Worried about yellow discharge with an odor at 32 weeks. Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

The reproductive system of a pregnant woman is actively reconstructed after conception. The expectant mother carefully monitors any changes in order to correct her condition if necessary. Many people experience yellow discharge during pregnancy. Sometimes this can be a sign of pathology, and in other cases it is the norm.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the early stages and closer to childbirth is considered natural if it does not contain impurities of blood, pus and does not have an unpleasant odor. The mucus should not cause itching, burning or pain.

A certain amount of secretion is constantly produced in the body of the expectant mother. It is necessary to moisturize the genitals and maintain normal microflora.

If the nature of the discharge does not change, it does not become darker or thicker, there is no reason for concern.

Normal yellowish mucus in women in an interesting position should be liquid in consistency, not cause discomfort and not have pink streaks. The degree of staining is influenced by the lifestyle of the mother in labor, the presence of bad habits and individual characteristics.

Physiological yellow discharge

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy may be due to changes that occur in the body after conception. This is due to the intense production of the male hormone progesterone. Under its influence, the outer vaginal layer is activated, which is why the color of the intimate secretion changes.

Soon after the development of the embryo begins, a dense lump of mucus forms in the cervix, which will serve as a natural barrier between the external environment and the baby throughout the gestation period. During its formation, a woman may observe yellowish spots on her underwear or sanitary pad.

In the third trimester, as the mucous membrane drains, the color may change. If the condition is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pain or blood, emergency medical attention is required.

Pathological discharge

Yellow discharge during pregnancy can also signal problems. Sometimes a change in secretion is associated with an allergic reaction to hygiene or detergents, or even to the fabric from which the underwear is made.

If leucorrhoea becomes dark yellow during pregnancy or acquires a different consistency, adequate therapy is needed. Each disease has its own distinctive characteristics.

If the light yellow discharge during pregnancy has become a cheesy consistency, there is reason to suspect the development of a fungal disease - candidiasis (). This pathology occurs in many expectant mothers. The fungus may be present in the body and not make itself felt. After conception, immunity decreases, the symptoms of the disease become obvious.

Features of yellow and orange discharge during candidiasis are as follows:

  • mucus is thick, cloudy, rich in color;
  • labia are red and swollen;
  • liquid secretion has a pronounced sour odor;
  • strong feeling of itching and burning of the external genitalia.

The fungus is transmitted to the child during passage through the birth canal. The doctor determines at what period of gestation it is best to carry out treatment.
Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy may indicate an inflammatory process. The causative agents are opportunistic bacteria and other microorganisms.

Sexually transmitted infections

Yellow mucous discharge with a greenish tint is not considered normal. This secretion can be produced in the presence of certain infectious diseases:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia.

The main features of mucus during genital tract infections are as follows:

  • purulent discharge;
  • density;
  • presence of bloody spots;
  • pain and itching when urinating.

In infectious diseases, leucorrhoea in pregnant women is often accompanied by a sour odor or one that resembles rotten fish. Before treatment, the pathogen is determined.

The appearance of yellowish mucus of unusual consistency may be associated with the onset of bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis). The disease occurs when pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply, suppressing the activity of beneficial bacteria.

Against the background of the disease, yellow, curd-like discharge that smells like fish is observed during pregnancy. They become viscous, opaque and sticky. If the pathology progresses, the color of the secretion changes. It may turn yellow-green with white and gray flecks.

Nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system

Light yellow, odorless discharge usually does not indicate the development of pathology. However, the addition of additional symptoms should prompt the woman to conduct a full examination.

Yellow watery discharge, accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse and itching in the perineum, may indicate the development of colpitis. This is an inflammatory disease in which the vaginal mucosa is involved in the process.

The bright yellow color of the leucorrhoea, greenish or gray secretion, along with discomfort when urinating, burning, and increased urges indicate the development of cervicitis. In this case, the cervix becomes inflamed.

Orange and white-yellow discharge during pregnancy, fever and pain in the lower abdomen tell a woman about an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. Doctors call this pathology salpingitis.

Diagnosis and treatment

The cause of pathological yellow smear can be determined only after instrumental diagnosis by a gynecologist. The doctor examines the cervix using special mirrors and takes a smear. If necessary, PCR tests and blood tests for hormone levels are prescribed. In rare cases, a biopsy is performed followed by histology.

Treatment is selected depending on what ailment has been identified. If the production of a yellowish secretion is not associated with a disease, the woman will receive recommendations regarding preventive measures.


For normal gestation and to prevent the appearance of pathological mucus, the following recommendations should be applied:

  • eat properly and balanced;
  • lead an active lifestyle, avoid overload;
  • get a good night's sleep;
  • carefully observe intimate hygiene standards;
  • do not use clothing and household chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction.

In order to carry and independently give birth to a healthy child, a woman must treat all infectious diseases in a timely manner. Sometimes therapy is needed immediately. Some bacteria can provoke the development of severe fetal pathologies and cause delays in physical and mental development. A scheduled visit to the doctor in the presence of any unpleasant symptoms is to protect the mother and the unborn baby.

It is no secret that vaginal discharge lasts throughout a woman’s life and during pregnancy this process does not stop, and sometimes even becomes more intense. How many times a woman changes her panty liner per day and what the consistency of the discharge on it depends on many factors: whether the body is healthy, the presence of chronic diseases and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. For the most part, yellowish discharge during pregnancy does not pose a danger to either the expectant mother or the fetus, but there are exceptions to the rule. We'll look into what you need to pay attention to in this article.

Experts say that normal discharge is clear or white (which is why it is called “leucorrhoea”). Sometimes they may appear yellow or slightly yellowish in color, but this is not necessarily a sign of inflammation as many may think. The cause may be changes in hormonal levels or even depression or stressful situations. Isn’t this what happens to every pregnant woman, sometimes even at the same time?

In early pregnancy

During this period, a tissue is formed in the cervix, which will protect the fetus from various negative factors. Excess of this secretion may come out along with discharge and have a yellowish tint. Do not worry, because in this way nature takes care of the safety of your pregnancy. By about 4 months this problem will no longer bother you.

Excessive yellow discharge may be a symptom of an allergy. Even if these problems did not exist before, the period of waiting for a child is sometimes complicated by the development of allergic reactions to irritants that previously did not cause any problems. For example, intimate hygiene products or regular panty liners. Try changing them and observing your discharge.

Strong yellow discharge may be a sign of inflammation in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

In the later stages

A few weeks before giving birth, copious yellow discharge with mucus most likely indicates the passage of the mucus plug. Do not forget to inform him about this at your next consultation with the doctor, so that the doctor knows about the first symptoms of impending labor.

When to sound the alarm?

During pregnancy, a woman's body is very susceptible to various types of infections. Even in the absence of sexual intercourse, you can “catch” inflammation, let alone if they are regular. And it may not be your partner’s fault; don’t rush to accuse him of cheating. It is likely that a change in microflora led to infection. When vaginal yellow discharge is accompanied by discomfort when urinating, itching, burning and an unpleasant odor, these are symptoms of inflammation or infection. Contact a specialist for tests and treatment as soon as possible. While expecting a baby, any infection must be treated. This is very important.

Don't forget about prevention:

  1. use only high-quality personal hygiene products (wipes and gel should be specifically designed for women);
  2. Wash yourself at least 2 times a day;
  3. Use a condom during sexual intercourse.
  4. wear underwear made from natural fabrics and avoid thongs, at least during pregnancy;

Important! This article contains general information only and is not intended to substitute for advice from a qualified professional.

Vaginal discharge accompanies the daily life of every woman. Normally, they regularly change their consistency, which depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the first half, the vaginal secretion is usually scant or absent; during the period of ovulation, its quantity increases noticeably, it thins out (to facilitate the movement of sperm and a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes), and at the end of the cycle it thickens (to protect the potential fertilized egg from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms). ).

Vaginal discharge, also called leucorrhoea, also performs a number of other functions. That is, their presence is not only quite normal, but also extremely necessary.

Leucorrhoea also changes its character with the onset of pregnancy. Probably every woman knows that clear or whitish vaginal discharge is normal, but with blood (pink, red, brown discharge during pregnancy) indicates a threat and requires immediate medical attention.

What to do if yellow discharge appears during pregnancy?

With yellow discharge during pregnancy, not everything is so simple. Firstly, their color and color intensity can vary greatly, and this greatly affects preliminary medical reports. Secondly, whether they are accompanied by any discomfort or pain plays a big role. Thirdly, in different cases, yellow discharge during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of the development of infection in the genital tract.

Therefore, it is best not to guess by color, but to immediately contact a gynecologist: already during the examination of the woman on the chair, he will be able to guess the reason for the appearance of yellow discharge. And after taking a smear from the vagina and receiving the results of this analysis, an accurate diagnosis can be made.

Most often, in the early stages of pregnancy, women experience abundant transparent watery vaginal discharge: they become so under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is now produced in increased quantities.

These are normal leucorrhoea, but they can also be not only colorless, but also slightly white and even yellow. Light yellow transparent discharge that does not cause irritation in the perineum, has no odor and is not accompanied by signs of infection, should not cause any concern to the expectant mother.

All that is required of you during this period is simply to maintain the hygiene of your intimate areas, change your underwear to clean and dry ones as needed, and minimize the risk of an allergic reaction in the genital area, that is, give up synthetic cosmetics and washing powders. It is also better not to use panty liners during pregnancy, since very often they lead to the development of thrush. As for underwear, it should be natural and comfortable (it’s better to avoid thongs for now).

Dangerous yellow discharge during pregnancy: dark yellow, yellow-green, with odor and itching

Despite the fact that yellow discharge during pregnancy can be a variant of the norm, more often they indicate the course of pathological processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. That is why the nature of such leucorrhoea must be determined by a doctor.

Yellow discharge and itching, burning, unpleasant or pungent odor, pus, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination or increased body temperature should be a reason for an urgent visit to a gynecologist. Dark yellow and yellow-green discharge also indicates the development of the pathological process. Typically, such vaginal mucus in combination with one or more of the listed symptoms indicates inflammation or infection, which must be treated. Among them may be:

  • Thrush (candidiasis) is a frequent companion of pregnancy. Usually during this period it worsens, but it can also occur for the first time, often due to an allergic reaction to linen, powder, toilet paper, pads or soap. Vaginal mucus with thrush is usually white, cheesy, with a sour odor, but can also be yellowish. They often cause severe burning and itching, swelling of the genitals.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis) develops as a result of disruption of the normal microflora in the vagina and is accompanied by abundant white-gray discharge with a fishy odor, which, as the disease progresses, can change its color to yellow-green and becomes sticky, viscous, and thick.
  • Colpitis (or vaginitis) - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by irritation and itching in the perineum and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. Very often it is asymptomatic, but as the disease progresses, pain and burning when urinating, and an increased urge to urinate. Vaginal secretions with cervicitis can have different colors (yellow, green, gray, white) and consistency depending on the pathogen.
  • Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the discharge has a bright yellow color and is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • STD (sexually transmitted diseases). Dark yellow discharge often contains impurities of pus with a characteristic odor, has a green or brown tint, bubbles, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and other unpleasant signs.

The detected diseases did not necessarily arise during pregnancy. It is likely that the microorganisms that cause their development were simply “dormant”, and now, against the backdrop of weakening immune defenses, they woke up and began to act.

Yellow discharge in late pregnancy

All of the above reasons for the appearance of yellow leucorrhoea during pregnancy in the early stages remain relevant in the third trimester. However, shortly before childbirth, when the expectant mother’s body begins to undergo restructuring and preparation for the upcoming birth of the baby, yellow discharge of a different nature may appear. We are talking about a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the cervix throughout the entire period of gestation. 2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, this mucus will begin to thin out, the cervix will shorten and soften, pushing the mucus plug out. It can come off in parts, small fragments, or all at once in the form of a large clot, reminiscent of jelly or silicone - this is what a mucus plug looks like. Cervical mucus has a beige, transparent or yellowish tint, sometimes containing streaks of blood. You should not be afraid of such discharge: they only indicate that childbirth is just around the corner. It is impossible to say exactly when the mucus plug comes off before childbirth: for some women this happens 2 weeks before the onset of contractions, for others - a few hours.

Sometimes liquid yellow discharge in late pregnancy, reminiscent of urine, but without its characteristic odor, may be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. You can check your suspicions using a special test purchased at a pharmacy. However, pregnant women often encounter urinary incontinence: in this case, liquid yellow discharge may smell like urine.

The most important thing that a woman who has this problem should understand is that she definitely needs to see a gynecologist. If the doctor decides that such a phenomenon is a variant of the norm, and if a vaginal smear confirms the absence of pathogenic microflora, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, the expectant mother will be prescribed treatment in accordance with the diagnosis and the duration of pregnancy. It is impossible to use any means without the doctor’s knowledge, since during pregnancy the list of drugs and traditional medicine approved for treatment is very limited.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Yellow discharge during pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena noted by many expectant mothers. Naturally, if they have never existed before or they were of a slightly different nature, the very fact of their appearance causes a certain concern for the health of your baby. This article will be devoted to the issue of yellow discharge that can accompany pregnancy.

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy

The appearance of excess mucus from the genital tract is sometimes the first sign of pregnancy. Even when a woman does not even suspect this, her body is already beginning to actively adapt to new conditions in which it must be able to coexist with those few small cells formed as a result of conception. Moreover, it is so laid down by nature that all the most valuable things are directed to maintaining the growth of the fetus and protecting it from aggressive environmental factors.

Naturally, such processes cannot but be accompanied by a restructuring of all organs and their functioning. The most key hormone that triggers these mechanisms is progesterone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries before pregnancy, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. That's why Many women experience periodic yellow discharge during the period after ovulation and before menstruation. Consequently, the increased level of progesterone that accompanies the entire pregnancy, and especially its beginning, cannot but affect the change in color or yellowish mucous membranes.

But there is also a second side to the coin - yellow discharge as an alarm signal. Don't forget about this. Especially if before pregnancy there were problems with the health of the genital organs. First of all, this concerns various infections and inflammatory processes. The onset of pregnancy can lead to their exacerbation. It is necessary to correctly assess the nature of the discharge and note the presence or absence of any other symptoms. This is the only way to determine the true origin of the yellow discharge.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy: what to do and what to be afraid of?

An analysis of many women's forums dedicated to pregnancy shows that the majority of expectant mothers are looking for answers to precisely these questions. When they are controlled by fear for the future fate of the baby, the topic of the action of progesterone and all other subtleties of the normal course of pregnancy becomes irrelevant. The advice of specialists who claim that pregnancy is proceeding normally does not help either. A pregnant woman is only overcome by a certain phobia: ˮ if this is the norm, then why do I have yellow discharge and others don’t? After all, everyone has the same hormones. ˮ

This is the first typical mistake an expectant mother makes when yellow discharge is detected at any stage of pregnancy. Under no circumstances should you give yourself over to panic and worry. This will definitely not make the child feel better, but quite the opposite. Constant stress and tension disrupt the blood supply to the placenta and fetus, which can affect its development. Instead of meticulously searching for answers to unnecessary questions, it is better to soberly assess your condition. If the yellow discharge is not accompanied by additional symptoms that cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, there is no need to worry. Their appearance is the result of the progression of a normal pregnancy. But in case of personal doubt, you can see a specialist whom the expectant mother trusts. He can not only calm her down, but also lift her spirit with a beautiful story about what her baby is doing at this stage of development.

Another important point that can and should alert a pregnant woman is that they acquire a very viscous, foamy, heterogeneous character and an unpleasant odor. It’s even worse when it joins the yellowness. This is always bad and may indicate:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis;
  2. Exacerbation of other infections;
  3. and endocervicitis;
  4. ; (also read separate article)
  5. Inflammation of the ovaries;
  6. Threat of miscarriage.

Worth mentioning and other alarming symptoms, which may accompany yellow discharge during pregnancy. These include:

  1. Abdominal pain, especially in the lower segments;
  2. General hyperthermia in the form of an increase in temperature reaction to any numbers above normal values;
  3. Headaches and general weakness, body aches;
  4. Frequent urge to urinate, which was not noted before the appearance of discharge;
  5. Itching, discomfort in the genital area and vagina.

In such situations, you should definitely contact an antenatal clinic, since they always indicate a threat to the child and the mother’s body.

What does normal discharge look like during pregnancy?

You can talk about physiological secretions during pregnancy using a simple and clear table, which is presented below.

Characteristics Description of discharge
Quantity Small, perhaps a little more than before pregnancy. May increase at certain times, especially before childbirth and in the early stages of gestation
Color White, colorless or slightly yellowish
Consistency Homogeneous, there may be small lumps of mucus
Character Mucous, moderately stretchy
Smell Shouldn't be
Transparency or slightly cloudy with a yellow or white color
Associated symptoms Not accompanied by any manifestations

While expecting a baby, many women note the appearance of strange yellowish discharge from the genital tract. Such symptoms may bother you for a short time or persist until childbirth. Is this normal or pathological?

Possible causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Normally, discharge from the genital tract in expectant mothers differs from that present in women before pregnancy. From the moment of conception, the entire body undergoes a restructuring. Hormonal levels change, which affects the condition of all internal organs. Changes also affect the mucous membranes of the genital tract. Increased blood supply to the vagina and cervix leads to an increase in daily discharge. Such discharge can be quite abundant, but always remains transparent. At the same time, a pregnant woman is not bothered by itching or burning in the vagina. This condition is completely normal for an expectant mother and does not require any treatment.

It’s a completely different matter if the discharge from the genital tract becomes yellow or dirty-gray, purulent, and smells. Often against this background, itching and burning, pain when urinating and during sexual intercourse occur. Such symptoms indicate the development of cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) and colpitis (inflammation of the vagina). Why does genital tract damage occur?

Experts identify the following reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge during pregnancy:

Bacterial vaginosis

The disease often occurs during pregnancy against the background of reduced immunity. Under the influence of hormones, the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the genital tract deteriorate. Lactobacilli, beneficial microorganisms that ensure normal vaginal biocenosis, die. Gardnarella, bacteroides and other microorganisms take the place of lactobacilli. Often, bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is combined with other infections.

As the disease develops, women notice the appearance of yellowish or grayish-white vaginal discharge. Often the discharge has an unpleasant “fishy” odor. It also happens that the disease is asymptomatic, and only upon examination are anaerobic microorganisms detected.


A typical manifestation of thrush is white, cheesy discharge from the genital tract and itching in the vagina. During pregnancy, candidiasis rarely occurs alone. Thrush in expectant mothers usually occurs against the background of other infections, and this determines the change in color of the discharge to dirty yellow.

Ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections

When infected with ureaplasma and mycoplasma, yellow discharge appears from the genital tract. There is itching and burning in the vagina. Urination becomes painful, which indicates that the infection has spread to the urethra and bladder. The general condition of the woman does not change.


The disease is asymptomatic in most cases. When combined with other infectious processes in the vagina, it can lead to the appearance of profuse yellow discharge from the genital tract. Often accompanied by cystitis (inflammation of the bladder).

Nonspecific cervicitis and colpitis

The source of infection can be any microorganisms living in the vagina: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus. Under normal conditions, these bacteria do not lead to the development of the disease, and are activated only against the background of reduced immunity. The disease can occur after local or systemic treatment with antibiotics.

How to find out the cause of yellow discharge during pregnancy?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease. To do this, a smear is taken from the woman’s genital tract for flora, and the contents of the cervical canal are inoculated onto special media. The sensitivity of microorganisms to certain groups of antibiotics must be determined. The analysis is prepared in the laboratory within 3-7 days.

To detect chlamydial infection, a sample of discharge from the cervical canal is taken for PCR. The polymerase chain reaction makes it possible to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease. Ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections are detected using the ELISA method (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). It makes no sense to carry out PCR for ureaplasma. This analysis only shows the presence of a microorganism, but does not calculate its quantity in the genital tract. This method is good for chlamydia - these infectious agents, in principle, should not be in a woman’s body. Ureaplasma and mycoplasma normally live in the vagina, and become dangerous only when they spread significantly.

Treatment of cervicitis and colpitis during pregnancy

After identifying the causative agent of the disease, antibacterial therapy begins. If the source of yellow discharge is nonspecific flora (Escherichia coli and other pathogens), vaginal suppositories are prescribed. "Terzhinan", "Makmiror", "Polizhnax" are approved for use from the second trimester of pregnancy. The course of therapy ranges from 7 to 10 days.

If bacterial vaginosis develops, these drugs will be ineffective. In this case, the use of agents that act on gardnarella and other anaerobic bacteria is required. After 14 weeks of pregnancy, vaginal suppositories “Klion D100” or “Neo Penotran Forte” are used. Each of these drugs contains metronidazole and miconazole. Metronidazole has a detrimental effect on the causative agents of bacterial vaginosis, and miconazole copes with thrush, which often accompanies anaerobic infection. The course of therapy is 7-10 days.

Chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma infections require a special approach. For these diseases, antibiotics from the macrolide group are prescribed orally. The most famous of them is Josamycin. Treatment lasts up to 10 days. The dosage of drugs is determined by the doctor. At the same time, candles “Terzhinan”, “Makmiror” and others are prescribed.

Most known drugs are used no earlier than 16 weeks of pregnancy. In the first trimester, the treatment of yellow discharge from the genital tract has its own characteristics. For up to 12-14 weeks, a limited number of drugs are used that do not have a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

After the end of antibacterial therapy, the normal microflora of the vagina must be restored. During pregnancy, Vagilac or Lactagel is prescribed for this purpose. These drugs colonize the vagina and cervix with lactobacilli and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease.

Prevention of cervicitis and colpitis during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, treating yellow discharge from the genital tract is not so easy. To prevent infection, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • treatment of sexually transmitted infections before pregnancy;
  • using condoms;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • rational antibacterial therapy for any infectious diseases;
  • restoration of normal vaginal microflora after the use of antibiotics.