How to sleep if you don't want to. How to fall asleep faster if you're a teenager

Some people cannot fall asleep quickly at night, for 30-40 minutes, or even for hours, tossing and turning in bed. Naturally, they are concerned with the question of how to fall asleep quickly. Sometimes this doesn’t require visiting doctors, but you just need to train your brain to fall asleep quickly. There are many ways to fall asleep quickly based on breathing, correct position body, on auto-training, which allow you to fall asleep within one to five minutes.

The main reason that healthy person cannot fall asleep for a long time - the internal dialogue that his brain conducts with itself. It often occurs due to emotional re-experiencing of the events of the past day or due to anxiety and emotional preparation for the upcoming ones. But even seemingly useful thoughts will not be too appropriate when it’s time for the body to sleep. To fall asleep quickly at night, you just need to distract your brain from internal debates.

How to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute? With the help breathing techniques it is possible, but after a little practice. When all the stages are brought to automaticity, the immersion in the exercise itself will have a soporific effect.

Number one way to sleep

Breathing techniques require memorization before they become truly effective. To learn how to quickly fall asleep using this technique, you need to practice it 2 times a day for two months, and after 1 month you need to do 8 repetitions at a time.

Description of the technique:

  • place the tip of the tongue on the palate behind the upper teeth;
  • with your mouth closed, inhale for 4 counts;
  • holding your breath for 7 seconds;
  • loud, long exhalation counting up to 8;
  • repeat as many times as necessary. And each time it will be required less and less times.

With practice, the effect of relaxation and peace after this exercise will increase. This technique is also used to reduce stress and anxiety.

Method two - sleep breathing

During inhalation, the emotional state is activated; during exhalation, the body calms down and relaxes. Therefore, with all sleep techniques, it is recommended to lengthen the duration of exhalation or, at least, make the exhalation equal to the inhalation.

Description of the technique: each phase of breathing: inhalation - stop - exhalation is done for 5 seconds. Slow inhalation - 5 seconds, break - also 5 seconds, exhalation - 5. Gradually, if this is not difficult for the body, you can increase the duration of each phase to 6-7-8 seconds, but no more than 10. The main emphasis should be exhalation, that is, it is from exhalation that you need to derive pleasure. Such breathing causes rapid drowsiness.

Method three - breathing in 10 counts

The essence of this technique is very simple: a person breathes, counting his inhalations and exhalations (up to 10). Exercise provides automatic shutdown a person's attention from him internal problems, so the human psyche stops disturbing his body, and he falls asleep. The technique is as follows: a person begins to count inhalations and exhalations: one when inhaling, two when exhaling, three when inhaling again, four when exhaling again and so on. This count can only be continued up to 10, then the cycle repeats. Typically no more than three cycles are required. You need to breathe through your mouth, moderately deeply.

When counting, you need to concentrate on 3 things: on each number (imagine that the number stretches through the entire inhalation/exhalation), on the movements of the chest, on the sensation of air. Feel like rib cage on inhalation it diverges, on exhalation it decreases and do not forget about the air, feel how it passes into the trachea, descends through them into the lungs and returns back. With such concentration on breathing, you simply turn off your consciousness. This is a very convenient, simple method, which will not be difficult for anyone to master, and can be used conveniently anywhere – be it on the train or at a party.

Exercise Carousel

  1. Lie down relaxed and comfortable with your arms and legs slightly apart.
  2. One is a calm breath, and you imagine that warm air is inhaled through right ear. Stopping breathing.
  3. Two - warm air flows over the shoulder as you exhale right hand to the brush. Pause.
  4. Three - again a warm breath through the right ear. Stopping breathing.
  5. Four - warm air is exhaled from the thigh of the right leg to the foot. Pause.
  6. Five - a warm, pleasant breath again into the right ear. Stop.
  7. Six - warm air is exhaled, flowing in a wave from the thigh of the left leg to the foot. Pause.
  8. Seven - warm breath again into the right ear. Stop.
  9. Eight – The exhalation flows over the shoulder of the left arm to the hand. Stop.
  10. Nine – another breath. Stop.
  11. Ten – warm exhalation through the opposite ear. Stop.

Now the action goes in the opposite direction:

  1. Inhale through the left ear – 1. Pause.
  2. Exhale through the left hand – 2. Pause.
  3. Inhale – 3. Pause.
  4. Exhale through left leg from top to bottom – 4. Stop.
  5. Inhale – 5. Pause.
  6. Exhale through the right leg – 6. Stop.
  7. Inhale – 7. Pause.
  8. Exhale through the right hand – 8. Stop.
  9. Inhale – 9. Stop.
  10. Exhale through the opposite ear – 10. Stop breathing.

In the beginning, you will fall asleep after 4-5 cycles, then perhaps immediately during the first cycle. There is no need to wait exactly for the moment of falling asleep if there is severe drowsiness, it is better to immediately take your usual position for falling asleep.

Breathing exercises cannot be carried out if there is chronic diseases lungs - asthma, chronic bronchitis, or carry out with prior consultation with a doctor. It is not recommended to carry out breathing practices during acute respiratory infections and pneumonia. People over 60 years of age require consultation with a physician. The room must be pre-ventilated.

Auto training exercises

Relaxation exercise beach

This is a well-known exercise that requires some skill. But after quite a bit of practice, already in the middle of the cycle you feel very drowsy. The exercise can be interrupted at the point where you really want to sleep. This is an excellent complex demonstrating how to fall asleep in 5 minutes.

Lying in bed (entirely under the blanket, except for your head), freely straighten your arms and legs. Imagine yourself on a warm sandy beach. You lie on the warm sand and feel that it begins to warm you up pleasantly from below. On right hand Warm sand pours in, covering her more and more. The sand is gentle and heavy. Following the hand, it covers the wrist, then the arm to the elbow and to the shoulder, and the whole arm becomes warm and heavy.

Then warm sand is sprinkled on the left arm from the hand to the shoulder. Then the leg from the foot, through the ankle to the knee, then the thigh and a little lower abdomen in the area hip joint. Then the other leg.

Then the lower abdomen, groin, abdomen itself, right and left sides, chest (the sand cannot be pressed on the chest) and neck are sprinkled. The face also warms up pleasantly under the warm sun and under its rays the lips, nose, cheeks, eyelids and eyes relax. The forehead relaxes and a light breeze blows on it, fanning it with pleasant coolness.

Relaxation exercise ball

How to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep? Take a comfortable position for falling asleep and close your eyelids. Imagine a large ball in the vast ocean, swaying on the water. Waves radiate far, far away from it in all directions. As soon as the picture has appeared in your head, you just need to focus on the swaying of the ball, and then on the vibrations of the waves coming from it. As soon as an extraneous thought arises in your head, you need to immediately switch back to the ball.

Of course, there are many other meditation practices. Read more about its main techniques in a special article.

Ways to fall asleep quickly

How to learn to fall asleep quickly in 10 seconds. If you suddenly really need to fall asleep soundly at night and get enough sleep in a limited period of time. There are several ways to quickly, almost instantly fall asleep.

The secret service method described by intelligence officer Suvorov

Lie on your back, stretch out relaxed. Close your eyes and roll your pupils upward under closed eyelids. During sleep this physiological state eyeballs. In this position, a person falls asleep very easily and quickly. This is perhaps the most best way to fall asleep quickly.

Reverse blink technique

These are the most effective techniques to solve the problem of how to quickly fall asleep at night. They will help you fall asleep if you don’t feel like sleeping and if a tired person is overexcited and cannot quickly calm down to fall asleep.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Dream one of the most important processes our life. The body itself tells us when it is tired and needs recharging. And at the end of the day, hoping for a good sleep, you go to bed, but after lying in bed for a while, you realize that sleep is not coming. Then the question involuntarily arises in your head about how to quickly fall asleep if you can’t sleep, because tomorrow you need to get up early again.

Physiology of human sleep

Sleep has always been a mysterious phenomenon for humans. Since ancient times, people have attributed to sleep magical properties because of the pictures that appeared before my eyes. Various interpretations dreams, discussions about whether dreams are prophetic, whether it is possible to induce a dream on demand - all these are consequences of a normal physiological process.

A person needs to sleep to be active. It is sleep that reduces physical and psychological stress in our body. During sleep, all processes slow down, which allows a person to regain strength.

But everything is not so simple, sleep has its own periods of time, which change from each other during the night:

  • REM sleep- this is the phase of sleep during which increased heart rate, rapid breathing, frequent eye movements. It is at this stage that we dream. In this way, the brain processes the information accumulated during the night;
  • slow sleep. This category includes drowsiness - when a person is no longer conscious, but is able to respond to environment. Shallow sleep - during this period, a person breathes calmly, the heart rate is slow, but in response to an external stimulus, for example, an alarm clock or loud voice, the sleeper will react and quickly wake up. And deep sleep, in which the sleeper does not react to what is happening around.

The stages replace each other several times a night. It is extremely important for the human body to go through all phases during sleep, since Without giving your body time to fall into deep sleep, you will not rest and restore strength.

How to quickly fall asleep at night without sleeping pills?

Of course, the most easy way to fall asleep - drink sleeping pills. But still he is not the best. Since sleeping pills affect nervous system like a drug.

Therefore, before using sleeping pills try using non-drug methods:

  1. Always go to bed at the same time;
  2. Sleep 8 hours a day;
  3. Also wake up at approximately the same time;
  4. Don't sleep during the day;
  5. Arrange yourself a cozy place to sleep, create an atmosphere;
  6. Don't watch TV before bed;
  7. Avoid strenuous physical activity late in the evening;
  8. Don't eat before bed;
  9. Tea and coffee can be consumed at least 5-6 hours before bedtime;
  10. If sleep doesn't come, do a calming activity. There is no need to make an effort on yourself.

As is known, the habit is developed within 21 days constant repetition. Thus, by adhering to these rules and developing a routine, within a month your sleep problems will be solved.

How to fall asleep quickly and easily?

All of the above options require sufficient quantity time. But what to do if you are faced with a problem for the first time and have not taken any special actions to fall asleep before.

In this case, you can do the following:

  • Reduce the temperature in the bedroom to 18 degrees;
  • Take a light walk before bed;
  • Dim sources of excess light or wear a sleep mask;
  • Eliminate extraneous sounds;
  • Before going to bed, take a bath. It can be with relaxing oils;
  • Mint tea with honey will help;
  • If you are bothered anxious thoughts, put them on paper. This way you will be freed from the chaos in your head;
  • A massage is good for relaxation. Ask a loved one to give you a massage or stretch yourself;
  • Take advantage Weyl's method- 4 seconds, even inhale, then hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale long for 8 seconds through the nose;
  • Concentrate on your breathing, feel how your chest moves. You can count the number of inhalations and exhalations to 101, then start counting again;
  • If you still can't sleep, change your sleeping position. For example, you can move the pillow to the other side of the bed.

Such methods are good when insomnia is not a systematic pathological condition. Although, some of these tips will help alleviate the condition even with a sleep disorder.

Why does insomnia occur?

A person is born with biological clock. A baby sleeps almost the whole day, but an adult needs 7 to 8 hours to rest. At the same time, the body itself tells you when to eat and when to sleep. If the biological rhythm is disturbed, then we experience difficulty falling asleep. This is insomnia.

Reasons may be as follows:

  1. Stress and anxiety. Active brain activity does not allow you to switch off;
  2. Diseases of the nervous system, such as depression;
  3. Failure of the circadian rhythm of life;
  4. Inappropriate sleeping conditions;
  5. Pain in the body;
  6. Poor nutrition;
  7. Absence physical exercise during the day;
  8. Age-related changes;
  9. Heredity.

Thus, there are many reasons for sleep disturbance. You most likely will not be able to eradicate them all. That's why it's important to know about techniques that can make your bedtime easier and faster.

Many people are helped to fall asleep by the ASMR technique, which has become popular recently; this video should be listened to before bed with headphones:

How to quickly fall asleep using the special forces method

The special forces method is also called the V. Suvorov method. He used this method of going to sleep to fall asleep at any time of the day and in any environment. The essence of the method is that you need:

  • Take a position lying on your back;
  • Extend your arms along your body;
  • Relax;
  • Imagine that you are in a pleasant place;
  • With your eyes closed, try to effortlessly roll your pupils under the upper layer of your eyelid.

This body position promotes relaxation, and the position of the eyes is similar to that observed during deep sleep. Thus, you kind of artificially push yourself towards the phase deep sleep.

So no sleep human body becomes exhausted and is no longer able to function normally. In such pathological conditions, you should definitely consult a doctor. In cases where the problem is not so great and insomnia occurs periodically, you should know how to quickly fall asleep if you cannot sleep.

Video: 12 techniques for falling asleep easily

In this video, Artem Lobanov will tell you about 12 really working methods that can put you to sleep in less than one minute:

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care for fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to children infancy? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Hello everyone) I was thinking and thinking about what to write a new article on my blog and decided to write about . This happened to me recently. It seemed like I went to bed late and sleep wasn’t coming, so I decided to look for information on the Internet about this. Everyone comes to the conclusion that the problem of falling asleep is associated with a violation of sleep patterns or with some abnormalities in the human body.

Why can't I sleep at night?

There are only 4 factors that can prevent you from falling asleep: various pains, external irritants, severe fatigue and excessive activity.

Various pains. Everything is simple here, a person cannot sleep from banal pain in the body (for example, I recently wrote about it). Just eliminate it with drugs (consult your doctor about the drug).

External stimuli. Various sounds, snoring of a neighbor, constant calls to the phone, cars and much more. All this does not allow a person to relax and keeps him in a constrained state.

Severe fatigue. It seems unusual that a tired person should immediately fall asleep, but sometimes that’s not the case; you lie down in bed and many different thoughts come into your head.

Excessive activity. Excessive activity before bedtime or good news, bad news.

How to fall asleep quickly if you don’t want to sleep - doctors recommend

To begin with, try to wake up and go to bed at the same time (you need to sleep 7-8 hours a day), do not make exceptions on weekends. In this way, you will accustom your body to normal and proper sleep. Before going to bed, ventilate the room or your room, you can take an evening walk, your body will be filled with fresh oxygen and will help you fall asleep faster. Before going to bed, a person may feel hungry and this makes it very difficult to sleep; you need to eat only a very light meal (this is what will help cure obesity, if it is present). Take a warm bath with various oils and herbs - will help you relax and relieve stress.

How to fall asleep quickly if you don’t want to sleep - traditional medicine recommends

Heat the milk and add a few tablespoons of honey (a very effective folk remedy) sleeping pill). Drink before going to bed, the product will begin to act within an hour.

Brew (for example, from tangerine skins or quince leaves).

Special bags with various herbs (pine needles, oregano, rose, mint and others) help you fall asleep quickly if you don’t want to sleep. Such a bag can be placed under the pillow, soon the smell of these herbs will fill the room, you will relax and fall asleep.

Here's the actual article: how to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep. I hope you liked it, I won’t describe everything in detail, you already understood everything). The most important thing is to rid yourself of severe stress and anxiety, set a time for your sleep schedule (although this is difficult) and thereby accustom your body to regular sleep. Last video:

Surely everyone, regardless of age, lifestyle and state of health, once felt like Masha from the children's cartoon, when “the bed is uncomfortable, the pillow is stuffy, and the blanket is biting...”. Although just yesterday everything was fine - the walls seemed familiar, the bed was comfortable and sleep crept up somehow unnoticed.

How can you fall asleep quickly if you really don’t want to? “Women’s Planet” will help you deal with this issue.

So, what keeps us awake? What should you not do before bed?

  • Don't overeat. Follow an evening diet. Dinner should be light, it is best to enjoy raw vegetables or fruit. Avoid spicy, salty, fatty, meat foods, as well as legumes. Your stomach, like you, needs rest, and by forcing it to work at night, you risk feeling best case scenario discomfort and inconvenience.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol narcotic drugs, energy and tonic drinks worsen general condition body and interfere with sleep.
  • Exercise should take place at least two hours before bedtime. When exactly is up to you, but give it to your body physical activity Immediately before going to bed is not advisable. (The exception is having sex, which magically promotes sound and healthy sleep).
  • Working or playing on a computer can also cause insomnia. Having a monitor on inhibits the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin).

Getting ready for vacation

  • Let's start with the bedroom. Regardless of whether insomnia torments you or does not occur at all, the room where you sleep must be regularly ventilated. You should also take care of the environment. It is advisable to keep the color of walls, curtains and everything else in calm tones, so as not to disturb the nervous system, but on the contrary, to help it calm down and relax.
  • It is advisable to remove from the bedroom electromagnetic devices . Their radiation affects the human body, causing fatigue, irritability, memory, attention and sleep disorders.
  • Don't forget to humidify the air. To do this, it is not necessary to buy special devices; simply throwing a wet rag over a room radiator will not, of course, create ideal climate control, but it will still improve the air condition.
  • The solution to all problematic issues, tasks and other thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep should be left for tomorrow. Remember: the morning is wiser than the evening. Better read some boring book.
  • The most pleasant a way to quickly go to the world of dreams - a relaxing bath and massage. Complete relaxation is what your body needs.
  • You can use essential oils . But you shouldn’t get carried away with the latter; save this method for special occasions. the right occasion when you really need to get some sleep.
  • Drinking warm milk with honey, decoctions of hawthorn and mint before bed will also help calm the nervous system and persuade it to rest. You can use alcohol drops of motherwort or valerian.

How to force yourself to sleep?

So, you are already in bed. But sleep doesn’t come.

  • Lie on your back. Stretch your arms and legs straight (along your body). After taking a few deep breaths, pull yourself up several times, bending and straightening your arms and stretching your legs. If it doesn’t work out naturally, try yawning on purpose. Thus, the blood is saturated with oxygen. You can pull yourself up again, achieving a natural, relaxed yawn.
  • Relax completely. Feel how heavy your legs and arms become. Imagine how the heat from your hands gradually moves up to your shoulders. If extraneous thoughts still bother you, make any sound to yourself (for example, a beep).
  • When you are completely relaxed, your body will want to assume a comfortable sleeping position. Don't disturb him and finally fall asleep!

And remember the key to sound sleep - mode. If possible, stick to a basic routine. If the above and other methods still do not help you overcome insomnia, you should consult a doctor. Taking sleeping pills without consulting a doctor is not recommended!

Video: What should you do to quickly go to bed? 7 ways

First of all, you need to set yourself a sleep schedule and stick to it. If you don't go to bed on time or stay too long at the computer at night, you can become a night owl. This regime has a negative impact on health. Other diseases or problems may appear.

You should not drink alcohol at night. Although you can easily fall asleep after it, you can also easily wake up when its effect ends. It will be strong in the morning headache and broken state. You may even get a migraine.

You need to quit smoking, especially before bed. A substance such as nicotine can interfere with prolonged sleep.

Many people like to eat something sweet at night, such as dark chocolate or coffee. These foods also cause insomnia.

Under no circumstances should you abuse sleeping pills or sedatives, they can disrupt the body’s regime.

It is also important when you need to shower. Experts say that if you shower a few hours before bed, it will help long sleep. Insomnia will disappear. Also, playing sports has a beneficial effect on a person. People who play sports worry less and suffer from insomnia.

Sometimes you need to let yourself dream. Dreaming before going to bed will make you imagine something pleasant in your mind, and your eyes will close automatically, and then sleep will follow.

It is worth paying attention to how the bed is made. If it is not comfortable and hard, it will be difficult to sleep on it. It is best to choose a bed that is soft and comfortable.

You should try to take a walk before going to bed. Lack of fresh air causes insomnia. To avoid this, you need to walk in parks and forests, where the body will be satiated pure oxygen. After walking I usually feel sleepy.

Mood before bed

If worries and worries prevent you from falling asleep, you can drink a tincture of chamomile or another herb that has sedative. It is also important to solve all your affairs before going to bed. There is no need to go to bed with a huge headache from problems or matters that have not yet been resolved.

Psychologists say that if you think about positive things before going to bed, it will calm your heart and help you fall asleep faster. There is no need to argue with someone or quarrel before going to bed; because of such situations, you can easily lose control over yourself and your thoughts. Then it will be difficult to sleep knowing that someone is suffering. But, if such situations happen, you should just forgive each other and remember something positive.

Laughing before bed is also helpful. Laughter prolongs not only life, but also sleep! If you have pets at home, you can try to sleep together. Cats themselves are creatures that sleep 80% of their lives.

Before going to bed, it is also possible to have a relaxing massage. It can relieve all the tension and stress that has accumulated throughout the day.

7 more ways to fall asleep

Every person can rid themselves of insomnia. You just need to follow a few rules, namely:

  • Go to bed on time;
  • Don't worry;
  • Lead a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • Be optimistic;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Spend more time outdoors.

Still, if no methods help get rid of insomnia, it is important to consult a doctor. You will have to be treated with special tablets.

Many people have difficulty falling asleep. Crumpled sheets, restless thoughts, feeling tired and sleepy the next day... How to fall asleep this night?

In this article I have collected the most effective techniques that will help you dive into deep and healthy sleep.

Insomnia has not bothered me since the days when my constant anxiety disappeared and... But recently I had an accident and had to spend a month in bed, because due to wounds and bruises on my legs I could not walk.

Due to lack motor activity, extreme heat at night (I live in India), due to the presence of wounds, I again encountered problems with sleep. The irony of the situation was that these problems were indirectly caused by the driver's lack of sleep at night vehicle, in which I was traveling. The driver fell asleep at the wheel.

Therefore, I hope that the tips from this article will help you get a good night's sleep, especially if both your life and the health of other people depend on your attention and tone.

Essence of the method

This article will not be limited to “sleep hygiene” (diet, exercise, foods that promote sleep, etc.), which you can read about in other articles. I will place great emphasis on psychological aspects falling asleep. After all, even if you carefully create a cozy and conducive environment for sleep, stop eating “heavy” food at night and start exercising, you will not be able to fall asleep until your mind calms down and frees itself from the intention to fall asleep as soon as possible . No, the last phrase is not a mistake. Indeed, exactly a strong desire to fall asleep often prevents us from doing so.

Why is this so?

Man is truly an amazing creature! He can lie in complete darkness, experiencing virtually no influence from the outside world. But suddenly a thought flashes through his head: “What did I say to her on the date?” How stupid he must have looked.” The memory will evoke a whole range of emotions: irritation, awkwardness, dissatisfaction. It will also give rise to physical reactions: rapid heartbeat, flushing of the face, muscle tension, sweating. Such a person may even get up and start pacing around the room due to anxiety.

We rarely think about it, but if we try to distract ourselves from our habits and look at ourselves from the outside, then a person’s behavior may seem surprising and even a little funny.

A couple of minutes ago he was lying on the bed, getting ready to fall asleep, absolutely nothing was happening around him, but a sudden story that arose only in his head brought him into vigor, tensed his muscles, and activated his physical centers.

He keeps remembering details of the story, coming up with his own interpretations, thinking and thinking and thinking. The story takes on a subjunctive mood: “but if I had said something different.” Annoyance is mixed with irritation, and the drowsiness has disappeared!

What do I want to say?

Firstly, our thoughts and desires form a response in the body, which prevents us from falling asleep. Therefore, a strong desire to fall into sleep causes a whole chain of thoughts and emotions associated with it. You lie down in bed, remembering that you have a big day tomorrow and you just need to get some sleep. But sleep is in no hurry to come: either it is driven away by thoughts about tomorrow, or repelled by memories of the current day, or it does not happen for other reasons.

“When will I finally fall asleep?”, “Why can’t I do this?” - flashes through your head. You nervously look at your watch, realizing that there are only 5 hours left before the alarm goes off. “But this time is not enough to get enough sleep,” you think. You begin to imagine how you will be nodding off tomorrow, unable to concentrate and do your work properly. This makes you even more excited, causing a whole bunch of new thoughts. And while you are thinking about them, another 2 hours pass.

Finally you forget yourself restless sleep, and wake up from the ringing of the alarm clock, overwhelmed and depressed. What you feared most, tossing and turning on the sheet, finally happened. Moreover, this happened precisely due to the fact that you were afraid!

It turns out that in order to fall asleep, you need to stop wanting to fall asleep! Willpower doesn't work here at all. After all, it requires complete relaxation, and relaxation is possible only when the will is relaxed, when there is no attachment to the result.

Concentration and inaction

Therefore, my main methods for falling asleep will be based on on two principles:

  1. The principle of “non-action”, or lack of desire, “lack of motivation”. Which in Chinese terminology is referred to as WU WEI. This principle underlies many spiritual practices and has very useful practical application. He also had an active influence on the views of Leo Tolstoy. (You can read it) “Inaction” means achieving a result without much volitional effort and without interest in this result. The simplest example of non-action is precisely related to the topic of this article. We achieve sleep only by ceasing to desire to fall asleep. It is very difficult to fall asleep using willpower. We must relax our will. This is WU-WEI.
  2. The principle of concentration. Without concentration, it is very difficult to relax and rid your mind of worry. Concentration is a prerequisite for the falling asleep practices discussed below.

These two principles are very closely related, flow into one another and complement each other. In some aspects, it is generally impossible to imagine non-action without concentration and vice versa!

Part 1 - Psychological methods

When I encountered problems with sleep, I began to read other articles on the Internet on this topic. I found a lot good methods. But what I didn't like is that all of this material is based on the premise that "night is a time only for sleeping." And many tips follow from this: “get ready for sleep,” “create the necessary environment for falling asleep,” “put in earplugs,” “don’t read in bed,” etc. The good thing about these tips is that by following them, you train your brain to think of the bed as a place for sleeping and not for anything else. The brain remembers this and calms down and falls asleep when you lie down on your sheet and cover yourself with a blanket (in theory).

But the question is not only that not everyone has the opportunity to organize a separate room for themselves just for sleeping. And the fact is that if you constantly set yourself up to the fact that “at night there is only sleep,” then this can cause severe anxiety if this sleep does not come. "How so? What to do? I'm ready to relax, but I still can't fall asleep? I tried all the methods but to no avail! Tomorrow I’ll get up again without sleep, how terrible it is!”

I do not deny the effectiveness of these methods. I just think that you need to tune in to what to do if they don’t work and you just can’t relax. Useful for this psychological methods falling asleep.

Method – 1 – “Dreamer Pose”

As I wrote, exactly strong desires to get enough sleep at all costs and moves this goal away from us. Therefore, it is very important to relax your will.

One of the methods that helped me with this I called “dreamer pose.” What is it?

The point is that since you can't sleep, use this time wisely. There is no need to constantly keep in mind that night is only a time for sleep. Relax, enjoy this time of rest. Now you are lying in your bed, shrouded in the darkness of the night, the roof and walls of the house reliably protect you from the weather, and the locks make your home an impregnable fortress. Nobody will bother you. You have no urgent matters, all urgent matters will begin in the morning, which has not yet come. At night you are completely on your own. You are free!

Therefore, relax, try to benefit and enjoy this time, just dream about something instead of tossing and turning, thinking that besides sleeping, there is nothing you can do now.

No, I’m not at all saying that you need to jump out of bed and go for a night run: after all, your task is to fall asleep.

Place your hands behind your head and stretch out comfortably on the bed. In general, take the pose of a person who lies down on the grass to dream. You can even visualize this in your mind: as you lie on the grass, the evening breeze blows over you. The sun sets and dusk falls on the surrounding landscape. All nature falls into sleep. And it doesn’t matter that it’s only in your imagination: the brain reacts the same to “real” stimuli and “imaginary” ones.

You are not in a hurry, you relax and enjoy your vacation while you have the opportunity. If sleep comes, good; if it doesn’t come, that’s also good! Dream about something: about your upcoming vacation or remember how you vacationed in beautiful and interesting places recently...

Really, what's the rush? Even if you don't fall asleep, you'll still have a good rest! Your body is relaxed, it rests in a horizontal position, the sensory organs, eyes and ears, receive much less information than what happens during the day! Don't wait for the future when the body falls into deep sleep! You are already resting and restoring your body here and now.

Therefore, do not rush your horses, let your body relax, try to be satisfied with what exists at a given moment in time instead of restlessly waiting for sleep. Are you in your cozy home in your cozy bed, is there anything else you need?

The essence of this method is not at all to come to terms with your insomnia. No, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, his goal is to fall asleep. But this goal is achieved not through effort, but through “inaction,” the absence of any movement of the will, through staying in the moment here and now, through concentration on this moment! You stop worrying about falling asleep, you are content with what you have and through this you achieve relaxation.

Just dream, do visualization, and you won’t even notice how you fall asleep.

Another benefit of this practice is that by relaxing, you improve the quality of your sleep! Doctors have proven that less restful and deep sleep is much better for rest and health than longer time intense and superficial sleep. If you fall asleep stressed and irritated, you won’t get even 8 hours of sleep! Therefore, try to fall asleep in a good mood.

Method 2 – Harnessing the Potential of Sleep Deprivation

People are very afraid that they will be sleepy the next day, but sometimes in vain! Sleep deprivation may have its benefits. It is not for nothing that the so-called “controlled sleep deprivation” (conscious sleep deprivation) is used as a method. This practice is also used to increase creativity and change consciousness.

Some religious rituals involve night vigils (All-night vigil in Orthodoxy, Maha Shivaratri, as well as night performances of Kathakali ritual theater in Hinduism). Probably, these practices are aimed at spiritual renewal of a person, gaining new experiences that come as a result of lack of sleep.

Sometimes when I have to get up very early and sleep little, I feel paradoxical. Instead of the expected drowsiness, I am in supernatural vigor: all day I am in a very good mood, high performance and an abundance of creative energy. And in the evening I fall asleep perfectly at the right time.

These are the kind of treasures that a sleepy state can carry. I am writing this so that you will stop being afraid of it and stop focusing so much on the fact that you will be sleepy the next day. Instead, study this condition, find its benefits. And then at night you will feel much calmer with the thought that you will not have enough sleep. Accordingly, you will be able to fall asleep more calmly and quickly.

I understand that drowsiness does not always lead to interesting states. Often everything happens more prosaically and deplorably. For example, if you fall asleep while driving. So if you have to drive or engage in other life-threatening activities that require alertness, you need to make sure you don't fall asleep. Drink coffee, strong black tea or pu-erh if you don't get enough sleep. If these things no longer work for you, then most likely you are addicted and you need to reduce your consumption of invigorating drinks. I only drink coffee in in case of emergency, when you really haven’t slept much and really need recharging. Due to the fact that I don’t drink it regularly, occasional use perfectly invigorates me and relieves all signs of drowsiness! This is a big plus!

Method 3 – Toss and turn less

When we begin to restlessly roll over from side to side, we thereby disperse the tension. For example, if a person is worried, he begins to move, walk back and forth. But this is a completely wrong tactic; it does not help to calm the anxiety at all. At such moments, try to resist the urge to move frantically, sit quietly and try to relax your body. And you will see how the anxiety will become much less!

Therefore, instead of tossing and turning in bed, try to lie in one position, preferably on your back. You may feel tension in your body, the release of which you will instinctively expect after changing position. But be patient a little, and the tension will go away on its own, even if you don’t roll over. But it will take much longer if you are spinning like a frying pan.

If you need to relax your body and remove tension, use the following exercise.

Method 4 – Yoga Nidra

I use this technique all the time to help me fall asleep and relax. This exercise comes from yoga. But it is used as part of many psychotherapeutic techniques for relieving stress, for example, to resolve post-traumatic states of people after war. It promotes good relaxation both mind and body.

It consists of the following. I may have written about Yoga Nidra in some articles, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it here.

You lie down in a comfortable position on your back. Arms and legs lie freely. The palms rest next to the body and look up. Do you do deep breath(preferably stomach, see further " diaphragmatic breathing» , if it doesn’t work out, then breathe as best you can) and exhale slowly through your mouth. It is as if you mentally distribute the exhalation throughout your body from head to toes.

Next, you begin to “scan with attention” every part of the body, starting from the top of the head. Some people perform this technique by moving their attention from their toes to the top of their head. Some people prefer to start from the head. I am a supporter of the latter version of this technique, since usually the muscles of our face and shoulders are the most tense (you will notice this yourself when you practice Yoga Nidra), so it is better to start with them.

First, you concentrate your attention on the top of your head, catching all the sensations. And even the absence of sensations. Hair, contact with the surface on which you lie, sensations on the skin, sensations inside the head. Try not to miss anything, all your attention is only on the top of your head.

Then transfer it to the eyebrows and begin to slowly descend down the body, holding attention in each part of the body in turn: ears, mouth, chin, back of the neck, Adam’s apple, shoulders, upper surface of the right arm, elbow, each finger, shoulders again, left arm, collarbone, back of the back, lower back, abdomen, pelvis, buttocks, groin, both legs in turn...

Try to observe all the sensations in the part of the body where your attention is located and relax this part. You don’t need to do this with a strong volitional impulse; rather, you observe how the body relaxes itself under your attention. If you can’t relax, then just watch. Observe all feelings, both pleasant and unpleasant. Don't try to change anything, just be with these feelings.

If your attention wanders to the side, smoothly transfer it to observing the body. This will happen more than once, so don't worry.

When you have “scanned” all parts of the body, take another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and stay with your breathing for a while. Let it lead you to a space in which there is no will, no desires, no past, no future, but there is only a state of “here and now” devoid of any judgments and evaluations. Stay in it for a while.

I warn you, you may fall asleep during this practice. Then it will be great! But don't worry if you can't relax: this doesn't always happen. And Yoga Nidra also requires practice and some kind of skill. Do this every night and you will definitely succeed! And then the quality and quantity of sleep will increase!

In this method we see complete synthesis of the principles of non-action and concentration. You do not try to relax by force of will, you relax because the will disappears. But to do this, you still need a very light and minimum effort will - your attention, which slides across your body from top to bottom.

Method 5 – Diaphragmatic Breathing

I have already written about this method in my other articles, but I won’t dwell here for long. It’s better that I record a video where I can clearly demonstrate how to do this and then post it here.

Belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing is the opposite of restless and shallow chest breathing. When we breathe from the belly, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for feelings of calm and relaxation.

What should I do? Lie on your back. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Take a deep breath and exhale deeply. The hand that rests on the stomach should move with it. But the hand on the chest should remain motionless. This method requires very little practice and you will get the hang of it quickly if you give it some time.

Continue breathing like this for a couple of minutes. Take a deep breath in one belly and exhale deeply. You need to breathe through your nose. If you feel dizzy, take short breaks between inhaling and exhaling, exhaling and inhaling.

You can do this practice before and during Yoga Nidra. Only in the latter case There is no need to strive for breathing to be as deep as possible. Let it be natural and relaxed. Just breathe with your stomach at your usual rhythm.

Method 6 – Short meditations before bed

Before bed, I usually do a 5-minute meditation session. Since longer practice can cause alertness and energy, which is not entirely desirable if you want to fall asleep. A short practice will bring calm to the mind, rid it of fussiness, which is often the cause of insomnia.

But each organism is individual. Some people, on the contrary, feel drowsy after long meditation sessions of 20 minutes. Therefore, focus primarily on yourself. Whatever length of practice helps you fall asleep better, use that.

Also play sports and quit bad habits. You can also find a lot of materials on this topic on the site. I wish you good luck in learning them, I hope they help you!

Method 16 – If all else fails...

...If you are once again tossing and turning on crumpled sheets, getting confused in restless thoughts and worrying about sleepy and broken state the next day. For example, take an old book off the shelf that has never been read. Go out onto the balcony or open the window, take a deep breath of the coolness of the night and just watch what is happening: listen to the singing of night birds, the noise of cars, the chirping of insects, or just revel in the silence. If you pay attention, you can see a lot of interesting things that you didn’t notice before...

If your place is safe at night, then go for a night walk. Just try not to wake up your relatives!

Your insomnia is a great opportunity to break out of routine, to do what we do very rarely due to the large number of things and obligations, for example, enjoy the romance of the night, remembering your carefree youth. Break the monolithic fabric of everyday life with some new action that you can remember later. Stop thinking about tomorrow's work, at least for a while. She will only be there in the morning. But the morning has not yet come! Take from this night all that it can give. And if you can't sleep, so be it. Meet the dawn. When was the last time you saw the sunrise?

PS. Did these methods help you? Which ones did you like the most? It would be great if you write this in the comments!

4 months ago

4 months ago

There are many organizations in the world that...


Many people know that the state of the body with insomnia leaves much to be desired. The head does not think well, there is constant fatigue, irritability, and weakness. People feel sleepy in a completely different way... Such a person is cheerful, has a high performance capacity, looks great and is able to spend the day fruitfully. However large number people, turning from side to side in bed in the evening, really want to know how to quickly fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep.

Causes of insomnia

  • Overwork. When a person’s brain is full of information, questions that he did not have time to solve during the day, problems, it is not easy to fall asleep. Sometimes we are simply talking about a large amount of work that is done in a day.
  • Stress. Have a good night's sleep nervous tension It’s unlikely to work, because the brain is constantly replaying an unpleasant situation and looking for ways out of it.
  • An empty stomach or, conversely, overeating. The norm is a light dinner 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. When this sequence is disrupted, you cannot fall asleep quickly.
  • Uncomfortable bed. Pillows that are too high or, on the contrary, small, a bad mattress, synthetic bedding - all this can cause discomfort, which prevents you from getting a good night's sleep.
  • It's stuffy. Required condition– slight coolness and fresh air.
  • Absence physical activity. Modern man moves extremely little. He does not have time to expend the energy that is released when food arrives. This is fraught not only overweight, but also difficulty falling asleep at night.

12 secrets to falling asleep effectively

How to fall asleep quickly if you don’t want to sleep without using special medications? Many people suffering from insomnia are concerned about not taking pills, because they are sure to be addictive. There are a number of natural and safe ways that you can use to fall asleep faster and easier.

  • Provide the right environment and atmosphere

Firstly, the room should be easy to breathe: ventilate the room, try to achieve a temperature of 19-21 degrees. Close the curtains and turn on a lamp with a dim light to gradually transition to darkness. Before you fall asleep (but not while you are in bed), you can place an aroma lamp with a few drops of lavender oil in the room - this smell has a relaxing effect.

Turn off the equipment, don’t watch TV, don’t scroll through news on social networks on your smartphone or tablet. You can read a quiet book.

To fall asleep quickly, before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey dissolved in it.

  • Relaxing bath

It is necessary to take a bath, and not go to the shower. It’s good to add sea salt and a few drops of lavender essential oil to the water. The bath should not be too hot; choose a temperature that is comfortable for you. The procedure will relax tense muscles, prepare the nervous system for the night, calm your thoughts and allow you to quickly fall asleep and wake up refreshed. This daily tradition will allow you to get enough sleep all the time.

  • Active day and evening

If you want to fall asleep quickly and easily without sleeping pills, ensure that you get adequate physical activity during the day or evening. This could be jogging, fitness class, swimming, or just an active walk in the fresh air. Scientists have found that a person who sweats during the day sleeps soundly and gets enough sleep at night.

It is important not to overdo it, but to finish all exercises about three hours before the time when you are used to going to bed. Physical fatigue, like mental fatigue, will work against you, and you will no longer want to sleep.

  • Don't forget about the routine

How can you fall asleep quickly if you go to bed after midnight and at different times? The body gets confused and ceases to understand what and when to do. Make it a rule to go to bed at the same time every evening, optimally at 22-23 hours. During sleep, the body produces the hormone melatonin, which is essential for normal functioning and health, but this only happens until 2 am. Therefore, you need to fall asleep quickly in the evening to get the necessary supply of this substance.

People with insomnia are not recommended to include an afternoon nap in their daily routine - it only disrupts the biological clock and confuses the body. But accustoming yourself to getting up early is very useful: according to statistics, “larks” are much less likely to suffer from insomnia than “night owls.”

  • “No” to tonic drinks

Tea (regardless of whether it is green or black) and, especially, coffee interfere with normal sleep. Therefore, it is ideal to exclude them from the diet altogether, replacing herbal infusions, homemade compotes, fruit drinks and clean water. If you can’t give up the tonic drink right away, do it at least in the afternoon.

  • “No” to working late

Today's technological capabilities allow you to keep your finger on the pulse all the time and be aware of everything online. Are there any tips about working in the evening and how to quickly fall asleep if the computer is “calling” you to the screen? Yes, they are available. It is recommended to refuse work after 9 pm. Only this way, no other way.

  • Reading

This is an old but proven method. It helps you disconnect from worries and problems and immerse yourself in peace fiction. If you don’t like it, take a historical or psychological one, just try not to delve into professional literature. Don't read from mobile devices– it spoils vision and irritates the nervous system. An e-reader should be chosen with special ink; its screen does not light up.

  • Falling asleep using the Andrew Weil method

This fail-safe method works even if you don’t feel like sleeping for several nights in a row. It is called “4-7-8” and is included in the system of many healing and meditation practices.

The essence of the method:

  • breathe evenly and calmly for 4 seconds;
  • hold the air in your lungs for 7 seconds;
  • Slowly exhale through your nose for the next 8 seconds.

You need to do as many repetitions as are comfortable for you.

The practice is similar in nature to the technique medicines. It normalizes the amount of adrenaline in the blood, eliminates shallow breathing, which interferes with calm before a night's rest.

Many people are faced with the question of how to quickly fall asleep before an important event, an exam, a wedding, or a date. This method allows you to solve this problem and not suffer from insomnia when it is so important to get enough sleep.

  • Acupuncture

The answer to the question of how to fall asleep is also given by Chinese traditional medicine. By influencing certain points, you can normalize blood pressure and heart rate, calm down and get rid of problems with night rest. Each area should be massaged for approximately 30 seconds.

  1. Place warm palms on your ears and move clockwise, applying gentle pressure.
  2. Using two fingers, lightly press the space between your eyebrows.
  3. Massage your temples (do not use force).
  4. Find the protruding bone on your wrist and work on the point under it, on the back side.
  • Mint and honey

When deciding how to quickly fall asleep at night, make it a rule to drink a cup of warm mint infusion with a spoonful of honey before going to bed. Both of these remedies have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relax. It is important to use natural bee treat without additives and not to dissolve it in hot herbal tea– in this case, honey acquires carcinogenic properties.

  • Herbal pad

A reliable folk remedy is a small pillowcase stuffed with dried herbs: sweet clover and wormwood, chamomile and lavender, lemon balm and meadowsweet. The pillow should be placed either directly under your head (if this is convenient for you) or nearby. Inhaling the aromas of herbs makes it much easier to fall asleep.

  • Relaxing music

How can you fall asleep quickly and, if you can’t sleep, can you do something else? It is also recommended to turn on soft music designed specifically to relax before a night's rest. Such compositions can be downloaded on the Internet. They will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts from your head, not make plans for the next day, and not give yourself a “debriefing”.

It is practically impossible to perform all methods at once. It is important to choose those that you really like and make you happy, and that are not a burden to you. In this case, it is much easier to overcome insomnia.


The question of how to quickly fall asleep if you can’t sleep worries a large number of people. They toss and turn at night for 25-45 minutes, and some spend hours in a sleepless state. In many ways, falling asleep quickly depends on the person himself, and in most cases, going to the doctor can be postponed. Quite a large number of methods have been developed on how to quickly fall asleep at night if you can’t, which are based on correct breathing and body position. This allows you to learn to fall asleep in a matter of minutes.

How to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep?

Let's list the ways and techniques to speed up falling asleep:

Sleep during the day

You can sleep during the day, but only at certain hours. If you feel like taking a nap at lunchtime, do not deny yourself, but no more than one hour. This will allow you to fall asleep faster in the evening.

We use massage

This universal method relax your body and muscles. Be sure to use during massage aromatic oils, conducive to sleep. They will help you relax to a great extent and achieve a greater effect from the massage than without using them. Combing at night with a massage brush is an excellent relaxing head massage.

If you don’t know what to do to fall asleep quickly, then do self-massage.

Begin to massage your arms and shoulders lightly. Gently knead your face, then massage your neck and back of your head. Upper body massage is not the only way.

A good method on how to quickly fall asleep without medications is to massage your feet. If you use creams and ointments that help relieve fatigue from your legs, the effect will be even stronger.

Use the methods described below and you will significantly speed up the process of falling asleep:

Correct mode

It is necessary to build the correct daily routine and try to adhere to it. All your actions should occur at approximately the same time compared to the previous day. Wake up in the morning, take a shower, go to breakfast, etc. everything should happen at the same time. Give your body the opportunity to enter this mode and get used to it. This method will allow you to fall asleep quickly and easily.

Scientists have long found out that time good sleep It counts until 00:00 and you need to sleep for at least eight hours.

Proper nutrition

You should not eat a lot of food before bed. A good option would be to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. You shouldn't go to bed feeling hungry. Take care to eat in moderation - overeating leads to heaviness in the stomach, and undereating leads to discomfort and a hungry state - and this is not something that will help you fall asleep quickly. If you really want to eat, you can eat fruits, and fermented milk products are also suitable.

Choosing a comfortable mattress and pillow

If you try to fall asleep for a long time and cannot find the optimal sleeping position, your neck becomes stiff and something always gets in the way. Most likely, you need to choose the right mattress or pillow for you individually.

If you don’t know how to fall asleep quickly if you don’t want to sleep, then here are some tips:

  • The bed should be as comfortable as possible to encourage you to sleep.
  • The pillow should be selected individually for you. This question is very important, because a pillow helps you relax and fall asleep quickly. We are all different and pillows are also different.

For some, it will be the best solution to use down pillows; for others, a pillow with buckwheat is suitable. Nowadays, orthopedic pillows are gaining popularity. Mattresses also have their own levels of hardness. Choose it according to your feelings of comfort. When choosing a blanket, try not to choose one that is too hot or too cool and thin. For each season, have your own version of a blanket. In many cases, these recommendations help resolve the issue, I can’t sleep at night, what should I do?

Comfortable room temperature

Ventilate your sleeping area before going to bed, and also make sure that the room temperature is cool. This will make it easier to fall asleep. If possible, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air before going to bed and take a shower.

Use these tips and you will learn how to fall asleep quickly and easily, plunging into deep and sweet sleep.

Comfortable sleeping position

You need to specifically turn around in bed to find out for yourself in what position you feel comfortable and as comfortable as possible. Feel in which position your muscles are more relaxed. This procedure must be carried out several times in a row. Once you know which position you are most comfortable in, you can stop. A comfortable position will help you fall asleep quickly.

Exercise for good sleep

If you feel extreme fatigue after sedentary work in the office, but you still can’t fall asleep quickly and soundly, then most likely your body is not tired, unlike your brain. Often sedentary image life leads to insomnia.

Make it a rule to load your body. Try to walk more often, forget about the elevator and walk more. Knowing what to do to fall asleep quickly, you won’t have to worry about insomnia. The effect will not take long to appear, but 2-3 hours before bedtime you should not put stress on the body. In this way, you will increase your adrenaline, and there will be no time for sleep.

Getting rid of irritating factors

Most likely, family members know about your problem. And they will respond with understanding to your request to turn down the TV volume or play a tablet in another room. Turn off any lights that may in any way interfere with your sleep. A comfortable environment in the bedroom, where it is quiet, dark and no one disturbs - good way to quickly fall asleep if you can’t sleep.


There are many sleeping pills on the market now varying degrees action and safety of use. You can choose some products on the Internet, for example, containing lofant, orange fruits, and eschscholzia grass. The product is suitable for children and adults.

If you are wondering how to fall asleep without using drugs, read below.

How to quickly fall asleep at night without sleeping pills and medications

Drinks that promote sleep

Since ancient times, healers have used sleep drinks against insomnia. There are many simple and universal methods:

  • Warm milk or kefir. One glass before bed.
  • Take a glass of warm water and add a spoon of honey. Drink just half an hour before bed. This is a tried and tested method on how to quickly fall asleep at night without sleeping pills.
  • Infusions will help you sleep quickly medicinal herbs: motherwort, oregano, linden, hops, St. John's wort, lemon balm, valerian, mint. You can also buy this herbal tea with herbs at the pharmacy, if you live in the city this is especially important.

Use the methods described above to know how to quickly fall asleep at night without sleeping pills.

Try exercises to help you fall asleep

  • A fairly popular exercise is “counting sheep”; you can count anything that pops into your head. The main rule is that the object imagined in your head moves.
  • Try to tire your eyes. Easy and quick task. Perform while falling asleep. With your eyes closed, actively move your gaze from side to side. With the question, I can’t fall asleep at night, what should I do, it will be easier to fight.
  • Look up with your eyes closed. This is the position of the eyes of a sleeping person; it is believed that this way you can fall asleep faster.
    - You need to imagine the subject in your head. Make it bigger and smaller using your imagination.

All the methods and exercises listed in this article do not work alone. For falling asleep quickly and combat insomnia, use a set of methods to quickly fall asleep if you can’t sleep.

Video: How to fall asleep quickly? 7 ways to help you fall asleep quickly


Good night, night owls! How to fall asleep at night if you can't sleep? Do you know a person who knows how to fall asleep soundly, snoring sweetly and drooling thinly on the pillow, barely taking a horizontal position? Can you give his last name and exact address? I also don’t know such lucky people. This is because insomnia is not a whim, but a nuisance that indiscriminately comes to people of any age (even children), social status and income. Insomnia is also a penalty for alcohol abuse. “I can’t sleep at night, what should I do?” - this is a question my patients often ask. So, how to fall asleep quickly?


A doctor who treats sleep problems is a somnologist.

We “forget how” to sleep when we are faced with stressful situations. At home, at work, in relationships, you see, there is more than enough. Taking strong medications can also drive healthy sleep away. Worries, fears, the cycle of everyday affairs, intrusive thoughts, whirling through the head - all this can deprive a person of a normal night's rest.

And if we can still somehow determine the reasons, then the consequences of chronic lack of sleep may turn out to be unpredictable. The most harmless thing that awaits the night owls is dark circles under the eyes and tired appearance. But more serious symptoms - absent-mindedness, lethargy, sudden and poorly controlled aggressiveness, memory impairment - can throw the poor fellow off the beaten track to the sidelines of social life.

There are other alarming statistics, according to which up to 12 thousand people die every year in car accidents alone. You ask, what does insomnia have to do with it? It's simple! Constant lack of sleep under normal home conditions, drivers are “lulled to sleep” right behind the wheel.

So we have a problem. After some deliberation, we even came to a common denominator - it needs to be solved. Surely every night owl has his own little trick for getting himself into bed.

How to fall asleep quickly at night if you can't sleep

1. Drop the bags

Let me give you an example from the past: in the unstable years after the collapse of the Union, one of my friends was forced to work in two other services in addition to her main job. To feed the family, I had to spin around like a rotisserie chicken. After work - home, homework still remained with homework with my eldest son. At best, I had 3 hours to sleep in my busy schedule.

My friend lived at this pace for almost a year, and with virtually no complaints about life. It’s just that one day she died right in the elevator of an office building when, out of habit, it stopped due to a rolling blackout. Pressing her nose against the wall, she slept in the inflexible position of a draft horse until lunchtime, without even trying to call for help.

After the incident, she made, perhaps, the right decision in her life: to throw off several bags of other people’s responsibilities, which for some reason had been placed on her own shoulders. As a result, the son began to do his homework himself, homework was divided equally between all household members, and part-time jobs fell into oblivion. And, having unloaded herself, my friend learned to sleep as much as a normal adult should.

In my hit parade, this method of combating insomnia occupies the top position.

2. Relapse into childhood

Remember Professor Preobrazhensky with his reasoned: “Don’t read Soviet (cross out) newspapers after dinner”? Now newspapers have been replaced by television, which, alas, rarely sows “reasonable, kind, eternal.” Do you want to get enough sleep? Don't watch TV. A stream of negative information will settle in your head, begin to twist and chew in it, until you completely screw yourself up, driving Morpheus away along with his cup.

But a bedtime story will really help you relax. If adults watched cartoons and listened to fairy tales as often as children, they would also sleep soundly.

3. What to do in bed?

The bed is designed for sleeping. There is no need to suffer in it, talk on the phone with girlfriends, knit, read books, etc. Everyone has their place.

Can you relax if you force yourself to rest? No. To add to the annoying thoughts something else from the category: “What am I doing? I have so much work to do! My husband needs to buy slippers, Vanya needs to patch up his pajamas, Mashenka’s blouse needs to be ironed…” and so on in the same spirit. The situation with night rest is similar: you cannot force yourself to sleep.

If you can’t “turn off” your brain, turn on the light, walk around the room, drink warm milk with honey, look out the window, do embroidery or paint landscapes, take hot bath with sea salt. Give these activities 30-40 minutes, doing them in complete silence. Then, turn off the lights, draw the curtains tighter and sleep peacefully!

5. Calm down

Even if someone offended you or pissed you off before going to bed, don’t make hasty decisions!

Slowly, counting to 10, take a deep breath, exhale just as slowly, then respond to the offender in a balanced and calm manner. The same can be repeated with raising your hands “towards the sun”. Your hands will be raised high above your head - imagine that you are holding a suitcase with grievances in them and sharply “throw” it onto the floor.
Feel better? Fine. "Minus" is one sleepless night.

6. Make love

There is no need for unnecessary words here. Well-established sex life, at least, speaks of good relations with a partner. Frequent bedtime relaxes, brings pleasure and perfectly promotes sound sleep.

7. Drawing from the well of folk wisdom

Our ancestors noted: “Keep your feet dry, your chest warm, your stomach when hungry, your head when cold.” Let's summarize, applicable to our problem: dine modestly, dress warmly, make decisions with a cool head. Add to this a foot warmer; at night it will be very useful for those who cannot sleep a wink for a long time.

8. Physical culture

Not loads, but culture! Loaders are also engaged in physical labor, but more often than not, instead of snoring at the moon, they moan from back pain. Spend time on competent training, during which, through the efforts of an experienced master, your body will be toned, your well-being will improve, your self-esteem will skyrocket and your brain will be distracted from everything in the world except healthy sports.

Start by jogging (shopping does not count), attending a yoga course or doing 100 kg barbell presses - it’s up to you, but do it regularly 3-4 hours before going to bed.

To fall asleep quickly if you don’t feel like sleeping, this simple set of relaxation exercises helps me:

9. No noise

Insomnia is not only a lack of sleep, but also its disturbances: intermittency, anxiety, frequent nightmares...

To exclude such manifestations of it, you need to completely protect yourself from any noise. The buzzing of electrical appliances, the vibration of a mobile phone, a car passing outside the window and other factors should be eliminated whenever possible. By the way, before closing the window at night, do not forget to thoroughly ventilate the room. Fresh air much more conducive to rest than stagnation.

10. Find a comfortable place and position

American comedian William Fields suffered from insomnia in the same way as people without a sense of humor. This gentleman was able to rest only in very strange places. The bed could be a billiard table, a barber's chair, or a small piece of ground under a beach umbrella, on which water from a garden hose was drummed, simulating rain.

If the cause of insomnia is an uncomfortable bed, find another place where you will be more comfortable.

Check out this video on how to fall asleep quickly if you don't feel like sleeping:

Get enough sleep, friends! Share your secrets on how to fall asleep at night if you can't sleep.