What sports nutrition is suitable for weight loss? Sports nutrition for weight loss for women: which is considered the most effective.

Protein and fat-burning supplements taken during intense training no longer surprise anyone. They are credited high efficiency in building muscle mass and increasing strength and endurance. At the same time, there are heated debates about their harmfulness and unsafety for health (especially for men) if used incorrectly or uncontrolled. Nutritionists also became interested in them, suggesting the use of sports nutrition for weight loss within special diets and training programs.

What is it

Sports nutrition in the first meaning - a special group of dietary supplements produced for those who lead an active lifestyle, do fitness, visit gym. Can be used in weight loss programs that involve intense training.

Developed by physiologists and nutritionists based on scientific research. Represents concentrated mixtures various food elements processed for maximum absorption by the body. The composition is selected very carefully. If regular food takes hours to digest, then supplements require virtually no time or effort to break down and absorb them. They have high energy value.

At correct use harm to health is excluded. Sports preparations in the form of dietary supplements are only an addition to the main diet, and not a replacement for foods and meals. They have nothing to do with doping and drugs.

Sports nutrition in the second meaning is the consumption of foods and dishes, organized to achieve the main goals different types sports, protein diet, determined by special principles.

Sports supplements


Their reception is aimed at:

  • improving achievements in sports;
  • maintaining and building muscle mass while losing weight;
  • increasing endurance, strength;
  • strengthening immunity and health;
  • achieving the desired body weight;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improving quality and increasing life expectancy.

IN individual drugs Some functions are enhanced, others play the role of auxiliary.


By release form:

  • extracts of herbs, spices;
  • sports shakes: Syntha-6 from BSN, Nitro Core24 from Optimum Nutrition, Matrix from Syntrax, Elite Fusion 7 from Dymatize, Protein 80 Plus from Weider;
  • powders;
  • sports bars: Quest Protein Bar, OhYeah! by ISS Research, Promax Bars, Supreme Protein by Carb Conscious;
  • capsules, tablets, granules.

According to composition and purpose:

  • High protein foods

Important when losing weight so that the body does not consume as a source of energy muscle fibers, and fat reserves. There are whey (the best), milk, soy, egg and complex. The most popular protein shake. Among the drugs we can note Iso Whey Zero from BioTech, ProStar Whey Protein from Ultimate Nutrition, ISO-100 from Dymatize, Casein Protein from Pureprotein. Recommended for women and men.

  • Carbohydrate-protein mixtures

They are called gainers. Their main function is to build muscle mass, help to form a beautiful figure, but are more often used for weight gain. Top Brands: Gainer by Power Pro, Mass Active from FitMax, Mega Mass from Weider, Gain Fast from Universal Nutrition, Mutant Mass from PVL.

  • Amino acids

They increase the effectiveness of exercise, increase muscle mass, and normalize metabolism. You can choose Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition (powder), Amino Liquid from Nutrition (drink), Anabolic Amino from Olimp (capsules).

  • Nitric oxide donors

They are also called NO-formulas. Relax smooth muscles vascular walls, increase blood flow, stimulate neural transmissions in the brain, increase myocardial contractile activity. The dietary supplements include arginine, citrulline, sodium nitrate, epicatechin, beetroot and amaranth extracts.

  • Fat burners

They prevent the absorption of carbohydrates and the absorption of fats, increase endurance, suppress appetite, are effective in “drying” the body, control cholesterol, and maintain weight loss. muscle mass, speed up metabolism. A typical representative is levocarnitine. The best drugs: Black Widow, Black Mamba, Hellfire, SummerTime, Reduxin, Turboslim, L-Carnitine Power, Xenical, Glucobay.

Read more about fat burners as sports nutrition.

  • Creatine

A source of additional energy, accelerates the body’s recovery after training, and forms beautiful muscle mass. Products: L-creatine, T-creatine, D-creatine.

  • Anti-catabolics

Presented in two types. The first are BCAA, used to increase endurance. Dietary supplements are called: BCAAs. Good drugs can be found from sports nutrition manufacturers Optimum Nutrition, San, Magnum, Multipower, Dymatize, Anabolic Xtreme, etc. The second anti-catabolic is phosphatidylserine, used to reduce stress in the body in response to increased physical activity. The dietary supplements are called Phosphatidyl Serine.

  • To increase testosterone levels

playing important role in growth muscle tissue and fat loss, which allows them to be used for weight loss. Intended exclusively for men, they have a positive effect on their sexual health. Among the drugs we can recommend D-Aspartic acid, zinc, vitamin D, extracts of Tribulus terrestris, fenugreek and ginger, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

  • To strengthen joints and ligaments

Provides health and full recovery connective tissues after intense exercise. Sports nutrition includes Chondroitin (chondroitin sulfate) to strengthen cartilage and glucosamine sulfate to maintain bone health.

Sports vitamins differ from regular vitamins in their increased concentration useful substances. Their lack threatens “stagnation” in the middle of training and weight loss. Best on the market: Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition, Platinum Multivitamin from MuscleTech, Orange Traid from Controlled Labs.

  • Energy

They give energy and strength, increasing the effectiveness of training, and allow you to burn maximum calories. Normalize water-salt balance, prevent dehydration, preserve protein in muscles. They have a fat burning effect. A typical representative is caffeine. What to choose: Creapur from Degauss AG, dietary supplements from the Neovis series from Searle, Repolar from Biomedica Foscama, Swole from Syntrax Innovation.

  • Isotonics

Sports drinks that provide recovery for the body after intense physical activity. Improves weight loss results. Recommended brands: Isotonic Energy Drink from Power System, IsoMax from Powerbar, Isotonic from High 5, Isolife from Isolife Export. Isotonic cocktails can be easily prepared at home from fruit juices and glucose.

  • Kit

It is a sports nutrition complex that can contain fat burners, vitamins, amino acids, and energy drinks. Performs several functions simultaneously. The best branded packs: AbNORmaL with PCT V, Brutal 4ce with Chosen 1 and PCT V, Blackstone Labs, Welcome pack.


Each drug is prescribed special contraindications, based on their composition and effect on the body. It is undesirable to lose weight based on them if you have the following diseases and states:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncology;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (exacerbation of ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis);
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • hypertension;
  • heart problems.

In every special case Consultation with a specialist is recommended. For example, when intestinal disorders Amino acid sports nutrition is strictly contraindicated if diabetes mellitus- gainers and carbohydrate-protein mixtures, for problems with the central nervous system and heart - energy drinks.

How to choose

Due to the variety of assortments, it can be difficult to determine which sports nutrition is best to take specifically for weight loss. The choice depends on your goals.

Sports nutrition for beginners should be selected by a coach. It is not recommended to do this on your own, because there is a high risk of making mistakes that can harm your health.

For girls during intense training, whey protein isolates or vitamins labeled For Women are recommended.

Universal supplements for weight loss are fat burners.

You can purchase a set that solves several problems at once (burns fat, preserves muscle, improves metabolism, restores, nourishes energy) and contains different complexes of elements. On the one side, best option for those who cannot make a choice. On the other hand, you need to understand how powerfully it affects the body.

If you choose from the release forms, each has its own pros and cons:

  • drinks (protein shakes, isotonic drinks, energy drinks) can be taken with you to training, but the concentration of nutrients in them is not so high;
  • powder contains maximum quantity elements necessary for weight loss, but you have to spend time diluting it;
  • capsules and tablets are effective, but have a large number of contraindications;
  • You shouldn't expect any special results from the bars, but they are ideal as a healthy snack between workouts.

If you have a question about how to choose sports nutrition for weight loss, it is better to turn to a professional so that your training is as effective as possible and the results at the end of the marathon are satisfactory.

Rules of application

The conditions of use are specified in the instructions for the drugs. General rules no, because they are determined by manufacturers based on the composition and functions of the dietary supplement.

Usually before training (half an hour to an hour), carbohydrate-protein mixtures and amino acids are taken. These could be:

  • amylopectin is a carbohydrate that replenishes glycogen stores in muscle fibers;
  • BCCA - amino acids that restore muscle tissue and energy;
  • arginine - an amino acid that improves blood circulation;
  • nootropics - substances that increase reaction, endurance, concentration;
  • antioxidants - substances that protect cell membranes from damage during training;
  • creatine - muscle energy;
  • lipotropics - fat burners.
  • amino acid complexes;
  • BCAAs;
  • protein-carbohydrate or protein shakes;
  • L-glutamine.

If in doubt, it is better to consult a trainer.

Rating of the best

The TOP 10 contains the best sports nutrition for weight loss in the form of dietary supplements.

  1. 25 Ephedra from Cloma Pharma.
  2. Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite from
  3. B4 from BPI Sports.
  4. Black Ultra concentrate from
  5. Anadrox Pump&Burn from MPR.
  6. Fat Burners For Women by
  7. from Innovative labs.
  8. Keto-XT from BPI Sports.
  9. Thermonex‎‎‎‎ from BSN.
  10. produced by WTF LABZ.

Sports diet


What problems does properly organized nutrition solve during sports training?

  • restoration of the body in a short time;
  • optimizing hydration;
  • achievement ideal weight and maintaining this indicator in the future;
  • reducing the risk of injury and illness.

Basic principles:

  • short breaks between meals;
  • energy consumption during training should be replenished with the most healthy food possible;
  • the basic diet should be supported by dietary supplements;
  • daily norm clean water- 2 l;
  • Steam cooking is encouraged.

At the same time, sports food differs significantly from the principles of healthy eating, characterized by the following features:

  • attention to detail;
  • accurate and individual calculation of the amount of nutrients;
  • daily calorie content is increased by 20% compared to that recommended for normal weight loss;
  • make up almost 50% of the total calories;
  • carbohydrates must necessarily be low GI - this is about 30%;
  • proteins - approximately 20%;
  • a sports program with a clear training schedule, meal schedule and menu for at least a week is a prerequisite for following a diet; without it, all of the above will be ineffective.

Proper sports nutrition helps you get the most out of your workouts. The choice of foods and eating patterns depends on the individual physical indicators, intensity of exercise, initial and desired weight.


  • To build muscle mass while burning fat

The diet is recommended for bodybuilders and bodybuilders who want to lose weight and convert fat into muscle. The basis is protein and plant food, gainers and . Ideal BJU ratio: 15/30/55. As for fats, it is better to lean on avocado, flaxseed oil, olives, nuts and sea ​​fish. The recommended drink is green tea.

  • Fitness diet

The only goal is to lose weight. Basis - fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, chicken fillet, seafood. The ratio of BZHU and daily calorie content is determined according to individual parameters (height, weight, training intensity).


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • age under 18 and after 55;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart.

When switching to sports nutrition, you should consult a trainer and nutritionist about contraindications.

Product Lists


  • legumes;
  • brown rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • green tea, coffee without sugar;
  • seafood;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • low-fat or low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables (exception - potatoes);
  • vegetable oils for dressing salads;
  • rye or whole grain bread in minimal quantities;
  • freshly squeezed;
  • fruits (give preference to apples and citruses);
  • eggs.


  • animal fats;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sweets;
  • sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);
  • dried fruits;
  • fast food;
  • bakery products.

Sports nutrition for weight loss selected by experts based on data scientific analysis properties sports supplements, sports literature and reviews from consumers who have used this nutrition in practice. This complex of sports nutrition for weight loss is based on the most effective additives that have a mutually reinforcing effect and are perfectly combined with each other.

The sports nutrition for weight loss listed below is not doping and does not contain prohibited substances.

Who is sports nutrition for weight loss intended for?

This complex is suitable for people with excess fat mass, having a fat fold of more than 3 cm (measured at the level of the navel, 3 cm to the side). The drug can be taken by both men and women who do not have pathological changes cardiovascular system. The performance of the complex is confirmed by repeated reviews from readers. Positive results received in 95% of cases, which is very high rate effectiveness, with side effects occurring in less than 10% of cases, which indicates high degree security of the complex.

Fat burner

The first in the chain of sports nutrition products for weight loss are, or thermogenics.

From Optimum - this special product based on essential amino acids, which is recommended for weight loss. Designed for use throughout your workout - helps prevent muscle tissue breakdown, promotes proper hydration, increases endurance and promotes fat breakdown and appetite suppression.


From BSN (or from Optimum Nutrition) - a protein mixture containing fast, medium and slow release nutrients, which guarantees a constant flow of amino acids into the muscles over time.

Syntha-6 is also very low in lactose, making it an excellent choice for those seeking the maximum benefits of optimal protein synthesis without the extra calories from excess fats and carbohydrates.

Protein has important for weight loss. Since the diet does not provide enough protein and the body uses its own muscles as a source of amino acids, and slow protein does not allow this. Slow protein is not stored in fat and does not interfere with the weight loss process.

Vitamin-mineral complex

And - don’t forget about vitamins and minerals when adhering to sports nutrition for weight loss. These substances are necessary for the normal course of all reactions in the body. Without them, proper absorption of nutrients by the body and utilization of fat deposits is not possible.

In addition, diet often provokes deficiency, so special vitamin and mineral supplements are required when losing weight. These supplements are optimized for sports, creating ideal conditions for gaining weight and burning fat.

Optional sports nutrition

Omega-3 fats

From Universal Nutrition - many experts call it an indispensable element of sports nutrition for weight loss. This fatty acid is not only beneficial for the body as a whole (improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol, improves immunity), it also suppresses the formation of fat. Omega-3 is not produced in the body and must be obtained from food. IN large quantities found in fish and various oils. No side effects were found.

From Labrada - Raspberry Ketones interfere with the absorption and accumulation of fats and reduce gain excess fat because of poor nutrition. This sports nutrition is of an auxiliary nature and cannot completely block the supply of nutritious fats, so the need to follow a diet remains relevant.


Thus, a comprehensive sports nutrition diet can help get rid of extra pounds through special non-medicinal preparations.

Sports nutrition for weight loss are special supplements that have the properties of accelerating the process of getting rid of excess fat. But without combining sports nutrition for weight loss with physical exercise and diet, you will have to forget about getting rid of excess weight - supplements are effective only if they are combined with physical activity. In addition to the fact that sports activities contribute to faster fat burning, they also saturate the body with oxygen, help maintain muscle tone and effectively model the silhouette.

And men. This is especially true for athletes. They closely monitor their body weight and adjust it depending on their needs. But it happens that along with muscle mass, the body also accumulates adipose tissue.

Let's figure out how to reset in this case overweight without compromising your health and how sports nutrition can help us solve this problem.

Basic principles of proper weight loss

can promote both weight gain and weight loss. Where the scale arrow moves depends on what kind of food is chosen. for men, and even for athletes, it should contain not only ordinary balanced food, but also. Without it, it is extremely difficult to meet the body's nutritional needs. And it is sports nutrition that helps launch processes in the human body that will contribute to weight loss.

But you shouldn’t forget about the diet. Because sports nutrition is not a magic elixir that will erase all the calories you eat. It can only distribute, direct and complement what you get with the main menu.

Today, nutritionists offer an enviable variety of diets aimed at weight loss. But no matter what diet you choose, there are general recommendations:

  • gradually reduce the number of calories consumed in the daily menu;
  • portions should be small, about the size of two handfuls, but you need to eat often - about 6 times a day;
  • reduce the quantity fatty foods, especially for products with high content cholesterol;
  • control the amount you eat, replace;
  • increase the quantity, both animal and plant;
  • choose only fresh food and freshly prepared food;
  • monitor the quality and naturalness of products;
  • drink at least 3 liters of water per day;
  • eat slowly, chewing thoroughly;
  • The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.

Available on the market great variety sports nutrition. These are mostly similar products different manufacturers. They may differ slightly in qualitative or quantitative composition, as well as production technology. However, all presented products are combined into several large groups.

But for those losing weight, it’s enough to remember the five main types that will contribute to weight loss: vitamin-mineral complexes, fat burners, And essential amino acid complexes. Let's figure out how each of them helps fight overweight.

Losing body weight involves intense training, which leads to an increase in the body's need for protein. Compensating for this need with food is difficult, or even completely impossible. Therefore, taking protein powder is prerequisite. Protein also promotes the growth of muscle mass, which replaces fat tissue. This is especially true for men, due to the larger volume of muscle tissue compared to girls.

Fat burners

From the name it is clear that they will break down fats. But they also reduce the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from food and help reduce appetite. The mechanism of action of fat burners is activated only during physical activity. Without them they are completely useless. Men, unlike girls, can often do without similar drugs. After all, with an appropriate diet and regular exercise adipose tissue goes away by itself.


Somewhat similar to the products of the previous group. But its main difference is that it does not directly affect fats, but transports them to disposal sites. This makes it safer compared to fat burner drugs. If there is a need, L-carnitine can be taken in large quantities without harm to health, because it belongs to vitamin-like substances.

Essential amino acid complexes

They also affect appetite and fat breakdown. They also help maintain muscle mass and muscle health. After all, it is important for athletes not only to reduce weight, but also to maintain muscle volume, strength and endurance.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Increased drinking regime and intense training leads to increased losses of various microelements. Therefore, to maintain health, it is necessary to take complexes that will replenish losses and prevent deficiencies. When choosing a complex, you should pay attention to those that are designed to meet the needs male body.

Additional, but optional, sports nutrition options for those losing weight include:

  • . They reduce the level of “bad” fats, promote weight loss, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle. Although they are an optional item in the case of weight loss, they bring irreplaceable benefits to the body of any person. Even in the absence of physical activity at all.
  • Fat and carbohydrate blockers. An “ambulance” remedy for diet violations. Prevents fat and/or carbohydrates from being absorbed into a particular meal. They should not be abused, because the point of maintaining proper nutrition cannot be neglected.
  • Cortisol blockers. Inhibits fat formation and muscle breakdown. Most relevant for men who engage in intense strength training, which can lead to injury. Accelerates the healing of muscle micro-tears.

Often protein nutrition confused with protein-carbohydrate. The latter is called a mass gainer and is not suitable for those who need to lose weight. Gainer, on the contrary, promotes weight gain due to its high calorie content. This must be remembered to do right choice sports nutrition.

How and when to take supplements

Additive Appointment time Dosage
Fat burners Half an hour before meals or training.
L-carnitine On an empty stomach after sleep, half an hour before training.About 2 thousand mg
Essential amino acid complex During training.Up to 8 thousand mg
Protein Before training 2 hours, after training – 30 minutes. To relieve attacks of hunger.Serving approx. 30 g
Vitamin-mineral complex After eating.The dosage regimen depends on the composition of the specific manufacturer.
Omega-3 After eating.Up to 4 thousand mg
Fat and carbohydrate blockers With a 15-minute interval before and after meals with errors in the diet.The dosage regimen depends on the composition of the specific manufacturer.
Cortisol blockers In three steps.The dosage regimen depends on the composition of the specific manufacturer.

Sports nutrition for weight loss - video

From this video you will learn everything about sports nutrition that you should take for weight loss. The need to take L-carnitine, the benefits of omega-3 and amino acid complexes are clearly explained point by point. This is the bare minimum of what you need to know when choosing sports nutrition for weight loss.

Sports nutrition will help you achieve faster desired results in weight. It will correct possible errors in the diet and increase the effectiveness of physical activity. At the same time, it will support the health and normal functioning of the male body. Thanks to sports nutrition, you will have the opportunity to get rid of excess fat tissue and acquire beautiful muscle definition.

What sports nutrition do you use when losing weight? Share your experiences and impressions with us in the comments!

Many articles are devoted to the problem of losing weight; the Internet is replete with advice on how to achieve the desired shape and what diet to follow. However, for a lasting result for a long time You also need sports nutrition for weight loss. Sports nutrition has become quite popular in lately, but not among women, but mainly among men gaining muscle mass. The reason for this is a lack of information and myths about sports nutrition. We will talk about the benefits of sports nutrition for losing weight, as well as how to use it correctly and where to buy sports nutrition in Moscow in this article.

Indeed, having realized the harm of fatty foods and fast food, the world is striving to lose weight, gain a beautiful body and eat healthy. Nevertheless, healthy eating Most people have no association with eating “from jars,” which gives rise to a lot of myths about sports nutrition. Here are just a few of them:

  • "It's chemistry": proper sports nutrition has long ceased to be “chemical” and is produced only from natural ingredients. Pay attention to the manufacturer and consult with professionals. Buy food only from trusted retail outlets.
  • “This is only for athletes”: Initially, this nutrition was developed for people whose activities involve heavy physical activity, including athletes, since they spend a lot of calories, they need nutrition that maintains performance at the proper level. However, if you are trying to lose weight and are on a diet, then you also do not have enough nutrients to maintain vital energy, and sports nutrition is required in the same way.
  • “You can do without it”: Of course, you can do without sports nutrition, however, you will agree that with the modern rhythm of life it is quite difficult to devote a full, balanced diet huge amount time. You risk overwork and metabolic disorders from lack of essential vitamins and microelements. Will you be able to continue losing weight, dieting and eating well? The fact is that, having decided to lose weight, you increase physical activity, and your body requires compensation, usually in the form of additional food, which in turn will be reflected in obesity. Sports nutrition helps to restore strength and not gain weight.

Why doesn't excess weight go away?

Have you been on a diet for several months now, denying yourself your favorite foods, but the excess weight does not go away? The secret lies in the metabolic features of your body - metabolism. Most often, overweight people have a low metabolism, that is, a low rate of metabolism and absorption of substances, and people with underweight have a high metabolism.

However, metabolic rate may change over time due to various reasons. For example, as you age, your metabolic rate decreases, or if you have been on a low-calorie diet for a long time, this can also lead to low metabolism. A change in metabolic rate has a very bad effect on the body’s condition, so it is very important to maintain it, and when trying to lose weight, it is important to maintain a balance of nutrients by combining diet and sports nutrition.

Metabolic rate also changes throughout the day. At night, metabolism slows down - it becomes clear why it is highly recommended not to eat food before bed. After a person wakes up in the morning, the body also needs to be woken up - to start the metabolic rate, that is, to have breakfast. Further, so that the speed does not decrease, it is necessary to have snacks at least every three hours. This explains the recommendation to eat more often, but in smaller portions.

The human body is a very complex mechanism aimed at survival, therefore, if you eat only low-calorie foods and, even worse, starve, then the body stores at every opportunity nutrients, which will again be reflected in weight gain rather than weight loss. Consequently, the stability and pattern of food consumption, as well as its composition and quality, will be reflected in your weight.

Now let's look at foods that speed up metabolism. First of all, these are proteins, which should make up about 30% of general diet However, the norm is individual for each organism. Drink water, which helps the liver cope with fat processing. Eating foods rich in iron will be beneficial.

Hot spices will also speed up your metabolism, unless you have ulcers or gastritis, which can be aggravated by eating spicy foods. Some fruits, such as pineapple and grapefruit, also speed up your metabolism. However, it must be recognized that even the most varied diet is most often unable to give the body daily norm nutrients and vitamins, which speaks in favor of sports nutrition, which can solve this problem.

Which sports nutrition to choose

From the above it follows that sports nutrition is an ideal dietary supplement for those who want to lose weight, maintain sports uniform and always be on your toes. But how not to get lost in the variety of jars and baht offered by sports nutrition stores, with a description of the purposes of taking one type or another:

  • BCAAs– This is one of the most important components of sports nutrition. BCAA are branched chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Taking bcaa allows you to control weight, maintain tone during training, and promote muscle growth.
  • L-carnitine- contrary to popular belief, this is not a fat burner, the main task of this supplement is to deliver consumed fats to the place of their processing, into muscle cells. One of the supplements that has no side effects or contraindications, however, take it without aerobic exercise useless for the body.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes- all processes in the body occur with mandatory participation minerals and vitamins, so the weight loss process cannot be imagined without sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals. The variety of complexes is due to the characteristics of female and male organisms.
  • Protein– the main task is to replenish the body’s protein needs. Additionally recommended for use: Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fats that lower cholesterol levels, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and promote weight loss), fat and carbohydrate blockers (eliminate errors in diets).

Subtleties of taking sports nutrition

When taking sports nutrition for weight loss, it is important to maintain balance. When taking proteins more than normal We gain weight, and when we take less than normal, we feel tired. Insufficient water intake leads to dehydration; excess water can cause swelling and even vomiting. In addition, it is necessary to follow the diet, otherwise unpleasant surprises are also guaranteed. So, choosing sports nutrition and developing a weight loss program on your own is not effective, and sometimes even unsafe; it is much safer to turn to professionals. Each person's body condition and lifestyle are unique, so a sports nutrition program should take into account your individual needs and goals.

The staff of the Gold’s Gym club chain can develop an individual diet and offer a full range of new sports nutrition products. The cozy fitness cafes of the chain will offer you everything you need: here you can relax and treat yourself to delicious supplements before and after your workout. Protein shakes, freshly squeezed juices, bars, soups - the choice is great. Here you can have breakfast if you didn’t have time to have breakfast at home, or have light, low-calorie foods for dinner. You can find out about all the services and food features by contacting the nearest club of the Gold’s Gym network.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. CMS in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date: 2014-09-25 Views: 66 056 Grade: 5.0

So, I’ll say right away that of all sports nutrition, only fat burners were created specifically for weight loss. All other sports nutrition that helps you lose weight does so indirectly and does not directly affect fat burning.

I would also like to add that even if you purchase all the supplements that I list below, this will determine your result by about 15%. The remaining 85% is diet and training. Someone will say that 15% is not enough and can be neglected. And I will answer that the one who wants good result, must be attentive to every detail. And, in my opinion, 15% is not small at all.

Fat burners

This includes a whole range of drugs. I distinguish between mono fat burners and complex fat burners. Mono refers to drugs that act in only one direction. For example, they suppress appetite, or prevent the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, or increase body temperature... That is, they have only one function.

As you yourself guess, integrated approach much better than either one. Therefore, the sports nutrition market offers a wide selection of complex fat burners. They contain several active ingredients that have different principle actions. As a rule, all such drugs have at least three functions:

  • Appetite suppression
  • Acceleration of metabolism,
  • Increased body temperature.

Personally, I recommend taking complex fat burners. They are more expensive, but they are also more useful. Of these drugs, I can recommend a series of drugs from Cloma Pharma: Methyldren 25.


L-carnitine promotes breakdown and transport fatty acids. But, by the way, it's his side effect. The main effect is an increase in performance. But it is inexpensive and absolutely harmless. Therefore, you should not refuse this drug, since it can make its contribution to weight loss.

The dosage of L-carnitine is usually 2 times a day, 1 - 2 grams active substance. In the morning and after training. Or morning and evening. Read more about its effectiveness and use.

I can recommend L-carnitine from the following companies:

  • (4 - 6 capsules per day)
  • (20 - 30 ml per day)


Everyone will say: how come, he’s for the masses! Well, it depends on how you use it. If taken along with a low-calorie diet, it will help preserve your muscles. But you want only fat to go away, and muscles to be preserved as much as possible?

Therefore, protein does not promote weight loss, but promotes muscle preservation. And I think that proper weight loss, this is when you strive to maintain your muscle mass. Some people call it "drying."

When losing weight, you need to take protein at the rate of approximately 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. But this is despite the fact that your regular food should be rich in protein. It is better to dilute in water or skim milk. Moreover, it is advisable to buy a protein that contains a maximum of protein and a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. Read more about how to use protein when losing weight.

I can recommend the following protein for weight loss:

  • (83% protein).
  • (93% protein).
  • (83% protein).
  • (86% protein).

Amino acids

The same principle as with protein, since protein is nothing more than a chain of amino acids. They are simply freed from fat and carbohydrates. And there is no need to digest them anymore. But they also cost more.

I advise you to purchase either protein or amino acids. Who likes what more? If you drink both at the same time, there will be nothing bad about it. You will simply spend money ineffectively.

I can recommend these amino acids:


If you take all the medications listed above, you can significantly help your body not only get rid of excess fat, but also maintain muscle. For a month you will have approximately 5,500 rubles. 1500 rubles LIPO 6, 1000 rubles L-carnitine and 3 kg of protein for about 3000 rubles. But this is all very approximate.

But even a complete set of sports nutrition for weight loss will not do your job for you. Remember that your weight loss depends on...