Who's afraid of spiders? "Harry Potter": the painfully real magical world Why Ron is afraid of spiders.

In addition to rational fears, a person is prone to forming irrational phobias. One of the most common phobias is zoophobia - the fear of specific groups or classes of animals. Basically, these fears have no basis and are caused by the repulsive appearance of the object of the phobia. A special place among zoophobias is occupied by the fear of spiders, known as arachnophobia. This disease most often occurs in young children and women. This article will discuss the causes and symptoms of arachnophobia, as well as ways to get rid of this condition.

Why are people afraid of spiders

The name arachnophobia comes from two Greek words - "arachna", which means "spider", and "phobos", which translates as "fear".

To the most common reasons The emergence of this fear includes the following factors:

  • negative experience. Most often occurs in early years life. According to statistics, more than 46% of people with arachnophobia have been afraid of them since childhood. According to parents' testimonies, the cause of this fear was unexpected contact with an arthropod or a painful bite that provoked the phobia;
  • genetic factor. Fear of arthropods is inherited and is directly related to the instinct of self-preservation;

    Important! Young children are extremely susceptible to negative emotions. Never intimidate children with spider toys or make fun of them, so that as adults they will not have to deal with unreasonable fears.

  • peculiarities nervous systems s. People with disorders of the nervous system, a tendency to neuroses and mental disorders are more often influenced by obsessive panic states;
  • instilled fear. A child growing up in a family in which adults suffer from arachnophobia takes on their fears and anxieties. Their heart rate increases, the level of adrenaline in the blood and blood pressure rise;
  • surprise. A sudden meeting with a spider and the swiftness of its movements frighten people most of all. Anxiety in this case is provoked by unpredictability further actions arthropod. Girls are much more afraid of the appearance of arthropods than men;
  • behavioral model. According to research, arachnophobia is most common in regions with large populations of poisonous spiders. The continuity of fear in this case is observed on a national scale and has a rational beginning.

Symptoms of the disease

Arachnophobia should be distinguished from simple dislike of spiders, disgust or rejection. Some people are squeamish enough to avoid touching these arthropods or sweeping away their webs without panicking.

Did you know? Many celebrities suffer from a fear of spiders. Thus, the list of stars who are classified as panicky arachnophobes includes American actor Johnny Depp, British actor Rupert Greene, who played the role of Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films, and American singer and actor Justin Timberlake. Arachnophobia did not spare the great German poet Friedrich Schiller. His contemporaries more than once mentioned that the poet felt sick at the sight of spiders.

Symptoms true disease will be the following:
  1. Panic. It appears uncontrollably; for it to occur, an image of a spider or its appearance in the field of view will be enough. Control mental manifestations in this case it is lost, physical condition becomes comparable to borderline stress, a person may suffer a stroke or heart attack.
  2. Reluctance to go to a suspected place where there is a large concentration of spiders. This place could be a basement or an abandoned building. The thought of a possible meeting with an arthropod plunges a person into horror. He's turning pale skin, the pulse quickens, sweating increases and tremors of the limbs appear.
  3. The desire to destroy the spider. Simply squeamish people may not pay attention to the emerging arthropod. On the contrary, people with arachnophobia begin to look for the nesting place of spiders, often non-existent, to clean up the house, and try to kill the spider at any cost.

How to get rid of a phobia

Since arachnophobia has a psychological origin, you can get rid of this disease with the help of mental exercises, self-hypnosis and unconventional methods treatment.

They are used extremely rarely; they are indicated for use in extreme cases of panic that can cause harm to health.

Drug therapy is aimed at relieving physical manifestations panic attacks, includes the following medications:

  • tranquilizers such as Lorazepam and Phenozepam;
  • antidepressants (imipramine);
  • nootropics, also known as neurometabolic stimulants (Glycine, Phenibut).

Antidepressants increase the activity of the hormone serotonin during transmission nerve impulses and stimulate brain activity. Nootropics stabilize the functioning of the brain, protecting it from the harmful effects of excess stress.
Tranquilizers weaken anxiety states due to the stabilization of vegetative disorders.

Hypnotic sessions

This is an effective psychotherapy that works for people with increased level suggestibility. Hypnosis puts a person into a state similar to sleep, eliminates conditioned reflexes and helps reprogram behavior to be constructive.

A competent therapist, using hypnosis, is able to create a positive experience of communication with the object of a phobia in a patient and strengthen his self-confidence.

Important! If you suffer from a fear of spiders, avoid watching horror films that encourage this condition.

Subsequent encounters with spiders for those who have undergone hypnosis sessions do not cause anxiety and concern, since irrational fears are destroyed.


There are several methods to get rid of arachnophobia on your own:

  • The best effect in self-medication is achieved by relaxation practices and meditation. They help you find inner peace and confidence, and take responsibility for your fear. In most cases, arachnophobia turns out to be far-fetched, and it is very easy to get rid of it by simply looking rationally at the object of the phobia. It is necessary to talk about it as often as possible, make it a habitual phenomenon for yourself and not develop an already existing hostility;
  • Another effective technique is hypercompensation. Its essence lies in constant contact with the object of your fears. You can draw and hang images of spiders in your home, purchase large number soft and plastic toys in the form of arthropods, get a pet tarantula. Constant irritation the nervous system of the object of phobia leads to the fact that the brain stops reacting to it in a panicky manner;
  • isolation in urban environments - serious reason developing a fear of spiders, which can be overcome by walking in nature. Here you can objectively assess the size of these arthropods, observe them in their natural environment habitat. In nature, one can understand that spiders do not pose a danger to humans due to their small size and weak jaws, designed for hunting insects;
  • radical treatments include tattooing spiders as a protective amulet. Also, as a therapy, it is recommended to eat these arthropods during visits to countries that have spider dishes in their national cuisine.

Video: how to deal with arachnophobia

The fear of spiders is called arachnophobia and in most cases has an irrational origin. It manifests itself in the form of panic attacks, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems at the sight of the object of the phobia.

Did you know? The name given to arachnophobia ancient greek mythology. According to it, a skilled weaver named Arachne angered the warlike goddess Athena, for which she was instantly turned into a spider, and since then she has been weaving her threads for thousands of years. Spiders were named arachnids after Arachne, and the prefix "phobia" was added to denote fear of these arthropods.

You can get rid of arachnophobia with the help of medications, hypnosis and self-medication, which is based on the technique of self-hypnosis and is considered the most progressive method of treatment.

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The incredible and well-deserved success made its film adaptation almost inevitable. The continuation of the epic about the adventures of the young wizard was also immediately reflected on the screen - readers and admirers simply did not think that they would not see with their own eyes every line written. Although the scripts were shortened for the sake of screen time, the filmmakers managed to preserve the world of Potter and not come under fan criticism. The last, final part still had to be divided into two films; everyone wanted to “taste” the ending of the story that an entire generation had grown up with.

Fairy tale and reality

A fairy tale is necessary for adults to return to childhood; children need a fairy tale to engage their imagination. The whole question is what life lesson, according to the saying, “good fellows” will learn from the hints scattered along fairy-tale paths. The heroes of the Potter films are magicians and wizards; but supernatural abilities do not make their life easier.

At the most crucial moments magic wands They turn out to be powerless, but ordinary human qualities help. Heroes need wisdom to make a choice between good and evil, they need trust and devotion to come out of any situation with honor, they need honesty and firmness to defend their principles. And here, the skills of brewing witchcraft potions and knowledge of spells do not change anything.

Stories about poor orphans who huddle in a closet under the stairs and then become rich and famous have given the world many beloved heroes, starting with Cinderella. Looking at a thin boy in glasses, bullied by nasty fat relatives, the audience immediately understands that they are in for a gripping story with a brilliant ending; waiting for this ending makes you believe in a better future - both for yourself and for Harry.

Education and school

As befits films about teenagers, most of the action in Potter takes place at school. Before us is a model ideal system education, which every viewer immediately began to dream about. Meanwhile, there is nothing supernatural in the fairy-tale Hoggwarts school: it is an example of an institution based on the principles of classical education, in which teachers try to educate their students life values and the desire to comprehend knowledge, and not forcefully cram into it structured and chewed information in the form of dates and quotes, which flies out of your head the morning after the exam.

The school that the teenage orphan goes to lives a special life not because it teaches witchcraft, but because it has historical, cultural and spiritual roots. It instills spiritual values, educates students, and creates a unique educational environment.

Chosen by fate

Harry Potter grew up among people who were alien to him in spirit, although related by blood. This feeling is very close to many teenagers; they are trying to isolate themselves from reality, to escape into the world of fantasy. And then Harry receives a letter brought by an owl, finds out that he is not ordinary child, and a wizard, and goes to the fantastic world of his own kind.

Teenagers, feeling their isolation from society, strive to find themselves, their own “I”, leaving reality. But she lies in wait for them at every step, scorching the wings of their dreams. Therefore, the meaning of the first Harry Potter films is the solution to typical teenage problems: relationships with relatives, adaptation in a team, relationships with friends, falling in love, envy, gossip, attempts to gain authority among peers.

The childish spontaneity and adventurism of the first three films are replaced by a teenage thirst for adventure, efforts to find answers to sacred questions about the meaning of life, and now in the final film “Deathly Hallows” we see young men and girls who are no longer children, but who have not yet lost their childish faith in Good . They left their mischief and learned to think like adults, make important decisions and take responsibility for them.

The magic of family love

Harry's love for his late parents, themes of self-sacrifice, loving family, loyalty and raising children reconciled even magic-hating religious orthodoxies with the Potter films.

At the heart of the film is maternal love: every second we are reminded that Harry’s mother shielded him from death. Her love continues to protect the young wizard, and this is touching, understandable, and does not need to be deciphered, because on a subconscious level, every person feels protected mother's love. The same example of the relationship between adults and children in loving family serves the Weasley family. The ending of the “magical saga” - two friendly married couples with children - looks absolutely natural: the heroes strived not just for abstract love, but for family love, with all its traditional and absolutely non-magical values.

Conquer your fear

Everyone is afraid of something: heights, darkness, loneliness. Sometimes these fears are embarrassing to admit. Sometimes it seems that we are powerless over our fears, that other people are free from them, and therefore they are stronger and smarter than us. But the Harry Potter films free us from feelings of inferiority: even wizards and wizards are afraid of something.

Harry Potter is afraid of chickening out important point, Ron is afraid of spiders. Almost everyone is afraid of dementors - creatures that bring gloom and death, and the Dark Lord. Overcoming these fears does not lie on a magical plane; this is a consequence of the moral efforts of the heroes. Victory over them means victory over your enemies. It is no coincidence that Harry is the last “horcrux” of the Dark Lord. To defeat his main enemy, he must defeat himself.

Defeat death

Harry Potter faced death without fear, as a worthy opponent, and the Dark Lord, trying to defeat death, changed his nature. Love and the will to live made Harry a winner; his opponent became a hostage to death and lost.

The Dark Lord played hide and seek with death, disfigured his soul and the souls of those he drew into his dangerous games. Harry did not try to overcome death using magic or other means; he loved and made friends, cried and rejoiced, and therefore was able to gain the upper hand in a duel with a strong and experienced enemy.

The magical power of friendship and love

The trio of friends and the classic love triangle - Harry, Ron and Hermione - have fans worried: how will their relationship work out? Harry lost in this friendly duel; She and Hermione are too strong personalities; their union would be impossible. Ron's jealousy was in vain: Harry could not hurt his heart. Psychologically dependent on a stronger partner, Ron found his support and support in Hermione, and Harry fell in love with his sister, reliable and faithful Ginny.

Married couples developed harmoniously. Love in the world of Potter is not an all-consuming passion that pushes a person to madness, but a strong and deep feeling that gives joy and self-confidence. This is the only force in the world that defeats both the terrible spells of enemies and death itself. The unwritten “code of camaraderie” of heroes included respect for a friend, loyalty, decency, equality, and willingness to help.

Moral and psychological aspects of films

To be true to your principles, to be able to trust your friends, to resist evil with all your might - this is the main meaning of the franchise and the moral that unites all seven films that raises everything current issues: racial and national tolerance, chauvinism, gender equality, influence on human consciousness Media, problems of ethics in science, problems from the field of political science - government structure, corruption, abuse of power.

They entered the top thirty highest-grossing films in the history of cinema. The characters in the film grew up along with the audience; they fought together, loved, were friends, suffered from insults and injustices. And if we peel off the “magical” husks from the epic, we will see a teenage novel about growing up and developing a personality that is exciting with the truth of life.

Who's afraid of spiders? Actually, quite a lot of people, although not everyone admits it. Fear of spiders is one of the most common phobias. It is practically independent of geographical and cultural characteristics. One in three women is afraid of spiders. The same numbers are most likely true for men - but they will never admit it! 🙂

What is arachnophobia

So why are so many people afraid of spiders? These arthropods pose virtually no threat to humans. There are about 35 thousand species of spiders on Earth, but only a dozen of them can lead to fatal outcome. In the United States alone, people are 10 times more likely to die from a bee sting than from a spider bite.

From the point of view of survival in wildlife, it would be more logical to be afraid of tigers, bears, sharks and even dogs. But few people develop serious phobias of these animals. Quite the contrary, we send our children to bed with furry versions of them, e.g. teddy bear. When it comes to spiders, many people develop such a strong fear that they can't even look at a photo of one or hear the word "spider"!

Causes of arachnophobia

Why is the fear of spiders so common and where does it come from? The first clue is that people who are afraid of spiders are most often afraid of other animals from the “fear group”. This includes:

  • . small mammals such as rats;
  • . slippery-looking animals such as snakes, amphibians, lizards;
  • . insects and invertebrates such as slugs, cockroaches and other creepy crawlies.

What unites these groups of animals? Disgust. All of them are disgusting. And, logically, the stronger this reaction, the less you like them.

Why do spiders cause this reaction?

Disgust is usually caused by animals that carry diseases. This is a certain survival instinct that humanity has developed. Primary disgust is caused by things like mucus, excrement and vomit. All this may contain pathogenic microorganisms and spread diseases. Therefore, we avoid touching them, feel nauseous, wrinkle our nose and express with all our appearance how unpleasant it is for us.

Many studies show that people who are afraid of spiders and other animals from the “fear group” have increased disgust - that is, sensitivity to disgust. They also react more strongly to other things that cause disgust.

When people with strong fear Spiders are asked what exactly they are afraid of, and they give very different answers. Some people are frightened by the fact that spiders are hairy, some by their legs, some by their fast and unpredictable movements, some by their eyes, some even think that the spider is “staring at them.” All these scattered answers lead us to the conclusion that real reason fear is hidden and may not be recognized by a person. All these options have one thing in common: disgust. That is why it is recommended to include work with the disgust reaction in the treatment of arachnophobia.

Rats are indeed famous carriers of disease, so the reaction of disgust towards them is quite understandable. But what do spiders carry? Nothing immediately comes to mind. But historical analysis shows that in Europe, spiders have been associated with infection for many centuries.

For example, in the Middle Ages, any food touched by a spider or water it fell into was considered poisoned. In the late 17th century, many species of European spiders were considered poisonous, causing hysteria and disease symptoms. Its various forms have been described in Sicily, Germany, Persia, Asia Minor and America. But although the bites of some European spiders sometimes cause somatic reactions, they cannot be the cause of half the symptoms that were attributed to them!

In many parts of Europe during the Middle Ages, spiders were considered carriers of disease during major epidemics. This misconception has existed since the 10th century. It was only in the 19th century that it was discovered that black rats were actually carriers of the infection. It is not surprising that spiders were found in the same places where rats live, for example, on thatched roofs.

If you take all these factors into account, it turns out that spiders were mistakenly recognized as carriers of diseases. So, the developed reaction of disgust towards them is simply a historical misunderstanding?

Based on Graham C. L. Davey.

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