Summary of educational activities in the middle group in the educational field "Speech development". Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting “Spring is Coming”

Valentina Sheveleva
Compiling stories based on the plot painting “Early Spring” in senior group

Compiling stories based on the plot painting "Early Spring"

Target: Continue to teach children to independently compose a story based on a plot picture. Develop the ability to compose complex sentences improve the grammatical structure of speech. Develop creative imagination. To develop an understanding of the beauty of nature"

Progress of the lesson:

1. Finger gymnastics"My house"

2. The teacher reads a poem

“The snow isn’t what it used to be anymore,”

He darkened in the field.

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split it.

The clouds are moving faster.

The sky became higher.

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and paths

And on the willows with silver

The earrings glow. " S. Ya. Marshak

What time of year is the poem talking about?

How did you guess that it says about spring?

What happens in nature in spring?

What do migratory birds do in spring?

How do children dress in spring?

3. D/i "Say with the word "spring"



4. Guys, we are looking at the picture, and today we will make up a story based on it. Let's remember its content.

What are the children doing? (Children walk near the kindergarten)

Look at the girl in the red coat, what can you say about her? (The girl picked flowers in the thawed patches where the snow had melted)

Why did the snow melt? (The sun is shining brightly and warming, so the snow is melting, thawed patches have appeared, and streams are running)

What are the boys doing? (A boy in a striped cap launches a boat in a stream, and the second one looks at the boat)

Tell me about the girl who sits on the bench?

5. Now come up with a story based on the picture “Early Spring”

According to plan:

1. What time of year is it?

2. What do girls do?

3. What are the boys doing?

4. How much fun they have together

6. If children find it difficult to tell a story, the teacher gives a sample story

Story based on the picture "Early Spring"

Early spring has arrived. The sun shines brightly and warms. The snow began to melt, veins appeared, and streams ran in the thawed areas.

The children got dressed and went for a walk. The girl Tanya picked a flower, she will bring it to the group and put it in the water, and the girl Masha took Parsley with her for a walk and tells him about spring, she wants to make Easter cakes from the last snow.

The boys Vanya and Dima made a boat out of paper and are floating it in the stream. Children find it interesting and fun during walks.

Publications on the topic:

Compiling a story based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Spring. Big water" Notes on the development of speech in the preparatory group Topic: Composing a story based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Spring. Big water" Target:.

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Abstract of the GCD “Composing creative stories based on the picture” Brown bears Municipal budget preschool educational institution city ​​of Kostroma "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 77" Synopsis Directly.

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Summary of GCD in the middle group Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting “Spring is Coming” Summary of GCD in the middle group educational field " Speech development". Topic: Compiling a story based on the painting "Spring is coming." Educator:

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Hello, guest Winter.” Writing stories about changes in nature Program content: consolidate knowledge of the seasons, winter months, learn to compose short stories about changes in nature in different ways.

Construct “Composing creative stories based on the painting “A Walk in the Forest” in the preparatory group Construct of joint organization educational activities Group: preparatory group Educational field: Speech development.

Brief description

Program content:
-coherent speech: learn to compose a story based on a picture, when describing events, indicate the place and time of action, using their existing knowledge.
-vocabulary and grammar: to develop the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in riddles; Exercise children in composing complex sentences.
- sound culture of speech: consolidate the ability to clearly pronounce words in word combinations and word formations.
To instill in children a kind attitude towards all living things in nature.


Didactic support: a hare doll that is worn on the hand, the painting “Spring in the Forest” by the artist D. Kudryakov, a carrot. Preliminary work: - conversation about the season of spring, about its features; - looking at pictures depicting wild animals, migratory birds, trees, spring flowers, talking about them; -expand children’s understanding of migratory birds (riddles, reading fiction, listening to an audio recording with the voices of migratory birds); - didactic game “When does this happen?”; - interaction with parents: making masks depicting migratory birds and forest animals; - reading poems about spring. Methods and techniques: - conversation, riddles, questions, physical education, game exercises(“Guess and sit down”, “Say in one word”, “Continue the sentence, find the reason”).
Progress of the lesson Introductory part Educator. Guys, please look who came to us! That's right, hare. Hare. Hello children! My name is Brave! I came to you with a gift. But first, solve the riddles! Are you ready? Listen carefully: She comes with affection And with my fairy tale. With a magic wand will wave, The snowdrop will bloom in the forest. (SPRING) Children guess. Hare. Well done, right! Educator. How did you guess that it was spring? Children's answers. Please explain what these words mean: “She comes with affection and her fairy tale? (In spring, the sun shines brighter, it becomes warmer. Streams gurgle along the asphalt. Birds sing louder in the morning, rejoicing in the warmth and light. Trees stretch out their branches to the spring sun so that the first buds open. The days become longer, and the nights become shorter, etc. ). “Will he wave a magic wand?” (Only in early spring do the first flowers appear in the forest - snowdrops). Children's answers. Educator. Well done! Hare. Oh, such smart girls don’t mind any gift! Listen to the following riddle: The river roars furiously And breaks the ice. The starling returned to his house, And in the forest the bear woke up. A lark trills in the sky Came to visit us … APRIL. Children guess. Why do you think it's April? What does it mean: “The river roars furiously and breaks the ice?”, “There is a lark trilling in the sky?” Children's answers. Educator. Right. Well done kids. Hare. Guys, I'm so glad I came to you! I will be happy to give you what I brought! You are so great, you tried so hard and answered the questions correctly! I really liked it! (The Brave Hare gives the painting “Spring in the Forest”). The teacher and children thank the Brave Man and invite him to join them to continue the lesson. Main part The teacher exhibits the painting “Spring in the Forest”, invites the children to carefully examine it and answer the questions: 1.What time of year is shown in this picture? 2. How did you guess that it was spring? 3.Where do the events take place? 4. What is happening in the background? 5. What's going on in the distance? 6.What can you call this picture? Children's answers. Educator. Well done guys! Hare. Children, I propose to play a game where I will start a sentence and you will continue it. Exercise “Continue the sentence, find the reason” The hare changes his appearance in the spring white fur coat to the gray one, because... /it’s easier for him to hide from predators in the forest/. All people love to listen to the nightingale, because .../he sings beautifully, bursts into song/. Hedgehogs eat a lot after hibernation because.../they are very hungry, they need to gain strength/. in spring migratory birds they fly back because... /they need to hatch chicks/. The bears woke up because... / they need to raise and feed the cubs /. A physical education session is held.(Author Shadalieva E.R.) Children perform appropriate movements. We all need to stand up together We are going to welcome spring. Everyone put on their boots We went into the spring forest. Here the bear waved to us, But the bunny jumped. The stream trembles, gurgles, He runs faster after spring. The nightingales sang from their nests, We sat down to listen to everyone. "Come and join us here, We will always be happy!” Educator. And now I invite you to compose a story based on this picture. Use in it the phrases that you just talked about spring in the forest and its inhabitants. Help me remember them and pronounce them clearly (the snow is melting, the birds have arrived, the nightingale is singing, the bear is yawning, the hedgehog is waking up, the first snowdrops, the frightened hare, the grass is turning green, a stream is flowing). Think about how you will start your story, how you will continue it, and how you will end it. Don't forget to come up with a title for your story. I propose to compose a collective story. The teacher calls three children and invites them to agree on who will start, continue and finish. After two stories, the answers are assessed by the children using the teacher’s questions. At the same time, the content of the story, its form and ending are noted. Questions: Did you like the story? How? Was the story interesting? What sentences did you like in this story? How did the story begin and how did it end? The children answer. After the children’s statements, the teacher summarizes (the story is interesting, complete, complete). The children noted all the ongoing actions depicted in the picture, both in the foreground and in the background. Exercise “Guess and sit down” Hare. Guys, I really like to play, jump, run, and squat. Children, now I will name migratory and wintering birds, if you hear the name of a wintering bird, then sit down; and if the name is migratory, then wave your hands. Do you want to play with me? Children. Yes. / Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, dove, swallow, tit, rook, starling, bullfinch, stork, crane, sparrow, heron, etc. / The final part. Lesson Analysis: - Guys, please tell me what we talked about in class today? What new have you learned? Children's answers. Educator. Guys, I liked the way you worked in class: you listened carefully, thought, and answered. in complete sentences. Well done! I would also like to thank the guys for their interesting story about spring and its inhabitants. Now, let’s thank our guest Brave and treat him to carrots. Hare. Thank you very much for interesting stories, games and carrots, I love it all! Can I come and visit you again!? Children. We are always happy! Hare. Thank you and see you again!

Theme "Spring has come"

“Composing a story based on the painting “Spring has come”

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of continuous educational activities for the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development” on the topic “Spring has come.” This material suitable for kindergarten teachers, teachers additional education for carrying out joint activities with children aged 4-5 years. During this educational activity, children consolidate knowledge about the time of year and the signs of spring.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the signs of spring.


    Educational: Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about spring changes in nature.

    Developmental : Develop memory, attention, logical thinking and imagination.

    Educational: Cultivate love for living and inanimate nature, the ability to feel its beauty.


    Connected speech: develop the ability to construct your statement grammatically correctly and logically consistently.


subject - birdhouse, starling, thawed patches, stairs.

quality – spring, light, sunny, melted, radiant.

verbal – nail, hang, make, invite.

    Grammar: practice in the formation of related, diminutive and affectionate words, in the selection of definitions for given words, in the ability to coordinate a noun and an adjective.

    Sound culture of speech: teach children to differentiate between correct and incorrect pronunciation of a familiar word.

Methods and techniques:

    Practical : surprise moment– audition piece of music, the appearance of the Spring doll, didactic games“Assemble the picture”, “Add the sun”.

    Visual : examination of plot paintings according to the diagram.

    Verbal : answers to questions.

Materials: audio recording of Vivaldi “Spring”, Spring doll, magic chest, “Spring” puzzle, yellow circle and yellow cardboard strips.

Individual work: learn to correctly use antonyms, synonyms, and generalizing concepts in speech.

Preliminary work: looking at paintings, learning poems, riddles,, conversations, observations.

Progress of the lesson

The melody of Vivaldi’s song “Spring” is heard in the group. The teacher draws the children's attention to this. A doll appears to the tune - Spring.

Spring: hello boys and girls! I went to visit you for a long time - across the whole earth, went around all the cities and villages, visited every street. And so I decided to come and visit you.

Children say hello.

Educator: Hello, dear! Tell me, please, who are you?

Spring: but to find out who I am, I suggest you play with me a little! Do you agree?

Children's answers (yes, we agree!).

Spring: That's great! Then I invite you to take your seats and see what I have in my magic chest.

Children sit on chairs in a circle. Spring shows her painted chest.

Spring: in my magic chest there is a clue picture, from it you will find out who I am.

Vesna takes out several cut pieces from the chest.

Spring: oh, where's mine? beautiful picture? The sun drew it for me. It was apparently the prankish wind that tore it apart. What to do?

Children's answers (you can fold the picture and then glue it together).

Educator: But what the guys say is true, our mysterious stranger! We will help you collect all the parts of the picture, and then glue them together. And we'll find out what your name is!

Spring: I agree! Just let's agree that you take the parts one by one and lay them out on the easel so that everyone can see them.

Educator: Fine. But, boys and girls, how will we know who will follow whom?

Spring: you are telling the truth! I just have a very interesting counting rhyme that will help us choose who will take part of the picture.

A jackdaw sat on the fence.

The counting begins:

one, two, three, four, five!

Yulia, Misha, Sveta, Kolya,

Petya Ira, Vitya, Olya...

I'll stop for a minute.

I'll be quiet, I'll take a break

The child who has been chosen as the rhyme reader takes part of the picture from the chest, shows it to the children and places it on the easel.

Educator: boys and girls, what is depicted in this part?

Children's answers (a boy is drawn on this part).

Spring: right. A boy is depicted here. What is he doing?

Children's answers (the boy is holding a birdhouse in his hands).

Spring: you are right, boys and girls! What birdhouse is the boy holding in his hands?

Children's answers (birdhouse rectangular, wooden, brown).

Spring: Right! What is a birdhouse for?

Children's answers (a birdhouse is needed so that starlings can settle in it).

Spring: exactly! A birdhouse is a house for birds, they live in it. Now let's see - what is the boy wearing?

Children's answers (the boy is dressed in jeans, has a red cap on his head, a warm jacket and scarf, and boots on his feet).

Spring: yes, you described the boy correctly. I suggest giving it a name. What will you and I call it?

Children give the boy a name.

Spring: It's a good name you came up with, it suits him very well! What else is drawn here?

Children's answers (someone's boots are drawn here).

Spring: yes, you correctly noticed that there are also someone’s boots here. Who do you think they belong to? Whose are they?

Children's answers (perhaps these are the boots of this boy's sister or just a friend).

Spring: what color are the boots?

Children's answers (pink boots).

Spring: That's right, they're pink. Boys and girls, what do you think these children are doing?

Children's answers (they went for a walk, they wanted to hang a birdhouse on a tree for starlings, etc.)

Then the teacher asks the next two children to choose two parts of the picture using a counting rhyme. The selected children place the pieces in their places on the easel (assemble the puzzle). Spring asks questions about these parts, and the children answer them.

    What do you see in this part? (there is a cat here);

    What cat? (the cat is small, she has green eyes, she is striped);

    What's on the ground? (there is a birdhouse on the ground);

    How many birdhouses have you already seen in this picture? (in this picture we have already seen two birdhouses).

    What else is drawn here? (a staircase is drawn here);

    What is a ladder for? (a ladder is needed to climb somewhere);

    What do we see in this part? (in this part we see a girl);

    What is the girl wearing? (the girl is wearing a coat and a hat);

    What is the girl doing? (the girl gives someone a hammer);

    What is the girl standing next to? (the girl stands near the birch tree);

    What should we call it?

Spring: Well done, boys and girls, you saw a lot in these parts of the picture. And now I want to play with you. Get up and repeat the movements after me.


The woodpeckers are knocking louder,

The titmice began to sing

(we fold our fingers into a pinch and shake them).

The sun rises early

To warm our earth

(palms are closed like a “bucket”, we raise our hands up, open our palms, the sides remain pressed, fingers spread).

Streams run downhill,

All the snow has melted,

(we perform wave-like movements with our hands: fingers are straightened, closed, palms are turned down).

And from under the old grass

(palms closed like a “bucket”).

The flower is already looking

(palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, fingers are open, half bent - a flower cup).

The bell opened

(hands stand on the table, resting on the elbows. Fingers clenched into a fist).

In the shade where the pine tree is,

(fingers gradually unclench, freely relaxed - the cup of a bell).

Ding-ding, rings softly,

(we swing our hands in different sides, saying “ding-ding”).

Ding-ding, spring has come.

Spring: Well done, boys and girls, they repeated everything after me, they did everything right! Now let's get back to our parts of the picture.

Vesna chooses three more children in turn and asks questions about those parts of the picture that the children chose:

    What can you see in this part? (in this part you can see that someone is standing on the stairs)

    What is this person wearing? (in blue jeans, green jacket);

    What is he doing? (he extends his hand to the girl);

    Why is he doing this? (to take a hammer?);

    Why does he need a hammer? (this man needs a hammer in order to nail the birdhouse onto the tree);

    What is the name of this tree? (this tree is called birch);

    How did you understand that it was a birch? (it has a white trunk and dark spots);

    What do you see in the next part? (there is snow on the ground, it has almost melted, bushes are growing, there is a fence, and behind the fence is a house);

    What kind of house, what kind of chimney does it have? (wooden house, brick chimney);

    Who is drawn on this part? (a boy is drawn in this part of the picture);

    What is he doing? (the boy nails a birdhouse for starlings);

    What's on his head? (the boy has a blue cap on his head).

Spring: yes, boys and girls, you are right. Everything was considered, all questions were answered. And I suggest you play a little more. There is a sun in my magic chest, but it has no rays at all. You need to glue these rays to it so that it looks just like the real thing.

Spring puts a yellow circle in the middle of the table, the children take rays for the sun from the chest, say what kind of sun there is and glue the rays to the yellow circle.

Spring: This is what a bright, beautiful sun we have got! I want to leave it to you. Let it please you and warm you with its rays all year round!

    What do you see here? (we see another birdhouse);

    What color is it? (yellow birdhouse);

    What's on the last part? (birds are sitting on a birch);

    What are these birds called (they are starlings);

    Do you think starlings will settle in the guys’ birdhouse? Why?

Educator: boys and girls, so we have put together a picture for our stranger. Let's look again at what is drawn here?

Children briefly describe the content of the picture (children hang birdhouses for starlings who sit on birch branches, the snow is melting).

Spring: That's right, guys. These are all my signs. So who am I?

Children's answers (Spring!).

Spring: That's right, I'm Spring. She brought you warm weather, clear days, brought birds to your region, helped melt the snow and ice, and called the first flowers from under the snow. But it’s time for me to move on, to where both people and animals are eagerly awaiting me. Goodbye boys and girls! It was very interesting with you! I leave you my wonderful song as a souvenir.

Children say goodbye to Spring and listen to music.

Summary of GCD in senior speech therapy group on the topic: Composing the story “Spring is Coming.”

Target: updating the communicative capabilities of children with general speech underdevelopment during the study of the topic "Spring."
Correctional and educational:
1. Consolidating ideas about spring, its characteristic features. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Vienna”: thawed patches, snowdrops, streams, rang, gurgled, ran, ringing, swollen, buds, sticky, chirp.
2 Improvement grammatical structure, the ability to correctly construct prepositional-case constructions in sentences, and use sentences of different syntactic constructions in speech.
3.Teaching the ability to make sentences based on plot pictures, combining them with one plot.

Correctional and developmental:
1.Development auditory attention And auditory memory.
2.Develop accuracy of movements, develop fine motor skills.
3. Stimulation of thought processes.

Correctional and educational:
Develop the ability to listen attentively, listen to others until the end, and the ability to make simple inferences and conclusions.
Equipment: landscape painting "Spring is Coming". Simple plot pictures: the sun is shining in the sky, melting dark snow, thawed patches, streams flowing, bare trees with swollen buds, a snowdrop breaking out from under the snow, a sparrow sitting on a branch, a sheet of Whatman paper, colored pencils according to the number of children. 1. Guessing the riddle.
Which one of you will guess the riddle?

The snow has melted
The water is noisy
Everything comes to life, When does this happen?
Children remember the spring months, name them, the first signs of spring, list them.
2.Looking at the picture “Early Spring”.
Conversation on the content of the picture:
What season of the year did the artist paint in the picture?
What kind of spring is it, early or late?
Why did you decide it was early spring?
Let's name the signs of early spring in the picture.
How does spring begin in nature?
What is early spring like? (early, friendly, warm, long-awaited, rainy)

3. Compiling a story about early spring.
A) Making sentences based on simple plot pictures and reference words speech therapist
The sun is stronger, the snow is (the sun is warming stronger)
Snow, thawed patches here and there (The snow turned black and began to melt)
The brooks are ringing (The brooks ran, rang, gurgled).
Trees, still, already (The trees are still bare, but sticky ones appear on the branches,
swollen buds)
Snowdrop, snow, first (The first snowdrop peeked out from under the snow).
Sparrow, branch, merrily (Sparrow chirps merrily on the branch).

B) Combining sentences into a story. Children telling a story in a chain. Based on object pictures, without the help of a speech therapist (2-3 children).
Offer to children who want to compose the entire story themselves (1-2 children).
Now let's recite poems with our hands.
They stick out from the birdhouse (they make a house with their hands)
The beaks of little starlings. (pull the neck and head)
Beak one, beak two, (Make beaks with your fingers)
Paws, paws, head.

Guys, I brought a large sheet of paper and colored pencils so that you can draw a picture about spring, but in order for it to turn out beautiful, you and I must agree on what and where we will draw. And after the lesson, we will decorate our reception room with a picture, let it bring joy to people.
Children begin to work on creating the plot of the picture and drawing it.

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech on the topic “Spring”.

Author: Tatyana Nikolaevna Rogachkova, teacher at MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 15”, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk Region.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of continuous educational activities for the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development” on the theme “Spring has come.” This material is suitable for kindergarten teachers and additional education teachers to conduct joint activities with children aged 4-5 years. During this educational activity, children consolidate knowledge about the time of year and the signs of spring.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the signs of spring.
Educational: Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about spring changes in nature.
Educational: Develop memory, attention, logical thinking and imagination.
Educational: To cultivate a love for living and inanimate nature, the ability to feel its beauty.
Connected speech: develop the ability to construct your statement grammatically correctly and logically consistently.
subject - birdhouse, starling, thawed patches, stairs.
quality – spring, light, sunny, melted, radiant.
verbal – nail, hang, make, invite.
Grammar: practice in the formation of related, diminutive and affectionate words, in the selection of definitions for given words, in the ability to coordinate a noun and an adjective.
Sound culture of speech: teach children to differentiate between correct and incorrect pronunciation of a familiar word.
Methods and techniques:
Practical: a surprise moment - listening to a piece of music, the appearance of a Spring doll, didactic games “Collect a picture”, “Fold the sun”.
Visual: examination of plot paintings according to the diagram.
Verbal: answers to questions.
Materials: audio recording of Vivaldi “Spring”, Spring doll, magic chest, “Spring” puzzle, yellow circle and yellow cardboard strips.
Individual work: learn to correctly use antonyms, synonyms, and generalizing concepts in speech.
Preliminary work: looking at pictures about spring, learning poems, riddles, proverbs about spring, conversations on the topic, observations.

Progress of the lesson
The melody of Vivaldi’s song “Spring” is heard in the group. The teacher draws the children's attention to this. A doll appears to the tune - Spring.
Spring: hello boys and girls! I went to visit you for a long time - across the whole earth, went around all the cities and villages, visited every street. And so I decided to come and visit you.
Children say hello.
Educator: Hello, dear! Tell me, please, who are you?
Spring: but to find out who I am, I invite you to play with me a little! Do you agree?
Children's answers (yes, we agree!).
Spring: this is wonderful! Then I invite you to take your seats and see what I have in my magic chest.
Children sit on chairs in a circle. Spring shows her painted chest.
Spring: in my magic chest there is a clue picture, from which you will find out who I am.
Vesna takes out several cut pieces from the chest.
Spring: oh, where is my beautiful picture? The sun drew it for me. It was apparently the prankish wind that tore it apart. What to do?
Children's answers (you can fold the picture and then glue it together).
Educator: But the guys say it’s true, our mysterious stranger! We will help you collect all the parts of the picture, and then glue them together. And we'll find out what your name is!
Spring: I agree! Just let's agree that you take the parts one by one and lay them out on the easel so that everyone can see them.
Educator: good. But, boys and girls, how will we know who will follow whom?
Children's answers (can be counted as a counting rhyme).
Spring: you are telling the truth! I just have a very interesting counting rhyme that will help us choose who will take part of the picture.
A jackdaw sat on the fence.
The counting begins:
one, two, three, four, five!
I will count all the guys:
Yulia, Misha, Sveta, Kolya,
Petya Ira, Vitya, Olya...
If I get tired of counting,
I'll stop for a minute.
I'll be quiet, I'll take a break
And I’ll start counting again.
The child who has been chosen as the rhyme reader takes part of the picture from the chest, shows it to the children and places it on the easel.
Educator: boys and girls, what is depicted in this part?
Children's answers (a boy is drawn on this part).
Spring: right. A boy is depicted here. What is he doing?
Children's answers (the boy is holding a birdhouse in his hands).
Spring: you are right, boys and girls! What birdhouse is the boy holding in his hands?
Children's answers (birdhouse rectangular, wooden, brown).
Spring: right! What is a birdhouse for?
Children's answers (a birdhouse is needed so that starlings can settle in it).
Spring: exactly! A birdhouse is a house for birds, they live in it. Now let's see - what is the boy wearing?
Children's answers (the boy is dressed in jeans, has a red cap on his head, a warm jacket and scarf, and boots on his feet).
Vesna: yes, you described the boy correctly. I suggest giving it a name. What will you and I call it?
Children give the boy a name.
Spring: a good name you came up with, it suits him very well! What else is drawn here?
Children's answers (someone's boots are drawn here).
Spring: yes, you correctly noticed that there are also someone’s boots here. Who do you think they belong to? Whose are they?
Children's answers (perhaps these are the boots of this boy's sister or just a friend).
Spring: what color are the boots?
Children's answers (pink boots).
Spring: that's right, they're pink. Boys and girls, what do you think these children are doing?
Children's answers (they went for a walk, they wanted to hang a birdhouse on a tree for starlings, etc.)
Then the teacher asks the next two children to choose two parts of the picture using a counting rhyme. The selected children place the pieces in their places on the easel (assemble the puzzle). Spring asks questions about these parts, children answer them.
1.What do you see in this part? (there is a cat here);
2.Which cat? (the cat is small, she has green eyes, she is striped);
3.What is on the ground? (there is a birdhouse on the ground);
4. How many birdhouses have you already seen in this picture? (in this picture we have already seen two birdhouses).
5.What else is drawn here? (a staircase is drawn here);
6.Why do you need a ladder? (a ladder is needed to climb somewhere);
7.What do we see in this part? (in this part we see a girl);
8.What is the girl wearing? (the girl is wearing a coat and a hat);
9.What is the girl doing? (the girl gives someone a hammer);
10.What is the girl worth? (the girl stands near the birch tree);
11.What should we call it?
Spring: well done, boys and girls, you saw a lot in these parts of the picture. And now I want to play with you. Get up and repeat the movements after me.

The woodpeckers are knocking louder,
The titmice began to sing
(we fold our fingers into a pinch and shake them).
The sun rises early
To warm our earth
(palms are closed like a “bucket”, we raise our hands up, open our palms, the sides remain pressed, fingers spread).
Streams run downhill,
All the snow has melted,
(we perform wave-like movements with our hands: fingers are straightened, closed, palms are turned down).
And from under the old grass
(palms closed like a “bucket”).
The flower is already looking
(palms open, the sides of the hands are connected, fingers are open, half bent - a flower cup).
The bell opened
(hands stand on the table, resting on the elbows. Fingers clenched into a fist).
In the shade where the pine tree is,
(fingers gradually unclench, freely relaxed - the cup of a bell).
Ding-ding, rings softly,
(we swing our hands in different directions, saying “ding-ding”).
Ding-ding, spring has come.
Spring: well done, boys and girls, they repeated everything after me, did everything right! Now let's get back to our parts of the picture.
Spring chooses three more children in turn and asks questions about those parts of the picture. which the children chose:
1.What can be seen in this part? (in this part you can see that someone is standing on the stairs)
2.What is this person wearing? (in blue jeans, green jacket);
3.What does he do? (he extends his hand to the girl);
4.Why is he doing this? (to take a hammer?);
5.Why does he need a hammer? (this man needs a hammer in order to nail the birdhouse onto the tree);
6.What is the name of this tree? (this tree is called birch);
7. How did you understand that this was a birch? (it has a white trunk and dark spots);
8.What do you see in the next part? (there is snow on the ground, it has almost melted, bushes are growing, there is a fence, and behind the fence is a house);
9.What kind of house is it, what kind of chimney does it have? (wooden house, brick chimney);
10.Who is drawn on this part? (a boy is drawn in this part of the picture);
11.What is he doing? (the boy nails a birdhouse for starlings);
12.What's on his head? (the boy has a blue cap on his head).
Spring: yes, boys and girls, you are right. Everything was considered, all questions were answered. And I suggest you play a little more. There is a sun in my magic chest, but it has no rays at all. You need to glue these rays to it so that it looks just like the real thing.
Spring puts a yellow circle in the middle of the table, the children take rays for the sun from the chest, say what kind of sun there is and glue the rays to the yellow circle.
Spring: this is how bright and beautiful the sun is for you and me! I want to leave it to you. Let it please you and warm you with its rays all year round!
Next, spring chooses two more children who choose the remaining pieces of the puzzle from the picture.
1.What do you see here? (we see another birdhouse);
2.What color is it? (yellow birdhouse);
3.What is drawn on the last part? (birds are sitting on a birch);
4.What are these birds called (these are starlings);
5. Do you think starlings will settle in the guys’ birdhouse? Why?
Educator: boys and girls, so we put together a picture for our stranger. Let's look again at what is drawn here?

Children briefly describe the content of the picture (children hang birdhouses for starlings who sit on birch branches, the snow is melting).
Spring: everything is correct, guys. These are all my signs. So who am I?
Children's answers (Spring!).
Spring: that's right, I'm Spring. She brought you warm weather, clear days, brought birds to your region, helped melt the snow and ice, and called the first flowers from under the snow. But it’s time for me to move on, to where both people and animals are eagerly awaiting me. Goodbye boys and girls! It was very interesting with you! I leave you my wonderful song as a souvenir.
Children say goodbye to Spring and listen to music.