Which saint to pray for a lost person. In what cases is a prayer for the conversion of a lost person read?

A lot has been written about what the Soul is, there are constant debates and debates, even scientific conferences are held. But now, much more important is that most people and progressive scientists already recognize the existence of the Soul. After all, without the existence of the soul, absolutely everything, life itself and the very existence of man, would be meaningless. Read about some evidence and justifications in favor of the existence of the soul.

Let's consider spiritual and esoteric Knowledge about the Soul.

What is the Human Soul? Only the most important things

Soul– this is Consciousness , the immortal part of a person that develops, gains its experience by incarnating on Earth in the human body and learning in.

Soul (Consciousness) – consists of 12 main chakras, doubles (central and additional), information channels, energy flows, subtle bodies, a spiritual being and a divine spark (in the heart of a spiritual being).

Soul is created with the help of the gods () from the highest, strongest and fastest divine energies for approximately 50,000 years, and it is created, as it is said in the Bible, in the image and likeness of the Creator.

In the image and likeness– means that the human soul contains practically unlimited potential, and the possibility in the future, having undergone evolution on Earth, then in Space, to become the Creator of Universes (to create universes, their worlds and creatures).

Because of its high purpose, the soul has the opportunity to gain immortality, which was originally inherent in its nature. But it must be said that not every soul, going through evolution, receives such a right. If the soul, at a certain stage of the path, does not choose the Path of Light (entry into the Hierarchy of Light and Service to God), but chooses the dark path (service), and after multiple attempts by the Higher Powers to return the person to the true path, the soul still chooses the path of Evil - it is deprived immortality and is completely destroyed (when a critical amount of evil accumulates in the consciousness and the chances of returning and healing the Soul become zero).

Life in the body necessary for the Soul for accelerated development, due to the ability to accumulate large volumes of energy (thanks to the physical body). Development can thus be accelerated hundreds of times.

Who else has doubts about the spiritual principle and the existence of the soul - read carefully.

Illusions and misconceptions about the Soul - debunking

1. No souls!

This is not true! 95% of people on earth, including advanced scientists, believe in the existence of the soul. Tens of thousands of phenomena have been recorded confirming the existence of the Soul, which materialistic science is unable to explain. Hundreds of spiritual qualities that Man possesses and which have no place in the physical body are direct confirmation that the soul exists. Read more about this.

2. The soul is a formless energy cloud that cannot be measured or defined in any way, since it has no structure!

This is nonsense! Absolutely any energy has its own structure. The human soul even more so. The soul has a very clear and complex structure (energy structure), mechanisms of formation and development. The soul can be perceived, seen in all details and studied in the same detail as the anatomy of the human physical body (only the soul is several orders of magnitude more complex in structure than the body). Its study is the next stage in the development of society in the knowledge of Man.

3. That the soul is incarnated once, and then goes somewhere irrevocably, becomes impersonal (it completely dissolves in the energy of the universe or God), etc.

This is wrong! Read more about soul incarnations. The soul never loses its individuality (personal form and essence), even when it unites with the Creator (reaching a spiritual, absolute level of development and higher). Each soul has its own special individuality (purpose) by birth (from the moment of its creation), and has its own predetermined place in the cosmos, where it will have to fulfill its purpose after evolution on Earth.

Main characteristics of the Human Soul

  • Soul - created by God (the Absolute) in the image and likeness (potentially has the same structure as the soul of God)
  • The soul is immortal, indestructible and indestructible (unless destroyed by God for Serving Evil, read above)
  • The soul is initially pure and bright in nature (created from light divine energies)
  • The Human Soul has a clear, precise structure, which can be known
  • The soul has almost infinite potential for development and the opportunity to one day become the Creator of Universes
  • The soul is subtly material , that is, invisible to physical eyes, but clearly visible with the help of astral vision
  • Each Soul has its own individuality , which is determined by the special purpose inherent in the creation of the Soul
  • The soul develops on Earth through the physical body at an accelerated rate, but can develop without it in (much slower)
  • Every soul has all abilities and super abilities, which were manifested in at least one person (which is in one, that is, in everyone)
  • Soul – can become dark and be destroyed (lose immortality), through a very long accumulation of evil by man (many incarnations in a row

The human soul can be described endlessly, we have said only the essence, without details. Believe in your immortal Soul and do everything to learn to hear it! Do everything in the interests of your Soul, and never act against it!

What is the Human Soul and what is its essence is sought by many, both philosophers and scientists. But, the most preferable in this matter is esoteric knowledge, which differs from traditional methods of scientific research.

Every religion recognizes the existence of the Soul, however, each of them has its own concept of it.

People know a lot about the Soul and have even given it very specific characteristics: a person has a broad Soul or vice versa, it is weak or strong, it hurts and can be healed, you can touch it, or you can destroy it. She can die and be reborn. Among the people there is such a concept: “mysterious Russian Soul” or, for example, - he has a “kind Soul”, these concepts sometimes subconsciously escape from a person’s mouth.

The human soul, what is it from an esoteric point of view?

Modern esotericists offer their own version. For a deeper understanding, let's give some definitions:

Soul of man− this is an information structure, an installed “package” of higher feelings and laws that make us people, and not robots with a cold mind, a kind of repository of life energy (the Light of God).

The human soul is energy, it is some part of the consciousness of God (the Creator, the Supreme Mind), it is life itself, continuing, changing, transforming. She is immortal and indivisible.

Assumption. It is assumed that when a person develops his soul, he develops the consciousness of God, thereby drawing closer and reuniting with him. The connection between the consciousness of God and the soul of man is never broken. The ultimate goal of a person is to achieve enlightenment and connect with his deity, to connect so much as to become the same, that is, to return to his original source. And this assumption is not far from the truth.

The soul is you and is within yourself. A person thinks and feels inside himself as he is, but cannot express it in words, he is afraid that others will not understand him. It is she who defines a person as a person.

She is the source of eternal life, she is its meaning. It is the Soul that motivates a person to develop, not to stop there, to look for new ways of functioning and reproduces itself, thus creating an absolute self-sustaining system of life. Life in the body and Soul is necessary for accelerated development, which can accelerate hundreds of times.

Outlines (characteristics) of the Soul

Soul− this is energy in the form of a small ball, with a diameter of 30 to 150 mm, consists of 12 chakras, and has a very complex energy structure. This energy consists of invisible silver threads, in the center of which there is a luminous point.

American scientists have established through a series of experiments that at the moment of death a person immediately loses weight from 3 to 7 grams. Therefore, we can conclude that the “weight” of the Soul is 3-10 grams. Such a concept as a “big Soul” can be taken literally.

Scientists also discovered, using special, sensitive equipment, that at the moment of human death (separation of the Soul from the body) a significant jump in energy occurs. Many scientists recognize the fact of the existence of the human Soul.

The soul is created by God (the Supreme Mind, the Creator). The human soul can be defined as a higher essence, a given, which cannot exist without a temporary physical shelter, and, with the completion of the circle of human life, inevitably finds a new embodiment for the further development and transformation of the previous accumulated experience.

By its nature the Soul:

  • Light and pure, consists of light divine energies;
  • on Earth it develops more rapidly, through the physical body, compared to the subtle world (much slower);
  • has unlimited potential for development i.e. The Soul potentially contains great possibilities and is given to it to realize its purpose.

You can even say that the Soul is a cosmic substance that either connects with the physical body or separates again in order to summarize all the diversity of thoughts, changes, experiences, accumulation of knowledge and reach a new level of energy and self-reproducing life. The purity of the Soul is determined by which experience is greater - light or dark.

Here there is an identification of the physical image of a person with the Soul inhabiting him in this life. It has already been mentioned that the Soul is not omnipotent and uses the material shell of the body temporarily, because in our dimension it cannot exist and develop as pure consciousness.

She requires constant search, movement, development, and therefore is tied to the body that she chose for these purposes. But she does not determine the vector of this movement, she can only try to direct it and give the opportunity to choose. In addition to the Soul, there are thoughts, intentions, the desire for comfort and achieving a prosperous status, according to the norms accepted in a given society.

And not in every body the Soul can fully live and develop. For full spiritual development, you need to learn to “hear” your Soul, listen to your inner voice (intuition) - have a connection with It. Thus, the Spiritual path of development is important for each of us and is not possible without real knowledge of ourselves (our inner world of feelings and thoughts).

What is the Spiritual path of development, read

What is the Human Soul from the point of view of philosophy?

Ancient philosophers initially viewed the human Soul as a physical substance consisting of fiery atoms, which are driven by other atoms emanating from external material objects. Further philosophical reflections consolidated the concept of the Soul as something ethereal, independent of physical existence. Meanwhile, the undoubted connection between the physical and the spiritual was emphasized.

The soul enters the human body to seek new experience and further improvement, but sometimes it falls into physical captivity and reduces its desire for development due to everyday, everyday life needs that overwhelm the body. Some of the philosophers gave it three abilities: 1-cognition, 2-reason, 3-will.

In detail: prayer for a lost soul - from all open sources and different parts of the world on the site for our dear readers.

Prayer book

Prayers for conversion to faith

Prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ

Merciful Lord! Thy will be done, that we all may be saved and come to the understanding of truth! Save and preserve Your servant (name), accept this prayer of mine, like a cry of love commanded by You!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy and have mercy on Your servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, heal his mental and physical infirmities, lead him to faith and salvation. Amen.

Wife's prayer for an unbelieving husband

(Sche-abbot Ioann (Alekseeva))

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my husband (name), save and bring him to reason.

Parents' prayer for children

Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and the eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conversion of the lost

(St. Gabriel of Novgorod)

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your Mother’s boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above and on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul! Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for non-believers

Mistress, accept the prayers of Your servants for those who suffer from unbelief (names) and deliver them from spiritual blindness, so that they may see the light of divine faith, and may all turn into the bowels of the Mother Church and be delivered from all need and sorrow.

Prayer to the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John for the unbaptized

O holy servant of God, John the Baptist of the Savior, hear me, a sinner (name)! Pray to Christ God to grant the grace of holy baptism to His servants (names), and to me the grace of holy repentance. May we all collectively glorify the mercy in the Trinity of the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your zealous intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Complete collection and description: prayer for the lost soul of a husband for the spiritual life of a believer.

Hope God knows

Dmitry, God knows

Peter, Biberach Germany

Dmitry, it’s not that important

Christian prayer center

Prayer for a lost husband

City, country: Ukraine

Lord help me! Give some sense to my errant husband Sergius! Guide him on the path of Your commandments, to repentance, to correct his sinful life! Lord, do not let the lost soul perish! Take away, Lord, from my husband people who indulge in the sins of pride, fornication, adultery, lies and drunkenness! God bless Sergei and Marina with faithful, unhypocritical love and deliver them from all enemies, visible and invisible, fighting my family! Amen.

Number of people who supported this prayer: 179

The site administration publishes prayer requests practically “as is,” correcting, if possible, only spelling errors (when we have time) or reprinting requests from “translit” (Latin) into the Russian alphabet. In all other respects, we trust God that He hears all prayer requests from us sinners and does not put obstacles in our prayer. If you, spiritual brothers and sisters, believe that some prayer request is unacceptable from a Christian point of view, do not judge the author of the request, but PRAY for him or her as God puts on your heart. In everything, may God be glorified and may everyone know His love and salvation. Amen.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer for the preservation of the family and admonishment of the husband

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. “God bless you!”

Family is the most valuable thing in every woman’s life. And when trouble comes, and requests are no longer able to help, she turns to the word of God. Prayer for preserving the family and admonishing the husband is the only and sure way to preserve the relationship and return to its former happiness.

This prayer gives confidence and strength, because the path to creating something new is quite difficult, and only a wise woman can pass it. And most importantly, you need to believe in what you are fighting for and, trusting in the Lord, not lose your true appearance.

  • Before you start reading, you must repent of all your sins before the icon of the Savior in church or at home, and confess.
  • When asking the Almighty for help, one should remember that it is in the strength and faith that he gives, for only a person himself can overcome the evil and trials that befall his family and come to a righteous decision - to love his neighbor as himself, learn patience , find spiritual purity, peace and tranquility.
  • By turning to God in prayer often and sincerely, you can be sure that he will hear it and reward the benefit that everyone deserves, because a family is real wealth given by Heaven, a spiritual hearth that can warm only when the fire burns in it quiet, bright, imperishable.

The prayer for admonishing the husband is read in these words:

Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, help me in a good cause, in the salvation of my family. Hear me, sinful and unworthy, praying to You at this hour. With tears in my eyes, I pray to You: bring some understanding to the servant of God (name), my husband. Gather the lost and guide them to the right path. Teach him to be a good and worthy husband to his wife.

Lord, I pray to You with all my heart, do not let our family fall apart. Hold me and my husband together. Grant us love for each other, patience and strength to live together according to Your commandments. I trust in Your help, Lord. Amen.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch the video prayer for admonition to John Chrysostom:


Create a pure heart in me

Prayer from the prayer song “For the Conversion of the Lost”

Almighty God, Master and Creator of all creation, fill everything with Your majesty and support with Your power! To You, our all-gifted Lord, we offer unworthy thanks, for You do not turn away from us for our iniquities for the sake of ours, but rather You precede us with Your bounties. Thou didst send Thy only begotten Son for our deliverance, and proclaimed Thy immeasurable condescension to the human race: as Thou didst desire and wait for us to turn to Thee and be saved: Thou, condescending to the weakness of our nature, strengthened us with the omnipotent grace of Thy Holy Spirit. , comforting with saving faith and perfect hope of eternal blessings, and guiding Your chosen ones to the heavenly Zion, observing them like the apple of your eye. We confess, Lord, Your great and unconditional love for mankind and mercy. But seeing many attempts, we diligently pray to You, O all-merciful Lord: look at Your Church, and see that Your saving gospel has been proclaimed even joyfully, but the thorns of vanity and passions create it in some with little fruit, in some with little fruit, and in multiplication lawlessness and heresies, and schism opposing Thy gospel truth, they retreat from Thy inheritance, reject Thy grace and subject themselves to the judgment of Thy Most Holy Word. Most Merciful and All-Powerful, do not be completely angry, Lord! Be merciful, Your Church prays to You, presenting to You the Author and Finisher of our salvation Jesus Christ, be merciful to us, strengthen us in orthodoxy by Your power, but enlighten the eyes of those who go astray with Your Divine light, so that they will understand Your truth, soften their bitterness and open up rumors, may they know Your voice and turn to You, our Savior. Correct, Lord, the corruption and life of others that is not in accordance with Christian piety: create, that we may all live holy and immaculately, and thus saving faith will take root and be fruitful in our hearts. Do not turn Your face away from us, O Lord, reward us with the joy of Your salvation; Grant, O Lord, to the shepherds of Your Church holy zeal, and dissolve their concern for the salvation and conversion of those who go astray with the spirit of the Gospel: so that we may guide all of us, where the perfection of faith, the fulfillment of hope and true love: and there, from the faces of the purest heavenly powers, we will glorify You our Lord , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

(Printed from the book: Inheritance of the prayer song “On the Conversion of the Lost,” sung on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and on other necessary occasions. St. Petersburg, 1902).

Prayer for the conversion of those rejected from the church.

Let's pray. God, who corrects human errors, gathers the scattered and protects those gathered, we pray to You, pour out the grace of unity on the Christian people, leaving behind schisms, and in unity with the true shepherd of Your Church, serve You worthily. For the sake of Christ our Lord. Amen.

O most immaculate Virgin Mary, we, Thy servants and children of the Universal Church, trusting in Thy mighty intercession, humbly pray to Thee, deign to implore the Holy Spirit; for the sake of the glory and honor of His eternal walk from the Father and the Son, may He give the abundance of His gifts to all our brothers who are alien to church unity, so that, enlightened by His life-giving grace, they return to the bosom of the Universal Church and recognize the unmistakable leadership of the supreme shepherd and teacher, the Roman the High Priest, and so sincerely uniting with us by the inextricable bonds of one love, one faith and being in the performance of good deeds, we continually gave glory to the Most Holy Trinity and honor to You, O Virgin Mary of Grace, now and forever.

God, complete the unity of minds in truth and the unity of hearts in love. Amen.

About the conversion of the lost. Prayer to the Mother of God (St. Gabriel of Novgorod)

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin, Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Grant Thy mercy to this (Name), deprived of God's mercy and grace, intercede with Your Mother's boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!

On the forums I came across a lot of discussions about whether it is necessary to pray for unbelievers and the lost at all. I don't want to participate in controversy. In the Gospel, everything seems to be clearly written: “Love your neighbor as yourself” - “Who is my neighbor” - then see the Parable of the Good Samaritan. As far as I remember, the Jews considered the Samaritans to be wicked and infidels. But according to Christ, we must love them. That is, we must love not the good and Orthodox, but our neighbors, even if they are “bad” and “wrong.”

A Powerful Prayer for the Lost

What to do in a situation if a loved one leads a sinful life, but does not want to change, since everything suits him. Can the relatives and friends of such a person benefit by praying for the lost? After all, it turns out that they are asking for changes in a person’s fate against his will? And how can this be correlated with numerous references in spiritual literature that the Lord does not save a person against the will of that person? Priests clearly answer such questions that prayer requests related to caring for the perishing person definitely benefit the sinner. Prayer for lost souls can change a person, make him aware of the sinfulness of his life, and then, when the awareness comes and the desire to improve arises, the Lord will help him. Everything will happen according to the will of man.

Orthodox prayer for the lost and unbelievers

In pre-revolutionary Russia, parents brought children to the Orthodox faith. Then there was a period of denial of faith, persecution and repression aimed at church ministers, and the churches themselves were destroyed and plundered. Now the situation has changed - more and more people are visiting temples and leading a righteous lifestyle. But these are mainly middle-aged and young people. And there is also a whole layer of people who grew up under Soviet rule and fell away from the faith - these are people whose conscious life passed in times of unbelief. If there are non-believers in your family, then there is no need to force them to accept Christianity. It is necessary, through Christian prayer for the conversion of the lost, to ask the Lord to guide non-believers on the true path. It’s never too late to come to faith; you can do this at 25 or at 75. Independent prayer for lost souls will also help those who have fallen away from the church, those who have stopped praying and attending services.

Christian prayer for the understanding of the lost

Orthodox prayer for the lost will do much more to save those who are addicted to drugs or drink than all the groans, sighs and persuasion combined. Prayer for the lost is a powerful tool; it helps those who have fallen into a sect; it can also bring reason to those who have gone to another religion. Prayers for the lost must come from the depths of your soul; with all your heart you must desire the sinner’s conversion to a righteous life, then the prayer will be heard and accepted by God.

Text of Orthodox prayer for lost souls

God! Do not despise me, an evil and sinful servant, have mercy on me, Lord, Redeemer and Teacher! Reveal to me, Your servant, the secret of mysteries, what does it mean to know God and man!? Your Word in Scripture calls for this, the fathers speak about it, prayers call for this. But what is this, Lord?!

Why do I dare to ask You to reveal this secret? Because this mystery will open the way to my salvation and allow me to fulfill Your will!

Asking him to reveal this secret to me, I will reveal to You my secret, but which You know even better than me. But I will tell it - not to you as to myself.

When I lived without You, Lord, I learned about the visible world, and everything was clear to me. I did not know You, but I knew the world and its laws, I knew my desires and my thoughts. I collected all this before I heard your Voice, which always sounded calling me, but out of oblivion and ignorance I did not pay attention to it.

But You gave me repentance and brought me into Your Holy Church! And behold, I am with You! Now I know for sure that You exist, and that You are merciful and that You are Love, but I am looking for You or myself, I cannot understand. Everything seems clear: here you are, here I am, and I don’t know what’s next.

Or maybe it just seems to me that I’m with You, because... I live as before, and only then do I remember You and my soul, when evening comes and I need to read a prayer to You; or when I have free time, I read the Scriptures or the Holy Fathers; or on weekends I go to church; and such “or” can be continued, and they are all periodic, not constant.

I'm confused, little is clear to me. After all, I fulfill the commandments; I don’t steal or kill. I try to fight my passions, but it doesn’t work, a certain force draws me to my usual actions, words and thoughts. After all, I read fathers as if I understand, but as if I don’t. After all, I try to do what they say, but it doesn’t work, or it works, but only once. After all, I’m trying to pray, but my thoughts run away and it’s impossible to collect them. After all, I participate in the sacraments of the Church - I confess and receive communion and believe in them. After all, I believe in the terrible Judgment, and I am afraid of it. After all, I want to be saved from eternal hell, but I don’t want to go into it. After all, I don’t want to sin, but I sin, submitting to evil spirits. After all, I know that You exist, and I believe it. I know that You are Love, but I don’t feel it and I can’t answer You in kind.

You see, Lord, how much I know and do, but why doesn’t all this bring me contrition, joy and peace in my heart, about which the holy fathers write?!

And here I am before You, Lord! Forgive me, my Lord, broken and mutilated by my desires, my thoughts, my feelings. Reveal to me the secret of secrets, what does it mean to know You, the Incomprehensible and Unchangeable, and yourself, the insane and fickle?!


In our network, it has become possible to submit notes to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Holy Land) for a prayer service for forgiveness of the sin of abortion at the holy relics of the Bethlehem babies. More details:


Dear prayer books!

Before writing names and praying for non-believers, please watch the video “On prayer for other people” (Arch. Vladimir Golovin, Bolgar)

Write to your loved ones. Avoid writing the names of those suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. God, be merciful to me, a sinner. (Bow)

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

To the Lord Jesus Christ

God! Enlighten the lost (names), convert them to Thy holy Church and save them by Thy omnipotent grace! Keep us in Orthodoxy and the true faith, for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages.

Prayer to the Mother of God (St. Gabriel of Novgorod)

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin, Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with Your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your Mother’s boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!

At the end of the prayers

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Keep your mind in hell and you will never sin.

Prayer book

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, God-chosen Youth, Mother of Christ, retribution for the lost and Joy to all who mourn! Oh, Fragrant Flower, quick Helper and Intercessor of all those who flow to You and a strong refuge for repentant sinners! We run to You and shed tears before Your mercy, and we pray and ask You: forgive us the iniquities and grave crimes committed all the days of our sinful life! We have sinned and departed from keeping the commandments of Your Son - Christ the Savior of the world. Give understanding, save and preserve not only us, who are sluggish in negligence about the salvation of souls, but most of all, convert with Your mercy all our lost children, brothers and sisters, who have departed from the Lord and the Holy Church, and all the near and distant of our family (names of the lost). Enlighten their hearts and minds with the light of Your Son, keep them in the passion of God, humility, chastity and obedience, drive away from them every enemy and adversary who hinders them in the knowledge and veneration of God, the One in the Holy Trinity, glorified and worshiped, deliver them from all ignorance of the will of the Lord, oblivion of the great and terrible Day of Judgment and petrified insensibility, sprinkle their hearts with the dew of God’s grace, grant them and us the spirit of contrition and repentance for sins, write us in the Book of Eternal Life, so that with one mouth and one heart we will glorify the All-Honorable and Magnificent the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your merciful intercession now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Use of site materials is possible only with the written permission of the editor.

You can talk some sense into a walking husband with prayers

Nowadays husbands are like that and strive to run away from their wives. If they miss them, they will spread their tail like a peacock and grab their suitcase. Or worse, they make themselves sweethearts.

Nowadays husbands are like that and strive to run away from their wives.

And young women are now looking at other people’s husbands. Certainly! A free man needs to be caught and accustomed to family life.

And the man, cordial, rejoices. Like, wow, I still live with a young man. Understanding his mistake will come to him much later.

And the wife raised the children on her own. And he has been living his own life for a long time.

And grieving wives are all the same. First he talks, then there are tears and threats, and then heavy artillery is used.

So, of course, you need to save your family with all your might. And this places a heavy burden on a woman’s shoulders. It’s difficult because a man, having sensed the breeze of freedom, becomes deaf to all the arguments of reason.

And grieving wives are all the same. First he talks, then there are tears and threats, and then heavy artillery is used. This is what is closer to her. Magic or prayers to God.

Magic in inept hands is a terrible weapon. You can do such a thing that you won’t be able to fix it later. She will save her family and take away her health, or her husband will start drinking. And prayers to the Lord are a good thing.

Buy an icon of the Savior from the church, and every day before going to bed, or even more often, read this prayer.

First, repent of your sins:

“Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on me. Forgive me all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, known and unknown. Cleanse my mental and physical ailments, and guide me on the true path. Dry my tears and give me strength to survive all the sorrows that you have put in my path. Show me the path I need to take. I pray to you, Lord, grant me your help and protection. Amen." Now proceed to the main prayer:

“Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, help me in a good cause, in the salvation of my family. Hear me, sinful and unworthy, praying to You at this hour. With tears in my eyes, I pray to You: bring some understanding to the servant of God (name), my husband. Gather the lost and guide them to the right path. Teach him to be a good and worthy husband to his wife.

Rely on His will, read a prayer for the preservation of your family, and know that no matter what happens, everything will be fine for you.

Arouse in the heart of God’s servant (name) love for me, his wife, and show all the corruption of his deeds. Melt his coldness, resurrect his love. Don't let the family be destroyed, give us family good.

Lord, protect my husband from the devil’s temptation and sinful life. Especially autumn and protect the servant of God (name) from all misfortunes and crafty demons who want to sacrifice him and bring him to hell alive.

Instruct my husband to live according to Your covenants: to love his wife, take care of her and be responsible for her. Enlighten Your servant (name) to start all over again, to forget and forgive all offenses against me.

Lord, I pray to You with all my heart, do not let our family fall apart. Hold me and my husband together. Grant us love for each other, patience and strength to live together according to Your commandments. I trust in Your help, Lord. Amen. »

Pray more often, and with all your heart, and you will be heard. The Lord will help you through your prayer, and will save your family and enlighten your husband.

And sometimes it happens that the Lord admonishes the wife. And gives her the understanding that there will be no happiness with this person. And sends her a good husband in return.

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This article contains: prayer for the salvation of a lost soul - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Prayer for the salvation of the soul

“Each of us has a chance to be saved - to receive the forgiveness of all sins and the salvation of our souls from hell - while we are alive. After our death, nothing can be changed"

There is one the most important prayer. Without it, all other prayers are meaningless. If you consciously say this prayer, then you can achieve the salvation of your soul.

“Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. Forgive me for all the sins I have committed in life. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and rose again for my justification before God the Father. I invite You into my life. I open my heart to You. Enter it. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Guide me through this life. I place my life in Your holy hands. Amen."

“Jesus, forgive me all my sins. I believe that You died for me. I accept You as my Lord. Amen."

This prayer is based on the following passages from the Bible:

“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” (Acts 3:19)

“He who believes in the Son has eternal life, and he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.” (John 3:36)

“And to those who received Him, to those who believed on His name, He gave power to become children of God, who were born neither of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)

“For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom. 10:9)

Jesus says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.” (Rev. 3:20)

Friends, saying this prayer consciously means:

  • understand the meaning words in this prayer - to understand what we are saying, to internally agree with these words;
  • actions after prayer - make a decision: start a new life with God after this prayer.

When saying this prayer, you need to take three steps:

2. Believe in Jesus;

3. Accept Jesus as your Lord.

Let's look at each of these steps in detail.

1. Repentance

Repent- means admitting your sinfulness (all people are born sinners, and none of us are an exception), asking the Lord for forgiveness for your sins, admitting that you have walked the wrong path through life, and turning to Jesus Christ, deciding to follow Him, those. no longer walk through life along a sinful path, but a path that pleases God (after this you will not stop committing sins, but you will already strive not to do this, you will ask God for forgiveness for them and His strength to stop doing them).

2. Faith in Jesus

Believe in Jesus- means to believe that Jesus Christ is God who came to earth in the form of a man (“...God appeared in the flesh...” 1 Tim. 3:16), died on the cross for your sins (i.e. was punished instead you for your sins, although He Himself did not commit a single sin) and was resurrected for your justification before God the Father, to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior (i.e. to believe that thanks to His death and resurrection He saved you from hell, from God’s judgment in eternity).

3. Accepting Jesus as your Lord

Accept Jesus as your Lord- means allowing Him to be Master in your life, inviting Him into your life, opening your heart to Him, allowing Him to lead you through this life, putting your life in His hands (trusting Him with your life).

You need to talk to God as a loving Father in your own words in prayer (for example, thank you for the good, ask for forgiveness for everyday sins that you notice in yourself, ask the Lord to change you for the better and ask Him for guidance, help, solutions to problems) .

Prayer for the healing of the sick

If you have found or lost a cross

Unusual Prayer

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Prayers for salvation

There are situations in life when you can only rely on your faith and the help of God. Prayers for the salvation of soul and body can help in the most difficult circumstances.

Every Orthodox person knows that with the help of faith in God you can completely change your life and Destiny. However, even in the life of true Christian believers, there are moments when all that remains is to pray to God and the saints, hoping that everything will work out.

Prayer from enemies and danger

This psalm goes back hundreds of years. The priests say that it was he who was read during the persecution of the Orthodox Church, wars and disasters. It is also effective in cases of personal danger to life and health, as a remedy against witchcraft and evil people.

“May God rise again, and let His enemies disappear, and let those who hate Him flee. As smoke disappears, they will disappear. As wax melts in the face of fire, so demons will perish from the face of those who love God and are marked with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, cast out demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on You, who descended into hell and overcame the power of the devil. , and who gave us His Sign of the Cross to drive out all evil. Most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for the salvation of the soul

This prayer and similar ones are read:

  • about those in custody;
  • about those who have broken the law;
  • about missing persons;
  • about those who have left the path of faith in God.

“Lord, hear me at this hour! I run to You, and I pray to You, hear me, Your sinful and unworthy servant. Do not leave me, Lord, come to me and comfort my sorrow. I pray to You, our almighty and merciful Lord and Shepherd, for help. Do not leave me and your servant (name) in darkness, do not allow me to fall and fall into the abyss, illuminate my path and your servant (name) and send salvation and Your Light to the one for whom I ask You. For the sake of the Virgin Mary and the Life-giving Cross, forgive our sins and do not leave us without Your intercession. Amen".

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for salvation from trouble

“Most Holy Virgin, great and immaculate Mother of God! Hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God, hear and do not leave me in grief and danger. Come and cover me with your holy veil, protect me from evil and show me the path to salvation. Ask Your Son and our God not to leave me and to lend His Hand to cover me from evil. Amen".

A strong prayer against curses will help you change your life and protect yourself and your family from hatred and evil witchcraft. We wish you a calm life and peace in your soul. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Almighty God, Master and Creator of all creation, fill everything with Your majesty and support with Your power! To You, our all-gifted Lord, we offer unworthy thanks, for You do not turn away from us for our iniquities for the sake of ours, but rather You precede us with Your bounties. Thou didst send Thy only begotten Son for our deliverance, and proclaimed Thy immeasurable condescension to the human race: as Thou didst desire and wait for us to turn to Thee and be saved: Thou, condescending to the weakness of our nature, strengthened us with the omnipotent grace of Thy Holy Spirit. , comforting with saving faith and perfect hope of eternal blessings, and guiding Your chosen ones to the heavenly Zion, observing them like the apple of your eye. We confess, Lord, Your great and unconditional love for mankind and mercy. But seeing many attempts, we diligently pray to You, O all-merciful Lord: look at Your Church, and see that Your saving gospel has been proclaimed even joyfully, but the thorns of vanity and passions create it in some with little fruit, in some with little fruit, and in multiplication lawlessness and heresies, and schism opposing Thy gospel truth, they retreat from Thy inheritance, reject Thy grace and subject themselves to the judgment of Thy Most Holy Word. Most Merciful and All-Powerful, do not be completely angry, Lord! Be merciful, Your Church prays to You, presenting to You the Author and Finisher of our salvation Jesus Christ, be merciful to us, strengthen us in orthodoxy by Your power, but enlighten the eyes of those who go astray with Your Divine light, so that they will understand Your truth, soften their bitterness and open up rumors, may they know Your voice and turn to You, our Savior. Correct, Lord, the corruption and life of others that is not in accordance with Christian piety: create, that we may all live holy and immaculately, and thus saving faith will take root and be fruitful in our hearts. Do not turn Your face away from us, O Lord, reward us with the joy of Your salvation; Grant, O Lord, to the shepherds of Your Church holy zeal, and dissolve their concern for the salvation and conversion of those who go astray with the spirit of the Gospel: so that we may guide all of us, where the perfection of faith, the fulfillment of hope and true love: and there, from the faces of the purest heavenly powers, we will glorify You our Lord , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

(Printed from the book: Inheritance of the prayer song “On the Conversion of the Lost,” sung on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and on other necessary occasions. St. Petersburg, 1902).

Prayer for the conversion of those rejected from the church.

Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from the nations to glorify Your holy name, to boast in Your glory. Praise the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever (Psalm 105). Glory to the Father and the Son, etc.

Let's pray. God, who corrects human errors, gathers the scattered and protects those gathered, we pray to You, pour out the grace of unity on the Christian people, leaving behind schisms, and in unity with the true shepherd of Your Church, serve You worthily. For the sake of Christ our Lord. Amen.

O most immaculate Virgin Mary, we, Thy servants and children of the Universal Church, trusting in Thy mighty intercession, humbly pray to Thee, deign to implore the Holy Spirit; for the sake of the glory and honor of His eternal walk from the Father and the Son, may He give the abundance of His gifts to all our brothers who are alien to church unity, so that, enlightened by His life-giving grace, they return to the bosom of the Universal Church and recognize the unmistakable leadership of the supreme shepherd and teacher, the Roman the High Priest, and so sincerely uniting with us by the inextricable bonds of one love, one faith and being in the performance of good deeds, we continually gave glory to the Most Holy Trinity and honor to You, O Virgin Mary of Grace, now and forever.

God, complete the unity of minds in truth and the unity of hearts in love. Amen.

About the conversion of the lost. Prayer to the Mother of God (St. Gabriel of Novgorod)

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin, Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Grant Thy mercy to this (Name), deprived of God's mercy and grace, intercede with Your Mother's boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!

From the forums

Lord our God, send down Your grace from above and through the intercession of Your Mother, the Most Pure Theotokos, drive away the proud and unclean demon from the soul (...name) and warm the cold heart (...name) with the warmth of the Holy Spirit, so that he can listen to the crying voice from Holy Mother, Catholic and Apostolic Church, who said: obey your teachers and submit, for they are watching over your souls, who want to give a word and an answer before You, the terrible judge. O Lord, have mercy on our weakness.

Other sources

Lord, enlighten those who have apostatized from the Orthodox faith and are blinded by destructive heresies with the light of Your knowledge and Your holy parable of the Apostolic and Catholic Church.

For guests -
On the forums I came across a lot of discussions about whether it is necessary to pray for unbelievers and the lost at all. I don't want to participate in controversy. In the Gospel, everything seems to be clearly written: “Love your neighbor as yourself” - “Who is my neighbor” - further see the Parable of the Good Samaritan. As far as I remember, the Jews considered the Samaritans to be wicked and infidels. But according to Christ, we must love them. That is, we must love not the good and Orthodox, but our neighbors, even if they are “bad” and “wrong.”

So, God bless all non-believers, as well as those of little faith. Strengthen our faith and save everything!

Help, Lord, Lesha Tektonidi and his mother. Send the baby a speedy recovery, and give his mother patience!