What to wear with a pectoral cross. What should an Orthodox pectoral cross look like?

Domes Orthodox churches crowned with crosses. Believers wear crosses on their chests to always be under the protection of God.

What should be the correct Orthodox cross? on his back side there is an inscription: “Save and preserve.” However, this attribute is not a talisman that can protect against all misfortunes.

Pectoral cross- this is a symbol of the “cross” that God gives to a person who wants to serve Him - in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him turn away and take up his cross and follow Me” (Mark 8:34) .

A person who wears a cross thereby gives a guarantee that he will live according to the commandments of God and steadfastly endure all the trials that befall him.

Our story about what to consider when choosing an Orthodox cross will be incomplete if we do not turn to history and talk about the festival dedicated to this Christian attribute.

In memory of the discovery of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem in 326, near Golgotha, where Jesus Christ was crucified, the Orthodox Church celebrates a holiday called the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-giving Cross The Lord's. This holiday symbolizes the triumph of the Church of Christ, which has gone through a difficult path of trials and persecution and spread throughout the world.

As legend says, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Queen Helena, went in search of the Holy Cross to Palestine. Excavations were carried out here, as a result of which the cave of the Holy Sepulcher was found, and three crosses were discovered not far from it. They were placed one by one on a sick woman, who, thanks to touching the Cross of the Lord, was healed.

According to another legend, a dead man who was being carried was resurrected from contact with this cross. funeral procession. However, what exactly the cross on which Christ was crucified looked like is unknown. Only two separate crossbars were found, along with a sign and a footstool.

Queen Helena brought part of the Life-Giving Tree and nails to Constantinople. And Emperor Constantine erected a temple in Jerusalem in 325 in honor of the Ascension of Christ, which included the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha.

The cross began to be used as a symbol of faith thanks to Emperor Constantine. As the church historian Eusebius Pamphilus testifies, “Christ, the Son of God, appeared in a dream to the emperor with a sign seen in heaven and commanded, having made a banner similar to this seen in heaven, to use it for protection from the attacks of enemies.”

Constantine ordered images of the cross to be placed on the shields of his soldiers and installed three commemorative Orthodox crosses in Constantinople with gold inscriptions in Greek “IC.XP.NIKA”, which means “Jesus Christ the Victor”.

What should be the correct pectoral cross?

There are various graphic types of crosses: Greek, Latin, St. Peter's cross (inverted cross), Papal cross, etc. No matter how different the different branches of Christianity may be, this shrine is revered by all denominations.

But if in Catholicism Jesus Christ is depicted sagging in his arms, which emphasizes His martyrdom, then in Orthodoxy the Savior appears in power - as a winner, calling the entire Universe into His arms.

The palms of Jesus on the Orthodox cross are usually open; the figure expresses peace and dignity. In Him are embodied His most important hypostases - Divine and Human.

The attribute of the Catholic crucifix is ​​the Crown of Thorns. In the Orthodox artistic tradition it is rare.

Also in Catholic images, Christ is crucified with three nails, that is, nails are driven into both hands, and the soles of his feet are put together and nailed with one nail. In the Orthodox crucifix, each foot of the Savior is nailed separately with its own nail, and a total of four nails are depicted.

Canon image Orthodox crucifix was approved back in 692 by the Tula Cathedral and remains unchanged to this day. Of course, Orthodox believers should use crosses that are made in accordance with the Orthodox tradition.

It must be said that the debate is about what should be christian cross the correct shape - eight-pointed or four-pointed - has been coming for a long time. In particular, it was led by Orthodox believers and Old Believers.

According to Abbot Luke,
“in the Orthodox Church, its holiness does not depend in any way on the shape of the cross, provided that the Orthodox cross is made and consecrated exactly as christian symbol, and not originally made as a sign, for example, of the sun or part of a household ornament or decoration.”

What form of the pectoral cross is considered correct in Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church recognizes four-pointed, six-pointed, and eight-pointed types of crosses (the latter, with two additional partitions - inclined in left side for the legs and a crossbar at the head, are used more often), with or without the image of the crucified Savior (however, such a symbol cannot be 12-pointed or 16-pointed).

The letters ІС ХС are a christogram, symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ. Also, the Orthodox cross has the inscription “Save and Preserve.”

Catholics also do not give of great importance the shape of a cross, on Catholic crosses The image of the Savior is not always found.

Why is the cross called a cross in Orthodoxy?

Only clergy wear crosses over their clothes, and ordinary believers should not wear crucifixes for show, thereby demonstrating their faith, because such a manifestation of pride is not appropriate for Christians.

It must also be said that an Orthodox pectoral cross can be made from different materials– gold, silver, copper, bronze, wood, bone, amber, decorated with ornaments or precious stones. The main thing is that it must be sanctified.

If you bought it in a church shop, you don’t have to worry about this: they sell already consecrated crosses. This does not apply to items purchased in jewelry stores, and such crosses will need to be consecrated in the temple. During this ritual, the priest will read prayers calling to protect not only the soul, but also the body of the believer from evil forces.

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The cross is an indicator of belonging to the Christian faith. From this article you will find out whether it is possible to wear someone else’s cross, and why it cannot be worn over clothes.


The cross, according to the clergy, should always be on a believer. But there are also prohibitions associated with it. Some of them are nothing more than superstitions that a believer should not even think about. These include, for example, the darkening of the cross. But this is far from the only question that a believer may have about his cross.



Myths and superstitions about the cross


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Cannot be worn on a chain

There are absolutely no restrictions on the chain. Here, rather, the more important question is convenience and habit. If a person wants to wear a cross on a chain, he can do so; the church does not prohibit such actions. Most important principle which must be followed in in this case- so that the cross does not get lost and does not fly off the neck. Both lace and chain are acceptable. Superstitious people, however, claim that by all accounts the cross is not lost just like that.

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Cannot be worn over clothing

This is absolutely true statement. The cross is a symbol of faith and protection. By not wearing a cross outward, a person shows the sincerity of faith without making it ostentatious. Also, all the warmth and blessing that the priest bestows on the cross during the consecration is transferred only to you in this case.



Can't give

You can always give a cross. Of course, it’s great if parents or godparents take care of this as one of the christening gifts. But this does not mean that another person cannot give you a cross. There is also a tradition when two people exchange crosses, becoming brothers or sisters in Christ. Usually this is done by close people.

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Cannot be picked up if found

A superstition that has absolutely no basis. Let us also recall that superstitions are not at all recognized by the church and are considered incompatible with the Christian faith. There are people who believe that by picking up a found cross, you can take on the problems of the person who lost it or abandoned it. The cross, since it is a shrine, must at least be brought to the temple. Or keep it for yourself and store it in a red corner in the house.



You can't wear someone else's cross

If you received a cross from a parent or someone you know, you can wear it. The church does not establish any prohibition here. Especially if you don’t have a cross. Many people believe that things are endowed with the energy of their owner, and it can be transferred to a new owner. They may also argue that by giving away a cross, a person gives away a piece of his Destiny. Only such beliefs have nothing to do with the Christian faith and belong to the occult worldview.

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You can't wear a cross with a crucifix


Another superstition that you should not pay attention to. There are people who say that a cross with a crucifix will bring a hard life on a person. This is not true at all, just people's speculation. Such a cross symbolizes the salvation and sacrifice of Christ; there is nothing wrong with it. But you need to wear it correctly: the crucifix should be turned outward, not towards you.

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You cannot wear an unconsecrated cross

It is best to consecrate the cross. But as such, there is no prohibition on wearing an unconsecrated cross. It is believed that evil spirits avoid even two crossed sticks. Nevertheless, a believer should still consecrate his symbol of faith.
You can choose any cross you like: gold, silver, copper or wood. The material is not very important. It is important to consecrate it and not wear jewelry purchased at a jewelry store as a cross. It is necessary to understand that the church Orthodox cross, which symbolizes faith in God, differs from beautiful, but purely decorative crosses. They do not carry a spiritual load and have nothing to do with faith.

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Why wear a cross?




Why should I go to church if I have faith in my soul? Why wear a cross if I’m already a Christian? Is it really written in the Gospel that everyone should wear crosses? So to wear or not to wear? Questions similar to these are often asked by unchurched people.


Let's try to answer.

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Where did this tradition come from?

Wearing a cross without a real Christian life will look like some kind of fake. Treating the cross as a beautiful decoration will also serve to condemn a person. So what happens: you can’t wear it, otherwise you’ll harm yourself?


Wearing a pectoral cross is not only possible, but also necessary. Many believers can confirm: this is powerful protection person. Why? Because the cross is the instrument of Christ's death. The crucified Jesus washed away the sins of every person with His Blood.


Therefore, this reminds every Christian of the sacrifices God makes for man, for which Christ suffered. If Jesus had not suffered, the people would have had no hope of salvation. The cross is rightly called the instrument of our salvation. But many people refuse to wear this item on their body.


Among the arguments, the most popular are:

  1. this in no way confirms that I am a Christian;
  2. There are no indications in the Gospel about wearing a cross; the first Christians did not know this either...

Yes, indeed, wearing a cross on a pectoral cross without practicing Christian life is reminiscent of a person trying to sail on a wreck of a ship in a storm.


Indeed, the Gospel and the lives of the early Christians do not indicate that people supported modern practices.


But in the life of the early church there was a custom of wearing medallions with the image of the slain Lamb or the Crucifixion. Sources from the 2nd century indicate: some Christians already had crosses or painted them on their foreheads in order to “give themselves away” to their persecutors and suffer for their faith. When the “hunt” for believers subsided, the pious example of the first Christians spread widely.


Interesting historical fact Archpriest Igor Fomin leads.


There was one rather humiliating custom in the Roman Empire. Just as we now put a collar on dogs, their slaves wore the same straps around their necks indicating the name of their owner.


The first Christians, opposing themselves to such a society, wore crosses, as if saying: we do not belong to you. We have another Master who paid for us with his own life.

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Spiritual protection

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Today it is customary to put a cross on a person after performing the Sacrament of Baptism. This is a confirmation of my involvement in the Church and the understanding that the Son of God suffered for my sake.

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- Yes, all this is nonsense! Why wear a cross? - the skeptic will say. — Just think: two wooden sticks or a metal figurine. Can they protect a person?


The answer is very laconic: they can. A lot of evidence can be found.


For example, during difficult Soviet times, it was forbidden to wear “metal figures.” If a girl is going to marry a man of other faiths, she is usually required to remove... her cross. It goes something like this: renounce your faith, turn away from Christ.


And how many stories there are about how, without a cross, people were deprived of spiritual protection! Many became possessed - they were possessed by evil spirits. And when someone approached them with a cross, they began to cower, scream, curse, and bang their heads against the wall...

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Symbol of victory over the devil




A priest I knew told an incident from his own practice. He served in a village where everyone knew each other. There lived one man who had little contact with people and had no family. He never went to church.


One day the priest passed by this man. For some reason I decided to stop and talk. Then he says:


- Alexey, I want to give you a small gift.


The man was as happy as a child. The priest placed a pectoral cross on his neck.


Some time passed. The abbot and Alexei met again. The man, almost in tears, said:


- Father, I couldn’t accept your gift.


And he told the story. After they hung a cross on his neck, he did not understand what was happening to him. When I came to my senses, I realized: he was already far from home, on the local Bald Mountain. There was no longer a cross on the neck.



No matter how skeptical we are about this, we certainly don’t know what power this symbol of Christianity has. Therefore, the evil one in different ways trying to stop a person.

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Why wear a cross? To protect yourself. The devil is afraid of losing access to a person, worries that he may take the path of piety and be saved. After all, the cross is a symbol of victory over the forces of darkness, a constant reminder of who we are, why we were created and how to be saved.

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How to choose a chain for a cross and other interesting facts

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Pectoral cross- why is it worn on the body and is it possible to remove the cross from oneself?


Of all the world religions, Christianity ranks in Russia special position. According to statistics, at least two thirds of Russians have received the Sacrament of Baptism. In this Sacrament, among other actions, a pectoral cross is placed on a person’s neck. About where the tradition of wearing crosses on the body came from, why it is worn on the body and whether it is possible to remove the cross from oneself - this and more will be discussed in our article.

A little history

The custom of placing a pectoral cross on the neck of the newly baptized person along with Baptism did not appear immediately. However, the cross as an instrument of salvation has been the subject of greatest celebration among Christians since the very foundation of the Church. For example, the church thinker Tertullian (II-III centuries) in his “Apology” testifies that the veneration of the cross existed from the first times of Christianity. Even before the discovery of the life-giving cross on which Christ was crucified in the 4th century by Queen Helena and Emperor Constantine, it was already common among the first followers of Christ to always carry an image of the cross with them - both as a reminder of the suffering of the Lord, and to confess their faith before others . From the acts of the 7th Ecumenical Council(act 4) we know that the holy martyrs Orestes (suffered ca.304 g .) and Procopius (martyred in 303 g .) wore a cross on their chest. Pontius, the biography of the holy martyr Cyprian of Carthage (d. 258 g.), and others. Christians wore an image of a cross on their bodies, most often on their foreheads and chests. If some Christians wore a cross under their clothes out of fear of persecution or out of a reverent desire to avoid ridicule of the shrine by pagans, then there were others who wanted to confess Christ and their faith. Such a bold and decisive confession prompted the image of a cross to be placed on the forehead as the most prominent place human body. Today very few external sources have survived that would report on this pious tradition of wearing the cross, because in the first three centuries it belonged to the area of ​​disciplinae arcanae, that is, to the circle of those Christian beliefs and rituals that were kept secret from the pagans. After the weakening and subsequent cessation of the persecution of Christians, wearing a cross became a widespread custom. At the same time for everyone Christian churches they began to erect crosses. In Rus', this custom was adopted precisely with the baptism of the Slavs in 988. On Russian soil, crosses were worn not on the body, but on top of clothing, “as clear indicators of Christian baptism.” They were called encolpions - from the Greek word for “chest”. Encolpions at first had the shape of a four-sided box, empty inside; on their outer side there was an image of a monogram of the name of Jesus Christ, and later - a cross various shapes. Particles of relics were kept in this box.

The meaning of the cross

What does a pectoral cross symbolize and why is it necessary to wear it? The cross, as an instrument of terrible and painful execution, thanks to the sacrificial deed of Christ the Savior, became a symbol of redemption and an instrument of salvation for all mankind from sin and death. It is on the Cross, through pain and suffering, death and Resurrection, that the Son of God accomplishes the salvation or healing of human nature from mortality, passion and corruption introduced into it by the fall of Adam and Eve. Thus, a person who wears the Crucifixion of Christ testifies to his participation in the suffering and feat of his Savior, followed by hope for salvation, and therefore the resurrection of a person for eternal life with God. This participation consists not so much in theoretically recognizing that Christ once, more than two thousand years ago, suffered physically and morally in Jerusalem, but in accepting: I, just like the Lord, am ready to offer daily sacrifice yourself - through the struggle with your passions, through forgiveness and non-judgment of your neighbors, through building your life according to the Gospel commandments of the Savior - as a sign of love and gratitude to Him.

Great honor

For Orthodox Christian Wearing a cross is a great honor and responsibility. Conscious disregard and blasphemous attitude towards the cross among the Russian people has always been understood as an act of apostasy. Russian people swore allegiance on crosses, and by exchanging crosses, they became cross brothers. When building churches, houses, and bridges, a cross was laid in the foundation. Orthodox Church believes that according to a person’s faith, the power of God is manifested (acted) in an invisible way through the cross of Christ. The cross is a weapon against the devil. About the miraculous, saving and healing power of the cross and the sign of the cross, the Church can speak reliably, referring to the experience from the lives of its saints, as well as to the numerous testimonies of ordinary believers. Raising the Dead, healing from illnesses, protection from evil forces - all these and other benefits to this day through the cross show the love of God to man.

Worthless superstitions

But despite life-giving power cross, many people believe (follow) various superstitions associated with the cross. Here is an example of one of them: “Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream - warning sign, and if you dreamed that you lost a cross, be prepared for troubles that will not be slow to fall on you,” dream interpreters unanimously say. But the most common superstition associated with the Crucifixion tells us that if we find somewhere a cross lost by someone, then we cannot take it, since by doing so we are taking on the sins of others. However, when it comes to finding lost money, then no one remembers about other people’s sins, especially about other people’s pain. And to the “serious question” that worries many people about what it means when a cross is lost, I would like to answer just as seriously that it means that the chain or rope on which this cross hung was broken. The presence in a person of a superstitious, that is, vain, empty attitude towards the cross testifies to a lack of faith and even distrust of Christ, and therefore of His redemptive sacrificial feat accomplished on the Cross. In this case, hope and love for God and trust in God's Providence are replaced by distrust and fear of the unknown.

Dubious goals

For what purpose are crosses worn today and are they worn at all? Here are the answers to this question that were posted on one of the Internet forums: . I wear it as a talisman; . because it’s beautiful and probably just helps; . I wear a cross, but not as a symbol of faith, but as a gift from someone close to me; . I wear it because, they say, it brings happiness; . I don’t wear it, because I consider it idolatry; there is no indication of this custom in the Bible; . I don’t wear a cross for two reasons: my neck itches terribly from all these chains, and secondly, I, of course, am a believer, but not to the same extent... This is exactly how unchurched people with a pagan, or even consumerist, attitude towards faith and religion reason . But among this type of people there is a part that does not accept wearing a cross at all, citing the following reason: “God is already in my soul”; “In the Bible, God does not command you to wear a cross”; “The cross is a symbol of death, a shameful instrument of execution,” etc. What can a person come up with as an excuse for his elementary ignorance in the field of Christian culture! Thus, most unchurched people do not have a Christian understanding of what a cross is and why it should be worn on the body. The Church says that the cross is a shrine on which the salvation of people was accomplished, testifying to God’s love for us. Upon acceptance of the Sacrament of Baptism, a person begins to be called a Christian, which means one who is ready to testify to loyalty to God with his whole life through bearing his life’s cross and following His commandments. This is precisely what the image of the cross on our chest constantly reminds us of. Orthodox Christians are called upon to look at the cross and treat it with great reverence and responsibility. Such reverent attitude towards the cross and remembering it as a shrine often keeps a person from committing a bad act. It is not for nothing that in Rus' a person who committed a crime was told: “You have no cross.” This phrase does not convey a literal, physical meaning absence of a cross on the body, but speaks of a lack of mindfulness, serious Christian attitude to the cross and the Christian faith. In itself, the presence of a cross on the chest does not save and has no meaning for a person if he does not consciously profess what the Cross of Christ symbolizes. A reverent attitude towards the body cross encourages a believer not to remove the cross from the body unless seriously necessary. The fact that in Rus' they made special bath crosses from wood, so as not to get burned by a metal cross, suggests that people did not want to remove the crosses even for short time(during washing). No wonder the Russian people said: “He who has a cross is with Christ.” But there are situations when certain circumstances require it - for example, operations on the body. In such cases, you should not neglect the doctor’s request; it is enough to enlighten yourself sign of the cross and rely on the will of God. The question is whether to wear or not to wear crosses infants, causes fear in many people, because a child can allegedly be strangled with a rope or chain on which the Crucifix is ​​located. But there is not yet a single known accident in which a child strangled himself with his own hands or inflicted wounds on himself with a cross. These are just vain fears or superstitious prejudices of adults. My only advice to parents is that they should not put too long a rope or chain around their children’s necks. Conclusion The cross is not just a memory of the day of baptism and not a relic that should be kept, not a talisman or a gift, but a shrine through which God gives a believer who leads a correct spiritual life His grace, consolation and support. It is no coincidence that the Russian people have put together a wise proverb: “We do not bear the cross, but it bears us.” Being a visible shrine, the pectoral cross is designed to testify to our faith in Christ, our readiness to sacrificially love and forgive people and live according to the Gospel commandments. And may God grant us, looking at our cross, to more often remember the words of the Lord and act according to His call: “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24).

Deacon Konstantin Kiosev

At the same time, one of the most familiar and most mysterious decorations for those uninitiated in the secrets of religion. We have prepared a guide for you that will answer all your questions.

Pectoral cross: decoration and symbol of faith

Despite the fact that now the cross is extremely common as a decorative element and is often perceived in contrast to Christian traditions, its origin and symbolism should not be ignored.

Historical models of body crosses

Religion insists: it doesn’t matter how much the material from which the cross is made costs. This is primarily a symbol Christian faith. At the same time tradition of honoring the cross, which is always with you, turned it into decoration and a luxury item.

There is an opinion that it is true religious pectoral cross should be simple in design and should be worn under clothing. Now this is not entirely true. The main difference between a purely decorative and a truly significant thing is whether the cross is consecrated or not. The church will not refuse to bless a product strewn with stones, nor will they demand that it be hidden under clothing in the summer heat.

What you really should pay attention to is not the metal, but the Does the shape of the chosen decoration correspond to the Orthodox or Catholic tradition?.

How to distinguish between Orthodox and Catholic crosses


The most common in the Orthodox Church six- and eight-pointed crosses . By the way, the latter have long been considered the most powerful amulet from evil spirits. A small crossbar at the heads symbolizes the sign that was used to mark the crimes committed. But since no one called Jesus' crimes that way, Orthodox tradition it may have the abbreviation I.N.C.I. or I.N.C.I, Catholics write I.N.R.I in Latin. This is an abbreviation for “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”The slanting crossbar under your feet symbolizes the path from sins to righteousness. In turn, Catholic crosses are as simple as possible and consist of only two crossbars.


In addition to the inscription I.N.C.I., on Orthodox crosses on the opposite side of the crucifix there may be engraved "Save and Preserve". There is no such thing in the Catholic tradition.


Orthodox Christians believe that Jesus was nailed with four nails, Catholics believe that there were three nails. That is why the feet of Christ on the Orthodox cross are located one next to the other, but on the Catholic cross they are thrown one on top of the other.


T oh what it should be depiction of Jesus on the crucifixion- the subject of heated debate among representatives of both faiths. Catholics adhere to the most naturalistic image, which reflects the insane suffering on the cross. At the same time, the Orthodox believe that such an image speaks of torment, but is silent about the main thing - Jesus conquered death. Therefore, in the Orthodox tradition, his figure rather reflects happiness from the transition to a better world.

Difference between Orthodox and Catholic cross

Symbolism of the main Orthodox crosses

Eight-pointed cross

This is one of the most canonical Orthodox crosses. Above its widest horizontal crossbar there is a short one (often with the abbreviation I.N.Ts.I.), and at the feet there is a short diagonal crossbar (the upper end is directed to the left, the lower end is directed to the left, if you look at the cross directly). The lower part is a symbol of support under the feet of the crucified Jesus, as well as the transition from a sinful world to a righteous one. In fact, the presence of this false support only prolonged the torment on the cross.

Six-pointed cross

One of the oldest options. In this cross, the inclined lower crossbar symbolizes the internal scales of each of us: what wins - conscience or sin. Its meaning is also interpreted as the path from sin to repentance.

Four-pointed teardrop cross

It is believed that the drops at the ends of the crossbars are the blood of the crucified Christ, who atoned for the sins of mankind. This symbol was often used to decorate religious books.


This cross is often used in heraldry (for example, on the coat of arms of Chernigov), but many people also love it as a body cross. The ends of the crossbars of such a product are decorated with semicircular leaves. Sometimes there are also beads on them - “bumps”.

Latin four-pointed cross

This is the most common in the West christian cross. The horizontal crossbar is located 2/3 of the height of the vertical one. Extended bottom part symbolizes Christ's patience in redemption. Such crosses are a very long tradition. They appeared around the 3rd century in the catacombs of Rome. At that time Christians gathered there.

How to choose a cross for a christening

Traditionally, the first pectoral cross or vest, as it is also called, is assigned at the rite of baptism. Controversy over when to baptize a child: still a baby or at a more conscious age - still have not stopped. For adults who decide to undergo this sacrament, there are special restrictions on the choice sacred decoration No. But to get it right choose a cross for baptism for newborns oh, there are several factors to consider.

Women's and men's crosses

There is no particular difference between crosses for men and women. Their average size is about 4 centimeters. The main difference is in the design. Silver and gold men's crosses, as a rule, more concise in implementation. Their crossbars can also end with drops, petals and trefoils, but the overall composition is simpler than that of women's products, and the decoration itself is a little more massive.

Crosses for the fair half are often decorated with precious stones. If the decoration is consecrated, its decor does not affect its sacred meaning in any way. Rarely, but still, a church may refuse to consecrate a decorative cross with too curved and shaped crossbars. Although, of course, the main thing is your own feelings. Whether he warms you up or not.

The cross is supposed to stay with you forever. But at the same time, the church does not condemn the change of this decoration. Let us add that wearing it on the same chain with any other pendant is bad manners. The only thing you can wear with a cross is an amulet.

How to consecrate a cross

Crosses purchased in church shops have two advantages. Firstly, they exactly correspond to the traditions of your religion. Secondly, they are already sanctified. If you bought a cross at a jewelry store, you can consecrate it in church. It is better to come before the start of the service and make this request to the priest. You can also ask to perform the ceremony in your presence and take part in prayer.

As a rule, body crosses are consecrated only once. The exception is that the decoration was severely damaged.

What to do if you find a cross

There is an opinion that find a cross - bad omen . Allegedly, along with it, the sorrows and sorrows of the previous owner may be passed on to you. At the same time, in the church we were advised not to pay attention to such superstitions, explaining that everyone has their own temptations and their own troubles.

If you find a cross, keep it freely at home, you can give it to someone who needs it more, give it as a gift, or wear it yourself.

It is better to consecrate the found pectoral cross first

Is it possible to give a pectoral cross?

It is possible and necessary. The Church does not prohibit this. A to a loved one such a gift will be especially symbolic. If you chose gold or silver cross in a jewelry store, before giving it as a gift, go to the temple and consecrate it. The decoration will take on a special meaning.

– The meaning of wearing a cross is revealed in the words of the Apostle Paul: “I have been crucified with Christ”(Gal. 2:19). The consecrated pectoral cross is a symbol of faith and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ. The cross protects from evil spirits. Anyone who does not want to wear a cross himself rejects God’s help. Hieromartyr Peter of Damascus said this on the cross: “By the mark of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, demons and various diseases are driven away; and this is done without any expense and without labor. And who can count the praises of the Holy Cross?

– It doesn’t matter what material the cross is made of – there are no rules about the material for crosses. Obviously, precious metals are also acceptable here, because for a Christian nothing can be more valuable than a cross - hence the desire to decorate it.But the main thing is that the cross should be worn without taking it off, and it would be Orthodox and sanctified.

– There is no fundamental difference between a chain and a braid. It is important that the cross holds firmly.

– A pectoral cross is a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ, and zodiac signs, amulets, amulets are evidence of adherence to various superstitions, so you cannot wear them at all. “What does light have in common with darkness? What agreement is there between Christ and Belial? Or what is the complicity of the faithful with the infidel? What is the relationship between the temple of God and idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God said: I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people” (2 Cor. 6:14-16).

- Can. The cross is a shrine, a symbol of salvation, no matter who wore it.

– The Orthodox Church confesses that Christ was crucified not with three, but with four nails. Therefore, on the Orthodox cross the Savior is depicted crucified with four nails, and on the Catholic cross - with three (both legs - with one nail). On the back Orthodox crosses According to tradition, the inscription “Save and Preserve” is made.

– A cross found on the street must be picked up, since it is a shrine, and it should not be trampled under foot. The found cross can be taken to the Church or consecrated and worn (if you don’t have your own), or given to someone who will wear it.

- Can. St. John Chrysostom writes that demons go around the place where just two sticks (twigs) fell from a tree and lay cross-shaped. But it’s better to ask a priest to bless the cross.

– It is better to never remove the pectoral cross.


- Both a temple and a person cannot be without a cross... When the priest sanctifies the cross, he reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour into the cross heavenly power, and so that this cross protects not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. The cross has enormous power. Not only can you not go to church without a cross; A baptized person should never remove his cross. Even when we wash ourselves, go to the bathhouse, to the X-ray room, to the doctor, we cannot remove the cross.

The cross is a weapon. Whoever has a cross on him, the demons tremble to approach him. That is why it is said in the Easter stichera that “... guardian cross universe, the cross is the beauty of the Church, glory to the angels and plague to the demons". You never need to take off your cross.