How to wear a cross on your body correctly. Pectoral symbol of the Christian faith

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    An article from Lyudmila Gubko’s ninth book, “We Answer Questions.” Please read to the end.

    “...God has no religion, no nationality,
    and He does not distinguish people by the color of their skin.
    All earthlings are children of the Lord...”

    Lyudmila Masterina

    LETTER“Dear Lyudmila Konstantinovna! Women who believe in God with their hearts are writing to you. We believe, we read prayers, although there are many things we don’t understand about them. We go to church and take communion. It was in the church that we had trouble. We wear simple smooth crosses without a crucifix under our clothes. Some have silver ones, some have gold ones, and one of us wears a simple equilateral juniper cross. In the church they reprimanded us and told us to buy and wear only a cross and a crucifix. But we can't do this. Our soul does not belong to such a cross, and we are accustomed to our own. We have a question for you. Tell us, please, is it necessary to wear a crucifix? With respect to you, four believing women: Manya, Olya, Tanya and Raya.”

    Letters like this often come to my email, and I have to answer the question: “WHY CAN’T YOU WEAR A CROSS/CRUCIFIX?”
    Apparently, the time has come when a true answer must be given to this question. I ask you to read it carefully, think, compare and decide for yourself whether you need this information. We do not impose our opinion and do not persuade anyone, WE GIVE INFORMATION, nothing more . You can flip through the pages of the Internet and you will find a lot of similar questions and not a single correct answer. But if a question is asked, it needs a true answer, otherwise lies will continue to spread across the Earth. I will try to briefly answer OPENLY to everyone who is concerned about this issue. Read.

    For 1615 years now, Christians on planet Earth have been worshiping the crucifixion. You ask why 1615 years, since Christ came to Earth 2015 years ago? Yes, 2015 years ago a simple, very kind and bright man walked on our Earth. Love for all living things burned in His heart. She knew no boundaries and poured on people through His eyes, His words, His heart. His knowledge and simplicity were admirable. People went to him for help and received it, not understanding whose Love they accepted with their hearts. Teacher Jesus Christ in our book “I am knocking on your heart” says: “Just for a moment, imagine that at that time of troubles, when Christianity was just beginning, three Great Cosmic Beings, Three Cosmic Spirits, Three Great Gods walked on the Earth, but in physical bodies. Mother Mary - Incarnate Angel of Love, Universal Sananda Christ and My Cosmic Female Half. We all lived in the physical bodies of ordinary earthly people: Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. And this is the Truth! Holy Truth!”1
    The Great Gods lived on Earth, but, unfortunately, people did not understand them and did not accept them. And the Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth in order to tell people that the Heavenly Father exists and He is our Heavenly Parent. It is He who gives each newborn a Drop of His Love - a soul. Christ said that we people are not slaves, but children of God, that He is one of the Sons, and He is the same as all people. Christ was, is and will forever be the Torch of Divine Love, which points the way to God, Light and Peace. Jesus Christ is the ETERNAL LIVING SPIRIT of FIRE LOVE, which He pours endlessly and every second on all life on Earth, which means on you and me, dear readers. Christ spoke about Love, spoke the truth, which not everyone liked. His request: “PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER!” has not yet been implemented. It was the truth and His Love for people that caused Him to be crucified on the cross. There is no need to talk much about this, since too much has been said by people, both true and false, over the past millennium. At that time, spirituality on Earth was in oblivion. Humanity is mired in its sins and unbelief. You know that the Lord took upon himself the enormous Karma of humanity in order to save the planet. He suffered for his love for people. But this does not mean that Christ took upon himself the sins of men and all people immediately became sinless. No. The Lord, with his suffering and his Fiery Love, saved both the planet and humanity from certain destruction, since people in their sins approached the line of Sodom and Gomorrah. And people, instead of gratitude, simply crucified Him as a criminal. Human evil killed the body of the Lord, but did not kill the Cosmic Spirit, which burned, is burning and will forever burn with Fiery Divine Love.

    “Execution - crucifixion on a cross or on a log was known in Babylonia, Greece, Palestine, and Carthage. But the most widespread received execution in Ancient Rome, where it became the main type of cruel, shameful and painful death penalty. This is how they were executed especially dangerous criminals(rebels, traitors, prisoners of war, robbers, runaway slaves). After the suppression of the Spartacus uprising, all the captured slaves, about 6 thousand people, were crucified on crosses along the Appian Way from Capua to Rome. Marcus Licinius Crassus never gave the order to remove the bodies.”2 A number of Christian saints, such as the apostles Andrew and Peter, and the martyr Cleonikos of Amasia, were also executed by crucifixion. It must be said that this cruel punishment is not a thing of the past. Its bitter echoes live to this day. For example: Iranian Islamic Criminal Law, Article 195, which states that crucifixion is still one of the punishments in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Sudanese penal code, based on the government's interpretation of sharia, includes execution by hanging followed by crucifixion of the executed body as punishment. In Sudanese criminal justice, persons convicted of blasphemy are subject to such execution. When 88 people were sentenced to death in 2002, Amnesty International suggested they could be executed by hanging or crucifixion.(Wikipedia)

  2. It is impossible to imagine the horror of the death of thousands of people crucified on the cross. Over many millennia, this execution has become a symbol of the deepest grief, tears, and suffering. Just one combination of words - crucifixion - evoked in people extreme fear and feeling internal pain. The forces of darkness rejoiced when they saw how people mocked their own kind. If people can calmly bring evil to others without thinking about the consequences, then why not make this symbol of evil and pain their weapon in order to turn people away from the True Faith, force them to believe in lies presented by the servants of the forces of darkness, to obey without thinking, to all superiors, to prohibit all kinds of disturbances and disagreements, to organize a religion on Earth, and to make its decisions law for people. The forces of darkness know that God has no religion, no nationality, and He does not distinguish people by skin color. All earthlings are children of the Lord. The forces of darkness know that if a person begins to believe in the Almighty God with his heart and live in simplicity, kindness, love and peace, then such a person cannot be led astray from the true path, it is impossible to win over to one’s side and force him to do evil. And evil, unbelief, hatred, cruelty flourished on Earth and, unfortunately, still flourishes.

    It must be said that in those distant times there was faith in the Most High Father, faith in the Light of Love, in the Light of the Sun. Belief in the Sun God was strong for many millennia, right up to the birth of Christ. There was no religion, but people believed in their hearts, there were no churches, but people prayed to the Almighty Father. They believed that the power of God lies in the Fiery Cross, which is an equilateral cross. An equilateral cross is when the horizontal axis intersects the vertical exactly in the middle. This sign has been used since prehistoric times as an emblem of the Gods of the sun and rain, as a symbol of the primary elements. The equilateral cross was also called the Greek (heraldic) cross. IN early Christianity the Greek cross symbolized Christ. This is the most ancient form of the cross. If a person believed with his heart in the Sun God, the Most High God, then the forces of darkness did not dare to approach him. This means, they decide, it is necessary to tear a person away from the Wing of God, from the true faith. It is necessary to destroy Jesus Christ, and on the basis of His crucifixion to make a religion and call it Christianity. Human evil, hatred, betrayal and envy have done their dirty work. The Lord Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Son of man was crucified on the cross, which made the cross a symbol Christian religion.

  3. After the crucifixion of Christ, church ministers for a long time could not cope with the fact that people did not wear the Greek cross (equilateral). Did you notice that I said earlier that “in early Christianity, the Greek cross symbolized Christ.” Yes, in early Christianity people worshiped the equilateral Greek cross as a symbol of Peace, Freedom and Love. This cross is called “peaceful”, since its shape does not allow use during torture and crucifixion. People who had true faith in God in their hearts continued to wear the Greek cross on their body. It could not even occur to people to pray to the crucifixion cross, which is a symbol of pain and suffering, and of course, they did not obey the newly minted ministers of the church.
    Immediately after the crucifixion of Christ, the church began to think about how to get its own benefit from the execution of the Lord, and with the help of the crucifixion cross, subjugate the will of man, force the servants of the church to bow down, instill in everyone the fear of the crucifixion cross, otherwise you will be punished. For more than three hundred (300!) years they thought and composed all kinds of legends, knowing that in another hundred years these legends would become “truth”. For example. In 326, Saint Queen Helena (mother of Emperor Constantine the Great), during her journey to Jerusalem, undertaken for the purpose of pilgrimage and search for Christian relics, allegedly found three crosses and four nails. “...divine Constantine sent blessed Helen with treasures to find the life-giving cross of the Lord. The Patriarch of Jerusalem, Macarius, met the queen with due honor and together with her looked for the desired life-giving tree, remaining in silence and diligent prayers and forgiveness.”3 A legend was created about the appearance in heaven of Emperor Constantine I of a cross with the inscription “By this you will conquer.”4 The earliest Church historian Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 263–340), in his work “The Life of Constantine,”5 reports in detail about the discovery of the “divine tomb,” but does not mention either the discovery of the Life-Giving Cross or the participation of Queen Helena in this event. If the contemporaries of Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine do not report anything about the acquisition of the Cross, then already under his son Emperor Constantius (reigned 337–361) in church circles they are firmly convinced that the acquisition took place under Constantine. There is also a Coptic version of the legend which attributes the acquisition of the Cross to Empress Eudoxia, wife of Emperor Theodosius II, who last decades spent her life (441/443–460) in Jerusalem.6 Most modern historians consider all versions of the location of the cross on which Christ was crucified to be a legend. I also consider them a legend, or rather a lie.

  4. However, these legends formed the basis for the formation of religion - CHRISTIANITY . “Since 400, the image of the crucifixion has appeared - the figure of Christ on the cross. Since the 5th century, crucifixion crosses have been decorating church apses and erected on the roofs of Christian churches. Since the 11th century, crucifixes have been placed on the altar. The image of the cross also penetrates into the symbolism of secular power: crosses on the diadems of monarchs, on coins, in coats of arms”7.
    So, from year to year, from century to century, people were instilled with false information that the cross and crucifixion has saving power and the power to give eternal life. death on the cross Jesus Christ. A clear definition of what the CROSS is has appeared in Christian moral theology. Read carefully and ask yourself: where does it say about the Lord’s Love for people? "The cross is a term from the" Christian moral theology", meaning the totality of life’s hardships, suffering, heavy responsibilities, the painful struggle of moral duty with the temptations of sin, etc. - everything that a Christian is obliged to endure courageously and complacently, without violating the requirements of religion and suggestions clear conscience. The words of Jesus Christ apply to all this: “Whoever does not take up his cross... is not worthy of Me.” (Matt. xvi. 24).8
    “Whoever does not take up his cross... is not worthy of Me” - this does not mean that you have to pick up a cross or crucifix or hang it on yourself and consider yourself a believer in God. This means that everyone carries their own earthly cross, consciously or unconsciously, but everyone has their own. And if a person does not turn his life towards Light, Peace and Love, that is, “does not take up his cross,” then he will not find the way to God and better life. People who let their lives take their course, to the joy of the forces of darkness, such people are not worthy of the Lord, they left Him, did not “take up their cross” and did not follow the Lord. In Agni Yoga it is said: “...The sign of life is the cross” §289.”
    9 A peaceful, bright, kind, loving cross that people must bear in their lives on Earth. This is a cosmic symbol that shows the earthly life of a person. Yes, the equilateral or Greek cross symbolizes Peace, Light, Divine Love, which is why it cannot be used in torture and executions. But the crucifixion cross can be used in all types of execution, since it is a symbol of pain and suffering. Need I talk about the Inquisition, which was created church court Catholic Church in 1215 by Pope Innocent III.
    10. How many people were killed and burned, and each one was blessed with a crucifixion before death. Need I say that the cross, the image of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, usually sculptural or relief, is important part decorative decoration of temples. Spanish crucifixes of the Baroque era are especially naturalistic, in bright colors, in the depiction of the suffering and wounds of Christ. People seem to experience joy by depicting more naturally the suffering of Christ. Icons with a thorny wreath, with a crucifixion, statues depicting pain. And no one will raise the question that all these products emit negative energy, cause inner fear, and it is impossible to look such “works” in the eyes. If you don’t believe me, go to any church and look carefully into the eyes of such icons.
  5. And if we are talking about crosses and crucifixes, then I cannot help but talk about how they appeared in churches. Images of Jesus crucified on the cross are first found in the 8th century. In different Christian movements, different crosses are revered: among Catholics - four-pointed, among Orthodox - four-, six-, eight-pointed, among Old Believers - eight-pointed. In some Christian movements, the cult of the cross is rejected. The crucifixion cross is one of the main Christian symbols(along with the icon and relics of saints) and an object of Christian cult. And if this is the cult of the cross, then it must be in the church itself. Gradually, step by step, year after year, the cross and crucifix approached the church. At first they placed it near the roads, like worship crosses, then a church was built on this site, then near the church gates and, finally, in the church premises they made a special corner dedicated to the crucifixion cross. One fourth of the church is used for people to remember the dead. And of course, in this part there was and still is a large crucifix. A natural question arises: why the dead? This means they commemorate deceased physical bodies that have long since turned to dust. BUT HUMAN SOULS ARE ALIVE! And they are remembered as dead. Souls are ALIVE and we need to remember them as if they were alive, they are just not with us and that’s all. And candles, if you want, can be placed anywhere in the church. FOR LIVING SOULS! And it will benefit the one you are praying for. Why? The fire of a candle, lit in church or at home, in honor of the soul who has made the transition, carries your memory of her (for example, your grandmother), gratitude to her and she will receive your love. The Lord always conveys your love to the souls of departed relatives. It is necessary to pray for them, there, in your world, your attention and memory of them are very important.

    Now read what happens when people light candles for the souls of the dead in this corner of the church. Black-brown energy, the energy of pain and evil, rules here. I see how it envelops the entire cross and crucifix in a thick black fog. You put a candle, lit it, on the physical plane it burns, but on the subtle plane it is extinguished by the owners of this angle. The energy of goodness and love for a relative burns strongly thin bodies the forces of darkness, so they put out the candles. Relatives living on the other side of life will not receive your love for them. Believe me, this is the Truth that I see with my own eyes. The relics of “saints” are also placed here. Why did I put the word “saints” in quotation marks? But because if this is a true saint, then a blue-white light constantly emanates from his relics, and all people see it. It is this Light of God that both heals and helps. But I have never seen grace emanate from modern relics, of which there are a lot. It turns out that in the church itself there is a corner in which pain, hatred, cruelty are glorified, which means that the forces of darkness live in the corner of the church, and they dominate the entire church. We are not against the church. The Church is needed on Earth, but the work in it must be DIVINE, bright and loving. It is the church that should be the first to tell people about God, about His Serene Love, about the Joy that heartfelt faith in God brings. The Lord is upset that churches are growing like mushrooms on Earth, and many of them do not have God. You go to any church, turn to left side and you will feel the cold, the fear of raising your eyes to the huge cross and crucifix. Jesus Christ was executed on the cross, after which the cross, in the Christian religion, from an instrument of execution turned into a symbol of Christ’s atonement for human sins, as a sign of salvation and eternal life. May the instrument of execution not become an atonement for sins! The cross and crucifixion cannot save a person and give him eternal life! CAN'T! It is just an instrument of execution that brings pain and suffering. This is just a cult of the cross-crucifixion, which the church made for the joy of the devil and the grief of people. In the book “The Book of Jesus” (284 pp.), the Lord says: “By your Kingdom, which contains all imaginable gifts that Love can show... It is yours, and not through prayer, but by KNOWING. I know that for so many centuries in a row you have been called to have faith the size of a mustard seed, and above you stood a crucifix depicting Me nailed to the cross. But how can you have true faith in the presence of fear? At the same time, it was instilled in you: if you do not do this and that, God’s power through this crucifixion will defeat you, since you were told that you were born in sin and are very sinful, and therefore are destined for you hellfire and a curse. My dear ones, this is exactly what the crucifixion teaches you. Is it possible to be happy from such instructions? THIS IS THE LAW OF DENIAL!..the law of slamming the door on every good thing coming to you from the Kingdom of God.”11 The Lord is right! For thousands of years, the church has been instilling in people what the Lord endured and commanded us to do. So humanity lives under the cover of fear from the crucifixion cross.
    It is impossible to imagine how many people who did not want to accept the cross and crucifixion were killed, maimed and given over to be torn to pieces by wild beasts. But time has done its work. Over the millennia, the church has worked so hard on this issue that people, without thinking, still crucify our Lord, the Ecumenical Teacher Jesus Christ. In Agni Yoga there are words that make you think: “Christ is less happy in the Russian Church. Praise and worship removed Him from the people. Realize the meaning of the Great Teacher!” 12. Indeed, praise and admiration for the priests, and the more richly dressed, the lower the bow, removed the Lord from the people. People have forgotten to whom they owe their lives on Earth. Who gave the soul, which, like a battery, gives life physical body. Without a soul there is no man. It’s a pity, but people think very little about their soul, to which they owe their lives. It amazes me that people have actually stopped thinking for themselves. The church said, so it must be so. Who needs it? Who benefits from the fact that for almost two millennia people worshiped the crucifix, which is evil and pain? Why in all this time, none of the people raised this question? Why do people think that the church's decisions are always correct?

    The forces of darkness that live in ALL crucifixes have done to humanity what they dreamed of. They accomplished their tasks with the help of the church: they turned people away from True God, linden faith blooms on Earth. They closed the human mind and people stopped thinking one step ahead. The Church only requires wearing a cross and crucifix, which means that through it the forces of darkness can easily penetrate both the heart and mind of a person. I know that many people will not like our information, because it sounds like the TRUTH. But the TRUTH always stings the eyes. It’s better to live without knowing, but as I want. So humanity lives, over which hangs a huge cross and crucifix, as a symbol of pain, suffering, cruelty, hatred and death. So negative energy is in the air, gathering into black clouds and pouring death onto the Earth. What, isn't it? All churches sell only crucifix crosses. On all icons, wherever possible, a cross and crucifix are inserted. Pectoral crosses should also only be with a crucifix. EVERYWHERE; not the bright sun, but a crucifixion cross, not the blue sky, but a crucifixion cross, not the beauty of Mother Earth, but a crucifixion cross, not the love of people for each other, but a crucifixion cross: on the chest, on icons, in churches, on roads, huge crucifix crosses on the stomachs of priests. And what? Will you say that it is you who glorify the Lord with such crosses? NO! YOU ARE CRUCIFYING HIM! And then we shout, why is life so hard? But because they FORGOT GOD. We forgot that we are HIS children.

  6. And yet, We are pleased that there are people who ask, are interested and want to know the TRUTH about these bloody crosses and crucifixions. We are glad that there are people who do not recognize this symbol of pain and suffering and, of course, do not wear this object under their clothes near their hearts. This means that not all human souls were caught by the crucifixion; it did not turn all people away from the True God. We are grateful to everyone who sent me letters with questions about the cross and crucifixion. We say THANK YOU to these four women whose letter became the last straw my patience, and I decided to OPENLY answer their question.



    I hope! I'm waiting! I believe!
    1 5


    6. “Theodosius II” Wikipedia.

  7. And a long time ago, when I constantly heard this terrible expression: “carry my cross,” I decided that I didn’t want to bear it. I don’t want to and I won’t and I threw it in the trash.
  8. And yet, We are pleased that there are people who ask, are interested and want to know the TRUTH about these bloody crosses and crucifixions. We are glad that there are people who do not recognize this symbol of pain and suffering and, of course, do not wear this object under their clothes near their hearts. This means that not all human souls were caught by the crucifixion; it did not turn all people away from the True God. We are grateful to everyone who sent me letters with questions about the cross and crucifixion. We say THANK YOU to these four women, whose letter was the last straw of my patience, and I decided to OPENLY answer their question.
    Possessing spiritual vision, I want to tell everyone, maybe people will think about it. You put a crucifix cross on yourself, some under your clothes, some on it, but this is a crucifix cross and it emits black-brown energy, while with God the energy of Love is white-blue, pure, gentle, warm. The cross touches the person's body, and you are calm. On the subtle plane of the Earth, where the TRUTH lives, I see how your soul cries and how it beats with the terrible energy of the crucifixion cross. On the subtle plane, your crosses hang on your neck, but do not touch your body. This is how they hang on those who sincerely turn to God with their hearts and the Lord does not release the brown energy of the crucifixion into a person. But if a person already has vices, sins, then his crucifix is ​​pressed against the body and black-brown energy enters the body, developing in the person his own vices, sins and pains. You may not believe me, but I ask you to think about it. I’m not persuading you all to immediately take off your crucifixes, no. This is everyone's business. It is better not to wear a crucifix at all, but to believe in the True God with your heart and bring your light, goodness and help to people selflessly and with love, than to crucify our Lord Jesus Christ every second. And I want to add that the crosses that are fully decorated precious stones and they are worn over clothing and cannot be used as a talisman cross. This is jewelry or a pendant with a stone, nothing more. Your real simple equilateral cross should merge with your faith and love for God, and having merged, it will begin to gain the energy of the Light and Love of the Lord, which at the right moment will become your savior. Your cross should touch your body, not your clothes. But this does not mean that you must wear an equilateral cross, no. If you don’t want to, don’t wear it, but please, believe with your heart and don’t forget what pain the Lord took so that we could live on Earth now.

    I recommend everyone to read the book " BOOK OF JESUS ", (1999, St. Petersburg) which the Lord Himself dictated to his disciple Ben Cullen, and his wife published this book. In this book, the Master Jesus Christ Himself says: “My dear ones, I want you to understand in the clearest way: simple recognition of the amazing Power of the Holy Spirit is accomplished with the help of the sign of the Equilateral Cross. It doesn’t matter what you call this cross, but I no longer want to mention a single word about the “crucifixion cross” to which I was nailed. The only thing I will say now, so as not to talk about it in the future: that cross is the personification of suffering for people, and IT WILL NEVER HEAL!... remove this... symbol of suffering!! I cannot call it anything other than an image that personifies suffering and has an effect on a person adverse influence!! Remove this image from everywhere in your world..."13
    I completely agree with Teacher. It is necessary to remove all, all, all crucifixions from all over the Earth. Any cross with a crucifix will never bring good luck or happiness. The crucifixion is the grief, tears, pain that a person attracts to himself if he wears a crucifix. How can you wear the symbol of a crucified man and expect joy from it? And don’t think that the crucifix is ​​a symbol of Christ. No need! This is a legend of the church, invented almost two thousand years ago, and over the years strengthened by the law of the same church. CHRIST is ETERNAL GREATEST LOVE, LIGHT, JOY, PROSPERITY, PEACE. His Love should shine with tenderness, light, beauty everywhere, and in every church without fail. So that when people enter the church, they feel the Love of the Lord Himself, His warmth and Care, and not admire the gold of the church walls. I repeat: CHRIST is the ETERNAL GREATEST LOVE, LIGHT, JOY, PROSPERITY, PEACE. People have forgotten that the Lord is LOVE. It was not for nothing that in ancient times they wore equilateral crosses with a hole in the center or with a light stone. The center of the cross showed the Light of God, the Love of God, which merged with the human soul. Tell me, what kind of love of God merges with the crucifixion? Yes, none! And if you have lost your cross, it means that your soul does not want a symbol of pain hanging around your neck, but if you find it, don’t pick it up. It's not yours and don't take it.

    I would like to offer you another excerpt from the book “ BOOK OF JESUS": "My very deepest desire- and this is precisely what requires speaking clearly and loudly - is that the place of the crucifixion cross should be taken by the Rosicrucian cross, or the Egyptian cross, also called “EQUALISIDED”, or whatever else you want to call it. If people intend to be healed of the ailments that plague every person and every nation today, it must be clearly understood that the perpetuation of suffering when I am depicted on the cross, suffering from the so-called “holy crucifixion”... such perpetuation MUST DISAPPEAR! His expulsion is the only thing that will allow Us to see complete liberation from suffering, disease and death!... until this is done, countless suffering and crimes will continue.”14
    You see, the Lord Himself ASKS people to REMOVE THE CROSS AND CRUCIFIXION FROM THE WHOLE EARTH, otherwise the suffering will not stop. I think at the beginning of our conversation I explained why the suffering of humanity will not end. I can’t even imagine how much outrage there will be against us (mine and the Teacher Jesus Christ). “How to destroy crucifixes? This is a terrible crime! This is blasphemy! All over the Earth people wear crosses and crucifixes, and suddenly they take them away!” Yes, many people will react something like this, but, Thank God, we still have people who know how to think, compare and see the TRUTH.
    The time is coming when something will make people start thinking, when priests will stop preaching in the language of severity, in the language of coercion and slavery. It is a pity, but the priests do not tell people that it is a great joy for the Most High Father to grant every person the Kingdom of his desires. The time is coming when people will stop insulting God and telling Him not to lead into temptation, but to deliver from evil. Of course, the priests will find their own answer to these words, but this is so. I want to end with words from our joint book “I am knocking on your heart,” where the Lord Himself, the Lord of Earth and Heaven, Jesus Christ addresses each of us:
    “I knocked on your heart 2013 years ago, bringing Love, Peace, Mercy, Selflessness and Kindness. I have knocked and am knocking on your heart from the pages of many bright books, and I am knocking again from the pages of this book. I knock and believe that you will open the door of your heart, and you and I will walk along the Road of Light, along the Road of Eternal Life to True Love, to Peace and Happiness.
    I hope! I'm waiting! I believe!
    I bless you, man! 1 5
    - My true student Lyudmila Masterina, in earthly terms, Lyudmila Gubko-Chaganova, We, the Sons of Light, and I, the Lord Jesus Christ, are grateful to you for raising this serious issue, knowing that you will again be insulted and spat upon. Every word in your article is TRUTH, with which I, the Lord of Earth and Heaven Jesus Christ, the Most High Father, and also all the Heavenly Lords, agree. This issue is indeed very serious, and We are sorry that the church on Earth has not fulfilled its task. We are not satisfied with the work of all churches on Earth, since the Word of God about Love, Joy, Peace and True Faith in God does not sound within its walls. In many churches there is no God's Light, there is no God. Help comes when a person asks for help with his heart, and the Lord always answers the Call of the heart. We have been waiting for more than 2016 years for someone from all of humanity to raise this issue, but people are silent, which means everything suits them. You, my student, correctly said that people, venerating the cross and crucifixion, crucify Me to this day. They crucify with their unbelief or fake faith, with their selfishness, envy, lies, hatred, evil. How could one believe that the cross and crucifixion could help and heal? But the church decided so, and all people are afraid to contradict her, but she is wrong. I, the Universal Teacher and Teacher of all mankind, tell everyone that I am Alive and will Live forever. I am the most tender Light of Love, and I pour my Love on everyone and everyone every second. I am the Lord of Joy, Prosperity and Happiness. You do not pray to the Solar Me, but give your life energy to those who live in the crucifixion. What have you been doing, people, for more than 2000 years?
    REPLACE ALL CRUCIFIXES AROUND THE ENTIRE EARTH WITH A SUNNY, BRIGHT, DIVINE CROSS! Believe me, if you do this, the energy of the entire Earth will gradually change, life itself on Earth will change for the better. We have been waiting for a long time for an OPEN and True answer to this question. And they waited! Lyudmila Masterina had to be born on Earth so that people could read the Truth, why you can’t wear a cross or crucifix. Yes, We are upset and glad that this topic also received a true answer on Earth. We hope for you, people, that you will draw the right conclusion from all our information. I, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, bless all who read our books for their correct understanding.
    Lord of Earth and Sky, Teacher of all mankind
    JESUS ​​CHRIST and Lyudmila-Masterina
    1. Lyudmila Gubko “I am knocking on your heart”, 2014, Simferopol.
    2. Belyavsky, Lazarevich, Mongait, 1956, T. 2., 900 pp. “The Great Slave Uprising under the leadership of Spartacus.”
    3. Theophanes, “Chronography”, 324/325.
    4. Soviet encyclopedia, M., 1969–1978.
    5. Eusebius of Caesarea “Life of Constantine.”
    6. “Theodosius II” Wikipedia.
    7. Neihardt A. A., “The Origin of the Cross”, M., 1956.
    8. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron “The Cross in Moral Theology.”
    9. Agni Yoga “...The sign of life is the cross” §289.”
    10. “Grigulevich I. R., “History of the Inquisition”, M., 1970.
    11, 13, 14, 15. Ben Cullen “THE BOOK OF JESUS” 1999, St. Petersburg.
    12. Agni Yoga “Signs of Agni Yoga”, 1929.

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    How to properly dispose of a cross?

Where did the tradition of wearing crosses come from? Why wear it? “I believe in God in my soul, but I don’t need a cross. It is not written anywhere in the Bible that one must wear a cross, and nowhere is it written that the first Christians wore crosses.” This or something like this is what people say who consider themselves Orthodox Christians, but do not express their faith in any way. Most unchurched people do not have a Christian understanding of what a cross is and why it should be worn on the body. So what is it pectoral cross IR? Why does Satan hate it so much and does everything to ensure that no one wears it, or wears it simply as a meaningless decoration?


The custom of placing a pectoral cross on the neck of the newly baptized person along with Baptism did not appear immediately. In the first centuries of Christianity, they did not wear a cross, but rather wore medallions with the image of a slain Lamb or the Crucifixion. But the Cross, as the instrument of the salvation of the world by Jesus Christ, has been the subject of the greatest celebration among Christians from the very beginning of the Church. For example, the church thinker Tertullian (II-III centuries) in his “Apology” testifies that the veneration of the cross existed from the first times of Christianity. Even before the presence in the 4th century of Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine life-giving cross, on which Christ was crucified, already among the first followers of Christ the custom was widespread to always have an image of the cross with them - both as a reminder of the suffering of the Lord, and to confess their faith before others.According to the story of Pontius, biographer of St. Cyprian of Carthage, in the 3rd century, some Christians depicted the figure of a cross even on their foreheads; by this sign they were recognized during persecution and handed over to torture. The first Christians are also known to wear a cross on their chest. Sources from the 2nd century also mention him.

The first documentary evidence of wearing body crosses date back to the beginning of the 4th century. Thus, Acts VII Ecumenical Council testify that the holy martyrs Orestes (†304) and Procopius (†303), who suffered under Diocletian, wore a cross made of gold and silver around their necks.

After the weakening and subsequent cessation of the persecution of Christians, wearing a cross became a widespread custom. At the same time for everyone Christian churches they began to erect crosses.

In Rus', this custom was adopted precisely with the baptism of the Slavs in 988. Since Byzantine times, there have been two types of body crosses in Rus': the actual "vest" (worn on the body under clothing) and so-called. « encolpions" (from the Greek word “chest”), worn not on the body, but on top of clothing. Let's say two words about the last: initially, pious Christians carried with them (on themselves) a reliquary with particles of St. relics or other shrines. A cross was placed on this reliquary. Subsequently, the reliquary itself took on the shape of a cross, and bishops and emperors began to wear such a cross. Modern priestly and episcopal pectoral cross traces its history precisely from encolpions, that is, boxes with relics or other shrines.

Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and by exchanging pectoral crosses, they became cross brothers. When building churches, houses, and bridges, a cross was laid in the foundation. There was a custom to cast many crosses from a broken church bell, which were especially revered.

The Cross of Christ is a symbol of Christianity. For modern man a symbol is just an identification mark. A symbol is like an emblem indicating something with which we are dealing. But the symbol has a much broader meaning than just the meaning of the emblem. IN religious culture a symbol is involved in the reality that it symbolizes. What is the reality that the Cross of Christ symbolizes for Christians?.. This reality: The Redemption of the human race accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ through the Death on the Cross.

The veneration of the Cross has always been understood by the Teachings of the Church as the worship of Jesus Christ in the light of His redemptive deed.The Cross of Christ, which Orthodox Christians always wear on their bodies, shows us and reminds us at what price our Salvation was purchased.

For Christians, the cross is not just a sign. For Christians, the cross is a symbol of victory over the devil, a banner of the triumph of God. The cross reminds the believer of Christ, of the sacrifice the Savior made for us.


What does a pectoral cross symbolize?

The cross is the greatest Christian shrine, a visible evidence of our redemption.

The cross, as an instrument of terrible and painful execution, thanks to the sacrificial deed of Christ the Savior, became a symbol of redemption and an instrument of salvation for all mankind from sin and death. It is on the Cross, through pain and suffering, death and Resurrection, that the Son of God accomplishes the salvation or healing of human nature from mortality, passion and corruption introduced into it by the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who wears the Crucifixion of Christ testifies to his participation in the suffering and feat of his Savior, followed by hope for salvation, and therefore the resurrection of a person for eternal life with God.


A pectoral cross is not a talisman or a piece of jewelry. No matter how beautiful it may be, no matter what precious metal it is made of, it is first and foremost a visible symbol of the Christian faith.

Orthodox pectoral crosses are very ancient tradition and therefore they are very diverse in appearance, depending on the time and place of manufacture.

Iconography Orthodox Crucifixion received its final dogmatic justification in 692 in the 82nd rule of the Trull Cathedral , who approved canon of the iconographic image of the Crucifixion .

The main condition of the canon is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and greatness. It is as if it were placed on a cross and the Lord opens His arms to everyone who turns to Him. In this iconography, the complex dogmatic task of depicting the two hypostases of Christ - Human and Divine - is artistically solved, showing both the death and the victory of the Savior.

Catholics, having abandoned their early views, did not understand and did not accept the rules of the Council of Trull and, accordingly, the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ. Thus, in the Middle Ages, a new type of Crucifixion emerged, in which the features of naturalism became predominant. human suffering and the torment of execution on the cross: the weight of the body sagging on outstretched arms, the head crowned with a crown of thorns, crossed feet nailed with one nail (an innovation at the end of the 13th century). The anatomical details of the Catholic depiction, while conveying the veracity of the execution itself, nevertheless hide the main thing - the triumph of the Lord, who defeated death and reveals to us eternal life, and concentrates attention on torment and death. His naturalism has only an external emotional impact, leading to the temptation of comparing our sinful sufferings with the redemptive Passion of Christ.

Images of the crucified Savior, similar to Catholic ones, are also found on Orthodox crosses, especially often in the 18th-20th centuries, however, as well as iconographic images of God the Father of Hosts, prohibited by the Stoglavy Cathedral. Naturally, Orthodox piety requires the wearing of an Orthodox cross, and not a Catholic one, which violates the dogmatic foundations of the Christian faith.

The most common form of the Orthodox cross is an eight-pointed cross; a prayer is most often written on the reverse side "Save and preserve."


Christians who wear a pectoral cross seem to be offering a wordless prayer to God. And it always protects the wearer.

There is a widespread opinion among Christians that the cross of Christ, the image of God, the Lord Himself should protect us precisely from everyday troubles and troubles. And, of course, many of those who wear a pectoral cross are guided by precisely this pragmatic motive. But in fact, the meaning of wearing a cross and the inscription that we read on its back: "Save and Preserve" completely different.

In itself, the presence of a cross on the chest does not save and has no meaning for a person if he does not consciously profess what the Cross of Christ symbolizes. Although, of course, Lord, undoubtedly protects those who believe in him from many everyday misfortunes and troubles. That is, if a person wears a cross with faith and trust in the mercy of God, he, relatively speaking, is “included” in God’s special “plan” and nothing fatally irreparable will ever happen to him in eternity. The concept of “God’s plan” here means precisely the plan of our salvation, and not the management of the world on a wide, universal scale, because the whole world, of course, is contained by the right hand of God and is governed by His Divine providence. But, no matter how scary it sounds, it is precisely “necessary” and sometimes painful death that becomes for a person the door to the Kingdom of God. This does not mean that God wants such an end for us, but it does mean that those who have endured unjust torment will certainly find great consolation. If you like, this is the law of God.

So what does the Lord promise to save us from? Not from everyday troubles, misfortunes and difficulties in the first place, because all this can even be necessary for the soul, alas, prone to relaxation and forgetting the purpose of its existence. But The Lord promises to save us, first of all, from the terrible power of sin, through which the enemy of the human race destroys our souls. And this power is truly so great that not a single person can free himself from it on his own. But with God's help this is possible. Maybe! The Holy Fathers say: “The enemy is strong, but the Lord is omnipotent!”

Simple words "Save and Preserve" mean our tireless, from the bottom of our hearts, appeal to God with a request that He help us join a grace-filled eternity.


The pectoral cross is placed on us in the Sacrament of Baptism in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Whoever wants to come after Me, turn away from you, and take up your cross and follow Me.”(Mark 8:34).

We must bear our cross in life, and the cross that is on our chest reminds us of this. Cross “there is always a great power for believers, delivering from all evils, especially from the villainy of hated enemies,”- writes the saint righteous John Kronstadt.

When the Sacrament of Baptism occurs, When consecrating the pectoral cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour into the cross heavenly power and so that this cross protects not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. That is why many pectoral crosses have the inscription “Save and preserve!”

By the way, the question is often asked: should crosses sold in stores already be consecrated or should the cross be taken to church for consecration? The cross must be consecrated in the temple. Sprinkling it with holy water at home will not be enough - it must be illuminated by the priest, because... In the church, crosses are consecrated with a special rite.

Exists a superstition that when consecrated, a pectoral cross acquires magical protective properties. But superstitions should be avoided. The Church teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also physically - through this sanctified matter - to join the Divine grace that we need for spiritual growth and salvation. But God's grace does not act unconditionally. A person is required to have a correct spiritual life according to God’s commandments, and it is this spiritual life that makes it possible for God’s grace to have a salutary effect on us, healing us from passions and sins.

For an Orthodox Christian, wearing a cross is a great honor and responsibility.Taking off the cross or not wearing it has always been understood as apostasy. Over the 2000-year history of Christianity, many people have suffered for their faith, for refusing to renounce Christ and take off their pectoral cross. This feat has been repeated in our time.

If you do not wear a cross now, when you can freely profess your faith, then you will hardly dare to put it on when you have to suffer for it. Can you repeat the feat of a simple Russian guy Evgeniy Rodionov ?

...He was a grenade launcher, served in the 479th border detachment special purpose. Zhenya served at the outpost in Chechnya for exactly a month, and on February 13, 1996, he was captured. Three of his friends were with him: Sasha Zheleznov, Andrey Trusov, Igor Yakovlev. They spent 3.5 months in captivity. During this time they were bullied as much as possible. But Evgeny had a choice, every day they came up to him and said: “You can live. To do this, you need to take off your cross, accept our faith, and become our brother. And all these nightmares will end immediately for you.” But Zhenya did not succumb to these persuasion; he did not remove the cross. And on May 23, 1996, on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, Evgeniy and his friends were killed in the village of Bamut. The day of Evgeniy’s death was also the day of his birth. He was only 19 years old. Zhenya was beheaded, but even from Zhenya’s dead body the enemies did not dare to remove the cross.

I think that this great feat of the warrior Eugene should serve as an example for many, for all those who, for such stupid reasons, do not wear a cross or wear it as some kind of decoration. Or they even change the holy cross for an amulet, a zodiac sign, etc.... Let's never forget about this! Remember this when wearing your cross.


The great Russian elders advised that You must always wear a pectoral cross and never take it off anywhere until your death. “A Christian without a cross,” Elder Savva wrote, he is a warrior without weapons, and the enemy can easily defeat him.” The pectoral cross is called that way because it is worn on the body, under clothing, never exposed (only priests wear the cross outside). This does not mean that the pectoral cross must be hidden and hidden under any circumstances, but still it is not customary to deliberately display it for public viewing. The church charter stipulates that you should kiss your pectoral cross at the end of the evening prayers. In a moment of danger or when your soul is anxious, it is good to kiss your cross and read the words “Save and preserve” on its back.

“Don’t wear your cross like it’s on a hanger,” Elder Savva of Pskov-Pechersk often repeated, — Christ left light and love on the Cross. Rays of blessed light and love emanate from the cross. The cross drives away evil spirits. Kiss your cross morning and evening, do not forget to kiss it, inhale these rays of grace emanating from it, they invisibly pass into your soul, heart, conscience, character. Under the influence of these beneficial rays, a wicked person becomes pious. Kissing your cross, pray for close sinners: drunkards, fornicators and others you know. Through your prayers they will improve and be good, for the heart gives the message to the heart. The Lord loves us all. He suffered for everyone for the sake of love, and we must love everyone for His sake, even our enemies. If you start the day like this, overshadowed by the grace of your cross, then you will spend the whole day holy. Let’s not forget to do this, it’s better not to eat than to forget about the cross!”


Elder Savva composed prayers that should be read when kissing the cross. Here is one of them:

“Pour, Lord, a drop Holy Blood Yours into my heart, dried up from passions and sins and impurities of soul and body. Amen. In the image of fate, save me and my relatives and those I know (names)».

You cannot wear a cross as an amulet or as a decoration. Pectoral cross and sign of the cross there is only an external expression of what should be in the heart of a Christian: humility, faith, trust in the Lord.

The body cross is a visible evidence of belonging to the Orthodox Church, confession of the Christian faith, and a means of grace-filled protection.


The cross is real power. Many miracles have been and are being performed by him. The cross is a great Christian shrine. In the service for the Feast of the Exaltation, the Church glorifies the tree of the Holy Cross with many praises: “The cross is the guardian of the entire universe, the beauty of the Church, the power of kings, true statement"Glory to angels and plague to demons."

The cross is a weapon against the devil. About the miraculous, saving and healing power of the cross and the sign of the cross, the Church can speak reliably, referring to the experience from the lives of its saints, as well as to the numerous testimonies of ordinary believers. Raising the Dead, healing from illnesses, protection from evil forces - all these and other benefits to this day through the cross show the love of God to man.

But the cross becomes an invincible weapon and an all-conquering force only under the condition of faith and reverence.“The cross does not do miracles in your life. Why? — asks the holy righteous John of Kronstadt and he himself gives the answer: “Because of your lack of faith.”

By putting a cross on our chest or making the sign of the cross on ourselves, we Christians testify that we are ready to bear the cross resignedly, humbly, voluntarily, with joy, because we love Christ and want to have compassion with Him, for His sake. Without faith and reverence, one cannot make the sign of the cross over oneself or others.

The entire life of a Christian, from the day of birth to the last breath on earth, and even after death, is accompanied by a cross. A Christian makes the sign of the cross upon waking up (one must accustom himself to make it the first movement) and when going to sleep - last move. A Christian is baptized before and after eating food, before and after teaching, when going out into the street, before starting every task, before taking medicine, before opening a received letter, upon unexpected, joyful and sad news, when entering someone else’s house, on a train, on on a steamship, in general at the beginning of any journey, walks, travel, before swimming, visiting the sick, going to court, for interrogation, to prison, to exile, before an operation, before a battle, before a scientific or other report, before and after meetings and conferences, and etc.

The sign of the cross must be done with all attention, with fear, with trembling and with extreme reverence. (Place three large fingers on your forehead and say: "in the name of the Father" then, lowering your hand in the same position on your chest, say: "and the Son" moving his hand to right shoulder, then to the left, say: "and the Holy Spirit." Having made this holy sign of the cross on yourself, conclude with the word "Amen". Or, when you draw a cross, you can say: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen".) Demons, as the Monk Simeon the New Theologian writes, are afraid of the image of the Cross and cannot stand to see the sign of the cross depicted even in the air, but they immediately flee from it. “If you always use the Holy Cross to help yourself, then “no evil will befall you, and no plague will come close to your dwelling” (Ps. 90:10). Instead of a shield, protect yourself with the Honest Cross, imprint it on your members and heart. And not only put the sign of the cross on yourself with your hand, but also in your thoughts, imprint with it every activity you do, and your entrance, and your departure at every time, and your sitting, and your rising, and your bed, and any service... For very This weapon is strong, and no one can ever harm you if you are protected by it.”(Reverend Ephraim of Syria).

Glory, Lord, to Your Honest Cross!

Material prepared by Sergey SHULYAK

for the Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory

During Baptism, each person wears a pectoral cross. It must be worn on your chest for the rest of your life. Believers note that the cross is not a talisman or dyeing. This is a symbol of commitment to the Orthodox faith and God. It helps in difficulties and troubles, strengthens the spirit. When wearing a cross, the main thing is to remember its meaning. By putting it on, a person promises to persevere through all trials and live according to God’s commandments.

It is worth noting that a cross on the body is considered a sign that a person is a believer. Those who have not joined the church, that is, have not been baptized, should not wear it. Also, according to church tradition, only priests can wear it over their clothes (they wear it over their cassock). All other believers are not allowed to do this and it is believed that those who wear it over their clothes are bragging about their faith and putting it on display. But such a manifestation of pride is not appropriate for a Christian. Also, believers are not allowed to wear a cross in their ear, on a bracelet, in their pocket or on their bag. Some people argue that only Catholics can wear four-pointed crosses; supposedly Orthodox Christians are prohibited from wearing them. In fact, this statement is false. Orthodox Church recognizes today different types of crosses (photo 1).

This means that Orthodox Christians can wear a four-pointed or eight-pointed cross. It may or may not depict the crucifixion of the Savior. But what an Orthodox Christian should avoid is depicting the crucifixion with very extreme realism. That is, the details of the sufferings on the cross, the sagging body of Christ. This image is typical of Catholicism (photo 2).

It is also worth noting that the material from which the cross is made can be absolutely anything. It all depends on the wishes of the person. For example, silver is not suitable for some people because it does not immediately turn black. Then it is better for them to refuse such material and opt for, for example, gold. In addition, the church does not prohibit wearing large crosses inlaid with expensive stones. But, on the contrary, some believers believe that such a demonstration of luxury is not at all compatible with faith (photo 3).

The cross must be consecrated in the church if it was purchased at a jewelry store. Usually the consecration takes a couple of minutes. If you buy it in a shop that operates at a church, then you don’t need to worry about it, it will already be consecrated. Also, the church does not prohibit wearing crosses that were inherited from a deceased relative. There is no need to be afraid that in this way he will “inherit” the fate of his relative. In the Christian faith there is no concept of inevitable fate (photo 4).

So, as already said, catholic church recognizes only the four-pointed shape of the cross. The Orthodox, in turn, is more lenient and recognizes six-pointed, four-pointed and eight-pointed forms. It is believed that the more regular shape is still eight-pointed, with two additional partitions. One should be at the head, and the second for the legs (photo 5).

It is better not to buy crosses with stones for small children. At this age, they try everything, they can bite off a pebble and swallow it. We have already noted that the Savior does not necessarily have to be on the cross. Also orthodox cross It differs from the Catholic one in the number of nails for the feet and hands. So, in the Catholic Creed there are three of them, and in the Orthodox Creed there are four (photo 6).

Let us note that on the cross, in addition to the crucified Savior, the face of the Mother of God, the image of Christ Pantocrator, can be depicted. Various ornaments can also be depicted. All this does not contradict faith (photo 7).

The cross is only possible during the sacrament of Baptism, and under any other circumstances, the person who gave the cross will “give up his fate,” and this can make both himself and the one who accepted the gift unhappy. They say that if the person who gave the gift becomes seriously ill or some other misfortune happens to him, something bad will happen to the one who wears the donated cross. Finally, there is a belief that by giving a cross, some people get rid of “damage and the evil eye.”

Position of the Church

The Orthodox Church does not accept any signs or superstitions, including those related to body crosses. All ideas about “damage”, “transfer of fate” are absurd from the point of view of a Christian: God controls the fate of a person, and a sacred symbol cannot carry any “negative energy”, the existence of which, moreover, has not been proven .

For a Christian, a pectoral cross donated by someone is not a source of mythical danger, but a precious gift, filled with deep spiritual meaning, associated with a wish for God’s blessing. A pectoral cross in some holy place would be a particularly valuable gift. Of course, it is possible and necessary to accept such a precious gift.

If a person who received a cross as a gift already has a cross on his body, he can wear both crosses at the same time, alternately, or keep one of them next to the icons and wear the other - none of these options is prohibited by the church.

A delicate situation occurs only if an Orthodox Christian received as a gift catholic cross. You need to accept the gift, because it is dictated by love, but you should not wear such a cross.

Pectoral cross and twinning

A special situation arises when two people give each other theirs. Not so long ago, back in the early 20th century, action made people “cross brothers” or sisters.

The custom of twinning existed in pre-Christian times - pagans fraternized, mixing blood or exchanging weapons. In the Christian era, the conclusion of twinning was associated with a body - a sacred object, inextricably linked with faith and soul. Such “spiritual kinship” seemed even more sacred than blood kinship.

IN modern world The custom of twinning through the exchange of crosses has been almost forgotten, but nothing prevents modern Orthodox Christians from reviving it.


  • Common superstitions associated with the cross

A pectoral cross is put on a person during the Sacrament of Baptism and worn on the chest for the rest of his life. The crucifix is ​​a symbol of commitment to God, to the Orthodox faith. This sign helps in troubles and difficulties, strengthens the spirit, and protects from demonic intrigues. After the victory of Jesus Christ over death, the cross became a symbol of the triumph of good over evil.


Orthodox Christians have very ancient history. Most often they are eight-pointed. The canon of the image of the Crucifixion was approved in 692 by the Tula Cathedral. Since then, his appearance has remained unchanged. The figure of Jesus Christ does not express peace, harmony and dignity. He embodies his most important hypostases - Divine and Human. The body of Christ is placed on the cross and opens its arms to all who suffer, trying to protect his novices from evil.

The Orthodox cross has the inscription “Save and Preserve.” This is due to the fact that during the consecration of the Crucifixion the priest reads two prayers calling to protect not only the soul, but also the body from evil forces. The cross becomes a person’s guard against any burdens and adversities.

“The soul by nature is Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which many centuries later V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing of the kind. The soul is pagan by nature.” This is how the pagan in our man struggles with the Christian, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many people wonder whether it is possible to wear someone else’s cross. Doesn’t someone else’s fate or someone else’s sins pass along with someone else’s cross?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross?

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross because the sins of a person who has lost his symbol of faith will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, it is enough to also ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, pass to an innocent person? , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.”

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own burdens in life, which must be borne with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in their prayers: “Lord, have mercy,” which in Greek sounds like “Kyrie elaison.” Elayson is translated as "butter", and olive oil- This is the first human medicine in the world.

It is impossible for a pectoral cross, which was found and put on, to influence in itself a person’s character, to add sins or to get rid of them, and also in some magical way to draw a line of life’s path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to a person’s personal, conscious actions, good or evil, can change a person’s personality or influence the life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross has protected a person from evil spirits just like the sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it cannot change its purpose as a protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered Orthodox?

For a Christian, the basic key aspects are important. The cross should be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed forms;
  • with the inscription “Save and Preserve” on both sides, and not with decorative stones (preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), simple, not inlaid with precious stones are recommended for children;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated; if purchased in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • The material of manufacture does not matter. And also how the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, but it happens that the symbol of faith may be lost. You shouldn’t treat this dramatically and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with a found cross. Answers from priests

If a person himself finds an Orthodox cross on the street, the priests recommend that it be consecrated, since it is unknown whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If there are still doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • give it to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the financial means to buy it;
  • carry it yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous on the issue of a found or lost cross, as well as on the question of “where to read the Gospel”, “with which hand to light a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why not virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then, as soon as one acquired an item that belonged to a righteous person, a halo would involuntarily appear over the person’s head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose the crosses so that own sins could be thrown off like an unnecessary burden on others.

Important! Fear of other people's crosses is a completely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and has nothing to do with Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross