Why look for a bag in a dream? Losing a bag: dream book Losing a bag with money and then finding it - what does it mean

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If in dream dreamed what was stolen bag with money, then in reality there will be financial receipt in the form of additional work, a salary increase, a bonus, or the conclusion of a lucrative contract. Dream, in which it is necessary for a long time search bag, and eventually finding it, dreams of identifying hidden talents with which you can implement long-conceived plans and goals. Also given dream may promise meeting a person who will cause a storm of emotions and feelings. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Just lose bag in dream- this is not enough. Actually, oh, see bag in dream means that some acquisitions will soon be made or a large sum of money will be received. But if bag lost - like this dream talks about significant changes in life, about unpleasant changes. Actually, if in dream dreamed about it empty bag- this means that soon a person will receive a large sum of money, there will be good profits!Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Which bag to you dreamed about it? What happened to bag in dream?If you were looking for bag in dream▼. If you dream that you look for bag, and find it, it means that within yourself you will discover knowledge and skills that you did not even suspect existed. They are the ones who will help you realize your cherished plans. Moreover this dream predicts a meeting with a person with whom the relationship will be very fruitful emotionally. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    Accordingly, if dreamed that she disappeared - do not expect favorable changes and good news soon. If in dream a woman lost an unknown bright and beautiful bag means a warning that conflicts may begin in the life of the sleeper, a black streak. If dream when I lost bag or the wallet carries a negative warning character, then if during sleep I looking for I find it - a good sign. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Appearance bags in dream- suggests that the content of the future is more interesting than the present. Empty bag- need, deception. Full bag bag- an event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble. If you dreamed about it coins - you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main thing. If you find an abandoned bag- it's good if you in dream you won't pick her up. Dream warns you that circumstances are stacked against you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    If the loss bags dreamed about it a woman having a secret affair, it will soon become known. If in dream bag was stolen, you do not need to worry about your property. Get ready for a white streak, because bag– these are also everyday worries, routine; if her in dream stolen, life will become carefree and fun. If someone leaves you my bag for safekeeping, and it is taken away from your hands, be prepared for a loved one to divulge your secrets. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    How to interpret correctly dream about the loss bags? Lose bag in dream usually entails certain changes and changes in reality. What does it mean according to the dream book bag lose? If in dream bag If a woman loses, then probably in reality she feels defenseless and lonely. When you dream that you are lost bag, be prepared to look at things without rose-colored glasses.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why do you dream Bag in dream– Symbolizes the hidden, but at the same time accessible. Run with a huge bag on a bad road, there will be obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Help carry someone else's bag, you need help. If you dreamed about it coins, then you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main thing. If you find an abandoned bag, then it's good if you in dream you won’t pick her up.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "dolina-udachi"

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    If in dream you bought a new one bag, it means that soon everything will get better in your affairs. If you dreamed that you can't choose bag, which means that in reality there are many offers waiting for you from which you will have to choose. Empty bag dreams of losses. If you dreamed what have you lost my bag, which means that those who shouldn’t know about it will soon find out about your secret. Find lost bag in dream– to a successful solution to problems. Read more

    Dream book "i-sonnik"

    I dreamed about it loss bags. Lost bag according to the dream book, it means some changes in life. Secondly, fate can associate with a person who turns out to be true friend on for many years. If in dream had to search bag and for quite a long time, but in the end the loss was found, then the dreamer should think: does he have any unrealized abilities? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed about it dream in which I accidentally instead his bags I took someone else's. What does it mean? Thanks in advance. Good afternoon, dream I was gloomy, I was sitting in the car and suddenly looked in stranger guy, saw bag next to me and grabbed her, meanwhile I managed to grab her hands, in the end bag stayed with me in dream I remembered this guy well and started him search so that he is punished. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag in dream bag. If this bag handbag in dream Search my handbag Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream lose Bag, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you dream about losing Bag in dream in dream saw this symbol. Try it! My name is Aiganym. To me tonight dreamed: Lost bag lady's black (yours), looking for and I can’t find it, so I woke up. Thanks in advance. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    I often dream that looking for bag in dream, or I lose it and then find it. or I constantly feel like there is a danger of losing her. downright intrusive dreams with these bags.According to Senka the hat - in general folk wisdom and this is understandable. By the way, interesting point I recently had this happen to my ended relationship. in dream. Can you imagine dreamed about it to me the same object that I once culturally in dream screwed up, leaving last word behind you.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag. If this bag unknown person, events in reality will have new circumstances, at the moment unknown to you.Buy handbag in dream- to new connections, relationships or plans. Search my handbag means your desire to return what was lost. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if you dream about choosing bag? People in dream tend to continue to live with the emotions and events of the past day. If a woman in dream sees bag or many bags, this suggests that her day is filled with chores around the house, caring for loved ones, and is spent in labor. To a woman in dream have to choose bag. Bag can be different: large or small, filled or empty. Maybe dream about road bag or a small lady's handbag.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag. If this bag unknown person, events in reality will have new circumstances, currently unknown to you. Buy handbag in dream- to new connections, relationships or plans. Search my handbag means your desire to return what was lost. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag. If this bag unknown person, events in reality will have new circumstances, currently unknown to you. Buy handbag in dream- to new connections, relationships or plans. Search my handbag means your desire to return what was lost. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Handbag, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Handbag in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have seen this symbol. Dreaming of a repeating dream. I forget (I leave it and can’t remember where) my handbag ladies' room, and I have my wallet in it, all the money, all the documents, everything in general! And then midnight looking for, sometimes I find partially ( bag I have it myself, but not everything is intact), sometimes I don’t have time to find it... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bledans"

    Interpretation dreams. at night to you dreamed about it new mysterious dream, and you want to understand its meaning? Lose bag in dream: what does it mean? First of all, you need to decide on some Search meaning according to the dream book. Please indicate what you dreamed about and click. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag. If this bag unknown person, events in reality will have new circumstances, currently unknown to you. Buy handbag in dream- to new connections, relationships or plans. Search my handbag means your desire to return what was lost. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag. If this bag unknown person, events in reality will have new circumstances, currently unknown to you. Buy handbag in dream- to new connections, relationships or plans. Search my handbag means your desire to return what was lost. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed that I go with his bag and it's full in batches paper money, thousandth and five thousandth bills. In dream this money is mine. A year passes (like in the movies) I have already bought an apartment with this money. And then a woman comes to work, and looking for my bag. I hid it at the reception. Then she saw the alarm clock on the table, and I knew that the alarm clock was from this bag. In general, there were a lot of details, in the end I returned everything to her. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Meaning sleep Bag: To you dreamed about it Bag why it's a disease, unpleasant trips. See Moon transits. Home dream book. Interpretation sleep Bag. What does it mean in dream Bag- your self. What does it mean Bag in dream: To you dreamed about it Bag what is this for - Stuffing up the road bag things - to the purchase of expensive and completely unnecessary things. Carry heavy bag- to fatigue and apathy. Forget my bag at the station - to the opportunity to move to another city. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    “The dream book was stolen Bag dreamed why do you dream in dream stolen Bag». dreamed about it dream, I'm standing on the street with two roadies bags. a man passing by takes one bag and leaves. I shout after him. and I cry a lot. I walked down the street and I was looking for bag but then I went into some room and there I still found my bag. All the things were broken and I packed them anew. please tell me what bi is this one dream meant.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    If in dream dreamed about it yours bag, the dream concerns you and its plot and symbols do the same. If someone else's, events in dream have a direct or indirect relationship with the person whose bag. If this bag unknown person, events in reality will have new circumstances, currently unknown to you. Buy handbag in dream- to new connections, relationships or plans. Search my handbag means your desire to return what was lost. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if you dream about buying bag? Many dreams people don't remember or don't care. However, over time, seen in dream images make you experience different emotional states. Recommended search meaning only bright, clear dreams, images that are well remembered. When you dreamed about it(xia) buy bag? Today. Yesterday. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed in dream I took 2 new ones from my mother bags one is white but not quite, the other is lilac bags I liked it very beautiful. I went up to the mirror with a lilac one, but saw what it looked like bag I didn’t like it ridiculously, and suddenly I discovered bag my old one but like a new black one and I thought this one was better I was looking for in the store bag, was large selection I spent a long time choosing, couldn’t find the right one, and suddenly I saw a beautiful, rich, warm blue suede bag and she was mine. I'm still so surprised that I have this bag there is and how could I forget.

A bag is an indispensable attribute of the image modern woman. Losing it in a dream most often entails negative consequences and changes in real life. Usually such a dream is unpleasant and difficult in nature. Only time-tested interpreters can easily answer the question of why you dream of losing your bag.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller most accurately combined the knowledge, wisdom and experience of ancient dream interpreters and astrologers. There are several meanings for a dream about a lost purse. If a person dreams that a bag was stolen or lost, then he will have to learn the hidden truth, and unjustified illusions will be dispelled. Losing in a dream has nothing to do with property in reality, so you should not be afraid for your financial condition. According to another version, such a dream does not bode well. For some time, a person who dreams of a lost bag at night may become unable to work. Health problems will negatively affect all areas of life. If the sleeping person has even the slightest suspicion of the presence or development of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. Miller recommends going on vacation to a quiet, uncrowded place to get some peace and quiet. Such a pastime will lift your spirits, strengthen your immune system and improve your general condition health.

Freud's Dream Book

The Austrian psychologist also put forward two hypotheses about why you dream of losing a bag with things. A woman's accessory can symbolize a woman's genitals, and her loss is perceived in two ways. The fair sex does not understand partners well and, as a result, she is expected to get sick due to the constant change of lovers. A woman, losing her bag in a dream, loses her sexuality and attractiveness in reality. According to another version, this thing is a symbol of receiving significant sum of money or a large purchase. The dream will come true only when a person finds the loss. But if the bag disappears forever, then soon this person will be in trouble. If a young girl dreams of an accessory, then she should talk less about herself and take a closer look at those with whom she communicates. Otherwise, all her secrets may be revealed by a person who at first glance seemed trustworthy and kind.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant predicted many events, even politicians listened to her. According to her, a dream about a bag means prosperity and the beginning of a new life, for which inner strength and necessary funds. The loss of an empty bag indicates that all the efforts spent on work went unnoticed by anyone. This shows the sleeper that he needs to say goodbye to the past and look to the future. The loss of a female accessory filled with things indicates that a person has forgotten about family values ​​and loved ones, giving preference material world. You need to leave some time for your family and yourself.


Any natural phenomenon happens for a specific reason. Dreams must be interpreted correctly in order to have a chance to fix everything. Even terrifying predictions will not be able to prevent a person from doing what he has planned if he really wants it. A bag is one of women's favorite accessories and its loss means a lot, not only in reality, but also in a dream. In this article, the best predictors told their opinion about why you dream of losing a bag, and whether you listen to them or not is up to you.

If you find in a dream in your hands women's bag, treat this vision with special attention. A number of dream books in this case promise losses and all kinds of losses. Do you want to know more about what you dream about? this accessory? Study as many interpretations as possible.

Buy a bag in a store

If you dreamed that you became the owner of an elegant, high-quality women's bag, then in reality all your dreams will come true. Universal dream book advises not to be afraid to dream, now best time to fulfill even the most daring desires.

Miller explains in detail why one dreams of choosing this item of women's clothing at the market or in a luxury store. Miller's dream book believes that this dream is a sign that soon in reality a rather serious choice will have to be made. Be sure to think about the consequences of any decision you make.

Buying a woman’s bag in a store in a dream means being in search of your feminine happiness. If a man dreams about something like this, then he should understand his sexual desires and fantasies. Everything may turn out to be much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

The modern dream book believes that if you dream of a new woman’s bag, then you are about to enter a new stage of life. It will be different from the previous one, but filled with all sorts of pleasant events and interesting meetings. Likewise It is worth interpreting a dream in which the new thing was painted in bright colors.

The women's dream book believes that buying a new woman's bag in a dream means what life has in store for you huge amount new discoveries and achievements. Let go of your fears and open yourself up to something new. A series of significant incidents will change your life for the better. You will become a truly happy person.

Another option for explaining why you dream of buying a woman’s bag in a dream is the acquisition of some large property. It is possible that you will become the owner of treasured square meters or a quality car. Especially if the thing seen in the dream was expensive and solid.

Accessory color

If you dreamed of a red women's bag, get ready to make a substantial monetary profit. If she was white, expect a quick marriage. If you dream that the white surface is stained with dirt, then the marriage will be overshadowed by numerous quarrels and omissions.

If the bag you dreamed of was large and beautiful, then you will be very happy in your future married life.

Miller's dream book is convinced that a black women's bag is a symbol of empty hopes. If in a dream it was filled to the very brim with food, in reality you will have to worry a lot about something. Despite the seriousness of what is happening, try to pull yourself together and not worry unnecessarily.

Another option for why you dream of a black string bag is health problems. You should not wait for the development of a serious illness. Take care of your body in advance by making a preventive visit to the doctor.

Lose her

The modern dream book believes that losing a woman’s bag in one’s night dreams is bad sign. Most likely, the capital you currently have will dry up, and you won’t be able to acquire new ones for a very long time.

If you dreamed that you chose it in a store, purchased it, and then unexpectedly lost it for some reason, then your planned business will end in failure. Even the help of influential friends will not help. The Wanderer's Dream Book advises you to muster up courage and survive the unpleasant fiasco with dignity.

If in a dream you lost a new woman's bag, then in reality serious difficulties will arise in the workplace. A number of colleagues are envious of your professional successes and dream of pointing out to your boss your weak points. Be as careful as possible while on duty if you don’t want to lose your job.

If the lost accessory you dreamed of was black, then you will be able to solve the most unpleasant problems. To dream that you unexpectedly found something missing is a sign of a happy resolution to a difficult situation.

Why do you dream about a Bag?

ABC of dream interpretation

The appearance of a bag in a dream suggests that the contents of the future are more interesting than the present.

An empty bag means need, deception.

A full bag, a bag - an event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble.

A woman's bag is the inner part of a woman's character, her soul, her deepest feelings.

Losing a bag means losing your femininity. Your secret romance will be revealed.

Children's dream book

Bag - this symbol means everything that makes up your “cultural baggage”, that is, the sum of your knowledge, skills, experience.

If the handbag is small, ladies', it means you feel helpless in studying or communicating with peers.

If the bag, on the contrary, is the size and resembles a house, you have a very high opinion of your mental abilities.

If at the same time it’s hard for you to carry your purse, this means a “woe from mind” situation, that is, your excessive rationality or faith in your own intelligence prevents you from living or communicating with your friends.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The bag is a woman. In dreams and real behavior of a man, attachment to a briefcase or bag. Mother. In dreams and real behavior of a woman. Fear and hidden desire for violence.

Russian folk dream book

A bag symbolizes something hidden, but also accessible at the same time.

Running with a huge bag along a bad road - there are obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone.

Helping carry someone else's bag - you need help.

Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and changes in fate.

Finding someone else's bag means finding out a secret, perhaps about someone close to you, finding a new friend.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Bag?

Putting things in a bag in disarray, at random, means that a dark period has come in your life. You will be accompanied by omissions and unclear hints. It won't be possible to figure out what's going on yet.

If the handle of your bag comes off, this indicates that in reality you may lose the support of a reliable friend due to your ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

Carrying a heavy bag for a long time means receiving a reward for conscientious work.

If you dreamed that your bag was stolen or snatched from your hands, an incident may happen to you that will cause you a lot of trouble. For a woman, such a dream speaks of her defenselessness.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you see the Bag in a dream?

A string bag in a dream means pleasant and useful kinship and connections.

An empty bag symbolizes hopes for success in business; a full bag symbolizes good earnings.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Carrying heavy bags means it’s time to work not out of fear, but out of conscience.

Dream book for the whole family

Bag -

If suddenly, instead of your usual briefcase, you find yourself with some kind of case that, without a doubt, is better than yours, this is not necessarily a promotion, but luck will not leave you that day. You can meet a new interesting, influential person who will help you in a matter that you have been planning for a long time.

If you dream that you are opening some bag, and there large bills- this is very good, you will have unexpected profits.

If you dreamed of coins, you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main task.

If you find an abandoned bag somewhere, it’s good if you don’t pick it up in a dream. The dream warns you that circumstances are stacked against you. You may be hit hard.

But if you pick up a bag, you cannot escape the blow.

If in a dream you steal or snatch a bag from someone, then this is a warning dream. You can lose everything if you do a rash, wrong thing. Remember that there is such a danger and be very careful.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A bag in a dream symbolizes your current affairs and concerns.

If it is too heavy, the dream suggests that in reality you have accumulated a fair amount unresolved problems, which complicate your progress towards success.

If a woman sees a beautiful and comfortable handbag on her shoulder in a dream, such a dream foretells her little adventures and a good mood.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a large bag means surprises that life has in store for the future; see small bag round shape- to problems with joints.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Bag - to receive money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Bag - to minor loss of money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Bag - your capital is running out.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Bag in a dream?

The bag is empty - you have hopes of receiving an inheritance; complete - loss of inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Any full, heavy bag means dreams come true; a small handbag indicates that its owner has some kind of secret.

If this is your handbag, you will try to keep your secret.

An empty bag signifies your desire to have a family.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Bag according to the dream book?

Bag - acquisitions; for a woman - cares, housekeeping.

Freud's Dream Book

The bag is a symbol of the female genital organs.

Small, new and elegant bag - symbolizes good health women and her increased self-esteem. She is picky in choosing her partners.

A large or shopping bag symbolizes your rich sexual experience and fatigue from these goats.

Bag filled various items- speaks of indiscriminateness in choosing sexual partners.

A bag with junk, as well as a broken or holey bag, portends a disease of the genital organs.

Aesop's Dream Book

Seeing a burden or a person with a burden or a bag in a dream is a harbinger of change. Changes can be either good or not so good.

The symbol of burden and scrip is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite. It is not customary for the people to be afraid of this symbol, because people with a bag, with a burden, are pleasing to God, marked by it: “Don’t renounce prison and don’t give up your bag.”

To dream that you are carrying a large bag full of bread on your shoulder means excitement, vain worries, and intentions to seriously change your life.

Seeing a person who opposes people walking around with bags - this dream means that you are afraid because you have committed a bad act; you are afraid of retribution, retribution for what has been done; your conscience does not give you peace.

Running quickly with a huge bag along a bad road - you are determined and nothing can turn you off the path; there are obstacles ahead that you are ready to overcome; you will refuse the help that is offered in the difficult circumstances ahead.

Helping carry someone else's bag - you need help; waiting for outsiders to participate in your destiny, hoping for a miracle.

Losing a bag means unexpected troubles, difficult changes in fate.

Finding someone else's bag means becoming part of a secret, accidentally breaking into someone else's destiny, making a random friend.

See yourself with a large number bags - to moving and worries.

Ukrainian dream book

The bag is a loss.

Empty - you are stingy, with money oppression fly high; heavy - the steepness is great.

Universal dream book

Bags include everything in which you can carry and store things: handbags, backpacks, suitcases, bags and travel bags.

The bag can symbolize - old thoughts, old values, unexpressed emotions and unresolved problems.

If in a dream you are carrying a bag, think about what luggage you carry with you in life. Why can't you leave it?

If in a dream you are carrying something on your head, the interpretation of the dream may be slightly different. Perhaps what you are carrying on your head represents your thoughts, worries and hopes that are pressing on you and which need to be resolved quickly.

What does the bag you dreamed about represent? - is it heavy and puts pressure on you? Do you want to keep it, give it away, or just get rid of it? Or does it hardly burden you?

Sometimes in a dream a person sees names or initials written on a bag - in in this case you will understand whose burden you are carrying throughout life.

Have you looked in the bag? Are your things there? If these are not your things, the dream again tells you that in life you have taken upon yourself the burden of worries that are not yours.

If there is a lot of old junk in your bag, it means that in your life you are attached to things or concepts that are useless or outdated. Perhaps you are being weighed down by an old value system.

If the bag is clean and tidy, it means that you are confident that in life you should have a clear idea of ​​everything and keep your thoughts in order in order to always find the right path of development.

Esoteric dream book

A woman’s bag, small, lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth.

See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality.

Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”.

A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible.

Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property.

Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Erotic dream book

A dream in which you put things in a bag in disarray, afraid of being late somewhere, means that you are needlessly jealous and fear for your personal happiness.

If the handle of a bag comes off in a dream, it means that real life you will lose the support of a trusted friend or loved one because of his ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

For a woman, a bag lost in a dream is a sign of loneliness and defenselessness.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Bag according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, the bag symbolizes your personal experience and memories of the past.

Her handle has come off - you will be left by those who previously supported you, but it will be you who are to blame for this.

If you dreamed that you were carrying something heavy, this means that your work will be very highly appreciated.

Lost her in a dream - expect misfortune that will make you worry.

It was empty - this suggests that you can receive encouraging news. If you were full, you will have a lot of money.

Why do you dream of finding a bag? Such a plot is a sign that a pleasant accident awaits you.

The dream book interprets full bags as a good sign that promises you prosperity and luck in the near future; you will not need anything.

If a girl dreams of a very elegant and expensive handbag, it means that something very good will happen to her, which will certainly make her happy and make her be in a good mood.

If you dreamed that you were carrying a bag in your hands and were heading somewhere - now you need to do not only what helps you achieve your personal mercantile goals, but also work selflessly for the common good.

According to the dream book, losing a bag means that events will happen in reality that will significantly affect the already established habitual way of life.

For a girl, such a vision is a reflection of her longing for a strong male shoulder, which fills all her thoughts.

If you dream that robbers stole your bag, it means that soon you will live without worries and hassle, you will be able to fully take a break from minor everyday problems and get a lot of pleasant impressions.

If someone else’s luggage, which was entrusted to you for safekeeping, was taken away from you, be careful, someone may shed light on facts from your biography that you carefully hid. This can ruin your reputation and ruin all your plans.

According to the dream book, a bag with things warns that you should be more attentive to your chosen ones and exclude promiscuous relationships.

You fill it indiscriminately, on a quick fix- you don’t have to worry about the loyalty and sincerity of your significant other.

If you dreamed that you were given a bag, this promises you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, even those that you considered unrealistic, especially if the gift was extravagant.

Why do you dream about a lost bag?

Often, in a dream, a bag can symbolize all current affairs and worries that have accumulated over a certain period of time. If you dreamed of a bag, this hint means that the contents of the future will be more interesting than the present, so do not be afraid of this sign.

A bag in a dream, as in real life, can mean things that are visible to the eye, and can also carry hidden connotations. As a result of this, lost bag in dreams, usually brings with it changes and small changes in life.

A lost bag that a woman dreams about most likely means defenselessness and also loneliness. However, a lost bag is a clue to life, that is, you need to look at all the things that are happening without “rose-colored glasses” and react normally. Sometimes it is even useful to have such tips.

It is important not to forget that if the loss of a bag brought joy in a dream, then you can expect that there will be positive changes in life, that is, financial concerns will not come true. You need to treat this symbol with understanding; the subconscious mind itself tells you what to do in the current situation, and make the right decision.

Bags include backpacks, suitcases, as well as sacks and travel bags. If you carry a bag, it means that through life you are carrying the baggage of problems that weigh on everything that happens, and therefore you need to think about why you are carrying it, thereby throwing off this baggage.

It happens that in a dream you may dream of running with a huge bag and, in addition, on a rough road, this means that there may be obstacles in some matter that you need to overcome on your own. If you help carry someone else’s bag in dreams, it means that in life there is a need for help from other people.

A lost, own bag foreshadows troubles or changes in fate, and if you find someone else’s bag, you will learn a secret about a loved one or you can make a new friend.

Also, an empty bag speaks of the desire to get rich, and if it is full, it portends losses.

The dream is especially disturbing if someone stole a bag, probably someone will encroach on the property, but this dream will be empty. Perhaps in reality the dreamer endlessly cares about property, thus such a dream appeared in response to the fear of losing something.

So, the question is why do you dream of a lost bag? It is impossible to find the correct answer to it overnight, since it is necessary to analyze all the events that occur. And also, do not despair, sometimes even such a loss can bring joy and prosperity.

In dreams, as in real life, losses are necessary, thereby helping to fight all difficulties and worries. A person becomes psychologically prepared and even becomes much stronger to overcome obstacles.

Find your lost bag

Dream Interpretation Find a lost bag dreamed of why you dream about Finding a lost bag? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing the dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Find a lost bag in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

You left the house, taking your usual briefcase, which you always carry. But on the way, you suddenly notice that in your hands instead of a briefcase you are holding an old, tattered bag. This may mean that today you may be unlucky, that circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

An empty bag means need, deception.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag lost found

Dream Interpretation Bag lost find dreamed of why in a dream you dream about losing a bag and finding it? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a bag lost and found in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foreshadows prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans. The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief. A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and joyless. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful experiences, meetings, and conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Seeing a burden or a person with a burden or a bag in a dream is a harbinger of change. Changes can be either good or not so good. The symbol of burden and scrip is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite.

It is not customary for the people to be afraid of this symbol, because people with a bag, with a burden, are pleasing to God, marked by it: “Don’t renounce prison and don’t give up your bag.”

To dream that you are carrying a large bag full of bread on your shoulder is a sign of excitement, vain worries, and intentions to seriously change your life.

To see a person who opposes people walking with bags - this dream means that you are afraid because you have committed a bad act; You are afraid of retribution, retribution for what has been done; Your conscience does not give you peace.

Running quickly with a huge bag along a bad road - you are determined and nothing can turn you off the path; there are obstacles ahead that you are ready to overcome; You will refuse the help that is offered in the difficult circumstances ahead.

Helping carry someone else’s bag - you need help; waiting for outsiders to participate in your destiny, hoping for a miracle.

Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and difficult changes in fate.

Finding someone else's bag means becoming part of a secret, accidentally breaking into someone else's destiny, making a random friend.

Seeing yourself with a lot of bags means moving and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

The bag symbolizes what is hidden, but also accessible. Running with a huge bag along a bad road, there will be obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Helping carry someone else's bag, you need help. Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and changes in fate. Find someone else's bag, find out a secret, perhaps about someone close to you, find a new friend.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

You left the house, taking your usual briefcase, which you always carry. But on the way, you suddenly notice that in your hands instead of a briefcase you are holding an old, tattered bag. This may mean that today you may be unlucky, that circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

If suddenly, instead of your usual briefcase, you have some kind of case that, without a doubt, is better than yours, then this is not necessarily a promotion, but luck will not leave you that day. You can meet a new, interesting, influential person who will help you in a business that you have been planning for a long time.

If you dream that you are opening a bag and there are large bills there, then this is very good - you will have an unexpected profit. If you dreamed of coins, then you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main thing.

If you find an abandoned bag somewhere, then it’s good if you don’t pick it up in a dream. The dream warns you that circumstances are stacked against you. A heavy blow may fall on you. But if you pick up a bag, then you cannot escape the blow.

If in a dream you steal or snatch a bag from someone, then this is a warning dream. You can lose everything if you do a rash, wrong thing. Remember that there is such a danger and be very careful.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A dream in which you put things in a bag in disarray, afraid of being late somewhere, means that you are needlessly jealous and fear for your personal happiness.

If the handle of a bag comes off in a dream, this means that in real life you will lose the support of a reliable friend or loved one due to your ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

For a woman, a bag lost in a dream is a sign of loneliness and defenselessness.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

If you are carrying an empty bag, the dream foreshadows poverty, but if the bag is full, wealth awaits you.

Imagine that your bag is filled with all sorts of good things.

Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

The appearance of the Sack bag in a dream suggests that the contents of the future are more interesting than the present.

An empty bag means need, deception.

A full bag, a bag - an event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - this symbol represents everything that makes up your “cultural baggage,” that is, the sum of your knowledge, skills, and experience. If the handbag is small, ladies', it means that you feel helpless in studying or communicating with peers. If, on the contrary, the bag is the size of a house, you have a very high opinion of your mental abilities. If at the same time it’s hard for you to carry your purse, this means a situation of “woe from mind,” that is, your excessive rationality or faith in your own intelligence prevents you from living or communicating with your friends.

Why do you dream about losing? and then find the bag?


Victoria Alexandrovna

Lose -
In a dream, as in real life, a bag is something that is both visible and contains hidden things and valuables. Therefore, losing a bag in a dream usually entails certain changes and changes in reality. Most often they are unpleasant and sometimes severe. If a woman loses her bag in a dream, then in reality she probably feels defenseless and lonely. When you dream about losing your bag, be prepared to look at things without rose-colored glasses. Illusions will have to dissipate, and the revealed truth will need to be responded correctly. In a dream, as in real life, a bag is something that is at the same time visible to the eye, but also contains hidden things and values. Therefore, losing a bag in a dream usually entails certain changes and changes in reality. Most often they are unpleasant and sometimes severe. If a woman loses her bag in a dream, then in reality she probably feels defenseless and lonely. When you dream about losing your bag, be prepared to look at things without rose-colored glasses. Illusions will have to dissipate, and the revealed truth will need to be responded correctly

Find - A bag in a dream represents a person’s “baggage” accumulated over the course of his life, his experience, the totality of all knowledge and skills. A dream book will help you find out more about what this accessory means in dreams. To do this, you should remember the dream in detail: the plot, emotional coloring and experiences, ending.


There is no point in all this!


to indignation, you dream of a bag.

Lose bag wallet

Dream Interpretation Losing a bag and wallet dreamed of why you dream about Losing a bag or a wallet? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a bag or a wallet in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foreshadows prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans. The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief. A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and joyless. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful experiences, meetings, and conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Seeing a burden or a person with a burden or a bag in a dream is a harbinger of change. Changes can be either good or not so good. The symbol of burden and scrip is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite.

It is not customary for the people to be afraid of this symbol, because people with a bag, with a burden, are pleasing to God, marked by it: “Don’t renounce prison and don’t give up your bag.”

To dream that you are carrying a large bag full of bread on your shoulder is a sign of excitement, vain worries, and intentions to seriously change your life.

To see a person who opposes people walking with bags - this dream means that you are afraid because you have committed a bad act; You are afraid of retribution, retribution for what has been done; Your conscience does not give you peace.

Running quickly with a huge bag along a bad road - you are determined and nothing can turn you off the path; there are obstacles ahead that you are ready to overcome; You will refuse the help that is offered in the difficult circumstances ahead.

Helping carry someone else’s bag - you need help; waiting for outsiders to participate in your destiny, hoping for a miracle.

Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and difficult changes in fate.

Finding someone else's bag means becoming part of a secret, accidentally breaking into someone else's destiny, making a random friend.

Seeing yourself with a lot of bags means moving and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

The bag symbolizes what is hidden, but also accessible. Running with a huge bag along a bad road, there will be obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Helping carry someone else's bag, you need help. Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and changes in fate. Find someone else's bag, find out a secret, perhaps about someone close to you, find a new friend.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

You left the house, taking your usual briefcase, which you always carry. But on the way, you suddenly notice that in your hands instead of a briefcase you are holding an old, tattered bag. This may mean that today you may be unlucky, that circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

If suddenly, instead of your usual briefcase, you have some kind of case that, without a doubt, is better than yours, then this is not necessarily a promotion, but luck will not leave you that day. You can meet a new, interesting, influential person who will help you in a business that you have been planning for a long time.

If you dream that you are opening a bag and there are large bills there, then this is very good - you will have an unexpected profit. If you dreamed of coins, then you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main thing.

If you find an abandoned bag somewhere, then it’s good if you don’t pick it up in a dream. The dream warns you that circumstances are stacked against you. A heavy blow may fall on you. But if you pick up a bag, then you cannot escape the blow.

If in a dream you steal or snatch a bag from someone, then this is a warning dream. You can lose everything if you do a rash, wrong thing. Remember that there is such a danger and be very careful.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

A wallet in a dream means prosperity. Seeing it full means success in business and receiving money. Holding a wallet in your hands in a dream is a sign of health. If there is money in your wallet, then troubles await you, which you will try to keep silent about. Losing, giving or seeing your wallet empty in a dream foretells losses, separation and distress. Finding a wallet with money in a dream is a sign mutual love. See interpretation: money, wallet, purse.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

Finding a wallet with money in a dream foreshadows sad thoughts about how to make ends meet.

If your wallet, instead of money, is full of all sorts of paper rubbish such as used coupons for travel on public transport, some old receipts, etc., it means that you need a good adviser in an important matter, which you cannot tell everyone about.

Seeing an empty wallet in a dream means you will have a fun time in a pleasant company, but the consequences of this will be very disastrous for your health.

A leaky wallet portends poverty and stinginess. A wallet full of gold and diamonds means that soon those who looked down on you yesterday will change their attitude towards you.

Dream Interpretation - Wallet

A symbol of your well-being, as well as your ability to carry out any business.

An empty, dirty or torn wallet: encourages you to be more careful and careful.

Your well-being is at risk, so do not take unnecessary risks and try to think through everything to the smallest detail in your affairs.

A beautiful wallet: a harbinger of successful business and stable income.

Taking money out of your wallet: a sign that in the near future your well-being may decrease somewhat.

At the same time, getting money by buying goods: foretells some kind of investment.

The general atmosphere of the dream can tell you how successful these investments promise to be.

It is most favorable if in this dream you feel calm, pleasant confidence.

Losing a wallet in a dream: this is a call for caution. Perhaps you missed some detail in your affairs, and this fact threatens to result in losses.

Finding someone else's wallet: a sign of dubious profit. The dream indicates that the success you are counting on in some business will not be without doubts and disputes.

If you find money without a wallet: the dream may suggest that you are very close to a decision that will soon unexpectedly lead you to success.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A dream in which you put things in a bag in disarray, afraid of being late somewhere, means that you are needlessly jealous and fear for your personal happiness.

If the handle of a bag comes off in a dream, this means that in real life you will lose the support of a reliable friend or loved one due to your ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

For a woman, a bag lost in a dream is a sign of loneliness and defenselessness.

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foreshadows prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans.

The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of loss, loss and grief.

A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and joyless. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful experiences, meetings, and conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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As always, in a dream a person can’t dream of anything! Why do you dream about losing your bag? As always, he sorts out curiosity and anxiety: what if it’s a bad dream. The dream indeed promises trouble for a person. Or that there will be changes in life.

What if you dream about losing your bag?

Well, a man lost his bag in a dream! But we need to make some clarifications: what size was the bag, what color, was it new or already shabby? Maybe the lost bag was half empty or, conversely, full of all sorts of goodness - all this matters for correct interpretation dreams.

Just losing your bag in a dream is not enough. In general, seeing a bag in a dream means that some acquisitions will soon be made or a large sum of money will be received. But if the bag is lost, such a dream speaks of significant changes in life, unpleasant changes.

The bag itself is such an attribute of a semi-secret nature. There are items in a purse that a woman does not want to talk about and hides them from prying eyes. Losing a handbag in a dream suggests that some women's secrets will become known to everyone!

In fact, if you dreamed of an empty bag, it means that soon the person will receive a large sum of money and there will be good profits in the business! And if you lose an empty bag in a dream, it means losing everything you expected. This is why you dream of losing your bag, even if it is empty.

But to see a large bag full of goods in a dream means losing your last hope and opportunities, a collapse of your plans. If such a bag is lost in a dream, this dream is very positive. This portends that all plans will come true, and there will be no collapse of hopes and loss of opportunities.

What does it portend?

What if in a dream you dreamed of a completely new beautiful handbag? And besides, they lost her in the same dream. What does it mean to lose a bag in this case? It's a shame to lose new thing and not only in a dream, but also in reality. New bag- this speaks of luck in life and the implementation of grandiose, fantastic plans.

And now, for a second: all this is lost! Yes, yes, we lost a wonderful new bag in a dream - all these fantasies and plans are not destined to come true. In a dream, everything is the other way around. You shouldn’t despair about this: you just need to set realistic plans for yourself.

Seeing a bright, colored bag in a dream - wonderful dream. Especially a red handbag is life without special problems, financial independence, huge profits. Or beautiful life in all its manifestations. And now: what does a dream promise in which this wonderful bag is lost?

A person should always be very attentive, responsible in work, and honest with friends. Because life is striped, and the dark streak may drag on. But in difficult times, even a dream will warn you. And your close circle will always support you and lend a helping hand!