Psychological psychotherapeutic assistance. When do you need the help of a psychotherapist? Types and methods of psychotherapy

At the Alliance Center psychotherapeutic assistance is provided by experienced doctors and psychologists, leading researchers, candidates and doctors of medical sciences, professors. Forms of our work:

  • We provide individual psychotherapy for those who are faced with life problems;
  • we treat mental illnesses and help to rehabilitate after them;
  • We advise couples and families;
  • we work with teenagers, there is a special program to support pregnancy;
  • We conduct psychotherapeutic groups (group psychotherapy);
  • By agreement with a specialist, online consultations (via Skype) are possible.

It is important to feel “your” specialist from the first psychotherapy session. Choosing a psychotherapist can be difficult - focus on work experience, education, professional interests and, most importantly, client reviews.

You will find a list of our specialists who provide psychotherapeutic assistance at the end of the page.

Psychotherapeutic methods in the treatment of mental disorders

A psychotherapist is a psychiatrist who has improved his qualifications, received additional education and mastered psychotherapy. Therefore he can combine two methods:

  1. Psychotherapy is a non-drug method of combating psychological distress and mental illness.
  2. Drug therapy- with the client’s consent, the psychotherapist prescribes medications that help cope with symptoms of depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts and actions, sleep problems, and fatigue.

A psychologist can also be a psychotherapist. He cannot prescribe medications, but he is just as skilled in psychotherapy.

Medicines combat symptoms, and psychotherapy helps get rid of the cause of the disorder.

Each specialist chooses several methods (schools) that he uses in his work. This way he focuses his attention on the range of problems that he can work with most effectively. Our psychology and psychotherapy clinic in Moscow uses:

  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • Gestalt therapy;
  • biofeedback therapy;
  • rational psychotherapy;
  • person-centered therapy;
  • autogenic training;
  • classical and Ericksonian hypnosis;
  • existential psychotherapy;
  • psychoanalysis and other techniques.

Center for Practical Psychotherapy of Anonymous Observation

The Alliance Mental Health Center is a psychotherapeutic clinic that provides assistance to people with:

  1. Problems of self-development, personal and career growth.
  2. Issues of communication, relationships, family difficulties, generational conflicts.
  3. Crisis states (psychological trauma, loss of a loved one, stress).
  4. Depression, psychosomatic disorders.
  5. Neuroses - neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  6. Panic attacks, anxiety disorder, pathological fears (social phobia, agoraphobia).
  7. Mental illnesses that require rehabilitation.
  8. Personality disorders - paranoid, schizoid, hysterical, anancastic, emotionally unstable, anxious.

Help in our psychotherapeutic center is provided anonymously - we do not transmit information to dispensaries and other institutions.

When the nature of the disorder is in doubt, specialists cannot figure out the causes for a long time, and treatment is ineffective, you can consult leading scientists, doctors of medical sciences, professors, and highly qualified doctors. A council of several experienced specialists will help solve the problem globally.

Psychotherapy in Moscow often involves complex treatment - we provide consultations from psychiatrists, sexologists, neurologists, neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists and physiotherapists. In the center you can take blood tests and clarify the diagnosis using modern instrumental methods (Neurotest and Neurophysiological test system).

Prices for psychotherapeutic services

Reviews from our patients

I came when I could no longer cope with my condition, I was depressed, I was tormented by obsessive thoughts, I tried to get rid of them through meaningless repetitive actions, I was extremely exhausted. The doctor prescribed tests and approached my problem competently and thoroughly, unlike the specialists with whom I had previously seen.

Patient treatment period - 2 months

Over the past 5 years, we have visited a sea of ​​specialists, but we have treated them for everything except the main disease! Our doctor friends strongly recommended finding a clinic that specializes in problems of anxiety, increased self-control and necessarily uses biofeedback therapy in its treatment. I stopped at the Alliance Central Metallurgical Plant. Next, I immediately got an appointment with the head of A.M. Gonopolsky. -> after listening carefully, he sent me to I.S. Krailina. -> the result after 3 months of treatment was a 2-fold reduction in the anxiety threshold, the correct medications and biofeedback therapy were selected! I have a taste for life!

I express my gratitude to the Alliance Center and Victoria Yuryevna Krylatykh. I came in with a problem of increased anxiety and frequent panic attacks. In this state, I could not leave the house not only on my own, but also accompanied by loved ones. I was tormented by obsessive thoughts about my health and fear of death. Anxiety drove me to the point of insomnia. Victoria Yuryevna prescribed treatment. I felt better within a few days, and after two weeks I began to walk and go to the store on my own. I feel much better, but to consolidate the effect of treatment I continue to attend psychotherapy sessions.

Patient treatment period - 1 month

Family psychotherapy

Psychotherapy of family relationships is therapy of the client within the family with the help of intrafamily interaction and in the interests of all its components along with the client himself. Methods of family psychotherapy imply individual and group work, approaches and techniques of behavioral, integrative, structural, transgenerational, gaming - a variety of schools.

Group psychotherapy

The benefits of group psychotherapy arise from not working one-on-one with a psychotherapist - efficiency, quick results, development of interpersonal communication skills, and financial efficiency. Our Center has gained extensive experience in group psychotherapy for conditions ranging from mental disorders to personal growth and self-development of people without clinical diagnoses.

Rational psychotherapy

Rational psychotherapy is the basis for most practical approaches in behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy, gently, effectively and non-directively helping people solve problems, first with a therapist, and then on their own.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

Search and analysis of erroneous beliefs and attitudes; their correction and, as a result, behavior change. Either through testing new forms of behavior, gaining new experience, forming new (more functional) beliefs and attitudes. The method requires the patient to have self-discipline, concentration, and a willingness to work on himself daily between weekly meetings with a psychotherapist.

Short-term psychotherapy

A person has three types of interaction: with himself, others and the world around him. As part of therapy, the client, with the help of the psychotherapist, explores these interactions and how the presented problem functions within this established system of relationships; what strategy to solve the problem was used previously (and turned out to be ineffective); what changes need to be made to key points of the system in order for the situation to change for the better.

Body psychotherapy

The foundations of the technique were laid by one of Freud’s students, Wilhelm Reich. Having studied and compared the psychological problems of patients with their postures, movements and physical ailments, he proposed a conditional division of the human body into segments for problem-oriented therapy.

Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic breathing is the optimal solution: non-drug work with consciousness is combined with scientific validity and long experience in implementing such trainings all over the world. Holotropic therapy works with consciousness at different levels.

Ericksonian hypnosis

According to modern data, Ericksonian hypnosis is not a “sleep of the mind,” but a special form of consciousness activity. All positive changes are a consequence of gaining new experience during hypnosis, creating new opportunities or revising existing abilities, knowledge, and potential. In this case, the patient himself easily finds his “best recipe”, in contrast to classical directive hypnosis, where the “recipe” is offered by the therapist.

Suggestive therapy

Suggestive therapy, being an applied component of suggestive psychology, includes the entire set of psychotherapeutic techniques that are based on the transfer of therapeutic and correctional attitudes, bypassing the rational defense mechanisms of the waking mind. This bypass is achieved through trance induction during suggestion and self-hypnosis and through hypnotic influence.

Autogenic training

Autogenic training is a self-hypnosis-based technique for activating the healing powers of the body and gaining the ability to control some of its functions that are usually beyond human control. Types of autogenic training, in addition to training according to Dr. Schultz, include self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis, self-instruction methods, receiving affirmations offline and online.

Neurolinguistic programming

“Technological quintessence” of the practices of Ericksonian therapy, family therapy, systems theory, behavior therapy, modern data on brain physiology and transformational grammar. In the skillful and experienced hands of a psychotherapist, it is an effective component of an eclectic approach.

Psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance is based on the use of a set of methods, in particular, during regular personal interaction, the patient’s condition significantly changes and the problem is overcome in the desired directions. This type of medical care is aimed at improving the individual, restoring his mental health, and returning to good health.

Providing quality psychotherapeutic services can resolve or alleviate restless, anxious behavior, beliefs, intrusive thoughts or emotions, as well as improve relationships and social skills. In some cases, a psychotherapist, after analyzing the evidence obtained, can make recommendations for the treatment of diagnosed mental disorders. In particular, when providing psychotherapeutic assistance, much attention is paid to clients with borderline disorders.

There are hundreds of psychotherapeutic methods that are based on different concepts. But only an experienced psychotherapist will be able to use this subtle instrument skillfully enough to provide effective psychotherapeutic assistance for various problems. In most cases, this type of assistance is provided during individual sessions. But in some situations, group sessions are recommended, for example, when providing psychotherapeutic assistance to a family.

A separate area is providing psychological support to adolescents and children. Counseling and psychotherapy for children should be carried out in an adapted form. In addition to working with the child, it is necessary to consult with the parents, who should talk to a psychotherapist, attend group classes for parents, may need psychotherapeutic assistance with the loss of a loved one, or any other action that will resolve the stressful situation affecting the child .

You and your psychologist at the IMMUCOR Psychological Assistance Center will work together to identify and change the thinking and behavioral patterns that reduce your quality of life. By the time you complete the course, you will not only have solved your core problem that was particularly painful, but you will know and apply new skills to better cope with future problems. People often don't get the mental health services they need because they don't know where to start.

If you are worried about someone, you can do the following:

Show your concern and willingness to help. Tell the person, “I care about you and I want to help you,” or “Whatever is bothering you, we can get through it together.”
don't be afraid to discuss suicide, ask about it. You could say something like, “Are you trying to hurt yourself?” or “Do you feel the end of your life is near?”;
call for help and support a person who is seeking emergency psychological help. Say: “You are not alone, there are people who can help you get out of this situation” and/or “I will stay with you until help arrives.”

The whole family may need psychological help during a crisis. In our center you can get support for the whole family, don’t be shy about your problems, we work ANONYMOUSLY!

Recently, more and more people need psychological and psychotherapeutic help. This trend can be explained in different ways, but the fact remains: the demand for psychotherapists is growing every day. If you have psychological difficulties that you cannot resolve on your own, then the best solution would be to go to a modern psychotherapeutic center. There are quite a lot of such institutions in Moscow and other large cities of our country, but in the provinces it will not be easy to find a good psychotherapist. Previously, residents of the outback had to travel to a district or regional center for this, but now they can receive psychotherapeutic help online. This became possible thanks to the emergence of a new type of medical institutions, where advanced medical and digital technologies are being actively introduced.

The advantage of a modern psychotherapy center

It just so happens in our country that people try to see doctors less often, and are afraid to even think about visiting a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Panic fear of specialists whose names begin with the prefix psych- is due to the fact that for a long time psychiatric hospitals served as a tool in the fight against dissidents. In such institutions, people were not provided with specialized medical care; they were simply isolated from society behind thick walls and bars.

But modern psychotherapy centers are nothing like the psychiatric hospitals of the past. A friendly environment is created here, allowing anyone to find a solution to their problem. By contacting here, you are guaranteed to receive:

  1. Qualified psychotherapeutic assistance. To become a psychotherapist, a doctor must not only undergo appropriate training, but also regularly confirm his qualifications. Constant self-development makes it possible to use the latest techniques and experience of leading psychotherapists in the world.
  2. Individual approach and complete confidentiality. People are often embarrassed to seek help from a psychotherapist, fearing that they will not be understood or judged. But the doctor will treat your problem with understanding and listen carefully. The psychotherapy scheme he proposes will be drawn up taking into account the characteristics of your character, psychotype and current situation.
  3. Comfort and friendly service. Each of the modern psychotherapeutic centers is more like a sanatorium than a hospital. A cozy, almost homely atmosphere is created here. This helps create a positive attitude in patients. In a comfortable environment, it is easier for people to open up and make contact with a psychotherapist.

Already from the name it is clear that the main activity of such centers is providing psychotherapeutic assistance to the population. But some of them employ doctors of related specialties, for example, neurologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, etc. This approach allows for comprehensive treatment, because very often very real physical illnesses are caused not by viruses or bacteria, but by the psychological state of a person.

The most popular centers of Moscow

In terms of the number of psychotherapeutic centers, only a few cities in our country can compete with Moscow. For residents of the capital, having a personal psychotherapist is as natural as having their own hairdresser, tailor or dentist. But some institutions are more popular, and among them are the following:

  • Center for Psychotherapy of Professor Malygin. Experienced psychotherapists conduct consultations here; in their work they use proprietary techniques that allow them to effectively deal with almost all types of emotional and sexual disorders;
  • The Moscow City Psychoendocrinological Center on Arbat is a specialized institution where, in addition to psychotherapeutic assistance, you can get advice from a psychiatrist, nutritionist, sexologist and endocrinologist. There are specialists here who can diagnose and treat mental disorders not only in adults, they also see children and adolescents;
  • The Alliance Mental Health Center, located on Leningradsky Prospekt, also specializes in providing psychotherapeutic assistance to residents of the capital. The specialists working here are able to help a person get rid of psychological problems, various types of addictions and eating disorders;
  • The Rosa medical center is located near the Botanical Garden metro station. In this psychotherapeutic clinic, along with the latest technologies and developments, the knowledge accumulated by traditional medicine is actively used. All methods undergo thorough testing and are used in practice only after receiving the appropriate permission;
  • Center for Neuropsychological Correction “Rugrats!” has several branches in the city. The center specializes in providing psychotherapeutic assistance to children, but there is also a neuropsychological rehabilitation department for adults. It is called “More than Children”, and it is located near the Novokuznetskaya metro station.

In addition to these centers, about 100 different medical institutions successfully operate in the capital, where you can receive psychotherapeutic help. As a rule, medical services provided here are paid. The cost of an appointment depends on the characteristics of the center and the qualifications of the specialist with whom you want to make an appointment.

What problems should you contact a psychotherapist for?

When a person is faced with a specific psychological problem, he may not immediately understand that he needs help. But when this realization comes, the question immediately arises: “Which specialist should I contact?” Today, a fairly large number of psychologists, coaching and personal growth trainers offer their services. But these specialists work with healthy people who want to change their lives. If a person is in a borderline state, then he needs the help of a doctor, who is a psychotherapist.

Properly planned psychotherapy will solve the following problems:

  1. Get rid of somatic diseases. If you have been trying to recover from a disease for a long time, but your efforts do not produce results, then perhaps the cause of the pathology lies in psychological problems. Physical ailment will pass after you regain your mental balance.
  2. Cope with the consequences of stress. Psychological trauma received at different ages inevitably affects our mental state. A psychotherapist will help you relive the past and take a step into the future.
  3. Get rid of phobias, fears and panic attacks.
  4. Improve relationships with your spouse and restore harmony in your sex life.
  5. Cope with neuroses, depression and other types of psycho-emotional disorders.

Psychotherapy can be individual. The patient, aware of his problem, tries to solve it with the help of a psychotherapist. But psychotherapeutic assistance can be provided to the whole family. This approach helps to establish relationships between all its members, restore love and mutual understanding.

It doesn't matter what problem you have. Feel free to go to a psychotherapeutic center - here you will definitely be advised of the right specialist and will help you solve all your psychological problems.

First of all, the client is advised on his problems and possible ways to solve them are discussed with him. You can conduct a consultation online, via Skype or on the forum. Next, a primary pathopsychological diagnosis is carried out. It allows you to most accurately identify all existing disorders, make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Next comes a full examination and subsequent treatment. The plan is drawn up individually, taking into account all the personal traits and characteristics of the body. At the end of the manipulations, a rehabilitation (recovery) period begins. Under the round-the-clock supervision of doctors, the person gradually recovers and is discharged from the clinic.

Competitive advantages

  1. The medical center has been operating since 1990, and since then the composition of specialists has remained virtually unchanged. This allowed them to accumulate significant practical experience and achieve a high level of efficiency in their activities.
  2. The established methods are regularly modernized and refined, as a result of which their efficiency increases, they become more effective and safe.
  3. Guarantee of a special approach to everyone and acceptance of all the characteristics of patients. We have polite and friendly people on our staff, thanks to whom a warm and cozy atmosphere is maintained within the team.
  4. We cooperate with medical institutes from all over the world. People come to us for treatment not only from all corners of Russia, but also from the USA and European countries.
  5. In 1995, an official license was obtained. This is the first case of licensing a private medical institution in the post-Soviet space. Many times the clinic was awarded by various foundations: both state and independent, and was repeatedly named the best center in Moscow and the region.
  6. The percentage of those who are completely cured in our organization is 50%. This significantly sets us apart from other establishments of this kind, where there are less than 5 percent of them.
  7. Regular customers are given a discount from 2 to 10%.

Psychotherapeutic assistance

a type of specialized medical care based on the use of various types of psychotherapy (Psychotherapy).

When providing psychotherapy to patients with non-psychotic disorders, the coordinated work of psychotherapists with doctors from the general medical network (local therapists and pediatricians, neurologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, etc.) is of great importance.

In the primary care system, at the first - outpatient-polyclinic - stage, the most widespread link is psychotherapeutic rooms, which are organized in territorial clinics, in clinics for consultative and diagnostic care, in outpatient departments of central district, regional (regional, republican) hospitals, in psychoneurological dispensaries (dispensary departments).

The psychotherapeutic office should have a doctor’s room for receiving patients with a file of medical histories, a hypnotarium for 10-12 people, a room for collective psychotherapy sessions, a psychologist’s room for conducting experimental psychological examinations, and a treatment room for drug therapy. The main tasks of the psychotherapeutic office are: providing specialized diagnostic, treatment, advisory and preventive care, methodological guidance and direct participation in the implementation of the principles of medical deontology in the work of all staff of the institution. Patients are referred to psychotherapy by doctors from treatment and preventive institutions in the prescribed manner.

The second - intermediate - stage includes P. p., carried out in day and night hospitals created in psychoneurological dispensaries, hospitals, and in medical units of large industrial enterprises.

At the third - inpatient - stage, P. appears in psychoneurological and psychiatric hospitals, in specialized departments of multidisciplinary hospitals, as well as in other hospital institutions in the form of medical and advisory assistance.

In addition to the indicated specialized units, many industrial and transport enterprises, sanatoriums and rest homes have created rooms (offices) for psychological relief, mental hygiene, etc.

Since 1985, it has been introduced into the nomenclature of medical specialties. This specialty is acquired as part of postgraduate education, as a rule, by neurologists, psychiatrists, and therapists. The training program includes the study and acquisition of skills in medical psychology, higher nervous activity, psychiatry, and mastery of special methodological techniques.

The main educational base for the training of psychotherapists is the Department of Psychotherapy of the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, which is entrusted with the functions of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Psychotherapy. The tasks of the center, in addition to training specialists, include planning and coordinating scientific research on psychotherapy, providing specialized medical and advisory assistance; organizational and methodological management of treatment and prophylactic institutions on issues of P. p.; generalization and dissemination of best practices in psychotherapy.

Bibliography.: Semi-stationary forms of psychiatric care, ed. S.B. Semichova, L., 1988; Guide to psychotherapy, ed. V.E. Rozhnova, Tashkent, 1985.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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