The right morning for women. How the morning begins, or how to change your life for the better

It's morning important start the coming day.

After all, it depends on him what the day will be like today. Will luck turn your way or will everything go awry? “How you start the day is how you will spend it,” the wise said and they were right. So let's talk about how to start the day correctly in the morning.

After all, you probably don’t know how to do this.

We are just used to starting the day in an ordinary way, familiar to most people, as our parents always taught us, without thinking about whether it is right or wrong. But what does right mean, what does it consist of and do we need it?

In fact, you need it if you want to be happy and healthy. And our usual morning pastime does not contribute to increasing health and, on the contrary, worsens it. I assure you, we do not know how to start the day correctly.

The morning hours pass on autopilot, out of habit, often in a hurry, without conscious awareness. We don’t eat right, we drink coffee every day, we don’t take care of ourselves, we don’t pay attention to our body, we don’t know how to think positively in the morning. And then we wonder why we have so many diseases and why every day passes in the same rush and bustle.

Today you will learn where to start your day in order to make it good, successful, so that your life finally begins to change in better side.

Such comprehensive development at all levels completely changes a person for the better. He gains over time healthy body and psyche, which means a happy soul. Agree, why waste time every day on regular exercises, if you can replace it with a more productive one, having received huge amount bonuses.

One of the main advantages of yoga and qigong practices is that by practicing them, a person prepares morally and mentally for the difficult day ahead. Working with your consciousness in hatha yoga asanas and qigong exercises, a person learns to control his thoughts and emotions, thereby strengthening his psyche and becoming stronger in spirit.

This helps to increase stress resistance, which is important in real life. modern society. Also, thanks to them, a person increases vitality, that is, the amount of internal energy, thereby improving the productivity and quality of any activity throughout the day.

The most interesting thing is that such a morning practice does not get boring for a person; even if, on the contrary, he misses classes, he feels that he has missed a lot. The body, psyche and soul will always look forward to such a start to the day, they will thank you, and if they miss it they will feel discomfort.

But all this will happen only if you do the practice correctly. Unfortunately, few people understand and do this, turning yoga and qigong into ordinary physical education. So you return to your usual morning exercises again, without receiving a huge percentage of the benefits, which means wasting your time.

And gymnastics for the spine is also very useful for us. After all, the poor condition of the spinal column can be said to be the second most important cause of most human diseases.

Many suffer from illnesses internal organs, not suspecting that the root cause lies in osteochondrosis, scoliosis or other spinal problems. Even panic attacks, fears, phobias, seemingly things that relate to the psyche, can also arise due to disturbances in it.

And the best way to get rid of these disorders is gymnastics for the spine, which can be performed at the beginning of a new day.

It also includes neck exercises that help get rid of cervical osteochondrosis.

Many hatha yoga asanas also affect spinal column. Or you can perform gymnastics for the spine in the style of qigong or yoga, thereby also working with consciousness and internal energy, which greatly increases its benefits.

Morning meditation

And of course, it’s useful to start the day with. She is the one who will give you cheerfulness, good mood, increased vitality, good stress resistance.

What was said above about hatha yoga and qigong can also be applied to meditation. It’s just that meditation is more targeted work with consciousness, psyche and soul. You can read about it in a separate article, I won’t repeat it here.

But I also want to invite you to start a new day with meditation with open eyes with access to the surrounding space. Such meditation is more aimed specifically at increasing vitality, which will be very useful at the beginning of the day.

A separate article will be devoted to it.

What is the best food to start the day with?

After you have cheered up, paid attention to your body, and increased your vitality, you can have breakfast.

In the morning rush, many people quickly have a snack, eat all kinds of sandwiches, for example with sausage, drink coffee, and also manage to surf the Internet on their smartphone at the same time.

All this will lead in the near future to all sorts of bodily problems and this is no joke. You can't start the day like that.

It is important that you eat slowly and thoroughly

Breakfast should also not consist of heavy or fatty foods. The stomach has recently woken up, so you shouldn’t immediately load it with grueling work.

It is best to have breakfast with cereals: or, for example, semolina. Also, vegetables and fruits will be useful at the beginning of the day, of course.

Many people prefer omelettes, eggs, dairy products,...

If you get enough sleep, don’t go to bed late, do a series of asanas or qigong in the morning, and meditate, then you will have so much energy that you simply won’t need coffee. Yes, you yourself will soon feel that you cannot drink it, that it is better to replace it with a healthier drink: juice or plain water.

You can't start the day by running

Morning is not the best best time for running. The body has just woken up, and you are already giving it a load. This way you won’t run away from a heart attack, but on the contrary, you can earn one. You can read about it by following the link. It's better if you start the day with a regular walk in the fresh air. You can skip part of your route to work and walk instead.

The combination of fresh air and light exercise improves vitality very well. It’s better if you walk in a state of awareness, that is, not wandering in the chaos of your thoughts, but admiring environment, feel how you breathe fresh air, watch how walking has a beneficial effect on the whole body.

Start the day on a positive note

If your day starts with pleasant and positive feelings, then there will be more of them throughout the next day.

No wonder they say:

start the day with a smile, with a kind heart.

Wish it to your family good morning, kiss your loved one, hug your child.

The morning is wiser than the evening, because your soul has been cleansed of yesterday's negative trash. But it is so easy to disrupt such a beneficial state of mind. In the morning, we often plunge into our mental chatter, remembering what problems and difficulties await us, thereby attracting or increasing them. Stop mulling over future events in your head in the morning, sucking the vitality out of yourself.

It’s better to consolidate a peaceful, calm state of mind longer. This way, on the contrary, you will increase your strength. This will also help you.

Now you know what the right start to the day is. My advice will help you prepare your mind and body for the coming day, increase your vitality, and simply increase your health and improve your quality of life.

So that later you come home in the evening and say to yourself: “Well, the day was a success. Thanks for this to the body for coping with the work and not letting me down. Thanks to the psyche and my mind for working smoothly and clearly, deciding complex tasks. Thank you to my soul for giving positive, bright feelings throughout the day." All this is thanks to the fact that in the morning you thought not only about your selfish whims, did not follow the lead of bad habits, patterns familiar in society, but thought about your body and your soul.

They thanked you by making your day great.

And now there is a sea of ​​positivity, joy and love for you. A song to start your day with.

We don’t know how our day will turn out: whether it will be fruitful and positive or, on the contrary, gloomy and inhospitable. However, we can help this - after all, a lot, according to doctors and psychologists, depends on what and how we do in the morning. Do you want your day to be a success, and you to feel cheerful and look your best? Then listen to our advice and find out how to start your day right.

  • 1
    Let more light into the room!

Did you know that natural light affects a person's body weight? Scientists from Medical school Feinberg at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA). Doctors don’t yet know exactly why this happens, but they assume that the light synchronizes biological clock person.

The best time for sunbathing, according to researchers, is from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. If there is no sun in the morning or very little of it, a malfunction occurs in the body, which, alas, can negatively affect the metabolism and provoke the appearance of excess weight.

To ensure your body clock is set correctly, expose your face and body to light for at least 20 minutes in the morning. Experts advise drinking your morning cup of coffee outside; if you don’t have this opportunity, try to at least have breakfast in front of the window. And don’t forget to ventilate the room before doing this - let fresh air will penetrate into all corners of your apartment!

If there is a catastrophic lack of sun in the morning (and this happens often in our country), adjust biochemical processes Vitamin D will help in the body.

In its “natural” form, it is formed in the skin under the influence sun rays. When they are not enough, doctors advise taking vitamin D in capsules (there are other forms: drops, solutions, tablets) or increasing the consumption of foods that contain it - eggs, dairy products, fish oil. Frequent use of vitamin D supplements can lead to an overdose, so it is better to consult a specialist before taking them.

  • 2 Don't forget a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach!

At night, when our body is resting, and its systems and organs are working with minimal energy load, on the walls gastrointestinal tract Digestive waste settles, in other words - toxins and waste. In order to wash them off and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for new daily stress, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, simple clean food gives a person vigor and gives strength for an active working day, says Leslie Bonzi, director of the department sports nutrition Treatment center sports medicine at the University of Pittsburgh (USA).

If the body does not have enough fluid, it causes fatigue, increases sweating and even contributes to headaches.

Drink at least one glass in the morning clean water. It is optimal if after this your breakfast starts in 20–30 minutes. Raw water with honey on an empty stomach will strengthen the body's defenses and calm nervous system. And also, if you do not suffer from stomach diseases, you can add lemon to the water - lemon water on an empty stomach will charge you with energy for the whole day and, in addition, will help cleanse blood vessels and arteries.

How to start the day right? Of course, with charging! But this should not be done on an empty stomach. Firstly, you simply cannot, being hungry, do well in the morning those exercises that require maximum dedication. Secondly, at this time fat reserves are not consumed, but the muscles are subjected to destructive stress. This can lead to loss of energy and feelings of chronic fatigue.

Before starting your workout (or better yet, 15–20 minutes before you start exercising), “supply” your body simple carbohydrates, which will give him strength and energy.

Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body, and you will not feel heavy in your stomach during exercise. So you can easily eat half an avocado or banana with a cracker before exercising.

In the morning, the human body must receive the required portion of calories. And if before playing sports you have already had a small snack, after them (preferably 30 minutes later, unless, of course, you are in a hurry to get to work and you have time for this) you need to eat more thoroughly. If morning exercises are not your thing, start not with a snack, but right away with.

It is advisable that the amount of protein in breakfast be at least 30 g, according to scientists from the University of Texas at Austin (USA). This will give you the opportunity for a long time not feel hungry, which is especially important for those who want to lose weight.

However, it is undesirable to consume more than 30 g - at once, in one sitting, protein in large quantities is absorbed worse by the body. According to other studies, the metabolism of those people who eat breakfast sufficient quantity protein (but not more than what we named) is on average 4% more intense than the average, which also has a good effect on well-being and weight.

Want to know if you ate enough for breakfast? The best way do it - cook for yourself oatmeal. What are the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast? Oatmeal is rich in protein, so when consumed in the morning, you will get one of the healthiest and most satisfying meals. In oatmeal (to prepare it, half a cup is enough oatmeal) you can add cinnamon, honey, apples or walnuts.

Eggs for breakfast too great idea. Previously it was believed that chicken eggs- the product is harmful because they contribute to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the body, however modern research show that this is not so; on the contrary, when consumed in moderation, eggs are very useful (they contain about twelve essential vitamins and a huge amount of microelements). In addition, according to latest research, they reduce the risk of obesity. Doctors recommend eating no more than 2-3 eggs in the morning.

  • 5 Smile!

Psychologists advise starting your day with a smile. And even if you got up on the wrong foot, still try to “squeeze out” a smile - after this, according to experts, you will feel better and, perhaps, your mood will improve.

Start by simply smiling at your reflection, and then at breakfast, choose dishes in the brightest, rainbow colors - this will set you up in an optimistic mood.

If nothing makes you happy, think about something pleasant, turn on your favorite music and think that everything will work out great for you today, and the new day will bring many interesting meetings and events.

In this publication I want to reflect a little on what it should be like the right start to the day. Once you get acquainted with it, you will find out how to start the morning right, why exactly this is so, why it is important, what it can affect, and many other interesting and useful information on this issue. I hope that this article will become a kind of motivator for some changes for the better.

So, why is starting the morning right so important? Because it is at the very beginning, immediately after waking up and getting up, that the mood for the whole day is set - this has already been proven more than once. This is exactly what the famous saying “got off on the wrong foot” says - it means that if you started your day wrong, it will not go well.

A good start to the day includes a whole series rules, the implementation of each of which is important in its own way. Practice shows that most people start their mornings incorrectly, which is why they are then stuck until the evening. bad mood and mood. How to start the day correctly - more on that later.

Rule 1. The right start to the morning needs to be planned in the evening. That is, you must have a good night's sleep by the time you need to get up, and for this you need to correctly calculate the time when you go to bed. An adult should sleep 7-9 hours, on average 8. Therefore, you need to go to bed so that you have at least 7 and no more than 9 hours of sleep.

Moreover, the following point is important: the earlier you go to bed, the less time it will take to good rest the body in a dream - this is inherent in human nature. That is, for example, if you go to bed at 22 o’clock, 7 hours will be enough for you to get enough sleep, and if at 0 o’clock, you will need 8-9 hours of sleep to wake up rested.

It is also important that the room in which you sleep is well ventilated and the air temperature in it should not be too high. The ideal temperature for sleep is considered to be no higher than 19 degrees (it may seem cold to some, but it is better for the body this way). Your bed should be comfortable, comfortable and not too soft.

How do you know if you're sleeping correctly? If you wake up around the same time as the alarm clock rings, or without it at all, then everything is great. If the alarm ringing is a real disaster for you, or you wake up much earlier, there is something wrong with your sleep.

Rule 2. The right start to the day is active, not passive. A person’s behavior in the first half hour after waking up sets the tone and vital energy for the whole coming day. Therefore, when thinking about how to start the day correctly, for the first minutes you need to plan some active actions (both physically and mentally active).

Examples active actions(this is how you should start the day):

  • Do exercises;
  • Go for a run;
  • Take a shower;
  • Dance;
  • Read important information(for example, documents that you will have to work with during the day).

Examples of passive actions (this is not how you should start your day):

Compliance with these three simple rules will already be the key to your successful and productive day, spent in a good mood.

However, that's not all. When thinking about how to start the morning correctly, you need to remember that a person’s most productive time, when he is able to work and perceive information as efficiently as possible, comes about an hour after he wakes up, and lasts about 1.5-2 hours. Then productivity begins to systematically decline, and by the evening it decreases very significantly.

Therefore, it is very important for these 1.5-2 hours, an hour after waking up, to plan the most responsible and important things. The worst option is if you have to spend this time, for example, in transport, on the way to work. But even in this case, you should definitely use it as efficiently as possible for: reading or listening to useful books.

This is how the right start to the day should happen in my understanding. How do you start your morning? Maybe there are some of your own good habits? Write in the comments, I think it will be interesting to everyone.

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It's not always easy to start the morning off easy and well. To wake up full of energy, your morning needs to be carefully planned. In order for the morning to be a good start to the “big” day, you must prepare for it in the evening, prepare to have a good night's rest and wake up in right time and have everything you need at hand for good breakfast. Morning is also important part day to take care of your physical and mental health- this is the only way your body and mind will be ready for the day ahead. Plus, you can be more productive if you make the most of your morning.


Organization and rise

    Prepare for the morning the day before. Select and prepare clothes for tomorrow (including accessories and underwear) in the evening, before going to bed. Leave these clothes in a convenient place so you can start the day calmly and not worry about what to wear or where to find a lost earring or sock.

    • If you take lunch with you to work or school, prepare it before you go to bed so you can spend the morning doing other things.
    • Make sure you don't forget to wash anything and have enough clean clothes to go to work or school tomorrow.
  1. Open curtains or blinds before going to bed. Natural sunlight in the morning will help your body prepare to get up. If the curtains or blinds are closed all night, you may oversleep. By allowing sunlight into your bedroom in the morning, you'll be better prepared to wake up when your alarm goes off.

    Get enough sleep. On average, a person needs about eight hours of sleep every night. Some people only need six hours of sleep, while others find it difficult to get even nine hours of sleep. Take some time to discover the best amount of sleep for yourself and plan your day to be as productive as possible.

    Wake up at the same time every day. Experts agree that daily routine is very important. It is very important to get up at the same time every day - this will help you get enough rest, as this will allow your body to know when it is time to go to bed and will signal it. Psychologists even say that some people with anxiety and depression can get rid of some of the symptoms of their illnesses by waking up at the same time every day.

    • Try to get up at the same time, even on weekends, and not just when you have to go to work or school.
  2. Do not use the Snooze Alarm button. Sometimes it's tempting to hit the button and snooze your alarm for a few more minutes of low-quality sleep that won't help you wake up well rested. If you frequently press the button to snooze your alarm, try installing an app on your smartphone that requires you to solve a math problem or other puzzle to turn off or snooze your alarm. This will allow you to wake up already in the process of solving the problem of turning off the alarm clock.

    Physical and mental well-being

    1. Meditate to calm your mind and concentrate. Many successful people engage in some kind of spiritual practice: meditation or prayer. Devote some time to such practices - they will help clear your mind before a difficult day and learn to better concentrate on important things.

      Exercise. Morning physical exercise- This great way energize your mind and body for the whole day. People who exercise or exercise in the morning do so more regularly than those who leave physical activity at another time of the day. Morning exercise is a great way to prevent stress and anxiety and lower blood pressure.

      Have a good breakfast. There are many recommendations on what is best to eat for breakfast. Some people swear that green smoothies are the best way to start the day (fruit, kale, and spinach are the most common ingredients in these recipes). Others believe that a protein-rich breakfast is best. Decide what's best for your body. Experiment and you will soon understand which breakfast is the best start to a productive day.

    2. Spend time with loved ones. Morning is a great time to chat with family and friends. If you live with your spouse and children, try to communicate with them before you all go about your daily activities. If you live alone, make a phone or internet call, chat with friends or relatives, or write a letter to someone you care about.

      • Stay connected with friends and family. Even if you have little time, you can always, for example, call them while you get to work. If you are driving a car, be sure to use hands-free devices.
    3. Express your gratitude. Some of the most successful people people in the world write down every morning everything they are grateful for. You can be grateful for people, places or opportunities. Take some time each morning to write down three things in your life that you are grateful for - this will allow you to start the day with positive thoughts.

      • Carry a small notebook with you to write down all the things you're grateful for, or write them down on your phone. Rereading previous entries with lists of what you are grateful for will definitely lift your spirits and in the end you will be able to see how much good there is in your life.

I suspect that now half of the readers have already decided that this article on their favorite website was not written for them. What kind of a proper morning is there when the daily alarm-clock-breakfast-make-up-child-to-school-husband-to-work-late-everywhere is inevitable???

But don't rush!

After all, you can learn how to start your morning in such a way that you feel much better during the day and at the same time spend the same amount of time in the morning (or even save it!)

How to wake up correctly?

Hear the alarm clock, turn it off, curse. Roll over to the other side and fall asleep for another 10 minutes. Hear the alarm clock again, curse again, jump up sharply and start doing his morning chores in a hurry.

This - Wrong way wake up. If you wake up like this every day, then there is a risk of harming your health! How should you start your morning?

First of all, it's great to learn how to wake up without an alarm clock. An alarm clock (or any sharp sound) is stressful for a sleeping person. In an unawakened body, a dose of adrenaline is suddenly produced, which normal conditions shouldn't happen!

A person is undermined and begins to act actively - because it is necessary, it’s time! Meanwhile, some areas of the brain are still asleep, the muscles are relaxed... In this state, we drop cups, look for the right things for a long time, etc., and so we say - “I haven’t woken up yet...”.

Therefore, you should train yourself to wake up on your own.

To do this, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time, and measure out the sleep time that would be enough for you personally.

There is no need to get attached to the “standard” 7-8 hours of sleep - there are people for whom 5-6 hours are enough, and there are those who cannot do without 10. When you go to bed, you need to think to yourself (or say out loud): “Tomorrow I will wake up exactly at seven in the morning!” Not “oooh, I’m going to open my eyes again at seven o’clock, ugh...”, but simply - calmly, clearly, without negative emotions. Eat high probability that soon the body will learn to carry out this command itself!

Also watch yourself - you need to “catch” the moment to awaken between two phases deep sleep when it's easiest to wake up. There is no clear time when this happens for you - it depends on the duration of sleep, the time when you fell asleep and just individual characteristics. If you don’t force a person to wake up, then this is how he wakes up! Therefore, some people who are attentive to themselves say that it is easier for them to wake up, for example, at half past six than at seven - since at seven they enter a “deep” phase.

How to wake up in the morning correctly? Having passed the moment between sleep and wakefulness, do not jump up sharply - this would force the heart to begin active work while it is still “sleeping” - in sleep the heart rate is minimal. Think about something good, hug your beloved man or cat...

Try to “awaken” sensory sensations - mentally concentrate on different parts of your body. For example, concentrate on your legs: how do they feel the sheet, blanket? Are your feet warm or cold? Are your muscles relaxed or tense?

You can start doing some smooth movements - this will help you wake up. Our natural “stretch” is the most natural way“wake up” the muscles, cardiovascular system and brain. So stretch for your health!

Yawning is also a correct natural mechanism: this is how we “awaken” respiratory system, because when yawning, more air enters the lungs, and their work is activated! We set aside 5-10 minutes to wake up - this is time that was already spent fighting with the alarm clock.

How should you start your morning? 10-15 minutes after waking up, no exercise is recommended, motor activity and other stressful situations for the body. At this time, it is useless to have breakfast (the gastrointestinal tract is asleep), do exercises or take contrast shower. You can get dressed and prepare breakfast.

If you want to take a shower, let it be warm.

When and how to have breakfast?

We will not dwell in detail on the menu issue now. healthy breakfast(especially since the site “Beautiful and Successful” already offered). Let's just say that it is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of time preparing breakfast in the morning: the most healthy products can be eaten raw (vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, nuts) or cooked in literally five minutes: for example, any cereal mixtures can not be boiled, but filled with milk.

In the evening you can boil hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, chicken breast or fish, and add them in the morning fresh vegetables. It’s also great to have a variety of ready-made crack breads, cheese, and lavash on hand (you can quickly wrap almost everything you have in the refrigerator in it—any salad, chicken, etc.).

How to start the morning right? There is no need to have breakfast immediately after waking up. The stomach is sleeping.

It is best to drink half a glass or a glass of warm water after waking up (with lemon), and then wait half an hour (in the meantime, redo your usual morning routine).

Not the best bad option– eat an apple or yogurt in the morning, and have a “serious” breakfast an hour and a half after waking up, when real hunger begins to be felt! In the interval between a small snack and breakfast, you can do exercises, do yoga or go for a run (we have already told you).

Morning exercises: is it necessary?

  • Before half an hour after sleep, exercise is not useful.
  • Strength training, stretching exercises, exercise equipment, etc. – this is no longer exercise, but training. Before moving on to training, you need a warm-up. And anyway, you simply won’t be able to do a serious workout in ten minutes in the morning, so put it off until the day or evening!
  • The optimal charging option that is suitable for most people is swinging your arms, turning, bending, and squatting. You can consult with a trainer or doctor - perhaps you should add or remove something (for example, for back problems, scoliosis, and other diagnoses).
  • Light morning exercises can be done in 10-15 minutes maximum. Start with the lightest movements, gradually move on to the most active, maximum load, and then return to the light ones again.

After charging, a contrast shower is appropriate.

You'll soon notice that your day goes differently - you'll feel more energetic if your morning starts off right!
Author – Dasha Blinova, website – Beautiful and Successful

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