What to do if your child has a sour odor from the child’s mouth. Bad breath - causes and treatment

A child’s bad breath cannot but worry his parents. After all, this phenomenon is not always relatively harmless reasons associated with poor hygiene or food eaten the day before. Sometimes such a baby needs full medical examination which will help identify the cause and eliminate it. We will talk about why a child’s breath may smell bad in this article.


Strong unpleasant foul odor from the mouth is medically called “halitosis.” This concept does not imply any one specific disease. This is a whole complex of problems with the human body that can cause rapid growth of anaerobic microbes, which create this “aroma”.

If a child has bad breath, this is not always a sign that the problem lies in poor oral health. “Problems” can be caused by “malfunctions” in the ENT organs, the digestive system, and the kidneys. Thus, the root causes of bad breath can be quite varied, but the mechanism is always the same. In the mouth healthy child Aerobic microbes live and develop. Their task is to prevent the development of anaerobic “brothers”, which include streptococci, coli and a number of other microorganisms.

If the balance of microflora in the mouth is disturbed for some reason, and anaerobic bacteria begin to predominate quantitatively and qualitatively over aerobic ones, and a foul odor appears.

Anaerobic (smelly) bacteria feed on protein deposits on the tongue, teeth, and gums, and when multiplying, they release volatile sulfur and non-sulfur compounds. Depending on which compound is formed, what your breath will smell like depends on:

  • methyl mercaptan- a simple gas that gives off the smell of rotten cabbage and feces;
  • allyl mercaptan- a colorless gas that produces the smell of garlic;
  • hydrogen sulfide- gas with sweetish smell giving smell rotten eggs, feces;

  • dimethyl sulfide- a gas compound that gives a distinct chemical odor of sulfur or gasoline;
  • putrescine- an organic compound that gives off the smell of rotting meat;
  • dimethylamine- a compound that causes the smell of fish and ammonia;
  • isovaleric acid- a compound that explains the smell of sweat and spoiled milk.

There are about two dozen more such compounds, and their chemical compositions and characteristics are not of any concern to parents. practical application. After all main task- find the source of the spread of anaerobic microbes.

Halitosis is eliminated only when its true cause is eliminated.

Common Factors

Reasons why a child has bad smell from the mouth, can be physiological and pathological. In the first case we can talk about:

  • violation of hygiene rules- insufficiently thorough cleaning of teeth and gums, rinsing the mouth;
  • nutritional features- smelly breath becomes due to the foods that the child eats (garlic can spoil the exhaled air even a day after eating it, and the onion smell persists for up to 8 hours);
  • small wounds and ulcers in the mouth caused by natural causes (teething, for example).

The list of pathological causes is more extensive; it includes various ENT ailments, dental diseases and problems with the digestive system:

  • caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease, etc.
  • pathologies of the upper respiratory tract (chronic or persistent runny nose, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis);
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia);

  • diseases digestive system(gastritis, stomach ulcer, enzyme deficiency, which leads to digestive disorders);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease, renal failure;
  • malignant tumors and neoplasms internal organs.

Special attention deserve non-specific reasons. Children often have bad breath, not only because they have certain disease. The smell may have psychosomatic causes - severe stress, fear, fright, prolonged psychological experiences. Another reason that parents should be aware of is disturbances in the surrounding microclimate. If a child breathes too dry air, the mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx dry out, as a result of which aerobic microbes cannot effectively resist anaerobic ones, and bad breath appears.

If a child eats irregularly and skips meals, the smell may be the smell of food that is not completely digested in the stomach and rises up the esophagus. This does not mean that the child has digestive disorders; in this case, the smell is a signal for parents to establish proper and rational nutrition. Most often, bad breath in children is a consequence of gastroesophageal reflux, which is very common in childhood. When they occur, some of the food is thrown back into the esophagus. This problem is age-related, and in most cases it is successfully “outgrown” by children.

At the same time, children with helminthic infestations often do not suffer from unpleasant odor from the mouth, and their parents bring them to see a doctor due to completely different symptoms.

Character of the smell

Some pathologies have unpleasant and characteristic symptoms of halitosis in their symptoms. So, there are odors that should definitely alert parents and force them to immediately visit the pediatrician:

  • Acetone. A child's breath may smell like acetone due to the development of diabetes. What if the child has an unpleasant acetone odor in the background? high temperature, then this may indicate the development of acetonemic syndrome. A faint odor of acetone may accompany periods of fasting.
  • Rotting. A putrid odor appears with complicated caries, with serious dental problems. If there are none, then the child should definitely be examined by pediatric gastroenterologist, since the smell of rotting meat often accompanies stomach diseases, duodenum, pancreas. It is characteristic that he appears on the very initial stage ailments.

  • Sweetish smell. Expressed sweet smell with sugary overtones can talk about purulent process. It usually develops in the nasopharynx, oral cavity, and throat. This smell can be observed in a child with sore throat, bacterial rhinitis, and adenoids. If the ENT doctor does not find any pathologies, it is imperative to show the child to a gastroenterologist, who will examine the baby’s liver. Some liver pathologies are accompanied by the appearance of a sharp sweet odor from the mouth.
  • Sour smell. The appearance of a pronounced sour odor may indicate that the child has reflux. In a baby, such a smell can occur often, as a reaction of the body to the introduction of complementary foods, to a change in the formula. In this case, the smell has a certain shade of sour milk. A sour smell in children aged 2-3 years always indicates stomach problems. An examination is required.

  • Smell of ammonia. This smell appears during periods severe illness associated with intoxication of the body. If the appearance of the smell was not preceded by a disease, this should be especially alarming - an ammonia smell with a sharp manifestation often accompanies kidney disease and the development of renal failure. A faint ammonia smell may indicate the development of diabetes.
  • Yeast smell. A child's mouth may smell of fresh yeast due to candidiasis. Fungi of this family, when multiplying, emit a specific odor.

  • The smell of rotten eggs. This smell usually appears in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes it smells like feces. The symptom requires mandatory examination by a gastroenterologist.
  • The smell of iodine. The aroma characteristic of this antiseptic in children usually appears due to the oversaturation of the body with iodine. This substance tends to accumulate, and therefore if a nursing mother takes iodine preparations, and the same substance is contained in complementary foods (in a mixture, for example), then from the mouth small child a corresponding odor may appear. In children over 10 years of age, the appearance of an iodized odor may indicate iodine intolerance.
  • Metallic smell. The smell of metal from a child’s mouth may indicate the presence of ailments associated with the occurrence and development of anemia.


Parents need to observe carefully to understand what else, besides bad breath, has changed in the child. All internal diseases usually have additional symptoms and signs:

  • For sour smell, it is important to make sure that the child does not have heartburn, his stomach is not bothering him, and his bowel movements are fine. And if there is a hydrogen sulfide “aroma,” it is imperative to monitor whether the child has belching, nausea, or whether vomiting occurs frequently.
  • With a bitter smell You need to examine the baby’s tongue and oral cavity for the presence of a yellow or grayish coating, which is characteristic of many pathologies of the liver and gall bladder. If an acetone or ammonia smell appears, you need to take the baby’s temperature, collect urine for analysis, and then go to the clinic.

Sometimes bad breath is a far-fetched problem. Overly impressionable mothers and grandmothers find it where it really is not.

After all, if a child’s breath smells unpleasant in the morning, before he has had time to wash his face and brush his teeth, this does not mean pathological reasons phenomena.

There are home tests for halitosis. The first is carried out using a spoon. Using the handle of a cutlery, carefully take a little plaque from the child’s tongue and evaluate it for smell. The second involves the ability of saliva to “absorb” odors. The child is asked to lick the wrist and wait until the saliva dries, after which the smell is assessed. Both methods are quite subjective.

More details about the presence of odor and its probable reasons the doctor can tell you after he conducts an accurate medical test for halitosis. The study is called halimetry. It involves a simple procedure - the child will be asked to exhale into a special device, and an analysis of the exhaled air will show whether it contains hydrogen sulfide, sulfur and non-sulfur compounds. The entire study takes no more than fifteen minutes. If bad breath is detected, the doctor may take samples of plaque from the tongue and inner surface cheeks on bacteriological examination. Samples of the child's saliva will also be sent to the laboratory in a sterile container.

Parents will be given directions to visit such specialists as a pediatric dentist (dentist), otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist. The dentist will examine and sanitize the oral cavity. If diseased teeth or gums are detected, the baby will immediately receive the necessary treatment. An ENT specialist will evaluate the condition of the tonsils, nasopharynx, and larynx. If diseases are detected, adequate therapy will be prescribed. The gastroenterologist will perform an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and, if necessary, an endoscopy with mandatory sampling for analysis. gastric juice for acidity (especially with sour breath). Based on a urine test, the nephrologist will draw a conclusion about the state of the child’s excretory system.

To get the most reliable result, the day before visiting the doctor, the child should not be given foods containing sulfur compounds - garlic and onions, as well as spicy foods.

If possible, you should avoid taking all medicines. In the morning before going to the clinic, the child should not brush his teeth, rinse his mouth, or use a freshener or chewing gum.

How to get rid of it?

Treatment of halitosis should be based on treating the cause that caused bad breath, since there is absolutely no point in fighting the effect without eliminating the cause. Typically, treatment for bad breath includes general and specific recommendations. General ones apply to all reasons without exception. Private - relevant when the underlying disease is identified.

  • The child must brush his teeth properly. This should not be done immediately after the baby wakes up, but after breakfast, and then in the evening after dinner, just before bed. The brush should be comfortable, moderately hard, and have a special “platform” for cleaning the tongue and cheeks. Show your child how to use it correctly. Children from 6-7 years old can use a special device - dental floss - when brushing their teeth in the evening, since a brush alone is not enough to completely clean the oral cavity of small food particles and protein plaque.
  • Upon reaching one year of age, a child can begin to use children's toothpastes. They are created taking into account the fact that a toddler can swallow them and do not cause any harm to the child’s health.

  • All dental problems must be identified and treated promptly., therefore, the child needs to be taken to the dentist at least once a year, or better yet twice, for an examination and sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • Proper nutrition will help make your breath fresh. Sugar, sweets and baked goods contribute to the formation of protein plaque on the tongue, gums and teeth. But fresh fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, help cleanse the mouth and promote normal digestion. Must be present in a child's diet fermented milk products- they contribute to the development of proper digestive function.

Should not be given to large quantities food that promotes the formation of molecules organic compounds sulphurous and non-sulphurous character. These foods include onions and garlic, corn, cabbage, carbonated drinks, especially sweet soda.

The problem of foul odor from oral cavity often causes constant discomfort, the appearance of complexes and even restrictions on communication with other people. But few people realize that sour breath can be a consequence of any disease, sometimes quite serious. How to recognize the disease? Is a sour smell always an unfavorable sign?

ICD-10 code

R19.6 Bad breath [bad breath]

Causes of sour breath

For most people, a sour smell is one of the manifestations of the pathology of the digestive system, namely:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • esophageal reflux disease;
  • cardiospasm (cardia achalasia);
  • hyperacid gastritis, etc.

In addition to digestive problems, a sour odor can be caused by dental disorders - for example, hidden caries or periodontitis.

However, sour breath is not always considered a manifestation of a serious pathology. Quite often, we ourselves are to blame for our own problems - including the problem of unpleasant odor. There are certain risk factors that contribute to the appearance of a sour smell: if these causes are eliminated, the smell will disappear on its own.

Risk factors

We list the main risk factors:

  • A sudden transition to a strict diet or fasting. In this case, the sour smell is the result sharp decline blood glucose levels and increased production of ketones, which are released in exhaled air.
  • Taking medications that cause dry mouth or dysbiosis. These medications include hormones, diuretics, antibiotics, allergy medications, and antidepressants.
  • Bad habits - especially smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Constant stress, overexertion, condition constant fear or anxiety.


Most often, the appearance of a sour smell is explained by problems of the digestive system, which is a good reason to visit a doctor. Diseases that can cause this symptom, are quite serious, and there is no point in delaying their diagnosis and treatment.

A sour smell often appears along with a sour taste, which is considered a clear sign of a violation of gastric acidity: acid enters the oral cavity through the esophagus.

If sour breath is combined with thirst, dry skin and mucous membranes, then the following conditions can be suspected:

  • metabolic disorders (you need to contact an endocrinologist);
  • violations of the drinking regime and water balance (you need to drink sufficient quantity water).

In addition, a sour smell can be disturbing during pregnancy, which is associated with a sharp change hormonal levels and with the pressure of the growing uterus on the digestive organs.

Symptoms of sour breath

Sour odor from mouth large quantities cases indicates diseases of the digestive system - ulcers, gastritis and some other pathologies. Moreover, the appearance of an unpleasant odor is almost always accompanied by other signs of such pathologies. This may include pain in the stomach, periodic nausea, sour belching, fatigue, alternating constipation and diarrhea.

The appearance of a sour odor can also be caused by diseases of the oral cavity - for example, gingivitis, caries, periodontitis. Additional signs The listed diseases include bleeding and redness of the mucous membrane, pain in the teeth, loose and hypersensitive teeth, frequent inflammation of the gums, and abscesses.

If we consider dental causes more broadly, then one of the infrequent causes of sour breath is the installation metal crowns, prone to oxidation. Such crowns, in contact with certain food products, can oxidize and cause an unpleasant odor.

First signs

It is the unpleasant sour smell coming from the mouth that is the first sign of pathology. The smell may be constant or appear intermittently - in some patients it occurs on an empty stomach, or immediately after eating.

One of important symptoms It is also true that even thorough brushing of teeth with the use of fresheners and mouth rinses does not help eliminate the unpleasant odor, or eliminates it only for a short time.

The smell of sour milk from the mouth

The distinct smell of sour milk from the mouth in most cases is a consequence of dietary errors. For example, if a person adheres to a diet with a high consumption of protein foods, and at the same time eats few carbohydrates, then the body experiences considerable stress, which manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant odor of sour milk from the mouth.

Neither thorough brushing of teeth nor additional rinsing of the mouth can correct this situation. The smell is normalized only if you balance your diet and consume enough complex carbohydrates.

Sour cabbage smell from the mouth

Sometimes people complain about the smell of sour cabbage on their breath, despite the fact that they have not eaten cabbage. This symptom may accompany diseases associated with disorders metabolic processes– this could be obesity, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.

In order to clarify the nature of the pathology, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnostic examination see an endocrinologist.

Sour breath in an adult

The main provocateurs of the appearance of a sour odor in an adult are anaerobic microbes - that is, bacteria that live and reproduce without the presence of oxygen. Such microbes can live closer to the root of the tongue, on the surface and in the folds of the tonsils, and in the nasopharynx. The main function of such microorganisms is to break down proteins that come with food.

When the bacterial balance is disturbed, microbes may not do their job correctly, which leads to the appearance of a specific odor from the mouth.

In other cases, a sour smell may be the result of problems with the stomach.

Sour breath in a child

The smell of acid from a child’s mouth can be observed in the following painful conditions:

  • with ARVI or fungal infections of the oral mucosa;
  • in case of disorders of the digestive system;
  • for helminthiasis;
  • with impaired metabolic processes.

A consultation with a pediatrician will help clarify the situation, because in addition to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the child will certainly have other symptoms that will help determine the presence of pathology.

Sour breath in infants

The appearance of a sour smell in a baby often makes parents worry - is everything okay with the baby? Sometimes there may be no serious reasons for such concern: the baby’s digestive system is simply not yet perfect, and it is difficult to digest some food ingredients It’s difficult for a child’s body.

If such a child feeds exclusively on mother's milk, then she should carefully reconsider her diet.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, then you can try changing the mixture - perhaps it is too heavy for the child.

Additional symptoms such as vomiting, frequent loose stool(or vice versa - constipation), frequent colic and bloating should be a good reason to visit a pediatrician.

Complications and consequences

Sour breath, first of all, creates a social barrier for its owner. An unpleasant aroma negatively affects the quality of life, and sometimes even leads to depression and isolation.

As for the consequences for health, it all depends on what caused the sour breath. Only on this basis will it be possible to judge the severity of the disease and the possibility of further complications.

Diagnosis of sour breath

You can determine the cause of sour breath and clarify its origin (oral or associated with diseases of the internal organs) using simple tests:

  • a test during which a little plaque is removed from the far surface of the tongue and its smell is assessed;
  • test assessing the smell of plaque removed from interdental spaces;
  • wrist test: a little saliva is applied to the hand and after a few seconds the presence of odor is assessed.

Analyzes allow you to determine the intensity of the odor by assessing the content of volatile compounds in exhaled air and saliva. 24 hours before the test, you must stop taking antibiotics, avoid spicy and smoked foods, do not brush your teeth and do not use mouth fresheners.

Additionally, you should take a blood sugar test.

If there are suspicions that sour breath is caused by diseases of internal organs or metabolic failures, then appropriate instrumental diagnostics are prescribed:

  • fibrogastroscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis carried out between the following diseases:

  • dental pathologies (gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, candidiasis of the oral mucosa);
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer, reflux esophagitis);
  • pathology endocrine system(diabetes mellitus, water and electrolyte metabolism disorders).

Treatment of sour breath

In order to get rid of sour breath, you need to determine the cause of its appearance and direct treatment to eliminate the underlying pathology (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, ENT organs, metabolic disorders, etc.).

You definitely need to make an appointment with a dentist: to cure sore teeth, gums, remove tartar, etc.

The next step should be to stabilize the digestive system. You need to reconsider your food preferences, increase the proportion of raw plant products in the diet, reduce consumption junk food and sweets.

It is imperative to give up cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, as well as the habit of overeating at night.

You can try to eliminate the sour smell in the following ways:

  • chew a few coffee beans or anise seeds;
  • rinse your mouth with antiseptics - you can use Chlorhexidine or Triclosan, or special mouth fresheners;
  • chew refreshing chewing gum, but no more than 10-15 minutes.


You can reduce the severity of sour breath by using antiseptic drugs:

  • Triclosan is a phenol with strong antibacterial effect. Triclosan neutralizes yeast fungi, inhibits the activity of gram (+) and gram (-) microorganisms, has a detrimental effect on other types of microbes. With frequent use of Triclosan, tartar deposits may occur.
  • Chlorhexidine is used in 0.05% dilution. Rinse the mouth with chlorhexidine twice a day: in the morning and at night. Important point: Rinse should last at least 1 minute.
  • Cetylpyridine is antimicrobial drug, which is often used in ENT practice. Cetylpyridine gives a good effect in combination with an equal amount of olive oil.
  • If the sour smell is associated with digestive disorders, then the doctor may recommend the use of the following drugs:
  • Phosphalugel - for increased acidity of gastric juice, take 1-2 sachets up to 3 times a day, after meals and before bedtime. Taking the drug in large quantities can lead to constipation.
  • Creon is used for chronic pathologies of the digestive system, in individually selected dosages. Side effects during treatment with the drug they occur rarely and are expressed in dyspepsia or an allergic reaction.
  • Almagel is an antacid agent that is taken 1-2 tsp. half an hour before meals and at night. Long-term use the drug (more than 2 weeks) can lead to constipation and drowsiness.
  • Rennie is an anti-acid and gastroprotective agent. Tablets in the amount of 1-2 pcs. kept in the oral cavity until completely absorbed. Limit daily amount drug – 16 tablets. Frequent or long-term use Rennie may cause bowel problems and hypercalcemia.


In order for your breath to always remain fresh and clean, the body needs vitamins:

  • Vitamin A ensures stable function salivary glands, strengthens gums and teeth.
  • B vitamins serve as an excellent prevention of caries and gum disease.
  • Ascorbic acid strengthens gum tissue, prevents the formation of dental plaque and the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Vitamin E strengthens periodontium and bone tissue.
  • Vitamin K improves the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, eliminates bleeding gums.
  • Vitamin PP prevents the development of an inflammatory reaction in the oral cavity.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for quality bone tissue, for the formation of dentin and the enamel layer.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy is rarely used to eliminate sour breath: before turning to this method treatment, it is necessary to make sure that there are no acute inflammatory processes in the body. If this is not taken into account, unforeseen complications may arise.

Physiotherapy will help improve tissue nutrition in the ENT system, strengthen local immunity, and stop the reproduction and development of most pathogenic anaerobic bacteria.

Most often, the following procedures are used for sour breath:

  • ultrasound;
  • electrophoresis with medications;
  • electromagnetic rays;
  • phototherapy.

The choice of an effective procedure directly depends on the initial cause of the sour smell, so this issue is decided by the doctor after making a final diagnosis.

Traditional treatment

Inflorescences dried cloves can help with sour breath. The benefit is antiseptic properties plants - just put 1-2 clove inflorescences in your mouth and chew for several minutes, after which you spit them out. Likewise Clove tea also works. To prepare it, take half a teaspoon of green tea and 2-3 cloves, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes. Drink like regular tea.

Parsley is good at getting rid of sour odors - you should chew it for several minutes when an unpleasant aroma appears. If you don’t have parsley on hand, you can chew a few pine needles or fennel seeds.

An ordinary green apple is a great help for many - it should be eaten on an empty stomach, when unpleasant acid appears in the exhaled air.

Herbal treatment

Mouth rinse has a good effect herbal infusions and decoctions. For example, you can use an infusion of alder leaves: 50 g of dried leaves are poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml and left for half an hour.

As an alternative to alder leaves, you can use mint leaves, eucalyptus leaves, or oak bark.

If sour breath is clearly associated with malfunction digestive tract, then use wormwood infusion, which should be drunk at least 200 ml per day.

If the sour smell is associated with problems in the oral cavity, then in such cases ginger root often helps out. Simply cut off a thin piece of the root and chew it for a few minutes.


Much is known homeopathic medicines, which affect the unpleasant sour odor from the mouth, as well as its cause. Among such remedies are Rus, Mercurius, Bryonia, Hamomilla, Coffea, etc.

Coffea cruda is used mainly in children, especially if the odor is caused by problems in the oral cavity.

For sour breath that occurs in pregnant women, Sepia is suitable.

Creosotum is a drug that eliminates bad odor associated with dental problems.

Nux Vomica will help in cases where the sour smell is the result of disturbances in the digestive tract: in addition, the drug will eliminate pain, constipation and improper digestion of food.

Cohosh is a homeopathic remedy that helps with the appearance of acid in the mouth after stress and nervous shock.


To prevent the appearance of unpleasant sour breath, you must follow a few simple but important rules:

  • ensure regular oral hygiene, thoroughly brush and rinse your teeth;
  • review your diet, reducing the amount of fatty, smoked and fried foods, as well as sweets;
  • reconsider your drinking regime, avoid lack of fluid in the body;
  • visit the dentist regularly;
  • periodically take tests for dysbacteriosis and helminthiasis;
  • Quit smoking completely and limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

If any problems occur in the functioning of the digestive organs, it is advisable to immediately see a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. This will help prevent not only sour breath, but also other gastrointestinal problems.


In itself, sour breath is not terrible, if you do not take into account the aesthetic side of the issue. Diseases that lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor can pose a danger. If you consult a doctor in time and find out the cause of the sour smell, and also eliminate it in a timely manner, then the prognosis can be safely considered favorable.

Bad breath from a baby can occur for a variety of reasons, from stress to diseases of the digestive system. Most often, halitosis in children occurs due to untimely brushing of teeth, excessive dryness in the mouth and nose; it goes away after cleansing and moisturizing. If your child constantly has bad breath, you should immediately consult a doctor. Osostomia (as doctors call halitosis) may be the first sign of a serious illness; parents should not take this symptom lightly. It is advisable to consult a dentist to check the condition of the baby’s teeth and gums. If unpleasant symptom not gone, contact your pediatrician, do a general blood test, and depending on its results, contact a specialist.

Bad breath in a child can indicate many diseases.

Specific pungent odor

Parents should be alarmed by the specific smell from the baby’s mouth, which does not go away after hygiene procedures. Limit your baby's consumption of sweets and heavy protein foods, and ensure he drinks plenty of fluids. Usually, after these events, children's halitosis goes away.

Below we will tell you which smells should cause an instant reaction from parents.

Acetone (acetic, solvent)

The smell of acetone or a chemical solvent emanating from a baby, especially against a background of elevated temperature, should cause maximum concern for parents. It appears in acetone syndrome - dangerous condition, quite common in children of different ages. If you suspect its occurrence, you must immediately call an ambulance and unseal the baby before the doctors arrive. boiled water often and in small quantities (a teaspoon).

A slight acetone smell can be a sign of kidney disease, malfunction of the pancreas, helminthiasis (worms), dysbacteriosis, and diabetes. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately.


Appears with insufficient oral hygiene, the occurrence of ENT diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, in parallel the child has a white tongue, a stuffy nose, a cough), stomatitis, caries, low acidity of the stomach (the baby often has a stomach ache), the presence of diseases of the esophagus . You should consult a dentist, ENT specialist, gastroenterologist, systematically brush your teeth with a children's toothbrush and toothpaste, and ensure drinking regime.


A pungent purulent odor accompanies chronic inflammation and proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the baby’s nasopharynx. Tonsils become covered purulent plaque, plugs form, emitting an unpleasant odor. The child has a high fever, a sore throat, a runny nose, and a coated tongue. Contact your pediatrician; antibiotic treatment may be necessary. After recovery, your breath will become fresh again.

Another reason for bad breath against the background copious discharge Thick yellowish snot can be caused by the presence of some object in the baby’s nostril. Contact your ENT specialist to examine your baby's nose.


If your baby has a sour breath, this may indicate increased acidity and an inflammatory process in the stomach. It is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist and check the baby for the presence of gastritis. The second cause of bad breath is reflux, or the entry of gastric juice into the baby’s esophagus. In this case, the patient suffers from heartburn and pain in the hypochondrium.


Does the baby have a cloying sweet aroma from the mouth? There is reason to suspect liver problems. It is important to promptly visit a gastroenterologist - the symptom occurs with hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.


If your toddler smells of chemicals, it is advisable to check the condition of the digestive organs, especially the gallbladder; this symptom is characteristic of biliary dyskinesia.


The specific smell of chlorine mixed with metallic notes appears with increased bleeding gums and periodontal disease. Contact your dentist and check the condition of your baby's teeth and gums.


The appearance of the smell of iodine is a reason to urgently contact an endocrinologist, as it may indicate an excess of iodine that accumulates in the baby’s body. This condition can occur after a long stay at sea, after taking iodine preparations, in the presence of pathology thyroid gland. In infants, an iodine tint appears when infected with Klebsiella, a bacterium that enters the children's body with unwashed fruits and affecting the stomach and intestines.


If a newborn's breath smells like bile, this may indicate poor bile flow. Consult a doctor, do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and take general tests.


The presence of a metallic taste and iron smell from the baby’s mouth may indicate the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. You should take a blood test to determine your hemoglobin level, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, take vitamin complexes with a high iron content.

The second reason is the presence of gastritis, high acidity, dysbacteriosis, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


An ammonia smell indicates kidney pathologies, as well as diabetes mellitus. The reason for its appearance is a decrease in insulin levels and impaired carbohydrate metabolism.


It is extremely rare. It is mainly associated with poor heredity, appears with metabolic disorders, and sometimes accompanies acute intestinal dysbiosis. Diagnosed by an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

Rotten eggs

Belching, smell of rotten eggs, white coating on the tongue - these are symptoms of gastritis, ulcers, liver diseases, and impaired bile flow. If you find halitosis in a newborn or older child, you should contact a gastroenterologist.


If a baby smells of yeast, this is a reason to suspect candidiasis. Often a sick stomach is also expressed by a yeasty aroma. Recognize the real reason An experienced general practitioner will be able to do this, and he will refer you for examination if gastrointestinal diseases are suspected.

Strange smell from the mouth during ARVI

During illness, ARVI, sore throat, especially in the presence of high fever, parents notice that the smell emanating from the child’s mouth has changed. Unpleasant-smelling pus covering the baby’s tonsils, purulent sinusitis, or the presence of an infection in the lung can trigger the appearance of halitosis, which goes away after the baby recovers. Frequent rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic solutions promotes rapid recovery and relief from halitosis.

Causes of halitosis in children

The appearance of halitosis in children of any age can be caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from insufficient oral hygiene to the presence of a foreign body in the nose. It is important to correctly diagnose, determine the true cause of osostomy and, if possible, eliminate it.

Lack of moisture in the body

Causes increased viscosity of saliva, poor digestion, which can cause bad breath. Infant newborn The main liquid is obtained from mother's milk; in hot weather it is necessary to give boiled water to drink. A 4-5 year old child should drink approximately 1.5 liters of liquid per day, not limited to juices and teas. It is important to give your little one something to drink drinking water which helps improve digestion.

Poor oral hygiene

With the appearance of the first tooth, the baby should be accustomed to hygiene procedures oral cavity. Children under two or three years old should have their teeth brushed by one of their parents. From the age of three, children should be taught to brush their teeth correctly on their own. Improper and insufficient cleaning of plaque contributes to the appearance of halitosis, which resolves after thorough brushing of the teeth.

Poor nutrition

If a child systematically overeats, consumes fatty foods fried foods, generously seasoned with onions and garlic, heavy smell from his mouth will haunt him constantly. It is important to adjust the baby’s nutritional system according to his age needs, observing the drinking regime.

Stressful situation

Strong emotional shock, stress, and vivid emotions are a real test for a newborn. They cause dry mouth, which contributes to halitosis. IN stressful situation you need to give the child a drink of water or sour juice, suck a slice of tangerine or lemon, such simple steps promote active salivation and make the baby's breathing clean and easy.

Unpleasant smell in the morning

Babies may experience bad breath after sleep. It is caused by the fact that saliva is not released at night during sleep, bacteria multiply, causing halitosis. It is enough to brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste - and the unpleasant phenomenon disappears on its own.

Chronic nasal congestion

If your baby's mouth smells like snot, you need to pay attention to the condition of the mucous membrane of the nose. For chronic rhinitis nasal breathing difficult, dry crusts form in the nasal passages. It is necessary to moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane, monitor humidity, ventilate the room well and carry out wet cleaning.

Presence of a foreign body in the nasal passages

Strong putrid odor against the background of thick yellow discharge from the nasal passages should alert. These symptoms are characteristic of a foreign object entering the nasal passages - beads, buttons, a piece of fruit. You should see a doctor or emergency room as soon as possible to have it removed. foreign body. Otherwise possible serious complications, up to suffocation.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Caries, stomatitis, gingivitis and others dental diseases can cause bad breath. A careful examination will reveal a carious lesion in the baby’s mouth. Even in the absence visible damage tooth enamel, it is necessary to consult a dentist to exclude the presence of oral diseases.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

Sore throat, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, bronchitis provoke the occurrence of halitosis in children. Pus that accumulates on the surface of the tonsils, in the lacunae, on back wall throat smells unpleasant. The cause of the disease should be treated, gargle antiseptic solution In difficult cases, antibiotic therapy is necessary.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

When out of mouth little man smells like solvent sour milk, vinegar, indigestion and diarrhea are observed, this indicates the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Consult a gastroenterologist; sometimes it is enough to adjust the baby’s diet, and the problem disappears without a trace. In more complex cases, special treatment is indicated.

Teething odor

When a baby is teething, temporary halitosis may occur, caused by inflammation of the gums and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The baby's gums are red, painful and swollen. The dentist will recommend special medications that reduce the baby’s discomfort during teething.

Treatment of unpleasant odor

In most cases, osostomy does not require special treatment. It is enough to systematically thoroughly brush your teeth and gums, review your diet, limit your consumption of sweets, give him enough liquid per day, and the unpleasant symptom will disappear on its own. If after a few days it does not disappear, you need to consult a specialist, undergo an examination and determine the cause of halitosis.

Parents should be especially concerned about the smell of acetone emanating from the baby - in this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital to prevent the occurrence of acetone syndrome.

Preventive measures

To promptly prevent the appearance of halitosis in your baby, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Brush your baby's teeth thoroughly twice a day, starting when the first tooth emerges. It is necessary to teach your child how to use a brush and toothpaste correctly to remove plaque from the surface of the teeth.
  2. Stick to it age system nutrition, introduce vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in phosphorus and calcium into your child’s diet.
  3. Eliminate sugar, chocolate, and other sweets from your diet and replace them with honey.
  4. Give your child plenty of fluids, especially drinking water.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly to prevent the development of caries.

195 04/05/2019 5 min.

Any changes in the functioning of the body can manifest themselves externally. An unpleasant odor appears in the mouth due to organ dysfunction or other factors. It varies in intensity, which makes it uncomfortable when talking with other people. So, there are many reasons for the occurrence of sour breath, from changes in diet to dental diseases. In such cases, using refreshing pastes or sprays will not solve the problem. You will need a full examination by a dentist. Let's take a closer look at the reasons and ways to get rid of sour breath.


In most cases, getting rid of an unpleasant odor using improvised means does not bring results. To eliminate it, you need to find out the cause. The severity of the odor directly depends on age and the degree of impairment.

Common factors:

Some causes occur temporarily, while others persist for months and years until the patient undergoes a quality examination. Sometimes treating sour breath involves changing your lifestyle.

The sour smell can be permanent or occurs after exposure to certain factor. It is necessary to note at what time of day it intensifies, and whether ordinary hygiene eliminates it.

Digestive system diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases are often the cause of bad breath. Pathological processes inside the stomach or intestines, they disrupt the natural microflora of the body with all the ensuing consequences. Let's look at the key lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.


Pathology develops when gastric acid affects the mucous membrane of the walls. The secretion for digesting food is often highly acidic, so on an empty stomach a sour smell may clearly appear. It comes not from the mouth, but from the esophagus. With gastritis, the smell appears periodically and is associated with the entry of irritating food or fruit into the stomach. Added to this is general discomfort, heartburn, and sour belching. The patient suffers from constant heaviness in the abdomen.

With gastritis, the rate of food digestion slows down, protein and other substances are absorbed more slowly. The effect of the sour smell is significantly increased. Helps eliminate sour odor correct treatment prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Sometimes it lasts at least three months.

At chronic gastritis The risk of a sour odor remains constant.

Reflux esophagitis

The pathology is characterized by the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus and is associated with disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. After contact with hydrochloric acid, severe irritation occurs. This provokes the appearance of a sour, persistent odor from the mouth.

With reflux, the smell is most pronounced in the morning after waking up, when the patient is in a lying position for a long time. The secretory fluid flows into the esophagus without obstruction. TO sour smell pain in the stomach and esophagus, nausea or vomiting may occur.

Typically, reflux develops against the background of gastritis, and this pathology is initially treated. The patient is required to follow a diet and preventive measures.

Disturbance of the microflora of the oral mucosa

Over time, beneficial bacteria in the mouth inhibit the development and activity of microbes. Dysbacteriosis can be caused by taking antibiotics, hormonal and antifungal agents. More information Read about the treatment of stomatitis after antibiotics. Sometimes the cause of washout beneficial bacteria low-quality toothpastes and rinses become. Bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, causing a sour smell and taste in the mouth. Brushing your teeth helps for a short time.

Dental diseases

An unpleasant odor is often observed in patients with oral disorders. The cause may be not only caries, but also gum damage or excessive plaque. The main dental lesions include:

  • tartar. Despite the solid nature of the deposits, they can give off a foul, sour or putrid odor. The formation of stone occurs from plaque if it is not completely cleaned off during oral hygiene. Gradually it becomes mineralized due to the components of saliva. The smell from deposits appears at any time of the day. Even brushing your teeth with a regular brush and toothpaste does not change the situation. In most cases, the patient cannot feel it, but the stench is well identified by others. Note that neglected tartar can cause not only an unpleasant odor, but also the development of such serious pathologies, like or periodontitis;

You can get rid of tartar through professional ultrasonic cleaning.

  • . Gingivitis and advanced periodontitis cause the appearance of acidic or putrid smell from the mouth. Usually, bleeding from the gums, pain when brushing teeth, swelling and intense color are added to the stench. The teeth become mobile, and sometimes pus is released from the pulp. If left untreated, these pathologies can lead to complete tooth loss.


Eliminating bad breath is directly related to the cause of its occurrence. So, in the case of gastrointestinal diseases, you need to focus on general treatment and improving microflora. If the cause is dental complications, then you will have to sanitize the oral cavity and professional removal dental plaque.

Professional dental cleaning

If the sour smell is associated with dental diseases, it is recommended to visit a dentist. He will examine the oral cavity and prescribe treatment. Before therapy, a number of preparatory procedures are carried out.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Getting rid of sour odor due to pathologies of the digestive system will be difficult if the diseases have protracted form. Before prescribing drugs, the patient must undergo gastroscopy. It will indicate the degree of gastritis and rule out or confirm the formation of an ulcer.

Standard therapy for inflammation of the gastric mucosa is the use of antacids. They suppress the production of hydrochloric acid. Acid blockers help process excess secretions into water.

Usually, after using the suspension or tablets, the sour odor is immediately suppressed.


Prevention of sour odor directly depends on the disease or cause that caused it.


More useful tips Watch the video on how to get rid of bad breath

From their own mouth, people tend to be primarily concerned about the aesthetic impression that this flaw makes on others.

Very few people think about the reasons for such trouble. But they can be very serious! TO A foul odor from the mouth, the causes of which can be different, should be a reason to pay attention to the condition of your body.

Sour breath is a symptom of gastrointestinal disease.

Often sour breath is alarming symptom one of the most dangerous. With equal probability, the root cause of such a phenomenon may be:

  • or duodenum;
  • gastritis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • chalazia cardia;
  • other equally serious diseases and digestive disorders.

How can you find out what exactly caused the sour breath in your particular case? And, most importantly, how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon? Our article will help answer these questions.

First of all, we list the most common gastrointestinal diseases that can cause bad breath. Thus, “sour” breath is usually a sign of one of the following digestive disorders.

Gastritis - increased acidity in the stomach.

The cause of a specific odor from the mouth may be increased acidity in the stomach, characteristic of.

Often this condition is accompanied by heartburn and other symptoms typical of digestive disorders. As for the sour smell itself, with gastritis it is not constantly felt from the mouth.

As a rule, a specific “smell” appears simultaneously with food belching and persists until the next session of eating or brushing your teeth.

Why does the characteristic odor from the mouth appear with gastritis? The fact is that increased acidity leads to slowdown. Because of this, slowly broken down proteins accumulate in the patient’s stomach, where they begin to rot, emitting corresponding odors.

In chronic gastritis (implying a catastrophic slowdown in the digestive process), such unpleasant effect intensifies significantly. Only special medications that reduce acidity in the stomach help to cope with it.

Gastroesophageal reflux is a condition in which, due to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric juice refluxes into the esophagus. Contained in this secret hydrochloric acid and emits a specific odor that is felt when breathing.

A particularly clearly unpleasant “smell” from the patient’s mouth is felt immediately after he wakes up. After all, during sleep a person is in a horizontal position, which means that digestive juice can flow absolutely unhindered.

Others characteristic symptoms Reflux symptoms include specific stomach pain, nausea and frequent belching. It is also worth noting that the described disease rarely occurs on its own. It usually accompanies gastritis and develops against the background of its exacerbations.

Chalazia cardia

Gastroesophageal reflux is the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus.

The cardia is the gastric muscular valve that connects this body with the esophagus.

Its dysfunction (chalasia) leads to the fact that digestive juices fall into cavities not intended for them. Usually this is the esophagus.

As a result, a condition with symptoms reminiscent of gastroesophageal reflux occurs.

Unlike the mentioned disease, chalazia cardia develops as an independent disease. This disorder has nothing to do with gastritis.

Chalasia can be diagnosed by a characteristic sour taste in the sternum and sour taste in the mouth.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Typically, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract are asymptomatic. Diagnose such diseases in a timely manner (that is, before the onset of severe consequences) is very difficult. However, during periods of exacerbation, ulcers can manifest themselves not only with characteristic pain, but also with other symptoms. One of them is the sour smell from.

What causes this phenomenon? Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract entail disturbances in the intestinal microflora. It is the death of the beneficial microorganisms living there that provokes an unpleasant, sharp, sour odor from the mouth, which can be felt even when breathing.

Dental diseases

Gingivitis can cause bad breath.

Most often, the source of sour odor is problems directly in the oral cavity.

Dental diseases such as caries, gingivitis and periodontitis will almost certainly lead to the occurrence of this unpleasant phenomenon. Why does such a specific smell arise when problems with teeth and gums occur?

The fact is that inflammatory processes in soft tissues around the teeth lead to the active proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity. During their life, harmful microorganisms release many substances, most of which do not have the most pleasant odor.

Due to the specific location of the source of inflammation, a person suffering from problems with teeth and gums, as a rule, feels not only a sour smell from the mouth, but also a specific taste on the tongue.

Diaphragmatic hernia

The diaphragm that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavity, equipped with a special hole. The esophagus passes through it. However, with a hernia of the diaphragm, the described hole becomes too wide. Because of this, the esophagus, normally partially located in, moves higher.

What are the consequences of such a violation? Due to the uncharacteristic bends of the esophagus, as well as its specific location, the likelihood of gastric juice entering this organ increases significantly. Well, we have already mentioned what this leads to when talking about gastroesophageal reflux and chalasia cardia.

Other causes of bad breath

Taking medications sometimes leads to sour breath.

We hasten to reassure you: sour breath is not necessarily caused by any serious digestive problems.

Often this effect occurs due to short-term exposure to certain negative factors.

Accordingly, bad breath will disappear without a trace as soon as the cause that provoked it is eliminated. So, what factors can give your breath a sour “smell”? We list the main ones:

  • Go to . A sour (less often, slightly sweet) odor may occur due to the development of hypoglycemia. With any diet, blood sugar levels drop sharply. Accordingly, the body begins to fight energy deficiency through the production of ketones (intermediate breakdown products). It is they who have a specific sour smell that is felt when breathing.
  • Taking medications. Medicines of some groups provoke a decrease in salivation. As a result, a person who takes them for a long time may develop a specific odor from the mouth. As a rule, antihistamines and hormonal drugs, diuretics and sedatives, and antidepressants have a similar effect.
  • Malfunctions of the nervous system. Problems arising due to excessive stress (both emotional and physical) human body can lead to the most unexpected and unpredictable effects. Strange sour smell from the mouth in this case– the lesser of all possible evils.

Treatment and prevention

Rosehip decoction will help get rid of bad breath.

In most cases, you will not be able to get rid of a specific bad breath forever without consultation.

Only a specialist will be able to reliably determine the source of this problem and prescribe treatment appropriate to the case. It is clear that this kind therapy takes time. But what if you need to get rid of bad breath immediately?

You can quickly deal with bad breath in fairly banal ways: by using chewing gum or brushing your teeth properly. However, in particularly “neglected” cases, such measures, as a rule, help little.

In such a situation, herbal decoctions: lemon balm, mint or. If you don’t have any of the above at hand, you can try to cover up the smell with food. Fresh fruits and any cheeses help well in this regard.

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences. What prevention is most effective against bad breath? There is only one piece of advice on this matter: eat right and visit a gastroenterologist regularly. After all, if you prevent the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you will never have to face such a problem as sour breath.

This video will tell you what bad breath means:

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