Security of the local area of ​​an apartment building. Security of homeowners' associations and residential complexes, security of multi-apartment residential buildings

In our difficult times, living in large cities with multi-storey buildings, huge courtyards and parking lots is associated with constant risk. Unfortunately, none of the homeowners is insured against attacks by robbers, car break-ins or burglaries. No matter how hard the state tries, it is not yet able to provide truly reliable protection of residential buildings, adjacent territories, apartments, stairwells and utility rooms. And, if in beautiful modern fairy tales this mission is undertaken by fantastic superheroes who are capable of single-handedly clearing entire cities of criminal elements, then in real life the only correct solution will be the help of private organizations and enterprises that provide security services for apartment buildings.

CHOP Legis is one of such companies. We have been protecting homeowners associations in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar for almost a quarter of a century. Our clients are always satisfied with the security services provided, and in the vast majority of cases we renew contracts signed with them for the security of apartment buildings or entire residential complexes. Here is a general description of the services that Legis private security company provides in this area. This review also indicates the advantages that characterize our service for protecting HOAs in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Krasnodar.

Order security for HOAs and residential complexes

A range of services for the security of an apartment building: directions and features

Security of homeowners' associations, individual apartment buildings or entrances, as well as security of residential courtyards is a fairly diverse service, including a wide range of activities. All of them are selected individually based on customer requirements and the specifics of the protected object. At the same time, the range of such events is quite wide. This may include both single panic buttons for concierges or security guards when protecting the entrances of residential buildings, as well as checkpoints with barriers and even armed guards when protecting residential complexes (RCs).

The specialists of the Legis group of companies have a wide variety of projects for the protection of residential buildings and housing complexes. Therefore, we easily select the best options for all clients who contact us to order such a service in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Krasnodar. After clarifying the requirements and wishes of the property owner, the maintenance procedure consists of performing the following steps:

  • A specialist or a group of security specialists in residential apartment buildings will visit the site (new building, occupied household) to study the details. Based on the data received, our employees select the optimal standard service projects and coordinate them with the client.
  • Development of a unique service project based on the selected standard project. This document already takes into account all the features of a particular object, and also establishes the cost of protecting an HOA or a separate residential building that is not part of the partnership. The finished project is also agreed upon with the customer, and if necessary, our employees finalize the document.
  • Implementation of all points of the project related to the preparation and organization of security at the entrance of an apartment building, an entire house or a residential complex. This includes installation and testing of all technical means and systems (panic buttons, alarms, CCTV cameras, barriers at the entrance and complex automatic checkpoints), as well as drawing up a duty schedule for physical security posts and their patrol routes. Please note that you can buy or rent these vehicles from our company. If necessary, specialists will familiarize you with tariffs and price lists.

After completing all the preparatory work, the employees of the Legis private security company proceed directly to fulfilling their duties for the protection of an apartment building, yard or residential complex. In the process of performing this work, it is possible to provide a number of related services, which must be specified in the general contract. We are talking about service maintenance and repair of equipment used for security, as well as visits from a rapid response team when alarms are received.

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Where to order security for an apartment building: capabilities of the Legis company

The specialists of Private Security Company Legis treat any task related to the protection of residential buildings with maximum responsibility and professionalism. We provide maximum security, both when providing security for individual entrances and when organizing a range of security services on the scale of an entire residential complex. The quality and reliability of the service is complemented by a number of important advantages that open up to customers whose objects we protect. Let us note only the most important features of the service, thanks to which many clients in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Moscow choose our services for the protection of apartment buildings:

  • strict compliance with all conditions determined by the contract for the provision of security services;
  • prices for security of apartment buildings that are acceptable for the modern market;
  • application of the most effective security methods using the latest achievements in the field of technical equipment;
  • rich experience of specialists in all vacancies, who have undergone special training to provide such services, and who are able to make the right decisions when non-standard situations arise.

We are ready to select the optimal service conditions for you and ensure the complete safety of your health, as well as the safety of movable and immovable property in the process of protecting residential buildings or complexes!

Write your question and get an answer absolutely free!

Many people, especially city residents, believe that security of residential building entrances should be mandatory and highly effective. In modern society, concern for the level of personal safety has increased several times, because no one wants to become a victim of thieves or robbers. The question of the need for security services arises not only among residents, but also among residents of apartment buildings who have valuable property and are concerned about its safety. Now even protecting apartments with metal doors and bars on windows is not enough to prevent a thief from entering your apartment. There are no guarantees. You can store your property in banks, but most people prefer to keep everything valuable at home.

The private security company will take over the protection of property:

  • Apartment security
  • Security at the entrance of an apartment building
  • Security of an apartment building

TERMS OF COOPERATION……………………………………………………..

  • possible postpayment
  • conclusion of a contract for a period of 1 month
  • financial liability from 2 million rubles.
  • licensed trained security guards
  • Russians, category - 2, 4, 6


  • implementation of checkpoints, protection of the territory and perimeter of the house
  • patrolling the territory
  • from 65 TR— 1 security guard, 24 hours

ENTRANCE SECURITY………………………………………………………………………………..

  • concierge security guard
  • implementation of the checkpoint regime, recording visitors
  • ensuring public order at the entrance
  • from 65 TR— 1 security guard, 24 hours
  • when placing more than 3 posts - discount system

Security at the entrance of an apartment building

Security of houses in Moscow can provide both security of apartments and offices, and security of the entrances of an apartment building. The second is not the rarest option among customers of such services. Security of residential building entrances provides protection for you and your neighbors from crimes of both an administrative and criminal nature that entail harm to you or your property. You, as a resident of an apartment building, are also responsible for your entrance to the state. For example, cleaning the entrance is done by the residents of the house themselves. Most entrances are equipped with exits to the roof, which can play into the hands of intruders. Celebrities often use this type of security service to protect themselves from annoying journalists who try to watch you somewhere in the entrance.

Private security for apartments

Private security of apartments, as well as security of property, has become very popular with the development of urban infrastructure in large cities, as well as the high population density in a certain area. To protect the apartment, the private security company provides both armed and unarmed security guards. Do not forget that the money spent on private security services is much less than the money that you may lose if you lose your property. Private security company is your faithful assistant, guaranteeing the safety of you and your property.

Multi-apartment residential buildings and the surrounding area attract the attention of intruders no less than country cottages or offices. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that professional, properly organized security of an apartment building is one of the sought-after security services in Moscow and the Moscow region. Not only personal housing - an apartment, but also the yard and entrance can become a springboard for illegal actions. Today, when physical barriers in the form of solid fences, metal doors and complex locks are no longer able to stop those with criminal intentions, citizens and organizations are increasingly turning to the help of specialized security organizations.

Why do you need security in apartment buildings?

The security of an apartment building is primarily intended to provide protection from threats such as burglary, robbery, vandalism, hooliganism, terrorism and other illegal actions. In this case, we are talking not only about the property of the citizens living in the house, but also about the common property of the owners of the apartment building, infrastructure facilities and the local area.

The presence of professional security in a city residential building also contributes to the correct and effective procedure in the event of emergencies of various types. These could be man-made accidents, explosions, fires, flooding, or the consequences of natural disasters.

Another pressing reason to hire security for a residential building is to defend the legal rights of owners and existing managers in the context of a dispute or conflict between business entities. Situations like this are not uncommon these days and cause a lot of headaches for all parties involved.

Security of multi-apartment residential buildings. Benefits of a professional approach

Qualified security is effective, and the prices for security services are justified if it is necessary to ensure real security and public order in the territory of an apartment building. It's worth paying for professional security for your home, and here's why.

Professional training and skills

Specially trained security guards are able to provide much more effective resistance to attackers than a concierge or watchman; they have self-defense skills and handling special technical means. Security guards hired by the association of owners or residents are assigned a clearly defined range of responsibilities for ensuring security in accordance with the concluded agreement, which also distinguishes professional security from retired concierges.

Correct actions in emergency situations

Modern residential high-rise buildings are complex structures, replete with utility networks and technical equipment, which means they pose a more serious potential danger than individual residential buildings. In emergency situations, the knowledge of the security algorithm for interaction with emergency services, confident navigation in protected premises and the territory, as well as the availability of first aid skills among security personnel are of decisive importance.

The right strategy in case of dispute or conflict

Such seemingly natural things as unhindered use of the local area, free access to owned premises, passage of vehicles, can become a problem if an unfriendly company or group of individuals claims the property. Not every security organization is able to offer an adequate solution in such a situation, and not everyone will decide to participate in such a project. However, in a number of such cases, the decision to hire security for an HOA or residential complex will be the only correct one.

Providing access and intra-facility modes

A frequently encountered situation, especially in large cities and prestigious suburbs, when the status of a residential complex requires a certain access and internal regime. And here qualified security will come to the rescue. An engaged contractor, represented by a security organization or a specialized agency, will ensure the installation and proper operation of special equipment, including access devices and video surveillance systems.

Prevention of illegal actions

Professional security of a residential apartment building involves not only placing physical security posts in various areas of the building, but also patrolling the premises and territory, and conducting video surveillance with recording of the data received. All these measures make it possible to monitor the situation at a guarded facility 24 hours a day, timely record and identify suspicious or threatening situations to public order.

Preventing Potential Threats: Presence Factor

The presence of professional, including armed, security on the territory and premises of an apartment building or residential complex can prevent illegal actions against people located on the territory, as well as protected movable and immovable property. When a residential building is provided with security posts and equipped with appropriate technical systems, intruders in the vast majority of cases lose their criminal intentions, selfish or hooligan, in relation to this object.

Proper organization of security for an apartment building

The correct organization of security for an apartment complex takes into account all the features of the facility, assesses the needs for maintaining a certain level of security, and is aimed at achieving mutual understanding and a price compromise between consumers of security services and those who provide such services.

The main distinguishing feature of the proper organization of security for a residential building is an integrated approach to the provision of services. A qualified proposal is formed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the location, layout and condition of the facility, an assessment of the environment, nearby urban infrastructure, and a study of the situation directly at the facility. At the same time, current data, observed facts, opinions and assessments of potential customers are taken into account and verified.

Based on analytical data, personnel of suitable size and qualifications are selected, a list of necessary equipment is compiled, and a detailed home security scheme is developed, taking into account all detected threats, obvious or potential.

Cost of security for an apartment building

What is the cost of security for an apartment building? This question is often at the forefront of those who decide to hire professional security. On the way to minimizing costs, you should take into account a number of objective components of the price tag for residential security services.

Prices for physical security of apartment buildings

Number of security posts

The optimal number of security posts in an apartment building and in the adjacent courtyard area is dictated by objective necessity. It is impossible to ensure the proper level of control and security with one post where three such posts are needed. If you do not listen to the arguments of the service provider or consultant, the funds for a reduced security option may be wasted.

Composition and cost of necessary equipment

Providing a residential building with the necessary equipment significantly increases the level of safety at the site - provided that the quantity and quality of the equipment meets objective needs. Professional consultants will create a list of equipment for access control and surveillance at the site, and will also help optimize this list without losing the quality of the services provided.

Qualification of personnel and availability of weapons

A balanced assessment of the situation at a residential property will allow us to draw a conclusion about what the qualifications of the selected security personnel should be. Many customers consider it necessary for security guards to have weapons at the entrance to the yard or at the entrance to the entrance. A professional opinion will help you assess this need and choose a security option that suits the situation.

Do you need security for your apartment building? Contact the Protect group of companies

Contacting a specialized security agency is the right choice when it comes to protecting apartment buildings. A professional approach will allow you to use the funds allocated for protection and security as efficiently as possible. "Protect Group" will provide security for an apartment building, residential complex, HOA, taking into account all the interests involved and will ensure the safety and tranquility of everyday life for you and your loved ones.

Private security company "Master Guard" provides a full range of security services for residents of cottage villages, apartment buildings and private real estate.

Cost of security services for residential complexes


The optimal choice for those who want to receive high-quality and professional services at an affordable price. By agreement with the customer, 1, 2 or 3 security guards are assigned to the facility, depending on the area, who conduct video surveillance and patrol the entire protected area.


Be sure that no strangers will enter the territory of your residential complex, since the security of the territory will be handled by strong employees of our company with special skills. Depending on the specifics of the facility, they can be on site 24 hours a day, every day or 5 days a week.

What is included in security services for residential complexes

Private security company "Master Guard" has all the necessary technical means to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the protected area. When security of residential buildings is carried out by specialists from the Master Guard private security company; residents have no reason to worry either for themselves or for their property.

Private security company "Master Guard" has many years of experience in organizing security measures for various residential complexes and houses. Our specialists will be able to provide complete and effective protection of both the residents of the house and their personal property from attacks by robbers, thieves and vandals.

The specialists of our security company have developed a unique strategy for the protection of residential real estate, which best combines the use of modern technical systems and the professional knowledge and skills of the employees of the Master Guard private security company. A set of measures for the protection of residential complexes, developed by our specialists, is primarily aimed at preventing possible violations in protected areas, as well as at quickly resolving problems that arise. That is why the Master Guard private security company pays special attention to technical security systems, which include access control to protected objects, organization of fire alarms and video surveillance systems.

In addition to the purely technical means with which residential complexes are protected, private security company "Master Guard" pays attention to issues related to the installation of fences in areas adjacent to a residential building, regularly inspects attic and basement spaces, and monitors communications. Another point to measures to ensure the safety of residential complexes and houses is the mandatory organization of patrolling of territories.

Extensive practical experience in organizing the security of residential complexes and houses, strict discipline and a sense of responsibility of the employees of the Master Guard private security company ensure a high level of security for any residential property with the highest degree of professionalism.

We have been working for more than 10 years

We protect objects of different levels

We offer the most
reasonable prices

Contact our manager
and calculate security services individually

Private security company "Levar" provides security services for apartment buildings in Moscow, security services for HOAs and other housing complexes. We organize remote and physical security of parking lots and parking lots in your yard. At the client's request, additional CCTV cameras and an alarm button to call private security can be installed

Read more about ordering security for an apartment building below.

What do we take into account when organizing security?

When analyzing an object to be guarded, Levar specialists take into account the following factors:

Design features of the building;

Object environment;

The presence of non-residential premises in a multi-storey building - shops, restaurants, offices;

Availability of car parking near the house;

The presence of a perimeter fence, the type of fence and its weak points;

House plot plan;

Availability of playgrounds and recreation areas in the residential complex;

Engineering means of protecting technical premises - attic, basement, hall.

Order security for an apartment building

With a professional approach to business, there are no unimportant details - everything must be taken into account and taken into account.

Rice. 1.1

Residents of such buildings, in addition to standard offenses - antisocial behavior, hooliganism, theft of material property and vandalism, due to the constant presence of antisocial individuals - drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless people, may face outright criminal acts. This is why security of an apartment building is so important and necessary.

Find out the cost of providing property security services

Types of security for an apartment building

Any actions to protect apartment buildings should primarily be aimed at the prevention and prevention of crime.

When guarding multi-apartment buildings, the security company "Levar" practices an individual approach to each specific object - based on all the initial factors, we develop the most effective security strategy, taking into account the client's financial capabilities.

The entire complex of measures for the protection of an apartment building can be divided into 3 milestones.

Rice. 1.2

Protection Line No. 1 - measures to maintain safety in the local area:

If there is parking in the local area, control over the safety of cars.

Rice. 1.3

Security line No. 2- maintaining the general safety of an apartment building:

Organization of entry and exit at the entrances of the house upon presentation of a pass, control over the removal of material property;

Control over the safety of property in technical and service rooms - entrance, basement, attic;

Ensuring general order and compliance with the rules of residence in an apartment building;

Installation and operation of security systems - alarms, fire safety equipment, video surveillance cameras;

If necessary, install technical and engineering equipment to protect premises: bars on windows, intercoms.

Security line No. 3- individual protection of apartments of living citizens:

Installation and operation of security systems in residents' apartments - GSM alarms, fire alarms, panic buttons;

Connection of individual systems to the central security console of the Levar company, round-the-clock monitoring and, if necessary, immediate response and elimination of attempts to enter the apartment or domestic emergencies.

Rice. 1.4

The above set of security measures is a single system that is controlled from the central security post (central security post) of the Levar company. The post has a main security console, which receives signals and notifications in real time from both guards on duty and technical equipment.

Price for security of apartment buildings in Moscow

We bring to your attention a list of current prices for the main types of security services used to ensure the security of an apartment building.

Type of protection 24 hours 5/5 24 hours 2/2 Equipment Subscriber pay
Physical security 75,000 rub./month. 85,000 rub./month. - -
Perimeter security systems - - 16,000 rub. RUB 1,990 ./month
Installation of video surveillance systems - - RUB 19,900 RUB 2,390/month
GSM alarm installation - - RUB 15,900 RUB 1,990 ./month
Installation of panic buttons - - 5,000 rub./month. 1,100 rub./month.

Equipment for security of an apartment building

The most important element of comprehensive security of an apartment building is the use of technical equipment.

All groups of security equipment used to ensure security can be divided into two categories:

Devices used to monitor the protected area;

Devices that perform automatic monitoring, detect an alarm situation and transmit an alarm signal to the central security console.

The first category of devices includes video surveillance systems. With the help of video cameras installed along the perimeter of the local area, in the entrances and stairwells of the building, law enforcement is monitored in real time.

Rice. 1.5

SOP perimeter security systems are installed along the perimeter of the local area. These are infrared, volumetric or vibration sensors located on the fence around the residential complex, which detect intrusion into the protected area through the fence.

Figure 1.6

The main equipment for individual security of residents' apartments is a GSM alarm system, more details:. These are complex systems that control the occurrence of any possible risks:

Breaking the front door and attempting to enter the apartment;

Gas leak;

Burst of water supply pipes;

Combustion and fire.

In the event of an emergency, the GSM alarm system sends an alert to the apartment owner’s mobile phone and to the central security console of the Levar company, and our specialists take all necessary measures to eliminate it.

Rice. 1.7

A panic button is a device, the activation of which allows you to instantly transmit a signal about the occurrence of a dangerous situation to the security service. Both offices, shops and other non-residential premises of a multi-storey building, as well as ordinary apartments, can be equipped with a panic button.

When should you apply for security for an apartment building?

The need to provide security for an apartment building may arise in the following situations:

In elite and premium class residential complexes, the infrastructure of which requires the maximum level of safety and tranquility of residents;

In multi-apartment buildings with unfenced adjacent areas, the territory of which is freely accessible;

In case of repeated repetition of incidents related to hooliganism, antisocial behavior of citizens, damage or theft of material property.

Rice. 1.8

Why is it better to contact us?

Security company "CHOP" Levar"provides security services since 2001. We have solid experience and know our business very well - as evidenced by statistics, over 99.8% of attempts to penetrate objects guarded by our company were successfully stopped by the rapid response team of the Levar private security company.

By cooperating with our company you guaranteed to receive following:

Complete safety and security of material property;
Maximum level of protection of life and health of residents;
Installation of effective security equipment from the world's best manufacturers;
Instant response and elimination of any offenses and emergency situations;
Acceptable price level for all security services.