Burning on the right side of the chest. What does burning in the sternum mean?

The occurrence of a burning sensation in the chest area may indicate a disease of the internal organs; in order to accurately determine which organ is giving an alarm signal, it is necessary to study in more detail all possible causes. When this symptom occurs, the patient may develop a feeling of fear, since an unpleasant sensation in the chest can warn of the presence of cardiovascular disease.

Burning and other painful sensations can be caused by various diseases. For example, such sensations can occur due to an attack of angina pectoris or, much worse, during a myocardial infarction. Therefore, a person should be extremely careful if pain in the chest is felt immediately after suffering stress or intense physical activity.

DiseaseBrief description of symptoms
Myocardial infarctionOne of the most dangerous diseases is myocardial infarction. To recognize it at the first manifestations, you should know exactly about the symptoms. The primary symptom is very severe pain behind the sternum, which becomes burning, pressing, squeezing, and sometimes even unbearable. After taking Nitroglycerin, there is no improvement in well-being. Duration of pain more than 20 minutes. This attack most often occurs when the patient does not expect it - at night or early in the morning.
Ailments of housing and communal servicesIf the patient feels a burning sensation in the chest and/or in the epigastric region, then the presence of a gastrointestinal tract disease can be suspected. In this case, the pain is usually associated with food intake or errors in diet. Decreases after taking antacids.
Respiratory diseasesWhen a problem occurs with the lungs, a person may feel either sudden, severe pain in the chest area, or gradually increasing pain. Unpleasant burning sensations or pain can occur even with minor physical activity, and can also intensify with breathing and coughing.
Angina pectorisThe pain syndrome will be severe. A person can feel a burning sensation during emotional stress or physical activity. The pain is characterized by distension, burning, and pressure behind the sternum. Irradiation of pain: left shoulder blade, shoulder, lower jaw. Such attacks last less than 20 minutes and are stopped by taking Nitroglycerin.
OsteochondrosisIf a person develops this disease in the cervical or thoracic spine, the pain can radiate to the chest. It is noteworthy that the intensity of pain will depend on the stage of the disease and physical activity.
Illnesses of a psycho-emotional natureAfter suffering severe stress or in the presence of a mental illness, a person may feel pain and a burning sensation in the chest. In this case, an examination by a psychotherapist will be required.

Carefully! Each of the above ailments is life-threatening, so if a burning sensation appears behind the sternum, you should immediately call an ambulance. For example, an attack accompanied by pain in the chest during a heart attack lasts more than 20 minutes and, in the absence of qualified assistance, can lead to death.

Additional symptoms and chest burning

When pain occurs in the chest on the left, we can talk about left-sided pneumonia. In this case, several more symptoms are added to the burning sensation - cough, shortness of breath and high temperature. The exact diagnosis is determined by the doctor after special examinations. When a pronounced burning sensation is observed in the center of the chest, the patient most likely has influenza complicated by bronchitis.

A burning sensation, which is localized behind the sternum and accompanied by a sour belch, confirms the presence heartburn. Also, pain on the left or in the center of the chest will be observed when vegetative-vascular dystonia. The symptom occurs, in this case, after overwork. To diagnose an attack of VSD, you should pay attention to symptoms such as a high level of sweating, redness or paleness of the skin, and a person begins to feel feverish.

Attention! A symptom such as a burning sensation in the chest cannot be ignored and muffled with analgesics, since this sign may indicate a threat to life. After manifestations of a painful syndrome, it is imperative to undergo diagnostics of the body.

Carefully! Acute conditions and burning in the chest

As already mentioned, pain can occur with dangerous diseases such as heart attack, myocarditis and angina. To understand which of the ailments has made itself felt, you need to familiarize yourself with the additional symptoms of attacks.

  1. Myocardial infarction. It is characterized by chest pain of a pressing, burning, squeezing or bursting nature, radiating to the left arm, neck, lower jaw, left scapula or interscapular space. It is not relieved by taking nitroglycerin. There may also be atypical symptoms: heaviness, discomfort behind the sternum, pain in the chest of another location, heaviness, discomfort or pain in the epigastric region, shortness of breath. Such atypical complaints occur in 30% of cases and are more often presented by women, elderly patients, patients with diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure or dementia. An attack of pain may be accompanied by agitation, a feeling of fear, restlessness, sweating, dyspepsia, hypotension, shortness of breath, weakness and even fainting.
  2. Myocarditis. This is a heart disease, which implies a focal or diffuse inflammatory process in the myocardium. This disease develops against the background of an infectious disease, allergic reactions or toxic damage to the heart. In addition to the main symptom - pain in the chest, including burning pain, the patient experiences shortness of breath, interruptions in heart rhythm, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, and severe weakness.
  3. Angina pectoris. Pain behind the sternum or along the left edge of the sternum is paroxysmal, discomfort or pressing, squeezing, deep dull pain. The attack can be described as tightness, heaviness, lack of air. Associated with physical and emotional stress. It radiates to the neck, lower jaw, teeth, interscapular space, and less often to the elbow or wrist joints, mastoid processes. The pain lasts from 1-15 minutes (2-5 minutes). It is relieved by taking Nitroglycerin and stopping the load.

If the burning and soreness is associated with breathing

Most of the chest is occupied by paired organs - the lungs. Therefore, the occurrence of a burning sensation may be due to inflammation of the lungs or the development of pathological processes in them. The pain usually gets worse with breathing, coughing, or physical activity.

More details about inflammation of the membranes that lead to burning in the chest

Shell nameBrief description
PleurisyA pathology that develops against the background of other ailments, for example, tuberculosis. The patient complains of stabbing pain, which disappears when lying down
PericarditisThis pathology affects the outer lining of the heart. In this case, the pathological process may be:

Dry (that is, there is no release of any liquid);
exudative (fluid leaks out).

The dry form of pericarditis is characterized by pain in the heart area and cough. But, if exudate is released, it can put pressure on the heart, which causes a burning sensation

Pay attention! A burning sensation can occur against the background of respiratory tract diseases and cardiac pathologies. Timely diagnosis is important.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

It should be recognized that the same symptom can warn of completely different diseases. If ARVI diseases and influenza can be cured and thereby eliminate the painful symptom, then oncological diseases and heart attacks require a quick response and correct treatment tactics. Therefore, if alarming symptoms appear, it is important to go for a diagnosis.

  • basic diagnostics includes the collection of material for detailed research. The basic complex also includes radiography, fluorography, ultrasound, and electrocardiogram. The listed examinations are carried out to find out the exact cause of a burning sensation in the chest area. If doubt arises, the patient may be sent for special diagnostics;
  • special diagnostics includes tomography (computer, magnetic) and fibrogastroscopy.

The final diagnosis is made by the doctor, after which, taking into account individual indicators, he determines the course of therapy. Based on the results of diagnostic procedures, the patient is sent to a specific specialist (oncologist, pulmonologist, therapist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist).

Attention! Before the patient goes to a medical institution, he must independently try to assess the situation and, if necessary, provide himself with pre-medical care.

Actions for burning in the chest

When unpleasant symptoms occur in the heart, lungs or stomach, it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. You cannot relieve pain on your own and endure it if:

  1. A sudden sharp pain occurs in the chest area, a paroxysmal cough occurs and the patient loses consciousness.
  2. In case of a burning sensation that radiates to the shoulder, jaw or shoulder blade.
  3. If the pain does not subside on its own after resting for fifteen minutes.
  4. When symptoms such as an accelerated heart rate, increased sweating, vomiting are observed, which are complemented by a feeling of severe burning in the chest.

How to help yourself?

In any case, if a person feels squeezing, squeezing, or a burning sensation in the middle of the sternum, then the help of a doctor is needed, so you should call an ambulance. Before the team arrives, you can try to eliminate the unpleasant symptom yourself, and to do this, follow these steps:

  • If the pain occurs immediately after eating, then the person is advised to lie down quickly and not overload himself with physical activity. Depending on the level of acidity in the stomach, you can drink a weak soda solution, which will soothe heartburn;
  • in case of stress, you should try to calm yourself down using breathing exercises (long inhalation and quick exhalation), then take a comfortable position and relax;
  • do not self-medicate in case of heart ailments and respiratory diseases, because this will only worsen the clinical picture.

Pay attention! A herbal decoction (chamomile and sage) will help temporarily relieve the burning sensation. But, in no case should you ignore the main cause of chest burning.

A highly qualified doctor will talk about chest pain and heart pain in a video.

Video - Heart pain and chest pain

What does a doctor do?

  1. The first thing the specialist does is study the anamnesis (cardiovascular diseases) of close relatives.
  2. Finds out additional symptoms.
  3. Inquires about taking any medications.
  4. Conducts a detailed inspection to rule out other underlying causes.
  5. Sends the patient for an ECG examination.
  6. Conducts a test to determine the body's response to physical activity.
  7. Recommends undergoing examination of the gastrointestinal tract and angiography.

Preventive measures

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to do exercises daily, but in no case should you start exercising with heavy physical activity. The exercise program must be agreed upon with a physical therapy trainer. Also, the patient should be within his optimal weight and monitor cholesterol levels, take preventive measures against atherosclerosis and hypertension. At the same time, if a person suffers from diabetes, sugar level control should be in the first place. Once every six months you should conduct a full examination of the body, and if a burning sensation occurs, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Video - How to find out what hurts behind the sternum

Symptoms when coughing: burning in the chest

Most often, a burning sensation in the chest area when coughing is observed with pneumonia. In this case, coughing is a natural reflex that can quickly and efficiently clear the airways of mucus and accumulations of all kinds of particles and microorganisms.

In addition, a burning sensation in the chest area as a symptom of cough is possible with asthma, chronic bronchitis and a number of other diseases. In addition, the reason may be the patient’s inhalation of polluted air and smoking. Infections that can cause diseases of the respiratory system can also cause symptoms such as a burning sensation when coughing.

If a patient experiences a burning sensation when coughing, he should immediately seek help from a doctor. The cause almost always lies in a disease that needs to be eliminated. A burning sensation in the chest area indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs, and it can also be attributed to symptoms of cancer.

A burning sensation in the chest may be a symptom of a myocardial infarction. At first, before the mentioned symptom, attacks of angina pectoris are observed. Over time, their occurrence requires an increasingly lower load on the heart.

During a heart attack, the patient feels severe pain in the cardiac region, which is accompanied by a burning sensation. Quite often, the patient suffers from a sharp, strong coughing cough. The load on the heart may be insignificant; the pain does not go away after resting and taking several nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue. A heart attack is accompanied by pain radiating to the jaw, arm and shoulder blade, cold sweat appearing on the body, shortness of breath and dizziness.

The inflammation of the heart muscle, known as myocarditis, is often accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest accompanied by a cough. The reason may be during the infectious process after a sore throat, flu and other diseases. This condition is mainly observed in young people.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, become a common cause of a burning sensation in the chest when coughing. Sensations in the chest cavity appear sporadically and have the character of paroxysmal symptoms. If they occur, urgent consultation with a doctor is required to avoid the development of the consequences of the disease and for its prompt treatment.

Infectious diseases

The cause of a burning sensation in the chest when coughing can be various infectious diseases. Exposure to the intestines of bacteria and harmful microorganisms can cause pathology in the intestinal area. As a result, the mucous membrane of the stomach cavity is affected. In such cases, it is recommended to use drugs to lower the level of stomach acidity. These include Ranitidine, Famotildine, Omeprozole.

Treatment of infectious diseases, the symptom of which is a burning sensation in the chest cavity, can be carried out using traditional medicine methods. The use of infusions of chamomile and sage, which are available for purchase at any pharmacy, is effective.

Musculoskeletal system

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and osteoarthritis of the shoulder joints may be accompanied by a symptom such as a burning sensation in the chest when coughing. Also, this symptom may be a consequence of diseases of the chest caused by damage to the joints of the ribs and cartilage, as well as the joints of the ribs. The temperature rarely rises; painful areas are determined by palpation. The burning sensation in the chest is short-lived and may be accompanied by paroxysmal, stabbing pain. In such cases, treatment should be carried out only in a hospital setting.

Burning sensation in the chest when coughing: treatment

Traditional methods of treating a burning sensation in the chest are effective only in cases where the coughing is mild and short-lived and the chest pain with burning goes away after it. In this case, complications will not occur and the described symptoms do not pose any danger.

If you experience persistent discomfort from a burning sensation in the chest, accompanied by a cough, you should urgently consult a doctor in order to quickly determine a treatment method. The speed of its administration determines the quality of treatment and the correctness of its implementation without complications for the patient’s health. A burning sensation in the chest when coughing indicates a certain progress of the disease, which explains the impossibility of home treatment.

Therapy for a burning sensation in the chest may include both taking medications and performing physiotherapeutic procedures. The final choice remains with the attending physician and he makes it based on the established cause of the disease.


Burning in the chest

A burning sensation in the chest can be a symptom of many diseases of various body systems. To determine the cause of the ailment, you first need to accurately determine the location of the sensation. Associated signs are also important in diagnosis:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cough, etc.

Common Causes of Chest Burning

Burning and pain in the chest area are characteristic of problems in the following systems of the human body:

  • cardiovascular;
  • respiratory;
  • digestive;
  • musculoskeletal.

Also, a burning sensation can be observed in some psycho-emotional disorders:

  • overwork;
  • prolonged stress;
  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • panic attacks.

In all of these cases, you must seek advice from a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Serious mental disorders are also accompanied by a feeling of chest discomfort. Thus, burning and pain in the chest are observed with such ailments as:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's syndrome.

Causes of burning in the middle of the chest

Pain and burning in the middle of the chest are observed in cardiovascular diseases:

  • angina pectoris (a burning sensation appears after physical activity and is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fullness behind the sternum);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • tachycardia;
  • ischemia.

The feeling of discomfort in the heart area occurs due to insufficient filling of blood vessels with blood. It is characteristic that when taking Nitroglycerin or Nitrosorbide, the burning and pain go away.

A burning sensation in the sternum is characteristic of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, including:

  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • hernia of the diaphragm and esophagus;
  • colitis, etc.

An unpleasant feeling appears when stomach contents, already exposed to hydrochloric acid and enzymes, spill into the lower parts of the esophagus. A rare sensation of heartburn is observed after consuming fatty, fried, smoked foods, alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks.

To alleviate the condition, you should take one of the following medications for heartburn:

  • Rennie;
  • Maalox;
  • Rutacid, etc.

Fresh potato juice or a weak solution of baking soda helps eliminate the manifestations. If there is no improvement within half an hour after taking the medicine, you should call emergency medical help. If burning and pain during heartburn are observed frequently, then you cannot do without the help of a gastroenterologist. The doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis and determine a course of therapy.

A burning sensation in the chest is characteristic of osteochondrosis of the upper spine. After an X-ray examination, making sure there are no fractures or bruises of the ribs, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment.

With inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, a burning sensation in the sternum is accompanied by an increase in temperature and general weakness. Such symptoms are typical for colds and viral infections (flu, ARVI). With bilateral pneumonia, an intense burning sensation in the sternum is constant. character, if the inflammatory process occurs in the left lung, when coughing, the burning sensation in the chest intensifies on the left.

Burning on the left side of the chest

A burning sensation in the chest on the left is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas and its ducts. After heavy feasts and drinking alcohol, the unpleasant feeling worsens and sometimes becomes unbearable. Acute pancreatitis is fraught with the development of dangerous complications that can cause death. Due to the fact that the disease is life-threatening, an ambulance is required.


Pain in the middle of the sternum

Pain behind the sternum is a common symptom of many pathological conditions. The clinical picture of each of the possible “hidden” diseases is manifested by characteristic symptoms. Pain in the middle of the chest should alert anyone. To avoid the most serious consequences, patients with problems with the heart and blood vessels should immediately contact a specialist for any manifestations of chest discomfort.

Why does the middle of the chest hurt?

You should not ignore symptoms that cause even the most minor inconvenience. A feature of the painful feeling in the sternum is its radiating nature, which complicates making an accurate diagnosis. Constant pain in the chest in the middle serves as a motive for seeking help in order to exclude serious diseases of vital organs and systems.

Behind the sternum in the middle it radiates to the back

Pain behind the sternum in the middle, radiating to the back, together with shortness of breath, arrhythmia, and low blood pressure may indicate thromboembolism of the arteries of the lung. Myocardial infarction has identical symptoms. A malfunction of the esophagus is manifested by pain in the middle of the chest when swallowing food. Pain syndrome, localized in the chest and back, along with nausea and fever, signals the development of cholecystitis.

Pain when moving

Sharp discomfort in the sternum during movement may indicate a pathology of the esophagus, sometimes the presence of advanced stage cancer. Discomfort when moving on the right side indicates problems with the spine in the form of scoliosis, spondylosis. Pressing pain in the middle of the sternum, worsening with movement, is a symptom of a possible heart attack.

Pain when inhaling

Unbearable sensations emanating from the solar plexus - intercostal neuralgia - are a sign of acute and chronic processes. If there is pain in the middle of the chest due to running, inhaling, coughing, sneezing, then we can talk about compression or irritation of the nerve endings running from the spine to the ribs. The causes of the disease are:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Pleurisy.

After smoking

The chest hurts after smoking for several reasons: pulmonary and extrapulmonary. Pulmonary causes arise due to damage to lung tissue by tobacco smoke, manifestations of chronic bronchitis, asthma, and lung oncology. Extrapulmonary – indicate problems of the cardiovascular system (angina), gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis), bones and joints.

When pressed

Mechanical impact on the chest is a good test for many diseases. If, when pressed, the sternum hurts more strongly in the middle and the attack recurs again, then these signs may signal inflammation of the costochondral joint. In diabetes mellitus, impact on the sternum leads to pain due to the accumulation of uric acid.

After vomiting

Deterioration of the condition and severe pain after vomiting are symptoms of possible perforation (rupture) of the esophagus. Unbearable pain is accompanied by a burning sensation, makes it difficult for the patient to breathe and perform minimal range of motion? This combination of circumstances requires immediate surgical intervention to eliminate the rupture and intoxication of the body.

When coughing

The oppressive feeling that presses in the middle of the sternum when coughing is an alarm bell. Lack of proper attention from specialists can lead to very sad consequences. Clinical sensations behind the sternum when coughing are detected due to diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. There are a number of other reasons that cause this symptomatic picture:

  • injuries;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • tuberculosis.

Types of pain in the sternum in the middle

A painful condition of the chest is one of the symptoms with which patients turn to specialists very often. If you experience any discomfort of this nature, you should quickly assess the seriousness of the situation and take the necessary measures to eliminate the pain syndrome and its root cause. The nature of the pain can say a lot about the severity of pathological processes.


Acute stabbing pain behind the sternum appears due to an attack of angina pectoris. The pain between the chest in the middle is so severe that it is difficult for a person to move. Drugs of the nitroglycerin group can alleviate the patient's condition. If the external symptoms of the disease are not expressed, but there is permanent pain in the chest, this indicates pathological changes in the heart muscle or the development of osteochondrosis.


Severe girdle pain below the chest in the middle occurs due to stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, oncology of the pancreas and stomach, and severe enlargement of the spleen. “Referred” pain syndrome plays an important role. This fact has been little studied; making an accurate diagnosis of such conditions is complicated by many aspects, and treatment of radiating pain is ineffective.


Bursting, aching pain occurs due to diseases of the heart and lungs. With ischemic disease, the pain during sneezing and coughing is temporary. Cardialgia can be a symptom of many pathological conditions. Its neurological causes deserve special attention. Discomfort behind the sternum occurs much more often in people exposed to constant stress and shock.


Unpleasant sensations behind the sternum occur due to muscle spasms of the stomach walls. If there is pressure in the middle of the sternum at some specified time, then we can assume the cause of the disease. With a stomach ulcer, pain occurs after eating, accompanied by heartburn and vomiting. The presence of problems with the gallbladder and bladder is described by similar symptoms. The syndromes are temporarily blocked with special drugs, but the disease requires treatment.

Video: what does pain and burning in the middle of the chest mean?

Painful sensations behind the sternum can be caused by a large number of different diseases. Clear differentiation of the types of attacks or constant pain helps to timely diagnose pathological acute processes that can lead to death and disability. The most dangerous root causes of neuralgia are heart attack, thromboembolism, and peritonitis.

The clinical picture of such serious conditions develops very quickly, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and a surgical solution to the problem. Knowledge of the principles of functioning of the body's internal systems can save your life and protect you from the negative consequences of the most unpleasant diagnoses. Watch the video and be fully prepared!


Causes of chest pain when coughing

With respiratory diseases, a person experiences many different symptoms. Many of them are quite unpleasant, and some of them are quite painful. These symptoms include chest pain when coughing. This unpleasant sensation is often a sign of a serious illness. But sometimes everything is much simpler and there is no reason to worry. Many people who suffer from respiratory diseases ask themselves the question: why does my chest hurt when I cough? In this article we will try to answer this question.

Since ancient times, folk medicine has had many ways to determine why the chest hurts when coughing. Healers and healers diagnosed all sorts of diseases, but did not always hit the mark. By trying to treat the wrong disease, relying on the symptom of chest pain after coughing, they brought people to a serious condition.

In the modern world, things are much better with diagnostics. By contacting your doctor, you will undoubtedly find out the cause of chest pain when coughing and receive proper treatment.

Causes of chest pain when coughing

There are many reasons that precede cough and chest pain. The main ones are diseases of the organs located in this part of the body. It can also be complications and consequences of certain ailments.

The main causes of chest pain during a reflex act:

Complications after respiratory diseases.

Sometimes when you suffer from chest pain, there is one very simple explanation. The cough reflex, which accompanies respiratory diseases, is carried out by contraction of the diaphragm. And when there are many such attacks and they are repeated quite often, the intercostal muscles and other parts of the chest become overworked, and aching pain appears, intensifying with a deep breath. Fever, runny nose and weakness may also be present with chest pain during coughing. A small examination will help establish this reason and then, as they say, you can breathe easy. Such pain is usually preceded by a dry cough. It passes quickly and almost never has any consequences.

Dry pleurisy

This disease occurs due to inflammation of the pleura, the membrane that protects the lungs from the chest. It may be caused by complications from respiratory diseases and pneumonia. This disease is accompanied by fever, wheezing in the lungs in the area of ​​the diaphragm, and chest pain when coughing.

This disease can be treated exclusively in a medical facility under the supervision of a pulmonologist. By neglecting it, or by trying to treat yourself, you threaten not only to complicate a severe cough and chest pain, but also to develop serious complications.

Fractures and violations of the integrity of the chest

If you feel sharp pain in your chest when you cough, and not only that, then you may have fractures or other injuries. They differ from diseases of internal organs by specific acute pain localized at the site of the injury. Moreover, the chest hurts not only from coughing, but also from movements.

A traumatologist diagnoses the cause by examining the chest. For this purpose, fluoroscopy and other methods are used.

Intercostal neuralgia

A characteristic symptom of this disease is pain in the sternum when coughing. Sometimes it spreads to the ribs and has a encircling character. It appears as a result of a pinched nerve, prolonged exposure to a draft and injuries. The pain is severe, shooting, intensifying with movement and moving to a certain position. It is very similar to heart disease, which is why many people confuse them. With neuralgia, it is uncomfortable to breathe, and strong shooting pains appear when moving and coughing. If you have these symptoms, warmth may be the best way to relieve pain. Warming ointments and woolen bandages will come in handy more than ever and will help you relieve chest pain when coughing.

A neurologist will help you treat this disease. He will accurately determine why your chest hurts after coughing.

Short interpleural ligament

Every person has an interpleural ligament in the area of ​​the bronchi, which stabilizes some of the functioning of the respiratory system. It is vital for maintaining the normal location of the lungs. When it shortens due to inflammation of the pleura, or anatomically small dynasty, a person begins to suffer from a dry cough, which causes a tickling in the chest, a burning sensation and pain.

If you experience these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. He will order an examination, make a diagnosis and determine the necessary treatment.

Renal colic

This disorder is characterized by unpleasant sensations that are observed mainly on the right side. The hypochondrium, scapula, and area around the gallbladder are the places where pain in renal colic is localized. When you cough, it intensifies and radiates into the chest. This disease is caused by the movement of stones and sand along the kidney and ureters. It is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations and brings a lot of discomfort to the patient. If the pain intensifies when coughing, rush to the hospital immediately.

If symptoms of such colic are detected, you should contact a urologist and have an ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Everyone knows such a painful disease as osteochondrosis. It is accompanied by discomfort, restrictions of movement, pain and heaviness in the chest when coughing and moving. It occurs due to injuries, constant incorrect position, stooping and other postural disorders. As you know, this is a disease that cannot be cured. And once you earn it, you will have to live with it and chest pain. Don't neglect advice about your sitting and standing position, and supervise your children.

When you contact a traumatologist or neurologist with a similar problem, do not expect that you will be cured. It's not in their power yet. And there is not a single drug, procedure or technique that will save you from this disease. Doctors can only relieve an acute condition and heal the disease. When the condition stabilizes, chest pain, aggravated by coughing and movement, discomfort and a feeling of stiffness go away.

Acute tracheitis

This is a respiratory disease characterized by constant bouts of dry and painful cough, fever and runny nose. It appears as an independent disease or a complication of upper respiratory tract infections. It causes pain in the trachea when coughing, a feeling that something is itching, burning and baking in the chest. The condition is stabilized by taking expectorants and anti-cold medications. If you neglect this disease, symptoms will include a severe dry cough, chest pain and fever.

A therapist will help with this disease. He will prescribe the necessary treatment and help get rid of annoying symptoms.


This disease appears due to the accumulation of air under the lungs behind the pleura. This disease occurs as a complication and as an independent disorder. It causes severe pain in the chest, aggravated by coughing, reaching very strong and painful pain. If this disease occurs spontaneously, you may not notice any pain.

Cardiovascular diseases

The sensations of some cardiovascular diseases resemble neuralgia, but the symptoms are still slightly different. These diseases are characterized by deterioration of health, shortness of breath, heaviness and pain in the chest when coughing.

If you feel that your bronchi hurt, but there is no cough, this is probably a disease of the musculoskeletal or cardiovascular system and you should urgently consult a cardiologist.

Tumors and foreign bodies in the lungs

If you have chest pain and a severe cough, then the worst reason for this could be cancer or other formations. Signs of this are often heaviness in the chest, pain with a strong cough, and congestion in the respiratory tract. All this is accompanied by a stable deterioration in health, a sharp weight loss and a negative reaction to medications.

Certain forms of the disease can be cured in the early stages. To do this, when the first symptoms appear, you need to urgently go to the hospital. After the diagnosis, you will receive the result.

Treatment for chest pain when coughing

When such a symptom appears, you must first establish its cause. After detailed consultation with a doctor, you should begin a course of medication. Since this problem is directly related to the respiratory system, it causes a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, at first it would not hurt to get rid of the cough as the main cause of discomfort. To do this, you can use both pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies. The most important thing is to always follow your doctor's recommendations and not skip treatment. Take care of your health and don't get sick.


Right chest pain

Chest pain on the right is a fairly common symptom of many diseases. It is very important to determine the nature of the pain and the duration of spasmodic reactions in order to correctly diagnose the disease. Under no circumstances should you turn a blind eye to signals such as pain, because it is never causeless. Even if you know why you have pain in your chest on the right side, self-medication without an examination and conclusions from a doctor is highly not recommended.

In order for you to be aware of the risks of diseases associated with chest pain on the right, we have prepared for you complete and detailed information about their causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Causes of chest pain on the right

Pain in the chest on the right due to chest injury, excessive exercise, sprains and injuries:

  • Strong physical activity and sprains can cause pain in the intercostal and pectoral muscles. This kind of pain is also called sore throat. It appears after active exercise in the gym or hard physical work. This is a completely harmless pain, which is caused by the release of lactic acid in the connective tissues of the muscles, as well as partial damage to the muscular and ligamentous structures of those muscles that were tensed the most. The appearance of such pain is the result of an inadequate approach to the training schedule, incorrect calculation of the load on the body. It usually manifests itself as an intramuscular pulling unpleasant sensation, and can intensify with sudden movements.
  • Injuries and damage to the chest and organs under its strong, but still vulnerable protection can also cause pain in the chest on the right. For example, a rib fracture is reminiscent of a stabbing pain directly at the site of injury, especially when the chest is compressed. It also manifests itself strongly when coughing and calms down as soon as the patient sits down and relaxes.

With bruises on the body, you can see bruises and bruises. A slight bruise is not at all dangerous to humans, although it can cause minor hemorrhages and ruptures. While a severe bruise can lead to lung rupture and death.

Chest pain on the right due to viral and infectious diseases:

  • Viral diseases can cause pain when taking a deep breath, sneezing or coughing. In this case, the localization of pain will depend on the weakest area of ​​the organs affected by the infection. In such a situation, the lung on the right side or the intercostal muscles of a weakened body may hurt. Sometimes with a simple cold, this pain can go away after a course of special drug treatment, and the patient must stay in bed. But there are cases when the patient’s health condition deteriorates significantly, which leads to serious disruption of the vital functions of the respiratory system.

Chest pain on the right due to dysfunction of the respiratory system:

  • Pneumonia is one of the most serious lung diseases, manifesting itself in the patient’s body as inflammation, which can affect either one part of the organ or affect both sides. There is a fairly wide range of viruses and infections that can cause this disease, but the most important fact that everyone should know is that pneumonia, which is so difficult to treat and can be fatal in severe cases, can be provoked by improper drug intervention. Typically, pneumonia is manifested by fever, chest pain, characteristic wheezing and cough.
  • Pleurisy is a disease of the lungs associated with inflammation of their lining. This inflammatory process causes pain in the right side of the chest, especially during coughing or other straining of the diaphragm. Pleurisy is recognized by sudden painful spasms in the chest, as the ability to breathe deeply is lost, and patients with pleurisy often experience suffocation. Inflammation of the pleura often appears as a post-symptom of pneumonia, and also accompanies the course of tuberculosis, or cardiovascular diseases.
  • The presence of a tumor in the lungs and bronchi, as the most difficult and not comforting diagnosis for the patient, can also cause pain on the right side of the chest. As a rule, tumors in the pulmonary region are classified by oncologists as bronchopulmonary cancer, the main distinguishing feature of which is a dry, suffocating cough with bloody expectoration. Lung cancer is accompanied by a variety of symptoms, including chest pain.

Chest pain on the right due to diseases of the digestive system:

Pain in the chest on the right, due to problems with the cardiovascular system:

  • Angina is a heart disease that manifests itself in the form of attacks of sudden pain in the chest, both on the left and on the right. Angina pectoris is a consequence of an acute lack of blood supply to the myocardium. This is a severe form of coronary heart disease that requires hospital treatment. Due to a lack of oxygen supply to the necessary areas of the heart and lungs, pressing pain in the chest appears. It can take a person by surprise both during the day during physical activity and at night when at rest. Doctors can recognize this disease at the patient’s first visit, while its complications require tests and continuous monitoring of the patient in the hospital.
  • Myocardial infarction, or heart attack, is the death of part of the heart muscle, which is directly related to a lack of blood and oxygen supply to this muscle. This is also one of the results of clinical forms of coronary heart disease. It is characterized by the sudden onset of sharp pain that spreads to the chest area and radiates to the left shoulder and neck. In case of a heart attack, an ambulance is immediately called, since if help is not provided as quickly as possible, the person may die.
  • Pericarditis is an inflammatory process of the pericardial sac - the pericardium, which is the protective membrane of the heart. Very often, pericarditis appears as a symptom of infectious, autoimmune and oncological disorders and heart diseases, and much less often acts as an independent disease. The manifestations of pericarditis directly depend on the intensity of inflammatory processes and their form. Thus, the main indicators of pericarditis in its dry form are pain signals in the heart area. By their nature, they are very similar to angina pectoris or dry pleurisy, which is why proper treatment of pericardial inflammation often begins very late due to complex diagnostics. One of the hallmarks of pericarditis pain is that it increases with deep inspiration, coughing, or when the body is in a horizontal position. Exudative pericarditis is accompanied by the release of fluid into the pericardial space, the patient feels pressure in the heart area, it becomes quite difficult for him to breathe, shortness of breath appears, as well as compression of the esophagus. The patient’s body reacts to such a painful process with fever, swelling of the face and neck appears, and veins become prominent.

Symptoms of chest pain on the right

Previously, we listed many reasons that can cause pain in the right hypochondrium. However, in order to choose from the list of causes the most likely one for a particular case, you need to know the types of pain and the symptoms that accompany it. A correct understanding of the symptoms of pain will allow the doctor to draw up a correct medical history and, first of all, carry out the most necessary tests and promptly prescribe treatment. Next we will talk about the types of pain, its location and what it means in each specific case:

Drawing and aching pain in the chest on the right can be caused by excessive physical exertion and goes away within a day. Such pain can appear after bruises and injuries to the chest. It often develops into a stabbing pain, depending on the nature of the injury, and is intensified by tension in the diaphragm when the person sneezes, coughs, or takes deep breaths.

Pain on the right side of the upper chest may be associated with inflammatory processes in the lungs. Typically, diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis are accompanied by high fever, hoarse noises in the lungs and a severe cough.

Sudden painful cramps in the chest may begin after pneumonia. Pleurisy develops and then the patient loses the ability to breathe deeply, and suffocation often occurs. Also, spasmodic pain in the upper chest, accompanied by a bloody, suffocating cough, may indicate the presence of cancer in the lungs.

A burning sensation in the chest on the right arises from heartburn and spreads throughout the body from the esophagus to the throat. This pain comes most often after eating, but it can also happen on an empty stomach, it all depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body. The duration of such pain lasts from several minutes to an hour.

Acute pain on the right side under the chest can be caused by liver diseases such as hepatitis, cholecystitis and gallbladder dysfunction. With liver disease, the patient's skin and eye whites take on a yellowish tint, and if you lightly press on the diseased organ, the pain intensifies. It also intensifies from any tension in the chest.

Unbearable stabbing pain occurs at the very first signs of cholelithiasis. Any problems with the outflow and patency of bile should only be resolved in a doctor’s office, since gallbladder diseases cause great pain to the patient and can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if it happens that you feel a sharp stabbing pain on the right under the ribs, call the doctors immediately.

If the pain is systematic and has the character of an attack, has clear conditions for the appearance and subsidence, that is, a certain time and external factors of influence, then most likely it will go away completely if you take nitroglycerin. Because such pain is characteristic of angina pectoris, a type of coronary heart disease. Pain appears from physical or psychological stress, and with age, the pain from angina pectoris only intensifies.

A compressive dull pain throughout the chest, starting on the left side and spasming into the right hypochondrium, making breathing difficult, and squeezing the esophagus - this is pain from pericarditis. It is quite difficult for doctors to diagnose, as the symptoms of this disease are significantly similar to other diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

A sharp pain in the chest on the right, which has the character of an attack, is distinguished by the fact that it begins in the region of the heart on the left and sends a sharp impulse to the right shoulder, but then spreads to the right side of the chest. This is a myocardial infarction, that is, a heart attack. If such symptoms occur, you need to immediately call an ambulance, since the patient’s life without the help of doctors can end at any moment.

Diagnosis of chest pain on the right

The diagnosis of a patient who goes to the hospital with chest pain on the right is made according to a strict algorithm. Depending on the nature of the pain and general symptoms, first aid is provided. For example, myocardial infarction or cholelithiasis cannot be confused with an attack of another disease. Therefore, if all the signs are obvious, then the patient is given emergency first aid and further treatment. And if the causes of the disease upon admission of the patient to the hospital are not known, then using ECG and ultrasound, diseases of the cardiovascular system such as angina pectoris are excluded. Next, depending on what the patient complains about, the doctor takes an anamnesis and prescribes treatment. If the patient complains of a burning sensation in the chest, a special test is performed to determine the acidity of gastric juice and the functioning of the lower alimentary sphincter.

The doctor determines the presence of injuries and bruises visually as a result of examining the patient, as well as through palpation - tactile examination. And if, when pressing on the chest area, the pain intensifies, then the patient is sent from the diagnostic department to traumatology. If a patient is admitted to the hospital with a high fever, cough and characteristic wheezing, he is prescribed a series of routine tests, as well as a computer scan - a tomogram, as a result of which the doctor will be able to identify damaged areas of the lungs and diagnose one of the diseases of the respiratory system.

Treatment of chest pain on the right

After the medical history and diagnosis of the disease have been successful, the doctor prescribes treatment for the disease, which will eliminate chest pain on the right from the patient’s life for many years, and maybe forever, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Pain in the left hypochondrium due to bruises and chest injuries. The very first aid that must be provided to the patient before the doctor arrives is the application of a tight bandage around the chest. The patient must take a painkiller - an injection of two milliliters of a fifty percent analgin solution. If there are multiple rib fractures, in any case it is accompanied by difficulty breathing and cyanosis. After providing first aid, depending on the complexity of the fracture, the patient is hospitalized either in the intensive care unit, or in the trauma or thoracic department. In the hospital, doctors maintain normal airway patency and bronchial function and prescribe physical therapy and breathing exercises for this purpose. To improve the functions of the bronchial tree, massages and inhalations are prescribed. Antibacterial therapy is not used for a rib fracture, since this group of patients has a high likelihood of developing pneumonia, so they are prescribed antibiotics. To ensure that the body continues to recover after the hospital, the patient is prescribed to wear a special bandage or corset that helps maintain the ribs in the desired shape.

Pain in the chest on the right due to disruption of the respiratory system. Mild forms of respiratory diseases that cause chest pain on the right are treated in combination with simple antiviral and anti-influenza drugs. However, we have already seen that improper treatment or complications can cause the development of pneumonia. This is why it is so important to follow all the recommendations of your doctor and follow the instructions for using medications. The decision to hospitalize a patient for pneumonia and other severe respiratory tract diseases depends on the age and condition of the patient. Most often, adults are treated at home. But in any case, a chest x-ray and a general blood test are required for all patients before and after treatment. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for inflammatory processes of pneumonia. They must be taken according to strict doctor's recommendations. Even if the patient feels better, but the course of treatment has not yet been completed, this does not mean that drug treatment should be stopped, since the disease can return with double destructive force. If the drug effect on the patient’s body does not produce results, then the antibiotic is replaced with another after three days. Bronchodilators are also prescribed. During inpatient treatment, infusion therapy is practiced, oxygen inhalations are performed, and massage is prescribed to improve drainage function.

Pain in the chest on the right due to diseases of the digestive system. Heartburn is a common symptom of diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, to get rid of it, you need to treat the root cause, that is, the underlying disease. In addition, the use of medications is prescribed to help pacify excess acidity inside the stomach. But all this is done only after careful research and analysis. Remember - heartburn never comes alone; behind it there is always a serious gastroenterological disease! As we already know, pain in the hypochondrium on the right is also provoked by inflammation and pathologies of the auxiliary organs of the digestive system, such as the liver and gall bladder. Liver diseases are now treatable, thanks to recent advances in medicine. But still, do not forget that this is a long-term process that requires medical supervision and self-medication is inappropriate here. After all, the liver is an organ that is more susceptible to drug stress than others; it suffers from incompetent intervention, which can lead to irreversible consequences. Drug treatment should only be prescribed by the attending physician. To cure the liver, hepatropic drugs are used, combining three subgroups of drugs:

  • Choleretic agents: improve the secretion of bile and the process of its removal from the body.
  • Hepatoprotective agents: normalize metabolic processes in the liver, improve its immunity to harmful substances, accelerate regeneration processes in case of various liver lesions.
  • Cholelitolytic drugs: regulate the amount of cholesterol in the liver and promote the dissolution of gallstones

Unfortunately, there are cases when liver lesions have to be removed through surgery. But to prevent this from happening in your life, you must monitor your lifestyle, habits and diet. In this case, everything depends only on you!

Pain in the chest on the right, due to problems with the cardiovascular system. The heart is the organ without which human life is impossible. When making any independent decisions about his treatment, the patient has every chance of making a mistake and harming himself. Therefore, only a highly qualified specialist can determine the seriousness of the disease and decide on a treatment strategy for cardiovascular diseases. The most terrible and generalizing feature of all cardiovascular diseases is that they are all progressive. That is why it is so important to contact a cardiologist at the first symptoms in order to stop destructive processes in the early stages of the disease and quickly and effectively correct the functioning of the heart. Believe me, the sooner you start treating your diseased heart, the more likely the chance to restore its function, the less drugs you have to take, the cleaner your liver will be. Remember that sometimes heart diseases have a hidden, progressive nature, and the patient may not even suspect that it is high time for him to start treatment.

How to prevent chest pain on the right?

First of all, to prevent chest pain on the right, you need to control your lifestyle and not go with the flow:

  • You need to eat right, eat more vegetables and fruits and pay less attention to fatty foods, preservatives and fast food. After all, a person’s eating habits primarily affect the functioning of his internal organs. For lovers of fatty foods, the heart and liver are filled with cholesterol plaques, which leads to diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, metabolism is disrupted, and obesity appears.
  • The advice of a qualified trainer will help you play sports wisely. They will teach you how to avoid injuries and overloads, as well as serious consequences in the form of long-term treatment and pain.
  • Do not self-treat acute respiratory diseases, the consequences of which can be extremely disappointing for you. After all, a simple cold or advanced bronchitis can one day turn into inflammatory or oncological formations.
  • If you have experienced a bruise or chest injury, you should not think that everything will go away on its own. There is a possibility that the organs that it protects, which are located directly below it, are also injured. Micro-tears, sprains and hematomas after injury can appear after a few months, or even years.

It is easier to prevent any pain than to waste your energy, time and unexpected capital to cure it. But pain in the right hypochondrium is just a symptom, because it does not come out of nowhere on its own - there is always a disease behind it, and sometimes it may turn out to be too serious, the remaining life may not be enough to cure it. We sincerely hope that you have fully realized the seriousness of the situation and now understand that whatever the nature of the pain, it is worth contacting a qualified specialist for its cause and not expecting it to simply go away on its own. After all, pain signals do not disappear without a trace. Be attentive to your body, and it will repay you with health and longevity.

Hormonal imbalance in the female body, first of all, affects the mammary gland - the most delicate organ of a woman. The main mechanism of the female body is the biological clock. When they fail, deformation of the mammary gland is observed, discomfort appears, which manifests itself as burning and pain.

In addition to stress and anxiety, a woman’s hormonal levels are influenced by the functioning of the ovaries. If their work is disrupted, changes occur throughout the body. In addition to hormonal imbalance, heart disease can be the cause of tingling in the left chest. Before drawing conclusions, you should consult a doctor. Each person’s body is individual, as are the causes of diseases.


Heart diseases

Discomfort in the chest area is familiar to 80% of women. However, pain in the entire chest is distinguished from a burning sensation only on the left. Often, discomfort in the heart area is associated with heart disease. In the case of angina, discomfort spreads to the back, shoulder blades and left arm. In cases where the skin color turns pale, a person sweats and is in a faint state, it is necessary to call an ambulance, as these are the first signs of myocardial infarction.

A burning sensation in the sternum due to cardiac dysfunction or VSD can be relieved by taking a sedative. In most cases, pain on the left side of the chest is associated with heart disease. Pain sensations spread throughout the left side.

If a burning sensation in the chest accompanies vomiting, this may be the cause of a disruption in the digestive system. This condition is called heartburn. With a timely visit to the doctor in cases of frequent attacks of heartburn, a specialist may be diagnosed with a diaphragmatic hernia. This pathology is also characterized by a burning sensation in the left breast area. Symptoms characteristic of ischemic disease are observed mainly on the left. Sometimes it may sting when inhaling and exhaling.


Every woman goes through this stage. Menopause is a natural process in the female body that cannot be reversed. As a result of menopause, the function responsible for childbirth fades away. This process cannot happen without leaving a trace. The female half often complains of discomfort in the mammary gland. Often a harbinger of the disease and one of the causes of burning in the mammary gland is menopause. Changes in hormonal levels reach their peak at the age of 50. Climax is characterized by three stages:

  • Premenopause.
  • Menopause.
  • Postmenopause.

These periods of female “maturation” are responsible for the balance of hormonal levels, so each stage means timely examinations, diagnosis as the causes of the disease arise, prevention and treatment when necessary and required. During each of these stages, a woman’s body is radically restructured. This is accompanied by symptoms such as: fever, burning in the chest, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat. There are many methods to make it easier to endure menopause and reduce the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this process.

Menopause is not the end of life, so don’t worry about it. Drink more soothing drinks; it is recommended to give preference to herbs. Teas based on natural herbs can normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevent discomfort in the mammary gland. Also, to get rid of tingling caused by anxiety, you should reduce your intake of coffee and spicy and hot foods.


Nerves are the cause of all diseases. Human life is full of stressful situations that harm the human nervous system. While a person is experiencing stress, his body produces a hormone called adrenaline. The production of this stress hormone promotes vasospasm. This disrupts the blood circulation process. Nutrient cells do not “deliver” all the richness and diversity of minerals and oxygen to the wall cells. With their deficiency, tissues may experience a need for them, which is why signals will be sent to the brain, accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

A person feels a lack of air, tingling and burning in the heart area. Since all the work of all organs in the human body is connected with nerve endings, when they are “restless” during “fasting”, they are able to release substances that stimulate the production of minerals from other tissues. Regular worries and worries constantly irritate the human nervous system, as a result of which the functioning of the heart is disrupted. This leads to painful sensations in the mammary gland. From here, feelings of constriction and discomfort arise, as if something is preventing you from moving.


When feeling pain in the left atrium, the first thing a person thinks about is heart disease. Since the heart is the center of the whole organism, without which the work of other organs is impossible. The mammary glands are exposed to various hormones. The risk of disease is very high. The older a woman gets, the greater the risk becomes. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to this gland.

One of the alarming signs of the disease may be burning and pain in a certain area throughout the cell. Patients often present with pain in the left atrium, and this is usually associated with diseases of the heart, digestive system, hernias, etc. However, if you find lumps on only one side, you should immediately contact a mammologist.

Doctors strongly recommend regular mammograms for women starting at age 30. There is a high risk of glandular disease for expectant mothers who refuse to feed their baby breast milk. As a result of refusal to breastfeed, a woman may develop mastitis. Purulent formations cause burning and pain in the mammary gland. For a woman's weakened body, drinking alcohol is undesirable. It is important to note that drinking alcohol also has a detrimental effect on the condition of the glands.

If you experience burning and tingling in the gland, you should take into account the following tips:

These tips can provide temporary help. If there is any noticeable change in the functioning of the body, you should consult a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as improper treatment can greatly worsen your health. Discomfort in the mammary glands is a reason to think about the nervous state and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Do not ignore your body's signals, as pain indicates weaknesses in the body that require medical treatment.

A burning sensation in the chest is a symptom that can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. Typically, patients describe a burning sensation in the chest as a burning sensation behind the sternum, in the left or right half of the chest, as if it were “baking” behind the sternum, a feeling of “heat” in the chest. A burning sensation in the chest can arise and disappear spontaneously, and can be provoked by physical activity, changes in body position, eating, or emotional stress. Determining the provoking factor is very important in differential diagnosis, since similar sensations can occur in various pathologies. In clinical practice, determining the cause of a burning sensation in the chest is one of the important tasks, since this symptom can mask life-threatening conditions.

Physiological causes of burning in the chest

There are many reasons that can provoke a burning sensation in the chest, the most common is a diet violation. If the diet is dominated by fatty, spicy, salty foods, carbonated drinks, fast food, if the rhythm and mode of eating is disturbed, there is overeating, eating before bed, then the contents of the stomach are refluxed into the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation in the chest. In addition to a burning sensation behind the sternum, nausea, heartburn, belching, bitterness in the mouth, bloating, and a dry cough that appears in a horizontal position may occur. In this situation, it will be enough to change the quality of the food you eat and adjust your diet. Excessive intake of coffee, alcohol, and smoking can also provoke a burning sensation.

Norm and pathology

With proper nutrition, a healthy person should not experience a burning sensation in the chest, and its appearance should alert the patient.

The mechanisms for the development of such sensations are diverse and depend on the cause, for example, with coronary heart disease, an imbalance occurs between the heart’s need for oxygen and the ability of the blood vessels to meet these needs.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this is the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus and irritation of the mucous membrane.

There are neurological reasons when a burning sensation occurs in the chest due to damage to a nerve or root. Similar sensations can occur in mental disorders, neuroses, and neurosis-like conditions against the background of a traumatic situation.

Diseases of the respiratory tract can also cause a burning sensation in the chest when it comes to damage to the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea. With pneumonia and pleurisy, pain receptors in the pleura are irritated.

With pathology of large vessels (thoracic aorta), similar sensations may also occur. I would like to dwell in more detail on diseases that can cause a burning sensation in the chest and their differences.

Diseases that cause burning in the chest

Diseases of the cardiovascular system account for about 20% of complaints of burning in the chest. The most common cause in this group is coronary heart disease.

At angina pectoris There is a burning sensation behind the sternum, which can be combined with discomfort or pain in the chest, radiating to the jaw, interscapular area, left arm, left half of the chest. The burning sensation is provoked by physical or emotional stress, possibly by eating, and is accompanied by a feeling of fear of death, lasting up to 15 minutes. It is relieved when the influence of the provoking factor ceases, as well as when taking nitroglycerin.

In the case of unstable angina, the burning sensation and pain are more intense, there may not be a clear connection with the provoking factor, they occur at rest and there is a slight effect from taking nitroglycerin, in which case you need to call an ambulance.

The development of myocardial infarction can also cause a burning sensation in the chest, there may be discomfort or pain in the chest, it may be accompanied by a feeling of palpitations, interruptions in heart function, dizziness, general weakness, a feeling of fear of death, usually the sensations are not associated with physical activity and there is no effect from taking nitroglycerin, the duration of burning and pain is over 15-20 minutes. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

More rare but possible causes include myocarditis– inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium). The burning sensation may be combined with pain. Pain and burning with myocarditis are not associated with physical activity or emotional stress, they are diffuse in nature, the pain and burning last for several hours, there is no positive effect from taking nitroglycerin. Also characteristic is the appearance of rhythm and conduction disturbances, general weakness, shortness of breath, skin rash, joint pain, a possible increase in body temperature above 37 degrees C, and swelling of the lower extremities.

Pericarditis(exudative and adhesive) is often combined with pain, pain and burning are localized in the left half of the chest, prolonged, there is no clear connection with the provoking factor, intensifies with changes in body position, with pressure on the anterior chest wall, there is no effect from taking nitroglycerin, pain are stabbing in nature. There may be an increase in body temperature above 37 degrees C, a gradual increase in shortness of breath, and the appearance of rhythm and conduction disturbances.

Diseases of large vessels, such as syphilitic aortitis, aortic aneurysm, are almost always accompanied by pain. The pain is aching in nature, there is no positive effect from nitroglycerin, and is not associated with physical activity.

The next group is pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which the contents of the stomach are refluxed into the esophagus. A burning sensation in this situation occurs after eating, intensifies in a horizontal position, a dry cough, belching, heartburn may occur, the burning sensation is localized behind the sternum, may be accompanied by pain from minor to pronounced, the effect of taking nitroglycerin may be minimal. There is a positive effect from taking antacid drugs (Almagel, Maalox, Rennie).

Very often in practice, it is impossible to distinguish gastroesophageal reflux disease from coronary heart disease (angina) based on clinical data alone, and additional examination methods are required.

Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts, liver, pancreas can also cause a burning sensation in the chest, a burning sensation can occur behind the sternum, in the upper abdomen, accompanied by pain, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, possibly bloating, unstable stool. A hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer, and gastritis can also cause a burning sensation behind the sternum. With pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to burning, pain in the upper half of the abdomen quite often occurs, belching, heartburn, nausea, burning and pain, as a rule, are associated with food intake, and can be relieved by taking antacids or antispasmodics.

Respiratory tract diseases: tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Accompanied by a dry cough and increased body temperature. With pneumonia and pleurisy, there may be additional pain in the chest, aggravated by breathing, which is not associated with exercise; there is no effect from taking nitroglycerin and antacids.

At osteochondrosis It is also possible to experience a burning sensation, itching and pain in the chest. Such sensations are clearly associated with movement in the thoracic spine; they can intensify with a deep breath; as a rule, the affected nerve or its branch can be identified by palpation. There is no effect from taking nitroglycerin or antacids.

Psychogenic burning sensations observed in patients against the background of a traumatic situation, or during emotional stress. In this case, irritability, increased anxiety, insomnia, a feeling of weakness, and a feeling of fatigue are also noted. Palpation of the chest is painless and does not cause discomfort; there is no effect from nitroglycerin, antispasmodics, or antacids.

Symptomatic treatment of burning sensation in the chest

Given the many causes of a burning sensation in the chest, there is no symptomatic therapy. It is necessary to determine the disease or group of diseases that cause this symptom. Based on your complaints, the doctor can assume which system is affected, prescribe an additional examination, and only after that the appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Let's consider symptomatic therapy for groups of diseases. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that only symptomatic therapy is considered, which removes the symptom of the disease, but does not treat the cause.

For coronary heart disease (angina pectoris), the main symptomatic drug is nitroglycerin; at the same time, the main course of treatment is adjusted so that the need for additional intake of organic nitrates is minimal or completely absent; surgical treatment may be required. In the event of the development of unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction, treatment is provided in specialized cardiology departments in intensive care units.

For myocarditis and pericarditis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) are prescribed.

For pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the main symptomatic drugs are antacids (magnesium and calcium carbonate (rennie), aluminum phosphate (phosphalugel), algeldrat and magnesium hydroxide (almagel, maalox), maalox), antispasmodics (drotaverine (no-shpa), papaverine, mebeverine (duspatalin).

For diseases of the respiratory system, antiviral, antibacterial drugs, and respiratory therapy (inhalation with saline) are prescribed to relieve symptoms.

For osteochondrosis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesulide, meloxicam), muscle relaxants (tolperisone (mydocalm)) are prescribed.

If psychogenic symptoms develop, antidepressants are prescribed.

Which doctor should I contact if I have a burning sensation in my chest?

If you experience a burning sensation in your chest while eating normally, you should consult a doctor. If, in addition to the burning sensation, there is pain that occurs or intensifies during physical activity, is accompanied by a feeling of fear of death, radiates to the left half of the chest, arm, jaw, there are sensations of interruptions in the functioning of the heart, the heartbeat is bothersome, the burning sensation is relieved by taking nitroglycerin, then you should consult a cardiologist as possible earlier.

If the burning sensation is intense, does not disappear after taking nitroglycerin, and is accompanied by pain, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

In other cases, you should consult a general practitioner for a routine examination. The doctor will prescribe the entire necessary examination based on your complaints, after which you may need to consult a cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, or psychotherapist.

What tests will you need to take?

As a rule, the minimum scope of examination includes:

Clinical blood test (to exclude an infectious process, inflammatory non-infectious diseases).

General urine test (to determine kidney function).

Determination of the level of diastase in urine (if pancreatic pathology is suspected).

Biochemical blood test (transaminases, bilirubin - assessment of liver condition, creatinine, electrolytes - to assess kidney function, exclude electrolyte disturbances, glucose level, amylase to assess pancreatic function, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein to clarify the presence of an inflammatory process and the degree inflammatory activity).

General sputum analysis in the presence of a productive cough.

An electrocardiogram is required to assess the heart rate, the correctness of the rhythm, the presence of ischemic changes, as well as the possible causes of a burning sensation in the chest.

A survey X-ray of the chest organs to assess the size of the heart, the condition of the lung tissue, and the condition of the pleural cavities.

Daily electrocardiogram monitoring is required to identify episodes of myocardial ischemia and determine the connection with a burning sensation in the chest.

Performing echocardiography (ECHO-CS), which is necessary to assess structural and functional changes in the heart (condition of valves, cardiac muscle, pericardium, pulmonary artery diameter, pressure in the pulmonary artery, heart tumors, etc.).

A fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy is performed to identify the presence of pathology of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

To exclude a hiatal hernia, a fluoroscopic examination of the esophagus and stomach is performed.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs - to assess the condition of the liver, gall bladder, biliary tract, pancreas.

PH – metry for the purpose of diagnosing acid-related diseases.

After performing a standard examination, additional studies may be required based on the specific clinical situation.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a burning sensation in the chest is a symptom of many diseases, which, with correct diagnosis and correctly selected therapy, respond well to treatment. You should not self-medicate and waste time; go to see a doctor, where they will help you deal with the problem that has arisen.

Doctor Chuguntseva M.A.

Symptoms such as pain and burning in the chest are quite frightening. After all, we all know that the heart is located there, whose diseases are dangerous. But there are other organs there: large vessels, lungs, esophagus. In addition, the walls of the chest are made of bones, muscles and ligaments, and in women on top there are mammary glands richly penetrated with nerve fibers. All these organs can hurt.

To differentiate “terrible” pain from “non-terrible” pain, we propose the following algorithm: first we determine where it hurts, then we focus on additional symptoms. Some conditions require ambulance transportation, while others require specialists from a local clinic.

Hurts on the right

Pain syndrome localized in the right side of the chest usually makes itself felt:

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

In this case, the pain is usually:

  • dull;
  • paroxysmal;
  • does not depend on body movement;
  • radiates to the shoulder blade, half of the neck, arm - on the right;
  • has a connection with the food taken: it intensifies when eating fatty and fried foods, which is why there is often an aversion to such dishes.

In this case, a yellow coating appears on the tongue, and there may be bitterness in the mouth. If there is a stone (or tumor) in the bile ducts that interferes with the passage of bile along its natural paths, then the whites of the eyes will first turn yellow, then the skin. Urine becomes dark, feces become light. The same can be observed when the liver itself is damaged by hepatitis, hepatosis or cirrhosis. Only qualified specialists can differentiate the conditions: surgeons and infectious disease specialists (see also pain in the right hypochondrium, pain in the left hypochondrium).

Other gastrointestinal diseases

Gastritis, ulcers of the upper digestive tract, and intestinal colic can also manifest as pain or a burning sensation in the right side of the chest, but are more often localized on the left or directly behind the sternum. These pathologies are associated with food intake. Let's look at them in more detail in the part dedicated to pain in the rest of the chest.

Intercostal neuralgia

This is the name of the condition when the nerves going to the intercostal muscles (they are the ones who “control” breathing) become inflamed or pinched. The most common cause of the disease is herpes zoster, caused by the chickenpox virus. In this case, a rash in the form of blisters in one or more intercostal spaces is added to the symptoms listed below.

The main signs of intercostal neuralgia are:

  • the pain is severe, can be described as a burning sensation, but in a strictly localized place that can be felt;
  • The pain intensifies when inhaling, turning the body, coughing, bending.

If the “ancestor” of intercostal neuralgia is osteochondrosis, then chest pain can also be accompanied by “shots” in the right arm or the right half of the neck. And if you ask an assistant to press your fingers on each vertebra, starting from the cervical ones, the pain will intensify in one place.


Inflammation of the right lung, if it occurs with inflammation of the membrane of the lung, the pleura (this complication is called pleurisy), can also be accompanied by pain in the chest on the left. If you have this particular disease, then even before the pain syndrome appears, you feel weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, muscle and/or bone pain. The temperature almost always rises, a cough appears, sometimes with blood, sometimes with mucous or mucopurulent sputum, or a dry cough. Immediately before the chest pain appears, it becomes difficult to breathe.

Pain during premenstrual syndrome

One of the signs of mastopathy is pain in the premenstrual period. It is usually localized in both breasts, but may affect only the right one, which can be recognized as chest pain.

In favor of mastopathy, the pain syndrome manifests itself especially before menstruation, while the breasts swell (“fill up”) and one or more nodules can be felt in it.

Intercostal myositis

Myositis is an inflammation of a single muscle, in this case the intercostal muscle. The pain has a clear localization. It can be noted that there is no pain at rest, but it appears with a certain movement, accompanies only a deep breath or cough.


Lateral curvature of the thoracic spine is extremely rare: its “moving” parts – the cervical and lumbar – are more susceptible to this pathology. But if thoracic scoliosis nevertheless develops, and it has a C- or S-shaped appearance, with the convex side facing to the right, then when one of the intercostal nerves is pinched, pain appears in the right side of the chest.

In this case, the following symptoms occur:

  • localized pain: a person can clearly indicate the point where it hurts;
  • pain increases with breathing and coughing;
  • There is no weakness, nausea or cough.

Mental illness

This may be indicated by the absence of a cough, fever, or connection with breathing or eating. A person may feel difficulty breathing, but if you ask an assistant to count the number of respiratory movements per minute during an arbitrary period of time, when the patient himself does not know about it, then it turns out that it is within the normal range (12-16 per minute). When listening to the lungs, the doctor objectively does not hear any pathological noise, and X-rays, MRI or CT scans of the chest do not reveal any pathology.

Such diseases can be suspected if they began after severe nervous stress or resulted from chronic fatigue. They are referred to a psychiatrist when other causes of chest pain on the right are excluded.

Pain in the remaining parts of the chest: middle, left

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical course of the nerves going to the internal organs, pain in the chest in the middle and on the left may have common causes. We list possible diseases according to the leading symptom.

Have a cough

If a burning sensation in the chest area accompanies a cough, it may be:

  • Pneumonia complicated by pleurisy. In this case, the burning sensation is usually localized on the left, in a larger or smaller area, but:
    • not behind the sternum;
    • not in the area from the 3rd to 5th intercostal space on the left of the sternum to the middle of the clavicle.

The pain or burning is constant, but worsens with breathing. In this case, there is weakness, increased fatigue, lack of appetite, and a feeling of lack of air. Usually a high temperature, but if pneumonia with pleurisy were complications of tuberculosis, then it may not rise at all. In some cases, diarrhea may occur in the absence of respiratory symptoms.

  • Bronchitis. There will be pain in the chest in the middle, a cough (usually wet, when mucopurulent sputum is coughed up), decreased appetite, and a rise in temperature.
  • Flu. This is a disease based on a virus of a special structure that causes more or less minor hemorrhages in the upper respiratory tract. This hemorrhagic penetration of the tracheal mucosa causes pain or burning behind the sternum. In addition, the flu is manifested by high body temperature, weakness, pain in muscles and bones. A runny nose with this disease does not appear immediately, but on the second or third day of the disease, but a cough can occur on the first day.

If the initial symptoms were very reminiscent of the flu: the temperature rose, there was aching in the bones and muscles, at the same time or a little later pain appeared in the chest, and then it moved to the side, this is unlikely to mean the development of hemorrhagic pneumonia. The latter, caused by the soaking of lung tissue with blood, is manifested by difficulty breathing and symptoms of intoxication, and not by the transfer of pain.

Pain after overwork

This is how VSD and mental illnesses can manifest themselves:

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - in the first case, it hurts in the heart area, the pain is not intense and has no connection with the load, body position or breathing. In addition to pain, a person often turns red/pale, sweats or feels hot.

In case of mental disorders, there are no such autonomic disorders, but there is a change in mood, a decrease in the desire to do something, and a deterioration in appetite. But there is no nausea, weakness, or fever.

Pain on exercise

The causes of chest pain during exercise, occurring both on the left side and behind the sternum, are mainly heart diseases. This includes ischemic disease and its subtypes – angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Also, pain during physical exertion occurs with myocarditis and cardiomyopathy. In this case, the load should be considered not only the performance of physical work, but also:

  • climbing stairs;
  • walking against the wind (especially cold);
  • performing even minimal work after going out into the cold.

If it hurts to perform only certain movements, then the problem is most likely myositis or intercostal neuralgia.

Angina pectoris

  • The pain is localized in the region of the heart, that is, approximately in one of the places of such a square: horizontally - from the right edge of the sternum to a line drawn through the middle of the clavicle, vertically - from the 3rd to 5th intercostal space;
  • The pain radiates either to the left side of the jaw or to the left shoulder blade; irradiation can also go along the inside of the left hand up to and including the little finger;
  • feels like pressure, compression, heaviness, dull pain;
  • provoked by physical activity, sometimes by anxiety or heavy food intake;
  • pain or burning goes away after time or after rest, or as a result of taking a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue;
  • Coughing and changing body position do not increase pain.

Myocardial infarction

This is a pathology that rarely appears abruptly: it is usually preceded by warning “signs” in the form of angina attacks, and to provoke them requires less and less exercise over time.

A heart attack is characterized by a sharp pain in the heart area, which, occurring against the background of a load (not always significant), does not go away after rest and is not relieved by taking even a few nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue. The pain radiates to the left side of the body: arm, shoulder blade, jaw. Often the pain syndrome is accompanied by cold sweat, heart rhythm disturbances, dizziness and shortness of breath.


This is the name for inflammation of the heart muscle that occurs as a result of an infectious process (influenza, tonsillitis, diphtheria, scarlet fever), intoxication, and systemic autoimmune pathologies. More often develops in young people (see myocarditis).

The disease manifests itself as pain behind the sternum or elsewhere in the heart region, interruptions in the functioning of this muscular organ, shortness of breath, and swelling in the legs. Such symptoms may periodically regress and then recur.

Pain/burning associated with eating

This is how pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract manifest themselves: esophagitis, foreign bodies in the esophagus, esophageal cancer, gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, intestinal colic. Each disease has its own characteristic symptoms.

So, when the esophagus is damaged, pain in the middle of the chest occurs precisely when swallowing.

Inflammation of the stomach makes itself felt by pain that develops after eating, located just below the chest. Suffering from the duodenum, on the contrary, is a pain syndrome that develops on an empty stomach. Pancreatitis and intestinal colic react with pain 1-1.5 hours after eating. The pain syndrome due to inflammation of the intestines and pancreas is also localized just below the costal arch.

If it burns behind the sternum after taking a horizontal position

A severe burning sensation behind the sternum, which appears after a person has eaten within half an hour before and then decides to lie down, is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux, that is, the reflux of food (water) from the stomach into the esophagus (see heartburn medications). Apart from a retrosternal burning sensation, the person has no loss of appetite, no fever, no weakness. Only the hoarseness of his voice gradually increases, and he begins to periodically cough with a dry cough. If a tumor begins to grow in the esophagus, “burned” by acid, a constant lump appears in the throat, and the passage of first solid and then liquid food is disrupted.

Pain associated with breathing

Similarly, in the left side of the chest, pathologies of organs appear, whose membranes come into contact with the inside of the ribs. This is inflammation of the heart sac, pleura, the presence of free air in the pleural cavity. The same symptom will be accompanied by intercostal neuralgia, described earlier.


This disease has two subtypes:

  • Dry pericarditis, when the outer lining of the heart (its “bag”) is inflamed, but it does not secrete inflammatory fluid. The disease manifests itself with weakness, cough, and pain in the heart area is constant, dull, and intensifies with deep breathing, swallowing and coughing. The pain relieves a little when taking a sitting position, but intensifies when lying down.
  • Exudative pericarditis is an inflammation of the heart sac, in which it secretes inflammatory fluid (exudate). It accumulates inside her and, in the case of a large amount, can compress the heart and the large vessels coming out of it. The disease manifests itself as diffuse compressive pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, fever, hiccups, and the sensation of a lump in the esophagus when swallowing solid food.

Inflammation of the two-layer “cover” for the lung, like pericarditis, can be dry and effusion. The symptoms of these subspecies are different. The disease occurs only as a complication: either pneumonia, or cancer, or a manifestation of tuberculosis.

Dry left-sided pleurisy will be manifested by stabbing pain in the left side of the chest, radiating to the hypochondrium and abdomen. It intensifies if a person coughs, breathes deeply, and also turns his entire body. It becomes easier if you lie on your sore side.

If pleurisy is exudative in nature, that is, inflammatory fluid appears between the two layers of the “cover,” the symptoms are different. A person feels a dull pain in the chest that intensifies when breathing (described by the word “heaviness”), shortness of breath increases, weakness is noted, the temperature rises to high levels, sweating, and a feeling of lack of air.

Pain behind the sternum or in the left side of the chest, not associated with anything

  • Mitral valve prolapse and atrial fibrillation - may manifest as chest pain. In both cases, the pain is not pronounced, there is no visible connection with breathing, body position, or work performed. Atrial fibrillation requires prompt diagnosis and treatment, as it is a life-threatening condition.
  • Diseases of the aorta and pulmonary artery - diseases of large vessels passing through the chest cavity can manifest themselves in a similar way.
    • Aortic dissection is an extremely life-threatening condition that requires emergency care, manifested by severe, tearing pain in the middle of the chest or with pain shifted to the left side.
    • Pulmonary embolism, if it leaves the person conscious, may present with severe chest pain that does not respond to nitroglycerin. In addition, there is shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, a cough when “rusty” sputum comes out.
  • Oncology:
    • Malignant neoplasms of the mediastinal organs - dull, pressing pain not associated with breathing, which increases very gradually; a tumor of one of the organs of the chest cavity may appear. This could be cancer of the lung, pleura, bronchi, myxedema of the heart, metastases to the lymph nodes located in the mediastinum.
    • A tumor in the left mammary gland, if it has grown into the chest, will also cause pain. In this case, the gland should be deformed, a seal may be detected in it, fused with the tissues, and there may be discharge from the nipples (see breast cancer).

Treatment of chest pain

We have described many diseases as causes of the symptom, each of which is treated in its own way. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to establish a diagnosis. Doctors will help with this: a therapist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, surgeon, oncologist or psychiatrist. Our advice is:

  • When the pain is in the left side or middle of the chest, stop and rest. If this helps, go to the pharmacy and buy Nitroglycerin - you will need it for such situations. Get an ECG and be sure to see a therapist or cardiologist.
  • If it becomes difficult to breathe along with the pain, call an ambulance.
  • When the pain occurs on the left or in the middle, it is severe, open the window, take a semi-sitting position, take Nitroglycerin. If it is not there or it did not help, call an ambulance, but in the meantime, drink (chew) 1-2 tablets of Aspirin (Aspekarda, Aspetera, Cardiomagnyl) in a total dose of up to 300 mg.
  • If the pain is more likely in the mammary gland, associated with menstruation or nipple discharge (even in men), you need to visit a mammologist. Such specialists either conduct private consultations or work in local Oncology dispensaries.
  • When the pain syndrome is associated with a cough, an X-ray of the lungs or a computed tomography scan is needed, after which a therapist is first visited, who will recommend where to go next - to a pulmonologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist or surgeon.
  • If you become less able to tolerate physical activity after an infectious disease, immediately contact a cardiologist. On the same day, before the doctor, you can do an ECG and undergo an ultrasound of the heart.
  • Intense, bursting pain despite the fact that nothing bothered you during physical activity before is a reason to call an ambulance and report a suspicion of a thoracic aortic aneurysm.

In any case, do not take any painkillers before you see your doctor - this will make it more difficult for him to help you. Eat more fresh vegetables and less meat, walk at least 2 km every day at least at a slow pace and be healthy!

Pain and burning in the chest when coughing


Katya Yulina

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvt46pPwHFg watch here and get well.
Success and health.)

87055 861691

Success and health.)

All Seeing Eye

Try to be treated with centuries-proven remedies, and not with chemicals.
The main methods of treatment are inhalations; rinsing; lubricating the inside of the throat; ingestion of antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory drinks.
Well treated
Bee products - honey (especially linden, buckwheat), pollen, propolis;
Berries - cranberries, rose hips, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, currants, raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries;
Oils – eucalyptus, fir, olive.
Teas - hibiscus, green.
Decoctions - ginger, sage, yarrow, chamomile, elecampane, linden, rose hips, raspberries, pine and birch buds.
It is advisable to steam your feet with mustard or take a good steam in the sauna.

Burning sensation in the sternum: causes and treatment

A burning sensation in the sternum is an unpleasant sensation that causes discomfort and negatively affects our quality of life. There are many different organs in the chest, the diseases of which can be manifested by this unpleasant sensation.

Causes of burning sensation in the chest

A common complaint with which a person goes to the doctor is a burning sensation in the middle of the sternum. The causes of these sensations can be very diverse, some not requiring any treatment, or more serious. The most common include cardiovascular, mental, colds, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, osteochondrosis, etc.

Burning sensation in the chest as a sign of cardiovascular disease

A burning sensation in the left sternum is not always a sign of heart disease, as is commonly believed. Such pain is most often localized in the center of the sternum.

Myocardial infarction is a very dangerous disease. A burning sensation in the chest may just be a symptom of a heart attack. Such symptoms do not go away even after a person has taken a heart drug (Nitroglycerin, Validol). Unpleasant sensations can radiate to different parts of the body: arms, jaws, legs, shoulder blades. In addition, the person shudders, breaks out in a cold sweat, suffers from shortness of breath, and the skin turns pale. Sometimes loss of consciousness is possible.

Angina also causes a burning sensation in the sternum. The causes of the disease are excessive physical exertion, stress and anxiety. Soreness and burning usually disappear in a calm state. A comfortable body position, an influx of fresh air and a Nitroglycerin tablet can bring relief. But if a person does not feel better, it is necessary to call an ambulance to exclude a pre-infarction condition. Heat in the chest is often a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this disease, heart medications will not improve the condition. A burning sensation often occurs as a result of strong excitement or fear, which is accompanied by the release of adrenaline into the blood. Sedative medications will help you calm down and relieve unpleasant symptoms. To understand which specialist you should contact with a symptom such as a burning sensation in the chest, you need to pay attention to what exactly precedes the onset of such a symptom. If these sensations arose after a person experienced a strong shock, was worried, overtired, and cardiac or sedatives helped eliminate them, then most likely the patient has problems with the cardiovascular system. If you are concerned about a burning sensation in the sternum, a cardiologist or therapist can help determine the cause.

Burning sensation in the thoracic region due to gastrointestinal diseases

It would seem that there is no connection between the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. But the fact is that many diseases are well masked, and it seems that the problem is in another organ. For example, a burning sensation in the heart area that gets worse when bending over may be a symptom of a hiatal hernia.

Heartburn is a rather unpleasant condition that can ruin the pleasure of delicious food. In this case, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, the delicate walls of which are irritated by gastric juice. A person feels a burning sensation in the sternum and throat; it can occur immediately after eating or after half an hour and even on an empty stomach. Heat in the chest can last for a few minutes or as long as an hour.

Burning sensation, nausea and vomiting can be signs of cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, and obstruction of the bile ducts. Diseases of the spleen, kidneys, and bile ducts are accompanied by similar symptoms.

Severe burning causes the accumulation of stones in the bile ducts and bladder. Pain and burning in the sternum on the right can be a symptom of calculous cholecystitis. All these conditions are a reason to contact a gastroenterologist.

Back problems and burning sensation

The most common cause of burning is osteochondrosis. Pinched nerve roots lead to a feeling of discomfort in the heart area. The symptoms of angina pectoris and osteochondrosis are similar. The difference is that physical activity and osteochondrosis are not related, and in a calm state the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear. A person strives to occupy a position in which discomfort is minimal. In this case, you will need to consult a neurologist or therapist.

Similar symptoms can be observed with scoliosis and spinal curvature. It is necessary to consult a neurologist. A set of special exercises will help alleviate the condition.

Heat in the sternum during menopause

During menopause, along with the phenomenon of “hot flashes,” women often feel a burning sensation in the chest. To alleviate the condition, you need to consult a gynecologist. Taking sedatives will significantly improve your well-being and help you survive such an unpleasant period.

Respiratory system diseases

A burning sensation in the sternum on the right usually occurs with diseases of the respiratory system and lungs. Unpleasant sensations occur when taking a deep breath, sneezing or coughing. If it is a common cold, then the burning sensation and pain may disappear after a course of medication and bed rest. But sometimes a person’s condition worsens so much that serious problems arise in the functioning of the respiratory system.

Pneumonia is a very serious disease of the respiratory tract that can affect one or both lungs. In severe cases, death is possible, especially if not treated correctly. The main symptoms of pneumonia are fever, pain and burning in the chest, cough and wheezing. Burning in the chest in pulmonary diseases provokes inflammation of the pleura and accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. In addition, a burning sensation can occur with an abscess or gangrene of the lung tissue. In this case, there may not be a cough, but when the contents of the cavity break through into the bronchial tree, purulent sputum is released. Sometimes, with inflammation of the lungs, a burning sensation may appear in the middle of the sternum. The reasons for this condition are the development of bilateral inflammation.

Mental illness

Such symptoms are rare in mental illness. As a result of severe stress, frustration, or anxiety, a burning sensation appears in the sternum. A psychotherapist will help determine the reasons and prescribe the necessary treatment.


If the cause of the burning sensation is heart disease, you will need to perform electrocardiography and ultrasound of the heart. After the doctor determines the cause of the discomfort, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

In the case where the problem arose due to diseases of the respiratory organs, you will need to take antibiotics, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest, there is a need to use medications that protect the gastric mucosa.

From the above it is clear that such an unpleasant sensation as a burning sensation in the sternum, the causes of which can be very diverse, requires a thorough examination. You should not neglect possible diseases; the sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to get rid of the problem.

What should you do and what should you be wary of when your chest begins to hurt during coughing attacks?

Very often, coughing attacks are accompanied by pain in the chest area. Some patients simply do not pay attention to this condition, and do not even think about why chest pain appears when coughing. Moreover, there can be many reasons for such manifestations, and in most cases they indicate the occurrence of some disease in the human body. In such cases, the main task of the patient and doctors is to promptly determine the presence of disturbances in the functioning of certain organs and systems, and provide appropriate treatment.

Why are coughing attacks accompanied by pain?

Chest pain when coughing is not considered normal and inevitably indicates certain disorders. Pain may occur in the following cases:

You cannot let the disease take its course, since often chest pain that appears against the background of a cold may indicate damage to the mucous membrane, lung tissue or pleura.

Diagnosis of emerging pain

If your health deteriorates, which is manifested by cough and chest pain, it is necessary to visit doctors such as a pulmonologist, therapist, or neurologist. In cases where the cause of the pain cannot be determined, doctors can use a detailed X-ray of the lungs, a complete blood count, sputum culture, tuberculin test, or a blood test for the presence of a viral or bacterial infection for diagnosis.

To exclude the presence of a tumor in the lungs, it is necessary to puncture the lung tissue for histological examination. If diseases such as tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infections are suspected, a chest x-ray and sputum analysis are prescribed.

By studying the indicators of a detailed blood test, you can determine the depth of the inflammatory process in the organs of the respiratory system.

What measures to take?

If coughing attacks occur that cause pain in the sternum, the patient’s condition can be slightly alleviated. But you should refuse self-treatment in cases where the cause of this process is unknown. If the patient knows that chest pain when coughing occurs as a result of muscle strain, a warming ointment can be used. You need to buy the ointment as prescribed by your doctor, apply it to the sore spot and rub in well so that the affected area is hot. Such actions must be done for 3 days, during which time the inflammatory process will subside.

It is also recommended to take medications that suppress cough attacks or drugs that increase the amount of sputum and promote its removal. Chest pain when coughing is in any case an indicator of disturbances occurring in the functioning of the body, which is why it is important to consult a specialist as early as possible.

Chest pain when coughing: possible causes

A coughing attack is often accompanied by pain in the chest. There are many reasons for this condition. Chest pain when coughing may be a sign of a severe inflammatory process occurring in the lungs or in the pleural area. But diseases of the respiratory system are not the only cause of possible pain in this area. Also, such a symptom may indicate problems in the cardiovascular system, etc.


Let's look at the most common reasons for chest pain when coughing:

  • ARVI, seasonal flu, etc.
  • Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.
  • Emphysema.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Epiglottitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Foreign body.
  • Pulmonary embolism.
  • Rib fractures.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Tumors of various origins (benign and malignant).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Let's consider some diseases in which a similar symptom occurs in more detail.

The pleura is a serous membrane that covers the surface of the lungs and the inner wall of the chest. Thus, there is a pleural cavity between them. When the pleura becomes inflamed, the disease pleurisy occurs. It can be exudative, with accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, and dry.

The following symptoms are characteristic of pleurisy:

  • Dry cough, chest pain, shortness of breath.
  • Weakness and excessive sweating, usually at night.
  • The temperature is low-grade and rarely rises to high levels.
  • If the patient lies down on the affected side, the pain decreases slightly, as breathing movements are limited.

With exudative pleurisy (in case of fluid accumulation), shortness of breath increases. And if pleurisy becomes purulent, the temperature rises sharply.

To treat this disease, antibacterial therapy is used, and in the case of purulent contents of the pleural cavity, it is recommended to remove the fluid by pleural puncture.


With this disease, chest pain when coughing is also typical. Especially if lobar pneumonia develops affecting a lobe or segment of the lung. The disease usually begins with a sharp rise in temperature. It can reach up to 40 degrees. Pain in the chest also appears when taking a deep breath. The patient experiences shortness of breath from the first days.

The patient's condition worsens. In addition to the described symptoms - chest pain, cough, fever - red spots may appear, which are noticeable on the face from the side of the lesion, as well as cyanosis (blueness) of the lips, if the cardiovascular system is involved in the pathological process. Palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances may occur.

After a few days, sputum begins to cough up, at first it is transparent, then it becomes the color of rust.

Symptoms may worsen over two weeks. Then, with proper treatment, the crisis passes, and gradually the patient becomes better. Lobar pneumonia is a very serious disease. It is treated only with antibiotics. Sometimes several antibacterial drugs are used at once. Before the advent of antibiotics, this disease was very often fatal.


Chest pain when coughing can be caused by colds caused by viruses or bacteria. Such diseases include:

  • ARVI.
  • Flu.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis, etc.

These diseases are characterized by the following symptoms: cough, chest pain, runny nose (this may not be present with bronchitis and tracheitis). In addition, the patient is worried about weakness, chills, and an increase in temperature, sometimes up to 38-39 degrees and higher. Patients often say that they feel as if someone is scratching their chest from the inside. With the start of treatment, these sensations gradually disappear. With bronchitis, the patient is often tormented by a severe cough, and chest pain intensifies.

Antiviral therapy is used for influenza and ARVI. If you have a runny nose, vasoconstrictor medications (drops, sprays) are used. Antibiotics can be used to treat bronchitis and tracheitis.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is characterized by pain in the chest, which can occur as sharp exacerbations in the form of shots. They intensify with deep inspiration and can be unbearable, according to patients.

With intercostal neuralgia, it is important not to confuse this disease with angina attacks or other heart diseases.

Chest injuries

These include bruises and broken ribs. The pain is pronounced and intensifies with any movement. It is important not to confuse them with pain due to osteochondrosis. For this purpose, a chest x-ray is taken. Injuries to the shoulder joint (subluxations, dislocations, fractures) sometimes give similar symptoms.

With fractures of the lungs or other injuries (knife or gunshot wound, etc.) of the chest, pneumothorax can sometimes occur - this is the penetration of air into the pleural space around the lungs, which compresses the lung and prevents it from expanding when inhaling. This condition usually requires surgery.

Sometimes a small spontaneous pneumothorax may occur; it resolves on its own and does not require treatment.

Lung cancer

With this tumor process, uncontrolled growth of pathological cells occurs in the lung tissues. The process can also affect nearby organs. It is important to identify the pathology as quickly as possible and take immediate action. Therefore, all citizens are recommended to undergo fluorography or x-ray examination of the lungs at least once a year.

Statistics show that of all cases of lung cancer, 85% of patients are smokers. The remaining 15% are patients with a family history, living in environmentally unfavorable areas, working in hazardous industries, etc.

Pain in the chest due to lung cancer is tingling and sharp. They can encircle the entire chest or be located only on one side, extending to the neck, arm, or shoulder blade. If the process has gone far, and metastases penetrate into the spine or ribs, then the patient suffers from very strong, literally unbearable pain in the chest area, which intensifies with any movement.

If such symptoms occur, you need to identify the cause of discomfort and pain. To do this, you need to seek medical help. Only a specialist will determine their true cause and prescribe the correct treatment.