Hormonal pain reliever Ambene: indications, price, where to buy? "Ambene" - tablets and injections for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

"Ambene" is a complex-action drug intended for intramuscular administration. This remedy is suitable for the treatment of diseases that affect the nervous system and joints. The components of the medicine, acting on the body, effectively fight microbes, relieve pain, eliminate fever, and stop inflammatory processes. Let's take a closer look at the drug "Ambene". Composition, analogues, reviews, instructions are described in the article.

The medication is available in the form of ampoules and syringes. The drug includes two ampoules, each of which contains different substances. Each is used separately, making deep intramuscular injections.

An analogue of Ambene, injections of the original drug have a similar effect. Previously, the medicine was produced in the form of two solutions with different compositions (A and B), which had to be combined with each other. The first composition of "Ambene" contained components that have antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. hormonal action(dexamethasone, lidocaine, phenylbutazone, sodium salicyamide acetate). The second solution consisted of lidocaine and vitamin B12. Currently, a drug is being produced in ampoules of which both compositions are already combined.

Pharmacological action

Inflammation is effectively relieved, with virtually no side effects after using the drug Ambene. The analog works in much the same way.

Phenylbutazone is an NSAID that relieves pain, relieves fever, and provides diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Sodium salicylamide acetate also has analgesic properties; its presence in the composition of the drug contributes to better dissolution of the components.

Necessary for normal exercise metabolic processes, which involve nucleic acids and lipids. These processes affect nervous tissue, with correct flow which its restoration takes place. This is especially important for the condition of neurons. The vitamin allows you to remove degenerative changes that have occurred in the tissue due to disease (neuritis, osteochondrosis).

Lidocaine ensures painless administration of the drug. All components present in Ambene combine perfectly with each other and enhance each other’s effects. Since the medicine has a powerful effect on the body, it is administered in small doses. An analogue of the drug "Ambene" contains other substances, but their action is aimed at achieving the same result, which makes it possible to replace the original if such a need arises.

Indications for use

The drug treats joint diseases in acute form And neurological diseases, which also occur acutely. It is suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, spondylitis, gout, arthrosis, and can be used for radiculitis and in the treatment of conditions such as neuralgia. This remedy removes painful sensations in the presence of changes in the spine that have occurred as a result of degenerative processes. Ambene eliminates unrefined joint pain and symptoms that accompany joint injuries.

Short-term treatment of acute conditions is carried out using the drug “Ambene”, analogues. Reviews indicate that both types of therapy can be implemented successfully. The choice of medications is individual; what does not suit one person may help another to cope with the problem. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of Ambien and other contraindications, the doctor selects the most suitable analogue.


Taking the medication is prohibited in many cases, since corticosteroids often have large number contraindications. The instructions for use do not always allow the use of Ambene. Analogues in in this case will replace the original and have the same effect.

For example, Ambene is not prescribed for systemic mycosis and lupus erythematosus, herpes, lymphadenitis, and chickenpox. Contraindications are poliomyelitis, mumps, acute gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, some cardiac disorders, as well as work disorders thyroid gland, serious violations in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The drug is not suitable for use in case of excessive sensitivity to its components, planning vaccination and after it. The list of contraindications includes stomatitis, glaucoma, myasthenia gravis. Ambene should not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding. Children under the age of 14 years and older people are prescribed an analogue of the drug "Ambene". You should make a choice in favor of another remedy even after undergoing surgery.

Use of the drug, dosage

By using the drug "Ambene" pain is eliminated acute nature, present in the joints. This drug allows for short treatment courses aimed at eliminating spinal pain and neuritis.

Typically, patients are prescribed the drug for use at one-day intervals. However, it cannot be used more than 3 times in one week. "Ambene" and analogues are injected with strict adherence to the instructions. If necessary, repeat the course when the doctor says. It is usually carried out a few weeks after completion of the first course.

It is very important to give the injection correctly. The drug is administered deeply and slowly. In this case, the patient must be in supine position. Injecting in any other position is prohibited. If the package includes two ampoules, first draw solution A into the syringe, then solution B.

Side effects

Ambene, analogues, and generics can cause some side effects. For example, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in the blood formula, anemia. Possible manifestations allergic reactions, decreased blood pressure, general deterioration in health, lack of sleep or light sleep, headaches and other side effects.

As reviews show, human body usually rarely reacts to the drug with negative reactions. Complications occur if the drug is used for a long time or without strict adherence to instructions.

The area where the injection was given may be painful. In addition, the development of inflammatory processes in tissues and their necrosis is possible.

If noted unwanted reactions from the body, hemodialysis is required, artificial ventilation lungs and other measures aimed at improving the patient’s well-being. In the most severe cases, the use of the medication “Diazepam” is required; it is administered intravenously.

Special instructions

Medicine "Ambene", analogues this tool have in their instructions special instructions which should be considered before starting treatment. The vitamin present in Ambene can change the blood picture when checking it in people suffering from anemia, and phenylbutazone can influence the results of the analysis when checking the thyroid gland. Caution is required in the presence of certain diseases; their presence should be discussed with your doctor.

Drug interactions

Ambene and drug analogues are not compatible with all drugs. This drug interferes with the normal functioning of oral contraceptives, it negatively affects the effect of medications that reduce blood pressure and inhibits the effect of Sulfinpyrazone. At joint use intensifies toxic effect"Methotrexate".

The effect of Ambene itself is weakened by Rifampicin and barbiturates, and anabolic steroids - vice versa. The combination of anti-inflammatory drugs is very dangerous to health, as is the consumption of alcohol during treatment.

If you need to take another drug along with Ambene, you should consult your doctor.

Analogues and cost of the drug, reviews

Basic information about the drug "Ambene", instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues allow you to choose the most suitable treatment method. Its price is on average 5 thousand rubles.

TO original drug the closest analogue is “Milgamma”. Depending on the indications, the doctor may prescribe Dexamethasone together with this substitute, and Neurobion with Movalis.

As an analogue, infiltration blockade based on Lidocaine and Dexamethasone can be used, but only as prescribed by a specialist.

Description of "Ambene", instructions for use, price, analogues are important information, which is worth studying before purchasing. Some doctors consider the drug expensive; in their opinion, the original can be replaced with a cheaper analogue. As patients report, positive result appears quickly after treatment. Judging by the reviews, the main advantage of Ambene is its fast action. This drug is sometimes very helpful, especially when there are no other ways to eliminate the negative symptoms of the disease, and this needs to be done as quickly as possible.

In general, the medicine is effective, but both doctors and buyers believe that substitutes are no worse.

Ambene in injection form can be considered a first aid for joints. With its help, it is easy to stop the painful and degenerative processes that have begun in the joints. How the drug Ambene works - instructions for using injections, explanations and recommendations in this article.

What is the advantage of the composition

The main side effect of potent anesthetics that doctors prescribe to patients who have to live with joint pain is the huge number of side effects caused by the drug. Pain and discomfort go away, but are replaced by a number of unpleasant, and sometimes hazardous phenomena. Ambene has advantages over analogues, the most important thing being that in practice there are a minimum of side effects. Ambene injections actively work with foci of inflammation and relieve pain.

  • Dexamethasone in the drug extinguishes inflammatory processes;
  • The non-hormonal component phenylbutazone inhibits absorption into tissue uric acid, reduces temperature locally and also relieves inflammation;
  • Sodium salicylamide acetate helps resolve the disease inside the body, the process is called lysis;
  • Cyanocobalamin – accelerates production nucleic acid, which helps restore the myelin layer of the nerve fiber;
  • Lidocaine helps to numb the process of administering the drug.

Important! Ambene in injections is effective because it is quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the vascular bed.

Release form for injections

Ambene for intramuscular administration is available in two forms:

  1. The drug is sealed in ampoules
  2. The drug is placed in a syringe for maximum urgent use

Please note: the drug is often made in the form of two solutions, which are mixed as needed, that is, immediately before administration. Some manufacturers offer ready-mixed solution for sale.

The first solution contains: dexamethasone, phenylbutazone, lidocaine, sodium salicylamide acetate. The second ampoule contains: cyanocobalamin and lidocaine.

When is Ambene prescribed?

All acute joint syndromes, which are accompanied by severe pain, increased temperature locally or throughout the body:

  • Diseases of the joints and spine of inflammatory origin, or with tissue destruction;
  • Previous surgeries on the spine and joints;
  • Neurological problems;
  • Back and joint injuries, including sports;
  • Lesions of the upper shoulder girdle;
  • Lumbosacral diseases;
  • Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, spondylitis, gout, dorsalgia, lumbago and so on;
  • Other diseases with pain syndrome.

Attention! Others dosage forms the drug does not exist! Tablets and ointments are an ineffective form of therapy in this case.

What could be the possible side effects?

If you take too much of a dose, long-term use, or if the drug is poorly tolerated, malfunctions in some of the body systems may occur. The drug Ambene has the greatest effect on nervous system. From her side you can observe:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Muscle tension;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Some nervousness.

On the part of the kidneys, there may be difficulties in their functioning, in the form of anuria or other disorders.

The gastrointestinal tract can react as if the body is experiencing poisoning:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Pain in the stomach;
  • Anorexia.

Hematopoietic system - test results of people using Ambene show some changes in the tests.

The respiratory systems may feel oppressed, resulting in heart rate. A related phenomenon is a drop in blood pressure.

IN in rare cases the skin reacts with the appearance of allergies such as eczema.

When should you not use Ambene?

A categorical contraindication is if the patient is allergic to one of the components of the medication. If there is a history of intolerance to the components, treatment with Ambene is prohibited.

If you have gastritis or erosions on the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines, as well as ulcers, you need to keep in mind that the drug will worsen the condition of this organ.

Do not use for heart attack, ischemia, kidney, liver, pancreas and thyroid diseases.

If the patient simultaneously suffers from herpes, chickenpox, mumps, Ambene should not be used.

There is an absolute ban on the use of Ambene for pregnant and lactating women, since the active substances easily penetrate through the membranes of the placenta and also appear in significant concentrations in milk.

How to use Ambene to get a therapeutic effect and not harm yourself

Injections are given once a day. Depending on the situation, they can be repeated daily or every other day. You can't do them more than three times a week. The next course is carried out after a few days of “rest”.

When mixing drugs, first take the drug from ampoule “A”, and only then from ampoule “B”. The injection should be given slowly. Place: intramuscular, deep. It is important to give the injection correctly. The effect largely depends on this.

If you purchased the drug in ready-made syringes, then you just need to remove the rubber cap and attach the needle. Slide the piston towards the needle so that the contents of both chambers are mixed. After this, the drug must be administered immediately. Be sure to place the patient lying down.

Please note: the temperature of the drug should not be lower than 36 degrees Celsius.

What to do in case of overdose

An overdose of Ambien is dangerous and can cause coma.

To help the patient in this situation, use artificial respiration, cardiac massage, other resuscitation measures. Diazepam and other drugs are appropriate. It is also recommended to connect to an artificial kidney machine.

Special instructions

The drug is sold according to a doctor's prescription.

Thyroid examinations are done no earlier than two weeks after stopping Ambene, otherwise there is a risk of getting incorrect results.

If necessary, use the drug, stop breastfeeding.

If the dosage and regimen are followed, as a rule, there are no side effects.

Analogues of the drug Ambene in injections

Exact analogues are not produced. Instead of Ambene, one of the following may be prescribed the following drugs: milgamma, neurobion, dexamethasone, lidocaine, movalis, as well as their combinations.

As a replacement, a medicinal infiltration blockade can be performed.

If you cannot find this particular drug in the pharmacy, then you can select individual components, the same as those included in the drug Ambene. This will significantly reduce the cost of treatment. But the disadvantage of the method is that it is difficult to use in emergency and urgent situation.

Although the high cost of the drug is frustrating, its effect is invaluable. Just a few injections relieve severe pain conditions. If the drug is difficult to buy in a pharmacy, then you can always find it in online stores.

Reminder: if the disease has chronic form, you should stock up on the drug to avoid complications life situations associated with sudden exacerbations of pain.

Ultrix vaccine: instructions for use Glucose during pregnancy: intravenous administration for correction physiological processes Injection with Mydocalm: instructions for use

Diseases of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous system are often accompanied by inflammation, fever, severe pain, loss of proper functionality and gradual loss of mobility. The drug Ambene - ambulance for patients with such diseases. It is distinguished from other potent painkillers by its rapid, pronounced effect and lack of huge amount side effects. Available in ampoule form or in ready-made syringes intended for intramuscular injection. The instructions for the drug will tell you how Ambene works, what the therapeutic effect is based on and the rules for taking it.

Ambene drug in ampoules

Pharmacological properties

Ambene is a medicine with complex effects. Multicomponent composition, including a combination of active active ingredients, allows you to act on the body in several directions at once. According to the international ATC classification system (anatomical-therapeutic-chemical systematization), Ambene belongs to medications for the musculoskeletal system, a subgroup of anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal in combination with corticosteroid hormones. According to the instructions supplied with the drug, Ambene injections have the following properties:

  • suppress the manifestation of the inflammatory process - relieve skin redness, swelling, pain, local fever;

  • reduce the intensity of pain perception - analgesic effect;

  • reduce elevated temperature with fever;

  • inhibit the synthesis of uric acid, facilitate the removal of urinary calculi (stones).

Composition of Ambene

The packaging contains syringes with two chambers or double ampoules, they are complemented by a disposable needle, a napkin and a PVC patch. The ampoules (chambers) contain solutions of different compositions, which are combined with each other immediately before injection into the muscle. Conventionally, they are called solution A and B (or 1 and 2), because there is a certain requirement - the solution is drawn into the syringe starting from ampoule A, then it is drawn from the second ampoule. German pharmaceutical companies have now completed the production of double ampoules; new forms of Ambene are already available in specialized pharmacies - ready-made preparations (2 ml) containing a solution mixed at the factory.

The therapeutic effect is due to the active substances that form the basis of Ambene - the composition of the drug is indicated in the instructions, these are:

  • phenylbutazone is a non-narcotic analgesic from the butylpyrazolidone group and is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of synthetic origin;

  • sodium hydroxide – used as a pH stabilizer, creates an alkaline environment that suppresses the hydrolysis reaction;

  • lidocaine hydrochloride – local anesthetic, suppresses the conduction of pain impulses, intramuscular injection is carried out absolutely painlessly;

  • Dexamethasone is a synthetic hormone from the subclass of corticosteroids that has anti-inflammatory activity, antiallergic and antitoxic effects. Blocks release from cells immune system mediators of inflammation, prevents the breakdown of proteins, thereby improving the metabolism of cartilage and bone tissue. Causes minimal side effects;

  • sodium salicylamide acetate – amide derivative salicylic acid, used as an analgesic and antipyretic, increases the solubility of the drug;

  • solvent - a sterile liquid for diluting medicinal substances.

The capacity of Ambene ampoule A is 2 ml, chamber B contains 1 ml of solution, including:

  • cyanocobalamin – has B12-vitamin activity, regulates protein, lipid and carbon metabolism, immune processes, and the functioning of the nervous system. Promotes development, nutrition, growth and renewal of cells;

  • lidocaine hydrochloride;

  • highly purified water for injection solutions.

How does Ambene work?

Thanks to the complex combined composition Ambien and abilities active ingredients strengthen therapeutic effect each other, it is considered a highly effective medicine with cumulative action. The result is achieved in much smaller doses than would be required when using individual medications - single drugs. Introduced into the body according to the instructions, the drug easily enters the systemic bloodstream. Ambien begins to act immediately - therapeutic effect is achieved quickly, and due to the slow metabolism of the drug, it persists for a long time. Long period half-life is explained by the ability of phenylbutazone to bind to plasma proteins by more than 95%. The main mechanisms of action of Ambene include:

  • reduction in the synthesis of prostaglandins by phenylbutazone and sodium acetate salicylamide due to inhibition of the activity of tissue enzyme COX types 1 and 2, which incl. helps restore normal activity of neurons in the thermoregulation center. As a result, the drug prevents the development of the inflammatory process, reduces pain and fever in febrile patients. Phenylbutazone is also capable of increasing the excretion of potassium and sodium salts precipitated in the urine, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of uric acid in the blood;

  • the ability of dexamethasone to react with the receptor protein on the cell membrane and penetrating into the nucleus, affecting transcription and formation ribonucleic acid involved in protein biosynthesis. By reducing the level of proteins involved in inflammation, acute pain syndrome disappears for a long time, high temperature, all phases of the chronic inflammatory process are suppressed. Glucocorticoid hormone also has a positive effect on the central nervous system, the processes of development and metabolism of bone tissue;

  • active participation of cyanocobalamin in ensuring the vital activity of spinal cells, the formation of the myelin sheath covering all nerve fibers and helps transmit signals to nerves. Thus, the drug prevents the development or progression of degenerative processes in tissues;

  • long-lasting and strong (2-6 times stronger than Novocaine) anesthetic effect of Lidocaine. This is achieved by blocking sodium channels in the nerve fibers and endings, and therefore stopping transmission nerve impulse and loss of pain sensitivity.

Excipients are excreted slowly - they completely leave the body only after 7-8 hours. The instructions for Ambien say that this happens naturally– renal and intestinal excretion predominates: with feces, urine. Some components are able to pass through the placenta and enter breast milk– if a course of treatment with Ambene is necessary, breastfeeding is prohibited.


Only a doctor prescribes injections. After examining the patient, he will select the frequency of taking Ambene and the dosage. The type of disease, severity of the condition, severity of symptoms and individual characteristics sick. To cause the desired therapeutic effect, when taking it, it is important to follow the instructions and strictly follow the established rules. It is better if the injections are done by a highly qualified medical worker. If this is not possible, and you have to give injections yourself, at home, then the instructions will help. The admission rules and algorithm of actions are as follows:

  • Check the tightness of the packaging and the expiration date of the medicine; store it in the refrigerator before use.

  • It is important that the temperature of the injected liquid corresponds to body temperature - immediately before the injection, the medicine can be heated or the ampoules can be rubbed between the palms.

  • Remove the protective cap, insert a sterile needle and prepare the solution correctly - draw it into the syringe first from the ampoule marked A, then B, or mix the contents of the two chambers by moving the piston in the direction of the needle.

  • Place the syringe in a sterile tray and process antiseptic injection area.

  • Provide the patient with a horizontal position during the procedure, without sudden movements.

  • Inject intramuscularly, preferably into the buttock, very slowly and deeply (always in different places), to avoid skin thickening and swelling.

Because The medicine contains potent substances - Ambien injections prescribed to relieve exacerbation: inflammation, fever, acute pain syndrome with various neurological diseases, joint diseases, injuries, degenerative-dystrophic changes. To avoid negative reactions and overdose, long-term therapy should be carried out under constant medical supervision and monitoring of indicators peripheral blood, kidney and liver tests. Scheme of medication use:

  • exceeding the indicated dosage of Ambene is unacceptable; if there is no therapeutic effect, it is recommended to change the drug;

  • sick elderly, old age or with a weakened immune system, only the minimum dosage is permissible;

  • when treating, especially osteochondrosis, it is important to observe special diet– refuse fatty, salty, carbohydrate-rich foods. Give preference to protein, potassium-containing foods, vegetables and fruits.

Since 2010, the German pharmaceutical company Merckle Recordati has been producing Ambene tablets in 20 and 50 pcs. in a cardboard box. Tablets contain active substance– sodium phenylbutazone, 200 mg. They are an easy-to-use alternative to technically complex and often painful intramuscular injections. Tablets are prescribed in the same cases as injections, but many doctors consider Ambene in tablet form to be an ineffective form of therapy. They are taken orally with a drink a large number water, following this scheme:

  • 1 day – 2-3 doses of 1 tablet;

  • 2-4 days – 1-2 times/day, 1 tablet;

  • 5-7 days – 1 tab. every 12 hours;

Indications for use

Ambene is prescribed for short-term treatment - rapid relief of pain, joint syndrome, relief of inflammation, feverish state. These symptoms are common to many diseases. The disease itself medicine does not cure, its action is aimed at relieving symptoms during an exacerbation. As indicated in the instructions for Ambien, the drug is effective for the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the joints and spine accompanied by inflammation - osteoarthritis, spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis;

  • systemic vasculitis, inflammation connective tissue– rheumatism, tendinitis, chondritis;

  • acute attacks of gout, dorsalgia;

  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system - radiculitis, neuritis, nerve inflammation, brachial, lumbosacral plexitis;

  • acute injuries of the back, neck, shoulders, limbs, incl. sports;

  • rehabilitation period after undergone surgery on the joints or spinal column.

Contraindications, side effects

Before prescribing injections, a comprehensive examination of the patient must be carried out, data must be collected and interpreted laboratory research, because Ambien is based on a complex chemical formula and there are many conditions in which this medicine prohibited to use. The instructions provide a list of contraindications for use, these are:

  • digestive disorders - peptic ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis;

  • diseases of the visual organs - glaucoma, damage to the cornea;

  • kidney, liver failure, thyroid problems;

  • severe forms of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood system;

  • acute infections;

  • mental disorders;

  • endocrine disorders;

  • autoimmune diseases – senile arteritis, lupus erythematosus, aphthous stomatitis, Sjögren's syndrome;

  • allergic reaction to any component of the drug;

  • age – less than 14 or more than 65 years;

  • period surgical intervention, vaccinations, childbearing, lactation.

With strict adherence to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor - rules of administration, dosage, duration of course treatment, serious side effects do not occur often. In some cases, the body will respond to the administration of Ambene:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract - discomfort in the abdomen, stomach, vomiting, loose stools, loss of appetite;

  • disturbances in the composition and circulation of the blood, as a result of deterioration in health - weakness, drowsiness, migraine, noise in the head, anemia;

  • allergic manifestations, eczema, local skin reaction– pain at the injection site, inflammation, accumulation of pus, abscess, tissue necrosis;

  • gastrointestinal bleeding;

  • anuria, impaired salivation, Cushing's syndrome, enlarged lymph nodes;

  • impaired renal function, heart function, immunosuppression.

Price and analogues

Ambene is a foreign-made drug. The medicine is currently rarely found in pharmacies in Russia. You can purchase Ambene from an online pharmacy or a company specializing in the supply of drugs directly from Germany. It is important to be careful when purchasing so as not to purchase a fake. The packaging with the original medicine contains Braille font - a raised-dot tactile font intended for blind or visually impaired people. Does not contain instructions in Russian, because produced by German pharmaceutical companies, manufactured by Ratiopharm and Merckle Recordati.

The manufacturer packages Ambene in dark glass ampoules, 10 pcs. in blister packaging. The drug is expensive, so companies selling the drug repackage the ampoules and sell them individually, a minimum of 3 pieces, which corresponds to a course of Ambene. Prices from different suppliers may vary, but on average they are:

  • 3 amp. – 2700 rub.;

  • 5 amp. – 4500 rub.;

  • 10 amp. – 9000 rub.;

  • pack of tablets 20 pcs. – 3000, 50 pcs. – 5000 rub.

There are no substitutes for Ambien - analogues similar in composition and structure. If it is not possible to find a German medicine or intolerance to its components is detected, then in agreement with the doctor, a combination of medicines is used. Only simultaneous administration The two drugs have similar therapeutic effects. Ambien is usually replaced with a combination of the following:

  • Lidocaine (Belarus) – anesthetic, 10 amp. – 30 rub.

Ambene is a strong drug with a complex structure, it acts individually for each patient, and is not suitable for everyone. Local injections do not cause serious side effects and do not cause as much harm to the body as tablets. Before using Ambene, a thorough diagnosis and testing is required to exclude possible contraindications.

Before taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor and undergo the necessary examination

Currently, in our country there is an increase in the incidence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The most common pathologies in this area are osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuritis and arthritis. Patients with these diseases are exposed to quite severe pain, which significantly affects the person’s quality of life. How to deal with these ailments?

On modern pharmaceutical market presents all kinds of painkillers, both foreign-made and their domestic analogues. Of all this variety, we will focus on the drug Ambene and its analogues.


The drug has several applied points of action, since it has a complex effect on the body. This explains its rapid and pronounced effect. The composition of Ambene includes several active ingredients:

  1. Dexamethasone.
  2. Cyanocobalamin.
  3. Phenylbutazone.
  4. Salicylamide.
  5. Lidocaine.
  6. Other auxiliary connections.

Let's take a closer look at each substance and analyze their properties and effects on the body.

It must be remembered that the use of Ambene or its analogues must be agreed with the attending physician. Changing medications or their dosages on your own is strictly prohibited.

There are many different drugs available for the treatment of diseases of the human musculoskeletal system.

Modern medicines can have an effect on pathological conditions complex impact, thanks to which the effectiveness of treatment increases and the patient recovers faster.

One such medicine is Ambene.

The drug copes well with ailments affecting the peripheral nervous system and joints.


Ambene acts on pathology in several directions at once.

This is due to the presence of five active components in the medicine, in particular:

  • dexamethasone, which eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride, which relieves pain;
  • phenylbutazone, which relieves heat and swelling of tissues;
  • sodium acetate salicylamide, which improves the solubility of the drug;
  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), which promotes regeneration nerve cells and improving lipid metabolism.

Active substances are dissolved in distilled water.

Release form

The German company Merckle produces Ambene in the form of two injection solutions in ampoules, which are labeled as A and B. The ampoules contain different compositions of the substances listed above. The drugs are mixed with each other only before injection into the muscle. Paired ampoules are packaged in cardboard boxes three or ten pieces each.

The medication can be purchased in syringes with two chambers for different compositions. Syringes are packaged in boxes of three or nine pieces. The syringe kit includes disposable needles, wipes and patches. Ambene is also produced in tablet form, fifty pieces per package. One tablet contains 200 mg of sodium phenylbutazone.

Pharmacological action

The drug has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, uricosuric and analgesic properties. Dexamethasone belongs to glucocorticoids - steroid hormones that actively suppress inflammatory processes. Thanks to the action of this substance, mast cells stop producing inflammatory mediators.

Phenylbutazone, like the first substance, fights inflammatory processes. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Vitamin B12 complements the action of Ambene by normalizing metabolic processes that affect nerve fibers and restores nerve tissue. This component is used to eliminate degenerative changes tissues for osteochondrosis, neuritis, etc.

Lidocaine allows injections to be painless. Sodium salicylamide acetate also acts as an analgesic and also promotes rapid solubility medicine. All components of Ambene perfectly complement each other, enhancing the main effect of the drug - anti-inflammatory. Thanks to this, the dose steroid hormone significantly reduced, and desired effect while being preserved.


The active substances easily penetrate the systemic bloodstream and are able to overcome the placental barrier, so the drug begins to act after the injection almost immediately. Metabolism of the drug occurs slowly, providing a long-lasting therapeutic effect. Substances begin to be eliminated from the body after seven to eight hours. The drug leaves the body in urine, feces, and breast milk.

Ambene injections: indications and restrictions for use

The drug is widely used to eliminate inflammation in musculoskeletal system, as well as for neuralgia. The medicine can be used in tablets, but acute processes Ambene injections are most effective, as they quickly eliminate severe pain.

Indications for use

The medication is often prescribed for treatment various diseases joints - arthritis, gout, spondylitis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, as well as degenerative disorders of the spine.

Ambene injections are suitable for the treatment of neuralgic diseases, pain syndromes in joints of unknown etiology, dorsalgia, lesions of the brachial and lumbosacral plexus.

The drug is used in cases of sports or other injuries that are accompanied by acute pain. Ambien injections are given in rehabilitation period after surgery on the joints or spine.


The medication is excellent for treating joints, but Ambene has a complex formula and is not suitable for everyone.

The drug should not be used in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • glaucoma;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • severe pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • gastritis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • violations in thyroid gland;
  • myopathies;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • zaaminellosis;
  • dry Sjögren's syndrome;
  • stomatitis;
  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • myelosuppression;
  • viral infections;
  • polymyalgia rheumatica.

In addition to the indicated pathologies, Ambene injections are not given to pregnant and lactating women, children under fourteen years of age, and the elderly.

The drug cannot be used during the vaccination period (two months before the procedure and fourteen days after the vaccine is administered), if there is a risk of developing allergic reactions to the components of the drug (bronchospasm, urticaria, etc.), hypersensitivity To medicinal substances and during surgical interventions.

Side effects

Ambene injections can cause disorders in various organs and systems of the body, in particular:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract, the patient may experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, bleeding from gastrointestinal tract, development of hemorrhagic pancreatitis.
  • IN cardiovascular system failures can be expressed by a decrease in pressure.
  • The patient may suffer from various allergic manifestations, from skin rashes to acute bronchospasm.
  • Possible negative changes in the blood system, in the form of the development of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia and a number of other pathologies.
  • The patient may experience headaches, dizziness, disturbances in sleep, hearing, vision and mental health.
  • Other side effects include immunosuppression, sialadenitis, hypercortisolism, lymphadenopathy, and renal dysfunction.

Ambene: medicine in the form of injections and tablets (rules of use)

Treatment with Ambene should be carried out strictly according to the instructions. To exclude negative reactions body, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

In some cases, a dosage adjustment of the drug may be required. For tablets and injections, there are treatment regimens that must be strictly followed. Let's take a closer look at them.


You can only give injections with Ambene three times every seven days. Usually the medicine is administered every other day, but daily injections are acceptable, but no more than three. If the pain does not go away, the doctor should prescribe another medicine. Do not exceed the specified dosage, as this is fraught with the development of serious pathologies.

The duration of therapy is determined individually by the attending physician. Ambene (medicine in ampoules) is drawn into the syringe one by one, first from ampoule A, then from ampoule B. If the injections are purchased in syringes, then the medicine is mixed into them by moving the piston towards the needle. Before injection, the solution should be warmed to body temperature (approximately). During the procedure, the patient needs to take a lying position. The injection is given slowly, deep into the muscle.


The tablets are swallowed without chewing and washed down with water. On the first day, it is permissible to take three tablets, and on subsequent days, take one tablet in the morning and evening, at the same time interval. Treatment is carried out over seven to ten days.


If you do not follow the dosage restrictions for Ambene, the patient runs the risk of experiencing serious disruptions to the body’s functioning. A person who exceeds the dose may suffer from headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, vomiting, bradycardia, renal or liver failure, mental disorders, reduction blood pressure, pulmonary edema, convulsions. In severe cases, the patient falls into a coma.


Ambene is a medicine that must be very carefully combined with other medications, as it significantly affects the effect various substances. It should not be combined with other anti-inflammatory drugs containing ethanol, as this can lead to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

For the same reason, during treatment it is forbidden to consume alcoholic drinks. Bleeding can also result from simultaneous use of Ambene with anticoagulants. When taken in combination with methotrexate and phenytoin, Ambene enhances toxic effect these drugs, and when taken with barbiturates - hypnotic effect. The drug reduces the effect hormonal contraceptives, antihypertensive drugs.

When taken with diuretics, a lack of potassium in the blood may develop. Anabolic steroid strengthen therapeutic effect Ambien, and inducers of microsomal liver enzymes reduce.

Special instructions

The drug Ambene should be used cautiously (preferably only under the supervision of a doctor) to those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, chronic pathologies lungs, epilepsy, hay fever, bronchial asthma, hypertension or hypotension, bacterial infections, thromboembolism, mental disorders, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, amoebiasis.

When undergoing a course of treatment, the patient needs to adjust his diet - include foods rich in protein, vitamins and potassium in the diet, eliminate or significantly limit salt intake. Elderly and frail people with chronic diseases, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of Ambene medication as much as possible.

Pick up individual scheme therapy should be done by a doctor. If side effects appear in the form of fever, allergic reactions, and the stool is colored dark color, then treatment with the drug should be stopped. Long-term treatment should only take place with the permission of a doctor.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the liver, kidneys and the condition of peripheral blood. If the patient is taking anticoagulants, then blood clotting tests must be periodically taken.

Ambene: analogues, drug substitutes and patient reviews

If there are no contraindications to use and the dosage of Ambene is observed, then the drug is well tolerated.

But what to do if you can’t use Ambene? It is best to select analogues and drug substitutes together with a doctor, since other medications contain a number of contraindications.

It is also necessary to replace the medication if side effects. There are no structural analogues or substitutes for Ambene; no other drug has such a composition of active components. However, according to therapeutic effect You can choose a variety of medications.