Thin body, plump face. What to do with your face when you're losing weight

What do you need to lose weight on your face?

Fat tends to be deposited not only on the body, but also on some areas of the face. Women who are overweight, stooped, or who have the habit of walking with their heads down or reading while lying down, sooner or later face the problem of a double chin. Both for figure correction and for losing weight in the face area, the most effective method are exercises that must be combined with proper nutrition. First of all, you need to stick to a diet, sleep on a flat pillow or without one at all - on a hard mattress, try to always keep your head straight during the day and periodically arrange for yourself a home beauty salon - massages, masks, compresses and other cosmetic procedures.

What exercises to choose to lose weight on your face

Only special gymnastics for the face will help you get quick results. Here are a few simple exercises that, when performed systematically, will help those who want to make their face thinner.

Exercises for facial muscles

1. It is recommended to do facial exercises once or better twice a day. You can perform it both standing and sitting. It is necessary to tilt your head back strongly, open your mouth wide and close your jaws, feeling the tension in the chin area. Repeat at least 15 times. After resting a little, tilt your head back just a little to the side. And again open your mouth wide and close it, stretching the skin. Repeat 10 times, turning in different sides.

2. Straighten up and clench your teeth tightly. Pull lower lip several times in a row.

3. Sitting at the table, place your fist under your chin and press with your face, feeling the resistance of the fist.

4. Lower your head down. Close your hands at the back of your head. Press your head and hands on each other at the same time, feeling resistance.

5. Press your head to your shoulder with your hand and move it in the opposite direction, overcoming the resistance of your hand. Repeat also on the other side.

6. Turn your head strongly to the right, trying to touch your chin to your shoulder so that you can look behind your back. Repeat in the opposite direction.

7. Place your palm on your cheek. Turn your head in different directions, overcoming the obstacle of your palm.

Facial massage with a towel

In the morning and evening, it is suggested to use a towel to massage problem areas of the face - the chin and bottom part cheeks To do this, you need to twist a towel into a tube and lightly moisten it in the middle with a warm solution of chamomile, sage, linden or yarrow. Holding the rolled up towel by the edges, slap your chin and cheeks, spreading your arms sharply to the sides. 10 claps on each side will be enough. Besides herbal infusion, the towel can be wetted in strong solution sea ​​salt. And to enhance the effect, alternate herbal days with salty ones. After the procedure, do not forget to lubricate your face with cream.

Drawing lesson

It is necessary to hold a pencil between your teeth and write all the letters of the alphabet in the air, carefully using your head and neck. It is recommended to draw large letters; the letter “M” is recognized as the most useful.

Singing lesson

The exercise can also be performed either sitting or standing. Pull out your lips and sing all the vowels alphabet A-O-U-E-E-I-Y-Y-Y, opening your mouth wide where necessary. It is recommended to change the order of letters while singing.

Exercises for beautiful posture

Take a standing position. Right hand put on left shoulder, and vice versa. Press your hands on your shoulders, and at the same time try to stretch your neck as high as possible. In a position where the neck is stretched upward as much as possible, it is necessary to do deep breath. Try to hold your breath for 10 seconds. Then exhale and repeat 5 times.

The next exercise is also performed standing. Straighten your back and lower your arms. Smoothly tilt your head towards your shoulders and forward, pressing your chin to your chest. It is not recommended to perform it slowly and make sudden bends, as you may feel dizzy.

The suggested exercises to lose weight on your face must be performed daily. Don't forget to massage in the morning and evening, and also devote 5-10 minutes to exercise. Then, after 2-3 weeks, the face will take on beautiful, clear contours, the skin of the cheeks will tighten, and the double chin will no longer cause inconvenience. It is also recommended to adhere to a dietary diet and use masks with a lifting effect once a week.

Losing weight can be different, and often you need to lose weight in a specific problem area. One of these areas is the face, and today we will tell you what to do to lose weight in your face, and learn how to properly lose weight on your face.

Many women would like to make the oval of their face more elegant and sophisticated, however, unfortunately, losing excessive roundness of the face is not so easy. What can you do to make your face lose weight? Let's try to tell you what weight loss rules you need to follow so that your face acquires the desired chiseled shape.

How to lose weight on your face - diet.

One of the first and important rules in the question of how to lose weight on your face - this is a special diet. Proper nutrition will establish metabolic processes in the body and will allow you to get rid of fat deposits in the face area. Proper diet for a beautiful oval face is based on 3 main points. Here they are...

  • The first point of all diets, including specialized ones, for losing weight is to consume sufficient quantity water, which should be at least two liters per day. Otherwise, you risk triggering the accumulation of fluid in the body, and this accumulation will very quickly begin to appear on your face in the form of swelling. To lose weight on your face, nutritionists recommend giving preference to drinks such as still mineral water and green tea in your diet.
  • The second point of the diet for losing weight is that vegetables and fruits should make up at least half of your diet, they will support water balance body and contain large number fiber. Fiber normalizes metabolic processes and tones the skin. To lose weight on your face, eat fruit and vegetable dishes at least three times a day.
  • The third point to lose weight on your face is to exclude alcoholic drinks from your menu, which cause dehydration of the body and, again, swelling of the face. You already know what dehydration leads to, and it would also be a good idea to take care of the health of your liver. Having eliminated alcohol, do not forget about beer - of all drinks, it turns out that this is the most harmful for a beautiful face.

How to lose weight on your face - massage.

Massage can be safely highlighted as the second rule to lose weight on your face. Massage increases blood flow, as a result of which the skin begins to receive more nutrients and oxygen, metabolism improves, and the face begins to take on the desired shape. Moreover, facial massage tightens the oval of the face and tone the muscles, creating a kind of corset.

The simplest facial massage that can be performed at home is light patting on the face. The technique is as follows: with the back of your hand, start patting under the chin, simultaneously working the areas under the cheekbones. After that, use your fingertips to massage your cheeks from bottom to top. Time for massage is 10 minutes. Especially good results gives such a massage if you do it with honey. Just heat the honey until it turns into a viscous mass and apply it to your face (1 tsp is enough), and then massage your face with familiar movements.

This type of facial massage also helps to lose weight on your face. Take a towel and immerse it in the herbal infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile, sage, linden color, pour one and a half cups of boiling water over yarrow and leave for 20 minutes. Wring out the towel, stretch it by the edges and with sharp, but not very strong movements, pat it on the chin (15 times), and then on the cheeks (the same number). Keep the intervals between claps at 5-10 seconds and do not hit the skin too hard! To make your face thinner, do this facial massage regularly in the morning. For more information on how to do a facial slimming massage, see the special announcement right below the article.

How to lose weight on your face - masks.

Metabolism-accelerating masks are simply necessary for those who want to quickly lose weight on their face. It’s not for nothing that we chose masks as the third rule for losing weight. Face masks not only nourish the skin useful substances, but also accelerate metabolic processes, as a result of which the facial skin quickly loses excess fat and fluid.

Face slimming mask made of clay. A clay mask will tighten the skin, help cleanse it of excess waste and toxins, and also relieve swelling. To prepare it you will need 1 tbsp. l. blue clay and a small amount warm temperature bodies of water. Dilute the clay with water to a thick cream and apply it to the skin of the face and neck. Wait until the clay dries and then rinse your face with warm water. You can find out much more masks for losing weight by reading our special material.

Face slimming mask made of gelatin. Gelatin is a source of natural collagen, which will not only tighten the shape of your face and help you lose weight, but also relieve you of wrinkles. For the mask, pour 2 tbsp. l. water 1 tbsp. l. edible gelatin. When the gelatin swells, melt it over low heat, stirring constantly, and then apply to your face and neck. Leave for 15-20 minutes, and then carefully rinse off the mask with warm water. More recipes for masks with gelatin for losing weight in our special material.

Face slimming mask with honey. Honey is rich in vitamins and other microelements useful for losing weight. To prepare the mask, take 1 tbsp. l. honey and melt it until liquid. Then apply a honey mask to your face and neck, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse. At this time, it is good to carry out a small massage with patting movements, this way you will increase the effectiveness of losing weight on your face. Other effective masks from honey for facial weight loss, you will find out by following the link.

Exercises for losing weight on your face

Don't forget to include healthy exercises in your complex for losing weight. They tone the facial muscles, allowing it to get rid of fat and correct the oval of the face. We offer you 3 of the most effective exercises for facial weight loss.

1. Take a pen or pencil in your mouth and start drawing words in the air, they can be anything, for example your name or the name of your favorite movie or TV series.
2. Pull your lips into a tube and begin to chant all the vowels from the alphabet.
3. Cross your arms and grab your shoulders with your palms. In this position, begin to rhythmically stretch your neck forward and backward.

Spend about 5 minutes on each exercise and very soon you will see how your face has lost weight and become beautiful and “slender”.

We told you about the most basic rules that will help you lose weight on your face. Just don’t be lazy, because a beautiful face means self-confidence and the attention of men.

Ekaterina the Beautiful All rights reserved

What else can you do to make your face look thinner?

How to enlarge lips . Beautiful, well-defined lips always attract attention. We will tell you about home exercises that will not only slightly enlarge your lips and give them the desired shape, but will also have a significant effect in slimming the lower part of your face.

How to remove a double chin . If you not only need to lose weight on your face, but also solve the problem of a double chin, see this material, where we will examine in more detail the topic of physiotherapy and massage procedures that are necessary for losing weight on your face.

Facial massage- the most important component of the entire complex of facial care, especially for those who want to lose weight in their face. You will find massage lines, procedure rules, oils and creams that enhance the effect of facial slimming in this material from our cosmetologist consultants.

Face masks They are simply necessary for those who want to lose weight in the face - they speed up metabolism, cleanse skin pores, remove excess moisture from the facial area, in a word, they do the very work that is necessary for those who want to remove excess volume and rejuvenate the skin of the face.

How to lose weight in a week at home . Our face is an indicator of how we look in general. If you are thinking about how to lose weight in your face, you may be interested in general condition of your body. Are you sure that you only need to lose weight on your face, and slim figure not needed?

Some girls want to clean up chubby cheeks and slightly correct the rounded face. This is not an easy task, but it is quite doable: there are several techniques and exercises that allow you to correct the shape of your face.

Where to start losing weight

First of all, get ready for long-term weight loss - there is no sudden weight loss exclusively in the face - basically, the face suddenly loses weight with a general sharp weight loss. Therefore, in order for facial features to become more refined and the face to lose weight, it is necessary to use special system nutrition (let's call it a “facial diet”) and a complex for facial skin care, neck and décolleté areas .

Make it a rule to take care of your skin daily, and then the results will be stable and noticeable within a couple of weeks. In addition, in addition to losing weight and giving your face elegance, you will prevent the onset of wrinkles and skin defects. After all, these processes arise due to dehydration and disruption of trophism (delivery of oxygen and nutrients) to the skin.

You need to know to lose weight in your face

Many women know that losing weight begins with the face, so any diet also includes losing weight on the face. Although there is a group of women who lose weight from below, they have the most difficulty in getting their face shape in order.

How to lose weight in your face: the most effective tips

It is worth abandoning the methods of losing face weight “in one day” or “in three days”. Such methods dramatically reduce weight, mainly due to starvation, disrupt health and spoil complexion. The weight will quickly return, complete with dark circles under the eyes.

For weight loss to be effective, you must follow several principles:

  • we straighten our shoulders and back; due to stooping, blood circulation in the collar area is disrupted and swelling of the face occurs;
  • we remove the pillow from the bed, replacing it with a low thin pillow or an orthopedic structure for the neck area;
  • give ourselves regular physical activity for the whole body and face;
  • We follow a special diet;
  • take care of your face with cosmetics and massages.

Facial diet

Rather, it is a nutritional system for losing weight and removing excess fluid from the upper body. As in any system balanced nutrition, when dieting for weight loss, the most correct would be split meals in small portions, of which we select three main meals and three snacks between them, the last meal should be no later than four hours before bedtime.

How to lose weight in your face: the most effective tips

Sugar and salt should disappear from your diet - these substances are retained in the body excess liquid, and give the face swelling. Fatty broths and meat, lard, sweets and baked goods, and carbonated drinks should be removed from the diet. It is also worth giving up strong coffee and tea - they add extra calories and fluid retention in the tissues.

Half or more of the food in the diet should be fruits, vegetables and berries. They can be used both in fresh: in salads, whole or in desserts, and cooked in dishes - pastries, stews, caviar, etc.

Cook for vegetable oil, add herbs generously, and do not overuse pepper and salt. Due to fiber, the intestines are cleansed, the calorie content of dishes is reduced without losing their satiety, which means that weight will gradually decrease.

It is important to categorically refuse any alcoholic drinks, especially wine and beer. In addition to their high calorie content, they cause swelling of the face in combination with toxicosis. This spoils the complexion and condition of the skin.

Water for weight loss

How to lose weight in your face: the most effective tips

To maintain skin tone and hydration, you need to drink a lot. per day adult woman about two liters of liquid are required, even more on hot days. However, drinking coffee or black tea will not replace consumption clean water. But a decoction of tea is excellent for toning the skin of the face, and coffee scrub allows you to get rid of dead epithelium.

When losing weight on your face, you need to drink pure spring water or weak mineral water, sometimes you can drink herbal or green tea – it helps reduce appetite.

With a problem full face This is faced by people with chubby cheeks, chubby girls or the owner of a “heavy” chin inherited. Poor nutrition, absence physical activity, irregular sleep, age - all this has an impact negative influence on the condition of the skin. As a result, facial features become blurred, a double chin appears, cheeks lose their elasticity, and wrinkles form.

What to do to make your face lose weight in a week?

Ahead important event, and the reflection in the mirror does not please you with the perfection of shapes: the oval of the face, neck, décolleté. What to do if the skin is no longer elastic and velvety? Motivation will help you lose weight in a week; it spurs you on, makes you move forward towards your goal, don’t look back and don’t stop. Here effective methods that will help you lose weight on your face and reduce your double chin in a short time:

  • tune in to a positive wave;
  • choose a motivator;
  • review your diet and daily routine;
  • regularly carry out cosmetic procedures;
  • start doing corrective makeup.

Diet and nutrition

Integrated approach to the issue of losing weight on the face and chin includes changing your usual diet. The diet will allow you to control your appetite, get rid of hated weight, and swelling. Proper nutrition will improve your overall health. Healthy Products saturate the body with vitamins, microelements, and cleanse accumulated toxins. To lose weight, nutrition experts advise:

  • drink purified, non-carbonated water (about 2 liters per day);
  • reduce salt intake;
  • steam food;
  • use fermented milk products, vegetables, unsweetened fruits, berries;
  • give up alcoholic drinks.

Exercises for facial muscles

Effective complex exercise will help you lose weight, relieve you from excess fat, accumulated on the cheeks, will remove the double chin. If you do it regularly, it will improve blood circulation, smooth out wrinkles, and reduce swelling. Facebuilding trainers who know exactly how to quickly lose weight in the face advise performing the complex twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The system includes 5 exercises: 1, 3, 5 - do 10 times, and spend 5 minutes on 3 and 4.

  1. Tilts. The exercise should be done smoothly, lowering the head alternately to the shoulders, décolleté and back. Throw your neck back, open your mouth wide, then close it, stretching your chin towards your décolleté.
  2. Turns. Turn your neck to the side until your cheek or chin touches your shoulder, trying to see what is behind your back. Look at your heels and stay in this position.
  3. Pencil drawings. Hold a pencil or pen with your teeth, toothbrush or a cocktail straw. Draw the alphabet, numbers, funny figures, a hare, a sun, a flower in the air.
  4. Musical break. Pronounce all vowel sounds clearly, stretching them out like a melody in different modes and keys.
  5. Funny faces. With your lips stretched out like a pipe, make circular movements with your mouth. Sticking out your tongue, try to reach your chin, tip of your nose, cheekbones. Open your eyes and mouth wide and freeze in this position. Sticking out your lower lip and chin, stretch upward, slowly throwing your head back.


Coping with the problem of fatty deposits on the face and double chin helps not only physical exercise, but also cosmetic procedures. Special massage can make the oval of the face clearly defined and eliminate wrinkles. Regular implementation of the procedure will speed up metabolic processes in skin, stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, will help you lose weight. When starting the course, consult a cosmetologist. Massage has contraindications:

Positive Action Massage results are observed almost immediately: the skin on the chin and cheeks becomes elastic, facial features become more expressive. The course for losing weight lasts 7 - 10 days for 15 - 20 minutes. for a session. The break is up to 14 days, after which it is necessary to continue doing the procedures. Massage will help you lose weight in your face the following recommendations:

  • Before the manipulation, you should make a warming compress on the chin and face from the infusion medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, calendula, linden).
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and use an antiseptic.
  • Apply a light nourishing cream or massage oil to the skin of your face, décolleté, and neck. It is strictly forbidden to use anti-cellulite products.
  • Massage movements should be done delicately and carefully.

Face and neck slimming masks at home

To lose weight in your face, do not forget about proper nutrition and hydration of the epidermis. Masks enhance the effect of exercise and massage, have a tonic, rejuvenating and lifting effect. When choosing ingredients, take into account the possibility of allergies, individual intolerance to components, the presence of acute and chronic diseases. Cosmetologists advise adding to masks:

  • oatmeal;
  • bran;
  • bee products;
  • vegetable and essential oils;
  • lemon juice;
  • seaweed;
  • egg white;
  • oil vitamins A, E;
  • natural ground coffee;
  • strong decoction of green tea;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • medicinal herbs.

Multi-component mask. Ingredients: chamomile 200g, water 200 ml, blue clay 2 tbsp, essential oil cloves 1 - 2 drops, peach oil 1 tsp. To make a mask, you need to pour boiling water over the dried flowers, let it brew for 40 - 50 minutes, cool, and strain. Add clay, avocado oil, essential oil to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. Place the mask on prepared facial skin and leave for 20-25 minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water and apply nourishing cream or oil with patting movements. Do the procedure 2 - 3 times weekly.

Coffee mask. Ingredients: natural ground coffee 1 tbsp, sour cream 1 tbsp, cocoa butter 1 tsp. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture onto cleansed skin of the neck, face and décolleté. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, remove with warm water, apply moisturizer or oil. Do the procedure no more than 3 times a month. Otherwise, your face will become slightly tanned.

Bran mask. Ingredients: dry crushed oat flakes 5 tbsp., egg white 1 pc., royal jelly 1 tsp, shea butter 1 tsp. Beat the egg whites until foam forms, add warmed royal jelly and butter. Pour the mixture into the oatmeal in a thin stream and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin of the face and décolleté. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water. Complete the procedure by applying nourishing cream or oils on the skin of the face. Do the session 2-3 times weekly.

Find out without harm to your health.

Video: how to lose weight on a girl’s face with makeup?

Decorative cosmetics are a powerful weapon in the arsenal of the fair sex. When used correctly, it helps to lose weight, because... visually eliminates imperfections on the face - double chin, overly plump cheeks, wide cheekbones. An ideal make-up will help make them invisible, even out imperfect proportions, correct skin color and create attractive accents. To lose weight in your face and also get rid of an extra chin using makeup, use the video instructions below.

A round face does not always bring joy: it is more difficult to choose stylish hairstyles for this type, fashion glasses, and the skin is often oilier. It’s very easy to eat off your cheeks: floury, sweet things are often deposited on the face: it begins to get fat and enlarge. Find out how to make your face lose weight quickly at home through exercise, massage or diet and try these methods on yourself.

How to lose weight in your face

For many girls, a beautiful, sophisticated oval is a huge problem. It is not always possible to maintain a face perfect shape. Sometimes the cheeks begin to plump with weight gain (total body weight), which spoils the mood. The main task becomes to lose weight in the face at all costs. Since the problem of losing weight in the cheeks has existed at all times, solutions have been invented a long time ago. Everyone can choose the most comfortable one for themselves to remove thick cheeks.

There are many ways to make your face lose weight: this special exercises, weight loss diet, cosmetic procedures or makeup skills, thanks to which you can hide imperfections in a matter of minutes. Each of them requires patience, because the process of losing weight takes not one or two days, but a whole course. With regular work on yourself, you will notice the first results within a week.

Exercises for losing weight on your face

To get started, include in your daily regimen mandatory exercises for losing weight on the face and cheeks, which ensure blood flow and activate metabolic processes. They will only take you 15 minutes, but the effect will be achieved. How to make your face thin thanks to special exercises:

  1. Take a pencil/pen/stick in your mouth and start drawing words in the air. You can perform any movements, for example, forming your name, drawing the name of your favorite movie, song, series.
  2. Pull your lips out like a tube, pronounce the vowels from the alphabet in succession as if in a chant.
  3. Cross your arms, grab your shoulders with your hands. In this position, rhythmically begin to stretch your neck back and forth. Repeat 30 times. To quickly achieve weight loss results, repeat the exercises daily.

Facial slimming massage

Another essential procedure is facial slimming massage at home, which can be performed independently by women or men. The point is to pat:

  1. Back side brushes, start tapping yourself under your chin, then move to your cheeks and tap them with your fingertips.
  2. To enhance the effect of slimming the cheeks, this massage can be performed with honey (if the product is too hard, heat it in a water bath).
  3. It is recommended to do weight loss procedures in the morning immediately after washing your face.

Diet for losing weight

What else must be added to the cheek correction complex? Need a facial diet to lose weight. When you do exercises with massage, but do not change your diet and continue to eat flour and sweet foods, the oval may increase even more. The first thing you need to do is go on a diet and cleanse your body of toxins. If something causes the body to get better, you need to remove this effect as quickly as possible.

How to achieve a beautiful oval, like in celebrity photos, reset overweight, reduce overall body weight and even improve your health? Adviсe:

  • Start drinking more water, eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • It is necessary to exclude fried foods from the diet and replace them with boiled dishes.
  • To avoid gaining weight, stop adding large amounts of salt to your food.
  • Try to eat more often, but in smaller portions.
  • Give up flour and sweets for a week.

Face slimming masks

In addition to everything, a face slimming mask will be useful. Products made from clay, gelatin or honey are suitable as such. Thanks to their composition, masks speed up metabolism: this occurs on cellular level. As a result, the facial skin loses excess fat/fluid faster. Here's how to get rid of cheeks with a mask and lose weight quickly:

  1. Clay mask It will tighten the skin, draw out impurities and toxins from it, and help the cheeks lose weight. Take 1 spoon of blue clay, mix with a small amount water. Apply the finished mixture to the skin and leave until completely dry.
  2. With the help of gelatin, you will not only tighten sagging skin, but also correct the oval. It is prepared simply: a tablespoon of gelatin and 2 tablespoons of water. After swelling, apply the mixture to your face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Honey mask- the easiest option on how to quickly lose weight on your cheeks, because this sweet product is in every home. Just apply liquid honey to your face with your lungs, massage movements, leave for 15 minutes. Vitamins and nutrients honey penetrate deep into the skin cells, ridding it of impurities, toxins, and excess fat.

How to visually make your face thinner

Another way to get a thin face is through makeup skills. Ordinary cosmetics will help you visually create a sophisticated oval. For this you will need powder, blush, and a brush. Once you have applied the powder evenly all over your face, take a brush, dip it into the blush, and from your upper cheekbones, draw a line down diagonally to the mid-cheek area. Repeat as many times as you think necessary to make something beautiful appear, but not bright color. Do the same on the other side of your face. This technique for making your face look thinner helps to visually make your face slimmer and hide your chubby cheeks.

Video: how to lose weight in your cheeks