Vitamin A for the face: rules of use. Using an oil solution of vitamin A for facial skin

Greetings, guests of my blog. Today I want to tell you how vitamin A and its derivatives work for the face. By the way, since 1968, about 1,500 retinoids have been synthesized. This vitamin is a real magician in the fight against wrinkles and other manifestations of skin aging. And it can also treat acne! Seriously, the sooner you incorporate it into your routine, the more grateful your skin will be.

Retinol is a multi-tasking superhero that literally transforms the appearance of your skin. It is very popular in cosmetology.

How retinol helps our skin:

  • Accelerates cellular metabolism- encourages cells to move into new phases and quickly renew themselves. This is so that new, healthy ones can take their place.
  • - prevents destruction and thickening of the skin.
  • Has antioxidant properties- fights free radicals that cause premature wrinkles and dark spots.
  • Treats acne- Helps get rid of whiteheads and clogged pores.

To sum up all the benefits, retinol reduces wrinkles and large pores. It also makes dark spots and hyperpigmentation disappear, and refreshes the complexion. This vitamin also strengthens the skin and helps treat acne.


It definitely makes your skin look better. It sounds great, but there are a couple of nuances to using this substance:

Sensitivity to the sun. Retinol may make your skin more susceptible to sun damage. Therefore, use products with it only at night.

Irritation. It can irritate the skin and cause itching. At first, use products with a small concentration of the active substance, gradually increasing the dosage.

May make acne worse. May help with acne, but not with red, painful and inflamed acne. If you have any, it will only worsen the inflammation.

Not recommended during pregnancy/breastfeeding. Vitamin A causes birth defects in mice. No one has tested it on pregnant women (for obvious reasons). Therefore, no one knows for sure whether it has an effect on people. But I don't think it's worth the risk.

Use at home

This vitamin can be used from the age of 25. But there is one caveat - the skin should not be too sensitive. In this case, I recommend a softer form - retinol palmitate or microencapsulated retinol.

The best results are from using retinol in combination with vitamin C. That is, retinol at night, and a cream with SPF protection in the morning

For girls who have acne, I advise you to start using retinol at an earlier age. Judging by the reviews, this product copes well with them. This vitamin can also reduce wrinkles. Typically you need to complete a 3-6 month course to see noticeable improvement. The deeper the wrinkles, the longer it will take.

I have prepared small instructions for use vitamin A for facial skin:

  • If you are a beginner: use 0.01% - 0.03%;
  • If you have already used: 0,04% - 0,1%;
  • If you're a pro: 0,5% - 2%.

If the skin does not peel and nothing unusual happens, it means that it is accustomed to retinol. At least to a small dosage. Only then can you increase the percentage.

How often to use the product depends on various factors. We are all different. Some people may use it four to five times a week or even daily. For others, once a week is more than enough. I recommend you start with twice a week. If it doesn't bother your skin, try using it more often.

What is the difference between retinol acetate and retinol palmitate?

This drug is used in its pure form. Apply Aevit onto the area of ​​skin affected by the rash and leave. There is no need to rinse off the product. Just after a quarter of an hour, blot the remaining residue with a dry cloth. After 1.5-2 weeks, the condition of the skin will significantly improve.

At first, use a product with a concentration of active substance of 1%. Look for such products on Iherb or other sites. How to use is written in the product instructions.

Retinol eye mask

This product is a real find for delicate eye skin. It will help remove crow's feet and moisturize the skin. To prepare it, you will need pharmaceutical retinol and. For 1 capsule of vitamin A, take 3 ml of glycerin. Mix thoroughly and apply with gentle movements to clean, dry skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face.

Cosmetics for acne

You will need 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. Also prepare half a glass of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile inflorescences.

First we make a chamomile infusion. Pour boiling water over the raw material and leave for about half an hour. We filter the infusion and enrich it with vitamin. Wipe your skin with this mixture at night. This product does not need to be washed off.

Rating of the best creams with retinol

Vitamin A is present in many commercial cosmetics. Since its main effect is skin rejuvenation, many brands use this component in anti-aging products. And of course remember that it decomposes quickly when exposed to light and air. Be smart and only choose products in opaque, airtight bottles.

Life Flo Health Retinol Face Cream. This cosmetic product contains 1% vitamin A. This is a strong concentration. In addition, it contains other useful components: glycerin, camellia extract,. The reviews about it are amazing. The skin glows, becomes younger and healthier.

And here is a video review of this product. Be sure to check it out.

CreamSuper Retinol 0.5%. This product contains slow-release retinol in a low concentration. Promotes activation and natural regeneration of the skin. The product contains hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, vitamin E and oils of rosemary, geranium, and meadowfoam. Plus peptides for powerful hydration and prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.

Multi-Action Serum. Here the active substance is in the form of retinol palmitate. The product perfectly tones, strengthens and evens out the skin. Expression wrinkles soften, pores become less noticeable. The composition also contains ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, glycerin, olive oil, grape seed oil, bird cherry and sweet almond oil. The serum is gentle and spreads easily over the skin. It is not absorbed immediately due to the presence of oils. Therefore, wait before applying the cream. The volume of the product is 150 g, it is used very economically.

I think I’ve convinced you why dermatologists consider vitamin A the “gold standard” of anti-aging. It really works! Add it to your skin care routine. And you will always look better. Goodbye wrinkles :)

Yes, tell your friends about this vitamin. Now you can show off your knowledge to them. Tell them the difference between retinol acetate and retinol palmitate. And what creams with retinol are better to use after 35? AND . And that’s all I have for today: bye.

Retinol for facial skin is an indispensable substance in anti-aging cosmetics. Also, creams with this element eliminate acne, reduce sebaceous secretions, tighten the skin and have many other beneficial effects. Do you want to prolong the youth of your skin? Then it will be useful for you to know about simple and accessible methods involving derivative forms of vitamin A.

The role of retinol in creams

Vitamin A for the face is used both externally and internally. Proper fortified nutrition is important in caring for beauty and health. However, the upper layer of the dermis receives more beneficial substances from external factors. Therefore, it is advisable to use cosmetic care products: creams with retinol and others.

Retinol is indispensable for any skin type:

  1. Has a moisturizing effect - useful for dry skin.
  2. Saturates with important elements - fading dermis.
  3. Eliminates inflammation - suitable for problem types.
  4. Maintains ideal hormonal balance - normal skin type.
  5. Accelerates cellular renewal and restoration of the epidermis - combined.

Pay attention! Retinol produces a rejuvenating effect on facial skin. Use products based on it in the fight against wrinkles.

An effective form of vitamin A for any facial skin is retinoic acid, the precursors of which have a beneficial effect on the epidermis (see table).

Table. Forms of retinol for problem skin

Adapalene, tretinoin, retinoids and the retinol element belong to the general group of vitamin A. They have identical properties. However, they are not the same substance. In simple words, retinol is a natural, dietary supplement. It is obtained from food or biocomplexes. And derivative forms of the nutrient nourish the skin with the help of cosmetics.

Study the composition of the drugs before purchasing: look for forms of the vitamin that are intended for the face.

The effectiveness of retinol in cosmetology

Vitamin A is widely used in facial cosmetology. The optimal retinol concentration for the skin is 0.1-1%. In most drugs, a minimal proportion is observed - 0.1% (or 0.0025% retinoic acid). The most effective therapeutic effect is provided by a concentration of 0.4%. Creams rich in retinol help against wrinkles. Therefore, in many expensive and high-quality anti-aging products this element is found in a minimum ratio of 0.4%.

Important! Does the composition contain not the vitamin itself, but its esters? Then the percentage of optimal concentration increases.

Let's look at the effectiveness of minimum, medium and high element densities:

  1. Products with retinol 0.1% for skin. Regular use of such cosmetics evens out the complexion and improves the texture of the dermis. True, the result is not observed immediately - it is necessary to complete the full course using additional means that protect the epidermis. Retinol for any facial skin, reviews of which are mostly positive, is irreplaceable, even in minimal concentration.
  2. Preparations with retinol, 4% for skin. Vitamin A helps get rid of wrinkles. An average concentration of the element in its pure form (not ethers) is sufficient. The substance penetrates deep into cells, preventing the aging process. And existing small wrinkles are smoothed out within six months. Use of vitamin A creams for the face: three times a week.
  3. Preparations with retinol 1%. An ideal indicator of a quality product that has the most effective effect. 36 weeks of use - and the epidermis takes on new shape. At the beginning of use, irritation and peeling are possible - do not worry, this is how the active work of the beneficial substances manifests itself. Next, the dermis will get used to it and will be pleased with the visible results.

Products with high percentage density are produced at expensive prices. Therefore, the products are rarely found on shelves.

TOP 5 professional products with vitamin A

Derivative forms of vitamin A are not used externally in their pure form. The elements are mixed with other components. This is how professional preparations with properly calculated concentrations (creams, masks, etc.) are obtained.

Redermic R (La Roche Posay)

The product was released in 2012. It immediately gained popularity among consumers and rightfully received the status of “Best Anti-Aging Product.” The cream is in demand to this day. According to cosmetologists, it works effectively without irritating the skin. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the face takes on a healthy and fresh look.

Eluage (cosmetics from Avene)

This is a whole series of products for nourishing the skin of the face, the area around the eyes, lips and the whole body. Safe composition suitable for sensitive dermis. Used for elasticity, against age spots and inflammation.

Retinol 0.3% (from Skin Ceuticals)

The drug has many positive reviews from consumers. Ideal for dermal care in autumn and winter - when natural factors negatively affect the skin of the face. The product has a pleasant texture, economical consumption and incredible effect.

Kinetinol (Martiderm)

Retinol, together with kinetin, has a beneficial effect on the epidermis, providing a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition is mainly suitable for normal and dry skin types.

Lipo Ceutical (by Sesderma)

A Spanish product that has won many positive reviews from cosmetologists and customers. The special feature of the cream is that retinol is contained in nanosomes, which allows the components to penetrate into the deep layers. Available in three concentrations: 0.15%, 0.25%, 0.5%.

Important! Read the instructions before use - in the packaging of each product. By using the product correctly, you will achieve only positive results.

Budget drugs with retinol

Beautiful doesn't mean expensive. Take care of your dermis without overpaying for expensive brands. A list of budget drugs will help you with this:

  1. Retinol acetate for facial skin. High retinol content is not often found in cosmetics. Therefore, many people use retinol acetate for facial skin in home cosmetology. The substance is mixed with other organic additives and applied to problem areas. Use face masks with vitamin A no more than twice a week. The vitamin can also be added to your usual daily creams, making them healthier and more effective.
  2. Retinoic ointment. This drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne, acne, and seborrhea. The product is affordable and is used against age spots and wrinkles. How to use it correctly is described in the instructions.
  3. Vitamin A capsules for any facial skin. The oil solution is more convenient to use, however, the shell contains the same nutrients. Simply puncture the capsules and you will receive liquid vitamin A for the skin. Pour the substance into the cream or into the base for making a mask.
  4. Retinol palmitate. The vitamin solution has a regenerating, healing, anti-inflammatory effect. The difference between acetate and palmitate is that the latter component is more natural, closer to natural origin.
  5. Pharmacy ointment Aevit. An inexpensive product that contains elements of groups “A” and “E”. Its properties are identical to retina ointment.

Interesting to know! Add essential oil with vitamin A to masks and creams for any facial skin - no more than two drops. Such extracts include pumpkin, amaranth, rose hips, avocado, wheat germ, and sea buckthorn.

Homemade retinol face masks

Homemade masks are another affordable way to prevent skin aging, improve its condition and eliminate inflammation. All recipes are simple and budget-friendly.

With aloe juice

Vitamin A is available in capsules and liquid form.

  • retinol - a couple of drops;
  • a teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • sour cream (up to 20%) - 1 tbsp. L.

Note! Sour cream that is too fatty is difficult to wash off!

The components are mixed together and applied to the face area, avoiding the skin around the eyes and lips. After 15 minutes it is washed off.

With oils

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin: it is perfectly absorbed with fats. Therefore, vitamin A oil is a noble additional component for the skin.

  • vegetable oil product (any) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin A - drop;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Note! Is the honey too thick? Add some water. Heating in a water bath will evaporate the most beneficial properties.

Let the mixture stand for 10-15 minutes.


This mask with retinol has a super healthy and pleasant composition that will enrich the dermis with the necessary vitamin complex.

  • Retinol oil solution - 2 drops;
  • Quarter of a banana;
  • 1 yolk.

Exposure time: 15-20 minutes.

Do not store leftover masks - throw them away immediately.

Retinol and acids: compatibility

Acids and retinol help with pigment spots, acne, help smooth out wrinkles, etc. - there are many advantages. It's all good. The question is, is it permissible to use them together? Is this safe for the sensitive epidermis? Will this combination spoil the appearance?

Good to know! Skin rich in vitamin A becomes more sensitive to the sun, which will help you tan faster. It’s not for nothing that many girls drink carrot juice before going to the solarium. However, it is better to nourish the dermis with high-quality creams (several hours before sunbathing!). Just remember to protect the epidermis from rays - special creams, oils and short stays under a tanning source.

Vitamin A group does not get along with acids - this is true. Mixing components and using one after the other is unacceptable:

  1. Deterioration of the effect of elements “A”. Derived vitamins from this group will not fully saturate skin with a high level of hydrogen (pH). Under such conditions, it is difficult for retinol to convert into retinoic acid, which is so important for the epidermis.
  2. Negative consequences of skin conditions. Two components have a strong effect. Sensitive dermis will not withstand the “double blow”. The results will be disappointing - irritation, redness, inflammation, etc.

However, there is a way out. And not even one, but three. Consider options for using A derivatives safely with acids:

  1. The use of retinol and pH products at different time intervals. Apply vitamin A intended for the face at night. Leave the acids for morning procedures.
  2. Alternating foods at night. In other words, apply an acid cream the first night, and a retinol cream the second. Adjust dosage combinations to suit skin sensitivity. You can use acid for two nights and retinol for one night (and vice versa). Or you can apply only nourishing cream every fourth night (without “A” and pH).
  3. Break between layers. Apply one composition, wait 30-60 minutes. Then take the second one. The sequence of drugs does not play an important role. However, it is recommended to use a retinoid last.

Once you find the right balance for your epidermis, you will understand how to use retinol and acids together on your face.

Who is suitable for cosmetics with vitamin A?

Cream with retinol for facial skin is suitable for everyone who takes care of themselves and who wants to preserve the youth and beauty of the dermis. However, the composition has a number of contraindications:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Taking complex “A” orally.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Severe form of chronic diseases, including skin diseases.

Carefully study the categories for which the drug is prohibited. Also follow the dosage and never exceed it. And so that the results are only positive, learn about the precautions:

  1. Use the products at night - the skin after application is more sensitive to sunburn.
  2. Do not use vitamins in their pure form - be sure to mix them with the base.
  3. Do an allergy test.
  4. Be careful with anti-aging creams, follow age restrictions.
  5. After completing the course, take a break for at least 3 months.

Do not forget to consult with your doctor and study the instructions.

How to use

Not everyone knows how to use fat-soluble vitamin A for the face. The element is used in creams and masks. Studying the nuances will help you apply the products correctly.


  1. It is better to start the course with a minimum concentration of 0.05% and 1-2 times a week. This will allow you to observe the skin's reaction.
  2. Anti-aging products are designed for more mature skin - young dermis up to 35 years old will be harmful.
  3. Take the course in autumn and winter - the sun's rays are safe during this period.
  4. The composition is applied to cleansed skin.
  5. Alternate the use of creams with masks. The most suitable mixtures are those rich in vitamin C.

Daytime preparations contain a lower concentration than nighttime ones - in order to protect the skin from sunburn.

Watch tips from an application specialist (video):

Masks with retinol

To make masks with retinol for the face, the vitamin is taken both in capsules and in liquid form. The only difference is ease of use.

Important! Oil concentrate 8.6% is calculated as 1 ml per 30 ml of the base component. Concentration 3.44 is taken twice as much - 2 ml.

  1. Do not go outside for 1 hour (minimum) after washing off the mask.
  2. Pre-steam the skin in a steam bath, then use a scrub.
  3. After the procedure, soak the dermis with moisturizing cream.
  4. Don't overuse spa activities. Start with one day a week.
  5. Carry out an allergy test and do not take additional components that can cause a negative reaction.

Retinol in cosmetic preparations is a direct path to health and beauty. It's simple, affordable and effective. Don't know where to buy such products? Do it yourself. Don't you know how? Add a drop of vitamin solution to your favorite cream, preferably night cream. And start watching the transformation of your facial skin. According to expert research, the optimal course duration is 6 months.

Every girl, even half asleep in the middle of the night, can name several facial care products. It is probably almost impossible to find that rare representative of the fair sex whose cabinet is not filled with jars and tubes of preparations for the beauty and health of the skin. True, young ladies have different preferences. Some people love expensive products from fashion brands, while others cannot imagine their life without natural cosmetics made with their own hands. However, not all girls remember that not only creams, tonics, masks and oils are good for improving facial skin, but also vitamins. And today we will talk about how to use vitamin A for the face and what effect it has.

Retinol: a closer look

Vitamin A can also be found under the name retinol or retinol acetate. This is a fat-soluble vitamin. It does not dilute well in water, so it is best to mix it with natural oil before use. In addition, vitamin A has a low melting point, which means it should not be added to cosmetic mixtures when heated. It is also best to store retinol away from direct sunlight, as it oxidizes when exposed to light.

Retinol is the very first vitamin discovered by scientists at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was thanks to this that he was assigned the first letter of the alphabet.

The use of this microelement in cosmetology is diverse. Vitamin A can be found in serums, masks and creams. It is often used in its pure form, rubbing the face in the area of ​​wrinkles, and also taken orally.

Masks with concentrated vitamin A are indicated only after 35 years

Why is vitamin A for the face so popular? The fact is that it has an amazing property: the ability to destroy free radicals, which negatively affect the skin, making it less elastic. Plus, the molecular weight of retinol allows it to penetrate deep inside, providing a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.

Thus, vitamin A:

  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • protects the face from harmful external influences;
  • improves metabolic processes and blood circulation;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • noticeably evens out complexion;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

However, anti-aging masks based on retinol are indicated only after 35 years, that is, at an age when the body no longer produces a sufficient amount of collagen on its own.

Where to look for vitamin A?

This vitamin can be obtained through natural products or purchased at a pharmacy.

As for “ready-made” retinol, it can be an oil solution, capsules with oil content, or vitamin A in glass ampoules. All three types are great for home use. True, you will have to tinker with the capsules a little longer. First you will have to pierce them and squeeze out the oil.

Natural vitamin A is rich in cod liver, sea fish, egg yolks, meat, as well as orange and yellow vegetables and fruits: pumpkin, mango, papaya, tomatoes, apricots, carrots, oranges, sea buckthorn.

Those girls who are still too young to use retinol in its pure form can easily use fruit or vegetable masks based on orange products so that vitamin A has its magical effect on their skin.

Also, the listed natural ingredients for facial rejuvenation can be used by those women for whom a concentrated pharmaceutical preparation is contraindicated. For example, young ladies with serious skin diseases or problems with the circulatory system should not use retinol acetate.

The best recipes with retinol

Retinol is suitable for masks, both in oil and in ampoules.

There are different ways to use vitamin A at home.

The simplest of them is to apply a couple of drops of an oil solution mixed with your favorite cream or serum to your face. Just remember that this is a fairly concentrated drug. Overdose is unacceptable! As well as the constant use of retinol. It can be used for one to two months, and then be sure to take a three-month break.

This daily enrichment of cells with vitamin A will help restore the skin, smooth it, give your cheeks a glow, and your face a healthy glow. For its simplicity and effectiveness, this method received numerous positive reviews from ladies of Balzac's age.

Some people take it upon themselves to use retinol acetate in its pure form, without adding cream. But in this case, vitamin A should be smeared locally on the face, that is, exclusively on wrinkles, and carefully monitor the skin reaction. If itching, tingling, peeling or rash occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

The most popular way to pamper your face with such a useful microelement is, of course, masks. They are done once a week for two months, then a break follows.


Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with the contents of one ampoule of vitamin A. Distribute over the skin and lie for a quarter of an hour, then remove excess mask with a thick napkin. Do not rinse off.

This mask perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin.


Dilute a tablespoon of rich sour cream with a tablespoon of aloe juice and add 5 drops of vitamin A oil solution. Mix everything well, apply to the face and rest for a quarter of an hour. Wash with warm water.

This mask is more suitable for dry skin. It moisturizes and rejuvenates.


Pour two tablespoons of dry mint, chamomile or calendula into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then take a quarter of the broth and mix with oatmeal to form a puree-like mass. Pour 10 drops of almond oil and 5 drops of retinol into it. Spread on the skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with the remaining herbal infusion.

This mask is good for oily skin.

A mask based on dry herbs is suitable for oily skin


Mash a tablespoon of cottage cheese so that there are no lumps and mix with a spoon of vegetable oil. Pour in 3-4 drops of vitamin A and spread the mixture over your face. Rest for 20 minutes, then remove the mixture with a napkin and wash.

This mask tightens and softens the skin.

Proven recipes with natural vitamin A

Such masks, unlike the previous ones, can be made even for those girls who have not yet turned 35 years old.

Sea buckthorn

Squeeze juice from a handful of ripe sea buckthorn berries. It should be about a tablespoon. Mix sea buckthorn juice with egg yolk and apply to skin. Lie down for half an hour, then wash and use cream.

A mask with pumpkin will nourish the skin with vitamins


Mix two to three tablespoons of fresh carrots with oatmeal without additives until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Spread it on your face, relax for 20 minutes and wash off the mask.


Remove the pit from a large ripe apricot and mash it into a puree. Mix with the same amount of avocado pulp puree. “Fill” with a few drops of olive oil and spread over the skin. Rest for half an hour and wash.


Peel a slice of soft pumpkin from the peel and seeds and grate it on a fine grater. Pour in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, mix and apply the mixture to your face. Lie down for a quarter of an hour, remove the remaining mask with a napkin and wash.

That's probably all you need to know about vitamin A and its use for the skin. Always be beautiful!

A real drink of youth for the skin is vitamin A. It can be found in a variety of skin care products. Retinol is sold in pharmacies and is very popular among people who prefer natural facial care products.

However, not everyone is in a hurry to buy retinol, knowing its side effects in the form of peeling and irritation of the skin. Indeed, some varieties of vitamin A in their pure form can cause negative consequences in the form of chemical burns. We’ll talk about the rules for using retinol in the fight against wrinkles and what retinoids are below.

Vitamin family

Retinaldehyde or retinal, true retinol, retinoic acid are all fat-soluble substances (lipovitamins), collectively called vitamin A. This is one of the first vitamins discovered by scientists. Its history began in 1920.

The progenitors of vitamin A are considered to be provitamins A - carotenoids (the main one is beta-carotene). Vitamins of group A are found in foods of animal origin, carotenoids are found in foods of plant origin.

The benefits of vitamin A for the body are great:

  • supports the body's protective functions;
  • takes part in metabolism;
  • needed for development and growth;
  • necessary for normalizing the functioning of the visual organs;
  • regulates the balance of minerals in the body;
  • supports the health of the epidermis;
  • is a natural antioxidant.

Due to the extensive serious work that the vitamin carries out in the human body, retinol is sometimes classified as a hormone.

During pregnancy, vitamin A is contraindicated. Excessive consumption can have disastrous consequences for the developing fetus. Other people should not use vitamin A uncontrollably. Excess of the substance has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, before you start taking the vitamin, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

A storehouse of vitamin A is butter, eggs and liver. Beta-carotene is found in vegetables - carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes (yams), yellow and red bell peppers.

Retinoids - what is this substance and what is it intended for?

Retinoids are a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. Its invention is due to the fact that in its pure form the vitamin could cause unpleasant effects. The group of retinoids includes the following substances:

  • retinol;
  • tretinoin (retinoic acid);
  • alitretinoin;
  • isotretinoin;
  • etretinate;
  • tazarotene;
  • acitretin;
  • bexarotene;
  • adapalene retinal.

All these substances are synthesized in chemical laboratories and are widely used in cosmetic skin care products.

More than 1,500 varieties of retinoids are known. However, not all of them have therapeutic properties. Only a few dozen synthetic analogues have these. They are used to treat:

  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • pigmentation;
  • photoaging;
  • pustular diseases;

Some types of retinoids are used in the fight against cancer. Thus, isotretinoin was originally used in the treatment of leukemia. Today it is used to combat acne in some patients. Tests of another synthetic derivative called tretinoin against acne began to be carried out in the late 60s of the last century by Albert Kligman, a dermatologist. Testing lasted a little more than a decade; in 1973, the doctor created the drug Retin-A, which was effective against this skin disease, and patented the formula.

After 12 years, Dr. Kligman and his colleague discovered that Retin-A not only effectively fights acne, but also improves facial tone and smoothes wrinkles. The dermatologist received patents for these formulas. After this, retinoids began to be included in cosmetic creams aimed at combating skin aging.

Synthetic substances similar to vitamin A actually prevent wrinkles and smooth out some existing wrinkles. Creams with retinoids will not help 100% get rid of age-related changes on the skin of the face, especially if the wrinkles are deep and old. In principle, modern scientists have not yet invented a remedy that makes it possible to remove all signs of aging.

When planning to rejuvenate your facial skin with retinol, it is important to remember one rule. You need to be careful when using vitamin A. Incorrect application, non-compliance with proportions and recipes can lead to irritation and redness on the skin. In the worst case scenario, even burns are possible.

The magic of rejuvenation contained in vitamin A

When vitamin A is applied externally to the skin, it manifests itself in the following way: the stratum corneum of the dermis becomes thinner by exfoliating dead cells, and the dermal layer, on the contrary, thickens. Thus, the facial skin is peeled, making it soft, smooth and radiant.

The action of retinoids is not limited to the superficial. The substance penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, where it slows down the decomposition of collagen, an important protein that gives the skin elasticity. Retinol is one of the few substances studied today with a clear anti-aging effect.

The beneficial effect of vitamin A and its varieties is explained not by the influence of the substance itself, but by its derivative, retinoic acid. It is formed during a chemical reaction of retinoids and special cellular enzymes. The difficulty is that not every analogue can be converted into retinoic acid equally quickly and easily. For some forms of the vitamin, such transformation takes a fairly long period of time.

And this is the formula for transforming retinoids:

Retinol acetate (palmitate, propionate)<=>True Retinol<=>Retinaldehyde<=>Retinoic acid.

It follows from it that the greater the number of cycles of conversion of the original form of retinol into retinoic acid, the less pronounced the effect it has on the skin. That is, retinol palmitate and retinol acetate are weaker and less effective forms of vitamin A. True retinol is stronger than its esters, but not as powerful as retinaldehyde, which is just one step away from becoming retinoic acid.

In addition, the amount of retinoic acid in the skin after transformation is insignificant. This is due to the fact that the transformation always does not occur completely and due to the fact that retinoids are a rapidly degrading and unstable compound.

Difficult choice

It is precisely because of the complexity of converting retinol that the choice of effective cosmetics is difficult. It is impossible to imagine exactly how many retinoids are transformed into retinoic acid on a given skin. This process depends on many factors - skin type, age, the amount of enzymes needed for conversion.

A clear example is this situation: a woman purchased a cream containing retinol ester (acetate or palmitate) and after a few days of use she felt a noticeable effect of the drug. Her friend bought the same cream, but there was no positive result even after a month of use. In this case, to improve the condition of facial skin, you will need cosmetics with retinaldehyde, which is quickly converted into retinoic acid.

Before purchasing any anti-aging cosmetic product for facial skin care, you need to assess the condition and type of your skin.

The minimum retinol content in anti-aging products is 0.2%. For retinol acetate/palmitate, the value is many times greater.

Retinol, even in small dosages, will have a beneficial effect on the skin. However, in this case the result will come much later. If the cream does not contain retinol or it is at the end of the list of ingredients, this means that the concentration of the substance in the drug is not significant. Experts recommend starting with creams with a low content of retinol and its derivatives.

Retinol in the pharmacy

There is not a single manufacturer that does not produce products containing vitamin A. It is included in creams, serums, ointments, and is available in capsules.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find vitamin A preparations in the form of injection ampoules, capsules and oil solution. Wide choice and reasonable price are the advantages of pharmacy products. Thus, a 50 ml bottle of retinol acetate (3.44% substance content) can be purchased for 60 rubles, a similar product made in Israel, Anna Lotan Renova (80 capsules) costs 4,000 rubles. The Israeli drug contains vitamin complexes, mineral components and various oils.

Which means to choose is a purely personal matter. It depends on individual preferences, age, financial income and, most importantly, the condition of the skin and its type.

When choosing a form of a drug with vitamin A, it is worth remembering that retinoids are unstable and quickly break down. The substance retains its properties best and longest in ampoule and capsule preparations.


The main advantage of retinol can also be its disadvantage. The vitamin helps exfoliate dead skin cells. This process is accompanied by peeling and redness of the skin. The reaction usually appears 2-3 hours after using the substance. This may be accompanied by dryness and irritation of the skin. It takes time for the skin to get used to it - most often several weeks. That is why it is important to follow safety precautions when using drugs and cosmetics containing retinol and its derivatives.

The opinion that vitamin A is harmful to young skin is wrong. Retinol - copes well with acne, all kinds of rashes and other skin diseases characteristic of young facial skin. In addition, wrinkles are an insidious thing; sometimes the first small folds appear before the age of 30.

Retinol in liquid form can be added in small quantities (1 drop) to day and night creams, to make face masks, adding vitamin A to the main composition. For masks, substances from the retinol family are recommended to be mixed with oils - olive, peach, coconut, jojoba and others , since the vitamin belongs to the fat-soluble group.

For those who love and know how to experiment with cosmetics, the following facial skin care regimen is suitable:

  1. Days 1 and 2 – use of a product containing vitamin A;
  2. Day 3 – face serum and cream containing fruit acids (alpha hydroxy acids, AHA);
  3. Days 4 and 5 – use of a product with retinol;
  4. Days 6 and 7 – rest for the skin – use regular creams to moisturize the skin.

Let's take a closer look at the operating principle of this circuit. Lipovitamins of group A cannot be used daily, because their main effect is exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis. During the first 2 days, vitamin A will actively exfoliate unnecessary particles. On the 3rd day, cosmetics with fruit acid will cleanse the facial skin of excess particles. Peeling will contribute to more active work of the vitamin in the deep layers of the skin on days 4 and 5 of the program. For the next 2 days, your facial skin needs to rest and use mild moisturizing cosmetic products.

Even if you want to get quick results in a couple of days, you shouldn’t risk the health and beauty of your facial skin. Too intensive use of vitamin A can lead to undesirable consequences, which will be difficult to get rid of. Only proper use of vitamin A, a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and giving up bad habits will help you slightly rejuvenate and cleanse your face. A woman is beautiful at any age!

A little more interesting:

Vitamin A (retinol) has a pronounced strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the skin. The molecules of the substance are able to quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy free radicals, which cause premature aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, in cosmetology, vitamin A is often used for the skin of the face and the area around the eyelids - in areas where the effects of negative factors are most noticeable.

The positive effects of retinol on the skin

The use of vitamin A is recommended for the care of aging skin. It is advisable to start using the substance from the age of 35, when the body experiences a deterioration in metabolism, cellular aging processes begin, and skin tissues no longer receive enough nutrition. Retinol in liquid form is added as an active ingredient to face masks. These masks help:

  • moisturize the skin;
  • improve complexion;
  • eliminate skin inflammation;
  • rejuvenate the skin;
  • stimulate the synthesis of collagen, a protein that maintains skin elasticity.

Retinol has a variety of positive effects on human skin:

  • restores the structure of skin tissue;
  • activates the production of hyaluronic acid, a compound that makes the skin soft and elastic;
  • accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • maintains the strength and elasticity of epidermal fibers;
  • protects the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals;
  • inhibits skin aging and wrinkle formation;
  • improves facial contour;
  • useful for some dermatological inflammatory diseases;
  • protects the skin from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Retinol-rich foods

Beta-carotene, contained in certain foods, undergoes oxidative reactions when it enters the body, as a result of which it is converted into vitamin A. All plant foods that are yellow, orange and red are rich in carotenoids. Of these products it should be noted:

  • carrots;
  • apricots;
  • pumpkin;
  • rose hip;
  • parsley

Animal products rich in vitamins include:

  • liver;
  • cream;
  • butter;
  • yolk.

The vitamin has a big advantage: it is practically not destroyed by heat treatment. Products rich in beta-carotene can be safely boiled or fried: they will not lose their beneficial properties.

Release forms

Vitamins suitable for external use are sold in different forms: capsules, ampoule solution, drops, oil. Liquid retinol can be used in different ways: poured into cosmetic preparations, added to homemade masks. Many women prefer to make vitamin masks for the face and area around the eyes at home.

Whatever form the vitamin is sold in, the instructions for use provide information on how an adult should take the drug internally and how to use it externally. Most often in the pharmacy you can find drugs containing retinol acetate.

The drug in capsule form is not very convenient to use: the capsules do not open well, the internal composition contains little active ingredient, but many unnecessary additives. The vitamin in the form of an ampoule solution is suitable for preparing homemade masks. And it is most convenient to use the substance in the form of an oil solution (retinol acetate or retinol palmitate).

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound, so there is no water-based solution.

Rules of application

When using retinol externally, you should adhere to the rules below.

  1. The substance is added in an amount of 1 - 2 drops to the finished care product. If the mask heats up during preparation, then you should drip the vitamin into it when it cools down.
  2. If retinol is used in its pure form, then for greater effectiveness it should be mixed with any vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. The vitamin-oil mixture should not be heated.
  3. To effectively get rid of wrinkles, you should practice a course of taking the vitamin. 40–60 procedures are carried out, then a three-month pause is made. With this method of skin care, you must adhere to proper nutrition and drink enough water.
  4. Before applying the drug to your face, you should check for an allergic reaction. A little vitamin oil is dripped onto the skin of the wrist. Then you need to wait for the skin's reaction to retinol. If the drug does not cause redness or burning of the skin, then it is not an allergen for a particular person.
  5. If you suspect an allergy, it is better to use products and cosmetics containing essential oils with retinol instead of concentrated vitamin oil. Such essential oils are often found in cosmetics for old and sagging skin, as well as in certain food products: sea buckthorn, pumpkin, rose hips, wheat sprouts. These products can be used to make masks that practically do not cause allergies.

In order for retinol molecules to more actively penetrate the layers of the epidermis, the skin should be prepared for applying the mask. First, a hot bath is made for the face (you can use infusions of medicinal plants), then the skin is cleansed with a scrub.

The vitamin mask is kept on the face for about 15 minutes, then washed off thoroughly. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse your face with herbal infusion.

Apply the vitamin preparation to the area around the eyes with extreme caution so as not to accidentally touch the mucous membrane of the eyelids or the surface of the eyeball.

Best Recipes

Below are the best vitamin A face mask recipes.

  1. With aloe juice against skin inflammation. You need to take 1 teaspoon of fatty cream, 10 drops of vitamin oil solution, 5 drops of aloe juice. The components are thoroughly mixed and thickly spread on a washed face. The mask is left on for 20 minutes, then a napkin removes what is not absorbed into the skin.
  2. Cottage cheese. You need to take 1 tablespoon of fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin solution. The components are mixed, the resulting mass must be smeared onto a cleansed face. The mask is left on for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to treat the skin with night cream.
  3. Nutritious. This is the name of the mask with dairy products and vitamin A. The composition includes 1 teaspoon of full-fat sour cream, 1 teaspoon of full-fat cottage cheese, and a retinol solution from one ampoule. Dairy products are mixed until smooth, then a vitamin solution is added to them. The mixture is spread evenly on the face and left for 15 minutes. You need to wash off the mask with warm water. After the procedure, the skin is treated with cream.
  4. Rejuvenating. This mask is based on honey and vitamin A. You need to take 1 teaspoon of natural honey, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 1 teaspoon of almond oil, half a teaspoon of vitamin oil solution. The components are mixed, the resulting liquid mass is applied to the skin with massaging movements. The mask is kept on for 30 minutes. What is not absorbed is removed with a napkin.
  5. Chamomile acne lotion. You need to take 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers, 1 ampoule of vitamin A. Flower raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left to cool. The finished infusion is filtered, and the liquid from the ampoule is poured into it. The result is a lotion that should be used to treat washed problem skin 2 times a day.
  6. Oatmeal. You need to take half a teaspoon of ground oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 5 drops of vitamin oil solution. Ground oatmeal is combined with aloe juice, the components are thoroughly mixed. A retinol solution is added to the mixture. When applying the mask, do not touch the area around the eyelids. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. After the procedure, the skin is treated with cream.


There are the following contraindications for external use of vitamin A:

  • allergy to the active substance;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • open injuries with discharge of pus.

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should be extremely careful in caring for their facial skin with retinol, since the active substance can penetrate through the mother’s body into the embryo and through breast milk into the baby’s body, and if in excess, cause pathologies in the child’s development.

An overdose is accompanied by nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, and swelling of the liver.