Which is better, Omez or De-Nol, and can they be taken at the same time? More about the medications prescribed to me. What course of treatment should you take?

Dear Zinaida! The drugs are pharmacologically compatible with each other, but they cannot be taken at the same time. The insoluble film, which is formed from bismuth compounds in the acidic environment of the stomach, interferes with the absorption of other medications, so De-Nol should be taken strictly 30 minutes before meals, and no other medications should be taken during this period of time.

Hello! I have gastritis, I was prescribed Denol. The immune system has weakened, a sore throat has appeared, and it is impossible to swallow. I spray Loroflu down my throat, I think it won’t interfere with Denol’s work. And tell me, I was prescribed Geling Narung, I drink it in the morning after Denol, is this normal or should I change my intake?

Dear Anastasia! As for taking De-Nol, it is important to know that the drug should be taken only before meals, no less than 30 minutes, and no other medications should be taken during this period of time, as their absorption may be impaired.

Good afternoon I have found erosive gastritis with the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. In addition to antibiotics, the doctor prescribed de-nol and enterol 2p. a day an hour before meals. I took them for 4 weeks together, and now I find out that de-nol is taken separately from other medications. In addition, the doctor did not warn that she should not eat dairy. And I just ate it. As a result, after such treatment, already on the 2nd day after its completion, my stomach began to hurt again. Why drink de-nol again, only this time correctly?

Dear Likeria Nikolaevna! If the pain resumes, contact your doctor again, or consult another specialist https://infodoctor.ru/doktor/gastroenterology/ It is difficult to say in absentia what is causing the lack of the expected effect - due to the fact that the absorption of drugs taken simultaneously with De -Nolom, disturbed, or with peculiarities of the course of the disease. There is no need to continue taking De-Nol on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. Most likely, adjustments to the treatment regimen will be required.

If the treatment does not give the expected effect. either the diagnosis of the disease needs clarification, or the treatment regimen needs correction. If pain persists despite the use of prescribed medications and there is no positive dynamics, it is necessary repeat consultation your attending physician, you can also contact an additional specialist https://infodoctor.ru/doktor/gastroenterology/ to get a second medical opinion.

Good evening.
Please tell me the diagnosis: GERD due to insufficiency of the cardiac sphincter of the esophagus. Erosive distal esophagitis. Chr. gastroduodenitis.
1. Dexilant 1 r/day
2.Gaviscon 1 sachet 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals
3. Denol 1 t 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals
4. Duspatalin 1 capsule 2 times a day
5.Enterol 1 caps morning and evening before meals
6.Maxilak 1 capsule in the evening before dinner
7. Sea buckthorn oil 1 tbsp before bed.

I don't understand how to fit it all in time.
I have 3 questions:
1. The doctor allowed me to drink Enterol, duspatalin and dexilant in the morning at once. It turns out that I drink it an hour before meals. Then she should drink de-nol, and after de-nol, another Gaviscon. That is, 1.45 minutes pass between taking enterol and eating?

2. De Nol can be taken 1 time at night. But we still need it for the night sea ​​buckthorn oil. What should be the gap between them?

3. What is the optimal interval between taking de-nol? 4 times a day, but not a day. That is, approximately once every 4-4.5 hours?

If possible, please answer all 3.
Thank you

Dear Tatyana! It’s absolutely true that in this situation an hour and a half passes between taking Enterol and eating food. Dexilant can be taken with or without food, but if your doctor has prescribed you to take the drug before meals, follow the instructions. De-Nol should be taken strictly on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, and during this period of time you should not take any other medications, including including sea buckthorn oil. Bismuth compounds form an insoluble coating on the surface of the gastric mucosa, which interferes with the absorption of other medications. De-Nol is usually prescribed twice a day, and not 4 times a day, taking into account the pharmacokinetics of the drug, since, as a rule, the patient also receives other medications included in the treatment regimen.

Tatyana Mitrofanovna, thank you very much.
In the period of 30 minutes from the moment of taking de-nol, I do not take anything. Only after 30 minutes have passed the Gaviscon and wait another 15 minutes before eating, because... I can’t think of any more options on how to combine
The doctor insists on 4 times a day, because... Helicobacter was not found, but we are treating everything else.
I wait 5 hours between denol doses. Is this a normal interval?
Before bed I drink denol, and half an hour later sea buckthorn oil. So it's useless?

Dear Galina Igorevna! Maximum duration course prima De-Nola - 8 months. For the next 2 months, you should not take any medications containing bismuth. You should not take De-Nol without a doctor’s recommendation, even if it was previously prescribed.

Dear doctor! Please tell me what to do. I have superficial antral gastritis with Helicobacter. They prescribed a treatment regimen of Nolpaza, tetracycline, metronidazole, Novobismol. I drank it for 10 days. Now I drink Nolpaza, Novobismol and Bactistatin, But the thing is, I took Novobismol as prescribed by the doctor 30-40 minutes after meals. Nolpaza 30 minutes before food, and antibiotics during meals, Did I not drink Novobismol correctly, because you write that you should drink it strictly before meals. I beg you to answer Thank you.

Dear Olga Vasilievna! Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, the active ingredient of the drug Novobismol, in the acidic environment of the stomach forms insoluble bismuth compounds, which cover the gastric mucosa in the form of a protective film, therefore it is recommended to take the drug before meals, and no less than 30 minutes. When taking the drug after a meal, its effect does not fully develop.

Good afternoon Please tell me, gastritis, deodenitis, Helicobacter +++ have been detected. The doctor prescribed: Nolpaza for 2 weeks, Pancreatin for 7 days, Denol for 2 weeks. Why weren’t antibiotics prescribed and was the treatment prescribed correctly?

Dear Elena Yurievna! It is impossible to say in absentia why your attending physician did not include antibacterial drugs in the Helicobacter pylori infection eradication regimen. It would be advisable to seek clarification from your doctor, or additionally consult another specialist https://infodoctor.ru/doktor/gastroenterology/ to get a second medical opinion.

The presence of Helicobacter pylori was detected - according to the result of a blood test 6.28 and breath test 11.2. Please tell me, I was prescribed: Lancid-kit (according to the scheme) + Ulcavis after meals for 14 days. Three months later, stool analysis. Is that right? Thank you.

Dear Vladimir! It is impossible to comment on the treatment prescribed to you in absentia, since the treatment regimen is drawn up based not only and not so much on the diagnosis of the disease, but on the characteristics of a specific clinical situation. In general, we can say that Lancid-Kit is combination drug, all components of which have proven clinical effectiveness. Ulcavis, the active ingredient of which is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, is recommended to be taken before meals.

Good afternoon The gastroenterologist diagnosed chronic gastroduodenitis with foci of hemorrhages, HP - associated, exacerbation, chronic pancreatitis with the development of external sector insufficiency. Non-alcoholic steatohepatosis. Chronic acalculous cholecystitis, remission.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed (perilstatics are sluggish in all parts, but the folds are difficult to straighten with air. The mucous membrane is diffusely hyperemic, edematous, mainly in the body and antrum, many submucosal hemorrhages, the mucous membrane is easily vulnerable. Cytological examination of the gastric mucosa - accumulation of epithelial cells with degenerative-dystrophic changes; bacteria morphologically similar to HP were found in large numbers (+++). Malignant neoplasms Not yet. Blood and urine tests are normal. Slightly higher than normal - uric acid.
Ultrasound abdominal cavity- enlarged liver and pancreas.
Height 180, weight 110.
The DOCTOR prescribed:
Diet No. 5.
Pariet 20 mg, 1 tablet in the morning for 28 days, De-nol 120 mg, 2 tablets 2 times for 28 days, Flemoxin Solutab 1000 mg 2 times a day for 10 days, for some reason Vilprofen 1000 mg 2 times a day for 10 days, Back-set Forte 1 caps 2 times a day 14 days, Flucostat 150 mg on days 1 and 7 of taking antibiotics, Creon 10 thousand. units 1 capsule 3 times a day for 2 months. Control - after 1.5 months. after antibiotics, test feces for Ag to HP.
The prescription of vilprofen is confusing. And according to the course - everything is fine? There seem to be no complications from the medications.
But taking antibiotics is confusing.

Dear Konstantin! It is impossible to comment on the prescribed treatment in absentia, since the treatment regimen is drawn up based not only and not so much on the diagnosis of the disease, but on the characteristics of this particular clinical situation. As for the simultaneous prescription of Flemoxin and Vilprafen, this combination is integral part first-line anti-Helicobacter therapy, the high effectiveness of which has been clinically proven.

U 75 summer woman point erosions were detected (erosive reflux esophagitis, erosive duodenitis)! Helicobacter was also confirmed! The doctor’s prescription is in doubt, the first stage: amoxicillin 0.5 -2 times a day, vilprafen 0.1 -2 times a day for 10 days.Next break 20 days. Second stage: Pariet 20 mg -2 times per day, Ganaton, Creon for a month. The doctor is categorical about replacing Pariet with Zulbex, Zulbex is weaker... How can you comment?

Good afternoon to all Irecommend readers!

Today my review is dedicated to the antiulcer drug De-Nol, which is able to fight the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the pylorus of the stomach and more.

A spiral bacterium that literally screws into the mucous membrane of organs.

Helix (translated from Latin) means “spiral”.

What kind of bacterium is this and what is it capable of?

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium that infects various areas stomach, duodenum. Doctors believe that due to its spiral shape, it determines the ability of the microorganism to penetrate the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum and facilitates the movement of bacteria in the mucous gel covering the gastric mucosa

After reading this, do not be horrified and do not think that such a bacterium must live in you. But you need to pass ANALYSIS, for example:

1. Stool analysis (only before treatment)

2. Enzyme immunoassay(ELISA). Donate blood.

3. Immunoblot (Western blot) method.

4. Biopsy (during FGS)

Be sure to consult a doctor. Don't let us prescribe anything without testing.

*** Why did I start drinking De-nol? ***

I was diagnosed with gastroduodenitis while still in the hospital, and after being discharged from the hospital I was treated at the clinic. Both before and after, I took antibiotics in serious doses.

This is FGS. The biopsy did not show this bacterium.

My diagnosis (verbatim):

Chronic gastroduodenitis, subsided. exacerbation, gerb.

De-nol can also be prescribed when the patient uses non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Ketorol, Indomethacin, etc..

*** Price, instructions, storage ***

Sold at a price of 500-600 rubles per pack of 7 blisters of 8 tablets each. But there is a larger package.

Active substance - bismuth salts

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate(A02BX) is included in the list of strategically significant drugs.

Safety of the active component.

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate practically not absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. Minor amount bismuth may enter the systemic circulation.

If there is no overdose, but you will not suffer. This is an axiom.

*** Application of De-nol with Nolpaza ***

I took De-nol because chronic gastroduodenitis(I still don’t understand why it’s chronic), irritable bowel syndrome and GERD. GERD is heartburn, in short, De-nol is also prescribed for it (like mine).

*** My dosage is ***

I took 2 pills 2 times a day. half an hour before breakfast/dinner. Important! I also took Nolpaza, and there should be a gap of at least half an hour between these medications. Therefore, first there was Nolpaza, then De-nol, and then breakfast/dinner.

Since I had to take another medication (Nolpaza) in exactly the same way, and moreover TO De-nola, then I got up early.

***More about those assigned to me medicines ***

As I indicated above, De-nol worked in tandem with Nolpaza for all eight weeks.

Since I took Nolpaza first, I note that I felt relief very quickly from Nolpaza.

After a single oral dose of 20 mg, the effect of pantoprazole develops within the first hour, the maximum effect is achieved after 2-2.5 hours.

I was also prescribed Trimedat because of irritable bowel syndrome, Duphalac to improve stool (so that it even existed) and the Pevzner diet, second table, option b).

Important about antibiotics! While still in the hospital, I was given a course of modern antibiotics. Ceftriaxone(it is also listed in the epicrisis, see 2 photos above, underlined in red) and an antispasmodic Duspotalin. A light yellow antibiotic Amoxicillin They injected everyone (not pregnant women for sure). I'm twice as big as the others, wow! Already at the clinic, the doctor clarified to me that because of this, even before treatment with De-nol, the symptoms (stomach pain and heartburn went away).

Therefore, Ceftriaxone rebounded on my ailments in the gastrointestinal tract. A Batsimex (the same metronidazole) took place purposefully!

Bacimex, by the way, is often prescribed along with amoxicillin against Helicobacter pylori:

In combination with amoxicillin, it is active in regarding Helicobacter pylori. Amoxicillin is believed to inhibit the development of Helicobacter pylori resistance to metronidazole.

*** About generic Escape. What do I think about analogues ***

Synonyms De-nol - these are drugs with the same active substance bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. Sometimes doctors are categorically against even synonymous replacement. Common synonyms for De-nol:

Escape, Novobismol, Ulkavis, etc.

Sometimes doctors prescribe analogues , there are no bismuth salts there. It's not bad. The main thing is who the manufacturer is and why this particular drug. Don't hesitate to ask your doctor. Common analogues of De-nol:

Vikair, Vis-nol, Gastro-norm, Vikalin.

I didn’t notice any difference between De-nol and Escape, except for the price. The second one is cheaper.

It so happened that after publishing this review, I finally found this infection in myself! Passed tests and HERE is the link for all the ins and outs of my treatment and the results of the stomach biopsy. I GOT RID OF HER! For how long is the question. It's a contagious thing.

Of course it's unpleasant to receive positive test. But you need treatment! So don't be afraid and go to the doctor.

*** My conclusions and assessment ***

I have an uncertain attitude towards the medicine. On the one hand, it helped, yes, it became easier. On the other hand, “solo” did not work initially. De-nol will not get rid of bacteria; only antibiotics can do this. I give it “3” as a patient, that is, “normal.” I recommend not so much this particular drug as listening to the opinion of your attending physician.

I will be glad if my review is useful to you.

How gastritis, ulcers, pulpitis are widespread among people of different ages. There are enough medications prescribed by doctors for exacerbations and for their prevention. Many of them can be used in complex treatment, so the question of which is better “Omez” or “De-Nol” often arises among patients.

Stomach diseases

When eating food, the cells lining the inner mucous surface of the human stomach are exposed to the irritating action of physical and chemical factors. Optimal conditions for the normal digestion of incoming products are created by the active work of glands and cells that produce hydrochloric acid, which also perform protective role against harmful bacteria.

When an infection enters the stomach or is negatively affected by irritating factors, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. In this case, cells and glands begin to produce too much hydrochloric acid. The consequence of this imbalance is a violation of acidity with its excessive production and a disorder of the digestive system.

People of any age and social status are susceptible to stomach diseases, and they are treated various methods. The most common diseases are erosive and ulcerative gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Gastritis is a disease in which a dysfunction and secretory disorder occurs, accompanied by inflammatory processes of its mucous membrane, intestinal spasm and constipation. The disease often occurs against the background of increased stomach acidity. Treatment of gastritis is complex, one of its conditions is following a strict diet and taking medications.

Peptic ulcer disease most often occurs due to chronic gastritis stomach. Its aggravation occurs under the influence of several negative factors: overwork, lack of sleep, long-term stress, smoking and drinking alcohol, poor nutrition etc.

In the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, gastroenterologists widely use the drugs Omez and De-Nol. Treatment carried out with their help can reduce unpleasant symptoms diseases, reduce negative impact acids on the walls of the stomach and create a protective film at the site of erosive formations.

Helicobacteriosis as a cause of gastric diseases

Helicobacter Pylori - harmful bacteria, causing disease helicobacteriosis, which contributes to the appearance of disease of the duodenum and stomach: gastritis and ulcers. The discovery of these bacteria aroused great interest among medical scientists, who still devote their research to them. Helicobacter pyloriosis has been found to be present in 70% of the world's population, but good immunity bacteria cannot multiply much.

The harmful bacterium has flagella, with the help of which it moves along the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract, attaches to them, negatively affecting cells and causing various inflammatory processes. At unfavorable conditions, which include stress, infections, bad habits and bad food, their effect can affect not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the liver, pancreas and heart. They contribute to the emergence bronchial asthma, disorders in the endocrine and hematopoietic systems.

According to scientists, Helicobacter pylori has a carcinogenic effect and affects the formation of tumors and cancer cells.

An accurate diagnosis and level of infection with such bacteria can only be made by a doctor after examination and tests: blood (general and biochemical) and gastric juice, biopsies, etc.

To destroy bacteria, the drugs Omez and De-Nol are prescribed. Your doctor should explain how to take them (simultaneously or separately). This helps prevent the development of stomach diseases and pathological changes in the body.

Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers

To treat the listed diseases, after an examination, the gastroenterologist prescribes several medications at once, including Omez and De-Nol. Often patients, trying to save their money and reduce the negative impact large quantity chemical drugs, try to drink only some of them. However, it will be important for them to know that these two drugs are not analogues, and therefore the answer to the question whether Omez and De-Nol can be taken together is positive.

To find out exactly what effect each of these has medical supplies, consider their description, positive and negative impact on the patient's body.

Most patients are also interested in the answer to the question of which is better, Omez or De-Nol. To answer it, it is necessary to consider the role of each of these drugs in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Description of the drug "De-Nol"

"De-Nol" refers to antiulcer and astringent drugs that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and gastrocytoprotective effects. Prescribed by a doctor for gastroduodenitis, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Basic active ingredient- colloidal bismuth subcitrate, which promotes the precipitation of proteins and forms a protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa, and only in those areas where there are erosions and ulcers. Thanks to these processes, eliminating negative impact stomach acid, rapid scarring of wounds occurs.

The drug also exhibits activity against Helicobacter pylori, which is the cause of the development peptic ulcer:

  • the medicine reduces enzymatic processes inside the cells of microorganisms;
  • prevents their attachment to the walls of the stomach;
  • reduces the speed of bacteria movement;
  • restores the protective layer of the mucous membrane;
  • reduces the level of pepsin in the body, which helps increase the patient’s resistance to stress;
  • Helicobacter is not able to develop immunity to the drug.

The drug is prescribed by the doctor 2 or 4 times a day, 1 tablet per 30 minutes. before meals. You need to wash it down still water(but not milk). The standard course of treatment is 4-8 weeks.

Side effects and contraindications for taking De-Nol

Contraindications for taking De-Nol:

  • individual intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • disorders of the kidneys, all stages of renal failure;
  • childhood up to 14 years old.

Bismuth is excreted from the body through feces, which is why many patients experience darkening or blackening of the feces, and darkening of the tongue and gums also often occurs.

Possible side effects:

  • stomach upsets, nausea and vomiting;
  • hives or skin rash;
  • at high doses - encephalopathy and memory impairment.

Bismuth can accumulate in the body with long-term use of the drug, which leads to malfunctions in the kidneys and central nervous system. nervous system. Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking De-Nol for longer than 2 months.

"Omez": description and action

To find out which is better, “De-Nol” or “Omez”, we will consider in detail what effect the second drug, which belongs to the inhibitor group, has on the gastrointestinal tract proton pump(IPP). The active ingredient - omeprazole - blocks final stage synthesizing hydrochloric acid, which is secreted in the stomach of every person to digest food.

"Omez" is prescribed for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, and for exacerbations of gastritis caused by Helicobacter. In addition, the medicine has other positive action on the stomach: eliminates heartburn, feeling of “heaviness” in the stomach, belching and others external manifestation diseases.

"Omez" is prescribed 2-4 times a day, 1 capsule for 30-40 minutes. before meals, however, before starting a course of treatment and taking medication, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude the presence of a malignant process in the stomach.

"Omez": contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to taking the medicine: childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the components. During the treatment period, alcohol consumption is prohibited.

Side effects of the drug:

  • dizziness, heavy sweating, nervous excitement, headaches;
  • sleep and vision disturbances, hallucinations, depressive states;
  • abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea;
  • stomatitis and dry mouth, taste disturbances;
  • hives, skin rash;
  • muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain.

Methods of complex treatment of gastric diseases

When treating exacerbations of chronic gastritis or ulcers, the attending physician prescribes complex therapy in order to use medications with maximum effectiveness and avoid complications of these serious diseases.

Most often, several medications are prescribed simultaneously to treat Helicobacter pylori infection. Some patients consider it a mistake to prescribe two drugs “De-Nol” and “Omez” at the same time. Is it possible to drink them at once or is it better to take them one at a time? Thus, they disrupt the treatment regimen, reducing their therapeutic effect.

It is necessary to clarify that these drugs have different effects on the stomach:

  • bismuth components in De-Nol have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects;
  • proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole) eliminate pathological processes in the stomach, removing excess production of hydrochloric acid.

Prescribing these two drugs at the same time actually has a positive impact, helping in the treatment of these diseases, so the patient does not need to choose “De-Nol” or “Omez”, but combine them in one course of treatment.

Treatment of helicobacteriosis

It is for the treatment and neutralization of Helicobacter pylori bacteria that specialists prescribe these 2 drugs in complex therapy. Thanks to the double action, their reproduction processes slow down. However, it is necessary to follow the correct regimen prescribed by the doctor.

In complex treatment, at least 3 medications are prescribed: antibiotics, an antisecretory drug and a gastrocytoprotector.

According to the first regimen, "Omez" is taken 2 times, 20 mg, and "De-Nol" is also taken twice, 1-2 tablets. According to the second scheme, the frequency of reception increases to 4.

However, when taking these drugs, the possibility of developing side effects. If nausea, vomiting and dizziness occur during treatment, you should stop treatment and consult your doctor to select other medications.

"De-Nol" and "Omez": how to take together?

In the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers complex treatment involves the use of several medications, special diet, as well as traditional medicine methods.

The drugs "Omez" and "De-Nol" can be taken simultaneously, but at least an hour should pass between them due to the fact that the first medicine can significantly reduce therapeutic effect second. The correct compatibility when taking these 2 drugs is usually determined by the attending gastroenterologist.

De-nol tablets belong to effective drugs treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The drug is readily used in gastroenterology. In addition to peptic ulcer disease, the drug has high efficiency for a number of other diseases of the stomach and intestines. For the pathology of gastritis, De-nol is used with good results.

The main effects of active active substance The drug is anti-inflammatory, enveloping and astringent. The effect of the drug leads to rapid recovery structure and normalization of the functions of cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

By chemical composition the drug denol is a derivative citric acid, more precisely, its bismuth salt. The element bismuth is distinguished by its pronounced therapeutic effect for gastritis and ulcerative lesions.

The drug is available in tablet form and is intended for oral administration only. The package includes instructions on how to take De-nol for gastritis.

The effect of De-nol is most pronounced in the treatment of peptic ulcers. When the drug enters the stomach, it forms a dense protective film on the walls, protecting damaged areas of the epithelium from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid and other factors, and can increase the rate of healing of ulcerative and erosive areas.

An important quality of De-nol in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers is its antibacterial effect against the causative agent of ulcers and gastritis - the microorganism Helicobacter pylori. In the 20th century, scientists proved that the mentioned microorganism often causes the development of pathology of the digestive tract.

Main indications and contraindications

The effectiveness and high digestibility of the drug has been proven for the following diseases:

  1. Gastric ulcer.
  2. Duodenal ulcer.
  3. Dyspeptic syndrome.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  5. Ellison-Zollinger syndrome.

When prescribing De-nol for gastritis, you need to remember the contraindications that the drug has. It is not recommended to be treated with Denol for patients suffering from acute or chronic renal failure, especially in severe. Relative contraindication counts increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to the drug or individual biochemical components. De-nol is not prescribed for gastritis with low acidity.

An absolute contraindication to taking de-nol will be the period of gestation and breastfeeding. The drug has a pronounced teratogenic effect. If gastritis or peptic ulcer worsens in a pregnant woman, she will have to choose safer drugs.

How to take the drug correctly

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe the drug. It is forbidden to try to drink it yourself without the advice of a doctor. De-Nol tablets are taken orally. Important given proper nutrition. The regimen is structured in fractions; it is recommended to exclude spicy, salty and fatty foods, coarse fiber. Avoid eating foods that are too hot or too cold.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions for use, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. For the treatment of children from 4 to 8 years of age, tablets are prescribed at the rate of 8 mg per 1 kg of the child’s body weight. Average therapeutic dosage must be divided into two doses during the day.
  2. If the child's age is from 8 to 12 years, the average dosage is 1 tablet twice a day.
  3. If the child has reached the age of 12 years or an adult patient is being treated, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 1 tablet 3 or 4 times a day.
  4. Take with increased acidity should be taken 30 minutes before meals. De-Nol capsules are washed down with plenty of clean filtered or boiled water.
  5. The full therapeutic course for gastritis is 5 – 8 weeks. The final decision on how long De-nol should be taken is made by the attending physician. In some cases, a course is prescribed to prevent relapse of the disease.
  6. When the course of treatment with the drug is completed, it is not recommended to take it for the next two months. medicines containing bismuth.

An alternative treatment regimen is to take 2 tablets before breakfast or before dinner. It is strictly forbidden to chew the tablets. It is possible to drink only non-carbonated clean water. Do not take the medicine with tea, milk or coffee. The action will reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Possible side effects

When taking De-nol, a number of side effects may develop. The frequency of manifestations does not exceed a fraction of a percent.

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Frequent loose stools.
  3. Constipation.
  4. Allergic reactions - skin rash, urticaria, itching.

Symptoms appear extremely rarely and are mild. Usually disappears extremely quickly and does not require discontinuation of the drug. Drug treatment De-nolom remains highly effective under such conditions.

From time to time, patients note that taking De-nol contributes to the coloration of stool dark color. Reduced memory and attention are rarely observed.


If medicinal substance consumed in excessive doses, kidney function may be impaired. In case of overdose, use of the drug should be stopped immediately. The patient is instructed to immediately and thoroughly rinse the stomach. Before the brigade arrives emergency care it is possible to take the sorbent orally. Often taken activated carbon. It won't hurt to take a saline laxative. In case of severe poisoning with bismuth preparations, the patient is sometimes prescribed hemodialysis. An overdose of a drug can occur when long-term use drug or taking excessively large doses.

After discontinuation of the drug and emergency assistance, it may be necessary symptomatic treatment. You will need to do a blood test to check your bismuth level. If the result is elevated, the doctor prescribes complex therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

For the treatment of gastritis or peptic ulcer, De-nol is prescribed in combination with antibacterial drugs. Several treatment regimens have been developed, including antibiotics and bismuth preparations.

In addition, De-nol is prescribed in combination with the drug Omez. The dosage and regimen are prescribed individually.

Remember, you need to take other medications at least half an hour before taking de-nol.

Interaction with alcohol

Patients often have questions about the compatibility of a drug with alcohol. There are no instructions for use for the drug special instructions about the possibility joint reception drugs and alcohol. Be aware that bismuth easily forms toxic compounds with alcohol that have a detrimental effect on the liver. This leads to a ban on the simultaneous use of alcohol and bismuth preparations.

Storage conditions of the drug

The drug should be stored in a dry place away from direct sun rays. It is better to store tablets in a room where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. Otherwise, the medicine will lose its pharmacological qualities.

Storing the drug in the refrigerator is strictly not recommended due to the excessively low temperature and high level air humidity inside. The optimal solution would be to store the medicine in a specially designed first aid kit, out of reach of small children.

Before starting treatment, pay attention to the external condition of the tablets. Should not be noted mechanical damage and chips. If defects are found in capsules or tablets, it is better not to use them. If the tablets have a changed taste or smell, this becomes evidence of improper storage conditions.