False disability. Healthy disabled people

How to obtain a disability certificate?

Recently, many people have become disabled due to personal health reasons. To officially confirm your status, a special medical document is required that will confirm your disability.


“This is a certificate about your husband. And this is a certificate that I gave you a certificate.” (film Brazil)


How to get a certificate?

To receive it, every disabled person must initially undergo a full medical examination and receive a verdict from each specialist on their state of health. However, to successfully resolve the issue, it is necessary not only to pass the commission, but also to collect the established package of documents. In most cases, collecting documents takes a long time.

It is not surprising that disabled people do not strive to undergo a medical examination and collect documents to obtain and confirm their personal status. Many people try to take advantage of the additional offer - purchasing a certificate to confirm their disability status. However, even in this case, it is recommended to understand the important nuances of resolving existing issues.

What problems might arise?

Registration of a disability certificate is always associated with numerous nuances. Difficulties primarily arise when preparing documents yourself. Purchasing a medical certificate is the easiest and fastest option for solving an existing problem. Why did this situation arise?

A medical and social examination, which is mandatory in the classic version of resolving the issue, can refuse to receive a disability group. This refusal may be due to the lack of an opinion from all the necessary specialists or the lack of any document. In this situation, it is best to buy a medical certificate rather than process it.

Another problem is time costs. It takes a lot of time to obtain a certificate legally. Purchasing a disability document requires a minimum of time (most often a few days).

Fake and original disability certificate: important differences

If you intend to purchase a medical certificate of disability, you should take care to understand how it will differ from the original. A genuine ITU certificate always has the following features:

  • mandatory presence of watermarks;
  • special paper with a slightly pink color is used for printing;
  • It is assumed that the signature of a doctor who actually exists and provided personal services is required.

Without a doubt, a careful comparison of the original and the fake document will reveal other features. Most of the differences can only be detected by specialists who have seen both versions of the documents many times and know what they are talking about. At the same time, it is assumed that the above three parameters play an important role in determining the authenticity of a document.

Let's sum it up

Purchasing a medical certificate to confirm disability necessarily involves taking into account such nuances.

Article editor: Svetlana Prikhodko

29.04.2013 14:47

Several people immediately came to law enforcement agencies and admitted that their disability certificates were fakes. Such documents were purchased by Vologda residents from doctors without any examination.

The business of selling disability certificates in Vologda flourished for several years. In particular, their colleagues from various medical institutions in the region used the services of dishonest doctors to receive various benefits and payments. Also, “fake” certificates were popular among young people of military age who did not want to serve in the army. Officials of various ranks also did not hesitate to purchase disability certificates in order to receive various benefits.

Intermediaries also actively profited from the sale of certificates. Moreover, deception flourished here too. The fee set directly by the doctors of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for issuing a certificate could seriously differ from the amount that Vologda residents paid to the intermediary. For example, one of the bribers admitted that she paid a certain young man 250 thousand rubles for a certificate. At the same time, the woman expected that the disability would be lifelong. But the intermediary brought a certificate that is valid for only one year. As a result, the citizen had to look for another intermediary and pay him another 80 thousand for the necessary document.

At the same time, according to the investigation, a significant part of the money obtained from crime still went to the doctors of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. With these funds they could afford to build expensive mansions in Vologda, buy cars, valuable paintings and antiques.

Law enforcement agencies are confident that during further investigations into the case of bribe-taking doctors, more and more episodes of illegal acquisition of disability certificates by Vologda residents will emerge. It is possible that separate criminal cases will appear not only against bribe-takers, but also against bribe-givers. At the same time, those who voluntarily appear before investigators and admit to illegally purchasing documents from employees of the medical and social examination bureau will be able to count on leniency and release from criminal liability. And it is quite possible to try to undergo a medical examination legally and free of charge.



What was revealed during the FSB special operation in Rostov-on-Don during the development of information about the outrages that occurred in the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (which, by the way, reports directly to the Ministry of Labor of Russia) belongs to the category of “unprecedented scope,” otherwise difficult to name.


In general, the opera was working on another corruption case, but, as it happens, one of the defendants revealed (now there is no point in clarifying whether he deliberately or simply let it slip) such information that the topic had to be taken seriously: everything happened within the strictest secrecy, - a source close to the investigation told the KP newspaper - Rostov-on-Don.- As it turned out, in this structure of the main ITU bureau, which has more than fifty branches in the regional center itself and in the municipalities of the region and determines the degree of disability (including for military registration and enlistment offices) and loss of ability to work, a real corruption group was organized, which organized the issuance of fake certificates of disability - for money, of course - in abundance.

A criminal company operated, churning out fakes under the leadership of chief expert Andrei D., together with his deputy and the head of one of the branches, for seven (!) years - from 2010 to the present. Over the years, according to the FSB, ten thousand fake documents certifying the fact of disability were issued.

What did this give to those who bought them for money? On the basis of such certificates, pseudo-disabled persons acquired the right to social support measures established by Federal Law No. 181-FZ "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", including to receive pensions and other social benefits, to sanatorium treatment and benefits payment for housing and communal services, the right to park in specially designated areas, etc., - explained in the department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Rostov region. - It is clear that none of these recipients had any grounds for this and did not undergo the required examination.


It is noteworthy, they say in Sledkom, that the geography of “clients” who came to Rostov-on-Don to buy counterfeits was not limited to just one region - there were people from other regions of the Federation.

Boris K., a subordinate of the chief expert of the ICE Bureau and the same head of one of the branches who was involved in the process (it is possible, by the way, that he was the only one), has already testified against his boss and his female deputy: he admitted that he himself received bribes and took them “up” to immediate management - a source told Komsomolskaya Pravda.- So far, according to him, the information about Andrei D. receiving almost 4 million rubles in the last four years alone is being verified - plus there was also a Chevrolet Aveo car, which he registered in the name of a relative of the boss. In addition, he said that he also transferred more than three million to his deputy. It’s even hard to imagine how many bribes were received in reality, especially if we assume that the source of the transfer of money and the issuance of certificates was not only Boris K.


Meanwhile, the investigators decided to contact those who paid money for the fake through Komsomolskaya Pravda, inviting them to voluntarily admit it and avoid criminal liability:

Citizens who personally or through other persons transferred illegal monetary compensation to officials of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Rostov Region are encouraged to report these facts - notes the official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee Galina Gagalayeva.- These applications can be submitted to us at the Investigative Committee or the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Belarus. In accordance with the note to Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person who gave a bribe is exempt from criminal liability if he actively contributed to the detection and investigation of a crime, or after the commission of a crime voluntarily reported to the body that has the right to initiate a criminal case about the crime committed.

In a word, if someone voluntarily confesses, he can avoid the fate of an accomplice. Otherwise... well, everything seems to be clear here.

We would like to add that the criminal case against the leadership of the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Rostov Region is being processed by the 2nd Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases (crimes against state power and in the economic sphere) of the ICR Directorate for the Rostov Region. Participants in the corruption group face 8 to 15 years in prison and heavy fines.

On the windshield of a luxury Hyundai Equus (price: from 3 to 4.5 million rubles), parked on Krivokolenny Lane, not far from Chistye Prudy, there is a yellow sticker with a wheelchair. To my question: “Who is disabled?” - ​the man behind the wheel, apparently a personal driver, throws up his hands: “All questions to the owner.”

Bumper to bumper parked in wheelchair spaces: Nissan Qashqai (1.5 million rubles in the showroom), Mercedes B‑180, Audi‑103 (each - about 2 million), a little further - the snow-white Mercedes S500 (this one generally “weighs » 14 million - ​for that kind of money you can buy a good two-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow). All as one - with symbols: a disabled person is driving.

Despite the fact that most of the cars we found in paid parking lots are not suitable for the average wheelchair user (and not only him), all these “cars” feel comfortable in wheelchairs. All with the required “insignia” for disabled people. And a “Lexus” in Potapovsky, and a “Mini Cooper” in front of an elite jewelry boutique 200 meters from the Petrovsky Monastery, and a silver sports “Merce” S-180 near the Glazunov Gallery.

Petr Sarukhanov / Novaya Gazeta

A commercial subscription, which allows you to park your car within the Garden Ring, costs 120 thousand rubles, Boulevard - 250 thousand. A parking permit for a disabled person allows you to park your car anywhere in the city for free. Including in the most “prestigious” areas of “non-rubber” Moscow.

— According to my information, disability of the 2nd group can be purchased for 200 thousand rubles. In 2013, they asked for about 60 thousand, but recently prices have skyrocketed, says Sergei Sokolov, municipal deputy of the Konkovo ​​district and chairman of the fund for helping the disabled “All are equal.” - However, if you have enough money for an expensive car, there is enough money for a disability certificate.

In a year, the “investment” will pay off. Obtaining the coveted document legally is not easy: in order for you to be recognized as a disabled person, you need to take a referral for examination from your attending physician at the clinic. Next, with all the collected tests and conclusions, go to the regional center for medical and social examination, where these papers will be studied in detail. If doctors have doubts, they can send it to a higher authority for additional examination.

“When applying for a fake certificate, you will have to go the same way, but for money, that is, you will have to give at every stage,” concludes Sokolov. And he adds: “There is no other option.” But we managed to find “another option.” And not alone.


On the free classifieds website Avito, a certain Mikhail undertakes to create a document for 10,000 rubles and in the shortest possible time. A cheerful male voice answers the indicated telephone number:

— Yes, we do process disability forms. The procedure will take two to three days.

- Is this legal?

“We only guarantee a form, exactly the same as in the hospital, with a signature and seal. You won’t receive a pension based on this certificate; it’s not included in the database, but a parking license is ​easy enough. MFC ( Multifunctional Center.Ed.) does not check them, only the police and the Pension Fund can check them.

- What is required of me?

— You send me an SMS message with your data, we fill out a form. As soon as your certificate is ready, we will send you a scan of it by email. If there are no spelling errors, pay the money and get the original. To receive a piece of paper, you need to transfer the specified amount in advance (in your case - 10 thousand) to a Sberbank card; they promise to leave the document itself in a “bookmark”, that is, in a designated place. Don’t be afraid, you won’t have to look for it under a lamppost, the courier will leave the envelope at the appointed cafe, you just come up, say your name and pick it up,” the voice on the phone assures me that this is not the first year in this business and tries to reassure me: “ There is no point in lying to us."

Call granny

If you don’t want to get involved with “bookmarks” - ​especially since falsifying an identity card is punishable under Article 327 of the Criminal Code by imprisonment for up to 2 years - ​there is a simpler way: negotiate with a real disabled person so that he can issue his parking permit to you as a friend.

“Many people do this: they issue a certificate as if they are driving someone. The cost of such a service is from 10 to 20 thousand per month. This is a significant increase to a disabled person’s pension, so some disabled people who do not have their own cars agree,” says Victor Schastlivy, press secretary of the Regional Public Organization of Disabled People “SAMI”. — People call our fund several times a month with similar offers. We refuse."

If you don’t know a disabled person, the Internet comes to the rescue again. I'm calling the next number in Avito. Nikolai (in the advertisement it is highlighted in capital letters that the permit will be issued “ABSOLUTELY LEGAL”) answers immediately:

- Yes, my retired grandmother, she asked me...

- And what do you need from me?

“You just need to go to the MFC, I’ll take grandma there myself, and fill out the paperwork.” Payment for the service is ​8 thousand monthly. If after a month you do not want to renew the arrangement, she will cancel the permit. Transfer money either to a card or give it to grandma in cash. It's like you agree.

Impenetrable deceivers

It is difficult to catch an attacker by the hand using the forces of “public control.” As part of an impromptu raid on the capital's parking lots, we go around lane after lane looking for violators. But most of the cars are empty. Carcasses of foreign cars in fresh slush are not much different from each other. But the details can tell enough about the driver: here is an Airborne Forces pennant tied with a St. George ribbon, here is a child seat. In the back seat of another executive-class Mercedes is a police cap.

The salon is empty. You can wait until the evening for the owner. However, we still manage to catch a few car owners. Not far from Milyutinsky Lane, one of them shows us a piece of paper: a black and white copy of the notice of entry into the register, neatly packed in a plastic file. The date, outgoing data and the transport department header are all in place. Another nods to the body: on the rear window of the car, a document is taped to the inside. Many people do this so as not to pester them every time they meet with a traffic police inspector. The owner of the foreign car confidently says: “Everything is legal.”

Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

Closer to noon, our attention is attracted by a respectable car in front of the Belarusian embassy. On the dashboard, next to the disabled person’s badge, there is an announcement: “If my car bothers you, call me” and a number. The car doesn’t bother us, but we call anyway. The owner picks up the phone, refuses to give his name, but assures that he wears the yellow badge by right: he has problems with his leg, he has a document, and he himself suffers from “fake” disabled people.

It is easy to attract a violator who has pasted a yellow sticker on the windshield or simply parked the car in a disabled space. It is enough to “punch” the car’s license plate number in the database to find out: the malingerer is not on the list of disabled people. But if a fraudster bought a disability certificate and already received permission based on it, it is almost impossible to detect the fraud.

No way out

“When you see an empty parking space for the disabled, thank God that it is not intended for you, and drive past” - Daria Kuznetsova, a wheelchair user and the head of the integration club for the disabled, made this video appeal to the capital’s drivers on her Facebook in early November "Overcoming." Together with several like-minded people, she runs an online blog, “The Right to Parking,” where she publishes photographs of violators whose cars are not marked with a disabled badge. Along with the numbers.

Her video message collected more than 67 thousand views in two weeks. State channels released several reports following the video; Some drivers whose license plates appeared on the Internet were even punished.

In a conversation with Novaya Gazeta, Daria draws attention to the unobvious consequences of parking fraud: “If a specialized space is occupied, it is extremely inconvenient for an ordinary person with disabilities to park in it. The fact is that ordinary places are marked without reserve, for example, for a wheelchair; a disabled person simply cannot get out of the car. As a rule, disabled spaces, if cars are parked along the street, are equipped at the very edge of the parking lot - ​to make it easier for a disabled driver to leave the car. Parking pockets located perpendicular to the sidewalk should be much wider than usual so that a wheelchair user can open the door wide open. A healthy person is able to squeeze into the gap between cars, but this is impossible with a wheelchair. These are the nuances... Healthy people either don’t take them into account or simply don’t understand.”

A question of money

“Finding a free, preferential seat, even outside the Garden Ring, is, in my personal experience, almost impossible on a weekday,” says municipal deputy Sokolov.

His observations are confirmed by the majority of disabled drivers. “My father cannot walk, that is, I am a relative of a disabled person,” says a middle-aged man who did not want to introduce himself. — And because someone wanted to park their jeep in this particular disabled space, I am forced to park 500 meters from the entrance to the clinic, and even in a paid space, which means I will have to pay for the comfort of fake beneficiaries from your pocket. Recently, specialists from the Moscow Automobile Road Institute (MADI) proposed to the capital's mayor's office to increase the cost of parking a car in the city center from 80 to 230 rubles per hour. In the summer, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, convinced journalists: this is the only way to relieve congestion on the capital’s streets, because they cannot cope with the influx of cars. This means that the demand for preferential places will only increase in the future.

It’s already cheaper to negotiate with grandma than to buy an annual parking pass: 96 thousand for a fictitious disability versus 120 thousand for parking. Will grandmothers raise the fee and scammers raise the cost of “bookmarks”? The likelihood of this is high, given that offices and shopping complexes are unlikely to disappear from the center of Moscow, and owners of Mercedes 5 Series are unlikely to switch to municipal transport.


According to the law, either disabled people of groups I and II who drive a vehicle independently, or drivers who transport people with disabilities have the right to place a sticker on a car. The cost of the sticker itself does not exceed 50 rubles (the Moscow authorities intend to ban the free sale of these stickers). But in order to legally put a disabled badge on a car, the car must be registered in an electronic registry, and the driver must have a permit for preferential parking. “Any traffic police inspector can check the car using the electronic register or demand to present a document right on the spot. If there is none, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles for the illegal installation of an identification sign and another 5,000 rubles for parking in a disabled space,” reported the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space.”

Total: 10 thousand rubles.

To obtain official permission and be included in the register of disabled people, you need to submit a certificate of disability and a passport to the MFC. If a disabled person or the parents of a disabled child do not have their own car, they can indicate in the application the car of a relative or friend in which they travel around the city. If the place of residence of a disabled person is outside of Moscow, permission is also issued through the MFC and the State Services portal. Temporary registration in the capital is not required for this. Disabled people of groups I and II have the right to free parking.