The pain in the left kidney radiates from the leg. Kidney pain radiating to the lower extremities

Pain in the kidneys that radiates to the leg or groin area is often associated with certain pathological changes in the structure of the pelvis and calyces or with excessive stretching of the outer capsule of the kidney. The parenchymal tissue itself does not have pain-sensitive receptors, so the cause of pain may be stretching of the kidney capsule (due to the accumulation of large amounts of urine in the renal pelvis and calyces).

When answering the question whether pain in the kidney can radiate to the leg, it is worth mentioning the presence of stones in the ureter. Thus, pain syndrome can occur due to inflammation of the tissue around the kidney, as a result of urolithiasis and the advancement of stones along the ureter.

Often, kidney pain caused by inflammatory processes in the kidney is accompanied by increased urination.

If the cause is kidney stones and their advancement, then hematuria and urinary retention occur, and the pain becomes paroxysmal in nature and is well relieved with antispasmodics.

The causes of pain in the kidney area, which radiates to the legs, may be the following:

  1. Dull pain in the left or right kidney may indicate a chronic pathology that is caused by a certain infectious agent. One of the causes of dull pain in the kidney may be the growth of a tumor (benign or malignant). Since there are no pain receptors in the parenchyma, the receptors of the fibrous capsule react to an increase in the volume of the organ itself. When the capsule is stretched, pain occurs, which can also radiate to the leg.
  2. The aching nature of the pain often indicates the presence of kidney prolapse of varying degrees (nephroptosis). Patients complain of aching pain in the lower back and fever due to pyelonephritis (inflammation of the calyces and pelvis of the kidney). The main distinguishing symptom of pyelonephritis is painful urination.
  3. Painful aching in the kidney area may be a consequence of the development of hydronephrosis, which occurs as a consequence of urinary tract obstruction. The passage of urine through the urinary tract is disrupted, causing the calyces and pelvis to expand. Enlargement of the pelvis and calyx system and increased pressure inside the kidney lead to stimulation of the capsule receptors and cause pain, which is usually transmitted to the leg, groin area, anterior, lateral thigh.
  4. Aching pain may be present when the kidney is bruised or its capsule ruptures. This pathology at a later stage is accompanied by peritoneal symptoms.
  5. A feeling of nagging pain at the site of the projection of the kidney appears if the patient has a renal cyst. Such pain can spread not only to the groin and leg, but also to the anterior abdominal wall.
  6. Renal colic is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain syndrome. The development of renal colic is caused by the formation and removal of kidney stones (urolithiasis). With this disease, urine stagnates in the pelvis, causing them to expand. Due to the increase in urine pressure in the renal pelvis, the blood supply to the kidney parenchyma is reduced, as a result of which the patient feels severe pain. An attack of acute pain in the kidney can last from several seconds to several days; the duration and localization of painful sensations depends on the speed of passage, size and location of the calculus. Outside of an attack of renal colic, aching pain in the lumbar region persists, radiating to the leg.
  7. Acute renal pain (unilateral or bilateral) may occur at the time of renal artery embolism and renal ischemia. This pathology is characterized by severe pain with significant hematuria.

If some symptoms are associated with kidney pain, you should consult a doctor.
Symptoms that should alert the patient:

  1. Fever and changes in blood pressure;
  2. The appearance of blood in the urine in large quantities (hematuria);
  3. Painful and frequent urination, false urges;
  4. Significant reduction in body weight;
  5. The appearance of peritoneal symptoms (a sign of the development of peritonitis);
  6. Renal colic, which is not eliminated by antispasmodics and is accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting;
  7. Frequent or rare urination, its complete absence;
  8. A formation in the lumbar region that is clearly palpable at the site of projection of the lower or upper pole of the kidney.

Necessary methods for examining a patient with renal pathology:

  1. Inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion;
  2. General clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  3. Biochemical study of urine and blood components;
  4. Urine testing for bacteria;
  5. Examination of the urinary system and neighboring organs using ultrasound (ultrasound);
  6. General radiography (abdominal and thoracic organs, spine);
  7. Urography (visualization of the urinary tract using contrast);
  8. Angiography.

When pain appears in the lower back, it can be difficult to understand what is bothering you - the lower back itself or the kidneys.

It turns out that spinal diseases take the lead in such manifestations - about 90% of cases. Kidney disease accounts for only 6% of cases, and the remaining 4% are due to problems with other organs. But still - how to determine what hurts, the lower back or the kidneys?

Of course, there is no need to wait until the disease manifests itself in full force, and if you experience discomfort in your back, it is better to rush to the doctor.

Self-medication is very dangerous: ignorance of the true essence of the problem leads to incorrect actions and further deterioration of well-being. Many procedures and even medications may be contraindicated and, at best, simply will not have an effect.

You can find out the cause of pain by a number of characteristic symptoms. You can get an idea of ​​your well-being even before visiting a doctor, where you will receive a more thorough, professional diagnosis.

For diseases of the spine (and others):

  • discomfort occurs in the back after: being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, lifting heavy objects, sudden movement or any unusual effort;
  • pain: pulling//shooting, localized in the middle of the lower back, sometimes in the legs;
  • difficult to move due to increased pain;
  • muscles are in spasm.

With such symptoms, special ointments and gels that have an anti-inflammatory, irritating, warming effect help. Acute manifestations usually gradually subside if you lie still, wrapped in a warm blanket or woolen scarf.

For kidney problems (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis), the symptoms are as follows:

  • pain after hypothermia / approximately two weeks after colds/infectious diseases;
  • change in the nature of urination - painful/frequent;
  • change in the quality and color of urine - colorless/bright; contains mucus, blood or something resembling sediment;
  • headache (due to high blood pressure);
  • fever, sweating, or chills;
  • morning swelling on the legs and face, disappearing in the evening;
  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • , vomit.

Important signs that allow you to distinguish renal pathology from problems with the spine are the nature of the pain:

  • paroxysmal, (with renal colic) or dull, weak (with inflammation);
  • relatively constant, its intensity does not depend in any way on the position of the body;
  • sensations, as a rule, are one-sided, localized not in the center of the back, but to the right or left of the spine, below the ribs;
  • radiates to the sides of the abdomen, the inner thighs or the external genitalia.

Warming the lower back in case of kidney disease is unacceptable! Until you are sure of your diagnosis, do not use warming ointments, heating pads, or other similar treatments.

After interviewing the patient, the doctor begins the examination. A simple technique that allows you to understand whether the patient may be hurting, the kidneys or the lower back, is tapping the back with the edge of the palm. Dull pain in this area indicates a kidney problem.

  • / magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar region (allows you to see degenerative changes in the spine, if any);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, abdominal cavity (determines the condition of the organs, their possible increase in size, the presence of concretions, i.e. stones);
  • general blood test (as a rule, it does not show changes in the blood in case of spinal disease, but shows an increase in ESR, anemia or leukocytosis in case of kidney problems);
  • general urinalysis (in case of renal disease, it shows a change in the relative density of urine, high salt content, bacteriuria, hematuria, leukocyturia).

There are some features of diagnosing the cause of pain based on gender. If you suspect a pathology of the genital area, you must contact the appropriate specialists - a gynecologist, urologist-andrologist, undergo an examination and take tests.

Let's look at what diseases may be associated with lower back pain in women:

  • pregnancy - especially when the load increases around the fifth month, pain is dangerous if accompanied by unusual discharge (which may indicate abruption or rupture of the placenta);
  • gynecological diseases - painful sensations in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region on one or both sides, in combination with problems of the menstrual cycle and intimate sphere;
  • menopause - unpleasant sensations are associated with poor circulation in the pelvic organs.

Lower back pain in men can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • features of professional activity - difficult conditions, for example, cold;
  • prostatitis - in combination with unpleasant sensations in the anus, as well as weakness, weakness, fever;
  • epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) - in combination with fever, groin pain, swelling of the scrotum.

For patients of both sexes, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, adhesions after abdominal surgery, infections, muscle inflammation (), various types of tumors, and even obesity of the last (IV) degree may be common.

In any case, no matter what happens, contacting a doctor is urgent. It is especially important to carry out differential diagnosis in order to understand the causes of deterioration in health. The situation can be very serious - so start treatment as quickly as possible.

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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People often wonder: what to do if your right kidney hurts? It should be noted that pain does not just arise and is a signal of the development of a disease, which only a specialist can diagnose and treat. Therefore, it is important to understand the symptoms that accompany colic and cramps on the right side, and when they appear, do not delay visiting a doctor.

If a person feels pain in the kidneys, this indicates the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and other organs. The patient feels different types of pain:

  • aching and nagging pain on the right side;
  • colic on the right, which radiates to the groin area;
  • acute pain on the right side, disappearing when the body is upright;
  • severe pain in the area of ​​the right kidney and peritoneum, radiating to the lumbar area;
  • pain in the right side that radiates to the leg.

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Pain in the right kidney and temperature have additional symptoms:

  • the appearance of blood impurities in urine;
  • pain during urination;
  • skin allergies;
  • changes in the color and smell of urine;
  • pain in the head;
  • rapid pulse.

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If a patient experiences acute pain in the right kidney, it is often caused by the following conditions:

  • urolithiasis, during the development of which the patient feels acute colic on the right side, which often radiates to the upper and lower region of the peritoneum;
  • thromboembolism (acute blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus), during the development of which the patient may experience blood impurities in the urine.

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If the kidney on the right side hurts, this indicates the development of such diseases:

  • liver diseases, since the liver is located directly above the right kidney and puts pressure on the organ;
  • cystic formations on the organ, which in the initial stages have no symptoms and only after a certain period of time the patient feels a nagging pain in the right kidney and lumbar region;
  • disruption of urine outflow.

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Pain in the kidneys on the right, which causes the leg to hurt, appears due to the following factors:

  1. Dull and severe pain indicates chronic diseases, the development of which was facilitated by infections. Pain that extends to the legs can also be caused by neoplasms of various types.
  2. Aching pain that begins to radiate to the leg is observed with organ displacement and pyelonephritis.
  3. The condition when the kidney aches and pulls also provokes hydronephrosis, which is characterized by a violation of the outflow of urine. The pelvis and calyces of the organ increase in size, which increases internal renal pressure, causing the development of painful sensations that extend to the lower limb, groin area and thighs.
  4. The kidney may also hurt due to cystic formations, which cause both pain in the leg and in the peritoneum.
  5. Colic on the right provokes kidney stones, during which the lumbar region and lower limb hurt.

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If you feel pain in the kidney area on the right, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist who will prescribe the necessary tests. Diagnostics is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. A survey of the patient, during which the doctor asks the patient about the symptoms of pain in the right kidney and how long ago they began. This is followed by inspection and palpation. This is done to confirm or refute symptoms that do not relate to the reasons why problems in the functioning of the organ appeared.
  2. General blood and urine analysis. It is used to study the presence of inflammation in the organ and the condition of urine.
  3. An ultrasound examination of the kidney, which shows the appearance of the organ, the condition of its tissues and possible problems in its functioning.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging. It is used in situations where there are doubts about the diagnosis. MRI makes it possible to obtain more accurate readings of kidney function.

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Conservative treatment

If there is pain in the kidney on the right, the doctor prescribes a number of medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, steroids, antibiotics, and medications that have a diuretic effect. In situations where the organ is severely damaged, the doctor prescribes dialysis, which is the artificial purification of the blood from harmful substances using a special device. Pain in the right side, in addition to taking medications, requires adherence to a special diet prescribed by a specialist. The patient will need to exclude fatty, hot, highly salted, spicy and smoked foods from his diet.

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They resort to operations exclusively for severe diseases of the organ:

  • exacerbation of urolithiasis (when the ureters are blocked by a stone);
  • cancerous tumors;
  • benign tumors of some varieties;
  • acute form of pyelonephritis;
  • purulent processes;
  • purulent cystic formations.

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After a specialist has diagnosed the reason why sharp pain in the kidneys has developed, the patient is allowed to use folk remedies, in addition to conservative treatment. As first aid, healers advise using a heating pad, applying it to the place where one kidney is sick. It will take about half an hour to hold the heating pad and then take a bath. To achieve the maximum effect from bathing, it is recommended to add various essential oils to the water, for example, lemon, fir, grapefruit and mint.

If we talk about folk recipes, then cranberry juice (homemade) and a drink made from juniper can help with pain in a vital organ. These drugs have a beneficial effect on the activity of the urinary system. Also widely used in the treatment of kidney pain are decoctions of various herbs that have a diuretic effect. These include horsetail, mint, chamomile, parsley and St. John's wort. The herbs will need to be poured with boiling water in a thermos, let them brew for about 2 hours, cool and take as a medicinal tea.

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First of all, prevention is to prevent one of the kidneys from getting sick. A person should adhere to an active lifestyle and a properly balanced diet, which has a powerful effect on kidney function. It is important to eat foods that will not burden the organ. In addition, it is important to prevent hypothermia of the body, so as not to provoke pain and colic in a vital organ.

Young children should be taught to observe the rules of personal hygiene, which will be especially important for girls, since the structure of their internal organs differs from that of men and there is a greater risk of developing various diseases, for example, of an inflammatory nature. In addition, there are certain medications that can provoke pain in the kidneys, therefore the use of medications should be coordinated with the attending physician, because only he can select the correct drug and prescribe the correct dosage.

Once pain on the right side has already been treated, it is important to prevent it from reoccurring. Such patients should regularly visit a specialist and follow a special dietary diet (most often table No. 7). The diet is aimed at normalizing digestive processes, improving urine flow and regulating blood pressure. It is important to maintain dietary nutrition not only during the treatment of pain in the organ, but also after stopping the course of treatment, so that the effect can last as long as possible. The diet menu should reduce the amount of protein, salt and liquid. Food that contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals should predominate in the diet.

Kidneys are one of the main filters of the body. It is specially made in the form of a pair of organs - so that if one of them is damaged, its function can be taken over by the second without any problems. But many reasons - infections, injuries, ingestion of toxic substances and medications - act simultaneously on both “miraculous networks” (that is what the internal structure of the organ is called), significantly reducing their chances of normal recovery.

Before looking for the cause of the pain, you need to figure out what exactly hurts

Therefore, if any symptoms from the urinary system occur, you should urgently contact a nephrologist. We will tell you why your kidneys hurt, how it manifests itself and what to do about it.

The kidneys are located on both sides of the spine, at the level of the lower thoracic - upper lumbar vertebrae; part of them is covered by the costal arch. Behind them are the muscles that keep the spine in balance, which can become tense and painful with scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, and osteochondrosis. In front are the stomach, pancreas, and intestines, the pain from which can radiate to the lower back. Above the left kidney are the lungs, and on the right are the liver and gall bladder; with their diseases, discomfort in the lumbar region may also be felt.

Before analyzing why a person’s kidneys hurt, it is necessary to determine that the pain syndrome is caused precisely by renal pathology. It can be described like this:

  1. back pain - in the place where the costal arch is attached to the spine (not the lower back on the other side of the navel);
  2. may radiate to the area to the right or left of the navel;
  3. If you stand on your feet, rise on your toes, and then sharply fall on your heels, the pain in the lower back intensifies.

In addition, the following symptoms indicate renal pathology:

  • pain when urinating;
  • unpleasant odor of urine;
  • the lower back is cold all the time;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • frequent or rare urge to pee;
  • increased fatigue, tiredness, lack of appetite;
  • smell of ammonia from the mouth;
  • change in urine color;
  • small red “pimples” on dry skin;
  • lower back pain when lifting weights;
  • dry skin;
  • “powder” of white crystals on dry skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased visual acuity.

There are many causes of kidney disease. These include inflammatory and tumor diseases, injuries to this area, and developmental anomalies of the urinary system, which “raise their heads” under the influence of provoking factors. Let's look at everything in order.

This is a disease when the kidney tissue suffers from an attack by its own immune cells, which, starting to fight the infection, mistake the kidney cells for microbes. The pathology most often develops after a streptococcal disease (for example, tonsillitis).

Pain is a sign of inflammation, tissue damage due to injury or tumor

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis:

  • lower back pain;
  • blood visible to the eye in the urine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling on the eyelids, legs.

It is one of the common causes of kidney pain. In this case, the pain syndrome is very intense and develops after a bumpy ride or playing sports - then the stone begins to move along the ureter, touching its nerve endings.

With this disease, pain in the lumbar region is very severe, does not allow you to find a body position to relieve it, and is accompanied by the urge to urinate. The volume of urine is very small, often mixed with blood.

Acute pyelonephritis, in addition to lower back pain, will be manifested by fever, weakness, and nausea. Usually its manifestations are so strong that a person immediately seeks help.

Warning! More often, lower back pain as an isolated symptom is complained of in chronic pyelonephritis, which is also manifested by the fact that the back in the kidney area begins to freeze more, appetite worsens, the amount of urine may change, and blood pressure increases.

With this disease the following are noted:

  • the pain is sharp, severe;
  • felt in the kidney on the left or right, in the side, stomach;
  • nausea;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • moderate urination.

This pathology requires urgent hospitalization.

Lower back pain will occur when the tumor grows to such a size that it puts pressure on the capsule. The amount of urine you produce may also decrease.

This disease only at a late stage - when there is either damage to the structures of the kidney, or the tumor grows into the capsule - can also become the cause of kidney pain. Other symptoms will be:

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Polycystic kidney disease

In this case, the symptoms of kidney failure will come to the fore: a decrease in the volume of urine excreted, high blood pressure, swelling and dry skin. The pain syndrome is localized in the abdominal area - usually on both sides of the navel. We talked in detail about the manifestations and treatment of this disease in the article: How is polycystic kidney disease treated?

This is the name of a condition in which the renal pelvis expands under the influence of urine accumulating in it. It can be caused by urolithiasis, tumors compressing the ureters, or abnormalities in the development of the latter.

With hydronephrosis, pain is felt in the last stages of the disease

Hydronephrosis manifests itself in the form of pain, which can be localized in the lower back, but can also be felt in the abdomen. There may be other symptoms: decreased urine volume, nausea, fatigue.

With this disease, pain in the lower back will have a stabbing, cutting character; the person will also be bothered by severe weakness and fatigue. There is also a change in the nature of the urine: it becomes cloudy, bloody, and pus may be clearly visible.

Nephroptosis does not manifest itself for a long time, but in the last stages of the disease pain in the kidney appears, intensifying in an upright position and reaching its peak in the evening. Over time, it becomes unbearable, leading to personality disorders. A person loses weight and practically stops feeling hungry; Nausea and heartburn are periodically observed.

Warning! The risk of kidney prolapse increases with sudden weight loss, intense physical activity, and injuries to the lumbar region.

Let's look at the most common diseases with kidney pain syndrome, which people describe in a certain way.

Let's look at why your kidneys hurt after drinking beer:

  1. this drink “pulls” water from the tissues, which leads to increased load on the kidneys: first you need to remove the increased volume of urine, and then also the liquid that the person took due to thirst caused by beer;
  2. over time, the blood becomes thicker (most of the liquid has already left), and it is more difficult for the kidneys to filter it;
  3. As a result of this “dehydration assault,” the tissues lose the necessary electrolytes (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and proteins, which gradually settle in the kidneys and form stones.

If your kidneys hurt after drinking alcohol, this means that ethyl alcohol, the main component of alcohol, has disrupted their ability to concentrate and filter blood plasma, forming urine. This happens either after taking a large number of strong drinks, or if a person takes them systematically. The risk of pain increases in people suffering from either chronic pyelonephritis or kidney stones, or those whose kidneys and ureters have structural abnormalities.

But it is up to the urologist or nephrologist to figure out why the kidneys hurt in the morning, since this is a dangerous symptom. He says that the urine that has accumulated in the kidney overnight puts pressure on its walls.

Warning! This can only cause pain if there is damage to the kidney structure, which happens with glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

The reasons why the left kidney hurts are:

  • kidney stone disease;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • organ prolapse;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tumors;
  • abscess.

Pain may radiate to the left lumbar region due to inflammation of the pancreas, which requires diagnosis.

Pain syndrome developing on both sides of the spine is characteristic of glomerulonephritis and polycystic kidney disease.

The reasons why the right kidney hurts may be slightly greater than for the left organ, which is due to its lower localization (due to the liver, the right kidney is located? -1 vertebra lower than the left). This:

  • post-traumatic pain;
  • stone in the renal pelvis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • cancerous tumor.

Pain due to cholecystitis, osteochondrosis, and appendicitis also radiates to the right lumbar region, simulating renal pathology.

If, in addition to pain, you notice:

  1. increase in temperature;
  2. weight loss;
  3. decreased appetite;
  4. weakness;
  5. high blood pressure;
  6. swelling,

You need to see a doctor urgently, as delay can destroy the kidney.

If the pain is nagging in nature and does not bother you in the morning or every day, make an appointment with a nephrologist, and before that, in order not to waste time, take a general urine test and undergo an ultrasound of the urinary system.

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Lower back pain is a common ailment. Many people are in no hurry to go to the doctor and self-medicate. By jumping to conclusions, we harm ourselves. After all, a warming ointment will be powerless if inflammatory processes occur in the body. Today we will talk about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt?

Did you know that in cases of lower back pain, even doctors sometimes take a long time to make an accurate diagnosis? In order to identify the disease, tests, x-rays and ultrasound are needed. Therefore, if you experience unpleasant symptoms, undergo a comprehensive examination. After all, in order to neutralize the “enemy”, you need to know him by sight. If the diagnosis has already been made, doctors recommend regular (every six months) maintenance therapy. After all, diseases such as arthritis or osteochondrosis are not completely cured. If the diagnosis has already been made, the patient can understand for himself whether the kidneys or back hurt. We will tell you how to determine this below.

The causes of pain in the lumbar region are usually classified into two conditional groups: those associated with dysfunction of the spine and with pathology of internal organs. The first group includes osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations, protrusion of intervertebral discs, spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral hernia, fractures and curvature of the vertebrae. The second group includes inflammatory diseases of the spine, the formation of tumors in this area, rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pelvis, and kidneys. All these ailments are of a different nature, therefore treatment is indicated depending on the exact diagnosis.

If the pain comes on suddenly and you need instant relief from your symptoms before going to the doctor, experts give simple recommendations. How to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt? Most often, sharp, stabbing and acute pain indicates rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys manifest themselves differently. Carefully monitor your condition throughout the day. Thus, pyelonephritis may not be accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region and may have hidden symptoms (deterioration of health, difficulty urinating, heaviness in the kidney area).

In acute inflammation, an increase in body temperature is often observed. This is accompanied by swelling in the face, legs and arms, as well as increased blood pressure. If you don't know how to distinguish back pain from kidney pain, then observe the sensations in a state of calm. With inflammation, heaviness in the lower back does not disappear even when lying down or while sleeping. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel the same unpleasant symptoms, do not hesitate to visit a doctor before the disease becomes chronic. Do not self-prescribe diuretics. Typically, these drugs are effective only in complex therapy.

Today we are talking about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. As you know, inflammatory processes in the body do not arise out of the blue. This state must be preceded by certain prerequisites. For example, the risk group for people with “problem” kidneys primarily includes diabetics. In type 2 diabetes, it is the kidneys that bear the brunt. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to undergo urine and blood tests every three months.

If inflammation is suspected, the therapist refers the patient to a nephrologist for a more detailed examination. If diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, patients need to monitor swelling of the legs and arms, as well as monitor blood pressure. It must be remembered that kidney damage in diabetes can develop into kidney failure. Persons with untreated caries, tonsillitis and those who suffer from a cold on their feet are also susceptible to inflammatory processes in the body. In other cases, the kidneys suffer due to injury, compression or hypothermia.

If you don’t know what’s hurting you, your lower back or your kidneys, how can you determine the cause without visiting a doctor? To do this, you need to imagine where the internal organ is located, and also know about the differences in the pathogenesis of inflammation and lumbar osteochondrosis. If you compare the main symptoms of ailments, you can identify clear differences. As we have already said, pain in the kidneys manifests itself at rest, and especially at night. While osteochondrosis makes itself felt during or after physical activity. Thus, you can first diagnose yourself.

How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt if the inflammation in the body has not developed into a chronic form? In this case, monitor your condition while doing homework. When bending over or lifting heavy objects, osteochondrosis immediately makes itself felt. But severe pain with kidney disease rarely occurs. For example, when, against the background of an inflammatory process, a person’s lower back is blown out. In most cases, inflammation occurs without pronounced pain symptoms. Often, with kidney disease, pain may not be felt in the lower back itself, but moves slightly higher or goes down to the hip joints.

If you suspect kidney inflammation, you should undergo appropriate examination. You already know how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. However, inflammatory processes can change the structure of the internal organ. Thus, the membranes of the choroid plexuses of the kidney can be affected, and the tissue itself can be deformed. With pyelonephritis, on the contrary, the organ often increases in size. Of course, the patient will not be able to determine the condition of the internal organ by touch. An ultrasound examination will provide the necessary and accurate information. Remember that in 80 percent of cases, kidney disease occurs without pronounced pain symptoms.

Today we are talking about what to do if your kidneys or back hurt. How to determine inflammation by the nature of urination? In this case, any deviation from the norm should alert you. Kidney disease is accompanied not only by frequent urge to go to the toilet and urinary incontinence. The color of the discharge may change, impurities appear in it, or it becomes rare (which is most often accompanied by swelling).

After the patient has passed the appropriate tests, done an ultrasound examination, an x-ray of the lumbar region (in case of suspected osteochondrosis or arthritis), the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course of treatment. When examining a patient, doctors tap the lumbar region with the edge of their palm. If the patient feels internal pain, this clearly indicates inflammatory processes in the kidney area. In addition to prescribed medications, doctors prescribe a regimen, rest and gentle exercise. It is important to review your diet, exclude salty and spicy foods, dairy products, and also adjust your fluid intake. A decoction of corn silk will help you quickly cope with pain (if you follow a diet). Now you can determine for yourself whether your lower back or kidneys hurt. We described the causes and nature of the pain in detail. Let us emphasize once again that you should not self-medicate and delay going to the doctor.

Patients suffering from diseases of the spine or pelvic organs often complain that they have back pain in the kidney area. This symptom never occurs on its own, but is a consequence of a pathological process in the body. Based on the nature of the unpleasant sensations (sharp, pulling, girdling, shooting), one can make an assumption about the causes of the discomfort, but making a final diagnosis is the task of a qualified doctor.

Causes of pain in the kidney area

The causes of discomfort in the lower back and kidneys are conventionally divided into two categories:


These are factors caused by pathological processes of the spine. Unpleasant symptoms are associated with the development of the degenerative-dystrophic process of its tissues (osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion), poor posture, and previous back injuries.


These are diseases of other organs and systems that provoke discomfort in the lower back. These include kidney disorders (urolithiasis, pyelonephritis), benign and malignant tumors of the spine, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs, consequences of spinal stroke, etc.

The causes of pain in the lumbar region are varied. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based on advice from the Internet, and treatment with folk remedies can aggravate the problem. To get rid of pain, you need to undergo a medical diagnosis.

Characteristics of pain

Making a diagnosis begins with a conversation with the patient, identifying a list of his complaints. The doctor is interested in the nature of the pain in the back and kidney area.

It is divided into two types:

  • Acute - occurs unexpectedly, has a cutting, shooting, burning character. This is a characteristic manifestation of spinal column injuries, radiculitis, and arthrosis.
  • Chronic – has a dull, aching character, does not leave the patient for a long time. Occurs with tumors, spondylosis, and others.

If there are problems with the spine, girdling pain occurs, the source of which is usually localized in the center of the back. It worsens with physical activity and sometimes spreads to the legs. Based on the root cause, the nature of the unpleasant sensations changes: from burning to aching.

Prolonged standing of the stone leads to inhibition of kidney function, up to its death. To avoid dangerous consequences, you should consult a doctor when the first symptoms of a problem appear.

Pain during pregnancy

Practice shows that pain in the back and kidney area is a common symptom during pregnancy, in the early stages. The feeling of discomfort in the lumbar region has a dull, pulling nature. Their occurrence in the first and second trimester is due to hormonal changes in the body, a shift in the center of gravity, and an increase in the muscle tone of the pelvis.

In late pregnancy, the weight of the fetus reaches 3 kg. Such a load is stressful for the body, and therefore the expectant mother complains that her back is straining. Additionally, abdominal discomfort may occur. The woman finds it difficult to stand and walk; most of the time she prefers to lie down.

It is possible that urolithiasis worsens against the background of hormonal changes: the kidneys hurt in the morning. If the expectant mother notices problems with urination, nausea, blood or pus in the urine, she should definitely consult a doctor.

A dangerous symptom is a sharp, unbearable pain in the lower back on the right or left, radiating to the stomach and accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. This is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. If it appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.


Video - pain in the kidney area

Diagnostic tests

If you experience back pain in the kidney area, you should see a doctor. Attempts at self-diagnosis usually end in failure and the use of methods and drugs that do not improve, and sometimes even worsen, the patient's condition.

An appointment with a doctor begins with an external examination and collection of complaints. The specialist is interested in the nature of the lower back pain, its location, the causes of exacerbation, the frequency of attacks, and a description of the accompanying symptoms.

To confirm the assumptions made during the interview and examination, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests:

  • complete blood count - in case of kidney disease, it shows anemia, an increased ESR;
  • urine analysis - in case of kidney diseases, its density and salt content change;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • X-ray – confirms or excludes degenerative processes of the spine;
  • Ultrasound - shows kidney stones and changes in the pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract.

How to distinguish lower back pain of different etymologies? It is necessary to clarify the list of symptoms and study the test results. Attempts at self-medication are a recipe for worsening the patient’s condition.

What hurts: back or kidney

How can you tell if your kidneys are hurting and not your back? You need to pay attention to the nature of the unpleasant sensations. If they are pulsating, they indicate kidney problems. As a rule, discomfort increases when the lower back is tapped at a doctor's appointment.

To differentiate pain in the lumbar region, you need to remember what events preceded their appearance. If shortly before this you had a cold or your feet got wet, you may suspect kidney problems. If discomfort occurs after intense physical labor or a long stay in one uncomfortable position, it is associated with degenerative processes of the spine.

You need to pay attention to the symptoms accompanying kidney problems:

  • general weakness;
  • swelling in the face and legs;
  • impaired urination;
  • high blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • elevated temperature.

The intensity of lower back pain does not depend on body position. Unpleasant sensations are usually concentrated in the right or left side.

In cases of spinal problems, a decrease in pain is observed in a certain posture or state of rest. Warming ointments and gels rubbed into the lower back help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Treatment methods

If a person has back pain in the lumbar region, a correct diagnosis must be made. The chosen methods of influence depend on it, which are completely different for problems of different etymologies.

For example, warming improves the condition of a patient with osteochondrosis, but in case of urolithiasis they are contraindicated because they stimulate the progression of the disease. It is not recommended to take therapeutic measures before visiting a doctor.

Drug therapy

If pain in the lumbar region is caused by spinal problems (osteochondrosis, protrusion, radiculitis, etc.), the patient is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • analgesics – relieve pain;
  • NSAIDs – relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • muscle relaxants – relax spasmodic muscles;
  • chondroprotectors – stop the pathological process of cartilage tissue;
  • vitamin complexes – improve the general condition of the patient’s body.

Analgesics are used to treat urolithiasis with acute pain. Additionally, the patient is prescribed medications of medicinal origin that dissolve stones (Canephron, Festal, medications that remove uric acid (Allomaron, etc.).

Additionally, vitamin complexes and a diet that limits the consumption of protein foods and provides sufficient fluid are prescribed.


Physiotherapy is necessary to cure spinal diseases. They stimulate blood and lymph flow, relax spasmodic muscles. To combat protrusions and osteochondrosis, the following is indicated:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • massage;
  • mud therapy;
  • electrophoresis with medications, etc.

If the diagnosis of the disease reveals kidney stones, physiotherapy is effective when their size is up to 10 mm. Magnetic therapy, amplipulse therapy, thermal massage, etc. are used to eliminate pain.

Folk remedies

Since it is extremely difficult to determine the cause of pain in the lower back and kidneys on your own, it is better to avoid using traditional methods before visiting a doctor.

For osteochondrosis, a heating pad or a belt made of dog hair, or rubs made from natural herbal ingredients, help well.

For kidney diseases, traditional medicine suggests drinking natural juices (watermelon, birch, cranberry), decoctions based on linden leaves, birch buds, dandelion and other medicinal plants.

Surgical intervention

Surgery for pain in the spine and kidneys is used when conservative treatment is ineffective. It is necessary for hernias and back injuries.

For patients with urolithiasis, surgery is indicated in most cases. Surgery does not guarantee that the disease will not return. It relieves the patient of lower back pain and other unpleasant symptoms, but does not eliminate the root cause - metabolic disorders.

Preventive measures

Methods for preventing back pain in the kidney area caused by diseases of the spine and urinary tract are similar.

These include:

  • active lifestyle, regular exercise;
  • giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • avoiding hypothermia, drafts;
  • control your own weight;
  • drinking enough clean water (from 2 liters per day);
  • timely treatment of pathologies of the kidneys and spine;
  • balanced diet.

The causes of lower back discomfort are varied: from urinary tract injury to osteochondrosis or pregnancy. To find the root cause of the discomfort, you need to be diagnosed by a doctor, and then follow all his instructions.

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Nephroptosis is characterized by excessive mobility of the kidney and even its rotation, disrupting the normal anatomical relationship of the organs of the genitourinary system. With this pathology, the kidney can shift from the lumbar region to the abdomen and pelvis, sometimes returning to its original position. Wikipedia describes nephroptosis as a wandering, drooping or mobile kidney. According to the ICD10 classification, nephroptosis belongs to the XIV class of diseases - diseases of the genitourinary system.

Normally, the upper border of the left kidney should be located at the level of the twelfth vertebra of the thoracic spine, and the right one should be below it by a third of the height of the organ. It is considered normal for the kidney to shift down two centimeters in a vertical position, and during breathing with a deep breath by three to five centimeters. Right-sided nephroptosis is slightly more common than left-sided nephroptosis. Bilateral nephroptosis is quite rare. Women suffer from this disease more often than men. Most often, people between the ages of thirty and sixty are affected, which is explained by the causes of the disease.

Typically in the lumbar region, the kidney is held in place by the fascia and muscles of the abdominal wall, abdominal ligaments, suspensory ligament of the kidney, and the fatty capsule of the kidney. The causes of kidney nephroptosis are associated with a violation or weakening of one or more of these elements.

The main causes of the disease are:

  • sudden weight loss, leading to thinning of the fat capsule, and as a result – to prolapse or rotation around the vessels (renal vein and artery);
  • weakening of the tone or deterioration of the abdominal muscles, leading to prolapse of not only the kidney, but also other abdominal organs (including after rapid weight loss or as a result of repeated pregnancies or prolonged labor);
  • infectious diseases that cause damage to the connective tissues of ligaments and tissues;
  • injuries of the lumbar region with complete or partial damage to the ligaments (sharp blow, fall from a height, severe concussion);
  • carrying heavy objects;
  • congenital structural features of the renal bed and vascular pedicle;
  • The reasons for the more frequent occurrence of nephroptosis of the right kidney are its lower location due to the proximity of the liver and the weaker development of the ligamentous apparatus on this side. In terms of symptoms, right-sided nephroptosis differs from left-sided nephroptosis only in the location of the pain.

    At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms of nephroptosis of the right and left kidneys are insignificant:

    • dull pain in the lower back (iliac bone and hypochondrium), intensifying even with slight physical activity;
    • pain in the abdominal area that is not constant;
    • the appearance of protein and blood in the urine.
    • At this stage, pain appears as a result of heavy lifting, physical stress, intense coughing and is of a pulling, aching or stabbing nature. They weaken or disappear if you lie on your back or sore side. During an attack resembling renal colic, the patient may turn pale, break out in a cold sweat, feel sick, possibly vomit and have a fever. Pain with nephroptosis radiates to the groin area or genitals. The duration of the attack can range from several minutes to 2-3 hours.

      In the future, the symptoms of nephroptosis become even more pronounced and permanent:

    • loss of appetite and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • constant severe abdominal pain, leading to depression, insomnia, nervous exhaustion;
    • development of pyelonephritis, problems with blood pressure, edema;
    • dizziness, palpitations, functional changes in the functioning of the nervous system;
    • neuralgic pain in the area of ​​the sciatic, femoral or other nerves;
    • hypertension due to kinks in the vessels supplying the kidney;
    • deterioration of the blood supply to the kidney, which can lead to inflammation of the pelvis and the formation of stones.
    • The last two symptoms occur in case of late consultation with a doctor and are complications of nephroptosis. In the initial stages, the disease is difficult to diagnose and is often confused with other diseases. Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree on the right can be mistaken for appendicitis due to the similarity of symptoms. Sometimes the disease is confused with cholecystitis or colitis; this usually occurs with nephroptosis of the left kidney.

      Stages of the disease

      Depending on the severity of kidney prolapse. the disease is divided into three successive stages:

    • Nephroptosis 1st degree- descent of the lower edge of the kidney by more than one and a half vertebrae of the lumbar spine.
    • Nephroptosis 2nd degree- the lower edge of the kidney is lowered by more than 2 lumbar vertebrae.
    • Nephroptosis 3rd degree- the kidney is lowered by more than 3 lumbar vertebrae and can be located in the pelvis.
    • At the third stage of the disease, significant kinking of the ureter may occur, causing renal colic. The picture of nephroptosis can be complicated by chronic pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension, urolithiasis and, in rare cases, hydronephrosis.

      Diagnosis of the disease

      Primary diagnosis is carried out on the basis of complaints, examination of the patient and palpation of the kidneys. At the slightest suspicion of nephroptosis, laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed. Laboratory tests include urine tests and blood chemistry tests for urea, creatine and residual nitrogen.

      The final diagnosis is made using:

    • ultrasound examination of the kidneys with the patient positioned horizontally and vertically;
    • a series of images of intravenous excretory urography with the introduction of a contrast agent (with the obligatory condition of taking one of the images in a vertical position).
    • To establish a diagnosis, ultrasound data alone is not enough; confirmation of the diagnosis by X-ray examination is necessary, and to identify bilateral nephroptosis, such images of both kidneys are required. Additional possibilities are provided by isotope radiography and renal scintigraphy.

      Treatment of the disease

      Treatment of nephroptosis can be carried out by conservative and surgical methods, each of them has its own effect. The use of medications cannot return the kidney to its correct position, and are used only to relieve complications of the disease. In the early stages, for example, with right-sided nephroptosis of the 1st degree and left-sided nephroptosis of the 1st degree, conservative treatment is possible before complications develop:

    • the use of an individually made bandage, except in cases of fixation of the kidney in a new place due to the adhesive process;
    • abdominal massage;
    • therapeutic exercises, special exercise therapy for nephroptosis, which helps strengthen the back and abdominal muscles;
    • restoration of adequate nutrition during the development of the disease in case of excessive weight loss;
    • limiting excess physical activity;
    • spa treatment, including hydrotherapy.
    • If conservative treatment methods are insufficient, surgical methods of fixing the kidney in its normal position (nephropexy) are recommended. The operation is indicated at the third stage of the disease when the blood supply to the renal vessels decreases, with repeated urinary infection and impaired excretory function of the kidney.

      The following surgical methods are currently used:

    • lumbotomy (lumbar) approach (traditional surgical method);
    • minimally invasive methods: laparoscopic or mini-approaches.
    • The laparoscopic approach has obvious advantages: less blood loss and trauma, excellent cosmetic results, an easy postoperative period and rapid patient recovery. During laparoscopy, modern mesh implants are used to firmly secure the kidney in the correct position. Such an intervention gives positive results in 96 out of a hundred cases, and when using mesh implants, relapses occur in only 0.3 percent of patients.

      Therapeutic gymnastics

      If the disease is detected at an early stage, physical therapy for nephroptosis can have a good effect, which the patient must then do constantly to maintain a constant effect. Before performing a complex of physical therapy, it is advisable for the patient to undergo a light massage, after which the patient can immediately proceed to a set of exercises for kidney nephroptosis, recommended by Ph.D. A.V. Chikharev. The complex is performed by the patient lying on the bed with the help of medical workers or relatives and consists of seven exercises.

    • From a position on your back with your arms extended along your body, alternately pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, starting with five times and adding five per day, bringing the total number for women to 25, and for men to 35.
    • From the same position, alternately lift your straight legs up, increasing the number of exercises, as in the previous exercise.
    • From the same position with the same number of repetitions, lift both straightened legs up at the same time.
    • From a position on your back with support on your elbows, rest your feet against the wall and, taking two or three steps along the wall until your legs straighten, fix the position with your pelvis raised for a few seconds, then give the patient a rest for one or two minutes. The first time is done with outside help.
    • With a roller under the patient's buttocks, the assistant clasps the legs in the area of ​​the knees, lifts them and shakes them once, adding once every day up to five.
    • The patient lies on his back. There is a chair at the foot of the bed. Feet are placed on a chair. Raise your pelvis two or three times, arching your torso and bending your knees.
    • From the same position (but with your head slightly lower than your body), leaning your feet on a chair, hold a part of your body hanging motionless for twenty minutes.
    • Before starting a set of exercises for nephroptosis, you should consult your doctor.

      Features of the rehabilitation period

      During the first three months after surgery, it is necessary to wear a bandage and limit physical activity. In the future, constant supervision by a urologist is required: general examination, regular urine and blood tests;

    • Ultrasound and intravenous urography after three months;
    • repeat ultrasound (Dopplerography of renal vessels) and radioisotope radiography after six months.
    • Prognosis and prevention

      Timely detection of the disease guarantees a favorable treatment outcome. In advanced cases, irreversible renal dysfunction may develop and the patient’s quality of life may deteriorate.

      Preventive measures consist of eliminating factors that contribute to the weakening of the muscular corset or ligamentous apparatus: regular physical activity, monitoring body weight, wearing a bandage during pregnancy.

      Kidney pain radiating to the lower extremities

      Kidney pain radiating to the leg

      Pain in the kidneys that radiates to the leg or groin area is often associated with certain pathological changes in the structure of the pelvis and calyces or with excessive stretching of the outer capsule of the kidney. The parenchymal tissue itself does not have pain-sensitive receptors, so the cause of pain may be stretching of the kidney capsule (due to the accumulation of large amounts of urine in the renal pelvis and calyces).

      When answering the question whether pain in the kidney can radiate to the leg, it is worth mentioning the presence of stones in the ureter. Thus, pain syndrome can occur due to inflammation of the tissue around the kidney, as a result of urolithiasis and the advancement of stones along the ureter.

      If the cause is kidney stones and their advancement, then hematuria and urinary retention occur, and the pain becomes paroxysmal in nature and is well relieved with antispasmodics.


      Nephroptosis is a pathological condition in which the usual location of the kidney changes, it falls below the permissible limit. The kidneys are held in place by the ligamentous apparatus and the fatty layer - the kidney capsule. The disease is more common in women with low body weight due to the characteristics of their ligamentous system and decreased intra-abdominal pressure. The main provoking factors in the development of this pathology are:

    • a sharp decrease in body weight;
    • damage to the ligamentous apparatus;
    • pregnancy and childbirth;
    • passion for heavy sports;
    • rapid growth in children;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • connective tissue weakness.
    • During the development of nephroptosis, successive stages are distinguished.

    • Stage 1 - the kidney can be palpated while inhaling, and when exhaling it goes into the hypochondrium. This stage of the disease is characterized by nagging pain in the lumbar region, especially in a standing position, when intra-abdominal pressure increases significantly.
    • At stage 2 of the disease, the kidney can be felt both during exhalation and during inhalation. In the supine position, the drooping kidney can be carefully moved into the hypochondrium. At this stage of the disease, the patient is bothered by pain, which becomes stronger and intensifies with physical activity. When an infection occurs, the body temperature rises and typical changes in urine appear.
    • Stage 3 is manifested by a significant displacement of the kidney and its movement in the retroperitoneal space. Sometimes during an ultrasound examination it can be accidentally detected in the pelvic area. Characterized by constant pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and thigh. In addition, there is increased fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, and irritability.
    • When the kidney prolapses, a parallel displacement of the ureter and renal artery occurs, which causes a disruption in the flow of urine, its stagnation and can provoke various complications:

    • nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • kinking of the ureter;
    • strangulation of kidney vessels;
    • decreased renal function;
    • pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis.
    • Diagnosis of nephroptosis is carried out on the basis of ultrasound, excretory urography and Doppler examination.

      Treatment of nephroptosis is carried out by conservative methods: the use of a bandage, physical therapy to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, increased nutrition to strengthen the renal capsule. In the absence of effect from such therapy and the presence of intense pain in the lumbar region, the development of infectious complications and arterial hypertension, the progression of hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis, surgical intervention is recommended. Nephropexy or surgery to fix the kidney in a physiological place is carried out under anesthesia using a laparoscopic approach or by making a skin incision. After 14-20 days, patients note an improvement in their general condition, a decrease in pain, and a normalization of blood pressure.

      Pain radiates to leg

      Most often, patients diagnosed with a herniated intervertebral disc or inflammation of the spinal nerve roots (sciatica) complain of pain radiating to the leg. The latter is usually characterized by shooting pain in the lower back, which gradually affects one or both legs at the same time. The patient complains of stiffness and limited mobility of the spine when bending and turning. The course of the disease alternates between painful attacks and periods of remission. The cause of radiculitis can be prolonged hypothermia, osteochondrosis or an infectious disease.

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      Pain radiating to the leg is said to occur if pain in the limb was preceded by pain in some other place - in particular, in the lower back, groin or lower abdomen. The initial cause of the pain symptom may be problems with the spine, gynecological disorders in women, diseases of the genitourinary organs (for example, kidneys), appendicitis. In the latter cases, pain radiating to the leg is accompanied by additional symptoms that make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis, for example, changes in pressure, pulse, and temperature.

      If you feel pain radiating from your lower back to your leg, get examined by a specialist to avoid sad consequences. For example, chronic sciatica can lead to complete loss of sensation and paralysis.

      Causes of back pain radiating to the leg

      Most patients who seek help from a neurologist complain of back pain radiating to their legs. As a rule, these are elderly and senile people. However, recently there has been a tendency towards “rejuvenation” of this category of people. An increasing number of young men, women and even teenagers experience characteristic pain that radiates to one or both lower extremities.


      What is the cause of these pains? The bottom line is that a similar condition with pain in the back and leg is characteristic of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Being the thickest, longest, and, accordingly, the most powerful in the human body, the sciatic nerve is easily vulnerable. Originating from the roots of the lumbar and sacral spinal nerves, this nerve can become thickened due to swelling and inflammation with subsequent entrapment at the intervertebral foramina.

      Most often, inflammation of the sciatic nerve occurs due to the following reasons:

    • Hypothermia
    • Previous physical activity
    • Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region
    • Displacement of intervertebral discs, disc hernias (Schmorl's hernia)
    • In rare cases - tuberculosis and tumor process in the lumbosacral spine
    • Emotional stress that leads to disruption of metabolic processes in nervous, bone and cartilage tissue.


    In all these conditions, due to pinching of the sciatic nerve, a person experiences pain in the lumbar and sacral areas. And back pain radiates to the leg for the simple reason that the sciatic nerve runs through the gluteal region, the back of the thigh, branches and descends along the back of the lower leg to the plantar surface of the foot. And the localization of pain strictly follows the course of the affected sciatic nerve.

    Pain in the lower back (according to medical terminology - lumboischialgia) can manifest itself in different ways. In addition to the pain itself, there may be numbness and decreased sensitivity in the lower extremities, unpleasant sensations in the form of cold, heat, and crawling. Depending on the predominance of certain symptoms, there are three main clinical forms of lumboischialgia:

    The muscular-tonic form of lumboischialgia is accompanied by spasm of the lumbar muscles

    1. The muscular-tonic form combines spasm of the muscles of the lower back and lower extremities with deformation of the lumbar spine. The deformity is manifested by curvature to the side (scoliosis) or excessive anterior displacement (pathological lordosis). Due to deformation and spasm, movements in the lumbar spine and lower extremities are sharply limited.
    2. The neurodystrophic form is characterized by severe pain at night. Pain syndrome is combined with metabolic disorders not only in nerve fibers, but also on the skin. The skin of the lower limb becomes thinner; in advanced cases, trophic ulcers can form on it in the lower part of the leg.
    3. Vegetative-vascular form - along with intense burning pain, the legs go numb. Most often, numbness is observed in the foot area on the affected side. A numb foot is colder and paler compared to a healthy one. In addition, due to vascular disorders, the patient may experience a feeling of heat or, conversely, coldness, crawling, and decreased sensitivity. All these negative sensations intensify when the patient changes his horizontal body position to a vertical one.
    4. In reality, the above clinical forms are rarely observed in isolation. Most often there is a combination of them in various combinations. As a rule, the back hurts and radiates to the leg on one side, although in some cases the process is bilateral.


      What should a person do if his back hurts and his leg is pulled? First of all, you need to seek qualified help from a specialist - a vertebrologist. True, such specialists are only available in large medical centers, but a neurologist is present in any clinic. Only a qualified specialist can correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

      Diagnosis of lumboischialgia is based on clarifying the patient’s complaints and identifying previous diseases. In addition, the characteristic symptoms described above are noteworthy. An important diagnostic measure for back pain is radiography of the lumbosacral spine - before it is carried out, you should specially prepare, do a series of cleansing enemas “to clean water”. Currently, qualitatively new and more informative diagnostic methods are used - computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

      Treatment and prevention

      Official medicine treats lumboischialgia with general and local medications. In this capacity, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, drugs that stimulate metabolic processes and improve blood circulation in affected areas are used. Pharmacological drugs are used in various dosage forms - tablets, ointments, injection solutions.

      Treatment of back pain would not be effective if physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetic therapy, amplipulse therapy, diadynamic currents, phonophoresis), massage, and physical therapy were not used. Non-traditional methods are effective - acupuncture (acupuncture), manual therapy, traction of the spine along the longitudinal axis using special devices. And, of course, traditional medicine helps a person with back pain radiating to the lower extremities. Recipes from natural remedies quickly eliminate pain and relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

      Prevention of back pain is aimed at eliminating the provoking factors given at the very beginning of this article. In this regard, drafts and hypothermia are unacceptable. Excessive physical activity and heavy lifting are also not advisable. Women should not get carried away with high-heeled shoes, because due to a shift in the center of gravity, the load on the spine increases. Of course, you should pay attention to proper nutrition. Firstly, quality nutrition means losing weight and reducing the load on the spine. In addition, vitamins and microelements contained in nutritious foods can prevent inflammatory and degenerative processes in cartilage and nerves.

      Home Doctor

      Nephroptosis - kidney prolapse: stages, symptoms and treatment (my personal experience)

      Nephroptosis (prolapse of the kidney, wandering kidney) - a disease in which one kidney (unilateral nephroptosis) or both kidneys (bilateral nephroptosis) have increased mobility, resulting in their bias from the lumbar region into the abdominal cavity. Most often observed nephroptosis of the right kidney. Right-sided nephroptosis is more common, since the kidney on the right is initially located lower than the left. Left-sided nephroptosis And bilateral nephroptosis are relatively rare.

      Main reasons nephroptosis are pregnancy and childbirth. which results in stretching and weakening of the abdominal walls, as well as fast weight loss. during which it decreases perirenal adipose tissue. supporting the kidneys in a normal physiological position. It is for these two reasons that women of childbearing age are most susceptible to nephroptosis. Nephroptosis in men usually occurs as a result of injury or heavy lifting.

      My sad personal experience acquisitions nephroptosis was associated with ill-conceived tough diets for weight loss And 10 days fasting according to Malakhov’s method (his book came to hand and I decided to experiment on my health).

      I lost 30 kilograms in 2 months, as a result of which there was a sharp prolapse of both kidneys. Against the background of nephroptosis, due to a violation of the outflow of urine and blood supply to the kidneys, an acute pyelonephritis. which then became chronic and developed urolithiasis. the result of which was this site.

      Initial symptoms nephroptosis are a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region, nagging pain on one or both sides, intensifying during menstruation and with physical exertion.

      At the first stage of the disease, the kidneys shift slightly from their anatomical position, by 2-4 cm. It is typical that in a supine position, the pain disappears, since the kidney, as a rule, moves into place on its own. This stage of the disease is considered nephroptosis first degree .

      Nephroptosis 1st degree can be cured by physical education and special therapeutic exercises.

      Exercises for nephroptosis are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and are performed while lying on your back; you can perform them right in bed if the bed is hard enough:

    5. Crane beam. As you inhale, slowly lift both legs 15-20 cm above the bed for 4 counts, hold the raised legs for 4 counts, and slowly lower as you exhale. Repeat the exercise 8–10 times.
    6. Scissors. Both legs are raised. As you inhale, spread your legs apart, and as you exhale, bring them together. If it is difficult to keep your legs elevated, you can lower them onto the bed each time. The exercise is also performed 8–10 times.
    7. Butterfly. Cross swings with raised legs. Straight legs are sharply spread apart shoulder-width apart, and then sharply brought together, placing one leg in turn over the other. Perform 10-12 times.
    8. Bike. Hands behind your head. As you inhale, slowly lift your left leg, bending your knee toward your chest, and as you exhale, return it to its original position. Repeat the same with your right leg. Do the exercise 15–20 times.
    9. Belly breathing. Place your palms on your stomach in the area just below your navel. Inhale slowly for 4 counts, control the raising of the abdomen with your hands. Hold your breath also for 4 counts, your stomach is inflated. As you exhale, lower your stomach, holding your breath again for the same amount of time. The exercise is repeated 8–10 times.
    10. Nephroptosis 2nd degree manifests itself as dull, aching pain in the lower back and in the area of ​​the ilium or hypochondrium. Pain can radiate to the sciatic or femoral nerve, radiating to the lower abdomen and sacrum. If inflammation occurs, pain in the hypochondrium becomes acute, burning.

      In addition, when bending forward slightly but for a long time (for example, when doing laundry or washing dishes), sometimes there is a feeling of numbness, as if “laying down,” or “goosebumps” in the lower back and in the kidney itself. This is due to the fact that vascular pedicle the kidney stretches when it is displaced and blood supply is disrupted kidney tissue.

      On third stage development of nephroptosis, the kidneys completely emerge from the hypochondrium into the abdominal cavity and are easily palpable in a standing position. To bring them back, even in a lying position, sometimes you need to help with your hands.

      At nephroptosis 2 degrees requires wearing a special kidney bandage and belly.

      Therapeutic bandage for nephroptosis put on the stomach and waist area in the morning while exhaling deeply, tighten tightly, and remove in the evening before going to bed. A bandage for nephroptosis is used to support the abdominal muscles and fix the kidneys in their normal position.

      In addition, when nephroptosis 2 degrees also necessary therapeutic exercises. and in case of insufficient body weight and asthenic build - enhanced nutrition to restore the fat capsule that holds the kidneys. Physical exercises involving heavy lifting, jerking and sudden movements, stress on the abdominal muscles and back muscles are prohibited.

      Nephroptosis 3rd degree associated with complete displacement of the kidney into the abdominal cavity and pelvic area.

      Why is nephroptosis dangerous?

      With prolonged and persistent displacement of the kidney, it can occur twisting around its axis and, as a result, bending or twisting of the ureter and compression of the vascular pedicle of the kidney through which it is supplied with blood, as well as infringement the kidney itself by adjacent organs, which can cause hydronephrosis and even lead to hydrocele of the kidneys. inflammation and suppuration. In this case, the kidney increases in size, any touch to it causes acute pain, there may be symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, urine discharge with pus, blood and mucus, etc.

      Treatment of nephroptosis can be conservative (therapeutic bandage, physical therapy) or surgical (nephropexy), when the kidney is stitched back into place. For nephroptosis third degree. and also in the presence of complications nephroptosis of the second degree. As a rule, surgical intervention is used.

      Currently, this can be a minimally invasive laparoscopic operation using a special polymer mesh that secures the wandering kidney.

    11. Acute and chronic pyelonephritis: herbal treatment
    12. Urinary incontinence and urinary disorders
    13. How to properly treat kidneys?
    14. Urinary incontinence: advice from a urologist
    15. Kidneys hurt - what to do? Acute pyelonephritis
    16. Pain in the lower back, lumbar region??

      Lower back pain can occur on the right, left, during pregnancy (in early and late stages).

      Pain in the lower back is a kind of retribution of humanity for walking upright, when the greatest load falls on the lumbar spine, which bears the main burden of the weight of the human body. Physical inactivity, poor nutrition, obesity, and stress also have a detrimental effect on the spine. For many, lower back pain (lumbodynia) is such a common occurrence that it becomes part of everyday life. It can appear only once and disappear without a trace, or it can return again and again. As a rule, most patients recover within 2–3 months; only a small number of patients with complaints of lumbodynia develop serious illnesses.

      Lumbar pain can be of a different nature - aching that occurs after prolonged sitting or a night's sleep, or sharp shooting pains that catch you in the most uncomfortable position and do not allow you to straighten up. Pain may be associated with pinched nerve roots. irritation of the spinal column's own nerves. as well as swelling and irritation of muscles and ligaments in the zone of innervation of the lumbar spine or may give to the lower back for diseases of the internal organs. The most famous lumbar syndromes are lumbago and sciatica (lumbar sciatica).

      Back pain can be divided into primary and secondary.

      Causes of primary low back pain are caused by pathology of the spinal column - dystrophic and functional changes in the joints of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, muscles, tendons, ligaments.

      The spine is a series of vertebrae connected by elastic tissues - muscles and ligaments. They (except for bone tissue) contain nerve endings and can become a source of back pain.

      Secondary low back pain syndrome associated with traumatic lesions of the spine, tumor and infectious processes, diseases of internal organs, including the pelvic organs in women, osteoporosis and other pathologies. This is a kind of alarm signal about problems in the body. Low back pain has many causes, not necessarily related to spinal pathology. Particularly common causes of constant lower back pain are benign and malignant diseases of the pelvic organs in women and men (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, dysmenorrhea, inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, lesions of large vessels, kidneys, chronic prostatitis, some diseases of the nervous system).

      The most common cause of lower back pain is spinal osteochondrosis, which manifests itself as a result of pinching of the nerve roots extending from the spinal cord at one level or another.

      Back pain, spinal osteochondrosis, disc herniation, disc protrusion

      There are many human health conditions that lead to pain in the spine (back and lower back). Some of them are congenital, like spina Bifida, others develop with age (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteoporosis, etc.). However, most of the causes of pain in the spine (back and lower back) in the working population are associated in origin with the same type of physical activity at work (driving in a car or sedentary work at a computer) and spinal injuries.

      In outpatient practice, in patients with spinal osteochondrosis, the most common accumulative mechanism of back pain occurs. The appearance of a persistent pain symptom in the spine (back and lower back) against the background of existing osteochondrosis is preceded by the presence of discomfort in the patient over a long period of time.

      Pain in the spine (back and lower back) is much less common in people leading a sports lifestyle. Prevention of the development of spinal osteochondrosis and the appearance of pain in the spine (back and lower back) is facilitated primarily by independent gymnastics and active recreation. This relieves the daily workload of the same muscles, ligaments and joints of the lumbar spine.

      Compression of the sciatic nerve with pain in the leg due to osteochondrosis of the spine with a herniated disc.

      Common causes of spinal (back and lower back) pain include:

    17. muscle spasm (acute or chronic)
    18. protrusion or herniation of an intervertebral disc (with possible pinched nerve)
    19. degenerative processes of the spine (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis)
    20. Scheerman-Mau disease
    21. ankylosing spondylitis
    22. spinal stenosis
    23. sacroiliitis (inflammation of the sacroiliac joint)
    24. arthrosis of the sacroiliac joint
    25. arthrosis of the intervertebral joint (spondyloarthrosis), etc.
    26. Lower back pain with lumbar osteochondrosis

      Lower back pain with osteochondrosis can intensify with coughing and sneezing, with any movements, especially when bending the body forward. Along with lower back pain, lumbar osteochondrosis can be manifested by impaired sensitivity of certain areas of the skin or muscles of the lower half of the torso and legs, weakening or disappearance of tendon reflexes of the legs. As a rule, with osteochondrosis, curvature of the lumbar spine is observed. Depending on the plane in which the curvature occurs, scoliosis (curvature to the right or left), lordosis (curvature forward) and kyphosis (flattening of the lumbar region or even its curvature backward) are distinguished. If, due to osteochondrosis, the spinal cord is pinched, there is a disturbance in urination or defecation, as well as a disturbance in the sensitivity of the bladder or genital organs.

      However, most often lumbar osteochondrosis manifests itself as radicular pain - i.e. developing as a result of pinching of nerve roots extending from the spinal cord at one level or another. Thus, one of the well-known lumbar syndromes is lumbago. It occurs at a moment of physical stress or in an awkward position of the body, and sometimes for no apparent reason. Suddenly, within a few minutes or hours, a sharp shooting pain (“lumbago”) appears, often it is burning and bursting (“as if a stake was stuck in the lower back”). The patient freezes in an uncomfortable position and cannot straighten up if the attack occurs while lifting something heavy. Attempts to get out of bed, cough or bend your leg are accompanied by a sharp increase in pain in the lower back and sacrum. If the patient is asked to stand on his feet, a sharp immobility of the entire lumbar region is revealed due to muscle tension.

      Low back pain due to lumbago

      Lumbago (lumbago; lat. lumbus lower back; synonym for lumbago) is an attack of sudden and sharp pain, as well as muscle strain in the lumbar region. Occurs, as a rule, at the time of physical activity or after it, and is provoked by overheating and subsequent cooling of the body.

      Lower back pain with lumbago appears in the initial stage of the degenerative process in the intervertebral disc, the nucleus pulposus of which loses its elasticity and breaks up into separate fragments. Fragments of the nucleus, during physical stress and movements of the spine, put pressure on the fibrous ring, which contains sensory receptors. Irritation of receptors in the spinal segment causes pain, reflex reactions and tonic tension in the muscles of the lumbar region.

      The nature of suddenly appearing sharp pain in the lower back is tearing, pulsating, piercing, shooting. The patient cannot straighten up, the back muscles are tense. The slightest movement, coughing or physical stress aggravates the pain. Pressure on the lower back causes pain. During an attack, a person becomes helpless, freezes in a forced position, any attempt to move increases the pain, and a spasm of the muscles of the lumbar region develops. The duration of lower back pain ranges from several minutes to several hours and days. At rest and in a lying position on a hard surface, the acute pain subsides. Sometimes severe pain disappears as suddenly as it appeared. In this case, patients have a feeling that “something has fallen into place” in the lower back.

      With repeated attacks of lumbago, pain often appears in the posterior or posterior surface of the thigh or lower leg (lumboischialgia), which indicates the involvement of the corresponding spinal roots in the pathological process.

      Sciatica develops as a result of pinching of a root located slightly lower than with lumbago.

      Low back pain due to sciatica

      Sciatica (Greek ischias, from ischion - pelvis, thigh, plural ischia - seat), lumbosacral radiculitis, disease of the roots of the lumbosacral spinal cord and, mainly, the sciatic nerve. This nerve is the largest in the human body. It originates at five different levels of the spinal cord in the lumbar spine, the area that bears the brunt of the load. The sciatic nerve then travels down the leg, dividing into smaller nerves that go to the hip, knee, lower leg, ankle, foot and toes. Due to the large extent of the sciatic nerve and its close connection with many organs, diseases of the sciatic nerve are very common.

      Sciatica pain comes in a variety of forms. Possible types of pain and sensations include shooting pain, burning, tingling, goosebumps and numbness at the same time. Sciatica pain can be so severe that the patient is unable to sleep or perform essential activities such as sitting, standing, walking, bending, or turning.

      Shooting pains occur in the buttock and along the back of the leg, usually on one side of the body. As with lumbago, they intensify with changes in body position. Particularly painful areas to touch are identified on the leg - these are bony protrusions along the lower edge of the buttock and in the knee area. Along with this, painful nodules are found in the muscles of the thigh and lower leg themselves.

      Attacks of lumbago and sciatica tend to recur throughout life. Therefore, it is very important to identify the type of load or body position that provokes their occurrence. This will prevent the development of attacks. Acute manifestations of the disease are treated with analgesics, pain-relieving blockades in the spinal area, as well as special techniques for stretching the spine and gluteal region. Treatment of the syndrome must be comprehensive.

      Lower back pain due to kidney disease

      Pain in the lumbar region is one of the characteristic signs of kidney disease.

      Kidney pathology is characterized by constant “dull” aching pain in the costovertebral angle on the side of the diseased kidney. Often the pain radiates (“gives”) to the hypochondrium, navel area and lower abdomen. The described pain is caused by rapid stretching of the renal capsule, for example, with swelling due to acute pyelonephritis or a blocked ureter. Meanwhile, many diseases - chronic pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, malignant tumors and polycystic kidney disease - occur without pain, since they are accompanied by a very slow stretching of the renal capsule.

      Possible causes of lower back pain

      Lower back pain may occur if you:

      — Spend a lot of time driving a car or using a computer

      — Do dynamic physical labor with sudden changes in body position (especially if your specialty involves heavy physical activity)

      — You overload yourself in the gym or fitness club. Be extremely careful if you have recently started training.

      — Lead a predominantly sedentary (office workers) or standing (salespeople, waiters, street advertising employees, surgeons) lifestyle

      - Are you interested in gardening work?

      - Are you overweight?

      — Additional risk for women

      — You are pregnant or have recently given birth

      — Reached postmenopause, which is predisposing to the development of osteoporosis

      Diseases that cause lower back pain

      — Osteochondrosis of the spine

      — Benign and malignant diseases of the pelvic organs. (diseases of the prostate gland, including chronic prostatitis. The presence of certain diseases in the pelvic area, for example, tumors).

      — Herniated discs

      — Back pain that appears after a long walk indicates the possibility of spinal stenosis. The disease manifests itself as spinal (pseudo-intermittent) claudication syndrome. The patient complains of pain and cramps in the lower back and buttocks that appear when walking. The pain calms down when sitting or lying down, but intensifies again when physical activity is resumed.

      - Polymyalgia rheumatica is a syndrome that develops in older patients, usually starting with gradually increasing pain and stiffness in the proximal upper extremities, polymyalgia rheumatica can also manifest with pain in the proximal lower extremities and lower back.

      1. Osteochondrosis (dorsopathy)– the most common source of pain in the lower back. During the examination, degenerative diseases of the spine are detected - osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. The height of the intervertebral discs decreases, which leads to disturbances in the mechanical balance between the structures of the spinal column - hence the constant, quite tolerable, but periodically increasing pain in the lower back.

      2. Muscle spasm. When performing intense and excessive physical activity that is unusual for you, did you experience acute pain in the lower back? The predisposing factor is prolonged static incorrect body position (at the computer, squatting, bending in half during summer cottage work). As a result, muscle spasm develops, limiting the mobility of a certain part of the spine. Tight muscles become a source of suffering, triggering a vicious circle of “lower back pain – muscle spasm – pain.” This condition can persist for a long time and causes many unpleasant moments. Attention! If you have persistent lower back pain, especially if it begins quickly and acutely, consult a doctor to identify the diseases that caused it and develop modern and correct treatment.

      3. Intervertebral disc herniation. compressing the roots of the spinal cord, especially common in men over 40 years of age. The first symptom of trouble is lumbodynia in combination with a number of additional signs: pain along the spine from the buttock to the foot when coughing, sneezing and laughing, difficulty bending and straightening the spine in the lumbar region (this is especially evident when putting on socks and shoes), increased unpleasant sensations when raising a straight leg while lying on your back. This lower back pain is often called the outdated term “sciatica” or the colloquial word “lumbago”. The pain intensifies in a vertical position and subsides in a horizontal position.

      4. Spinal instability is a typical problem for middle-aged women. It manifests itself as back pain, which intensifies with prolonged physical activity and standing. At the same time, there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to lie down. The disease is caused by damage to the disc or intervertebral joint and often occurs against the background of moderate obesity. It is difficult for such patients not to bend over, but to straighten up and make “extra” movements.

      5. Narrow spinal canal. The most common symptom is pain at rest combined with pain when walking. It spreads along the root from the buttock to the foot, and it always hurts, even lying down or sitting, to the point that it is impossible to sit on the “sick” buttock. Narrow spinal canal syndrome is a consequence of degenerative changes, proliferation of bone and joint structures of the spine, which leads to pinching of the spinal nerve roots. Your actions. Whatever the cause of lower back pain, it is impossible to determine it yourself. If your back gives you no rest either day or night, it is better to consult a specialist in a timely manner who will suggest treatment tactics.

      Diagnosis for low back pain

      One diagnostic method is x-rays, which are relatively cheap and can be useful in detecting a range of problems, from broken bones to kidney stones. Many of the changes detected only suggest a correct diagnosis and may require additional testing to confirm it. In addition, some radiographic changes may be associated findings that are not the cause of pain.

      Diagnosis of lumbar pain, spinal osteochondrosis, disc herniation, disc protrusion

      It all starts with a neurological and orthopedic examination by a doctor. During this examination, the patient’s neurological status is assessed, and possible disorders in the biomechanics of the spine are identified, with a mandatory assessment of the condition of the back muscles and gluteal region. Already at this stage of the study, a patient with spinal osteochondrosis and back and lower back pain can be diagnosed and treatment selected.

      Sometimes, based on the results of a neurological and orthopedic examination of a patient with a pain symptom due to spinal osteochondrosis, the following additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed:

    27. X-ray of the lumbosacral spine with functional tests
    28. CT scan of the lumbosacral spine
    29. MRI of the lumbosacral spine
    30. Compression of a nerve by a herniated intervertebral disc with pain in the leg due to spinal osteochondrosis.

      The center of the intervertebral disc is occupied by the gelatinous nucleus pulposus. It is surrounded and supported by a fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilaginous and connective tissue. You can read more about this in the article about the anatomy of the human spine and spinal cord.

      The thickness of the discs decreases, the vertebral bodies move closer to each other, reducing the intervertebral foramina and endangering the nerves and vessels located in them (osteochondrosis).

      Spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement) with spinal instability with nerve compression.

      Protrusion of discs (protrusion of the intervertebral disc) with their further prolapse into the lumen of the spinal canal (herniation of the intervertebral disc) most often leads to compression of the nerve roots, causing pain along the compressed nerve (pain radiating to the leg, arm, back of the head, neck, intercostal spaces in depending on the level of nerve compression) with a weakening of muscle strength in the areas of their innervation and impaired sensitivity.

      Often, a protrusion or herniation of an intervertebral disc is accompanied by muscle pain along the nerve (in the arm or leg). In this case, one or (rarely) two nerves are compressed at once.

      In addition to nerve compression, the stability of the spinal segment may also be impaired. When the spine is unstable, the vertebra moves forward (anterolisthesis) or backwards (retrolisthesis). To clarify the diagnosis, it may be necessary to conduct x-rays of the lumbosacral spine with functional tests.

      Scoliosis of the spine with a protective spasm of the back muscles against the background of spinal osteochondrosis with a hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

      Most often, the nerve bundles that form the sciatic nerve suffer from compression of a hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral disc due to their anatomical location. The sciatic nerve consists of fibers L5, S1, S2, SZ - spinal nerves.

      Spinal stenosis with compression of the spinal cord.

      A focus of chronic inflammation in the lumen of the spinal canal can lead to the formation of its narrowing (spinal stenosis) and compression of the nerves and spinal cord passing through it. That is why, in case of spinal canal stenosis, it is always necessary to carry out a full course of treatment using a whole arsenal of different treatment methods, and if it is not effective, surgical treatment.

      Treatment of lower back pain

      Treatment of back pain, spinal osteochondrosis, disc herniation, disc protrusion

      Depending on the severity of the manifestations and causes of pain in the back and lower back against the background of spinal osteochondrosis with disc herniation or disc protrusion, the following therapeutic actions are possible for the patient:

    31. drug therapy (NSAIDs, analgesics, hormones)
    32. blockades - injections of drugs into the cavity of the intervertebral joint, spinal canal, and trigger points in the muscles
    33. manual therapy (muscle, joint and radicular techniques)
    34. physiotherapy (UHF, SMT, etc.)
    35. therapeutic exercises
    36. acupuncture
    37. surgical treatment
    38. When treating back and lower back pain against the background of spinal osteochondrosis with disc herniation or disc protrusion, the elimination of swelling, inflammation, pain, and restoration of range of motion in the joints and muscles of the lower back is accelerated by using physiotherapy.

      Therapeutic blockades can also be performed on the intervertebral joints (facet joints) when conventional treatment does not produce a positive effect. Usually, this requires low doses of an anesthetic and cortisone injected into the lumen of the affected joint.

      The use of acupuncture is very effective in the treatment of back and lower back pain due to spinal osteochondrosis with disc herniation or disc protrusion.

      When combined with a properly selected physical therapy regimen, these therapeutic blockades can give a good and long-term effect for lumbar pain and pain in the sacrum due to a herniated disc or disc protrusion in a patient with spinal osteochondrosis.

      When treating pain in the leg and buttock against the background of spinal osteochondrosis with a disc herniation or disc protrusion, the elimination of pain, tingling and restoration of sensitivity in the leg with neuritis of the sciatic nerve in the event of its compression by a herniated disc or disc protrusion is accelerated by the use of physiotherapy.

      Wearing a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset for the treatment of back and lower back pain due to spinal osteochondrosis with disc herniation or disc protrusion helps limit the range of movements in the lumbar spine. This primarily helps reduce pain in the area of ​​inflammation of the intervertebral joints and relieve excessive protective tension and spasm of the back muscles.

      In such a corset, a patient with back and lower back pain due to spinal osteochondrosis with a herniated disc or disc protrusion can move independently at home and on the street, and even sit in a car and at the workplace. The patient no longer needs to wear a corset as soon as the back pain goes away.

      But you need to remember that during the period of exacerbation of pain in the back and lower back against the background of spinal osteochondrosis with a herniated disc or disc protrusion, you should avoid work loads and keep quiet. This is a temporary limitation, but it significantly shortens the recovery time and, while undergoing treatment, prevents the spinal disease from developing further.

      A variant of a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset that helps in the treatment of back and lower back pain due to spinal osteochondrosis with disc herniation or disc protrusion.

      There are several types of lumbosacral semi-rigid corsets. All of them are selected individually in size and can be repeatedly used in case of recurrence of pain in the back and lower back due to spinal osteochondrosis, as well as to prevent possible exacerbations of the pain symptom.

    39. Rest for 2–5 days. We are talking about bed rest on a hard, flat surface.
    40. Wear a special bandage if necessary.
    41. Take painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most effective are ketoprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen and others. They are available in tablets, injection solutions and ointments.
    42. A specialist may prescribe muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms.
    43. Diuretics and vascular drugs - to reduce swelling of the nerve root and improve blood circulation in the affected area.
    44. Resort to local therapy with ointments and gels containing analgesic, anti-inflammatory or warming components.
    45. Take a course of physical therapy to consolidate the positive effects when your health improves. Physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis), as well as massage and physical therapy relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and stop the inflammatory process.
    46. Recently, doctors have had dual-action drugs at their disposal - analgesics and muscle relaxants (muscle relaxers), which is very important in the treatment of pain due to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and muscle spasms. This is Katadolon (flupirtine), which has a triple effect - analgesic, muscle relaxant and neuroprotective (protecting nerve cells from damage). In fact, we are talking about a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of back pain.
    47. If lower back pain is not associated with serious illnesses, practicing yoga will help relieve it. This is a simple set of exercises that you will need no more than 5 minutes of free time a day to complete.

      Lower back pain on the right or left

      Right lower back pain most often indicate diseases of the genital area (mainly the right appendages of the ovaries and pelvic peritoneum), the appendix of the cecum (appendix), the right kidney, ureter, intestines, hernia, diseases of the abdominal wall.

      Left lower back pain as well as on the right, most often indicate diseases of the genital area (mainly the left ovarian appendages and pelvic peritoneum), left kidney, ureter, intestines, hernia, diseases of the abdominal wall.

      What diseases cause lower back pain on the right or left:

      Also, lower back pain on the right can be caused by the following diseases:

      1. Diseases of the spine (lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, pelvis):

      — Congenital anomalies: spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, lubalization, sacralization.

      — Acquired diseases:

      - injuries, damage

      - inflammatory diseases (spondylitis, sacroiliitis, osteomyelitis)

      — degenerative conditions (spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, thickening of the yellow ligaments)

      - tumors.

      2. Muscle diseases (lumbar and sciatic):

      - traumatic injuries, inflammatory diseases.

      3. Diseases of the nervous system of the lumbosacral region:

      — malformations of the nervous system, inflammatory diseases (neuromyalgia, right-sided neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis);

      — metabolic disorders: general metabolic disorders of the body (diabetes, gout), local metabolic disorders;

      — compression of nerve elements (nerve columns, roots);

      - functional diseases (neurasthenia, hysteria);

      4. Diseases of internal organs:

      — diseases of the abdominal organs (kidneys, intestines);

      - organs of the pelvic region (uterus, its appendages, parametric tissue and peritoneum, bladder).

      Which doctor should you consult for lower back pain:

      As a rule, lower back pain is temporary and has a benign course. Only a few people have chronic back pain due to some serious illness. Most often, sharp and inexplicable lumbar pain appears against the background of performing unusual and intense physical activity for the patient.

      If the pain is not a consequence of heavy physical activity, then you should contact a specialist, for example, a chiropractor, a surgeon, a urologist, for a more thorough examination and diagnosis.

    What caused the pain in the lumbar region? How to distinguish kidney pain from radiculitis?

    People, firsthand knowledgeable symptoms of kidney disease, say: A person who has not experienced kidney pain cannot even imagine what real pain can be like. In fact, pain in the kidneys can be of two types: acute and dull. Acute kidney pain is called renal colic; the main cause of this disease is the formation of kidney stones due to an inborn error of metabolism. Therefore, if your relatives suffer from urolithiasis, then you need to be especially attentive to your health and take timely measures to prevent the development of painful and severe pain in the kidneys.

    More often kidney dysfunction manifest themselves as dull and aching pain in the lumbar region. People often confuse lower back pain caused by renal failure with radiculitis, which they try to cure on their own with various ointments and warming procedures. Radiculitis begins with severe pain, during which it is impossible not to bend or straighten up. Pain in the kidneys, as a rule, is persistent and is localized not only in the lower back, but also radiates to the legs.

    Self-treatment of kidney pain unacceptable. If you have lower back pain, then first of all pay attention to whether you have any changes in your urine. If it is a concentrated color or cloudy, or has a strong odor, then this indicates that lower back pain is due to kidney problems. Ultrasound examinations and magnetic resonance imaging data provide important information about possible disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys.

    Often pain in the lower back occurs due to pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis. urolithiasis, polycystic disease, prolapse or kidney cancer. The cause of pain in the kidneys can only be determined by test results. Pyelonephritis and cystitis are characterized by an increase in leukocytes and pathogenic bacteria in the urine; glomerulonephritis is characterized by an increase in the content of red blood cells in the urine. All infectious kidney diseases require immediate treatment with antibiotics, otherwise there is a high probability of infection entering the blood vessels and developing serious complications.

    Kidney inflammation can be recognized by increasing pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. A characteristic symptom of kidney pain is a sharp increase in pain when tapping on the hand located in the area of ​​the 12th (lowest) rib on the back. Urologists also determine kidney disease by palpating the anterior abdominal wall with the patient lying down. Sensitivity when touching the area where pain is localized distinguishes kidney dysfunction from radiculitis.

    At radiculitis. on the contrary, massage and rubbing can alleviate the patient’s condition. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner leads to the progression of kidney disease and the appearance of symptoms that are most characteristic of kidney disease. These include severe fever, vomiting, nausea, chills, frequent urination, swelling of the legs and face, fatigue, increased blood pressure and itchy skin. Inflammatory kidney diseases may cause frequent urination and the appearance of bloody discharge in the urine.

    Kidney pain can be caused by alcohol poisoning, excessive use of medications and unhealthy foods. After all, the kidneys are the most important filters of our body, each of which is shaped like a bean and weighs no more than 300 grams. The length of the kidney is about 10 cm, the width is no more than 6 cm. Over the course of a person’s entire life, such a small organ cleanses about 1 ton of blood from harmful impurities and removes more than 30 tons of urine from the body.

    You should suspect abnormalities in your kidneys as soon as you notice a decrease or increase in the amount of urine excreted from the body. Normally, in an adult, this figure is 0.5 -2.0 liters. Any changes in urination and urine output indicate problems with the kidneys.

    To prevent kidney pain you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
    1. Always keep your lower back and legs warm. Any hypothermia weakens the immune system and opens the gates of infection.
    2. Limit consumption of fried foods. spicy, salty and fatty foods. Eliminate coffee, carbonated drinks and unhealthy foods from your diet.

    3. Drink every day at least half a liter of clean still water. Do not get carried away with drinking unpurified spring and well water, which are rich in carbonates.
    4. Regularly take decoctions of various medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect. In summer, be sure to include watermelons, cucumbers and melon in your daily diet. To avoid the formation of kidney stones, you should not be constantly thirsty during the summer.

    Kidney pain in the legs and back - symptoms of kidney disease

    The kidneys in the human body are located in such a way that they are maximally protected from adverse external influences of the environment. But, if a person suffers from a sore throat and ARVI on the legs, does not follow the rules of personal hygiene and violates the diet, all this can cause inflammation of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

    Recently, people's complaints that their kidneys hurt, pain in the legs and in the back area have become more frequent. What to do if you feel pain in the lumbar region and legs? How to diagnose this disease? The most important thing is that you should not make a diagnosis yourself. It is imperative to consult a doctor: a neurologist or urologist. Based on the ultrasound diagnosis and test results, he will prescribe the correct treatment. Symptoms of kidney disease:

    - swelling. The legs and face swell very much with kidney disease. This is most noticeable in the morning, and in the evening the intensity subsides;

    - pain in the kidneys. Pain in chronic disease is monotonous. If the kidneys hurt very badly and the pain is sharp and almost unbearable, this means a blockage of the duct;

    - fever, sometimes weight loss and change in skin color;

    - problems with urination. This is frequent urination, cramps and pain;

    - when lightly tapping on the ribs from the back, unbearable severe pain occurs in the kidneys;

    - after physical activity the pain intensifies;

    All these symptoms clearly indicate that it is the kidneys that are hurting. We have already said what to do in such a situation: consult a doctor immediately. Now let's look at a number of diseases that cause kidney pain. There are many diseases - kidney cancer, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis. But the most common kidney disease is inflammation of the renal pelvis or pyelonephritis. With this disease, pain in the kidneys is usually not severe, but it is exhausting and monotonous. Chronic renal failure is a disorder of the kidneys for three months or more.

    It is very difficult to treat kidney diseases, and some simply subside for a while, and then recur with renewed vigor. From the moment the disease is discovered, you need to avoid drafts, overwork and carefully monitor your health. Only a qualified doctor can decide not to prescribe self-medication.

    Kidney pain radiating to the lower extremities

    1. Dull pain in the left or right kidney may indicate a chronic pathology that is caused by a certain infectious agent. One of the causes of dull pain in the kidney may be the growth of a tumor (benign or malignant). Since there are no pain receptors in the parenchyma, the receptors of the fibrous capsule react to an increase in the volume of the organ itself. When the capsule is stretched, pain occurs, which can also radiate to the leg.
    2. The aching nature of the pain often indicates the presence of kidney prolapse of varying degrees (nephroptosis). Patients complain of aching pain in the lower back and fever due to pyelonephritis (inflammation of the calyces and pelvis of the kidney). The main distinguishing symptom of pyelonephritis is painful urination.
    3. Painful aching in the kidney area may be a consequence of the development of hydronephrosis, which occurs as a consequence of urinary tract obstruction. The passage of urine through the urinary tract is disrupted, causing the calyces and pelvis to expand. Enlargement of the pelvis and calyx system and increased pressure inside the kidney lead to stimulation of the capsule receptors and cause pain, which is usually transmitted to the leg, groin area, anterior, lateral thigh.
    4. Aching pain may be present when the kidney is bruised or its capsule ruptures. This pathology at a later stage is accompanied by peritoneal symptoms.
    5. A feeling of nagging pain at the site of the projection of the kidney appears if the patient has a renal cyst. Such pain can spread not only to the groin and leg, but also to the anterior abdominal wall.
    6. Renal colic is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain syndrome. The development of renal colic is caused by the formation and removal of kidney stones (urolithiasis). With this disease, urine stagnates in the pelvis, causing them to expand. Due to the increase in urine pressure in the renal pelvis, the blood supply to the kidney parenchyma is reduced, as a result of which the patient feels severe pain. An attack of acute pain in the kidney can last from several seconds to several days; the duration and localization of painful sensations depends on the speed of passage, size and location of the calculus. Outside of an attack of renal colic, aching pain in the lumbar region persists, radiating to the leg.
    7. Acute renal pain (unilateral or bilateral) may occur at the time of renal artery embolism and renal ischemia. This pathology is characterized by severe pain with significant hematuria.

    Alarming symptoms

    If some symptoms are associated with kidney pain, you should consult a doctor.
    Symptoms that should alert the patient:

    1. Fever and changes in blood pressure;
    2. The appearance of blood in the urine in large quantities (hematuria);
    3. Painful and frequent urination, false urges;
    4. Significant reduction in body weight;
    5. The appearance of peritoneal symptoms (a sign of the development of peritonitis);
    6. Renal colic, which is not eliminated by antispasmodics and is accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting;
    7. Frequent or rare urination, its complete absence;
    8. A formation in the lumbar region that is clearly palpable at the site of projection of the lower or upper pole of the kidney.

    Necessary methods for examining a patient with renal pathology:

    1. Inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion;
    2. General clinical analysis of urine and blood;
    3. Biochemical study of urine and blood components;
    4. Urine testing for bacteria;
    5. Examination of the urinary system and neighboring organs using ultrasound (ultrasound);
    6. General radiography (abdominal and thoracic organs, spine);
    7. Urography (visualization of the urinary tract using contrast);
    8. Angiography.

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    To distinguish kidney pain from pain in other organs, it is important to know how the kidneys hurt. If your kidneys hurt, and the pain symptom increases, in no case should you expect the problem to go away and self-medicate. For diseased kidneys, it is important to identify the root cause of the discomfort and only then begin drug treatment. What dangerous diseases cause pain in the kidneys, what type of pain can cause pain, and which doctor should you contact if a problem occurs?

    The first signs of discomfort

    The first signs of diseased kidneys are cloudy urine, discomfort when trying to urinate, and the development of pain in the kidney area. Acute pain in the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, swelling, and the patient develops all manifestations of intoxication: nausea, weakness, general deterioration of well-being. If the symptoms increase, you need to contact a nephrologist. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by diseases:

    • inflammation of the kidney tissue, diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the urethra, inflammation caused by stone formation may develop;
    • congenital kidney diseases, in which the normal outflow of urine is disrupted, and inflammatory diseases often recur due to stagnant processes;
    • the development of an oncological or benign neoplasm that disrupts the functioning of a paired organ;
    • other diseases of the abdominal organs that provoke impaired renal activity and lead to pathology.

    If severe pain and accompanying symptoms increase, a person’s health worsens and problems with urination occur, an urgent need to go to the hospital, as such manifestations can lead to serious complications.

    Symptoms associated with kidney problems most often appear against the background of inflammation of the paired organ, and the patient is most often concerned about:

    1. Sharp, piercing pain in the transverse region. If an infectious inflammation develops, then, in addition to pain, fever, fever, deterioration in general health, and renal failure are of concern.
    2. Pain in the kidney is accompanied by difficulty urinating, and the urine becomes uncharacteristic in color and has a bad odor. In case of kidney diseases of an infectious nature, impurities of purulent and bloody inclusions can be seen in the urine. Such inclusions can also be observed during the development of a cancerous tumor, when it grows in size, injuring neighboring tissues and causing internal blood loss.
    3. When the kidneys are inflamed, the patient is also concerned about intoxication of the body - headaches and dizziness, nausea, decreased appetite, and decreased volume of urine excreted.
    4. With a high temperature and problems with urination, severe thirst is felt, while the consistency of the urine becomes viscous and a foul odor is felt.
    5. With the development of renal failure, blood pressure increases and swelling of the body develops.

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    Symptoms of kidney disease depending on the disorder

    For nephrolithiasis

    The root cause of the development of the disease, which can cause kidney pain, is a violation of water metabolism in the body and infection of the urinary tract and kidney tissue. At the initial stage of development, kidney stones do not bother the patient in any way, but as the tumor grows, the kidney tissues begin to become inflamed, and when they move, the person feels severe pain in the kidneys. In order to identify the problem, you need to contact a nephrologist, who, based on these study results, will help you choose adequate treatment. For small tumors, surgical intervention is not required and the stones can be crushed using a laser. But if the deposit is large and threatens a person’s life, then it is removed using abdominal surgery.

    For glomerulonephritis

    With glomerulonephritis, inflammation affects the renal tubules and glomeruli; if the disease is not treated on time, the inflammation spreads to the tissues of the paired organ, and an acute form of the disease develops. The patient is bothered by aching pain, which is felt even at night, interfering with sleep. When urinating, a burning sensation and pain are felt, and the body temperature rises. If the disease is not treated on time, the manifestation of the disease worsens and blood pressure rises.

    Inflammation of the tissues of the paired organ, or pyelonephritis, causes discomfort in the kidney area, pain when urinating, increased body temperature, chills and fever. In the acute form, pronounced symptoms are disturbing, and in the chronic course, the symptoms are less pronounced, however, in the event of a relapse, the symptoms worsen. If you experience constant pain in the kidney area and all manifestations of inflammation are present, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical help.

    For polycystic kidney disease

    Polycystic disease of the paired organ develops during the intrauterine development of the fetus and the formation of all vital functions and systems. In this case, both organs are affected by the pathology; the cysts are small at first, but as the disease progresses they become large, disrupt the functionality of the organs, and provoke kidney failure. With this disease, cysts gradually appear on the tissues of the pancreas, liver, and lungs.

    If a child is born with such a pathology, then the symptoms are pronounced, and uremia develops, due to which the baby can die. In an adult, the symptoms are mild at first, but the pain constantly increases, the kidneys lose their important functions, and if not treated in a timely manner, there is a high risk of death. If a patient is diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease, he should be under the supervision of a doctor at all times; only in this case will it be possible to avoid severe and life-threatening consequences.

    For renal failure

    Throbbing pain in the kidney area may be a sign of the development of renal failure; urine becomes concentrated, it contains a high content of toxic impurities that poison the body, affecting the tissues of the brain, liver, and kidneys. If the level of toxins is low, then at first the kidneys ache, and during exacerbation, renal colic bothers them. Kidney failure leads to an increase in blood pressure, disruption of water metabolism in the body, which in severe cases causes the death of the patient. The acute course of the disease is treated in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Types of pain due to kidney problems

    Pulling manifestations

    Nagging renal pain during inflammation is always a concern, even when a person is at rest. If the symptoms worsen and other manifestations bother you, you should consult a doctor. Treatment is based on taking antibacterial drugs, keeping to bed and drinking water. However, if after 3-4 days the symptoms do not go away and the condition worsens, you need to go to the hospital for a more detailed examination.

    Aching and pressing pain

    If diseased kidneys are accompanied by aching pain, this may indicate the development of inflammation of the tissues of the paired organ, tuberculosis or a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, the kidney always hurts when moving or when a person is in an uncomfortable position. If you follow a rest regime and always stay warm, the pain decreases, but it is necessary to determine what the root cause of this manifestation is, because if the disease worsens, complications are dangerous and can cost the patient’s life.

    Pressing pain occurs with inflammation of the tissues of the paired organ, as well as with the development of neoplasms of various etiologies. With a malignant tumor, pressing pain gradually increases, discomfort radiates to the groin; if the tumor has metastasized to the lungs, pancreas and spleen, then the pain is localized in the upper part of the chest, under the ribs. The nature of the discomfort becomes more acute and pronounced over time; clots of blood and mucus can be seen in the urine. In this case, delaying is life-threatening; you need to urgently go to the hospital for examination.

    In cases of severe pain, urolithiasis is most often diagnosed. Sharp stabbing pain is dangerous, as it indicates the movement of salt inclusions along the genitourinary tract. If a stone gets stuck in the duct, it causes deterioration in kidney function and disruption of the urinary process. When the right kidney hurts, most likely, the salt inclusion is located in it, and it shoots strongly into the right leg, as if a current is being sent through the muscles.

    Acute pain

    Acute sharp pain can be disturbing when stones move; similar manifestations also occur when intervertebral discs are damaged. In both cases, the pain can radiate to the leg or be localized in the groin, and the ribs often hurt. Unlike spinal disease, kidney problems have characteristic manifestations:

    • the pain is most often localized in the front; when pressure is applied, an increase in the size of the paired organ is felt;
    • body temperature rises;
    • there are symptoms of intoxication;
    • the person feels very thirsty, drinks a lot, and the volume of urine when going to the toilet is insignificant;
    • The external genital organs are irritated, swelling appears, and when urinating, there is a sharp itching and burning sensation.

    Pain in the lower back, namely in the kidney area, is an important signal indicating the development of a serious pathology of the internal organs. What is the connection between pain in the kidneys and its irradiation to the leg? What provokes the occurrence of sharp painful sensations in the kidneys and lower extremities?

    Kidney pain radiating to the leg

    Pain in the kidneys that radiates to the leg or groin area is often associated with certain pathological changes in the structure of the pelvis and calyces or with excessive stretching of the outer capsule of the kidney. The parenchymal tissue itself does not have pain-sensitive receptors, so the cause of pain may be stretching of the kidney capsule (due to the accumulation of large amounts of urine in the renal pelvis and calyces).

    When answering the question whether pain in the kidney can radiate to the leg, it is worth mentioning the presence of stones in the ureter. Thus, pain syndrome can occur due to inflammation of the tissue around the kidney, as a result of urolithiasis and the advancement of stones along the ureter.

    Often, kidney pain caused by inflammatory processes in the kidney is accompanied by increased urination.

    If the cause is kidney stones and their advancement, then urinary retention also occurs, and the pain becomes paroxysmal and can be easily relieved with antispasmodics.

    Causes of pain syndrome

    The causes of pain in the kidney area, which radiates to the legs, may be the following:

    1. Dull pain in the left or right kidney may indicate a chronic pathology that is caused by a certain infectious agent. One of the causes of dull pain in the kidney may be the growth of a tumor (benign or malignant). Since there are no pain receptors in the parenchyma, the receptors of the fibrous capsule react to an increase in the volume of the organ itself. When the capsule is stretched, pain occurs, which can also radiate to the leg.
    2. The aching nature of the pain often indicates the presence of kidney prolapse of varying degrees (nephroptosis). Patients complain of aching pain in the lower back and fever due to pyelonephritis (inflammation of the calyces and pelvis of the kidney). The main distinguishing symptom of pyelonephritis is painful urination.
    3. Painful aching in the kidney area may be a consequence of the development of hydronephrosis, which occurs as a consequence of urinary tract obstruction. The passage of urine through the urinary tract is disrupted, causing the calyces and pelvis to expand. Enlargement of the pelvis and calyx system and increased pressure inside the kidney lead to stimulation of the capsule receptors and cause pain, which is usually transmitted to the leg, groin area, anterior, lateral thigh.
    4. Aching pain may be present when the kidney is bruised or its capsule ruptures. This pathology at a later stage is accompanied by peritoneal symptoms.
    5. A feeling of nagging pain at the site of the projection of the kidney appears if the patient has a renal cyst. Such pain can spread not only to the groin and leg, but also to the anterior abdominal wall.
    6. Renal colic is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain syndrome. The development of renal colic is caused by the formation and removal of kidney stones (urolithiasis). With this disease, urine stagnates in the pelvis, causing them to expand. Due to the increase in urine pressure in the renal pelvis, the blood supply to the kidney parenchyma is reduced, as a result of which the patient feels severe pain. An attack of acute pain in the kidney can last from several seconds to several days; the duration and localization of painful sensations depends on the speed of passage, size and location of the calculus. Outside of an attack of renal colic, aching pain in the lumbar region persists, radiating to the leg.
    7. Acute renal pain (unilateral or bilateral) may occur at the time of renal artery embolism and renal ischemia. This pathology is characterized by severe pain with significant hematuria.

    Alarming symptoms

    If some symptoms are associated with kidney pain, you should consult a doctor.
    Symptoms that should alert the patient:

    1. Fever and changes in blood pressure;
    2. The appearance of blood in the urine in large quantities (hematuria);
    3. Painful and frequent urination, false urges;
    4. Significant reduction in body weight;
    5. The appearance of peritoneal symptoms (a sign of the development of peritonitis);
    6. Renal colic, which is not eliminated by antispasmodics and is accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting;
    7. Frequent or rare urination, its complete absence;
    8. A formation in the lumbar region that is clearly palpable at the site of projection of the lower or upper pole of the kidney.

    Necessary methods for examining a patient with renal pathology:

    1. Inspection, palpation, auscultation and percussion;
    2. General clinical analysis of urine and blood;
    3. Biochemical study of urine and blood components;
    4. Urine testing for bacteria;
    5. Examination of the urinary system and neighboring organs using ultrasound (ultrasound);
    6. General radiography (abdominal and thoracic organs, spine);
    7. (visualization of the urinary tract using contrast);
    8. Angiography.