An Afghan's story about life after death. Life after death, evidence, scientific facts, eyewitness accounts

Film "Message from Heaven"

The death of the body is not at all the end of human life, but only the beginning of a new state of the human personality, which continues to exist separately from the body.
Death, which was not created by God, but was introduced by the sin of Adam in Paradise, is the most amazing form in which man encounters the fall of his nature.
The fate of an individual in eternity largely depends on how a person relates to his own death and prepares for it.
What happens to the soul that leaves the body is told by Lyubov, who returned to life shortly before her funeral.

Film "Memory of Mortal"

Remembering death is an urgent necessity for every person. Unbelieving people are afraid of death. For them, death is disappearance, therefore, having an attachment to earthly life, they try, on the one hand, to protect themselves in every possible way, and on the other, not to remember their future death at all. We know that we must constantly remember our death, but we are afraid to have such sobriety. Despite the absolute obviousness that we will all die, we nevertheless live as immortals. Even in extreme old age, people push the moment of death further and further. They do not think about their imminent transition to eternity, but only fervently desire to prolong this earthly life.
A believer fears death not because it is a disappearance for him, but because it is a door behind which a completely new area opens. The deeper a person’s faith, the more he begins to fear death, not as disappearance, but as a judgment on his soul.
In the film, people who have been to the “other” world share their memories. You will see unique footage filmed by eyewitnesses of how angels take the soul of a righteous person.

Film "Meeting Eternity"

[An amazing and detailed account of an eyewitness about the ordeals, the torment of people in hell and about Paradise]

A simple Russian guy, Andrei, was shown by the Lord God what awaits every person after death. Recalling his posthumous experience, he talks in detail about the ordeals, about demons, about angels, about what torment awaits people in hell, and how amazing Paradise is. In hell he met many of his relatives and talked with them. He talks in detail about what Andrei learned and saw by the will of God in this film. Very instructive! Everyone watch!

Movie " At the line of eternity"

The film is dedicated to a meeting with an interesting person, a resident of Vologda, the servant of God Elena. Due to illness, Elena was in a state of clinical death several times. The film tells the story of what she saw when her soul was separated from her body. The nature of the narrative and the details of what was seen coincide so much with Church Tradition (ordeals, the state of the soul, the machinations of fallen spirits, the help of Angels, etc.) that it becomes unnecessary to provide evidence of the truth of what was seen. Truth bears witness to itself through the fear of God, the abomination of sin and that ineffable mercy of God, thanks to which the world still stands. The servant of God Elena also talks about those revelations that concern not only personal salvation, but also the salvation of Russia: all Heaven cries out to God for mercy on the Motherland, and each of us needs to pray for her as we pray for our soul. Without repentance and unity to pray for Russia, everything else loses its meaning. The All-Merciful Lord sends such revelations so that no one ever forgets that our earthly life is the threshold of eternity, beyond which the true and only reality awaits each of us: hell or the KINGDOM OF GOD.

Film "Beyond Earthly Life"
Our life would be pointless if it ended in death. But man was created for immortality, and Christ, by his resurrection, opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal bliss for those who believed in Him and lived righteously. The human soul continues to live, without ceasing its existence for a single moment. Modern "after death" experiences have made people incredibly aware of the consciousness of the soul after death. But this awareness in itself is not enough to protect someone in such a state from manifestations of the out-of-body sphere; one must be familiar with ALL Christian teaching on this subject. The other world, although it will not be completely alien to us, will not turn out to be just a pleasant meeting with loved ones “at the resort” of happiness, but will be a spiritual clash that tests the disposition of our soul during life - whether it leaned more toward the Angels and saints through virtuous life or, through negligence and unbelief, made herself more suitable for the society of fallen spirits. The film contains stories of people who have been beyond the threshold of death. This out-of-body experience will be of interest to those people who do not want to see anything beyond matter, who have lost faith in the immortality of the soul, and to those suffering who languish under the burden of deprivation and everyday adversity.



As long as humanity has existed, it has been asking the question: is there life after death? And if it exists, then what is the human soul? The answers to this question have varied at different times. For example, the Greek philosopher Democritus believed that the soul is a lump of a substance that is hot and soft to the touch, which can be touched. Plato, on the contrary, believed that the soul is incorporeal and lives wherever it wants.

In the twentieth century, in the age of total scientific domination, the soul was completely denied existence. They believed that the soul was invented by the priests in order to lure people to temples, and that there was no life after death. This was the customary belief until one day, when one day a resuscitator from America, Raymond Moody, became interested in the stories of people who had experienced clinical death, and wanted to somehow systematize them. Then incredible things became clear.

Instead of meeting the requirements of science and admitting that life ends after cardiac arrest, all patients seem to have conspired to talk about amazing events. Moreover, what is curious is that everyone tells about the same thing, as if they had actually been somewhere in the same place.

So, it means that something happens to the soul after death that official science has no idea about? It was after Dr. Moody’s sensational report that the scientific world became concerned with the problem of the human soul and set out to search for it. For example, from the achievements of a group of scientists from St. Petersburg, it was even possible to invent a special apparatus capable of photographing the soul, or rather the energy that lives in us along with the physical body...

Alexander Shein, resuscitator:

“There was such a patient, I remember her very well. She, unfortunately, died - she had diabetes and many related complications. This woman survived several massive heart attacks, she simply died before my eyes, and she literally died with a smile on her face. And always, when she was still in full memory, conscious, she made it clear that everything that was happening to her, although it was sad and bitter, was not a final departure from life for her. This is a simple transition somewhere, into some other existence, which happened to her during clinical death.”

Buddhists have a special instruction, the Bardo Thodol, known in the West as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It describes in detail everything that awaits a person after the death of the physical body. An ancient manuscript written several thousand years ago contains detailed descriptions of what is now commonly called clinical death.

One of the key points is bright light. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a set of recommendations that describe what happens to consciousness after physical death. The first thing the soul sees is a tunnel of white light:

“Soon you will exhale your last breath, and it will stop. Here you will see the eternal Pure Light. An incredible Space will open before you, boundless, like an Ocean without waves, under a cloudless sky. You will float like a feather, freely, alone.

Don't get distracted, don't rejoice! Don't be afraid! This is the moment of your death! Use death, for this is a great opportunity. Keep your thoughts clear, without clouding them even with compassion. Let your love become passionless. After the exhalation has completely stopped, it is good if someone clearly reads the following words directly into your ear: “You are now in the Eternal Light, try to remain in this state that you are experiencing.”

Modern science can explain the phenomena described in the ancient book. Clinical death is the first stage of the dying of a biological organism. The beginning of the transition from life to death. During clinical death, the heart and breathing stop, all signs of vital activity disappear. During the first 10–15 minutes. A person can still be brought back to life, but this does not always happen. Only 5% of people who have been on the verge of death come back.

Andrei Yurkovsky was lucky - he was able to survive clinical death. At the age of 12, Andrei was admitted to intensive care with anaphylactic shock. For several hours, doctors fought for the teenager’s life, but medicine was powerless. Doctors pronounced him dead.

Andrey Yurkovsky, naval officer:

“The first thing I remembered was the doctors in white coats, the bustle around, then I began to seem to be moving away somewhere... I can’t say what happened next, but I remember that childhood memories began to scroll through my brain, I saw relatives...”

While the boy's body was in the intensive care unit, his soul traveled in the Subtle World. Andrey remembers how he watched what was happening from the side. I saw doctors and relatives who could not find a place for themselves from excitement. I remembered how the doctors uttered the fateful words: “Cardiac arrest” - and how the mother began to cry when she was told that her son had died. Andrei was considered dead for two days, but the doctors were mistaken. The boy returned from the other world. He woke up unexpectedly, and the return was painful.

The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes; they couldn’t explain what happened. Andrey was examined for a long time before he was discharged from the hospital. For the boy, the journey to the Subtle World became a real revelation. Thanks to clinical death, he realized that in addition to the physical body, there is some substance that continues to live when the body dies.

Ruschelle Blavo, Doctor of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist: “A person is not only a physical state, it is also the presence of mental, astral, etheric and other bodies and, of course, the soul itself.”

Ancient people believed that after death the soul does not die along with the body, but passes to another world. There she continues to live. That is why they tried to provide the dead with everything they needed. Archaeologists find weapons and household items in ancient burials. The ancient Egyptians built majestic tombs - pyramids - for the pharaohs. They believed that these gigantic structures would become a reliable refuge in the afterlife.

The famous athlete Eduard Serebryakov, champion of the USSR and Russia in Greco-Roman wrestling, experienced clinical death. He still considers this the most important event in his life.

E. Serebryakov, former athlete, champion of the USSR and the Russian Federation in Greco-Roman wrestling:

“What did clinical death give me? She changes lives. I know it exists, but others don't. When people find themselves in some extreme situations, some catastrophes happen to them, at this time certain forces intervene that change a person ... "

The tragedy occurred on May 14, 1997. Edward, as usual, went to work in a car. Approaching a railway crossing, he felt that the car had lost control. He pressed the brake, and the pedal sank, went to the floor. As they later found out, an attempt was made on the athlete’s life, the brake hoses were cut, and he was unable to slow down. In the end, he did slow down, but stopped right in the middle of the crossing.

And at that moment his alarm went off and the doors were locked. Everything happened in a matter of seconds. The athlete's car was parked at a railway crossing, and he could not get out. A moment later he saw a train rushing straight towards him. The man understood: a collision was inevitable and there was practically no chance of survival. Time seemed to stand still for him at that moment.

Eduard Serebryakov:

“Immediately a thought arose in my head: is this really my last day? How is this possible, there must be some sign from above?! It turns out that there is no sign, everything happens unexpectedly. These 2-3 seconds. lasted for hours or whole days. Then such an unpleasant thought appeared: I’m going to be completely crippled... I jumped into the back seat so that at least my face would remain intact, covered my head, and intuitively turned around with my back to the window in the hope that I would recover from the blow.

Then came the blow... I see that I am lying in a coffin, I see my relatives. They mourn me. Some say that after death they went up and saw doctors. I didn't have that. I simply saw my funeral, felt like I was lying in a coffin, saw that people were saying goodbye to me... I can’t say how long it lasted.”

Edward watched his own funeral, realizing at the same time that he continued to exist. He felt such peace and serenity that to this day he cannot find words to describe these feelings. Edward says that he understood why people who at the moment of death have the opportunity to return prefer to stay there. The point is that bliss occurs there.

The return was sudden. He heard sharp, loud, unpleasant sounds, and then he heard the driver’s voice: “Man, are you alive?” Edward replied: “I don’t know.” At first he was incomprehensibly where, then suddenly there was another sharp transition, and then the driver with his question...

Serebryakov was able to survive miraculously. During the collision, the train did not crush the car, but, hooking it on the track clearer like a pitchfork, dragged it several tens of meters until the train came to a complete stop. The guy received severe injuries. There is a large scar on his head. He had broken ribs and a leg, and his whole body was covered in cuts and bruises. The athlete was in the hospital for almost six months. There he realized that after traveling to the next world, something had changed in him.

Eduard Serebryakov:

“Why I came back here, I don’t know. Higher powers know this. So it's needed for something. I can only guess, guess. Perhaps I returned in order to move the old lady across the road tomorrow so that she would not die under a car. Perhaps in order to talk to you, so that someone can hear my story...”

After returning from the other world, Eduard Serebryakov completely changed his life. He left sports and began writing poetry. But not just poems, but rhyming prophecies.

The girl was holding a bell
The wind ruffled her hair
Only life sadly died
And sadness was its ending
I see reflections on the moon
In this mirror of bottomless emptiness
Like a madman seeks pleasure
In the murder of one's own soul
The sound either cuts or jumps fervently
Sticky sweat does not confirm fear
The stone wears away the water in this fairy tale
Because he's softer now

Eduard Serebryakov:

“I wrote these lines a few hours before Beslan. It somehow wrote itself. I understand that it was a higher power that guided me. On the first of September, I suddenly learned on the news about the seizure of the school. Remember how the children suffered there? You see, the stone wears away water, and not vice versa, and sticky sweat..."

It has been noticed that, after clinical death, a person changes radically. He seems to be rethinking his life, and there is a scientific explanation for this. Psychologists, for example, compare post-mortem experiences to shock therapy. They consider awareness of the unexpected finitude of existence to be one of the most powerful incentives for unlocking human potential.

Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. The experience of dying helps a person to develop further. Another question: is he able to accept this negative experience and use it for some kind of movement forward?

People who have experienced clinical death sometimes acquire the abilities of telepathy and clairvoyance.

The famous neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva believed that these phenomena actually exist. For a long time she worked in intensive care, observing dozens of returns from the other world. Those who were reanimated described a black tunnel, at the end of which a light was visible, talked about the feeling of flying, and described a bright light that was at the end of the tunnel. Natalya Bekhtereva tried to understand what happens to the human brain at this time, and to answer the question of whether during clinical death the soul of the dying person actually leaves the body.

The result of almost half a century of scientific work by neurophysiologist N. Bekhtereva was a sensational conclusion. The human brain is a kind of receiving and transmitting mechanism in which human consciousness is formed. But consciousness is not directly connected to the brain; it only uses the brain to receive signals. The brain receives information, processes it, and only then makes logical decisions. But who dictates these signals? After all, sometimes people receive a ready-made formulation as if out of nowhere. According to Bekhtereva, this “someone” is our soul. It is she who, during clinical death, leaves the body and receives information, which, after returning to the body, is processed by the brain.

Moreover, during clinical death, a kind of “reboot” of the brain occurs. Our thinking machine begins to work in a different mode. The most ancient areas that were not previously used are activated. They are the ones who endow a person with unusual abilities. During evolution, these capabilities of the human brain were blocked.

Leningrad region, 2008. The house is on fire. The second floor is on fire. Thick clouds of smoke pour out of the windows. A strange body rushes across the roof, and then merges with a column of smoke and rushes upward. People died in the fire, and the camera was able to record their souls. Thin bodies often end up in the camera lens. These are translucent balls with a heterogeneous structure. More often they appear in places where human emotions are shown in abundance, for example in cemeteries.

1828, May 18, Crete. A battle took place between the Greeks and the Turks at the Franco Castello castle. For 7 days there were bloody battles under the walls of the fortress.

Tatyana Syrchenko, editor of the newspaper “Anomaly”:

“The history of human lives leaves its mark. And what people call ghosts are essentially traces. These can be called phantoms or manifestations of some substances still unknown to us.”

Since then, every year on May 18, the battle is repeated again and again. With the first rays of the sun, ghost warriors appear above the horizon. They head towards the coast. Casual witnesses say that at the same time the clatter of horses, the screams of soldiers and even the groans of the wounded are heard. Researchers call these rare phenomena chronomirages. They reproduce real historical events. You can often observe this kind of phenomenon in places where tragic events took place. The souls of dead people, ghosts of the past, can remain indefinitely at the place of their death.

It is generally accepted that a person has 7 bodies: physical, etheric, astral, karmic, and so on. Scientists call them projections of man in the multidimensional Universe. After all, it has been scientifically proven that before the Big Bang, the Universe existed in 10 dimensions. Thus, the physical body of a person lives in the three-dimensional world, the etheric body in the four-dimensional world, and the astral body in the fifth dimension. And after the death of a person, these essences begin to rapidly disintegrate. First, the physical body dies, on the 9th day - the etheric, on the 40th - the astral. And only then does what religions around the world call the soul go free.

A ghost is nothing more than an etheric body. The etheric body is the same as our physical body, but only having a four-dimensional nature; it seems to be a little slowed down in time. Such a ghost may be right here, but we will not see it, because it does not refract sunlight.

Often, in the event of a violent or unexpected death, the human consciousness cannot recognize the fact of its own death and tries to continue its usual existence. And sometimes it simply does not understand what happened to it.

According to people who call themselves mediums, most people simply did not realize that they had died. They do not know that they are already dead, just as many do not know that they are alive while alive. People do things mechanically throughout their lives, and when death occurs, they simply continue to do the same things after death. Thus, even after death a person can go to work, meet someone there, and dream about something. Especially if he died unexpectedly. Those who commit suicide and people who die suddenly become ghosts. Their etheric bodies are doomed to eternal wanderings.

Eduard Gulyaev, Doctor of Energy Information Sciences, Professor: “Ghosts and ghosts are really existing clots of energy. Most often these are etheric bodies thrown off at a moment of great shock.”

The ghost of Emperor Paul I, killed in the Engineering Castle, still scares tourists to this day. Witnesses describe a ghostly figure walking around the castle and sometimes even playing the flute.

According to researchers, the Subtle World exists in parallel with the physical world. This is a world of energy and information. What is called the “subtle world”, “other planes”, “parallel worlds” - these are simply, perhaps, those aspects that our consciousness does not perceive until a certain moment. And then, at some point, switching, it begins to perceive.

It is believed that the Subtle World is inhabited by the souls of people and animals; elemental spirits and various kinds of ethereal creatures live there. This is where human life continues after death. This is where ghosts and apparitions come from. According to psychics, we can draw information from intangible sources. This extra-sensory information can tell us about the future or the past.

Numerous testimonies of encounters with ghosts and apparitions do not allow us to neglect this phenomenon. It is believed that these are the souls of the dead who want to convey certain messages or requests to the living. For example, the ghost of the poet Dante Alighieri appeared to his son to indicate the place where the last songs of the Divine Comedy were hidden...

The private judgment of God over souls, according to the teachings of the church, is preceded by torture or testing them in the so-called ordeals, through which they, accompanied by angels, pass into the airy region, and where evil spirits, being in their area, detain them and expose all their sins, what they have done in life. The disciple of St. Basil the New (who lived in the first half of the 10th century), Gregory, was revealed in a vision the circumstances of the hour of death and the ordeal of Blessed Theodora. This is what blessed Theodora told him:

When I approached the end of my life and the hour of separation from my body had come, I saw many Ethiopians standing near my bed; their faces were black as soot and tar, their eyes were like hot coals, and their gaze was so terrible that it was impossible to say. They looked at me furiously, gnashing their teeth, as if they wanted to devour me. Immediately they prepared papers, as if awaiting some kind of judge, and unrolled scrolls in which all my evil deeds were written down. My poor soul was in unspeakable fear and trembling. The appearance of the Ethiopians is terrible, and their voices cannot be heard. Exhausted to the end, I finally saw two bright angels of God who approached me in the form of beautiful young men. Their clothes shone with light, and they were girded crosswise on their chests with golden belts. Approaching my bed, they stood on the right side, quietly talking to each other, and I was happy and looked at them cheerfully. At the sight of them, the Ethiopians shuddered and retreated. Then one of the luminous youths sternly said to them: “O shameless, damned and evil enemies of the human race! Why do you always rush to come to the dying and with your screams confuse the soul that is being separated from the body? Don't rejoice; here you will not find anything for yourself: God had mercy on this soul, and you have nothing in common with it!” The Ethiopians screamed furiously and began to show notes about the evil deeds I had done from my youth, saying: “We have nothing to do with her? Whose sins are these? Wasn’t she the one who created them?” Shouting in this way, they waited for my death. And then death came, and the last breath left my lips, and the luminous angels took my soul in their hands. I looked back and saw that my body was lying without feeling or movement. Just as if someone had taken off his clothes and looked at them, so I looked at my body as if at clothes, and was very surprised at this. While the holy angels were holding me, demons in the form of Ethiopians surrounded us and shouted: “This soul has many sins, let him answer for them!” And they began to show my sins, and the holy angels began to look for my good deeds and found through the grace of God everything that I had done with its help. They collected everything that I had ever done that was good: whether I gave alms to the poor, or fed the hungry, or gave drink to the thirsty, or clothed the naked, or brought a strange person into the house and put him to rest, or served the servants of God, or visited the sick and sitting in prison and consoled him; whether she came with zeal to the temple of God and prayed with tenderness and tears, or listened attentively to church readings and singing, or brought incense and candles to the temple, or filled church lamps with oil to illuminate the holy icons and kissed the icons with reverence; or she fasted and abstained on Wednesdays, Fridays and during all holy fasts, or bowed down and spent the night in vigil, or sighed to God and cried about her sins, or confessed her sins to her spiritual father with heartfelt regret for them and tried to do for them satisfaction; or did something kind to her neighbors, was not angry with enemies, did not remember to be angry and meekly endured annoyances and reproaches, repaid evil with good, humbled herself, felt sorry for someone else’s misfortune and had compassion for the suffering, consoled the crying and gave him a helping hand, assisted someone in a good deed , but turned away from evil; or she herself turned my eyes away from vanity and kept my tongue from swearing, lying, slander and vanity - and all my other, even the smallest good deeds, one after another, the holy angels collected and prepared to put on the scales against my evil deeds. The Ethiopians, looking at this, gnashed their teeth at me, because they wanted to immediately snatch me from the hands of the angels and bring me down to the bottom of hell. At this very time, the Reverend Father Vasily unexpectedly appeared there and said to the holy angels: “Holy angels! This soul served a lot for the repose of my old age, and therefore I prayed to God for it, and God gave it to me.” Having said this, he took out from his bosom something like a bag of gold and gave it to the angels with the words: “This is the treasure before the Lord for this soul! When you go through airy ordeals and crafty spirits begin to torment her, then redeem her with this from her debts.” After this he left, but the evil spirits, seeing the gift of St. Basil, at first stood in bewilderment, then raised lamentable cries and became invisible. Then the saint of God, Vasily, appeared again, carrying with him many vessels of pure oil and precious myrrh, which he poured all over me, one after another, which made me filled with a spiritual fragrance and felt that I had changed and became very bright. And again the saint said to the angels: “When you, holy angels, have done everything necessary for this soul, then bring it into the abode prepared for me by the Lord, let it remain there.” After this he became invisible; and the holy angels took me, and we went east through the air.

( ordeal 1) . When we walked from the earth to the heights of heaven, we were first met by the airy spirits of the first ordeal, at which the sins of idle talk, that is, reckless, nasty, disorderly conversations, are tortured. We stopped, and many scrolls were brought out in front of us, in which were written down all the words that I had uttered indecently and recklessly from my youth, and especially if they expressed something shameful or blasphemous, as often happens in the language of young people. I saw written down there all my idle talk, foul language, all the worldly shameless songs, disorderly screams, laughter and laughter. With all this, the evil spirits denounced me, pointing to the time and place when, where and with whom I engaged in vain conversation and angered God with my obscene words, not considering this a sin, and therefore did not confess them to my spiritual father and did not repent. I remained silent as if speechless, unable to answer, because the evil spirits correctly reproached me. When I was silent, ashamed and trembling with fear, the holy angels put in some of my good deeds, and filled up what was missing from the treasure donated by the Reverend Father Basil, and with this they ransomed me.

(Ordeal 2) . From there we went higher and approached the ordeal of lies, in which every false word is tortured, that is, perjury, invoking the name of God in vain, false witness, failure to fulfill the vows given to God, insincere and untrue confession of sins, and the like. The spirits of this ordeal are evil and ferocious; they stopped us and began to test us in detail. But I was convicted of only two things: first, that I sometimes happened to lie about unimportant things, and I didn’t even consider it a sin; secondly, out of false shame, I used to insincerely confess to my spiritual father. But perjury, perjury and similar iniquities were not found in me, by the grace of Christ. At this ordeal, the holy angels put some of my good deeds against my sins, and more than that, the prayers of my spiritual father redeemed me, and we went higher.

(Ordeal 3) . We have reached the ordeal of tormenting condemnation and slander. Then they stopped us, and I realized how serious it is to condemn one’s neighbor and how great the evil is to slander someone, condemn, dishonor, blaspheme, scold and laugh at the shortcomings of others. Such sinners are tortured by fierce torturers as Antichrists who have anticipated the right to judge others. But, by the grace of Christ, a few of these sins were found in me, because all the days of my life I diligently tried not to condemn anyone, not to slander anyone, not to laugh at anyone and not to scold anyone. Only sometimes, listening to others as they condemn, slander or laugh at someone, it happened to me to agree a little with them in thought or through carelessness to add my own word, and immediately I became angry and stopped; but even the very attempt was charged by the torturers with condemnation and slander. And then the angels, having redeemed me with the gift of the prayers of St. Basil, went higher with me.

( ordeal 4) . We reached the ordeal of gluttony, and immediately the evil spirits ran out to meet us in the hope of finding prey for themselves. Their faces were stingy, similar to the faces of voluptuous gluttons and vile drunkards. Walking around us like dogs, they immediately showed the count of all the cases of gluttony, when I secretly ate either beyond need, or in the morning, without praying and without protecting myself with the sign of the cross, I ate food, or during holy fasts I ate before the church service. They also presented all the cases of my drunkenness, they even showed the very bowls, glasses and other vessels from which I got drunk at such and such a time, at such and such a feast, with such and such interlocutors. And they showed all my gluttony in detail and rejoiced, as if they had already got me into their hands. I trembled, seeing such a denunciation, and did not know what to answer in spite of it. But the holy angels, having taken enough from the gift of St. Basil, put it against my sins and ransomed me. Seeing the ransom, the evil spirits cried out: “Woe to us! Our efforts and hopes are gone!” And they threw their notes about my gluttony into the air, and I rejoiced, and we moved on.

As we walked, the holy angels talked among themselves like this: “Truly, this soul has great help from the saint of God Vasily, and if not for his prayers, then she would have suffered much need in the air ordeals.” And I, having taken courage, told them: “It seems to me, holy angels, that no one living on earth knows what is happening here and what awaits the soul after death.” But the angels answered me: “Does not the Divine Scripture, read in churches and preached by the clergy, testify to all this? Only people addicted to earthly vanity neglect this, and, considering daily overeating and drunkenness the greatest pleasure, they always eat without measure and get drunk, forgetting the fear of God. Having their belly instead of God, they do not think about the future life and do not remember what is said in scripture: Woe to you who are full now, for you will hunger, and to you who are drunk, because you will thirst. However, whoever is merciful and merciful to the poor and wretched and helps those in need of help, easily receives forgiveness of his sins from God and, for the sake of his mercy towards his neighbors, goes through ordeals without stopping. It is said in scripture: alms delivers from death and thus cleanses all sin; He who does alms and righteousness will be filled with life. And whoever does not try to cleanse his sins with alms, it is impossible for him to avoid the dark tax collectors, who bring them down to hell and keep them in bonds until the Last Judgment of Christ. And you would not have escaped a cruel fate here if you had not received the treasure of the prayers of St. Basil.”

( ordeal 5) . In such a conversation, we reached the ordeal of sloth, where sinners are tortured for all the days and hours spent in idleness. Parasites who lived on the labors of others, but did not want to work themselves, and mercenaries who took wages, but did not fulfill their duties assumed upon themselves, are immediately detained. Those who are careless about glorifying God are also tortured there, and are lazy on holidays and Sundays to go to church for morning services, the Divine Liturgy and other sacred services. There, in general, despondency and negligence of both worldly and spiritual people are experienced, and everyone’s negligence about their soul is examined, and many from there are relegated to the abyss. And I was tested there a lot, and it would have been impossible for me to be freed from debts if the holy angels had not made up for my shortcomings with the gifts of St. Basil.

( ordeal 6) . From there we came to the ordeal of theft, where, although we were stopped for a while, but, having given a little ransom, we went further: because theft did not occur to me, except for very unimportant cases in my childhood, which occurred from unreason.

( ordeal 7). We went through the ordeal of love of money and stinginess without arrest, because, by the grace of God, I never in my life cared about much acquisition and was not a lover of money, I was content with what I gave, and was not stingy, but what I had, I diligently distributed to those in need. .

( ordeal 8) . Having risen higher, we encountered the ordeal of extortion, where those who give money for illegal interest are tortured, and all others who profit at the expense of their neighbors, bribe-takers and appropriators of others. The torturers, not finding extortion from me, gnashed their teeth in frustration, and we, thanking God, went higher.

( ordeal 9) . The ordeal of untruth has opened before us, where unjust judges are tortured, those who acquit the guilty and condemn the innocent out of self-interest, as well as people who do not give mercenaries the agreed payment or who use the wrong weight or measure in trade, and in general everyone who commits some kind of injustice. But we, by the grace of God, went through this ordeal comfortably and gave very little to atone for my sins.

( ordeal 10) . We went through the ordeal of envy without paying anything, because I never envied. They are immediately tortured for dislike, brotherly hatred, unfriendliness and hatred; but, by the mercy of Christ our God, I turned out to be innocent of these sins, and although I saw the fury of the demons gnashing against me, I was no longer afraid of them, and we, rejoicing, went higher.

( ordeal 11) . We have also passed through the ordeal of pride, where arrogant spirits are tortured for vanity, arrogance, contempt for others and grandeur; here the souls of people are tortured for failure to give due honor to parents, government and authorities appointed by God, and for disobedience to them. We put very little here for my redemption, and I was free.

( ordeal 12) . Then we reached the ordeal of anger and rage, and although the aerial torturers there are very ferocious, they received little from us, and we went further, rejoicing in the Lord, under the cover of the prayers of my venerable father Vasily.

( ordeal 13) . Therefore, the ordeal of resentment opened before us, where those who in their hearts harbor anger towards their neighbor and repay evil for evil are tested without mercy. The mercy of the Lord saved me here too, because I was not angry against anyone and did not remember the insults inflicted on me, but, on the contrary, always, to the best of my ability, showed love and kindness to those who offended me, defeating evil with good. We didn’t pay anything here and, rejoicing in the Lord, we moved on.

Then I dared to ask the angels who led me: tell me, how do these terrible rulers of the air know in such detail all the evil deeds of people, and not only obvious, but also secret? The angels answered me like this: “Every Christian, after holy baptism, receives from God a guardian angel assigned to him, who, invisibly protecting a person, instructs him day and night in every good deed and writes down all his good deeds, for which a person could receive from The Lord has mercy and eternal reward in the kingdom of heaven. And the prince of darkness, who wants to bring the entire human race to his destruction, also appoints one of the evil spirits, so that he, walking after a person, notices all his evil deeds and, encouraging him with his machinations to such deeds, writes down all the bad things that a person does . Such an evil spirit carries all the sins of a person through ordeals, and that is why they are known to the princes of the air. When the soul is separated and wants to go to its Creator in heaven, then the evil spirits forbid this, showing it the sins it has committed, and if the soul has more good deeds than sins, then they cannot restrain it; and if there are more sins compared to good deeds, then they hold the soul for some time, shut it in the prison of not seeing God and torment it as much as the power of God allows them to torment it, until that soul, through the prayers of the church and the alms of neighbors, receives forgiveness. If any soul turns out to be so sinful and unclean before God that there is no hope of salvation for it, then evil spirits immediately bring it down into the abyss, where a place of eternal torment is prepared for them. There the lost souls are kept until the second coming of the Lord, and then, after being united with their bodies, they will suffer with the devils in fiery Gehenna. And also note,” said the angels, “that only those who are enlightened by faith and holy baptism ascend this way and are tested in ordeals, and non-believers do not come here, because even before separation from the body their souls belong to hell and when they die, then the demons, without any testing, take their souls as their proper prey and bring them down into the abyss.”

(Ordeal 14). Conversing like this, we reached the ordeal of murder, in which one is tortured not only for robbery, but also for any wound, for any blow inflicted on a neighbor, for panting with anger and pushing. Having given a little something here, we moved on.

(Ordeal 15) . We passed by the ordeal of sorcery, charm, poisoning, and summoning demons. The local spirits look like reptiles, snakes and toads, they are scary and disgusting. By the grace of God, they did not find anything in me, and we moved on, accompanied by the cry of demons: “You will come to the ordeal of fornication, we will see how you are freed from there!”

As we rose higher, I dared to ask the holy angels: “Do all Christians go through these ordeals, and is it possible to go through here without torture and testing at the ordeals?” The angels answered: “There is no other way for souls ascending to heaven, everyone goes this way, but not everyone is as tortured as you, but only sinners like you, who did not make a full confession of their sins, hiding it before their spiritual father out of false shame.” their shameful deeds. For whoever sincerely tells in confession all his bad deeds, and regrets and repents of what he has done, his sins are invisibly erased by God’s mercy. And when such a repentant soul comes here, the aerial torturers, having opened their books, do not find resolution in them, then trying to make possible satisfaction for them with good deeds, then they would not have been subjected to these terrible tortures in the ordeals. However, it helped you a lot that you had long ago stopped sinning mortally and spent the rest of your life virtuously, and the prayers of St. Basil, whom you served a lot and diligently, especially helped you.”

(Ordeal 16). Conversing in this way, we approached the ordeal of fornication, in which not only all fornication is tortured, but also fornication dreams, mental pleasure in it, lustful views, vicious touches and passionate touches. The prince of this ordeal was dressed in unclean and stinking clothes, stained with bloody foam, and many demons stood near him. When they saw me, they were surprised that I had already gone through so many ordeals, and, having brought out notes about all my fornication, they denounced me, pointing to faces, to a place, to a time -. by whom, when and where I sinned in my youth. I was silent and trembled with shame and fear; but the holy angels said to the demons: “She had long ago abandoned fornication and spent the last time of her life in purity, abstinence and fasting.” And the demons answered: “And we know that she stopped sinning a long time ago, but she insincerely confessed to her spiritual father and did not receive from him the proper commandment about satisfaction for sins, therefore she is ours! Either leave it to us, or redeem it with good deeds.” The angels contributed many of my good deeds, and even more from the gift of Saint Basil, and I barely got rid of severe misfortune.

( ordeal 17) . We have reached the ordeal of adultery, where the sins of people living in marriage, but not being faithful to each other and not keeping their bed undefiled, are tortured, as well as fornication and violence. Here the prodigal sins of persons who dedicated themselves to God and promised to live for Christ, but did not maintain purity, are strictly tortured. And I owed a lot during this ordeal; the evil spirits had already denounced me and wanted to snatch me from the hands of the angels, but the angels argued with them for a long time, presenting all my subsequent labors and exploits, and barely redeemed me - not so much with my good deeds, which laid everything down here, but with the treasure of my father Vasily , a treasure, which they also put a lot of on the scales against my iniquities - and, taking me, they went further.

( ordeal 18) . We have approached the ordeal of Sodomy sins, in which all sorts of unnatural sins, incest and other nasty deeds are tortured, committed secretly, which are shameful and scary to even remember. The prince of this ordeal was more disgusting than all the demons, stained with pus and stench, so were his servants, the stench from them was unbearable, the wickedness was unimaginable, the rage and cruelty were inexpressible. They surrounded us, but, by the grace of God, not finding anything in me, they ran away from us in shame, and we moved on.

And the holy angels said to me: “You saw, Theodora, the terrible and vile ordeals of the prodigal! Know that few souls pass them without stopping and ransoming, because the whole world lies in the evil of temptations and defilement, and all people are voluptuous. Few people protect themselves from the impurities of prodigals and mortify their carnal lust. That’s why few people pass here freely; very many, having reached prodigal ordeals, die here. The leaders of the fornication ordeals boast that they, more than all the local torturers, fill the fiery abyss of hell with the souls of people. And you, Theodora, thank God that you have already passed through the tortures of fornication, through the prayers of St. Basil, your father, and you will no longer see fear.”

( ordeal 19) . After this, we came to the ordeal of heresies, where wrong wisdom about faith, apostasy from the Orthodox confession of faith, unbelief, doubts about faith, censure of sacred things, and so on are tortured. I went through this ordeal without testing, and now we were not far from the gates of heaven.

( ordeal 20) . But we were met by the evil spirits of the final ordeal - unmercifulness and cruelty. The torturers here are cruel, and their prince is cruel, seemingly dry and dull. Here the souls of the merciless are tortured without mercy. If someone performed the greatest feats, exhausted himself with fasts, prayed unceasingly and maintained bodily purity, but was unmerciful, such an ordeal would be cast into the abyss of hell and receive no mercy forever. But we, by the grace of Christ, passed comfortably through this place with the help of the prayers of St. Basil.

Thus, having freed ourselves from terrible ordeals, we joyfully approached, finally, the very gates of heaven. The heavenly gates seemed to be made of light crystal and shone marvelously. In them stood young men as bright as the sun, who, seeing me with the angels, rejoiced that by the mercy of God I had gotten rid of the airy ordeals, and, welcoming us, led me inside. But what I saw there and what I heard, child Gregory, cannot even be expressed. I saw what the eye of man had never seen, and I heard what the ear had never heard and what no one living on earth had ever dreamed of or imagined.

And I was brought to the throne of God’s unapproachable glory, surrounded by cherubim, seraphim and many heavenly warriors, always praising God with unspeakable songs. Having fallen, I bowed to the invisible and incomprehensible God, and the heavenly powers sang a sweet song, glorifying God’s mercy, which is not defeated by human sins. And a voice came from the universe of glory, commanding the angels who brought me to show me all the monasteries of saints and then all the torments of sinners, after which they would place me in the monastery of St. Basil. So, they took me everywhere, and I saw beautiful monasteries of the apostles, prophets, martyrdoms, hierarchs, and so on. All of them were of indescribable beauty and spaciousness, and everywhere I heard the voice of spiritual joy and joy, everywhere I saw the triumph of the saints. All of them, seeing me, rejoiced at my salvation and glorified God, who delivered me from the snares of the enemy.

After visiting the bright abodes, I was relegated to the underworld and saw there the terrible and unbearable torment of sinners. Showing them to me, the angels said: “Look, Theodora, from what torment the Lord delivered you through the prayers of his saint Vasily!” I heard the screams, cries and sobs of those suffering there. Some of them screamed terribly and cursed their birthday, but no one showed them mercy. From there the angels led me to this monastery visible to you and installed me here, saying: “Today St. Basil is creating a memory of you.” And I realized that then it was the fortieth day after my separation from the body, and on this day I came to this place of calm” (“Thursday - Min.”, March 26, in the life of St. Basil the New).

The Holy Scripture speaks about the state of righteous souls before the general judgment: firstly, after their departure from this life, they are rewarded for the exploits of earthly life with bliss; so, righteous Lazarus immediately after death "carried... was carried into the bosom of Abraham"(), and on the cross the Lord said to the repentant thief: “Today you will be with Me in Paradise”(). Secondly, they will enjoy peace (;), or freedom from sorrow and suffering, be in communion with the righteous and angels (;), and serve God with praise and prayerful intercession for those living on earth. But this state is not yet the final state. Full glory and bliss of everyone, according to his merits (), will follow only after the general resurrection and general judgment, when the Lord comes on the appointed day () and announces a decisive judgment, whose sentences will never change ().

It is open about the state of the souls of sinners that they are removed from the face of God (;), imprisoned in the prison of fallen spirits (), or in hell - a dark and painful place (), recognize and feel the loss of bliss (), feel reproaches of conscience and try in vain improve your plight (). But their state will not be the same, but corresponding to the moral state of each individual soul (). And again, this state of theirs is not decided forever and final, but transitional - for some into bitterness and eternal unrepentance for evil, and for others into hope for mercy from God and eternal life (;). The latter are those sinners who on earth did not bear fruits worthy of repentance, but died with the seeds of faith and piety, therefore they do not endure the suffering that unrepentant sinners endure, and remain with the opportunity to receive help from the church. For this is what the apostle teaches: if anyone sees his brother sinning a sin that does not lead to death, let him pray and give him life, that is, the one who is sinning a sin that does not lead to death. “Eating unto death; I’m not talking about him praying.” ().

This means that anyone who has not completely broken away from the church, the body of Christ (), as a member of the body, can hope for help from other members and is himself able to accept this help. “If one member suffers, all members suffer with it; If one member is glorified, all members rejoice with him.”(). Due to such a close connection of Christians with each other, they have the opportunity to help their neighbors, who are separated from them by vast spaces, who are in captivity or prison, oppressed by illnesses, by praying for them to God (; ; ). Prayer, according to the teachings of Scripture, can also influence the world of souls who have departed from us, and extends its power to the region of hell. We cited above the words of the apostles about mortal sin. And the Savior said that there is a sin that is not forgiven "neither in this age nor in the next"(). Consequently, just as there is a mortal sin, for which it is useless to pray, which will not be forgiven either in the present or in the future life, so there are non-mortal sins, for which prayer can be completely fruitful and not in vain. “Every person who had a small leaven of virtues in himself, but did not have time to turn it into bread, because, despite his desire, could not do this either due to laziness, or carelessness, or because he had been putting it off since the day he put it on, but in addition aspirations to comprehend and reap with death will not be forgotten by the righteous Judge and Master. The Lord, after his death, will awaken his relatives, neighbors and friends, direct their thoughts, attract hearts and incline souls to provide assistance and help to him. And when God moves them, and the Master touches their hearts, they will hasten to compensate for the omission of the deceased” (St. John of Damascus’s word “about the departed in the Orthodox faith”). Thus, in the afterlife, prisoners of hell receive pardon not for their own repentance, but for the good deeds of people who are alive, for the prayers sent for them by the church in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who took upon himself the sins of the world and gave us a false promise “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it”() (see “Athos sheet.” No. 32).

2. Stories about a private trial following the death of a person.

The lives of the saints contain detailed information about the ordeals. And although this information is often presented in very vivid material and human-shaped pictures, they cannot reject the main idea that evil spirits take their evil part in the fate of a person’s soul, immediately after its separation from the body.

a) St. Joseph the Songwriter, preparing for his departure from this life, prayed: Lord my God! guard my spirit to the end and grant me to escape harmlessly from the prince of darkness and aerial monsters.

b) A man resurrected by St. ap. Philip, fell at his feet and said: I thank you, servant of God, that you delivered me from many evils at this hour: two black Ethiopians were dragging me, and if you had not prevented me, they would have plunged me into fierce tartar.

c) St. Andrew the Fool saw the soul of one dead man, surrounded by demons who danced and laughed as they saw her off.

d) The warrior Taxiot committed adultery in his life and died in it. Revived a few days later, he told those who were there that during this ordeal he had no good deeds corresponding to sin, and evil spirits led his soul into the dungeons of hell, where the souls of sinners were in eternal darkness, where there was inconsolable crying, where they cried - and no one pities them or consoles them, where they cry for help, and no one listens to them.

e) The Monk Agathon had spent three whole days before with his eyes open. The brothers decided to touch him and asked: “Where are you?” He answered: “I stand before the judgment seat of God.”

How many revelations are known in the “Chetia-Menaia”, which clearly prove the presence of souls at the judgment of St. angels! Thus, in the life of the same Anthony the Great it is said that when demons slandered his soul after death, the angels stopped the slanderers. St. Niphon depicts a debate between angels and evil spirits over the souls of those judged. Namely: the evil spirits, accusing one dead man, said that this dead man had sinned gravely on earth and died without repentance. The angels answered: “We will not believe either you or your father, Satan, until we ask the guardian angel of this soul.” The Guardian Angel said: “Exactly, this man sinned a lot, but he just became sick, began to cry and confess his sins.

“How long does the post-mortem judgment of a soul last?” Forty days, as the Orthodox Church believes. This judgment begins especially for each soul, and it continues especially until the very end, because each person dies at his own specific time. Unbaptized people directly (without trial) come into the power of the devil.

Finally, “how does this trial end?” The soul that stands on it is met by many saints. angels. Yes, St. Niphon saw that angels came out of the gates of heaven to meet one righteous soul and, welcoming this soul, glorified God, who did not betray it into the hands of enemies. The God-bearing fathers reveal to us: “If the soul turns out to be worthy of a pious life... then the angels of God accept it, and without sorrow it makes its procession, having holy powers as companions; if her deeds triumph, the angels sing a song of praise to her and lead her with joy before the face of God: at that hour she forgets everything belonging to earthly life, and all the labors she has endured”: and again: “when this happened (that is, when the soul reached heaven), the angels who guided us rejoiced: they began to kiss us.” As for the souls of sinners, these souls are initially accompanied by angels. But in their subsequent journey they are decisively delayed and then, through violence from demons, are relegated to hell. So, the same Venerable Niphon saw a man, who was a fornicator, a wizard, and a robber, brought down to hell, and finally died without repentance. “If any soul turns out to be living in negligence and debauchery (says Father Cyril of Alexandria), St. the angels leave her, and she is subject to the power of dark demons.”

When both sides for the judged soul are in balance, that is, when the angels present her good deeds for justification, and the evil spirits remember the same number of her sins for condemnation, then God’s love for mankind wins. The same mercy of God makes up for the lack of good deeds against the preponderance of evil ones (see brochure by Archpriest E. Popov: “God’s judgment over a person following his death”).

There is no such person born on the planet who can calmly relate to death. Such thoughts cause fear in more than half of humanity. What is the reason for fear? Illness, poverty, stress, and difficulties do not frighten us, but why does death make us afraid, and why do the human stories of survivors make us shiver? Maybe the reason is that even about a serious illness there are a couple of lines, but about life in the afterlife we ​​don’t even know who to ask.

Past upbringing once again proves: after all, almost all the inhabitants of the planet are sure that life after death does not exist. There will be no more sunrises or sunsets, as well as meetings with loved ones and warm hugs. All important senses will disappear: hearing, vision, touch, smell, etc. This article will help you figure out what happens after death and whether the stories of people who have experienced clinical death are true.

What does our body consist of?

Everyone has a physical body and a disembodied soul. Scientists and esotericists have discovered the factor that a person has several bodies. In addition to the physical, there are also subtle bodies, which, in turn, are divided into:

  • Essential.
  • Astral.
  • Mental.

Any of these bodies has an energy field, which, when combined with subtle bodies, forms an aura or, as it is also called, a biofield. As for the physical body, it can be touched and seen. This is our main body, which is given to us at birth for a certain period of time.

Etheric, astral and mental body

The so-called double of the physical body has no color (invisible) and is called etheric. It exactly repeats the entire shape of the main body, and also has the same energy field. After the death of a person, it is completely destroyed after 3 days. For this reason, the funeral process does not begin until 3 days after the death of the body.

“The body of emotions”, also known as the astral body. A person’s experiences and emotional state can be changed by personal radiation. During sleep it is capable of disconnecting, which is why, when we wake up, we can remember a dream, which is only a journey of the soul at that moment while the physical body rests in the bed.

The mental body is responsible for thoughts. Abstract thinking and contact with space distinguishes this body. The soul leaves the main body and separates at the time of death, rapidly heading towards a higher world.

Return from that world

Almost everyone is shocked by the stories of people who have experienced clinical death.

Some people believe in such luck, while others are skeptical in principle about this kind of death. And yet, what can happen in 5 minutes at the moment of rescue by resuscitators? Is there really an afterlife after life, or is it just a fantasy of the brain?

In the 70s of the last century, scientists began to carefully study this factor, on the basis of which the book “Life After Life” by Raymond Moody was published. This is an American psychologist who has made many discoveries over the decades. The psychologist believed that the sensation of out-of-body existence involves stages such as:

  • Disabling the physiological processes of the body (it has been established that the dying person hears the words of the doctor who pronounces death).
  • Unpleasant noisy sounds with increasing intensity.
  • The dying person leaves the body and moves with incredible speed along a long tunnel, where light is visible at the end.
  • His whole life flies by before him.
  • There is a meeting with relatives and friends who have already left the living world.

Stories from people who have experienced clinical death note an unusual split in consciousness: you seem to understand everything and are aware of what is happening around you during “death,” but for some reason you are unable to contact living people who are nearby. Another amazing factor is that even a person who is blind from birth sees a bright light in a mortal state.

Our brain remembers everything

Our brain remembers the whole process at the moment when clinical death occurs. Stories from people and research by scientists have found explanations for unusual visions.

Fantastic explanation

Pyall Watson is a psychologist who believes that in the last moments of a dying person's life they see their birth. Acquaintance with death, as Watson said, begins with a terrible path that everyone must overcome. This is the birth canal of 10 cm.

“It is not in our power to know exactly what is happening in the creation of a baby at the moment of birth, but perhaps all these sensations are similar to the different phases of dying. After all, it may be that the pre-death images that emerge before the dying person are precisely experiences during the birth process,” says psychologist Pyell Watson.

Utilitarian explanation

Nikolai Gubin, a resuscitator from Russia, is of the opinion that the appearance of a tunnel is a toxic psychosis.

This is a dream that is similar to hallucinations (for example, when a person sees himself from the outside). During the process of dying, the visual lobes of the cerebral hemisphere have already undergone oxygen starvation. Vision quickly narrows, leaving a thin band that provides central vision.

For what reason does your whole life flash before your eyes when clinical death occurs? The stories of survivors cannot give a clear answer, but Gubin has his own interpretation. The stage of dying begins with new brain particles and ends with old ones. Restoration of important brain functions occurs in reverse: first the old areas come to life, and then the new ones. That is why the memories of people who returned from the afterlife reflect more imprinted fragments.

The secret of the dark and light world

“Another world exists!” - say medical specialists, stunned. The revelations of people who experienced clinical death even have detailed coincidences.

Priests and doctors who had the opportunity to communicate with patients who returned from another world recorded the fact that all these people have a common property of souls. Upon arrival from heaven, some returned more enlightened and calm, while others, having returned from hell, for a long time could not calm down from the nightmare they had seen.

After listening to the stories of survivors of clinical death, we can conclude that heaven is above, hell is below. This is exactly what is written in the Bible about the afterlife. Patients describe their sensations as follows: those who went down met hell, and those who flew up found themselves in heaven.

Word of mouth

Many people have been able to experience and understand what clinical death consists of. The stories of survivors belong to the inhabitants of the entire planet. For example, Thomas Welch was able to survive a sawmill disaster. Subsequently, he said that on the shore of the burning abyss he could see some people who had died earlier. He began to regret that he had worried so little about salvation. Knowing in advance all the horrors of hell, he would have lived differently. At that moment the man saw a man walking in the distance. The unfamiliar appearance was light and bright, radiating kindness and mighty strength. It became clear to Welch: this is the Lord. Only he has the power to save people, only he can take a doomed soul to his torment. Suddenly he turned and looked at our hero. This was enough for Thomas to find himself back in his body and his mind to come to life.

When the heart stops

In April 1933, Pastor Kenneth Hagin was plunged into clinical death. The stories of those who experienced clinical death are very similar, which is why scientists and doctors consider these to be real events. Hagin's heart stopped. He said that when the soul left the body and reached the abyss, he felt the presence of a spirit that was leading him somewhere. Suddenly, a powerful voice sounded in the darkness. The man could not understand what was said, but it was the voice of God, of which he was sure. At that moment, the spirit released the pastor, and a strong whirlwind began to lift him back up. The light slowly began to appear, and Kenneth Hagin found himself in his room, jumping into the body the way one usually gets into trousers.

In heaven

Heaven is described as the opposite of hell. The stories of clinical death survivors never go unnoticed.

One of the scientists, aged 5, fell into a pool filled with water. The child was found in a lifeless state. The parents took the baby to the hospital, but the doctor had to say that the boy would no longer open his eyes. But the greater surprise was that the child woke up and came to life.

The scientist said that when he found himself in the water, he felt flying through a long tunnel, at the end of which a light could be seen. This glow was incredibly bright. There was the Lord on the throne, and below were people (perhaps they were angels). Getting closer to the Lord God, the boy heard that the time had not yet come. The child wanted to stay there for a moment, but in some incomprehensible way he ended up in his own body.

About the Light

Six-year-old Sveta Molotkova has also seen the other side of life. After doctors brought her out of her coma, a request came in for a pencil and paper. Svetlana drew everything she could see at the moment of the soul’s movement. The girl was in a comatose state for 3 days. Doctors fought for her life, but her brain showed no signs of life. Her mother could not look at the lifeless and motionless body of her child. At the end of the third day, the girl seemed to be trying to grab onto something, her fists clenched tightly. The mother felt that her girl had finally grasped the thread of life. Having recovered a little, Sveta asked the doctors to bring her paper and a pencil so she could draw everything that she could see in another world...

Soldier's story

One military doctor treated a patient for fever in various ways. The soldier was unconscious for some time, and when he woke up, he notified his doctor that he had seen a very bright glow. For a moment it seemed to him that he had entered the “Kingdom of the Blessed.” The military man remembered the sensations and noted that it was the best moment of his life.

Thanks to medicine, which keeps pace with all technologies, it has become possible to survive, despite such circumstances as clinical death. Eyewitness accounts of life after death frighten some and interest others.

American private George Ritchie was declared dead in 1943. The doctor who was on duty that day, a hospital officer, determined that the death had occurred because the Soldier had already been prepared to be sent to the morgue. But suddenly the military orderly told the doctor how he saw the dead man move. Then the doctor looked at Ritchie again, but could not confirm the orderly's words. In response, he resisted and insisted on his own.

The doctor realized that it was useless to argue and decided to inject adrenaline directly into the heart. Unexpectedly for everyone, the dead man began to show signs of life, and then the doubts disappeared. It became clear that he would survive.

The story of a soldier who experienced clinical death spread all over the world. Private Ritchie was not only able to cheat death itself, but also became a medic, telling his colleagues about his unforgettable journey.

Thanks to the progress of medicine, resuscitation of the dead has become almost standard procedure in many modern hospitals. Previously, it was almost never used.

In this article we will not cite real cases from the practice of resuscitators and stories of those who themselves experienced clinical death, since a lot of such descriptions can be found in books such as:

  • "Closer to the Light" (
  • Life after life (
  • "Memories of Death" (
  • "Life Near Death" (
  • "Beyond the threshold of death" (

The purpose of this material is to classify what people who visited the afterlife saw and present what they told in an understandable form as evidence of the existence of life after death.

What happens after a person dies

“He’s dying” is often the first thing a person hears at the moment of clinical death. What happens after a person dies? First, the patient feels that he is leaving the body and a second later he looks down at himself floating under the ceiling.

At this moment, a person sees himself from the outside for the first time and experiences a huge shock. In a panic, he tries to attract attention to himself, scream, touch the doctor, move objects, but as a rule, all his attempts are in vain. No one sees or hears him.

After some time, the person realizes that all his senses remain functional, despite the fact that his physical body is dead. Moreover, the patient experiences an indescribable lightness that he has never experienced before. This feeling is so wonderful that the dying person no longer wants to return back to the body.

Some, after the above, return to the body, and this is where their excursion into the afterlife ends; on the contrary, someone manages to get into a certain tunnel, at the end of which light is visible. Having passed through a kind of gate, they see a world of great beauty.

Some are met by family and friends, some meet a bright being who exudes great love and understanding. Some are sure that this is Jesus Christ, others claim that this is a guardian angel. But everyone agrees that he is full of kindness and compassion.

Of course, not everyone manages to admire the beauty and enjoy the bliss afterlife. Some people say that they found themselves in dark places and, upon returning, describe the disgusting and cruel creatures they saw.


Those who returned from the “other world” often say that at some point they saw their whole life in full view. Their every action, seemingly random phrase, and even thoughts flashed before them as if in reality. At this moment, the man reconsidered his entire life.

At that moment there were no such concepts as social status, hypocrisy, or pride. All the masks of the mortal world were dropped and the person was presented to the court as if naked. He couldn't hide anything. Each of his bad deeds was depicted in great detail and shown how he affected those around him and those who were caused pain and suffering by such behavior.

At this time, all the advantages achieved in life - social and economic status, diplomas, titles, etc. - lose their meaning. The only thing that can be assessed is the moral side of actions. At this moment, a person realizes that nothing is erased or passes without a trace, but everything, even every thought, has consequences.

For evil and cruel people, this will truly be the beginning of unbearable internal torment, so-called, from which it is impossible to escape. The consciousness of the evil done, the crippled souls of oneself and others, becomes for such people like an “unquenchable fire” from which there is no way out. It is this kind of trial of actions that is called ordeal in the Christian religion.


Having crossed the line, a person, despite the fact that all senses remain the same, begins to feel everything around him in a completely new way. It’s as if his sensations are starting to work one hundred percent. The range of feelings and experiences is so wide that those who returned simply cannot explain in words everything that they felt there.

From the more earthly and familiar to us in perception, this is time and distance, which, according to those who have visited the afterlife, flows there completely differently.

People who have experienced clinical death often find it difficult to answer how long their post-mortem state lasted. A few minutes, or a few thousand years, it made no difference to them.

As for the distance, it was completely absent. A person could be transported to any point, to any distance just by thinking about it, that is, by the power of thought!

Another surprising thing is that not all of those reanimated describe places similar to heaven and hell. The descriptions of the places of individual individuals are simply amazing. They are sure that they have been on other planets or in other dimensions and this seems to be true.

Judge for yourself word forms like hilly meadows; bright greenery of a color that does not exist on earth; fields bathed in a wonderful golden light; cities beyond words; animals that you will not find anywhere else - all this does not apply to the descriptions of hell and heaven. People who visited there did not find the right words to clearly convey their impressions.

What does the soul look like?

In what form do the dead appear to others and how do they look in their own eyes? This question interests many, and fortunately, those who have been abroad gave us the answer.

Those who were aware of their exit from the body say that at first it was not easy for them to recognize themselves. First of all, the imprint of age disappears: children see themselves as adults, and old people see themselves as young.

The body is also transformed. If a person had any injuries or injuries during life, then after death they disappear. Amputated limbs appear, hearing and vision return if it was previously absent from the physical body.

Meetings after death

Those who have been on the other side of the “curtain” often say that they met there with their deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most often, people see those with whom they were close during life or were related.

Such visions cannot be considered the rule; rather, they are exceptions that do not occur very often. Usually such meetings act as an edification to those who are too early to die and who must return to earth and change their lives.

Sometimes people see what they expected to see. Christians see angels, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, saints. Non-religious people see some temples, figures in white or young men, and sometimes they see nothing, but they feel a “presence”.

Communication of souls

Many reanimated people claim that something or someone communicated with them there. When they are asked to tell what the conversation was about, they find it difficult to answer. This happens due to a language unknown to them, or rather inarticulate speech.

For a long time, doctors could not explain why people did not remember or could not convey what they heard and considered it just hallucinations, but over time, some who returned were still able to explain the mechanism of communication.

It turned out that people communicate there mentally! Therefore, if in that world all thoughts are “audible,” then we need to learn here to control our thoughts so that there we are not ashamed of what we involuntarily thought.

Cross the line

Almost everyone who has experienced afterlife and remembers it, talks about a certain barrier that separates the world of the living and the dead. Having crossed to the other side, a person will never be able to return to life, and every soul knows this, even though no one told her about it.

This limit is different for everyone. Some see a fence or lattice on the border of a field, others see the shore of a lake or sea, and others see it as a gate, a stream or a cloud. The difference in descriptions stems, again, from the subjective perception of each.

Having read all of the above, only an inveterate skeptic and materialist can say that afterlife this is fiction. For a long time, many doctors and scientists denied not only the existence of hell and heaven, but also completely excluded the possibility of the existence of an afterlife.

The testimony of eyewitnesses who experienced this condition themselves drove into a dead end all scientific theories that denied life after death. Of course, today there are a number of scientists who still consider all the testimony of those reanimated to be hallucinations, but no evidence will help such a person until he himself begins the journey to eternity.