How to conduct a meeting with employees example. Office meeting: secrets of effective holding

Posted On 04/02/2018

Article 45. Procedure for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

1. Owners of premises in apartment building are required to annually hold an annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building. Unless otherwise established by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, the annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is held during the second quarter of the year following the reporting year, in the manner established by this article.

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ)

(see text in previous)

2. General meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building held in addition to the annual general meeting are extraordinary. An extraordinary general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building may be convened at the initiative of any of these owners.

3. The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is valid (has a quorum) if the owners of premises in this building or their representatives with more than fifty percent of the votes of the total number of votes took part in it. If there is no quorum for holding an annual general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, a repeat general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must be held.

3.1. The management organization, the board of a homeowners' association, a housing or housing-construction cooperative, or another specialized consumer cooperative are required to maintain a register of owners of premises in an apartment building, which contains information that allows identifying the owners of premises in a given apartment building (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) owner of premises in an apartment building, full name and main state registration number legal entity, if the owner of the premises in an apartment building is a legal entity, the number of the premises in the apartment building, the owner of which is an individual or legal entity), as well as information on the size of their shares in the right of common ownership of the common property of the owners of premises in the apartment building. Upon receipt by the management organization, the board of a homeowners' association, housing or housing-construction cooperative, or other specialized consumer cooperative, appeals in writing, including appeals using the system, the owner or other person specified in this article, on whose initiative a general meeting is convened meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, on the provision of a register of owners of premises in an apartment building, these persons are obliged to provide the owner or other person specified in this article with this register within five days from the date of receipt of such an application. The consent of the owners of premises in an apartment building to the transfer of personal data contained in the register of owners of premises in an apartment building, when providing this register in the manner established by this part, for the purpose of convening and organizing a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is not required.

(Part 3.1 introduced by Federal Law dated December 31, 2017 N 485-FZ)

4. The owner, another person specified in this Code, on whose initiative a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building is convened, is obliged to inform the owners of premises in this building about the holding of such a meeting no later than ten days before the date of its holding. Within the specified period, a message about holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must be sent to each owner of the premises in this building by registered mail, unless the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in this building provides for another way of sending this message in writing, or delivered to each owner of the premises in this house under signature or placed in the premises of this house, determined by such a decision and accessible to all owners of premises in this house.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ, dated July 29, 2017 N 257-FZ)

(see text in previous)

5. The notice of holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must indicate:

1) information about the person on whose initiative this meeting is convened;

2) the form of holding this meeting (in-person, absentee or absentee voting);

(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ)

(see text in previous)

3) the date, place, time of this meeting or, if this meeting is held in the form of absentee voting, the closing date for accepting decisions of owners on issues put to vote, and the place or address where such decisions should be transferred;

4) the agenda of this meeting;

5) the procedure for familiarizing yourself with the information and (or) materials that will be presented at this meeting, and the place or address where they can be viewed.

6. Owners who have at least ten percent of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to apply in writing to the management organization or the board of a homeowners’ association, housing or housing-construction cooperative, other specialized consumer cooperative to organize a general meetings of owners of premises in an apartment building. The application for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building must formulate the issues to be included on the agenda of the meeting. At the request of the owners, the management organization, the board of a homeowners' association, housing or housing-construction cooperative, or other specialized consumer cooperative are obliged to carry out the activities necessary for holding a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building within forty-five days from the date of receipt of the application, but no later than than ten days before the date of the general meeting, notify each owner of the premises in this house about the holding of this general meeting in the prescribed manner, and also arrange necessary documents based on the results of this general meeting and ensure that they are brought to the attention of the owners of premises in this building in the manner established by part 3 of Article 46 of this Code.

(Part 6 introduced by Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ)

7. A general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building may be convened on the initiative of management organization, which manages this apartment building under a management agreement. At the same time, the agenda of such a meeting may include issues referred by this Code to the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

(Part 7 introduced by Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 N 176-FZ)

Art. 45 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for holding a general meeting of premises owners in an apartment building

» How to conduct it correctly

How to conduct a meeting with subordinates correctly

How to conduct sales team meetings

The sales department meeting is an important and effective tool for managing the company's sales staff and sales in general. At meetings, orders from superiors are collectively conveyed to subordinates, the results of the past week are discussed and plans for the next are drawn up. At the meeting, you can encourage those who are successful and spur those who are lagging behind, and feel emotional state and the mood of subordinates, to hear alarm bells in time and take action. But in order for meetings with subordinates to be effective and benefit the company, and not be a waste of time, they need to be conducted correctly.

A lot has been written and said about how to conduct meetings with subordinates. If you hold weekly sales meetings, then firstly, you need to carefully prepare for each meeting by drawing up a detailed agenda. It should include an analysis of the results of the past week, completed or unfulfilled assignments, as well as a plan for the next week. Just before the meeting, distribute the agenda to subordinates or send it by email.

The meeting itself should begin with a review of last week’s assignments. Sales managers must clearly understand that instructions are given for a reason - their implementation is monitored. Then they will try to fulfill them. Ask them whether they completed this or that task, and if not, then for what reason. When subordinates know that they will have to explain themselves to everyone, they take a more responsible approach to carrying out assignments.

The next stage of the sales department planning meeting is planning next week. Give specific and clear instructions to specific employees. Set realistic and clear deadlines.

Appoint a secretary or protocol keeper to record all given instructions in the minutes. For unjustified failure to carry out assignments, fine them so that others will be discouraged. Weekly meetings with sales managers will help you establish discipline and responsibility in the team. And this, in turn, will affect the quality of work and the growth of the company’s turnover and profit.

A planning meeting with sales department employees should not take more than half an hour. Don't let yourself and others get lost in your thoughts. Develop clear rules for holding sales team meetings and adhere to them carefully. Even if it doesn’t work out at first, over time you and your subordinates will learn to conduct planning meetings with employees in a concise, productive and cheerful manner.

You need to end the meeting on a positive note, encouraging your subordinates with an apt example, a bright slogan or a cheerful word. After the planning meeting, send out a protocol with instructions to the participants. This can be done via Skype, having previously created a special chat and come up with an interesting, motivating name for it. A planning meeting at work can and should be a powerful tool for bringing your ideas to life!

Andrey Kropochev

10 ways to solve problems with subordinates

There are 10 ways to help a manager solve problems with subordinates.

1. Do not detain subordinates for a long time unless the solution to the issue requires it. Production, economic and personnel issues, as a rule, can be resolved in 2-3 hours. After this period, employees begin to get tired, and information ceases to be absorbed, so there is no need to turn the next scheduled meeting into an endlessly lasting lecture.

2. Discuss current affairs with subordinates at a meeting. Remember, a meeting is the same as a meeting of subordinates, but with one condition - they have the right to express their opinion on the issue under discussion. There is no need to interrupt them, much less stop them.

3. Use modern technology when holding a meeting. You can hold the meeting as a presentation using a projector or as an online interview using Skype. Thus, subordinates will not be bored, and they will definitely focus on the issue at hand.

4. Call only those subordinates who have really done something wrong to your office for a personal meeting. Conduct the conversation in a strict, but not “killer” style.

5. Conduct “planning meetings” with a description results achieved and planned goals.

6. Don’t forget to hold meetings to solve immediate urgent problems.

7. Conduct “five-minute meetings” that are aimed at coordinating the actions of subordinates.

8. Conduct brainstorming sessions. At such meetings, subordinates express their proposals for improving the company’s activities and solving production problems that have arisen.

9. Organize strictly certain time mini smoke breaks. Go on smoke breaks with your subordinates. As a rule, many pressing problems are discussed in the smoking room.

10. Celebrate corporate and national holidays with your subordinates. This will unite the team. Subordinates will have confidence in the leader.

These ten simple rules will help effectively manage subordinates and coordinate their work.

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Home / Blog / How to Run an Effective Morning Meeting

How to Run an Effective Morning Meeting

Sleepy young people.

Hand-burning disposable coffee plastic cups. Shy passers-by. A heap of papers with strange tables and figures that keeps trying to fall out of the supervisor’s folder. This is a morning meeting with a team of sales representatives. Sound familiar?

Are all meetings efficient? No!

From personal experience, as well as from studying the experience of other managers, we can confidently say that most morning meetings are ineffective, primarily due to the fact that they are NOT prepared for them. And we are talking, first of all, about the leader who initiates the meeting. Subordinates see that the leader is not ready, and, naturally, they have a logical question: Why!? And then, unable to turn their backs and leave, the subordinates, at best, continue to sleep.

And yet, how can you make an event called a morning meeting begin to bring real benefits?

First of all, we need to clearly understand why we have a morning meeting.

We have identified the following goals:

  1. Give a vigorous start to a new working day. For all team members, the day begins at the same time - with the start of the meeting.
  2. Energize the team emotionally and set them up to achieve results.
  3. Make sure everyone takes responsibility for the results of the day.

This is all. There is no need to overload and try to close all previously unresolved issues with a morning meeting.

There is a direct correlation: the more issues you try to solve with the help of a meeting, the lower its effectiveness.

We warn you, no negativity, only positive attitude!

10 mistakes when holding general meetings of owners

By the way, it is better to postpone the discussion of negative aspects that arise at work until the evening.

So, how to make meetings work for you.

The duration of the meeting is no more than 40 minutes. Possibly less. But - no more. Based on experience, 25-35 minutes can be considered the most optimal. Time is money.

Naturally, in order to meet the deadline and carry out effective meeting, the leader must carefully prepare for it. The hack will be noticed immediately. Preparation is first and foremost a plan for the meeting. We recommend something like this:

  1. Greetings. It’s great if the team has its own greeting ritual, accepted by the majority of its members. This distinguishes a team from a collective.
  2. Subordinates should start talking, not the leader. It’s best to do it something like this: Guys, come on, share what was good on the routes yesterday? Brag! Is it clear why? That's right - positive from the first minutes.
  3. Setting goals for the day. Time to speak to the manager. As a rule, there should be no more than three goals. For example, a general sales plan in money, then a separate plan for separate product, and something else. First, we voice team goals, then personal goals for each meeting participant.
  4. After this, there may be questions from the team: How and where can we sell this? . This happens quite often, because... Our plans are ambitious. Do you agree? And here is a trap for the leader. As soon as he starts answering, he's in! Guess what to do?
  5. Ask your team: What and how will you do to achieve your goals? It turned out to be a brainstorming session. The supervisor encourages the team to come up with as many ideas as possible. It doesn't matter what works and what doesn't. A positive attitude and desire to achieve success are important, and ways will be found in the process.
  6. Then we need specifics: who exactly is doing what. Five to ten minutes of silence - the process of breaking down goals is underway, where, to whom, how much and what needs to be sold today. We will write in more detail about how to break down your plans and make their implementation real in another article.
  7. End of the meeting. Here you need something that will support the positive attitude of the team. This is also from the realm of rituals.

In conclusion, a few more tips:

  1. All personal issues between the manager and subordinate must be discussed one on one, after the meeting.
  2. The venue should be such that it does not disturb anyone or be distracted by anyone. Remember, time is money!
  3. Sweet tea and coffee help create a positive mood and turn on the brain, but purchasing, preparing, etc. There is no need to waste meeting time. Make sure that your subordinates provide themselves with drinks before it starts.

That's probably all. Take it into account and remember - experience is gained in action. Go for it!

Alexey Zolotov. business coach of the company Workshop Business Solutions.

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A meeting is a mandatory event in which all members of an organization participate, for example, an annual meeting of shareholders or a general meeting of members of a cooperative. The procedure for holding a meeting is regulated by the charter of the relevant organization; the progress of the meeting and the decisions made are recorded in a special document - the minutes of the meeting.

Unlike a meeting, a meeting is attended by a certain fixed circle of people, usually representatives of various companies or divisions of the enterprise.

Meetings are usually regular and are held in strictly defined

divided time, most often once a week, and are intended to discuss current issues, although there may be unscheduled meetings caused by production needs. Minutes of the meeting are not required, but a decision is usually made at the end of the meeting.

Business meetings are divided into business conversations and negotiations. Business conversations are held in a free form, are intended to discuss any issues that have arisen and do not necessarily end with a decision being made. Negotiations are designed to resolve serious issues joint activities enterprises, delimitation of areas of activity, development of pricing policies, etc. They end with the adoption of final documents or oral declarations.

Due to the specifics of their work, any businessman quite often has to take part in various meetings, conferences and business meetings, as well as organize these events himself. It is necessary to follow the established procedure for organizing and conducting them, because often the success of all commercial work depends on it.

When preparing a meeting, meeting or negotiations, you must:

1.Choose and clearly formulate an agenda. The agenda may have two or three main issues and three or four minor ones. If there are few main issues, then the meeting will proceed leisurely and will take the same amount of time as if there were a sufficient number of them, and if there are a large number of issues, the discussion will become superficial.

2. Determine the composition of participants (for meetings, negotiations). The exception is production meetings, which are held regularly (usually once a week) with permanent staff participants.

3. Select the day and time of the event. When conducting negotiations, the day and time are agreed upon in advance with all participants.

4. Notify participants about the day and time of the event. When holding a meeting, it is advisable to do this 5-7 days in advance. Only persons invited to it and who are not regular participants in the meeting are notified about the day and time of the production meeting.

5. Set the expected duration of the event and warn participants about it. Experience shows that announcing the end time of a meeting or meeting reduces its duration by 10-15%.

6. Prepare a keynote or message and determine mandatory participants discussions. The report must be specific, reflect the essence of the issue under consideration, and conclusions must be substantiated. Verbosity and vagueness of a report or message causes indifference among listeners.

7. Select and prepare the premises. Care must be taken to ensure that the room is comfortable enough to accommodate all participants. There should not be a shortage of chairs. When organizing negotiations on the tables in front of each participant, it is advisable to place a card indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and the name of the company he represents. There should also be paper and writing utensils on the tables, and refreshments can be provided. In a good manner It is considered to serve tea or coffee with a small amount of pastries during negotiations.

You need to start work at exactly the appointed time. Delaying the start of a meeting or meeting usually results in the next meeting being held very late. It is customary to strictly observe the start time of negotiations by all parties; being late for negotiations is considered as extreme disrespect for partners and can lead to undesirable consequences.

The atmosphere during a meeting (meeting) or business meeting should be friendly. Personal attacks towards participants and showdowns are unacceptable.

A chairman is elected to conduct the meeting. The main responsibilities of the chairman are:

follow the regulations;

announce the name and position of the speaker, the name of the organization of which he is a representative.

The chairman of the meeting must meet certain requirements, the main of which are: competence, impartiality, ability to express himself clearly and clearly, and tolerance of other people's opinions. The chairman does not have the right to show his preference for one or another opinion or participant in the meeting, or to impose his opinion. He must present his proposals after everyone else.

An important step in any meeting or meeting is making a decision. At such moments, the meeting often becomes helpless, as if it loses energy. This happens because participants are unable to recognize that it is time to make a decision, or they hesitate, hesitating to make a choice. In such cases, it is best to choose one offer and continue to consider it.

The rules for holding a general meeting of agricultural land shareholders have changed

It is important not to miss the moment when the debate should be closed - this requires the experience and skill of the chairman. A good way is by-term voting. It sums up the next stage of the discussion. However, one should not be too hasty with the final vote, because It is possible that a decision will be made that is rejected by the minority. In this case, members of the minority may begin to act to prove the majority wrong, which can lead to the resumption of the discussion and the loss of the results already achieved.

A special type of meeting is the so-called “brainstorming”. Such a meeting is held when it is necessary to solve a complex problem, find a way out of a confusing situation, or make a responsible decision.

To conduct such a meeting, first of all, it is necessary to clearly formulate the task - only one, the most difficult or the most important. It is advisable that no more than 7-12 people take part in the discussion. It is advisable to arrange the chairs in a circle so that there is no “gallery” and “presidium”. It is necessary to strictly determine the time of discussion. Lack of time creates stress, which stimulates brain activity. The optimal time for such a meeting is about 30 minutes. No one should criticize the proposals put forward.

Most people cannot work creatively under conditions of moral threat; if one is pulled back, others will only think about how not to seem stupider than everyone else. At the beginning of a discussion, as a rule, banal, empty ideas are put forward. The ban on criticism makes it easier to put forward any ideas, some of which may be very valuable. It is advisable to select best ideas, rather than discarding the worst, what seemed unsuitable now may be useful later. There is no need to establish the authorship of ideas - the best ideas are always the product of collective creativity.

When a way out of a difficult situation seems to have been found, it is advisable to divide into two groups - “supporters” and “opponents” and try to find weak points in the developed solution. The final decision must be clearly formulated and written down.

Return to Meetings

The general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (not to be confused with the HOA) is the management body of the apartment building (Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

His competence includes:

Making decisions on the reconstruction of an apartment building (including its expansion or addition), construction of outbuildings and other buildings, structures, structures, repair of common property in an apartment building;
- making decisions about limits of use land plot, on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on its use;
- making decisions on the transfer of common property in an apartment building for use;
- choosing a method of managing an apartment building (direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building; management of a homeowners’ association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative; management of the management organization’s forces (Article 161 of the RF Housing Code);
- creation and liquidation of a homeowners’ association;
- approval of the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building;
- other issues referred by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation to the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (Articles 44, 135, 141, 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted in the manner established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is mandatory for all owners of premises.

2. What are the forms of the meeting?

A general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building can be held:

1) in person, that is, with the joint presence of the owners of the premises in a specific place and at a specific time to discuss issues put to vote;
2) in the form of absentee voting - without the joint presence of the owners of the premises through the transmission in writing of the owners’ decisions on issues put to vote (Article 47 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

3. Whose initiative should be?

A general meeting of premises owners may be convened at the initiative of individuals or legal entities who are the owners of premises in a given apartment building.

The initiators of the general meeting of owners may be:

a) primary - the owner or several owners of premises in a given house (Article 45, Part 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
b) the next meeting - persons from among the owners responsible for holding the meeting (elected at the first meeting of owners - Article 45 part 1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), the board of the HOA (if it is created);
c) extraordinary - on the initiative of any of the owners of this apartment building (Article 45 part 2 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation), the board of the HOA (if it is created), members of the HOA.

4. How to prepare a meeting?

For a successful general meeting, it is desirable that there is an initiative group of premises owners in the house. In turn, territorial executive authorities (prefectures of administrative districts and district governments) organize outreach work with owners of premises in apartment buildings on issues related to the implementation of their rights and obligations established by the Civil and Housing Codes of the Russian Federation. The initiative group, together with the district government, develops the documentation necessary for holding a general meeting, forms an agenda, selects the premises in which the general meeting is supposed to be held, places information and documentation, and also determines the date and location of the general meeting. In this work, the necessary assistance is provided by the district administration. The initiative group, together with the district government, is also working on other issues related to holding a general meeting (identifying all the owners in a given apartment building; a preliminary survey of residents’ opinions on the method of managing the building, as well as searching for organizations specializing in the management of apartment buildings (through appeals to the prefecture or district administration); determination of the share of each owner in the common property of an apartment building; determination of candidates for the chairman of the general meeting, secretary, counting commission and others).

5. How to notify tenants?

Article 45 of the RF Housing Code regulates the procedure for holding meetings. Its initiators are required to send each owner a notice indicating not only the issues discussed, but also the last name, first name, and patronymic of the person convening the meeting. The General Meeting does not have the right to make decisions on issues not included in the agenda, nor does it have the right to change the agenda. Otherwise, the decision of the general meeting may be challenged in judicial procedure(Art.

46 part 2, 146 Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the initiators of convening a general meeting are obliged to inform the owners of the premises in a given building about the holding of such a meeting no later than 10 days before the date of its holding.

6. When is a meeting valid?

The general meeting is valid if the owners of premises in a given building or their representatives with more than 50 percent of the votes of the total number of owners took part in it (Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The presence of the owners at the meeting is confirmed by a registration sheet of participants indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, address, details of the certificate of ownership of the premises, and the signature of the owner.

If a representative of the owner takes part in the meeting, a power of attorney must be attached.

The right to vote at the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building belongs to the owners of premises in this building. The number of votes that each owner has is proportional to his share in the right of common ownership of common property in a given house (Article 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of objects of common property and the procedure for determining shares in the right of common property are established by Art. 36, 37 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

7 rules for holding a meeting

In this case, the power of attorney issued by the owner to the representative can be executed in simple written form and certified at the place of work, study, or residence.

Voting is carried out on each item on the agenda after its discussion. To summarize the voting results, a counting commission must be created, the composition of which is approved by the general meeting. Any decision of the general meeting is documented in minutes in the manner established by the general meeting of owners of premises in a given house (clause 1 of article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

8. How to formalize decisions?

The RF LC does not establish any requirements for the form of the protocol. But according to the traditions of conducting general meetings, the minutes must be drawn up in writing, signed by the chairman and secretary, as well as members of the counting commission. The minutes must indicate the date, place of the general meeting of owners and the agenda. The law establishes that decisions of the general meeting of owners must be brought to the attention of all owners of premises, including those who did not take part in the meeting, within ten days from the date of adoption of these decisions (Article 46, Part 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

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Is everyone ready to work?


Great, let's go and get to work!

Is the situation familiar?

The shift meeting is the most valuable element of communication with your employees. You get the opportunity to motivate them, inform them about the key topics and issues that need to be addressed today, and listen to their ideas and suggestions.

The main objectives of the shift meeting:

1. Increase the enthusiasm of employees, who must understand the specific goals set for a given day (motivation at the personal level);

How to organize and successfully conduct a meeting

Achieve successful work in a team (group motivation);

3. Increase sales volume and revenue level by providing impeccable quality of service;

4. Setting a goal and defining a specific task for the shift. (For example, the plan for December is 2,000,000 rubles, the plan for the day is 64,516 rubles).

Ways in which the stated objectives of the meeting can be achieved:

1. Employee motivation

2. Informing employees

3. Listen effectively to employees


They allow for continuous, task-focused training without committing a lot of time. Therefore, we can talk about the following advantages of this method.


For the buyer- improving the service atmosphere.

For staff- opportunity for continuous training and advanced training.

For the manager, store director- improving mutual understanding with staff, identifying employee needs.

For organization- formation of the corporate culture of the organization and the team spirit of its employees.

Standards for conducting a shift meeting

When conducting a shift meeting, certain standards must be followed, including the following:

1. Keep the meeting structure simple.

2. Check in practice how employees learned the information

3. Summarize the meeting

4. Anticipate and effectively solve emerging problems

5. Do a final review.

Keep the meeting structure simple

Greetings– may vary depending on the manager’s style of conducting the meeting. The main purpose of a greeting is to attract the attention of all employees, and it is also the right time inform employees about your current sales volume in the store.

Briefly tell them that main issues, which you are going to talk about at today's meeting. That. You will give a brief overview of the contents of your meeting. The review must be short, for example:

“Today we will discuss ways to increase sales and what we will do during the holidays.”

“Today we will repeat the stage of entering into contact with the buyer, since it is one of the most important. After all, it is at this stage that the client decides whether he wants to communicate with you or not.”

Main part of the meeting

In the main part of the meeting, you should explain each main issue to employees, and you should use effective ways presentation of information so that employees better remember the main points and general content of the meeting.

For example: The title of the topic is using existing opportunities to increase sales. Discuss with your employees how you can improve your customer experience during the holidays.

Use guided discussion. Ask employees to offer their ideas, their thoughts on the topic of the meeting. Write down all possible answers.

Questions and answers

At this stage, you have the opportunity to receive feedback from employees. They may ask you questions that may or may not relate to the main topics of discussion. When providing feedback and asking questions, you must be specific.

For example: Do you need any information on organizing work on holidays?


At this stage you need briefly remind about what you talked about throughout the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, you should give a final review of the goals you have set for the shift, so that employees feel they are important and so that you can ensure that these goals are met. clear, specific and feasible. The review should be short and should not add new ideas. It will be best if you ask open-ended questions about key topics that were discussed during the meeting.

For example: “Irina, please tell us what you learned today about how you can improve customer service during the holidays”

Such a review of the set goals will also allow make sure What you need is that they:

realistic and specific, as well as what employees may need further development or training during the day.

Conclusion - appeal

Call to action. It is necessary to instill as much enthusiasm as possible in employees before starting work...

Possible problems

It is necessary that you plan in advance for the possibility of any problems arising. Typical problems problems that may arise during a shift meeting are as follows:

  • Wrong choice of meeting location. You must choose a meeting location that in the best possible way would be suitable for resolving questions that arise among your employees or discussing the main topics you have prepared for this meeting. For example, if the main topic of the meeting is the quality of customer service at the checkout, hold the meeting near the cash register box.
  • Deviation from the topic of discussion. If you strictly follow the structure of the meeting, you can avoid possible deviations off topic. If deviations do occur, you should try to return to the main topic of discussion. For example:
  • « Svetlana, this is a very interesting idea and we will discuss it tomorrow at the meeting, but now we need to get back to discussing effective ways to serve our customers during the holidays.”
  • Too many main topics of discussion. If your employees are overloaded with information, they will be confused and unable to remember basic questions. Ideally, there should be no more than 3 main topics of discussion. If when discussing this topic you need to use role-playing game or demonstration of a skill or procedure, allocate only one topic for discussion per meeting.
  • Employees who lag behind others in their work. You should not publicly criticize or berate such employees. Immediately after the meeting ends, discuss the employee’s problem with him in private.

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What could be worse than an endless meeting - it drags on and on and on! As a leader, you must ensure that no one deviates too far from the topic and does not drag out the presentation. And how can you help people focus without becoming a taskmaster or stifling initiative?

What experts say

One nice thing: the rules of moderation are still not rocket science, and you most likely already know how to behave. But here's the problem: It takes discipline to keep a meeting from going off the rails, and few people are willing to put in the proper effort. “Some people don’t think about how to conduct a meeting, some weren’t taught, and some didn’t even have time to prepare,” says Robert Posen, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and the author of the book “At the Peak of Opportunity. Rules for the effectiveness of professionals." “In companies these days, the pace of work is accelerating at a tremendous pace, and managers simply do not have time to think ahead about how this or that meeting will be organized,” confirms Roger Schwartz, an organizational psychologist and author of the book “Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams.” But if you win minutes today, you will lose hours tomorrow. So go the extra mile in preparing for your weekly team discussion or extended organization-wide meeting to discuss departmental or firmwide strategy. Here are a few ways to make your next meeting more productive than all the previous ones.

Be clear about your goal

Many problems can be avoided if you immediately determine the purpose of the meeting. Schwartz remembers a sign in the Intel conference room: “Don’t start a meeting unless you know what it’s for.” Sound advice. Send out agenda materials in advance so participants know what will be discussed. If necessary, make a list of topics that you will not discuss. Schwartz recommends writing it in the form of questions, that is, not “Discuss the schedule based on the videos,” but “When will the videos be ready?” - thereby immediately setting the required result. Next to each item, it makes sense to indicate the roles of the meeting participants - from whom you expect information, from whom fresh ideas, who makes decisions.

Control the size

A meeting can get out of control if too many people gather. "WITH high probability participants will be inattentive, no one will want to take responsibility for what is happening,” says Posen. But an insufficient number of participants will also not provide the necessary diversity of opinions. Invite only those who will really be useful. “You don’t need to invite everyone who has anything to do with the topic,” advises Posen. “If you are afraid of offending someone, send that person the resolution and other meeting materials so they are aware.”

Set the right tone

It depends on the manager how freely people express their opinions. "You'll have to bring all the ideas together in a meeting," warns Schwartz. We need to set people up so that they want to teach and learn. Don't waste time trying to get everyone to agree with you, but listen carefully to opposing opinions and assessments. Admit that you don’t have all the answers, just as no one present has them. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Schwartz says that it is necessary “for participants to perceive the meeting as a puzzle or mosaic - everyone lays out their piece and everyone puts together the overall picture.”

Curb the talkers

“People often make speeches instead of asking questions,” reminds Posen. It is difficult to curb a talker, but sometimes there is no other way out. Schwartz offers the following formula: “Okay, Bob, you’re one hundred percent right, and it makes sense for us to discuss this separately.” Bob will have to agree, and on that day he will not try to make the same speech again on a different occasion. And if there are any team members who like to have a word in, talk to them beforehand or during a break and ask them to keep their remarks to a minimum to give others a chance to speak up.

Guide the conversation in the right direction

Sometimes the problem is that someone talks, albeit not for too long, but not exactly about that. “If two or three raise related but not directly relevant issues, the discussion will degenerate,” warns Posen. We need to bring them back to main topic. Sometimes a distracting maneuver is deliberately resorted to: perhaps the speaker is dissatisfied with the direction that you have given the conversation, or does not want to give up the right to make a decision to anyone. Do not catch such a person trying to disrupt the meeting, but ask what is going on. Posen offers this formula: “This is not the first time you have deviated from the agenda. Is something bothering you?” We need to immediately deal with this problem, prevent a split and return to the main topic of the meeting.

Build bridges

“Usually the presenter moves on to the next topic when he sees fit,” says Schwartz, “but the interlocutors can’t keep up with him and get stuck on previous points.” Before moving on to the next question, ask if everyone understood everything with the previous one. "Give people time to talk," Posen advises. This makes the conversation more focused.

Know how to finish correctly

A productive meeting needs to end on the right note so that real productive work can follow. Posen suggests asking participants, “What steps do we take next? What schedule will we set for implementation?” Write down the answers and send them out via email so everyone is on the same page. This promotes responsibility: “No one can plead ignorance,” Posen says.

Remember the Basic Principles

  • Clearly state the purpose of the meeting and send out agenda materials in advance.
  • Pre-talk to those who are prone to verbosity and ask them to be as brief as possible.
  • Send out after the meeting emails with a list of immediate steps, performers responsible for each item in the implementation schedule.


  • Invite too many participants - invite only those who are really needed.
  • Move on to another topic before everyone has spoken.
  • Get distracted by related topics. Offer to discuss minor interesting questions at another time.

Example #1: Listen to everyone

Bill Collins, vice president of maintenance, repair and operations for American Airlines, was tasked with improving relations with union members. For the big talk, Bill organized mass meetings, inviting his 6,500 members. These gatherings were not a success: “Mass events have not been held for fifteen years, and people have accumulated irritation, and each of them was eager to speak out. They would have willingly strung me up,” Collins recalled. Meetings scheduled for an hour dragged on for two or more.

Bill decided to change something. First of all, I began to organize meetings by type of activity and by shift, so that each time there were no more than 250 people in one room. "They still wanted to hang me, but at least it started a conversation," he says. In addition, he changed the flow of the meeting by introducing the topic at the very beginning and asking everyone to speak openly about their issues. "I said: 'We want to discuss this and that. What do you want to discuss?' And if someone tried to speak on a completely different topic, then Bill would answer: “We will discuss this in detail when we get to the questions and answers. Is that good?” - and would wait for at least a nod before moving on.

When Collins described his new method, many doubted whether the meetings would drag on longer than before, because now everyone had the right to speak out. But Bill was confident that everything would work out. “Workers usually distrust management, and this process brought us closer together.” After the first meeting, conducted in a new way, he received the proof he needed: “Nobody yelled. Everyone talked calmly and cordially. And in the end we ended the meeting on a positive note. Union leaders said it was best meeting in their memory."

Example No. 2. Actively restrain interfering people

When Betsy Loucks took over as executive director of HealthRIght, a nonprofit health care organization in Rhode Island, she took on the new responsibility of meeting monthly with twenty representatives from a variety of health-related institutions, from labor unions, hospitals, insurance companies to lawyers. patients. They required solving accumulated problems and reaching compromises. Before Betsy Loucks arrived, each meeting was devoted to a specific topic, but there was no clear structure for its conduct and it was impossible to make a final decision. As a result, everything went wrong. “Everyone had their own problems - and only talked about them,” says Betsy.

She decided to conduct these meetings differently - she began to immediately determine the goal. This helped focus the discussion. Betsy also tried to build relationships with people who tended to take over the conversation. “Health care reform covers a lot of very sensitive issues. Each of the participants worries only about their own problem, and some are able to talk endlessly about the same thing, because they feel like no one is listening to them,” explains Luks. She met with these people before the monthly general meeting, listened to them personally and checked whether she understood their point of view correctly. Then, at the general meeting, with the permission of such a participant, she presented his position publicly, but more briefly.

She assigned an “observer” to people who were difficult to communicate with. “We had a man who always repeated the same speech,” Betsy recalls. She asked a member of the presidium to sit next to this chatterbox and stop him as soon as he dispersed. Each time her assistant respectfully said: “Yes, that’s a wonderful idea,” and repeated it, but briefly. The chatterbox felt respected, and Betsy calmly continued the meeting. “I got rid of the role of a traffic controller, but at the same time I didn’t quarrel with the bore,” she concluded.

Betsy used the same methods at smaller events. “When there is more than one interlocutor, I use this tactic. If you invite the right people, send out a clear plan and neutralize difficult participants in advance, everything will go like clockwork.”

There are companies that have a tradition of holding staff meetings. And I can say that ATManagement Group is no exception. My successful action as executive director is to hold such meetings every Friday.

Some may think that this is a waste of staff time, and this time should be devoted to work. But for me, this is a great opportunity to energize my employees and give recognition for their excellent work.

What tasks do I solve when I conduct staff meetings:

  • Employees understand how things are going in the company, I inform them about the news.
  • Company leaders take greater responsibility for their areas and work more efficiently (I will show in this article why this happens).
  • The company's employees are aiming to achieve good results in the new week.
  • Exchange of experience.

I think every manager would like to see employees every week charged with achieving goals and improving their performance. Of course, this cannot be achieved by meetings alone; there must be a set of actions. For example, statistics (you can learn about this from the video course “Management based on statistics” on the website But as my practice shows, a properly held meeting and the regularity of these meetings is already half the success.

Where to start?

Decide on which days you will hold the meeting. Determine the time. And start doing this regularly. If you decide that it will be 9.00 on Monday, then spend them every Monday no later and no earlier!

The staff may begin to express their dissatisfaction and mutter, but who is the boss?! :) I assure you, after a month of such weekly meetings, your employees will be the first to come to work!

I prefer to start the meeting with a roll call. If the company is small, then you can do this by name. I do a roll call by department - at your convenience.

Problems and their solutions

I like this part of the meeting the most.

Agree, most often the manager himself solves the problem. And how valuable it is when employees come to us not with questions, but with answers! This part of the meeting is aimed at getting employees to talk about what problems they encountered in the past week and how they dealt with them. At this stage, it is important to hear exactly the problems that have already been solved.

You can start this part by asking, “Who had problems this week?” And your employees will raise their hands. This is followed by another question: “Who coped with these problems?” And then ask them to tell you how the employees coped with the difficult situations in your work.

Perhaps at first there will not be so many hands, but the further into the forest, the more firewood :) When there were 20 people in our company, this part of the meeting lasted 20 minutes. Now that there are 40 people in the St. Petersburg office, we can talk for hours about successful actions and solutions to problems.

What's interesting is that the more productive the week was, the more problems people dealt with. And when employees listen to what problems their colleagues were able to solve, they believe that there are no unsolvable situations, and they can cope with any difficulties. And here’s another thing: some successful actions of Masha Petrova can become very useful in the work of Vasya Ivanov.

Plans for the week

After employees have shared their successful actions and solutions to problems, I move on to general announcements.

What it could be: new promotions for clients, new company rules, introduction of new employees or transfers to positions, holidays, etc.

Now the executive director gives the floor to his assistants: commercial director/production director/development director. If your company does not have these directors, but there are people responsible for different divisions, then this is their time.

One by one, regional leaders show the results for the past week (we show statistics, it’s very clear) and say what their department has done and what they plan to do.

The commercial director talks about the company’s total income, marketing plans, etc.

The production director talks about progress in production, how things are going with the provision of services, and so on.

And the final stage of the meeting is the so-called distribution of elephants. At the general staff meeting, we always praise good performance, but we never scold it in front of people. It’s better to reprimand one-on-one. If one of the employees had outstanding performance during the week, it is at the meeting that it is time to recognize such well done people publicly.

At the end, be sure to thank all employees for their work last week and remind them what their goals are for the next week. At the end you can read some inspiring quote. The meeting should always end on a positive note!

Thus, “the purpose of staff meetings is to develop a spirit of mutual cooperation among the team, as well as coordination of actions. This shows a direct relationship between the size of their bonuses and production - and thereby allows the group to control their income." (L. Ron Hubbard, article "Weekly Staff Meetings")

Experiment with this type of meeting in your company, and I will be glad to hear your successes or questions.

Interesting meetings for you!

Running a business, especially in an office setting, requires some level of collaboration. For example, important decisions often require the objective opinions of several people, and implementation important work the experience of many people is often required. Meetings are one way to structure and organize collaboration, but without a clear purpose and control, meetings can easily drag on and become unproductive. Knowing how to plan, prepare and run a meeting can be important if you want your meeting to be productive and productive.


Part 1

preparation for the meeting

    Discuss the upcoming meeting with those who will be attending. When you find out that you have an upcoming meeting, the first thing you should do is spend some time talking to the people who will be attending (especially high-ranking and influential people). Ask them if there is anything specific they would like to discuss at the meeting. Take note of their responses and use them as a guide when setting your agenda.

    • Asking those who will be attending the meeting what they would like to discuss at the meeting is a smart move, as it will not only make it easier to set the agenda, but will also involve them in the process before the meeting itself begins. People are more likely to attend and listen to meetings if they know that issues that matter to them will be raised.
  1. Create and distribute an agenda. An agenda can be an important resource not only for the meeting chairperson, but also for the guests attending the meeting. The agenda contains important information– time and place of the meeting, and names of participants. And most importantly, suggested topics for discussion are also marked there so that everyone can prepare. Send out agendas before the meeting begins; the more important the meeting, the sooner this should be done.

    • Your agenda must include approximate rules for discussing each issue. A strict schedule written in advance will help you keep your meeting on track. Although some items on your agenda may take longer to discuss (and some may speed up), scheduling will make your task much easier - you will be able to follow the discussion of each issue and make adjustments accordingly.
  2. Study the issues discussed and minutes of previous meetings. The people present at the meeting may not know what you are going to discuss: some have not attended previous meetings, and others have simply forgotten. As the chairman of the meeting, it is best for you to become familiar with the history of the meeting to date. Try to talk to people who have been to previous meetings to become familiar with any outstanding issues that can be addressed at the meeting. You can also request records of previous meetings from the official record keeper to help create a plan.

    • Minutes of previous meetings can serve as an important resource if you are chairing the meeting. It summarizes discussions and decisions made during previous meetings, helping you get up to speed relatively quickly and easily. You can even distribute important meeting minutes along with the agenda.
  3. Prepare the location for the meeting in advance. On the day of the meeting, you should ensure that the room or hall in which you want to hold the meeting is clean, presentable and ready for participants to arrive. You also need to make sure that all technical components of the meeting (presentations, projectors, screens, etc.) are working properly and are fully ready for use - confusion with technology can cause you to waste valuable time and deviate from the set plan.

    • If you're using an electronic presentation (such as PowerPoint, etc.), take a moment to understand the remote control or remote control you'll use to switch slides. There's no point in wasting time fiddling with controls when you could spend it discussing important issues.

    Part 2

    act like a chairman during a meeting
    1. Open the meeting. When the appointed time arrives and all the meeting participants (or at least all the important figures) have gathered, draw the attention of everyone in the room. Introduce yourself as the chairman of the meeting and tell us what the purpose of this meeting is. Set a target time frame for the meeting by letting everyone know when the meeting is expected to end – it may take longer or go faster, but it is best to set a target time frame in advance. This will help keep the meeting going as planned. If some participants do not know each other, take a moment to do a quick roll call and introduce important participants.

      Summarize important points from previous meetings. When starting meetings that are part of a long-term unfinished project, you should briefly bring everyone up to speed by telling them about the project, quickly summarizing everything important events or decisions made at previous meetings. Not everyone present may be as knowledgeable about the issues being discussed as you are, so in order for the meeting to be effective and efficient, you should quickly bring everyone up to speed.

      Allow me important participants report on the state of affairs. Then call on people with relevant information to tell the meeting about new or recent events that have occurred since the last meeting. Practically it can be anything. For example, new problems that your company or organization has encountered, personnel changes, design developments, as well as changes in strategy - all this can be discussed at the meeting. Meeting participants will also want to hear about the results of any specific actions taken as a result of decisions made at the last meeting.

      Draw listeners' attention to unsolved problems. If there are issues that remain unresolved or decisions that could not be made at the previous meeting, try to sort them out before moving on to new tasks. The longer you put off resolving old problems, the less meeting participants will want to take responsibility for resolving them, so try to push them to the wall and deal with lingering unresolved issues during the meeting. Typically, unresolved issues are marked as “unresolved” or “deferred until further discussion” in the minutes of previous meetings.

      • Depending on the team atmosphere and rules, your business or organization may have a special decision-making process. For example, perhaps meeting participants should simply reach a unanimous decision by majority vote, or select a group of senior people whose task is to make all decisions.
      • It is worth noting that some issues are too broad to be resolved at meetings. It is not necessary to talk about the development of long-term projects that are not yet completed. But still you should raise issues or projects that need to be addressed now.
    2. Talk about new ventures. Then lift new problems, matters and issues that need to be discussed. The causes of these problems must lie in events that have occurred since the previous meeting, as well as those currently occurring. Try to get specific, clear decisions from the participants - the more issues you leave unresolved, the more unresolved matters you will have to deal with at the next meeting.

      Summarize the meeting. Once you've touched on things from the past to those happening now, take time to summarize for everyone in the meeting. Sort out everyone's results decisions taken, if necessary, give specific tasks to meeting participants that you will expect them to complete by the next meeting.

      • This key point is your last chance to ensure that everyone leaves the meeting room with an accurate understanding of your projects and what is expected of them.
    3. Finally, lay the groundwork for the next meeting. Finally, tell everyone what they can expect from the next meeting and, if you have already started planning it, announce the proposed location. Then meeting participants will understand that there is a continuum between projects and decisions, and they have time to move forward or complete the tasks assigned to them.

      • Please note that availability a plan for the next meeting is not necessary if you have raised all past and present issues at your meeting. But if there are still a lot of unresolved matters, and you want to be sure that they will be discussed in the future, or you want to monitor the development of certain projects, then it may be better to prepare the ground in advance.

    Part 3

    conduct a meeting effectively
    1. Lead the discussion, but don't dominate. One of the responsibilities of the meeting chair, which you are, is to facilitate the discussion and ensure that it goes according to plan. You Not must impose their opinion on each issue or conduct discussions according to a precise schedule. Be flexible. Let meeting participants speak freely and raise new issues for discussion, even if they are not on the agenda. You can gently change the course of the discussion or change the topic to keep the discussion going as planned, but you should not interfere with trifles. After all, you are pursuing common goals.

      • During the meeting, be careful not to deviate from the agenda. If you are behind, you may have to skip some questions or put them off for later to save time. Don't be afraid to do this if discussed the questions are truly important.
      • Don't ignore difficult or sensitive issues. Unless a competent chairman takes control, meetings will be highly unproductive. Try to make sure that every important point is raised. Do not allow participants to shift responsibility to others or come up with ridiculous excuses for issues that were not addressed. Try to pin them against the wall and get answers to those questions that no one wants to raise. Although it may not be to everyone's taste, sensitive questions like these require precise answers to ensure the meeting is as productive as possible.

        • Make sure important decisions are recorded (if you have official clerks or record takers, assign them this task). If you want to take the trouble to answer difficult questions, it is worth making sure that the answers you receive will be properly recorded.
      • Keep track of the time. Meetings have a bad reputation for a reason—many people consider them a waste of time. To ensure that your meeting does not drag on, as the chairman, you must ensure that the discussion does not stand still. Don't be afraid to put off some minor issues or discussions until later if you see the meeting going on longer than you expected. Be prepared to change your schedule on the fly to ensure you don't waste anyone's valuable time.

One of the most difficult types of business interaction is meetings - especially if they are held in a situation of conflict in the organization. In addition, for a number of organizations, meetings are supreme body management. These guidelines will help you make meetings more manageable, increase the likelihood of them being successful, and reduce the risk of conflict or unforeseen situations, and also, ultimately, have a positive impact on the organization’s strategic plans and the psychological climate in the team.

The main guidelines in preparing meetings are regulatory and administrative documents regulating the activities of the organization itself as a whole and the meeting as a collegial management body. Such documents include: the constituent agreement, the charter of the organization, legislative acts that play the role of standard provisions for such institutions. Such documents often contain instructions on the range of issues that can be submitted for collegial discussion and included on the agenda of the meeting. In addition, organizational and administrative documents often contain a description of the procedure for preparing for a meeting, regulations for this work, which determine the degree of appropriateness of certain technologies of business interaction.

Practice shows that in conflict situations great value acquires something How exactly is the meeting agenda written?. The likelihood of a constructive resolution of the conflict increases if the agenda includes only issues that directly affect the essence of the conflict and the subject of the contradictions that have arisen. If, in addition to the conflict itself, an attempt is made during the meeting to resolve some additional questions, then such an agenda creates the precondition for the development of the conflict as an avalanche. This is due to the involvement of a large number of people in direct interaction at the same time. Their divergent interests, combined with the competitive attitudes set by the conflict situation, can provoke a further expansion of the conflict area, the growth and complication of the contradictions that have arisen.

To ensure that meeting participants are ready for meaningful communication, a few days before the meeting, they can be provided with information on the substance of the problem being discussed. To compile it, it is advisable to create a group of experts focused on conducting a comprehensive analysis of the state of affairs in the organization.

As a rule, materials for the meeting(agenda, abstracts or texts of reports, draft decisions, etc.) are provided to the intended participants no later than three to four days before the start. This allows them to make changes to documents that have already been developed and then quickly present their proposals during the meeting.

Psychologically, working with documents already during the meeting itself makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of personal antipathies between the conflicting parties. Addressing the document without direct interaction with the opponent, introducing the document as an intermediary link reduces the likelihood of an outburst of affective reactions and the conflict developing into an explosion scenario.

Dealing with conflict during a meeting game scenario often becomes more manageable if it is possible adopt general regulations. To facilitate the work on the draft regulations, you can use the following common template as a starting point: meeting plan:

1. an introductory speech with a total duration of up to 5 minutes, which informs general rules the work of the meeting, the mode of its holding, the approximate end time;
2. main report lasting up to 30 minutes (if diametrically opposed positions of the conflicting parties are presented at the meeting, then everyone should be given the opportunity to express their views equal time, but it is advisable that in total it does not exceed 30 minutes - otherwise, as a result of natural fatigue, those gathered simply become inattentive);
3. questions to the speakers and their answers (each question and answer - no more than 2 minutes);
4. speeches by co-speakers, additional messages (no more than 10-15 minutes for all speakers with additional messages due to the reasons noted in paragraph 2);
5. questions for co-speakers (no more than 1 minute for each question and answer);
6. speeches by meeting participants (5-7 minutes);
7. answers from speakers (no more than 5 minutes for each);
8. answers from co-speakers (no more than 3 minutes for each);
9. references during the meeting (there should be no more than three to five, so as not to distract attention from the main topic and not create a feeling of poor preliminary preparation for the meeting; no more than 3 minutes should be allocated for one reference);
10. reading the draft meeting decision (no more than 5 minutes);
11. proposals for a draft decision (no more than 1-3 minutes for each);
12. summing up the meeting (no more than 10 minutes).

Typically, when there are 50-75 participants, it is considered optimal to take breaks of 10 minutes every hour. With a larger number of participants, it is advisable to take a break after 1.5-2 hours of work and make it last 15-20 minutes.

The above diagram for structuring a meeting by content and time is exemplary character. But no matter how uncertain what will happen during the meeting may seem, the organizers must first think through and develop their draft regulations. If, in conditions of conflict, a discussion of completely unprepared regulations begins during the meeting, then this work issue itself may become another reason for intensifying conflict attitudes and a useless “showdown.”

Increased emotional arousal, characteristic of any public speech, and even more so of speaking at a meeting in connection with a conflict situation, requires each speaker to seriously study both the structure and content of his message. Any speech must contain constructive proposals to solve the problem discussed at the meeting. In a situation of conflict at a meeting, emotional remarks that offend those present are especially dangerous. Such remarks increase the likelihood of transforming organizational conflicts into interpersonal ones and interfere with the search for optimal solutions to the problem. Therefore, emotional attacks should be excluded from public speeches.

If the presentation is in the nature of a report, it must contain:

* brief definition of the purpose of the message;
* statement of basic facts;
* concise, clear statement of proposed ways to solve the problem;
* brief meaningful conclusion.

Speakers scheduled according to the regulations should prepare the text of your speech in advance. The material for the speech can be data obtained as a result of an analysis of affairs in the organization. In addition, the report should be calibrated against the agenda and the organization's existing reporting data. The report should not be overloaded with digital material: only key indicators should be used that help those gathered to assess the current situation and understand the meaning of the proposed solutions.

When preparing a speaker for a presentation, it can be recommended to read the text of the report aloud in the rhythm and manner in which he is going to do it at the meeting. This, firstly, allows you to determine and adjust the time frame for the performance. Secondly, it helps to navigate the text faster. Such orientation turns out to be very useful in the emotionally charged atmosphere of a meeting, when the speaker may be interrupted, he himself may get confused, or if he again needs to return to some fragment of the speech. Since the meeting is an expensive collegial body of strategic management, the time spent by the speaker on preliminary work on his speech is completely justified.

When resolving conflict issues, the organizers of general meetings should pay great attention to the preparation of minutes, which is an important organizational and administrative document. This protocol should record the progress of the discussion of the issues raised, the decision-making procedure and the decisions of the meeting themselves.

In modern conditions, minutes are often drawn up not during the meeting, but on the basis of video or audio recordings. In terms of speed and ease of processing and documentation, digital recording of the meeting is preferable. But even if digital technology is used, in order not to miss significant moments of the meeting, it is still recommended to accompany the audio or video recording of what is happening by drawing up a draft handwritten protocol indicating the time of key events. Such a protocol helps in the future to decipher what is recorded on the tape and qualitatively reflect it in the content of the main protocol.

Of great importance for the protocol as an official document is compliance with the rules for its execution. The minutes are dated on the day of the meeting, and not on the moment of its signing. If the meeting took place over several days, then the minutes are dated by the start day and the end day, which are indicated with a hyphen. In addition, the minutes indicate its serial number, which corresponds to the serial number of the meeting. The name is also indicated settlement, in which the meeting was held.

When drawing up a protocol, it should be taken into account that according to the completeness of coverage of the issues discussed, such documents are divided into complete and brief. The brief protocol includes the name of the speaker, the topic of the report, and the names of the speakers. The content of the speeches is not reflected in the summary protocol. If the meeting is dedicated to resolving a conflict, then such protocols can be drawn up only if there are means of recording the content of reports and speeches (transcripts, certified texts of reports and speeches, high-quality audio or video recordings). In this case, an entry is made in the protocol that the corresponding detailed recordings of the speeches are attached to it. If this is not possible, then a detailed protocol must be prepared, fully reflecting the course of the discussion, the proposed and adopted decisions.

During the meeting the final version full protocol it is almost impossible to compose. Therefore, a draft protocol is drawn up. When resolving sensitive issues of this kind, minutes can be drawn up not by one, but by several participants in the meeting, who then draw up and draw up a final version of the minutes within five days.

The fully prepared minutes are signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting. The final decisions of the meeting are communicated to its participants in the form of independent documents - resolutions and decisions, which are created on the basis of the material contained in the minutes.

Compliance with these procedures, although it does not guarantee a complete resolution of the contradictions that have arisen, still creates the prerequisites for the constructive and effective work of the meeting. Due to the large number of participants and the non-standard situation during meetings, people’s ability to self-control decreases and the effectiveness of forecasting deteriorates. The described procedures serve as paper-based orientation schemes in a non-standard situation. By freeing people's minds from such schemes, meeting organizers make it easier for its participants to work intensively on the essence of the problem, and not on the task of conducting the meeting itself.

In general, the work to prepare for the meeting should be aimed at maximizing the ease of concentration of the participants’ attention on the essence of the contradictions being resolved. To achieve this, the resolution of all possible procedural issues must be organized, as well as control over the preparation of all necessary information on the substance of the problem brought up for discussion.

Both at the stage of preparation for the meeting and during its conduct, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics meeting participants. The communicative psychotechniques used should be aimed at creating a mood for constructive problem solving. The organizers are obliged to ensure that participants understand that the effectiveness of the entire organization as a whole largely depends on their will and intentions.

Read also

  • Techniques and psychotechniques of public speaking

    The speech begins not when the speaker takes a place at the podium and begins to speak, but from the moment he is given the floor. The speaker barely gets up from his seat or crosses the threshold of the hall when the audience begins to evaluate him. To become interesting to the audience, you need to show your interest in it. You won't get a second chance to make a first impression. So when you walk up to the podium, move with confidence. Show with all your appearance that this is an important moment for you and you want to communicate with the audience.

  • Rules for the presentation

    Each client, be it an individual or an organization, makes a decision in a certain sequence. At the stage of making a presentation to a client, there are several rules that will allow you not to waste your energy and emotions. In order to be less likely to receive answers like “no,” “maybe,” or “we need to think about it,” it is important to remember some rules for preparing and delivering a presentation. You must explain how its benefits and features meet the customer's needs.

Articles in this section

  • How bosses accelerate employee burnout

    Five reasons why you lose interest in work because of your boss's behavior.

  • What to do if happiness strikes during a crisis

    Business literature is full of advice on how to survive in crisis conditions. They especially often recall the Eastern wisdom that a crisis is a new opportunity. Indeed, hundreds of Russian companies suddenly received an impetus for development precisely because of the reduction in imports, the fall in the ruble exchange rate and other delights. But new opportunities also create new problems. This article is about how to deal with them.
    The publication is based on the author’s personal observations.

  • When Subordinates Trick You: A Practical Guide

    If you are a manager with at least 3 years of experience, rest assured that your subordinates have fooled your brains dozens of times already. And if you are the director of a large holding company, then it happens every day. Although you may not have noticed it. I offer instructions: how to smell it and what to do with it.

  • How to keep timesheets as efficiently as possible?

    A time sheet is an indispensable tool in the work of any organization. Its maintenance is prescribed by law, and underestimation can negatively affect the company’s work. The accounting sheet allows the manager to see big picture employee attendance at work.

  • How to choose the right personnel control model for you

    Many managers, when deciding for themselves the question of how to “keep their subordinates in line,” hardly think about what control strategy they will adhere to. As a result, elements of completely different strategies are often mixed, which leads to the futility of all efforts. For most managers, two strategies are most useful: external control and internal stimulation.

  • A cruel leader. Who's to blame?

    In Russia, a future leader who is not happy with his team is formed in an educational institution. Here students are taught how to build teamwork, how to increase team efficiency, but no one teaches personal effectiveness. Working with personal effectiveness, personal…

  • TOP 6 management mistakes that can hinder the development of a company

    In one of his latest articles for Forbes, Glenn Llopis, an American entrepreneur and business consultant, spoke about the mistakes of top management, which ultimately negatively affect the success of their businesses.

  • How small companies can solve design problems

    How should small and medium-sized businesses build project management processes – “according to science” or “as usual”? Better, as common sense dictates, says Alexander Krymov. Read about the specifics of project management in small companies.

  • The problem of Russian business is its superficial attitude towards personnel

    The crisis once again forces managers to optimize their business and identify reserves that can be used in the new situation. Experts from the recruitment agency Unity compared Russian principles of work in recruitment with German ones and came to the conclusion that the main point of growth is company personnel.

  • “Business Sergeants”: the problem of line managers

    Low-level managers are the “sergeants” or “warrant officers” of the company. They can become the most influential cell in the business hierarchy if you take care of their career development. Alexander Krymov on the search and training of line managers.

  • Commonly used HR strategies during periods of financial instability

    In recent years, Russian companies that have overcome the 2008 crisis have consistently expanded their business and, accordingly, adjusted their staff levels in such a way as to have a slightly larger number of employees than was absolutely and minimally necessary. However, in recent...

  • Recommendations for employers during a crisis

    In recent years, Russian companies that survived and overcame the 2008 crisis have invariably expanded their business and, accordingly, adjusted the number of personnel in order to provide a certain personnel reserve that covered their actual personnel needs. However, in the last few months...

  • Empathy in business – a plus or a minus?

    Human resource is not an impersonal concept, and an HR specialist, whatever one may say, has to work with specific people, interact with them, try to understand their motives, the reasons for certain actions, find common language. At the same time, when “penetrating into the inner world” of your colleagues, it is important not to become a victim of manipulation yourself.

  • How to increase employee productivity

    Increasing employee productivity can be a challenge even for the most competent manager. Fortunately, many managers have a significant range of tools at their disposal to increase motivation. So, one of the most common ways to increase motivation is to...

  • Labor productivity in the company: challenges of the crisis

    Labor productivity in Russia has always been lame compared to abroad, it is lame now and, most likely, it will continue to be lame. In times of crisis, it is worth returning to this issue.

  • Assessment of the effectiveness of the HR Department

    How is the role of HR changing in a modern company? What are the expectations of top managers from the work of the HR department? How does your company evaluate the effectiveness of the HR department?

  • Gamify it: How to Inspire Your Team to Great Deeds Using Game Mechanics

    Increasingly, at HR conferences and the pages of industry publications, you can come across the term “gamification” - in the context of working with staff motivation, increasing sales, strengthening corporate culture and other tasks of increasing efficiency. What is gamification and why right now the HR community is so actively talking about this tool - after all, in fact, it has been used for a long time.

  • Exit interview: understand the reasons for leaving and take action

    The exit interview can confidently be called the “gold standard” in the relationship between the company and the leaving employee. It is very important for an employer to say goodbye “good” to a valuable employee and at the same time receive from him useful information, how to retain other employees.

  • “Own” people in the company. Nuances of relationships

    In practice, there is often a situation where senior management employs their relatives or acquaintances as employees of the company. Such actions may carry risks both for the work of individual departments and for the business as a whole.

  • What is management?

    Anyone, even a recent MBA graduate, knows that you can argue all day about the truest, best definition of the word manager. But it bores me. So let's think together about the main thing, about the essence of what we expect from a professional leader (we are not yet considering the rest of your work: increasing profits or releasing more advanced widgets). What does management come down to?

  • Corporate trainings: are managers born or made?

    Every year, millions of dollars and thousands of hours are spent trying to teach leaders and managers how to lead and provide effective feedback to their employees. However, a significant portion of these trainings do not produce the desired results. Many managers remain poor mentors. Maybe the reason is that it can't be taught?

  • How to find a common language with subordinates? Two examples that definitely should not be repeated

    Tatiana was an amazing, highly motivated manager in an international organization headquartered in Washington. Having been promoted and taken leadership position, she inherited a small team of employees. Her direct subordinates were very categorical, cynical, straightforward...

  • Preparation of management reporting in-house and outsourcing

    Besides financial statements for shareholders and counterparties, consisting of a balance sheet, profit and loss statements and cash flow, all more companies regularly prepared management reporting, which is necessary for senior management to make decisions.

  • 6 Rules for Successful Accounting Outsourcing

    The key to the effectiveness of accounting outsourcing is competent preparation for the transfer of the process, which begins immediately after the decision to switch to outsourcing is made and ends with the signing of an agreement with the service provider. You can prepare for the transfer yourself, with the help of external consultants or specialists from the selected provider. In any case, there are several universal recommendations that will make the transition to outsourcing as clear and quick as possible, and its further use effective for the company.

  • Creating a dream team!

    If you really want to take a leap forward in your personal or professional development, then you will have to expand the circle of your close connections. Once you find three people who can help change your life, your goal will be to bring them into your inner circle and create a strong relationship based on trust and respect. This is great, but where to look for such people?

  • How to draw up an outsourcing agreement correctly
  • How to retain a valuable employee? Vaccination against tough management
  • Solving problems in a team using situational analysis

    Situational analysis (or analysis of current situations) is carried out by any person on a daily basis, consciously or unconsciously. You can't take a single step without it. We need to analyze current events in order to decide how to behave in the future. Situational analysis is the process of assessing external and internal circumstances in order to determine a rational line of behavior. Technologically, it consists of three consecutive autonomous stages (procedures). Situation analysis is also most effectively used to help the team identify applied problems and find effective solutions.

  • Assessing the economic efficiency of the HR service

    The article is published within the framework of cooperation between HRMaximum and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Zelenodolsk branch of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Economics of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan) - Ruslan Evgenievich Mansurov. Latest…

  • It is necessary to determine the required number of specialists in the company

    The issues of determining the optimal number of company personnel have always been relevant and, to a certain extent, controversial. Moreover, if we consider the issues of determining the required number of workers, then these issues have been worked out quite well. Since Soviet times (especially for industrial enterprises), all kinds of standards for the number of personnel, standards for equipment maintenance, time standards for various works, etc. have been developed, which for the most part have not lost their relevance today due to the low rate of introduction of new equipment and the transition to new technologies.
    Issues of determining the number of personnel of specialists in management departments, such as accounting, economic planning department, finance department etc. remain poorly developed. If we turn to the regulatory framework of the Soviet era, then these methods and norms are hopelessly outdated due to the sharply increasing demands made in a market economy.

  • Principles of adaptability in the structure of an organization

    In a dynamic and increasingly changing world, they stop working traditional methods controls based on rigid plans and programmable decisions. Change is forcing a shift in emphasis from anticipating change to ways to build organizations that can absorb change and turn instability to their advantage. Just like in nature, to survive in a rapidly changing environment, you need to adapt to it. To create an adaptive organization, it is necessary to understand the laws and features of its functioning.

  • How to deal with consumer non-payments?

    This problem is less common in retail trade and more common in the service industry.
    At the initial stage, you should try to contact such counterparties and first verbally and then in writing state your claims. Practice shows that in 10-15% of cases this works. And in our book we present several versions of such letters.

  • It is necessary to assess the economic damage from high staff turnover

    The article is published within the framework of cooperation between HRMaximum and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Zelenodolsk branch of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Economics of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan) - Ruslan Evgenievich Mansurov. Latest…

  • Working with freelancers: who is right and who is wrong

    Freelancers are workers who are hired for one-time jobs when there is no need for an employee on staff or their employees are busy on other projects. Opinions about working with freelancers are usually split 50/50: some have had terrible experiences, some have had very positive ones. As a rule, clients continue to turn to those freelancers with whom there were no problems with the timing and quality of the work performed. In this article we will look at the pros and cons of a freelancer, as well as the features of the process of working with him.

  • The Bear and the Secretaries (a tale about secretaries and managers)

    Once upon a time there lived a Bear named Michal Potapych. He was the owner of a medium-sized buying and selling business, and at the same time he was a director, because he rightly believed that without the supervision of the Boss, the office servants would take the entire business into holes and hollows. ...

  • Three dragons for a new manager

    Attention, colleagues! Please read this article carefully. Perhaps it will save you from terrible danger and help you not only survive your first managerial problems, but also become a successful leader in the future.

  • Features of personnel management of a small enterprise

    A special feature of a small enterprise is the close interaction between management and staff. Small enterprises often lack documents regulating personnel work, and there is a system of unofficial guidelines. This encourages an individual approach to each situation and employee, but leads to the emergence of conflicts and the expression of personal likes and dislikes of the manager towards employees. Let's consider what methods of effective personnel management in a small enterprise will increase labor productivity and ensure the success of the business.

  • How to ask for a salary increase

    Often, heads of structural divisions turn to the personnel service with a request to assist in increasing wages subordinates. HR specialists, as a rule, willingly agree to help and intercede with general director, acting as a kind of “parliamentarians”. But do HR employees themselves often increase their remuneration? And what to do if the HR salary in the company has been in need of an increase for a long time, but management doesn’t think about it at all? This article does not claim to be a mandatory guide to action, but the techniques described in it have been tested in practice and may come in handy.

  • Machiavelli syndrome. On resistance to change in an organization

    Change has always caused resistance. This topic was first outlined by the founder of European political science, Nicolo Machiavelli, in his treatise “The Prince” (1513): “There is nothing more difficult than taking on something new, nothing more risky... or more uncertain than leading...

  • Express assessment of the state of the HR brand
  • Exactly the opposite: “bad advice” on management

    Of course, the following “recommendations” for management are more likely to resemble the famous “bad advice” of Grigory Oster rather than a guide to action. Using irony, with the help of these "backward" tips, we aimed to clearly illustrate the "prohibited techniques" of management that should not be used in the work team if you want to achieve effective management and performance of your employees. Knowing these techniques can also be helpful in diagnosing abusive management.

  • How to create an internal bureaucracy

    “Without a piece of paper you are a bug,” says a Russian proverb. By the way, insects, i.e. insects are the most prosperous class. Small companies feel quite comfortable without extra paperwork. But if your “bug” is growing rapidly, you’ll have to think about them too!

  • If subordinates are "stars"

    Often in the team you manage there are employees who are smarter, stronger, and more educated than you. This is a natural process, psychologists say, ordinary intelligence, the one that allows us to add up huge numbers in our heads or develop the design of the most high-tech airliner, fades away with age. The peak of intelligence is 25 years old, then it steadily declines due to physiological reasons. But ethical intelligence, which gives us the opportunity to successfully interact with people, grows with age. Therefore, it is quite natural that young ambitious talents are managed by mature and experienced people. It is believed that in modern business It is ethical intelligence that is more in demand and brings more dividends than ordinary intelligence, oddly enough. But is it strange?

  • Manipulation by the leader

    There are no unmanipulable leaders. If a leader believes that this is not happening to him, then this means only one thing: he is being manipulated especially skillfully. The one-sided dependence of one person on another encourages the dependent to develop different ways of influencing his boss, both defensively and offensively. Check out the proposed collection of manipulation methods and assess the likelihood of their manifestation in your environment.

  • Management system based on goals (results)

    The management by objectives system has received wide recognition among practitioners, as it provides good results upon achievement of planned indicators. As a result of the coordination of goals at all levels and in all links, motivation to work and interest in achieving goals and objectives increases. A clear time frame for solving the organization’s problems allows you to move towards obtaining final result in small steps.

  • Unification of organizational structures of holding enterprises. The need for changes during the transition to a unified wage system

    The process of forming a holding or operating company is associated with solving a number of legal, managerial and political problems, and, as practice shows, the task of creating a unified organizational structure is not given due attention at this stage. They remember...

  • Planning the work of an HR manager

    The effectiveness of the HR service depends not only on the level of personnel management costs, but also on how the HR manager manages his most valuable resource - time. Often, important and urgent matters are postponed due to low self-discipline, inability to prioritize tasks, a “littered” workspace, phone calls and visitors who have to be distracted. HR specialists often wonder: how to properly organize work during an eight-hour working day?

  • What prevents managers from effectively managing subordinates?

    Using only three resources - experience, intuition and common sense - a leader unnoticeably accumulates problems. As a result, he has to constantly struggle with reality instead of enjoying it. professional work. We tried to formulate those problems of a manager that seem to be the most typical. Not all of them are common to all current leaders. However, any of those who are not inclined to burden themselves with regular self-development will experience some of the listed obstacles.

  • Golden Rules of Project Management

    Projects, by definition, are unique. Each project is organized to achieve its specific goal. A project can also be a separate enterprise with specific goals, often including requirements for time, cost and quality of results achieved. However, there are some general principles that guide successful project management. They are called the “golden rules” of project management.

  • Teamwork: Key Success Factors

    Teamwork is classified as special occasions delegation of authority and responsibility. In a traditional structure, the task and associated authority are assigned to the owner of the job. The combined competence of group members should ensure problem solving and...

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the work practices of Russian PR specialists

    There is an opinion that assessing the effectiveness of PR is necessary, first of all, for the customer. However, evaluating the effectiveness not only allows the client to evaluate how much the PR campaign influenced sales volumes and the position of the brand in the market, but also makes it possible to convince clients of the need for PR activities, indicate the pros and cons of the implemented activities and make recommendations for the future. We present a study conducted among Russian PR agencies.

  • Negotiation techniques and tricks

    The content of negotiations is based on a simple formula: transfer of information, argumentation and adoption of a joint decision. However, in the implementation of these stages the main action unfolds and the art of negotiators is revealed. A negotiator needs to be able to recognize when a particular technique is being applied to him. Let's look at a number of negotiation techniques that are used throughout all three stages of the formula presented above.

  • The sales department can work like clockwork

    The sales department of any company can be compared to a clock mechanism, consisting of a bushing, shaft, spring, pendulum, levers and other elements that move according to the laws of mechanics. The sales department is also a mechanism, only instead of “springs” and “pendulums” there are sales tools, and instead of a watchmaker there is a head of the sales department.

  • Key responsibilities of a manager for organizing effective management

    Good work starts with careful organization. If you want the work to be completed with the proper quality and within the required time frame, you need to pay the most close attention namely the organization of this process. If the required responsibilities are presented in the form of a list, then it will include the following functions: setting the task and organizing execution, distributing responsibilities and ensuring interaction, building relationships, analyzing results, auditing the effectiveness of processes, etc. How to implement them in practice?

  • Employee turnover calculation coefficients

    Typically, employee turnover is tracked by recording those who leave and assuming that a new employee will be hired to replace the person who leaves. The half-life ratio always shows that the tendency of employees to leave the company is highest during the first weeks of work; they should be taken into account to show whether the company is really losing particularly large number workers at the beginning of their work compared to the previous period. Attrition rate is the most easily calculated and widely used. However, it can be disorienting for two reasons.

  • Last Resource: Chaos from Loyalty

    “Get to know each other. This is Vladimir Leonidovich, very decent and honest man", the client introduces the employee. The consultant pretends to be a “teapot” and asks: “Who are you, Vladimir Leonidovich, in the organization?” And again he receives a response from the client: “I told you so!” This…

  • Putting plans into action: Eight strategic components

    Most plans to implement change fail. More than 70% of projects that are developed to implement changes in companies either never reach practical implementation, or in practice they bring much less benefit than planned. For your strategic plan to work, you need to ensure that every component of the plan necessary to sustain change and achieve success is being implemented. There are eight of these components in total.

  • Human weaknesses must be exploited

    What is negotiation - a process, confrontation, battle, just work? Negotiators are too interdependent. As Ilf and Petrov said, consent is complete non-resistance of the parties. Moreover, in each case you are dealing with different people, different companies.

  • Definition of SWOT analysis

    “SWOT analysis” is a classic method of risk analysis and development of project strategy options. SWOT is an abbreviation of the English words Strength (strength), Weakness (weakness), Opportunity (opportunity), Threat (threat). As can be seen from the name, the meaning of the analysis consists of contrasting (“weighing”) the opposing qualities of the project:

  • A look from the outside: Chicken grain by grain / Russian businessmen will have the hardest time

    The year of crisis is passing. Now it doesn’t matter whether the crisis is over or not. Over the past year there has been new reality. Everyone slowly adapted to the new state of the market: they cut staff, learned to do without loans, mortgages were forgotten, corporate events And…

  • No sooner said than done, or a technique for setting tasks

    Every manager does several necessary things in his daily practice: plans, controls, praises or scolds, and, of course, distributes tasks to employees. But not always and not everything works out the way we would like.

  • Personnel migrations

    Promotion or a change in the range of functional responsibilities is not only a serious “test of strength” for an employee, but also a good way to prevent a number of complex problems in personnel management. How do intra-organizational moves take place in companies and what problems does personnel rotation solve?

  • Cost optimization or reduction: how to find the right path?

    In the current financial and economic situation in the country and in the world, many companies have to look for ways to survive. Some are frantically rushing to diversify their business, some are cutting staff en masse, and some are trying to save themselves by sequestering the budget. How to decide what to do? The answer to this question lies in the plane of the decision-making system. But it is still better to make even the wrong decisions than to be inactive and not make any.

    Eliminating Destructive Leadership