Exacerbation of chronic gastritis symptoms treatment drugs. Chronic gastroduodenitis: causes of occurrence

Gastritis is a process of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, characterized by periods of exacerbation and temporary weakening of the manifestations of a chronic disease.

The disease occurs as a result of:

  1. Bacterial activity (Helicobacter Pylori).
  2. Nervous stress and chronic fatigue.
  3. Improper diet and unhealthy food (excessive diets that do not spare the body or, conversely, gluttony).
  4. Alcohol or nicotine addiction.
  5. Intolerance medical supplies(possibly due to frequent use or due to the immunostimulating function of the drug).
  6. Non-compliance temperature regime when eating.
  7. Aggressive chemicals used in cooking (vinegar).

Gastritis occurs in acute and chronic form.

The acute form of the disease occurs as a result of a one-time exposure to a strong irritant: poor-quality food, strong medicine or chemically active substance. If the patient is not treated, the disease develops into chronic gastritis. As statistics show, in a similar way occurs in the majority of those suffering from the acute form. If relief has occurred and symptoms no longer appear, you should not stop taking medications and ignore your diet. The doctor decides how long the treatment will take.

The chronic form leads to pathological changes in the gastric mucosa and the death of the glands that produce gastric juice. The causes are the activity of bacteria, stress, harmful addictions, regular proper nutrition.

To identify the stage of development of the disease, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination (ultrasound, endoscopic diagnostics, intragastric pH-metry, blood and stool analysis).

Inflammation leads to malfunction stomach, which will affect the digestibility of food. If left untreated, gastritis can develop into ulcers and stomach cancer.

Exacerbation of gastritis occurs exclusively in a chronic form. The causes are increased exposure to bacteria, gluttony, cigarette abuse, consumption of carbonated drinks, and stress.

The main symptom is severe abdominal pain, acute or nagging. Depending on the duration of the pain, it can be short-term, constant, or long-lasting. As a rule, pain appears 15 minutes after eating and remains for two hours. The exacerbation itself can last from several days to several weeks, depending on the success of treatment and the characteristics of the body.

Exacerbation chronic gastritis characterized by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stool changes, flatulence, weight loss, general weakness. Sometimes the temperature rises.

Signs of exacerbation manifest themselves purely individually; pain and nausea can occur either empty stomach, or after eating. Individual symptoms capable of being absent.

If the patient does not want to be treated, the pain will intensify and develop into attacks. It is important to choose on time suitable treatment taking into account individual characteristics body.

Duration of exacerbation of gastritis

The duration of exacerbation of gastritis is estimated by the strength of the symptoms. The period of exacerbation can last up to a month, provided proper treatment and diet are followed. If treatment and diet are violated, the exacerbation is delayed for an indefinitely long time.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis occurs in a similar way: it all begins with bloating and slight pain, then fullness after a small portion of food, belching, and a change in the consistency of bowel movements are added. It is already becoming clear that digestion is impaired. Then the attacks begin. At acute gastritis last a little more than an hour; if chronic, they can last throughout the day.

Clinical examination is carried out after an exacerbation once every 2 months (3 times), then every 3 months for 3 years, then every six months. In spring and autumn, treatment is carried out with courses against seasonal exacerbation.

The duration of exacerbation of gastritis depends on the patient and good doctor who prescribed a suitable course of treatment.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is carried out comprehensively. It will be necessary to eliminate the symptoms, find the cause and eliminate it in order to prevent remission of the disease.

If Helicobacter Pylori bacteria are the culprit of the disease, treatment is carried out in four directions:

  1. Antibacterial. Antibiotics in combination with De-Nol help cope with the disease.
  2. Regulating acidity. For high or normal acidity, acid and alkali neutralizers are used. If acidity is low, it is recommended to take artificial gastric juice.
  3. Protecting the gastric mucosa, enzymes are used to restore it.
  4. Symptomatic (antidiuretics, analgesics, antispasmodics, carminatives, antiemetics).

When choosing drugs for treatment, the main thing is that the patient does not have enough money for the drug. allergic reactions. If allergies cause gastritis, you will need to take antihistamines. After recovery, it is recommended to take probiotics to normalize work gastrointestinal tract.

The course of treatment is carried out at home, under the supervision of a doctor, for 2-3 weeks.

Folk recipes

Secretions are used to relieve symptoms during exacerbations traditional medicine. The course of treatment lasts up to two months.

Usually, decoctions and herbal infusions are used, which are taken 20 minutes before meals, four times a day, a third of a glass. Herbs and berries are poured with boiling water and left overnight.

There is a division into infusions suitable for gastritis with low acidity and for gastritis with high acidity. To reduce gastric secretion, take elecampane, chicory, lingonberry and wormwood. For increased levels - celandine, mint, trifoliate leaves, yarrow, St. John's wort, dill seeds, licorice root, chamomile, honey, potato juice.

  • Sea buckthorn oil reduces pain. You need to drink it half an hour before meals.
  • Carrot juice relieves inflammation and reduces acidity. You need to drink freshly made food.
  • Chicory decoction relieves.
  • Licorice reduces stomach acidity.
  • Aloe is an excellent antiseptic and heals wounds.
  • Calendula will help cope with gastritis that has developed due to activity Helicobacter bacteria pylori.
  • Sage will help cope with inflammation and bloating.

You cannot go on a diet, but a method of treating hunger is known; it should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The theory is expressed that during fasting the body is cleansed, the gastric mucosa is renewed, and the process takes place in 3 weeks.

Diet for exacerbation of gastritis

– choosing the right diet that does not violate the integrity of the gastric mucosa and maintains digestion at the proper level. is always observed.

At the first appearance of symptoms, adhere to a strict diet. The diet depends on the level of stomach acidity and. Smoking, alcoholic beverages, fried, fatty and spicy food, carbonated drinks. You should eat six times a day in small portions so as not to overload the stomach and stabilize acid levels.

If the patient has aggravated gastritis with high acidity, meat and fish broths, sausages, smoked meats, and grapes are prohibited. Avoid cabbage, coffee, mushrooms, wholemeal bread. Canned food and various marinades, turnips, onions, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and pineapples are removed.

If a person is unable to give up sweets, he should switch to natural jams, jams, dry shortbread, crackers and honey.

For gastritis, it is better to make a menu of cereals, meat, but not fatty and river fish, steam cutlets, milk, eggs. Add dishes from boiled potatoes and carrots, beets, green tea, rosehip decoction, jelly.

It is not advisable to eat fruits and vegetables raw; it is better to eat them baked, stewed, or cooked in a double boiler.

To improve your well-being, drink mineral water according to your doctor’s recommendations.

It is necessary to observe the temperature regime for food so that it is not scalding or cold. Any temperature outside the range between room temperature and body temperature is considered unnatural for the body.

You cannot use vinegar, salt or artificial additives when cooking. If you make concessions and break the regime, this will lead to new injuries to the gastrointestinal tract, and it will be more difficult to cure them.

Each disease has its own characteristics. Thus, gastritis in almost 98% of cases occurs in a chronic form. Moreover, any nutritional disorder or even stress at work can provoke its exacerbation. Of course, it is much more profitable to prevent a relapse, but what to do if all factors cannot be excluded and pain still appears? In such a situation, it is necessary to look for effective treatment methods that will again achieve stable remission.

Stress or malnutrition are the main causes of exacerbation of chronic gastritis

In order to get serious about preventing relapse, it is important to find out what can provoke inflammation during its chronic course. Gastritis, as a rule, worsens in the spring and autumn. Often a relapse occurs in the summer due to use large quantity fresh vegetables and berries, which irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition, the following factors can provoke symptoms of exacerbation:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • frequent stress;
  • increased physical activity;
  • irregular food intake;
  • incorrectly formulated diets;
  • a large number of concomitant pathologies;

Frequent overeating can be a factor causing exacerbation of chronic gastritis

  • infection with Helicobacter pylori;
  • food poisoning;
  • frequent overeating;
  • autoimmune disorders.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis can begin abruptly. At the same time, sometimes the severity of the clinic increases gradually. IN the latter case It is much easier to start treatment, preventing the condition from worsening, using techniques available at home.

Any deterioration in the condition is a reason to contact a gastroenterologist.

What indicates an exacerbation

Symptoms of inflammation can vary in severity. The most common signs of relapse are:

Weakness and discomfort in the stomach indicate relapse of gastritis

  • weight loss;
  • change in appetite;
  • severe weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • stool disorders;
  • increased salivation;
  • flatulence.

In case of particularly severe exacerbation, an increase in temperature may be observed. Symptoms of intoxication are also possible. Pain syndrome is especially indicative. The pain can be constant or paroxysmal. But in any case, they indicate an exacerbation of chronic gastritis. When acidity increases, pain is especially common in the morning or a couple of hours after eating.

In some cases, exacerbation of gastritis is accompanied by an increase in temperature

The nature of the pain and the severity of other signs directly depend on the type of inflammation. Special significance has a severity of violation secretory function. Vomiting and nausea are more related to the area of ​​​​the lesion and its depth. Accordingly, the deeper the layers of the stomach are affected, the more pronounced the symptoms will be. At the same time, if treatment is not started on time, the clinic will be supplemented with other complaints, and the patient’s condition will worsen. How long the exacerbation will continue depends on the cause that provoked it, as well as on the state of health in general.

You should be especially wary if there is a change in the color of the stool or the appearance of blood in the vomit. This indicates that the exacerbation led to bleeding from existing erosions. Similar symptoms are very dangerous and if treatment is not started, they can lead to anemia, and in the worst case, severe blood loss, life-threatening, cannot be ruled out.

Symptoms of bleeding do not allow treatment at home and can only be eliminated in a hospital.

Changes in stool are more often present with a slow exacerbation. The reason for their appearance is considered to be a violation of the process of digestion of food and absorption of substances. At the same time, sudden appearance diarrhea against the background of relapse of gastritis should alert you. Symptoms such as these may indicate food poisoning requiring emergency treatment.

Vomiting blood is dangerous symptom indicating bleeding in the stomach

Diagnosis of pathology

No matter how long a relapse lasts, it should always be a reason to consult a doctor. The fact is that gastritis can cause the development of other pathologies, for example, peptic ulcer or even cancer. In this case, the symptoms will be identical. Accordingly, patients cannot be sure that the signs that appear indicate gastritis and not complications.

To clarify the diagnosis it is used endoscopic examination. Thanks to it, it is possible to identify a pronounced inflammatory process with swelling and hyperemia of tissues. It is especially important to assess the condition of the duodenum and esophagus. In addition, a blood, urine, feces test is prescribed, and in the presence of vomiting and vomit. Studies such as pH-metry and analysis of bacterial flora will help you choose treatment.

It is especially important when visiting a doctor to indicate how long the relapse lasts. With frequent exacerbations and in cases where treatment is not effective, a tissue biopsy should be performed to identify cellular changes.

To clarify the diagnosis during exacerbation, an endoscopic examination is performed

Diet therapy

Treatment of pathology always begins with leaving the diet. At home, it is thanks to her that it is possible to stop the inflammatory process and avoid the appearance of a more pronounced clinic. At the same time, if you follow nutritional rules, you can prevent the symptoms of gastritis and avoid the relapse stage.

To maintain stomach function and improve your condition, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • eat food 5-6 times a day;
  • avoid starvation;
  • do not overeat;
  • refuse fatty broths;
  • exclude alcohol, smoked foods, pickles;
  • drink water only without gas;
  • Only fresh juices from non-acidic berries are allowed.

Patients with chronic gastritis can only drink still water

The diet should include foods such as cereals, fruits, dairy products, pasta, lean meat, fish, dried bread, and dry cookies. Should be prepared before each meal and consumed only fresh food. Food should be boiled or steamed. Baking with a minimum of oil is occasionally allowed.

You can supplement your diet at home folk recipes. You can brew herbs or use recipes with bee products. It would also be appropriate mineral waters, but they should be chosen carefully, based on the severity of secretion.

Treatment at home can be carried out only after visiting a doctor and determining the stage of inflammation.

Drug therapy

The choice of regimen directly depends on the severity of inflammation, the type of gastritis and the degree of secretion disturbance. Only after determining all the listed factors drugs are selected. As a rule, relapse is treated at home. Only severe pain, symptoms of intoxication and bleeding are the reason for hospitalization.

Taking Almagel reduces acidity in the stomach

First of all, it is important to eliminate the cause. In most cases, it is Helicobacter. Accordingly, treatment will include specific drugs that are effective against this pathogen. The duration of use, as well as the names of appropriate agents, are determined only by the test results.

It is especially important to normalize acidity. For this reason, when reducing it, use replacement drugs, for example, gastric juice. But still, gastritis most often occurs with increased secretion. Treatment will include the following:

  • Antacids, for example Almagel or Maalox. They help reduce the acid already present in the stomach.
  • Histamine receptor blockers - affect the glands that produce acid, which helps reduce its production.
  • Enveloping agents to protect the mucous membrane from negative impact acids. It will be especially effective.

The listed remedies can also be used at home, especially if there are errors in the diet, but the dose and name of the remedies should be chosen with a doctor.

To reduce the secretory function of the stomach, histamine receptor blockers are prescribed

In addition to the above, treatment may include drugs that improve gastric motility. This will help to quickly evacuate the contents to the following sections and not load the organ. Besides, similar drugs eliminate weakening of the sphincter and reverse casting.

After removal acute symptoms you should select medications whose action will be aimed at normalizing digestion and restoring the mucous membrane. Aloe in ampoules is often used as the latter.

There are special cases. For example, exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy. In such a situation, you should choose drugs together with a gynecologist, taking into account the duration of pregnancy. Also special methods Treatments are available for autoimmune gastritis. When it worsens, treatment may include immunomodulators and hormones. Other drugs are prescribed based on symptoms.

You will learn about the causes and features of the course of chronic gastritis from the video:

An exacerbation of gastritis, the symptoms of which are clearly and painfully manifested, can greatly interfere with a person’s life. During this period, people become unable to work, and it is necessary to urgently take measures to stop the attack. Chronic gastritis in the acute stage is dangerous in itself, but at the same time it has a noticeable effect on mental state patient, exhausts him physically. The disease must be treated without waiting for a severe phase, but if it does appear acute symptoms, treatment should include effective therapy and strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

1 The essence of pathology

At its core, gastritis can be thought of as an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which, as it progresses, can affect deeper stenotic tissues. The most diagnosed type of disease is one that develops slowly long time with atrophic manifestations, secretory, contractile and other gastric dysfunctions.

A chronic type of pathology can develop according to several main mechanisms: an autoimmune type with degeneration of parietal cells, which impairs the production of the acid component and the absorption of vitamin B12; bacterial species (type B) caused by exposure with a violent reaction inflammatory in nature; reflux is a type of gastritis associated with the release of bile into the gastric cavity. Depending on the secretory abilities of the stomach, the composition of gastric juice and excessive production of acid composition ().

2 Etiology of the disease

Chronic gastritis progresses over a fairly long period of time with alternating stages of exacerbation and calm (remission), when the symptoms subside and the disease is almost asymptomatic. Exacerbations of chronic gastritis can be either exogenous ( external influences), and endogenous (internal). Among exogenous factors, nutritional reasons associated with violations of the diet and diet are especially highlighted. The most common disorders: overeating, especially after a period of fasting; eating a large meal before bed; consuming excessively hot food or drinks; consumption of poorly digestible, spicy, fatty and low-quality food; alcohol abuse. Other reasons can be identified: smoking, stress and nervous overload, uncontrolled use of certain medications (corticosteroids, antibiotics, sulfonamides, salicylates, etc.), food allergic reaction.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis can be affected by various endogenous factors associated with internal pathogenic effects and decreased immunity. The most prominent causes are: infectious lesions with clear signs intoxication of the body (flu, measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever); food infections(salmonella, staphylococcus, etc.); damage to internal gastric tissues as a result of burns, radiation, frostbite; intoxication of an autoimmune nature (renal or liver failure). A fairly frequent exacerbation of pathology in women during pregnancy is explained by toxicosis and hormonal disorders.

3 Manifestation of the disease

What are the symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis? With an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, the subtle course of the disease is disrupted, and the symptoms become obvious and painful. When the acute phase of gastritis begins, symptoms can be divided into local and general. Basics local manifestation- gastric dyspepsia and pain syndrome. Pain manifests itself in the epigastric region immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. It intensifies when moving and standing. The nature of the pain can vary from dull aching pain to sudden, in the form of attacks.

The main symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are associated with gastrointestinal dyspepsia. The main manifestations include heaviness and pressure in the epigastric region after eating; belching; regurgitation; nausea; bad taste in the mouth, especially in the morning; heartburn; burning in the epigastrium. The stomach reacts especially strongly to spicy, rough, fried or smoked foods. Obvious indicators: flatulence, bloating, rumbling, stool disturbance.

General signs of exacerbation are associated with intoxication of the body. Quite often, astheno-neurotic syndrome is observed, characterized by general weakness, irritability, increased sweating, cardiovascular manifestations in the form of arrhythmia, cardialgia, changes in blood pressure. Immediately after eating, dumping syndrome may appear, expressed in sudden weakness and drowsiness, pallor skin. During such a period, it suddenly intensifies, requiring urgent emptying.

4 Various cases

Taking into account various secretory dysfunctions, exacerbation has certain differences in its manifestation. If the disease develops with increased acidity of gastric juice, then such characteristic symptoms: mandatory painful sensation in the abdominal area of ​​a periodic or constant nature; severe burning sensation; belching with; nausea and vomiting; the presence of traces of blood in the stool; decreased appetite.

The signs of aggravated gastritis with low acidity are somewhat different from the previous case. When the atrophic nature of the lesion predominates, pain is not an indicative sign, and sometimes is simply absent. The main symptoms are the following: alternation of constipation and diarrhea associated with poor digestion of food; bad smell from the mouth and belching with a putrid taste; a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the upper abdomen; flatulence; increased sweating, weakness, fatigue.

5 Treatments

Treatment of chronic gastritis at the acute stage depends on the characteristics of secretory and motor-evacuation disorders. If the course is severe during this period, it can be performed on a stationary basis. The most important condition treatment becomes provision therapeutic diet, and the whole principle of therapy is aimed at sparing and restoring the gastric mucosa.

Basic treatment is based on effective drug therapy. During an exacerbation, medications should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor and after the type of disease has been established. Medications aimed at eliminating the bacterial component of the etiology, normalizing the secretory function of the stomach, improving motility, reducing aggressiveness or increasing the acidity of gastric juice to normalize digestion, stopping the inflammatory reaction, symptomatic treatment, regeneration of affected tissues, preventing relapses in the future.

6 Power optimization

Diet for exacerbation of chronic gastritis is mandatory element diet, but its content depends on the type of acidity of gastric juice. On the first day of the acute phase of the pathology, it is necessary to abstain from eating altogether - this is done therapeutic fasting. You should drink cool tea and still water. Only the next day can you introduce jelly, one soft-boiled egg and porridge with water of a liquid consistency into the diet.

In general, a diet is established in the form of frequent (5-6 times a day), but fractional meals. Each serving should not exceed 260-320 g. In case of increased stomach acidity, it should be completely prohibited. following products: pickles, marinades, preservatives, smoked meats, hot seasonings and spices, fried foods; Difficult to digest foods - animal fats, pies, mushrooms. Food is given a form that makes it easier to digest - porridge, pureed vegetables, puree, soufflé, steamed cutlets. The temperature of food when eating it should be comfortable for the esophagus. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are strictly excluded.

In case insufficient secretion hydrochloric acid the general diet is similar: food should be consumed warm in a semi-liquid and softened state (mashed potatoes, souffle, etc.). Pickles, smoked foods, marinades, spicy dishes, fried, fatty meats, and alcohol are completely excluded. Products that increase fermentation (whole milk, grapes, sour cream) and difficult-to-process products (animal fats, fried potatoes etc.). To restore the body, it is recommended to supplement food with vitamins.

7 Drug therapy

What to do with gastritis in the acute phase? Basic treatment is based on drug therapy, with drugs prescribed taking into account the type of disease. First of all, it is recommended to take

astringents and enveloping drugs, reducing the irritating effect on the mucous membrane: bismuth nitrate, Vinilin, Plantaglucid. Pain syndrome and spasmodic phenomena are relieved by prescribing atropine sulfate, Cerucal, Sulpiride, Eglonil, Dogmatil, No-shpa, Halidor. Acceleration of tissue regeneration is achieved by using the following means: drugs nicotinic acid(Nicotinamide, Nikoshpan, Complamin), Methyluracil, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, ascorbic acid, Solcoseryl, aloe extract.

In case of weak secretory function (low acidity), it is used to compensate for the deficiency of gastric juice. replacement therapy- hydrochloric acid and natural gastric juice are introduced. From the very beginning of the exacerbation phase, it is important to take universal enzymatic medications: Abomin, Festal, Digestal, Panzinorm, Mezim-Forte.

Dilute hydrochloric acid and the drugs Acidin-pepsin, Betacid, Pepsidil, Salpepsin are prescribed after the main manifestations of the inflammatory reaction.

In cases where the pathology develops with increased acidity, medications should be prescribed that neutralize the aggressiveness of gastric juice and slow down secretion (antacid drugs): magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, Almagel. Quite effective modern means: Maalox, Maymagel, Alumag, Gastralugel, Gelfos. Complex therapy includes application sedatives and tranquilizers: Diazepam, Relanium, Trioxazin, Novo-Passit. Treatment of the disease caused by Helicobacter pylori is based on the destruction of these microorganisms. Antibiotics are prescribed for this penicillin series: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Carindacillin, Carfecillin, Mecillinam. Antibiotics based on nitromidazole and tetracycline are also used.

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis is a dangerous and painful phenomenon that must be combated effective methods. Take off acute phase It is not recommended to do it on your own. You should consult a doctor if signs of exacerbation appear, who will prescribe the most suitable means taking into account the individual characteristics of the sick person.

Exacerbation of gastritis is an unpleasant, unfortunately quite common phenomenon in the lives of people suffering from this disease. It especially often overtakes its victims in the fall, when the air temperature drops sharply, which leads to constriction of blood vessels and, as a result, to cramps in the stomach. Moreover, in this period people usually eat a lot of raw and sour vegetables, and this is another factor that provokes an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

But seasonal features The reasons, of course, are not exhaustive. Gastritis can worsen in spring, summer, and winter. Is it possible to relieve symptoms at home? How to treat exacerbation with medication and why does it occur? Read about it below.

Why is there an exacerbation?

Among the causes of exacerbation of gastritis, doctors primarily highlight the following:

  • bacteria Helicobacter pylori(provoke the phenomenon in eighty percent of cases);
  • acute infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergies caused by consuming a product;
  • spicy, fatty, smoked, fried, fibrous foods in large quantities;
  • frequent severe stress;
  • taking some medicines irritating the gastric mucosa;
  • metabolic disorder.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of provoking factors, most of them directly depend on our lifestyle. But unfortunately, not all people know how to take care of their health, so aggravated gastritis is one of the most frequent complaints at an appointment with a doctor of the appropriate profile.

How does exacerbation manifest itself?

Symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis depend on the severity, form and stage of the disease, as well as on general condition person, his immunity. Some people get away with a slight illness and are treated at home, while others have to go to the hospital. But the general, most common signs of exacerbation of gastritis can be identified. This:

  • pain in the stomach that occurs periodically and is especially intensified after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • belching with an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • vomit containing yellow and green specks;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • dry mouth or, conversely, increased salivation;
  • smell of acetone from the mouth (usually occurs in childhood, gastritis in adults is rarely accompanied by such a symptom).

TO accompanying symptoms include:

As for the thermometer readings, they are not always outside the normal range for gastritis. If there is an inflammatory process, the temperature may rise slightly - by half a degree - a degree. In case of poisoning, on the contrary, it falls. But in most cases, the temperature remains normal, so you shouldn’t rely on this sign.

In the most difficult situations When an exacerbation of gastritis lasts a long time and cannot be relieved or the disease is severely advanced, relapses may be accompanied by the occurrence of erosions on the walls of the stomach.

They are evidenced by:

  • severe pain that occurs 1.5 hours after eating;
  • vomiting with blood;
  • black chair.

This condition requires immediate medical intervention, because it is fraught with strong internal bleeding and poses a threat to life. Trying to treat such an exacerbation at home is extremely risky.

How long does the exacerbation last?

Duration acute condition for gastritis depends on the causes. If "guilty" harmful products, then it will take two days to normalize secretory function. As a rule, there is no need to treat an exacerbation with medication in such cases. Naturally, nutrition must be regulated. If, for example, gastritis worsens under the influence of bacteria, then the recovery process will take about two weeks, and, most likely, a hospital will be required.

First aid for acute gastritis

Most often, the next relapse of the disease overtakes a person unexpectedly. First aid for exacerbation of gastritis should be provided immediately. What can you do and what can’t you do?

Antispasmodic tablets prescribed by your doctor will help relieve pain. If suddenly you don’t have any at hand, you need to lie on your side with your knees pulled up to your stomach (take the fetal position). This the right remedy against pain - in most cases, a person in the acute stage of gastritis will almost immediately feel relief. It is advisable to lie in this position for about 30 minutes, trying to relax as much as possible. If the pain still does not subside, you can apply cold to the area of ​​the abdomen in the solar plexus area.

Experts suggest relieving nausea and the urge to vomit with a slice of lemon or a piece of ice, which should be placed in the patient’s mouth.

What else can you do to help someone suffering from an exacerbation? Because nervous condition plays an important role in the occurrence and development of gastritis, you can drink something soothing. For example, motherwort or valerian.

If all these actions have not brought results, the pain does not subside, vomiting begins (especially with blood), the body temperature has dropped or, conversely, risen, under no circumstances should you stay at home and procrastinate. It is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the exacerbation under his strict guidance. Sometimes you have to go to the hospital, but what can’t you do for the sake of your health?

Drug treatment

With exacerbation of gastritis, treatment is most often medicinal. It is rarely possible to get by with just diet and traditional methods. What medications does the doctor prescribe for exacerbations? Here, a lot depends on the reasons, but in any case, treatment should be carried out comprehensively.

If an exacerbation is caused by pathogenic bacteria, most likely the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and also advise taking medications from the antacid “family.” The latter relieve pain, reduce acidity and increase efficiency antibacterial agents. Such drugs for exacerbation of gastritis include, for example, Almagel, Maalox and others.

If it turns out that the disease is caused autoimmune causes, will have to accept hormonal agents, overwhelming protective properties body. Hormones are also often prescribed for gastritis in cases of high acidity. For example, the drug Cytotec reduces it perfectly.

Venter and De-nol will protect the gastric mucosa from the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid and other harmful irritants. If you drink Smecta regularly, you can relieve inflammation and cleanse the blood of toxins. Cerucal will suppress the gag reflex, and Nosh-pa will relieve pain.

But antipyretics are not needed. As a rule, there is no need to lower the temperature, since it rarely rises above 38 degrees.

Naturally, each drug taken must be pre-agreed with the treating doctor, whom you should visit as soon as possible. severe symptoms exacerbation of gastritis. Especially if we are not talking about seasonal phenomena.

Treatment with traditional methods

If during an exacerbation of gastritis the symptoms are minor, treatment may be limited folk remedies. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them and they are accessible. What does alternative medicine suggest to do during an exacerbation?

Regular chamomile will help relieve pain. A tea bag made from this herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused and drunk. Sometimes just a few procedures are enough to overcome an exacerbation.

Heartburn is eliminated with soda solution. It is prepared by diluting a teaspoon citric acid and the same amount of soda in 200 grams of water and beat well. You need to drink the solution quickly, in large sips - while it sizzles.

Whatever the treatment of gastritis - folk or medicinal, at home or in a hospital - it is impossible without a special diet, which provides:

  • pureed food;
  • slimy rice or oatmeal soups;
  • vegetable puree soups.

Excluded during exacerbation:

  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fat;
  • spicy;
  • pickled;
  • canned;
  • fried;
  • sour dishes.

Also, any fresh bread is not allowed.

Food should be as neutral and light as possible so that the stomach can digest it without straining. When the exacerbation passes, a patient with gastritis can allow himself some liberties, but without fanaticism, of course.

One of the common diseases is gastritis, which is manifested by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The development of such a pathological condition occurs under the influence various factors, and the period of exacerbation causes the appearance of certain symptoms.

Gastritis is a disease characterized by chronic course with periodic exacerbations. In a situation where gastritis has worsened, your doctor will be able to tell you what to do and how to help your stomach. Usually, to eliminate such a pathological condition, it is prescribed special diet and drug therapy is carried out.

Causes of exacerbation of the disease and characteristic symptoms

Acute gastritis causes the appearance of vivid symptoms, which gives the patient severe pain and discomfort. In the absence effective treatment In this form of the disease, it becomes chronic, which is characterized by periodic exacerbation.

An attack of gastritis usually occurs when the body is exposed to the following factors:

  • stressful situations and nervous tension
  • alcohol abuse and smoking
  • activation of Helicobacter bacteria
  • the presence in the diet of a large number of fried, smoked, fatty and spicy foods
  • overeating
  • excessive consumption of strong tea, soda, juices and coffee

When diagnosing inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, the cause that caused its development should be identified. Clinical picture recurrence of chronic gastritis causes the following symptoms to appear in the patient:

  • bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation or diarrhea
  • increased dryness in oral cavity due to bouts of vomiting that cause dehydration
  • pain in the abdominal area, which is especially intensified after eating or during long breaks between meals
  • the appearance of nausea, heartburn and belching, which worsens after eating
  • constant vomiting, the contents of which are sour smell and they contain yellow or green mucus

More information about gastritis can be found in the video:

Exacerbation of chronic gastritis is accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s general condition and the appearance of the following signs:

  • frequent headaches
  • rise in body temperature
  • rapid heartbeat
  • constant dizziness
  • increased weakness of the whole body

A disease such as gastritis occurs with the appearance of eroded areas on the gastric mucosa. When such a pathology occurs, the characteristic symptoms are added periodic pain in the abdomen, which bothers the patient every 1-2 hours after eating and is accompanied by bouts of vomiting.

Possible presence blood clots in the vomit or streaks of blood, which indicates the development of bleeding in the stomach of varying intensity.

In addition, with bleeding, tarry, dark-colored stools may appear.This pathological condition It is considered quite dangerous for humans and can provoke the development of diseases such as. All this leads to a serious deterioration in the condition of the patient with gastritis, so mandatory treatment is required.

In the absence of timely and effective therapy Hemodynamic disturbances occur and this manifests itself in constant dizziness, tinnitus and the appearance of spots before the eyes. It is for this reason that when the first signs of gastritis occur, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will conduct a thorough examination and select treatment.

Drug therapy

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, medications are taken only under the supervision of a specialist. Elimination of the disease is usually carried out in several directions at once.

A specialist identifies Helicobacter pylori, and for this purpose a antibacterial therapy. Only the doctor prescribes the type of drug taken and its dosage, and this is determined by the results of the tests performed.

Features of treatment:

  • Most often, during exacerbation of chronic gastritis, the patient is advised to take the following antibiotics: Tetracycline, Clarithromycin, De-Nol. Typically, the course of taking antibacterial agents is 7-14 days.
  • When selecting drug therapy it is necessary to establish the level of acidity and to normalize it, medications can be prescribed whose action is aimed at suppressing the production of hydrochloric acid. This allows you to prevent the formation of ulcers and erosions on the surface of the mucosa, reduce pain and improve the patient’s perception of other medications.
  • To reduce acidity during exacerbation of gastritis, the following drugs may be used: Omeprazole, Gastrofarm, Ranitidine.
  • In addition, in some cases the use of such hormonal medication, like Cytotect, which is strictly forbidden to drink during pregnancy.
  • If the studies revealed a decrease in acidity in the patient, then to normalize its level, medications are prescribed that have a stimulating effect on its production. It is important to remember that such drugs are not allowed to be taken if gastritis occurs in acute form. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the following medications may be prescribed: Pepsidil, Abomin, Panzinorm.
  • The patient can take ready-made gastric juice, which is previously diluted with water. It is recommended to drink this solution in small sips during meals.
  • Get rid of pain syndrome in case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is possible with the help of Analgin, Papaverine and No-shpa. In the event that the pain becomes simply unbearable, then you are allowed to take the Baralgin tablet. An attack of nausea and vomiting can be eliminated with the help of medications such as Reglan and Cerucal.
  • In case of increased acidity with gastritis, antacids are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at enveloping the gastric mucosa and creating obstacles to its destruction by hydrochloric acid. In addition, such medications help reduce the activity of hydrochloric acid, and this results in the elimination of belching and heartburn. Good effect gives the following medications: Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel, Gastal, Rennie.
  • Gastritis often occurs as a result severe stress And nervous overstrain, therefore they can be assigned sedatives. Typically, patients with gastritis are prescribed Novopassit, Neozepam, Relanium, as well as products containing motherwort.

Sometimes gastritis is autoimmune in nature, so to eliminate this disease, hormonal medications are prescribed, the effect of which is aimed at suppressing the immune system. Choose one or the other medicine succeeds only after identifying the nature of the lesion.

Diet for illness

When gastritis worsens, it is important to eat well, and the diet must be gentle. In the first days of exacerbation of the disease, a strict diet is prescribed, and as the symptoms decrease, the diet is allowed to expand slightly. The choice of one or another nutritional principle is determined by the form of the disease and its type.

In the event that a patient is diagnosed increased acidity, then special nutrition should be aimed at reducing the production of hydrochloric acid. If atrophic processes predominate, a special diet should be aimed at activating the functioning of the glands. In order to understand how to relieve exacerbation of gastritis with the help of food, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of the manifestation of such a disease. It should be remembered that for any type of gastritis you should stop smoking, alcoholic drinks, fatty and spicy dishes.

Diet food should not be consumed in isolation, but application is important integrated approach, that is, proper nutrition is complemented by taking pharmacological drugs and folk therapy.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to alternate meals with drinking water and tea, and the time period should not exceed two hours. In addition, you should avoid combining protein-rich foods with those dishes that contain increased amount carbohydrates. It is quite problematic for a weakened stomach to cope with coarse fiber, so it is recommended to consume such food in small quantities.

Typically, carbohydrates are eliminated from the stomach first, followed by proteins and fats last. It should be remembered that the longer food is present in the human stomach, the more hydrochloric acid will be produced in it.

If a patient has an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, but there is no opportunity to get an appointment with a specialist, then you can use the following recommendations:

  • you should stop eating any food
  • it is necessary to drink water and provoke vomiting, that is, to empty the stomach of its contents
  • take a painkiller medicine, for example, No-shpu
  • at severe heartburn you need to take a quickly absorbed antacid
  • If you have Gastrofarm in your medicine cabinet, it is recommended to chew 2 tablets, which will help relieve an attack of chronic gastritis

In the absence of the necessary medications, you can relieve an attack of gastritis as follows:

  • it is necessary to rinse the patient's stomach
  • Place the patient on his side and pull his legs towards his chest, bending them slightly at the knees
  • drink in small sips soda solution by stirring 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of water
  • take during the day congee which helps relieve pain
  • You can put a cold heating pad on the abdominal area
  • at severe attack If you are vomiting, you can put a slice of lemon in your mouth and suck it

Gastritis is considered a complex disease that requires mandatory treatment. When the first signs of illness appear, you must contact a specialist who will select the right diet and prescribe the necessary drug therapy.