Why are my cheeks plump? How to remove bulldog cheeks on your face and why they occur

Thick cheeks look cute only on babies. They give beautiful girls with a graceful figure, and other women, a very funny and not at all stylish or glamorous look. Plump cheeks and saggy, dull “bulldog jowls” also don’t suit respectable men. If you are “lucky” to have such a burden, but at the same time you are not a sad whiner, but are ready to work on your face in order to acquire a chiseled line of cheekbones and chin, read this article.

Why do I have thick cheeks?

The causes of cheekiness are numerous. This is heredity, which is more difficult and sometimes impossible to overcome, and Not proper nutrition in the form of abundant sweets, excessive pickles and smoked foods, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, and various diseases associated with the formation of increased swelling of the face. It is important to bring your emotional state back to normal, get out of the habit of eating your stress with sweets, and do regular exercises, and then the childhood swelling will very soon be replaced by aristocratic cheekbones and sexuality.

If the face is very fat, the question of how to get rid of the cheeks will not be resolved quickly, since the accumulated fat makes the motor activity of the muscles difficult, and besides, the fat on the cheeks is one of the last to be burned.


Only systematic balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids and special exercises can adjust the size of your cheeks downward, and the whole secret lies in strictly following this regimen. Whether you can or not depends on your character.

Exercises to reduce the roundness of the cheeks

Do not rush to inject Botox and think about operations. These simple exercises will solve the problem. So, how to remove cheeks at home? You need to make it a habit to repeat the following steps:

  • Your cheeks should start their morning vigorously - develop the habit of getting out of bed and going to the bathroom with a towel soaked in herbal decoction, “tap” your face. Bring the textile to your chin with both hands, sharply spread your arms, and the stretched fabric will hit you on the chin, do the same with bottom cheeks This sets the tone of your face for the whole day, and very soon you will no longer suffer from the problem of how to get rid of it. Alternatively, you can wet the towel either in saline solution, or in hot water. Slap yourself in the face with it for several minutes straight.

  • Inflate your cheeks to the maximum limit, after five seconds, exhale quickly, repeat 5-10 times.
  • Open your mouth as wide as possible without raising your face, lift your eyes up and blink actively for a minute.
  • Inflate your cheeks as hard as you can and gradually release the air from them in small bursts, repeat 5-10 times throughout the day.
  • Blow air across your cheeks from left to right and back - they should be strongly inflated.
  • Another way to get rid of cheeks? Reviews about this exercise are full of optimism and enthusiasm. Press your cheeks firmly with your hands and smile widely, your fingers resting on your cheeks blocking the upward movement of the corners of your mouth.
  • Hold your head straight and lower the corners of your lips, strongly tensing the muscles of your neck and cheeks.
  • Take a pencil, hold it between your teeth, draw in the air or write words with it.
  • Singing - great way how to get rid of cheeks. Curl your lips and start singing all the vowels of the alphabet. At the same time, tilt your head, strongly stretch your chin.
  • Do the “fish”, pulling your cheeks inward as much as possible until you get tired of it.
  • Sit on a chair, tilt your head back, push your chin forward, catching your upper lip with your lower lip.

  • Standing straight and crossing your arms over your chest, grab your left hand right shoulder, right - behind the left. Stretch your neck up to the maximum, do deep breath, count to ten, exhale. Go back and repeat several times.
  • Here's what you need to do to lose weight in the upper part of your cheeks. Curl your lips as if you want to pronounce the letter “O”, with your upper lip pressed against your teeth. Place your index fingers on the top of your cheeks at right angles to your nose, thumbs Place it on the outer corners of your eyes to prevent wrinkles from appearing. Looking up with your eyes, smile top part cheeks, without lifting your upper lip from your teeth. Repeat the movement 15-20 times.
  • To strengthen the lower part of the cheeks, fold your lips again into a tube, as in the previous exercise, pull the corners of your mouth towards your lower teeth, imagine that you have to turn them inward. Look up, tense the bottom of your cheeks, also massage this part with circular movements. You should feel a burning sensation in the lower part of your face.
  • Using this exercise, you can get rid of your cheeks both in their upper and lower parts, strengthening the muscles. Fold your lips again into the letter “O”, press the top one to your teeth. Smile at the corners of your mouth twenty times, while pushing your cheeks up. Smiling last time, pause, enlarge the oval of your mouth and imagine that your cheeks want to fly away, and with your hands slowly help them, pushing them up.

  • How to get rid of thick cheeks without adjusting your facial contour? This is impossible. To acquire aristocratic facial features, its oval also needs to be strengthened. Sitting with your head thrown back, extend lower jaw forward and slightly up. You should feel strong muscle pain. Make 50 such “advances”.
  • Finally, one more exercise - this time to strengthen the sides of the cheeks. Draw a narrow and long oval with your mouth, press the inside of your cheeks very tightly to your cheekbones. Place your palms on your cheeks, slowly move them up, imagine that the “sides” of your cheeks are rising towards your temples. You must repeat the exercise until you feel pain in your facial muscles.

Simple gymnastics for everyone during the day

  • Make vigorous neck turns to the right and left.
  • Raise your head up and turn to the left as much as possible, hold for a couple of minutes, change direction.
  • Turn your head to the left and up, while moving your lips as if chewing something, take a break, repeat in the other direction.
  • Turn your head to the right and up, apply your lower lip forcefully to your upper lip, hold for a few minutes, change sides.

Finally, we will answer the question of the busiest readers: “Is it possible to get rid of cheeks between times, in everyday chores?” Of course, you can help yourself by intensively slapping your cheeks, squeezing and unclenching your cheek muscles, and massaging with your fingertips - these measures will increase blood flow to your face, accelerating the process of losing weight.


Before starting, cleanse your face and apply cream after the procedure. Massage - excellent remedy how to get rid of cheeks. It will improve and maintain facial tone for a long time.

  1. Lightly pinch your cheeks from the chin to the cheekbones.
  2. Take a special mitten and massage your cheeks twice a week.
  3. Water comes to the rescue again - a strong stream will help your cheeks lose weight faster.

How to remove cheeks at home using masks

  • Egg and honey mask. Mix egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and a dessert spoon olive oil. Apply twice a week.
  • Oatmeal mask. Take one tablespoon of ground flakes and one tablespoon of the “Malyutka” mixture, add a little warm milk, you should get the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to the décolleté, face and neck for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. Do the procedure once a week.
  • Mask from egg white(keep it on for 20 minutes, rinse off) very tightens and rejuvenates the skin.

Do these masks for two months, and appearance your skin will feel much better.

Herbal infusions

To the question of whether it is possible to get rid of cheeks using herbal infusions, the answer will be negative - simply wiping the face with a herbal solution will not dissolve the fat under the skin. But it will have a wonderful effect on the appearance of your cheeks!

Make lotion. Pour three tablespoons of chamomile, sage, celandine or St. John's wort flowers with a cup of boiling water. After the broth has infused for eight hours, strain it and use it to wipe the skin.


If you don’t find any herbs at home, don’t worry - regular iodized salt will help you. Dissolve three tablespoons in 0.5 liters of water and use for hot compresses. It is enough to hold the towel on your face for just a few minutes, then be sure to wipe your skin with an ice cube.

Little tricks to help reduce chubby cheeks

Dear women, if you think that all these methods are good only for you, then you are mistaken. Tips on how to get rid of cheeks for a man are no different from those listed in this article. Exercises, diets and massages are universal for both us and them.

And if you are still at the beginning of your journey, we will share with you some tricks on how to visually make your cheeks smaller and speed up the process of losing weight:

  1. Dark color visually reduces. Dust the high parts of your cheeks with dark powder or use in these areas foundation darker shade.
  2. Get a massage after exercise.
  3. Apply masks in the evening before going to bed.
  4. Reduce your intake of salty foods to a minimum.
  5. Consume more products With high content calcium.
  6. Eat regularly and rationally, setting a five-times-a-day diet.
  7. For fruits, prefer apples, oranges and grapefruits.
  8. Half an hour before meals, drink one glass of clean water without carbon.
  9. Chew gum.
  10. Keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum.
  11. Sleep on your back, choose a low pillow.
  12. Finally, move, be active, run, walk, try to live at a fast pace.

No matter how much women want it, youth passes and over time the question arises of prolonging the beauty and preserving the toned contour of the face.

How to remove cheeks in 1 day - this will help integrated approach to the problem.

Due to some circumstances, it is not always possible to visit beauty salons and pamper yourself with massages, masks and other skin care treatments.

Don't get upset and give up. You can also take care of your face at home.

Various methods, including food, are used in the fight against sagging cheeks. If you look in the refrigerator, you can probably find lifting assistants there, on the basis of which face masks are made.

Masks nourish the skin, help improve color and tighten the facial contour.

In addition to cosmetic methods, there are a variety of exercises and massages, which also help with the “bulldog cheeks” effect. The main thing is not to let yourself go and not bring the situation to a critical point, when nothing will help except surgical intervention.

Basic ways to get rid of sagging cheeks

The main methods for getting rid of sagging cheeks are the following:

In 1 day the appearance will not change, but Regular self-care will lead to both getting rid of sagging cheeks and a general improvement in the shape of the face.

Diet for losing cheeks

When following a weight loss diet, excess weight is removed from all parts of the body. All nutritionists unanimously argue that the diet should not be short-term, but become a way of life.

Respectively, It’s better not to reduce the quantity and quality of food consumed, but to learn to eat right. Every person's diet contains foods that contribute to rapid weight gain, including on the face.

These products include the following:

  • sweet and flour;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise-based sauces and ketchup;
  • beer and snacks to go with it;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol.

This list should either be completely excluded or the consumption of the listed products should be reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to replace these products with healthy ones that promote proper metabolism. and, accordingly, weight loss.

TO useful products include the following:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • calcium-containing products;
  • fiber-rich cereals;
  • clean water at least 2 liters per day;
  • green tea.

Sweets can be replaced with a small handful of dried fruits, a couple of bars of dark chocolate or protein bar.

Gymnastics to get rid of cheeks

Systematic implementation of exercises will lead to desired result in a short time.

The skin will become tightened and elastic, sagging will go away, and wrinkles will smooth out. As with body tightening, facial exercises target a specific area. It is better to do each one daily or at least every other day.

Exercises to tighten facial muscles

Professionals call this approach face-building, i.e. physical exercise for correcting the shape and contour of the face without surgery. A facelift using a set of exercises will give results in just 2 weeks.

Eyelid massage

This exercise increases blood circulation and improves muscle tone. As a result, the skin tightens. You need to clench your hands so that thumb was on top. Gently, without pressing, massage the eyelids: 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

For the brow muscles

With this exercise you can prevent the formation of vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. tips index fingers You need to lightly press on the area where your eyebrows begin and frown. After 2-3 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.


A clear oval face is one of the first steps to attractiveness and youth. The exercise will help to outline clear boundaries, tighten the skin and remove wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

By systematically performing gymnastics and facial massage, you can tighten your contours and get rid of sagging cheeks.

To perform this exercise, you need to stick your lower lip down so that your lower teeth are exposed. The jaws are clenched and tension is felt in the chin. Repeat slowly 5 times.

Lower face lift

This exercise strengthens and corrects the muscles of the chin and the area under it. To perform it, you need to sit down, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Tilt your head back so that you feel tension in your neck.

You should form your lips into a tube and pull them forward, as if for a kiss. Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Do it 8 times.

Exercises to correct the shape and size of the cheeks

With a simple set of exercises you can get rid of sagging, excessive plumpness or irregularly shaped cheeks. At the same time, the cheekbones become more pronounced and the face appears thinner.


Lips tightly compressed. You should puff out your cheeks as much as possible and hold it there for 15-20 seconds. Relax and lightly stroke them with your palms. Next you need to inflate and deflate your cheeks at an accelerated rhythm, pressing on them with your hands. Repeat 15-20 times.


To perform the exercise, you need to slightly pull your cheeks up, as if you were grinning. It is important that only the cheek muscles are involved and nothing else. Perform for 2-3 minutes.


You need to fold your lips into a tube and pull them forward. Perform descriptive circular movements for 2 minutes.

Rolling air

To perform the exercise, you should smile widely with your mouth closed and take air into your cheeks. Slowly roll balloon from one cheek to the other.

Exercises against chubby cheeks

Plumpness in the cheek area is caused not only by genetic predisposition, but also by muscle weakness in this area.

The following exercises will help reduce the volume of your cheeks and give your face clear contours:

  1. Hold a pencil between your teeth and draw figures, letters, numbers, etc. in the air. Do this exercise for 3 minutes.
  2. When wide open mouth turn your lips inward. Apply pressure movements with your lips on your teeth. Your cheeks and lips should be tense. After feeling tense, relax. Repeat 5-8 times every 10 s.
  3. Close your eyes and clearly move your lips, as if the words “Auh” and “Uuuuff” are being pronounced.

Exercises to tighten cheekbones

Expressive cheekbones are fundamental to a beautiful facial contour. Their clear outline gives the appearance femininity and a certain aristocracy.

To tighten your cheekbones, you need to regularly perform the following exercises:

  1. Using your index finger inside the mouth, move the cheek below away from the teeth. Use your muscles to resist, as if trying to push it back. Work this way on each side 8 times.
  2. Clench your palms into fists. Use your knuckles to make descriptive movements along the cheekbones, starting from the nose to the temple. You can alternate sides or do both at the same time.
  3. Sit up straight with a straight back. Look ahead. Lower the corners of your lips, simultaneously straining the muscles of your cheekbones and cheeks. Stay in this position for a while and relax.

Facial massage that removes the cheeks

To find out how to visually remove cheeks in 1 day, you need to consult a makeup artist who will select the optimal makeup.

To actually remove your cheeks you need not only to do gymnastics, but also to massage- this is not only a useful, but also a pleasant procedure. The massage relaxes, puts you in a positive mood and improves blood circulation in the vessels.

As is known, increased blood flow to tissues, promotes their elasticity. There are several types of facial massage: just with your hands, using honey and using a towel. Regardless of which type is chosen, the skin should be cleaned and blotted with a towel.

Hand massage

Before performing a massage, you should cleanse your facial skin and apply cream to it. It is advisable to use a greasy one so that your hands glide better over the surface and the skin does not stretch.

You should start with stroking and light patting movements. Next, pinch from the cheekbones to the temples. All movements are made from bottom to top. You need to pinch and smooth out folds and wrinkles. It is important not to stretch the skin during the procedure.

Towel massage

A small terry towel should be soaked in a herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, sage). Next, you should grab the ends of the towel and bring your hands together. It is necessary to sharply but moderately spread your arms to the sides to make a light clap. You need to go through everyone with such claps problem areas on the face.

Honey massage

Dip your fingertips into a container with natural honey, then apply it to your face with tapping movements. Pinch the face several times. Press the pads of your fingers against the skin and quickly tear them off.

Cheek lifting cosmetics

Exercises and massage are very effective in combating irregular facial contours and sagging cheeks. However, if the approach to the problem is complex, you cannot do without cosmetic products.

These can be creams with a lifting effect, salon or store masks and home recipes. Creams with tightening properties can be purchased in salons, stores or pharmacies: Q10 (coenzyme) from NiveaVisage, Lift-active cream from Vichy, SoinNoir (lifting night cream) from Givenchy, etc.

However, you should not expect a miracle from just using this or that cream - you need to combine it with other methods. Masks will do a better job of tightening the skin on the cheeks and face in general.

There are many recipes for masks, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Egg mask. Beat the white of one egg until foam forms. Depending on type skin add honey (dry) or oatmeal (oily). Apply to face and wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Yeast mask. Dilute fresh yeast (50 g) with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Cover with a napkin and leave for a day in a warm place. Afterwards, apply thickly to the face and wait 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Hercules flakes or ground pour over hot water and let it brew for 1-2 minutes. If desired, you can add honey or yogurt. Apply to face and massage along massage lines. Rinse off.

Makeup and hairstyle, correcting cheeks

A well-chosen hairstyle and applied makeup can work wonders on your appearance.

With the help of makeup, you can not only give yourself individuality, but also correct existing flaws.

When giving your face the right contour using cosmetics, you need to consider the following:

  1. This is not a panacea for excess weight and strained muscles. You can’t remove full cheeks in just one day, even with the help of cosmetics, no matter how hard you try.
  2. It is necessary to correct facial contours correctly, otherwise you can only make the situation worse.
  3. Corrective agents should not look like a mask on your face.

To find out how to remove cheeks in 1 day using makeup, you should consult a makeup artist. With the help of correctly applied cosmetics, you can visually correct the contours of your face.

Your cosmetic bag should contain correctors of different shades, powder and blush. Typically, large cheeks are darkened with a dark color and highlighted with blush. To do this, draw a line from the middle of the cheeks to the eyelids and shade it well. Blush is applied under the cheekbones. This approach can visually reduce the face.

As for a hairstyle that can hide swelling, it all depends on the initial image. For those with thick hair long hair straightening will do. Straight hanging hair elongates the face and hides its volume. A low-tied ponytail has the same effect.

Also A long bob haircut just below the cheekbones helps a lot. A cascade haircut would also work. When choosing hair color, you should not resort to bright colors. If you want variety, you can do highlighting.

In pursuit of changing your appearance, the main thing is to know a sense of proportion.

No matter how much you want and no matter what cosmetologists promise, you cannot get rid of sagging and large cheeks in just one day. A changed lifestyle and an integrated approach are the main allies in solving the problem at hand.

Useful videos on how to remove cheeks in 1 day

Effective gymnastics for cheeks and cheekbones (face building):

How to remove cheeks in 1 day with massage - practical recommendations specialist:

In the article we discuss how to remove cheeks. We talk about the reasons for the appearance of roundness of the cheeks, what exercises will help cope with this cosmetic defect. You will learn recipes for masks that will help cope with the roundness of the cheeks, as well as how to remove the cheeks of a man.

Most women with rounded cheeks dream of expressive cheekbones. Some try to achieve them with makeup, but this technique is only temporarily effective. Is it possible to remove the cheeks? Yes, but before that it is important to know the reasons for their appearance:

  • Genetic predisposition - in this case, you will have to work hard to get rid of rounded cheeks.
  • Poor nutrition - an unbalanced diet leads not only to extra centimeters at the waist, but also to plump cheeks. Special exercises, like, will help cope with this problem.
  • Skin aging is an irreversible process that every woman and man faces at a certain age. By about 35-40 years, the skin wears out, it loses its elasticity and firmness, it sags, creating the effect of a “sullen clown”.
  • Fluid accumulation is a disorder hormonal levels, overuse salty food and water provokes fluid retention in the body. It is necessary to prevent the formation of edema.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays. Regular exposure to the sun causes loss of skin elasticity. UV rays accelerate aging and cause unwanted pigmentation. We recommend that you always protect your dermis by using special creams with SPF filters. Also try to limit your exposure to the scorching sun and wear wide-brimmed hats.
  • Improper care - the use of low-quality cosmetics causes the formation of “crow’s feet” in at a young age. Nourish, moisturize, use various cosmetics suitable for your age and skin type to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and deterioration of the dermis.

Unwanted defects on the face occur as a result of sleeping on high pillows, eating large quantity water, the habit of slouching and reading while lying on your back. But you can lose weight in your face and cheeks in a month with proper care.

Is it possible to remove cheeks in a day or a week? It all depends on how round your cheeks are and what caused them.

Don't despair if you have rounded cheeks. After all, there is a way out of this situation; it is enough to adhere to certain rules:

  • Cosmetologists have developed a special set of exercises aimed at losing weight in the cheeks. The effectiveness of this technique has been proven by many women who, after performing it, noticed how their skin tightened and their nasolabial folds smoothed out.
  • Use cosmetics daily that help tighten facial skin in the problem area. Creams, gels and serums are only auxiliary products that will not help eliminate cosmetic defect, but together with other procedures they will help to quickly eliminate the cheeks.
  • Start using cosmetic ice regularly medicinal herbs: chamomile and linden flowers, celandine, sage, mint. Wash your face after waking up cold water and wipe your cheeks with cosmetic ice cubes.

Exercises to remove cheeks

These exercises will help not only reduce the roundness of the cheeks, but also remove the double chin. To achieve results, perform the recommended exercises twice a day for 30 days:

  1. In a sitting position, tilt your head back, while keeping your back straight. Pull out your lower jaw, then stick out your lower lip. Start moving your cheekbones while trying to cover your upper lip with your lower lip. Repeat - 25 times.
  2. Keep your head straight, begin alternately tensing and relaxing your cheekbones. Repeat - 45 times.
  3. Relax your face and lie on your back. Clench your teeth sharply to tighten your cheekbones. Protrude your lower lip as much as possible. Start pushing it forward first, then down. Repeat - 30 times.
  4. Tilt your head up, turn it to the left and place your chin on your shoulder. Straighten your head and tilt it back again, just lower your chin onto your right shoulder. Repeat - 20 times on each shoulder.
  5. Stand up straight, tense your whole body and neck. Protrude your lower lip and open your mouth. Repeat - 50 times.
  6. Hold a felt-tip pen between your teeth. Start pronouncing vowels one by one for 20 minutes. If you don't like this method, then say words that have a lot of vowels (cow, powder, vacation, etc.)
  7. Sit on the edge of a chair, tense your neck, shoulders and back. Lower your chin to your chest, then move it towards your left shoulder, without moving away from the chest. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, only this time point your chin towards your right shoulder. Repeat - 20 times.
  8. Laughter is the best therapy for round cheeks. Laugh as often as possible and from the heart, because when laughing, most of the facial muscles are involved. In addition to eliminating chubby cheeks, laughter helps smooth out wrinkles, tightens the skin, gets rid of a double chin and improves the shape of the face.

Massage to reduce rounded cheeks

In addition to your daily exercises, we recommend that you also do special massage faces:

  • Heat 10 g honey in the microwave. Soak your fingertips in honey and begin rubbing it into your cheeks until the product begins to stick. Perform this massage until your cheeks become red. After this, wash your face and dry your face with a hard towel.
  • Wipe your face with lotion, then apply nourishing cream. Start pinching your cheeks, gradually moving towards your cheekbones and chin. Perform this massage every other day.
  • When taking a bath with a shower, direct high pressure of water onto your cheeks. We advise you to use for this contrast shower. This procedure helps smooth out wrinkles, eliminate chubby cheeks and tighten the dermis. It is advisable to perform this procedure daily.
  • Take 2 towels, soak one in cold water, and the other - in hot. Roll them into tubes, then start tapping them on your cheeks one by one for a quarter of an hour, changing the temperature.

How to remove cheeks for a man

Many men worry about their appearance, although they hide it. They also want to have proper cheek contours to appear attractive to women. Well, we will tell you how to remove cheeks for men at home.

When gaining excess weight, the face is corrected first, only then the body. But even after losing weight, there is no guarantee that rounded cheeks will disappear. What is this connected with? Plump cheeks are caused by the presence of fatty lumps, not subcutaneous fat. These lumps are located between the masseter and cheek muscles. Lumps of fat protect muscles from injury and provide shock absorption during sucking and chewing.

There are several methods to remove a man’s cheeks:

  • Using a simple operation during which they remove fat lumps. Produced through small incisions, which are made on inside cheeks. Applicable local anesthesia, the operation itself lasts about half an hour. After the procedure, the cheeks are fixed with a bandage, which is removed after 7 days.
  • Liposuction is another technique for eliminating accumulated subcutaneous fat. This procedure involves liquefying fat using a special solution, then it is pumped out through punctures. The advantages of this method include a stable and long-lasting effect, as well as a high speed of obtaining results.

Home Remedies to Reduce Chubby Cheeks

Cosmetics prepared with your own hands at home are another effective remedy in the struggle for a beautiful oval face. Regular use of such masks will reduce the volume of the cheeks and tighten them.

Egg mask


  • egg - 1 pc.

Preparation: Beat the egg with a fork.

Usage: Apply the egg mixture to clean cheeks, then place on them cling film. After half an hour, wash off. Perform the procedure daily.

Oatmeal mask


  • oatmeal - 2.5 tbsp;
  • baby cream - 10-20 g;
  • baked milk - 2 tbsp.

Preparation: Combine the ingredients, you should get a viscous consistency.

Usage: Place the mask on clean cheeks, after an hour, rinse off the composition with melt water. Perform the procedure three times a week.

Herbal compress


  • water - 250 ml;
  • dry chamomile - 3 tbsp.

Preparation: Pour chamomile into a cup, pour a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. Let the composition brew for 2-3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth.

Usage: Use the compress daily instead of cosmetic milk.

Peppermint lotion


  • rosemary ether - 5 drops;
  • grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops;
  • mint - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops.

Preparation: Steam the mint in boiling water. Infuse the composition for 3 hours. Strain and add to the composition essential oils. Pour the resulting mixture into a closed container.

Usage: Wipe your face with lotion twice a day.

Diet for losing cheeks

Did you know that you can remove your cheeks by following special diet? Here it is:

  • Avoid alcoholic, fatty, smoked products, and minimize your consumption of fast food. After all, it is these products that affect the rapid deposition of fat in the cheeks.
  • Give preference fresh vegetables and fruits, because they contain vegetable fiber, which increases the elasticity of the cheek blood vessels.
  • Don't starve! After all, when you return to your normal diet, your cheeks will become rounder again!
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure and still water. If you actively engage in sports, then increase the volume of water to 2.5 liters.
  • Eat small meals. Eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume and the foods it contains (crackers, herring).
  • Eat more citrus fruits. Green apples are especially useful for losing weight in your cheeks, so they should definitely be in your diet.
  • If you drink homemade juices, we recommend diluting them with water.
  • Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals to reduce hunger. This rule resembles an effective one.
  • Drink more low-calorie dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, matsoni). They fill you up quickly, so you don't feel hungry.

In this article you will learn how to get rid of cheeks. Appearance is very important to us. Confidence and well-being depend on how well it corresponds to our ideas about ourselves. For some, plump cheeks are a sign of health and strength, but for others are a problem. A persistent idea has been created in society.

What man with sunken cheeks looks more impressive and attractive.

Following this idea, many strive to do everything to change the shape of their face and remove their cheeks.

Why do some have sunken cheeks and others have round cheeks?

Each has its own unique personality. In the world there is not one like two drops similar friends on each other's faces.

Meanwhile, many do not feel proud of this, but, on the contrary, suffer from the fact that they do not have the same appearance as their favorite movie hero or heroine.

As a rule, women suffer more often from this problem. The cause of girlish tears is often chubby cheeks.

In pursuit of a new appearance, some resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Meanwhile, there are completely harmless ways to visually reduce cheeks using cosmetics or facial gymnastics.

Problem risk group


This is genetic predisposition. If the parents have a round face, then there is a high probability that the child will also have a round face. As a rule, it is on a round face that chubby cheeks flaunt.


The problem may be overweight. As a rule, extra pounds primarily visible on the face. Appearance does not change better side. The face looks a little swollen.

Lumps of Bisha

Plastic surgeons also say that round cheeks can be caused by accumulations of fatty tissue located in the capsule. They are located next to the parotid salivary gland between the masticatory muscles.

Their most important purpose– reduce friction muscle fibers during chewing, protect facial muscles and nerve endings from injury and increase muscle tone. IN infancy these lumps are simply irreplaceable. They help the baby, including breastfeeding.

These accumulations of fatty tissue make the cheeks plump.

If a baby's chubby cheeks are painted, then in adulthood they become unnecessary, and for some they even sag.

Lack of water in the body

Experts say that lack of water in the body can also cause chubby cheeks. If a person does not drink enough water during the day, the body can store the moisture it needs. And this leads to swelling of the eyelids and cheeks.

How to get rid of the problem?

Makeup and hairstyle

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons. If we're talking about O hereditary factor, then such cheeks can be dealt with using cosmetic tricks. Correctly done makeup and hairstyle will help hide chubby cheeks.

Cosmetologists advise girls or women to visually narrow their round faces. A foundation in dark shades or powder will help with this.

Before applying makeup, makeup artists advise assessing your skin type. For oily skin It is better to use powder, and apply foundation on dry skin. They will be needed to even out your complexion.

After this procedure is completed, you need to top part Apply blush to the cheekbones. They should be a light shade and then fade into a darker shade.

Blush should also be selected depending on skin color. It is necessary to remember that cosmetics should be matte shades. Otherwise, you will have the opposite effect - you will only emphasize what you wanted to hide.

After the blush is applied, use a brush to blend it out. On top of all this beauty you need to apply powder. Makeup artists claim that such simple techniques will allow you to change the shape of your face, making your cheeks a little smaller.

You can complete the look with the right hairstyle. For a round face, experts say, asymmetrical bangs, bobs, cascading haircuts or high styling are suitable.

Experts do not recommend combing your hair back. This will only emphasize the fullness of your cheeks.


In case the problem is overweight, you need to work on it. Go on a diet, balance your diet, getting rid of high-calorie foods and animal fats.

It is better to replace them with fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. Experts advise eating more products high in calcium: cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented milk products.

Helps you lose extra pounds physical activity. By the way, there are many options for exercises specifically for reducing cheeks. Some of them are quite interesting.

For example, you can throw back your head, open your mouth and try to reach your upper lip with your lower lip. You need to do this exercise several times. At the same time, the muscles of the cheeks tense. We tested it ourselves. It's actually quite effective.

Important. The right hairstyle will help hide your chubby cheeks. Girls with a round face need to wear bangs, cut their hair into a bob or do high styling.


Another option is to hold a pencil between your teeth and pronounce vowel sounds or words rich in the letters o, a, u, and at this time. Thus, the cheek muscles should also tighten and decrease.

Experts advise smiling more often. This, by the way, is the easiest and most pleasant way to change the shape of your face for the better.

You can also apply ice cubes with herbal infusion.


If the problem is a lack of fluid in the body, you need to drink enough water per day.

It must be kept in mind that we are talking about water. Tea, coffee, compotes, lemonades, etc. do not help the body replenish the lack of fluid.

In addition, experts advise avoiding consuming large amounts of salt. Especially at night. You also need to reduce the amount of sugar you consume. It is also advisable to stop drinking alcohol.


There are many recipes for masks that you can make at home. Suitable ingredients include eggs, honey, oatmeal, milk, cucumber, tomatoes, and so on.

All these maxis allow you to improve your facial tone, tighten your skin and thus slightly correct the shape of your cheeks. There are also many types of masks and lotions and types of massage for the problem area of ​​the face.

Plastic surgery

If these options are not suitable or do not produce results, you can seek the help of plastic surgeons.

Lumps of Bisha

For example, Bish's lumps are removed. This procedure lasts from half an hour to 40 minutes and is carried out under topical or general anesthesia. This operation is prescribed for people over 25 years of age and without excess body weight.

By the way, not only girls, but also men use this procedure. In some cases, the surgeon decides not to remove Bisha's lumps, but moves them a little higher, making the face harmonious. The effect after the operation is not immediately visible. The skin of the face needs time to recover after surgery.

Chin augmentation

Another option that cosmetologists use is chin augmentation. At the same time, the proportions of the face change a little and the cheeks no longer look as plump as with the previous chin.

Plastic surgeons offer their patients two options - temporary correction of the chin or installation of a permanent implant.

Before deciding to conduct plastic surgery You need to clearly decide for yourself whether you will be comfortable with a new chin and clear cheekbones.

Perhaps chubby cheeks are exactly the feature that “made” the face unique and beautiful.

A lot of modern girls and women today want to have an ideal slim figure, beautiful appearance. In fact, they look up to famous top models. In order to change their appearance, without thinking about the consequences, ladies go under the knife plastic surgeon. Others simply suffer from flaws in appearance, putting up with what fate has presented. And still others are actively and purposefully trying to get rid of them with the help of simple and available methods. Saggy or too thick cheeks on people's faces are an unpleasant problem. But you can also get rid of it with effort, diligence and optimism. So, what exactly should you do to lose weight in your cheeks? What methods can be used to reduce them?

Causes of thick cheeks

The main reason for roundness in this area of ​​a person’s face is heredity. Unfortunately, defeating such a weighty argument is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. If you inherited chubby cheeks, then most likely you will have to regularly work on reducing them with the help of special exercises and a balanced diet.

In addition to the congenital predisposition to growth of the cheeks, a large negative influence the effect of “wrong” food. And this becomes noticeable on the face when all parts of the body have already acquired unwanted fat deposits.

So, how can you get rid of fat in this area?

How to reduce fat cheeks

You can quickly remove fat here only surgical intervention- liposuction, that is, the release of fat deposits in the desired part of the body. But you should know not only that this is a very expensive fat removal method, but also that it is completely unpredictable, which can lead to disappointment and various disorders emotional state person.

Please note that fat cheeks will not lose weight too easily with exercise. This is due to the difficulty motor activity facial muscles, as well as the fact that the body burns the fat layers on the cheeks last. Therefore, a balanced diet and special exercises can only slightly correct the size of your cheeks.


Doing these exercises will help reduce the roundness of your cheeks. You need to repeat them every day:

  1. Puff out your cheeks as much as possible, hold them in this position for five seconds, then exhale quickly.
  2. With your mouth wide open, without raising your face, look up with your eyes and blink tirelessly for one minute. Repeat this exercise five times throughout the day.
  3. Gradually release air from your puffed out cheeks in small bursts.
  4. With heavily inflated cheeks, move the air from left to right and vice versa. This exercise will help you quickly solve your problem.
  5. Press your cheeks with your hands and smile. In this case, the fingers should not allow the corners of the mouth to rise up.
  6. Keep your head strictly straight, try to lower the corners of your lips and strongly tense the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  7. Holding a pencil between your teeth, start writing words or entire sentences in the air. For example: I want to have a beautiful thin face.
  8. Purse your lips and start singing all the vowels of the alphabet.
  9. Leaning your head forward slightly, turn it towards your right and left shoulders, strongly stretching your chin.
  10. Intensely slap the palms of your hands on your face in the problem area.
  11. Firmly squeeze and unclench your cheek muscles.
  12. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back, move your chin so that lower lip could grab the top one.
  13. Stand straight, cross your arms over your chest, grab yourself by the shoulders. Start stretching your neck up to the “extreme point”, then inhale deeply, counting to ten, exhale and return back to the starting position.

You should do these exercises not only until you achieve results, but constantly so that there is no return to your previous roundness.

Massage and masks

Masks and massages can really help remove fullness. Their regular use will increase and maintain skin turgor for a long time:

  1. Cleanse your face thoroughly. Apply rich cream. Lightly pinch your cheeks, starting from the chin and moving towards the cheekbones. Get a massage once a week.
  2. Using a special massage mitten, lightly massage your cheeks, being careful not to stretch the skin. This massage can be done twice a week.
  3. While taking a bath, direct a strong stream of water alternately onto your cheeks. You can make the water jet contrasting. Contrast washes every morning every day.
  4. Do a facial massage using a steamed natural honey. With your fingertips moistened with honey, lightly tap the surface of the skin of your cheeks until there is slight redness. Massage can be done once a week until the effect is achieved.
  5. Rub your cheeks with ice cubes in a clockwise direction.
  6. Do not forget to cleanse your facial skin before starting any procedure. Once completed, apply the cream that best suits your skin type.

    We also suggest using masks to reduce the roundness of the cheeks:

    1. Add one teaspoon of honey and one dessert spoon of olive oil to one egg yolk. Mix the ingredients. Apply the mixture to your face with a special brush for twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Course: twice a week for two months.
    2. Mix one tablespoon of chopped oatmeal with one tablespoon of Baby formula, pour in a little warm milk and stir everything again until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, neck, and décolleté for twenty-five minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Apply cream. These masks can be made weekly for two months.
    3. Beat the egg white a little and apply to your face for twenty minutes. Wash off the lifting mask. Take advantage of contrasting water procedures. Apply nourishing cream.

    Masks perfectly tighten the facial skin, give it a fresh, healthy look, and also have a rejuvenating effect.

    Herbal infusions

    Various infusions of medicinal herbs have a remarkable effect on the appearance of your cheeks:

    1. Pour three tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers (you can use celandine, sage) with a glass of boiling water. Cover the broth tightly with a lid. Let it brew for several hours. Strain. Use the infusion daily as a facial lotion.
    2. Dissolve three tablespoons of iodized salt in half a liter of water. Use a hot compress solution (dip a terry towel in saline solution and apply it on your face for a few minutes), then be sure to cool your face with ice cubes.
    3. Pour three tablespoons of St. John's wort and chamomile flowers into two glasses of boiling water. Let the broth sit for eight hours. Strain. Wipe your face, neck, and décolleté area daily.

    There are little tricks that also help reduce naturally plump cheeks and more:

    1. Perform a massage after finishing exercises, and apply masks before bed.
    2. Minimize your intake of salty foods, as they retain fluid in the body, which can also be retained in the cheeks.
    3. Introduce foods high in calcium into your diet. Its use will help you get rid of excess weight.
    4. Dilute natural juices with water.
    5. Try to eat small meals at least five times a day at regular times.
    6. Give preference to oranges, grapefruits, apples.
    7. 30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of plain still water.
    8. Limit your alcohol intake.
    9. Try to sleep lying on your back.
    10. Go jogging, ride a bike.
    11. Powdering them with a darker powder will help make your cheeks visually smaller. Likewise with using foundation.

    For those who inherited plump cheeks, it will be difficult to deal with them. Those who have grown them as a result of excessive eating will find it easier to get rid of thick cheeks.

    So, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, you should not sit idly by. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to try hard. With the help of proper nutrition, special exercises, sports, massages, masks and herbal infusions you will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.