The Fly Lady system is an ideal home for an imperfect housewife. Lady Fly

This is the progress of Western technology! Time management for housewives, significantly improving their lives. Yes, this is exactly what the phrase “Fly Lady” represents in the Russian sense.

In this article, the online magazine “” will tell you how to master magic technique“fly lady” for beginners and successfully apply it in practice.

Fly lady - what is it?

It arose relatively recently - in 1999. One very successful careerist and not very organized “housewife” Marla Cilley decided to overcome her problem once and for all.

A smart woman was puzzled why the business planning system cannot switch to management household. I did some research that I had started myself and... got a stunning result!

Marla called her masterpiece “teaching” “FLY” (Finally Loving Yourself - finally loving herself), to which “Lady” was later smoothly added (Lady - that’s why the translation was presented in advance with feminine endings: “beloved” J). Well, it’s really not for men to take care of household chores... Although, who knows, in the West...

Today, “fly ladies” also call themselves “flying housewives,” by a happy coincidence of linguistic semantics and the translation of the proposed phrase. By the way, “flying housewives” really live up to their name. Quickly, easily, and playfully do household chores. Do you think it's fantasy? Not at all! We will now teach you this Western wisdom.

Fly Lady – step by step instructions

Step 1: Timer

To begin with, it is important to understand that the “fly lady” system assumes an important pattern: step-by-step cleaning in tiny steps. Here it is, the basic principle of cleaning: allocate 15 to 30 minutes a day to it. And not a minute more! Marla Cilley calls these approaches Baby steps– baby steps or fly lady steps.

You need to clearly understand that if you break the routine (work for more than half an hour and try to do everything at once), you will immediately fly out of the system. And the desire to continue in the same spirit will decrease significantly. If not completely. Therefore, every time you plan to start cleaning, set the timer for 15 minutes.

The timer has gone out - you automatically finish cleaning for today. Do you think 15 minutes is too little? Try it and you will simply be surprised how many things can be done in a given period of time.

Step 2: decide on zones

Have you decided to become a fly lady and are wondering where to start? Then take a piece of paper and a pen and walk around the apartment. It is important for you to determine the fly lady zones. These areas are intended for daily cleaning. Why such a distinction? First, you systematize the cleaning process, mainly in your head. You know exactly what to take on and where to run.

Secondly, it’s really convenient: for one week you clean one area for 15 minutes a day. Do you think it's boring and not enough? But unobtrusively and quickly! In a week you can bring the area to perfect order. Marla Cilley suggests 5 zones, but you can demarcate them the way you want and how you feel comfortable. So, according to Marla Silley, the house is divided into the following zones:

  1. Zone: entrance-hallway-dining room
  2. Zone: kitchen - pantry - back door - laundry room
  3. Zone: bathroom - workshop - children's room - additional bedroom
  4. Zone: another bathroom - toilet - master bedroom
  5. Zone: living room

It’s clear that our apartments don’t have even half of what Marla suggests dividing into zones *wink*

If you have a standard two-room apartment, then you can divide it as follows:

  1. Zone: entrance-hallway (corridor)
  2. Zone: bath-toilet-balcony (storage room)
  3. Zone: kitchen\dining room
  4. Zone: bedroom
  5. Zone: living room (children's)

You don't have to stick to this example. You may even have, for example, 4 zones (especially if you have a semi-detached apartment or a studio) - and you will fit in perfectly with cleaning in one month. Or create 3 zones, one zone for a week, and the fourth week of the month is general cleaning or “tidying up tails” that you accidentally forgot to clean.

You can break up the zones in different ways. Let's say, combine the kitchen with the bathroom, and the toilet with the pantry. Or even offer your own option.

Step 3: Planning

Once you have decided on the zones, do the fly lady planning - drawing up weekly plans and calculating the “scope of work”. That is, plan things for each zone one week at a time: what you need to remember to clean up in the zone.

For example, the kitchen area: wash the chandelier, wash the window, wash the door/arch, clean the sink, wash the microwave, clean the stove, wipe the hood, wash kitchen set, water the flowers, wash the floor, wash the dining table, clean the kettle, sort out the cereal, etc.

At the same time, allocate 15-30 minutes a day to the zone using a timer. And you don’t need to try to have time to redo everything: remember, the mess in your house wasn’t cleared up in one day, so a whole day is unlikely to be enough to clear everything out. This way you will not have a reverse reflex, and a stunning result will be noticeable within a week. Can you imagine how sparkling clean your kitchen will be in just a week???

Step 4: Daily Routine

Now it is important to take into account the fly lady’s daily routine. In addition to “tidying up” areas every day, you need to adhere to a special daily routine.

Let's say, are you used to getting up in the morning, brushing your teeth, washing your hair and drinking a cup of aromatic coffee or, say, green tea? What is this? Habits? Or an established way of life? Rather, it is your personal morning routine.

From the point of view of flying housewives, you should also develop “useful” habits or, in other words, fly lady routines - things (actions) performed in the morning and evening. DAILY!

Let's say after drinking coffee, immediately wash the coffee maker, cup and sink. Also in the evening: after dinner, immediately wash all the dishes, the dining table and clean the sink. Or water the flowers after brushing your teeth. Or remove the cat litter box.

Or wash the toilet (well, it is not necessary, of course, to do this immediately after coffee). Or start preparing clothes for yourself (your household) for the morning in the evening. In general, do at least something that can become a habit. Experts say that it only takes 21 days for a habit to “settle” firmly. Won't you hold on? *victory*

Step 5: Home Blessing Hour *curtsey*

Before you learn how to quickly cope with household chores in 15 minutes, you should also learn about the BSC or EHS: the hour of blessing of the house (such a pompous syllable, just poetry *good*) or, in Russian speaking, the weekly cleaning hour.

This is the hour you will have to set aside each week to clean your home. You break the hour into 10 minutes, each of which you spend on different tasks (10 minutes dusting, the next 10 minutes washing the toilet floor, then taking out the trash, etc.) Do not confuse this with general cleaning.

Step 6: Spring Cleaning

Actually, since it had to be said, let’s also mention general cleaning (where would we be without it?) - the time at the end of each month, when you thoroughly wash the floors in the apartment, get into everything hard to reach places, beat out carpets and so on and so forth.

Ideally, you will also need only an hour for general monthly cleaning, since by this time all areas have been tidied according to a pre-planned list. In general, not life, but a fairy tale. Here are the secrets of how to become a fly lady *yu*

Step 7: Crisis Cleaning

There is also another type of fly lady cleaning: crisis cleaning is cleaning while expecting unplanned guests. 10-15 minutes for each zone.

By the way, there is a chance that you will always be prepared for the arrival of guests: crisis cleaning is not such a common option, but rather a force majeure event.

Step 8: take care of yourself

Be sure to include caring for yourself and your loved one on your to-do list. Experts say that a woman is best able to cope with everyday responsibilities coupled with allotting time for herself.

This could be taking a bath or cosmetic procedures, makeup, manicure, pedicure, hair removal, hairstyle. Of course, fly gurus strongly recommend putting on shoes and good clothes, and in such a way that you won’t be ashamed to run out into the street in case of special urgency and need.

This applies to both the hairstyle and the face of the housewife. You can resort to this advice, or you can pass it through your brain and forget *wink*

We tried to do a fifteen-minute “fly run” in heels and a skirt. Undoubtedly, it’s convenient to reach high shelves, and it’s even nice to give yourself such a beauty-fly test drive, especially when sipping kefir from a cocktail glass afterwards... But squatting in a skirt and scrubbing a kefir stain on the laminate (that’s how “club-armed” we are "fly lady) was not very comfortable and even... sad.

Because we noticed on the flooring, albeit few and very shallow, but still (!) dents from sharp heels... Oh, yes! For 15 minutes no one bothered us L Although, perhaps, it will be different for you *victory*

Here is the basic instruction on how to become a fly lady easily and without much effort. But, as with any new movement, the fly lady has its own nuances. The online magazine site advises you to adhere to some secrets that will help you organize your life even better.

To make it easier for you to get started, start small! Experts recommend starting, rather than postponing and endlessly planning. And it doesn’t matter why, as long as there is a result.

The simplest thing is to determine where your Hot Spot is located - hot spot, hot spot. Oh yes, in every house there are horizontal “trash bins” of the so-called “quick access” for dust, papers, small things, notes, paper clips, pens, rubber bands, buttons, coins, broken incomprehensible parts, toys, and other rubbish...

And where is the treasure trove for this useless nonsense? Yes, here they are: window sills, tables, bedside tables in the hallway, chests of drawers, a computer desk, an aquarium, bedside tables, vases and all surfaces that are open to the eye and accessible to the hands. Such hotspots need to be extinguished periodically. What is not a reason to become a flying housewife right now?

By the way, if you ran to tidy up your window sills right now and have been doing this for more than two minutes, know that the area is more than cluttered. Better set a timer for fifteen minutes.

Here's your next piece of advice: fly lady decluttering or the procedure of throwing out all the trash. Well, let’s say it’s not necessary to throw it away. You can give it away to neighbors, relatives, sell it on forums and websites, it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is to do it quickly. Not only hotspots are subject to decluttering, but also balconies, storage rooms, mezzanines, and closets. In general, all those places where you for many years they were afraid to look.

Well, if you don’t want to rush headlong into cleaning right now, then start small: buy yourself one. This is a beautiful notebook or elegant notebook, purchased (dedicated) specifically for “flying” activities.

All important information concerning home, family and you personally. The notebook should contain visual tables and graphs (compiled by you), as well as menus planned for the week, rest/vacation, shopping list, as well as phone numbers, holidays, birthdays, important events. And even your desires, interesting thoughts on this or that matter should be recorded in an audit trail.

We don’t know how it is with Western women, but Russian women will definitely have a multi-volume audit trail. It is designed to relieve your head of information, both necessary and unnecessary. You just have to look into your miracle little book, and you are already automatically flying to do things and perform economic feats. Or it’s true, unload your head: your head is not a “house of advice”!

And finally, the last but most important advice: Find time for your hobby! Actually, the direction of flying housewives was compiled in order to relieve your time.

This the system will do you if you are a successful career woman at work and a spouse who is not achieving anything at home, if you are a mother with a child, or even two or three, and if you are simply a housewife despairing of routine and everyday life. Go for it! After all, what’s at stake is a lot of free time and a sparkling clean house. And then, you see, *good* will become a habit

The flylady system is well known in our country. There are many followers and even followers.) Forums, communities, chats, personal blogs- and this is all about her, about the system of a happy housewife.
Personally, I liked the site the most, I communicated very actively there, but then their system crashed, and many users - their accounts and posts simply disappeared, including mine. Then they introduced a message pre-moderation system, and I abandoned this site. Now I come in very rarely, almost never, to scroll through the pages. But pre-moderation of messages is evil. All the charm and meaning of the chat is broken. And by the way, the moderators strictly monitored it, and the users were responsible, so there was never any swearing or anything like that.
So here it is. The system divides housewives into those who are organized from birth and those who need step by step instructions housekeeping. I am the first, or rather, the one who came to this long before I found out about fly.
Details and my cleaning methods are under the cut. Please join the discussion.)

So. I wouldn’t say that initially there was nowhere to be organized. More precisely, in terms of cleaning, yes. But there were scattered things, and a lump of T-shirts in the closet, and that’s all.
And then during my student years I lived in a dorm for 5 years. And this is where I was skewed towards organization and order. From the opposite, so to speak.
Therefore, in our room, I was the most ardent advocate of cleanliness.
It’s scary to say 8 years have passed since then, but we are still in cleanliness and order. best friends. And what’s more, perfectionism is developing more and more every year. I just suffer if something is uneven, sloppy or dusty somewhere. Moreover, what’s interesting is that this only applies to my home. That is, in someone else’s house it could be like after a hurricane, and I wouldn’t care. I even prefer even numbers, for example, in the volume level of a tape recorder or TV.
By the way, regarding the order. When we have guests, especially with children, I try to abstract myself.) But the guests are no longer strangers to us, and therefore they try to be careful.) From the last - a child accidentally swept a cup of olives off the table, her dad looked at me, waiting for a reaction (with a joke, as it were)). I sighed and took a sip of more wine, saying: “I’d rather drink it.” He took the napkins and collected them. I understand that this is wrong, but I can’t get over myself.)

Well, now, actually, to cleaning.)
Before meeting FL, I had cleaning on Saturdays, but the volumes were small - removable one-room apartments. Even licking her from top to bottom - well, two hours maximum. Therefore, I somehow didn’t bother with fifteen minutes and distributing cleaning by zones and days. In addition, when all things have their strict place, it is even simpler. That is, cleaning consists of brushing away dust, and not dismantling rubble.
I took a lot from the system about the principles of storing things and modified it to suit myself. I will write about this separately. I also got accustomed to the lists on different cases, especially general list shopping - everything that we basically buy is printed on one sheet of paper by category, I highlight what I need with a text highlighter and go ahead. I will also write about purchases separately. The audit trail also came to me from FL. I've been running it for 6 years now. I will definitely show and tell you.
But with the acquisition of a house with a plot, albeit a small one, completely different volumes emerged. 80 square meters house, plus 3.5 acres of land. And at the same time I work full time, five days a week. Of course, the first thing to do was make plans and lists. It was all just waiting in the wings, since there was simply no need for a one-room apartment (at least for me). Lists of zones, cases in these zones, general cases, and the like. I don’t see any point in describing the system in detail here, there is a lot of information about it. For those who don’t know yet, it’s easy to find.)
From the very beginning of implementation, it was not a complete fiasco, but not a success either. Because during the week, I’ll be honest with you, after work and on the way home, I’m just stupidly lazy to do the cleaning chores. Plus, I realized that I simply cannot do it in parts - vacuuming today, washing the floors tomorrow. I do everything at once, from start to finish. Therefore, cleaning on Saturday became my companion again. Although the lists of to-dos and zones hung on the refrigerator for a long time. But I have come to terms with the fact that it doesn’t work for me personally.
Why did I initially want to implement FL? So that Sat and Sun are days off. When both have a five-day period, this is undoubtedly necessary. But Tolya doesn’t have a five-day week, but shifts. This means that Saturday cleaning suits me. But still, despite the manic love for order, I want to save time on this matter as much as possible.
So I came to what suits me personally. This is cleaning of varying volumes. I'll explain.
There are approximately 4 weeks in a month, which means 4 Saturdays. And I have three types of cleaning.

1st week of the month. General cleaning of all tops. It includes (in order of completion):
- Put things in their places, move them if necessary. Organize the pile of documents that has accumulated over the week into folders (I will explain in more detail below).
- Flower care - loosening, pruning, watering.
- Washing mirrors.

- Vacuum cleaner. Why before wiping the dust - to vacuum the debris from the window sills after the flowers.
- Wipe the dust everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. And on all the tops, including doors, in general, all existing objects and surfaces, window cornices (these are the ones on the outside), entrance doors outside (there are two of them, the main one and the kitchen).
- Wash the floors.
- Clean the bathtub and toilet.
This type of cleaning takes me about 4 hours.

2nd week of the month. Relaxed. It includes (in order of completion):

- Caring for flowers - watering.
- Washing mirrors.
- Kitchen cleaning - wash dishes, if any, clean the sink, stove, wipe surfaces, cabinets inside and outside, kitchen apron, clean the kettle citric acid, wipe the microwave inside and outside, wipe the refrigerator inside.
- Vacuum cleaner.
- Wash the floors.
- Clean the bathtub and toilet.

3rd week of the month. Full cleaning. It includes (in order of completion):
- Put things in their places, move them if necessary. Organize the stack of documents that have accumulated over the week into folders.
- Caring for flowers - watering.
- Washing mirrors.
- Cleaning the kitchen - wash dishes, if any, clean the sink, stove, wipe surfaces, cabinets inside and outside, kitchen apron, clean the kettle with citric acid, wipe the microwave inside and outside, wipe the refrigerator inside.
- Vacuum cleaner.
- Wipe off dust in the main and obvious places where it accumulates.
- Wash the floors.
- Clean the bathtub and toilet.
This type of cleaning takes me about 3 hours.

4th week of the month. Relaxed. It includes (in order of completion):
- Put things in their places, move them if necessary. Organize the stack of documents that have accumulated over the week into folders.
- Caring for flowers - watering.
- Washing mirrors.
- Cleaning the kitchen - wash dishes, if any, clean the sink, stove, wipe surfaces, cabinets inside and outside, kitchen apron, clean the kettle with citric acid, wipe the microwave inside and outside, wipe the refrigerator inside.
- Vacuum cleaner.
- Wash the floors.
- Clean the bathtub and toilet.
This type of cleaning takes me about 2 hours.

Needless to say, the second and fourth weeks are my favorite.)

Maintaining order throughout the week.
- We put things in their place IMMEDIATELY after use, each thing has its own place.
- If you have the opportunity and desire, vacuum it on Wednesday.
- I put documents and receipts in a pile on the shelf and sort them out during Saturday cleaning. The documents are those that were needed during the week, and I took them out of the folders, or those that were received.
- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are flower days. I water as needed, going through each flower.
- Laundry on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- I wipe the stove immediately if it gets dirty.
- I immediately pick up large debris from the floor (especially pieces of someone’s fur, torn out along with the thorn) as soon as I see it, and throw it away.
- Clothing is stored strictly in its place.

General affairs.
- Window washing once every 2 months during the warm season (April-October). I don't touch it in winter.
- Washing curtains as needed.
- Ironing on Sundays for all clothes that need to be ironed after washing. I don't iron every day. And I don’t iron anything but clothes.
- Shake the bedspread and blanket as needed. Especially if someone's furry ass was sleeping there.)
- Calendar. I enter all my affairs into a wall calendar by day at the beginning of the year - birthdays, holidays, payments, and other important things.

Usually, if Saturday is my day at home, Sunday is my site day. I wouldn’t say that I have some kind of strict list of things to do. The area is processed as needed. This, of course, includes weeding, planting, cutting faded flowers, and watering. By the end of the week, I already see what needs to be done, and on Sunday I implement it. Landscaping is a separate line, and my husband is mainly involved in it; I only do very minor work in this area.

To make the morning go easier, and I have everything planned out minute by minute, because I sleep until the last minute, then in the evening I need to:
- Prepare Shepard’s food for the morning (Sherry only has bags and dry food, while Shepard has porridge + food or canned cat food + dry food).
- Pour the kettle.
- Prepare your bag and money for travel.
- Pack your lunch.
-Think about what I’ll wear.)

In the morning I only have time to run to get ready; there is no talk of any routine.)

Good day everyone! Today I have bad news. Most of our women live in a closed circle. Think about it, a married and working young lady is very accustomed to leaving all the tasks of putting her home in order for the weekend. After all, on weekdays there is neither energy nor time. Then Monday comes again... and it always does.

How to get out of this vicious circle? There is an option: the fly lady system in the Russian way. It is she who will help us make life more positive and erase the concept of “spring cleaning” from it.

Several years ago, American Marla Seelly introduced the concept. What is it? This is a technique that allows you to relieve a woman’s hands thanks to competent planning of affairs. That is, you don’t need to spend the whole weekend cleaning. It is enough to correctly distribute the load within 5 working days.

But for some reason, not all of our women can adapt to this system (read about). I know several examples where the technique took root only the third time. Why is this happening? After all, you will agree, how convenient it is to distribute your energy over 5 days, and leave the weekend for yourself.

I analyzed a lot on this topic, and came to the conclusion that the main problem is mentality and way of life. Marla created the system using the example of an American housewife. And some simply won’t fit into our lives. Here are a few of them, for example:

  1. Wear shoes with laces to avoid the temptation to lie down on the sofa. Excuse me, but where have you seen a young lady fluttering around the house in street shoes? Maximum house slippers.
  2. Spend a week cleaning one area. Well, yes, houses are big in America. It's difficult to clean 10 rooms at a time. And we have mostly small-sized ones. And for those who have mansions, it is no longer the mistress who cleans, but the servants.
  3. And also, using Marla’s example, household chores have to be done when she is home alone. Our fair half often works.

What if we remake this system in the Russian way? Take main idea and go ahead! How do you like it? Let's try? But first, let's understand which family model to adapt the system to.

Fly lady in Russian

So how do we live? The average family consists of 3-4 people: mother, father and one or two children:

  • Dad usually works.
  • with one baby. Moreover, if there is a second one, then it must be taken from the kindergarten (school). Either. In both cases there is little time.
  • Live in ordinary apartment, for example, a two-room apartment.

Under such conditions, a woman simply has no strength left by the evening. She has difficulty getting to the stove to cook something to eat. Therefore, things are left for Saturday and Sunday, because there is more time there. Children can spend time with dad or grandma. And the housewife, tired during the week, will clean the house.

Then the work week begins, you need to pick up the children from kindergarten, meet your husband from work, and so it’s a vicious circle. Somehow joyless and sad...

But if you sit down, think and make your own schedule! How?

Cleaning plan

Well, let's imagine that dad works until 19:00, and mom works until 17:00. She has to pick up one child from kindergarten. They arrive home earlier than dad. Mom cooks dinner, the family gets together and has dinner. Then, mom needs to find 15 minutes in the evening to do the planned fly things. How to plan?

  1. Take a sheet of paper, or better yet, a notebook. You will need it in the future to plan your actions.
  2. Make a list of things you have to do on weekends. Naturally, it will be there. What exactly are you doing? Have you recorded it?
  3. Now just divide the house into zones. It is better if there are 5 of them, like working days. And no more than 15 minutes were spent on each zone. For example, on Monday we clean the nursery. We vacuum, wipe off dust, wash the floor.
  4. Are you afraid of being distracted by something? Or spend more time? Set a timer. Soon you will get used to meeting the time you need.
  5. Don't forget to include an analysis of hot spots here, if possible every day. In any family there are places where unnecessary items like to “settle”. Receipts, advertising brochures, etc. don't let them accumulate.

Of course, you need to spend money on different zones different times. For example, the kitchen may take longer time than the bedroom. There you only need to wash the microwave and stove for 15 minutes. Then you will have to stay here for about half an hour. Don't forget about the timer!

Another tip: if you are planning to clean the kitchen, try to choose a day when you don’t need to cook dinner. I mean, it will be enough just to take out the pre-prepared one and heat it up. Or perhaps you have a shortened day on Friday? Great! This is a good opportunity to finish what you started on Monday, and devote the weekend to yourself and your family.

And to make it easier to start living on new way, get acquainted with some rules of the reactive technique.


It's difficult for us to get used to something new. We are looking for free time to clean up the house, killing minutes that could be devoted to family and yourself. Let's try to distribute the load. A simple rules They will help us with this:

  • We don’t clean when it’s dirty, but learn to maintain cleanliness regularly.
  • After using the item, put it back.
  • Learning to say goodbye to trash. Don’t hoard used items that have been sitting around for months (or maybe even a year) unnecessarily.
  • Control food supplies. Many housewives like to buy cereals, sugar, pasta, canned goods when they see the tempting word “promotion”. However, the cupboards did not run out of old supplies. This is how food accumulates on the farm, which often has to be thrown away. After all, it has an expiration date.
  • Weekend for yourself! Actually, this is why we learn to fly around our home with a broom during the week.

At all, this technique teaches not only to distribute the load, making work easier. Its main goal is to teach a woman to love herself. So try to apply the Russian fly system for yourself. Perhaps you will make your own adjustments here!

And now I’m interested in hearing your suggestions for optimizing the methodology in the Russian way. What do you offer? Would it be interesting to try? Leave your comments and become blog subscribers. Bye. See you again!

A lot of women became fans of the system, which freed them from domestic slavery. Now they flutter around their home, maintaining beauty and cleanliness.

There are no more weekly general cleanings, which for some reason do not help and force a more thorough inspection of the territory every month. By the way, corners with junk and closets filled with incomprehensible things are a thing of the past.

Principles of the fly lady system “let’s take off together”

Housewives who adhere to this daily routine have their own commandments, they allow them not to go astray. It is noted that you don’t have to work hard to implement them:

  • the sink in the house should not be dirty;
  • all housekeeping tasks are carried out in accordance with the control log;
  • We must not forget that every morning the housewife wears only comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • You should control yourself and not devote much time to the computer or TV;
  • after an item has been removed from somewhere, it should be put back in place;

  • there is no need to get excited, it is better to complete one task than to leave several unfinished ones;
  • every day should include an act done for oneself;
  • the sooner the task is completed, the sooner the period of pleasant things will begin;
  • you need to smile every day, even if you don’t really want to;
  • You need to love and pamper yourself.

Fly lady in Russian style, features

According to flying housewives, weekends should be devoted only to relaxation. No work or rework, just a good time. Otherwise, the routine will swallow the woman headlong, and it will be impossible to get out of this swamp.

Without spring cleaning you can get by, that’s what the fly-lady system is for. The cleanliness of the house will be maintained through the time allotted daily for regular tidying. Every day 15 minutes for one of the zones.

It is worth cleaning not only during the period of contamination, the surface is constantly treated. Therefore, despite appearance appliances, furniture or floors, they should be put in order. By the way, things that are taken for use must be back in place after manipulation with them is completed.

There is no point in accumulating unnecessary things in your apartment; it is better to give it to someone as a gift or simply throw away what is not used. Keeping items on shelves that aren't in use is the first step to decluttering your space.

There is no need to buy for future use or something new without throwing away the old one. A few extra kilos of rice or new towels when you still have old ones are unnecessary! If kitchen accessories were purchased, then the existing items go into the trash bin.

Pay attention! The fly-lady system helps a woman use her time wisely so as not to fall off her feet after cleaning her home. At the same time, for faithful completion of tasks, she is rewarded with a clean and well-kept apartment.

Fly lady system: where to start

Getting into the right daily routine always starts with 31 steps from the fly lady system. The hostess will be able to gradually immerse herself in the schedule and understand the basics of this manual. Abrupt change habitual life will not lead to anything good.

Often, the beginning of the system is a mailing with letters of recommendation; the lady will receive one “envelope” each month. This is not convenient for everyone, so below is detailed description manipulation. It is noted that the system steps may vary, so do not be surprised if differences are found.

Some women, as soon as they get used to it, allow themselves to adjust the points of the plan. This has a beneficial effect on the result, because they adjust this schedule to themselves.

31 steps fly lady

Psychologists agreed that a habit is developed within a month, perhaps that’s why this system suggests taking steps to get into the rhythm.

1. The first day involves bringing the sink to a mirror shine.

2. In the morning they devote themselves to themselves, but in the evening they take care of the sink again. Starting a new life requires posting reminder notes in visible places.

3. The first half of the day they take care of themselves, then they clean the sink, after which they read yesterday’s notes.

The fly-lady system in the Russian way: you don’t have to completely adopt the lifestyle and behavior of American housewives, you can simply adopt principles that are convenient for yourself.

4. The previous steps are repeated again, now reminders of them are posted in a couple more places.

5. Reinforce the development of habits and repeat the steps. During a period of change, many people hear a voice inside that says that its owner is not so good and does everything badly.

Therefore, you take a piece of paper, and on one side you write down the shortcomings that the critic inside imposes. The second side remains for the advantages; there needs to be more of them.

6. After the steps from the previous paragraphs have been completed, you need to read the reminders again. If your inner voice again reminds you of your shortcomings, you should read the advantages written on paper. Now comes the transition to a new level, the allocation of hotspots.

Hotspots are points that suggest the proliferation of chaos. Workplace, a shelf by the mirror or a coffee table, everyone has their own. Having allocated exactly 2 minutes, you need to restore order. Not perfect cleanliness, but as much as possible, while collecting important papers that are lying around there.

7. Repeat all past actions, including cleaning hotspots. Before going to bed, it is recommended to prepare clothes for the next day.

8. Yesterday's preparation of the fly lady's outfit is called the evening routine. As the graph shows, there is also a morning routine that involves cleaning the sink. In the first half of the day, you should take some time for yourself, read reminders, forget about your inner critic and remember it one last time.

In the evening, the outfit for the morning is prepared, the sink is cleaned and hot spots are cleaned for 2 minutes. Before going to bed, prepare a ring binder with some blank sheets in it. This is the beginning of the Fly Lady Audit Log.

9. In the morning, you need to get yourself in order again, read the reminders and praise yourself. After this, a race through hotspots, which are given 2 minutes. In the evening, the sink is kept clean and morning clothes are prepared.

Hot spots are visited again to ensure order and cleanliness in the morning. You can devote a few minutes to decluttering in order to mercilessly throw away or donate unnecessary things.

10. The first half of the day is devoted to putting yourself in order, reading reminders and personal praise. Hotspots are extinguished in 2 minutes, and 5 minutes are allocated for cleaning the room.

In the evening, the morning outfit is prepared, the sink is cleaned, and hot spots are sorted out.

This day involves introducing a new habit, cleaning out your apartment in 15 minutes. During this period, all rubbish and garbage in the house that is encountered along the way is sent to trash can or those in need. The next 15 minutes are given for pleasure, you can read a book or look through the news.

Important to know that good housewives do their work with pleasure, and do not suffer from performing basic tasks!

11. Now in the morning, after putting yourself in order, praising and reading notes, you need to spend 2 minutes on hot areas, 5 minutes on cleaning the room and 15 on decluttering. In the evening it will be easier, since the last thing left is cleaning the sink, preparing clothes and a 2-minute run to the hotspots.

They make entries in the audit trail and talk about routines in the morning and evening. They also include poems or quotes for inspiration.

You can write down tasks for every day: cleaning the house, de-littering, or cleaning hotspots in a paper journal, or you can also keep electronic file.

12. Having looked at the fly lady’s control log, they carry out the morning and evening routine. A new note appears reminding you to check with the journal.

13. After the morning and evening routines are done, 15 minutes of de-littering is done again. In order to dilute the system, the first task from Kelly is added.

14. After repeating the previous day, there is time to create a family calendar.

15. From the third week it forms new habit, Now prerequisite becomes making the bed. The tasks from the audit trail go according to plan and are completed in the morning and evening.

16. After completing your routine for the day, you can read inspiring posts.

17. Another repetition of past actions, after which things are added to evening time. It is important to indicate good time so as not to suffer from lack of sleep.

18. Completing tasks according to the audit trail, becoming familiar with the main rules for fly ladies.

19. The day is devoted to the usual routine, so as not to get tired of it; in the evening it is worth reading something useful and interesting.

20. Morning and evening routines do not change; laundry is added to them. The linen is sorted, washed, dried, ironed and put back in place.

21. Continue doing morning and evening tasks.

22. After routine tasks are completed, it is necessary to remember about the problems of hot spots, littering and Kelly tasks.

23. Planned tasks are executed according to the journal, and a new item is also added to it. Plans to be made after work or lunch.

24. Execution of plans takes place throughout the day, adding to them is cleaning the toilet with a brush, wiping the edges of the bathroom with a sponge. Excess items will need to be removed from it.

25. Enough time has already passed for plans to be executed automatically. Actions for the morning, afternoon and evening are carried out according to the magazine.

26. Routine work is being carried out, it wouldn’t hurt to talk to yourself. Look at your successes and praise your achievements.

Interesting to know! There is no need to quit logging in if a failure occurs and a day was missed or executed incorrectly. Changes in life occur gradually, so some mistakes at first are forgivable.

27. All given tasks are expected to be completed at different times of the day. Before 18:00 it is worth thinking about a dish for dinner, this is recorded in the journal.

28. It is important to check the control book and carry out all routine tasks. The new point of the plan will be to take care of the hostess. You need to eat right, remember to rest and drink enough fluids.

29. Overcoming a certain barrier, 4 weeks have already passed since the start of the marathon to develop a habit. The hostess should praise herself for her perseverance, and then complete any task from Dana.

30. After the tasks are completed, you need to turn your attention to the plans for the next month. Time is allocated a day in advance to select gifts or cards for upcoming celebrations.

31. You don’t need to know about all the nuances of the system; it’s enough to perform the assigned tasks correctly. During the day, work is carried out on routine plans from the audit trail.

Fly lady system - house cleaning

Fly lady littering

Every day, flying housewives spend 15 minutes cleaning their home. Due to this, their home is transformed, free space, less effort is wasted when disassembling an apartment. To consolidate the effect, you need to get rid of the junk. To do this, de-littering is introduced, and 15 minutes are also allocated for it.

In the allotted time, a woman needs to sort things out in different places in the house. Not globally, on shelves, in parts, while unnecessary things need to be thrown away. They mercilessly say goodbye to items that have not been used for the last year.

Cleaning a house (apartment) using the fly lady system

  • execution of the routine in the morning and evening;
  • consolidation of a monthly habit;
  • making stickers with reminders;
  • neutralization of bad thoughts;
  • maintaining an audit trail;
  • using a timer;
  • daily execution of a task from Kelly;
  • getting rid of junk, regular;
  • maintaining a family calendar;
  • drawing up a weekly plan;
  • dividing the room into 5 zones.

Fly Lady - Home Economics

Fly Lady: Accounting for Financial Costs

Flying housewives highlight several rules for controlling their profits and expenses. A woman begins to monitor her budget various reasons. To ensure that money does not evaporate without reason, tasks must be completed.

  • All receipts, invoices and other payment documents are stored in one place.
  • Blessing of financial condition, at a certain hour women have a conversation with higher powers.
  • It wouldn't hurt to start bank card, it’s convenient to keep track of expenses.
  • Why not try on the role of a banker and record your expenses and income in audit trails.
  • Keep track of how much money you spend on food.

  • Discarded income should be kept to a minimum, we're talking about about spoiled products.
  • Before you go shopping, make a list.

Interesting fact! Even those women who liked to spend money without accounting, like the financial tracking system. They appreciated its benefits and were able to make impressive savings without losing their quality of life.

Fly lady: menu

Before replenishing food supplies, you should make a meal plan for a certain period of time. To do this, you need to go through several steps to achieve a quality result.

First, the housewife inspects her supplies, notes which items should be used first due to the limited shelf life. After that, fill out the item about the family’s favorite dishes.

Of course, the first time you will have to devote a lot of time to these manipulations. However, the next time the woman will be already prepared and will cope faster.

Now, a menu is being drawn up for 3 days, for the first time this will be enough. And on a separate piece of paper they write down the products that need to be purchased. The main thing is not to deviate from the list in the store and follow only it. Promotions, discount packages and other enticing factors should not interest the fly lady.

Fly lady system for different women

Fly lady system for working women

When a representative of the fair sex works, it seems that it will be more difficult for her to do everything according to the system. In fact, it is precisely these ladies that the fly lady allows them to get more free time to communicate with their household.

Important points for working women:

  • Each family has its own routine, where household members get up at about 7 o'clock. To follow the fly lady rules, you should get up half an hour or an hour earlier. During this period, while everyone is still sleeping, things for the morning routine are completed.
  • Combining tasks will also allow you not to suffer due to lack of time. Cooking dinner is combined with cleaning the kitchen, and brushing your teeth with tidying up the bathroom.
  • It is cooking that takes up a lot of women’s time; in order to free up the evening, they can cook for future use. Reheated food from the freezer tastes just as good as the food you just cooked.

  • There is a rule for family members that if you don’t litter, you don’t have to clean up. That is, all taken items must be returned to their place.
  • We must not forget about automation, which is aimed at helping the housewife. You should make room for a robot vacuum cleaner in your home. washing machine, multicooker.

Fly lady system for mothers

A woman with a child cannot refuse to do certain things because she has a baby. She needs ironing, washing, or cleaning daily, but these tasks can be done gradually. According to the system of flying women, the routine will take little time, but important things will be done.

In order to follow the system, you need to immediately add one task from your mother to the standard plans. At the same time, you should devote little time to it so as not to completely load your schedule. Depending on what a woman needs more, she puts certain tasks first.

Such women will have more reminders near the mirror, because for her busy schedule it would be a tragedy not to get minced meat on time or not to wash the child’s underwear. That's why special attention devoted to notes with advice.

Important to know! In order not to run out of apartments while pregnant, a woman is asked to draw up a schedule for 30 days. It is following all the points that will allow you to spend your days stress-free and have a clean apartment.

Fly lady system for pregnant women

An interesting situation should not become a reason for refusing to fulfill your usual schedule. On the contrary, many ladies became fans of such a wonderful method after pregnancy.

When carrying a baby, many are prescribed bed rest, allowing them to make efforts only occasionally. Entry into the system is gradual, so it is ideal for such ladies.

To make your day easier, the plan includes pregnancy-specific tasks. For example, you plan to exercise in the morning and visit the doctor in the afternoon. Since this is not a daily task, it will easily fit into the fly lady's schedule.

In some families, the husband takes on part of the worries; for example, he helps his beloved and vacuums on his days off. At special situation such interventions and adjustments are entirely permissible.

Fly Lady: tasks for today and every day

When drawing up a plan, you need to take into account many nuances so as not to go beyond the usual system. If you follow a few points, then developing tasks will not cause problems.

  1. No more than 15 minutes are allotted for each task; if it is large, it is better to divide it.
  2. The list of tasks should not exceed 7 items, since one is allocated for each day.
  3. Provided that there are a lot of things to do, but it is impossible to accommodate them, you can transfer some of them to cleaning by zones.
  4. The load should be uniform; if a 15-minute task comes up with an easy task, it is supplemented with another one.

Fly lady system: daily tasks (tables)

Every week a woman cooks new schedule with tasks for every day. It will indicate all planned activities. You need to devote enough time to this activity so as not to lose sight of anything.

Below is a ready-made table from which you can compile a personal copy.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Hour of blessing at home Planning things Executing pending tasks Procurement day Other matters Family day A day for yourself
Working with a vacuum cleaner 15 minutes to clean 1 area 15 minutes to clean 1 area 15 minutes to clean 1 area 15 minutes to clean 1 area Visit to the cinema Shopping
Cleaning floors in the hallway, toilet and bathroom Hotspot analysis in 2 minutes Hot spot analysis Hotspot analysisHotspot analysisGoing to the shopping centerTaking a bath with goodies
Cleaning dust from furniture and windows Cleaning the kitchen floor Throwing away 10 unnecessary things Drop 10 items Throwing away 10 extra things Walking in the park area Epilation
Cleaning mirrors and doors Watering plantsCleaning the floor in the living room Purchase of products Cleaning the bedroom floor Games with the younger generation Manicure and pedicure
Change of bedding Analysis of products, medicines Cleaning the aquarium Purchase of household chemicals Fix broken things Family dinnerWatching a movie
WashingMenu planning Cleaning cat bowls Buying gifts for upcoming dates Shoe shine Reading your favorite work
Analysis of old printed materials Making a shopping list Making an appointment with a doctor Paying billsOrganizing your purse and car
Taking out the trashWeekend planning Tidying up your refrigerator Cleaning your phone from excess junk Pleasant evening with your loved one

Important fact! Preparing such a table is mandatory; if it is not possible to do this on electronic media, you can draw it by hand. Such things organize a person very much; they imply support when entering the system.

Checklist (diary) fly lady, how to make

Every fly lady should have an audit trail that she follows daily.

In order to provide an additional incentive, the notebook needs to be made bright and unusual. To create a creative magazine you will need:

  1. A notebook or notepad, preferably the sheets should be squared and connected with rings.
  2. A set of pens and bright markers so that you can highlight text or a title.
  3. Stickers, dividers that are glued inside and contain important information.
  4. Clippings from printed materials, business cards, motivators.
  5. Paper clips, beautiful tape, stapler.

Now they're in motion skillful hands, and a bright head will tell them what to do. In 60 minutes you can build a beautiful book to write down your daily tasks.

Fly lady audit trail:

Fly lady: negative and positive reviews

The female half does not have a common opinion on the use of the fly-lady system in ordinary life. Statistics show that it is those who are fans of cleaning who refuse to adhere to the schedule. After all, in their opinion, it is worth cleaning not only the sink every day, but the entire apartment.

But for busy people, the system becomes a salvation, and they get a clean room in a minimum of time.

Fly Lady: A Book by Marla Seelly

A useful guide for those who decide to join the ranks of flying housewives. Of course, you can do without it, but After reading the book, a woman’s stock of new terms will be impressively replenished.

Once immersed in reading, it will be difficult for a woman to tear herself away from the work. You can purchase a copy at any bookstore. Almost all chain markets have a famous book on their shelves.

To understand the benefits or lack thereof, you need to try this system on yourself.

Of course, due to busy schedules or personal reasons, some give up the life of flying women. However, it is enough to make a little effort and overcome yourself to appreciate the benefits of the fly-lady system in everyday life.

Fly Lady system in Russian style. Where to start?

Fly Lady system - house cleaning, tasks for every day:

An ordinary housewife, Marla Cilley, has created an entire system designed to destroy chaos in your home, your inner world, and your life in general. asserts that any woman and every house in the world can shine.

Order leads to order, chaos leads to chaos. This law of similarity underlies the entire system. The Flying Housewife suggests moving in small steps towards a big goal, and doing it systematically and systematically.

The online magazine “” offers simple Fly Lady commandments, following which it will be easy for you to adhere to the system.

Here are the tips Fly Lady gives to achieve order around and within yourself:

Create an island of comfort

The first step of the system is . At first, this does not seem entirely logical, but after you do this, you will see how much this ideal corner will contrast with the chaos reigning around, and your hands will reach out to sort out the rest of the rubble.

In addition, it is not so difficult to maintain order in this corner, and day by day it is this island of order that will give you inspiration to move on.

Clean up your appearance

And do this every morning immediately after waking up. Nobody talks about cocktail dresses and evening makeup. But you definitely need to wash your face, comb your hair and dress neatly. We feel exactly the same as we look.

Even if you are not going out anywhere, you should make sure that when you look in the mirror you feel happy. Your self-esteem will grow rapidly, and with it - good mood and success in activities.

Strictly follow routines

Are you scared? But in vain. Fly Lady transforms the concept of “routine” from negative and boring into the category of simple and ordinary. These are just lists of morning and evening actions that you already perform “automatically” every day.

Simply, if you formulate them on paper, it will be possible to objectively analyze where time is spent and optimize processes.

In addition, oddly enough, it is routines that will help creativity manifest itself, because with a list you are guaranteed not to forget to do anything important, which means you won’t have to worry about it, and your thoughts will be freed up for creative flights.

Find and save hot spots

Fly Lady talks about “hot spot” or “hot spot”. This is a place where, as usual, as soon as one newspaper appears, a mountain of other newspapers, things, clothes and other things appears unimaginably quickly on top.

Every home has its own hotspots. Conduct an experiment: take several bags, packages and a couple of things in your hands, go into the apartment. Where do you dump them to free up your hands? This is your hot spot.

Chances are there is at least one in every room. So Fly Lady says that these mountains, grown in a hot spot, can expand to the size of an entire house. But if the “hot spot” is saved and “extinguished” in time, then order will prevail. And it takes two minutes a day to do this. Honestly, just two minutes!

Get rid of junk

Another important secret fly lady: – one of the basic principles of the system. Don't regret what you don't use.

Give clothes that don't fit and cosmetics that you've never used to a friend; take a set of dishes bought at a sale and not suitable for the interior to your mother; household appliances, collecting dust in the kitchen and not used in the cooking process, is also probably needed by someone you know. Throw away what doesn't work.

No, you can't fix it. Throw in the trash what you don't like. No, it won't be useful anymore. And, I assure you, no matter how much you throw away, every month there will be something else that can be classified in this category.

Buy something new after getting rid of the old one

Exactly in that order. Throw away the old and buy a new one. Following this rule will free up a lot of space in your closets and save you a lot of money.

And don't waste what you throw away. In order for something new to come into your life, a place must be cleared for it. By the way, we are not just talking about material things here. Think about it better.

Divide and clean up

Even if it seems that here it’s already clean, but there it’s completely dirty and you want to immediately run there with a mop at the ready, you shouldn’t do this. There is a system, do you remember? Clear, systematic and unhurried actions will save you.

Another Fly Lady principle is dividing the house into zones. It doesn’t matter whether you live in a studio apartment or a large country house, any space can be divided into small zones, thus distributing the cleaning process into small parts. Today you are disassembling kitchen cabinets in detail, tomorrow - bathroom cabinets.

Or this week is dedicated to your bedroom, and the next week to the nursery. Whatever suits you. And also, especially for those who are keen, the Flying Housewife invites everyone to use a timer set for 15 minutes. Just a quarter of an hour every day in any of the zones. And after some time, your home will shine.

Clean up after yourself immediately

There is this advice: “If you can do something right away and it won’t take more than five minutes, do it.” After peeling the tangerine, discard the skins. After dinner, wash your plates.

After preparing food, wipe down the table and stove. After all, it’s easy to do this right away, and then the stains will dry out, and another will be added to one piece of garbage... Don’t start negative processes, destroy the mess at the stage of its formation.

Play realtor

Imagine that you need to sell your home. you praise it to potential buyers, but your distant gaze picks out some imperfections and inconsistencies.

What parts of the home need repairs? And what wallpaper will be best combined with furniture here? Or maybe make a rearrangement to make it more attractive? Remember, or better yet, write down these improvements. And then slowly, to the best of your ability, bring them to life.

Love and pamper yourself

Let this Fly Lady commandment complete the list, but it is far from the last in its role in the system. To “fly”, you must, first of all, feel good and enjoy life.

Therefore, no matter what other rules say, if you are unwell or have Bad mood, let the routines not be completed, even if the timer doesn’t even turn on today to dismantle the zones, let the whole world wait, because the main thing in this whole system is you. And home is just a reflection of your inner world.

The rules are known and simple, the principles are inspiring. Well, did you fly together? *victory*