Consultative and diagnostic nephrology department. What does a nephrologist treat, when should you see a doctor, what recommendations do specialists give? Where to find a good nephrologist

A neurologist (neuropathologist is an outdated name for a specialist) diagnoses and treats the nervous system and injuries to the nerves, brain and spinal cord. He also heals peripheral nerves, muscles and autonomic nervous system, as well as blood vessels associated with these structures. In addition, this doctor specializes in brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, migraine, meningitis, Guillain Bar syndrome, myasthenia gravis, brain tumors and brain infections, children's cerebral palsy, dyspraxia and dementia.

Neurologist treats traumatic injuries brain and head injuries, stroke, coma, disorders cerebral circulation and hypoxia. Disorders nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Charcot's disease), viral and bacterial encephalitis, infections of the brain and spinal cord, herpes zoster. Sleep disorders and problems with the sense of smell and taste. Neurologists conduct various tests, such as nerve conduction tests.

Neurology: the study and treatment of diseases of the nervous system. A neurologist helps patients who have complications from stroke, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and other brain diseases.


Nephrologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases. In case of deviations in diagnostic tests urine, patients are referred to a nephrologist. This specialist also monitors the condition of dialysis patients, sets dietary restrictions for kidney disease and dialysis patients, and consults with surgeons regarding kidney transplants and endoscopy of the renal system.

Nephrologist is a specialist involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of kidney diseases.

The presence of kidney pathology can be assumed when symptoms appear such as pain in the lumbar region, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, painful, frequent or, conversely, rare urination or absence of urine for a long time, changes in the color of urine, its transparency, the appearance of blood in the urine ( in some cases, these manifestations are noted visually, in some - when taking tests, which is additionally confirmed directly by the specialist studying their results), unmotivated increase in body temperature, increased blood pressure.

In some cases and at some stages, kidney disease can be asymptomatic, in which case timely diagnosis of kidney disease is somewhat complicated.

Kidney diseases are divided into acute and chronic.

What diseases does a nephrologist treat?

There are a number of diseases that are treated by a nephrologist, these are: urolithiasis; spicy and chronic glomerulonephritis, sharp and chronic pyelonephritis, toxic kidney damage (including drugs), renal amyloidosis, diabetic nephropathy, nephropathy in pregnant women, pyelitis, ascending urinary infections, kidney damage during systemic diseases(systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty nephritis, systemic vasculitis and vasculopathy), kidney diseases in cancer patients (paraneoplastic nephritis).

The insidiousness of some kidney diseases is that they often long time are asymptomatic, leading to acute or chronic renal failure, therefore, if any of the above symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

At the appointment, the nephrologist will definitely clarify the complaints, study the history of the development of the disease, and prescribe the necessary examination. If indicated, the examination plan may include laboratory tests of urine and blood, ultrasound and x-ray studies.

Who should see a nephrologist?

It is also recommended to consult a nephrologist:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus types I and II;
  • patients suffering from hypertension;
  • patients with pronounced violations lipid metabolism;
  • patients with increased content uric acid in blood serum;
  • all patients with pathological changes in urine tests and identified changes during ultrasound examinations of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Consultation with a nephrologist will help identify nephropathy in early stage and spend preventive treatment. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help protect against an unfavorable outcome of the disease.

If you have the symptoms or diseases listed in the article, you can make an appointment with a nephrologist at our hospital Alexandra Anatolyevna Kulikovskaya .

Alexandra Anatolyevna Kulikovskaya after graduating from the Russian National Research medical university them. N.I. Pirogova worked as a general practitioner in 2011. Then Anna Anatolyevna completed advanced training courses at the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. M.F. Vladimirsky, at the Department of Transplantology. In 2015, she received a certificate as a nephrologist and began working in this specialty at city clinic No. 67 in Moscow. Since 2017, Anna Anatolyevna Kulikovskaya has been working at City Clinical Hospital No. 13. Anna Kulikovskaya is a member of the Dialysis Society Association (RDS), a member of the Russian Nephrological Society (RNO).

A nephrologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Oncological lesions of kidney tissue;
  • Hypertension against the background of nephropathy;
  • Nephritis;
  • Amyloidosis is a kidney disease characterized by impaired metabolic processes and leading to defeat internal organs;
  • Toxic damage kidney medications;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Nephrolithiasis.

Diseases and various abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary system as a whole cannot be left without medical attention, as this can lead to irreversible severe consequences, up to coma and fatal outcome. If there are any complaints, the patient should consult a nephrologist, who will conduct a detailed examination and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment.

When is it necessary to consult a nephrologist?

Consultation with a specialist in this profile is necessary if you periodically or regularly experience following symptoms and complaints:

  • Sharp pain when urinating;
  • Discharge of blood in the urine, change in urine color;
  • Dumb or sharp pains in the lumbar region;
  • Increasing weakness along with lower back pain and high temperature bodies;
  • Changes in the daily volume of urine excreted – polyuria or oliguria;
  • No urination for 12 hours;
  • Attacks of renal colic;
  • Cloudy urine, unpleasant appearance strong smell from urine;
  • Swelling of the face and limbs;
  • Vomiting and increasing symptoms of intoxication after long-term use medicines in large doses;
  • High blood pressure.

The doctor will definitely conduct a general examination of the patient, collect anamnesis, and prescribe necessary tests And additional research. Based on the examination findings, the patient will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

Where to find a good nephrologist?

If you need a nephrologist in Moscow, then use the search engine on our website.

Opposite the profile of each nephrologist you can see the numbers that indicate the doctor’s rating in Moscow. The ranking is based on the frequency of search queries this specialist among patients, as well as based on the level of qualifications, length of service and experience of the doctor.

If you can’t decide which nephrologist is best to make an appointment with, pay attention to the reviews section. There you can read detailed impressions of other people who have already encountered a nephrologist and shared their experiences on our website.

How to get an appointment with a nephrologist?

In order to get an appointment with a nephrologist, you need to contact the clinic administrator by phone or online mode. A medical center employee will select the most convenient day and time for you. Making an appointment in advance is also convenient because it saves the patient from having to wait for a long time for his turn among other patients.

Patients often ask, who is a nephrologist? What does the doctor treat? Are there any differences from a urologist?

A nephrologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing conservative treatment renal pathologies. A doctor's help is needed for inflammation, infectious lesions, and the accumulation of salt deposits. A nephrologist is consulted for polycystic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, and renal failure. Deviations in urine tests, even without the presence of pronounced symptoms, are a reason to visit a specialist.

What does the doctor treat?

Specialization - conservative therapy of diseases of natural filters. General practitioner with higher education medical education deals with the treatment of men and women, a separate area is pediatric nephrology. When choosing a doctor, it is important to take into account his qualifications, experience, and find out patient reviews.

Common kidney diseases:

  • (in bean-shaped organs);
  • spicy and;
  • - metabolic problems that provoke the formation of amyloid;
  • toxic damage to natural filters after consuming nephrotoxic drugs, surrogate alcohol, poisons, contaminated water and food;
  • and hypertension affecting the bean-shaped organs;
  • - damage to the renal glomeruli. The pathology is of an immuno-allergic nature;
  • - the disease develops when;
  • . The inflammatory process against the background of the penetration of harmful microorganisms and opportunistic flora occurs in the parenchyma and pyelocaliceal system;
  • . This category includes pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • tumor process in kidney tissue. The formations are benign; in some patients, the doctor detects malignant tissue damage. Common pathology - . The surgical intervention is performed by a surgeon in a urological hospital; if cancer is detected, the patient is observed by a urological oncologist;
  • . Dangerous condition with severe symptoms. The main sign is pronounced pain syndrome, developing with glomerulonephritis, infectious lesions of the bean-shaped organs. The pain spreads to the abdomen, groin, legs, the patient feels nauseous, vomiting is possible, blood pressure rises, and often develops pain shock, blood clots appear in the urine;
  • . As a result of a sharp decrease in fat layer, in case of injuries, congenital disorders bean-shaped organs are located incorrectly: it provokes problems with the functioning of natural filters. The nephrologist performs the diagnosis, and the problem is eliminated in the urology hospital by another doctor.

A specialist observes patients after bean-shaped organ transplantation, if it is detected.

Algorithm of work of a nephrologist:

  • interviewing the patient, studying complaints and anamnesis;
  • clarification of the clinical picture of the pathology, assessment of the test results with which the patient came to the appointment;
  • determination of a possible list of pathologies of natural filters, referral for diagnostics: urine collection, blood test, instrumental studies;
  • data evaluation diagnostic studies, determination of the type and form of the disease;
  • selection of therapy methods, if necessary - referral to a urological hospital for conservative therapy (severe forms pathologies) or surgical treatment;
  • tips for drinking regime, lifestyle changes, diet selection, indication of restrictions in everyday life And professional activities to prevent complications or relapses;
  • recommendations for the prevention of renal pathologies, scheduling follow-up appointments.

Pediatric nephrology

A pediatric nephrologist examines and treats young patients using drug therapy when detecting kidney diseases. The doctor also deals birth defects bean-shaped organs, studies homeostasis disorders in a child, and finds out the causes of deviations.

Signs of kidney damage:

  • the amount of urine increases or decreases sharply;
  • the child complains of pain when passing urine;
  • after four years, the child has frequent bowel movements bladder at night;
  • the stream of urine is intermittent, the pressure is weak, after emptying the child complains that he wants to go to the toilet again;
  • change in the shade of urine, the appearance of foreign impurities;
  • V lumbar region pain is felt, small children are capricious, crying;
  • at acute inflammation the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, and weakness develops.

List of diseases:

  • organ development abnormalities genitourinary system;
  • familial nephropathies;
  • nephritis against the background of hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • development of hemolytic-uremic syndrome;
  • tubulopathies;
  • urolithiasis, other types of dysmetabolic nephropathy;
  • and kidney prolapse.

When you need urgent specialist advice

Don't hesitate to visit to a specialist when the following symptoms appear:

  • paroxysmal, sharp or aching, dull, persistent pain in the lower back;
  • blood appeared in the urine;
  • urine analysis shows serious abnormalities;
  • pressure often rises due to discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • in the morning the eyelids and legs swell;
  • Pain is felt during emptying of the bladder;
  • diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • the color and smell of urine has changed dramatically;
  • the volume of urine has noticeably decreased or increased against the background of the usual drinking regime.

Warning! Many renal pathologies in initial stage don't show clearly expressed signs. Delay in diagnosis and initiation of treatment leads to the development dangerous defeats parenchyma, tissue necrosis, serious disruptions in the functioning of bean-shaped organs, up to terminal stage renal failure. Active inflammatory process, spread dangerous bacteria in the body can provoke serious complications, conditions with a risk of death. For this reason, it is important to take a urine test every year in order to recognize abnormalities at the first stage pathological changes, to prevent irreversible processes.

Diagnosis of kidney pathologies

After a conversation with the patient, the nephrologist refers for examination. It is important to listen to the doctor’s recommendations, take all tests, and do...

At the appointment, the doctor tells patients the rules for preparing for blood donation, urine collection, ultrasound examination, biopsy, other types of research. Only if you follow the recommendations will the test result be accurate.

Diagnostic methods:

  • bacterial culture of urine;

Additional research:

  • angiography;
  • ultrasound examination of bean-shaped organs;
  • excretory;
  • conducting and natural filters.

Nephrologist and urologist: what is the difference

There are not only similarities in the work of specialists, but also differences. Nephrologist - general practitioner narrow specialization. The doctor treats kidney pathologies without surgical intervention. In small populated areas In medical institutions there is often no position of a nephrologist; his duties are performed by a urologist - a doctor of broad specialization.

Find out what it is like in the fetus and how to treat developmental pathologies.

Indications for use of Norbactin for urological diseases described on the page.


  • treats pathologies of the genitourinary area, deals with “male” diseases (pathologies of the prostate, tumor process, defects and lesions of the penis, erectile dysfunction). The specialist’s competence also includes performing operations on urological patients;
  • nephrologist - a doctor of narrow specialization who deals with renal pathologies. The doctor selects medications for conservative therapy. After a kidney transplant, the doctor monitors the patient;
  • Unlike a nephrologist, a urologist combines medications with surgery.

Which doctor should I contact?

During development negative symptoms, indicating problems with the urinary tract, genitals, and kidneys, patients do not always know who will help them: a nephrologist or a urologist. The best way out is to visit a therapist and talk about clinical picture, pass general analysis blood and urine. Next, the doctor will refer you to specialists with the research data.

If there are signs of kidney disease, then you need to visit a nephrologist. If you suspect, inflammatory processes V urinary tract, problems with sexual function will require the help of a urologist. If staffing table If the position of a nephrologist is not provided, then diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a doctor of broad specialization - a urologist.

TO possible diseases bean-shaped organs should be taken seriously: neglected cases glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, nephropathies are often complicated renal failure. Disruption of the functioning of natural filters in the absence of treatment provokes intoxication of the body and causes life-threatening conditions. If signs indicating kidney problems appear, it is important to consult a nephrologist. If the hospital does not have a specialist doctor, then a urologist provides assistance to the patient.

Learn more about what diseases a nephrologist treats in the following video: