World of Tanks Blitz: secrets and tips for the game. Why World of Tanks Blitz became one of the best games ported to mobile devices Wot blitz why

Have you recently installed World of Tanks Blitz and are just starting your career as a virtual tanker? Do you have a lot of questions about the game? This guide will help you quickly get used to Blitz and turn from a green beginner into an experienced and skilled commander in a matter of hours. There are many articles and professional guides waiting for you. Scroll on and be sure: not a single question will be left unanswered.

Game mechanics of World of Tanks Blitz

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Conditions for victory in World of Tanks Blitz

Random battles on any World of Tanks Blitz map take place in the “Encounter Battle” mode, 7 vs 7. To win in this mode, you need to destroy all enemy equipment or capture a neutral base within 7 minutes.

Destruction of equipment

Most often, battles in World of Tanks Blitz end this way: one of the teams destroys all 7 opponents’ tanks, and the battle immediately ends with its victory.

Capturing the base

Even if the enemy begins to outnumber you, this does not mean that defeat is inevitable. After all, there is an alternative way to win - capturing the base. To start capturing a base, all you need to do is drive your tank into the capture circle, indicated by a flag and a white line around it. After this, the capture of the base will begin and a special green scale will appear. To capture a base, you need to score 100 capture points (full scale). The color of the scale turns red when the enemy is trying to capture the base.

Please note: the time required to capture a base may vary depending on the map and the number of invading tanks.

Base capture time in seconds

If the tanks of both teams are simultaneously in the capture circle, the capture is suspended. If the invading tank is damaged, the points it has accumulated are reset to zero. If he was alone in the capture circle, then the capture starts all over again.


If none of the teams destroyed all opponents and did not manage to capture the base in the allotted time, the battle ends in a draw. A draw means both teams lose.

In total, World of Tanks Blitz features four classes of vehicles. Three main ones: medium tanks, heavy tanks and tank destroyers, as well as light tanks as an auxiliary class. It is not difficult to guess that the basis for this classification of tanks was their mass and purpose in battle, however, the classes are slightly different from each other in terms of game mechanics.

Light tanks

At the beginning of each research tree there is a Tier I light tank of the corresponding nation (with the exception of Great Britain, whose research tree starts with a medium tank). Light tanks are distinguished by their small dimensions, small caliber guns and thickness of armor, and high maximum speed. In your first battles, you will mostly encounter light tanks, however, when you reach mid-level battles, you will encounter them quite rarely or not at all, since at the moment the maximum level of a light tank in the game is V (Crusader). And if in low-level battles you can fight with other classes of equipment on an equal footing, then when you get into battle, for example, on an A-20 tank against medium and heavy Tier V tanks, you should play extremely carefully. In such situations, your main task is to help high-level allies in every way: go around your opponents from behind to briefly distract them or try to cause damage by shooting in the rear. If the battle takes place far from the base, then you can stand up for capture to distract the enemy, and retreat at the first danger.

Medium tanks

In battles of medium and high levels, light tanks are replaced by medium ones. The armor, speed and gun power of these vehicles vary greatly. By and large, they can perform any role on the battlefield, depending on the situation and the balance of power in battle. Don't go alone: ​​teaming up with another medium or heavy allied tank significantly increases your chances of defeating each individual enemy. The key difference between medium tanks and heavy tanks is their mobility. They are more mobile, which means they can, if necessary, quickly change position or instantly react to the seizure of the base by their opponents.

Heavy tanks

Unlike medium tanks, heavy tanks are characterized by thicker armor and a powerful weapon. These tanks, as a rule, are at the forefront of the attack, taking the bulk of enemy fire and covering allies. It is the fearlessness of heavy tanks, which often provokes opponents into rash actions, that will help you “push through” enemy defenses or stand alone in capturing a base. But even these steel monsters have their Achilles heel. Unfortunately, many heavy tanks are clumsy and can therefore be vulnerable in close combat against a more mobile opponent. It is also worth remembering that heavy tanks (like all others) are best protected at the front, and have weaker armor at the rear and on the sides.

Tank destroyer

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units (Tank Destroyers) usually have the most powerful guns in the game, however, due to the huge mass of the barrels, most of the Tank Destroyers do not have a turret, so when firing they are forced to turn towards the enemy with their entire hull. That is why tank destroyers are recommended to fire at long distances in order to be able to cover the largest area of ​​the battlefield with a minimum turning angle, and also not to expose themselves to close fire from more maneuverable light and medium tanks, which can easily “spun” you. From the beginning of the battle, try to take a position with a good view on the top of a hill or one that hides most of the body behind low cover. If possible, position yourself behind dense bushes to hide your location. Then, when your team reaches numerical superiority, ride out from your hideout and support the allied advance to the bitter end.

Work of a balancer in World of Tanks Blitz

World of Tanks Blitz uses almost the same balancing system as the PC version of the game, only slightly optimized to improve performance when playing 7 on 7. The video below describes how the balancer works in the PC version.

  • In the work of the World of Tanks Blitz balancer there are no separate restrictions on the nation, class, or level of the tank, just like on the PC.
  • The spread is +-2 levels for most vehicle levels. Except for the first and second levels, for which the +-1 level system applies (the 1st level can only play with 1 and 2; the second - only with 1, 2, 3).
  • Platoon balance is calculated based on the tank with the maximum level. By the way, this is precisely why strange platoons in which one player plays on a level 8 vehicle, and the other, for example, on a level 2, are so disliked. In fact, such duos steal a place on the team.
  • The balance weight of a vehicle is determined by the base balance weight of the level and class multipliers. The class multiplier is equal to one for ST, LT and PT. For TT and ART-SAU it is equal to 1.2. For example, let’s take the IS3 heavy tank - its level weight is 40 units (basic balance weight), class multiplier is 1.2, its balance weight is calculated as 40 * 1.2 = 48.
  • Some premium tanks are matched in a special way. So, for example, the A-32 will only hit levels 3-5; PzIVHydro, KV-220, M4A2E4 – only against 3-6; Panther M10 – against 5-8; KV-5 - against 6-9s. Lowe and T34 are matched according to the same rules as non-premium Tier 8 tanks.

Under ideal conditions, the balancer attempts to create fully staffed 7v7 battles, ensuring that the top 3 are equally leveled on both teams and that the balance weight of both teams is the same. The longer the waiting time in the queue, the softer the balancer requirements. They change twice: the first time after 30 seconds in the queue, and the second time after 60 seconds.

After 60 seconds for one player from the queue, the balancer will try to create a battle with fewer players in the team, where the minimum team size is 3 participants, that is, a 3 on 3 battle. In such a battle, at least 2 top cars must be of the same level, at that time how the difference between the balance weight of teams can reach up to 10%.

Unfortunately, sometimes during balance some rare bugs appear that were transferred from the PC version to Blitz, but due to the specifics of the game they are more common. As an example, we can cite battles in which two top tanks are not strictly the same level (or are completely different), such bugs are possible after 60 seconds of waiting for one of the battle participants.

After 5 minutes of waiting, the player is thrown out of the queue into the garage due to the expiration of time for searching for a battle.

Video tutorial “Armor penetration”

One of the most important questions for any tanker is how to penetrate? And in this video you will learn about all the main principles of armor penetration in World of Tanks Blitz.

  • The front of the vehicle is best armored; the armor on the turret is usually better than on the hull, so go to the enemy's rear or on the side.
  • The dynamic illumination system of the tank's armor level will tell you whether you can damage the enemy. It works very simply; if the armor is lit red, you will not be able to penetrate it, even if you target small vulnerable parts.
  • It's easier to hit the enemy using auto-aim, which sticks to the place you're aiming at, but if you prefer to aim manually, just turn it off in the game settings.
  • The shells are: armor-piercing, sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation. Armor-piercing shells have average armor penetration and damage, sub-caliber and cumulative shells inflict similar damage, but they penetrate armor better; landmines have the highest damage and low armor penetration.

Video tutorial "Crew"

All about crew skills in World of Tanks Blitz. Why are they, what are they and how to get them - watch in this video.

Combat missions in World of Tanks Blitz allow you to complete up to six different missions per day. Now, in addition to the obvious goal - victory - each commander will also have tasks with various conditions. Complete them and get free experience, credits and even a premium account!

How does this work?

When you enter the Hangar, in the upper left corner you can see a button, when clicked, a menu of combat missions will open. Each player receives a set of 3 combat missions of varying difficulty levels:

  • from simple ones - inflict 400 units of damage per battle;
  • to complex ones - as part of a platoon, destroy at least 4 enemy vehicles and inflict at least 6000 units of damage per battle.

To find out the details of an upcoming mission, just click on its card.

If for some reason you do not like the conditions of a combat mission, you can refuse to complete it by pressing the button Skip in the upper right corner of the screen. Each tanker can cancel 1 mission once a day. After cancelling, you will immediately receive a new task.

In addition, tasks differ in the mechanics of execution. There are 3 mission options waiting for you:

  1. A task for one battle - its conditions must be fulfilled within one battle.
    Example: Deal 2400 points of damage to a Tier IX vehicle during a battle while playing on a Tier VIII vehicle. Your team must win.
  2. Cumulative - performed over several battles.
    Example: Receive a total of 80 base capture points in battles using a Tier V vehicle. The battles in which your team won are counted.
  3. Platoon - can only be completed when playing with a partner. A platoon mission can also be cumulative or for one battle.
    Example: Capture a base and win the battle using Tier VIII vehicles as part of a platoon. Score more than 50 capture points together with a platoon member.

Completing and receiving new tasks

To complete a combat mission, simply play and fulfill the given conditions. The reward for the mission is awarded immediately after the battle:

After this, the task will be marked as completed:

Completed tasks are replaced with new ones twice a day - along with the renewal of double experience for a victory. Unfulfilled tasks remain until they are completed or rejected.


The essence of a combat mission is the challenge it poses to your abilities and skills in controlling combat equipment. But the main thing is, of course, the reward for achievements. It may consist of.

a year and 11 months ago Comments: 0

Wargaming continues to promote its flagship product World of Tanks as a cross-platform game and is one of the few examples of how a phenomenally popular game has successfully transferred to other platforms, including mobile. World of Tank Blitz, available on iOS, Google Play, Mac OS, Windows Store and Steam, is an example of a very successful entry into the mobile gaming market for so many publishers who are trying to make their games popular on different gadgets. Wargaming's success is due to a combination of excellent marketing, development and innovative team ideas. We’ll tell you in a little more detail about what made World of Tanks Blitz one of the best games ported from PC to the App Stores.

The first task of the developers in the process of entering the mobile market was to try not to make the game too simple and interesting only for a few hours, so it was important to preserve as much of the variety of traits, tanks and levels available in the original game as possible. In Blitz, we can end up choosing one of 250 cars and playing on a variety of maps. Great news for those who love Tanks and want to hone their skills in this e-sports discipline anytime, anywhere!

Labeling their game as mobile e-sports, the developers worked hard on the physics and combat system so that the game could truly justify its new status on mobile devices. As a result, the strategy and tactics from the original game were successfully transferred to battles on mobile, and the game from the outside looks very interesting for spectators. Wargaming believes that it is important to improve the gaming experience for those who play and those who watch the game equally. A separate important aspect of transferring the game to mobile was the optimization of controls. To optimize control, the developers even created their own DAVA engine technology, which ultimately made it possible to make the control system on mobile devices very convenient for simple games and e-sports disciplines.

The process of optimizing the game for mobile e-sports also aimed to provide the same gaming experience for owners of different gadgets, and Wargaming coped with this. Usually those who have gadgets with a large screen have an advantage in this sport, but during the last Twister Cup tournament there were many participants with both tablets and different Smartphones. In a good way, the developer noted the overall design of the application and all its visual aspects, which makes the game an even more successful example of porting from PC to mobile.

However, the developers understood that changes were still important for the mobile version, even if the genre of games on PC and mobile remained the same. As a result, Blitz has become faster than the original: battles here last less, which is convenient on mobile. Also

Blitz featured different models of tanks from the world of fantasy (Dracula, Warhammer 40K, Tankenstein tanks), while the PC version focuses on historicity.

As a result of Wargaming’s work, World of Tank has become a game that users can play with equal success and pleasure on various platforms – including mobile devices. World of Tanks Blitz has become a top FPS game on mobile. A game ported to mobile with more levels and tanks, less hardcore rules, less time consuming, but with excellent graphics and control system - this is the recipe for a successful port of the game from PC and consoles from Wargaming.

The example of a very successful migration of World of Tanks to mobile devices is rather an exception to the rule. Many publishers are looking for opportunities to give their game series a new phase of life by moving them to AppStores, but many computer games never make it to mobile. The successful examples that come to mind are not that numerous. First of all, it is worth noting the game Hearthstone by Blizzard, which has been known to all players in the world for many years from the Warcraft series. “Blizz” had been looking for a long time for the opportunity to port their traditional game themes to mobile and were finally able to successfully do this in Hearthstone, which they first released only for Android tablets. This card game has captured millions of players around the world!

They very successfully ported their tournaments and simple card games to mobile phones, especially those that fall under the category of eSports and are online tournaments. First of all, this applies to poker, which found almost more users in the mobile version of its tournaments than on the computer. It is especially convenient to participate in such tournaments on devices with a large screen, where you can switch between tabs very quickly. GTA games: GTA3, Vice city and San Andreas were also very successful. The game interface remains very decent, as does the control system, and the game itself has not undergone significant changes in relation to its PC version. You can get used to the control system on your mobile in just a few hours, which will allow fans of the GTA game line to enjoy the game in any available place on their mobile.

Finally, another successful example of a game ported to mobile is Minecraft, a simple game that has become phenomenally popular. In Minecraft on the computer, it was possible to fill the world with buildings and protect them from monsters in multiplayer mode, but on the mobile version, multiplayer is only available in a local WiFi network, which is the main disadvantage of the mobile version. Otherwise, it is executed perfectly and will appeal to fans of the series in computer and console versions.

  • My applications
  • My bans

Cash- a collection of various files (models, sounds, music, scripts) that are necessary for the game to fully function. The cache for World of Tanks Blitz can take from 3.5 to 5 GB.

Account progress is saved on the server, and deleting the cache will not affect it. You can always log into your account and continue the game from where you left off.

Why does the battle take so long to load?

  1. Make sure the device specifications match the game client.
  2. A similar problem is possible if there are difficulties with the Internet connection. More detailed information can be found in paragraph “What problems can a poor Internet connection cause?”(see below).
  3. The problem may occur when modifying game client files. We recommend that you refrain from modifying files.
  4. A similar situation is also possible when installing a cache on an SD drive. In most cases, SD drives are slower than the device's internal memory. If your phone/tablet has enough internal memory, we recommend installing the game client cache on the internal memory.

Why are there problems loading textures?

If you have problems loading textures (textures are multi-colored or black, in the form of a “chessboard”, textures flicker or black squares appear), follow the recommendations from.

What problems can a poor Internet connection cause?

Main problems you may encounter:

  • tank falling under textures;
  • delays in control and shooting;
  • situations when a tank drives through objects;
  • tank flights;
  • situations when a projectile flies through equipment;
  • long synchronization;
  • problems with authorization.

If you encounter one of these problems, follow the recommendations in .

My device is not on the list of supported devices, but everything works fine

We would appreciate it if players would report such incidents to the Customer Support Center, indicating their device model and operating system version. As noted in paragraph Why can't I download the game via Google Play?(see above), this is due to the fact that devices on the Android platform have a huge range of models. Even if your device meets the minimum system requirements, it may not be included in the supported list.

We constantly monitor the mobile device market, quickly add new models and update them.

  • Since the game client uses a considerable amount of device resources, we recommend closing all resource-intensive applications before starting the game.
  • Charge your device. It is advisable that the battery charge level does not fall below 50% (the minimum level depends on the model and device settings).
  • It is better to use a Wi-Fi connection to play. Due to the nature of the mobile Internet connection, problems may occur. You will find a more detailed description in the article.
  • If during the game the device begins to get very hot and there is a drop in FPS (frames per second), then it is better to interrupt and continue the game later.


The Belarusian company Wargaming pleases fans of the game World of tanks - the developers have released a mobile version of World of tanks Blitz, which many are already talking about. Now you can participate in tank battles from any tablet or smartphone running Android.

What is the secret of such a powerful tank simulator? Firstly, the creators have recreated a truly exciting tank action game. When the player enters the battlefield, he feels like a real tanker. In World of tanks Blitz, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, from the realistic playing field to the sounds of shots. How realistic is the connection between players?! It's worth a try. Secondly, as a game, the blitz version is luxuriously adapted to mobile realities. Even more fans of tank battles can enjoy military battles from their phone, no matter where they are: on the train, in nature, in the countryside, at sea, etc. Therefore, you can safely download the mobile version of the blitz, invite friends, and with a friendly crowd you can organize an attack on enemy positions and smash their tanks to smithereens. You can achieve the greatest success in tank battles if you know the secrets of World of tanks Blitz. Therefore, it makes sense to listen to the advice of knowledgeable gamers.

Secrets of World of tanks Blitz from experienced tankers

The very first piece of advice: choose and use your tank correctly. Success in tank battles largely depends on this. This applies not only to the mobile version of the game. The speed of the vehicle, the power of its weapons, and armor depend on the weight of the tank. Depending on your choice, your role in battle can be very different.

There are 3 types of tanks:

  • Lungs. They are considered the best scouts. Their task is to quickly move into enemy territory and detect enemy targets. For what? This will help your comrades identify targets for fire. Important: light tanks must move constantly. This will allow you to avoid getting hit by the tank. Fast movement will save you from damage better than any armor. What to do if you still have to shoot back from a powerful enemy? An experienced player will try to outwit the enemy. Ride around the enemy vehicle and try to get into the rear of the tank. It should be understood that maneuverability in villages and cities is an order of magnitude lower, so it is better not to go there unless absolutely necessary. And most importantly: keep track of where your brothers in battle are. If you are scouting a territory where there are no powerful tanks, there will be no point in such reconnaissance.
  • Average. They are somewhat similar to light tanks. The difference lies in more powerful armor and improved weapons. This allows medium tanks to calmly enter battle and successfully withstand the blow. More pumped up tanks have increased speed, so they can easily serve as scouts. The player’s task: carefully monitor the combat position, try to attack enemy tanks exclusively from advantageous places and favorable directions. The armor of a medium tank is not powerful enough to attempt to fight heavy vehicles.
  • Heavy. Such tanks are distinguished by powerful armor and the presence of strong weapons. What is their disadvantage? At disgusting speed. It is important to understand that a heavy tank is a command vehicle. As soon as a heavy tank comes under enemy attack alone, it will be destroyed. Due to his low movement speed, he is unable to quickly escape from the trap. The player’s task is to carefully monitor the members of his team, let vehicles that move faster pass ahead, carefully choose a convenient combat position for shelling (an advantageous position is considered to be the location of a tank in a large fire-covered area next to a shelter).

Anti-tank self-propelled guns (abbreviated as PT-ACS) are a separate category. They are distinguished by good protection and excellent weapons. The gun is aimed with the hull, since the tank destroyer does not have a turret. The player's task is to act in such a way that it is possible to aim at enemies without interference. The tank destroyer must be placed in a shelter.

Second piece of advice: once you decide on a tank, don’t rush into battle right away. Take time to study the main characteristics of a combat vehicle, understand why it is strong and what its weaknesses are. All experienced tankers advise to start by carefully reading the tank manual. Only having a complete understanding of the capabilities of a combat vehicle can one hope to win and receive medals. You can read reviews of all the cars you are interested in. If you want to save personal time, see detailed guides on how to complete the game.

List of other tips for successfully conducting a tank battle:

  1. Playing on a premium account allows you to level up faster.
  2. Remember about breaking through. Any experienced expensive player knows that the most powerful part of a tank is its frontal armor. This means that to defeat the enemy, it is enough to deftly approach the enemy in the rear, from the side. Such shots will be the most successful.
  3. Be aware of ricochet. The game developers created battle tanks in such a way that when a projectile flies into a certain part of the armor, it bounces off (this is a ricochet). Therefore, there is no need to shoot at oblique angles; it is better to aim at straight planes. Then you will have more chances to get a medal.
  4. Don't fight alone. It’s not without reason that they say: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.” Experienced, expensive players know that going on the attack alone is stupidity, the result of which is quick death. Without the support of your comrades, you shouldn’t dream of medals.
  5. Don't forget to move. Everyone understands that moving tanks are much more difficult to hit. When the enemy is in close proximity, do not stand in your already disadvantageous position, change your location, start moving. This will increase the chance of a miss or rebound. Experience shows that back-and-forth movements and small turns save you from complete defeat.
  6. Use tank destroyer tactics. There is no more powerful equipment than an anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. The player’s task: being at a great distance from the opponent, take a high position and shoot until the outcome of the battle is a foregone conclusion, then you can go into battle to finish off the enemy. A tank destroyer can cause enormous damage to an enemy unit.
  7. Use diamond tactics. Do you see that the enemy is starting to deliver direct blows? Quickly become a diamond towards him. Then the blows will ricochet and you will remain alive.
  8. Slow down fast opponents. Fast enemies can be slowed down by hitting the track. This way you can slow down the enemy tank and deprive it of its main advantage - speed.
  9. Shoot at weak tanks and cars with fewer lives.
  10. Try to destroy enemies more, do not rush to capture the flag. They give less money for a flag. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of leveling up as quickly as possible, it makes sense to try to shoot enemies. Capture the flag can be used as a diversion.
  11. Choose your gun carefully. Victory may depend on the barrel. An expensive weapon may not always turn out to be the best in battle. Experienced players advise looking not only at the general parameters of the tank, but also at the parameters of the gun (damage, penetration).
  12. Learn to perform maneuvers correctly. You can defeat a serious enemy on a weak tank if you circle around him and shoot him in the rear. Powerful tanks that kill with one shot are slow.
  13. Try to survive in battle as long as possible. It all depends on your skills, the experience of your combat team, and the size of the map. Expensive players cope with this task better than weak ones. This means it’s worth gaining experience.
  14. Be careful. Occupy such advantageous places, next to which there would be excellent shelters.
  15. Never shoot at your own people. Even in the mobile version, you can destroy a comrade’s tank, but such an act will definitely not bring you victory, but you will earn a fine.
  16. It is advisable to buy reloading equipment and fast aiming equipment.
  17. There is no need to freak out after frequent losses. It happens that at one time only strong tanks (high-level tanks) dominate on the server. Best Recommendation: Login to the game later.

An important point: the teaching is light. Don’t think that completing training is a waste of time. No, those who are patient and balanced win. Develop tactical thinking, gain experience, be cunning - you will succeed! The best medals will be yours.

Where to start?

1. Maneuverability

Victory depends not only on the power of the gun, but also on the tank’s engine, with which you need to implement various maneuvers, thereby increasing your own chances of survival. If you do not know how to dodge enemy attacks, defeat will most likely overtake you. The key point here is the ability to control equipment. Thanks to the developers, learning this is not particularly difficult. The movement of the equipment is realized with one movement of the finger, you just need to get used to the different models, because... each of them requires separate attention and mastery.

2. Know the area

If you have loaded into a new unfamiliar location, the first thing you need to do is look around and find cover in case of a shootout, because... It will not be possible to search during the battle. At worst, this will lead to possible defeat as a result of poor positioning.

3. Don’t rush into battle in the forefront

There is no need to rush to rush into battle in the first seconds/minutes. By doing so, you expose your game to unnecessary risks by losing. Let more experienced players lead the fight and attack while supporting them. This way you will gain experience and watch stronger players, which is only a plus for progress in the game.

4. Remember responsibility

Responsibility first of all to your comrades. Don't overuse the third tip. Don't let your enemies shoot your allies. The more you take part in firefights, the more experience you will be given, which can be spent on improving the characteristics of the tank.

5. Don’t rush to buy new equipment

At the start of the game, the number of slots is extremely limited. If you purchase something new, be prepared to free up a slot. Basically, tanks are purchased for gold - the local game currency, which is not easy to obtain. There are also premium tanks for regular currency in the game, but this is more a choice for model collectors than for combat players. The best investment, according to many experienced players, is improving equipment.

By listening to these simple tips, you will be able to qualitatively raise your gaming level, thereby improving the gaming leisure time not only for yourself, but also for your comrades.

Tournaments are where the best teams are revealed. Accordingly, the approach to this event should be serious and thorough. We have prepared advice from experienced World of tanks Blitz players for you:

1. Desire

If you have no desire to participate in tournaments: time or energy, then it is better to abandon this idea altogether, so as not to let your team down. To participate in a tournament, the thirst for victory is of great importance.

2. Gaming skill

Victory directly depends on your playing level. If you know about a competent exchange, know how not to expose yourself to blows and generally have a lot of experience in the game, you should definitely try your hand at the battle arena!

3. Team chemistry

Winning a tournament greatly depends on the teamwork of the players. In a tournament, a team must have a connection. Give information to the team about where the enemy is, listen to the leader's commands and play tricks as a team.

4. Tactics

Each team player must know where to go and what he will do on that flank. If someone on the team begins to act not according to plan, this means that the tactics are poorly developed.

5. Workouts

The training will allow you to work on many aspects of a successful game: teamwork, skill and tactics. With the help of training, you can analyze the progress of the game and identify errors, thereby getting closer to a prize place in the tournament.

6. Organization

You must be sure that your team will come to the tournament in full force. Be aware of what equipment your teammates have. Figure out which of the three points your team is not good enough: tactics, teamwork or skill, and try to work on it.

World of Tanks Blitz: secrets and tips for the game