Libra woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope. Scales: characteristics and description

One of the most interesting signs, perhaps, is the zodiac sign Libra. A woman whose characteristics are of interest to all people interested in astrology is a very unusual and extraordinary person. Although at first glance it does not seem so.

First impression

We all know well that first impressions are deceiving. But the same cannot be said about the zodiac sign Libra. The woman, whose characteristics will be discussed in detail a little further, is attractive, gentle, sweet and affectionate. Hardly anyone can resist her charm and grace.

It's quite possible to fall in love with her at first sight. She charms with her manners, activity and smile, as well as her desire to get to know her interlocutor better. Plus these girls look amazing. In general, you can only reach out to these people. This is what this zodiac sign is like.

Libra woman: characteristics of a connoisseur of beauty

The first thing to note is that these girls cannot stand sloppy appearance. They take care of themselves, it is important for them to look good. That is why they, without a twinge of conscience, spend two to three hours making masks for their face and hair, soaking in a bath with healing salts, and spend a lot of money on cosmetics. In addition, they are picky when choosing clothes. These girls are completely unpredictable in terms of their appearance. Firstly, it should be noted that they love variety. A Libra girl can wear high heels and an elegant short dress one day, and wear jeans with a T-shirt and sneakers the next. But it is worth noting one nuance - no matter what she wears, she will still look amazing. Because even a simple outfit looks good on her.

By the way, Libra treats other people the same way in terms of appearance. In no case will they express their opinion to a person directly, but they will draw conclusions for themselves. Or they will try to hint (as correctly as possible), because they are not used to cutting from the shoulder. Girls of this sign like it when a person looks beautiful and well-groomed and smells good. This means a lot to them.

Character specifics

What else is unusual about the Libra woman zodiac sign? The characteristics of this personality are very diverse and interesting. And first of all, I would like to note that they have a masculine logic of thinking. They are rational, reasonable and love to argue. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to surpass them in this matter. They have a great tongue - they don’t mince words. But despite the fact that they love to argue, they can listen to the opinions of strangers. These are people who are interested in everything. They collect, accumulate new information and then use it - even that which seems, at first glance, useless. This is why Libra girls make excellent journalists, screenwriters, writers and psychologists. They know how to see something extraordinary in the ordinary, and explain something out of the ordinary as a completely normal phenomenon. And, I must say, they succeed.

Good friend and loyal comrade

This is who the personalities are whose patron is Libra (zodiac sign). A woman whose characteristics are distinguished by many interesting data is an excellent adviser. She knows how to listen to a person, understand his problem, and also feel what worries him. This woman will never rush to conclusions. First, she will analyze what she heard, and then, based on the facts, she will share her informed opinion. Emotions, of course, mean a lot to her, but not when it is necessary to make any important decision. And the conclusions made by this intelligent girl will help the person who asked her for advice to understand a lot. By the way, the Libra woman will never and will never force her opinion on a person. But knowing that it is true, she will try to make sure that her interlocutor also understands it. And she will do this not because she wants to assert herself at the expense of someone. These individuals actually wish only good things for people and never advise bad things. They may not know much about a person's situation, but through experience they understand what is at stake.

Simplicity and sincerity - all this is Libra (zodiac sign, woman)

The characteristic briefly describes the characteristics of this personality. One thing can be said - these girls are very simple. They will never brag about their knowledge, accumulated life experience, or intelligence. And sometimes this person will hide her skills and abilities for so long and skillfully that other people may form an opinion of her as a not very intelligent girl. But when the need arises, she will show off her knowledge and skills, much to the shock of outsiders. It’s just that Libra girls don’t consider it necessary to demonstrate abilities in vain, especially where it is not needed. And this lightness attracts others. She will not show her status and position in society, even if she occupies a very high position. These girls believe that everything like this only makes life more difficult and changes people's attitudes.

A person you can rely on

What else can you say about Libra (zodiac sign)? The woman whose characteristics were described just above is not only an intelligent adviser and a pleasant conversationalist. This is also a girl with enormous strength, courage, courage and bravery. Although these people give the impression of defenseless, weak, gentle and soft creatures. However, this is only for the time being. As soon as family or friends experience trouble or a difficult situation, incredible abilities and strengths awaken in her, a feminine and fragile creature. She is ready to rush into battle, take all possible and impossible measures to cope with trouble. You can rely on them in difficult times - they will really do everything in their power to help those who are dear to them. And no obstacles will be able to block their path.

Quiet pool

One more small nuance should be noted. Libras are very kind and sympathetic creatures. And many, unfortunately, take advantage of this and do not always treat them well. Well, Libra is also merciful - they won’t stay angry with a person for long. But if others begin to abuse kindness, it may end badly. A real demon can awaken in the soul of a quiet and kind-hearted girl. These individuals love people, but they value themselves even more and try to provide themselves with a decent life. And if something goes wrong for a long time - not through their fault - then they will begin to act out of their style. That is, go ahead.

Looking for a soul mate

One more nuance should be noted when talking about Libra (zodiac sign, woman). Characteristics, compatibility, specifics of temperament - all these are very interesting topics. And they should be discussed.

One of the most interesting topics is what zodiac sign is Libra in relationships. A woman whose characteristics in love are not always as good as we would like is a very dark horse in terms of relationships. She doesn't tell strangers anything about them. It's not her style to get together with a few girlfriends on a Friday night and talk about guys. No, first she will make sure that her relationship with her chosen one is durable and strong, and only then will she introduce him to her relatives and friends.

By the way, these girls have plenty of fans. And they are not shy about having affairs, intrigues and flirting. This brings them pleasure and allows them to be convinced of their attractiveness. But they will only be able to tie the knot with someone they consider worthy of this relationship.

Marriage, love and family

Who would be the ideal life partner for a Libra girl? In fact, the best option would be to connect your life with a representative of the same zodiac sign. They have the same interests and outlook on life, an absolutely identical worldview, they love the same things, and are always ready to have fun and travel. This will be a couple who will first live for themselves before settling down and starting to take care of their family. By the way, they both believe that first you need to earn a substantial amount of money, buy an apartment, a car, and only then think about offspring. Libras are very hard workers and appreciate good things. And besides, they believe that this is a very rash act - to get married early and have children at the age of 19, when you yourself cannot really stand on your feet. It is safe to say that the pair of two Libras is ideal. They will have a good home, stable capital and happy children who do not need anything.

What kind of jewelry does the zodiac sign Libra (woman) wear?

Characteristics, talisman, amulets, stones - the topics are quite interesting, and they cannot be ignored. Girls born under the auspices of this constellation have no difficulty in choosing jewelry. But there is one nuance that should be taken into account when choosing an accessory for such a person as Libra (zodiac sign, woman). The characteristics of stones, or rather their meaning, can be interpreted most successfully. To choose exactly the right mineral, you need to take into account the exact date of birth. For example, for girls born from September 24 to October 2, crystal, lapis lazuli, moonstone, jasper or malachite are suitable. These ladies are very gentle and fragile creatures, and these stones will give them strength. An excellent choice that Libra (zodiac sign, woman) will definitely appreciate.

Characteristics of the emerald stone are presented as an ideal mineral for a girl born from October 3rd to October 13th. These modest individuals need energy. Emerald, sapphire, topaz, zircon, ruby ​​or opal are ideal for them. But late Libras, born from October 14 to 23, are advised to wear talismans made of chrysoprase, diamond and aquamarine. These are just stones for life-loving people, which these girls are.

The representative of the zodiac sign Libra combines beauty, attractiveness, patience, a sharp mind and a strong character. At the same time, this woman can be surprisingly sensual, soft, gentle and sociable. Some representatives of the sign are distinguished by stubbornness, cynicism and rudeness. The Libra girl is attractive to the stronger sex; she always enjoys the attention of men. This is a good housewife, wife and mother, in whose house cleanliness and order reign.

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    Appearance of Libra girls

    The Libra girl almost always looks perfect. She is graceful, slender, feminine and elegant. Her hair is always beautifully styled, her skin is clean and well-groomed, her clothes are tastefully chosen and always fit her figure perfectly.

    For this woman, self-care has been elevated to the rank of religion. Even around the house she wears beautiful clothes, light makeup and good hair. For a social occasion, she always has a luxurious outfit prepared. There is no hint of vulgarity in it, and the wardrobe consists of clothes in a classic style.

    The Libra woman is an avid fashionista. She will easily spend her last money on the thing she likes. She loves everything modern, bright, shiny and unusual. Any image suits her, she often changes her image. A woman born under the sign of Libra looks much younger than her age and is always in good physical shape. Most of her health problems are associated with emotional stress or prolonged stress. The representative of this sign takes the slightest problems or grievances very close to her heart. Her body does not tolerate cold well, so a woman should avoid prolonged exposure to the cold.

    Personality qualities

    It is difficult to find a nicer person than a Libra girl. She is affectionate, sensual, charming and feminine. True, this does not prevent her from maintaining a clear mind. She is calculating, knows how to think through her actions several steps ahead, and is able to go head-to-head towards her intended goal. Her characteristics are determined by the following personality traits:

    • Diplomacy.
    • Communication skills.
    • Friendliness.
    • Femininity.
    • Smartness.
    • Equilibrium.
    • Stubbornness.
    • Sincerity.
    • Reliability.
    • Great sense of humor.
    • Ability to remain calm.
    • Responsibility.
    • Determination.

    Her inner state ranges from a sweet dandelion girl to a formidable woman going ahead. Such changes are regularly observed in all areas of her life.

    Possessing innate diplomacy, Libra will never allow themselves to offend a person whose mental abilities are lower than their own. They can communicate easily and naturally with almost all people. Therefore, by listening to their advice or receiving help from them, a person will not feel inferior.

    Sometimes a girl born under this sign gives the impression of being vulnerable, fragile, in need of a strong man who can protect her from all troubles. This image partly corresponds to reality. She needs a reliable partner with whom she will feel completely safe. You can rarely hear screaming, swearing or reproaches from her. Trying to suppress negative emotions, a woman would rather withdraw into herself than start a scandal and throw out negativity on others.

    Career and place in the team

    This sign will demonstrate its abilities to the maximum in a profession related to establishing the truth. They make excellent lawyers, judges, journalists, and jurists. One of the most undesirable professions for a woman of this sign is teaching. Libra has difficulty withstanding large crowds of children, does not know how to resolve conflicts between teenagers, and cannot cope with the diversity of children's characters. It is difficult for a woman to understand the curiosity and restlessness of her students.

    Her craving for creativity and innate sense of beauty help her succeed in her career as a writer, artist, musician, screenwriter or designer. Also, she can successfully master the profession of a flight attendant, travel agent, guide or social worker. She will like a job where she can feel respect and value for her work.

    The Libra woman is extremely difficult to tolerate criticism, especially if it is unfounded. She vitally needs recognition of her own merits. The best motivation for her will be praise from her immediate superior, especially expressed in the presence of other employees. But it’s better to criticize her one on one.

    The material issue is also very important for Libra. They will work productively if they are paid on time and fairly. But if a man offers a girl full maintenance, she will happily leave work and enjoy idleness. In this case, she will direct her unrealized potential to create an ideal home and raise children.

    Marriage and life

    The representative of this zodiac sign is in no hurry to burden herself with marriage. She constantly doubts the correctness of her choice, goes through it and tries to find a better option. He easily starts affairs and ends them just as easily.

    In her understanding, the ideal man should be impeccable in everything. After all, her husband will become the center of the universe for her. She will devote her life to him, will be his best friend and faithful companion and assistant in all his endeavors. She will become an ideal partner for her chosen one.

    A man who wants to marry a Libra woman must make important decisions on his own. He will have to solve everyday issues, support and protect his wife. In return, she will provide him with a happy life in comfort and order in the house. The representative of this sign is very devoted to her lover. Even if a couple has children, she will still love her husband more. Although she will still need some freedom. She will not walk away from her husband, she just needs personal space.

    She will make an ideal mother: fair, loving and wise. It's not her style to punish her children. She prefers to convey certain rules during a conversation. Even a baby’s mother will spend a long time explaining what and why not to do. She calmly treats her child's whims and easily pacifies his tantrums. Her children are always well dressed, polite and quite independent. The Libra woman is an ideal housewife.

    Comfort and order always reign in her home. Beautiful carpets are laid out everywhere, the house is buried in flowers, and the walls are decorated with skillful paintings. The entire furnishings in the house are created with a sense of style. The finest porcelain and polished silverware are what you can see in this woman’s kitchen. There is no place for scandals, shouting and showdowns in her house. She will resolve any critical situation with the help of her diplomatic skills.

    Love and sex

    The magnetism of the Libra woman attracts many representatives of the stronger sex to her. She is an unrivaled seductress. Anyone who felt the power of her feminine charms will remember her all his life. In order not to lose this amazing woman, a man must constantly surround her with care and affection. This will keep her interested in her lover. Without attention and care, she feels extremely unhappy.

    Libras tend to idealize love relationships. There should be a male knight next to her, capable of carrying her in his arms and protecting her from the cruelty of the world. Then she blossoms, becomes affectionate, seductive and tender. At this time, she forgets about everything in the world. The man she loves becomes God for her. At first, the girl is able to neglect her studies, work, family and friends. She is completely at the mercy of her feelings and enjoys it.

    Sex for her is a source of exclusively physical pleasure. The physical act of love does not affect her soul and heart in any way. In most cases, in bed she prefers not to take the initiative, but to be led by her partner. With her behavior after intimacy, she can shock a man. Having satisfied her physical needs, she will behave as if nothing happened.

    Compatibility by zodiac signs

    Libra gets along well with such horoscope representatives as:

    • Sagittarius.
    • Scales.
    • Twins.
    • Aquarius.

    Compatibility with other signs such as Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus is below average. Since representatives of these zodiac signs are workaholics by nature, they will tempt Libra towards the same lifestyle. There may be misunderstandings and conflicts in the family on everyday grounds.

    A woman can become strong friends with Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. And over time, friendly relationships have a chance to turn into romantic ones. The union promises to be successful and long-lasting if Libra takes a leadership position in the relationship. It is not advisable to build a relationship with Aries. Their characters are completely contradictory, and in such a union neither partner will be happy.

A woman born under the sign of Libra immediately catches your eye. She is sophisticated and charming, always dressed with taste and can easily carry on a conversation on almost any topic. She is a born coquette; for her there is no question of how to charm a man. This woman does not like conflicts and tries to maintain peace and tranquility around her.

As a rule, women born under the constellation Libra have extraordinary mental abilities. In their reasoning, they amaze their interlocutor with their truly masculine logic. These women have a very unique mindset and can easily out-talk a man.

However, Libra has enough natural intelligence not to openly demonstrate intellectual superiority over a man, at least until their honeymoon is over.

The main character trait of Libra is an evaluative attitude towards everything. The Libra woman is often unsure of her actions; she is constantly gnawed by doubt that she is doing everything right.

Libras are very fond of beautiful and expensive things. They value luxury more than any other zodiac sign. If her partner is able to provide her with a decent life, then she can become a caring housewife. If there is not enough money in the family, then she will begin to work equally with her husband for the sake of their common well-being.

Libras find it easy to succeed at work. These women get along well with everyone in the team. They are not prone to conflicts, and their sharp mind helps them to have a successful career.

Relationships with men

The Libra woman does not tolerate loneliness well. For her, marriage is a mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation between two equal partners. She will begin to take part in the life of her chosen one, will be able to completely immerse herself in his problems, and will constantly help him achieve success.

She is able to warn her man against rash, impulsive actions. Libra is able to do this very gently, without imposing their opinion at all.

Libras rarely allow their emotions to take precedence over their reason. Even the average Libra woman has good mental abilities and the ability to deeply analyze a situation.

In family life, she will always provide her chosen one with personal space. Libra will never stoop to spying on her husband: reading his correspondence or calling all the numbers in his phone book.

The Libra woman loves to talk, but can become a very attentive listener. With her next to her, a man can feel truly happy.

Libra's relationship with children is also going well. She is able to recognize the character of her child almost from the first days of his life. A Libra woman is capable of becoming a true devoted friend to her friends, and they, without fear of condemnation, will tell her all their innermost secrets.

For her, her main calling is to be a real woman. Here she will strive for excellence.

If you see a person who easily finds a common language with men, children and pensioners, if crowds of admirers of all kinds, from military men to poets, hover behind her, then you are looking at a Libra woman, and the characteristics of this sign are extremely complex and ambiguous. From a very young age, these girls want not to conflict with anyone and to be liked by everyone. This is an air sign, therefore it is characterized by a reluctance to come into contact with the material sphere, and at first this is exactly what happens: Libra walks through life easily and almost silently.

However, in adulthood, such a woman understands that she simply does not have the right to be anyone - she can be trampled. Therefore, he arms himself with charm, tolerance, the ability to understand and hear his interlocutor and begins to manipulate people. Everyone is always delighted with Libra: parents, friends, bosses, gentlemen. But it is extremely difficult to tie such an airy and sometimes flighty woman to yourself.

This zodiac sign is literally afraid to give preference to something or someone. What if she misses the chance of her life? Therefore, Libra either makes a decision instantly - in a whirlwind, or hesitates for many days, years, decades.

Love and sex in suspension

If Libra has become your companion at least temporarily according to your horoscope, then the characteristics of a woman born in this sign will become a real scourge of God for you. Such young ladies are constantly in a state of internal work, evaluating the object of their love and trying to understand what was done or said and why. They are not inclined to express their emotions, and at the same time they constantly experience mental anguish. Be prepared for the fact that one day, without explaining anything - Libra does not like to sort things out - she will simply disappear from your life. As usual, light and dispassionate.

An intelligent, and even wise, sensitive and talented Libra woman can remain without a partner for a long time and not decide on a spouse. She is too practical, tries to weigh everything thoroughly and is afraid of making the wrong decision. Be unshakable and confident next to her, do not be afraid of responsibility, and she will follow you to the ends of the earth.

In sex, she is a skilled seductress, a talented actress, and a restless inventor. But you shouldn’t expect that she herself will be very interested in this performance. This is a kind of proof that she weighed everything correctly, correctly assessed, and saw through her partner. If you do not want to lose such a lover, you need to look dissatisfied from time to time and set new difficult tasks for her.

Let's weigh family matters

A reasonable, diplomatic and non-conflict Libra woman can create an ideal married couple with almost any sign. She will do everything possible to nip the war in the bud, find a compromise, and calm the fire of passions that is about to flare up in the house. The chosen one is very dear to her: she chose him not only with her heart, but also with her mind, and is unlikely to be ready to lose him because of some everyday trifle: a quarrel over the choice of a country for a vacation or a name for her eldest son.

Your home and children are the most important things in life. This is exactly what Libra thinks, and the characteristics of the sign and the women born under it open up enormous opportunities for them to achieve results in this field. They will not sit by the window, stand near the stove for days on end and force the old model of family life on a man.

No, such a wife and mother will perfectly combine a career, cooking borscht, attending yoga and advanced training courses. So at the right moment, a man will be able to find a seductive, but not at all fragile shoulder next to him, ready to support him morally and financially. If you need to decide whether to quit your job for the sake of your children or husband, the choice will be long, difficult, but unambiguous. Family, husband, home, children - these are the main things in life. Everything else can be built anew.

Libra Children: Raised by Air

The always calm and non-conflict Libra mother can suddenly become incredibly persistent, persistent and even pushy if she needs to force the child to do something. She will explain a hundred times why this is necessary, trying to convince her child with logic and arguments.

Unfortunately, this practice is not always successful, and the child nods his head in agreement, but continues to do it his own way. By the way, this is typical for all children raised by air signs. The Libra woman is too liberal, relies on the arguments of reason and does not understand how one can be led by one’s own emotions. As a child, the authority of adults was unquestionable for her, but she does not always succeed in instilling respect for elders in her children.

However, she will come to the rescue at any moment and will be there, because nature has given her a wonderful gift - to feel the unspoken. Therefore, if the children really get into trouble, she will provide support, understand, will not judge, will not try to sort things out - she will become an invaluable ally.

Let's weigh career and money

A charismatic woman who delights others, born under the sign of Libra, is absolutely not suitable for leadership work. She is building her career slowly but steadily, and communication with something other than people suits her more than other types of activities. Let it be papers, a computer screen, a musical instrument, sports equipment, a piece of fabric, a garden rake... If only you enter into conflicts and compete less often.

However, this zodiac sign values ​​comfort and complete financial freedom from others, so he works very hard to earn good money. It is not in the nature of such women to be sybaritic and strive for luxury, but she can easily find money for “heels” and other small joys on her own.

Libras like creative work, but they are not going to be unmercenary and hungry minstrels. If such a woman decides to write a book, then first she will get a job closer to the publishing industry and receive a good salary. And only then will he compose fugues and cantatas, write immortal novels and create architectural masterpieces. Competitors, by the way, should be wary of them: non-conflict and always pleasant to talk to, the Libra woman is capable of very tricky behind-the-scenes games in order to win in her career.


The character of Libra is such that for them there are almost no unbearable, terrible, incompatible people. They are ready to endure a bad peace, just to prevent a good war and not to disturb the status quo. And so she is ready to “sit in the trenches” and extinguish conflicts for many years.

For example, with Taurus, Capricorn and Cancer men, Libra women simply really suffer. But if they are partners in life or business, they will tolerate them endlessly. An eccentric Taurus, a headstrong Aries, a desperate Capricorn... What could they have in common with the soft-tempered, sophisticated and beautiful Libra? Meanwhile, if a man wishes, Libra will suffer, but endure difficult relationships.

With Libra and Virgo men, women born under the sign of Libra are desperately bored. They themselves do not like to lead an active social life, change artistic and other tastes. However, the exceptional denseness and lack of curiosity of her Libra partners is depressing. And even here they will not allow the gentleman to resign and will diligently re-educate the man who is their mate.

Libra can develop relationships with Gemini, Leo, Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius that are truly vibrant, interesting, courageous, and enjoyable for both parties. Here passions will boil to the fullest, and both signs will draw loving and creative energy from this union.

With Pisces and Aquarius, Libra women give different results in terms of compatibility. If a man turns out to be a strong personality, then his companion will completely free him from everyday life and allow him to do whatever he wants. If a partner literally looks into his companion’s mouth, then, disappointed with each other, they will soon separate.

Libra Woman and Chinese Horoscope

It is not only the zodiac constellation under which we are born that dominates our destiny. Character and whole life also depend on the year of birth according to the Chinese calendar. And sometimes indecisive and measured ladies under the influence of stars become completely different.

  • Libra-Snake. Cardinal grise, secret manipulator Libra, born in the year of the Snake, begins to very actively use their gift to control people. Everyone will suffer here: household members, co-workers, and even sellers from nearby stores who agreed to huge discounts. True, rarely anyone is against such soft dominance, and many do not even notice it.
  • Libra-Horse. Often indecisive and too timid, Libra becomes unbridledly active, a real ebullient nature, if they were born in the year of the Horse. Such a woman begins to be pedantic, purposefully achieves her goal, no matter what. A creative person, she wants to be appreciated and is very worried if she does not receive the success she deserves.
  • Libra-Goat. Women born under the sign of Libra have a strong creative side. But if their birth falls in the year of the Goat, its power will increase tenfold. Aimed at harmony, beauty, balance, such a person is capable of achieving a lot. Such Libras are characterized by open mood swings, which is atypical for this sign. At the same time, she often manages to curb her nature and achieve the desired result from those around her.
  • Libra-Monkey. For a slightly reserved and secretive Libra, the Monkey will add sociability, cheerfulness and audacity. Libra Monkeys often abandon informed decisions in favor of spontaneous actions and are surprised that they get what they wanted. In reality, they do not stop calculating the situation, but they believe that their intuition guides them. Among the representatives of this stellar cast there are many women who choose rather adventurous professions: fortune tellers, actresses, singers, securities salesmen...
  • Libra-Rooster. Homeliness, secrecy, prudence - these are the qualities the Rooster rewards Libra, who is often distracted from everything material. A career, a prosperous husband and children, a fortified home - these are the main life goals of such women. They are also a little more passionate about luxury and their own appearance than other representatives of this zodiac sign.
  • Libra-Dog. This sign of the Chinese horoscope is generally suspicious. This quality, multiplied by Libra’s indecisiveness, simply turns into a disaster. Often such women cannot make a single serious decision. At the same time, they are a little more open to the world, sociable, and get along with people easier. So, if a representative of a strong sign happens to be next to them in life, under his sensitive guidance they are able to achieve a lot.
  • Libra-Tiger. Under the influence of the star Tiger, Libra gains strength and power over people. Such a woman can try herself in both management and business. Many doors are open for her, people trust her, men are simply captivated by her. If she clearly formulates her goal, she will come to it even earlier than expected.
  • Libra-Ox. In such women, the innate sense of justice and diplomacy is somewhat weakened. They want to get what they need, they know how to do it and will stick to their line to the end. Organizational skills and success with the opposite sex are at their peak.
  • Libra-Pig. For Libra women born in the Year of the Pig, indecision will become second nature. They spend a long time choosing outfits and husbands for themselves, cannot decide to go to a new job, to sort things out with someone... But after the wedding, their life will completely improve: peace and complete order will reign in the house, and a reliable companion will take on part of the responsibility for serious decisions.
  • Libra-Rat. Such women have a strange character: they don’t want anything special from life, but at the same time they are too unsure of those around them to sit idly by. Another “deviation”: such Libras do not really value stability in the family and easily break up with their partners if things don’t go well.
  • Libra-Rabbit (Cat). The romance and contemplation of this sign reach the point of unreasonableness. If someone supports such a creative nature, they can get good results. But without outside help, Libra will sway and remain inactive for a very long time.
  • Libra-Dragon. Usually balanced and reasonable Libra becomes eccentric and suspicious. They constantly analyze the behavior of other people and suspect them of something. At the same time, they are drawn to be in society and seek recognition. If they direct their energy into work, and not into family, they can become famous and get rich.

Reasonable and decisive

In general, all women who were born under the sign of Libra are very reasonable and prudent. They are confident that any situation can be calculated, and any conflict can be resolved to the benefit of both parties. They need love and recognition, and at the right time, suitable life partners are always nearby.

Libra is the second sign of the element of Air, which endows people with developed intelligence and the need for communication, and the patron planet gives them a love for the beautiful and sublime. That is why the Libra woman, for all her femininity, tenderness and charm, is endowed with a sharp mind and logic, which is in no way inferior to a man’s. This woman is so beautiful, refined and graceful that she can easily attract a representative of the stronger sex into herself.

Due to the fact that Libra is a dual sign, the psychological portrait of a Libra woman reflects one person, combining two principles - male and female. She can be fragile, delicate, wear beautiful dresses, walk in heels, but at the same time, if she puts on a shirt and trousers, she will feel no less comfortable in such an outfit. And her way of thinking is sometimes very similar to a man’s, and it is with representatives of the stronger half of humanity that she can talk about any non-feminine topics.

Her innate wisdom tells her how to behave in male society; she will never extol herself above a man; in conversation she will always be tactful and polite. Moreover, if she is surrounded by a man she likes, she will demonstrate all her best feminine qualities, knowing full well that a strong woman can scare off anyone.

The Libra woman is an excellent conversationalist, smart, erudite, with a good sense of humor, she always understands what is being said, listens carefully to the speaker, nods and smiles. It’s hard to disagree with the arguments she makes, they are so convincing and accurate. Libras are better at speaking than other signs.

Since this zodiac sign is characterized by duality, this girl is constantly inclined to doubt everything. She has no confidence in the correctness of her choice. Although before making this decision, she carefully calculated everything and weighed all the pros and cons. This length of time in making decisions is caused by her desire to be fair to herself and to others. Sometimes this indecision annoys her loved ones, but they can always be sure that her decision is the most correct of all possible.

The Libra woman's horoscope states that she is the best advisor in any matter. This is not surprising, because she bases her conclusions only on conclusions and facts, without taking into account emotions and feelings. She will not force you to accept her point of view as the only correct one, but will make every effort to ensure that a person listens to her advice and makes an informed and correct choice. At the same time, guided by female wisdom, she will arrange everything in such a way that the person will believe that he came to this decision on his own.

Outwardly, the Libra woman seems defenseless, weak and touching, but this happens until unforeseen difficulties arise in her path. Then this fragile person will demonstrate her strong character and ability to solve problems and not give up under the pressure of circumstances. Her loved ones and relatives can be sure that in difficult times they will be able to turn to her for help, and she will always provide support and will never betray.

What Libra women love

Women born in the constellation Libra adore various jewelry, so they are not able to calmly pass by a jewelry store. In their arsenal there will always be different little things for any occasion, be it a trip to the store or a social event. Libra women are the only representatives of the zodiac circle who wear jewelry with a special charm that is unique to them.

In addition, Libras are famous fashionistas; their wardrobe contains a variety of beautiful outfits that always emphasize their elegance. Women of this sign are partial to perfumes, buy them in large quantities and use them depending on the chosen image. They always carefully monitor their body, regularly visit the cosmetology office, and can correct their figure through surgery.

For women of this sign, the home environment is important. Furniture, clothes, things - everything should please the eye and be pleasant to the touch. Fresh and light aromas should be in the air. They like delicious and gourmet food, they love art, classical music, luxurious and expensive things. For such a life, they need a lot of money, which they are able to earn on their own, without counting on the stronger sex. After all, if something in Libra’s environment is unattractive and ugly, then they will suffer greatly from it.

Love of a Libra woman

From an early age, the Libra girl dreams of true, pure and sincere love, so she considers this feeling to be the main thing in her life. She is fluent in the art of seduction and knows how to attract a man. To live together, they are looking for a strong, reliable partner who will become a support for them. She has a too gentle and subtle nature, so she needs someone who can protect her from life’s troubles, taking the solution to all problems into her own hands.

Remembering how demanding she is when it comes to courtship from men, the partner needs to have a solid supply of money, because a woman of this sign requires gallant treatment, luxurious gifts and many other expensive things with which she will emphasize her individuality and beauty. But, despite such exactingness, she always has many suitors who can satisfy all her whims and wishes.

The Libra woman needs a life partner more than others. He will become a friend, a husband, a lover and a partner for her. At the same time, he will be surrounded by attention, care, affection and love. She will always support him in all his endeavors and provide all possible assistance. It is not in her nature to insult or offend her companion; she values ​​relationships too much. For his sake, she is able to refuse any benefits, and even change her place of residence.

Despite the fact that she does not strive for leadership in relationships, she still tries to steer the family boat unnoticed by her husband, gently and unobtrusively pushing him to the action she needs. She is smart and resourceful, but at the same time her intelligence is hidden under the guise of goodwill and optimism; this behavior allows her to achieve a lot. Her inner strength is always hidden behind external softness and femininity. And her innate wisdom allows her to correctly place emphasis in behavior with her husband, thanks to which he is ready for any feat for the sake of the woman he loves.

The Libra woman is a strict but fair mother. From an early age, she instills in children respect for the head of the family, teaching them that his authority is unshakable. Develops in them a love of order, instills in them good manners. She rarely spoils them, but she has no desire for excessive care, so when the children grow up, they feel independent and self-sufficient.

Sex life of Libra women

A woman born in the constellation Libra does not tolerate haste. Before intimacy occurs, she will create a suitable environment and think through her image down to the smallest detail. During the process, she will carefully monitor her partner’s reactions, and after completion she will definitely ask him if he liked everything.

The Libra woman loves all foreplay, including passionate and gentle whispering in her ear. She perceives the process of seduction as an art, and not as a physical action aimed at achieving a result. A man will not have to break her resistance; on the contrary, she, knowing about her inherent sexuality, will seduce a man in the most unexpected way.

A mirrored ceiling, additional lighting effects, all this will make a lasting impression on your partner in bed. She likes it when a man slowly and skillfully caresses her entire body, without missing a single sensitive corner. After a night of love, a man must tell his partner how good he had it with her, and to confirm his words, invite her to the shower to confirm his words with action.

She will agree to any experiments in sex only if they are not imposed on her in a rude manner. She wants to try something new and unknown, but only the right approach will ensure her unconditional consent.

The Libra woman loves translucent outfits and prefers not to wear underwear. This behavior is caused by her love for her own body, so a man who wants to achieve her favor must first of all admire her beauty and sexuality. A man who can meet all her requirements will receive the most vivid and memorable impressions from intimacy with her.

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