A program for organizing thematic walks for children with disabilities in a rehabilitation center. National Award “Civil Initiative” Attractions for disabled children

Additional artistic training program “Do Good”.

Explanatory note

Relevance of the program
Currently, the state pays great attention to people with disabilities, programs and projects are being developed aimed at making the environment accessible, and a lot of work is being done to rehabilitate this category of people. Children occupy a special place in this group.
The life of a child with special needs takes place in difficult conditions: it is fundamentally different from the lifestyle and upbringing of healthy children. However, such a child, regardless of whether he has certain limitations, needs the opportunity to identify his talents and abilities and demonstrate them. And as practice shows, among this category there are a lot of musically, poetically and artistically gifted children.
However, the infrastructure of production and everyday life, culture and leisure, and social services, as a rule, is not adapted to meet their needs and children are often deprived of the opportunity to be equal among equals.
In order to optimize the living space of children with special needs who show interest in arts and crafts, an additional general developmental artistic program “Do Good” has been developed.
Creativity is an individual psychological characteristic of a child, which does not depend on mental abilities and physical limitations. Creativity manifests itself in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, and their point of view on the surrounding reality. At the same time, the level of creativity is considered higher, the more original the creative result is.
One of the main tasks of teaching and raising children with disabilities in applied arts classes is to enrich the student’s worldview, i.e. development of the child’s creative culture (development of a creative, non-standard approach to completing a task, nurturing hard work, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovering something new).
The “Do Good” program is also aimed at solving the problem of a child’s social adaptation. During the learning process, social rehabilitation of children occurs, which manifests itself in the fact that the child can participate in all kinds of exhibitions: at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth, in the city museum, in the city library. The best works take part in the regional festival for children with disabilities “Christmas Meetings of Friends.” All this helps to develop a child’s sense of social significance and self-confidence.
Features of the program
Training in this program can be carried out either individually at home or remotely through communication on Skype and video workshops, which makes it possible to bring additional education closer to the individual physiological, psychological and intellectual characteristics of each child. For this purpose, together with the city television channel TV 12, a series of video workshops, technological maps, and teaching aids have been developed that allow children to independently consolidate the material they have covered.
The goal of the program: to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of children with disabilities through arts and crafts.

-expand knowledge, skills and abilities in various areas of arts and crafts.
developing: - develop memory, logical thinking, imagination, observation, creativity;
- expand your horizons;
-develop self-esteem;
-help overcome negative stereotypes
those around him and the child himself about his abilities and inner world;
-promote the development of the child’s positive emotional-volitional sphere.

Organizational and pedagogical foundations of training

The “Do Good” program is intended for children with disabilities (with intact intelligence) aged 10 to 16 years who show interest in arts and crafts.
Training is carried out in the presence of a medical certificate about the absence of contraindications for health reasons to engage in this type of activity and the presence of conditions (the educational process takes place mainly at home).
The volume of program material is designed for two years of study. With an annual load of 144 hours. Classes are held twice a week for two hours.
The main form of conducting classes is individually at home. During the lesson, a change of types of activities is carried out (theory - practice), breaks, physical education minutes, minutes of relaxation, games to relieve tension and prevent fatigue are observed.

Main stages of the program
The 1st year program belongs to the reproductive level of additional education programs. Various forms of classes are provided for children, including elements of learning and relaxation (the child has the opportunity to relax, smoothly switch to another type of activity in order to prevent loss of attention to the subject and at the same time prepare for more serious work in the future)
In the first year of study, students gain basic knowledge and skills in working with natural and waste materials, modeling from salt dough and plasticine, and paper-plastics (trimming and modular origami). Engaged in the manufacture of souvenirs from various materials and using different techniques.
The 2nd year program belongs to the creative level of additional education programs, since students work according to their own ideas, actively applying the acquired knowledge and skills. Participate in various competitions and exhibitions (including copyright ones).
The program is designed primarily for the implementation of products and exhibits, the degree of complexity of which depends on the diagnosis and individual abilities of the child.
To successfully implement the program it is necessary:
- psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process (in the form
psychologist consultations);
- cooperation with parents;
- appropriate logistics.
Basic principles of the program:
The main principle of the program is the principle of an individual approach to the child, taking into account his age, physical, emotional characteristics, taking into account his interests. The program is built on the principles of accessibility, entertainment, clarity, consistency, and on the principle of cooperation (cooperation of the child with the teacher, with parents).

Basic forms and methods of work:
To achieve this goal, the following forms and methods of teaching are used: verbal (story, explanation, work with literature, Internet resources); research (observation, experience, experiment, research); visual (demonstration, showing); practical; The play method occupies an important place in the program, since play is a need for a growing child’s body.
Expected results:
In addition to expanding the scope of knowledge, skills and abilities in arts and crafts and unleashing the creative potential of students, it is expected:
- increasing social activity;
- positive dynamics of development of cognitive mental processes;
- formation of sustainable interest in the chosen type of activity;
- realization of the need for self-development, self-education and
- formation of self-esteem and self-respect;
- expanding the child’s horizons.
Forms of control
At all stages of training, entrance, intermediate and final control is carried out, as a result of which the existing and acquired knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities of students are monitored.
In the 1st year of study, the leading forms of intermediate control are: games, quizzes, and competitions. In the 2nd year of study - surveys, graphic dictations, tests, participation in city, regional, all-Russian and international exhibitions and festivals. At all stages of control, it is important to include children in internal control (work analysis, self-analysis, “Compare with a sample”, “Help a friend”). The results of the control help to adjust the program material in all years of study and implement the principle of promoting the development of the child’s personality.
The developmental results of each child are recorded in a special psychological and pedagogical map.
Educational and thematic plan for 1 year of study
Contents Clock Note
Total Theory Practice
1.Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2.Working with natural and waste materials 16 4 12 during year
3. Modeling: plasticine, salt dough 32 6 26 during. year
4. Paper plastic, trimming 58 10 48 in current. year

5. Making souvenirs 34 7 27 during year
6.Final lesson 2 2 -
TOTAL: 144 31 113

During the academic year, additional topics may be introduced, and the number of hours on topics may be changed.


Practice: Games for fixing colors “Lay out colored stripes from light to dark”, “What color will you get if you mix...?”; on the development of memory and attention “What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?”

Theory: Technology of working with natural and waste materials. Their varieties. Tools, TB work with glue, awl.
Practice: Making panels using natural and waste materials. Design of frames for panels. Artistic design of works.
3. Topic: “Modeling: plasticine, salt dough” 32 hours
Theory: Tools, material. Technology of working with plasticine. Technology for preparing salt dough and rules for working with it.
Prac tice: Making products from plasticine and salt dough: panels, animals, flora. Practical use of products made from these materials in everyday life.
4. Topic: “Paper plastic, trimming” 58 hours
Theory: Material (different types of paper, PVA glue). Tools (cutter, scissors) and safety equipment for working with them. Mastering the techniques of flexion and extension. Making curls and folds. Techniques for working with corrugated paper. Application and purpose of these products in everyday life.
Prac tice: Making three-dimensional products from various types of paper: insects, animals, plants, snowflakes. Making products using the three-dimensional and planar trimming technique: cactus, flowers, insects.
5. Topic: “Making souvenirs” 34 hours
Theory: Types of souvenirs, materials, tools, safety equipment with them.
Prac tice: Making souvenirs in different techniques for different calendar dates, using different materials: dough, plasticine, paper, natural and waste materials.
6. Final lesson. 2 hours
Summing up. Rewarding. Plans for the next academic year. Wishes.
Curriculum and thematic plan for 2 years of study
Contents Clock Note
All Theory Practice
1. Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2. Working with natural and waste materials 16 4 12 during. year
3. Modeling: plasticine, salt dough, clay 32 6 26 during. year
4. Paper plastic, modular origami, trimming, papier-mâché,
origami 58 10 48 in current year

5. Making souvenirs 34 7 27 during. year
6.Final lesson 2 2 -
TOTAL: 144 31 113
1. Topic: “Introductory lesson” 2 hours
Theory: Introduction to the work plan for the year.
Practice: Games to develop spatial thinking and imagination “What does this figure look like?”, “What will happen if you add...?”
2. Topic: “Working with natural and waste materials” 16 hours
Theory: Consolidation of previously acquired knowledge about working with natural and waste materials. Their application. Tools, TB work with glue, awl. Obtaining new information about working with these materials (working with a computer).
Practice: Sketching a panel using natural and waste materials. Doing work independently. Artistic design of the work.
3. Topic: “Modeling: plasticine, salt dough, clay”
Theory: Tools, material. Consolidation of knowledge and skills in working with plasticine. New techniques for using plasticine, salt dough, and clay in modeling. Rules for working with this material.
Prac tice: Making panels, decorations from plasticine, salt dough and clay, using new techniques. Practical use of products made from different materials in everyday life.
4. Topic: “Paper plastic, modular origami, trimming”
Theory: Consolidation of knowledge and skills previously acquired about materials (various types of paper, PVA glue), tools (cutter, scissors, glue) and technical procedures for working with them. Techniques for working with cardboard. Papier-mâché technology. Making a triangular module and assembling an item from them. Origami.
Prac tice: Making three-dimensional products from triangular modules and cardboard. Decorating vases using the trimming technique. Making a dahlia flower by volumetric trimming. Making objects using papier-mâché technique. Independent work with materials and tools. Use of products in everyday life.
5. Topic: “Making souvenirs”
Theory: Consolidating knowledge about the variety of souvenirs. Material, tools, safety equipment with them. Purpose of gifts.
Prac tice: Making souvenirs using different techniques. New types of materials and ways of making souvenirs and gifts. Work according to the student's idea.
6. Final lesson.
Summing up. Rewarding. Offers.

Educational and methodological support

To implement the educational program
the necessary conditions have been created:
- there is a computer;
- illustrative material \albums, tables, diagrams, slides\;
- handouts \sketches, templates, stencils, patterns, etc.\;
-visual material \samples, puzzles, drawings, photographs, etc.;
-technological material \safety instructions, color wheel, materials science samples, technological maps\;
- information and methodological material \literature, magazines, methodological developments, tests, material on physical exercises\;
- when working with paper: scissors, glue, colored paper, awl, knife, ruler, pencils, compass;
Methodological materials for the program
1. Paper plastics (methodological manual)
2. Album “Exhibits made by students so.
"Art Workshop"
3. Didactic materials for diagnostics
4. Folder “Paper plastic”
5. Album with material from student presentations based on the program materials
6. Technological maps for the production of various products
7.Video materials with master classes based on the program materials

Terminological dictionary

Applique is the creation of artistic images by gluing, sewing onto fabric or paper multi-colored pieces of any material, an image, a pattern created in this way.
Template - sample, way when a guaranteed product with specified properties is obtained
Sketch - preliminary sketch, drawing
Papier-mâché is a technique for making paper products in several layers
(from 4 to 10 layers) using glue. Papier-mâché is a very pliable material; it is widely used in many countries around the world. Vases, trays, boxes, and toys are made using the papier-mâché technique.
Natural material is material that grows in nature. It can be used to make panels and compositions. These are leaves, cones, grass, twigs, moss, stones, shells, plant fruits, etc.
Waste materials – waste materials are at hand: egg containers, shells, plastic and glass bottles, hard dairy and juice bags and much more are excellent, free craft materials. Crafts made from waste materials will help you appreciate every little thing.
Trimming is a type of creativity, appliqué mosaic. Trimming can be planar and volumetric, on plasticine and with glue. Materials for trimming: paper, natural material - cones, shells, etc.
Origami is a type of decorative and applied art of folding paper figures. Origami requires the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue or scissors.
Modular origami is the creation of three-dimensional figures from triangular origami modules, invented in China. The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by inserting them into each other. Sometimes glue is added for strength. The friction force that appears in this case prevents the structure from falling apart.
Plasticine, clay - plastic material for modeling
Ball, cylinder, pyramid - geometric shapes
Compasses, pencil, ruler - tools for drawing and drawing

The problems of families with children with disabilities are associated not only with the health and treatment of children. It is difficult to live in a society with high demands and at the same time feel comfortable for families with children with disabilities. Therefore, we are faced with the task of socializing such families. One of the directions is rehabilitation through communication and creativity. This service is aimed at the socialization of families with children with special needs living in the Uyarsky district, aimed at increasing the social activity of this category of the population, improving the psychological climate in families, developing communication skills and integrating children with disabilities into the social environment.

The main goal: the creative rehabilitation of the child, the formation and development of the child as a creative personality.

The path to this goal lies through:

Overcoming loneliness
- Understanding the mechanism of the creative process;
- Feeling of equality with the outside world;
- Fostering social optimism.

1) The first, which is achieved by the method of creative rehabilitation, is for the child to overcome his loneliness. According to our observations, any disabled child, even surrounded by the love and care of his family, due to the lack of full contact with the outside world of his peers and life experience, replaced by a specific way of existing in conditions of illness, being left alone with himself, begins to experience a feeling of loneliness, a feeling of “inferiority”, which results in depression, depression or aggressiveness. The time of such a child is not structured, he does not know how to occupy his free time, realize his capabilities, which, however, he himself is not aware of, and his physical capabilities are limited, while there are unlimited opportunities for the development of intelligence.

The second is the study of the mechanisms of children's creativity.

It seems that children have such limited physical capabilities, and it seems that the simpler their psyche is, the better, the less they will think about their suffering. But everything turns out the other way around. They will still think about their suffering, even if they are not developed, because this does not require high development. But when the possibility of creativity opens up before him, the possibility of creative comprehension of the world, the possibility of perceiving someone else’s and his own creativity - this is real rehabilitation. When a child has safe zones, and these safe zones need to be developed very expediently and very fruitfully, which is what we are trying to do. And then such a child has somewhere to escape from his generally unsightly, joyless (no matter how much you convince him that he is the same as everyone else), limited life, which is inevitable for a disabled person.

The point of our activities is to give these children mental protection. Thus, children achieve positive dynamics in their overall emotional mood - from wariness and apathy to a joyful desire to create, communicate, share their achievements with peers and parents, expand social contacts, overcome sociocultural and psychological isolation, increase self-esteem, expand the possibilities of mutual understanding between children and between children and parents. We try to turn parents into our allies, involving them in various activities, inviting them as spectators and participants to holidays, entertainment and other leisure activities. After all, parents, like their children, often experience a vacuum in communication and it is important to involve them in leisure activities.

The organization of mass leisure events is one of the important forms of activity. So that these children are not deprived of impressions and communication, it is necessary to visit theaters and museums in the city of Krasnoyarsk, organize holidays and entertainment. Communication with other people gives impetus to constant creative search, enriches children with impressions and friendships.

2) Project promotion:

Creative activity allows you to avoid monotony and monotony in the implementation of appropriate rehabilitation exercises. Children and adolescents with disabilities who have particular problems with movement, hearing, vision, and diction, through creative activities, seem to “get closer” to us, healthier people. This is a completely acceptable path leading to rehabilitation and social adaptation.

The main thing is to focus children’s attention not on therapeutic, but on creative tasks; involve parents in creative activities; use the opportunities for joint artistic activities of children with varying severity of the disease; create and make maximum use of an exhibition of children's works.

3) The relationship between disabled children and healthy children is a powerful factor in social adaptation. And normally developing children develop a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities. We do not organize events for children with disabilities, but on the contrary, we involve everyone.

4) participation in mass city and regional events (master classes, multi-sports competitions, exhibitions, Promotions)

5) attracting the media (we invite correspondents from the socio-political newspaper of the Uyarsky district “Forward” to all events)





“Integrative theater as a means of socialization and rehabilitation of children with special needs”

Aleftina Pavlovna Tikhonova


Project abstract

The project is being implemented by the Municipal Educational Establishment of Children's Educational Institutions CDT "Fakel" r. Koltsovo village as part of the work of the integrative theater for disabled children “Koltsobinchik”. Presenter idea project - to make the lives of disabled children not about survival, but about development. Purpose The same is the social adaptation of children with developmental disabilities through the means of integrative theatrical art, the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards people with developmental disabilities.

The idea of ​​implementing this project arose due to the political and social situation that has developed in our society, therefore the positive results of the implementation of this project may be of much greater importance for society than for disabled children themselves. The mission of disabled children on Earth is to make this world a kinder place, and with the implementation of this project the author makes his modest contribution to a great cause humanization society. The essence of this project is to prepare disabled children for life in society through their classes in theatrical art, introducing society to the original art of disabled people through the participation of the Koltsobinchik theater in concert programs and festivals that are not aimed at people with disabilities, through joint productions. As a result of the implementation of this project, disabled children should not grow up to be “socially disabled”, and society should be ready to accept them.

Statement of the problem

The problem of including people with developmental disabilities in the microsocial environment, as world experience shows, is universal. Social policy in Russia, aimed at disabled people, adults and children, is built today on the basis of the medical model of disability. Based on this model, disability is considered as an ailment, disease, pathology. Such a model, wittingly or unwittingly, weakens the social position of a child with a disability, weakens his social significance, isolating him from the normal healthy children's community, aggravates his unequal social status, dooming him to admit his inequality and lack of competitiveness in comparison with other children. The consequence of the orientation of society and the State towards this model is the isolation of a child with disabilities from society in a specialized educational institution, and the development of passive-dependent orientations in him. However, the problems of social adaptation and rehabilitation, due to their relevance, are widely and diversified, mainly by defectologists and social workers.

At all times and among all peoples, music, singing, dance, drawing, sculpture, theater and rituals, mysteries and much more have been used as a “means of healing” for various diseases and conditions. Modern psychologists and defectologists Art therapy is increasingly being used as a natural and gentle method of healing and developing the soul and body through artistic creativity. Many years of experience of the author of the project in working with disabled children has shown that one of the most effective ways of social adaptation is integrative theater. Integration here means the joint creativity of disabled children and healthy children and adults. In addition, integrative theater has also proven to be an effective means of rehabilitation, including medical rehabilitation. Howard Boutin, writer, physician, psychiatrist, the world famous clown Buffo, one of the leaders of the French integrative theater “Turbules” said: “The results are so amazing that after several years of classes for disabled children in such a theater, parents generally begin to doubt whether the diagnosis was made correctly, whether the child was sick.” .

Joint creativity gives a lot to both healthy schoolchildren and children with developmental disabilities. Integration contributes to the formation in healthy children of tolerance to physical and mental disabilities, feelings mutual assistance and desire for cooperation. For children with special needs, joint creativity leads to the formation of a positive attitude towards their peers, adequate social behavior, and a more complete realization of their development and learning potential.

In the fall of 2001 and 2004, the I and II All-Russian festivals of “Special” theaters of Russia were held in Moscow. (“Special” means with the participation of people with special needs). These festivals showed that the movement of “Special” theaters in our country mainly covers disabled children from boarding schools and specialized schools, and the so-called “domestic” “disorganized” disabled children are in social isolation, which is also a pressing problem.

The implementation of the project “Integrative Theater as a Means of Socialization and Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities” allows us to solve such problems. The relevance of such work (organizing an integrative theater) within the locality was determined, on the one hand, by the need for it on the part of families with disabled children, on the other hand, by the lack of specialized institutions in the village for working with disabled children. The project is focused mainly on working with disabled children who do not attend general education institutions, since children attending schools, as a rule, have great difficulty mastering basic educational programs. All their efforts are mainly aimed at studying and treatment, and there is no time or energy left for additional education. For “disorganized” children, creative work is the only way to realize themselves.

As distinctive features The following aspects of this project can be noted:

· Inclusion of theatrical activities (from work experience) into the system of work with disabled children within the framework of Novosibirsk region ;

· The focus of the activities of the integrative theater is on working with the public;

· Association in the theater team disabled children with various diagnoses without age restrictions and healthy children and adults (relatives of disabled children, professional and amateur theater groups, dance groups, creative groups, Sunday school students, etc.);

· Adaptation of theatrical repertoire for productions by a group of disabled children, as well as author’s development of scripts and participation of students in the development of scripts;

IN December 2007 of the year - “Koltsobinchik” - winner in the “acting skills” category at the XI Omsk festival of creativity for children with disabilities “Overcoming”.

In May 2008, he was a finalist in the VII international theater festival “Untrodden Stezhina” in Lvov (Ukraine).

IN August 2008 year, the Koltsobinchik Theater represented the Novosibirsk region at the All-Russian festival “Together we can do more,” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People (Moscow).

IN October 2008 year, the Koltsobinchik Theater was awarded a diploma “For the feat of service to the theater” of the experimental festival of mini and mono performances “Small Academy - 8” (Novosibirsk).

IN November 2008 of the year - laureate of the regional festival of children's creativity "Creation of my soul and hands" and laureate of the 15th City festival of children's creativity "We are talented" (Novosibirsk).

IN December 2008 of the year - "Koltsobinchik" - laureate of the 2nd degree in the category "theatrical art" of the XII Omsk festival of creativity of children with disabilities "Overcoming".

In 2007, the director of the theater, Aleftina Pavlovna Tikhonova, was awarded a III degree diploma of the VII All-Russian competition of teachers of additional education for children “I give my heart to children.”

In 2007, disabled children - artists of the Koltsobinchik Theater Alexey Skvortsov, Mikhail Semenov, Olga Kiryanova, were awarded personal prizes from the Koltsovo science city for achievements in the field of culture, Sasha Lityagin was awarded a governor's scholarship to disabled children gifted in the field of culture and art, and Dima Tutov – scholarships from the charitable public foundation “Our Day”. In 2008, Dima Tutov was awarded a governor's scholarship for gifted disabled children.

On average, the Koltsobinchik Theater performs 15 to 20 times during the year.