Mucopurulent discharge from the nose. Nasal discharge: what they talk about, connection with diseases, what to do

Mucus in the nasal passages is formed not only under pathological conditions. It is always there - this is one of the factors of local immunity: the secretion of the nasal mucosa contains protective proteins and enzymes. Healthy man doesn’t even notice how mucus from the nasal cavity gradually flows down back wall throat, mixed with saliva and swallowed.

When an acute respiratory disease, allergy or normal hypothermia occurs, the nasal mucosa swells, a feeling of stuffiness in the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, the amount, consistency and color of nasal discharge changes. Doctors call this condition, but ordinary people call it a runny nose or snot.

What is a runny nose like?

Depending on the causes of occurrence, the following types of runny nose are distinguished:

  • – it can be caused by any viruses that can infect the respiratory system;
  • – with a decrease in immunity in children or adults, even the most harmless microorganism can provoke an inflammatory process in the nose;
  • – appears when a susceptible person comes into contact with allergens;
  • neurovegetative – associated with a disorder nervous regulation vascular network in the nasal mucosa.

What does the color of snot mean?

What color of snot is normal? If you blow your nose small quantity clear mucus, reminiscent egg white, there is no need to worry - the mucous membrane is functioning normally, the respiratory tract is protected. A sign of a pathological condition are the following types of snot: copious and liquid transparent, white, yellow, green, brown, blue.

What does this color of snot indicate:

  • White - a signal that the mucus has thickened. This happens as with viral respiratory diseases accompanied by elevated temperature body, and during prolonged stay in a dry, warm room.
  • Yellow – a sign of activation of microorganisms living in the nose. The appearance of this coloring of snot is due to the fact that a large number of dead bacteria and leukocytes (blood cells) accumulate in the mucus, some of which contain yellow-green enzymes.
  • Greens – characteristic of bacterial rhinitis. The more the mucus secreted from the nose thickens, the richer its color becomes. The most common manifestation of green snot is sinusitis (inflammation of the air cavities of the skull located around the nose and associated with it narrow channels), (inflammation of the enlarged pharyngeal tonsil).
  • Brown - a consequence of nosebleeds, which can occur due to the fact that the patient blows his nose too much, as well as due to the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops. In addition, silver-based medications for the common cold (for example, Collargol) can turn snot brown.
  • Transparent abundant – a symptom of acute respiratory viral infection, allergies and neurovegetative runny nose.
  • Blue - a signal for concern. This color of discharge may indicate that chemicals or small objects containing blue pigment have entered the nasal passages (it comes out with the mucus, coloring it).

If your child's snot changes color

In a child suffering from an acute respiratory illness, the color of the snot may vary from white to greenish-brown. If this happens, it means that a viral runny nose has turned into a bacterial one. Many adults, having noticed such changes in the child’s condition, immediately begin to think that it is time to give him antibiotics so that the infection does not “go down”. In fact, in most cases, antibacterial drugs are not needed.

Parents can cope with green snot without any medications. To do this you need:

  • regularly rinse the child’s nose with a weak salt solution;
  • Give the patient a good drink (dehydration leads to dry mucous membranes and thickening of nasal mucus);
  • ventilate the apartment several times a day;
  • create a regime of moist cool air at least in the children's bedroom;
  • If the baby does not have a fever and the weather permits, walk him outside longer.

If, against the background of green snot, the child’s body temperature rises again, a cough appears, or headache, you should contact your pediatrician or family doctor. These symptoms may indicate the spread of infection to the paranasal sinuses, trachea, and bronchi.

The color of snot is, of course, a marker of everything that is happening in the patient’s nose. However, only a doctor can determine the real reason rhinitis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. Therefore, if a runny nose bothers you, you should definitely see an otolaryngologist or therapist.

Useful video about runny nose and remedies for it

July 24, 2015

By the color of mucus released from the nose, you can determine the cause of the malaise. Of course, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis of the patient just by the nature of the discharge, but when examining the patient, the ENT specialist always pays attention to this factor.

Clear nasal discharge

If the patient is bothered by watery transparent discharge, this may indicate various diseases ENT organs:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Normal hypothermia of the body;
  • Getting a foreign object in the nose;
  • The initial stage of a viral disease.

If a clear runny nose is accompanied by itching, sneezing and inflammation of the eyes, then most likely the patient has an allergy. In such cases, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen or minimize contact with the irritating substance. It is also recommended to consult an allergist so that he can prescribe effective treatment for early stages diseases.

Mucus discharge

This type of runny nose often occurs when vasomotor rhinitis. This chronic disease of the nasal mucosa is associated with impaired vascular function, due to which soft fabrics swelling in the nasal cavity. With vasomotor rhinitis, mucous discharge and nasal congestion bother the patient periodically.

Typically, this disease is determined by next group symptoms:

  • Nasal congestion increases with changes in body position, weather, after exercise, or drinking alcohol;
  • Congestion and mucous discharge alternate: sometimes on one side of the nose, then on the other;
  • Sneezing, voice changes, and loss of smell may occur.

There are 4 types of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • Reflex (discharge appears after eating, hypothermia, inhaling strong odors);
  • Medication (begins after taking medications: vasoconstrictors, for high blood pressure);
  • Hormonal (appears when there is a malfunction thyroid gland, pregnancy, pituitary tumors);
  • Idiopathic (develops without an identified cause).

Since vasomotor rhinitis can be caused various factors, it is necessary to contact an ENT specialist to establish the exact cause and begin adequate treatment.

Heavy discharge

If a pronounced fight between the immune system and some pathogen begins in the human body, nasal discharge intensifies and increases in quantity. In such cases, you need to help the body eliminate the cause of inflammation, then the mucus produced will become much less.

In addition, the patient may experience heavy discharge due to the following factors:

  • Anatomical disorders of the structure of the nose;
  • Long-term irritation of the mucous membrane harmful substances, odors, dust;
  • Dry indoor air;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Allergy;
  • Vascular disease

If heavy discharge is caused by hypothermia or a viral infection, then its amount can be reduced by warming the nose or inhaling with bactericidal essential oils. Eucalyptus and fir oils help well.

Thick discharge

A mucous and watery runny nose becomes thick as a result constant irritation mucous bacterial or viral infection. Since the lining of the nasal cavity tries to eliminate the pathogen that has entered the body as quickly as possible, it produces a lot of mucus, which pushes pathogenic microorganisms and the products of their activity to the exit.

That's why thick discharge acquire a shade that can tell about the type of microbes or fungi that provoke inflammation in the nasal cavity. These discharges are characterized by different colors:

  • Green;
  • White;
  • Yellow;
  • Brown;
  • Bloody.

If the mucus begins to take on a tint, you should definitely see an ENT specialist, because a serious inflammatory process is occurring in the nasal cavity, which requires drug treatment.

Yellow discharge

If yellow exudate is released during a runny nose, you should immediately consult a doctor. Yellow tint mucus indicates the presence of a bacterial pathogen that needs to be treated with antibiotics. Simple nasal drops without antiseptic and antibacterial substances will not help in this case.

Yellow discharge indicates bacterial inflammation in paranasal sinuses Oh. If a runny nose lasts more than 10 days and begins to acquire a yellowish-green tint, this means that pus has begun to form in the maxillary sinuses and treatment should be started immediately before the disease causes complications.

Green discharge

When clear nasal discharge changes to greenish exudate, we can talk about a viral infection, which is mixed with a bacterial environment. Very often, this color of runny nose occurs in children and pregnant women against the background of weakened immunity.

Green nasal discharge should not be ignored, but it is better to see an ENT specialist to prevent the occurrence of sinusitis or sinusitis. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, eat right and not get too cold.

White discharge

A white runny nose can accompany the following diseases:

  • Allergy;
  • Various sinusitis;
  • Development of adenoids, polyps;
  • Complications of measles and ARVI;
  • Severe caries, which provokes inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.

This color of a runny nose is characteristic of both a common cold and a fungal infection of the nasal cavity. Therefore, you should not wait until complications begin to appear in the body due to the active proliferation of candidiasis, since it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the fungi on your own. If a person has discharge white, this is a sign that the inflammatory process has been going on for quite a long time and is in an advanced state.

Brown discharge

If the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity has prolonged so much that pus begins to form in the sinuses, then the patient may experience discharge brown. This change in shade is explained by the fact that the pus dries out and becomes crusty. When such crusts get into the mucus, they dissolve, so the discharge takes on a brown tint.

Often brown discharge may indicate the presence of fungi in the nasal cavity. In most cases, candidiasis and mold fungi settle in the sinuses, which provoke the discharge of a white cheesy exudate. But, when the inflammation is severe, the discharge can turn brown and even black.

Purulent discharge

If a person has yellowish-green or yellowish-brown discharge, it means that purulent inflammation has begun in the nasal cavity. As a rule, such exudate has an unpleasant putrid odor.

Purulent discharge is characteristic of both sinusitis and the formation of a boil in the nose. In any case, you should not hesitate and self-medicate, because the accumulation of purulent exudate can cause serious complications, such as:

  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Damage to the optic nerve;
  • Meningitis;
  • Attachment of fungal infection, etc.

Also, purulent discharge can appear due to injuries to the nose, the entry of a foreign object, the development of polyps, etc.

Nasal discharge with blood

The presence of blood in the discharge during a runny nose does not always indicate serious illness. Sometimes bloody exudate is the cause of blowing your nose too hard. The nasal mucosa is completely covered with blood vessels, so a symptom such as the appearance of mucus with blood can be the cause of the following diseases:

  • Injuries to the mucous membrane;
  • Weak blood vessels due to lack of vitamin C in the body;
  • Mucosal atrophy;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Viral infection;
  • Intracranial pressure;
  • Vascular spasms after physical exertion, overheating, altitude.

In addition, sometimes bloody discharge can occur in pregnant women, as a result hormonal changes in the body.

In order to get rid of a runny nose, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. The method of therapy that will be effective in a particular case depends on the nature of the course of rhinitis.

  • Acute rhinitis due to hypothermia

Nasal drops, hot drinks, eating foods rich in vitamins, and bed rest will help. Also positive action provide hot foot baths with dry mustard, herbal inhalations, aromatherapy with lemon oils, tea tree, mint.

  • ARVI or flu

To prevent a bacterial infection from attaching to the virus, it is necessary to rinse your nose with saline solutions. You just need to do this correctly, otherwise you can independently cause the appearance of other diseases: otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.

In addition, when blowing your nose, you need to take only clean tissues to avoid re-infection from a used tissue. If your nose is stuffy, you can instill vasoconstrictor medications for up to 5 days.

  • Bacterial infection

In this case, topical antibiotics will be required. Vasoconstrictor drops and immunomodulators are also used in combination.

  • Allergy

Antihistamines are needed for treatment. Your doctor may also prescribe corticosteroids and nasal drops.

Video - Constantly bothered by nasal discharge:

It is important to remember that in order to adequately treat nasal discharge, you need to contact an ENT specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. And only after this can the treatment method prescribed by the specialist be used. It is also recommended to carry out preventive procedures to prevent a runny nose.

The appearance of multi-colored nasal discharge in people is always an unfavorable symptom, indicating that infectious agents have entered the body. Green snot may indicate that the disease has progressed to an advanced form and treatment of the condition is necessary. If there is pain, an unpleasant taste in the mouth or an unpleasant odor from the nose, one should suspect that the body cannot get rid of the infection on its own and there is a risk of developing complications of the pathology.

First of all, it should be noted that in no case should one ignore conditions in which profuse green discharge from the nose appears. Even if a person feels well and believes that he is not seriously ill, and also does not feel there is a danger to his health, he should, since there is a possibility of complications from this process. The appearance of thickened green mucus from the nose may indicate the addition of bacterial flora.

Doctors say that the appearance of green discharge is due to the presence of old, sluggish chronic diseases such as bronchitis, sinusitis and others. This is explained by the death of neutrophils, which, when decaying, are painted exactly this shade. This situation will not resolve itself, so you need to influence the cause of its occurrence.

The consistency of nasal discharge is determined by which microorganisms caused the inflammatory process and its stage. It should be noted that in both children and adults this phenomenon occurs more often during the off-season.

Main Factors

The structure and color of nasal discharge sometimes allows us to determine the stage of the inflammatory process and its source. The most common factors that contribute to snot turning green or acquiring a slight yellowish tint may be:

  • pneumonia;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the ENT organs – pharyngitis, rhinitis.

It should be noted that these pathologies may be characterized by the release of green sputum. It does not always go away on its own, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste. It may also smell unpleasant or, conversely, be odorless.

Yellow nasal discharge indicates acute course diseases.

One of the signs indicating that the body is actively fighting an infection is the presence of liquid snot, and as soon as thick discharge appears, it is necessary to look for the cause of this condition and treat it.

This condition requires complex therapy, because local methods usually do not give the desired result. First of all, it is necessary to take a nasal swab to determine the composition of mucus or pus, as well as to identify the causative agent of the disease. It should be borne in mind that bacterial culture takes about a week, so doctors usually focus on the composition: with an increased content of neutrophils, the body needs support to fight the infection.

Sometimes such a problem can arise due to unfavorable external conditions. This situation does not require drug treatment; doctors usually recommend:

  • walks in the air;
  • limiting contact with dust;
  • fight against bad habits;
  • adequate cleaning of the nasal passages.

Provided there are no microbial agents in the human body, following the above recommendations will allow you to forget about the problem. If there is no effect, then there is a possibility of incorrect diagnostic measures and the presence of infection. This condition requires additional examination.

Allergies may also be among the causes of a runny nose with greenish discharge. Quite often, it can cause a headache, sometimes a sore throat develops, snot usually has a liquid consistency, the patient tolerates it without fever. To treat the process, antihistamines are usually prescribed:

  • Aleron;
  • Erius.

It is necessary to ensure that nasal discharge does not become purulent in nature, and also that bad smell. This point indicates inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis, and such a disease requires treatment with antibiotics.

Treatment at home

At long term With a runny nose, infectious agents can spread to other organs, thereby causing a number of serious complications:

  • sinusitis of various localizations;
  • otitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis.

These pathologies require immediate medical intervention. But as long as they have not developed, and in order to prevent their occurrence, “green runny nose” can be treated at home. To do this you need:

  1. Pay attention to a nutritious diet. It should include a large number of useful nutrients– vitamins, proteins, microelements;
  2. Increased time spent outdoors;
  3. Carrying out daily wet cleaning to eliminate dust. It also helps to humidify the air and thin the mucus;
  4. Drinking enough water;
  5. Physical therapy classes.

Drug therapy

If the disease is severe, as well as if there is an unpleasant smell in the snot and a taste in the mouth, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, which includes both drug therapy, as well as traditional methods.

If the patient has a very stuffy nose, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictors. It must be taken into account that they should not be used for more than one week, since, in the end, they may cause irreversible changes mucous membrane. They also do not affect the underlying cause of the disease. The most effective and well-known drugs in this group are:

  • Nazol;
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Farmazolin.

The next component of therapy is antivirals, because the appearance of green snot is often associated with a viral infection. Most often prescribed:

  • Anaferon;
  • Amiksin IS;
  • Groprinosin.

When bacterial flora is attached, antibiotics can be used wide range actions. Most often these are third-generation cephalosporins - ceftriaxone and macrolides - fromilid, aziromycin.

It should be noted that only the doctor indicates how to treat similar condition in the patient after a thorough examination.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine methods have a much less aggressive effect on human body, rather than drug therapy. They are also noted to be relatively safe, and there is no addiction to them, which is also a huge plus.

There are several techniques that can eliminate the presence of green discharge. They can be used at home.

  1. Inhalation of vapors from potato decoction or vapors from potatoes boiled in their jackets. This method of treatment should be carried out very carefully so as not to burn the mucous membranes;
  2. In addition to potatoes, medicinal plants such as oregano, eucalyptus or chamomile can be used for inhalation. Up to three sessions per day are allowed;
  3. The nose can be washed with weak hypertonic solution or dissolved onion juice;
  4. Hot mustard foot baths are highly effective;
  5. Instillation of the nose with infusion of calendula and yarrow. The solution is prepared by mixing both dry herbs in equal proportions, after which it is poured with boiling water. Then the infusion should stand for 30 minutes.

Immunomodulation is carried out through proper nutrition. The patient's diet should consist of the richest useful substances food. It should include:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • amino acids;
  • micro and macroelements.

It must be taken into account that adequate nutrition allows the body to effectively resist infectious agents. Among the most healthy products The diet is marked by sea fish, which contain a large amount of antioxidants.

The entire cavity of our nose, as well as the nasopharynx, part of the larynx and the inside of the nostrils, are covered with a special moisturizing membrane. It provides moisture to the upper respiratory tract. There are many blood vessels running through the mucosal covering.

When working together with the mucous membrane, they warm the passing air and create a comfortable microclimate inside the nasal cavity.

In the process of constant air circulation, many viruses or infections enter the body through the nose, which cause various diseases. When this happens, blood begins to flow into the nose, which will try to flush out disease-causing organisms.

This causes swelling of the mucous membrane and, as a result, mucous discharge appears, that is, snot. Thus, part of the infection leaves the body along with mucous secretions.

Discharges may be different:

By color and consistency you can roughly determine what exactly was the reason. Of course, the color of the discharge alone is not enough to make a diagnosis, but the otorhinolaryngologist will certainly pay attention to this factor.

Clear nasal discharge

If a sick person complains of thin, water-like and transparent nasal discharge, then this could be various diseases of the laryngological organs:

  1. allergic rhinitis;
  2. common cold;
  3. small foreign body inside the nose;
  4. the onset of a viral infection.

Transparent discharge from the nose, which is accompanied by redness of the eyes, sneezing, and the desire to scratch the nose, these signs indicate an allergic reaction.

Symptomatic treatment in this case is pointless and to eliminate the symptoms, the allergen should be identified and eliminated or contact with it should be reduced. The rest of the work should be left to the allergist.

Such discharge often accompanies a disease such as vasomotor rhinitis. It is characterized by disruption of the functioning of blood vessels in the nasal cavity, which is why swelling occurs.

At the same time chronic disease Nasal congestion constantly bothers the sick person. It can be eliminated only by finding out what type of rhinitis the patient has. Usually, nasal congestion increases when the patient changes body position, depends on the weather, and becomes more intense when physical exercise and after alcohol.

Vasomotor rhinitis is very variable:

  • sometimes on one side of the nose, sometimes on the other;
  • may cause sneezing;
  • voice change;
  • loss of smell.

Treatment is prescribed by specialists and can be long-term.

Heavy discharge

When a struggle occurs in the body between the immune system and the causative agent of the disease, the nasal mucosa immediately reacts to this and therefore the runny nose begins to intensify and the discharge becomes more abundant.

When this happens, it is necessary to help the body remove what is causing inflammation. When the cause is eliminated, the nasal discharge will quickly decrease.

However, there may be other reasons for excessive nasal discharge:

  1. Anatomical defects of the nose;
  2. irritation of the nasal mucosa chemicals, unpleasant odors,
  3. low-humidity indoor air;
  4. various kinds sinusitis;
  5. allergic reactions;
  6. weak blood vessels,
  7. hypothermia.

If strong discharge is associated with hypothermia or a virus, then you can resort to simple ways reducing their intensity:

Thick discharge

Thick discharge refers to thick, glue-like discharge. A runny nose thickens due to long-term and constant irritation of the nasal mucosa by a viral or bacterial infection.

Fighting it, the mucous membrane tries to remove foreign pathogenic organisms with maximum speed.

Because of this, a lot of mucus is produced, they begin to push pathogenic microelements and the results of their activity out. Due to this thickened discharge, the color changes, and the resulting shade, in turn, can provide information about the organisms that provoked inflammation in the nasal cavity. Thick discharge takes on different shades:

  1. greenish;
  2. white;
  3. yellowish;
  4. brownish (brown snot);
  5. bloody.

As soon as the discharge begins to appear in the listed shades, it is necessary to urgently contact an ENT specialist.

This means that an inflammatory process has begun in the nose, which should not be ignored under any circumstances and for which drug treatment should be started immediately.

Yellowish transparent discharge

They indicate that there is an inflammatory process caused by bacteria. You can't do without antibiotics here. Regular drops without application antiseptic substances, which have antibacterial substances, will be completely ineffective here.

Yellow discharge also indicates that inflammation is in the paranasal sinuses. With duration yellow runny nose more than 10 days and with the gradual appearance of a greenish tint, you can be afraid of the onset of sinusitis.

With it, pus begins to appear in the maxillary sinuses. Of course, it should be treated urgently, otherwise the patient will face serious complications.

They say that the disease was not limited to the virus, and bacteria interfered with the clinical picture. So-called green snot is common in children and pregnant women. They arise due to weak immunity.

Such nasal discharge cannot be ignored, otherwise you may miss the stage of transition to sinusitis. Proper nutrition and avoiding hypothermia will help strengthen the immune system and prevent consequences.

White transparent discharge

This type of runny nose, in addition to traditional acute respiratory viral infections, allergies and sinusitis, can cause:

  • the beginning of the formation of adenoids and polyps,
  • complications from measles;
  • development of severe caries with complications in the maxillary sinuses.

White transparent discharge is dangerous because it makes it easy to confuse common cold and fungal infection of the nose. When such discharge appears, you must immediately go to the doctor.

White transparent discharge shows that the inflammation has been going on for a long time and is thoroughly advanced.

Brown discharge

These discharges indicate that the process has started to such an extent that pus is already forming in the nasal cavity. It dries and forms crusts. When interacting with mucus, the crusts dissolve and give a brown tint.

In addition, brown snot may indicate a fungal infection. When the discharge is accompanied by a white cheesy substance, this indicates a fungus.

During the final stages of decay, the discharge may take on a black tint. It is usually accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor. Such a clinical picture should eliminate all doubts in the patient that further delays threaten complications such as:

Such purulent discharge may originate from nasal injuries, foreign bodies, polyps, etc.

Bloody discharge

You should not always be alarmed by the presence of blood in the mucous discharge from the nose. If there is blood in the snot, this may indicate:

If such a picture occurs in pregnant women, then this may indicate hormonal fluctuations in the body.

Treatment of nasal discharge

Before you begin treating nasal discharge, you must first understand the cause.

The nature of the therapy will depend on it, which is most suitable and will ultimately give the desired results. Let's look at just a few treatment methods for serious illnesses. In other cases, medical intervention is necessary.

Suitable for this category brine and nasal rinsing. There is no need to be zealous in frequency and intensity, otherwise you can cause complications in the form of otitis media and sinusitis. You should only blow your nose into new, fresh tissues or tissues to avoid getting the old infection back.

Here the main liquidator of the problem should be antihistamines. In addition, corticosteroids and nasal drops may be used. The extremely educational video in this article will help you understand what the color of nasal discharge means.

The human nose can be called a kind of “distributor”: it is here that there are entrances to various, hidden both deep in the cavity of the skull and located under facial bones, cavities. In their work, these structures can secrete various liquids; Also, various exudates can occur during their inflammation or the development of a tumor process.

Such products of normal or pathological vital activity of the nose itself or the sinuses that open there are nasal discharge. Their character will help you understand what is wrong with the body. A additional symptoms Can you give me some guidance on localization?

The nasal cavity is located between the eye sockets and the oral cavity. It opens outward through the nostrils, and the nose communicates with the pharynx lying behind through two openings - the choanae.

The posterior-superior wall of the nasal cavity is formed by bones, on which the brain, on the other hand, lies directly. Directly above the nose, separated by one bony septum, lies frontal bone. The outer wall is formed by several bones, the main one of which is the upper jaw bone.

On bone base On the outer walls there are 3 thin bones, shaped like the home of mussels. They are called the nasal turbinates and share the space near outer wall for three moves: lower, middle and upper. Their functions are different.

The nasal turbinates do not completely cover the space from the outer wall of the cavity to the nasal septum. Therefore, the described 3 nasal passages do not exist along the entire length of the “tunnel”, which is our nose, but only divide a small space near its outer (that is, opposite the septum) wall. The air that a person inhales enters both these passages and the free space nearby - the common nasal passage.

All the bones (except her bottom wall), contain one or more air cavities - paranasal sinuses. They have bone communications with one of the three nasal passages - the anastomosis.

Communicating with cavities or any organs, the bones of the skull are covered with a mucous membrane. This is a richly vascular tissue that, when damaged or inflamed, swells, reducing the distance between itself and nearby structures. Swelling in the area of ​​the anastomosis, the mucous membrane closes and separates the nose from the sinuses. This disrupts nasal breathing and “closes” the existing inflammation in the sinuses. And if the latter is purulent in nature and is not suppressed by antibiotics, the contents under pressure will try to find another way out, getting into the vessels of the brain or directly to its substance.

The superior and middle turbinates are not separate bones, but outgrowths of the ethmoid bone. If they are too enlarged, breathing on one side is difficult.

The mucous membrane is heterogeneous in different parts of the nose, which allows it to be divided into the respiratory and olfactory zones. In the first between the cells columnar epithelium, equipped with cilia that help remove trapped dust, there are cells that produce mucus.

The latter is needed to effectively bind microbial and fine particles that come from outside with the air, and then remove them outside. In the anterior section of the septum, more to the right, there is a special network of arteries, in the wall of which there is little elastic and muscle fibers. Therefore, in case of minor injuries, drying it out with air or vasoconstrictor drugs, lifting blood pressure bleeding occurs.

On inner surface inferior nasal concha, as well as in the anterior sections of the middle concha, there is cavernous tissue consisting of rich muscle cells veins When exposed to cold air or performing muscle exercises, the lumen of these veins changes. Accordingly, the cavernous tissue swells, narrowing the nasal passage, or expands, increasing its lumen. She does this instantly.

The veins that carry outflow from the nasal cavity pass through the palate, and then give off branches that flow directly into one of the sinuses (non-collapsing large vein), located in the cranial cavity.

The upper nasal passage is the area where the olfactory zone is located. Here, through special openings in the ethmoid bone, the endings of the olfactory nerves enter the cranial cavity. This area directly touches the dura mater, so if there is an injury or anomaly in the development of the latter, leakage may flow into the nose through these openings. cerebrospinal fluid- cerebrospinal fluid. This phenomenon is called liquorrhea. Also, it is this area that poses the risk of infection from the nasal cavity into the cranial cavity.

Normally, both halves of the nose cannot breathe equally around the clock: first one or the other half breathes better, giving the neighboring half the opportunity to rest.

Prolonged instillation of any drops into the nose disrupts the movement of cilia on the cells of the respiratory zone of the nose (see the list of all drops and sprays into the nose for a runny nose).

The possible cause of the condition will be indicated by the color of the discharge, which can be yellow, white, transparent, red, green, as well as the nature of the exudate - mucous, liquid, bloody. It is also important to take into account accompanying symptoms.

This is the color of purulent nasal discharge that accompanies the following diseases:


This disease, when inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus occurs, can be acute or chronic. It rarely develops on its own, being a complication of a runny nose, flu, scarlet fever, measles, other diseases, as well as inflammation of the molars, the roots of which are located directly in the sinus.

You can suspect sinusitis when the symptoms of a cold have dragged on, or 5-7 days from its onset, when the signs of the disease seem to have begun to subside, the temperature rises again (or for the first time), and yellow discharge mucous in nature, with an unpleasant sweetish (“purulent”) odor. This is usually accompanied by a unilateral feeling of fullness in half of the face, pain in the cheek and frontal area. When pressing or tapping on the area under the eye, the pain usually intensifies and can radiate to the brow ridge. Swelling of the skin of the cheek and lower eyelid with redness and increased temperature over it may also be visible.

With chronic sinusitis during the period of remission, there will be no significant discharge, temperature, or signs of intoxication. The disease will manifest itself as a deterioration in the sense of smell, a feeling of heaviness on the side of inflammation. During the period of exacerbation, the same symptoms will be observed as with acute sinusitis.

Acute rhinoethmoiditis

This word is called inflammation of the deep sinuses - the ethmoid labyrinth. It also occurs as a complication of rhinitis and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • throbbing headaches in the forehead, nose, or eye sockets;
  • diffuse headache, worse at night;
  • a feeling of distension, fullness in the depths of the nose, in the frontal-orbital zone;
  • nasal breathing is difficult;
  • transparent snot at first, they gradually become mucopurulent and yellow in color;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • swelling of the eyelid of one eye, redness of the white of the eye;
  • there may be soreness at the root of the nose on one side;
  • temperature rises, appetite decreases.

Acute frontal sinusitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus is accompanied by the following symptoms (frontitis):

  1. constant or throbbing pain in the forehead, which radiates to the eye and, as it were, deep into the nose;
  2. distension in the area of ​​the eyebrow and nasal cavity;
  3. lacrimation on the “sick” side;
  4. when using vasoconstrictor (Nazivin, Nazol, Galazolin) drops in the nose, when the yellow snot comes out, relief is felt. When a person stops using them, or the pus in the sinus becomes so thick that it does not come out even when the anastomosis is fully opened (this is what the drops were designed for), a repeated increase in temperature may be observed, a deterioration in the condition in terms of increasing weakness, lethargy;
  5. brow ridge, the root of the nose and the pink area in the inner corner of the eye may become swollen. The skin in these places is painful when touched.

Acute inflammation of the sphenoid sinus

This disease most often occurs as a complication acute rhinitis caused by viruses or bacteria and occurring in allergy sufferers. It is not always easy to suspect, which is due to the deep location of the sinus and its proximity to brain structures.

The pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • pressure and expansion in deep sections nose, radiating to neighboring areas and eye sockets;
  • pain in these areas, which radiates to the forehead, crown, temples, is constant;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • decreased vision;
  • severe nausea and vomiting occur periodically;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • the discharge is mucous, then becomes purulent and yellow in color;
  • an increase in temperature to high numbers with its fluctuations towards higher or lower values ​​by 1.5-2 degrees;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia.

Green snot may be normal when the second stage of acute catarrhal rhinitis transitions to the third. In this case, the runny nose becomes less profuse and the general condition improves. If, on the contrary, signs of intoxication increase, body temperature rises, nausea appears - most likely, one of the types of sinusitis has developed, which must be urgently diagnosed and treated before it causes serious complications such as otitis media, meningitis or abscess formation in the substance of the brain.

White discharge accompanies the following pathologies:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • the initial form of any of the sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity or sinuses;
  • complication of acute respiratory viral infection by the addition of fungal microflora.

This symptom is typical for the diseases described below.

Acute rhinitis

This is the disease that is called a “cold”, and which occurs as a result of viruses, less often bacteria or fungi, entering the mucous membrane. Hypothermia, decreased immunity after taking hormonal or antitumor drugs, and injuries (especially industrial injuries: during woodworking, chemical production) predispose to the occurrence of acute rhinitis.

Both sides of the nose are affected. At first - from several hours to 2 days - it begins to pinch, tickle, and burn in the nose and nasopharynx. Malaise, heaviness and pain in the head appear, weakness occurs, appetite decreases, and the temperature may rise.

After a while, copious watery snot appears from the nasal cavity, which is serous-mucosal in nature, and breathing becomes difficult. At the same time, you may experience stuffiness and tinnitus.

On the 4-5th day of illness, clear snot is replaced by thick nasal discharge, it becomes easier to breathe, and the general condition improves.

Symptoms cease by 7-10 days of illness.

Allergic form of vasomotor rhinitis

There are permanent (year-round), seasonal and professional uniforms of this disease. The first is associated with household allergens, the second – with the flowering of certain plants, the third – with professional activities.

The disease is characterized by a triad of symptoms that are most severe in the morning:

  1. Sneezing attacks develop periodically.
  2. Strong discharge of “water” appears from the nose.
  3. It is difficult to breathe through the nose, itching and tickling are felt.

Bronchial asthma, drug intolerance, especially acetylsalicylic acid, frequent bronchitis speak in favor of vasomotor rhinitis.

The initial stage of any sinusitis

Before pus or admixtures of blood and yellow pus with mucus appear, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis or sphenoiditis begins with the appearance of transparent mucous discharge.

Cerebrospinal fluid secretions

If a person suffered a skull injury, he had to undergo surgery (including puncture of the sinuses) on the skull, he suffered from meningitis or meningoencephalitis, he is diagnosed with “Hydrocephalus”, due to a defect in the hard (external) meninges CSF may leak into the nasal cavity. This clear liquid, not slimy or snot-like when initial manifestations ARVI. It is released most often in the morning and accompanies bending the body and performing physical activity.

This symptom suggests that you need to perform a computed tomography scan of the cranial cavity, based on the results of which you should consult with neurosurgeons. Surgical treatment The reasons for this condition are necessary, otherwise any runny nose risks ending in meningitis or inflammation of the brain, which is deadly.

In case of thick yellow or green purulent discharge we can talk about either purulent inflammations sinuses (they are described in the section “Yellow color of snot”). If the secreted exudate is light mucous in nature, it may be:

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis

Nasal breathing is disrupted, discharge appears, which is not abundant, contains only mucus, or can be mucopurulent. It becomes more difficult to breathe in the cold. If you lie on your side, the underlying half of your nose becomes blocked. There are no symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, or fever.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

In this case, nasal breathing is constantly difficult and is not facilitated by instillation vasoconstrictor drops such as “Galazolin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Nazivin”, “Xylo-Mefa”. Transparent mucous snot is constantly released. In addition, there is periodic headache, decreased taste and smell, and dry mouth and oropharynx.

Conditions in which constant discharge is noted are as follows:

  1. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis.
  2. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.
  3. Neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis.

The appearance of copious discharge is typical for:

  • reactions to dry indoor air: then a runny nose is not accompanied by any other symptoms and goes away quickly;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • the initial stage of acute catarrhal rhinitis, which most often occurs with ARVI;
  • the initial stage of any sinusitis: sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis;
  • pathologies of the Kisselbach plexus vessels;
  • discharge of cerebrospinal fluid from the nasal cavity (such leakage of “water” often occurs in the morning, thus relieving intracranial pressure).

Bloody nasal discharge is typical for:

  • injuries to the nose, which can be considered damage to the mucous membrane with a finger, especially if a person has chronic atrophic rhinitis;
  • surgical interventions in the nasal cavity;
  • gunshot wounds in this area;

Arising out of nowhere, without visible injuries, snot with blood can be a manifestation of:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • various pathologies blood coagulation system;
  • angiomas or papillomas of the nasal cavity;
  • juvenile angiofibroma nasopharynx;
  • cancer (tumor from epithelial tissue) or sarcoma (tumor of cartilage, bone) of the nasal cavity. The occurrence of a “runny nose” is preceded by a change in the shape of the nose or face;
  • ulcers of the nasal cavity resulting from syphilis, tuberculosis or other processes. These diseases are accompanied by their own specific symptoms: in the case of syphilis, first there will be a primary element, then a pale pink rash will appear on the body. Tuberculosis begins with symptoms of weakness, fatigue, and sweating. This is accompanied by a cough, and possibly hemoptysis;
  • influenza: in this case, the temperature will rise, chills will occur, and pain will be felt in the muscles and bones;
  • hypo- or avitaminosis of vitamin C;
  • nosebleeds that occur instead of menstruation (vicarious) or along with it (concomitant);
  • a combination of weakness of the vessels of the nasal wall and a decrease in barometric pressure;
  • overheating of the body;
  • great physical activity.

If a lesion - catarrhal or purulent - of the paranasal sinuses is accompanied by headaches of various localizations, then the following pathologies will appear with pain in the nose and discharge of pus from there:

  • Furuncle. This is suppuration of the hair follicle, of which there are many in the initial parts of the nasal cavity. When it appears, local pain is noted, which intensifies when touching the nose. The temperature may rise. The opening of the boil is manifested by the release of pus mixed with blood.
  • Perforation of the nasal septum with suppuration. This process occurs due to trauma to the nose, unopened abscess of the nasal septum, and sometimes atrophic rhinitis. Apart from pain and discharge of pus, there are no other symptoms: the general condition suffers slightly, there is no headache.
  • Abscess of the septum. Here you will see swelling of the nose and pain on palpation.

If pain in the nose is accompanied by nasal discharge with blood, we can talk about:

  • uncomplicated or just occurred perforation of the septum;
  • septal hematoma;
  • a tumor localized in the area of ​​the septum or cartilage of the nose.

If nasal pain is accompanied by clear discharge, this may be the result of:

  • burns of the mucous membrane with drops or hot liquid;
  • mechanical injury mucous membrane;
  • neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve: in this case, paroxysmal pain occurs in the nose, in the eye and forehead area. General condition is not disturbed, but during an attack a large amount of watery secretion is released, as well as lacrimation. Rashes may appear on the bridge of the nose.

The structure of the nose in children is somewhat different from that in adults:

  • All nasal passages are narrower, and lower sink reaches the bottom of the nasal cavity. Therefore, even with slight swelling of the mucous membrane, it is already difficult for the child to breathe. This is especially bad in children under one year of age: if nasal breathing is difficult, the baby will not be able to suck on the breast or bottle.
  • The auditory tube, a structure connecting the nasal cavity with the ear, is located horizontally. Therefore, with inflammation in the nose, when nasal breathing is impaired, excellent opportunities are created for infected mucus to be thrown into the ear cavity with infection of the latter. In addition, rhinitis can be supplemented with otitis by using sprays with a powerful atomizer (such as AquaMaris) to rinse the nose of children under 5 years of age. For these babies, it is optimal to use saline solutions in the form of drops.
  • Children often develop hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids). When they increase sufficiently, they are capable of either mechanically disrupting the outflow of fluid from the sinuses, or becoming a habitat for microbes.
  • In children under 3 years of age, the plate through which the olfactory nerves enter the nose is not yet bone, but dense connective (fibrous) tissue, which ossifies by the age of 3. Because of different speeds development of the cartilage and bone tissue of the septum; spiny or comb-like growths may appear on it, interfering with breathing.
  • Cavernous tissue, rich in muscle veins, fully matures by 6 years.
  • An additional olfactory sense may exist in the mucous membrane of the septum for some time. vestigial organ. It does not enhance the sense of smell, but can become a source of additional cysts and inflammations that cause nasal discharge in the child.
  • Difficulty breathing in children, when you have to breathe through the mouth, the breath becomes less deep, and this reduces the amount of incoming oxygen and causes moderate hypoxia. Existing for a long time, such a lack of oxygen leads to the development pathological processes from the vascular, hematopoietic, nervous and other systems.
  • In the posterior sections of the septum there is a strip of cartilage - a growth zone. If it is damaged (for example, when surgical interventions), this can cause deformation of the septum and cartilages of the nose, which create it appearance. Complete ossification occurs only by 10 years.
  • The maxillary sinuses, although not developed, are present from birth in the form of a small gap, and can become inflamed starting from 1.5-2 years. But sinusitis usually debuts starting at the age of 5-6 years.
  • Frontal sinuses may not be developed at all (this occurs in 10% of people). If an air cavity is formed in this area, then it can become inflamed starting from the age of 5.
  • Inflammation of the ethmoid sinus (ethmoiditis) is possible as early as one year of age.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane sphenoid sinus(sphenoiditis) is possible only after 10 years.

Considering what is stated in previous section, most often snot in a child younger age happen when:

  • acute catarrhal rhinitis, which is caused by viruses of the ARVI group;
  • allergic vasomotor rhinitis (then this, as in the first case - liquid snot);
  • traumatization of the nasal mucosa by a foreign body. This leads to blood coming out of the nose. If the foreign body was small, did not particularly interfere with breathing, and therefore was not noticed and not removed, purulent-bloody discharge may appear;
  • weakness of the walls of the vessels of the nasal cavity;
  • diseases of the blood coagulation system or hematopoietic organs. In this case, as in the previous one, periodic nosebleeds are observed.

Babies can also develop sinusitis, most often sinusitis. A boil or even a carbuncle of the soft tissues of the nose may appear, which is caused by scratching it with dirty fingers. Various types of chronic rhinitis (hypertrophic, catarrhal) rarely develop under the age of 7 years.

Treatment of nasal discharge depends on its cause, which only an ENT doctor can accurately determine, sometimes only with the help of such additional research, How computed tomography nose and paranasal sinuses. But the first steps can be done at home, depending on the nature of the snot.

If the cause of the discharge is unclear, but it is clear:

  • Rinse with 0.9% sodium chloride solution as often as possible, especially if you suspect that the snot is caused by a virus or allergen. It is optimal to perform this action as often as possible in order to “wash” a possible pathogen or allergen from the mucous membrane. Additionally, you can perform inhalations with saline using a nebulizer. In young children, the use of nasal rinsing sprays is not applicable due to the likely development of otitis media if the solution enters the auditory tube.
  • Eliminate all possible allergens, remove potential allergens from your diet.
  • Have a drink antihistamine(Fenistil, Suprastin, Erius) in an age-specific dosage.
  • Apply nasal drops to an age-appropriate vasoconstrictor. This should be done three times a day, but no more than 3 days.

If symptoms of intoxication develop (nausea, weakness, loss of appetite) or yellow, white, green, orange, brown or mixed discharge appears:

  • consult a doctor immediately;
  • do not heat the nose area;
  • To reduce fever or relieve pain, you can take Nise or Nurofen in an age-specific dosage. "Aspirin" or acetylsalicylic acid unacceptable for use, especially in childhood;
  • V emergency situations, when you can’t get to the doctor during these days, rinse your nose with saline solution or other saline solution, after which you need to lie down, drip 2 vasoconstrictor drops into the nostril, then throw back your head, turn it to the “sick” side and lie there for 10 minutes. Do this with the other nostril.

After this, you can drip drops with an antibiotic: “Ciprofloxacin”, “Ocomistin”, “Dioxidin”. You can instill an aqueous solution of furacillin or drops prepared from ampoules with antibiotics with the now opened fistulas. It is better to consult with an ENT specialist about this, at least by telephone.

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The inner walls of the nasal passages are lined with mucous membranes, on the surface of which there are many glands that produce mucus, which protects the body from viruses, dust and other foreign microparticles. Normally it is transparent and has no odor. A change in its character indicates the development of pathological processes requiring mandatory treatment. For example, white nasal discharge often occurs due to a bacterial infection or allergy. And to get rid of them, it is necessary to take special medications, which should be selected individually.

Main reasons

Frequent occurrence of white snot in a child or adult is characteristic feature the development of chronic rhinitis, which is characterized by phases of remission and exacerbation when exposed to negative factors. These include:

If the occurrence of white snot is associated with an allergy, then in this case it is necessary to visit a doctor and take tests that will help to accurately determine the irritating agent that causes such a reaction in the body. If possible, the person should stop contacting him. When this cannot be done (for example, when plants are flowering), it is recommended to take antihistamines.

Often the cause of the appearance of this disease Teeth become carious, which is a source of infection. They often provoke inflammation in the nasopharynx, increasing the number of white blood cells in the mucus produced by the glands, as a result of which it thickens and becomes white.

The presence of pathological lesions in the oral cavity can provoke not only a runny nose, but also sinusitis, which is characterized by pain in the bridge of the nose and forehead, high temperature, constant congestion nose and the appearance of greenish snot.

It should be noted that white discharge thick mucus from the nasal passages is often observed in people during the recovery phase after a viral infection. At the initial stages of its development, a transparent exudate is produced, but when a bacterial infection occurs, it acquires a yellowish tint.

In the case where a person receives correct treatment, the clinical picture changes within a week. The mucus that the glands synthesize gradually thickens, which is caused by the presence of large quantity dead microorganisms. As a result, it turns white, but this does not last long. After 2-4 days, the snot becomes thinner and goes away on its own. This phenomenon is considered a favorable sign of recovery. But not always. If the mucus becomes foamy and begins to give off an unpleasant odor, this indicates the development of complications, which requires an immediate visit to a specialist.

Blood in the discharge

Often, when blowing their nose, people find streaks or blood clots in the white snot. Their presence can be caused by long-term use of nasal medications, which cause dryness of the mucous membrane and a decrease in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which they are easily damaged.

If a runny nose is systematically accompanied by white discharge mixed with blood, then this can also signal the occurrence of polyps or other neoplasms in the nasopharynx. In this case, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

What pathologies are characterized by thick white nasal discharge?

This symptom can often be a sign of pathological processes occurring in the body. Recognize independently based on the clinical picture developing disease, is difficult, since most ENT diseases have similar symptoms.

Among the most common pathologies accompanied by nasal congestion and white discharge, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Adenoiditis. When it occurs, inflammation of the tonsils and an increase in their size are noted. The main signs are difficulty breathing, thick snot, snoring during sleep.
  2. Ethmoiditis. Characterized by development inflammatory processes in the labyrinth of sinuses. It is often a complication of sinusitis. It appears in the form of white viscous mucus, which practically does not blow your nose.
  3. Sinusitis. This disease affects the mucous membranes of the sinuses. Symptoms: difficulty breathing, runny nose, fever.
  4. Sinusitis. Accompanied by inflammation maxillary sinuses. There is a misconception that with this pathology, the discharge is always yellow or green. But that's not true. They can be transparent, white, pink and even red. Main sign disease - bursting pain, which is localized directly in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and eyebrows.
  5. Polyposis. This disease is characterized by the formation of polyps from the hypertrophied mucous membrane in the nasopharynx. For a long time it does not manifest itself in any way. And when the tumors reach large sizes, symptoms appear in the form of white snot, difficulty breathing and impaired sense of smell.

Diagnostics and therapy

Before attempting to eliminate thick white nasal discharge, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. If the diagnosis is made incorrectly, treatment will not work accordingly. positive results, and the patient’s condition will deteriorate significantly. Therefore, you should not make a decision on taking certain medications on your own. In this case, you need to visit an otolaryngologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

At the first appointment, the doctor will interview and examine the patient, after which he will prescribe a rhinoscopy, which will allow an accurate assessment of the condition of the nasopharynx. If sinusitis, sinusitis or polyposis is suspected, an x-ray and endoscopic examination. As an additional examination, a nasal swab is taken, thanks to which it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease, and blood from a vein.

As for treatment tactics, it is determined individually based on the results of the diagnostics. If the patient has sinusitis, he needs to visit the dentist and take anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and vasoconstrictor drugs. When nasal congestion and white mucus are associated with polyposis, surgery is recommended. In the case of allergic rhinitis, antihistamines are used.

White thick nasal discharge is a sign of various pathological conditions. Therefore, under no circumstances should they be ignored. If they occur, you must immediately visit a doctor, since only timely diagnosis and properly selected treatment will avoid negative consequences.