Night cough from snot. Cough from snot in a child: how to treat an unpleasant symptom

Cough is the body's response to irritation. respiratory tract. With the help of forced exhalations, the mucous membrane is cleared of dust, pathogenic strains, foreign bodies. Coughing can be differentiated as a natural counteraction to aggressive external sources or a signal of serious pathological changes.

One of the factors of irritation of the larynx is the leakage of muconasal secretion through the nasopharynx. What is the specificity of the disease, what therapeutic measures does the solution to the problem require?

Activation of the body's defenses characterized by the production copious amounts mucoserous discharge.

Depending on the situation, snot comes out through the airways or covers nasal cavity, pharyngeal ring and posterior wall of the larynx. Violation of fluid output called back or .

Against the background of pathology, they develop following deviations:

  • mild runny nose;
  • coughing attacks, the intensity of which increases at night;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • itching, tingling sensation in the nose and throat.

When auscultating the lungs, breathing is clear and even, no extraneous wheezing or noise is heard.

Forced expirations are activated when the patient is in a horizontal position. Accumulated mucus passes through top part pharynx, irritating the cough center, vomiting receptors.

Unproductive reflex exhalations often confused with wet ones, but in fact the baby is not coughing up sputum, but accumulated nasal mucus. This explains why a child coughs from snot when he sleeps.

Cough is not a disease, but a symptom of an upper respiratory tract disease

Main reasons

Heavy discharge and accumulation of mucus are associated with the following factors:

The root causes of rhinovirus infection (the same name as rhinopharyngitis) may be problems with digestive tract. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, pancreas, and gallbladder walls affects the upper gastrointestinal tract - the pharynx and nasopharynx.

Prolonged irritation inner shell provokes chronic inflammation, increased production of viscous secretions, as a result – the development of a non-productive cough.

For reference! With snot back wall children infancy gain weight poorly. The reason is that babies cannot fully consume mother's milk, because... forced to systematically interrupt the sucking process in order to take several breaths through the mouth.

Predisposing factors for acute nasopharyngitis are hypothermia, a state of immunosuppression, and insufficient enrichment of the body with vitamins.

A cough due to snot in a child occurs due to the concentration of a foreign object in paranasal sinuses. The reflex will appear until contact with the allergen is eliminated.

How and how to treat a child’s cough from snot

Before drawing up a medication regimen, the doctor identifies the source of irritation using visual inspection, instrumental methods research – rhinoscopy.

Therapy pathological changes is aimed at stopping sources of infection, normalizing natural breathing, and restoring soft tissues. Clinical picture when a cough appears after snot, requires early treatment, because exists high risk development of pneumonia.

Emergency treatment and preventive measures are based on changing conditions environment in the room. For this purpose, a climate control device is used to condition, increase humidity and ionize the air.

Snot on the back wall irritates cough receptors during teething, when secretions salivary glands released in excess

The room must be maintained at a level 50-60% . If you don’t have one in the house, you can hang wet towels on the radiators. Be sure to ventilate the room, especially before going to bed.

Baby needs to sleep on a bed with a high headboard. You can create a lift using a pillow under the mattress. Such manipulations help prevent mucus from flowing into the middle ear. The muconasal secretion flows down the throat and is swallowed without affecting the cough center.

Sinus rinsing

Cleansing of the paranasal sinuses is carried out at home and is allowed for children of any age. For patients up to a year, the procedure is performed in a supine position with a pillow under the head.

Drops are placed in each nostril 1-2 drops of saline solution or weakly concentrated salt composition ( for 1 l. water 1 tsp. salt). After 1-2 minutes, the crusts become soft and can be easily removed with cotton wool or gauze.

Hygiene of the nasal cavity in children older than one year is carried out in a standing position over the sink, head in a horizontal position. Using a medical bulb, aspirator or syringe without a needle, the solution is injected into one nostril.

With proper manipulation, the liquid flows freely from the opposite hole. Two canals are irrigated alternately.

Fact! Sinus cleansing saline solution improves the absorption of medicinal components.

Safe medications for treating a runny nose include: pharmaceutical products based on isotonic water with admixtures of beneficial macroelements (zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sodium). Widespread in ENT practice I received "", "Humer", "OtrivinBaby".

Vasoconstrictor drops

The therapeutic goal is to normalize natural breathing through the nose, reduce the amount of secretion produced, and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. It is possible to achieve positive dynamics with complex treatment drugs from different pharmaceutical groups.

Means emergency assistance represented by sympathomimetics. They act on receptors, causing a decrease in blood vessels, swelling of the accessory sinuses, and help restore drainage function.

The presence of moisturizing components in the composition ensures the elimination of dry epithelium. Drug effect manifests itself 10 minutes after irrigation, lasts up to 8 hours.

Topical drugs are not detectable in plasma, because are absorbed in minimal quantities.

More often than not, nasal secretions provoke coughing in infants than in preschool children.

They can be instilled into the nasal canals, treated with cotton pads soaked in essential oils, carry out inhalations in combination with saline or healing mineral waters"Borjomi", "Essentuki".

During the treatment of rhinovirus infection, parents should provide the child with plenty of warm drinks.

Dry cough from snot with anatomical integrity disorders bone tissue, deviated nasal septum, adenoiditis, can be resolved surgically. The operation ensures the restoration of the patency of the air cavities and the normalization of nasal breathing.

This indicator is especially important for children whose development bone structures facial section, dental system interconnected with the ability to breathe through the nose.


Preceding factors for the flow of mucus through the nasopharynx in a child may be causes of an exogenous and endogenous nature. A cough after a runny nose, which gets worse when lying down, requires determining the cause. The complex of treatment depends on the catalysts for the development of the disease.

The child's body is affected by this disease due to various reasons. As soon as the baby’s condition worsens, it is recommended that parents think about treatment.

Why does it happen?

The main causes of the disease are:

  • Viral rhinitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Bacterial rhinosinusitis.
  • Adenoid hyperplasia.
  • Drying of the nasal mucosa.

Most often, infectious diseases and allergic reactions cause the disease. At the same time, the nasal mucosa begins to intensively secrete mucus. It can flow down the throat and irritate its walls.


Diagnosis is carried out in the hospital. To determine the diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient, then applies:

  • Blood test.
  • Urinalysis.
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • Auscultation of the lungs.

These methods help specialists quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medications.

How to treat?

It is possible to cure a child in various ways. Experts have developed many effective techniques.


  • Bromhexine.
  • Gedelix.
  • Gerbion.
  • Alteyka.

These drugs fight cough, phlegm, eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the body.

Take these medications one small spoon twice a day. It is advisable to take medications between meals. After consuming the syrup, it is not advisable to eat within thirty minutes, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug will decrease.

If there is strong mucus discharge from the nose, it is recommended to use Nazivin, Xylene drops. They reduce mucus production and open the nose. The baby will be able to breathe normally and his health will improve. Apply the drops three times a day, after instilling the medicine, wait a minute, then blow your nose thoroughly. You cannot use these drops for more than ten days, otherwise addiction will occur.

In that case if the illness appears due to an allergic reaction, it is recommended to take the following medications:

  • Zyrtec.
  • Zodak.
  • Claritin.

The products eliminate allergy symptoms, reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, and stop the secretion of mucus. The cough gradually goes away. Take these medications for the first five days, one tablet in the morning and evening.

Folk remedies

It is recommended to treat the disease honey. To do this, a cotton pad is rolled into flagella and dipped in honey. The flagella soaked in honey are inserted into the nose for ten minutes, then removed. The child blows his nose thoroughly. Do not insert flagella too far. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. Honey can also be consumed with tea. It eliminates cough and shortness of breath. The child's well-being improves significantly.

Salt water rinsing. Saline solution is very helpful in healing a child. To do this, add half a small spoon of salt to a glass of boiled warm water and mix thoroughly. The resulting product is dropped into the nose, wait a minute, then blow your nose thoroughly. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. It relieves swelling, reduces mucus production, and eliminates pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx. The child’s well-being improves significantly after 2-3 days.

Sore throat, relieves inflammation solution of salt and soda.

To do this, put it in a warm glass boiled water add half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount baking soda. The components are mixed. Ready-made product gargle in the morning and evening. The medicine eliminates inflammation, swelling in the throat, and sore throat. The illness will soon go away.

To reduce the production of mucus in the nose, it is recommended put chamomile infusion into the nose. To do this, mix a glass of boiling water and two teaspoons of crushed plant. The mixture is infused for at least thirty minutes, then filtered and cooled. The finished medicine is dropped into the nose and then blown out. Apply chamomile infusion 3-4 times a day. It normalizes the microflora of the nasal mucosa, reduces the production of mucus, and this leads to the disappearance of cough and recovery.

Warm treats cough milk with honey and butter at night. To do this, add a teaspoon of honey and butter on the tip of a knife to the heated milk. The components are mixed. The child is given milk to drink before bedtime. After this, the baby needs to wrap himself in a blanket.


Massage of the nasal sinuses and nasolabial triangle helps eliminate a runny nose and mucus secretion. To do this, very carefully massage these areas with your fingertips for five minutes. You can’t press too hard, it shouldn’t hurt the baby. Light and very gentle movements are used to massage in the morning and evening. After five days, the massage should be stopped.

To cure your child faster, the doctor advises:

  • The child should drink a lot of water. Drinking plenty of fluids will help the body recover faster.
  • Your baby's room should be cleaned regularly. The room needs to be ventilated. Clean air will help you recover.
  • To avoid irritation and scratching sore throat, it is recommended to feed the child liquid food that is easily digestible. It's about about soups and cereals. Solid foods and baked goods will scratch the throat and lead to complications.
  • Food should be healthy. Junk food and sweets are prohibited.
  • It is necessary to protect the child from physical activity during treatment. Outdoor games will lead to negative consequences.

During the treatment period you cannot:

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, you need to follow some rules:

  • The child should consume healthy food, rich in vitamins. This is necessary for a growing body.
  • Taking vitamin complexes will help strengthen the immune system. Will select the appropriate one vitamin complex attending physician.
  • There should be fresh air in the child’s room; the room should be ventilated regularly. We must not forget about wet cleaning of the children's room.
  • Moderate physical activity must be at least twice a week. This will make the child's body stronger.
  • Walking on fresh air. The child must breathe fresh air and receive oxygen. This will help strengthen the body and avoid diseases.

Coughing from snot causes harm to the baby. In order for your child to recover faster, it is recommended to begin treatment immediately.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity produces snot, which appears as a result of an allergic reaction or due to infectious disease. Mucus can be thin or thick. WITH liquid snot It’s easy to deal with, just arm yourself with a handkerchief and blow your nose if necessary.

If the snot is thick, you need to make it liquid. In this case, saline solutions help well.

Doctors right and left prescribe expensive medications that do not always help. Cough medications have many side effects. Overdose is considered especially dangerous. Before giving your child medicine, you need to think about the advisability of its use.

A cough is a reaction of the respiratory tract to chemical, mechanical or bacterial irritation. The body needs a cough to protect itself and clear the airways. That is why suppressing a cough is not recommended, because in this case, the situation can only become more complicated.

In order to get rid of a cough, it is not at all necessary to take medications, it is enough to ensure plenty of fluids and humidification of the air.

If a person coughs, sneezes, his voice drops and snot flows, it means that the process of inflammation has begun. Viruses and bacteria entering the body cause inflammation. A runny nose and cough are often treated with antibiotics, but in most cases you can do without them.

How to treat cough from snot? It is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of fluids, install a humidifier and rinse the nose sea ​​water or saline solution.

Viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets; in order not to get sick, you need to strengthen your immune system, eat right, spend a lot of time in the fresh air and avoid visiting during epidemics. public places without urgent need.

Children suffer from acute respiratory infections more often than adults because they have weak immunity, which is not able to give a worthy rebuff to infections.

American scientists conducted a study and came to the conclusion that if a child gets sick once a month, this is normal. There is no need to drug your child at the first sneeze; many medications are much more harmful to the body than snot and cough.

True, infections often lead to complications, for example, a runny nose can develop into purulent otitis media or pneumonia. If your child is sick, it is better to go to the pediatrician and begin treatment after his visit.

Mucous secretions appear as a result of the functioning of the nasal membranes. The reasons for this phenomenon may be various diseases, irritation, allergic reactions and other factors. Nasal discharge can be of two types: thin and thick. The nasal cavity is open on both sides, so if the discharge is liquid, it flows either out or in. When the snot is thick, it remains in the nose.

What measures should be taken

Liquid discharge from the nasal cavity must be promptly wiped off with a handkerchief or a special rag, otherwise an irritated surface around the nose may form. Any snot that gets inside can come out when you cough, and you should also wipe it off. It is advisable to teach your child to blow out the snot that is in the nose and interferes with breathing.

If the nasal discharge has a thick consistency and makes breathing very difficult, then it is necessary to soften it first. This can be done using saline solution. After softening, the snot will most likely flow out on its own. It is better not to put anything into the nasal passages: neither pears, nor pipettes, nor sticks, nor suction, nor other means.

Sucking snot from the nose of a child or adult using a vacuum cleaner or your mouth should also not be used.

Very often, when a child gets sick, parents complain of a cough from snot. At the same time, they often begin to give their baby various medicines for cough. However, many such funds have large number side effects, as well as possible consequences in case of overdose. Therefore, you should not start taking such drugs without a good reason.

Where does the cough come from?

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body that occurs in response to irritation of the respiratory tract of a mechanical, infectious or chemical nature. With cough organs respiratory system are cleared of foreign objects that have entered there.

In some conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, asthma and others, large amounts of mucus are produced in the respiratory system. In such cases, coughing is used by the body to remove it and clear the airways. If you start taking cough suppressants, the child’s well-being may worsen.

The structure of the nasopharynx is such that quite a lot of nasal discharge during a runny nose ends up on the vocal cords. In this case, they become irritated and, as a consequence, a cough occurs.

If your infectious runny nose is mild, you should not immediately take medications to relieve the cough. In such situations, the patient should be provided with plenty of warm fluids, sufficiently humidified air and rest.

The nature of cough in children is quite diverse. The cause may be a physiological runny nose, when snot, when flowing down the back wall of the throat, causes a cough reflex in the child. Is it always necessary to treat such a cough and how to effectively deal with it?

Why does a cough occur when you have a runny nose?

Coughing may be a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to copious mucus secretion during a runny nose. Mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx, and the child reflexively coughs it up. This is one of the most common reasons cough in children. The runny nose itself, in turn, can be physiological, allergic or infectious. The main diagnosis determines the treatment regimen for the disease, while eliminating the cough is considered as relieving one of the symptoms.

Cough from snot can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Physiological runny nose as a reaction to dry indoor air. The mucous membrane dries out, and the throat may become sore. Mucus is produced abundantly, flowing down the back wall of the throat. As a result, the child coughs.
  2. Allergic rhinitis.
  3. Teething.
  4. Viral or bacterial infections.

Treatment regimens

IN various cases Cough and runny nose manifest themselves in different ways. Recovery depends on how quickly treatment begins.

In dry air

If the cough occurs due to a physiological runny nose, you should rinse the baby’s nose several times a day with a saline solution, for example, saline or preparations based on sea ​​water(Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Physiomer). It is also necessary to maintain comfortable air humidity (from 60%) and regularly ventilate the room.

Video: about coughing in dry air

During teething

As you know, one of the signs of teething in a baby is a runny nose. During teething, blood circulation in the gums and nasal cavity increases. The glands of the nasal mucosa begin to work harder, resulting in the formation of additional mucus. Its excess flows down the back wall of the throat, causing a cough. The discomfort in this situation can be alleviated only by instilling saline solutions into the nose and timely removal of mucus. When there is a lull in the teething period, the child will stop coughing.

If the child is still small and does not know how to blow his nose on his own, then parents need to help him get rid of heavy discharge using a nasal aspirator to prevent snot from causing a cough.

For allergies

Most likely the baby allergic reaction if a runny nose and cough are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sneezing;
  • skin itching, rash;
  • nasal congestion;
  • lacrimation.

At the same time general condition the child is usually not impaired.

If your runny nose and cough are of an allergic nature, it is first necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the allergy.. This could be dust, pet hair or saliva, a reaction to an adapted milk formula, or some other food product, household chemicals and other potential allergens. The basis drug treatment V in this case makes a reception antihistamines, appropriate to the child’s age. To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and the amount of mucus produced, the pediatrician prescribes vasoconstrictor drops in a pediatric dosage, for example, Nazivin. Air humidification, ventilation and drinking plenty of fluids are also recommended.

It's important to remember that vasoconstrictors They are addictive, so it is not recommended to use them for more than three days.

For infectious diseases

First of all, you need to find out what exactly the child is sick with. In most cases, runny nose and cough are the result of acute respiratory infections. viral infections(ARVI).

The infection can be identified by a set of symptoms:

  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • red irritated throat.

ARVI, as a rule, goes away in 5 days and requires only symptomatic treatment: rinsing the nose with saline solution, lowering the temperature if necessary, drinking plenty of fluids, removing excess mucus. Frequent ventilation and humidification of the indoor air is also necessary.

If the snot is yellow or green, then this may indicate development bacterial infection. The diagnosis is made based on tests from the throat. As a result, antibiotics may be prescribed.

A dry cough may change to a wet cough within a few days. Treatment of such a cough is carried out comprehensively, with the help of mucolytics, expectorants and physiotherapy (inhalations). Washing alone is no longer enough, because the main goal is to stop the infection and prevent it from spreading to the lower respiratory tract.

If your runny nose and cough worsen, it is very important to consult a doctor in time.

Since children under two years of age are contraindicated from using sputum thinners, it is enough to give the baby warm, generous drinks, inhalations and percussion massage to help him cough up.

If a runny nose with cough persists and there is no treatment, then this is fraught with the appearance of sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, and sinusitis. If infection enters the lower respiratory tract, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop.

Cough preparations

Depending on the cause of the runny nose and cough, the doctor decides whether there is a need to take specific medicines. The most popular means are described in the table

Table: medications for cough caused by a runny nose

Group of drugs Release form Indications Directions for use Side effects Contraindications At what age is admission allowed?

Mucolytics and expectorants

Expectoration and thinning of mucus

Take orally

Allergic reaction

  • Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption (lack of absorption of glucose and galactose).

Bronchicum S

Nausea, gastritis, dyspepsia

  • Impaired liver and kidney function;
  • heart failure.


Disorders of the central nervous and digestive system.

Fructose intolerance


Heart failure

Different cough medications have different effects. Medicines that thin sputum and provoke expectoration are contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, as they reduce its viscosity and make coughing difficult. Moreover, with an upper respiratory tract infection (common ARVI) and excessive sputum, taking mucolytics can aggravate the cough.

Drugs that suppress the cough reflex (“turn off” the cough center) are very dangerous for “wet” coughs, since phlegm will begin to accumulate in the lungs, which can, in turn, cause pneumonia. These are, for example, drugs based on libexin (Libexin muco), glaucine (Bronchocin), Sinecod syrup.

Video: what medications should not be used to treat cough in children

Non-drug treatment

Cough from snot can also be successfully treated through inhalation, massage and herbal medicine (folk remedies).


The most common physiotherapeutic method for treating cough is inhalation. They can be carried out by inhaling warm steam (not hot!), as well as using nebulizers and steam inhalers. If the cough is due to an upper respiratory tract disease, it is enough to use a steam inhaler. The device allows you to moisten accumulated mucus and provoke its rapid coughing. But the use of steam inhalers also has its risks.

Parents should remember that the process of moistening dried mucus is accompanied by an increase in its volume. That's why steam inhalations It is in children that they can provoke airway obstruction, and the risk is higher the younger the child.

E. O. Komarovsky

The doctor may also prescribe electrophoresis or UVB (ultraviolet radiation treatment) for the child. These procedures are carried out in the physiotherapy room of a children's clinic, usually the course includes 10 sessions.


If the child does not yet know how to cough on his own, then he needs to help him with this by doing percussion massage 2 times a day. We place the baby on his stomach. In this case, it is necessary that the head is lower than the butt (you can put a pillow under the stomach), and the arms are extended forward. Then lightly tap your fingers on the back between the shoulder blades from bottom to top. This massage lasts several minutes.

Causes of cough in childhood are varied, and some of them are really difficult and dangerous. But when a child starts coughing, you shouldn’t immediately panic; it’s important to figure out what exactly provokes this condition. A situation may arise that the cough reflex is a consequence of irritation of the mucous membrane by secretions from the nasal cavity - snot. In this case, the actions of the parents and treatment are very specific.

How snot causes a cough

The nasal mucosa reacts to irritants, responding to such exposure with increased mucus production. Depending on the situation, the discharge (or snot) can be thin or thick. The nasal cavity itself is open on both sides, so that excess mucus can either come out or enter the nasopharynx.

A cough does not always need to be treated immediately - sometimes it is worth tackling the root cause, for example, a runny nose

Cough, in turn, occurs as a reaction of the body to various irritations of the respiratory tract. It is quite obvious that if mucus from the nose flows down the nasopharynx, the child’s cough reflex will be activated. Thus, a cough due to a runny nose can occur in any situation where there is increased mucus production:

  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • physiological runny nose;
  • defeat of an infectious nature;
  • entry of a foreign body into the nasal cavity;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • traumatic damage to the nasal mucosa.

Any reason can cause a runny nose, causing inflammation mucous membrane.

A cough against a background of snot will last as long as the irritant is present, namely the snot itself. Typically, this problem is not permanent and appears sporadically. This type of cough can easily be confused with a wet cough, but in this situation it is not sputum that is released, but nasal mucus. In children, such coughing attacks often occur at night, when the child is sleeping, and the body position encourages mucus to flow into the nasopharynx.

What to treat: runny nose or cough

It is very important to accurately determine the cause of the cough reflex, since when a cough is provoked by a runny nose, no special drug treatment is prescribed to the child to influence the cough itself.

Doctor's advice: do not self-medicate and give your baby syrups and tablets at the first coughing attack. All drugs have their side effects, especially in case of overdose and unnecessary use. If a cough occurs due to snot, such exposure will only harm the baby and will not help in any way to get rid of the attacks.

You only need to treat the runny nose itself, and after the irritant disappears, its consequences will also pass. The following methods may be effective for eliminating runny nose in children.

Child's age

Used remedies for runny nose

Detailed description

Up to a year

Rinsing the nose, removing mucus with a rubber bulb and using drops

You can rinse your baby's nose with regular saline solution. The child is placed on his back, the already dried crusts are removed from the nose, a few drops of the solution are instilled and after a few minutes the nasal passages are cleaned with dry pieces of cotton wool.

Drops can only be used as prescribed by a doctor; they must be safe for the baby. You should stop using sprays.

TO safe means Treatments for runny nose in children include Otrivin Baby and AquaMaris drops. These products can be used from the first month of life.

Verified traditional method to get rid of a runny nose in infants is to drop diluted water into the nose beet juice(in proportion 1:1).

From one year to 3 years

Rinse the nose and use drops

Washing is done using a different method: the baby is placed in front of the container and asked to tilt his head forward. The solution is injected into the nasal cavity using a bulb with a soft tip using slow movements. The steps are repeated from the second nostril.

The use of drops is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions. The pediatrician may prescribe the following medications: Vibrocil, Aqualora Baby.

From 3 years and older

In addition to the means already mentioned, you can use folk recipes and special creams.

Creams for runny nose - Pinosol, Clean nose.

Products based on fir and eucalyptus oil– in the form of drops or inhalations.

Other treatment methods are prescribed depending on what exactly caused the runny nose.

Treatment of small noses - video by Dr. Komarovsky