Rosary in the Christian religion. What are Orthodox rosary beads for and how to use them?

Rosaries are an integral attribute of many religious traditions. At a minimum, there are Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim rosaries. Christians are also on the same level as them. The latter, in turn, are divided into several types, in accordance with religious characteristics and the design of the device. In this article we will look specifically at the Orthodox rosary as an item that is most widespread within the borders of the Russian-speaking world.

Purpose of the rosary

The first thing that should be said is that general practice Every religion is prayer. It is customary to recite some texts many times in a row, which requires a certain counting system. This is precisely the role that special beads called rosaries perform: by turning them over in your hands, it is quite easy to track the number of prayers said. In fact, this is the only strictly religious purpose of this item. And Orthodox rosaries are no exception.

Sometimes, however, some of their types are used as religious decoration. For example, this often happens in Catholic parishes, where rosaries are hung on statues of saints, especially the Virgin Mary. In addition, in addition to its main function, special prayer beads are one of the attributes of monastic vestments.

Orthodox rosary: ​​classification

As for the rosary, inherent in the purely eastern Christian tradition, then on at the moment there are two types of them. The first can be called primordially Orthodox, since it is the most ancient. This type of rosary is called lestovka. However, at present they are preserved mainly by the Old Believers, while in official Orthodoxy they play the role of an outdated relic.

The second type has a more familiar appearance, similar to beads strung on a thread in a certain sequence. These are the most popular Orthodox rosaries, which are used not only by believers, but also by lay people, for example, as a pendant on the mirror of their car. There is even a brand of wine that has such beads attached to its label as a design element.


Lestovki are, as already mentioned, the most ancient Orthodox rosary used in Russian Orthodox tradition. They come from the so-called vervitsa - a rope with knots, common in Byzantium and performing the same role of counting prayers.

The word “lestovka” means “ladder” - it means a staircase to heaven, to God. This is no accident. Orthodox rosaries in the form of a ladder really look like a ladder, since they do not look like beads, but a leather belt, along the entire length of which there are some kind of steps - wide loops called bobbins. The location of the latter is based quite complex system. The ends of the ladders are sewn together in a special way with triangles called paws. And inside the beans there is a thick paper roller. According to the rules, the words of prayers were written on these pieces of paper, but now this tradition is rarely maintained.

This type of rosary is also divided into several types. Thus, there are male, female and children's ladders. There are also everyday, funeral, wedding and holiday options.

As already mentioned, lestovki are Orthodox rosary beads that have lost their meaning today. Their photo is located below.

Structure of ladders

The structure of the ladders is quite difficult to remember right off the bat. This is aggravated by the fact that there are several types of them. Classic version is a circle of one hundred and nine beans. It starts with four paws sewn into a herringbone pattern. They symbolize the Trinity, and their number is the number of evangelists. Further along the ladder ribbon there are three bobbins, and after them there is an empty area. Following this are twelve more small steps, followed by one large one. Next - another thirty-eight small beans and again one large one. They are followed by another cycle of thirty-three stages of small elements plus one large one. Then there are seventeen small beans, again an empty area and finally three more beans.

How to use ladders

So, the lestovki are Orthodox rosaries. Almost no one knows how to use them. Although in fact it is quite simple if their structure, which is adapted to the needs of Old Believer worship, is well mastered. With their help, they determine when, how many and which ones to bow to, what prayers to say, and so on. In addition, quite a lot of private parts are adjusted to the sequence of steps of the ladder prayer rules, consisting mainly of short, repeated appeals to Jesus Christ, Our Lady, angels and saints.

Modern rosary

The rosary, which is widespread in modern Orthodoxy, represented in Russia mainly by the Moscow Patriarchate, is simpler and more concise than the rosary. Their origin, however, is Western, that is, Catholic, and is associated, according to legend, with the name of St. Dominic. The latter, according to legend, was awarded a vision of the Mother of God, who handed him a rosary and ordered him to read prayers on it for the sake of the triumph of Catholicism over heretics.

Historical evidence suggests that the rosary - and this is what these rosaries are called - originated from the tradition of daily recitation of one hundred and fifty psalms, which illiterate peasants replaced with the prayers “Our Father” and “Hail Mary”. This practice also came to be called the rosary. By the 14th century, the rosary acquired the modern division into tens and in this form spread to Russia in the 19th century. This event is connected with the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov. The fact is that he, being a great admirer of the Virgin Mary, introduced in the communities under his care the practice of reading the rosary in its Orthodox form, which was called the Theotokos rule. The reading pattern remained the same, only the words of the Latin prayers were replaced by Church Slavonic equivalents.

Initially, from this innovation a new type of ladder emerged, called the Mother of God and adapted to the reading of the Mother of God rule. However, very soon they were replaced by traditional Western beads with a pendant in the form of a cross, known today as Orthodox rosaries.

Structure of the rosary

Since this type The rosary is intended mainly for reading the Mother of God rule, which is a copy of the Catholic rosary, then their structure is similar to the Western prototype. They are a bunch of fifty small beads, separated every ten by one large one. These are the classic Orthodox rosary. The number of beads may be different, for example, one hundred or one hundred and fifty. A small cross is attached to the place where the ends of the thread are tied, which, according to Russian tradition, is often completed with a tassel.

There is another option that differs not in structure, but in the manufacturing method. The attribute is woven from one thread, where knots play the role of beads. Thus, they are more like a vervitsa - a Byzantine medieval rosary. Orthodox Christians often weave these with their own hands and then give them to each other. This is especially true for monks.

How to use a rosary

We found out that currently the rose garden in to the fullest can be called nothing more than Orthodox rosary beads. How to use them in the Russian tradition is explained by the Rule of the Mother of God. According to him, the usual introductory prayers are read on the cross - “To the Heavenly King,” etc., followed by the “Symbol of Faith.” Next, on ten small beads, “Theotokos, Virgin” is pronounced, and on the large one, “Our Father.” This is how you should read the entire circle of the rosary. In this case, a cycle of one hundred and fifty prayers to the Mother of God is considered complete, which is why Orthodox rosaries can have different quantities dozens - from one to fifteen, and even more.

Rosaries are an ancient attribute of church rituals of all religions. IN explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl writes: “Roads (from counting, honor) - strings of beads, a belt with knots, used in cathedrals for counting prayers and bows.”

But the rosary is still unique remedy. Simply fingering the rosary with your fingers can relieve various diseases, calm the nerves, relieve fatigue, and increase the overall tone of the body.

Rosary beads are an individual item, so it is not advisable to transfer them to anyone for temporary use. After practicing with the rosary, it is recommended to release the tension from it with a wave of your hand and wipe it with a dry cloth. Store this unique item in a dry place and carry it in a cloth bag.

Which rosary is correct?

It is believed that the custom of going to prayer with a string of beads originated in Northern India and Persia. The soldiers of Alexander the Great brought rosaries to Europe after he conquered Persia.

They came into use relatively quickly catholic church. Moreover, among Catholics, not only representatives of the clergy, but also ordinary people wear rosaries (in the Orthodox Church - only monks and nuns).

It is believed that rosaries appeared in Rus' in the 15th century with the opening of Christian monasteries. Beads strung on a thread are given to monks at tonsure to count prayers and bows.

Rosary beads are especially popular among Muslims living in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, where rosary beads are called misbaha. As a rule, misbaha consists of 33 beads, divided into 3 equal parts by large intermediate beads and ending with a ball with a tassel.

It is less common to find beads with 99 beads. Methodically turning the rosary during prayer, the believer praises Allah and turns to him for forgiveness. For each bead there may be one phrase of prayer or some part of the prayer, which is repeated 11 or 33 times.

Buddhist and Hindu rosaries are more impressive - their string can accommodate up to 108 beads plus one large one - “meru”. These beads are usually made of sandalwood and are called mala.

They are used during meditation and mantra recitation. The basis of all mantras is the sound “Om”, it is considered the root of all sounds. The sound “0” appears from deep in the body and slowly rises upward, connecting with the sound “m”, which then resonates in the head.

Repeating "om" correctly for 20 minutes should relax every cell in the body. Usually, while pronouncing the Tibetan mantra “Om Ram”, Buddhist monks touch their beads: pronouncing “om”, they move one bead, saying “ram” - the second, and so on 108 times. According to the monks, meditation extends life to 100 years.

How to twirl a rosary on your fingers correctly?

It is interesting that rosary beads have been found since very ancient times wide application in oriental martial arts. They help train your fingers. Nowadays, this method is recommended for use by people who work at the computer, musicians, especially pianists, who often experience pain in their hands.

In these cases, you can massage, knead with beads, first one, then the other hand in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist. You can rub the balls over the entire surface of your hands from hand to elbow until a feeling of pleasant warmth appears.

Touching the rosary brings peace of mind, relieves depression and insomnia, and improves health. The Chinese have long rolled ordinary walnuts. According to traditional Chinese medicine, certain points on the fingers and palms are reflexively connected not only with the brain, but also with internal organs: stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, heart.

By influencing biologically active points, you can alleviate the course of many diseases. As a result of this acupressure the body's resistance to changes also increases atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms and other weather phenomena. Beads strung on a thread work well as a massager.

In modern psychotherapy, fingering beads is used as a distracting and calming ritual. Moving the smooth beads with your fingers allows you to relax.

How to use a rosary correctly?

How to hold the rosary correctly so that it helps us solve some health problems?

  1. When stressed, you can simply roll a thread with beads in the center of your palms.
  2. If you have a headache, intensively knead the pads and phalanges of your fingers using a rosary for 4 minutes.
  3. Kneading the rosary between your palms can improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system.
  4. Touching the beads with your fingertips helps improve your vision.
  5. If you skip beads at a level nail phalanx index finger, work is toned gastrointestinal tract. When engaged middle finger- massaged spinal column, ring finger- tones the liver, the little finger - relieves a painful heart attack.
  6. If in addition to thumb works with rosary index finger, anger or depression is relieved, nameless - the body’s resistance to magnetic storms and changes in atmospheric pressure increases.
  7. If you crush the beads, holding them in your fist (that is, influence the nerve ending of the palm), the functioning of all internal organs is normalized.
  8. If a runny nose begins, you need to sort out the peas with your fingertips.
  9. If a person who is weaning from smoking has a strong desire to smoke, he should conduct a five-minute meditation with fingering beads so that this desire dulls or completely disappears.
  10. To improve the memorization of foreign words, poems, and various texts, it is recommended to sequentially sort through the beads of the rosary, repeating one or another information unit several times.

Touching the rosary - good way development fine motor skills fingers. They can be used by both children, while simultaneously improving coordination and learning to count, and adults, for example, restoring their hands after injuries or illnesses. This accessory is useful for office workers who often suffer from spasms in the joints and muscles of the hands caused by long, monotonous activities, and for people whose occupational diseases include arthritis and arthrosis (tailors, massage therapists, hairdressers).

Regular use of beads can reduce the symptoms of the disease and balance the load on the muscles.

Material for the correct rosary

When choosing the right rosary important has the material from which the beads are made. The most expensive ones used to be made from well-polished black coral inlaid with silver. Nowadays rosaries are made from any stones and metals, bone, amber, colored glass, fruit seeds, wood.

Traditionally, precious stones were used to make rosaries for their medicinal properties.

  1. Jade helps with kidney diseases.
  2. Lapis lazuli is recommended for joint pain, radiculitis, and blood diseases. In addition, a rosary made of lapis lazuli - excellent remedy to restore vision. To do this, you need to peer closely at the stone several times a day.
  3. Moonstone smoothes out tension and relieves swelling in diseases of the urinary tract.
  4. Malachite strengthens the immune system, normalizes heart function, reduces blood pressure, helps the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys, and spleen.
  5. Obsidian affects the functioning of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.
  6. Amber is used for diseases of the thyroid gland.
  7. Shungite saves from vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  8. Carnelian makes it easier headache, increases immunity and heals wounds.

The most common are rosary beads made from various breeds trees. Sandalwood rosary beads are especially popular in the East. northern countries- from cedar. Beads made from “ringing” cedar, that is, centuries-old cedar, are considered especially valuable. Rosary beads made from it are used for radiation damage and diseases. nervous system and spine.

When choosing a rosary made of wood, you need to take into account the character of the person. So, it is better for unbalanced people to choose materials: aspen, poplar, bird cherry, rowan, spruce.

For diseases of the bones and joints, beads made of beech, oak, cedar, juniper, acacia, and birch are suitable.

Conclusion: The right rosary is not only used in religious services, but is also useful for maintaining physical and emotional health.

Best regards, Olga.

Every person who has embarked on the path of worshiping the Lord should know why rosaries are needed. This attribute is mandatory in every religion and is of enormous importance in spiritual practice. Outwardly, they look like a thread with beads closed in a ring. A variety of materials are used for production: wood, glass or amber. There are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Muslim rosaries. Christian rosary beads are common in Russia, particularly Orthodox ones. But not even all believers, not to mention the laity, know what they are needed for and how to correctly touch the rosary.

Prayer is a common practice of all faiths. It is customary to pronounce sacred words many times, which requires the believer to concentrate and often count repetitions. By sorting through the rosary, it is easy to keep track of the number of petitions spoken.

Another important point regarding the rosary - how many beads should be in them. Their number varies depending on the religious tradition. Christians most often use rosaries with 100 main beads and three additional ones. The latter are placed under the place where the cross is attached. Such rosaries are sometimes used as decoration, for example among Catholics: they are hung on statues of saints. In Orthodoxy, it is more common to use 33 beads, symbolizing the number of years of life on Earth of Jesus Christ.

Types in Christianity

There are two types of rosary which are used in Christianity for prayer.

The term “lestovka” is translated as “ladder” and symbolizes the ascent to the abode of the Almighty. This variety has the shape not of beads, but of a leather belt, along the length of which wide loops (“steps”) are created. The arrangement of the latter is based on an extraordinary system, and in their structure there is a paper roller, in which writing has been written since ancient times. sacred prayers. The ends of the ladders are sewn together with “paws”(fastened by triangles). Today this ancient attribute is not actually used.

The Rosary is the name given to ordinary Catholic rosaries, which are also used in Orthodox circles. They are easier to use and more laconic to manufacture than ladders. Their origin is connected with the name of the holy ascetic Dominic. Traditions claim that the Mother of God appeared to him, handed him a rosary and ordered him to say prayers for the victory of Western Christianity over heretics.

There is another version: the rosary comes from the tradition of daily reading of 150 sacred psalms . Modern classification these rosaries were found in the 14th century, and in the 19th they spread to the territory Russian Empire. The Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, being a great ascetic and admirer Mother of God, introduced the practice of praying at the rosary into his own communities. This procedure was called the Mother of God rule. Saint Seraphim left the reading schemes, but replaced the church text with a similar Church Slavonic one.

Based on this, it can be argued that both the ladders and the rosaries are Orthodox rosaries.

How to use the attribute

Before starting regular practice, the believer is recommended to obtain a blessing from the clergy of the church. A prayer call is a simple ritual where one bead symbolizes one prayer.


The attribute does not have to be purchased; it can be woven independently, with the blessing of a priest and prayer in the soul, consecrated in the church and used as purchased ones. There is a very simple diagram of how to weave Orthodox rosaries. For weaving you will need a long thread and beads different sizes and shapes. Next, they are strung on a thread according to the following principle:

  • 9 small (5−10 mm) beads;
  • 9 medium (10−15 mm) size;
  • 1 small (5-10 mm) bead;
  • The sequence ends with the largest (15-20 mm) bead.

There should be 30 beads in the chain, they need to be closed by passing the ends through the last bead, and string three additional ones (oblong, small and medium). The ends of the thread are secured, then cut or cauterized; a cross can also be attached to them. Instead of beads, you can weave knots, for example, from soutache ribbon. In Orthodox rosaries, the number of beads can be not only 33, but also another - a multiple of 10 or 12, or 103.

This religious accessory constantly reminds of the importance of saying a prayer, which is a kind of shield against harmful results. worldly life. By using a rosary, the mind of the supplicant is more easily concentrated on the Supreme Lord, who great love helps his own creatures.

Rosary beads are quite common among people who profess orthodox christianity. Both priests and ordinary lay people use rosaries, but some members of the clergy believe that only monks can use rosaries. In the Old Believers, the use of rosaries (rosaries) is mandatory when praying.

Types of Orthodox rosary

There are several types of Orthodox rosary. First of all, these are ordinary classic rosaries, which are made of stone or wood. At one time, Old Russian rosaries were also widely used; these were ropes, ladders and broyannitsa. Classic rosary beads can mainly be found among people who profess Orthodox Christianity. But vervitsy, lestovka and broyannitsy are very rare these days, most often among followers of the Old Believers. Although sometimes Orthodox saints are depicted on icons with Old Believer rosaries (for example, Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky is depicted on some icons with an Old Believer lestovka in his hand).

Number of beads in Orthodox rosaries

Most often, classic Christian rosaries have 33 beads (33 is the earthly age of Jesus Christ’s life) or 30 beads. Less common are rosaries consisting of 10 beads (stones), the so-called finger rosary. There are also long rosaries consisting of 100 and even 150 beads.

Materials for Orthodox rosaries

Orthodox rosary can be made from the most different materials. Very often there are rosary beads made of precious and semi-precious stones. precious stones. I will list the most common stones used to make Christian rosaries, as well as the main properties attributed to these stones.

Nephritis. A jade rosary is best suited for a person with a bright and pure soul. The fact is that jade has a very bad effect on dishonest people who lead an unrighteous lifestyle, so the stone is recommended only for honest and open people. It is believed that jade promotes the search for a soul mate and helps make the life of its owner truly happy.

Agate. Agate rosary is best for men. Agate is believed to increase male strength and prevents its owner from aging prematurely. Agate has a positive effect on emotional state person. This stone also wards off bad dreams and gives strength to defeat dangerous enemies and cope with financial difficulties. It is worth noting the most powerful protective qualities of agate - this stone will ward off any misfortune from its owner.

Amethyst. Amethyst has been used since ancient times to treat alcoholism. Constantly wearing an amethyst can change a person’s attitude towards alcohol, even to the point of complete disgust. Nowadays, lithotherapy specialists (approx. lithotherapy is treatment with stones and minerals) successfully use amethyst in the treatment of alcoholism, insomnia and strengthening the immune system. Amethyst helps its owner to comprehend the basics of the universe. This stone also has one very interesting feature- if a woman gives a product with an amethyst to a man, he will fall in love with her, regardless of whether he is married or not.

Rhinestone. Rock crystal is a stone of magic and magic. It is rock crystal that promotes the development of clairvoyance and opens up other magical abilities from its owner. Constant contact with rock crystal helps a person concentrate on the solution important issues and protects the house from any negativity. Products made from rock crystal help pass exams (students often resort to rock crystal during sessions and school graduates during passing the Unified State Exam). In lithotherapy, rock crystal is used to treat depression and nervous breakdowns.

Onyx. Onyx is pretty powerful amulet. This stone will always protect the owner from death. If a person who is prone to suicide is given a product made of onyx, the risk of repeated suicide will decrease. Onyx is also very popular among businessmen and financiers; this stone attracts money to a person and makes him successful. Onyx will protect you from damage and the evil eye, as well as from any other induced negative impact. Onyx rosary helps to realize any endeavors. In lithotherapy, onyx is used to stimulate the immune system and increase vital energy.

Citrine. A citrine rosary will bring its owner financial well-being and good luck in any trading business. In addition, citrine normalizes relations between husband and wife and makes the family more friendly and happy. A very big plus of citrine is that it does not attract negative energy at all. In lithotherapy, citrine is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Amazonite. Amazonite is a long-living mineral; thanks to this stone, a person’s health will always be in excellent shape. In addition, Amazonite is considered a stone of warriors, as it makes its owner bold and courageous. Amazonite rosary beads are perfect for a person who has decided to get rid of some fears. In lithotherapy, amazonite is used in the treatment of headaches, epilepsy, rheumatism and varicose veins veins

Chrysocolla. Chrysocolla rosary are effective amulets against dark forces. In women, chrysocolla stimulates the development of maternal instincts, making the relationship between mother and child closer and more trusting. In lithotherapy, chrysocolla is used in the treatment gynecological diseases.

Obsidian. Obsidian is quite rarely used in Orthodox rosaries. The fact is that the attitude towards this stone is very ambiguous. For example, in the Caucasus, obsidian was considered a very dark stone; it was often called fragments of the Devil’s claws. However, the stone itself is quite interesting and very strong. The magical qualities of this stone have been known since ancient times. The Sumerians decorated their temples with special obsidian mirrors. Obsidian rosary can be a powerful amulet, but the stone is not suitable for everyone. Nowadays, obsidian products are popular among people involved in scientific activities. In lithotherapy, obsidian is used to treat gastritis, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, obsidian beads, if touched at least once a day, can normalize blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

Hematite. Nowadays, hematite is very often worn by magicians, sorcerers and other representatives of the so-called magical industry. Because of this, hematite began to be treated as a stone, thanks to which one can take control of otherworldly forces. But this is a big misconception. In fact, this stone is quite light; it can become a good amulet and protect its owner from potential dangerous situations. Hematite rosary can be worn as a talisman that protects against damage and the evil eye. In lithotherapy, the stone is used in the treatment of circulatory diseases.

Rose quartz. Rose quartz helps to cope with grievances and restore good relationship with dear people.

Jasper. Jasper will reliably protect your home from everything bad. Jasper beads have a positive effect on a person’s internal state, making him cheerful and positive.

Emerald. Emerald helps its owner become a better person. This stone can cope with any bad habits, including alcoholism and smoking. The owner of an emerald will have good luck in all matters. A rosary with an emerald can completely change your life. better side. In lithotherapy, I use emerald in the treatment of hypertension and diseases of the nervous system.

Coil. The serpentine will always warn its owner about upcoming dangers and help to cope with them.

Lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli is a stone of good luck. If you get a product made of lapis lazuli, then luck will always accompany you in everything. In lithotherapy, lapis lazuli is used to treat diseases of the visual organs.

Cornelian. First of all, it is worth noting positive influence carnelian on family relationships. A man who has a carnelian product will always treat his wife with understanding, will loving husband and father. The stone also helps to achieve material well-being.

Pomegranate. Garnet is extremely rarely used to make Orthodox rosaries. The fact is that pomegranate, despite its external beauty, greatly influences its owner and makes him more passionate (this passion can manifest itself in love, in communication, in work, etc.). Most often, garnet products are worn by musicians, actors and representatives of other creative professions.

Rhodonite. Rhodonite will help its owner become a wealthy person. In addition, rhodonite can become a talisman - the stone protects against robbery and all forms of violence. Separately, it is worth noting the positive influence of rhodonite on intra-family relationships - if one of the spouses has a product made of rhodonite, then the family will be strong, and peace and mutual understanding will always reign in the house.

Rauchtopaz. Since ancient times, Rauchtopaz has been considered the stone of poppies and sorcerers, who in one way or another used it in various rituals of black magic. However, products made from rauchtopaz can also be worn ordinary people. The stone increases overall vitality and helps get rid of bad habits.

In addition to semi-precious and precious stones, quite often they are used to make Orthodox rosaries. various types wood, pearls, corals and amber.

Use of rosaries in Christianity

None strict rules and there are no requirements for the use of rosaries when praying in Orthodoxy. Most often, the prayer to Jesus Christ is read with rosaries: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” When reading other prayers, rosaries, as in other religions, are used to read the prayer a certain amount once and never go astray.

PS. From us you can always buy Orthodox rosaries made from natural stones processed in " Morozov workshop".

Many religious denominations In their tradition of rituals and processions they use rosaries. Among them are Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. In Christianity, beads of this kind are also considered an obligatory attribute. The topic of this article is rosary beads: how to use, how to select and store.

Within the boundaries of the Russian language Orthodox world rosary beads have their own purpose and interpretation. These are special beads on a cord that are used to count the number of bows and prayers said. According to some sources, in the Russian tradition, St. Basil the Great first began to use rosaries. Other sources say that this item was introduced into use by Saint Pachomius the Great.

Thing this kind truly needed Orthodox person. Often during constant prayer you can get lost during the countdown. The Mother of God herself blessed the use of rosaries, calling them the main weapon against the attempts of the unclean to interfere with the believer.

You need to be able to distinguish between secular rosaries, which are simply used for decoration, and truly Orthodox ones. There are two types of traditional rosaries: woolen (letovki) and wooden. The first are round wool beads strung on a thread of the same material. Wooden rosary- These are liner beads made of wood and strung on a thread. Each one is completed orthodox cross and a brush.

If the beads are made of stone, glass or plastic, they are rarely blessed by the priest for use. It is believed that the best material will be natural: wool, leather or noble wood.

Usually there are 30 or 100 beads in a rosary. But it can be less or more, the main thing is that their number is a multiple of 12 or 10. If there are inscriptions on the grains, then these beads are Muslim. Some Orthodox rosaries, made of leather or wool, contain a small scroll with the Jesus Prayer written inside.

Why are Orthodox rosaries needed and how to handle them?

There is no strict rule for praying on the rosary. Everyone chooses the method that seems convenient to them. Most often, confessors, when blessing, advise starting with the Jesus Prayer, which must be said 150 times a day, or with the rule of the Virgin Mary. The rosary is also used to read the prayer “Lord, have mercy.” This can be 1, 3, 12, 40 or 50 times.

Before starting to pronounce the sacred words, you need to say: “Lord bless.” When saying a prayer, the rosary is held in the left hand. After reading each prayer, one grain is transferred, and then right hand are being baptized.

Functions of the rosary:

  1. They help while reading the Jesus Prayer or the Theotokos Rule.
  2. Strengthens attention and sobriety during the recitation of sacred texts.
  3. Gives peace and concentration.
  4. They do not allow you to fall asleep during prayer.

There is such a concept - “prayed rosary”. In the old days it was believed that if they were used by a true believer, they could become a talisman. For example, to protect from attacks by wild animals, on the road and difficult situation. Rosary beads belonging to holy people helped heal illnesses. An example of this was the case from the biography of Elder Porfiry Kavsokalivit.

Modern rosary beads and their uses

Since their appearance, rosaries have quietly “migrated” from religious paraphernalia to the parachurch and even criminal world. At a certain period, they began to be used as an attribute of wealth and inclusion in a thieves' conglomerate. Even such a concept as “prisoner’s rosary” appeared, which has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Esotericists and representatives oriental medicine They note that sorting grains or beads calms the nerves, puts them in a peaceful mood and even normalizes breathing. However, this has nothing to do with Orthodox Christianity.

Now Orthodox rosaries are allowed to be used only by monks or high clergy. For Old Believers, rosary beads are an integral attribute of any believer. The Russian Orthodox Church considers it undesirable to wear rosaries as decoration or to pray with them without the blessing of a spiritual guide.

It is customary to keep this religious attribute, not show it to strangers, and even pass it on from generation to generation. Having learned what Orthodox rosaries are, how to use them correctly so as not to sin and harm your soul, you can.