis– a high frequency current of 9–14 MHz is used, while the follicle is heated to a critical temperature and destroyed;
  • flash thermolysis– the essence of the procedure is similar to thermolysis, but a higher frequency current is used. Thus, hair removal time is significantly reduced, but flash thermolysis requires very high precision from the operator;
  • blend– combines galvanizing and thermolysis. First, the follicle is exposed to a current of variable frequency - thermal shock, and then to a current of constant frequency. This method allows you to reach the deepest, irregularly shaped bulbs;
  • sequence blend– an improved blend technique that ensures less painful procedure. When exposed to the bulb, the frequency of the current gradually decreases.

The video shows how electrolysis removes hair forever:

Electrolysis actually completely destroys the hair follicle, after which hair growth is impossible. However, the current acts so radically only on active follicles that are in the growth stage. It does not pose a danger to passive people, so over time the hair appears again.


  • the most effective of the methods, as it ensures complete cessation of hair growth;
  • affects any type of hair, regardless of structure and color;
  • affordable;
  • provides the longest lasting effect, the appearance of hair is associated with the activation of passive cells.


  • this is the most painful method of hair removal;
  • requires high qualifications, as it can damage the skin;

For some time after the procedure, traces of the effect remain on the skin - dark spots.

The procedure is limited in time: exposure longer than 10 minutes is not recommended. Even completely healthy skin reacts quite painfully to the action of electric current.


Today this method is considered the most common: many are attracted by its relative painlessness, especially compared to electrolysis. The method is also used on the face, including eyebrow hair removal. In fact, laser hair removal is not for everyone.

The laser beam itself does not have any effect on the follicle or hair. But in the hair follicle and base the most high concentration coloring pigment - melanin. This substance absorbs the laser beam, heats up and thereby destroys the follicle. Accordingly, the method is effective only for dark hair with relatively fair skin.

For the same reasons, the laser does not destroy the “fluff”, since these hairs contain practically no pigment.

There are special epilators designed to treat blonde hair, but they are very expensive. The procedure, accordingly, is very expensive. The method is even used for sensitive areas, such as armpits. – about contraindications for laser hair removal.

The video shows how laser hair removal permanently removes hair:


  • The procedure is usually painless discomfort appear only on sensitive areas of the skin;
  • the factor of injury is completely excluded;
  • The laser does not leave any traces of impact;
  • fewer procedures are required, since in one session you can remove hair from a fairly large area.


  • Suitable only for those with dark hair;
  • does not provide 100% destruction, since it essentially acts not on the follicle, but on areas rich in melanin.


The method is based on photothermolysis. The same principle is used - the effect on melanin. The substance absorbs light waves, heats up, the protein is destroyed, and blood coagulates in the capillaries supplying the hair papilla with nutrition. Thus, the follicle does not die, but goes out of working condition, as it is deprived of nutrition.

The effect lasts from 2 to 5 years depending on the intensity of growth, hormonal balance and other things. Not suitable for those with blond or gray hair.

After completing the course, sunbathing is prohibited for a week. For the next two weeks, you need to use a cream with the maximum degree of light protection, regardless of skin type.


  • painlessness – during a flash of light in the device, a burning sensation is possible. But as a rule, the unpleasant sensations are limited to this;
  • low cost compared to laser;
  • the skin is not injured, the risk of burns is eliminated, since a protective gel is applied to the area before the procedure;
  • long lasting effect.


  • photoepilation is most suitable for dark hair. There is no special equipment for fair people;
  • the follicle is not destroyed, but only temporarily ceases to function.

The video explains which type of hair removal can remove hair permanently:

Elos hair removal

This method combines the effects of electric current and laser radiation. The combination allows you to work on hair of any color, not just dark hair, so the result here is guaranteed for the lightest blondes. You can read whether elos hair removal is harmful.


  • the follicle is completely destroyed: thermal shock and electric shock provide one hundred percent results;
  • hair of any color and structure is removed;
  • The pain is comparable to laser hair removal.


  • high cost, this is the most expensive way to get rid of hair;
  • the laser beam stops the follicle from working, rather than destroying it, electric current dangerous for bulbs in an active state. Accordingly, a certain number of cells become activated over time.

However, thanks to the combination of the most effective methods this method provides the most lasting effect. The number of sessions depends on the thickness of the hair, on average 6–10 procedures.

The video shows effective hair removal for permanent hair removal:


Aimed at slowing down the process of germ cell division and acts only on active hair follicles. The procedure is more complicated: at the first stage, waxing is performed, since ultrasound does not affect the hair and roots in any way. At the second stage, the skin is covered with a special gel and treated with ultrasound. Under its action, ions penetrate deep into the dermis and destroy the hair follicle.

Ultrasonic hair removal has virtually no contraindications, which cannot be said about the preliminary stage - wax depilation.


  • removes hair of any color and structure;
  • It is possible to process the most difficult to reach areas – ears, nostrils;
  • painless treatment;
  • low cost of the procedure.


  • hair removal preparations also have a destructive effect on other skin cells, since there is no way to concentrate the effect specifically on the hair follicles;
  • required large number procedures – at least 10–15;
  • the painlessness of ultrasonic hair removal is “compensated” by the pain of preliminary hair removal;
  • The duration of the result is lower than with laser or electrolysis.

The result of ultrasound hair removal is not immediately noticeable. It usually takes 6-8 months for hair growth to stop.

Ultrasound is also used in other areas of cosmetology. In demand.

The most effective method

The effectiveness of the procedure is assessed by three factors: quantity necessary procedures, the duration of the result and the type of hair removed by this method.

  • Number of procedures– depends not so much on the method as on the thickness of the hair. On average, laser and photoepilation are the most effective - 7-12 procedures.
  • Duration– is also very individual. Photoepilation for different types hair and skin promises 2–5 years, laser – from 1 to 4 years. Elos hair removal also guarantees from 2 to 5 years of smooth skin.
  • Hair type– classical methods are in the lead here – electric and ultrasonic hair removal, which allow you to cope with the thinnest and lightest fluff. Elos, accordingly, also ensures the removal of any type of hair.

The video demonstrates hair removal once and for all:

Girls fight with increased vegetation in the most sophisticated ways: they shave, pull out with tweezers and an epilator, brew special potions. We propose to summarize briefly and consider what types of hair removal are available in the bikini area, armpits, arms and legs, as well as their pros and cons.

Many girls confuse the concepts of hair removal and depilation. Epilation is when a strand is pulled out by the roots (or the root is removed directly, for example, with a laser), and depilation is the removal of the upper, visible part of the hair, i.e. shaving and using various creams with a similar method of action.

Possible painful ways removal of hair on the body and face, and almost imperceptible to their owner. To the painful include:

  1. Wax;
  2. Sugaring;
  3. Elos-methodology;

To the painless can be attributed:

  • Laser;
  • Enzyme;
  • Ultrasonic.

Bioepilation is one of the most ancient and practical ways get rid of excess hair. Many people write reviews that, despite the excellent original appearance, some time after the procedure, ingrown hairs appear, or even the density increases. It should be noted that no one is protected from ingrown hairs, no matter what type of hair removal you choose, you just need to pay great attention to scrubbing the skin and steaming.

The essence of wax hair removal is as follows: the body is degreased and a special composition is applied, then, depending on what type of wax you use for hair removal, you either simply tear off the frozen film or pull a piece of paper. The peculiarity of the method is that the wax or strips are glued along the growth of the strand, but come off against it.

Types of wax:

- hot;

- cold;

- warm.

Photo – Waxing

Exists huge amount different cosmetic brands of this product. We recommend purchasing immediately with extracts of herbs that soothe or accelerate regeneration.

The first is categorically not suitable for use on sensitive skin and varicose veins, despite the great effectiveness of bikini hair removal with hot wax, it can be very painful and fraught with burns. Cold warms up in your hands and is sold in strips. The warm one is heated in a water bath and applied to the skin, then almost immediately a strip of fabric or paper is glued on and the whole thing comes off.

The effect lasts for 3-4 weeks, but be sure to scrub regularly and wipe the epilated areas with a hard washcloth or cloth.


  1. High sensitivity and low pain threshold;
  2. Varicose veins or close proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the dermis;
  3. Wounds and inflammation in the treatment area.


The simplest and cheapest type of hair removal at home. Despite its thousand-year history, it was remembered relatively recently. There are many methods, and they are all correct. For testing, we advise you not to take a lot of sugar, 4 spoons is enough, 2 spoons citric acid or lemon juice and one water. Mix sugar and water, put it on the fire, when the mixture turns white, pour in either juice or add acid, and cook further. You need to check the mixture every 30 seconds after it turns a light brown color like light beer.

We recommend using a spoon for this - stir the mixture with one, and drip it onto the second. As soon as it stops sticking to your fingers, turn off the stove and remove the caramel. The paste cools for 1-1.5 hours. Now we pick out a small piece, like walnut, and we begin to epilate. If the mass is thick, then you can tear it off directly, but if it is slightly liquid, but you are afraid of overcooking, then you need to use strips of fabric. Apply sugar against the growth of the strands and tear along it.

The results are visible immediately, the redness will go away after about 2 hours, the results last up to 4 weeks, and after that the hair will be much thinner and smaller.

Elos hair removal

This is one of the most radical types - a laser with current, excellent replacement electrolysis. It’s unlikely that you can do such a procedure at home: it’s painful and you need a very expensive device, but in a salon it costs up to 1,000 rubles.

Before the session, a mask is put on the patient and all metal jewelry is removed. The session lasts up to 30 minutes. often used on the chin, to remove mustaches and the face in general. It cannot be said that elos is the most painful procedure of all types of photoepilation, but it is quite unpleasant. The effect lasts for a month; in most cases, 6-8 procedures are enough to completely get rid of unwanted hair.

Photo – Elos hair removal

There are different effective ones: elos, fractional and conventional (its productivity directly depends on the type of laser used). As with elos, you are put on special glasses, and the doctor quickly walks over the problem areas. It must be said that here you will not immediately see the effect - the root has collapsed under the skin, but you can see the hair from above; it will fall out on its own in a week, and then you will be able to enjoy perfect smoothness.

Modern techniques allow you to get rid of hair forever for a very short time, literally armpits can be cleaned in 2-4 procedures, and legs – 5. This method does not work on light strands, because... works for light destruction of melanin.

But you need to remember that after the laser it is not uncommon for complications:

  1. If the doctor chooses the wrong beam length or holds his hand in one place, a burn will form;
  2. Quite often sensitive skin inflamed;
  3. High risk of ingrown hairs.

To avoid this, you need to very carefully select a specialist, and in addition, completely follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Photo – Laser hair removal

Ultrasonic method

Almost everyone women's forum discusses ultrasonic hair removal methods. The system is exactly the same as in a laser, the root of the hair is simply destroyed using sound waves. Differences ultrasonic technique and laser:

  1. The sound affects all hair, any color, type and length;
  2. It's cheaper;
  3. There are no side effects: burns, inflammation, etc.

Photo – Ultrasonic hair removal

Enzyme hair removal

The most dangerous methods– these are temperature procedures for combating excess vegetation, without the use of devices, i.e. Direct application of hot compositions to the surface of the dermis. The enzyme depilation system is approximately the same as hot wax. You need to buy a ready-made mixture, heat it in a water bath, and apply it to the skin using a special spatula, after some time the mass is removed, and the hair along with it. There will be no pain as such, but a strong burning or itching sensation is possible. Most women use this particular technique to remove hair from their legs and arms; it is not suitable for bikinis and armpits - it is very hot.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The skin becomes soft and tender;
  2. The hair is not pulled out, but removed;
  3. The effect is visible immediately, there is no inflammation;
  4. Almost everyone beauty salon carries out this procedure.

It is impossible to say in absentia which type of hair removal is the most effective, it is selected individually, sometimes even girls are trained to carry out regular procedures for themselves at home using pastes and wax or special preparations.