A doctor who checks the vocal cords. Phoniatrician - description, doctor's advice

First of all, this is an ENT doctor, of course, but there is also a highly specialized doctor, especially for vocalists, artists, announcers, teachers, in whom diseases of the larynx and vocal cords acquire a professional nature.

This doctor is called a phoniatrist.

This is a doctor of narrow specialization, so in many clinics and even in many regions there is simply no such doctor; in this case, you need to contact an Otolaryngologist.

For a person who makes a living by singing and vocals, losing his profession is a big disaster. If the range of notes that he can produce has decreased, hoarseness has appeared, a person begins to catch the “rooster”, then he has some problems with the vocal cords and should urgently consult a qualified doctor - a phoniologist. An ENT doctor is unlikely to be able to help here.

The reasons may be excessive strain on the voice. Begins to develop

In more complex cases, when the voice is overstrained, singing nodules appear on the cord. These are something like calluses on the vocal cords. Then special treatment from a phoniatrist is required.

A doctor who treats ligaments is called a phoniatrist. This word is a term of Greek origin, derived from the words "phonos", which means sound. Otolaryngology, the study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, has a section called “phoniatrics,” which studies inflammation and diseases of the human vocal cords. People whose speech apparatus is an instrument of their production or occupation may suffer from such diseases: these are, first of all, singers, then teachers, lecturers, speakers, etc.

Therefore, every otolaryngologist studies this narrow branch of medicine, but only a few of them devote their professional activities specifically to phoniatrics.

A doctor who treats vocal cords is a specialist in a narrow spectrum. It is not enough to be an ENT specialist to be allowed to treat the vocal cords. Usually, otolaryngologists still study further, qualify and become phoniatrists so that they have such a “clearance”.

But in our country the word “phoniatrician” is rarely used - such doctors are more often called earworm, although this is incorrect.

I think that most people first of all thought and remembered the otolaryngologist. Of course, the usual familiar ENT is known to everyone and he really deals with problems related to the ears, throat, nose, neck and even the head. But specifically, the science of phoniatrics deals with problems, pathologies and disorders of the voice, cords, and, accordingly, doctors - phoniatrists.

An otolaryngologist or ENT can only examine you and refer you to another doctor who deals with the treatment and restoration of the vocal cords - this is a doctor FONIATOR (large vocal organizations have their own such doctor).

Some difficult patients are even prescribed operations, but after them the voice is not fully restored.

Phoniatrist, ENT, otolaryngologist. Everyone needs a clear, beautiful voice every day. But there are high-risk professions.

If a school teacher has lost his voice, he needs to go to the clinic. An otolaryngologist will help him. He is also called an ENT doctor. Because most often such problems arise due to voice overstrain or the cause is ARVI, acute respiratory infections. An inflammatory process occurs, the ligaments swell and do not close. A serious situation may arise. Chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis are common problems among school teachers. For laryngitis, a course of treatment - antibiotics, physiotherapeutic procedures - will help. In the most severe cases, hospital treatment is necessary, sometimes surgical intervention.

If a singer has lost his voice, he may also have the same problems. But more often than not, a singer needs a phoniatrist. Such a specialist is a must for all professional announcers, singers, actors, and TV presenters. A phoniatrist specializes in voice restoration. We need a phoniatrist, an ENT specialist, and an otolaryngologist.

An ENT doesn't really deal with ligaments. He can see inflammation of the larynx, nasopharynx, etc. But the vocal cords are dealt with very narrowly by a special doctor - a phoniologist. This is a rather rare specialist. In our city, I remember there was one. but the city is not small, it’s a million-plus city. Singers, people for whom the chords are a tool of labor, turn to the phoniator. But sometimes other people also have to turn to his services: if their voice is broken, for example.

If this doctor is not available, you can contact an otolaryngologist (ENT). Most often, ENT doctors who have undergone additional training become phoniatrists.

The very first aid to the cords if the voice is lost is silence.

In addition, for mild diseases of the ligaments, it is useful to take a tablespoon of Calcium Chloride three times a day (after meals) with half a glass of milk.

Any diseases associated with the throat (including the vocal cords), as well as any diseases with the ear or nose, are treated by an OTTOLORYNGOLOGIST or ENT doctor.

This is a highly specialized doctor. If necessary, the doctor will conduct the necessary studies, prescribe you the necessary medicine, possibly physical therapy or any other procedures that the ENT doctor will perform himself.

Lost your voice? No problem, a phoniator will help!

A doctor who treats the voice is needed not only by singers or artists. There are many reasons that can cause voice loss. The discomfort of not being able to communicate with others in the usual way makes people very nervous and frightened. Knowing the elements of the larynx and the principles of its work, a specialist can only eliminate unpleasant sensations and discomfort. The phoniator returns the ability to speak correctly.

Why do you need a voice restoration doctor?

Problems with producing sounds in a person can arise for various reasons:

  • neuropsychic stress;
  • severe stress;
  • exceeding the capacity of the ligaments in an unfavorable environment (screaming on the street in cool weather or in cold rooms);
  • inflammation of the larynx, sore throat, ARVI, causing sensations as if something is interfering, etc.

A general practitioner can relieve inflammation or prescribe sedatives to eliminate the cause. This is often not enough to help the vocal cords. The voice may not return or will be distorted. Some people who have been seriously ill report discomfort. It may seem that something is preventing the air from passing freely. If treatment is not started in time, you may lose your usual voice forever. In addition, discomfort Foniator knows more subtleties about the work of the ligaments and the physiology of the larynx. Its task is to restore the former elasticity to the muscles of the pharynx.

Phoniator competencies

A doctor who is able to improve or restore the voice, usually with a primary specialty of ENT. A special narrow area of ​​study allows him to acquire additional competencies. His responsibilities include:

  • elimination of dysphonia and aphonia;
  • diagnosis of diseases that could cause discomfort when talking, singing, etc., as well as loss of voice;
  • elimination of non-closure of ligaments;
  • If a lump or vocal nodules are diagnosed, the doctor should prescribe special treatment.

In order to understand what is interfering with the creation of sound, the phoniologist may prescribe tests. The doctor also checks the patient's sensations in different positions. It happens that the ligaments can close if a person takes a certain position. In some cases, a muscle lump formed in the pharynx provokes this closure only in a specific position.

Advice! If your voice has disappeared, then you should not put off visiting a highly specialized doctor. Before communicating with him, try not to speak even in a whisper, so as not to provoke rupture or tearing of the ligaments, as well as additional pain and discomfort.

Rupture and tear of ligaments

A serious problem is the situation when a rupture or tear of the muscle tissue of the larynx occurs. Voice peace brings relief. But in such situations, it may not restore the sound production function, but only remove the unpleasant sensations. In this case, the doctor may prescribe medication. The phonation therapist will need to work a lot with the patient to get the ligaments to close as before.

If you do not follow the doctor’s recommendations or contact him too late, nodules may form in the ligaments. They look like a small bump that prevents air from passing freely and creating the vibration necessary to create sound. The main signs of such a medical case are:

  • dysphonia, i.e. complete loss of the ability to speak. In the most dangerous situations there is not even a whisper;
  • a lump in the larynx creates severe discomfort;
  • cough;
  • the throat sometimes hurts, sometimes goes numb;
  • soreness;
  • hoarseness;
  • entry into the respiratory tract of food particles and liquids.

Folk remedies without drugs will not be able to help. In addition, the doctor can conduct a course of special exercises, with the help of which even a lump in the larynx disappears over time.

Types of diagnostics used by voice specialists

The tests performed by a doctor dealing with vocal cord problems are very specific. Although the organs that are involved in the examination are similar to those treated by a therapist or ENT specialist. In particular:

  • palpation of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes;
  • video stroboscopy;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • scanning the thyroid gland using radionuclides;
  • angiography;
  • examination of the larynx;
  • determination of vocal muscle tone;
  • assessment of the quality of ligament closure using an electrical signal.

Some of these tests cause discomfort that can last for several hours or even days. If your throat becomes numb or crunches during the process, the doctor may prescribe other types of examinations, including an MRI.

Preventing voice loss

Recommendations from a voice specialist are especially valuable for those who talk a lot and strain their ligaments. After all, prevention is much more important than treatment. Among the remedies that can eliminate discomfort and prevent dysphonia are:

  • use of milk;
  • rinsing with herbal infusions;
  • special exercises;
  • a diet that excludes the consumption of hard foods, cold drinks and dishes, and nuts;
  • exclusion of alcohol and tobacco;
  • voice use mode, incl. its minimal use in the first hours after waking up.

Attention! Cognac, contrary to popular belief, interferes with the functioning of the ligaments. Very quickly, it causes these muscle fibers to sharply contract, the voice begins to disappear, and discomfort during talking or singing increases. Although the first sensations deceive the individual, because it becomes easier to speak.

Any person should protect and appreciate the capabilities of his vocal apparatus. It must be remembered that if you handle it correctly, you can always improve your sound production capabilities. It is not necessary to use this data in vocals. Such skills are useful for teachers, politicians and many other professionals.

What is the competence of a Phoniatrician?

What diseases does a Phoniatrist treat?

What organs does the Phoniatrist deal with?

When should you contact a Phoniatrist?

Benign and malignant neoplasms of the larynx.

Laryngeal stenoses of various etiologies.

When and what tests should be done

Thyroid hormone uptake test.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually carried out by a Phoniatrist?

Palpation of the thyroid gland;

Radionuclide scan of the thyroid gland;

Laryngoscopic examination of the larynx, determination of the tone of the vocal folds, mobility of the larynx, duration of phonation.

Glottography is an analysis of the quality of vocal fold closure using an electrical signal.

Is something bothering you? Do you have questions or need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a Phoniatrist by choosing the clinic that is most suitable for you in the “All Medicine” section. For any other questions, the Eurolab clinic is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, advise you, provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. The Eurolab clinic is open for you around the clock.

The telephone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+3 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are listed here. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on its personal page.

If you have previously performed any tests, be sure to take their results for a consultation with a Phoniatrician. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. To do this, you simply need to undergo examination by a Phoniatrist several times a year in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read the Phoniatrist’s advice on caring for yourself. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on the forum - perhaps after that you will no longer be bothered by the question “recommend a good Phoniatrician.” Also register on the Eurolab medical portal to be constantly aware of the latest news and updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

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Loss of voice due to cold treatment

How to treat aphonia at home?

Aphonia is a loss of voice sonority, in which a person can only speak in a whisper. Disturbances in the functioning of the sound-producing apparatus often occur due to inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx. What medications should be used to treat vocal cords for voice loss?

Hoarseness is the result of inflammation and swelling of the airways in the area of ​​the vocal cords. A common cold cannot cause aphonia, but it provokes the development of acute laryngitis or exacerbation of chronic tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc.

Treatment of ENT diseases includes inhalation, gargling and taking medications with symptomatic and etiotropic action.

Please note

The following information is beyond the scope of this article, but not to write about it would be a gross disrespect for site visitors. This information is extremely important, please read it to the end.

In Russia and the CIS countries, 97.5% constantly suffer from: colds, headaches and chronic fatigue.

Bad breath, skin rashes, bags under the eyes, diarrhea or constipation - these symptoms have become so commonplace that people have stopped paying attention to them.

Most medications are extremely ineffective, and they also cause great harm to the body. When poisoning worms, first of all you poison yourself!

And in order to prevent complications, complete vocal rest must be maintained during therapy.

How to treat vocal cords? First of all, you need to catch the moment when hoarseness begins to appear in your voice. Some patients try to speak even louder to “cut through” their voice, but this can harm the vocal cords and muscles of the larynx. The first manifestations of aphonia that occurs against the background of a cold include:

  • sore throat;
  • dry mouth;
  • decrease in voice timbre;
  • discomfort in the Adam's apple area;
  • a feeling of strain on the vocal cords.

Even before contacting a specialist, you need to adhere to a gentle regimen in order to prevent even greater damage to the vocal cords. If they are inflamed, talking will only aggravate the patient’s condition and cause the formation of scars on the ligaments. What to do if you lose your voice?

  • try not to talk, in case of urgent need speak only in a whisper;
  • drink more fluids to speed up the process of eliminating toxic substances from the body that cause allergic reactions and swelling of the larynx;
  • avoid eating hot, spicy and too salty foods that irritate the throat;
  • use humidifiers to relieve dry coughs and sore throats;
  • gargle with an anti-inflammatory decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • During treatment, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

It should be understood that only a specialist can prescribe competent treatment for the disease. Ignoring the problem in some cases causes the development of purulent processes in the larynx, surrounding muscles and vocal cords. Bacterial inflammation of the airways can lead to peritonsillar abscess or even sepsis. To restore a lost voice, you need to seek help from an ENT doctor or phoniatrist.


What remedies can be used to treat loss of voice? A common cold leads to a decrease in overall immunity, which can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Bacterial laryngitis and tracheitis are one of the most likely causes of the development of aphonia, which occurs in approximately 6 out of 10 cases.

Did you know that 89% of the population of Russia and the CIS countries have hypertension? And most people don't even suspect this. According to statistics, two thirds of patients die during the first 5 years of the disease.

If your blood pressure often rises, your head hurts, you feel chronic fatigue and are practically accustomed to feeling unwell, do not rush to swallow pills and lie down on the operating table. Most likely, simple cleaning of the vessels will help you.

As part of the Federal program, when submitting an application up to (inclusive), every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can clean their vessels for free. Read the details in the official source.

As a rule, inflammation of the components of the sound-producing apparatus - the vocal cords, larynx, trachea and nasal cavity occurs due to damage to soft tissues by staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. To eliminate inflammation and destroy pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics of the penicillin, macrolide or cephalosporin series are used.

Only the attending physician can correctly draw up a treatment regimen after determining the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to the components of certain antibiotics. In most cases, the following is used to treat bacterial infections affecting the vocal tract:

The effectiveness of the drugs is assessed within 3 days: if there is no positive effect, the treatment regimen is adjusted.


A barking, obsessive cough is a classic symptom indicating the development of laryngitis. During a cough, the so-called false vocal folds, which take part in voice formation, are overstrained. To alleviate the patient's condition and stop coughing, it is recommended to use expectorants that thin the mucus in the throat.

First of all, to reduce the viscosity of sputum, you need to consume alkaline solutions in large quantities - warm milk or still mineral water. In addition, you can use mucolytic agents, namely:

The simultaneous use of expectorants and antitussives leads to stagnation of mucus in the lungs and the development of pneumonia.

To act directly on the affected tissues, infusions of anti-inflammatory drugs directly into the larynx (instillations), which are carried out using a laryngeal syringe, are used. During the procedure, corticosteroids are most often used, which quickly relieve inflammation and restore the laryngeal mucosa.

At home, loss of voice due to a cold can be successfully treated with inhalations. During therapy, it is recommended to use ultrasonic or compressor inhalers, which do not heat medicinal solutions and do not irritate the throat mucosa. How do inhalations affect the respiratory system?

Inhalation procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition of the vocal cords and the ciliated epithelium that lines the inner surface of the trachea. During therapy, the mucous membranes are moistened, and the sputum is liquefied and easily separated from the walls of the throat. Due to this, cough and pathogens contained in mucus are eliminated.

Depending on the medications used, with the help of inhalations it is possible to eliminate inflammation in the ENT organs and thereby restore the functionality of the voice-producing apparatus. How to treat hoarseness and aphonia?

To dilute medicinal solutions, you can use only mineral water or an isotonic solution that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the trachea and larynx.


Treatment of aphonia can be carried out using sanitizing procedures. Gargling relieves swelling, pain, hoarseness and pathogens that cause inflammation. To achieve positive results, you need to rinse the mucous membrane of the oropharynx at least 4-5 times a day during the period of exacerbation of the cold.

You can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and eliminate swelling in the larynx using antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions:

Do not exceed the permissible dosage and frequency of sanitizing procedures specified in the instructions for the drug.

The safest means for rinsing are herbal remedies - medicinal chamomile, thyme, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn and sage. They practically do not cause adverse reactions, but at the same time help eliminate swelling and inflammation in the respiratory tract.


For allergic ENT diseases, accompanied by severe swelling of the laryngopharynx, it is recommended to use antihistamines. They prevent the production of inflammatory mediators, which lead to severe swelling of the mucous membranes and disruption of the voice-forming apparatus.

Antiallergic drugs accelerate the outflow of intercellular fluid from the tissues of the throat, thereby reducing their swelling. To eliminate allergy symptoms, you can use:

By reducing swelling in the mucous membranes, the frequency of coughing attacks, which negatively affect the condition of the vocal cords, is sharply reduced.

Traditional medicine

Is it possible to cure aphonia using traditional medicine? Herbal medicines can speed up the healing process and restore voice function. When using anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory agents, the severity of cold symptoms decreases.

However, before using self-prepared mixtures, decoctions and rinses, you should still consult a doctor. In addition, alcohol-containing oral products should not be used while undergoing drug therapy.

  • mix 1 tbsp. l. sage, St. John's wort and plantain; pour 400 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for 3 hours; gargle with the strained product 4 times a day;
  • mix beet and carrot juice in equal proportions; Gargle with a heated solution in the morning and evening;
  • add 1 tsp to 100 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice. melted honey; drink the product 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • 2 tbsp. l. viburnum berries pour 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes; drink 100 ml of decoction with 1 tsp. honey 3 times a day.

Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

ENT > ENT diseases > Throat diseases >

Causes of voice loss and how to quickly cure vocal cords

In our life, the voice plays a rather important role for a person. Conversation, singing, calling, etc. is carried out with its help. At the same time, the voice is a rather capricious component of a person’s full life and can be easily lost. How to restore it?

Causes of voice loss

Most often, voice loss occurs due to the onset of an inflammatory process that directly affects the laryngeal mucosa. This disease is called laryngitis and is quite common in the cold season. When a person develops laryngitis, there is a significant increase in the volume of the vocal cords, as a result of which the volume of the glottis is noticeably reduced and, as a result, the person loses his voice. This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in everyone and manifest itself to varying degrees.

The process of sound formation affects not only the throat area, but also the nasal cavity and ear. When one of these components is affected by infection, the voice immediately changes noticeably.

Diseases affecting the lining of the larynx are:

As a result of damage to the body by these diseases, swelling of the throat mucosa is observed in the throat area. At the same time, the person feels a slight soreness and, as a result, loss of voice occurs. These diseases are especially aggravated in the cold season, when there are low temperatures and quite high humidity. Strong wind has a negative effect on the condition of the vocal apparatus. With the beginning of the heating season, the vocal cords also have a hard time, since dry apartment air is also contraindicated for them.

As a result of this, significant overstrain of the vocal cords occurs and the voice disappears. The appearance of microtraumas on the vocal cords also leads to loss of voice.

Frequent shocks and prolonged stress can also cause a person to lose his voice. This is especially true for people who are very excited, whose “voice trembles.” Such people should not worry about trifles, since as a result their vocal cords suffer and their voice disappears.

Who is at risk?

Who is at risk?

  • Firstly, these are all kinds of singers and singers. Due to frequent performances, their vocal cords feel enormous strain, resulting in small formations called “nodules” appearing on them.” In addition to people of the creative profession, such nodules are also formed on the vocal apparatus of ordinary screamers. This formation leads to non-closure of the ligamentous apparatus and the appearance of hoarseness in the voice. Sooner or later, singers encounter this phenomenon.
  • Secondly, teachers are susceptible to frequent diseases of the vocal apparatus. Their main function in the process of teaching students is to convey information using their voice. To this end, they always try to speak loudly, which is part of their habit. According to recent studies, the volume of a teacher's voice is several decibels higher than the volume of other people's voices.
  • The category of professions that depend on the state of one's own voice also includes foremen, lecturers, educators, and lawyers. Representatives of these wonderful professions talk a lot and for a long time, sometimes in a raised voice. Therefore, they also suffer from problems associated with loss of voice.
  • Numerous smokers cannot but be included in this risk group, since they very often suffer from damage to the body by laryngitis, and the degree of its manifestation in them is chronic. As you know, cigarette smoke contains a dangerous substance - nicotine and a large number of different tars. Penetrating into the human body along with cigarette smoke, nicotine has a negative effect on the elasticity of the vocal cords, as a result of which a “smoky” timbre often appears. The voice becomes a little hoarse and low.
  • Lovers of crackers, seeds and soda can also be classified as people susceptible to damage to the vocal cords. When these “dishes” enter the body, the process of irritation of the mucous membrane covering the throat begins. U
  • Eating food that is quite hot or food that is too cold also causes various lesions to appear on the surface of the vocal cords. Those who want to preserve their beautiful voice for a long time should limit their consumption of coffee and too spicy foods, as these factors negatively affect the health of the larynx.
  • Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages also leads to dryness of the larynx.
  • Cleaning a room in which all the windows are open, as well as repair work in similar conditions, lead to the settling of dust particles on the surface of the vocal cords, penetrating into them through the mouth or upper respiratory tract. This may cause partial loss of voice.

Vocal cord treatment techniques

Treatment of a sore throat and loss of voice must begin after finding out the true causes of the development of these pathologies. In order to restore a lost voice, gargle with special infusions. These include various herbal mixtures, which include St. John's wort, sage, calendula or chamomile. With this procedure, you can achieve the restoration of a lost voice. In this case, it is not advisable to use soda for rinsing, since it helps to dry out the mucous surface of this organ. Potato juice, which can be prepared at home, also helps in this case.

  • It involves drinking plenty of fluids as it stimulates voice recovery.
  • You can drink herbal teas, fruit compotes and berry fruit drinks.
  • In this case, taking warm milk with a small amount of honey added is indispensable.

Horseradish infusion is perfect for restoring the functioning of the vocal cords. You can prepare this infusion yourself at home. To do this, you need to chop a few horseradish roots and add a small amount of hot boiled water. Place this product in a secluded place for a while to allow the solution to infuse. Then strain it, sweeten it and drink in small quantities every hour.

All these ingredients must be mixed and drunk in small volumes at regular intervals throughout the day.

Those who do not practice vocals are unlikely to be familiar with the concept of a phoniatrist. It’s simple - you can get to him in case of loss of voice, problems with the vocal cords, and people not involved in music, in case of loss of voice or hoarseness, simply treat acute respiratory infections - more warm drinks, rinsing, etc. But if you do vocals , and your voice is your instrument with which you work?

Even for those who attend vocal lessons for beginners, it is important to take care of your voice, not catch a cold, take care of your health, and strengthen your immune system. Vocal lessons themselves also serve as excellent physical exercises. Singing is a heavy load; it perfectly develops the lungs and the muscles that support the chest. Have you noticed that professional singers have a wider chest than a non-singing person? This means that his body receives an order of magnitude more oxygen and functions better and more efficiently. Opera singers have virtually no problems with the respiratory system, since it is superbly trained.

But the voice is important not only for singers, it is also an instrument for people in such professions as deputies, professors, teachers, announcers - everyone whose work is in one way or another connected with delivering long speeches. Therefore, not only vocalists can turn to a phoniatrist.

Meet the phoniatrist

What does a phoniatrist do? To begin with, let's say that a phoniatrist is practically the same otorhinolaryngologist, that is, an ENT specialist, but with a bias towards the vocal cords. A phoniatrist must ideally know the structure of the speech apparatus.

If problems with your voice arise, and this can be discovered by a vocal teacher during lessons, you should urgently contact a phoniatrist. Usually such a doctor is assigned to a philharmonic society or musical theater, but you can also find such a specialization in large medical centers. Your teacher will most likely refer you to a specific doctor, since vocalists and phoniatrists work closely together. Do not neglect advice, even if you yourself do not see the problem and do not notice changes. Perhaps the doctor, after conducting a thorough diagnosis, will identify the disease at an early stage and be able to eliminate it without consequences.

What does a phoniatrist treat? What does it treat? What techniques does he use? We answer - a doctor in this field treats specifically the vocal cords and speech apparatus, everything that is responsible for the production of sound - the larynx, ligaments, etc. Treatment is carried out with medications, but there are cases when the problem cannot be eliminated without surgical intervention. There are also preventive procedures that can be prescribed to patients, and treatment can also consist of daily repetition of certain exercises that the doctor will show you.

Indications for treatment

The standard reason for visiting such a doctor is loss of voice due to a cold. This manifests itself as progressive hoarseness until the voice completely disappears; the inflamed ligaments cease to close and sound. A phoniatrist can give a variety of advice. Depending on the cause of the disease, when contacting, be sure to inform him about the presence of allergic reactions to any drugs or products, since honey is often prescribed orally, and many are allergic to it.

A phoniatrist in Moscow is a very rare specialist, so it is usually difficult to get to him, so it is better to always have the contact information of a good doctor in advance and make an appointment with him in advance so that you can get a consultation with a phoniatrist without delay or waiting.

There is a phoniatrist for children and an adult, this is a significant difference, since the children's larynx and ligaments are in the process of growth, so a special approach is required to the child’s speech apparatus. Visit your phoniatrist regularly for preventive purposes and always be in your voice!

This is a specialist who deals with diseases of the vocal cords.

As a rule, otolaryngologists (ENT doctors) who have undergone a narrow specialization become phoniatrists. This specialist is contacted if there is a change in voice or damage to the vocal cords.

These are patients who, due to the nature of their work, have an increased vocal load - teachers, announcers, politicians, singers, etc.

What is the competence of a Phoniatrician?

The competence of a phoniatrist is to provide qualified assistance in voice restoration, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause voice disorders.

What diseases does a Phoniatrist treat?

Diseases of the vocal apparatus.

What organs does the Phoniatrist deal with?

Lungs, bronchi, trachea, vocal apparatus of the larynx, vocal folds, laryngeal ventricles, epiglottis, mouth, nose, paranasal sinuses, thyroid gland.

When should you contact a Phoniatrist?

- Acute and chronic laryngitis.
- Functional voice disorders in speech professions.
- Benign and malignant neoplasms of the larynx.
- Paresis and paralysis of the vocal folds.
- Laryngeal stenoses of various etiologies.

When and what tests should be done

Thyroid hormones:
- Calcitonin;
- General triiodothyronine;
- Free tricydothyronine;
- General thyroxine;
- Free thyroxine;
- Thyroid hormone absorption test.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually carried out by a Phoniatrist?

- Video stroboscopy;
- Palpation of the thyroid gland;
- X-ray;
- Radionuclide scanning of the thyroid gland;
- Angiography.
- Laryngoscopic examination of the larynx, determination of the tone of the vocal folds, mobility of the larynx, duration of phonation.
- Glottography - analysis of the quality of closure of the vocal folds using an electrical signal. First aid for your vocal cords:

1. First of all - silence! Avoid vocals entirely, and speak in a low, chesty, quiet voice.

2. This also happens - you need to sing, work is work. You can restore your voice for a short time (literally for one to an hour and a half) by injecting Adrenaline into the larynx - 1 cube. The vocal cords regain flexibility and the voice is restored. But you must be prepared for the fact that after the Adrenaline expires, the voice shrinks with terrible force, and repeated infusion is already pointless. Singing after a “concert on Adrenaline” is strictly prohibited for at least two days.

4. To prevent diseases of the vocal cords, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe: pour boiling water (400 ml) over anise grains (50 g), simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes, then strain, discard the grains, and bring the resulting broth to a boil. Putting it on low heat (so that it practically doesn’t boil), add two tablespoons of May honey, wait for the honey to dissolve and, after pouring in 50 grams of cognac, immediately remove from the stove. Take the resulting decoction one tablespoon every hour for a month.

5. If a doctor offers you surgery to remove singing nodules, do not rush to agree. There are many cases when the nodes dissolved thanks to vocal exercises, as well as regular, professional academic vocal classes. The main thing is not to overstrain the ligaments; be very careful with this wealth given by nature.

6. Do not waste money on various dietary supplements if you have ligament disease - they will not help! Don’t get carried away by the advice of your neighbors who know “how to treat a sore throat.” For example, warm milk with honey is strictly contraindicated, because honey envelops the ligaments, depriving them of elasticity. Gargling is useless, and gargling with soda is harmful to the ligaments; soda causes irritation.

7. For non-professional vocalists, one truth should be noted. You can't sing right after waking up. Only in a couple of hours. Therefore, if there is a morning concert, it is advisable to wake up three hours before it. After two hours, do the exercises (if your ligaments are healthy, make it a rule to do the exercises (the first part) every day before chanting), and you can safely start chanting.

8. And finally, the last thing... There is an opinion that 50 grams of cognac helps improve the functioning of the vocal cords. This is not true. Under the influence of alcohol, the vocal folds soften, but after a while the reverse process occurs with triple force - the cords narrow and the voice shrinks. Even smoking does not have such a negative effect on the vocal apparatus as alcohol.

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Medical news


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Medical articles

Many pregnant women do not realize that cosmetics, or rather some of their components, can have a detrimental effect on the unborn child.

The symptoms of hay fever are very similar to colds and flu. A state of general malaise, nasal congestion with constant discharge, pain and itching in the eyes, cough, heavy breathing - all these or some of the symptoms presented are very worrying for patients with hay fever.

Phoniatrics is one of the areas of otolaryngology. In practice, to phoniatrist People come to us whose main complaint is voice disturbance and discomfort in the larynx. More often these are representatives of the so-called “voice-speech” professions, but voice problems can also arise in those people whose work does not involve the need to talk or sing a lot.

Reasons for visiting a phoniatrist:

- Voice changes: the voice has become hoarse, rough, weak, loss of expressiveness, loss of smoothness, narrowing of the vocal range when great effort is required during a conversation.

If people constantly ask you if you have a cold? - perhaps the doctor you need is a phoniatrist.

Inability to restore timbre after infectious diseases suffered more than a week ago

Feeling of a lump in the throat. Feeling tense or sore throat while talking or singing.

Difficulty passing food or liquid when swallowing.

Smoking for more than 5 years. Compounded heredity (if one of your close relatives had or has a pathology of the larynx)

I constantly have to clear my throat before speaking or during a conversation.

Professional and personal goals to increase your sonorous range and improve your vocal abilities.

Previously, it was believed that phoniatrists were specialists only for singers. In fact, among patients they do not make up such a large percentage of visits to a phoniatrist.

What do phoniatrists do?

Conservative therapy regimens are selected for the treatment of these conditions. The dynamics are monitored and treatment is adjusted using medication, physiotherapeutic treatment, inhalation therapy, therapeutic manipulations, for example, infusion of medicinal solutions into the larynx, herbal medicine.

They are engaged in the rehabilitation of vocal function, this technique is called phonopedia, classes are conducted by a phonopedist. Thanks to special exercises, voice quality, strength, endurance, and range improve. Voice modulation is being taught. Classes with a phonopedist increase the patient’s fitness and speech performance using pedagogical methods.

They are engaged in the rehabilitation of patients after illnesses or operations.

Provide emergency assistance in case of emergency conditions related to the vocal cords.

Determine the condition of the vocal apparatus for classes in a music school and vocal studio. All music schools and institutes require a certificate confirming the absence of contraindications for increased vocal loads. Grant admission to vocal lessons in accordance with phenotypic capabilities and assessment of health status.

Doctors have been trying to cure pathologies of the human voice since ancient times. One of the first to turn his attention to defects of the speech apparatus was the famous Avicenna. In his work entitled “The Canon of Medical Sciences,” he described the main diseases and their diagnosis and treatment. Later he created a treatise entirely devoted to the problem of voice formation.

Officially, 1855 is considered the year of origin of phoniatry. Singer and music teacher Manuel Garcia began using a device called a laryngoscope to examine the human larynx.

Who does a phoniatrist treat?

Problems with the vocal cords can appear in the life of every person, but the most frequent patients of a phoniatrist are people for whom the voice is the main working instrument. As a rule, these are film and theater artists, vocalists, announcers, politicians, clergy, teachers and educators in child care institutions, and customer service specialists.

Sometimes the reason for contacting such a specialist is not diseases of the speech apparatus, but the desire to change your voice - to make it more confident or melodious.

Reasons for visiting a phoniatrist

You should contact a phoniatric specialist if you experience the following conditions:
- loss of voice;
- painful sensations during speech;
- hoarseness that appears as a result of an ENT infection or overwork of the speech apparatus;
- narrowing of the vocal range;
- systematic dry cough;
- chronic laryngitis.

Voice problems can be caused not only by infectious diseases, but also by smoking, mechanical damage to the vocal cords, psychological problems, chronic fatigue or hypothermia.

How does the treatment work?

During the examination, the doctor will conduct video laryngostroboscopy - a hardware examination of the larynx and vocal cords, if necessary, a microbiological examination and prescribe treatment appropriate to your problems.

Treatment methods depend entirely on the patient's diagnosis. This can be a course of medication, local procedures such as inhalations, physiotherapy and ultrasound treatment, as well as highly effective voice gymnastics - phonopedia, the task of which is to restore or develop the necessary voice-speech skills.