Self-massage during speech therapy sessions. Play massage and self-massage in the work of a speech therapist with preschool children with special needs.


IN Speech Therapy PRACTICE

Self-massage is a massage performed by a child (teenager or adult) suffering from speech pathology.

Self-massage is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage, which is performed by a speech therapist.

Purpose speech therapy self-massage is primarily the stimulation of kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, normalization of muscle tone of these muscles.

In practice speech therapy work Using self-massage techniques is very beneficial for several reasons. Unlike speech therapy massage performed by a speech therapist, self-massage can be performed not only individually, but also frontally with a group of children at the same time. In addition, self-massage can be used many times throughout the day, including it in various regime moments in conditions preschool. Thus, self-massage can be performed by children after morning exercises, relaxation classes ( autogenic training), nap. Self-massage can also be included in a speech therapy session, and self-massage techniques can precede or complete articulatory gymnastics.

Duration of one self-massage session for children to school age can be 5 - 10 minutes. Each movement is performed on average 4 - 6 times. Only a few of the proposed techniques can be included in one self-massage session. Moreover, they can vary throughout the day. Naturally, before performing self-massage, the child must be thoroughly washed.

Children learn self-massage techniques under the guidance of a speech therapist. Before performing self-massage techniques, children should take a calm, relaxed position. They can sit on chairs or be in a lying position (for example, in a crib after a nap). When teaching children self-massage, the speech therapist demonstrates each technique on himself and comments on it.

Children perform the massage technique independently, first with visual control (mirror), and then without it. When self-massage techniques are mastered by children, it is possible to perform movements accompanied by a poetic text or specially selected quiet music in a slow rhythm. This method is especially useful because it provides tactile-proprioceptive stimulation in a certain rhythm, which generally contributes to the formation of a sense of rhythm, which is basically motor in nature.

The self-massage procedure is usually carried out in game form according to the scheme recommended by the teacher: massage of the head, facial muscles, lips, tongue.

While performing the movements, the child should not feel any discomfort; on the contrary, all self-massage movements should bring pleasure to the child.

Self-massage of head and neck muscles

1. “I’m good.” Place the palms of both hands on the head area, closer to the forehead, connecting the fingers in the center, and then run the palms through the hair, going down through the ears and side surfaces neck to shoulders. Hand movements should be simultaneous, slow, stroking.

2. “Let’s put on a hat.” The starting position of the hands is the same. Movements of bothpalms down to the ears, and then along the anterolateral part of the neck to the jugular hole.

Self-massage of facial muscles

1. “Drawing paths.” Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. “Drawing apples.” Circular movements of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to

temples. "Drawing Christmas trees." Movement of the fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The movement is directed somewhat diagonally.

3. “Finger shower.” Lightly tapping or patting the tips fingers on the forehead.

4. “Drawing eyebrows.” Run along the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with each finger in turn: index, middle, ring and little fingers. “Let’s put on glasses.” Run your index finger easily from the temple along the edge of the cheekbone to the bridge of the nose, then along the eyebrow to the temples.

5. “The eyes are sleeping.” Close your eyes and lightly cover your eyelids with your fingers. Hold for 3 - 5 s.

6. “Let’s draw a mustache.” Moving the index and middle fingers away frommiddle upper lip to the corners of the mouth.

7. "Cheerful Clown." Moving the index and middle fingers away fromthe middle of the lower lip to the corners of the mouth, and then up to the cheek bone.

8. “Sad Clown.” Movement of index and middle fingersfrom the middle of the upper lip to the corners of the mouth, and then to the corners lower jaw.

9. "Beak". Movement of the index and middle fingers from the corners to the topher lips to the middle, and then from the corners of the lower lip to the middle.

10. “Let’s stroke the chin.” Stroke the back of your fingersfrom the middle of the chin to the ears.

11. “Comb.” Stroking lips with teeth.

12. "Hammer". Tapping lips with teeth.

13. Suction the upper and lower lips alternately.

14. Chewing alternately the upper and lower lips.

15. “Finger shower.” Take air under your upper lip and lightly tap it with your fingertips, do the same movement, taking air under lower lip.

16. “Let’s draw three paths.” Movement of fingers from the middle of the bottomlips to ears, from the middle of the upper lip to the ears, from the middle of the nose to the ears.

17. “Let’s draw circles.” Circular movements with your fingertips on your cheeks.

18. “Let’s warm our cheeks.” Rubbing movements with palms on cheeks in different directions.

19. "Locomotives". Clench your fists and point them back side Tocheeks. Make circular movements, shifting the muscles of the cheeks first alongclockwise and then counterclockwise. Can be accompaniedcircular movements with a rhythmic pronunciation: “Choo, chug, chug.”

20. “Finger shower.” Take air under your cheeks and lightly taphim with his fingertips.

21. “Let’s bake pancakes.” Clap your cheeks with your palms.

22. “Wash your face.” Using the palms of both hands, make light stroking movements from the middle of the forehead down the cheeks to the chin.

Self-massage of tongue muscles

These techniques for self-massage of the tongue can also be considered as part of active gymnastics.

1. “Stroking the tongue with the lips.” Stick your tongue in as far as possiblethrough the narrow gap between the lips, then relax it so that the sidesthe edges of the tongue touched the corners of the mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

2. “Slap your tongue with your lips.” Pushing your tongue forward through your lips,spank it with your lips, while the sound “five-five-five” is heard, just like thator move your tongue inside your mouth.

3. “Stroking the tongue with the teeth.” Stick your tongue in as far as possiblethrough the narrow gap between the teeth, then relax it so that the side edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Gradually remove the tongue into the oral cavity.

4. “Biting your tongue with your teeth.” It is easy to bite the tongue with your teeth, sticking it forward and retracting it back into the oral cavity.

5. “Let’s chew a pear.” Use syringe No. 1 for the exercise. Fold it in half, dip the folded part in sweet syrup, and place it in the child’s mouth so that the tip remains outside. Offer to chew. This exercise is used not only to massage the tongue, but also to activate movement. masticatory muscles and stimulation of kinesthetic sensations coming from the muscles of the oral cavity.

Self-massage of the ears

1. “We warmed our ears.” Place your palms on your ears and rub them.

2. “They pulled my ears.” Grab your earlobes with your fingers and pull them

down 3 - 5 times (Fig. 136).

3. “Let’s listen to the silence.” Cover your ears with your palms. Hold them in this position for 2 - 3 seconds.

Unfortunately, statistics show that every year the number of children with mental retardation is growing. This delay, in turn, provokes impairment of speech and mental functions. Classes on speech development will help to cope with speech development disorders. special techniques: massage of the earlobes, massage of the tongue for the development of the child’s speech, articulation gymnastics. All of them are aimed at one goal - to help the baby develop his speech.

Speech therapy massage – what is it?

Speech therapy massage is a popular method of correctional and pedagogical intervention. It is based on a mechanical effect on the speech apparatus. With proper intervention, speech normalization occurs.

This technique has been in use for a long time, but continues to evolve every year. Speech pathologists, teachers, and speech therapists are constantly developing new methods and tactics for massage. There are classes like professional level, and home (performed by parents or the child himself).

What goals do specialists pursue when prescribing speech therapy exercises?

  • Tone the facial muscles.
  • Normalize the work of sedentary muscles.
  • Reduce pathological movements in muscles (cramps, hyperkinesis, etc.).
  • Increase the amplitude of articulatory movements.
  • Form voluntary articulatory movements.
  • Correct the condition of paresis and muscle paralysis.

Effective types of logomassage

The following types of speech therapy massage are recognized as the most popular.

  1. Classic or manual massage. It is carried out by a specialist using hands and various devices (toothbrush, spatula). Patting, stroking, rubbing, and light vibration are used.
  2. Probe massage according to Novikova. This type of influence was proposed by speech therapist Elena Viktorovna Novikova. This is done using tools (hatchets, forks, etc.).
  3. Acupressure, during which the specialist acts on points associated with the speech apparatus. Stimulation of these points promotes speech activation.
  4. Massage with vibration devices.
  5. Self-massage, during which the baby massages his own facial muscles.

All types of massage (except the last one) are carried out qualified specialists. If it is not possible to regularly conduct classes with a specialist, parents can do logomassage. To do this, they need to undergo training in the necessary massage techniques.

Depending on ultimate goal massage is divided into 2 types:

  1. calming (for hypertension, paresis);
  2. activating (for cerebral palsy).

Indications for use

Massage for speech development has clear indications for:

  1. all types of stuttering;
  2. various speech defects (aphasia, dyslalia, bradyllia);
  3. loss of voice (partial);
  4. minor voice disturbances;
  5. uncontrolled salivation;
  6. Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  7. pronunciation pathology caused by severe tension in the facial muscles;
  8. hypertonicity of the facial muscles;
  9. problems with the development of articulatory muscles;
  10. dysarthria (limited mobility of the tongue, palate, lips).

Indications for speech therapy massage are determined by the doctor. The baby's parents are given a referral to visit a massage therapist or speech therapist in the children's medical institution. If parents do not want to visit government specialist, they can turn to the private. In this case, it is definitely worth checking his qualifications (diplomas and certificates).


Logomassage has a number of contraindications:

  1. stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  2. conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other eye diseases;
  3. infectious diseases general type(chickenpox, flu, measles and others);
  4. herpetic infection;
  5. pulsation of arteries and veins;
  6. swollen lymph nodes;
  7. skin diseases (dermatitis, lichen);
  8. exacerbation of any somatic disease;
  9. violation of the integrity of the massaged skin (abrasions, cuts);
  10. bruises on the face;
  11. violations vascular wall, thrombosis;
  12. oncological diseases;
  13. fungal infections of the skin;
  14. the child’s fear of the specialist or devices;
  15. hypersensitivity of the baby's skin.

The local neurologist must issue parents a certificate stating that there are no contraindications for speech therapy massage. An experienced and qualified speech therapist will definitely require this document from parents.

Features of logomassage

Carrying out exercises to correct speech in children is a serious action that requires special training specialist, parents and children. Therefore, it is important to know certain preparation rules.

The speech therapist’s preparation before the session consists of drawing up an individual exercise plan for each child and observing sanitary and hygienic standards:

  • clean individual clothing (gown or suit), medical gloves, mask;
  • disposable or disinfected instruments;
  • frequent hand washing or use antiseptic solution;
  • the use of an antiseptic solution for the baby’s oral cavity (“Miramistin”, “Hexoral”);
  • use of sterile wipes.

Preparation of parents and baby is also important.

  • If the session is held at home, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  • The child should not be hungry. But you shouldn’t feed him immediately before the specialist arrives.
  • If the baby is not in the mood, is capricious and cries, you should postpone the logomassage.
  • If the baby is not feeling well ( headache, nausea, other symptoms), you should postpone the session.

The duration of one massage session depends on the age of the child. The smaller the baby, the shorter the work with a speech therapist.

  • Ages from 0 to 3 years – 5-10 minutes.
  • Ages from 4 to 7 years – 15-20 minutes.
  • School-age child – more than 20 minutes.

The first logomassage session should not last more than 5-10 minutes. For the first time, the baby meets a speech therapist, new experience mechanical impact. If the child reacted normally the first time, feel free to increase the duration of the work.

A massage course consists of 10-20 procedures. There are 2-3 classes per week. Sometimes, if necessary, classes can take place every other day or alternate with other rehabilitation activities. If a child needs several courses, then there is a break between them. The minimum duration of the break is 14 days. During this time, the baby’s body has time to readjust and prepare for new exposure.

Various logomassage techniques

Let's look at the basic massage techniques depending on the areas involved.

Speech therapy tongue massage

  • It is carried out with professional devices (probes, spatulas) or improvised materials (spoons, toothbrushes). Can be done with hands wearing sterile gloves.
  • During the procedure, dry sterile wipes are placed under the tongue to absorb excess saliva.
  • If there are complaints of pain and discomfort on the part of the child, work stops until the next time.

Speech therapy facial massage

  • It is carried out in stages, from top to bottom. The forehead is treated first, then the cheeks, nose, lips, chin and neck.
  • Impact is applied to special points.
  • Instead of manual massage massage can be carried out with teaspoons.

Speech therapy hand massage

  • Working with the hands improves fine motor skills.
  • Impact on certain points improves nervous and brain activity, gives a positive attitude.
  • The warmth of a specialist’s hands calms and relaxes.

Earlobe massage

  • First, massage the ears separately, and then together.
  • The movement begins from the lower edge of the earlobe, gradually moving upward.
  • All movements are smooth, gentle, but rhythmic.

Speech therapy massage for children at home

If it is not possible to constantly practice with a specialist, then the logomassage technique can be mastered at home. To do this, you need to take special courses or ask for help from an experienced speech therapist. Professionals in their field will teach a minimum set of techniques and exercises for proper development speech apparatus. This experience will help parents more than once in the future.

How is massage performed at home?

  1. After diagnosis is made, a individual plan activities with the baby. Adults choose appropriate exercises. Thus, with hypotonicity of the facial muscles, completely different tactics will be used than with uncontrolled salivation.
  2. The room for the procedure is being prepared. It needs to be removed and ventilated.
  3. Instruments for the procedure (toothbrush, spatula, spoons) are thoroughly washed and treated with boiling water.
  4. If the procedure is performed in the oral cavity, you must wear clean medical gloves.
  5. The parent washes their hands with soap and treats them with an alcohol-based antiseptic.
  6. The child is in a semi-sitting position with a soft cushion under the neck.
  7. The best movements: stroking, rubbing, light vibration. It is necessary to monitor the baby's mood. Massage is not performed if the baby is not in a good mood. The time of logomassage is regulated according to childhood. If your baby has no signs of allergies, you can use aromatic oils(lavender oil - soothes, lemon oil - tones and triggers brain activity). For infants, it is more advisable to use powders rather than oils.
  8. At the end of the session, it is important to praise the baby and tell him nice words. You can play your favorite games with him. Such actions will form children's consciousness friendly attitude towards classes.

Let's give an example of simple massage exercises that help strengthen articulatory muscles. And it’s easy to do with your child at home.

All movements are repeated eight to ten times and carried out “from the center” to the periphery. Includes stroking, kneading, rubbing and pinching.

  1. Light stroking of the upper part shoulder girdle(from bottom to top).
  2. Stroking the chin and lower face (from the center to the ears)
  3. Lip massage: stroking alternately the upper and lower lips in the direction from the middle to the corners. Stroking the nasolabial folds (in the direction from the corners of the lips to the nose). Then lightly tingle the lips from the middle to the corners.
  4. Facial massage. Stroking from the middle to the temples of the forehead, then from the middle to the hair. Stroking eyebrows, cheeks. Kneading the cheek and zygomatic muscles - (circular movements in a spiral from the center to the ears). And we finish by pinching the cheeks.
  5. Tongue massage. Includes soft circular movements to knead the tongue from the tip to the middle (front and along the side edges). Then the tongue is pulled (holding the tip) - up, down, left, right. And we “comb” the tongue with a toothbrush using movements from the depths to the bottom. We finish the massage by kneading - squeezing the tongue from the sides in the direction “from the sides to the middle.”

Children's speech therapy massage gives at home good results in combination with articulatory gymnastics. And if you add breathing exercises, physical therapy, learning specialized games and tongue twisters and maternal care, there is simply amazing progress in speech development. Doctors advise parents not to despair, but to study logomassage techniques. This invaluable experience will help out mom or dad more than once even during parenting. healthy baby.

Practical guide for teachers - speech therapists, educators correctional groups and parents.

Description: Often children have underdeveloped facial muscles. They need massage and self-massage. Children with a dysarthric component of speech, rhinolalia, stuttering, aphasia, and alalia especially need it. The practical guide is intended for teachers - speech therapists, special education teachers and parents.
teacher - speech therapist, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Klokova, MBDOU d/s No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Target: Activation of the child's facial muscles.

Self-massage is one of the non-traditional speech therapy technologies. Using self-massage in a complex correctional work the efficiency of work to overcome speech disorders in children. Self-massage can also be used to prevent dysarthric disorders in children of early preschool age.
Massage is a method of treatment and prevention using mechanical influence on various areas human body Self-massage of the face is a massage performed by the child himself using his hands; it allows you to change the condition of the muscles and normalize their tone.
Children learn under the guidance of a teacher. The speech therapist demonstrates each movement on himself, pronouncing the corresponding text. The guys practice the movements several times, first in front of a mirror, and then without visual control. Self-massage of the face is performed while sitting, taking a comfortable, calm position. Painful sensations during self-massage are not allowed. Skin faces, oral cavity, lips should not be injured. It can be carried out both in individual and in subgroup classes, before or after articulatory gymnastics.

Speech therapy self-massage of the face.

We stretch our hands, rub them, warm them up(clench, unclench your fists, rub your palms, clap).
And gently wash your face with your palms(circular movements in different sides around the eye sockets with hands on the face).
The rakes are raking, all the bad thoughts(rake-like movements with fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples).
Pull your ears down quickly, quickly, quickly(pulling the ears down).
Let's run from the nose with our fingers to the ears(with knocking movements they run from the nose to the ears along the massage lines)
Bend them forward and gently rub them(bending ears and rubbing them)
We stroke our cheeks along the paths: up, up, up(stroke with fingers from the nose, from the corners of the lips, from the middle of the chin along the massage lines up to the temples)
Pull the eyebrows up: up, up, up(with our fingers we stretch the skin of the forehead from the middle of the eyebrows to the hair upward 3 times)
Now let's stroke our lips: one, two, three(stroking lips from the middle to the sides)
And we also remember the sponges!(rub lips from middle to sides)
We kiss each other: smack, smack, smack(pull both lips forward, kiss).
Pull the lips left and right
Fine! One more time!(perform according to the words).
Sponges run in circles: one, two, three!(circular movements of lips to the left).
And in the other direction: look!(circular movements of lips to the right).
We will stroke our lips, sliding our fingers(stroke with fingers from the middle of the lips to the corners of the mouth).
After all, they are tired, it’s time for them to rest.
We will walk along the paths to the spout(spiral movements of the middle fingers from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth along the nasolabial folds).
And from the nose to the ears we will reach(stroking movement from the wings of the nose to the ears).
We'll pinch your chin and run along the paths(pinching of the lower jaw from the chin to the ears).
Now let’s pat the neck and sit quietly(Slowly stroke the neck from top to bottom)

The appearance of a small copy of mom or dad in the family causes joy and tenderness. First you look at his every fold and feature, and then you impatiently wait for him to say the first word. As long as the baby is just cooing, there is no reason to worry. Growing up, the baby begins to master speech skills, but the child’s development is always individual. It may turn out that your treasure will encounter certain difficulties while mastering speech. Obvious delays or various defects require timely correction. For the last ten years, speech therapy has resorted to massage of the child’s tongue - this massage is aimed at eliminating various violations articulation and speech defects.

Speech therapy massage is a very effective procedure that is aimed at developing problem areas language and improved articulation

In what cases is it used?

Massage is the oldest method of treating various ailments. Studying the human body, healers in many countries found special points that, when pressed, could cure many diseases. The speech therapy version of massage for children works on the same principle. Certain points of the tongue, lips, earlobes, cheeks and hands are exposed to manual influence. This massage is prescribed to children when they are diagnosed with the following congenital or acquired abnormalities:

  • partial loss or minor violation vote;
  • various speech defects;
  • hypertonicity of the facial muscles (more details in the article:);
  • uncontrolled salivation;
  • dysarthria (limited mobility of the lips, tongue, palate);
  • problems with the development of articulatory muscles;
  • (all types);
  • severe tension in the facial muscles, causing pathology pronunciation.

Speech defects in a child require correction, otherwise in the future they will become a serious problem and an obstacle to many activities. Massage is one of the most effective means to correct articulation

What problems does massage correct?

Speech therapy massage is presented in several types: probe massage by Novikova, massage according to Dyakova, Prikhodko, Krause. Using various techniques and techniques, they all perform the following tasks:

  • normalize the tone and motility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • increase the duration and force of exhalation;
  • develop fine motor skills and hand manipulation;
  • develop rhythmic movement of limbs and breathing;
  • develop visual differentiated movements;
  • stimulate kinetic movements;
  • improve emotional reactions;
  • contribute to the development of hand manipulation with objects;
  • reduce the severity of stuttering (more details in the article:);
  • reduce manifestation.

Of course, the greatest effect is achieved when speech therapy massage is performed by a trained specialist. If you do not have the opportunity to see a specialist, you can learn some of the techniques of speech therapy massage on your own.

We have prepared for you a description of simple exercises that you can perform at home.

Hand massage techniques

Scientific evidence of the connection fine motor skills and speech skills were acquired by doctors back in the 14th century. Studies have shown that fine motor skills of the fingers are directly related to the functions of the brain. Scientists have also identified areas of responsibility for each finger:

  • the large one is connected to the brain;
  • the index finger is responsible for the stomach;
  • medium affects the spine and intestines;
  • unnamed helps the liver;
  • The little finger works on the heart.

We will begin our training with finger exercises, especially since speech therapy finger massage is safe and beneficial for everyone, it can also be performed on a newborn child (see also:). At the same time, it promotes the development of fine motor skills in children. Before you start massaging your baby’s hands, let’s take care of the hygiene of our own hands - be sure to disinfect them with alcohol or use sterilium, lubricate your palms with baby oil. Let's start massaging the hands:

  1. We work the little finger from the nail to the base, kneading each joint well. We do the exercise on both arms.
  2. Press the pads of all fingers 3-10 times. First we apply light pressure, then increase the pressure and increase the number of pressures.
  3. An exercise similar to the white-sided magpie. We massage the baby's palm with the index finger, making circular movements.
  4. We use the same circular movements, but index finger We lead from the edge to the center of the child’s palm. We repeat the technique several times.
  5. For this exercise you need to take a ring massager. We put it on each finger in turn, starting with the little finger.
  6. We take a rubber ball with spikes or a special wooden massager. We guide the baby along the palm from the wrist to the fingers.

Acupressure and circular massage of the tongue works on the development of the articulatory apparatus. It is better to find out how much your child needs it from a specialist; consultation is also important for proper implementation of exercises. It is useful to watch the video at the end of the article.

At home, exercises with the tongue can be done by dental electric brush or with a set of children's toothbrushes from Kampol (more details in the article:). They will almost completely replace special speech therapy instruments.

When massaging the tongue, circular and point movements alternate, each technique is repeated 3-10 times. Examples of exercises:

  • We massage the tongue pointwise, moving the brush from the base along the left edge, the tip of the tongue and along the right edge. "We are writing" English letter U.
  • We repeat the exercise. We make circular movements.
  • We carry out toothbrush zigzag, from base to tip, alternating circles and dots.
  • Massage the edge on the left side, first pointwise, then in circles. We repeat the exercise on the right edge.
  • We draw out the bird (V), starting from the bridle and ending at the tip (we recommend reading:). We “draw” the bird’s tails, first on the left side, then on the right. We alternate massage techniques.
  • We draw two parallel lines - the left edge, then the right edge. We alternate movements, starting with point movements.

It is advisable for parents to master massage techniques from a speech therapist, and only then conduct sessions on their own. Such reinsurance is necessary so as not to harm the delicate articulatory apparatus

Lip massage

Children react differently to strange facial manipulations - especially at the beginning of your lessons, misunderstandings may arise. Try to calm the child down and explain the benefits of massage. Do these exercises:

  1. Place the tips of your index fingers on the wings of your nose. Stroking with pressure, moving your fingers along the nasolabial folds. Repeat the movements 8-10 times.
  2. Place your index fingers on the hollow of your upper lip and move them towards the corners of your lips. The movement should be rubbing.
  3. Do the same manipulation with the lower lip. Repeat both exercises 8-10 times.
  4. Pinch your upper and lower lips alternately using your thumb and index finger. Move your fingers from one corner to the other. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  5. Tap with your index finger above and below your lower lip, making a circle clockwise. The exercises are performed in an active rhythm with increasing strength of movements.
  6. Place your index fingers at the tips of your lips and form an accordion, first with your upper lip and then with your lower lip. Repeat 8-10 times.

The completion of speech therapy massage is working with earlobes. 50 circular movements are performed - first in the left direction, then in the right. Between the thumb and index finger, at their base, is a “speech point”. We massage it in a circular motion in the same way as the earlobe. After completing the speech therapy massage, praise the child for his patience and encourage him fun game or an interesting fairy tale. It is important that your manipulations bring pleasure to the baby and do not frighten him.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of the Reproductive Sphere and the Volgograd State Medical University clinical psychologist by specialty

The problem of speech impairment in children worries many parents. While children babble touchingly, their speech defects touch adults, but by the age of three it becomes clear what sounds they cannot make. But speech is the main means of communication little man with the whole world. For most children, over the years and with practice, this can go away on its own, and for some, such speech disorders are caused by disorders normal operation articulatory muscles, and are physiological in nature.

These kids need help. In their classes, speech therapists use respiratory and pronunciation exercises. If these are not enough, experts usually offer a specific, rather effective method– speech therapy massage for children at home. The impact of any massage is beneficial for the body, especially for metabolic processes, blood circulation and nervous system. The therapeutic and preventive qualities of speech therapy massage help normalize speech and improve emotional state baby.

The skill of healing people by kneading special points of their bodies has existed for several millennia. Already in ancient times, the aesculapians comprehended the advantages of massage, allowing you to win serious illnesses. Speech therapy massage arose much later, but is also based on practical knowledge.

The sources of verbal failures come from many causes. Sound pronunciation disorders can be caused by hereditary factors, abnormal pregnancy, delayed mental development, violation of the speech apparatus. The diagnosis can only be determined by a specialist. Based on the specifics of the disorder, the speech therapist determines the type of failure and prescribes treatment.

Disturbances in the normal functioning of the articulatory muscles prevent the child from accurately pronouncing sounds and words. The vocal apparatus consists of the tongue, lips and facial nerves. It's all playing important role V speech development kids. Logo massage for children is a local type of massage, as it is performed exclusively on the articulatory muscles.

Carrying out full course will help the child master the entire sound complex of speech and strengthen his articulatory apparatus. Positive changes usually result. If there are obvious speech errors, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist who, before choosing tactics and type of manipulation, examines by palpation the condition of all muscles involved in speech formation.

Indications for speech therapy massage

The speech therapist chooses the right type massage that can activate those areas of the verbal apparatus that were not working, which helps to gradually improve the tone of all muscles responsible for speech activity. Such opportunities allow the use of speech therapy massage techniques in the treatment of dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia and other ailments. These manipulations can be carried out from 2 months, although at such a time they are preventive measures, simply prevent the occurrence of violations.

IN serious cases disorders, speech therapy massage is used, restoring vocal capabilities, toning muscles speech system, shortening the period of pronunciation development. Even obvious neurological symptoms lend themselves to this technique and give good results.

Impact on significant speech centers - tongue, lips, earlobes, neck - is prescribed for children with the following congenital and acquired disorders:

  • with partial loss or incomplete voice disorder;
  • with various speech anomalies;
  • with excessive intensity of the facial muscles;
  • with excessive reflective salivation;
  • with a failure of the entire pronunciation aspect of speech;
  • with cerebral palsy;
  • with defects in the formation of articulatory muscles;
  • with all types of logopathies.

All these shortcomings require an indispensable and urgent correction, time-consuming and labor-intensive, but necessary, because in the future, poor-quality diction will hinder many types of activities that a grown child wants to engage in. Serious violations can even lead to disability. Therefore, you should know how to do speech therapy facial massage for a disabled child.

Goals of speech therapy massage

The main tasks that speech therapy facial massage for children sets for itself and which he can cope with are:

  • correction of precise articulation of sounds;
  • improving the situation with the vocal cords;
  • streamlining respiration at the time of conversation;
  • prevention of mental stress as a result of speech defects;
  • a total improvement in the quality of the entire speech apparatus and speech itself.

This procedure also serves to reduce the excess amount of saliva produced, which is often found in children, which also interferes with correct diction.

  • colds and respiratory diseases;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums and eyes;
  • stomatitis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • herpes.

Massage is carried out very carefully in children with convulsive diagnoses, cerebral palsy, autism, and Down syndrome. When carrying out a massage procedure, serious concentration, accuracy and professionalism are required.

Specifics of logomassage at home

At the time of the massage, the baby should feel comfort and trust, not feel anxiety, so you should always find an approach to him, talk to him, distract him with something. Babies have a session in a stroller or on their mother’s lap. Later, children get used to the specialist’s manipulations and calm down.

The session time is 2 hours after eating. It is recommended to rinse the child's mouth thoroughly.

Types of speech therapy intervention

There are several types of manipulations with the sphere of speech muscles.

  • Classic massage includes regular massage techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It serves to activate and stimulate muscle tone.
  • Acupressure works biologically active points with an accumulation of blood vessels and nerve endings.
  • Hardware massage uses vacuum or vibration devices. Its special type - probe - was developed according to the original method of E.V. Novikova. One of the recognized techniques - Dyakova massage - is used by many speech therapists.

Self-massage is performed by the child with his own hands. It involves activities that involve massaging the face and tongue, such as pushing the tongue through connected teeth.


Speech therapy begins with a general facial massage, which lasts several minutes. The main techniques are light stroking and vibrating movements that are pleasant to the child. The directions are very diverse:

  • the forehead is massaged from bottom to top and from the middle towards the temples;
  • lower eyelid - starting from the outer corner to the nose, upper - vice versa;
  • from the nose to the temporal region and from the corners of the mouth to the ears;
  • from the chin to the earlobe.

To relax the neck muscles and the root of the tongue, rock the child's head, smoothly turning it from one side to the other. Now it is advisable to move on to massaging your lips and tongue.

Massage technique

Reduced muscle tone caused by rickets, Down syndrome and other diseases requires activation of muscle groups. Manipulations begin with treating the facial muscles, then moving on to the rest. Classic techniques are used with gradually increasing pressure, trying not to cause harm to the child. discomfort. Stroking the forehead and rubbing the cheeks are relevant. It all ends with light tapping and pinching. The lip muscles are kneaded from the center to the corners of the lips - each lip separately, then the nasolabial fold.

With increased muscular excitation caused by brain injury during childbirth or during intrauterine development, as well as hypoxia, rubella, birth injuries, a relaxing technique is used. It consists of classic stroking and vibrations. The session begins in the collar and shoulder regions, continues with the treatment of the face, lips and tongue. Relaxation is carried out with slow, smooth and slightly pressing movements, repeated 8-10 times.

A professional performs massage of the tongue using special devices. At home, use a spoon or simply an index finger, which is used to stroke, starting from the tip of the tongue towards the root. During the massage, using teaspoons, the convex side of the instrument involves stroking and rubbing the forehead, temples, cheeks, mouth and neck area, chin and cheekbones.

Parents can save their child from a speech disorder and teach them to speak impeccably; to do this, they must notice the problem in time and make every effort to eliminate it. Speech therapy massage will help them with this, which should be prescribed by a pediatrician if there is a certain diagnosis. It can be carried out with a specialist, as well as at home, having first become acquainted with the rules and technique of implementation.

The success of healing will largely depend on the regularity of classes and the patience of parents.

I would like to note that speech therapy massage in Moscow is best done by a professional. For example, at Ekaterina Ruslova V Children's Center Slukhon on Pilyugina (metro Novye Cheryomushki).