Laryngitis symptoms and treatment in a child 3. Symptoms of laryngitis in children

The child does not yet have a strong immune system, it is in the formative stage. A young body is “experienced” by many infections, in particular laryngitis. The respiratory system is the “gate” that welcomes viruses or bacteria, causing disease. How to treat laryngitis and prevent pathology? Learn more about the medications that the doctor prescribes for children.

Children with inflammation of the larynx need rest and should avoid active games and activities. Provide your baby with bed rest.

Ask your child to talk less, even in a whisper. Frail vocal cords during laryngitis are at risk of developing a defect that will affect the timbre of the voice in the future.

Additional measures necessary for recovery:

  • humidified indoor air;
  • frequent drinking;
  • balanced diet.

Laryngitis is treated only after examination by a doctor. Drugs are prescribed taking into account the age and condition of the child.

Drugs used to treat laryngitis

Laryngitis in children is treated with several groups of medications: anti-allergy drugs, antitussives, gargles and antipyretics.

Allergy medications

With laryngitis, the mucous membranes and tissues of the larynx swell, increase in size and make breathing difficult in children.

  1. Antihistamines help relieve swelling and calm the child.
  2. Older children are given the tablet Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak, etc.
  3. For children, liquid medications Finistil and Zyrtec are used.

Be sure to humidify the air in the room after taking Suprastin, as the product has a side effect - it dries out the mucous membranes.

Cough medicines

For laryngitis, a drug is needed that calms the “barking” cough and reduces the frequency of attacks.

  1. Codeine, paxeladine, tusuprex are substances that stop coughing.
  2. Inhalation with Budesonide also helps gargling with salt (0.5 tsp per cup of water).
  3. Libexin 100 mg for laryngitis is taken 3 times a day without chewing to avoid numbness of the throat.


The drug is prescribed for dry cough.

  1. Sinekod syrup or tablets are taken before meals.
  2. The drug dilates the bronchi, removes thick secretions, improves respiratory function, and suppresses cough.
  3. Prescribed to children from 2 months. Use caution when using Sinecode together with Pulmicort and Berodual. Otherwise, it is difficult for the child to cope with expectoration of sputum, since Syncode suppresses the cough reflex, it is well tolerated and safe.

Cough medicine is prescribed by a doctor! Independent solution taking the drug may cause complications. Drinking plenty of fluids and moist air in the room facilitates the removal of phlegm.


For the treatment of laryngitis, Erespal is prescribed from the age of 2 years. This is an anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, decongestant that eliminates a severe chronic process.

  1. Erespal is used for dry and wet cough.
  2. Available in 2 dosage forms: syrup, tablets.
  3. Erespal works as an antispasmodic and relieves coughing.
  4. Up to 14 years of age, it is recommended to take the syrup, measure it out with spoons and drink it several times a day, according to the instructions.
  5. For adults, Erespal tablets are prescribed, 1 tablet three times a day.
  6. Erespal contains a substance that relieves pain.
  7. There are contraindications; if you are allergic to the components, replace it with Sinekod.

For the treatment of laryngitis, syrups Gerbion, Libexin, Ambrohexal, Bromhexin are approved.


As soon as the child’s cough ceases to be dry, means to facilitate the removal of phlegm work effectively. Doctors prescribe syrups:

  • ambrobene;
  • lazolvan.

They act differently, some are included in the group of mucolytics (Lazolvan), others are needed for expectoration of sputum (Bromhexine).


With laryngitis it forms sticky sputum, which comes off easier when using Ascoril, thanks to active substance Guaifenesin.

  1. Drink syrup 3 times a day; according to the doctor’s decision, increase the dose and frequency.
  2. Ascoril is prescribed, taking into account the age of the child.
  3. An allergy is possible, then they replace it.
  4. You can drink Ascaril without taking food into account.
  5. If there is no visible improvement after 3 days of taking Ascaril on your own, consult a doctor.
  6. Ascaril is not prescribed to children for dry cough!

Remedies for fever

Parents monitor the child's body temperature. If it is no more than 37.5º, this is normal for children. Exceeding this value threatens increased swelling of the mucous membranes.

Antipyretic medications are used for treatment:

  • panadol;
  • efferalgan;
  • paracetamol.

Spray to relieve symptoms of laryngitis in children.

Spraying the medicine into the throat reduces pain, reduces inflammation and speeds up recovery. It is important to choose sprays that do not contain menthol.


Antiseptic solution for external use. Active against pathogenic microorganisms and yeast fungi.

  1. Miramistin solution is used to treat the throat for acute and chronic laryngitis. The antiseptic property manifests itself quickly: redness and tissue swelling decrease.
  2. If the baby can gargle on his own, use Miramistin solution to do this at least 5 times a day.
  3. In young children, Miramistin aerosol is used to irrigate a sore throat.
  4. The drug is not dangerous, there is no allergy or irritation to it.
  5. An antiseptic solution washes away bacteria from the mucous membrane and disinfects areas of dead cells on the tissues of the larynx.


  1. The solution relieves inflammation from throat tissue, reduces swelling and pain.
  2. Easy to use, comes in a bottle with a sprayer.
  3. Several times a day, after gargling with water, spray into oral cavity. There may be a burning sensation due to the ethanol included in the composition.


Antibiotics are rarely prescribed for the treatment of laryngitis in children. Only if the bacterial nature of laryngitis has been established or recovery has been delayed. The doctor prescribes Amoxiclav, Clarithromycin, Augmentin, etc. For nasal discharge, Protargol, Nazivin, For the nose are prescribed. Lozenges Faringosept, Biseptol.


  • Lazolvan syrup is taken orally, for inhalation - a solution, after which sputum is better cleared;
  • but you can “breathe” with Lazolvan during laryngitis only after the swelling in the larynx has been removed. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications that will lead to bronchitis or pneumonia, since the secretion is not removed and goes down;
  • Lazolvan syrup is prescribed by the attending physician, indicating the dosage and frequency of administration. Improvement occurs within a week;
  • They produce several forms of the medicine: tablets, suspension and solution in ampoules;
  • Lazolvan should not be used for children for laryngitis in the acute stage. The drug promotes coughing, aggravates swelling and injures the larynx;
  • for inhalation, Lazolvan solution is mixed in equal doses with saline;
  • it is permissible to use the drug together with antibiotics;
  • upon admission there is a possibility intestinal disorder and allergies.


The doctor prescribes Berodual for laryngitis for inhalation:

  • the product relieves the inflammatory process in the larynx in children and prevents the development of an attack of suffocation;
  • the effect of application lasts at least 6 hours;
  • the active ingredient improves expectoration and makes breathing easier;
  • Berodual is indicated for chronic laryngitis. The doctor prescribes a dose of the drug, which is mixed with saline for use in a nebulizer.

When side effects report them to your doctor.


To relieve swelling in children, inhalations with the drug Pulmicort are used. It acts quickly, relieves laryngitis after the first session, and alleviates the symptoms of inflammation.

With even breathing, the drug substances are absorbed by the mucous membrane of the throat. Do not forget that Pulmicort suspension hormonal agent, so consult your doctor before using it.

Pulmicort should be used with caution; it copes well with inflammation, blocking the body's reaction to laryngeal stenosis.

Please note that Pulmicort is approved for treatment only from the age of 6 months.


An aerosol that is sprayed onto the mucous membranes. Antibiotic, relieves signs of inflammation in children. Bioparox is active against streptococci, staphylococci and Candida fungi.

  1. The procedure involves use in laryngitis to treat inflammation.
  2. Injection of the drug Bioparox is done once every 6 hours.
  3. Bioparox treatment in children is carried out for no more than 10 days.
  4. Irrigate the mucous membrane with a deep breath.
  5. The doctor will not prescribe Bioparox for children under 3 years of age.
  6. The use of the drug can be addictive, so you must follow strict instructions when using Bioparox.
  7. Even if improvement occurs, you should not stop using it, but complete the course of treatment.


Dexamethasone solution is used for inhalation in a nebulizer:

  1. Hormonal medicine helps to quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane during laryngitis.
  2. For the procedure, use a solution of Dexamethasone (0.4%) 0.5 ml and mix with saline 3 ml.
  3. The course of treatment with Dexamethasone is up to 1 week, up to 4 sessions per day.

Dexamethasone is used for emergency assistance and relief of edema in false croup. The doctor calculates the dosage. The requirement when prescribing the drug is food rich in protein and potassium, reducing salt intake.


Prednisolone, a synthetic analogue of cortisone and hydrocortisone, is used to relieve inflammation, allergies and tissue swelling. The drug Prednisolone quickly helps the baby feel better, and he maintains a normal breathing rhythm.

Injections are given intramuscularly or intravenously to prevent the development of shock and toxin poisoning. The dosage depends on the patient's condition.

Proportions for using Prednisolone in a nebulizer: 0.5 ml per 2 ml of saline solution.


The use of Eufillin in children helps relieve spasm from the vocal cords. At severe attacks for suffocation, inhalations with Eufillin and saline are carried out. It is effective to inhale the evaporation of alkaline mineral water. Eufillin is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

The drug has an anti-edematous effect and should not be used for epilepsy and low blood pressure.

The level of the drug in the blood is regularly monitored; its increase provokes an asthma attack, and an overdose leads to convulsions and tachycardia.

Parents who first encounter laryngitis in their baby may be confused about what not to do. Required urgent help, especially if there is a suffocating cough. Maintain your composure. The child is calmed, the access to fresh air is increased and the room is humidified. Don't delay seeing a doctor!

Preschoolers often come to the ENT doctor with respiratory problems. When the inflammatory process affects the mucous membranes of the larynx, vocal cords or top part trachea, children are diagnosed with laryngitis.

Increased morbidity in children early age associated with underdevelopment and looseness of the laryngeal mucosa. Under the influence negative factors the tissue becomes inflamed and swollen, blocking the glottis and making breathing difficult.

Therefore, it is important to prevent the progression of laryngitis and treat it immediately, when the baby only complains of discomfort in the mouth, and the mother notices a change in voice and coughing.

In adolescents, manifestations of pathology are rarely observed, since after 5 years the laryngeal mucosa becomes stronger. The most vulnerable tissue in a child is from birth to 2 years. The risk of developing the disease increases frequent colds, bronchitis, tracheitis and allergies.

How effective laryngitis treatment will be depends on the sick child’s compliance with a certain regimen. During waking hours, he should talk as little as possible and turn to an adult in case of emergency. Parents are advised not to move away so that the baby does not have to strain his vocal cords. He should also not whisper, because the vocal apparatus makes even more effort.

Second important point therapy at home - organization drinking regime. With laryngitis, children's throats become dry and they feel thirsty, so they need to drink plenty of fluids.

Pediatrician Komarovsky does not recommend giving hot and sweet drinks, because they provoke swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane. The child should be given weakly brewed chamomile or black tea and unsweetened compotes.

Foot baths will help you quickly get rid of the first symptoms of laryngitis. The baby’s limbs are immersed in a basin of water heated to 40 – 45°C and timed for 20 minutes. The procedure is completed by drying your feet and putting on warm socks. Then the baby is put to bed. Warming the body is allowed during the course of the disease without fever.

If you have a wet cough, the release of mucus is accelerated by applying a compress with grated boiled potatoes. Warm paste is placed between layers of gauze and a bandage is applied to the child’s neck. Keep the compress until it cools down. Treatment with warming ointments is not carried out to avoid increased irritation of the oropharynx.

Treatment of the disease at home is successfully carried out by inhalation. The procedures soften the mucous membrane and improve breathing. The rules and methods of their implementation, suitable medications and recipes can be found in this article:

Drug control against laryngitis

The pediatrician or ENT doctor prescribes treatment depending on the cause that caused the symptoms of laryngitis. Diseases of an allergic nature are eliminated with antihistamines that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. This group includes Zodak, Claritin, Parlazin, Citrine, etc.

Antipyretic drugs - Cefekon, Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Panadol - save children from high fever. They are given to babies if the temperature exceeds 38°C. Teas with raspberries and lime color and wiping the body with water. At feeling unwell non-steroid Ibufen is indicated.

Antitussives such as:

  • Libexin;
  • Sinecode;
  • Gerbion;
  • Erespal.

When a dry cough is transformed into a productive form, treatment is continued with syrups with marshmallow and licorice, ACC powder, Bronchosan, Solvin, Ambrobene, tablets with thermopsis.

What else can you do to treat a cough? At the 6th year of life, young patients are offered absorbable tablets, sprays and aerosols:

  1. Hexoral Tabs, Faringosept, Strepsils, Stopangin, Grammidin - tablets;
  2. Lugol, Hexoral, Miramistin - sprays.

Antibiotic drugs are rarely prescribed for the treatment of children. The main indication is increased intoxication caused by bacterial infection of the throat. According to medical prescriptions, the baby is treated at home with Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ecoclave. For severe laryngitis, other medications are required:

  • Ecomed;
  • Azitrox;
  • Sumamed;
  • Zetamax retard;
  • Clarithromycin.

At viral origin diseases can be managed without antibiotics. In order to neutralize ARVI, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, children are treated with etiotropic medications in tablet form:

  1. Cytovir;
  2. Anaferon;
  3. Viferon;
  4. Ergoferon.

Children under 1 year of age are not treated at home. Regardless of the nature of laryngitis and the stage of its progression, the baby is placed in a hospital together with the mother.
If the baby has an attack, he is not given rubbing, warming, baths or inhalation. It is necessary to call a doctor at home and follow his instructions. There is no need to refuse a trip to the clinic - specialists will quickly get the baby back on his feet and discharge him home after 7-10 days. About how to properly treat the youngest patients who are not yet a year old in the article -.

Unconventional methods of combating pathology

You shouldn’t pin your hopes on folk remedies alone, since they can completely rid a baby of laryngitis in combination with medications. The advisability of using herbs and healing mixtures should always be discussed with your doctor. Let's look at what mothers can do at home after consulting with the doctor.

  1. Rub your child's feet with camphor oil at night. In the morning, socks are taken off and feet are washed. The manipulation is performed 5 evenings in a row.
  2. Combine 1 tablespoon of oregano, dill seeds, chamomile flowers, anise, marshmallow root and sage herb and brew a teaspoon of phytomass with a glass of boiling water. Children need to be given warm medicine 4 times a day. per day in portions of 30 ml.
  3. If acute laryngitis has taken chronic stage, improve condition respiratory system the dough will help. How to cure the disease in this way? The flatbread is made from pumpkin pulp, rye flour and milk. Then it is wrapped in a piece of cotton cloth and applied to the baby's chest. The compress is fixed with a towel and removed after 3 hours.
  4. A tasty treatment is carried out using carrots. At home, juice is squeezed out of the vegetable to make a full glass. The liquid is sweetened with a spoonful of honey and given to children in 3 doses over 1 day.

One of the diseases characteristic of childhood and posing a huge danger to health is acute laryngitis: the child’s laryngeal mucosa and vocal cords become inflamed.

Deterioration in health begins with normal hypothermia and is manifested by a runny nose, a slight increase in temperature, redness of the throat and swelling with the presence bloody discharge on the inflamed area.

Causes of the disease

The emergence acute laryngitis The following factors contribute to the child:

  • colds (ARVI, measles, influenza, adenoviruses);
  • allergens (varnishes, paints, dust, animal hair);
  • congested anatomically narrow larynx and nasopharynx, which, when inflammatory process they swell, which provokes an even greater narrowing of them; accordingly, the flow of air into the body becomes significantly more difficult;
  • in which the contents of the stomach enter the larynx, which significantly irritates this organ;
  • foreign body ingestion;
  • mechanical damage;
  • hot dry air, smoky room, dust, exhaust gases;
  • singing, talking in loud tones, prolonged screaming - actions that cause overstrain of the vocal cords;
  • weakened immunity, not always able to protect the baby’s body even from an ordinary draft.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms and treatment in children

The disease described is response young fragile organism on the viral nature of the disease; Acute laryngitis is especially dangerous in children under one year of age, who, due to their small age, are not yet able to explain to their parents what is bothering them.

Often, symptoms indicating the presence of acute laryngitis occur suddenly and are accompanied by:

  • changes in voice timbre, hoarseness and possible loss vote,
  • loss of appetite due to pain during swallowing,
  • dry barking cough, the intensity of which increases during the night and especially in the morning,
  • rapid or severely difficult breathing,
  • attacks of suffocation.

Vivid symptoms characterizing acute laryngitis in a child are: severe moodiness of the baby, restlessness, lethargy, barking cough, nasal discharge, screaming accompanied by wheezing. Noise and whistling are heard in the pulmonary area. Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle indicates the progression of such a dangerous disease as acute laryngitis. Symptoms and treatment in children are of particular concern during an attack of false croup - a narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, leading to difficulty breathing. These symptoms are a good reason to call emergency care, after all current state poses a mortal danger.

When laryngitis is diagnosed, most likely, the child will be treated in a hospital, where doctors will be able to objectively assess the baby’s condition and the threat to his health. Therefore, parents should under no circumstances refuse hospitalization.

Acute laryngitis in children: emergency care

Paroxysmal false croup in young children it occurs suddenly (often at night) and develops very rapidly, literally in a couple of hours. The child begins to choke, his breathing becomes noisy, his cough becomes barking, his voice becomes hoarse.
With a significant narrowing of the larynx, it is clearly noticeable how, during the process of inhalation, a depression called the “jugular fossa” sinks into the lower part of the neck. Recession of the skin surface between the ribs may also be observed. Typically, acute obstructive laryngitis in children is accompanied by high fever, but during an attack of false croup this indicator may not exceed 37.2 o C. At this moment, the sick baby is extremely scared, so it is very important that his parents remain calm and self-controlled.

First aid for a child

What actions should parents take if their child has an attack of false croup?

  1. Call emergency services immediately.
  2. Until the doctors arrive, constantly give the baby something to drink ( in small portions, but often) with warm alkaline liquid: Borjomi water or a solution of 1 liter of boiled water with soda diluted in it (1 teaspoon). Compotes and juices should not be given.
  3. Immerse in hot water the child’s arms (up to the elbows) and legs (up to the knees). This action will make it a little easier serious condition and will allow the baby to breathe more freely.
  4. Humidify the air in the room: hang wet sheets or place containers of water in the room.
  5. Give the baby an antiallergic drug: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Fenistil or Tavegil.
  6. The use of drugs that relieve spasms is effective: “Drotaverine”, “Papaverine”, “No-shpa”.

Complications of acute laryngitis

Acute in children with untimely or incomplete treatment can result in complications such as:

  • phlegmon of the neck - inflammation of soft tissues of this body without clear boundaries, purulent in nature,
  • sepsis - the spread of infection throughout the child’s body through blood vessels,
  • mediastinitis - inflammation of the middle region of the sternum,
  • lung abscess - with localization of pus in this organ,
  • damage to the cartilage of the larynx.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you seek professional medical help in a timely manner, the prognosis for the outcome of the disease is quite favorable.
When prescribing a course of therapy, the doctor will conduct an examination, including:

  • anamnesis - information about the medical history, previous diseases, living conditions of the small patient, etc.;
  • analysis of complaints: time of their appearance and factors that contributed to the onset of the disease: voice stress, hypothermia, communication with sick people;
  • general examination by palpating the larynx to determine the degree of its pain and lymph nodes to determine their enlargement;
  • laryngoscopy: examination of the larynx with an endoscope and a special mirror;
  • blood test to determine the etiology of the disease (viral or bacterial);
  • a smear from the mucous membrane, which allows you to identify the pathogen if the infection is of a bacterial nature.

Information for parents

Acute laryngitis in children of the year, the treatment of which is carried out by medication, also requires organizing special conditions for a small patient, which is especially important when home therapy. What is it recommended for parents to know?

Helping a child with acute laryngitis involves carrying out activities such as:

  1. Providing bed rest.
  2. Monitoring the air condition, regularly humidifying and ventilating the room.
  3. Plenty of warm and unsweetened drinks (milk, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions). It is recommended to drink alkaline water (“Polyana Kvasova” or “Borjomi”), which allows you to reduce the degree of poisoning in the body and relieve dry cough. Carbonated drinks are not allowed.
  4. Proper nutrition with dietary foods adjusted according to vitamin composition. Food should not be too hot or very cold. To increase the baby's appetite, parents are advised to decorate prepared dishes in an original way.
  5. Limiting the load on the vocal apparatus. The child should be silent a lot and talk little. This recommendation is of particular importance, since in childhood the formation of the vocal cords is just beginning, and excessive efforts when speaking can provoke irreversible defects vote.
  6. Stay on fresh air provided that the child's condition has improved. It is not advisable to walk in cold and slushy weather, as well as on hot days, when there is likely to be a large accumulation of dust. At first, the duration of walks should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Then the time spent in the fresh air can be gradually increased.

Drugs for the treatment of acute laryngitis

If diagnosed in children, it is complex in nature and is aimed at combating the bacterial environment, increasing immunity, as well as eliminating factors causing seizures cough.
Recommended medications, the action of which is aimed at the complete and high-quality recovery of the baby, are:

  • Antihistamines. They help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and have a calming effect on the baby. Usually the doctor prescribes Clarisens (for infants), Zyrtec (from 6 months), Clarotadine (from 2 years), Cetrin (in syrup from 1 year), Parlazin (from 6 years).
  • Antitussives and expectorants. From a large variety of medications available on the pharmaceutical market, the doctor selects the most optimal ones that can help the baby at the current stage of the disease. For paroxysmal cough, the attending physician may prescribe "Gerbion" (from 2 years), "Sinekod", "Libexin", "Erespal". When the cough enters the wet stage, expectorants such as Bronchosan, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, ACC, and Fluimucil help well.
  • Antipyretics (Panadol, Paracetomol, Ibuprofen). Prescribed at high (more than 38 o C) temperatures.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Ibufen.

Acute laryngitis in a child is not recommended to be treated with aerosols and lozenges: against the background of a dry cough, the baby may choke on the tablets, and sprays can cause laryngospasm - allergic reaction, which can worsen the child’s condition.

Antibiotics for acute laryngitis

Antibacterial therapy is rarely prescribed - in case bacterial nature diseases and increased intoxication of the body. From penicillin drugs in the treatment of acute laryngitis the following are used: Augmentin, Flemoklav Solutab, Amoxiclav, Ecoclave suspension. Of the cephalosporins, syrups “Cefix”, “Suprax”, “Cefadox”, as well as injections of “Fortum” and “Ceftriaxone” are effective. In case of severe disease, Ecomed, Sumamed, Azitrox, Macropen, and Clarithomycin are prescribed. In parallel, during antibiotic treatment and upon its completion, the child should take probiotics that help normalize the microflora: Linex, Laktovit, Bifiform, Bifidobacterin.

Inhalations for acute laryngitis

An obligatory part of the complex treatment of laryngitis is inhalation, which is carried out effectively using a nebulizer. Advantages this method treatments consist of safety due to low temperature, ease of use, high efficiency of increased dispersion (dispersion) of inhaled particles. Can be used as medicinal solutions mineral water(“Borjomi”, “Esentuki”), soda solution, herbal decoctions (mint, chamomile, sage, thyme), essential oils(eucalyptus, menthol), medications (Rotokan, Sinupret, Lazolvan, Tolzingon). To treat infants (over 6 months of age), you can use the Pulmicort nebulizer suspension.

Acute laryngitis in children, the symptoms of which indicate the need for professional medical care, in a hospital setting is treated with physiotherapeutic measures: ultraviolet irradiation, UHF, electrophoresis on the larynx. At persistent violations Voice therapy requires sessions with a speech therapist.

Traditional medicine for acute laryngitis

In the treatment of laryngitis, one should not abandon methods traditional therapy, the effective component of which is warming compresses. They need to be applied to cervical area. In the absence of fever, it is recommended to apply mustard plasters to the back area.

Mustard foot baths have a great effect. Potato steam inhalation helps a lot. For cooking medicinal solution You need to boil the unpeeled potato tubers, drain the water, and place the potatoes on a chamomile, mint or eucalyptus leaf. The baby is recommended to breathe over the generated steam for 10 minutes. It is worth considering that children who are too young are steam inhalations should be carried out with particular caution due to existing risk mucosal burn. The number of procedures during the day is two, between meals. During the inhalation process and after its completion, the child should not talk, drink or eat for at least 30 minutes.

Gargling in the treatment of colds is one of the effective measures that helps in speedy recovery. One of the effective home remedies is boiled beet juice, which is recommended to be used 3 times a day. As an effective analogue you can use honey decoction, the preparation of which requires 1 teaspoon of honey, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Rinsing should be done 3-4 times during the day.

Folk remedies for acute laryngitis in children are decoctions for gargling a sore throat made from chamomile and sage. In the treatment of laryngitis, the use of dill seeds is effective, which should be poured with boiling water and left for 40 minutes. It is recommended to drink the decoction every day in small portions.

You can treat acute laryngitis in a child with fresh carrot (or cranberry) juice, to which you need to add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Preventive measures

Prevention of acute laryngitis in children should be aimed at strengthening the immune system with the help of vitamins, age-appropriate physical activity, contrast water procedures, as well as complete and timely treatment of all infectious diseases.

To strengthen the immune system traditional medicine recommends eating a mixture of softened cranberries mixed with ground walnut kernels, finely chopped green apples and sugar (optional). These components should be simmered over low heat, bringing to a boil. It is recommended to take the healing medicine herbal tea based on lemon balm, mint and chestnut flowers.

Walnut kernels, dried apricots and prunes, crushed in a blender, significantly increase immunity.

The prognosis for children who have had laryngitis is favorable. Children “outgrow” this disease. As soon as the nervous system is fully formed, the looseness of the submucosal layer disappears, the child stops suffering from laryngitis.

Laryngitis prognosis

With acute laryngitis, almost all children go through this and only skillful and timely actions of parents can prevent serious complications and cure a dangerous disease.

The prognosis for a child who has had laryngitis is favorable. When finally formed nervous system and the disappearance of the loose submucosal layer, the baby stops suffering from laryngitis, “outgrowing” it.

Inflammation of the larynx in a child is accompanied by a dry, hacking cough that does not bring relief. This symptom creates discomfort for the baby himself and very frightens his parents. Some are also aware of asthma attacks, which can complicate the disease in a child from birth to five years of age. Moms and dads realize: despite the fact that laryngitis in children is a common occurrence, it is often complicated by ARVI, and only a specialist should treat it.

Childhood laryngitis occurs for a number of reasons. Some of them are age related.

  1. Anatomical features. The larynx in babies is anatomically narrow, and the mucous membrane that lines it is loose. Therefore, laryngitis occurs at least once in every fifth infant and every third child aged from one to five years.
  2. ARVI, influenza and parainfluenza, scarlet fever, measles, others viral diseases. Pediatric practice shows that in 80-90% of cases laryngitis is of a viral nature. Parents must understand that even with an ordinary cold in a child, if it is not treated, inflammation from the nasal mucosa can simply spread to the throat and larynx.
  3. Allergy. Rubble allergens can cause hyperemia of the laryngeal mucosa in a child: household chemicals, paint and varnish materials, low-quality plastic, rubber or soft toys, synthetic clothing, animal hair, dust, pollen, etc.
  4. Hypothermia. Laryngitis can occur in a child who has inhaled cold air, been in a draft, or gotten his feet wet.
  5. Dry indoor air.
  6. Polluted environment. It has been proven that inflammation of the larynx in acute and chronic form occurs more often in pediatric patients living in large cities or near large industrial enterprises.
  7. Passive smoking. A baby up to a year old or older may often suffer from laryngitis if one or both of his parents smoke.
  8. Mechanical irritation. A child’s larynx becomes inflamed due to loud screaming, crying, singing, etc.
  9. Foreign bodies. Parents of a child under three years of age should ensure that he does not “taste” small objects. Laryngitis is not the best sad consequence their aspiration. Asphyxia may occur.

Symptoms of childhood laryngitis

Laryngitis in a child usually manifests itself suddenly with specific and nonspecific symptoms.

  1. Hoarseness. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of the larynx and partial non-closure of the vocal cords, the timbre of the baby’s voice changes.
  2. Cough. At the initial stage of the disease in a child, it is dry, non-productive, and paroxysmal. It intensifies in the evening and at night, prevents the patient from sleeping, and sometimes leads to suffocation. At proper treatment After a few days, the sputum gradually begins to separate, and the baby clears his throat. This change in cough pattern signals the beginning of recovery.
  3. Sore throat. It can be of varying intensity, from a slight soreness to an unbearable burning sensation. Children 3-4 years old can already describe this symptom. Parents of a child under one year old should be wary if their baby cries and is capricious, especially during meals (a sore throat with laryngitis intensifies during swallowing).
  4. Increase in temperature. Usually, she is low-grade. But inflammation of the larynx due to the virus
    can cause fever at 39-40 °C.
  5. Shortness of breath, cyanosis. Due to the narrowing of the larynx, the child may experience respiratory failure.
  6. Disorders of general health. The child's appetite decreases, he becomes lethargic and capricious.

How and with what to treat inflammation of the larynx in a baby

When examining a child with laryngitis, the doctor observes redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, larynx and vocal cords (they thicken and do not completely close). Present varying degrees narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. Clinical blood, throat culture and other tests can be taken from a young patient to understand the nature of the disease.

If inflammation of the larynx is not accompanied by stenosis, the baby is not hospitalized. His parents are explained how to treat laryngitis in children at home. There are several general rules:

  1. The air in the room where the patient is located should be cool and humidified. Twice or three times a day you need to do airing and wet cleaning. If possible, purchase and use a humidifier.
  2. The child needs to be given water often. You can offer him weak tea with lemon and honey, compotes and fruit drinks from non-acidic fruits, alkaline mineral water, herbal infusions, and juices. The drink should be moderately warm.
  3. Bed rest. child early years difficult to put to bed, but it is necessary to reduce it physical activity. At least he shouldn't run and jump.
  4. Reducing the load on the vocal cords. A sick baby should speak as little and quietly as possible. It is still difficult for a child under 5 years old to control the volume of his voice; parents must protect him from screaming, crying and singing.
  5. Refusal to go for walks. Wind, cold and damp air can increase inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa.
  6. Diet food. The diet of a child with laryngitis should be complete. But since it is painful for a child to swallow, during the acute stage of the disease it is better to offer him soft, enveloping foods - viscous porridges, soups from ground vegetables, purees, minced meat dishes, yogurt, sweetened kefir, etc.

Drug treatment of laryngitis in children is complex. When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account what causes laryngitis, how vivid its symptoms are and how serious the child’s condition is.

1. Antiviral agents.

Parents want to rid their child of an annoying non-productive cough as soon as possible and often mistakenly think that in the treatment of laryngitis it is most important to take antitussive drugs. But in order to cure a cough, you need to identify what causes the disease and eliminate this cause. In the vast majority of cases, the larynx becomes inflamed in a child with ARVI. Therefore, even at the first symptoms, it is important to start taking antivirals. Infants from three months to one year are prescribed Anaferon for children in tablets, Viferon or Laferobion in suppositories, or Aflubin in drops. A child from three to four years old can be treated with Resistol, Esberitox, and other immunostimulating drugs.

2. Antihistamines.

Those who ask how to treat laryngitis in children if the disease is caused by a virus often do not understand why they should give their child allergy medications. The point is that antihistamines have a pronounced anti-edematous effect, they reduce hyperemia of the laryngeal mucosa and improve the child’s condition. A child patient from two to twelve years of age is prescribed Claritin, Cetrin, L-cet in syrup, an infant is prescribed Suprastin or Zitrek in drops, a teenager is prescribed adult antiallergic tablets.

3. Antitussive drugs.

From the first to the third or fifth day, the disease manifests itself as a non-productive cough. The baby literally bursts into fits of barking. He coughs without producing sputum, does not clear his throat, but only irritates his already sore throat. Since attacks become more frequent at night, the patient does not get enough sleep. To help him, the doctor may prescribe drugs that suppress the cough reflex. Considering how old the baby is, he writes out a prescription for drugs combined action. Very effective and with minimal side effects is Sinekod in drops. Stoptusin, Libexin, as well as Gerbion dry cough syrups can also be prescribed Iceland moss or Pectolvan Ivy.

4. Expectorants.

Usually, on the third to fifth day from the onset of the disease, a laryngitis patient’s cough becomes moist, which brings relief. It’s time to take expectorants. Alteyka, ACC, Prospan, Ambrobene, Lazolvan syrups are usually purchased at the pharmacy. Children over three years old can be given Bromhexine tablets.

5. Local medicines.

In order to relieve inflammation and swelling of the larynx, the baby is prescribed anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic absorbable tablets (Lizobakt, Efizol, Farington, Faringosept, etc.), sprays and aerosols (Angilex, Ingalipt, Miramistin, etc.), rinsing solutions (Iodoline, herbal Eucarom ioi Rotokan).

6. Antipyretics.

If a child has inflammation of the larynx accompanied by a temperature of 38 ° C or higher, it must be brought down with antipyretic drugs based on Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Parents' first aid kit should contain Nurofen, Panadol, Paracetomol, either in syrup or suppositories. In case extreme heat You can bring down the temperature with an injection of analgin and diphenhydramine. To do this, it is better to call an ambulance.

During laryngitis, inhalation using a nebulizer or steam inhaler is effective. To relieve inflammation of the larynx and moisturize the cough, breathe mineral water Borjomi type, saline solution, herbal decoctions. To expand the lumen of the larynx, solutions in nebulas based on salbutomol are prescribed. Inhalations are done twice a day, an hour before or an hour after meals. During the procedure, the little patient needs to behave calmly, breathe calmly, not talk or scream.

A controversial issue is the use of antibiotics for laryngitis. Pediatricians often play it safe and prescribe them, even when inflammation of the larynx is caused by a virus or allergy. The fact is that this disease tends to “sink” if measures to cure it are not taken in time. Bronchitis and even pneumonia may develop. But to poison children's body antibacterial agents unnecessarily, at least impractical. If there is a complication of the disease bacterial infection, at the baby's high temperature, chills and other signs of intoxication, he needs to drink Ospamox, Augmentin, Flemoclav Solutab or Sumamed in suspension, Cefadox or Suprax in syrup. Despite the fact that these drugs are for children and gentle, it is better to take probiotics in parallel with them, for example, Linex or Bifiform.

In parallel with drug treatment You can use folk remedies. If you plan to give them to children, it is better to discuss this issue with your doctor. In the case of herbs, radishes with honey, milk with soda, what suits one may harm another.

How to protect your baby from laryngitis

Prevention of laryngitis in children is very important, which mainly consists of preventing ARVI. Its elements are:

  • correct daily routine;
  • good sleep;
  • rational, complete, fortified nutrition;
  • regular and long walks in the fresh air;
  • hardening;
  • physical culture;
  • taking immunostimulating drugs as needed;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes as needed.

When the baby goes to kindergarten or school, he will find himself in an epidemiologically unfavorable environment. Prevention of laryngitis in children during periods seasonal exacerbations and epidemics should be more thorough. Before going to a group, you need to lubricate your nose oxolinic ointment, and then rinse sea ​​water, take Anaferno, Aflubin or other antiviral agents for reinsurance. At the first symptoms of a cold, you should contact your pediatrician and begin treatment.

To strengthen the larynx, children with a predisposition to laryngitis are recommended breathing exercises. You can learn the exercises from a physiotherapist at the clinic or from photos and videos on the Internet.

Young children get sick very often due to the fact that their immunity cannot yet effectively counteract bacteria and viruses. The respiratory organs are especially affected. One of the most dangerous diseases for a child it is laryngitis.

What is the disease?

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of one of the sections of the respiratory tract - the larynx. IN pathological process The vocal folds are involved, so one of the characteristic signs of the disease is a specific barking cough and a change in voice.

Most often, inflammation of the larynx occurs in children preschool age. How older child, those less likely that he will get laryngitis. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics respiratory tract of babies - they have a very narrow lumen and a funnel-shaped larynx, as well as a loose mucous membrane, prone to swelling and weak respiratory muscles. In addition, young children have weak defenses and babies are very vulnerable to harmful factors environment and pathogenic microorganisms.

The disease in children rarely occurs in isolation; laryngotracheobronchitis or laryngotracheitis is most often diagnosed. Against the background of inflammation, children may develop a condition requiring emergency care - obstruction of the upper respiratory tract. This phenomenon is called false croup or stenosing laryngotracheitis. It is characterized by severe swelling of the mucous membrane, stenosis (narrowing) of the lumen of the larynx and suffocation. If the child is not given medical assistance, he may die.

Classification of laryngitis

Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. Depending on the nature of the course, the disease can be complicated or uncomplicated.

In very young children, especially infants, the disease occurs in an acute form, which is characterized by a rapid onset and pronounced symptoms. Chronic laryngitis most often develops due to untreated acute inflammation of the larynx or constant and prolonged exposure to harmful factors (smoke, fumes, dry air) on the respiratory tract. They occur in older children - junior schoolchildren and teenagers.

Depending on the cause and pathogen, the disease can be:

  • infectious:
    • bacterial;
    • viral;
    • fungal;
  • non-infectious:
    • allergic;
    • traumatic (mechanical trauma of the larynx, chemical, thermal burns).

Acute laryngitis is divided into the following types:

  • Catarrhal, in which the laryngeal mucosa becomes inflamed.
  • Stenotic, also called false croup or subglottic laryngitis - inflammation affects the vocal folds (ligaments) and subglottic area, characterized by attacks of hacking cough, turning into suffocation, which occur at night, often in the morning.
  • Edema (infiltrative) - spreads to the submucosal layers, vocal folds and surrounding tissues.
  • Phlegmonous - purulent process can affect not only the larynx and ligaments, but also the muscle layer, perichondrium, and cartilage of the larynx. This type of inflammation is most often a consequence of advanced catarrhal laryngitis. It has a very severe course and requires urgent treatment in the hospital.

Doctor Komarovsky about childhood manifestations of the disease - video

Incompletely treated acute laryngitis can develop into a chronic form, which is characterized by a sluggish course and periodic relapses.

This disease can be of three types:

  • Catarrhal - symptoms during periods of exacerbation are similar to acute laryngitis;
  • Hypertrophic (hyperplastic) is very common in children; may be a consequence of insufficient therapy acute inflammation or develop independently due to constant exposure to harmful factors (inhalation of fumes, smoke, dry air), as well as increased vocal stress (screaming, prolonged crying). This type of laryngitis is characterized by so-called screamer nodules - symmetrical formations (thickenings) on the vocal folds and hypertrophy (proliferation) of the mucous membrane.
  • Atrophic - practically never occurs in children. This species is characterized by atrophy (thinning) of the mucous membrane, the formation of mucopurulent crusts that are difficult to separate and viscous sputum.

Therapy and treatment of laryngitis in a child

Treatment tactics depend on the form of the disease and the reasons that caused it. If your baby develops symptoms of laryngitis, you should contact an otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor prescribes therapy.

Uncomplicated forms of the disease are treated at home, under the supervision of an ENT specialist or pediatrician.

Inpatient treatment is required in the following cases:

  • child less than three years - at this age there is a high risk of developing laryngospasm;
  • the baby has a high temperature for more than a day;
  • have a tendency to allergies or congenital diseases, especially pathologies of the nervous system.

If a child has signs of laryngeal stenosis - breathing difficulties, barking cough, restlessness, pale skin and bluishness of the lips and nasolabial triangle, sweating, rapid heartbeat, breathing becomes more and more difficult, then you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of acute laryngitis on an outpatient basis (at home) includes a set of measures:

  • general;
  • medicinal;
  • diet;
  • physical therapy;
  • herbal medicine.

If you start treatment on time and follow all medical instructions, then within 2-3 days the child will feel relief. And you can completely get rid of laryngitis in 7–10 days.

At the initial stage, especially if the baby has a fever, it is important to maintain strict bed rest and rest.

It is necessary to monitor the air condition. The child needs fresh and humidified air, so the room in which the patient is located must be regularly ventilated. Can be used to humidify the air special device or place open containers with water, hang a wet cloth, it is especially important to do these manipulations during the heating season, when the air is especially dry. The room needs to be wet cleaned daily.

Voice rest. The load on the vocal apparatus needs to be reduced as much as possible, this is especially important for young children, because their vocal cords are just forming and damage to them can cause irreversible vocal defects. The child needs to be silent more, no matter how difficult it may be.

Parents should not allow their child to speak in a whisper, as this strains the vocal apparatus much more than during normal speech.

The baby's neck should be kept warm, wrapped in warm flannel or a soft scarf.

Walking during the acute period is prohibited. During the recovery period, on the contrary, it is recommended to walk if the outside temperature is suitable - not too hot and not too cold. For walks, it is better to choose places where there is no dust or gas pollution - away from the roadway.

Medicines - antibiotics, antihistamines, etc.

Antibiotics are used only for bacterial laryngitis, when there is severe intoxication of the body (fever, the child is lethargic, he has no appetite). In this case, it is carried out laboratory diagnostics- identification of the pathogen in a smear from the laryngeal mucosa.

Most often used:

  • penicillin antibacterial agents:
    • Augmentin;
    • Flemoxin;
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Ecoclave;
  • cephalosporins:
    • Cefadox;
    • Cefix;
    • Suprax;
    • Ceftriaxone;
  • macrolides for severe course diseases:
    • Azitrox;
    • Macropen;
    • Clarithromycin.

During and after antibacterial therapy, the baby must be prescribed probiotics to prevent dysbiosis - Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform.

Antihistamines relieve swelling of the larynx and relieve general condition baby, normalize sleep:

  • Zyrtec (from six months);
  • drops Fenistil, Clarisens (can be used from birth);
  • Zodak, Cetrin - in syrup from 1 year, in tablets from 6 years;
  • Claritin - from 2 years;
  • Suprastin (in tablets from 3 years).

Cough medications include antitussives for nonproductive, obsessive coughs and expectorants (mucolytics) for wet coughs.

Centrally acting antitussive drugs for dry, non-productive (without sputum) cough can only be taken as prescribed by a pediatrician and in a strictly prescribed dosage, as they can have a depressing effect on respiratory center in the brain and cause respiratory arrest!


  • Cofex syrup is prescribed to children from 6 years of age;
  • Sinekod - in drops from 2 months, in syrup - from 3 years;
  • Glaucine from 6 years old.

Drugs plant origin with a dry cough and viscous sputum, they help to liquefy and remove it:

  • Althea syrup;
  • Gederin;
  • overslept;
  • Linkas;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Gerbion;
  • Pectolvan Ivy;
  • licorice syrup (from 3 years);
  • Tussin drops (from 2 years);
  • Stoptussin (drops - dosage is calculated by weight, syrup - from 3 years).

If a wet cough appears, you need to take other medications that help better remove phlegm:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Amroxol;
  • Ambrobene;
  • combination drug Ascoril;

For laryngotracheitis or laryngobronchitis, Erespal and Inspiron in syrup are prescribed - anti-inflammatory drugs with antibronchoconstrictor (bronchodilator) properties.

It is important to remember that cough medications cannot be taken at the same time as mucolytics, which thin the mucus, as these medications have the opposite effect. The result of this combination can be the accumulation and stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which causes serious complications.

Antiseptics are used topically in the form of rinses, lozenges, lozenges, and sprays.
The herbal antiseptics Tonsilgon and Tonzipret, which are prescribed to children in drops, are effective for laryngitis.

Throat sprays are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age, as the spray of the drug can cause laryngospasm. Older children may be prescribed:

  • Hexoral;
  • Inhalipt;


  • Trachisan;
  • Efizol;
  • Decathylene.

Otolaryngologists try not to prescribe sprays and tablets to children, as due to sore throat and a dry cough, the child may choke and experience laryngeal spasm. ENT specialists prefer to recommend inhalation for children.

You can gargle:

  • soda solution;
  • Rotokan;
  • Chlorophylliptom;
  • Furacillin.

Rubbing with anti-inflammatory balms and ointments is used externally:

  • Dr. Theiss (from 3 years old);
  • Doctor Mom (from 2 years old).

Antipyretic drugs are given to the child at a temperature above 38 degrees:

  • Paracetamol in tablets, syrup;
  • syrups Efferalgan, Panadol, Nurofen;
  • Viburkol, Tsefekon suppositories.
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Nazol;
  • Vibrocil;
  • for moisturizing - Aqua Maris, Aqualor.

For airway obstruction ( severe swelling, spasm, difficulty breathing), the doctor may prescribe Eufillin or Clenbuterol syrup, as well as inhalation of Berodual or Pulmicort. These drugs can only be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and in individual dosages.
Some doctors argue that the use of these drugs is inappropriate, since they act selectively (selectively) on bronchial receptors. However, Pulmicort and Clenbuterol cope well with the symptoms of laryngospasm.

At severe forms For laryngitis, laryngospasm, hormonal drugs are used (in a hospital setting):

  • parenterally (intramuscularly):
    • Prednisolone;
    • Hydrocortisone;
    • Dexamethasone;
  • inhalation:
    • Flunisolide (from 5 years).

These drugs reduce capillary permeability, eliminate swelling and inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa.

For effective therapy chronic inflammation in children, it is necessary first of all to eliminate factors that irritate the larynx. Treatment of this form of the disease includes the use of anti-inflammatory, decongestants in the form of local antiseptics (tablets, rinses), inhalations, homeopathic remedies, immunomodulators, for example:

  • Derinat in the form of rinses;
  • Broncho-munal in capsules;
  • Thymogen-spray (from 1 year);
  • IRS-19 (from 3 months).

Gallery - syrups, tablets and sprays for the treatment of laryngitis

Prospan syrup is prescribed for dry cough Faringosept - a local anti-inflammatory drug Lazolvan syrup is prescribed for better sputum discharge Zodak - antihistamine, relieves swelling Homeopathic medicine Homeovox is prescribed to restore voice in laryngitis Suprastin - a strong antihistamine IRS-19 is prescribed for chronic laryngitis to stimulate the immune system Sinecode - an antitussive for debilitating dry cough Doctor Theiss ointment is used for rubbing the chest Hederin syrup is used for dry cough Tablets for resorption Strepsils used as a local antiseptic
Lizobakt for resorption is used as local antiseptic Ambroxol syrup is used for better removal of sputum in wet coughs Panadol syrup is an antipyretic for children Antibiotic Sumamed is prescribed for bacterial laryngitis Pulmicort in the form of inhalations is used to relieve laryngospasm Miramistin is used for irrigating the throat as an antiseptic Broncho-munal is used as an immunomodulator for chronic forms of laryngitis Erespal used in syrup to relieve inflammation, swelling and improve expectoration


Physiotherapy is not used in acute period diseases. At the stage of recovery and in the chronic form, physiotherapy is prescribed to improve blood supply to the respiratory organs, eliminate swelling and signs of inflammation, restore the functions of the mucous membrane and stimulate local defenses.

At home good effect gives the use of dry heat on the neck, warming (not hot!) compresses, mustard plasters on the chest and calf muscles, warm foot baths and inhalations.

In hospital and clinic settings, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • UHF on the larynx area to relieve spasm and inflammation;
  • electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory and absorbable agents;
  • magnetic therapy to eliminate symptoms of inflammation and improve blood microcirculation.


One of the most effective methods treatment different forms diseases are inhalation.

Hot steam inhalations for laryngitis are contraindicated, as they can provoke even greater swelling of the mucous membrane or cause swelling of crusts, which can block the lumen of the larynx and cause suffocation. Doctors recommend inhalation through a nebulizer. If there is no such device, children from the age of three can be inhaled with warm steam.

When using an inhaler, you must follow the following rules:

  • control the temperature of the steam, it should not be very hot;
  • the child should be calm during inhalation, not talk during it and for another 30 minutes after it;
  • the procedure cannot be carried out immediately after eating and you cannot drink or eat food for half an hour after it;
  • The steam should be inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose.

For inhalation treatment you can use the following:

  • soda solution (1/3 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water);
  • regular 0.9% saline solution;
  • mineral alkaline waters without gas:
    • Borjomi;
    • Essentuki;
    • Polyana Kvasova;
    • Svalyava;
    • Luzhanovskaya;
  • expectorants and mucolytics:
    • Lazolvan;
    • Sinupret;
  • herbal antiseptics:
    • sage;
    • chamomile;
    • St. John's wort in the form of decoctions;
  • essential oils (3 drops per 200 ml of water):
    • eucalyptus;
    • mint;
    • pine trees

The procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

A nebulizer is the first assistant in the treatment of respiratory tract inflammation in children. This device is safe and easy to use. For inhalation with a nebulizer you can use necessary medications: antibiotics, antiseptics, antihistamines, expectorants, proteolytic enzymes. In the acute period, as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, inhalations with hormones - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Flunisolide, and adrenergic agonists - Adrenaline, Ephedrine can be used.

The medicine in the dosage recommended by the doctor is slightly heated in a water bath, poured into the nebulizer reservoir, diluted with sterile saline or water for injection. The air is inhaled and exhaled through the mouth through the mask for 5–10 minutes.

The disadvantage of nebulizers is that not all models can be used for inhalation with herbal decoctions or oil solutions, Ultrasonic models cannot be used to nebulize antibiotics or hormonal agents.


If you have laryngitis, you should remove from your diet any food that irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx. Food should be warm, not too salty, not spicy, rich in vitamins, and low-fat. Sweet soda, spicy snacks, sweets in the form of cakes and chocolate, smoked meats and pickles are excluded.

The child must be provided for sufficient quantity healthy drink:

  • non-acidic berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes, rosehip decoction:
  • herbal teas from mint, lemon balm, sage, chamomile, thyme;
  • mineral waters without gas - Borjomi, Essentuki.

The drink should be warm and not too sweet.

Traditional recipes for sore throat, dry cough and fever

Before starting herbal treatment, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them.

With herbs you can rinse, inhale, take decoctions and infusions internally.

If your child knows how to gargle, you can cook for him:

  • rinsing with a soda solution - 1/3 teaspoon per glass of warm water;
  • breed in boiled water honey (1 small spoon per 200 ml of water);
  • Use freshly squeezed juice of raw beets, carrots or potatoes to irrigate the throat.

Gargling with oak bark has an anti-inflammatory, softening effect:

  1. Mix crushed oak bark with linden blossom and chamomile inflorescences in equal parts.
  2. Pour a large spoonful of herbs with water, boil for several minutes in a water bath, cool and strain.
  3. Gargle three times a day.

Rinse with expectorant effect:

  1. Brew 1 tbsp boiling water. spoon of marshmallow leaves, 2 tbsp. spoons of oregano herb.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Strain, gargle 3-4 times a day, you can inhale with this decoction.

Inhalations can be done with linden, chamomile, coltsfoot, elderberry, thyme, and yarrow.

For older children, you can prepare a medicinal drink from milk with garlic:

  1. Boil 2-3 cloves of garlic in half a liter of milk.
  2. Drink warm in small sips of half a glass 3 times a day.

Ginger tea has strong anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties:

  1. Brew a teaspoon of grated ginger root with boiling water (200 ml), leave for 40 minutes.
  2. Dilute with boiled water by half, add a dessert spoon of honey and a slice of lemon.
  3. Drink 1/4 glass three times a day.

Gallery - how to treat diseases with folk remedies

Linden-chamomile decoction can be used in the form of gargles or inhalations Oregano has antimicrobial, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmodic properties Ginger with honey and lemon is used as a general tonic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory agent Milk-garlic drink helps with dry coughs When laryngitis, it is useful to gargle with fresh beetroot juice


Homeopathic remedies should not be considered as independent method treatment for laryngitis, its use is possible only at the very beginning of the disease or at the stage of recovery.

The advantage of homeopathy is the absence of side effects.

Most often, the following drugs are used for inflammation of the larynx:

  • Aconite - can be used by children from 5 years old, the product has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect;
  • Homeovox is prescribed to children from the age of one year, the drug helps restore their voice.

Help with acute laryngospasm

When a child develops an attack of suffocation, the main thing is not to get confused. First of all, you need to call an emergency team as soon as possible.

  1. It is necessary to calm the child down, place him in a half-sitting position, free him from clothes, give him a warm drink - still mineral water, milk.
  2. Open the window to provide fresh air.
  3. Turn on the humidifier, if you have one; if you have a nebulizer, inhale with soda solution, Borjomi, Pulmicort or Prednisolone.
  4. Give your child one of the following medications:
    1. antispasmodic: No-Shpu, Papaverine, Platyfillin;
    2. antihistamine: Suprastin, Tavegil, Cetrin.
  5. If not the necessary drugs, you can help the child in this way before the ambulance arrives: pick him up and turn on strong pressure of warm or cold water (not hot!) in the bathroom. The air in a small room will quickly become humidified and the child will breathe easier. A hot (33-38 degrees) foot bath will also help slightly reduce laryngeal swelling.

For young children, laryngitis is dangerous due to its complications, so treatment should be started as early as possible. With the right therapy, you can avoid severe consequences and make the disease quickly recede.