Combination of products with each other. You can often hear and even read in the serious works of famous scientists that everything that Shelton writes about is impracticable or difficult to implement, especially in our time and in our conditions, that his instructions are too strict, not

On the Internet you can find many diagrams and tables on food compatibility, but mostly they are terribly difficult to understand. This leads to the fact that the information is not remembered, which means it does not bring you any benefit! Therefore, I have prepared a convenient and understandable product compatibility diagram so that you understand that everything is very simple! You can save it and use it later as a hint whenever you need it!

I was prompted to write an article about the correct combination of food products by the harsh reality) Recently, veganism and raw food nutrition have become increasingly popular, and this cannot but rejoice! However, I see that many people, having switched to plant foods, make the same mistake - they begin to mercilessly mix healthy vegan products with each other, thereby hoping to diversify their diet and get maximum benefits. The goal is good, but the way to achieve it is not!

Mixing foods that do not combine with each other leads to bloating, gas, intestinal upset and other troubles. Remember: “everything that doesn’t fit together rots and ferments.” By the way, often like this negative effects are the cause of disappointment in veganism as such. In this case, the erroneous conclusion is drawn that veganism is not suitable for everyone and can lead to health problems. Although in fact, you just need to learn how to combine foods correctly, and digestive problems will disappear and you will be able to enjoy all the delights of a vegan diet!

You need to understand that the wrong combination of foods leads not only to discomfort in the stomach or intestines, but, first of all, to inadequate absorption nutrients contained in food. For example, one product may inhibit the absorption of another. And not fully digested food turns into waste, polluting the body and leading to the development of diseases. For example, a dangerous combination of fatty and sweet foods leads to surges in blood sugar and problems with blood vessels...

I would also like to note that chaotic mixing of products is caused not only by banal ignorance about the rules of combination, but also by the desire to prepare “gourmet” dishes like in restaurants. Along with the popularity of veganism, the number of vegan and raw food cafes, as well as groups in social networks with colorful recipes for plant-based miracle dishes. This is wonderful! But let's stay aware! Not every beautifully presented vegan dish is healthy! Examples of dishes with frankly poor compatibility are: currently popular raw food cheesecakes, banana and orange smoothies, fruit salad, etc.

After reading this article to the end, you will find out what is wrong with these dishes) In the meantime, it is important to understand that cafes and contact groups offer exactly what is in demand and they do not always care about your health. But here you have something to do. That's why know simple rules food combinations are very important! And now I will tell you about them. But first I’ll say this - these rules are important for understanding how digestion works, but I don’t encourage you to fanatically follow them and scold yourself every time you deviate even one step from them! Firstly, listen to your body, sometimes it provides information that is more valuable than simple rules. And secondly, love yourself and allow yourself to sometimes forget about the rules... sometimes... and forget consciously, so that you can remember again later)

Product combination rules and mistakes

Fruits should be eaten separately from everything else, as an independent meal. Or in 30 min. before the main meal.

The reason is that fruits are digested very quickly and pass from the stomach to the intestines. Therefore, if you eat fruit immediately after a long-digesting food (rice, pasta, porridge, dumplings, soup, legumes, vegetable stew, etc.), then the following will happen in your stomach - the fruit will “fall” on top of the dense food and will not be able to quickly move on and they will begin to wander there (due to sugar).

Conclusion - eating fruit as a dessert after a rich, hearty meal is a bad idea! You need to wait 2-4 hours and then start eating the fruit. Or eat fruits in 20-30 minutes. before meals - during this time they will have time to leave the stomach and make way for other food without mixing with it.

Sweet and sour fruits are not compatible with each other! At the same time, both of them go well with slightly sour fruits.

Sweet fruits stay in the stomach longer than sour ones. This is the first thing. Secondly, sour fruits significantly slow down the process of sugars passing through the stomach. That's why fruit salads containing bananas, kiwis, and oranges are a bad idea! The same goes for a banana and orange juice or pineapple smoothie! Much better are the following combinations for smoothies: dates + pear, pineapple + orange + kiwi. For a greater flight of fancy, see the table (fruits from columns 1 and 2 and from columns 2 and 3 are combined):

The avocado fruit is not included in the list, since its properties are not very similar to fruit. The same rules apply to it as for fatty nuts/seeds (see below).

Greens are good with everything, and more of them! And including fruits...

I keep repeating that greens are a super food that goes well with any food and helps neutralize errors in compatibility! Greens can and should be added everywhere - to salads, smoothies, sauce, vegan soups and main courses (at the very end, on a plate, so as not to kill the greens by heat treatment). Use whatever you can - dill, parsley, cilantro, beetroot, spinach, sorrel, lettuce.

My favorite thing to do is add greens to smoothies. It's very tasty and healthy. And this way you can eat a much larger amount of “grass” at a time than in a salad. For example, I make the following smoothies: , . Greens also include green superfoods - spirulina, chlorella, wheat or barley germ powder. They also go with everything and are great to add to smoothies and juices in the winter, when you can’t find fresh greens... For example, smoothies from, from.

Starchy foods do not combine with acid and fats! But they are combined with each other and vegetables without starch.

First, let's define what I mean by starches. These are vegetables with a high starch content (see plate), as well as all grains and legumes (in fact, legumes are also vegetables, but I consider them together with grains, because they are dense and are often used in dishes as an alternative to grains) .

So, starches are broken down by saliva (namely, by the amylase enzyme secreted by saliva), and sour foods inhibit the release of amylase, thereby slowing down the absorption of starch. Therefore, legumes and lemon are not compatible, just like corn and lemon... Although, I think these are not very popular combinations))) Remember that tomatoes have a lot of acid, so don’t get too carried away with adding them in large quantities to legumes, grains, and potatoes. Yes, yes, potatoes and tomatoes are not best option. Sometimes you can, but not every day a large portion)

Very often, avocados are classified as starchy fruits and they conclude that avocado and lemon are a bad combination. I don't think so. Yes, most fruits contain negligible amounts of starch, but avocados have a little more. But these are minor things! Compare - an avocado contains only 0.1 g/100 g of starch, while cereals contain 60-70 g, legumes - 40-50 g, fresh corn - 62 g, potatoes - 15 g, etc. Therefore, it’s not scary!

It's the same story with bananas. Banana is considered a very starchy fruit, but in reality it contains about 5 g/100 g of starch. You need to understand that this content is true for a yellow banana without black spots. Which means for an unripe banana. I have written many times that only a dotted banana is ripe and healthy! I even wrote a separate article) The principle here is this: an unripe banana contains a lot of starch, and when ripe, this starch turns into glucose and the banana becomes useful for digestion! Black dots on the peel are a sign that starch is being converted into glucose.

Starches can be combined with each other and with non-starchy vegetables without consequences. For example, the following options:, and, eggplant with beans, etc. Lots of options! The main thing to remember is that no need to add fat to your vegan meals. Otherwise, you can mix any vegetables, grains, legumes in any proportion!!!

Very starchy vegetables should be cooked, and grains and legumes should be sprouted!

You should know that highly starchy vegetables are better digestible after heat treatment. After all, raw starch is poorly absorbed in the human body. And when cooked it turns into more simple form(glucose). That is why boiled or tastier and sweeter raw.

It is better to eat fats with each other or with non-starchy vegetables, but in no case with sugars!

This applies primarily to nuts and seeds, as well as avocado and coconut pulp. These products are valid high content Fats are already difficult to digest. Plus, nuts and seeds contain inhibitory substances that slow down the digestion process. Therefore, they should be eaten in limited quantities and preferably separately from everything else, as a hearty snack. In principle, combinations with sour fruits are allowed, but very carefully with slightly acidic ones. But I don't recommend it.

The most important thing you must remember is don't mix fatty and sweet! From a health point of view this is bad! Firstly, as we have already understood, sweet foods, when mixed with fats, cannot quickly pass through the esophagus and be digested. They begin to wander. Secondly, fats from fatty foods enter the bloodstream, then envelop the inner walls of blood vessels with a film. It often takes more than a day for the blood to clear this fat! If you eat sweets along with fats or immediately after, then sugar and fat are found in the blood, and this is an explosive mixture that interferes with normal metabolism and leads to an increase in blood sugar levels and imbalance of the entire body. I wrote about this in.

It’s sad, but delicious raw food desserts turn out to be not healthy at all! Cheesecakes are a mixture of huge amounts of fats and sugars. Load on the pancreas, liver, stomach... Sweet candy balls made from nuts and dried fruits are also difficult for digestion. And nut butters and urbechi mixed with bananas or sweet syrups! But no need to be too upset! You need to clearly understand that all these desserts are not the main meal, but a delicacy that you can afford to eat not often, but sometimes. I love it myself. And I eat them, but in moderation, without fanaticism! In any case, they are incomparably better than unhealthy sweets(buttercream cakes, pastries, store-bought cookies, milk chocolate, etc.).

I will add that It is best to eat nuts and seeds after soaking them in water. It is enough to soak for 3-10 hours, or overnight. During this time, the nuts do not have time to germinate, but nevertheless they are saturated with moisture and become easier to digest! In addition, when soaked, nuts release unnecessary harmful substances into the water - fertilizers, pesticides, inhibitors and other chemicals!

Melons and watermelons should be eaten only separately and separately from everything else! The same goes for water.

Melons and watermelons break down the fastest and are recommended to be eaten separately from everything else, without mixing with other foods. If you occasionally mix them with other fruits (for example, at a birthday party), then nothing terrible will happen, but often you don’t need to do this.

You also need to drink water separately from everything else.. Or 15 minutes before meals. If you wash down your food with water or drink immediately after eating, it slows down the digestion of food and interferes with the effective absorption of nutrients. It’s better to drink water 1.5 hours or more after eating (depending on what you ate and how quickly it can be digested). Monitor the quality of the water, it should be free of harmful impurities. Personally, I drink distilled water and recommend it to you!

Try to eat simple foods. No need to mix too many ingredients!

This is important advice! I noticed that many people like to mix 33 ingredients in one dish, thinking that it tastes better. This is not effective in terms of digestion, even if you only mix foods that go well together. First, the body must be perceived as a factory for converting food into energy. When a product enters the stomach, the factory recognizes what kind of product it is and selects enzymes for it that promote rapid and efficient digestion. Each product has its own enzymes. When a mixture of a large number of products arrives, the body spends energy to recognize what it has got into it. And having recognized it, it releases enzymes. Of course, food will be digested most efficiently if it consists of one ingredient (this is called monoeating). But since we are all gourmets, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one, but I think 3-4 is enough) If more, then please take care of the ideal combination of these products. Otherwise, it will be a colossal burden on the body.

Take breaks between meals, do not “bite” constantly!

The digestive system needs rest. Therefore, there is no need to use it without interruption) Remember that even one eaten banana or a couple of nuts is also food, which to the fullest starts digestion processes (enzymes begin to be released, insulin is released into the blood, etc.). Therefore, constant snacking is not good! It is better to have 1-2 full-fledged snacks (before you feel full) than 4-5 small snacks. The body in this regard is similar to a car engine. If you constantly drive at high speeds, the engine will quickly wear out. Take care of your body, we only have one)))

And in conclusion I suggest a list of harmful foods that are best excluded from the diet altogether. They themselves are not good for digestion and health in general:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine (coffee, tea). By the way, green tea contains more caffeine than black tea and is not much lower than coffee. Read about it in.
  • Vinegar
  • Yeast
  • Animal protein
  • Mayonnaise, margarine (trans fats)
  • Table salt, white sugar, white flour
  • Highly heated vegetable oil(releases carcinogens).


So, you need to remember the golden rules of product compatibility:

  1. Fruits are eaten in 20-30 minutes. before meals. Immediately after eating - do not eat!
  2. Sweet and sour fruits cannot be mixed in one meal
  3. Eat as much greenery as possible. It goes with everything!
  4. Products containing starch should not be mixed with fats and acids.
  5. Starchy vegetables are best boiled/stewed.
  6. If possible, grains should be sprouted or at least soaked
  7. Nuts and seeds need to be soaked before eating.
  8. Do not combine fats with sugars
  9. Melons and watermelons should not be mixed with anything.
  10. Drink water separately from meals (15 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after).
  11. It is better to drink distilled water.
  12. Don't mix too many foods at one meal
  13. Take breaks between meals and give your digestive system a rest.
  14. Frankly harmful products(junk food) completely eliminated from the diet

This is a list of the most important advice by food combination. What everyone should know) I hope you found something useful in this article that you didn’t know before. I tried to remember everything that I know and remember myself. I wish you easy digestion and good health. Eat healthy vegan food and combine it wisely!

  • The ancient Greeks had a saying: “We are what we eat.” To keep yourself in good shape, you don't have to follow new-fangled diets. It is enough to adhere to the basic principles of rational nutrition.

    Method separate power supply was invented by the American Herbert Shelton specifically so that everyone could normalize their weight without limiting themselves in food. The essence of the method is to eat without mixing incompatible foods at one meal. So, Shelton divided everything edible into groups. If you want to eat smart, you need to know this classification like the multiplication table.

    • PROTEINS - nuts, beans, soy, meat, fish, eggs, cheese.
    • FATS - cream, sour cream, lard, butter.
    • STARCHES - cereals, potatoes, peas, artichokes.
    • MODERATE STARCH PRODUCTS - cauliflower, beets, carrots, rutabaga.
    • SWEET FRUITS - bananas, dates, raisins, figs, persimmons, prunes.
    • SEMI-ACIDIC FRUITS - cherry, apple, peach, pear, apricot, blueberry, mango.
    • SOUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - orange, pineapple, pomegranate, grapefruit, lemon, peach, grapes, tomato.

    Separate food: product compatibility table

    What What goes with it?
    Lean meat, poultry, fish, offal
    • Green
    • Cucumbers, onions, asparagus, bell peppers, green beans, spinach, zucchini, etc.)
    • All vegetables (except potatoes),
    • sweet fruits and dried fruits,
    • sour cream,
    • cheese, feta cheese
    • nuts
    Cereals and legumes (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.)
    • Starchy vegetables other than potatoes
      • beet,
      • carrot,
      • pumpkin,
      • cauliflower,
      • corn,
      • sweet potato,
      • Jerusalem artichoke,
      • radish,
      • swede
      • etc.,
    • non-starchy and green vegetables,
    • sour cream,
    • vegetable oil
    • Bread,
    • cereals,
    • tomatoes,
    • sour fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons),
    • cottage cheese and fermented milk products
    Vegetable oil
    • Cereals and legumes,
    • bread, cereals,
    • starchy vegetables (including potatoes),
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • nuts,
    • fruit with sour taste
    • tomatoes
    Sour-tasting fruits, tomatoes
    • Butter,
    • vegetable oil,
    • sour cream,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cheese and feta cheese
    • nuts
    Sweet fruits, dried fruits
    • Non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    Bread, cereals and potatoes
    • Butter, vegetable oil,
    • starchy vegetables,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables
    Sour cream
    • Cereals and legumes,
    • bread, cereals,
    • potato,
    • starchy vegetables,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    • Vegetable oil,
    • Sour-tasting fruits and tomatoes,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    Cheese and feta cheese
    • starchy vegetables (except potatoes),
    • sour-tasting fruits and tomatoes,
    Starchy vegetables (except potatoes)
    • Cottage cheese and fermented milk products,
    • nuts,
    • cheese and feta cheese,
    • bread, cereals,
    • potato,
    • butter, vegetable oil,
    • pulses,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green vegetables
    • Low-fat maso, fish, poultry and offal,
    • grains and legumes,
    • butter, vegetable oil, sour cream,
    • bread, cereals, potatoes,
    • nuts,
    • eggs,
    • cheese and feta cheese,
    • sweet fruits and dried fruits,
    • sour-tasting fruits and tomatoes
    EggsNon-starchy vegetables and green vegetables
    Melon, watermelon ()don't match with anything
    Milkdon't match with anything

    Remember: foods from different groups cannot be eaten together.

    The exception is starches and fats - they can be combined. This means that fried potatoes with lard are quite acceptable, but the classic catering dish - potatoes with a cutlet - is a no-no. Forget about sandwiches too: bread (starch) does not go well with protein products. There are also products that are not compatible with anything. For example, melon. It should be eaten only two hours after the next meal. Milk is also a very insidious product: it simultaneously contains both proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to drink anything with it. Contrary to my mother’s persuasion about the benefits of soups, broths are a real test for the stomach. And one more thing important point: Well-eating people drink a glass of some liquid half an hour before the start of the meal.

    This familiar vitamin

    Maybe the gifts from your garden are not as exotic as those from overseas tropical fruits, but they contain no less useful substances.

    POTATOES - 100 grams of this vegetable contains 20 mg of vitamin C. Potato fiber does not irritate the gastric mucosa, so it can be eaten even during periods of exacerbation of gastric diseases.

    TOMATOES - They are especially rich in B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and iron. They regulate metabolism and are especially useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    CUCUMBERS - They are 95 percent water and are great for stimulating the digestive system. Especially useful for diseases of the liver, kidneys and excess weight.

    BEET - High in sugar and organic acids. An indispensable tool for constipation - 50 g of raw beets on an empty stomach.

    WHITE CABBAGE - The lowest calorie source of vitamin C. Contains a lot of fiber and quickly creates a feeling of fullness. Recommended for those who want to lose weight.

    CAULIFLOWER - contains vegetable proteins, potassium, phosphorus. Particularly useful as dietary product for diseases of the digestive system.

    GREEN ONION - It contains many phytoncides that inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. Useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.


    About calories

    Of course, you shouldn’t count the calories you eat while sitting at the dinner table. But nevertheless, sometimes it is very useful to navigate the calorie content of the diet and draw appropriate conclusions. Depending on physical activity, gender and age, a person requires from 2000 to 3000 kilocalories per meal. Excess calories turn into fat deposits on your body. Try to figure out how rationally you eat.

    100 g
    Energy value ,
    100 g
    Energy value ,
    Rye bread
    Wheat bread

    Vegetable oil
    Ice cream

    The basic principles of a healthy diet by the Swiss nutritionist Bircher-Binner: Give up alcoholic drinks and cigarettes - the whole point of a healthy diet is negated by their poisonous effect. Refrain from constantly drinking tea, coffee, chocolate - replace them fresh juices and fruits. Limit your bread consumption - replace it with cereals and cereals. Eat fresh fruits or vegetables 30 minutes before your main meal. Do not use salt for dressing salads - it retains water in the body, which makes it difficult for the heart and kidneys to work. The last meal should take place at least 4 hours before going to bed. Half of the food eaten should be raw. It should be consumed before cooked food (boiled or stewed).

    Meat, poultry, fish.
    It is better to eat lean meat, poultry and fish. When cooking, remove all visible fat. Meat and fish go well with green and non-starchy vegetables, because this combination neutralizes harmful properties animal proteins, helps digest them and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with alcohol causes great harm.

    Pulses (beans, peas, lentils, etc.)
    Pulses go well with vegetable fats, sour cream, herbs and starchy vegetables.

    Vegetable oil.
    Vegetable oil is a highly beneficial product if consumed unrefined.

    Sugar, confectionery.
    Sugar and confectionery should be consumed in limited quantities or avoided altogether. All sugars inhibit production gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, they cause fermentation in the stomach. As a result, it appears sour belching and heartburn. Honey does not belong to this category of sugars, because. This is a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees. Honey is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after consumption, without loading the liver and all other body systems.

    Bread, cereals, potatoes.
    Starch is an extremely difficult to digest product, so all foods rich in starch should always be treated with great care. You should not combine animal proteins with starchy foods - this is the main rule of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate food, and not a mandatory addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined whole grain can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition.

    Sour fruits, tomatoes.
    Sour fruits include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all others are to taste. Tomatoes also belong to this category of products due to their high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.

    Sweet fruits, dried fruits.
    Their combination with dairy products and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, because it's hard on digestion. But better fruit(sour and sweet) in general it is better not to mix with anything, because... they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons. Melon should generally be eaten separately from other foods.

    Vegetables are green and non-starchy.
    These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild “table” herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas. Radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to be green and non-starchy.

    Vegetables are starchy.
    This category includes: beets, carrots, potatoes, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation; other combinations are acceptable.

    Milk is a separate food, not a drink. Once in the stomach, the milk must curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from the gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, and the digestion process is delayed.

    Cottage cheese, fermented milk products.
    Cottage cheese is a difficult-to-digest complete protein. Products similar to sour milk(sour cream, cheese, feta cheese) are compatible.

    Cheese, feta cheese.
    The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the homemade type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Brynza is healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water from excess salt.

    This is a protein product that is not very easily digested. You can combine them with green and non-starchy vegetables, this will neutralize the harm from the high cholesterol content in the yolk.

    Due to their rich fat content, nuts are similar to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats.

    Every day we absorb countless quantities most variety of food. Anything that looks or smells delicious immediately resonates with an inexorable desire in our spoiled brain. Unlike the brain, the stomach is not at all happy about such a careless attitude towards food. As it turned out, not all products combine well with each other, which, unfortunately, is not suspected at all modern people. The habit of eating incompatible foods has led to the fact that the average person has serious problems with health. His organs are unhappy excessive load which is assigned to them. Therefore, over time, they refuse to cooperate with a careless owner.

    Signs of poor nutrition

    Most people are not at all interested in the compatibility of the foods they put into their stomach. They don’t even suspect what harm an incorrect diet can cause to the body. The signs of eating incompatible foods are so familiar to people that no one considers them anything abnormal anymore. Heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, increased gas formation- This obvious signs improper diet. Unfortunately, almost everyone can “boast” of at least one of these symptoms, and often all of them at once.

    Obesity is also a sign of poor nutrition. Usually, after switching to a separate method of eating food, excess weight goes away irrevocably. In general, a properly eating person looks much healthier and more energetic than sickly fast food lovers and incompatible products. The composition of the blood changes, the unnatural load on the organs decreases, the whole body begins to rejoice and flourish. It’s not for nothing that they say that we are what we eat.

    Often, food incompatibility can be recognized a few minutes after eating. Instead of a surge of strength, we feel heaviness and drowsiness - we have nowhere to get energy, because most of it is spent on processing food. If you follow the principles of food compatibility, then eating food gives you energy and vigor.

    How to combine products correctly

    Principles of separate nutrition that help harmoniously combine different products, have been open for a long time, but still have not gained much popularity among people. These principles are based on basic mechanisms digestion and allow you to eat naturally without creating stomach problems. All food is divided into three groups: protein, carbohydrate and neutral. To digest protein and carbohydrate foods you need different conditions, therefore, mixing them leads to the fact that part of the food remains undigested and in this form enters the intestines, causing intoxication of the body and many other problems.

    In most cases, neutral products can be safely combined with both protein and carbohydrate foods. This combination will only benefit your digestive system.

    Protein products

    Protein foods include foods such as milk, meat, fish, mushrooms, nuts, cheese, and legumes. The peculiarity of protein foods is that an acidic environment is created in the stomach for its digestion. Such products go well with vegetables that do not contain starch and fresh herbs. You can combine animal protein with animal fats, and vegetable protein with vegetable ones, but this will slow down the digestion process.

    Although milk is a protein product, it is better to consume it as a separate dish, since it is incompatible with almost any type of food. When it enters the stomach, milk curdles, covering other food in it. Until the layer of curdled milk is digested, the food underneath will simply rot. The exception is fermented milk products; they may be compatible with some types of products.

    Meat and fish go well with non-starchy vegetables, which neutralize the damage caused by animal protein. It is very harmful to mix protein and carbohydrate foods, since in this case you risk getting an undigested, disgusting mass in your stomach. The compatibility of food products when consumed at the same time is something that everyone who values ​​​​health should focus on.

    Carbohydrate foods

    Products containing carbohydrates include all kinds of grains and other foods that contain starch. The usual bread, potatoes, buckwheat, pasta and so on. All these products contain large number carbohydrates. If you are concerned about the compatibility of foods for proper nutrition, remember that you should never mix foods containing large amounts of protein with carbohydrate foods. The thing is that to digest protein foods, our stomach secretes special enzymes that create an acidic environment in it. In such an environment, the contents of the stomach will be digested normally, and after 2-3 hours it will be empty again.

    To digest foods containing carbohydrates, completely different enzymes are secreted, creating an alkaline environment inside the stomach. In such an environment, carbohydrate foods will be easily digested and will go further. But what happens when you mix protein food with carbohydrates? In this case, the acidic and alkaline environments neutralize each other, which will have an extremely negative effect on the stomach. After all, instead of digestion, rotting or fermentation will begin in it, and the intestines will receive a completely different mass than what it expects. This leads to fat accumulation and deposition harmful substances in the body. Therefore, you cannot simply ignore food compatibility.

    What can you combine carbohydrate foods with? With fats, vegetables and herbs. This combination will be completely safe. It is dangerous to combine vegetables with large amounts of starch and sugar, as this will lead to fermentation.


    It wouldn't hurt anyone to learn more about the compatibility of foods for proper nutrition. Vegetables play a very important role here. Most vegetables can be safely combined with both protein and carbohydrate foods.

    Often they are not harmful to health, and sometimes even help reduce the harm from animal proteins. However, there are a number of vegetables that are poorly compatible with other foods. For example: cauliflower, eggplant, green peas. Sad consequences may have a combination of vegetables with fruits or dairy products. Therefore, it is advisable to find out about the compatibility of products before eating them.


    Fruits occupy a special place in proper nutrition. They are best used on empty stomach, no less than half an hour before the main meal. This is due to the fact that it takes only 20-30 minutes for the stomach to process fruits, after which they pass into the intestines. In the case when there is other food in the stomach that requires more time to be completely digested, the fruit will remain in it longer than it should. This causes the fruit to rot or ferment inside your body. Such processes can hardly be called pleasant or useful, so it is better to avoid this by simply eating fruit on an empty stomach.

    No matter how harmful it is to combine fruits with other foods, combining their sour varieties with protein foods can be even more harmful, because it will delay the production of natural stomach acid, leaving the protein to ferment in the depths of the stomach. You also need to remember that melon is a separate food, it is better not to mix it with anything.


    Fats include different types oils, vegetable and animal fats, lard, sour cream and so on. If taken together with other foods, they slow down the secretion of gastric juice, which has a bad effect on digestion. However, despite this, fats can go well with greens or certain vegetables. Good compatibility foods show fats and starchy foods. You can combine them with fruits, but not with all. Sometimes fats can even aid digestion by clearing the stomach of stagnant food. You cannot combine them with sugars or meat.


    So many people love this insidious substance, despite all the harm it causes. Honey, jam, brown sugar, syrups are just some of the types of sugars. If you are interested own health and compatibility of products with each other, then remember that sugar should not be mixed with protein and carbohydrate foods. Since it starts their fermentation. It would be good to completely give up sugar, with the exception of honey, since all other varieties do more harm than good.

    If giving up sweets is too difficult, then you can at least stop eating them with other foods and eat them separately. Although honey is sugar, it is useful in large quantities.

    Food compatibility for weight loss

    The cause of obesity often lies in poor nutrition. Many fat people begin to lose excess weight, as soon as they switch to separate meals. Product compatibility plays a role vital role in our body, therefore, by consuming proteins and carbohydrates separately from each other, you get not only good health, but also a slim figure.

    Naturally, if you adhere to the principles of separate nutrition, but continue to absorb countless amounts of food, no miracle will happen, the excess weight will remain with you. Therefore, there is no need to consider healthy eating as a magical way to lose weight by continuing to eat 10 times a day. Moderation in eating is necessary for normal operation digestive system. But in general, the compatibility of weight loss products is no different from the principles described above.

    Scientists who researched separate nutrition

    One of the scientists who contributed to our knowledge of nutrition was William Hay. The basis of his theory about healthy eating was that proteins require an acidic environment for their absorption, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment. When consumed simultaneously, the acidic environment interacts with the alkaline one, and they neutralize each other, leaving some of the food undigested. basis diet Hay counted vegetables, fruits and herbs. Foods rich in proteins or carbohydrates should be eaten in small quantities. The interval between meals should be at least 4 hours.

    Herbert Shelton was also interested in food compatibility. He recommends not mixing proteins with fats, since fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Sour fruits also do not combine well with proteins, because they interfere with the production of natural stomach acid. Proteins and carbohydrates will also have a bad effect on digestion, as will carbohydrates with sour foods. Do not mix starchy foods with sugar - this causes fermentation. Melon should only be consumed as an independent dish; it cannot be combined with anything, just like milk. Also, G. Shelton does not recommend eating two foods rich in starch at one time, the same applies to protein foods.

    The benefits and harms of separate nutrition

    Separate nutrition brings not only benefits to its adherents, but also harm. After all, having gotten used to homogeneous food, the stomach begins to cope worse with traditional, combined dishes. Yes, and old habits make themselves felt; you constantly want to forget about the compatibility of products by snacking on your favorite dish. But the benefits of separate meals are usually so great that no habits will force a person to return to the old diet.

    With separate power supply useful substances quickly and easily removed from food. The general well-being of a person improves, many diseases of the stomach and intestines go away, and problems with blood vessels also disappear. Overweight also melts before our eyes. Science has not yet proven the correctness of separate nutrition, but its benefits for the body are undeniable.

    Food combinations are a delicate thing. Who would have thought that there could be questions about such seemingly innocent and unshakable duets as tomatoes and cucumbers or tea with lemon? What other foods don't combine well for health benefits?

    Some familiar gastronomic combinations for health are, if not dangerous, then at least not very advisable. If you regularly combine tomatoes with cucumber or white cheese, cottage cheese, and fish with broccoli, it’s time to change your eating habits. They can lead to serious illness. Calm down, you don’t have to give up salads right away! But it’s worth choosing more carefully what ends up on our plates.

    The product is not a match for the product

    The history of combining products in certain combinations dates back to ancient times. But professional studies studies on this topic first began only in late XIX century. They confirmed the thesis that when the body does not digest food properly, excess toxins accumulate in it. And this can lead to diseases. Extensive research in this area was carried out by Dr. Herbert Shelton, an expert in the field of proper food combinations. He searched for the resulting rules for more than 60 years.

    Even people who are far from interested in masterfully and carefully combining the diet should know that not all the usual “duets” are good for our health. Let's see which products don't go together.

    Tea with lemon: unexpected harm

    Is it possible to drink tea with lemon? Such a question a huge number people will find it absurd. One of traditional ways Serving the drink with citrus slices. Lemon is added to tea in order to, it is believed, replenish the body with energy and immunity-boosting vitamin C. But what do they say about why tea with lemon is not allowed? The aluminum present in tea leaves combines with citrus juice to form aluminum citrate. It is deposited in the brain and can lead, in particular, to Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, it is better not to abuse the drink with this sour addition.

    And to really help your health, you should put lemon not in tea, but in water, and also add a little honey. Just remember that wonderful properties honey will disappear if we add it to boiling water. The optimal water temperature is about 70 ° C.

    Kiwi and gelatin: spoiled jelly

    Raw kiwi fruit contains acidic substances that break down collagen. Gelatin, on the other hand, consists mainly of collagen. Its health benefits are well known.

    In order for it to remain maximum, kiwis and gelatin should not coexist in fruit jelly. Such a delicacy will do no good. But does this mean that kiwi and gelatin are categorically incompatible? Not at all. It is enough to pour boiling water over the raw fruit to get rid of substances that destroy collagen. After this, the kiwi can be used in jelly.

    Tomatoes with cucumbers: it's all about the C!

    These two popular vegetables often coexist in salads and wraps. And this turns out to be a mistake! Why tomatoes and cucumbers are not the best best solution in terms of health benefits?

    Cucumbers contain an enzyme that oxidizes the valuable vitamin C contained in tomatoes. A teaspoon of cucumber juice will destroy the vitamin C in three liters of tomato juice! That is why it is worth separating this seemingly inseparable couple. Otherwise, we must accept the fact that our body will not receive much benefit from eating tomatoes.

    Garlic and yeast: no lush pies!

    As you know, garlic is one of the most useful and healthy vegetables. It should be added to a large number of dishes, because the spice not only improves our immunity, but is also a real killer of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Here, in fact, the problem arises: lacking selectivity, garlic also kills yeast. Therefore, even a slight addition of spice to yeast dough will deprive him of the opportunity to approach. If we want to bake, for example, lush, aromatic buns with garlic, then we should bake the dough separately and only then rub it with a vegetable clove.

    Tomatoes and cottage cheese: enemies of joints

    Cottage cheese is known to contain a lot of calcium. Tomato, in turn, is a potent acid. The combination of cottage cheese and tomatoes, that is, calcium and acids, will lead to a reaction that results in insoluble crystals of mineral salts. These crystals are deposited in the joints, causing pain and disease. Tomatoes and cottage cheese have good compatibility more from the point of view of gastronomy than health benefits. Therefore, let's remember that you shouldn't overuse this duo in sandwiches and salads.

    Fish and sunflower oil: war of omega acids

    Fish is fried in vegetable oil - this kitchen rule has been known for centuries. In our area it's usually we're talking about about sunflower oil. Let's find out what the catch is in this case.

    Sea fish contain the most valuable component - omega-3 fatty acids, which act as an elixir of youth. This fat promotes healthy joints and treats dysfunction. nervous system, destroys free radicals, causing cancer.

    In turn, sunflower oil contains omega-6 fatty acids. If there is a lot in the body fatty acids omega-6 and little omega-3, the former suppress the beneficial effects of the latter. The poor ratio of fatty acids in our diet is one of the the most important factors, accelerating the aging of the body. Therefore, it is better not to implement the combination “vegetable oil and fish” in the “ sunflower oil and fish." More healthy choice there will be a rapeseed product.

    Mushrooms and alcohol: a deadly duet

    Before each mushroom season, there is a lot of talk about how to distinguish edible forest products from inedible ones. But it is worth knowing that not only poisonous mushrooms can cause chaos in our body. Even noble whites are capable of causing unwanted effects, especially if dishes made from them are washed down with wine, beer or vodka. Alcohol and mushrooms are not compatible in principle. Alcohol coagulates the protein in mushrooms, causing them to become poorly or completely indigestible. Stomach problems can go away quickly, but can also cause complications and severe poisoning. A whole series mushrooms contain corin, a poison that blocks the breakdown of alcohol in the human body. If you wash down dishes made from them with a banal glass of beer, it can lead to death.

    Meat and red wine: iron in the red

    This wine contains a lot tannins, preventing the good absorption of iron, which is present in large quantities in red meat (especially beef, venison or organ meats). Therefore, contrary to tradition, you should not combine meat with red wine. It is better to wash down red meat dishes with white wine or plain water. Then all the important substances from the meat will be well absorbed.

    Fish and cabbage: iodine neutralizer

    Different types of cabbage have a very specific property: they are connected by the presence of iodine. This element is necessary to regulate the operation thyroid gland, increasing immunity. In turn, sea ​​fish and seafood are a very rich source of iodine. The combination of foods such as fish and cabbage leads to the neutralization of iodine contained in fish meat. Therefore, it is worth “separating” these components, because one and the other are very healthy foods, but separately!

    The combination of foods has a huge impact on the digestive processes, the absorption of valuable substances and, as a result, on the condition of the body. Let's pay more attention to this issue and become healthier!