Self-massage of the tongue speech therapy. Using self-massage techniques in speech therapy practice

The problem of speech impairment in children worries many parents. While children babble touchingly, their speech defects touch adults, but by the age of three it becomes clear what sounds they cannot make. But speech is the main means of communication little man with the whole world. For most children, over the years and with practice, this can go away on its own, and for some, such speech disorders are caused by disorders normal operation articulatory muscles, and are physiological in nature.

These kids need help. In their classes, speech therapists use respiratory and pronunciation exercises. If these are not enough, experts usually offer a specific, rather effective method– speech therapy massage for children at home. The impact of any massage is beneficial for the body, especially for metabolic processes, blood circulation and nervous system. The therapeutic and preventive qualities of speech therapy massage help normalize speech and improve emotional state baby.

The skill of healing people by kneading special points of their bodies has existed for several millennia. Already in ancient times, the aesculapians comprehended the advantages of massage, which allows you to win serious illnesses. Speech therapy massage arose much later, but was also based on practical knowledge.

The sources of verbal failures come from many causes. Sound pronunciation disorders can be caused by hereditary factors, abnormal pregnancy, delayed mental development, disorder speech apparatus. The diagnosis can only be determined by a specialist. Based on the specifics of the disorder, the speech therapist determines the type of failure and prescribes treatment.

Disturbances in the normal functioning of the articulatory muscles prevent the child from accurately pronouncing sounds and words. The vocal apparatus consists of the tongue, lips and facial nerves. It's all playing important role in the speech development of children. Logo massage for children is a local type of massage, as it is performed exclusively on the articulatory muscles.

Carrying out full course will help the child master the entire sound complex of speech and strengthen his articulatory apparatus. Positive changes usually result. If there are obvious speech errors, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist who, before choosing tactics and type of manipulation, examines by palpation the condition of all muscles involved in speech formation.

Indications for speech therapy massage

The speech therapist chooses the right type massage that can activate those areas of the verbal apparatus that were not working, which helps to gradually improve the tone of all muscles responsible for speech activity. Such opportunities allow the use of speech therapy massage techniques in the treatment of dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia and other ailments. These manipulations can be carried out from 2 months, although at such a time they are preventive measures, simply prevent the occurrence of violations.

IN serious cases disorders, speech therapy massage is used, restoring vocal capabilities, toning muscles speech system, shortening the period of pronunciation development. Even obvious neurological symptoms lend themselves to this technique and give good results.

Impact on significant speech centers - tongue, lips, earlobes, neck - is prescribed for children with the following congenital and acquired disorders:

  • with partial loss or incomplete voice disorder;
  • with various speech anomalies;
  • with excessive intensity of the facial muscles;
  • with excessive reflective salivation;
  • with a failure of the entire pronunciation aspect of speech;
  • with cerebral palsy;
  • with defects in the formation of articulatory muscles;
  • with all types of logopathies.

All these shortcomings require an indispensable and urgent correction, time-consuming and labor-intensive, but necessary, because in the future, poor-quality diction will hinder many types of activities that a grown child wants to engage in. Serious violations can even lead to disability. Therefore, you should know how to do speech therapy facial massage for a disabled child.

Goals of speech therapy massage

The main tasks that speech therapy facial massage for children sets for itself and which he can cope with are:

  • correction of precise articulation of sounds;
  • improving the situation with the vocal cords;
  • streamlining respiration at the time of conversation;
  • prevention of mental stress as a result of speech defects;
  • a total improvement in the quality of the entire speech apparatus and speech itself.

This procedure also serves to reduce the excess amount of saliva produced, which is often found in children, which also interferes with correct diction.

  • colds and respiratory diseases;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums and eyes;
  • stomatitis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • herpes.

Massage is carried out very carefully in children with convulsive diagnoses, cerebral palsy, autism, and Down syndrome. When carrying out a massage procedure, serious concentration, accuracy and professionalism are required.

Specifics of logomassage at home

At the time of the massage, the baby should feel comfort and trust, not feel anxiety, so you should always find an approach to him, talk to him, distract him with something. Babies have a session in a stroller or on their mother’s lap. Later, children get used to the specialist’s manipulations and calm down.

The session time is 2 hours after eating. It is recommended to rinse the child's mouth thoroughly.

Types of speech therapy intervention

There are several types of manipulations with the sphere of speech muscles.

  • Classic massage includes the usual massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It serves to activate and stimulate muscle tone.
  • Acupressure deals with biologically active points with a cluster of blood vessels and nerve endings.
  • Hardware massage uses vacuum or vibration devices. Its special type - probe - was developed according to the original method of E.V. Novikova. One of the recognized techniques - Dyakova massage - is used by many speech therapists.

Self-massage is performed by the child with his own hands. It involves activities that involve massaging the face and tongue, such as pushing the tongue through connected teeth.


Speech therapy begins with a general facial massage, which lasts several minutes. The main techniques are light stroking and vibrating movements that are pleasant to the child. The directions are very diverse:

  • the forehead is massaged from bottom to top and from the middle towards the temples;
  • lower eyelid - starting from the outer corner to the nose, upper - vice versa;
  • from the nose to the temporal region and from the corners of the mouth to the ears;
  • from the chin to the earlobe.

To relax the neck muscles and the root of the tongue, rock the baby's head, smoothly turning it from one side to the other. Now it is advisable to move on to massaging your lips and tongue.

Massage technique

Reduced muscle tone caused by rickets, Down syndrome and other diseases requires activation of muscle groups. Manipulations begin with treating the facial muscles, then moving on to the rest. Classic techniques are used with gradually increasing pressure, trying not to cause harm to the child. discomfort. Stroking the forehead and rubbing the cheeks are relevant. It all ends with light tapping and pinching. The lip muscles are kneaded from the center to the corners of the lips - each lip separately, then the nasolabial fold.

With increased muscular excitation caused by brain injury during childbirth or during intrauterine development, as well as hypoxia, rubella, birth injuries, a relaxing technique is used. It consists of classic stroking and vibrations. The session begins in the collar and shoulder regions, continues with the treatment of the face, lips and tongue. Relaxation is carried out with slow, smooth and slightly pressing movements, repeated 8-10 times.

A professional performs massage of the tongue using special devices. At home, use a spoon or simply an index finger, which is used to stroke, starting from the tip of the tongue towards the root. During the massage, using teaspoons, the convex side of the instrument involves stroking and rubbing the forehead, temples, cheeks, mouth and neck area, chin and cheekbones.

Parents can save a child from a speech disorder and teach him to speak impeccably; to do this, they must notice the problem in time and make every effort to eliminate it. Speech therapy massage will help them with this, which should be prescribed by a pediatrician if there is a certain diagnosis. It can be carried out with a specialist, as well as at home, having first become acquainted with the rules and technique of implementation.

The success of healing will largely depend on the regularity of classes and the patience of parents.

I would like to note that speech therapy massage in Moscow is best done by a professional. For example, at Ekaterina Ruslova V Children's Center Slukhon on Pilyugina (metro Novye Cheryomushki).


IN Speech Therapy PRACTICE

Self-massage is a massage performed by a child (teenager or adult) suffering from speech pathology.

Self-massage is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage, which is performed by a speech therapist.

Purpose speech therapy self-massage is primarily the stimulation of kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, the normalization of the muscle tone of these muscles.

In practice speech therapy work Using self-massage techniques is very beneficial for several reasons. Unlike speech therapy massage performed by a speech therapist, self-massage can be performed not only individually, but also frontally with a group of children at the same time. In addition, self-massage can be used many times throughout the day, including it in various regime moments in conditions preschool. Thus, self-massage can be performed by children after morning exercises, relaxation classes ( autogenic training), nap. Self-massage can also be included in speech therapy session, while self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

Duration of one self-massage session for children preschool age can be 5 - 10 minutes. Each movement is performed on average 4 - 6 times. Only a few of the proposed techniques can be included in one self-massage session. Moreover, they can vary throughout the day. Naturally, before performing self-massage, the child must be thoroughly washed.

Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a speech therapist. Before performing self-massage techniques, children should take a calm, relaxed position. They may sit on chairs or be in a lying position (for example, in a crib after a nap). When teaching children self-massage, the speech therapist demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it.

Children perform massage appointment independently, first with visual control (mirror), and then without it. When self-massage techniques are mastered by children, it is possible to perform movements accompanied by a poetic text or specially selected quiet music in a slow rhythm. This method is especially useful because it provides tactile-proprioceptive stimulation in a certain rhythm, which generally contributes to the formation of a sense of rhythm, which is basically motor in nature.

The self-massage procedure is usually carried out in game form according to the scheme recommended by the teacher: massage of the head, facial muscles, lips, tongue.

While performing the movements, the child should not feel any discomfort; on the contrary, all self-massage movements should bring pleasure to the child.

Self-massage of head and neck muscles

1. “I’m good.” Place the palms of both hands on the head area, closer to the forehead, connecting the fingers in the center, and then run the palms through the hair, going down through the ears and side surfaces neck to shoulders. Hand movements should be simultaneous, slow, stroking.

2. “Let’s put on a hat.” The starting position of the hands is the same. Movements of bothpalms down to the ears, and then along the anterolateral part of the neck to the jugular hole.

Self-massage of facial muscles

1. “Drawing paths.” Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. “Drawing apples.” Circular movements of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to

temples. "Drawing Christmas trees." Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The movement is directed somewhat diagonally.

3. “Finger shower.” Lightly tapping or patting the tips fingers on the forehead.

4. “Drawing eyebrows.” Run along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with each finger in turn: index, middle, ring and little fingers. “Let’s put on glasses.” Index finger carry it easily from the temple along the edge of the cheekbone to the bridge of the nose, then along the eyebrow to the temples.

5. “The eyes are sleeping.” Close your eyes and lightly cover your eyelids with your fingers. Hold for 3 - 5 s.

6. “Let’s draw a mustache.” Moving the index and middle fingers away frommiddle upper lip to the corners of the mouth.

7. "Cheerful Clown." Moving the index and middle fingers away frommiddle lower lip to the corners of the mouth and then up to the cheekbone.

8. “Sad Clown.” Movement of index and middle fingersfrom the middle of the upper lip to the corners of the mouth, and then to the corners of the lower jaw.

9. "Beak". Movement of the index and middle fingers from the corners to the topher lips to the middle, and then from the corners of the lower lip to the middle.

10. “Let’s stroke the chin.” Stroke the back of your fingersfrom the middle of the chin to the ears.

11. “Comb.” Stroking lips with teeth.

12. "Hammer". Tapping lips with teeth.

13. Suction the upper and lower lips alternately.

14. Chewing alternately the upper and lower lips.

15. “Finger shower.” Inhale air under your upper lip and lightly tap it with your fingertips; do the same movement, inhaling air under your lower lip.

16. “Let’s draw three paths.” Movement of fingers from the middle of the bottomlips to ears, from the middle of the upper lip to the ears, from the middle of the nose to the ears.

17. “Let’s draw circles.” Circular movements with your fingertips on your cheeks.

18. “Let’s warm our cheeks.” Rubbing movements with palms on cheeks in different directions.

19. "Locomotives". Clench your fists and point them back side Tocheeks. Make circular movements, shifting the muscles of the cheeks first alongclockwise and then counterclockwise. Can be accompaniedcircular movements with a rhythmic pronunciation: “Choo, chug, chug.”

20. “Finger shower.” Take air under your cheeks and lightly taphim with his fingertips.

21. “Let’s bake pancakes.” Clap your cheeks with your palms.

22. “Wash your face.” Using the palms of both hands, make light stroking movements from the middle of the forehead down the cheeks to the chin.

Self-massage of tongue muscles

These techniques for self-massage of the tongue can also be considered as part of active gymnastics.

1. “Stroking the tongue with the lips.” Stick your tongue in as far as possiblethrough the narrow gap between the lips, then relax it so that the sidesthe edges of the tongue touched the corners of the mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

2. “Slap your tongue with your lips.” Pushing your tongue forward through your lips,spank it with your lips, while the sound “five-five-five” is heard, just like thator move your tongue inside your mouth.

3. “Stroking the tongue with the teeth.” Stick your tongue in as far as possiblethrough the narrow gap between the teeth, then relax it so that the side edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

4. “Biting your tongue with your teeth.” It is easy to bite the tongue with your teeth, sticking it forward and retracting it back into the oral cavity.

5. “Let’s chew a pear.” Use syringe No. 1 for the exercise. Fold it in half, dip the folded part in sweet syrup, and place it in the child’s mouth so that the tip remains outside. Offer to chew. This exercise is used not only to massage the tongue, but also to activate movement. masticatory muscles and stimulation of kinesthetic sensations coming from the muscles of the oral cavity.

Self-massage of the ears

1. “We warmed our ears.” Place your palms on your ears and rub them.

2. “They pulled my ears.” Grab your fingers earlobes and pull them

down 3 - 5 times (Fig. 136).

3. “Let’s listen to the silence.” Cover ears palms. Hold them in this position for 2 - 3 seconds.

Speech therapy massage refers to techniques used in speech therapy to improve the pronunciation and psycho-emotional state of people with speech defects.

If you are skeptical about this treatment method speech disorders, considering it labor-intensive and ineffective, then in this article we will try to convince you otherwise.

Why do you need speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage is a special technique for influencing areas of the body that are in one way or another connected with speech activity.

This procedure changes the state muscle tissue, nerve fibers, blood vessels, skin, thus solving the problems for which, in fact, it is carried out.

The benefits of logomassage

Thanks to speech therapy massage, a number of changes occur in the body:

  • normalization of hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles in facial and articulatory muscles;
  • reduction of pathological involuntary muscle movements;
  • activation and increase in strength contractility muscles of the speech apparatus;
  • improving the quality of articulation, including clarity, volume, speed;
  • perception of movements of speech-producing organs.

So what's the result? As a result, massage of the speech areas of the face brings the following benefits:

  • has a beneficial effect on nervous system And general condition body;
  • stimulates lymph and blood circulation, regulates tissue metabolic processes, promotes blood saturation with oxygen and improves cellular nutrition;
  • increases the elasticity of muscles and the strength of their contractions, helps them recover after exercise, improves performance;
  • reduces tone during spasms and raises it when the organs of articulation are weak, engages inactive muscle areas;
  • forms coordination of movements of the speech organs, stimulates their perception;
  • increases volume and range of motion;
  • strengthens muscles and prepares the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds as quickly as possible.

Indications and contraindications

It is thanks to this spectrum of action that this method is actively used for dysarthria, dyslalia, alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, stuttering, voice defects, delay speech development, as well as in all cases where the muscle tone of the speech apparatus is impaired.

There are also contraindications. These are common infectious diseases, diseases of the skin, mucous membrane of the eyes, oral cavity, enlarged lymph nodes, as well as the child’s negative emotional reaction to the procedure.

Now let's touch on the technical side of this method.

Types of speech therapy massage

In modern speech therapy, various technologies of speech therapy massage are used:

  1. Classic, when with the help of special techniques, parts of the body are stroked, rubbed, kneaded, and also created vibration.
  2. Point, in which they stimulate or relax biologically active points, its implementation requires special knowledge and skills.
  3. Hardware, which is done using special devices.
  4. Self-massage, in which you massage your face with your hands or bite your tongue with your teeth.
  5. Probe speech therapy massage, when with the help of probes the activity of individual areas of the articulation organs is activated.

The strength and duration of the effect determines whether it will be a relaxing or energizing massage. Light pressure and sliding strokes reduce excitability. Conversely, deep and energetic touches have a tonic effect.

Tools for speech therapy massage of the tongue can be probes, spoons, toothbrush, wooden or plastic spatula.

It is not carried out remotely, because this method involves direct mechanical impact on the human body.

Features of speech therapy massage at home

Speech therapy massage for a child can be done both in the clinic and at home, and this is even preferable because home environment and close surroundings eliminate anxiety and excitement for the baby.

First of all, parents need to create conditions and follow the rules:

  1. Work in a ventilated area.
  2. Use a protective mask and gloves when performing oral massage.
  3. Wash your tools thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Treat your clean hands with an alcohol-based solution.
  5. Do not perform logomassage immediately after eating or if your baby is not feeling well.
  6. Increase the duration of sessions gradually.
  7. The child should lie on his back, place a cushion under his neck. A half-sitting position is also acceptable if it provides muscle relaxation and freedom of breathing.
  8. Encouraging words and praise at the end of the procedure will create a positive attitude and a desire to continue the exercise next time.

When performing a massage, consider the age of the child. Infants, children under 3 years old - 5-10 minutes, preschoolers - 15-20 minutes, children over 7 years old - 20-30 minutes. Frequency 2-3 times a week. Course 10-15 sessions.

To do speech therapy massage for children at home, you need to consult a doctor who will draw up individual plan classes, prescribe influence techniques and coordinate your work.

Giving a massage to your small child at home, actively communicate with him. This is necessary to relieve tension. Tell a story, turn on calm music or sing a song - help him relax.

If you want to do children's speech therapy massage yourself, let's learn.

Logomassage techniques

There are certain techniques and techniques for each type of massage:

Speech therapy facial massage for children

Perform the manipulations sequentially, moving from top to bottom. Don't tense up. Remember - your hands heal.

This method of influencing speech zones is a type of facial massage. Prepare a few clean teaspoons. Please ensure that their surface is smooth to avoid injury to the baby's delicate skin. Repeat each movement 6-8 times.

Articulatory tongue massage for speech development

Speech therapy massage of the tongue at home is carried out using a spatula, toothbrush, or hands wearing medical gloves. You will need a sterile wipe to remove saliva. At pain the child's procedure is stopped.

Before the session, try to relax with massaging movements. collar area, neck muscles and jaws, because they directly affect the functioning of the speech apparatus.

Finger logomassage for speech development

Finger massage has no contraindications and age restrictions. It can also be performed on children under one year of age. It affects the nerve endings of the fingers and thus activates the speech areas of the brain. Massagers and rubber balls with spikes enhance the effect. By developing fine motor skills through massage, you contribute to your child's speech development.


Teach your baby the movements of self-massage. Do it together while playing. It will tone your facial muscles and create a radiant smile.

Self-massage exercises are also simple and accessible.

To perform a massage with probes, you need vocational training. This correction method is prescribed to children after six months. During manipulations, the child should not be in pain. The course lasts 15-20 days.

It should be noted that any of the techniques described above gives real results:

  • sound pronunciation is corrected;
  • correct speech breathing is formed;
  • the voice becomes strong;
  • emotional state stabilizes.

Mood is the main assistant of logomassage

If you supplement speech therapy massage and breathing exercises, studying and pronouncing tongue twisters, games for large and fine motor skills, reading children's literature, active emotional communication, you will achieve impressive results.

When giving your baby a massage at home, do not forget about the main thing - your mood. The warmth of your hands, calm and confident movements, a friendly smile, a loving look - these are the best helpers in overcoming any illness!

These techniques for self-massage of the tongue can also be considered as part of active gymnastics.

1. “Stroking the tongue with the lips.” Push your tongue as far as possible through the narrow gap between your lips, then relax it so that the side edges of your tongue touch the corners of your mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

2. “Slap your tongue with your lips.” Pushing your tongue forward through your lips, slap it with your lips, while you hear the sound “five-five-five”, and remove the tongue inside the mouth in the same way.

3. “Stroking the tongue with the teeth.” Push your tongue as far as possible through the narrow gap between the teeth, then relax it so that the side edges of the tongue touch the corners of your mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

4. “Biting your tongue with your teeth.” It is easy to bite the tongue with your teeth, sticking it forward and retracting it back into the oral cavity.

5. “Let’s chew a pear.” Use syringe No. 1 for the exercise. Fold it in half, dip the folded part in sweet syrup, and place it in the child’s mouth so that the tip remains outside. Offer to chew. This exercise is used not only to massage the tongue, but also to activate the movement of the masticatory muscles and stimulate the kinesthetic sensations coming from the muscles of the oral cavity.

Self-massage of the ears. 1. “We warmed our ears.” Place your palms on your ears and rub them.

2. “They pulled my ears.” Grab your earlobes with your fingers and pull them down 3 to 5 times (Fig. 136).

3. “Let’s listen to the silence.” Cover your ears with your palms. Hold them in this position for 2 - 3 seconds.

The facial massage procedure can be accompanied by reading a poetic text (read by a speech therapist), for example:

If the sun warms up hot, Stroking movements from the middle

If a light wind blows, from the forehead, nose, upper lip, chin to the ears.

It became dry and warm -

This summer has come to us.

If the rain is knocking on the roof, the tapping movements of the pad-

Leaves fall silently, with fingers on your forehead, cheeks, chin.

It's time for the birds to fly away -

This autumn has come to us.

If the blizzard is swirling, angry, Circular movements in the forehead, cheeks,

Everywhere white snow spinning, chin.

All the houses are covered in snow caps, -

Winter has come to us.

If snow and ice are melting, stroking movements of both

A loud stream flows, palms from top to bottom on the sides

Foliage is blooming - face and neck, along the central

Spring has come to us. parts of the face and neck.


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