If your child has clear snot. How to treat runny snot in a child

A child’s runny nose is a natural reaction of the body to irritation of the upper parts respiratory system. Penetration of the pathogen is accompanied by an active secretory reaction of the mucous membrane. Dividing a runny nose into stages allows you to track the stages of the disease and understand whether the child’s body can cope on its own.

  1. The initial stage is accompanied by burning and itching in the nose. As a rule, there is no mucous discharge at this stage. Duration – from several hours to 2 days.
  2. The reflex stage is accompanied by a response in the form of congestion and a small amount of mucous discharge. Lasts 2-5 days.
  3. Recovery is accompanied by thickening of the snot and a decrease in its volume. The process begins on the 5-7th day of illness and ends after 1-2 days.

The second stage of a runny nose does not always progress to the third. For children, complications of rhinitis are common. In this case, the runny nose intensifies, and the secreted mucus becomes colored.

If a child is unwell, you should consult a doctor, but each parent should have a rough idea of ​​what clear snot in a child means and what methods to deal with it.

The initial cause of the discharge of liquid formations from the nose is the active work of the mucous membranes. The thicker the runny nose, the higher the production of mucin.

When abundant clear snot appears, parents have no reason to worry. Usually such symptoms are accompanied by a cold.

With the right tactics you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms in just 5-7 days. But it is only important to establish what really causes such a runny nose.

Physiological reasons

Physiological runny nose is a peculiar reaction of the body to external conditions.

Often, clear snot in children occurs during cold weather. When suddenly moving from frosty air to a warm, dry room, activation occurs secretory function mucous membranes of the nose. In this case, a short-term clear runny nose is observed that does not require treatment.

In children, clear snot is released when crying due to physiological characteristics body work. The fluid that forms in the eyes flows down the nasolacrimal duct, causing tickling of the membranes. In response to this, the nasal mucosa increases secretory function.

TO physiological reasons This includes staying in a warm, dry room. Drying of the nasal passages is accompanied by irritation and a natural moisturizing reaction.

In children under 2 years of age, watery, clear mucus may appear during teething. The relationship between these processes cannot be scientifically proven. However, all pediatricians know that if teeth are being cut and sniffles appear without additional signs of illness, then there is no need to treat them.

Pathological causes

Unnatural causes of a clear runny nose include all conditions when increased work of the nasal mucosa is caused by the penetration of irritants from the environment.

Most often, children experience a viral runny nose. It is caused by the penetration of the pathogen into the cells of the body. Bacterial rhinitis is less common, and such snot is usually caused by a complication.

Allergies are also considered pathological factors when certain substances penetrate the respiratory tract and cause irritation. Every isolated case is considered and treated individually. You can determine why the snot appears as liquid as water using additional signs.

Allergic reaction

Allergic rhinitis is caused by external irritants: household substances, chemical compounds, plant pollen, dust, animal hair. This reaction continues long time, but the child is not disturbed additional signs diseases. The baby is cheerful and feels well, except that liquid mucus, similar to water, is constantly leaking from his nose.

Treatment consists of eliminating the pathogen and applying antihistamines. From systemic drugs children are prescribed: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Zodak, Loratadine. For local use we recommend: Avamis, Tafen, Nasonex. All medications are used in accordance with the age of the small patient.

Viral runny nose

Snot caused by a viral infection changes throughout the entire period of illness, both in color and consistency. This distinguishes them from allergic rhinitis, in which the discharge remains unchanged for a long time.

When viruses enter a child’s body, they trigger a response from the immune system. This condition is often accompanied by fever and general malaise. If the child has hyperthermia, there is nasal congestion but there is copious discharge liquid mucus, then you can be sure that the cause was viruses.

Treatment of such a runny nose consists of organizing appropriate living conditions and preventing the addition of bacterial flora.

Recommended symptomatic drugs, if there is a need for them: vasoconstrictors (for nasal congestion), antipyretics (for hyperthermia). Antiviral agents for children are prescribed as needed: Grippferon, Viferon, Derinat.

Bacterial origin of snot

A runny nose of a bacterial nature is usually a complication viral infection. At improper treatment Cold snot causes a decrease in immune defense and the addition of bacterial flora.

Independent bacterial runny nose develops with adenoiditis– damage to the nasopharyngeal tonsil by pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, you can notice that the transparent snot becomes or and then thickens.

It is necessary to treat a child with clear snot or a runny nose that has already acquired color in case of a bacterial infection, otherwise the inflammation will move to the paranasal sinuses, which will cause sinusitis or sinusitis.

The doctor, based on the well-being of the little patient, prescribes systemic or local remedies. For nose treatment it is recommended: Isofra, Protargol, Miramistin.

Of systemic drugs, preference is given to penicillins and macrolides. It must be remembered that all antibiotics are sold by prescription, and independent use Such drugs are unacceptable.

General treatment methods

Each type of runny nose has a separate treatment regimen. At the same time there is general methods combating clear snot, regardless of what caused the anxiety.

  • Washings are carried out saline solutions . The purpose of the procedure is to clean and moisturize the mucous membrane.
  • Inhalations with pencils. The activities have a general strengthening effect on local immunity and make breathing easier.
  • Vasoconstrictors. Used only as needed to ease breathing and prevent otitis media.
  • Antiseptics – eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungi. The purpose of use is to cleanse the mucous membrane of the irritant.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs(Irs 19, Nazoferon, Interferon) are prescribed to increase protective functions body and prevent complications of the disease.

When treating colorless liquid snot, it is necessary to constantly replenish the level of moisture in the body. For this, the child is prescribed plenty of fluids. With a lack of water, which often occurs when

Nasal discharge in a baby is always a nuisance, both for the baby and for his parents. If you notice that your child has clear snot, then you must definitely find the cause of this phenomenon. Such a symptom may indicate a violation of sanitary conditions in the apartment or signal the development of pathology in your son or daughter. How to cure snot in a child and when should you visit a doctor?

Transparent discharge from the nasal cavity is observed under the influence of both external and internal factors. Depending on the cause, treatment for rhinitis will also vary.

So why does the child have snot?

Cause Characteristic
Microclimate disturbance If the room where the child spends most of his time has too low air humidity and high temperature, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages dries out, and how defensive reaction the body develops colorless nasal discharge (infants suffer most from this)
Adaptation to new living conditions Newborn babies sometimes experience a physiological runny nose caused by anatomical features upper respiratory tract.
Teething (0-3 years) During teething in infants, blood intensively nourishes all tissues located in the area. oral cavity, nose and throat. Due to the increase in local blood flow, mucus is secreted more intensely.
Viral or bacterial infection(ARVI, ARI) Clear discharge is the initial stage inflammatory process in the nose caused by a virus.
Allergic reaction Due to contact with any allergen, the immune system malfunctions, which leads to the development of local allergic reactions of a certain nature.

Liquid snot in children

Liquid transparent snot in a child appears due to increased sweating of fluid (transudate) from the vessels of the mucous membrane into the nasal cavity. This can occur with the development of inflammation of any nature. They indicate that the baby’s body is taking measures to fight the infection.

With improper treatment or with the progression of the disease, when the immune system cannot immediately stop the proliferation of pathological agents, detachment is added to the fluid epithelial cells nasal mucosa in a baby. Therefore, the discharge quickly becomes thick, but does not change color yet - you will see white snot in the child.

Thick snot in a child

Sticky snot means that the inflammatory process has entered its final stage, and a bacterial component is added to the viral infection. Sometimes thickening of the sniffles occurs when the baby develops dehydration (therefore, when the temperature rises during ARVI and other infections, it is so important to give the child plenty of water).

The thickness of the sniffles is caused by the presence of exfoliated epithelium in them, as well as blood cells - neutrophils and other cells of the immune system that fight microbes. With a large number of them, yellowish or green snot is observed in the child.

Yellow snot in a child refers to purulent discharge, and may be a sign of inflammation transferring to the nasal sinuses (in children over 3 years old).

Snot in a newborn

Newborn children are characterized by functional immaturity of all organs and systems of the body. U infant During the first month of life, the body gradually adapts to life in the new big world.

Anatomical features of the structure of the baby’s respiratory tract, long life inside the mother, prolonged labor and their negative consequences, together with very dry air in the children's room can cause physiological secretions from a baby's nose.

How to remove snot from a newborn, and how to treat snot from infant? If the transparent snot went into large quantities, you should take care to cleanse the baby’s nasal passages, otherwise he will not be able to suckle and feed. Very young children cannot yet clear their nose on their own. In such children, it is used for this purpose. medical device– nasal aspirator (nozzle suction).

Treatment of snot in children Komarovsky

Snot with blood

In children, the vessels of the mucous membrane are located very close to the surface and have fragile walls. With inflammation during rhinitis, their permeability increases several times. Excessive tension that occurs due to the fact that clear snot is often blown out by small child, leads to the fact that the vessels of the capillary bed burst and red blood cells - red blood cells - enter the nasal cavity.

Red snot (or streaked with blood on a white or green background) should always alert parents. If you were watching similar symptom in a child more than 3 times and nosebleed was intense, this is a serious reason to go to the otolaryngologist.

Snot with cough

Sometimes snot is accompanied by a cough. This occurs when the inflammatory process spreads to the lower organs of the respiratory tract. When your child sleeps, it is important to ensure that his head is higher than the rest of his body - place another pillow under his head. Then the baby will not complain that he has snot in his throat.

Do this to prevent coughing. It may appear due to the fact that in a horizontal position, snot flows down the back wall pharynx, excite the receptors of the nerve endings located there and stimulate the cough reflex in the baby.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

How to treat rhinitis in a baby at home? Viral rhinitis can be treated at home in most cases. Pediatricians recommend providing rest and half-bed or bed rest to a sick child. It is necessary to give the baby plenty of fluids containing ascorbic acid(rosehip decoction, raspberry and currant jam).

For clear and green snot inhalations, Dr. Komarovsky suggests using infusions of chamomile, sage and mint. Invite your child to inhale the vapors of these solutions in your presence, just make sure that the baby does not get a burn to the skin or mucous membrane (nose and mouth).

For snot to stimulate the immune system, use aromatic oils. By effective means pine and eucalyptus oil. Pay attention to tea tree oil.

A child aged two to three years will get rid of snot by washing the nose with a weak saline solution (concentration table salt should be 0.9%, solvent – ​​boiled water) at least 4-6 times a day.

How can a child clear snot from his nose? – Doctor Komarovsky

Snot color

Discharge appears colored when it contains additional components other than fluid leaked from small nasal vessels.

Snot color What causes the coloring When does it meet?
Transparent Transudate from capillaries Initial stage of ARVI;

Microclimate disturbances;

Neonatal period and teething in infants;


White Peeling of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa Development of inflammation during ARVI
Green The presence of dead leukocytes that digest microbes - pus Bacterial complications in ARVI
Yellow Presence of pus Spread of inflammation to paranasal sinuses nose ( yellow snot in a child 3 years and older - a dangerous sign)
Red Presence of red blood cells Capillary bleeding during rhinitis.


If the baby has snot, then with ARVI, this is the first sign of a problem in the body. But usually the matter is not limited to them, and other symptoms of the disease develop:

  • Fever and symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, apathy, abdominal and head pain, refusal to eat);
  • Sore throat and sore throat when swallowing;
  • Dry and then wet cough.

If a runny nose is treated incorrectly, the discharge quickly changes its color and consistency - this is a sign of the progress of the disease. Purulent snot in a child occurs when an additional bacterial infection develops.

Allergic runny nose

Many children are allergic to different substances that surround us in everyday life. Such compounds are called allergens.

These include:

  • Dust and seeds of some plants (ragweed, etc., are especially dangerous in summer);
  • Pet hair;
  • Food;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Some medications.

At home, to determine why a child suffers from an allergic runny nose and breathes through his mouth, this requires special studies blood.

Snot in allergic rhinitis is always transparent, it never changes color or becomes thick. A runny nose due to allergies does not go away quickly and is treated by an immunologist-allergist. Desensitizing therapy helps relieve symptoms and prevents the development of asthma and allergic bronchitis.

What to do if your child’s snot does not go away?

If a child’s snot has been running for a long time, and none of the medications help, this is a reason to visit the clinic. When the snot does not go away for more than 7-10 days (up to 3 weeks), the nose is constantly wet, you need to consult a pediatrician and otolaryngologist. After the examination, these doctors may refer you for a consultation with an immunologist-allergist.

Dr. Komarovsky points out that if a runny nose is not treated, children can develop otitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Drug treatment

How to cure clear snot quickly at home? After all, it is unbearable to watch how a child cannot breathe at home and on the street.

Treatment of clear snot in a child with medications includes the following::

  • Rinsing the nose with saline solutions enriched with microelements (Aquamaris, etc.);
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (“Naphthyzin” and its analogues, drops for babies over 3 months, drip for no more than 5 days);
  • Antihistamines (“Loratadine”);
  • Antipyretics (“Paracetamol”);
  • Medicines that increase local immunity and antiviral drugs (“Nazoferon”, “IRS-19”).
  • Antibacterial drugs (nasal sprays for green snot)

Remember that only a doctor can tell why a child has a runny nose and prescribe pharmacotherapy after a personal examination of the little patient. Correct diagnosis and timely treatment will allow your baby to breathe freely again.

Snot in a child. What to do when your baby has a runny nose. Stuffy nose

Childhood is one of those periods when a child is most susceptible to a runny nose and various diseases. Often indicates the development of some pathology in the child’s body, but in some cases it is not a symptom of the disease at all.

Many parents are concerned about the condition when their child has clear snot flowing into the copious amounts. In this case, the child should be shown to a specialist who will determine the cause of such a runny nose and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Appearance heavy discharge from the nasal cavity in children can be observed various reasons. In some cases this is normal physiological state For child's body, and sometimes requires mandatory treatment.

One of common reasons the appearance of transparent nozzles in childhood are viral diseases. After the viruses enter the nasal mucosa along with the air, they disappear for about 1-3 days. active development. It is during this period that the child develops transparent diarrhea, which is supplemented by constant sneezing.

In addition, such a pathological condition of the child’s body may be accompanied by the development of the following symptoms:

  • Increased lacrimation
  • A sharp rise in body temperature

Active life pathogenic microorganisms, which caused the development of an infectious disease, leads to the fact that approximately a few days after the appearance of liquid wear snot, they transform into thick yellowish-green discharge.

More often than not, this indicates that the baby’s condition has become significantly more complicated, since a bacterial infection has been added to the viral one.

In this case, the child should be provided with timely medical assistance, which will avoid the development of many complications.

Clear snot is a sign of an allergy

In some cases, the appearance of clear discharge from the nasal cavity serves sure sign allergic reaction in a child's body. Especially often the development of such pathological process occurs in early spring, when active flowering of plants begins.

The following can be identified, which are observed during the development of allergies:

  • The appearance of clear discharge from the nasal cavity
  • Formation of rashes and irritations on the body
  • Coloring the eyes red
  • Increased lacrimation from the organs of vision
  • Severe itching on the skin
  • Appearance severe swelling before our eyes

In addition, for allergies liquid snot supplemented by the child’s constant sneezing.

In such a situation, it is important for parents to find out the source of the allergen that led to the development of such a pathological condition in the baby.

Most often, the development of an allergic reaction occurs as a result of contact of the child’s body with:

  • May you rest in peace
  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Some types of food

To alleviate the child’s condition and prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to protect the child from the source of the allergen, and in difficult situations resort to the help of antihistamines.

Liquid nasal discharge in infants

One of the natural processes after the birth of a child is the appearance of mucous secretions from his nasal passages. This is explained by the fact that this process is a kind of protection of the baby’s body against the influence of external factors.

Besides this, transparent discharge from the nose of a newborn appear as a result of adaptation during the child’s adaptation to new living conditions.

The development of such a runny nose in newborns should not cause any concern to parents, since it is considered a completely natural process.

To alleviate the baby’s condition, you can perform the following procedures:

  1. Rinse and moisturize the nasal mucosa.
  2. Monitor normal humidity in the room where the child is.

Video for parents. A baby has a runny nose.

The process of establishing the functioning of the nose and nasopharynx in a newborn child ends at approximately 2-3 months, so throughout this period parents may notice the appearance of clear snot.

Nasal discharge often appears in childhood during the period when teeth begin to emerge.

In such a situation, mothers pay attention to the fact that along with such a runny nose, they also develop additional manifestations in the form:

  • Body Enhancements
  • Decreased appetite
  • Increased swelling of the gums
  • Baby's restlessness and irritability

The appearance of clear nasal discharge during teething is explained by the fact that there is a close connection between the blood circulation of the gums and pharynx. It is for this reason that when teething, the blood flow of the gums increases and, accordingly, the blood flow in the nose accelerates.

All this ends with the mucus beginning to be produced at an accelerated rate and the appearance of liquid snot becomes one of the characteristic features teething.

Treatment of runny nose for colds

Viral diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of liquid snot require mandatory treatment.

However, this does not mean at all what should be done using medicines. If a child has a fever, then to alleviate his condition, you can resort to antipyretics based on paracetamol.

Rubbing the child, which can be done using beeswax or vegetable oil. This procedure has a bactericidal effect on the child’s body and slows down the process of mucus accumulation in the respiratory system.

Many specialists in treatment colds it is recommended to carry out steam tests, for which decoctions can be used medicinal herbs based on:

  • Daisies
  • Mint
  • Sage
  • Eucalyptus

When conducting such small quantity the herbal solution is poured into a small container and the child’s head is bowed over the fumes, covering it with a towel on top.Possible during steam inhalations use various types oils, a few drops of which are added to hot water and hold the child's head above the emanating vapors.

Despite high efficiency Such steam procedures are recommended only after 3 years. This need is due to the fact that younger age Children do not yet know how to inhale steam correctly.

In case of heavy clear discharge, experts recommend active rinsing of the nasal passages using special preparations.

Cleansers based on sea ​​water or saline solution, as well as chamomile infusion.

In childhood, nasal drops can be used to alleviate the condition and relieve swelling of the nasal passages:

  • Brizolin
  • Vibrocil

However, these should be used only after consultation with a specialist who will select the necessary medication and determine its dosage.

To quickly eliminate a runny nose, it is recommended to maintain the correct microclimate in the room. Optimal temperature conditions For a baby to be in the room, it is considered 18-22 degrees. In addition, it is important to constantly ventilate the room and monitor air humidity.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

One of the common diseases in childhood is allergic rhinitis, which causes a lot of discomfort and discomfort in children.

Typically, allergic rhinitis is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa, and clear snot is considered one of the striking symptoms of this pathological condition of the child’s body.

Treatment of such a disease in childhood should be carried out only after confirmation of the diagnosis and full confidence that the cause of runny nose is an allergy.

In such a situation, it is important to identify the allergen, contact with which triggered the development of the disease.In childhood, treatment of allergic origin is aimed primarily at solving several problems:

  • Protecting the child from contact with allergens and reducing their effect on the nasal mucosa.
  • Carrying out special antiallergic therapy.
  • Treatment with the use of auxiliary means.

An important role for successful treatment A runny nose plays a role in maintaining cleanliness in the child’s room and monitoring the air and environment. If the baby is not protected from the source of the allergen, the therapy will only give a temporary result. It is for this reason that it is important to protect the baby from contact with animals, plants, household chemicals and medications.

Treatment allergic rhinitis in childhood can be carried out using the following methods:

  • Prescribing antihistamine therapy
  • Taking hormonal corticosteroid drugs
  • Prescription of vasoconstrictor drops

To alleviate the child’s condition, the following antihistamines can be used:

  • Fenistil
  • Claretin
  • Loratadine

In any case, the choice of one or another treatment method, as well as the purpose necessary medications must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

is unpleasant pathological condition child's body, and may also indicate the development of serious diseases.

It is for this reason that a runny nose should occupy an important place in the lives of parents and their children and it must be treated long before the onset of the disease.

In childhood, prevention may include the following activities:

  1. You need to go for walks as often as possible fresh air and best of all outside the city.
  2. It is necessary to wear clothes only according to the season, avoiding both overheating of the child’s body and hypothermia.
  3. Necessary from the very early childhood carry out hardening procedures with the child.
  4. Important special attention pay attention to rational nutrition of the baby with sufficient quantity vegetables and fruits.
  5. It is necessary to teach children to consume as many natural immunostimulating foods as possible in the form of garlic, onions and ginger.
  6. Treatment with medications should be carried out only if really necessary.
  7. Monitor the air condition and humidity in the living room.
  8. To teach a child from early childhood to observe cultural and hygienic skills in caring for his body.

Transparent snot from the nose can be as natural physiological manifestation child's body, and a sign of serious pathology. It is for this reason that it is important to be attentive to the child’s health condition and seek help from specialists at the first signs.

Can be identified by the color of nasal discharge. The most common is clear snot in infants. That is why it is important to become familiar with the possible preconditions for such a condition.
The mucous membrane constantly secretes colorless snot from healthy person. This is necessary to moisten the nasal passages and make breathing easier. If such snot develops into more thick discharge, change color and smell, you should consult a doctor and start treatment.

There may be several reasons:

The first runny nose in children may appear immediately after birth. This is due to the body’s adaptation to a new environment. After a long stay in the womb, the baby may find it difficult to breathe in air that is too dry. Sometimes nasal discharge in a newborn is a consequence of the process of difficult childbirth.

Physiological discharge may be present in the first three months of life. Due to the imperfect structure of the nasopharynx, liquid transparent snot in an infant may turn white. This happens due to drops of milk or curd entering the nose at the time of regurgitation.

The consequences of staying in a room with too dry air can develop into abundant clear snot in a baby, more like water. Since the baby does not yet know how to blow his nose, such manifestations cause him a lot of inconvenience and prevent him from sleeping and eating normally. Use an aspirator to remove nasal secretions frequently.

The appearance of the first teeth

When your baby begins to teethe, clear nasal discharge may appear. This happens due to the interconnectedness of the oral cavity and nasopharynx. As more blood flows to the gums, the vessels in the nose also become congested. This causes swelling of the mucous membrane and more abundant mucous discharge from the nose.
These manifestations cannot be overcome during teething. The only thing that needs to be done is to clean the nose more often so that the baby can breathe easily and there is no congestion.

Allergic runny nose

Often, a baby's snot flows due to allergic reactions. Parents especially often encounter such problems in the spring, when everything around is in bloom. Allergies can also be caused by other irritants: dust, animal dander, eating certain foods that can cause allergies, and so on.
It is easy to determine whether a runny nose is due to allergies or for other reasons without the help of a doctor.

At allergic reactions, in addition to nasal discharge, the following is observed:

  • rash on the body, redness;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • red eyes, watery eyes;
  • sneezing.

Having discovered such symptoms, it is important to quickly find out what exactly the reaction is to, in order to isolate the child from the allergen as soon as possible. Allergic runny nose appears immediately after interaction with the causing substance. If the disease is severe, then it is necessary to use antihistamines.

Viral and infectious diseases

Most often, clear, thick snot in infants appears due to viral and respiratory diseases. Associated symptoms are: high fever, lacrimation, cough, sore throat, stuffy ears.
A newborn inhales viruses in the air. Once on the nasal mucosa, they live there for 1-3 days and disrupt the integrity of the mucous membrane. It is during this period of time that the baby experiences liquid discharge and sneezing. After a couple of days, clear liquid snot will flow, and then it may change color to yellowish or green. This is a symptom of an infection in the body; in such situations, you need to consult a doctor and find out how to treat a runny nose.

If your child has a runny nose, be sure to do the following:

  1. Ventilate the room as often as possible to prevent the proliferation of viruses.
  2. Maintain comfortable air humidity in the room (for a nursery this is 40-60%).
  3. Clean the spout 4-6 times a day, or as needed, to make it easy for your child to breathe.
  4. Don't force anyone to eat. During illness, the baby's appetite weakens and excessive feeding will not benefit the child.

The most important thing parents can give their child for speedy recovery- unlimited attention. Hold your baby in your arms more often, this has a beneficial effect on the child’s condition, he calms down and feels peace. This condition will allow the child to recover faster.

Many mothers ask the same question: “If your child’s snot flows like water, how to treat it and whether it should be done. Or maybe we should just wait until they go away on their own?” Alas, there is no clear answer. It all depends on the variety various reasons: age, environmental conditions, individual characteristics baby.

Only a pediatrician who monitors the health and development of your child can answer this question with absolute certainty. We will only outline here the main reasons for which a child’s nose usually runs, the treatment of which is effective by one method or another.

Main reasons

Watery, clear nasal discharge is the body's reaction to unfavorable conditions environment, exposure to external or internal irritants, entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharynx. This means that not always, when liquid snot appears in a child, treatment must be started immediately. First you need to assess the situation, observe other symptoms and try to understand what triggered them.

All the main causes can be divided into three large groups: infectious, non-infectious, allergic. The table below lists the main causes associated with one or another group, as well as their main symptoms:

Infectious Non-infectious Allergic
  • The baby is teething;
  • sharp drop temperature;
  • indoor air is too dry;
  • improper handling when cleansing the nose;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drops;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes;
  • structural features of the nose.
  • Taking inappropriate medications;
  • presence of allergen in environment;
  • accumulation of substances, causing allergies in the body;
  • direct contact with the allergen.
  • Increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • redness of the throat;
  • tickling or cough;
  • pain or discomfort when swallowing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • lack of interest in games;
  • headache, dizziness.
  • Absence of clearly defined concomitant symptoms;
  • during teething: frequent crying, redness of the gums, profuse salivation, irregular bowel movements, possible increase in body temperature.
  • Redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • noticeable swelling;
  • the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • uneven color skin;
  • possible blisters or rashes on the skin;
  • sore throat;
  • difficulty breathing.

When a child has snot pouring out like water, how to treat it directly depends on the cause of its appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to establish, since symptoms from two or all three may be present simultaneously different groups. For example, a baby started running snot due to hypothermia, they put vasoconstrictor drops on his nose, and he developed an allergy to them.

We emphasize that these are only basic and very generalized symptoms, based on which accurate diagnosis You can’t do it on your own! That is why, when liquid snot appears in a child, only a doctor - a pediatrician or an allergist - should decide how to treat it.

Incorrectly chosen treatment can delay time, the disease will move to a new stage. And in case allergic cause– enhance its manifestations.

The best medicines

We dwelled in such detail on the reasons why liquid transparent snot appears in a child, precisely because the method of treatment that will be most effective directly depends on them. A course of therapy if the disease is infectious in nature must be prescribed by a doctor. It usually includes several groups of drugs:

Some parents prefer to treat their child homeopathic medicines. For colds, acute respiratory viral infections and even the flu, they help quite well if the child has a good immune system. But for serious infections, refusing antibiotics can lead to complications.

Folk remedies

If a child has just recently developed runny snot, what is an alternative treatment? You can contact verified “ grandma's methods" On initial stage colds, acute respiratory viral infections and flu they provide excellent therapeutic effect. But with serious infections and severe allergies they can't handle it. So again it all comes down to accurate diagnosis. When you are sure that there is no serious threat to your health, here are a few time-tested remedies:

As you can see, if a child has runny snot, how to treat it – the choice is huge. More experienced mothers already know what is best for their children and which method of treatment is traditional or folk.

Those who cannot yet rely on their own experience or are not sure of the diagnosis should not experiment with the health of their own child. You need to visit a doctor and prescribe the correct treatment.