Can you eat bananas while breastfeeding: how, when and how much? All about the benefits and harms of tropical fruit for young mothers. Can a nursing mother eat bananas?

Can I eat bananas while breastfeeding? Of course this one delicious fruit You can eat it during lactation, but, as with all foods, you need to know the limits and possible side effects.

Bananas are one of the most valuable foods. They contain many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are necessary when breastfeeding. If you eat them every day, you can feel an increase in performance, mood, and improved digestion.

Useful properties

During breastfeeding, the mother's body carries increased load, so you need to constantly replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements. And in order to avoid disruptions in the body of not only the mother, but also the newborn, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition. A variety of fruits must be included in the diet of a nursing woman.

There are practically no questions about the fruits that are familiar to us, such as apples, pears, plums. But can breastfeeding mothers eat bananas? This is of interest to many mothers. Interesting facts about the benefits of bananas:

  1. They are rich in phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin C.
  2. Thanks to substances such as dopamine, serotonin and nopinephrine, bananas are excellent for treatment intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers.
  3. These fruits improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also help normalize stool.
  4. They contain the so-called “happiness hormone”. It is thanks to him that you can cope with depression, which often occurs after childbirth.
  5. This product is hypoallergenic. Therefore, you can eat it, starting with small portions.
  6. You can eat bananas to cope with hunger. They are usually eaten between meals.
  7. They will help a nursing mother cope with loss of strength, normalize blood pressure and the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.
  8. As reviews say, bananas help normalize stool. For constipation they weaken, and for diarrhea they strengthen. Each body reacts to this product in its own way, so a nursing mother should eat it with caution.
  9. Magnesium and vitamin B, which this product is rich in sweet fruit, help cope with stress, improve concentration and memory.
  10. Thanks to tryptophan, you can normalize sleep and regulate appetite. This is very important for those women who want to lose weight quickly extra pounds after childbirth.

In tropical countries, where banana is not considered an exotic fruit, it is not inferior in importance to bread in the diet. Unsweetened bananas are used to make flour, which is used in various hot dishes.

Eating bananas while breastfeeding can help keep your blood sugar at the desired level. In terms of the amount of nutrients they are not inferior to a serving oatmeal with milk. And if you eat them every day, you can constantly fill your body with essential vitamins and minerals, which is very important when breastfeeding.

If a pregnant mother ate these fruits constantly, then after giving birth she will be able to eat them calmly. However, in the first month of breastfeeding, you cannot eat as many of them as your heart desires. It is enough to eat one fruit a day.

If during pregnancy a woman did not eat these fruits and does not like them very much, you can replace them with other foods that are rich in tryptophan and carbohydrates. For example, with breastfeeding it is useful to eat baked potatoes.

There are cases when a woman begins to eat these fruits only after giving birth. In these cases, you need to eat them little by little, constantly monitoring the child’s well-being.

Help with bowel problems

Many people wonder: can a nursing mother eat bananas if she has problems with bowel movements? These fruits are rich in pectin, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. It helps remove all harmful substances from the body. It is also able to retain fluid in the body, which makes it possible to avoid dehydration due to diarrhea. That is why this substance is included in drugs aimed at treating diarrhea.

If a young mother and her newborn baby do not have digestive problems, bananas will not harm during breastfeeding. And for constipation, some mothers recommend eating unripe fruits to cope with this problem. They contain pectin small quantities, but starch, on the contrary, predominates. This may lead to the formation of gases. Therefore, you should not eat green fruits. Some women eat yellow-green bananas while breastfeeding to normalize bowel movements and not cause problems with the baby's well-being.

Fruits for baby

In other countries, doctors suggest introducing bananas into complementary foods for children starting at 6 months. Our pediatricians advise starting the first complementary foods with vegetables. It is better to give sweet fruits only 8 months after birth.

There are babies who do not gain weight well and are prone to frequent bowel movements. Such children are prescribed rice porridge as the first complementary food, to which a banana is added after a while.

Side effects

Despite the fact that bananas during lactation mainly bring only benefits to the body, one cannot help but mention some negative aspects. These fruits, due to their sugar content in large quantities, can cause:

  • colic;
  • gases;
  • constipation;
  • bloating.

To avoid troubles in the body of a newborn, a nursing mother should not eat bananas in the first month after birth. At this time, work has not yet been established gastrointestinal tract baby.


To diversify the menu of a young mother, you can prepare a variety of dishes with the addition of your favorite fruit.

Tender banana salad with cottage cheese

To prepare it you need to take:

  • 2-3 apples;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a little sour cream.

First you need to cut the fruits into small cubes, then add cottage cheese and sour cream to them. Mix all ingredients. If desired, you can add a little sugar.

Banana porridge

To prepare this porridge you need to take:

  • 100 grams of any cereal;
  • 1 banana;
  • A little butter and sugar.

First you need to boil the porridge, add butter and sugar to taste. Then grind the banana in a blender and add it to the porridge.

Surely many expectant and young mothers have heard about the so-called “nursing mother’s diet” - some abstract way of eating that is so strict that it includes literally a few foods. Because of this diet, young mothers refuse many healthy fruits and vegetables, considering them harmful. This number often includes bananas - exotic fruits that women refuse to eat, adding them to the “forbidden” list. But don't rush to do it! Bananas are an excellent product for a nursing mother, and you will see this now.

How to introduce it into the diet

Tiny babies in the first month of life with still immature systems and undeveloped organs are so vulnerable to all kinds of allergens that a nursing mother has to introduce new foods with great caution. After all, everything that the mother eats goes with the milk into the child’s stomach, which has not yet learned to cope even with milk.

If a nursing mother often introduces new foods into her diet that cause allergic reactions, the baby cannot cope with such a flow and gets sick. Delicious tropical fruits for the first time, and even in large quantities, become a painful allergen for newborns.

Therefore, while breastfeeding, a caring mother eats a small piece of bananas a day, chews them well, and does not overuse the fruits. A nursing mother does not eat any fruit on an empty stomach and does not drink it with water. When introducing this tasty and healthy fruit in the first month, the mother observes the baby’s tummy, stool, and behavior. If the baby feels as usual, is not capricious, does not complain about the tummy or bloating, the mother adds her favorite fruit to the daily menu.

When the baby grows up, he will fall in love with these wonderful fruits and will enjoy eating them. And when the teeth begin to cut, bananas will become a delicious soft food for the little one, which he can chew himself.

Bananas (like any new products) are introduced into the diet of a nursing mother with caution: half a fruit in the morning. If the baby reacted well, then you can eat one fruit every day

Benefits and harms

When answering the question whether a nursing mother can eat bananas, you must first understand how healthy and harmful the product is. It has been proven that banana is a healthy fruit. Composition includes necessary for the body substances. Pectin, enzymes, starch, sucrose, fiber, fruit acids, and esters form the basis of the fruit. The list of vitamins and microelements puts bananas in one of the first places in terms of health benefits among vegetables and fruits.

  • Only two bananas contain daily norm potassium, which is necessary for water-salt balance in the body.
  • Tryptophan lifts your mood and reduces winter blues.
  • Carotene protects the heart and blood vessels.

In the countries where it grows, this fruit is called an erotic fruit, because it makes a woman feel happy, prolongs and strengthens male erection.

Bananas during breastfeeding are not just fruits, they are real antidepressants


Bananas are not medicine, but food. But Hippocrates also said: “You are what you eat.”

Consumption of 1-2 bananas per day while breastfeeding, in the absence of contraindications, works wonders:

  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • swelling is relieved;
  • exacerbation of gastritis is mitigated;
  • there is a gradual renewal of blood;
  • migraine attacks are relieved;
  • the body's resistance increases;
  • calms down nervous system, sleep is normalized;
  • strength and energy increases;
  • experienced mothers claim that lactation increases.


As you know, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. In the case of bananas, this “spoon” is tiny, but, unfortunately, it is there.

  • Bananas are slowly digested in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • These exotic fruits can cause fermentation and flatulence.
  • At diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, venous problems, with increased blood clotting, as well as people with high acidity And overweight Bananas should not be eaten or their quantity should be reduced ─ on the recommendation of a doctor.

Despite the fact that the caloric content of bananas is low - only about 90 kcal per 100 g of product, the sugars contained in these exotic fruits are completely absorbed, and this, in turn, can lead to weight gain if bananas are consumed without moderation. 1-2 fruits is the norm for a nursing mother who is watching her weight.

Allergies and other troubles

It is extremely rare, but bananas can cause allergic reactions. All babies are different, some have an intolerance to starch, of which there is quite a lot in these fruits. In this case, a rash may appear.

  • If you notice that your baby is very worried, is capricious after eating fruits, his stool has changed dramatically, or rashes have appeared, then you should stop taking them for a week. If everything happens again after a week, then you can now try banana only in a month.
  • If only your stool has changed, then eat half a banana every three days. Several repetitions at such an interval will help the baby get used to the new product.

In bananas, persimmons, pineapples, walnuts, mushrooms and other tasty protein foods contain a lot of tryptophan. The body converts tryptophan into serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone necessary for the body, but too much large number serotonin can cause dizziness, decreased heart rate, and even loss of consciousness.

If you have discomfort, stop eating bananas. Such symptoms occur so rarely that there is no point in talking about them. They most likely reflect gastrointestinal problems. That is, an allergy to such a hypoallergenic product is a signal from the body about problems at work internal organs, about the urgent need for treatment.

Bananas very rarely cause allergies. However, some children may have individual intolerance to starch

The immune system, protecting the body from diseases, exhibits allergy symptoms if problems have ever occurred with this product, for example, poisoning. It's easy to get poisoned from bananas if you don't wash them before eating.

We know that bananas are cut green. And so that they ripen faster, they are treated with ethylene and nitrogen. Ideally, ripening occurs over several weeks with a gradual decrease in temperature. But the technology is broken, the process is accelerated, which does not have a positive effect on the quality of the fruit. Clusters of wet, multi-colored, spotted, with unpleasant smell.

Important: be sure to wash fruits, vegetables, herbs, including bananas. hot water With detergent, carefully soaping each fruit with a sponge.

Effect on the body of mother and child

On mom

The benefits of bananas for a nursing mother are obvious. Banana saturates the body, gives strength and energy, which a woman needs for sufficient lactation. During pregnancy and then during feeding, these fruits provide an invaluable service. female body. This exotic fruit is used to create good mood, the nervous system is balanced, brain function improves, and energy increases. In addition, these fruits will replace the sweets that nursing women are so drawn to.

Per child

  • If the expectant mother ate bananas during pregnancy and continues to enjoy these during breastfeeding days healthy fruits, then they will not have any negative impact on the child.
  • A mother's breastfed baby receives banana pectins with milk, which help the intestines and organs of the gastrointestinal tract digest and absorb food.
  • It has been noticed that bananas sometimes have the opposite effect on the body of infants: if a newborn has stool retention or constipation, then the fruit has a laxative effect, and if the stool is loose, then the fruit, on the contrary, strengthens it.
  • Sometimes bananas provoke gas formation and slight bloating in babies. But the symptoms pass quickly, causing almost no trouble.

A month or more will pass, the time for complementary feeding will begin, calmly give your baby bananas. The baby will love these sweet soft fruits and will eat them with joy. If, with the introduction of fruits, you notice changes in the baby’s stool towards weakening or strengthening, temporarily remove fruits from the child’s diet. Watch your baby, consult a pediatrician, the doctor will help you make the right decision.

Breastfeeding has a huge impact on the physiological, mental, emotional health baby, forms resistance to harmful factors environment. A woman’s diet after childbirth should be rational and balanced in terms of basic macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates.) A woman should receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals from food. Are bananas used as a source of micronutrients during breastfeeding, and how and how much is best to consume them?

Everyone knows about nutritional value fetus Can a nursing mother eat bananas? The ingredients contained in the fruits help preserve and strengthen women's health when breastfeeding:

  1. Serotonin (the hormone of joy), synthesized in the human body when consuming the fruit, helps avoid depression and improves mood.
  2. Vitamin B6, relieves fatigue, helps women during PMS, improves well-being.
  3. Iron normalizes hemoglobin content in the blood, potassium has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.
  4. Carbohydrates increase the energy supply needed while caring for a baby during breastfeeding.

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible for children with breastfeeding to eat bananas as complementary foods? Pediatricians suggest adding fruit complementary foods after 8-9 months of breastfeeding. Baby during breastfeeding will already try food made from vegetables and seasonal fruits. The first portion of banana is a small piece. With good tolerance and no allergies, a child can eat a small fruit at 1 year of age.

Useful video

A nursing mother can eat bananas, but in limited quantities. They contain substances that help a young mother restore strength, normalize blood pressure, digestion and the state of the nervous system:


  1. Yellow elongated fruits are certainly among those recommended for nutrition, including for women after childbirth.
  2. Bananas are included in the menu when breastfeeding a newborn, subject to the following conditions:
    • using the fetus for food while carrying a baby;
    • absence of rash, redness in children during breastfeeding.
  3. Eat bananas fresh. They are the most useful.

When the long-awaited birth is left behind, many new mothers think about whether they need to change their usual daily menu. If during pregnancy a woman could occasionally treat herself to exotic fruits and all kinds of sweets, now the baby’s well-being directly depends on the food she eats, since milk is the only source of nutrients for him. Some mothers actively take vitamin complexes, while others try to enrich their usual diet the healthiest products. The most popular exotic fruit is undoubtedly the banana. But is it possible to eat it after childbirth, and will it harm the little man?

Eating bananas after childbirth: benefits and harms

Everyone knows that this fruit has a pleasant taste and is therefore a favorite ingredient in a variety of desserts and cakes. But new mothers are advised to consume the fruits fresh, since during heat treatment a significant part of the nutrients simply evaporates. First of all, banana is a storehouse of lysine. This amino acid is virtually essential, as it participates in the formation immune system baby Moreover, the substance has antiviral effect, which helps prevent infection with various ailments.

The properties of the exotic fruit do not end there. Thanks to the content ascorbic acid bananas strengthen bone tissue and normalize metabolic processes in the body of a woman and her babies. The amino acid tryptophan, in turn, improves mood and helps improve sleep. It is equally important that the fruit is rich in fiber, which is extremely necessary for the weakened body of a new mother. The substance restores the functioning of the intestines, cleanses it of dangerous toxins. In addition, bananas will save you from constipation and diarrhea, since in the first case they will have an astringent effect, and in the second - a laxative.

Many women after childbirth begin to eat actively to provide the child with enough carbohydrates. It's hard to believe, but one yellow fruit is no less nutritious than a large portion of porridge. Despite its high calorie content, the fruit will help the new mother not gain weight. overweight, as it provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. In addition, bananas are full of vitamins B, A, PP, E, K and D, which help strengthen bone tissue, active growth of hair and nails, improve the condition of the epidermis and increase immunity. The fruits also contain essential microelements, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

No matter how healthy bananas are, they can turn into a dangerous treat. There are cases where fruit has caused severe allergies in a child, but fortunately this phenomenon is extremely rare. Excessive use of this product may cause the development of illnesses cardiovascular system. You should not eat a lot of fruits because this can lead to obesity, since the sugar they contain is too well absorbed.

It is necessary to remember some contraindications. If a baby or woman suffers from varicose veins, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, severe increased acidity or allergies, then you will have to completely abandon the sweet treat. Moreover, fruits must be selected carefully, as they are often processed hazardous substances, which can seriously affect the well-being of a small child.

When can you start eating bananas?

Before introducing bananas into your daily diet, there are a number of factors you need to consider. If a woman ate bright fruits with pleasure and did not notice any negative changes in the functioning of the body, then after childbirth you can safely continue to use them in moderate quantities.

But in the case when the expectant mother refused the product during the period of bearing the baby, then the situation is a little different. Include in regular menu exotic fruit permitted after one month after the birth of the baby. Moreover, you will have to carefully monitor the baby’s well-being, since unfamiliar food can cause bloating, diarrhea and other troubles.

After giving birth, it is recommended to eat just one banana a day to avoid digestive problems. You need to be especially careful when choosing fruits. If their smell is pungent and does not smack of sweetness, then most likely the fruits have been heavily processed harmful substances, so it's not worth buying them. Before use, the product should be washed under warm water and immediately peeled.

It’s even better to bake bananas in the oven or fry them in a frying pan. Such an unusual dish will definitely not harm even the slightest harm to a new mother and her child. You can also add the fruit to pies, homemade desserts and cookies. But it is better to avoid milkshakes, since such a combination is fraught with increased flatulence, bowel dysfunction and colic.

Eating a variety of vegetables and fruits during pregnancy is very important for many reasons, the main one of which is good nutrition. expectant mother and use natural products no chemicals. In addition, such products contain quite a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances required for normal development child.

However, before you refuse to take this or that fruit during the feeding period, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Let's try to figure it out Can a nursing mother have bananas or not?.

What are the benefits of banana?

The feeding period is a very important episode in the life of every woman. Therefore, the mother’s nutrition during this period of time should be approached with extreme caution. Undoubtedly, banana is an exotic fruit, the consumption of which will restore the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body. This is especially necessary for women after childbirth, when the body is simply exhausted and requires compensation for what has been lost.

Every banana contains the following substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin E;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

Among other things, banana can safely be considered an antidepressant. In addition, it serves as an excellent snack between meals. Thanks to the content sufficient quantity amino acids, banana does not allow a nursing mother to gain excess weight. At the same time, sleep is normalized, which is important especially in the first stages of establishing a new daily routine.

If a new mother ate bananas during pregnancy, then after giving birth you can safely continue to eat them. Although in the first days of lactation it is still worth limiting the intake of the miracle fruit. Moreover, bananas are able to regulate stool, which is very important for a young mother until the body fully recovers after a grueling birth.

For two

Everything that a nursing mother eats is processed and breast milk enters the baby's body. Although a banana counts hypoallergenic product, it should be introduced into the nursing diet gradually.

To start, you can eat half a banana and wait a couple of days. If the baby’s reaction to the new product is normal, then after three days you can try again. The main thing is to monitor your toddler's stool. If any suspicious signs appear, banana intake should be temporarily stopped.

Yes or no?

Since bananas are rich in starch, before you start taking it while breastfeeding, it is worth analyzing whether you suffer from constipation. In addition, the baby may also experience certain difficulties if he has an individual intolerance to starch. In addition, they can cause colic and even bloating, which in turn will affect the baby’s well-being.

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question “can I eat bananas while breastfeeding?” It all depends on the individual tolerance of this product to the baby. Although many mothers choose banana as the first product introduced into their child’s diet.

Exists golden rule, which can be applied to almost everything: “you should know when to stop everything.” Don't just binge on bananas just because you feel like it. There are quite a lot of recipes for cooking dishes, one of the ingredients of which is banana.

It can be all kinds of cocktails, delicious cereals, and a variety of desserts. It doesn't matter at all when you decide to eat a banana, since it contains few calories, but it perfectly improves your mood and is one of the best sources of energy.

In addition, eating ripe bananas can stabilize the lactation process in a nursing mother.