Meeting with sales representatives. Secrets of an Effective Meeting

The meeting is the main way the teacher interacts with the student’s parents. It is very important to be able to properly plan such an event and carry it out effectively.

How to prepare for a parent meeting? The recommendations given in this article will undoubtedly help the teacher conduct the event with maximum benefit.

Most often they are informational in nature, aimed at familiarizing themselves with changes in the life of the school and class. Such events can be reporting, unscheduled, joint with students and parents, or thematic.

How to prepare for the general meeting?

At the general meeting of the school for parents of future first-graders, the director must speak educational institution, talks about the basic rules school life, voices the plan of the program, extracurricular activities, events, clubs and electives. He also introduces first grade teachers, gives each of them a characteristic, describes in general outline educational process, program of materials, tells parents about the necessary skills of the child before starting training.

The director or head teacher will definitely inform parents about the degree of readiness of the children for school, talk about ways to improve the school process, the appearance of students, school uniform. A child must certainly be able to listen to the teacher, know and follow the rules of behavior during class and recess.

Preparing for a meeting before the start of the school year

How to prepare for a parent meeting before September 1? Be sure to demonstrate to the audience educational material for each subject, explain the need to purchase certain manuals, notebooks, manuals, etc. If there have been any changes in the decrees of the ministry, this information should also be conveyed.

Briefly and clearly formulate the program requirements and grading scale for each subject. Parents must see and understand that all requirements are within the curriculum.

Main nuances

It is worth considering in advance how to conduct meetings. First of all, you need to take care of the greatest attendance. To do this, it is necessary to notify parents about the upcoming event at least a week before the expected event. It is also important to choose a good time that suits most moms and dads. It is important to make an entry in the student's journal about the time and place of the meeting. In turn, parents must sign that they have been notified of the upcoming event.

It is extremely important to decide on the topic of the upcoming meeting, create a plan and follow it. Follow the golden rule of communication: start with the positive, then move on to the negative. You can end with plans and prospects for the future. Emphasize that you will certainly answer all questions of interest at the end of the meeting.

Explain that you are always ready to meet and discuss issues of interest to parents individually. To do this, designate a time and place. Let moms and dads know that it is highly undesirable to interfere in the educational process, call or come to class during a lesson.

Don't speak too quickly, slowly or quietly. The speaker's speech should be concise and as clear as possible. The tone of the conversation should always remain benevolent, tactful and self-possessed.

At the end of the meeting, it is worth thanking the parents for their assistance to the class. It is very good to call them by their first name and patronymic. To avoid mistakes, be sure to make a list of names and read it out. It is advisable to reward particularly active parents with certificates and present them at one of the meetings.


In order for a parent meeting to be valid, it is necessary to draw up minutes of its holding. How to write a meeting agenda? First you need to choose a secretary. His responsibilities will include taking shorthand notes and maintaining documentation in order.

The agenda should contain topics such as “Quarter results”, “What affects the quality of study?”, “Advice to parents”.

How to prepare for a meeting? For the event to take place with the greatest benefit For class teacher and parents, you need to decide on the topics that you would like to touch upon. You should definitely make a plan and strictly follow it.

We think through everything in advance

For those who do not know how to effectively conduct a meeting, it is worth first drawing up. It is recommended to start with a brief opening remarks, identifying topics, issues and aspects that will be covered at the event.

At the beginning of the meeting, you can discuss class problems and how to overcome them. Then move on to prospects, extracurricular activities and other issues. Never call behind students by name, do not point out their mistakes and problems, or difficulties in behavior. After thanking everyone present for their presence, ask any parents for whom you have questions to stay.

Organizational aspects

It is advisable to structure the meeting in the form of a dialogue rather than a monologue. It is worth involving parents in making class-wide decisions, exchanging opinions and ideas, and looking for ways to eliminate problems and difficulties.

Discuss organizational issues as necessary (excursions, matinees, purchase of teaching aids). Be sure to ask the parent committee to draw up a report on the work done, materials purchased and provide information about upcoming expenses.

Very important topic parent meeting is homework. Explain to moms and dads what to look for special attention When doing the work, what do you expect from the student, show the notebooks of those children who can serve as an example for classmates.

Rules for holding meetings

There are clear rules for holding parent meetings. The event should start at set time, without delays or delays. Be sure to greet the audience and address them with introductory remarks.

If you plan to give the floor to someone from the audience or the parent committee, be sure to inform them about this in advance so that they have the opportunity to prepare thoroughly.

Meetings should involve informing parents, rather than stating the mistakes and failures of their children. Also, you should not discuss or condemn the student’s personality and behavior in public.

Choosing the theme of the event

How to prepare for a meeting? To conduct the event as best and effectively as possible, you need to draw up in advance detailed plan events, write down topics that you would like to raise, prepare illustrations if necessary. It is worth providing parents in advance teaching aids, application forms and other documentation.

The teacher can conduct micro-research to confirm the specifics of his teaching scientific facts, convince parents of the effectiveness of their teaching methods.

At the meeting, you can show parents good and not so good examples of notebooks, without naming or showing names.

Meeting for parents of first-graders

How to prepare for a meeting if we're talking about about the youngest students? Explain in more detail what exactly a child should be able to do in 1st grade. Tell us how to help a first-grader, how to teach him independence and a certain daily routine.

How to effectively hold a meeting for parents of first-graders? You can talk about the specifics of this age, the characteristics of the child’s development, and clarify what personal changes occur with the baby during this period of time.

Be sure to remind parents that it is extremely important for the student to have a neat appearance. appearance, neat hairstyle and adhere to hygiene rules. Remind them of the need to monitor the child’s health, vision, and posture.

Be sure to tell parents how long your child can be absent from school without a doctor's note. Dictate the template explanatory note, which will have to be written if the student does not attend classes.

Remind about safety precautions, both at home and in an educational institution, about following the rules traffic on the way to school and home. It is also worth telling parents about the need to be interested educational process, achievements and successes of your child.

The teacher must teach children from childhood to take care of class property and adhere to the rules of general morality: truth, justice. Parents should explain to their children how important it is to improve themselves and develop their abilities. The teacher should also raise this topic at the meeting.

The student must respect the teacher and adults, carry out their tasks and instructions, be tactful and polite, watch his speech, not be late for classes, and not litter.

Preparing for the meeting. How to start a meeting correctly?

The meeting must always begin on time, according to the announced time, regardless of the number of people present.

First, be sure to greet those present and thank them for coming. After this you can start positive aspects those issues that are planned to be discussed at the event.

How to end a meeting properly?

Try not to prolong the meeting. Be sure to leave some time at the end of the event to answer parent questions.

At the end of the meeting, be sure to draw conclusions, distribute handouts, and formulate the decisions you came to together.

Warn parents that not all information discussed will be known to students.

Provide information about the next similar event: approximate time and topics that will be covered. How can I prepare for a meeting in the future? Try to involve one of your parents, perhaps they will help with the design or preparation of a specific item.

Thank everyone present for their time.

Be sure to note the positive changes that have occurred in the class. Everyone should leave parent-teacher conferences feeling like they can help their child. Even if the student faces certain difficulties, it is worth completing the story about him with some positive thing. They definitely exist! If the child's attention has increased and he has become more attentive, this should definitely be noted.

2. How to speak at a company meeting

“My God, what a time they chose for the meeting! Don’t these empty-headed idiots know that I’m up to my neck in work and don’t even have time to write a few lines?”

Outrage is a normal reaction among corporate employees and is much more common than we think. Although almost all companies have meetings almost daily, meetings are not always planned and are often very disorganized due to lack of proper leadership. Issues that could be resolved with two or three phone calls, a few emails or a short conversation in the corridor, often paralyze the work of important specialists who are forced to sit in a meeting.

Well-planned and well-executed meetings can produce great results. Let's look at what we can do to ensure that company meetings are always productive.

Start with the meeting agenda

When it comes to a meeting, consider whether it is really necessary.

If you have determined that a meeting really needs to be held, analyze the issues you want to discuss and create a meeting agenda based on the priorities of those issues.

This may seem obvious, but most meetings go so badly because they don't have an agenda.

Plan how much time you are going to spend on each topic so you have an understanding total duration meetings. This way, if the discussion on one agenda item runs too long, you can compensate by shortening the discussion on other items or eliminating some agenda items altogether.

Divide the meeting into several stages

Each stage of the meeting should be planned to facilitate participation, exchange of information, guide decision-making, prioritize responses to questions, and facilitate resolution of disagreements.

1. Statement. The leader must do brief introduction, which will clearly state the problem being discussed, the purpose of the meeting; information collected; all this will facilitate effective participation of people in the meeting and help achieve the desired results.

2. Discussion of the essence of the issue. After the introduction, the group begins to discuss the essence of the matter, dives into the problem and suggests ways to solve it.

3. Solutions. During debates, some proposals are abandoned under the weight of refuting arguments, while others turn out to be more rational and consistent. They form the basis for the decisions that will be made at the meeting.

4. Summing up. This is the last and one of the most important parts meetings because by repeating each decision again, any errors or questions can be eliminated. If at this stage the problem remains unresolved, then it is time to continue discussing it - until those gathered find a way out.

Behave accordingly

If you behave in accordance with some basic suggestions, you will be able to participate effectively in meetings and create a positive image of yourself as a professional. There are a number of important aspects to consider.


Your posture is an important indicator of how interested you are in the issues being discussed in the meeting. If you lounge lazily in a chair or rest your elbows on the table, you may be perceived as indifferent. Show your interest by leaning your body forward slightly, which will make you appear disciplined, alert, and determined.

Since the number of people present is usually small (less than twenty people), you will most likely be speaking seated; therefore, your gestures should be moderate and restrained. Save the big gestures for emotional moments and the ideas you want to emphasize.

Visual communication

Visual communication is important to establish yourself as a participant in the meeting, to make the topic being discussed easier to digest, and to see how people respond to your message. While participating in a meeting, do not look into space, do not be distracted by details of lighting, wall decorations, ashtrays, etc. - and do not draw mechanically with your pen. When you listen, look at the person carefully and interestedly, and when you speak, look at all the other participants in the meeting.


We have already seen that the correct vocabulary is one that meets the needs of the audience. If you are in a meeting of technicians from the relevant department of your company, you can use the professional language accepted in that field. If there are people from different departments at the meeting, then it is better to avoid such specific technical vocabulary so that everyone present can easily understand you.

The way you talk

When you participate in a meeting, speak clearly and thoughtfully; Express your point of view with enthusiasm, but always with a certain amount of restraint. Even if there are disagreements, you should remain calm and collected and discuss your ideas without undue heat, without letting your emotions take over your reason.


Usually meetings take so long because people talk about things that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Remember that when you participate in a meeting, you need to know what the purpose of the meeting is and what issues will be discussed so that you can formulate your ideas in a meaningful way without getting sidetracked.


It is clear that it is much easier to be substantive if you prepare in advance of the meeting, arrange all the materials in order of importance and anticipate the possible resistance of people to your ideas.


No one wants to be overly serious during a meeting, but too much joking can hinder progress. Use humor in moderation, maintain presence of mind, and never indulge in ridicule that could humiliate or offend your companions.


You should not stop your natural behavior simply because you come to a meeting. You may feel a little stiff in some meetings, but that's no reason to abandon the way you usually do things—especially in a workplace where people know each other very well. If you behave differently, people will notice, which can have a devastating effect on support for your ideas and your image.

How to hold a meeting

The success of a meeting almost always depends on the person who leads it. As a leader, you should strive to achieve the following goals:

Motivate everyone to actively participate in the meeting;

Give the most close attention group thinking;

Provide information necessary to continue the discussion;

Make sure that the discussion does not deviate from the intended goals and problems encountered;

Maintain a friendly atmosphere;

Encourage an informal tone without being vulgar;

Avoid sensitive situations and deal with them;

Demonstrate appropriate presence of mind;

Ask questions that contribute to the birth and development of group ideas;

Start and end the meeting on time;

Avoid personal attacks;

Ensure calm, cordiality and tolerance;

Recognize the importance of each participant.

Based on these goals, a manager should consider the following things regarding his role and behavior.

1. If a person comes to a meeting, he should have something to say. It is the meeting leader who must encourage all participants to be active.

2. Since the manager occupies a high position in the organization, he must remain neutral. If he expresses his opinion, then all subordinates (sometimes just to save their jobs) may give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bexpressing what they really think. Therefore, the manager should listen at the meeting as much as possible more information, answer questions and encourage discussion of the stated topic, but must remain neutral.

Perhaps, like some leaders, you have a frown when discussing serious issues. This can frighten subordinates and prevent them from saying what they think or actively participating in the meeting, which is what you would like. Of course, you can't smile all the time when talking about serious things, but a more relaxed facial expression can yield good results.

How to behave as a meeting participant

If you know how to behave appropriately as a meeting participant, you are much more likely to have your ideas prevail and make a favorable impression.

When you are asked a question, answer it firmly, confidently and with conviction.

Speak clearly and at such a speed that people can follow your reasoning.

If your knowledge and experience could be helpful, don't hesitate to ask to speak.

Do not answer questions asked by other meeting participants unless they cannot be answered and you are confident that your assistance would be helpful.

Stick to the given topic and do not have parallel conversations.

When you speak, look at everyone gathered; When you listen, look at the one who is speaking.

Don't create tension by criticizing your colleagues or making inappropriate sarcastic remarks.

If you need to refute an idea, try not to hurt the feelings of those present. Rely on diplomacy and understanding the opposing point of view.

Don't dominate the meeting; Give others a chance to speak up.

Some people mistakenly think that to fully participate in a meeting they must talk a lot. In some situations, you can actively participate without saying a word, because the attention with which you follow the debate, take notes, and ask for clarification speaks volumes about your participation.

If you think you should say at least a few words in a meeting but don't know what to say, you can make comments—preferably approving ones—about the opinions of other participants. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't waste your words criticizing something.

How to handle sensitive situations in a meeting

How to deal with lack of interest

Those who are not interested remain indifferent. They sit in the far corners, doing other things (reading magazines and newspapers or drawing on a piece of paper), demonstrating complete absence interest in the subject under discussion.

In this case, to solve the problem, ask them a question and give them a certain period of time so that they think about the answer to it and come back.

How to avoid side conversations

Sometimes those present chat with neighbors, usually about topics that have nothing to do with those discussed at the meeting.

One way to solve this problem is to pause, so that the chatter becomes the loudest sound, and people feel awkward and fall silent. If this doesn't work, ask the person to voice their opinion so everyone present can listen.

How to control the “monopolist”

Such a person is always ready to tell a story or anecdote, express his opinion about anything, he talks loudly and laughs. Such people are difficult to deal with; to take control of them, you need to be a strong personality and pay close attention to this matter.

One option is to talk to the person ahead of time and gently explain to them that their behavior is interfering with the success of the meeting and the active participation of others present. If this doesn't work, ask him to speak in the meeting only when it's his turn, and interrupt him if he tries to say something at another time.

How to motivate silent people

People who remain silent in meetings are either embarrassed or unsure whether their presence has any meaning.

To help them participate more actively in the meeting, ask them to offer their opinions as often as possible on issues related to their area of ​​expertise or on other participants' suggestions. Act tactfully but firmly.

How to neutralize a pessimist

Pessimists believe that nothing will work, all solutions are impossible, and no one knows what to do. They see only the bad in everything. If you ask them to explain the reason for their disagreement, they will often be able to give you reasons to justify their pessimism. good example for comparison.

To solve this problem, ask them to simply sit, listen and write down their suggestions, refraining from expressing opinions for a while.

How to avoid the intervention of a “defender”

This type of attendee always wants to better explain what their colleagues just said: “What John really meant when he said…” First, ask them to let their colleague speak. And then let them present their own version. Ask the colleague who spoke whether this explanation is correct and what exactly he means.

How to Handle Retractions and Objections

Have you noticed how people react when their ideas are rejected or criticized? Regardless of whether the authors of these ideas are right or wrong, they are filled with conviction and begin to defend themselves possible ways so that their opinion wins. This happens to almost everyone, regardless of their life history or professional position. This is a normal reaction.

Because it's predictable human behavior, objections must be raised with certain precautions.

Refer to your own example

If you yourself tried to do something similar to what the person defending his idea is now proposing, tell him about it, try to show how important that idea was to you and how difficult it was to convince yourself of its fallacy. This ownership will give you the right to speak on the topic and demonstrate your solidarity with your colleague, who will then be more willing to listen to your thoughts.

Agree on a number of points

Agree with the proposal on a number of points and simply ask to be allowed to provide additional information. This will disarm the author of the idea, and he will listen to you with interest.

Example: “I completely agree with Paul's suggestion regarding the behavior of our production and sales departments. He completely accidentally made a mistake in the figures given; he performed all the statistical calculations, read the sales department's reports, and accurately assessed the overall prospects for the market's behavior in the coming year. I would just like to add a few details that may help in making decisions." (Pause, wait positive reaction from your colleague.) I did some research…” (at this point you can start voicing your objections).

Protecting a person from an ill-wisher

If the person who proposed the idea has an enemy, and you agree with the idea, then express your opinion before objections from the enemy follow.

Example: “I am aware of Paul's efforts to defend the diversification project production line companies. The obstacles that unexpectedly arose were due to the actions of specialists unfamiliar with Paul's research and unable to appreciate his experience in implementing the proposed changes. I know how much serious work Paul, and I want to offer additional information for consideration because I know that Paul puts the performance of our company above anyone else's research” (this is where you can start raising objections).

By expressing your ideas in this way, you won't hurt anyone's feelings or create unnecessary defensiveness.

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There are companies that have a tradition of holding staff meetings. And I can say that ATManagement Group is no exception. My successful action as executive director is to hold such meetings every Friday.

Some may think that this is a waste of staff time, and this time should be devoted to work. But for me, this is a great opportunity to energize my employees and give recognition for excellent work.

What tasks do I solve when I conduct staff meetings:

  • Employees understand how things are going in the company, I inform them about the news.
  • Company leaders take greater responsibility for their areas and work more efficiently (I will show in this article why this happens).
  • Company employees aim to achieve good results in the new week.
  • Exchange of experience.

I think every manager would like to see employees every week charged with achieving goals and improving their performance. Of course, this cannot be achieved by meetings alone; there must be a set of actions. For example, statistics (you can learn about this from the video course “Management based on statistics” on the website But as my practice shows, a properly held meeting and the regularity of these meetings is already half the success.

Where to start?

Decide on which days you will hold the meeting. Determine the time. And start doing this regularly. If you decide that it will be 9.00 on Monday, then spend them every Monday no later and no earlier!

The staff may begin to express their dissatisfaction and mutter, but who is the boss?! :) I assure you, after a month of such weekly meetings, your employees will be the first to come to work!

I prefer to start the meeting with a roll call. If the company is small, then you can do this by name. I do a roll call by department - at your convenience.

Problems and their solutions

I like this part of the meeting the most.

Agree, most often the manager himself solves the problem. And how valuable it is when employees come to us not with questions, but with answers! This part of the meeting is aimed at getting employees to talk about what problems they have encountered in their work. last week and how they dealt with them. At this stage, it is important to hear exactly the problems that have already been solved.

You can start this part by asking, “Who had problems this week?” And your employees will raise their hands. This is followed by another question: “Who coped with these problems?” And then ask them to tell you how the employees coped with the difficult situations in your work.

Perhaps at first there will not be so many hands, but the further into the forest, the more firewood :) When there were 20 people in our company, this part of the meeting lasted 20 minutes. Now that there are 40 people in the St. Petersburg office, we can talk for hours about successful actions and solutions to problems.

What's interesting is that the more productive the week was, the more problems people dealt with. And when employees listen to what problems their colleagues were able to solve, they believe that there are no unsolvable situations, and they can cope with any difficulties. And here’s another thing: some successful actions of Masha Petrova can become very useful in the work of Vasya Ivanov.

Plans for the week

After employees have shared their successful actions and solutions to problems, I move on to general announcements.

What it could be: new promotions for clients, new company rules, introduction of new employees or transfers to positions, holidays, etc.

Now the executive director gives the floor to his assistants: commercial director/production director/development director. If your company does not have these directors, but there are people responsible for different divisions, then this is their time.

One by one, regional leaders show the results for the past week (we show statistics, it’s very clear) and say what their department has done and what they plan to do.

The commercial director talks about the company’s total income, marketing plans, etc.

The production director talks about the progress in production, how things are going with the provision of services, and so on.

And the final stage of the meeting is the so-called distribution of elephants. At the general staff meeting, we always praise good performance, but we never scold it in front of people. It’s better to reprimand one-on-one. If one of the employees had outstanding performance during the week, it is at the meeting that it is time to recognize such well done people publicly.

At the end, be sure to thank all employees for their work last week and remind them what their goals are for the next week. At the end you can read some inspiring quote. The meeting should always end on a positive note!

Thus, “the purpose of staff meetings is to develop a spirit of mutual cooperation among the team, as well as coordination of actions. This shows a direct relationship between the size of their bonuses and production - and thereby allows the group to control their income." (L. Ron Hubbard, article "Weekly Staff Meetings")

Experiment with this type of meeting in your company, and I will be glad to hear your successes or questions.

Interesting meetings for you!

“Lack of attention to employees leads to indifference on their part” - this law is becoming more relevant every day of our time. That is why daily meetings become a serious tool for the manager, allowing him to achieve the goals set for the restaurant. But at the same time, running an effective meeting is hard work and great art. There is nothing more destructive in HR than chaotic ad-hoc meetings, an unprepared manager and bored employees - that's what awaits such a manager.

A meeting is a way of organized communication of a group of people for the purpose of making decisions, exchanging information and opinions, determining the direction of activity, clarifying tasks, summing up results, receiving feedback, and motivation.

An experienced Leader knows that Meetings create an organization. With their help, you can maintain connections within the restaurant and implement decisions made, check the degree of progress towards goals and break down barriers between departments and employees. If you do not hold meetings in your restaurant, then the problem of rumors arises, which leads to disunity and uncertainty among employees about the future, and then to loss of control.

A well-organized and conducted meeting allows you to:

  • quickly solve the current problems of the restaurant;
  • motivate staff to achieve results;
  • create a development environment in a team.


  1. Organize your meetings

Hold meetings daily or weekly. The most important thing about your meetings is that everyone knows that they start at the same time. It SHOULD NOT be the case that this week the meeting is held on Thursday at fifteen minutes to ten, on Wednesday at nine forty, and on Friday at exactly nine. They always take place in the same place, at the same hour. This way, employees begin to look forward to the meeting. They can plan their time, this disciplines the team. Employees should develop the habit of going to meetings.

Always start on time! Never wait for anyone - the ship leaves exactly on schedule. This is the only way you can train everyone to get ready on time.

  1. Schedule a meeting

The meeting should be prepared in advance: indicators of the past day/week, tasks for today/current week, promotions and other similar information.

  1. Plan your sales

Your task is to install before the start of each shift, for the restaurant and for the employee. It is important to do this every day so that employees understand their specific goals based on the situation in achieving the restaurant's plan.

  1. Rehearse

The manager knows what he wants to say, but hasn’t thought through how to do it more effectively? The result is distortion of information, misunderstanding, unnecessary disputes, non-fulfillment or poor-quality execution of decisions and tasks.

Think carefully about what you want to achieve on each issue and how exactly you will do it. It only takes a couple of minutes before the meeting. If possible, speak the text to yourself or to someone else. Be prepared every time - this will save your time and the time of your participants.


An effective meeting should be:

  1. Simple

Speak clearly and simply. Remove unnecessary words and florid expressions. This causes general dissatisfaction among the participants. Consider only pressing issues. Don't repeat yourself - make generalizations and references. Visualize the information you are talking about - use a flipchart, presentations, etc. Then you won’t have to read it for a long time and tediously, you can immediately move on to analysis. In addition, according to psychological assessments, up to 55% of people are visual people, and they perceive voluminous digital information poorly by ear.

  1. Active

The atmosphere of the meeting should not be oppressive; the time of the meeting should fly by unnoticed. Conduct training “I know myself - I will teach someone else.” Always monitor people's moods. React quickly to the situation.

  1. Positive

Control your own attitude. There is no way without this. Remember the main rule of holding a meeting: Employees will leave the meeting in the mood in which you came to it.

Start with positive information (jokes, anecdotes, congratulations to birthday people, introductions to newcomers, etc.) Only against this background are work plans for the day and goals to be achieved. Try to defuse the situation by making jokes. Let your people smile - and issues will be resolved faster

Recognize and reward your colleagues' successes!

  1. Involving, interactive

At each meeting block, engage participants with questions. Make sure to ask a different person each day so everyone has a chance to speak and get attention. Lead the meeting according to this procedure: the question was raised, explained, the situation was outlined, and the participants spoke. The manager summed it up and asked: “Are there any other questions and opinions on this item? No. Let's move on."

As a result, everyone is involved and participates in resolving issues.

  1. Sales-oriented

Each meeting should be subordinated to business objectives.

Set sales goals and adhere to the algorithm:

  • Tell me WHAT needs to be done;
  • Discuss with your employees HOW to do this? (identify specific achievement tools);
  • Get feedback from employees about their understanding of the task.


  1. Analyze the meeting progress

Review the meeting plan again. Replay in your head how you did it, how employees reacted to your words, what allowed you to involve participants, etc. Determine for yourself what you will do differently at the next meeting.

2.Determine forms of control

Monitor the implementation of decisions made and assigned tasks. If the task is long-term, bring it up at every meeting until it is resolved. Write this down in your meeting plan.

Monitor individual sales plans every two hours, just go into the hall and ask each seller what his successes are and what he plans to do next.

Finally, I suggest you use the algorithm for conducting an effective meeting in your work. It will allow you to systematize your own performance, quickly manage sales, motivate employees to achieve goals and work with pleasure.

Algorithm for conducting an effective meeting:

  1. Greetings

It's also possible holding light and a fun workout to lift the spirits of employees.

  1. Results of the previous day

We remember what goals were set and voice what results were achieved. A brief “debriefing” is possible, i.e. what actions allowed you to achieve the result and what needs to be changed in your actions to achieve the goal if the result is unsatisfactory.

Announce that the meeting will start at 2:00 pm and it will not start until 2:10 pm. Schedule a meeting for 10:13, and employees will take you literally.

Cyril Northcote Parkinson

In this review: how to conduct an effective meeting, which are the criteria for the effectiveness of meetings. The main stages and rules will also be discussed, which will help to conduct a high-quality meeting and achieve your goals.

To determine the effectiveness of meetings, conduct an experiment. Carefully write down all the questions that your subordinates approach you with (individually, by email). Count the number of requests. Think about which of these issues can be resolved once at a meeting and calculate how much time you will save.

As your meeting technique improves, the number of such “distracting” calls will certainly decrease.

In many organizations, meetings are not considered a work tool for getting through day-to-day tasks. Basically, meetings are held chaotically, from time to time, they are not prepared, and the leader does not know how to lead them. Therefore, many meeting participants perceive information incorrectly (“didn’t hear”, “didn’t understand”, “forgot”), necessary solutions are not accepted (they are put aside and hang), and even if they are accepted, they are often not implemented.

Statistics say this: “When managers start holding meetings with their subordinates, they initially do not give them of great importance and don't expect much from them. But the longer they hold meetings, the more useful they become. Firstly, they thus “shove away” 90% of the routine. Managers do not need to control employees so tightly - the results speak for themselves, and this is a great incentive for staff. Meetings help streamline the work of the Company, and it immediately becomes clear what needs to be done next.

But in order for meetings to really work, you need to take into account a lot of subtleties of its conduct.

An experienced leader knows that meetings create organization. With their help, you can maintain connections within the Company and implement decisions made, check the degree of progress towards goals and break down barriers between employees. If you do not hold meetings with your subordinates, then the problem of rumors will arise, which leads to disunity and uncertainty among employees about the future, and then to loss of control.

A well-organized and conducted meeting allows you to:

  • promptly solve current problems within the team;
  • motivate staff to implement the plan;
  • collect opinions and test planned changes;
  • form a team from a group;
  • move the Company forward as quickly as possible and at minimal cost;

Unfortunately, universities don’t teach how to conduct meetings correctly...

We will introduce you to some of the most common mistakes during meetings and how to correct them in this review.

There are 3 main points to consider when holding meetings:

  • and AFTER the meeting.

What needs to be done BEFORE the meeting?

1. Identify several types of meetings that you will hold regularly. Determine their regulations and carry them out according to schedule. Until you meet regularly, your team will not develop.

2. Unannounced meetings cause unnecessary conversations, anxiety, and sometimes fear among administrators. Organize such meetings extremely rarely, only in case of a “fire”. At emergency meetings, address only one issue. Emergency meetings should be short (try to keep them to a maximum of 45 minutes, even if you need to resolve a complex and difficult issue). Clearly formulate and communicate in advance: the purpose of the meeting, participants, time from ... to ..., place. Let employees not gather unnecessarily, but calmly go about their main business, namely, earning money.

3. It is extremely difficult to prepare for every meeting. Where can I find time for this? Therefore, it is optimal to do it once Regulations of meetings, in which you write down everything important aspects: frequency of the meeting (monthly/weekly), time and place of the meeting, participants, questions for the meeting. Now you need to prepare not a meeting, but only information on each issue.

4. Duplication of information at different meetings causes general dissatisfaction among administrators - everyone values ​​their time. Consider only pressing issues. Don't repeat yourself - make generalizations and references. Put everything you can onto the board in a visual form - tables, graphs. Then you won’t have to read it out, you can immediately move on to analysis. (In addition, according to some estimates, up to 55% of people are visual learners, and they perceive new information poorly by ear - no more than 7% of all information).

5. Create a Report Form, on which everyone will report.
Firstly, everyone will know exactly what they have to say and will prepare the numbers in advance.
Secondly, you will be able to see this report in advance, which means you can prepare for the meeting and analyze the information, draw conclusions, and think through decisions.
Thirdly, the information will remain for history/statistics, which is priceless for business.
For questions that are not regular, prepare information separately.

6. Think carefully about what you want to achieve on each issue and how exactly you will do it. If possible, speak the text to yourself or to someone else. Remove unnecessary words. Speak clearly and simply. Be prepared every time - this will save you and your employees time.

What needs to be done DURING the meeting?

1. If someone is not at the meeting, make sure there is a way for them to know what decisions have been made. At the beginning of the meeting, appoint a person responsible for writing down the main points and tasks.

2. Learn self-discipline, develop meeting rules, and do not give in to temptations and “creative impulses.” It is better not to miss meetings: if the weekly meeting coincides with a holiday, reschedule it for another day and inform about it at the previous meeting.
Always start on time! Never wait for anyone - “the ship leaves exactly on schedule.” This is the only way you can teach everyone to gather exactly according to the Rules.
If it's time to change the Rules, make the changes in writing, let everyone know about it, and live by the Rules again.

3. Don't let the speaker deviate from the Rules. Interrupt immediately: “Your time is up. You have deviated from the topic." Lead the meeting according to this procedure: the question was raised, everyone reported, the problem was identified, everyone spoke. The manager summed it up and asked: “Are there any other questions and opinions on this item? No. Let's move on." Participants also need to be taught how to participate in meetings competently.
First you need to explain the rules of the game, and then follow them: interrupt the talkers, give a brief and succinct assessment of information and matters.

4. If a painful and boring atmosphere arises at a meeting, then perhaps irrelevant issues are discussed - important issues include everyone. Or your subordinates are closed, they don’t trust you, they are afraid to express their opinion. Or maybe everyone is just tired.
Always monitor the mood of those present.
React quickly to the situation. Try to defuse the situation by making jokes. Let the participants smile - and issues will be resolved faster.

5. Each participant must speak. The leader starts and ends the meeting - make the most of these moments. Everyone should have a “say” on both current and development issues. One speaker's response should not exceed 3-5 minutes. Including the Leader.
As a result, everyone is included and actively participates in resolving issues.

6. Let each employee report their results independently.

7. Let everyone speak first, involve them in the discussion, ask everyone’s opinion.

8. The leader must know when and how to correctly praise and scold, encourage and punish, and the meeting is the most right place for this. Get information before the meeting and prepare your opinion, and if necessary, this will help you quickly respond to facts and immediately have the desired impact on the team. Sometimes it is not possible to prepare in advance, but you need to react quickly, putting the question aside and saying: “I’ll think about it” is not possible. The easiest way to solve this problem technologically is to compare the figures for the past period with the latest results. There should only be growth. Whoever is tall is a great guy. Those who do not have height are given a red signal. You can dance from the plan: “Are we reaching it? How can we increase our performance?"

9. If suddenly at a meeting there is a need to discuss an unprepared issue and hastily make a decision at the meeting itself, then you will postpone the discussion and, even more so, the adoption of a decision. The most you can do is listen to the opinions of other participants, if this is also relevant to them. Write down the question so you don't forget. Return to it after the meeting and decide what to do with it.

10. Use the execution tool with extreme caution - His power is very great, you can turn it against yourself. If you can’t not scold, give it to the strongest. The rest will understand everything themselves. Never scold everyone at once, so as not to become in opposition to the team. It is much more effective to conduct “debriefings” according to the scheme: “We made a mistake, did this, and this is what it led to. How will we correct the situation, and how will we prevent this from happening next time?”

11. The result of each meeting should be actions, specific deeds, otherwise there is no point in gathering. By the end of the meeting, everyone should know what and how they should do to implement the decisions made. The Manager’s task is to check that those responsible have actually taken responsibility and are ready to implement the assigned tasks. To do this, conduct a risk assessment, ask each participant: “What could prevent you from achieving your goals? What risks do you see? If it is impossible to make a decision within the framework of this meeting, say where and when it will be made and who is responsible for it.

What should you do AFTER the meeting?

1. Upon leaving the meeting, participants should have a clear understanding of the state of affairs in the Company and what each individual must do to move towards a common and personal goal. Leave documentary traces after the meeting: appoint someone responsible for keeping minutes of the meeting, let him write down the decisions made.

2. Decisions made must be controlled by the Manager, checked, implemented. If you have allowed yourself to “slow down” the implementation of your general solutions, then why would anyone carry out different decisions of the meetings next time? Don’t hold the next meeting, dismiss people - go implement the decisions made.

3. The manager must analyze his mistakes after the meeting. Review the meeting plan again. Replay in your head how you did it. Write down recommendations for yourself

How often do you need to hold meetings with your employees? What do you think? What does this depend on?

“Debriefing” on typical problems is quite appropriate to do at monthly meetings, if you have such meetings. If you urgently need to convey information to employees related to any changes in the Company, you can convey these changes electronically.

There is another interesting way The best way to check the quality of your meetings is to find out how those who are absent feel about it. Why weren't they at the meeting? They were upset that they missed the meeting and were meticulously asking those present what had passed them by. Or did they have more important things to do? Draw appropriate conclusions.

Remember that the rules of meetings must also be changed regularly. This applies to both the issues discussed and the frequency of the meeting. Your subordinates grow, learn to work: both report and resolve issues. Gradually reduce the time spent reviewing the current situation. Increase the time for resolving issues and, of course, for their development. The weekly rhythm will allow you to complete tasks in time for the meeting. They take time, but no one has canceled the current work.