What's the difference between nursery rhymes and jokes? What are jokes? Nursery rhymes and jokes

Pestushki are songs and rhymes that accompany the child’s first conscious movements.

Nursery rhymes are songs and rhymes for a child's first games with fingers and hands. legs. Pestushka and nursery rhyme are a genre of oral folk art.

Such definitions for these elements of folklore can be given for 2nd grade children in a literary reading lesson.

When the child begins to understand speech and recognize loved ones, he is amused with songs and short nursery rhymes, etc. Their purpose is to evoke joyful, cheerful emotions in the child.

They are followed by nursery rhymes - songs and poems for the child’s first games with fingers, arms, and legs. Later comes the turn of jokes - songs and poems, interesting primarily for their amusing content, then fairy tales.

Having woken up, tired of immobility and swaddling, the nurse encouraged the baby, stroking along the body and saying to the pestel:

Grown-up girls,
Across the fat girl
And there are walkers in the legs,
And in the hands of grabbers,
And in the mouth there is a talk,
And in the head there is reason.

Pestushki and nursery rhymes - texts, examples.

When a child gurgles or gurgles, they say:

Oh, he sings, he sings
Oh, he sings, he sings

When the child wakes up and stretches, they stroke his tummy, saying:

Stretchers, stretchers!
Mouth talkers,
Grasping hands
Walker legs.

When the child begins to stand on his feet:

Stand on end, stand on end, stand on end,
For the first year!

When a child learns to walk:

Legs, legs, Where are you running?
- To the woods along the motorway
Mosh the hut,
So as not to live coldly.

Using the movements of children's hands, they depict stretching the canvas and say:

Pull the canvases
Pull the canvases
On a shirt
On the tabletop.

The mother or nanny puts the child on her lap and, holding him by the arms, rocks him towards her, then away from her, saying:

I'm pulling,
I catch fish
I put it in my wallet,
I bring it home:
Bee-eaters in piles,
Little rafts in police camp"
One brush
-Yes, and that one is in the pot.
I'll make some cabbage soup,
I'll feed Nikolai,
Get some sleep, guys.
Don't sniff.

Having taken the child, they rock him up and down, singing and saying:

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't cook porridge,
Cook it thin,
Boil it soft
Yes, young.

Tyushki, Tyutushki,
There are little birds on the mountain.
Vanyushka was there
Birdie, I caught it.

And tari, tari, tari!
I’ll buy Masha amber,
There will be money left
I’ll buy Masha earrings,
There will be nickels left,
I’ll buy Masha shoes,
There will be pennies left
I’ll buy Masha some spoons,
There will be half a half left,
I’ll buy pillows for Masha,

The lady was driving

On a smooth path,
Over the bumps, over the bumps
- Yes boom!

The child is led under the arms or by the arms along the bench, saying:

Three-ta, ta, three-ta, ta!
A cat married a cat.
The cat is walking on the bench,
And the cat is on the counter,
Catches the cat by the paws:
- Oh, you cat, cat,
Play with me, cat,
With Masha, the young cat!

The child is rocked, placed on his lap, and sentenced:

Young blackbird
I walked along the water
I found a young girl
Young girl,
About an inch herself,
Head with a pot.
Shu-you! flew,
-They sat down on their heads.

Mimicking with fingers right hand horns, lightly tickle the child with them and chant:

The horned goat is coming,
There goes a goat with a butt:
Legs: top! top!
With your eyes: clap, clap!
Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't drink milk?
He's gored, gored.

Taking the child’s hands, they clap their hands to the beat, and when last words The arms are spread and raised onto the child’s head:

Okay, okay!
- Where were you?
- At my grandmother's.
- What did you eat?
- Porridge.
- What did you drink?
- Mash.
Sweet porridge,
The drunken gang
Grandma is kind.
We drank, ate,
-Shu-u-u - they flew,
They sat on their heads.

Take the child’s hand and move it across the palm index finger and they say:

Forty, forty,
Magpie white-sided
I cooked porridge,
I jumped on the threshold,
Called guests.
There were no guests, K
Ashki didn’t eat.
I gave everything to my children.

Pointing to each finger of the hand, starting with the thumb, they say:

I gave it to this one on a platter,
This on a plate
This is on a spoon,
This one has some scratches.

Stopping at the little finger, they add:

And there is nothing to this.
And you are little, little one:
I didn’t go for water
Didn't carry firewood
I didn't cook porridge.

Moving the arms apart and then quickly placing them on the head, they say:

Shu-u-u, let's fly
-They sat on their heads.

They finger the child’s fingers one by one and say:

Bolshak to chop wood (thumb),
Should you carry water (index)
And you have to heat the stove (nameless),
And sing songs to the baby (little finger),
Sing songs and dance,
To amuse my siblings.
Sing songs and dance,
To amuse my siblings.

They touch their fingers and say:

Four brothers are walking towards the eldest.
- Hello, big guy! - They say,
- Great, Vaska the pointer,
Grishka the orphan
Yes, little Timoshka.

Empirically, women came to understand the need for massage and gentle touching of the baby. And the massage is doubly pleasant for both the child and the mother if such a nice and affectionate poem is uttered in time with the movements. To develop coordination of movements and strengthen muscles, practical folk pedagogy and medicine have developed a whole set of exercises accompanied by pestles.

The most correct and scientifically based ones may seem boring physical exercise in comparison with those accompanied by such sentences: “The harrier is swimming, the harrier is swimming...”, “The swans flew, the swans flew...” And how much joy the pester “Pull the Canvases” brings to a growing child! No one is forgotten in it, all family members got a fathom, and the youngest got the most! And now the child is “dancing” merrily, sitting in the palm of his mother, who supports him by the chest with the other hand, to the cheerful song: “Tratatushki, tratata, a cat married a cat...”

The child gets on his feet, takes his first steps, begins to speak - everyone is so important stage in its development it is accompanied by pestles. Pestushki are also close to comic conspiracies; they accompany the child’s bathing; dousing him with water, the mother says: “Water off a duck’s back, thinness off a duck’s back”; consoles him if he is hurt: “The magpie is in pain, Sanya is in pain...”

In the second year of a child’s life, new joys await him - acquaintance with nursery rhymes - elementary games: “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Crow”, “Horned Goat”. They sometimes contain instructions: in the fairy tale nursery rhyme “Magpie-Crow,” a fantastic bird generously feeds everyone with porridge, except for one - the one who was lazy and did not work with everyone else.

By playing with the child's fingers, he is taught to count: “One finger, another finger...” Gradually the time for fairy tales comes.

Based on materials from the book: Russian folklore. Songs, fairy tales, epics, jokes, riddles, games, fortune telling, skits, lamentations, proverbs and proverbs. V. Anikin

Oral folk art has created many literary genres that perform educational and entertainment functions. Along with proverbs, sayings and riddles, nursery rhymes appear in folk art. These works of folklore, unlike other genres, are intended for children; they combine actions and poetry. To begin with, we will learn what a nursery rhyme is, a definition for which many scientists have tried to give. We must not forget that it is part of the heritage of spiritual culture, and this heritage has been formed over the years.

What genre is this?

If you try to figure out what a nursery rhyme is, the definition for it can be found in the literature devoted to the analysis of folklore and its genres. This is a small, funny poem that comments on a child’s actions and develops his memory and imagination. They are pronounced in a calm tone, and can be sung.

These works reflect centuries-old experience passed on from generation to generation. Such poems written different peoples, reveal great similarities with each other. The aesthetic value of nursery rhymes is enormous, and it influences the formation of artistic taste in children. All these genres provide an opportunity for the child to develop speech, he remembers vocabulary, correct usage word forms, the child’s personal vocabulary is enriched. Listening to them, the child prepares to perceive folk tale. Knowing what a nursery rhyme is, you can give a definition for children yourself. And then you can begin to study other genres of folklore.

The meaning of nursery rhymes in ancient times

Many people ask what a nursery rhyme is, the definition and photo of which we tried to provide in the article. In ancient times, it was part of the nurturing process. And this process included the interaction of parents with the Earth’s biofield in order to transfer vital energy to the child.

Nursery rhymes performed the function of including a person in society and the process of communication. That is, accompaniment different actions with the help of such rhymes it helped to include the child in the general energy flow land. Thus, the ancient Slavs could establish a painless adaptation of the child to the world around him. Proto-Slavic culture was organically adapted to the surrounding world; people knew how to interact with nature and raised children to worship nature.

What functions do nursery rhymes perform?

Many people have only a superficial idea of ​​what a nursery rhyme is. The definition for it will not be complete if we do not take into account this factor: it teaches young children to understand speech, helps to form phonemic awareness. Children learn difference different types intonation, learn to make their speech expressive.

Other important function these verses are help physical development child. The child learns gestures, movements, develops fine motor skills fingers.

The task of an adult is to help a child master his native speech with the help of nursery rhymes. This is especially important for children aged 3 to 5 years. Studying nursery rhymes is an important way on this path to help a child master his native speech and master the spiritual wealth that people have accumulated over the years. Oral folk art becomes the basis for the development of intelligence, prepares the child to master the riches of fiction and artistic culture in general.

Correspondence of nursery rhymes to different periods of child development

If you want your baby to communicate adequately with you, then you need to know at least 2 nursery rhymes (or at least 2-3 rhymes). They will help you establish emotional communication. This is very important for a child in the first months and years of his life. The affectionate voice of his mother, her touch and tender words - all this has a great influence on the child and helps him get used to the environment.

The nursery rhymes are not complicated in content, and they are simple in form, but their meaning for the child is enormous. They have a simple rhyme, they have a lot of exclamations, words that are often repeated. All this forces the baby to listen, look at the speaker’s face, and pay attention to his facial expressions.

Each developmental period has its own set of nursery rhymes. If you are looking for what a nursery rhyme is, a definition (grade 5 contains this type of folklore in its program), it turns out that, despite its simplicity, this is an outstanding work, part of oral folk art.

Development of a child up to three years of age

It is known that early childhood is divided into microperiods of approximately three months. This is, for example, the time from birth to three months, from three months to six, from six to nine, from nine to a year. At this time, the child intensively masters the world around us, learns the basics that will later help him become a full member of society. If you want to know what a nursery rhyme is, the definition of which can vary, you need to pay attention to works invented for children aged from birth to three years. This is a huge layer of literature.

At this time, children listen carefully not only to nursery rhymes, but also jokes, pesters, tongue twisters, and other types of folklore. Here's one example.

A ship runs across the blue sea,

The grey-haired wolf is standing on the nose,

And the bear fastens the sails,

Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,

The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:

Wants to steal a bunny

And pick up the rope.


These works are intended for children aged from birth to one or two years old. If you don’t yet know what a nursery rhyme is, the definition of which is difficult for you, but want to use it, then you’d better start with pestles.

They are characterized by the fact that an adult helps the child perform movements, helps him move his arms and legs. The mother hugs the child, massages him, saying words like “stretch” and “stretch”.

With the help of pestles, children are taught to clap their hands. They say to him: “Okay, okay, where were you - at Annushka’s.” Then it turns out that the ladushki were at Mikeshka’s and went to Troshka’s to eat potatoes. And so on in the same way.

When and how to use nursery rhymes

If you are interested in what a nursery rhyme is, the definition for children, then you must first find out in what life situations they were used. These poems helped organize the child's life. And now nursery rhymes are effective in cases when a child needs to be dressed for a walk, when he needs to be calmed down (for example, if he doesn’t want to go for a swim). Such works of folk culture perform an important educational function, introducing the child to the concepts of the surrounding world. But their main function is entertainment.

The horned goat is coming,

There's a butted goat coming,

Legs - top-top,

With your eyes - clap-clap.

Nursery rhymes

For a child aged 3 to 6 years, you can tell nursery rhymes, fables, explaining along the way what a nursery rhyme is. Definition for schoolchildren and children preschool age should be more accurate by now. Such a fable has a fairy-tale or fantastic plot. It is suitable for children who can distinguish reality from fiction. When reading these works, an adult should feign surprise in his voice so that the child understands that the events being described are clearly unreal.

Between heaven and earth

The pig was rummaging

And accidentally tail

Clings to the sky.

And another interesting fable:

A hare sits on a birch tree,

Reads a book aloud

A bear flew in and sat down,

He listens and sighs.

According to Valery Yakovlevich Propp, a Russian linguist, in fables reality is turned inside out. These are illogical situations, the story of which produces a comic effect. To achieve such an effect in fables, familiar words can be swapped, for example, not “a woman milks a cow,” but “a cow milks a woman.” Such fables help prepare the child to perceive fantastic stories in fiction, for example, reading the adventures of Baron Munchausen, Rabelais’ novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel”. The most outstanding work of this genre in Russian literature is the poem “Confusion” by Korney Chukovsky.


For children aged two to three years, not only nursery rhymes are suitable, but also jokes that have an interesting fairy tale plot. The main characters in jokes are animals that have the ability to perform meaningful actions.

Dog in a hut

bakes pies,

Cat in the kitchen

Crackers are pushing,

Cat in the window

Sews the dress

Chicken broom

Sweeps the hut.

Such jokes usually talk about the lives of animals, but at the same time they reflect the human relationships that have developed in society. Jokes are like nesting dolls - they try to give vivid signs of what is happening, all their characters have bright pronounced signs. Jokes vividly reflect the life of the people and tell about it using examples that a child can understand. If you want to know what a nursery rhyme is, you can find the definition in the literature in the textbook. All these folklore works have much in common with each other.

Source: fb.ru


There is a long-standing tradition of accompanying all baby care activities with songs, nursery rhymes, sayings, and sayings. The rhythmically structured melody of the song and the rhythmically organized sounds of speech create conditions for even the smallest child to perceive the mood of an adult and create a feeling of security and comfort. Moreover, the very actions that a person carries out while caring for a child - all this rocking, stroking, teasing is very necessary for the child. Oral folk art contains inexhaustible possibilities for awakening cognitive activity, independence, bright individuality of the baby, for the development of speech skills.

Definition of nursery rhyme

Rhyme games - short poems(less often songs), intended.

I am entertaining children. age and accompanying elementary game movements: while pronouncing or singing potoshkas, their content was acted out using fingers, hands, facial expressions, while the children themselves were involved in the game. The purpose of a nursery rhyme is to amuse, amuse the child, and evoke good emotions. state. Most. popular themes from the nursery rhyme “Ladushki” (children’s hands clap to the rhythm of the verses; at the conclusion of the words, the hands are spread out and placed on the head: "Let's fly and land on our heads!"); “Magpie” (playing with the child’s fingers imitates cooking porridge and distributing it to children); "The horned goat is coming"(an adult’s gestures depict a meeting with a goat). nursery rhymes are a wonderful invention of folk pedagogy and folk poetic creativity based on deep insight into psychology early childhood.

Nursery rhyme history

For centuries, the folk collective has been selecting, improving and enriching its creativity with the solutions found by individual masters. Continuity and stability of artistic traditions (within the framework of which, in turn, personal creativity is manifested) are combined with variability and diverse implementation of these traditions in individual works. Artistic folk art created by the people and existing among the masses - poetry, music, theater, dance, architecture, fine and decorative arts - is called folklore. In a collective artistic creativity people reflect their labor activity, social and everyday life, knowledge of life and nature, cults and beliefs. The richest images, themes, motifs, forms of folklore arise in the complex dialectical unity of individual (although, as a rule, anonymous) creativity and collective artistic consciousness.

Children's folklore is formed under the influence of many factors. Among them are the influence of various social and age groups, their folklore; popular culture; current ideas and much more. The first shoots of creativity may appear in various activities children, if created for this purpose necessary conditions. The successful development of qualities that will ensure the child’s participation in creative work in the future depends on upbringing.

The meaning of the nursery rhyme

The poetry of nurturing, according to one, combines lullabies, nursery rhymes, jokes, and boring fairy tales. This group is diverse in its poetics, in the nature of its performance, and in its everyday purpose. It is these genres that reflect the people’s views on education, in which they are concerned about the physical, mental and moral health of the child. Their combination and interrelation give what should be called “folk pedagogy”, or rather the pedagogy of early childhood, since the use of these genres is especially important in the first years of a child’s life, hence the second name of the section - “maternal poetry”.

The importance of folklore works of this group is due primarily to their high intonation expressiveness. A simple rhyme, repeatedly repeated phrases and words, exclamations, emotional appeals force the child to listen attentively to sounding speech. This is especially important for a child at a time when he has not formed voluntary actions, attention, or reaction to words. In the process of listening, auditory indicative reactions(auditory autostimulation), allowing you to establish bilateral contact with the child on a sound basis. The child distinguishes speech from all others sound signals, distinguishes from noise and musical sounds. The activating sound effect with the help of repeated phonemes and sound combinations, onomatopoeia, is, as it were, programmed in the very text of small folklore forms:
Gulushki flew in
Straight to Masha's cradle
Yes, they amused my darling.
Repeating sound combinations are also designed for the child’s developing imitative ability.
Nursery rhymes, ditties, jokes contain a variety of sound material for mastering the first sound skills. The poetry of nurturing prepares the child for play, reveals the aesthetic essence of the game at the word level, and opens up the diverse world around him.
II. Household folklore unites genres that reflect various aspects of children's life. This is a circle of works of "agricultural children's literature", attached to different moments of children's participation in care everyday life adults:
Ti-ta-ta, ti-ta-ta. Please sieve. Sow flour, start pies.
This song accompanied the process of kneading dough. When returning from the forest with a successful catch, they said this:
You, mushroom Mushroom, bring me home. Either yourself, or your son, or your stepson.

Folklore acquires particular significance in the first days of a child’s life in kindergarten. During the period of getting used to the new environment, he misses home, his mother, and is still unable to communicate with other children and adults. The teacher can choose and expressively tell a nursery rhyme that will help establish contact with the child, evoke in him positive emotions, sympathy for a still little-known person - a teacher. Considering that many folk works allow you to put any name without changing the content, it is advisable to adaptation period use nursery rhymes such as:
The cockerel woke up
The chicken stood up.
Get up my friend
Get up, my Yurochka. or:
Who's good?
Who is our handsomest?
Vanya is good!
Vanechka is handsome!
We must not forget that vocabulary children early age not great real world is perceived as peculiar. Therefore, nursery rhymes must correspond to the developmental level of children. And the intonation with which they are pronounced by the teacher should be understandable to the children. Simple, short, they encourage children to take action, chanted, affectionately, quietly, soothingly, setting them up for sleep and relaxation.
Educators can use nursery rhymes to get children moving:
Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path.
The baby will go
It will fall through the pussy! or:
Stand up, baby, one more time,
Take a small step
Top, top!

Our boy walks with difficulty,
Walks around the house for the first time
Top, top!
A well-chosen nursery rhyme can also help during feeding. Even those children who usually refuse food begin to eat with pleasure.
The grass is an ant, the pine tree has risen,
The bird - the tit took the grain,
The bunny - for the cabbage, the mouse - for the crust,
Children - for milk.
Clever Katya, eat some sweet porridge, tasty, fluffy, soft, fragrant.
When preparing children nursery groups It is advisable to use nursery rhymes for bedtime:
So people are sleeping,
So the animals are sleeping.
Birds sleep on branches
Foxes sleep on the hills,
Hares sleep on the grass,
Ducks on an ant
The kids are all in their cradle...
They sleep - they sleep, they tell the whole world to sleep.
When dressing for a walk:
Here they are, the boots:
This one is from the left leg,
This one is from the right leg,
If it rains,
Let's put on rubber boots;
This one is from the right leg,
This one is from the left leg.
That's so good!
The simplicity and melodiousness of the sound of nursery rhymes helps children remember them. They begin to introduce folk nursery rhymes into their games - while feeding the doll or putting it to bed.
Very great value have nursery rhymes to instill in children friendliness, goodwill, and a sense of empathy. If one of the children in the group is crying, then the rest try to calm them down, saying: “Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’ll buy a kalach.”
Educators can introduce nursery rhymes well known to children into games and fun to provide an opportunity to demonstrate speech activity. For example, in the fun game “My Daughter”, kids hear the already familiar “Bay-bayushki-bayu”, “Katya, little Katya...”.
In the entertainment “Sunny, look through the window”:
Sunshine, sunshine,
Look through the window.
The kids are waiting for you
The youngsters are waiting.
Rain, rain,
Pour it full,
Get the little kids wet.
In nursery rhymes, in which there is onomatopoeia for the voices of animals and their habits are specifically described, children grasp a kind, humane attitude towards all living things:
Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Why do you get up so early?
Don't you let the kids sleep?
Our ducks in the morning:
Quack, quack, quack.
Our geese by the pond:
Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Our chickens through the window:
Co-co, co-co, co-co...
On the oak tree,
There are two little doves sitting here.
Their necks are blue
They have golden feathers.
At an early age, it is very important to accelerate the “birth” of the child’s first conscious words. Small forms of folklore, in which one’s attention is drawn to objects, animals, and people, will help to increase one’s vocabulary. The sonority, rhythm, melodiousness, and entertaining nature of nursery rhymes attracts children, makes them want to repeat, remember, which, in turn, contributes to the development colloquial speech.
It is necessary to select appropriate printed board games, books, and visual materials that would help children consolidate basic speech skills and knowledge of folk works, and develop the ability to independently use this knowledge. In the book corner place books - toys, books - folding beds, books - pictures, books - babies. Here you can also place figures of characters from familiar nursery rhymes, jokes, fairy tales, and didactic board and printed games based on the same works. All this immediately attracts the attention of children. They are with
They look at the illustrations with joy and retell the contents of familiar nursery rhymes.
I would like to note the special role of the family in introducing children to the folk poetic word.
In the first years of life, a child is almost always surrounded by the people closest to him, and only the family is able to develop his selfish feelings, interest and love for the wealth and beauty of everything that surrounds him, for folk art. Therefore, it is necessary to use the family’s capabilities as widely and variedly as possible. If you're just humming baby lullaby song or, stroking him, you say a nursery rhyme, a joke, he is already familiar with folk art, and thereby you convey to him a piece of your inspiration.
Socrates also noted that all good things in life come from surprise. This saying can be applied to the youngest children. Their behavior is emotional and direct, acquaintance with the vast and magical world folk poetic word evokes delight and surprise in children. The wisdom of Socrates' thought is that he had in mind, first of all, the education of human feelings. Without them, as you understand, there cannot be the dawn of human personality and good deeds.
As a result of communication with folklore works, their moods and feelings are transmitted to the child: joy, anxiety, regret, sadness, tenderness. They expand the baby’s vocabulary, activate cognitive and mental development, contribute to familiarization with the world around them, as a result of which their receptivity and sensitivity develop, and a humane attitude towards the world is formed.
Reading folk songs and nursery rhymes, accompanied by the display of visual material, has a deeper impact on the child’s feelings and promotes memorization of the text. A smile and a calm, slightly playful tone will also help you. Expressive speech and emotional performance will certainly cause pleasure and joy in the baby.
So, parents, while caressing their child and playing with him, can sing nursery rhymes or recite them to their children. An affectionate address to a child - “wheat ear, azure flower”, etc. create an emotional positive background, relieve tension, calm and delight the child. While getting dressed for a walk, my mother says:
Felt boots - felt boots,
Not big ones.
beaver edge,
Masha is black-browed.
I’ll tie my scarf tighter, we’ll make a snow globe, I’ll rock the ball, I want to go for a walk.
When going to bed:
Sleep, sleep, child, Serezhenka, All the swallows are sleeping,
All the killer whales are sleeping, Our Serezhenka is told to sleep.
Bye-bye, bye-bye,
You little dog, don't bark.
Whitepaw, don't whine,
Don't wake up our Tanya.
It is very important to teach your child to listen, listen attentively to the folklore plot and understand its content. I believe that the folk poetic word, an example of spiritual service to people, can and should spiritually enrich this environment.

All over the world, mothers, transfixed with tenderness for their child, begin to talk in a special way, “walk” with him, console him, amuse him. Time flies by quickly: feeding, sleeping, waking... From the first days, a happy baby, thanks to mothers and grandmothers, encounters wonderful lullabies.

The older generation has preserved for us Nursery rhymes that introduce the child to the unique style of our grandmothers. Vladimir Dal gives the word “amuse” synonyms: to please, to entertain, to amuse, to amuse.

So in modern world? This is a short rhyme, funny and easy to remember. Communication with young children allows adults, with the help of sounds and melodic voices, to establish contact between the closest people.

The chanting sound of the first lullabies, comic songs, then jokes and funny little poems develops attention and sharpens the ear. This distracts the baby from his childhood problems, introduces him to nature, the animal world, toys, and household items.

Simultaneous stroking and touching the head, arms, legs with mention of these parts in rhymes teaches the baby. Meet little man With the world, adults begin by studying the face and body structure. Children's nursery rhymes come to the rescue.

The folklore that is passed down from the older generation to the younger is so rich that any situation in a child’s life is reflected in it. Nursery rhymes and meaningful jokes for children serve these purposes and do an excellent job of teaching. Movements and gestures help the child understand the word, its meaning and application.

The first nursery rhymes are etched in your memory for life.

Every person, even in old age, is able to reproduce funny nursery rhymes in his memory:

  • Water, water, wash my face.
  • Water is off a duck's back, all thinness is off you.
  • Oh, kachi-kachi-kachi, look - bagels, rolls.
  • Carcasses, tutushki, donuts on the table.

The first lines immediately suggest a continuation. How old are they, these petushkas, fables?

Printing technology helped preserve these masterpieces and tell modern people what a nursery rhyme is. At the birth of children and grandchildren, memory itself returns them, there is no need to even look into the book. By the age of three, children themselves are playing and saying joke rhymes, delighting their parents, grandmothers and themselves.

The children listen to lullabies with interest. In a peaceful atmosphere, in silence, where a familiar voice sounds melodiously, the child in his imagination goes with the heroes of the song on a distant journey he has imagined.

During the game, the counting rhymes are well remembered. By pronouncing them, children gain experience in pronunciation individual sounds, difficult to pronounce words. Speech therapists make special selections that they offer to children and adults for classes. Speech development provides feedback. Relatives understand each other better, enriching the child’s vocabulary. Nursery rhymes and jokes are easy to remember.

Favorite jokes, sentences, nicknames

A wide variety of nursery rhymes and jokes become favorites if parents apply them appropriately.

When playing pats with a child - perhaps the first game in his life, we accompany the actions with the words:

  • Ladushki-ladushki,
    The gardens are not watered.

Or others:

  • Okay, okay,
    Where were you? At grandma's!

How familiar everything is to a child: palms - palms that nestled so comfortably in mother’s or grandmother’s hands. He doesn’t yet know what a nursery rhyme is, but he rejoices, is amused, and amuses himself.

Developing the dynamics of finger squeezing, we play “Magpie”. The child's hand nestled comfortably in the mother's big hand. We say, we run our finger over the child’s palm. He's a little ticklish, but curious. The child looks into his palm. Where are the magpie and her babies?

  • Forty, forty,
    Where did you live? Far!
    She cooked porridge and fed the children.

    (Curling her fingers towards her palm, mom continues.)

    I gave it to this one. Gave this...

    (Etc. Gradually all the fingers are bent, only one remains.)

    But this didn’t go well!

    (The thumb is held straight.)

    He didn't carry water
    Didn't chop wood
    I didn't turn on the stove.

A short fable. The finger couldn't do anything, but little man imagines that this is one of the children at the table that “Magpie” has set for lunch. Meanwhile, the nursery rhyme is not simple, it already has an educational bias: if you don’t do the job, you won’t get food.

Waking up a child in the early hours is the most pleasant thing. These moments are important for communication with elders. Healthy baby wakes up joyful and plays willingly. Some changes have occurred in the child’s condition, a stormy morning has spoiled his mood - then the following story will cheer him up:

  • Cockerel, cockerel,
    Golden comb!
    Look out the window -
    I'll give you some peas!

Or this:

  • Sunshine, look out
    red, light it up...

For an older child, quote:

  • Knocking, strumming on the street,
    Foma rides a chicken
    Timoshka on a cat...

Folklore to help

A girl is growing up, she needs to braid her hair, but she doesn’t like it. Mom calms me down, strokes my head and says a nursery rhyme:

  • I'll braid my hair...
    I sentence:
    -You grow, your braid grows,
    the whole city is beautiful.

You need to sit down to have breakfast, drink some milk, but the baby turns away and wriggles out?

We distract with jokes:

  • The weed ant rose from its sleep,
    The tit bird took hold of the grain,
    Bunnies for cabbage
    Mice - for the crust,
    Children - for milk.

If you need a massage, let's stroke it, saying:

  • Pull-ups,
    On... ( them i) grown up,
    There are grippers in the hands,
    In your mouth - talk,
    And in the head - reason!

We wash ourselves with sayings, make the child laugh, imagine the water as a good fairy. While swimming, don’t forget what a nursery rhyme is and use various options for a fun and educational pastime.

Games funny nursery rhymes

Many children like games that challenge them and have fun. Adults use their index and middle fingers to move from the toe, slowly rising upward, and say:

  • The mouse went for water
    Behind the cold one, the key one.
    Here is a well, here is a well,
    And here is hot water!

The well is located under the knee, armpit, and hot water in the neck area. The intonation is humorous, the fingers move slowly at first, and end by slightly tickling the child. There's no end to the fun. By the age of three, the child himself will look for the one hot water under your cheek.

The nursery rhyme develops

We begin to introduce the child to the animal world, and the jokes are right there:

  • - Geese, geese!
    - Ha, ha, ha.
    - Do you want to eat?
    - Yes, yes, yes!
    - Well, fly home!
    - Gray wolf behind the mountain,
    Doesn't let us go home.

They will later serve as children when playing hide and seek and tag. With pleasure, shouting them out, the children will play with adults and peers.

And how many different nursery rhymes about plants, vegetables, flowers.

  • berry,
    black currant,
    In mummy's basket,
    And into your own palm.

Nursery nursery rhyme

When teaching children to work from childhood, make fun of lazy couch potatoes. Folk art used nursery rhymes and ridicule exactly for their intended purpose. For the purpose of education, jokes came to the aid of adults in this matter. For example, the sentence:

  • - Where are you, brother Ivan?
    - In the upper room.
    - What are you doing?
    - I’m helping Peter!
    - What is Peter doing?
    - Yes, it’s on the stove!

Children are sensitive natures; they will feel a joke, even ridicule. Without further explanation, they will do what you asked them to do, but they forgot, ignored the request, or were simply lazy.

The nursery rhyme not only consoles, but also makes you laugh if you use it in this way.

Nursery rhymes treat

Since ancient times, children have been instilled with love and respect for foods that satiate them. Love for animals that give milk and eggs. Caring for plants that bore fruits.

  • Mother turnip,
    I love you dearly!
    The spoon will not be empty
    Until Great Lent!

They said about cabbage:

  • Vilkasta cabbage,
    Don't be sore
    Grow sweet,
    Don't be bitter.
    Grow big
    Don't be small.

Counting game in the game

Little counting rhymes set the rhythm and create a cheerful mood in the children’s play. They eliminate disputes and hostility - they have no one to blame, this is how the counting decreed who should lead.

  • - Gray hare,
    What were you doing?
    - Lyko tore.
    - Where did you put it?
    - Under the deck.
    - Who stole it?
    - Rodion!
    - Get out!

Getting to know nature

How many wonderful short amusing poems about the changing seasons were inherited! They explain what to expect from the season: warm, cold, hot weather or rain. They invite summer in joyful anticipation, as if teasing:

  • Rain, rain, more!
    I'll give you the grounds.

Children's nursery rhymes - barkers - were born in the years when thick food, unlike thin stew, was on the table only in the hearty autumn and winter time. Spring gave hope for warmth, and rain guaranteed a good harvest.

Folk art for the development of kindness

  • Larks, come,
    Bring red spring!
    We're so tired of winter!
    I've already finished all the bread,
    She burned all our wood,
    She took away all the milk.

Nursery rhyme introduces the animal world

A joke is also a bright nursery rhyme. It can be defined as one of the areas of oral folk art, which was a joy for old and small. Parents, no less captivated than their children, see the snail and persuade it:

  • Snail, snail,
    Stick your horns out!
    Let's give a pot of porridge
    Yes, a heap of bread!

Isn’t everyone captivated by a small, spotted insect that you can’t let go until you ask:

  • Ladybug,
    Don't fly away very quickly.
    Your kids are there
    They eat cutlets.

In such moments we become pure in heart. We hope that the ladybug will fly away to her babies. Mentally consoling this insect that her children are full, we understand that any children are happier if their mother is next to them.

Simple and uncomplicated children's nursery rhymes that are familiar to us, it turns out, can make a little one big man be attentive, kind, cordial, fair.

Incredibly difficult. Researchers attribute nursery rhymes and jokes to the poetry of nurturing. Lullabies also belong to it. In our article we will talk about forms of oral folk art that are used for the development of a child. After all, nursery rhymes and jokes were created by adults for children.

Small genres of folklore

Everyone knows that the word has great magical power. Many peoples treated him with respect. The roots of folklore works lie in the pagan past. Most fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes originally had ritual significance. While playing with the child, the mother tried to protect him from the influence of various negative forces, such as illness, death.

Gradually, folklore works lost their ritual significance and began to be used for the development of children. This is not surprising. The easy style of storytelling, entertaining plot and small volume make small genres of folklore very accessible to children. Depending on age group the child uses different works. Nursery rhymes and jokes have different purposes. The very first works that a child gets acquainted with are jokes. They are more complex in content than nursery rhymes.

What are short works intended for children? If nursery rhymes have practical significance, then jokes have nothing in common with games. They contain a small plot, which in its content resembles a fairy tale in poetic form. An event is at the center of the story. The rapid development of the storyline attracts the baby's attention. In addition, the special rhythm of this genre contains paired rhymes, as well as repetitions of phrases and elements of onomatopoeia.

Using jokes is very useful for young children. They allow you to develop phonemic hearing, which is very important for proper speech development. In addition, they expand fantasy, imagination and give the first ideas about the world around us.

Jokes as a small genre of folklore

Despite the fact that all children's sayings in rhymes are very similar in content, they can be divided into several forms. For example, fables-shifters. Unlike others that are intended to entertain small children, these are poems in song form. The plot of such works differs from jokes in that it reflects events from real life.

It should be noted that small forms of folklore had a great impact on the formation of children's literature. However, folklorists have their own point of view on the questions of what jokes are and what their role is. This is due to the fact that they were used not only for the development of children. Folk jokes were also created for entertaining holidays.

Modern pedagogy makes extensive use of jokes and nursery rhymes, which have great potential for a child’s development. It's no secret that even in infancy the baby learns on a subconscious level. If parents, when communicating with him, use nursery rhymes and jokes, then they involuntarily contribute to the development of speech.

The use of small genres of folklore in elementary school helps to increase the child's interest in reading. In the lower grades, teachers purposefully use jokes. The 2nd grade in the educational program studies these genres, getting acquainted with works of literature in an entertaining way.

Use of jokes in literature

Not all jokes that we know today are of folklore origin. Many of them came into use from works of literature. Very interesting in this regard are those that Leo Tolstoy wrote for children. Most of the jokes that he uses in fairy tales and stories belong to him. But the plot and form of presentation are borrowed from folklore. What are jokes in Tolstoy's fairy tales? These are sayings that are used as an introduction to the main narrative of a fairy tale. Unlike the classic joke, there is a narrative form here. Very often it is not associated with storyline fairy tales

Jokes are also used in literature. The main characters of such humorous poems are not only people, but also animals and birds.

Jokes during the holidays

As already mentioned, this genre is not only for children. Very often it can be found in some rituals that are held at various holidays. For example, at a wedding or Maslenitsa. What are jokes at such events? This great way amuse the gathered people with various funny rhymes. The plot of the joke must have such a bright detail that will attract everyone's attention and make them smile. Children at school also learn similar holiday rhymes. During various events they use these jokes. 2nd grade and older children can surprise their parents with such knowledge of folklore during their school performances.

Nursery rhymes

This genre has similar features to jokes. But it's more playful. Therefore, nursery rhymes, as a rule, are used for children as entertainment, just like jokes. They are used by both mothers at home and teachers during various classes in kindergarten and primary school. They attract children's attention, amuse them and at the same time teach and develop. They also act as a distraction when the child is eating and bathing, especially when adults pronounce them expressively and artistically.

Using nursery rhymes in elementary grades

Genres of small folklore are often used in school classes on Russian language, literature and culture. In elementary grades, teachers actively use nursery rhymes and jokes in lessons. Thanks to the educational program, 2nd grade and older students learn about these genres of folklore almost from the beginning of school. Children memorize popular nursery rhymes and jokes, thereby training their memory, enriching their speech with new expressions, and becoming more erudite.

In this lesson you will get acquainted with pestushki, nursery rhymes and jokes, find out for what purpose they are used, and learn how to read them correctly.

This is a comic quatrain that contains funny words. And to find out what people call such poems, you need to decipher the following word:


Read it from right to left:

Nursery rhyme

Nursery rhyme - This is a cheerful folk song. Word nursery rhyme comes from the word make fun of(to laugh without malice; to make fun of someone or something). Nursery rhymes are called folk because they were created by the people. When children were lulled to sleep or cheered up so that they would not cry, such nursery rhymes were told or sung to them.

Read some of them:

Knocking, strumming along the street:

Foma rides a chicken

Timoshka on a cat

Along a crooked path(Fig. 2) .

Rice. 2. “Knocking, strumming down the street” ()

There was a clock hanging on the wall,

The cockroaches ate the arrow

The mice tore off the weights,

And the clock did not start ticking.

And the cat, the cat, the cat,

Curly pubis,

I stole a ball from my grandmother,

And hid it in a corner,

And grandma caught up

She picked me up for my forelock(Fig. 3) .

Rice. 3. “And the cat, the cat, the cat...” ()

Read a few poems:

- Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

- The caftan burned through.

- Can I sew it up?

- Yes, there is no needle.

- How big is the hole?

- One gate left(Fig. 4) .

- I caught a bear!

- So bring it here!

- It doesn’t work that way.

- So lead it yourself!

- Yes, he won’t let me in!(Fig. 5)


- Dog, why are you barking?

- I scare the wolves.

- The dog has its tail between its legs?

- I'm afraid of wolves.

Think about how the poems you read above differ from nursery rhymes? Both are funny, but the last poems are built in the form of a dialogue (a conversation between two people or animals). These are not nursery rhymes, these are jokes.

People call little fairy tales, short funny stories sometimes in the form of dialogue jokes .

Jokes differ from jokes and nursery rhymes in that they are not associated with any playful movements. But they have some kind of fairy-tale plot. For example:

Fidgety baby

Light head,

He pours out, sings,

Just like the nightingale!

It doesn’t matter that there is no skill,

Much joy from singing(Fig. 6) .

Get out of the way cat!

The doll Tanya is coming,

The doll Tanya is coming,

It will never fall!

The Russian people, like any other, have their own priceless wealth - folklore. Mothers, grandmothers, and nannies composed jokes, songs, and nurseries for their little children.

Pestushki - these are small poems that were accompanied by movements small child arms, legs.

Word pestles comes from the word nurture- to groom, cherish, nurse.

When the baby wakes up and stretches, they stroke his tummy and chant:



mouth talking,

grasping hands,

A child’s knowledge of surrounding objects is formed depending on what they tell him, so little animals are endowed with human qualities.

Nursery rhymes, jokes, nurseries need to be told in a special voice: affectionately, tenderly, so that the child understands that they are addressed specifically to him, and so that the child understands what the mother, nanny or grandmother wants to tell the child with these nursery rhymes or nurseries. Read them slowly, in a sing-song voice, gently. For example:

Dog in the kitchen

Bakes pies.

Cat in the corner

Rusks are pushing.

Cat in the window

Sews a dress.

Chicken in boots

Sweeps the hut(Fig. 8) .

Rice. 8. “The dog is in the kitchen...” ()

This is how a baby grows:

  • pestles - we rock them in our arms, lull them to sleep;
  • nursery rhymes - we play with hands and feet;
  • jokes - we teach to understand the world around us.


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook for the textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Methodical recommendations for textbooks of grades 2, 3, 4 (with electronic supplement). - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2nd grade. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  1. Detyam-knigi.ru ().
  2. Nsportal.ru ().
  3. Doc4web.ru ().


  1. Define pestles.
  2. Explain the difference between nursery rhymes and jokes.
  3. Learn your favorite nursery rhyme by heart.