Number of crayfish per square meter. Care during shedding period

Growing crayfish at home brings its owner a guaranteed income, because the demand for them is constantly growing. With little competition you can make big profits. Of course, immediately count on large amounts It won’t work, because the payback of the enterprise begins in a few years. But despite this, the crayfish business is quite profitable.

Who is this business suitable for?

Breeding crayfish will do as for rural areas, and for a city dweller. Due to the fact that crayfish can be grown in various environments, for example, ponds or home aquariums, this business finds its fans. It is enough to decide how the habitat will be equipped, and after studying the necessary literature, you can organize a business that will bring a stable income to its owner for many years.

Breeding crayfish

Breeding crayfish at home for sale can be done using several methods:

  • in the basement;
  • in bodies of water;
  • in aquariums.

Growing in the basement

Growing crayfish in the basement has a huge advantage - it is an underground climate, which comes in handy in this matter. They have a beneficial effect on the development of cancer. Any selected basement must meet the following requirements:

  1. Temperature conditions of the room where maximum low rate the temperature will not reach -1 degree, but preferably +15. At the first temperature value, the crayfish will not die, but they will not be able to reproduce in such conditions, and in the second case, they can grow comfortably.
  2. The presence of three containers, with a large volume. The material for these containers must be safe for crustaceans; plastic or plexiglass is considered the most suitable. At the bottom of each container, a specific habitat is created, as close as possible to the real one. To do this, sand, stones and clay are poured onto the bottom; the thickness of the clay layer should be sufficient for digging minks.
  3. Availability of cleaning filters. The water in these containers must be purified within 24 hours. If the cleansing procedure is carried out manually, this slows down the growth process of crustaceans, and small specimens generally die.
  4. Complete with equipment for catching and transporting crustaceans.
  5. Availability of an oxygen generator with an oximeter.
  6. Feed.
  7. Artificial conditions of detention require dense placement of all individuals, so a situation often arises when large crayfish eat babies. To avoid this, large crayfish are transplanted into another tank. This is why the use of three containers is intended.

Growing in ponds

In order to breed crayfish in ponds or other bodies of water, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements and conditions of detention, otherwise the process will not bring the desired result.


  • a lake or pond that will be used only for the cultivation of crustaceans. To populate the first batch of crayfish there, you need to prepare for them favorable conditions, clean the reservoir, remove fish that are predators, and prepare a favorable bottom surface;
  • The reservoir is divided into three equal parts. As in the case of containers, each part is intended for a certain category of crayfish, in the first part there are fry, in the second part there are growing individuals and in the third part there are adults;
  • Be sure to consider the possibility of changing the water. For this purpose, drain pipes and supply pipes are installed. If there is a river nearby, then replenishing the reservoir can be done using a pump. The water should be changed at least once a month. At one time, 30% of the entire reservoir should be changed, and the same amount of water should be added. It is not recommended to change a larger percentage, otherwise the microclimate in the reservoir can be disturbed and the crayfish will die;
  • strict adherence to planting density of individuals. Optimal quantity per 1 sq. m. is 5–7 pieces. Usually these standards are exceeded, but at the very beginning of a business, it is better not to rush and strictly comply with all content requirements.

Read also: Breeding dogs at home: how much you can earn

For breeding, it is necessary to select fast-growing breeds that are specially bred for artificial maintenance. One female produces about 30 individuals per season, which reach marketable status only after 6 years.

Among the advantages are the following indicators:

  • low costs for arranging a pond or reservoir;
  • thanks to the natural food in the pond, the consumption of purchased food is reduced;
  • During the entire growth period, there is no significant labor costs on the part of the owner.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • this breeding method is not suitable for all regions, but only for those where there are no harsh winters and the water does not freeze in winter;
  • long payback period for business;
  • low density criteria per 1 sq. m.

Growing in an aquarium

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium as a business involves creating artificial habitat conditions. A properly created microclimate, which will be constant regardless of the time of year, will allow you to receive a stable and continuous income.

A farm for growing crayfish is quite simple - you need to take care of aquariums with a capacity of up to 250 liters. At the bottom there are stones, sand, driftwood, this will make the living conditions as close as possible to natural ones. For 1 sq. m. in aquarium breeding conditions, 350 individuals are allowed.

To understand what factors influence the readiness of females to reproduce, the following should be noted:

  1. The amount of microelements and the level of acidity in an artificial habitat. Usually, one aquarium is allocated for mating, the volume of which should be at least 200 liters. Mating time is autumn.
  2. To get the long-awaited offspring, you must adhere to one rule: there must be twice as many females as males.
  3. The female always carries the laid eggs with her on her paws, so the eggs are constantly in close contact with the mother. After the babies appear, they are immediately separated from larger individuals to avoid their death. Some of the young animals die during the natural process of molting, and those that remain successfully grow to required sizes.

For a business to prosper, it is necessary to expand volumes, and at home it is unlikely to be possible to accommodate large number such aquariums. Optimal place There will be a home basement for breeding crayfish. Usually this place is cluttered with unnecessary things, and by equipping it for a business, you can make a fairly large profit.

In the basement there are the most favorable conditions for the reproduction and cultivation of crustaceans; additional heating and lighting are not needed, you just need to equip special shelves, which will house aquariums.

Purchase and transportation

To start a business you will need the crayfish themselves, which you can purchase or catch yourself. The ideal option is to purchase crayfish larvae, but this is not always possible. More often it is possible to acquire adult individuals and raise their offspring. In principle, it doesn’t matter where you get the material for breeding, the main thing is that there is a male:female ratio of 1:2. It is better to postpone the time to buy crayfish until the fall, when the mating process begins, and you can easily distinguish where the female is and where the male is. Females will have eggs under their tail.

To transport crayfish, they select the dark time of day, at this time it is especially comfortable for them. Females with eggs are given special attention, discomfort can negatively affect future offspring.

Wooden boxes are used for transportation. Place the crayfish on their backs in prepared containers. Depending on the height of the box, you can put several rows of crayfish, but no more than 20 pieces. by 1 decimeter.

In the current economic conditions, a novice entrepreneur has every chance to successfully start his own business. It is important to set priorities correctly and choose the area of ​​application of your strength.

It’s worth taking a close look at this type of business, crayfish farming, which is a very interesting area. According to static data, there is an increase in consumption of this product, while supply remains limited.


The bulk of arthropods on the market are caught from natural bodies of water, which leads to a significant decrease in their population. Industrial farming of crayfish in our country is extremely poorly developed.

Thus, competition in this segment is relatively low. The upward trend in demand for this type of product remains unchanged, which helps maintain prices at a fairly high level.

Like any business, crayfish breeding will require initial investments, the volume of which is determined by the scale of the plans. Before making a responsible decision to open your own business, you study technology, experience of organizing a business at other enterprises, and other issues.

After a comprehensive analysis of your capabilities and preliminary calculations, a final decision is made and a plan is drawn up. preparatory activities.

Video - video of Sevan Crayfish LLC, which supplies live crayfish in Krasnodar:

Preparation of a business plan

The middle zone and southern regions of our country are the natural habitat for crayfish, breeding of which is also possible in artificial conditions.

The habitat of arthropods are bodies of water with sufficient clean water, rocky bottom and sandy shores.

Crustacean farming is carried out:

  • in natural ponds, lakes or rivers;
  • in reservoirs of artificial origin;
  • in specially equipped aquariums.

Each of the options listed above has a whole series features and will require different costs to launch the project.

The simplest option is the first, where the initial investment will be minimal, however, the profit will be much smaller. The explanation for this is quite simple: for the correct and rapid development of crayfish you will need special conditions environment. The temperature in winter drops and water bodies freeze, while the optimal temperature for this process is about +16 C.

The best conditions for breeding crayfish can be created in aquariums, but the latter have serious limitations in volume. This option will require the greatest costs for the purchase of a whole complex of equipment, rental of premises of a sufficiently large area equipped with a heating system.

Medium in terms of cost - an artificial pond for breeding crayfish, located near the river.

In addition to the pond, you will need young animals or larvae, food, materials for arrangement, etc. Entrepreneur starting out this type business, you can’t count on a quick return on investment.

Practice and statistics show that the return on investment occurs approximately 5-7 years from the start of the project and reaching the planned level of production.

Organization of a crayfish farm

The first step is to attend to the registration of the newly created enterprise. One of the most common legal forms of business organization in our country is. The easiest option for creating an enterprise is to contact a law firm, where they will prepare a package of necessary documents for a relatively small fee.

The scope of activity in accordance with the legal framework of OKVED has code 0.121 - breeding and sale of crustaceans, fish and mollusks. When organizing an LLC, the authorized capital of the enterprise is contributed, the minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles. The created company is registered with the tax office and all extra-budgetary funds. After which you can begin business activities.

The next stage is the selection of a suitable reservoir for breeding crayfish and its improvement. This is a responsible process that determines the success of the entire enterprise; the main thing depends on the quality of implementation of this stage, whether favorable conditions will be created for the life and reproduction of arthropods.

Experts recommend: covering the bottom of the pond with a special polymer film, which reliably isolates the pond from getting into it. harmful substances from the ground. The material is highly durable and will last at least 25 years if installed correctly.

The next step in organizing a farm will be the acquisition necessary equipment for breeding crayfish. The complete set includes:

Experienced entrepreneurs set up a system of three or more reservoirs that communicate with each other. This contributes to an increase in the production of crustaceans and better selection of species. To reduce the impact of the external environment, a polycarbonate greenhouse-type ceiling is installed over the reservoirs.

As the reservoirs are ready, larvae or young crustaceans are purchased, as well as feed in calculated quantities. Best Execution preparatory activities will create the best conditions for starting, and subsequently developing, a business.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding

The current practice in our country involves certain difficulties in acquiring the necessary amount of living material to populate water bodies.

Existing farms are extremely reluctant to sell larvae or young animals. A way out may be to purchase adult individuals based on the ratio of two females to one male. Mating of crustaceans occurs in the fall; a fertilized female is easily identified by the presence of eggs in a special sac under the tail.

The climatic conditions of the middle zone are quite acceptable for different types arthropods. One of the promising species is the Australian red-clawed crayfish, the breeding of which can bring good income.

The meat of this type of arthropod is similar in taste and texture to sea lobster, one of the most expensive delicacies. Our country has experience in successfully breeding these crustaceans on a specialized farm near Astrakhan.

Video - growing experiments Australian crayfish near Astrakhan:

The most accessible type of arthropod in our country is the common crayfish. You can even purchase them in a supermarket, the main thing is that they are alive and healthy.

To accurately answer the question of where to buy crayfish for breeding, you should carefully study the offers from working and developing farms.

Recently, crayfish holding farms have been developing near large cities, which purchase crayfish from other regions and supply them to retail chains and restaurants.

Video report from a farm near St. Petersburg that supplies crayfish from various regions of Russia and abroad:

Breeding technology

In the pond

In this section we are talking about an artificial reservoir, which needs careful preparation before starting the livestock. In addition to preparing the bottom, a number of operations are performed:

  • A protective edge is built around the pond and a drainage drain is made along its outer side. This is necessary to prevent rain runoff and debris from entering the reservoir.
  • Trees are planted along the banks, one of the most best views- weeping willow, which will create shade.
  • It is necessary to provide different depths of the pond: near the shore - about 0.4 m, in the middle up to 3 m.

The maximum permissible number of adult crayfish per square meter of pond area should not exceed 5 units. Before populating the drained reservoir, it is filled, after which the water is allowed to settle for at least two weeks, and preferably one month.

Once the reservoir is ready, instrumental monitoring of water quality for nitrate content is carried out; for arthropods, exceeding the maximum permissible doses is detrimental.

If the pond is properly arranged, crayfish do not need additional feeding; there is enough plankton, algae or larvae in the water.

To accelerate the growth of individuals, complementary feeding is carried out with vegetable scraps, mixed feed, meat and fish waste, as well as cereals soaked in water. Complementary feeding is carried out using special bottom devices, which are removed from the water after a certain time.

This avoids contamination of the pond water, which can have a detrimental effect on the livestock and lead to the death of some of it. Strict adherence to specialist recommendations and application full complex equipment to maintain optimal conditions for the life of crayfish will allow you to quickly achieve good performance.

In special aquariums

In artificially created environmental conditions, it is quite possible to achieve year-round growth of arthropods. To maintain them, specially designed tanks with a capacity of at least 250 liters are required.

The bottom of the tank is filled with sand mixed with stones, driftwood is laid on them, which serve as natural shelters for crayfish during the period of gestation and laying eggs.

Crustaceans are extremely sensitive to water quality, and the aquariums used must meet very stringent requirements. Firstly, the possibility of contact of water with the metal of the frame must be excluded. Secondly, the tank must be equipped with a water supply system from the bottom. Thirdly, the installation of filtration, aeration and water oxidation systems will be required.

Two plots before moving in, the aquariums are filled with water and plants are planted in the ground. After which the crayfish are lowered into the tank, there should be at least 5 liters of water per individual.

The technology for breeding crayfish in artificial conditions involves keeping ornamental breeds like Cuban blues. They are a great decoration home aquarium, however, before you start, you need to do a little marketing research. The agreement with large pet stores will facilitate the accelerated sale of grown products.

At home

This type of business can be done at home on a relatively small scale. To organize such a thing in the best possible way technology will do home breeding crayfish in pools or aquariums.

Each of the proposed options has its own specifics and will require investment certain amounts to purchase everything necessary and carry out a number of construction works.

The organization of arthropod breeding in aquariums is described above and there is no point in repeating it. Let us dwell on the technology of growing crayfish in specially equipped pools at the dacha or on a site near a country house.

At the preliminary preparation stage, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of the land plot for the placement of an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. m and the productivity of the water source.

For home breeding of crayfish, you will need not the usual rectangular pool with a flat bottom and vertical walls, but a reservoir with slightly different parameters.

Requirements for an artificial pond:

  • The most rational shape is a circle or oval with a diameter of 6 to 10 m; the bottom should look like a bowl with a maximum depth of 1.5-2 m in its center.
  • The bottom must be lined with a special film.
  • The pool is equipped with all systems that ensure circulation, purification and oxygenation of water.
  • A drainage system is installed along the shore of the pool to drain stormwater.
  • Devices are installed around the artificial reservoir to provide shade to the coastal areas.

Such a pool for breeding crayfish can be dug manually yourself or with the help of professional diggers. The amount of work is quite significant, but quite manageable.

The bottom of the pool is covered with river sand and stones and driftwood are scattered over it. Among other things, the necessary equipment is installed. Availability of ceiling and water heating systems in winter period will increase the productivity of the pond.

Crustaceans grow and reproduce faster in artificially created conditions. This can be explained quite simply: arthropods do not hibernate and the process of reproduction of offspring is significantly accelerated.

The presence of several ponds, at least three, and preferably four to five, per site makes it possible to increase the yield of finished products.

Breeding crayfish in a country house will help you gain invaluable experience and become familiar with the technology.

Organizing crayfish breeding at home is usually only the first step towards creating a farm. Having tested the technologies and methods of growing gourmet products in relatively small volumes, and having acquired the necessary experience, it will be possible to think about expanding the business. This business approach will help avoid significant losses in future endeavors.

The article deliberately did not provide examples; they may vary greatly in different regions.

The main thing is that crayfish farming as a business is a fairly promising business that promises high level profitability. When organizing and preparing a project for launch, it is important to take the recommendations of specialists carefully and responsibly.

Video - how crayfish farming occurs in Louisiana:

Many people today are thinking about creating own business. One of the options for implementing this idea is breeding crayfish at home. With a responsible approach, their cultivation can become a source of stable income.

Why do you need to breed crayfish?

Crayfish farming is a financially profitable business. Such products are in demand, but there is no serious competition. Large industrial farms do not consider this type of activity as effective business. Selling crayfish in large quantities is quite problematic. Their meat belongs to the category of expensive products, and it can only be offered to a limited circle of consumers. To return the investment made on initial stage When breeding on an industrial scale, it will take time. The combination of these reasons makes home crayfish farming an attractive business.

Preparation of conditions

Creation necessary conditions will allow you to get healthy offspring and increase the number of crayfish. Let's consider the features of breeding arthropods in a home farm.

Selection and arrangement of a reservoir

When the temperature drops, crayfish hibernate and their development slows down. Therefore, for breeding you need to create artificial conditions. Each type of reservoir has its own characteristics.


If you choose an aquarium, use a container with a volume of at least 250 liters. It must be equipped with an aeration and cleaning system. Stones and soil are poured onto the bottom so that the crayfish have the opportunity to hide.

The advantage of using an aquarium is the ability to control the volume of production. For 1 sq.m. accommodates up to 350 individuals. Pay attention to the material from which the container is made. Metal products are not suitable for crayfish. It is recommended to use plastic or glass containers.

Important! It is necessary to purchase two or three aquariums, since crayfish are prone to cannibalism; when kept together, adults eat young animals.

The aquarium is suitable for growing small quantity crayfish

Crayfish pool

Artificial reservoirs have their own characteristics:

  1. They must have a system for supplying and filtering water, regulating temperature and feed consumption. Such equipment will require some costs.
  2. In winter, the pool must be heated. Its bottom must be hard, and hard shelters must be created on the surface.
  3. A limited number of individuals can be placed in the pool.

The pool needs to be equipped with a filtration system

Natural pond

A very unique way of growing crayfish, which has its own characteristics:

  1. Animals will be provided with food in sufficient quantity, which will not require financial costs.
  2. Cancers are quite sensitive to pollution. And it is quite difficult to control the composition of water in a natural reservoir. It is necessary to systematically clean the bottom at least 2 m deep.
  3. In a pond, crayfish may lack oxygen, which negatively affects their well-being. In this case, the business will not bring significant profit.

Natural conditions are better for crayfish

Equipment installation

The choice of equipment depends on the location in which the crayfish will be grown. For the pond you will need:

  • devices for thermal insulation that will maintain the water temperature at the required level. For this purpose, industrial or conventional greenhouses can be used;
  • frame that will help retain water. Most suitable material for the manufacture of such a structure there will be polypropylene;
  • an air compressor will prevent water from stagnating, which will stimulate the growth of crayfish;
  • The oxidizer saturates the water with oxygen. This device is especially necessary in winter. It is installed in late autumn before ice forms;
  • filters.

If you decide to breed crayfish in an aquarium, then you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. Raising animals in such a container is impossible without aerators.
  2. You will also need oxygen generators that generate oxygen, which can increase the viability of young animals.
  3. Thermometers help control water temperature. In too cold an environment, crayfish stop reproducing.
  4. Oxygen levels are monitored using oximeters, salt content is monitored by salinity meters.
  5. A cleaning system is required.

Features of maintenance and cultivation

Arthropods are unpretentious, but when keeping them, some factors must be taken into account.

Introducing crayfish to the selected location

To populate the crayfish, it is necessary to prepare

  1. Before settling, the crayfish are doused with water for 15 minutes. You can replace this procedure with swimming. Individuals are dipped into water 15–20 times, maintaining an interval of 1–2 minutes. This is necessary so that their gills fill with liquid.
  2. If stocking is carried out in an aquarium or pool, the crayfish are first placed without water. Then the breeding area gradually begins to fill. It is advisable to use a faucet with a sprayer for this.
  3. When settling the larvae, initially the temperature in the containers in which they were transported is equal to the water in the pond or aquarium. To do this, periodically open the container flaps for two hours. After this, the larvae are transferred to a new habitat. First, they are transplanted into a container without water, which is then poured using sprayers. When its level reaches 10–15 cm, you need to keep the larvae for two hours. Next, the reservoir is filled completely.

Control of water purity and temperature

Clean water is the key to healthy crayfish

Crayfish remain active at temperatures of 18–20°C. In cooler conditions, these arthropods go dormant and do not produce offspring. These temperatures must be maintained throughout the year.

The water in which crayfish are kept must be renewed every 2–3 weeks. Animals are quite susceptible to pollution.

Important! Only 1/3 of the total volume of water can be replaced at a time, otherwise the microclimate in the container will be disrupted.

But even with regular implementation of this procedure, waste products and food debris accumulate at the bottom. If these contaminants are not removed, the health of the crayfish will worsen, which will negatively affect their development.

What to feed?

Cancers are not picky eaters. An adult should receive an amount of food per day that corresponds to 5% of its weight. If you notice leftover food in the morning, reduce the portion at the next feeding. They feed on:

  • meat scraps;
  • fish;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • worms;
  • larvae;
  • aquatic vegetation;
  • mixed feed;
  • living microorganisms;
  • frogs.

They are given food in special trays, which are mostly square in shape. These arthropods are nocturnal animals, so they feed in the evening.

Care during shedding period

The first molt occurs approximately on the 10th day of life of the crayfish. As a result, the larvae change their appearance and become similar to adults. On days 12–13, crayfish molt again. At this time, they hide in a shelter, where they grow up, straighten their limbs and acquire the skill of moving their eyes, mustache and claws. A gap forms between the abdomen and the pectoral shield. The body of a crustacean protrudes from it. He sheds his shell, which by this period becomes tight, and builds up a new one.

During molting you need to provide good food and peace

Molting in crayfish is a multiple process:

  1. During the first year of life, the shell renewal occurs 6–8 times. Then the number is reduced.
  2. Crayfish that reach two years of age molt 4–5 times.
  3. During the third year, three moults occur. Adults shed their shell 1–2 times a year. During this period, crayfish become especially vulnerable.

If not cared for properly, they can get sick. To avoid this, you need to provide adequate nutrition and promptly purify the water. Also, during molting, crayfish are more susceptible to attack from their relatives. Therefore, transplant small individuals into a separate container.


To produce offspring you will need a male and two females. Crayfish breed at the end of September or early October. The eggs are first placed under the female’s tail, then move closer to the shell and become attached near the paws. In order for the embryos to fully develop, they must be regularly washed with water. During the breeding season, water is filtered two or three times a week.

Important! There should be no more than two females per male; he eats the third female in the reservoir.

After two months, larvae will emerge from the eggs. In the first days of life, they are exposed to various dangers. The female takes care of them until they are two weeks old. Then the larvae become independent. A female gives birth to 12 to 15 cubs at a time. IN in rare cases their number reaches 20 individuals. When grown at home, about 60 crayfish are obtained from a female per year.

During breeding, you need to regularly filter the water.

Important! Larvae especially need sufficient oxygen. After the appearance of the cubs, the diet needs to be increased and diversified with zooplankton and mixed feed.

Catching crayfish

Immediately before catching, several factors need to be taken into account:

  1. If the crayfish were planted in a pond or aquarium in the spring, the first larvae will appear in June.
  2. After the second molt, young individuals are caught and transplanted to a separate place. One-year-old crayfish are moved to special containers or feeding ponds to increase their mass.
  3. After 2–3 years, the crayfish grow up to 10 cm in length, each weighing 40–50 g. Such individuals are ready for commercial sale.

Fishing rods and traps are used for catching. Most the right time The period for this procedure is from July to November. The best catch is observed in the summer at night in rainy weather. Some breeders practice draining water from a pond. But it is not recommended to use this method, since young individuals often die as a result.

After the crayfish are grown, there is a need to sell them. There are two possible options here. The first involves distributing the product among friends. First, it is enough to offer crayfish to two or three people. They will pass on the information further, and thus the circle of buyers will increase.

It is effective to use special traps for catching

But the seller’s task is not only to find a sales market. It must retain customers. To do this, monitor the quality of your product. Send identical ones for sale appearance and the size of the crayfish. Choose the most loyal pricing policy. Find out the cost of crayfish in supermarkets, and sell your goods cheaper. You can arrange for delivery of products to customers' homes.

The second implementation option is suitable for those breeders who can offer wholesale supplies. It is necessary to agree on sales with catering establishments: restaurants, cafes and bars.

Video: master class on making clamshells

Growing crayfish does not require much effort or significant financial investment. But in order to get healthy young animals, you need to take into account the temperature, systematically purify the water and monitor the nutrition of the crayfish. If you follow all the rules, in a few months you will be able to make your first profit.

Hello, dear readers of Startupoff!

Breeding crayfish is a business idea with a guaranteed high income. Judge for yourself: there is always a huge demand for live crayfish, their price is quite high, and their cultivation does not require much labor.

You will learn how to open your own business in this area, raise crayfish and organize sales of products.

Project Summary

Your goal is to earn a stable income from an intensive farming of longclaws or Australian crayfish. Reservoirs are needed to achieve this total area 1000 square meters.

Half of the reservoirs are indoor, winter type with non-freezing water for year-round cultivation and half are open for breeding in natural conditions. Such a farm, subject to the technology of breeding crustaceans, will yield 3 tons of product per year. The production will bring its first income within a year. You will reach the planned capacity by the 3rd year of operation.

This method of cultivation ensures the production of marketable crayfish in one and a half years. Under natural conditions, it grows to the required size in the middle zone and northern regions of Russia in 4-5 years.

Consumption of crustaceans per capita in Russia is growing annually by 2-15% per year, depending on the region, according to the marketing agency Discovery Research Group.

Level of competition in the market

This niche is on Russian market poorly developed in comparison with the USA and European countries. Industrial cultivation of crustaceans requires significant start-up investments, so those who have the entire amount or at least half of the funds necessary to start take on it.

The demand for these products in the markets of our country is consistently high, regardless of the region. Buyers are not deterred by the high price of this product. It is considered a delicacy, so it is readily purchased by retail and wholesale buyers (baths, cafes, restaurants, bars).

The cost of these live crustaceans depends on the size of the individual.

Average price into individuals with different masses:

  • 20-30g - 850 rub.;
  • 30-40g - 1150 rub.;
  • 40-60g - 1450 rub.;
  • 60-80g - 1750 rub.;
  • 80-200 - 2450 rub.

Possible risks

Risks vary depending on your region. Difficulties await newcomers at the start of a project. They are associated with the preparation of reservoirs and the slow growth of individuals.

The risks and ways to prevent them are described in detail in the table:

Nature of risks Probability Severity of consequences How to prevent it?
Construction delays, increased cost of the process Average Average Draw up an agreement with the builders with a fixed completion date and a fixed estimate.
Loss of part of a population of individuals or the entire population Low High Strictly follow the growing technology. Monitor the conditions of the population, isolate patients in a timely manner.
Aggressive policy of competitors Low Average Receive all the necessary sanitary reports and documents, develop your competitive advantages, involve veterinary services to combat illegal traders.
Natural disasters Low Average Get farm insurance.

Production plan

To achieve your goal, you need a production plan with clear indications of the farm area, a list of necessary equipment and tools, as well as a strategy for purchasing feed and breeding the crustacean population.

I’ll tell you in more detail about each point of the plan.

Required areas

Start work by creating artificial reservoirs with a total area of ​​900-1000 square meters. To organize ponds, choose a flat area with good access roads. It is important that the selected area has a well or connection to a centralized water supply, and also does not belong to the category of flooded land.

A plot of 25 acres is enough to organize reservoirs. Pond layout for this area: 10 closed ponds measuring 4*8 meters, 10 open ponds measuring 6*10 meters. The distance between the ponds is 3 meters.

Requirements for ponds:

  1. Rectangular shape.
  2. Sheer side walls forming a right angle with the bottom.
  3. The bottom topography is flat, muddy with a given load-bearing capacity.
  4. Depth 2-2.5 meters.
  5. Sheets for indoor ponds made of polypropylene 8 mm thick.

An alternative to a pond is RAS (installations closed water supply), equipped with everything necessary for breeding crustaceans.

RAS is closed system, which maintains optimal conditions for life aquatic organisms

Equipment and inventory

Crustaceans are sensitive to breeding conditions. To create optimal conditions for them to reproduce and grow, you need special equipment.

List of required equipment:

  1. Covering and frames for indoor ponds. Polycarbonate covers maintain stable temperatures in ponds, providing optimal conditions year-round.
  2. An aerator or air compressor that prevents water from stagnating in the pond.
  3. Oxidizer for saturating water with oxygen.
  4. Flow filter for cleaning water bodies from food residues and waste products of crustaceans.
  5. Monitoring devices: an oximeter for measuring the level of oxygen in water, a salinity meter for determining the number of salts in it, a conductivity meter for assessing the effectiveness of water purification systems.

Purchase of feed

For intensive cultivation you need special combined feeds, which includes wheat bran, wheat, sunflower or soybean meal, fish and meat and bone meal, powdered milk, vegetable oil.

In addition, crayfish are fed with boiled vegetable waste, bread, raw fish and meat, fallen leaves, earthworms, tadpoles and algae.

The best option For rapid growth- compound feed. To save money, choose mixtures without meat, bone and fish meal. Replace these expensive ingredients with cheaper meat or fish scraps.

Buy food from trusted suppliers. Choose two or three advantageous offers so that in case of force majeure your pets are not left without food.

Purchasing crayfish for divorce

To start production you need to buy young stock. To get a good population, buy an equal number of males and females.

In females, the first pair of abdominal legs is underdeveloped; in the male, their first two pairs are most developed and directed towards the head

During the first season, you will receive 50-55 young crustaceans from each female. Based on the calculation that out of 100 eggs laid by a female, according to statistics, only half of the offspring survive.

Over the next 5 years, you will have to regularly buy new individuals. Only after the 5th year will your production reach the level of a self-reproducing population, and you will refuse to buy young animals.

Some farmers, in order to save on purchasing individuals for breeding crayfish, advise catching them in natural ponds and rivers. This method has one advantage - getting crayfish for free, but there are many disadvantages: labor intensity, the risk of catching sick individuals, as well as individuals of “advanced” age.

To help beginning crayfish breeders, a table for determining the age of crayfish:

Dependence of crayfish size on age
Age in days Male body length, mm Female body length, mm
20 21,9 21,6
30 28,5 28,0
40 34,7 33,8
50 40,2 39,3
60 45,3 44,2
70 49,9 48,6
80 54,0 52,5
90 57,7 56,0
100 60,7 59,0
110 63,3 61,5
120 65,4 63,4

Sales and Marketing of a Crayfish Farming Business

Main sales routes:

  • wholesale sales to catering establishments, baths, pubs;
  • sales to shops and supermarkets;
  • friends, relatives, acquaintances;
  • recreational places;
  • opening your own store.

To attract buyers' attention, offer optimal cost, corresponding to the size of the cancer, as well as the freshest possible products. To do this, add aquariums for transporting and selling live products to the list of equipment needed for crayfish farming.

Don't forget about advertising. Place advertising stickers on your car with the image of the product and your phone number, place ads on the Internet and in print publications in the city. Offer some fresh samples to restaurant and bar owners to try.

If you decide to open your own barn, take care of an impressive sign and appropriate interior.

To sell live crayfish to shops and restaurants, please register:

  1. Sanitary passport for transport for the transportation of crustaceans.
  2. Veterinary certificate (Form 2).
  3. Declaration of conformity of the product.
  4. Certificate in accordance with GOST R 50380-2005.

When opening a crayfish farm, register as an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code 05.02.01 “Cultivation of fish and aquatic biological resources by agricultural producers.” Unified agricultural tax form.

It is advisable that the production site be your property. This way you will avoid having the farm approved by different authorities and authorities.

Required Personnel

You can manage a farm on an area of ​​25 acres on your own and with the efforts of your closest relatives. For one-time labor-intensive work, for example, for transplanting females into separate reservoirs before laying eggs, hire handymen.

At your discretion, use the help of hired workers to clean water bodies. Wages workers depends on the region and the volume of work performed. It ranges from 10-20 thousand rubles.

In addition to general workers, you will need a driver to deliver goods to the point of sale, as well as a salesperson to a store or market outlet. Driver and salesperson salaries depend on the region. On average, it fluctuates around 20 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

Financial plan reflects starting and operating costs, as well as estimated profit from the sale of finished products. By drawing up a plan before starting production, you will clearly define the payback period of the project, its potential benefits, and identify risks.

Financial plan for a farm of 1000 square meters:

Starting investments Current costs Revenue for the year
Expenses Amount, rub. Expenses Amount, rub. Position Quantity
Costs for creating ponds 300 000 Electricity 10 000 Crayfish production per year 12,500 pcs.
Equipment and tools for ponds 2 915 000 Compound feed and other feed 15 000 Total weight of crayfish 2,500 kg.
Purchase of land for ponds 65 000 Other expenses (veterinary, transport, tools, etc.) 100 000 Average cost per 1 kg. 500 rub.
Purchasing food for crayfish 100 000 Estimated revenue for the year RUB 1,250,000
Other expenses 200 000
Total: 3 580 000 Total: 125 000

Project effectiveness assessment

Fresh freshwater crayfish is a product in demand among consumers from all regions of our country. Due to the long process of growing crustaceans until they reach marketable weight, the farm will bring you your first income in a year and a half.

The planned payback period of the project is 3.5 years.

News story about a crustacean farm in Volgograd

Download business plan

The business plan should reflect all aspects of breeding these arthropods. In the production part of the plan, describe the chosen growing method (indoors or outdoors), the type and number of young animals for propagation of the population, and the number of reservoirs.

Study the experience of competitors, note possible risks and ways to overcome them. Develop an advertising campaign, and also consider whether you will cope on your own or attract hired workers.

The more detailed you describe all aspects, the less likely you are to encounter unexpected expenses and make mistakes.

There are ready-made draft business plans on the Internet. Download and adapt to your business. Do not use ready-made projects without taking into account the individual characteristics of your production.

In reservoirs with stagnant water that do not have a drainage, you can breed crayfish, as well as control their growth and further reproduction. It should be noted that in the future these arthropods will reproduce themselves. Any person who is interested in additional profit and the possibility of obtaining a “snack for beer” can keep crayfish. To successfully breed arthropods, you will need a pond with a minimum depth of 2-2.5 meters with a hard bottom.

At the initial stage, several females need to be released into such a pond, in which there are fertilized eggs under the shell. With the arrival of spring, small crustaceans will hatch from the eggs. They do not stay near their mother for long and will soon begin to feed on their own. The considered method is considered the simplest for breeding crayfish in a small private pond, but to obtain good growth of young animals, it is necessary to create certain conditions: a certain water hardness, as well as an appropriate oxygen regime. If there is not enough food in natural habitats, then the crayfish will need to be additionally fed.

How fast do crayfish grow?

With good weather and appropriate care, the crayfish can reach a size of 10 centimeters and a weight of 35 grams after the second molt. It should be noted that crayfish develop most intensively during the molting period, when they shed their old shell, exposing an almost unprotected soft cloth. So, how long do crayfish grow? This question interests many farmers.

According to experts, arthropods reach 11 centimeters in size in one year, or rather during the warm season (part of spring, summer and part of autumn). At breeding crayfish in a pond and additional nutrition, the weight gain of arthropods is 50-55 kilograms per hectare of reservoir area (this means the weight gain of an individual specimen, if it is equal to 13 grams). If you create conditions that are averagely favorable for amphibians, the additional weight gain will reach 40 kg/ha. In this case, the growth of an individual specimen is taken equal to 10 grams.

Considering the fact that females and males of crayfish mature only in the third or fourth year from the moment of birth, a full-fledged herd will be formed only after five years. It is at this time that commercial catching of arthropods can begin, but total quantity adult individuals should not exceed 20% of the number of neglected crayfish.