For the prevention and treatment of flat feet. Symptoms and methods of treating flat feet in adults

It is considered a childhood problem, but it can also develop in adulthood. Mikhail Burovoy, a traumatologist and orthopedist at the Semeynaya clinic network, tells Mail.Ru Health about the causes and how to treat this disease.

What is it

The human foot is designed surprisingly and very wisely: it has natural shock absorbers, that is, a kind of springs that help us make various movements.

The foot has a special design: two arches, they are supported by the ligamentous-muscular apparatus - transverse, which is located under the bases of the toes, and longitudinal - along the foot.

Thanks to them, a person can maintain balance and walk smoothly, without shaking. But just imagine the load our feet endure every day, which are sometimes pressed by the considerable weight of the whole body. Sometimes the normal structure and functions of the foot are disrupted for some reason.

Due to the weakness of the ligaments and muscles of the foot, it can begin to deform: the arches become smaller, the foot becomes flattened and the most important function - springing - is lost.

Mikhail Burovoy


In this case, the task of depreciation has to be taken on by the joints and spine located above, but since they are not adapted for this, this does not end well.

Pain in the legs begins, the calves become heavy, and the back hurts. Please note: if you quickly get tired when walking, experience pain not only in your feet, but also in your lower back, hips, legs, if your knees ache, swelling appears at the end of the day, and you notice that your leg has become larger - it’s okay You may have developed flat feet. In this case, you need to contact an orthopedist.

Flat feet can be longitudinal or transverse, and lead to an increase in the foot both in width and length. There is also a combination of both types, when both the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot become flatter (combined flatfoot).

Longitudinal flatfoot has three degrees, depending on the degree of flattening of the foot and its loss of shock absorption: if in the first one only fatigue of the legs is felt when walking, then in the second there is already pain in the ankle, knee, and hip joints, walking becomes more difficult, the gait ceases to be smooth.

Mikhail Burovoy


At the third degree, the pain is already constant, it radiates to the hips and lower back, back problems begin, and there is a danger of developing arthrosis due to the load on the joints.

The foot is deformed to the third degree, it is impossible to walk in ordinary shoes, and in general walking causes a lot of suffering. These changes are very severe and will require complex treatment. That is why it is so important to “capture” the disease at the very beginning, when it can still be easily corrected.

Test yourself

There is a very simple way to find out if you have flat feet or if the problem lies somewhere else. Place your wet or oiled foot on a flat, dry surface. If you have a normal foot, then you will see on the print that the front part and the toes are not connected, but are, as it were, separate.

Flat feet: degrees from zero - no flat feet to third, which requires surgery.

With the first degree of flatfoot, there is a thin connecting strip, up to a quarter of the width of the foot, with the second, the strip reaches up to a third, and with the third, more than half of the arch is adjacent, that is, the internal bend of the foot is practically absent.

However, do not rely on self-diagnosis, but consult with an orthopedist, undergo a plantoscopy procedure and receive an accurate diagnosis and a competent strategy for further action.

Why does flat feet develop in adults?

The main reason for the development of flat feet is weakness or failure of the ligamentous-muscular system. Against this background, under the influence of various unfavorable factors, flat feet can occur. The first factor is hereditary predisposition. Rest:

Most often we are faced with flat feet, which developed against the background of either a lack, or, conversely, an excess of load on the legs; this type is called static flat feet.

To treat or not?

Of course, treat. There are many reasons for this, and they are very convincing:

  • to prevent pathological changes in the foot that will interfere with normal walking;
  • so as not to suffer from swelling, eternal leg fatigue and discomfort when moving;
  • so as not to endure constant pain;
  • to prevent serious deformation of other organs - the spine, knee, ankle joints, the load on which greatly increases;
  • so as not to encounter such a complication as hallux valgus (deviation towards the big toe coupled with the appearance of a protrusion-bone on the joint), which is usually treated with surgery.

Flat feet are not a death sentence

A mandatory method of treating flat feet is correction of deformation of the arch of the foot using orthotics, that is, wearing individually made orthopedic insoles.

Mikhail Burovoy


They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the foot, work as shock absorbers and evenly distribute the load throughout the foot.

A simple exercise for the feet: slowly rise up onto your toes and just as slowly lower down onto your heels. Repeat 6-10 times and hold on half toes for a few seconds. Slowly lower yourself onto your heels.

They need to be used starting from the first signs, when the disease only makes itself felt. Insoles are made taking into account the characteristics of each person’s foot, hence their effectiveness and comfort.

At the same time, you need to take measures to strengthen the arch of the foot, this is daily special (specifically for the feet) and general strengthening physical education.

Another exercise: circular movements with the top of the foot. You need to repeat the movement 6-10 times with each leg.

Accompanying methods of treating flat feet are various techniques: therapeutic massage, medications for pain, warm foot baths to relieve muscle tension.

Typically, an orthopedist develops an individual and comprehensive treatment program for each patient.

This exercise asks you to walk forward and backward, first on the inner edge of the foot, and then on the outer one. You need to repeat 6-10 times. If possible, do not bend your knees. Please note that only a doctor can choose the optimal set of exercises for you.

Only severe transverse flatfoot is subject to surgical treatment. The doctor determines the volume and methodology of the operation individually - depending on the patient’s needs: this can be correction of bone structures with their fixation with a titanium implant, or removal of a protruding bone, plastic surgery of joints and tendons, or correction of the transverse arch of the foot.

Flat feet is a distortion of the foot that causes lower arches. As a result of such distortion, the foot almost completely loses its ability to absorb shock, which in turn provokes unpleasant consequences.

The foot in a harmonious position has transverse and longitudinal arches located in the inner part. These arches help us absorb shock during movement and also maintain balance. But when the functions of the muscles and ligaments are impaired, when they weaken, the appearance of the foot changes: it sag, losing its normal functions. Due to such problems, the spine, as well as the joints of the knees and ankles take on the load.

But since they are not initially prepared for such work, the spine and back cope poorly with such tasks, becoming unusable.

Flat feet is a disease that results in rapid fatigue during movement, pain in the knees and legs. Most patients do not even know about the onset of the disease, feeling pain in their legs and back. Body pain occurs when the body itself is unable to create optimal movement. As a result, pathologies of body position and changes in joints appear.

The disease can occur in people with any job. Representatives of sedentary professions do not have enough sports loads, ligamentous tissue and muscles weaken. Regarding those who spend the whole day standing, the situation is the opposite: the loads are significant, which the muscles simply cannot handle.

Causes of flat feet

Flat feet can appear for various reasons. The most relevant of them:

  1. 1) Ill-chosen shoes. This could be a stiletto heel that is too high, less volume, or a very narrow shape of the shoes or boots.
  2. 2) Excess weight.
  3. 3) Injuries of various types: fractures, cracks or severe bruises.
  4. 4) Predisposition. If someone in the family has flat feet, most likely the child will also have developmental defects.
  5. 5) Complication after.
  6. 6) Rickets, as a result of which the bones become softer.
  7. 7) Increased physical activity: jumping, running, constant standing work.
There are many reasons why flat feet may occur, among them underdevelopment of ligaments and muscles is the most relevant. In order for the arch of the foot to form correctly, doctors recommend regular training. Without stress, the muscles relax and cannot keep the leg in a normal state, which is why the disease occurs.

Types of flat feet

Existing flat feet are initially divided into longitudinal and transverse, depending on the lowering of the arch of the feet. In this case, the foot expands in width or length.

Longitudinal-transverse flatfoot or combined occurs when we are talking about thickening of the longitudinal and transverse arches at the same time. In medical practice, they are more often isolated.

There is an acquired and congenital disease. The first is most relevant, since congenital appears due to defects in the development of the fetus during the mother’s pregnancy.

Acquired type It happens:

  • rachitic;
  • traumatic;
  • static;
  • paralytic.
The onset of the disease is possible in childhood or adulthood. The rickets type is possible, as you may have guessed, due to rickets. Due to the disease, normal bone development does not occur.

The traumatic type appears as a result of fractures of the ankle joint and foot bones. In addition, trauma to the ligaments and muscles that strengthen the arches of the foot can also provoke the disease. Paralytic flatfoot is possible due to polio. The static appearance occurs in more than 75% of the disease.

Symptoms of flat feet in adults

Flat feet, the first symptoms of which may include pain in the legs after standing for a long time or while walking.

Also, the disease is characterized by the following clinical signs:

  1. 1) Feet are painful even after slight exertion.
  2. 2) Looking at your old shoes, you notice that they are worn out from the inside and worn out.
  3. 3) Ankles swell.
  4. 4) There is a noticeable increase in the length and width of your legs; old shoe models are already too small for you.
  5. 5) It is impossible to walk in high heels.
  6. 6) During the last stage of the disease, in addition to the legs, the lumbar region is gradually bothered, walking becomes painful. Headaches are possible.
Symptoms when longitudinal flatfoot:

  • feet are swollen at the end of the day (see).
  • my legs get tired quickly.
  • When pressing in the middle of the foot, pain is felt.
  • Leg pain: foot, ankle, lower leg.
  • choosing the right shoes is really difficult.
  • Possible pain in the lumbar region.
  • the longitudinal arch is not noticeable, the foot is swollen, the heel is flattened.
  • It is impossible to wear standard shoes.
Symptoms when transverse disease:

  • pain in the front of the leg,
  • the appearance of calluses;
  • change in toes.

Degrees of flat feet

Let us name the general indicators of the degree of development of the disease.

The first is mild, it does not bother the patient much. You can notice the onset of the disease visually. The second degree or moderate form often has pronounced changes. The disease is more obvious, you gradually experience pain in the ankle and foot. Heavy movements and club feet are visually visible. With the third type, complete deformation occurs. The functions of the musculoskeletal system are impaired, and more serious diseases may appear. The pain is very strong, walking hurts, and playing sports is completely difficult.

Let us name the three stages of the longitudinal type of disease.

  1. At first degree Longitudinal flatfoot causes rapid fatigue of the legs. The pain is not obvious, the patient may feel discomfort when putting on shoes. Sometimes swelling is possible in the morning.
  2. At second form the pain is more pronounced, sometimes it is very strong, spreading to the ankles and lower legs. This degree makes walking difficult, making the gait unsightly.
  3. At third form I am bothered by incessant pain in the leg: foot, lower leg, sometimes the lower back makes itself felt. Swelling in the joints of the foot is also visible.

Degrees of transverse flatfoot

In this case, the transverse arch of the foot becomes larger and the length of the leg decreases. The big toes gradually deviate from the others, taking on the appearance of a hammer. Transverse flatfoot is typical for women over thirty years of age. Calluses bother me and bones on my fingers are growing.

In the first form of this type of flatfoot, the feet periodically hurt, the front part is painful. In the second form, pain occurs under the heads of the metatarsal bones. During the third degree, the pain intensifies, and calluses usually appear in large numbers.

Flat feet in children

According to medical statistics, manifestations of flat feet already occur in more than half of children at 6-7 years of age. To prevent flat feet from bothering you in the future, you should begin treatment starting from childhood. It is possible to correct the arch of the foot before the age of 13, while it is not yet fully formed.

This diagnosis is given to children from three to five years of age. Sometimes calcaneal-valgus feet are visible from birth or from the beginning of walking. By the age of three they become flat-valgus. Until the age of three, flat feet do not occur, since a fatty pad appears in the inner part of the foot. It is this that acts as an additional shock absorber when walking.

The most relevant types of flatfoot in children are: longitudinal, transverse, flat-valgus feet and mixed type of flatfoot.

A plantogram is one of the most effective methods for diagnosing a child. To make a diagnosis, a special liquid is applied to the child’s feet, after which the area that was painted is analyzed. Due to age characteristics, the diagnosis of flat feet in children is complicated. It is better to consult an orthopedic doctor; he will correctly identify the symptoms of flat feet.

What can parents do? If the child has a clubfoot, there may be a valgus foot. When your baby steps on the front edge of the foot while walking, you should also consult a doctor for help.

The foot is best formed in natural conditions. Therefore, in the summer, let your child walk barefoot on grass, sand, and stones. Some physical activity is important: outdoor games, walks. A child should not wear old shoes after someone else: the load may be distributed incorrectly along the foot. In addition, make sure that the child sits at the table with an even posture.

Treatment of flat feet in adults and children

Therapy for longitudinal and transverse flatfoot is similar. Therapeutic measures applied to an adult can only improve his condition.

While in children, complete recovery is possible, since the child’s feet are just beginning to fully develop.

The doctor most often prescribes conservative treatment: medications in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures. The therapy is based on therapeutic exercises. Such physical training is chosen specifically for the patient; the orthopedic doctor necessarily takes into account the age, degree of the disease and its form.

Massage and hydromassage of the feet helps a lot. Active stimulation of the problem area improves blood circulation and improves muscle tone in the feet and legs. In case of illness, orthopedic insoles restore the required elevation of the arches of the feet, correct the normal position of the foot, and provide comfort when walking. At the initial stage, insoles are excellent in helping to cope with the disease. Surgery is the most effective treatment method for significant foot deformities.

Flat feet in children are easier to treat, without operations. The muscles, bone and ligament tissue of children are still very sensitive to treatment. Quite rare, congenital flat feet are treated with special bandages.

Mainly used tonic massage and physical exercise. Contrast baths are also effective for the feet. Many doctors recommend wearing orthopedic shoes. The earlier you or your doctor detect flat feet, the more effective treatment will be. For preventative purposes, a child should be checked by a doctor at about 5 years of age.

Exercises for flat feet

  1. 1) Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, the feet unfold, first the heels are connected, then the toes. Do at least 12 repetitions.
  2. 2) Rotation. Sitting on a chair or standing, place your heels shoulder-width apart. Rotate your feet in both directions. Do 12 reps.
  3. 3) Installation of stops. Performed in a sitting or standing position. Place your feet on the outer surface and then on the inner surface alternately. Do 15 times.
  4. 4) Low lunges. Stand up straight. Perform a front leg lunge. Next, turn over to the other side and do the same. Be sure to keep your back straight. Should be repeated 15 times.
  5. 5) We walk in place. Take quick steps. The feet look inward, the legs are bent at the knees. Don't move your shoulders, stay straight, and actively use your legs. Breathing is calm, the exercise is performed for half a minute. For children, the entire LF complex is performed in a playful way.


The following complications may occur:

  • soreness in the hips, feet, back and knees.
  • change in the shape of the foot - curvature, the appearance of a bone, too wide a foot, improper development of muscles and joint tissue.
  • incorrect posture and gait.
  • It is very difficult to maintain balance when squatting.
  • Ingrown toenails may appear.
  • clubfoot and heaviness of gait.

Prevention of flat feet in adults

People engaged in active work with constant standing should periodically rest and move the main center of gravity to the outer part of the foot.

In addition, after a working day, it is useful to massage your feet and rub them. You can perform a massage while walking barefoot on sand, grass or gravel. At home, choose a massage mat. Choose the right shoes so that they do not rub or press on your feet, or better yet, so that no discomfort appears at all.

Prevention of flat feet in children

In children, prevention should be carried out starting from 1 year of age. It will consist of excluding rickets, polio and other diseases. Already during the first steps of the child, think about choosing high-quality shoes.

However, walking on grass, gravel and sand cannot be avoided: “barefoot” children are several times less likely to suffer from the disease. Make sure that the child does not walk on a flat floor, but on an uneven surface.

For older children, gymnastics is recommended with simple walking on heels and toes, the inside and outside of the legs. You can do jumping on the spot, climb the gymnastic ladder. Combine gymnastics with water treatments. This is not only excellent muscle strengthening, but also excellent hardening.

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

If, after reading this article, you think that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should

Flat feet is a type of deformation of the foot area in which its arches are subject to lowering, resulting in a complete loss of their inherent shock-absorbing and spring functions. Flat feet, the symptoms of which include such main manifestations as pain in the calf muscles and a feeling of stiffness in them, increased fatigue when walking and standing for long periods of time, increased pain in the legs at the end of the day, etc., is the most common disease affecting the feet.

General description

To understand what this disease is, it is necessary to dwell on the features that the affected area has, that is, on the arches of the feet and on the feet themselves.

The structure of the foot includes many ligaments, joints and bones; due to the peculiarities of their connection with each other, the ability to walk and bear weight is ensured. With such a connection, as is clear, the elements of the foot are connected to each other, as a result of which two arches are formed, and it is these arches in the foot that act as arches. These arches are located in the area of ​​the bases of the toes (transverse arch) and in the area of ​​the inner edge of the foot (longitudinal arch). The presence of such arches in the foot allows it to rest on the ground when walking not with its entire surface, but only with areas of localization of three main points sufficient for this. The reader, trying to understand exactly which points in the foot we are talking about, will probably easily understand that the heel bone, the base area somewhat further from the little toe, and a similar base area located just below the big toe are considered as such. Under the condition of deformation of these arches, the foot rests in full, as a result of which the shock-absorbing properties of the foot are disrupted, and this, in turn, causes the symptoms of flat feet.

Let us dwell in more detail on the functions performed by the arches of the foot. As we have already indicated, they ensure that weight is retained when walking (balance), as well as shock absorption that occurs when walking. If the ligaments and muscles in the foot cease to properly provide the functions assigned to them, stopping working and losing their inherent strength, thereby becoming weak, the normal shape of the foot is also disrupted. As a result of the subsidence of the foot that occurs against this background, as well as due to its adoption of a completely flat position, the already noted spring function is lost. This leads to the fact that the load previously placed on the feet begins to be compensated by the joints of the legs - in other words, those joints that are higher are already involved, and these are the ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint. Naturally, with such a replacement of functions, an even greater load falls on the spine. Considering the fact that neither it nor the newly involved joints are, in principle, intended to directly participate in the functions performed during such deformation, these functions are not performed very successfully by them, which is why failures in their work occur quite quickly.

Considering these features of the pathological process accompanying flat feet, it becomes clear why pain in the legs and pain in the spine occur, although not all patients associate one with the other, and certainly not all attribute the listed symptoms to the main root cause, that is, to flat feet.

It should be separately noted that pain with flat feet appears at a stage that can be described as a lack of body strength to ensure safe and normal movement, even due to such an unusual method of compensation. The result of the influence of flat feet is pain in the hip, ankle and knee joints; in addition, due to the load placed on the spine, the posture of patients also becomes pathological. Against the background of the listed pathological changes accompanying the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, scoliosis and arthrosis may subsequently develop. In addition, it is flat feet that in many cases cause the development of varicose veins.

As you can see, it is extremely important to maintain the ligaments and muscles in a normal state for performing their functions, that is, in a state of elevation, due to which the load that otherwise falls on the joints of the legs and the spine is eliminated.

What is noteworthy is that flat feet have its own interesting feature, and it lies in the fact that this disease can develop not only in people whose professional or general daily activities require the need to be in a standing position, but also in people whose activities fall more under the influence of the “sedentary” criterion, that is, as is clear, in a sitting position. This feature is due to the fact that in a sitting position, the ligaments and muscles lose their inherent strength, becoming, accordingly, weak, and in a standing position, on the contrary, there is too much load, which also leads to difficulties - the system of ligaments and muscles of the foot simply stops coping with such a load .

Flat feet: causes

Among the main reasons provoking the development of flat feet are the following:

  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • features of activity that cause excessive physical activity;
  • heredity (flat feet in close relatives);
  • wearing shoes of poor quality, too narrow or small shoes;
  • weakening of the ligaments and muscles of the feet, due to the lack of appropriate loads or age, etc.

There is such a type of flatfoot as congenital flatfoot. In this variant, the pathology appears quite rarely, accounting for about 11% of the total number of pathologies associated with foot lesions. Congenital flat feet can be provoked by various forms of exposure to the fetus during the period of intrauterine development, in particular, it can be exposure caused by bad habits of the mother, exposure to radiation, etc.

In addition, flat feet can be caused by rickets. In this case, it is associated with the previous development of rachitic foot in children, which, in turn, occurs against the background of vitamin D deficiency, which provokes a decrease in bone strength in response to mechanical stress. Because of this, the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is subject to weakening, which, as we have already discussed, is the direct cause of the development of flat feet.

Flat feet can also be paralytic. Paralytic flatfoot develops against the background of a previous history of a disease such as poliomyelitis; the degree of flatfoot in this case is directly determined by the intensity of the severity of the manifestation of concomitant paralysis.

A bone fracture can cause the development of flat feet. In this case, such a variant as traumatic flatfoot is considered; its symptoms appear with fractures affecting the bones of the foot. In addition, this type of flatfoot can also develop as a result of improper fusion of bones, again, against the background of previous fractures.

And finally, flat feet can be static, and this variant of flat feet is diagnosed most often. Static flatfoot, the symptoms of which are caused by an actual decrease in muscle tone, develops as a result of too much fatigue, which develops due to prolonged stress on the legs.

Flat feet: types

Considering that the foot, as we have already indicated, has two arches, respectively, deformation in any of them already determines the corresponding types of flat feet. In particular this longitudinal flatfoot, in which the longitudinal arch is subject to deformation (reduction), and transverse flatfoot, in which, accordingly, the transverse arch is subject to deformation. Taking this into account, the foot increases in both length and width. If both the transverse and longitudinal arches are flattened at the same time, then this is combined flatfoot ( in other words, it can be denoted as longitudinal-transverse flatfoot). The first two variants of flatfoot are detected quite often, but the predominant positions in terms of prevalence are assigned to the transverse form of the deformity.

In addition, flat feet can be congenital or acquired. Congenital flatfoot, diagnosed in children, appears quite rarely; here, as we discussed above, the main influence was exerted by malformations that directly affect the development of fetal tissue. Such flat feet can be treated from the very first days of the child’s birth. Acquired flatfoot, in turn, is diagnosed in the vast majority of cases, as its main forms - those variants that we associated above with the influence of specific causative factors, that is, traumatic, rachitic, paralytic and static flatfoot.

Flat feet: symptoms

Let us dwell on those main options that, when considering flatfoot, are distinguished in accordance with the characteristics of the lesion, that is, longitudinal, transverse and combined flatfoot, as well as the symptoms inherent in them.

Longitudinal flatfoot: symptoms

Longitudinal flatfoot is accompanied by the entire surface of the foot coming into contact with the floor, which causes an increase in its length. The main symptom corresponding to the manifestation of longitudinal flatfoot is a reduction in the distance that is normally formed between the floor surface and the foot from its inner edge. Longitudinal flatfoot also becomes the cause of the development of clubfoot, as a result of which shoes wear out according to a certain “pattern”: from the inside along the length of the heel and sole.

The degree of foot deformation determines the corresponding degrees of flat feet, there are three in total.

  • First degree flatfoot characterized by the absence of visible deformation, which is due to the still weak severity of the accompanying changes. Flat feet, the symptoms of which at this stage manifest themselves in the form of fatigue noted in the legs after undergoing significant physical activity, for example, after a long run or covering significant walking distances. Pressure on the foot area is accompanied by pain. Towards the evening, symptoms may be supplemented by disturbances in the smoothness of gait against the background of accompanying sensations, as well as swelling of the feet.
  • Second degree flat feet characterized by moderate severity of flat feet. At this stage of disease progression, the arch of the foot disappears and the symptoms intensify. So, the pain becomes more severe, manifests itself much more often, in addition, it spreads to the ankle area, as well as to the lower leg. At this stage of the disease, the smoothness of gait is lost, the muscles of the foot lose their characteristic elasticity.
  • Third degree flat feet manifests itself in an even more pronounced form, which is also accompanied by increased deformation. Swelling and pain in the feet become constant companions of the general condition of patients, in addition to which a very severe headache appears. Pain in the lumbar region is also present. There is a decrease in working capacity, difficulties arise even when it is necessary to overcome small distances. 3rd degree flatfoot of this form deprives a person of the opportunity to walk with it, being shod in ordinary shoes due to the extreme severity of deformation processes.

Transverse flatfoot: symptoms

Transverse flatfoot is accompanied by a decrease in the length of the foot, which occurs due to the divergence of the bones located in it. Also relevant is the outward deviation of the thumb with the accompanying deformation of the middle finger; in addition, it changes in its own shape - it becomes hammer-shaped. In addition to this, there is the appearance of a bone thickening in the base of the thumb, which has the shape of a lump and is accompanied by pain.

This form of flatfoot is also accompanied by various stages of progression, on the basis of which, accordingly, degrees of transverse flatfoot are distinguished, similar to the previous version of the disease, there are three of them.

  • Transverse flatfoot, first degree. This degree of flatfoot is characterized by a weak expression of changes relevant to the disease. For the angle of deflection corresponding to the position of the first finger, a limit is defined that does not exceed 20 degrees. Prolonged standing or walking is accompanied by fatigue. In the area where the 2-4 toes are located, characteristic thickenings of the skin are formed - these are corns; in addition, mild soreness and redness appear on the side of the first toe.
  • Transverse flatfoot, second degree. At this stage of disease progression, the accompanying changes can be defined as moderately pronounced. For the angle of deflection corresponding to the position of the first finger, a slightly different limit has already been defined - from 20 to 35 degrees. Exposure to stress leads to a burning sensation in the foot area, as well as pain in it; these sensations are also noted in the area of ​​the first toe (especially if the person is wearing shoes). The formed corns at this stage of the disease increase in size, the area where the toes are located changes to their characteristic flatness.
  • Transverse flatfoot, third degree. As the disease progresses to this stage of its manifestation, the deformation process is most pronounced in its own manifestations; the actual angle of deviation corresponds in position to a figure of 35 degrees or more. The load is accompanied by the occurrence of constant and severe pain in the area of ​​the foot, its anterior part is very flattened. Corns formed in the area of ​​the fingers reach significant sizes. The position of the first toe changes sharply, resembling a dislocation, 2-4 toes are subject to severe deformation, and bursitis may also develop (this disease is accompanied by inflammation of the area of ​​the periarticular bursa).

As for a form like mixed flat feet, then it is accompanied by the manifestation of symptoms inherent in both forms considered, that is, both the symptoms of transverse and the symptoms of longitudinal flatfoot. We also note that the manifestations of mixed symptoms are characterized by a greater degree of severity.

In addition to this, you can also consider the signs of flat feet not only from the sensations accompanying this disease, but also from a slightly different side, they are as follows:

  • shoes began to wear out too quickly, this is especially noticeable if they have a heel;
  • physical activity began to be accompanied by sore feet;
  • standing work and normal walking began to be accompanied by rapid fatigue of the legs;
  • walking in heels became difficult;
  • by the end of the day, characteristic symptoms of flat feet appear (heaviness and swelling in the legs, a feeling of legs “filled with lead”, cramps);
  • there is a feeling that the foot is increasing in size (which, in fact, is practically the case), both in length and width, which makes it necessary to buy shoes that are larger than the usual size; in this case, it is no longer possible to fit into the old shoes.

Flat feet in children: symptoms

Based on approximate statistical data, it can be stated that when examining children of preschool age, flat feet are detected in approximately 65% ​​of cases, while completion of school is accompanied by an even greater increase in this figure. Often parents take flat feet less seriously than they should, believing that if there are no special changes and there is no disability due to this disease, then it is not so dangerous and will go away over time. Meanwhile, flat feet never go away on their own; moreover, advanced cases of its course are accompanied by additional difficulties; treatment becomes not only expensive, but also more serious in terms of intervention. So, with the indicated picture of “neglect” of the disease, surgery can be performed.

How, besides possible treatment only through surgical intervention, is flat feet dangerous? At a minimum, it can lead to the development of a number of other, no less serious diseases, namely scoliosis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, varicose veins and arthritis, and this is not the entire list. In addition, flat feet are one of the reasons for the development of an accelerated scenario for wear and tear of the musculoskeletal system.

The formation of a child’s foot occurs before he reaches the age of three. Like any other disease, the sooner flat feet are diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. All children are born with so-called imaginary flat feet; it is imaginary for the reason that there is a significant amount of subcutaneous fat in the foot.

One of the features, and at the same time one of the advantages of this disease in children in terms of its reversibility, is that gradual maturation is accompanied by a natural relief from flat feet. This happens naturally, with the child gradually learning to walk and run, which is also accompanied by muscle development. Against the background of these changes in the child’s life, the structure of his foot also changes, and its familiar shape appears. Taking into account the already noted age at which the full formation of a child’s foot occurs, we can add that in children under three years of age, a flat foot simply cannot be classified as flatfoot.

Flat feet, as we have already highlighted, can be congenital or acquired, while the development of congenital flat feet is preceded by the actuality of developmental defects during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus.

As reasons that provoke the development of flat feet in a child, we can identify problems similar to those that provoke flat feet in adults:

  • wearing shoes of inadequate quality and parameters (size, width, etc.);
  • overweight;
  • improper fusion of the bones of the foot after a fracture;
  • rickets in a child, disturbances in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium;
  • prolonged muscle spasm against the background of hormonal changes in the body during puberty;
  • prolonged stay in bed when suffering from illnesses;
  • ballet classes;
  • lifting weights;
  • too much joint mobility.

Symptoms of flat feet in children are similar to those in adults, including fatigue and pain in the legs. The appearance of a headache as part of a deeper form of the disease can cause a child’s decreased performance at school. Against the background of prolonged joint irritation caused by flat feet, their inflammation can develop, which is defined as arthrosis. If the spine is affected, its curvature may subsequently develop, and this, in turn, determines the diagnosis of scoliosis for the child.


Flat feet can be determined not only on the basis of the clinical manifestations of the disease, but also on the basis of certain methods, based on the results of which one can understand at what stage the pathological process is. Such methods include, in particular, plantography, podometry, as well as the Face analysis method, radiological and clinical diagnostic methods. Thus, plantography makes it possible to determine the severity of the disease we are considering based on the results of foot prints, for which they are lubricated with a special solution, and then prints are made on paper while resting their entire weight on it. Carrying out podometry makes it possible to determine the percentage relationship between the length of the foot and its height.

The basis for the clinical method is the construction of a triangle with a base corresponding to the distance between the location of the first metatarsal bone (in particular its head) and the calcaneal tubercle. The location of the apex of such a triangle is marked from the apex of the inner ankle when one leg reaches the area of ​​the apex of the heel angle, and the other leg reaches the location of the metatarsal bone (its head). In normal feet, the height of the arch is about 55-60 centimeters.


The main goal of flatfoot treatment is to eliminate the pain that accompanies this disease in the affected area, that is, in the foot. In addition, it is important to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the leg along with the restoration of the inherent functions of the foot. Treatment of flat feet can be conservative, that is, using various medications, procedures, and other methods, or surgical, that is, this is treatment through surgical intervention directly in the affected area.

Conservative treatment consists of implementing physiotherapeutic measures and performing certain therapeutic exercises. In addition to this, special orthopedic insoles and shoes are selected. Foot baths and massage are recommended. A fairly effective treatment option for flat feet in a child at first is, again, baths with river pebbles added to them. Here he needs to roll pebbles with his feet, which is associated with a corresponding positive effect on the feet.

At an early stage, treatment of flat feet in children caused by incompetent foot ligaments consists of ensuring rest and, if necessary, stopping sports activities.

Flat feet: complications

Flat feet, as can be generally understood from the characteristics of the course and progression of this disease, can provoke a number of specific complications, among which we highlight the following:

  • a gradual increase in pain, its nonspecific manifestation (that is, pain not only in the feet, but in the hips, knees, back, headache);
  • clubfoot;
  • unnatural posture, curvature of the spine, development of scoliosis and other diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, hernia, etc.);
  • ingrown nails;
  • dystrophic changes developing in the muscles of the back and legs;
  • the development of diseases directly related to damage to the feet (deformations, calluses, curvature of the fingers, neuritis, spurs, etc.).

As for such an issue as the prevention of flat feet, it consists, first of all, in the selection of appropriate shoes. High heels are excluded; the optimal option is considered to be a height not exceeding 4 centimeters. It is systematically important to visit a doctor to monitor the general condition of the legs; if there are any kind of problems associated with the legs, an examination by a specialist is carried out more often. As an additional measure to prevent flat feet, the need for physical exercise and gymnastics is considered. To relax muscles and relieve general leg tension accumulated during the day, baths are recommended. If you have problems with excess weight, you should take care to solve this problem, because overweight and obesity are among the main problems that contribute to the development of flat feet, as well as placing additional stress on the legs and spine.

If symptoms appear that indicate the possible relevance of flat feet, it is necessary to visit an orthopedic doctor.

They hurt, pull and ache. This is exactly how we talk about pain in the legs, which often occurs after a hard day at work. At the same time, many do not even suspect that the “culprit” of the unpleasant sensations is a serious disease called flat feet. The disease is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance and can lead to serious problems and unpleasant consequences. Which one exactly? Let's figure it out together.

What is it - flat feet?

The healthy foot of each of us has 2 arches: longitudinal and transverse. Each of them plays an important role and is necessary for shock absorption. In addition, the arches of the feet allow a person to maintain balance and not fall when walking, as well as partially unload the lower limbs. When the arches of the feet are deformed for one reason or another, a person hears the disappointing diagnosis of “flat feet.”
Some people panic and begin to simultaneously apply all possible and impossible methods of treatment. Others do not consider flat feet a big problem and do not address it at all. Both the first and second approaches are incorrect. Before starting treatment, you should determine the form and degree of the disease and only then begin treatment. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely ignore the problem, since over time, pain in the legs and other parts of the body will force any person to seek medical help.

Foot deformity: why it occurs

Flat feet is a fairly common disease, which is manifested by a change in the height of the arches of the feet (their decrease). This is what leads to pain in the back, legs, lower back and other parts of the body.

Pain occurs because the feet no longer smooth out the load on the body when moving and cope with their spring function. After a certain time, the foot “flattens out”. In advanced forms of the disease, it will become almost completely flat. Her muscles and ligaments are greatly weakened. In this case, the main load when walking falls on nearby joints and the spine. They are the ones who take the “brunt” and partially compensate for abnormalities in the structure of the feet.

However, nature has not endowed either the joints or the spine with the ability to perform a shock-absorbing function. Therefore, when flat feet occur, they quickly fail, manifesting themselves in severe pain in the back and legs.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of foot deformities and their progression. Let's take a closer look at the most common ones:
  • wearing small, narrow, constricting or poor-quality shoes, as well as shoes with stiletto heels or high wedges;
  • hereditary predisposition (children of parents who have flat feet are more likely to suffer from similar foot problems);
  • extra pounds (weight gain, including during pregnancy);
  • leg trauma;
  • diseases leading to brittle bones (rickets, complications after influenza, etc.);
  • (can occur as a result of irregular physical activity, “sedentary work”, low physical activity);
  • aggressive load on the legs for a long time (constant work “on your feet”, athletics, etc.).

Additional information. In 90% of cases, flat feet are diagnosed in people with poorly developed muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet. Regular training of the foot muscles will help you avoid the occurrence of deformities and never experience flat feet.


It’s worth taking a closer look at your feet and listening to the painful sensations if the following symptoms and signs appear:

  • even short-term loads cause excessive fatigue of the legs;
  • after playing sports, long walks and other activities, the legs feel very tight and “ache”;
  • appears periodically or constantly;
  • there is a visual increase in the size of the leg (it seems that the leg has grown in both directions: it has changed dimensions in length and width, so the old shoes have become narrow and tight);
  • wear and tear on the inside of the shoe has appeared (flat feet can be more clearly seen by the wear on the heel).

Important! Most of the above symptoms are experienced by people with vein problems. In particular, with varicose veins. That is why, for a correct diagnosis, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Read more about pain in the legs -.

We determine flat feet without leaving home

It is possible to determine the presence of flat feet not only during a visit to an orthopedist, but also independently, right at home. To do this, use a simple and accessible method:
  • Thoroughly smear your feet with rich cream (the entire surface of your feet should be smeared).
  • Stand on a clean sheet of paper (preferably with both feet at the same time, so that you can stand without relying on foreign objects).
  • Carefully peel off the sheet and carefully examine the greasy marks remaining on the paper.
  • There should be a notch along the inner edge of the foot. Is it missing or is it too small? With a high degree of probability we can say that flat feet occur.

Additional information. For children under 3-4 years of age, this method of determining flat feet cannot be used, since the foot is not yet fully formed by this age. Only a qualified orthopedic doctor can determine whether a child has a problem.

Alarm signals for parents - what to pay attention to:
  • the child is clubfooted (when he walks, his feet are turned inward);
  • while moving, the child steps on the inside of the foot;
  • periodically or regularly complains that his legs hurt;
  • Children's shoes are worn out, and the sole is worn out on the inside.
If at least one of the above signs appears, you must make an appointment with a pediatric orthopedist.

What is the danger?

In a person with flat feet, the feet cease to perform a shock-absorbing function. As a result, the shock wave when walking travels up the skeleton. The spinal column, knee joints, pelvis and ankle joints suffer from increased load, spinal curvature (scoliosis) occurs, intervertebral nerves are pinched and discs are compressed.

Neglected flat feet lead to the formation of a protruding, unattractive, so-called “bone” on the side of the big toe. Blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities. Blood circulation processes are partially or completely disrupted.

Also, deformation can provoke a number of complications:

  • serious diseases of the knee joints (inflammation of the menisci, arthrosis, etc.);
  • disorders in the spine (protrusion, radiculitis, herniated discs, scoliosis);
  • pronounced pain in the legs, pelvis, knees;
  • formation of heel spurs.

Additional information. Many doctors attribute flat feet to a factor that causes ingrown toenails.

Main types

According to the most common classification, flat feet are divided into 2 main types: longitudinal and transverse (in accordance with the names of the arches of the feet, which were subject to deformation processes).

This means that the development of the disease can provoke lengthening of the foot and an increase in its width. In some cases, a combination of two types of deformities is observed. Then we are talking about flat feet of the combined type.

Additional information. Both the first and second types of illness are diagnosed in patients equally often. However, transverse flatfoot is considered more common.

As for the time of occurrence, flat feet can be:
  • congenital(occurs in infancy as a result of disruption of the development of certain tissues during the prenatal period);
  • acquired(occurs during life).
The first type of flatfoot is a very rare phenomenon. Therefore, in most cases we are talking about an acquired disease. Acquired flatfoot, in turn, is divided into:
  • traumatic(occurs as a result of injuries to the lower extremities, fractures of the foot bones, serious damage to muscles and ligaments);
  • rachitic(occurs as a complication of rickets suffered in childhood);
  • paralytic(can occur as a complication after polio, as well as paralysis after other diseases);
  • static– the most common type of acquired flatfoot, which can occur due to many reasons. The most common of them are obesity, genetic predisposition, wearing uncomfortable shoes that do not fit, excessive prolonged stress on the legs and feet, etc.

Disease severity

Official medicine distinguishes four main degrees of flat feet.

Insufficiency of the ligamentous apparatus. The very first stage of the disease, which manifests itself as periodic pain in the legs during the day, with increased stress, at the end of the working day. With this degree of disease, visual changes in the foot are not detected. The feet retain their original healthy appearance. Brief unloading of the lower extremities quickly relieves pain.

1st degree. Mild manifestation of deformation. It is characterized by pain in the feet, swelling of the legs in the afternoon, pain in the feet when pressed.

2nd degree. The so-called flatfoot of the combined type. It manifests itself in deformation of the arches of the foot, as a result of which it becomes partially or completely flat. A person suffers from severe and prolonged pain in the legs, which can be localized not only in the foot itself, but also reach the knee joint. While walking, a person experiences pain and difficulty moving.

3rd degree. Characterized by severe deformation of the feet. Quite often, patients seek medical help only at the last stage of the disease, when the pain becomes unbearable. Pain in the legs is accompanied by migraine and pain in the spinal column. Motor activity is significantly limited. A person cannot walk without special shoes.

Additional information. Foot deformity is a disease that tends to progress rapidly. In a short period of time, flat feet of the 1st degree can develop into the 3rd.

Medical diagnosis of flat feet

The main methods that orthopedists use to make a diagnosis are as follows:

Plantography. The technique for applying a fatty cream to your feet, which can be used at home, was described above. Instead of thick cream, doctors quite often use Lugol, which leaves a more accurate and distinct imprint on the paper.

Friedland's method. The doctor measures the main parameters of the leg: length and width, and calculates the so-called podometric index. Based on its value, an orthopedist can assess the likelihood of flat feet and the degree of its severity.

X-ray. The most common, accurate and informative method for diagnosing foot deformities. To make a correct diagnosis, radiography of both feet is performed in 2 projections at once. The size of the deformity allows the doctor to determine the extent of the disease and its type.

Possible treatment

When it becomes necessary to treat flat feet, it is important to understand whether we are talking about an adult or a child. In the first case, any treatment does not completely eliminate the existing deformities and return the foot to its usual shape. The main goal of treating flat feet in adults is to achieve as much improvement as possible.

As for children's flat feet, it is completely curable, because any type of correction can be carried out during the growth process. The main thing is to notice the problem in time and begin comprehensive treatment.

Treatment of foot deformities in adults

Once a diagnosis has been made, treatment should begin. In adults, the fight against flat feet is aimed at:
  • pain relief;
  • improved tone in the muscles and ligaments of the feet.
For this the following can be used:

Medicines. Those medications are used that can relieve pain in the legs, as well as manifestations of an inflammatory nature. Most often, patients are prescribed NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc.). In severe forms of flat feet, injection of corticosteroids into the middle of the joint may be indicated to reduce pain.

Foot massage. Allows you to increase muscle tone, relieve swelling and improve blood circulation in the legs. It is important to remember the basic principles of massage:

  • regularity (a massage course consists of 10-12 procedures, which are carried out every other day);
  • duration (at least 10-15 minutes);
  • When massaging, you should massage not only the feet, but also work the muscles of the lower leg and back.

Additional information. To increase the effectiveness of massage, all kinds of massage rollers, balls, mats and other devices can be used.

Exercise therapy. One of the main methods of treating flat feet of various shapes and types. A set of exercises for daily performance is selected by the doctor for each patient individually, taking into account the degree of the disease, its manifestations, and pain. With flat feet, it is physical therapy that helps strengthen the muscles of the feet, relieve pain and improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. Gymnastics should be done every day for 15-20 minutes.

Gymnastics for flat feet (video)

Auxiliary materials and devices, as well as easy-to-follow exercises for daily practice.

Orthopedic insoles. They have a pronounced therapeutic effect. They are selected individually, taking into account the structural features of the patient’s foot. Wearing insoles allows you to:
  • relieve the spine and feet when walking;
  • reduce fatigue in the legs;
  • prevent joint deformation and other complications;
  • increase the shock-absorbing functions of the arches of the feet.

Foot baths. They help strengthen the bone apparatus, relax the leg muscles, relieve fatigue in the legs, and reduce the severity of pain. How to use? Add sea or table salt to a bowl of warm water at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. The procedure time is 15 minutes. After the bath, dry your feet thoroughly and apply moisturizer with massaging movements.

All the methods mentioned above do not completely get rid of the problem, but they make it possible to alleviate the patient’s condition and stop the progression of the disease. Exercise therapy, massage, foot baths, etc. give a more noticeable effect if the procedures are started in the primary stages of the disease.

In severe forms of flat feet of 2 and 3 degrees, when a person’s movement is difficult, surgical intervention may be indicated.

Treatment of flat feet at home (video)

Flat feet. How to treat flat feet at home. Effective and simple recommendations from a qualified doctor.

Treatment of flat feet in children

In the case of children, surgical treatment is never used. For congenital pathology, splints and plaster casts are used. In the case of acquired flatfoot, the main emphasis is on strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. For this purpose, therapeutic exercises, hardening, massage, contrast dousing of the feet, as well as other strengthening and toning procedures are effectively used.

Children with flat feet are also advised to wear orthopedic shoes and insoles. Walking on hard and level surfaces is not recommended. Walking on sand, small or large pebbles, and massage mats has a positive effect and helps fight deformation.

Important! In the case of flat feet, the time factor plays a primary role. The earlier the deformity is diagnosed, the easier it is to stop its progression (in the case of adults) and completely cure flat feet (in the case of children).

Preventive measures

To avoid flat feet from you and your children, you should:
  • Exercise regularly (especially swimming).
  • Whenever possible, walk barefoot on uneven surfaces (gravel, sand, grass, etc.).
  • Avoid “heavy” sports that involve increased stress on the feet (athletics, skiing, etc.).
  • When sitting for long periods of time, take breaks and get up for a light warm-up.
  • Before going to bed, do contrasting foot baths, baths, and self-massage of the feet.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that fit with low heels (no higher than 2-4 cm).

Symptoms of flat feet

pain in legs and feet

How to determine flat feet

Causes of flat feet

  • excess weight;
  • pregnancy.
  • Types of flat feet

    Longitudinal flatfoot

    Degrees of flat feet

    Leg pain

    Lower back pain often

    Why is flat feet dangerous?


    How does flatfoot develop?

    The human foot is unique: it springs due to its design. The foot has two arches: transverse, which is located between the bases of the toes, and longitudinal, which runs along the inner edge of the foot. The arches of the feet are supported by a system of ligaments and muscles. Not a single animal, not even a kangaroo, has a springy foot.

    A healthy foot helps a person maintain balance and reduces shaking when walking. If the musculo-ligamentous mechanism of the foot weakens, the foot becomes flat and does not absorb the load. This is how flat feet arise.

    Symptoms of flat feet

    The disease develops gradually and often unnoticed by a person. At first he feels slight pain in his legs and feet. Legs get tired faster after walking or working in a standing position. By the end of the working day, the legs swell and a feeling of heaviness appears. After rest or massage, the symptoms go away.

    With flat feet, shoes wear out faster, especially on the inside. The foot increases in length or width, you have to buy shoes a size larger. Women find it difficult to walk in heels.

    How to determine flat feet

    If you suspect you have flat feet, apply oil or cream to your feet. Stand on a piece of white paper and examine the print. Less than half the width of the foot should be printed on the sheet. If the footprint is much wider or the entire foot is imprinted, you have flat feet.

    Causes of flat feet

    The disease is caused by various factors:

  • excess weight;
  • wearing narrow, uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes;
  • rickets, polio, diabetes mellitus;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • pregnancy.
  • Older people are more susceptible to flat feet due to aging and decreased muscle strength. The foot is more often deformed in people who spend a lot of time standing at work: salespeople, hairdressers, machine operators, surgeons.

    Types of flat feet

    Transverse flatfoot occurs in 55 cases out of 100. The disease most often develops at the age of 35-50 years. With transverse flatfoot, the transverse arch of the foot becomes flat, the foot - in short, the first toe deviates outward.

    Longitudinal flatfoot- every third case of the disease. Develops between the ages of 16 and 25 years. With longitudinal flatfoot, the longitudinal arch becomes flat, the foot is almost completely in contact with the floor, and the size of the leg increases. The more a person weighs, the more severe the disease manifests itself.

    Based on their origin, the following types of disease are distinguished:

    • Congenital flat foot. The diagnosis can be made after 6 years.
    • Traumatic flatfoot occurs due to fractures of the ankles, calcaneus, and tarsal bones.
    • Paralytic pes planus develops due to paralysis of the plantar muscles of the foot and lower leg.
    • Static flatfoot occurs in 80% of cases. It occurs due to weakening of the muscles of the lower leg, foot, ligaments and bones.

    Degrees of flat feet

    There are several stages of flat feet.

    Flat feet of the 1st degree are almost invisible. After physical activity, fatigue occurs in the legs, the foot hurts when pressed, and swells in the evening. The gait becomes less flexible.

    Flat feet of the 2nd degree is accompanied by severe constant pain in the foot. The foot becomes flattened, the arches disappear. Pain in the leg rises to the knee joint. It is difficult for a person to walk.

    Level 3 flatfoot is the most severe stage of the disease. Accompanied by severe pain in the feet, legs, and knees. The lower back and head often hurt, and the toes become hammer-shaped. A person has difficulty walking even a short distance and cannot wear regular shoes or play sports.

    Why is flat feet dangerous?

    The foot with flat feet loses its shock-absorbing property, and the shock wave spreads up the skeleton. As a result, the load on the spine and joints increases, and intervertebral discs become pinched. A person’s gait changes, he begins to clubfoot. In advanced cases, the foot becomes deformed, a “bone” appears on the big toe, and blood circulation in the legs is disrupted.

    Treatment of flat feet at the Health Workshop helps get rid of foot pain, strengthens the ligaments and muscles of the foot, and corrects the arch of the foot. Conservative methods normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation. The patient develops a correct gait, strengthens the immune system and improves well-being.

    After completing the course, the doctor gives the patient a manual with exercises to practice at home. The doctor will select exercises individually depending on the shape of the foot and advise how often you should exercise.


    • swimming, walking barefoot on sand, grass, pebbles, earth, sideways on a log;
    • do not get carried away with weightlifting, skating, skiing - they overload the foot;
    • play sports in sports shoes, change them every six months;
    • massage: knead and stroke the foot with your fingers or using a massage roller;
    • during a long drive, take breaks and stretch your legs;
    • make foot baths with sea salt, tincture of chamomile, sage, oak bark, mint, immortelle;
    • wear soft leather shoes with low heels - 4-5 cm;
    • give up tight, uncomfortable shoes and stiletto sandals;
    • wear socks without seams so as not to restrict blood circulation.